Volume 104 Issue 01

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volume 104 issue 1 • september 5, 2012 • santa monica college




Michael Yanow Corsair Santiago Canyon College sophomore Damon Baker (4) and Santa Monica College freshman Alesandro Canale (25) in action during their match on Friday, Aug. 31 at Corsair Field in Santa Monica, Calif. SMC won 3-1.

SMC to cut classes, teachers if Prop 30 fails

Allie Silvas Staff Writer While Santa Monica College has been able to avoid layoffs since the beginning of the budget crises, the Board of Trustees and school officials are now saying that part-time staff could be reduced if the November budget initiative known as Proposition 30 doesn’t pass. Bruce Smith, Public Information Officer at SMC said “It’s very, very unlikely for any full-time employees to be cut, but part-time staff could be further reduced due to fewer classes.”At SMC, many of the options discussed over the summer by the BOT are still being debated and are dependent upon Proposition 30. Although the BOT will be approving a new budget at their next meeting on September 6, it may be amended after the November elections. Prop 30 will have a serious impact on the near future of SMC according to

David Madrid Corsair



Students share experiences through ratemyprofessor.com

Smith. The proposition, supported by Gov. Jerry Brown, would raise sales tax from 7.25 to 7.5 percent and would create three new income tax brackets for those with taxable income above $250,000, $300,000, and $500,000. If Prop 30 does not pass, it is likely that the winter term as well as 500 course sections from the 2013 Spring Semester will be cut. This 500 would be in addition to the 1100 course sections that have already been cut since the fall of 2008. If passed, the tax increases would last seven years and would generate an average of six billion dollars per year as estimated by the Legislative Analyst’s Office. The proposition states that 89 percent of the revenue would go towards K-12 schools, and 11 percent of the revenue would go towards the California Community Colleges. Schools across California are facing difficult decisions regarding where to make budget cuts, including the City College of San Francisco, which may


Dancing in the Summer’s Twilight

PG. 8

Back-to-school anxiety common but conquerable

be subject to closure according to a finding released by the BOT. The cuts are certainly slowing students down and are forcing them take more time when reaching their graduation and transfer goals, said Smith. Although SMC is less affected by the Federal than the State government, Smith suspects that if Romney took office it would have a negative effect on the grants which the college receives. The grants come from the Department of Education, the Department of Labor, and several other Federal offices. “Our main focus is still on Prop 30 and how crucial it is; not only its significance to Santa Monica College, but also all other community colleges,” said Smith. If you are interested in keeping up with the decisions of the Board of Trustees, students can attend the next meeting on Thursday, September 6, and the first meeting after the upcoming election which will be held on Tuesday, November 13.


New Orleans funk on the pier

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2 contents

volume 104 issue 1 • september 5, 2012 • santa monica college

E D I T O R I A L S TA F F Nathan Gawronsky······ Editor-in-Chief c o rs a i r. e d i t o r i n c h i e f @ g m a i l . c o m Amber Antonopoulos···Managing Editor c o rs a i r. m a n a g i n g @ g m a i l . c o m Amber Antonopoulos·· Health & Lifestyle c o rs a i r. l i f e s t y l e p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Andy Riesmeyer·············· News Editor c o rs a i r. n e w s p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Samantha Perez··· Arts & Entertainment c o rs a i r. c a l e n d a r p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Muna Cosic················Opinion Editor c o rs a i r. o p i n i o n p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Ian Kagihara··········Multimedia Editor c o rs a i r. m u l t i m e d i a @ g m a i l . c o m Paul Alvarez··················Photo Editor Marine Gaste·········· Asst. Photo Editor c o rs a i r p h o t o e d i t o r @ g m a i l . c o m Nathalyd Meza··············Design Editor c o rs a i r. d e s i g n t e a m @ g m a i l . c o m c o r sa i r sta f f Ares Alatriste, Karolin Axelsson, Fernando Baltazar, Nathan Berookhim, Kristine Bettencourt, Tiffany Bingham, Peter Cheng, Kou Collins, Samantha Conn, Henry Crumblish, William Duggan, Rachel Duron, Tina Eady, Skya Eiland, Alberto Fernandez, Rayven Fleming, Amy Gaskin, Graham Gilmore, Jennifer Gomez, Esteban Gonzalez, Linda Harrell, David J. Hawkins, Sam Herron, Chanel Hooks, Annjelicia Houston, Zach Johnson, Eugene Jones, David Madrid, Juan C. Martinez, Raphael Mawrence, LeAura McClain, Manuel Mejia, Elizabeth Moss, Wayne Neal, Mikaela Oesterlund, Daniella Palm, Ambar Pena, Molly Philbin, Shawnee Potts, Alan Rice, Scott Roush, Allie Silvas, Rachel Spurr, Alex Vejar, Anilec Vita, Merissa Weiland, Livia Wippich, Michael Yanow, David Yapkowitz, Arezov Zakaria FAC U LT Y A DV I S O R S Sa u l Ru b i n Gerard Burkhart AD INQUIRIES: c o r s a i r. a d m a n a g e r @ g m a i l . c o m (310) 434 - 4033

Paul Alvarez Jr. Corsair

Tyler field slide tackles Brandi Hadjis for the ball Tues. Sept. 4. The Corsairs would go on to win 1-0.

