4 minute read
Communities In Schools: Walk the Stage
by Ruth Gnirk
Communities In Schools
Think of your most difficult real estate transaction. Picture the circumstances in your mind and feel them in your heart. Perhaps you or your clients were going through a health crisis, or there were some unforeseen and costly repairs that almost broke the deal. Imagine what it would be like if you were ready to go to the closing table and your clients admitted they were $50 short, but you knew of a trusted local resource that could cover the required cost. When your transaction was complete, you and your clients would feel the same joy, relief, and gratitude that hundreds of students in the Coastal Bend will feel this May, thanks to the Communities In Schools Walk the Stage program.
Every year, despite family or health struggles and other odds stacked against them, hundreds of high school students in the Coastal Bend show up for class, work hard, and complete their high school requirements. However, these students are unable to participate in their graduation ceremony unless they purchase the required cap, gown, and tassel. Gloria Taylor, executive director of Communities in Schools of the Coastal Bend shared that their graduation fundraising program was created so that students who cannot afford the $50 fee can still participate in this important rite of passage.
“Graduating from high school is an important milestone in life, which is why it’s so important to document this moment,” shared Yvonne Perez, a Communities in Schools of the Coastal Bend site coordinator. In her recent letter of recommendation for one senior, she shared, “The nominated student is a talented and bright young person who is determined to succeed in life and is not afraid of working hard in order to achieve goals. This student has also demonstrated our school motto of excellence, honor, and service, as well as the values of public education, despite personal challenges.”
That senior is one of over 500 students in Coastal Bend’s 17 school districts who are enrolled in Walk The Stage 2022, and there are hundreds more on a waiting list. A $50 donation will provide the required cap, gown, and tassel for one of the students who would love to walk the stage but cannot afford to. Because Communities in Schools is a non-profit organization, the purchases made for the graduates are tax-free, and a tax write-off can be provided to donors.
Communities in Schools of the Coastal Bend is providing long-term case management for 3300 students this school year, and serving hundreds more on a short-term basis. All participating school buildings have their own Communities In Schools site coordinator and an office that includes a clothing closet for students in need. The site coordinators work hand-in-hand with school counselors, teachers, students, and families to help students achieve their greatest successes possible. Their goal is not only for all students to graduate, but to also be prepared for life.
Communities in Schools has been serving students in the Coastal Bend since 1986. They work one-on-one with students, providing academic support, college and career readiness, parental and family engagement, health and human services, and supportive guidance and counseling. Their resource programs include Stuff the Bus (providing school supplies), ChildSpree (pairing up students and mentors to shop for back-to-school clothes), Kicks for Class (a new program, created in conjunction with the local Heil Law Firm, providing sports shoes for middle school students), and Walk the Stage (purchasing cap, gown, and tassel for nominated seniors).
If you are stirred to action, you can donate online (ciscoastalbend.org/ walk-the-stage). Alumni can earmark their funds to go to students at their alma mater! How many seniors will you and your team help?