Vol 108 issue 12

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volume 108 issue 12 • November 26, 2014 • santa monica college


/eCorsairNews CorsairNews @e_Corsair


Global Culture lives

International Festival Brings Music and food from around the world Pg. 6

Protesters demand justice for Iguala Pg. 4

The dark side of Black Friday Pg. 10

Synapse delivers powerful experience Pg. 11

The tale of a mighty dynasty Pg. 12

the corsair • thecorsaironline.com • 1900 pico blvd. santa monica, ca 90405 •(310) 434-4340

2 contents

volume 108 issue 12 •November 26, 2014 • santa monica college

E D I T O R I A L S TA F F Alci Rengifo············ Editor-in-Chief c o rs a i r. e d i t o r i n c h i e f @ g m a i l . c o m Rachel Gianuario····Managing Editor Co-A&E Editor, News Editor c o rs a i r. n e w s p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Paulina Eriksson·····Health & Lifestyle c o rs a i r. l i f e s t y l e p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Jonathan Ramos········ Opinion Editor c o rs a i r. o p i n i o n p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m James Powel··············· Sports Editor c o rs a i r. s p o r t s p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Ronja Jansz ........ Multimedia Director c o rs a i r. m u l t i m e d i a d e p t @ g m a i l . c o m Mia Duncans ············· Photo Editor c o rs a i r p h o t o e d i t o r @ g m a i l . c o m Ju a n L o p e z . . . . . . . D i g i t a l E d i t o r c o rs a i r. w e b e d i t o r @ g m a i l . c o m Jhosef Hern····················Illustrator c o rs a i r c a r t o o n @ g m a i l . c o m James Powel ····················Designer c o r s a i r s ta f f Zafer Acar, Jose Barajas, Brandon Barsugli, Scott Bixler, Carlos Espinosa, Jazmine B. Heard, Adrien Piteux, Luis Salvador, Brenda Cruz, Jeffrey Chacon, Stella Ngigi, Carlos Espinosa, Alfredo Gutierrez, Zoila Campos, Jillisa Jenkins, Yasha Hawkins, Branisolv Jovanovic, Jose Gutierrez, Julianne Oseberg, Nour Kabbani, Farhanah Ali, Devin Page, Jason Biney, Jose Lopez, Sherrie Dickinson, Patricia Stallone, Ava Gandy, Nicholas Cardona, Nick Carrion, Veronika Kacha, Hans Saudestroem, Adriane Hale, Tiffany Hernandez, Mary Leipziger, Claudius West, Deni Rodriguez, Richard Lewis, Brandon Wong, Maddy Weber, Tzu Chieh Lin, Lorena Garcia.

Marilyn Perez-Garcia Corsair

Protesters lie in the intersection of Rodeo Drive and Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills Monday evening after the announcement that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson will not be indicted in the shooting of Michael Brown.

Maritza Olmos, SMC dance student, performs a hispanic cultural dance on Thursday in the quad. The Santa Monica College International Education Center hosted the International Education Week event.

FA C U LT Y A D V I S O R S Saul Rubin & Gerard Burkhart AD INQUIRIES: Sa r it Ka s h a n i a n corsai r. admana g er@g m ai l . co m (3 1 0 ) 4 3 4 - 4 0 3 3

Tzu Chieh Lin Corsair

Letter From the Editor Alci rengifo Editor In Chief

‘Tis the season of giving thanks. Being thankful is of course the cliche term of the Thanksgiving holiday. But it’s a healthy act to take the time to be truly thankful for the things we can be appreciative about. It’s easy to forget to say “thank you,” especially during the smaller moments when we should, I’m guilty of this quite often out of sheer spaciness (but I am practicing, especially when I sneeze). I fear that the older I get the more radical I become in my rejection of materialism. Life can change in a single heartbeat, in a single instant, and the crass objects that were of supreme value yesterday become meaningless next to the treasures of friendship, solidarity, love and kindness. Culturally we are living through a shallow, jaded age, maybe it will take a catastrophe to break the ice. For some of us individually, it is through loss, pain or illness that life reorients its compass. A book I read over the “Journeys Through Hell,” by Dr. Dennis J. Stouffer, chronicles the lives of patients who have suffered serious, third degree burn injuries, some over most of their bodies. It is a powerful testament to how catastrophic injury suddenly makes what we take for granted so important. In the book patients recount how simply having a loyal friend becomes important, especially when life turns into a world of medical pain where even after the bandages are removed, disfigurement turns casual moments such as going out to a restaurant into a time of dread. Over this past semester I have learned a lot about myself, and about the importance of honesty and friendships. I’ve been lucky to have an editorial staff that features individuals who, even in moments of passionate disagreement, have always been honest or helpful with the best intentions. Our Corsair editors have worked on this paper with a

dedication and creativity astounding for positions which deserve stipends. Some of us work on this paper hours that exceed that of most regular, 9-5 jobs. Some of us don’t even receive credits, we make the paper because we love it. Managing Editor Rachel Gianuario, Photo Editor Mia Duncans, Digital Editor Juan Lopez, Multimedia Editor Ronja Jansz, Opinion Editor Jonathan Ramos, Health & Lifestyle Paulina Eriksson and Sports Editor James Powel have been not only great collaborators, but good company as well. I want to thank them for being good people as much as for being such hard workers. For a lone wolf, it’s a rarity I am very thankful for. Consider the importance of a good Managing Editor. Despite our personal differences in some areas, and occasional clashes, Rachel has been an excellent manager in keeping the troops together, keeping track of content and being that second voice that tells the Editor In Chief “eh, it’s probably not smart to say that.” Outside the office we might not be terribly compatible, but at the paper I’m extremely thankful for having a Managing Editor I never fear of approaching with an issue, opinion or general inquiry. Whenever friends or someone else asks what I would do with millions of dollars, I honestly say that I would be happy just buying books, watching movies and traveling to countries I’ve always wanted to visit like Greece. That doesn’t sound terribly flashy, most girls might find that kind of guy boring, but Iife can take away as quickly as it gives, and we should be thankful when we at least have good health. This Thanksgiving, look around and be thankful for the things and people that matter. But please, do eat well. A Happy Thanksgiving from the staff at The Corsair.

for extended coverage visit us at thecorsaironline.com •


by Brenda Cruz

Answers are posted at: www.thecorsaironline.com

Talk to Us What are your feelings about the Ferguson verdict? What are your thoughts about President Obama’s immigration relief action? How will you celebrate the holidays this winter? Send us your responses with your name to: corsair.editorinchief@gmail.com Responses may be published @t h e _ c o r s a i r •

