Corrupting Miffy Interview with Flourished and Sunkissed

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d e h s i r u flo d e s s i k n u s &

interview / corrupting miffy images / flourished & sunkissed WHITE / SEPTEMBER 2013


my name is




by night

HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR STYLE? Undefined at this point in time. It changes depending on my mood. Sometimes it will be quite girly, other times I’ll dress like a guy. I think it’s hard to pinpoint my style especially based on the outfits I post on the blog. They have the tendency to do complete 360s in their inspiration. Simple, wearable, functional and basic is probably what comes to mind. I’m probably most comfortable in a tee shirt, jeans and Converse. Ideally I could see myself mixing Parisian editor chic with Scandi European blogger cool. One day.

TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOUR BLOG. I started reading blogs during my short-­‐lived vintage phase. My top eBay vintage sellers (Gary Pepper, Tuula and Spin Dizzy Fall) all had blogs to complement their stores and eventually thought I may as well give it a go. I didn’t have a hobby coming out of high school so I figured blogging would fill that void. Two years down the track and I’m still surprised I managed to keep it alive for that long.

The blog was initially a way to practise and showcase my fashion writing…it has since become this combination of my personal style, trend commentary, designer interviews and runway interviews.

WHAT IS THE BEST OPPORTUNITY YOUR BLOG HAS GIVEN YOU? I would love to say working with (insert cool label here) but that hasn’t happened quite yet. It’s definitely given me a leg up into the fashion industry (whether I actually want to work in it or not is an entirely different story) and I’ve been able to make some great connections with talented creative and like-­‐minded people along the way. Probably the best opportunity however, is what I had initially intended the blog to be: a portfolio. I can say that it has impressed employers during the recruitment process – the fact that you’re able to dedicate yourself to a project over a long period of time and show how well you can communicate and manage ‘your brand’. My blog is more than just posting gratuitous pictures of yourself prancing around in nice clothes.

WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Anything. It sounds cliché but I always keep my eyes and ears open for any inspiration that may come my way. Usually it’s an image, fashion editorial, quote, typography, feel-­‐good movie or song lyrics. In terms of blogging I just like to post about what peaks my interest at a certain point in time. That’s the great thing about having your own blog – you’re free to be inspired by whoever or whatever you want.

IF YOU WERE TO INVITE ONE PERSON TO HAVE TEA WITH, WHO WOULD IT BE? Leandra Medine. I have ridiculous amounts of respect and admiration for someone who can stay so grounded in an industry that sometimes thinks what it does saves lives. Fashion shouldn’t be serious. Her writing is honest, truthful, makes a statement but is presented in such a witty, light-­‐hearted manner. I’d probably ask her about her journey from journalism major to full time blogger, pick her brains about her road to success, suss out details about her upcoming book release and pitch to her the possibility of me being her personal assistant. No harm in trying right?

WHERE DO YOU WANT TO SEE YOURSELF IN 10 YEARS’ TIME? I’d love to be living the dream, whatever that may be for me. I haven’t quite figured that one out yet but I’m trusting that I’ll find my higher calling eventually. Well-­‐travelled hopefully, having visited all the Disneyland’s and Disneyworld’s around the globe along with crossing off some of my must-­‐visit destinations including NYC, Barcelona, Amsterdam and Paris. I hope to be at the top of my field, working for the best of the best in the industry. Consequently this would lead to me owning some fancy apartment with my own walk-­‐in wardrobe. Stocked up of course.

from L to R: Bassike striped tee, Nars tinted moisturiser, Aesop mandarin moisturiser, J Brand black skinny jeans, Isabel Marant wedge sneakers


favourite quote?


TOP THREE THINGS ON YOUR WISHLIST from L to R: Valentino rockstar studded heels, Chloe Susannah boots, Chanel canvas espadrilles



artist: Lana Del Rey, Alt-J, Disclosure, Lorde, CHVRCHES, Major Lazer

blog: Song of Style, Sincerely Jules, AfterDRK, Style Scrapebook, Man Repeller

brand: Rag & Bone, J Brand, Zimmerman

cafe: The Baron & Youeni in my hood, Castle Hill. 485 in Surry Hills

place to escape: My car. Driving down a highway blasting my favourite tracks.

place to shop: Shopbop, Green with Envy

song: Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Rey

book: I’m not an avid reader but I’m currently working my way through the Steve Jobs biography and loving it.

things to do on a rainy day: Drink tea, eat pasta, hide under the covers and watch an entire season of a TV show (preferably the O.C. or Sex and the City). IMAGES SOURCED FROM PINTEREST

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