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Freedom for Iran Comes to LA

Caylo Seals | Staff Photographer

Thousands of supporters came together Saturday, Nov. 19 in Hollywood during the latest demonstration to demand international support for the people of Iran. Since the death of Mahsa Amini, an Iranian woman who died under suspicious circumstances after allegedly wearing her hijab improperly, millions of Iranians around the globe have continued to rally and march in support of the protests in Iran. The protestors have called the dissolution of the current regime, recognition of human rights and democracy.

The rally marked the eighth week of Freedom for Iran in Los Angeles. The first rally marched from Pershing Square to Los Angeles City Hall on Oct. 1. Later demonstrations took place in Santa Monica, the University of California Los Angeles campus, Glendale, Orange County and Beverly Hills.

Hamed Sepehri is one of the many volunteer organizers who contribute personal funds and dedicate time to plan these rallies.

“The world should know that this current brutal regime is killing and murdering lots of people, especially kids, and that’s very, very disturbing,” he said.

Sepehri and other protestors do not believe the international community should collaborate with Iranian officials, and they continue to work for what they believe is a brighter future for the Iranian people. “A democratic government voted by the people is established. That’s all we want to see,” Sepehri said. “We would like to see freedom, democracy, and human rights for everyone.”

The Hollywood rally dedicated itself to the remembrance of the Silent Massacre of November 2019, when Iranian officials raised the prices of gas sparking widespread protests. Iranian security officials tried to silence the various protests and in the process killed 1,500 people, while concealing news of the violence.

Kevin Robinson is an American who has shown his support for Iran in many of these rallies.

“These people didn’t choose to be born in [an] authoritarian, dictatorship, terrorist regime. The world needs to support these people,” Robinson said. “The only difference between any of us, between me and the Iranian people is my birthplace.”

Caylo Seals | The Corsair (Left) Bahar Khosropour performing a die-in in honor of those who have been murdered and imprisoned in Iran. This performance was during the Freedom for Iran human chain in Glendale, Calif., on Sat., Oct. 29, (Below) Azadeh Afsahi holds locks of hair at Los Angeles City Hall on Sat., Oct. 1. This is a prominent symbol behind the risings of protests following the death of Mahsa Amini by Iran's morality police. Women are cutting their hair, burning chadors and demanding freedom.

Anna Sophia Moltke | The Corsair

“A democratic government voted by the people is established. That’s all we want to see. We would like to see freedom, democracy, and human rights for everyone,” Sepehri said.

(Above) Shima Safarnezhad with fake blood on her face, performing a die-in in honor of those murdered and imprisoned in Iran. This performance was during the Freedom for Iran human chain in Glendale, Calif., on Sat., Oct. 29.

Caylo Seals | The Corsair

(Right) A noose tied around the neck of rally goer at the Freedom for Iran rally in Hollywood, Calif, on Sat., Nov. 19. He is wearing a sign which reads, "guilty of wanting human rights."

Caylo Seals | The Corsair

(Left) Solmaz Atash chants “zan, zendegi, azadi,” which means “woman, life, freedom,” at the March for Iran, at Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, Calif., on Sat., Oct. 8.

Anna Sophia Moltke | The Corsair

(Left) The mayor of Beverly Hills Lili Bosse marching in the Freedom for Iran rally in Hollywood, Calif. in support of the global movement that has taken place since the death of Mahsa Amini on Sat., Nov. 19.

(Left) Freedom for Iran rally-goers chanting, singing, and listening to speakers before the march begins on Hollywood Blvd, in Hollywood, Calif. on Saturday, Nov. 19. This rally is part of a global movement that has taken place since the death of Mahsa Amini by Iran's morality police.

Caylo Seals | The Corsair

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