/thecorsairnews •


news 3

volume 108 issue 12• November 26, 2014 • santa monica college

Clubs told to cease activites in December

Man engaged in confrontation with campus police officer and was arrested. Incident occurred a day after a series of strange incidents around the campus Theater Arts building and Lot 2 parking area. angered about the mandate. One club president willing to comment on the issue, president of the Strategic Gaming Electro swing music blared in the Cayton club, Jaden Ledkins explained in an email Center lounge as delegates and members of that he knew that clubs “are not supposed campus clubs gathered for tea, sandwiches, to officially happen” after December 1. He desserts, and dancing for the Inter-Club added that the decision was made unilaterally Council Social. ICC Vice-Chair Courtney by the president, without club input. Ledkins commented that the deadline was King had just passed the funding for the event at the Associated Students meeting the harsh, making activities in the semester feel rushed. “It has made the semester feel day before, despite months of planning. King rallied students to act as tea servers extremely time crunched for us as the SGC of SMC and I would for her guests as they assume other clubs as munched and conversed “They tend to well,” he said . with other clubs in President of the Chess what she deemed the make our jobs more Club, Douglas Perez, “Interaction of Classy complicated [than] mentioned his club Clubs,” with suggested they seem to be,” received no written “fancy dress” included. Through the celebrating, Melvin Galloway GAX information about the mandate, and only heard the fact loomed that this Club president about it after receiving a would be the last such phone call from the AS on event they could attend November 18. “We had through school approval plans to compete with for the rest of the year. By December 1, Santa Monica College other schools during December but we were clubs will no longer be able to do on- cut off unexpectedly,” said Perez. He also campus activities with the sponsor of mentioned he still hasn’t been told why the Associated Students due to a mandate made decision was made. Secretary of the GAX club, Melvin Galloway by school President Chui L. Tsang earlier in III said, “This actually affects our clubs in the semester. ICC Chair Maya Kaitel mentioned that the a negative way since we offer tutoring and mandate was made to “stress the importance extra lab time for the AET students here on of academics, especially right before finals,” the airport campus.” Galloway explained that she said. The Corsair contacted Tsang to ask this mandate will hurt club members who why the mandate was put in place and what use the lab space to work on final projects the mandate specifically states, but has not and study for finals. Additionally, Galloway added that this received a response as of press time. Though there have been suggestions to cutting off issue adds to the concerns his club has about club activities around finals in the past, this AS. “They tend to make our jobs more is the first time that a presidential mandate complicated [than] they seem to be,” said Galloway. has been set, according to Kaitel. Some clubs were surprised to hear about ICC Communications Officer, Rizwan Rashid mentioned it’s possible that an early the mandate. SMC Student Veterans Association cut-off date will be implemented permanently for all of the following semesters. “[Tsang] president Jennifer Garcia was unaware about wants students to be able to concentrate on the issue when questioned for comments, mentioning that her club still has to carry studying,” said Rashid. AS president Ali Khan mentioned that the out elections for next year. “This is quite mandate was issued because some students inconvenient,” said Garcia. Though Ledkins felt this year’s activities in ICC showed poor grades at the time of finals. “Students were taking finals but they were rushed, he could understand that were doing AS board meetings or club stuff. Tsang may have issued the mandate to They would kind of, maybe fall off their make students focus fully on preparing for grades a little bit, that was a concern. There finals. Though he could understand Tsang’s were a lot of reports about that last year,” said concerns, he still feels that a cut-off date two weeks before finals is harsh. “We are students Khan. Kaitel mentioned in an email that the AS first after all,” said Ledkins. Art Club president Lili Raygoza said, “I and ICC were verbally told of this mandate much earlier in the semester. Though the AS just believe that students that are involved nor the ICC were not given the opportunity in extracurricular activities usually know to vote on this issue, Kaitel explained that it how to balance their academics with was announced to ICC clubs early enough in their extracurricular.” Also a member of the semester that the clubs “have been able Astronomy Club, she believes “stopping to work around it.” She added, “Clubs who the clubs” for the last month of the year wanted to host off-campus activities or end won’t make much difference to students’ of the year celebrations were approved to do academics. Khan speculates that club members will so, so there hasn’t really been an issue with still associate during this time, off-campus, it.” All of the clubs were approached about the saying “Students decide on their own that issue and a handful responded. Some who they want to meet and talk about things. did wanted to remain anonymous so as to There’s not much you can really do about it. not seem combative against the president. It’s how students choose to use their time.” This despite being perplexed and even rachel gianuario Staff Writer

Juan Lopez Corsair

Santa Monica College Inter-Club Council Vice-Chair Courtney King (center) dances with Armand Nairizik amongst other club members during the ICC Social on Tuesday November 20, 2014 in the Cayton Center Lounge. The ICC Social is the last officially funded club event of the semester since SMC president Dr. Chui L. Tsang mandated that no extracurricular events or meetings be held during the month of December.

James Powel Corsair

Santa Monica College student Jessica Fry chooses vegetables from Club Grow’s, “Students Feeding Students” event held at the Organic Learning Garden on Tuesday. The event allowed students to choose from approximatley 75 pounds of fruits and vegetables gleaned from Santa Monica farmers markets, free of charge and learn about the garden. “We didn’t want to have people come and get free food, we wanted them to learn about the garden. We want to have them learn about where their food comes from,” Organic Learning Garden student manager and Club Grow president Heather Haro said. This is the third semester that Club Grow has hosted the event. for extended coverage visit us at thecorsaironline.com •

@t h e _ c o r s a i r •

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4 news

volume 108 issue 12 •November 26, 2014 • santa monica college

Jose Lopez Corsair

A protester holds a frame with words speaking about the missing students in Mexico saying, “Nos querían enterrar, pero no sabían que éramos semillas.” (They tried to bury us but they didn’t know we were seeds) as she marches toward the Mexican Consulate on Friday.

Protesters rally at Mexican consulate

Kira Vandenbrande Contributing Writer Dancers wearing massive feathered headdresses flooded the sidewalks as twilight settled on the downtown Los Angeles skyline behind them. They chanted to the methodical beat of drums, enticing others to rush the streets amidst traffic to join them. The dance company and nearly 20 other collectives gathered outside the Mexican Consulate in solidarity for the families of 43 missing students in Mexico on November 20. This demonstration was one of many occurring across the United States and Mexico, marking an international day of protest against government corruption. Protestors demanded justice for 43 abducted students from the rural city of Iguala in the southern state of Guerrero, last seen on September 26. Nearly two months after their disappearance, most are presumed to have been killed by a local drug gang in league with the local government. Speakers took the stage under a monument near the consulate honoring the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, a revolt also started by student demonstrations, and an apt symbol of the underlying desire for revolution present in the communities of Mexico today. Protestors chanted “Fue el Estado! Fue el Estado!” throughout the night, prompting passing drivers to honk and cheer to show their support. Translated, the mantra means, “It was the state.” Presenters ranged from young children and elderly women, to professors and political activists. The crowd formed a massive semicircle around the monument steps, lighting candles in the shape of “43.” Signs with the name and picture of each victim lined the sidewalk. Protestors overtook the street in front of the consulate under the cautious eye of the police. Despite the somber occasion, families gathered to enjoy dancers and musicians scattered throughout the crowd. A sense of unity overtook the crowd. The only dividing point amongst the peaceful

protesters was how changes must be made. The socialist group, Worker’s Voice, claimed a workers’ revolution was the key to end oppression and exploitation by government. Activist and former SMC student, Samaira Gomez, pointed out the stigma inherent with socialist ideas in the United States. “We want to build solidarity and build unity across our borders because we see our fight as one fight,” said Gomez, “It is hard because we don’t have a culture that is revolutionary.” Other groups such as the Trinational Coalition To Defend Public Education focused on fighting the corporate takeover of education. In recent years, Mexico has defunded public education, decreasing the quality of learning and promoting privatization of schools. U.S section coordinator Rosemary Lee claimed that injustice in government and political corruption must be stopped in order to promote the well-being of children in public schools. Former SMC student and activist for Frente de Resistencia Nansi Cisneros, who’s brother was kidnapped in Mexico last year, asserted that the recent abductions sparked enough momentum for change in Mexican government. She cited the need for honest leaders willing to fight corruption. “If it happens, it’s not going to be easy, it’s going to hard,” said Cisneros, “It’s got to be someone who’s not in it for the money, someone who cares.” The recent discovery of mass graves outside Iguala has strengthened peoples’ conviction that this was an act of political corruption and murder. After the discovery of the mass graves on October 5, police arrested participating gang members while the mayor and his wife fled. Abarca and Pineda were captured November 3, and remain in custody pending charges. The scandal is a reminder for protesters of the broken nature of the Mexican state. Solidarity for the students’ families united a diverse array of political organizations and activists at the protest last Thursday. Despite their divergent ideologies, they all agreed that the injustice and corruption infecting their country.

for extended coverage visit us at thecorsaironline.com •

Jose Lopez Corsair

Protesters perform a street theater piece about the missing students in Mexico in front of the Mexican Consulate on Thursday. @t h e _ c o r s a i r •

/thecorsairnews •


Health & Lifestyle 5

volume 108 issue 12• November 26, 2014 • santa monica college

An organic and free-range Thanksgiving restaurant. According to the Washington Post, the U.S. Department of Agriculture says the term ‘free-range’ or ‘freeroaming’ can be used to describe poultry that has access to outside for at least part of the day. The livestock stay close to water and feed. Where there is similarity to regular poultry, however, is that the USDA does not have regulations or specifications of density control or flock size. While organic also includes the trait of being free-range, not all freerange is organic. The term Veronika Kachanovskaya Corsair is used loosely throughout the food world, but the Michael Munoz, a butcher from Bob’s Market in Santa Monica, preparing turkeys for display on legitimacy and integrity Tuesday. Some shoppers will be keeping an eye open for organic alternatives. of these labels is up to the reputation that the thinking about Thanksgiving. However, corporations and businesses intend to As the holiday season arrives, a traditional Thanksgiving surrounds the uphold. turkey, the real star of the show. shoppers look for organic Below is a list of markets that sell organic, When preparing for Thanksgiving, some choices in preparing their free range turkeys for Thanksgiving as well people want a fat, plump turkey, while others as year-round. They list the farms they buy Thanksgiving dinner. are looking for a more wholesome choice; from on their websites for all inquirers. they want organic and free-range. Whole Foods provides organic, free-range You hear the term organic at a lot of vegan Devin Page turkeys for sale on Thanksgiving and year restaurants, but free-range is another popular Staff Writer round. buzzword that is surfacing in reference to They buy their livestock from Mary’s Farms Stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry meat, particularly with turkey and chicken. and Diestel Turkey Ranch due to their sauce, sweet potatoes, and pecan pie are all It is very common now for customers to ethical practices and care for the animals. foods that Americans salivate over when request free-range and organic at a market or They have a 5-step welfare rating in order to

determine where to buy from. With the first step being how they treat their livestock, and the last being no modifications, cutting their beaks off, etc. While the ethical practices are a plus, there’s also a difference you can taste. “Mary’s free-range turkeys are leaner and you can taste the quality; they’re tender and softer”, said Julio Guzman, Grocery Team Trainer for Whole Foods. Gelson’s Supermarket, located all over the westside, sells organic turkeys that are fed vegetarian feed. The farm they buy from, Pitman Farms in Northern California, provides them with certified organic meat. In regards to the taste, Meat Manager Ziggy Aguirre thinks it all depends on the palette. “What tastes good to one person may not taste good to another.” Turkeys range from $3.59 to $6.99 a pound. Farmshop is a restaurant and artisanal market located in Brentwood, Santa Monica adjacent. They specialize in using seasonal ingredients and maintaining a close relationship with local farms. Their turkeys are $80 (15-16 lbs.) a bird, and are available for Thanksgiving, and year-round special orders can be made for customers. They can also cook the turkey for you for $115, although it would be cheaper to buy it uncooked. Right on Ocean Park Blvd., Bob’s Market also sells organic turkeys for you to enjoy. They buy from Diestel Farms in Northern California. Their turkeys range from $2.99 to $6.99 a pound, featuring their organic, free-range, or regular turkey. While there are price differences, organic is their top of the line, because the free-range turkeys are not on a controlled diet, therein lies the taste difference.

vf Help Wanted .

Wanted Cheerful and Hardworking server at sushi restaurant! Please leave message at 310‑985‑4334 for returning a call or Email natsukitik@yahoo.com. California Roll Factory, 11629 Santa Monica blvd

Apartments for Rent .

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Apartments for Rent .

Health and Beauty .

11730 SUNSET BLVD.,1 BDRM / 1 BATH‑JR Exec‑1 BATH Amenities: Rooftop Pool, Deck, Intercom‑Entry, Parking, Onsite‑Laundry, Close to Brentwood Village and UCLA. Manager: 310‑476‑3824 125 North Barrington Ave. Control access, dish washer, parking, on‑site laundry, pool, elevator, central A/C. 2 bed / 2 bath. Manager 310‑476‑2181 2220 Beverly Glen Blvd. Roof‑top Jacuzzi. Control access, parking, on‑ site laundry, elevator. 1bed/1bath, Single/1bath. Close to UCLA/Century City. 310‑552‑8064 320 N. LA PEER DR., Beverly Hills, CA 90211 1 BDRM / 1 BATH & 2 BDRM / 2 BATH Amenities: Intercom‑Entry, Elevator, Pool, Onsite‑Laundry, Parking Manager: 310‑246‑0290 443 S. Oakhurst Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Amenities: Elevator, control access, parking, on‑site laundry. 2+2, 1+1. Manager: 310‑435‑3693 8725 Clifton Way, Beverly Hills. Amenities: Control access, elevator, parking, close to shops/restaurants. on‑site laundry. One bedroom + Den + two bathroom. Manager: 310‑276‑1528

THE MISSION WESTWOOD Grand Opening! LA’s finest most luxurious apt rental. Every extra luxury. Custom cabinets, granite countertops, stone entry, pool, health club, spa. Low move‑in. 1350 S. Midvale Ave. Los Angeles. Available 2+2, 1+1. 310‑864‑0319

for extended coverage visit us at thecorsaironline.com •

Research Subjects .

Spending more time and money smoking pot than you would like? The UCLA Outpatient Clinical Research Center is looking for marijuana dependent volunteers, age 18 to 50, who would like to stop or reduce their marijuana use, and are interested in receiving up to 12 weeks of no‑cost intervention including medication. Compensation for your participation is provided. For more information call the UCLA Outpatient Clinical Research Center at (310) 267‑5020.

@t h e _ c o r s a i r •

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6 PhotoStory

volume 108 issue 12 • November 26, 2014 • santa monica college

Tzu Chieh Lin Corsair

SMC students from the Dance Department, Flavia Medina (far left), Karen Rodriguez (left), Isabella Pinha (right), and Nazanin Badiei (far right), perform a Persian dance display behind the bookstore near the quad.

Brandon Barsugli Corsair

Santa Monica College displays flags (above), from various countries as part of international week on campus.

The Internationale Alci rengifo Editor-In-Chief

Tzu Chieh Lin Corsair

Lina Araji (center), an SMC student, looks across the quad at the display of international flags on Thursday. The flags were displayed as part of International Education week on campus. for extended coverage visit us at thecorsaironline.com •

Last Thursday the quad came alive with the flags, sounds and tastes of SMC’s international community at the Global Festival Day. Amid the gentle winds of an emerging winter, Santa Monica College celebrated its place as a campus renowned for its diverse, international character. Flags of nations as diverse Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, Turkey and South Africa fluttered as in nearby tents, various SMC organizations handed out candy, small snacks and other foods from distant lands. Students grabbed the treats, their wrappers marked in the languages of Europe and that rising Middle Kingdom, China. Among the clubs and organizations present were the UNICEF Club, Global Council, Celebrate China, ISF Club, ESL, and the Modern Languages & Cultures Club. @t h e _ c o r s a i r •

That campus eatery of renown, Eat Street, was also present and handed out free, international foods such as beef sopes, spring rolls, Cuban sandwiches, hummus with pita bread, and Aryan Turkish yogurt beverages. Other tables featured literature and writings from international writers from Latin America and elsewhere. The festival featured live music from around the world, including Mexican folk dancers who set the scene ablaze with skirts that moved in dazzling twirls to the sounds of our southern neighbor. It was a moment on campus when national borders were erased, states became invisible, and students joined in a melding of ethnicities and languages that provided a glimpse of a true, internationalist future.

/thecorsairnews •


PhotoStory 7

volume 108 issue 12 • November 26, 2014 • santa monica college

SMC student, Luciana Villanueva (above), stops for a selfie in front of her favorite flag on Global Festival Day during International Education Week.

Tzu Chieh Lin Corsair

Mary Leipziger Corsair

Eat Street offers various international cuisine items to a long line of students on the SMC quad.

Tzu Lin Corsair

SMC Student, Denzel Watson, prepares for a selfie with Mexico’s flag during SMC’s International Education Week on Thursday.

Tzu Chieh Lin Corsair

Korean students from SMC students were offering samples of Korean culture and tradition to SMC students. The Santa Monica College International Education Center hosts the SMC International EducationWeek on the main quad annually.

for extended coverage visit us at thecorsaironline.com •

@t h e _ c o r s a i r •

/thecorsairnews •


& Lifestyle 8 Health

volume 108 issue 12 •November 26, 2014 • santa monica college

What are you doing on Thanksgiving? Photos and text Paulina Eriksson Health and Lifestlye Editor

Steven Lee Major: Undecided

Another year, another Thanksgiving. We recently asked a collection of Santa Monica College students about their plans for the holidays. Here is what they had to share regarding their dinner plans and reasons for giving thanks this year.

Home country: Korea I’m going to celebrate one day with my friends and one with my family and I’m probably going to eat turkey and some traditional Korean meals as well. The thing I’m mostly thankful for this year is my family. They are very supportive in everything I do and they always have my back.

Zulma Chinchilla

Nick Nesci Major: Political Science

Major: Buisness

Hometown: Gardena, Calif.

Hometown: Westchester, Calif.

I‘m going to celebrate it with my family. This year we are going to my aunts house and just eat turkey, chicken, ham, a lot of food. I have family in Guatemala who comes in for Thanksgiving as well.

For Thanksgiving this year I’m going to Canada with my parents and two sisters to gamble. This year I’m thankful for being a student here and being able to get all the classes that I want.

This year I’m mostly thankful for my parents.

Marlene Mora

Guadalupe Ginenez Major: Nursing

Major: Communications

Hometown: Venice, Calif.

Hometown: Venice, Calif. I‘m going to celebrate it with my family at my aunt’s house in Inglewood. My aunt is the one who makes the turkey and then everyone brings like potatoes, mashed potatoes, snacks and dessert.

I’m just going to celebrate Thanksgiving at home with my family. I’m thankful for my grandma and my family and that I was able to spend this past weekend with them.

My mom just became a resident actually so we are going to travel back to her hometown after 20 years so that is definitely something I’m thankful for. for extended coverage visit us at thecorsaironline.com •

@t h e _ c o r s a i r •

/thecorsairnews •


Opinion 9

volume 108 issue 12• November 26, 2014 • santa monica college

Ferguson: Freedom of speech not freedom of destruction Jonathan Ramos Opinion Editor Impatience and social anxiety turned violent on Monday when protestors took to the streets of Ferguson, Missouri after a grand jury decided not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black male. Immediately after the decision, rioters began looting shops and setting fire to police vehicles and several buildings. It is important to note that not all parts of Ferguson were in turmoil but still there was no shortage of violence. Ferguson officials prepared for chaotic aftermath as police officers were spread throughout the city reinforced with shields, extra body armor, and tear gas primarily centered on the Ferguson Police Department. At the conclusion of the night, cars and buildings had been burned, glass had been shattered, and 61 arrests had been made according to multiple reports including CNN. “What we saw tonight was much worse than what we saw any night in August,” stated the St. Louis County Police Department on their Facebook page. “Bricks were thrown at police officers, two St. Louis County police cars were set on fire and police seized an automatic weapon.” The disappointment turned to anger is comprehendible as many who felt the unarmed Brown was wrongfully killed

only wanted to make their opinions and disapproval with the decision known, and there is no wrong in wanting to be heard. However, the violence that ensued- while many feel it was the only way to grasp the attention of those who supported the decision- borders on the nonsensical and goes against many of the ideals of past civil rights leaders, Martin Luther King Jr. being the most notable. In a culture desperate for instant gratification, violence is often the first option taken when certain social grievances are not addressed. While topics such as tuition increases for University of California schools tend to garner calmer backlash (if there is such a thing) from the opposition, cultural and sociological protests like the Michael Brown case, seem to lack the organization protests need to have in order to be taken seriously. Yes, burning down cars and tearing down buildings will turn heads but acts such as those only come off as desperate and impulsive, and serve no progress in the issue at hand. When activists wanted to end segregation certain groups decided on violence as their ally, but it was those same groups who made themselves look no better than the "outside agitators" they had been deemed as. What really helped achieve integration was the patience, persistence, and civility that was expressed by King and his allies when fighting for what they wanted. Of course, the Michael Brown case differs from segregation as Ferguson's protesters are

not up against any form of law or widespread division. This is about one case that becomes a part of many within the issue of inequality that all minorities agree exists. Violent action, though, is not just senseless: it is irresponsible, embarrassing, and pointless for those who feel they are "standing up for what they believe in." When a white man kills a Hispanic or black man, the race card gets pulled out quicker than the killing itself. The same reaction takes place when a police officer interrogates or uses violent action against what he/she feels is a gang affiliated pedestrian. The same things are said. They were innocent. They were judged too quickly. They abused their power. But what happens when a Hispanic or African American gang decides they want to take the lives of bystanders, at times children who get caught in the crossfire, who may not have anything to do with the gang at all? What happens when the same people criticizing law enforcement are the same ones who choose to turn a blind eye to the crimes taking place on streets everyday? According to a National Gang Threat Assessment by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2011, gang members are responsible for approximately 48 percent of violent crime, while some regions including California have attributed up to 90 percent of crime to street gangs. "Street gangs are involved in a host of violent criminal activities, including assault, drug trafficking, extortion, firearms offenses, home invasion robberies, homicide,

intimidation, shootings, and weapons trafficking," according to the website. As of 2011, the national gang center reports that Hispanics and African Americans combine to make up 81 percent of gang members in the country. As a member of the Hispanic community I would not find it right to take violent action as a form of protest against unlawful treatment towards Hispanics as it has been proven that in some cases we provide the injustice. Sure, we can continue saying that the authorities are supposed to protect us, that unfair treatment from them is not justifiable in any way and that the death of Michael Brown broke a code of law. Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking for Michael Brown and his family told CNN "We may have lost round one, but the fight is not over." He said this while also taking his stance against violent protest and crime. Protesters need to understand that although they may be unsatisfied for the moment, the change they long for will take much more time. Great changes have always taken years if not decades to be implemented. This is the history of the world. King and his allies were ridiculed, ignored, mislead, and thrown in jail many times over, yet they remained focused and though it took longer than they had hoped for, they ultimately prevailed. Violence won't slow the process down, but it won't help either. It is the cheapest form of protest, and the people contributing to it, probably shouldn't have the right to protest in the first place.

The future for sale: UC tuition hike damages all The recent vote to increase UC tuition rates is another sad reminder of the culture of debt peonage dominating American education

Sarit Kashanian Corsair

Student protesters gather at UCLA as part of a “walk out” to protest the recent decision to increase the price of UC tuition by the state’s regents. alci Rengifo Editor-in-Chief While Ferguson burns, here in California the overlords of our university system have announced that anyone seeking a higher education will now have to face higher, greater fees. The devouring beast of capitalism, dressed in a monocle and top hat, has announced that UC fees will be raised by 5 percent every year for the next five years. Last Thursday the vote was carried out by the state's regents committee which in a 7-2 showing of hands voted for the rate increase. Our heroic governor, Jerry Brown voted against, in a feat typical of the modern

Democrat: Speak, but don't act, look good, but then recede into oblivion. And while there have been sit-ins at Berkeley, and one pathetic "walk out" at UCLA, it is a bit surprising to see the lack of visceral reaction from students. While the Ferguson case understandably generates sympathy and anger, and the conditions of urban areas in Los Angeles should be addressed, education is one of the great determining factors for the stability and advancement of a society. Communities all around the world fall into the void of inequality precisely because basic needs such as education and healthcare are made either unaccessible or not

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accessible enough. This is why when radical governments have taken power all through out history, one of the first moves they made were to grant free education to their peoples. According to the Los Angeles Times, tuition for undergraduates who are California residents could rise to $12,804 next year not counting room and board. By 2019 the cost could be more than $15,000. This will be the reality for students at a time when the aftershocks of the recent recession are still being felt and long-term, professional employment remains scarce. Luckily, avenues of help such as financial aid remain in place. But this won't be enough, especially for students who have to, you know, provide for themselves. As writers like Chris Hedges have detailed in books such as "Death Of The Liberal Class," American society, in particular students, are finding themselves forced into a state of debt peonage. I interviewed Hedges last year during a talk he gave in Santa Monica. After the talk Hedges pointed out to me that if students in France faced the kind of tuition hikes seen in the U.S., they would revolt and shut the whole country down. Now consider that California remains the world's 6th largest economy. If a European industrial power like Germany can provide free education for its people and even international students, surely the wealthiest state in the world's remaining (for now) superpower can do the same. The idea of free education sounds radical in a society like the United States, where the ideals of individual competition still reign supreme within a harsh, capitalist system. But such ideals do nothing but create a predatory, selfish society where students @t h e _ c o r s a i r •

are thrown into debt, fight like hyenas over scholarships and are then thrust into a world where a Phd is a necessity, but where job opportunities are few. According to the Bureau Of Labor Statistics, unemployment among 18 to 29 year-olds in 2014 stood at 15.9 percent, double the national average while for African Americans it stands at 23 percent and for Latinos 16.6 percent. These same statistics are expected to now pay more every year to learn the professional skills to attempt to join the national workforce. California students planning to protest the Ferguson verdict should also aim their anger at the system putting a big price tag on their future. It connects to Ferguson because lack of opportunities breeds communities in disarray, lost in crime and social inequality. States which do not strive to educate their people are in a sense enemies of said people, because denying the masses a chance to attain knowledge and skills is a way of keeping them in social bondage. Maximilien Robespierre, one of the icons of the French Revolution, once stated that "the secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant." Sit-ins and discussions are not enough, students should begin to think and form ideas, and then they should make demands. In May 1968 the students of Paris revolted, they set their city aflame as soon workers joined them and nearly overthrew the government of Charles DeGaulle. They made their voices be heard, and the sound travelled around the world. One of their slogans rings true today, "be realistic and demand the impossible."

/thecorsairnews •


10 Opinion

volume 108 issue 12 •November 26, 2014 • santa monica college

Why “The Hunger Games” speaks to our times alci Rengifo Editor-in-Chief One of the great functions of popular art is its ability to record the moods, dreams and nightmares of its time and place. The latest installment of "The Hunger Games" films, "Mockingjay- Part 1," is a perfect example of this. It is not only a superb entertainment, but like all great dystopian fiction, it is a mirror image of the modern world. In the tradition of much lesser recent franchises like "Twilight," this is the first half of the series's grand finale. It is a more mature, assured and moving film than its predecessors. Gone are the plotlines of young, attractive characters surviving a lethal game for the entertainment of the bad guys, to the side is cast the cheesy teen love triangle. In this edition Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) finds herself at the forefront of a bloody revolution against the oligarchical Capitol that rules over the world of Panem. She is now part of the underground army forming beneath the soil of Panem, led by president Alma Coin (Julianne Moore) and Plutarch Heavensbee (the late Phillip Seymour Hoffman). The film picks up right where the last one, "Catching Fire," left off as three of Katniss's comrades are in the clutches of the Capitol and the masses are growing restless. Inspired by her public defiance during the last hunger games, strikes and riots have broken out in the various "Districts" of Panem. As civil war breaks out, Katniss goes from celebrity to rebel leader, and as a result faces the consequences of what waging war means. Among the recent Blockbusters "Mockingjay- Part 1" is cut from a different cloth. A running theme this summer and fall appeared to be buddies, especially in mega hits like "Guardians Of The Galaxy" and "Big Hero 6." These were entertaining, light-hearted fantasies, "Mockingjay- Part 1" is like a reminder that mainstream, popcorn movies can be engaging, yet still resonate with the unrest and uncertainty we see everywhere. In his groundbreaking book, "From Caligari To Hitler: A Psychological Study Of The German Film," critic Siegfried Kracauer demonstrated how German Expressionist cinema of the 1920s was like a large tapestry of the national, German mindset after World

War I and right before the Nazis came to power. In particular sci-fi movies like Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" were visually dazzling, but they expressed the inner thoughts of a society losing its faith in modernism, authority or the assurances of the upper class that everything would get better soon. In this tradition "The Hunger Games" joins films like "Children Of Men" and "Snowpiercer" that touch on the prevailing sense that old social structures are starting to crack and streets begin to boil, as in the Middle East, Mexico, Hong Kong or Ferguson. It is no surprise that "MockingjayPart 1" has been banned in Thailand. This happened after student protesters used the film's famous three finger salute as a sign of protest against the current, coup-installed military regime. Such is the power of cinema. While all three "Hunger Games" films are well-directed, "Mockingjay- Part 1" is driven by images of particular power. Director Francis Lawrence provides scenes of great scope, sometimes without dialogue, where the images say everything. In one visceral moment a crowd of ragged District inhabitants march in the rain, at night, towards a vast dam that generates electricity for the Capitol. Their mission is to blow it up. Guards in armor appear and mow down the crowd with gunfire as others struggle to complete the mission. The scene is framed by the song "The Hanging Tree," a rootsy ballad sung by Lawrence. The editing and choreography merit comparisons to the great Soviet director Sergei Eisenstein in works like "Strike" or "October." It is a moment of real, human effect. But the power of these images also resides in their resonance. The scene by the dam is eerily familiar to the scenes on the news of crowds being mowed down by the military regime in Egypt, or recently in Mexico where citizens have been clashing with armed police over the disappearance of 43 activist students. There is a gruesome moment where Katniss walks through a District reduced to rubble by government war planes, and she finds herself stepping on skulls and bones scattered all around. This struck a particular chord as I have been reading reports and accounts with similar experiences in Gaza and Syria. There is another scene where the series's main villain, President Snow (Donald

Juan Lopez Corsair

Sutherland), addresses the Districts in a satellite-transmitted speech. His dialogue, calling for obedience for the greater good, describing the Capitol as a heart fed by the Districts, sounds not too disconnected from Hosni Mubarak's speech in 2011 trying to quell the rioting Egyptian people, or Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent speeches addressing a growing Palestinian rebellion in Jerusalem. It is a brilliant touch by the filmmakers, and "Hunger Games" novelist Suzanne Collins, to give Snow the title of "President." Because, as seen in Egypt and Mexico, democratic titles are used often to veil repressive orders. The narrative of "The Hunger Games" doesn't even try to offer a watered-down, Gandhian solution. The world of "Mockingjay- Part 1" is one where violent resistance is to oppression is both justified and almost inevitable. In addition to political relevance, "Mockingjay- Part 1"continues the "Hunger Games" tradition of borrowing from classical history, giving its settings and narrative a richer depth than most, current action films. The world of the Capitol, with its aristocratic fashion, looks almost like a cross between "Blade Runner" and the court of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Names like Plutarch evoke the Roman world. A scene where Katniss slowly stalks a deer in the woods,

bow and arrow in hand, brings to mind the Greek goddess of the hunt, Artemis. Jennifer Lawrence gives the kind of tough, low key performance that works for this kind of film where a cool-headed character hides a raging fire inside. But one of the refreshing aspects of this "Hunger Games" was how the story focused intently on her, leaving most of the males as background. If we can't elect a woman president yet in this country, we can at least start delivering intelligent, strong action heroines with stories that resonate. Katniss has love interests, but they are based on natural feelings (and plot requirements), not the necessity of having a male hero save or even protect her. Frankly her male counterparts are pretty vapid and stale, and I say this as a guy who recently got slammed for "trying to be a hero." There is a smart sense of gender egalitarianism in "The Hunger Games" that stands out in a world where action films are usually driven by alpha males. But films, above almost anything, need to be entertaining, and "Mockingjay- Part 1" more than succeeds. Go see it because it's worth the ticket price, go see it because it's wellmade and never boring, go see it because it's a good story worth your popcorn-munching time, but also play close attention what it offers between the lines.

Black Friday celebrates the worst of consumerism Nick Carrion Staff Writer Two little words strike fear into the hearts of retail workers everywhere. The same two words that ignite enthusiasm and excitement in shoppers and bargain hunters. Black Friday. The day after Thanksgiving, commonly known as Black Friday, is possibly the biggest shopping day of the year. It has become almost a holiday in its own right, with an official website (blackfriday.com) that advertises a “Black Friday Season”. Black Friday is seen as the real begining of the holiday shopping season, a season that could be described as the greediest time of the year. Huge corporations inundate our every waking moment with advertisements, and the general concensus seems to be the only way to prove to friends and family that you care about them is with gifts. The more expensive the gift, the more you love that person, obviously. This has led many to rightly criticize the “commercialization of Christmas”, but another holiday has also had its true meaning corrupted by consumerism. A holiday that was supposed to stand for the

exact opposite of the holiday season. Celebrated locally for much of America’s history, Thanksgiving was officially declared to be the last Thursday in November by Abraham Lincoln in 1863. This holiday was meant to be a time to appreciate all that we have in life, and give thanks with our loved ones. Regardless of the conflicts between settlers and native people, Thanksgiving was intended to commemorate their coming together as one. In fact, Lincoln felt it necessary to give Thanksgiving an official date in order to promote unity between the North and South at a time when our nation was being torn apart. In fact, Thanksgiving seems to be taking a back seat to Black Friday more and more as years go on, with stores opening for Black Friday sales earlier and earlier, some even opening the evening of Thanksgiving. Many consumers choose to spend their holiday not gathered around a turkey, but huddled in lines, hoping to be one of the first to enter their favorite stores. But there is a counter movement out there, one aimed at bringing attention to the annual insanity that is Black Friday. This year, Walmart employees across the nation have announced a workers strike

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planned for Black Friday, with employees refusing to work unless Walmart executives meet their demands, which include pay of $15 per hour and full time opportunities for many workers, according to the movement’s official website, BlackFridayProtests.org. This protest has gained a lot of traction, not just with Walmart employees but with many others who are taking to social media to show their support with the hashtag #Walmartstrikers. A movement like this could be just the thing we need to get us to take a closer look at the power that these big companies have over the general public, especially when it comes to Black Friday. In fact, even the history of this event has been tweaked by corporate advertisements. Many maintain that the name comes from the accounting ideas of black ink being used on a ledger to show profits, and red to show loss. The day after Thanksgiving was a huge chance for companies to move “in the black”. But according to an article in the December 1961 edition of “Public Relations News”, the term “Black Friday” was first coined by police officers in Philadelphia in reference to the traffic and general chaos that ensued @t h e _ c o r s a i r •

when the entire city flooded to stores. So the history of the name itself is testament to everything that is wrong with this “holiday”. People either forget, or choose to ignore, the human side of the event. They don’t think about the minimum wage workers who have to show up long before opening to prep the store, deal with the onslaught of greedy, hurried consumers, then are forced to remain long after the crowd leaves to clean up the mess left behind. Is a livable wage for these people really too much to ask? As well-intentioned as these protests are, it is doubtful that they will bring about any real change, either in our treatment of the holiday or our treatment of the individuals behind it. In fact, the hourly wage demanded is reminiscent of the recent $15 minimum wage requested by protesting fast food workers, which did not end in success for them. Whether or not Walmart executives give in, and whether or not these employees make good on their threat to strike on the biggest shopping day of the year, remains to be seen. But what is clear is that we as a population need look past the materialism this holiday season and put people over products.

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volume 108 issue 12• November 26, 2014 • santa monica college

Arts & Entertainment 11

Veronika Kachanovskaya Corsair

Maisha Morris leads fellow SMC dancers in a performance of “Reign,” during rehearsals for this semester’s Synapse dance spectacular. The piece features a reigning monarch and her slaves dancing to the rhythms of Lorde’s cover of “Everybody Wants To Rule The World” and Michael Jackson’s “Slave To The Rhythm.”

Synapse delivers a heartfelt dance spectacle SMC dancers entrance audience with a stunning performance full of heart, color and powerful movement alci Rengifo Editor-in-Chief


he ache of longing, the search for identity, the desire to rule, these and other themes culled from the depths of human experience defined the fall program of Synapse. Staged by the Santa Monica College dance department, Synapse is an annual celebration of all the facets of modern dance. On Sunday night those in attendance at The Broad Stage were witness to great dancing, but also to a profound, riveting show of pure expression through the human body. Before the gallery of performances began, the show’s artistic directors, SMC dance instructors Jae Lee and Mark Tomasic, provided an introduction. Tomasic set the tone well by describing the emergence of modern dance as a rebellion against the rigid structure and conformity of the Victorian era in Europe. What followed was a show of light, sound and movement that seemed to rebel against the confines of the stage. On that night Synapse became pure poetry. While Synapse has always been a visually striking production, this semester there was a particular, refined sense of forming images. One of the first numbers performed, “Song Of The Winter Sun,” a mix of modern dance to the 14th century sounds of Motet’s “Nesceins Mater,” featured dancers in white, flowing costumes posing like figures in a Renaissance painting. Framed by light and shadow, their faces and bodies breathed like

flesh and blood incarnations of Caravaggio, from “The Legend Of Zelda.” Indeed there or a distant, morning dream. This was was an almost mythical quality to the way elegant choreography by SMC dance student the performance was staged. Rachael Servillo. A moment of deep eloquence came with But the vein that coursed through this “Contagion,” a dance choreographed by Synapse show was the idea of human SMC student Alex Perez. To the sounds of interaction and contact. In the piece “Another Love” by Tom Olden, the dancers, “Barbara, Katherine, Grace,” choreographed first in everyday shirts, pans and dresses, by Tomasic, male and female dancers in performed moments of general human conservative clothing expressed through contact and how feelings can be passed a tense, but fluid dance the dynamics of through actions. A man reaching for a woman familial and romantic who rejects him, relationships. The a moment of To long for someone who conversation, anger, men embodied the idea of the “man of jealousy or sadness, the household” while does not want you, to meld all this was brought the women danced closely with another were to life. To long in expression of for someone who emotions brought to life does not want you, the struggle within definitions such as to meld closely through a hand reaching with another were housewife (in one moment dancer out, fierce eyes locking and emotions brought Maisha Morris was to life through a made to hold cooking in all the dancers changing hand reaching out, items). It was direct, fierce eyes locking into the same color of but poetic social and in all the commentary. It was dancers changing costume. dance transformed into the same color into an expression of of costume. the everyday experiences of those sitting in And when the show did not immerse the the audience. Like great cinema, the piece Broad in the melancholia of Max Richter’s created moments that were like snapshots orchestral strings, it came alive with the from memories and experiences. sounds of modern rhythms. “Days Like This” One particularly original moment was was a fun, energetic number choreographed the piece “A Link To The Past,” which was by student Juan Diaz which featured dancers the brainchild of SMC student dancer in modern clothing simply taking over the and choreographer Glenn Rodriguez. In stage with joy, as if dancing at a block party a Romanesque-style costume, Rodriguez to the sounds of “I Love Days Like This” by alone held the attention of the audience as he Sean Escoffrey. moved with a sharp tension in a piece about Yet this Synapse excelled when it focused falling in life and finding oneself again. on deep reflection. “There Is More,” Rodriguez was inspired by the character Link choreographed by SMC dance instructor

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Karen McDonald, was an eloquent set of movements in simple, flowing dress. The dancers balanced on chairs and moved in beautiful synchronization, expressing the quest of individuals to find more in life. Returning Synapse dancer Luciana Tarantino, in beautiful Roman profile, especially caught the eye by evoking mood through her precise, strong movements. The entire piece flowed with a unique grace in which every dancer embodied a perfect syzygy. Another standout through out the show was SMC dancer Maisha Morris. She was a towering performer on stage, embodying different styles and moods with a magnificent skill. Her greatest moment came during the show’s closing number, an epic piece titled “Reign” set to Lorde’s cover of “Everybody Wants To Rule The World.” Morris appeared sitting on a throne, dressed like some scifi empress decked in gold. A troupe of dancers, dressed like Roman slaves, moved in powerful synchronicity before Morris joined them to the ferocious beat of Michael Jackson’s “Slave To The Rhythm Remix.” Empress and slaves became one. It was decadent, feverish and brilliant. It was no surprise that this piece was choreographed by SMC dance instructor Angela Jordan, who last year astounded audiences with a feline adaptation of Lady Gaga’s “Applause.” When the curtain fell it was evident that the entire SMC Synapse team should be proud of another masterful delivery. SMC dance instructors joined the dancing troupe onstage, they improvised and moved with a spontaneaous freedom. It was a wonderful end to a memorable program. They stormed heaven, they danced the night away, but they also managed to find a pulsating, human heart in every step.

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12 Sports

volume 108 issue 12 • November 26, 2014 • santa monica college

SMC loses division bowl, but dynasty reigns supreme SMC falls short in epic season ender, but victorious legacy stands cemented in the halls of Corsair Stadium

Trev Angone & Adam Pineda Sports Editor & Staff Writer

Adam Pineda Corsair

Freshman defensive back Kevin Johnson (center) makes his way to the SMC end zone after recovering the ball from a fumble SWC had in their own end zone. This run that would have tied the game at 21 a piece in the second quarter, may have cost Santa Monica the game as it was negated by referees for uneccesary roughness on SMC’s defense.




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Santa Monica College’s 2014 football season came to end this past Saturday, as the Corsairs fell to the Southwestern College Jaguars 40-23 in the American Division Championship Bowl. SMC fought valiantly, and even took the lead early in the third quarter going up 2321 behind Steven Hamm’s 182 yards passing, and two touchdowns. But from that point on, the Jaguars scored three unanswered touchdowns, and never looked back. However, mutliple scoring plays were called back on questionable unnecessary roughing calls. When asked about the officiating, Lindheim replied, “It’s never about the referees.” On a total of three instances, Corsairs recovered the ball and made it to their end zone after two fumbles from the SWC Jaguars, only one of which survived to be posted on the scoreboard. However, running back coach Jermaine Brown of SWC confessed, “The same game in a different stadium would have undergone extensive use of Instant Replay on multiple plays, and could have dramatically changed the result of the game.” The “Bucs” did not help themselves however, going 9-23 on third downs, throwing three interceptions and allowing four sacks. The corsairs did not seem to be properly focused as they were flagged 12 times, giving away 144 yards Forging the victory for Southwestern was running back Diego Rodriguez, who rushed for 132 yards, and four touchdowns. Rushing for four touchdowns says a lot, especially going up against a defense as revered as SMC’s. But what also says a lot is the fact that the Corsairs were able to make it such a good game so late into the match up, especially with Southwestern being from an upper division. At the end of the day, SMC’s bowl game was just an attempt at icing on their conference championship cake. Lindhem reflected on how casually SWC received their trophy and announced to everyone, “I want one those. We’ve made our way here four years in a row and there’s no reason we can’t get one next year.” Even though Southwestern proved too tough to handle, no one can take away the Corsairs four consecutive conference championships. Not only are the Corsairs smack in the middle of a dynasty with their conference championship reign, they are still in possession of their conference win streak which currently stands at 27. In college football, players come and go, but the one thing that remains constant is the coaching. It comes as no surprise that SMC’s historic run coincides with the hiring of head coach Gifford Lindheim. Since the @t h e _ c o r s a i r •

Corsairs put coach Lindheim at the helm, they are 4-0 in conference championships, and have not lost a conference game in over three years. In those three years, the Corsairs have never failed to win less then seven games, yet they still do not have their elusive bowl win. The young ‘ball coach coach has built a system to last, who’s keystone is a dominating defensive machine. Over the three years, 2012-2014, that the California Community College Athletic Association has stats available, the Corsairs allowed an average of 385.9 yard per game and have always been in the top half of state in the category. In 2013 the team were fourth in the state in defensive touchdowns with six and were 14 in the state in sacks this year. Though the foundation of this Corsair run is the defense, this year the edifice of pain was adorned by an offense finally able to keep up. This year the “Bucs” lead the state in scoring and were second in the state in points per game, averaging a hair under 6.5 touchdowns per game. Such wild success begs the question, how much longer can the Corsairs hope to keep their prized coach? In an atmosphere like college football where success is the fastest way up the ladder, it should come as no surprise to anyone if a big time school comes knocking one day and tries to snatch away the architect of SMC’s championship era. The Southeastern Conference has already come knocking for Corsairs stars on the field, it is only a matter of time before they come for the mind behind the success. Building a championship culture attracts a lot of attention, especially from players in the division, around the country, and even around the world. Not only have the Corsairs been able to stock their team with division one transfers, but they have also taken in division rivals trying to get better exposure. Their reach even goes as far as Western Europe, where countries are starting to establish American football clubs. One reason SMC has so many players coming to them, is the reputation they’ve developed for turning out division one and two prospects. Season after season, the Corsairs send off players all over the country, and it has not gone unnoticed. If the Corsairs don’t stray from their proven system of team building, it should be no surprise if they push their conference championship streak to an unprecedented five straight. At that point, the only ones complaining would be the long list of conference rivals who will definitely be spending the off season doing everything they can to stop SMC from dominating the conference for a solid half decade. But until that 2015 season comes along, the Corsairs fans only have one thing to do; lay back and bask in the glory of a dynasty, which sports fans know is as rare of an occurrence as one can ask for.

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