SMC community! if you have photos, feelings or opinions on what we publish, we want to hear from you! e-mail, tweet, or facebook us. corsair.submit@gmail.com

Letter from the editor

Emergency Procedures nathan gawronsky Editor-In-Chief

As you sit at your small desk, in this stuffy classroom, allow yourself to take a deep breath. Don’t cheat yourself, take a nice one—breathe in from your gut, let your stomach fill with air, and feel your ribcage expand. Hold it for a second. As you slowly exhale, silently think one word: “Relax.” Imagine all those stresses you’re harboring inside silently leaving your body. Repeat this until you get the intended effect. Here you are, learning. Of the many other people who have tried and failed to find a seat in the same room where you find yourself, you’re one of the privileged few who’ve made it. You’ve got a seat, and a shot at a proper education. Whatever happens to the others, well… fuck it, you’re

here, and that’s what really matters. So you can’t find parking. Big deal. So maybe your computer science professor gives you stray glances (at your chest). It’s OK—let her. You’re here, for the moment, and you have a sacred mission: To absorb as much knowledge as possible. Relax. One thing I’ve always done in new classrooms is to refer to the “Emergency Procedures” tacked onto the walls of whatever class I’m in (hopefully there will be one by the door). Within this school supplied packet is a list of possible calamities that could occur while you’re in school, everything from explosions to earthquakes to evacuations. I read this, because I like to be prepared for the worst. And in this way, I can relax. But when I revisited

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these procedures a week ago, I noticed a couple of big things conspicuously missing. Among them: Wild beasts, frog infestations, the death of first-born sons, tsunamis of blood, and state budget cuts to education. While you engage in your benign studies, safe and secure in your “Harvard by the Sea,” always remember to be prepared. Emergency may be some abstract concept to you, like the gestation period of Blue Whales, or the process of photosynthesis. But shit happens. You can’t live in your perpetual season of childhood bliss forever. At a certain point, we need to take a sober look in the smudgy mirror of our lives, and take preparative steps to our future. The institution that graciously made this excellent student-run

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newspaper possible is in real danger. Funding cuts are a very real plague that has rained down on us for a while. We can sit here and debate endlessly the why’s, but the fact remains: You’re here in the moment. And you have a sacred mission: To absorb as much as knowledge as possible. We have until November to see if the budget cuts that will affect us will be traumatic or catastrophic. Either way, it’s going to be ugly. But that’s OK. Breathe. Relax. You’re here to learn—for what purpose, who knows? But preserving the institution of education from the emergency of it’s own demise—that’s for big people to figure out. You know, people who vote, and stuff. Relax. That’s for the next semester to figure out. Hopefully by then you’ll be long gone. (You know, not dead or anything.)

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news 3

volume 104 issue 1 • september 5, 2012 • santa monica college

San Diego may save Big Hole from sinking into regulatory abyss peter s. cheng Staff Writer

Thousands of new college students took their very first look at the campus of Santa Monica College, and for many, it started with a gaping hole in the ground. A ten-foot high wall surrounds the 40 feet deep construction site that stretches from 17th to 20th Streets along Pico Blvd., and stretches south nearly halfway down to Pearl Street. Faded names of Board of Trustees members and construction companies printed proudly on the wall a couple years ago are now obscured by winding ivy. A sun-bleached sign posted at the site shows a radically futuristic rendering of a building, captioned: “Student Services Building.” What should exist there is an environmentally friendly facility to house more than 30 student service related offices, support for bikes and buses, and 500 additional parking spaces; but delays at the state level have kept construction static for more than two years. Returning students like second year cosmetology student Tanya Jones, are already used to the excavation. “It’s not really good because it’s been like that so long, and it’s not very pretty,” she says. The $80 million construction project has received accolades from Next L.A.

Design, the Chicago Athenaeum, and the American Architecture Award. So what’s taking so long? According to reports by the school, responsibility for the delay falls in the hands of the Los Angeles office of the Department of State Architecture. It is the DSA’s job to provide design and construction oversight for K–12 schools and community colleges throughout the State of California, according to their website. Chief architect for the Student Services Building, David Heart, of the L.A. based Steinberg Group, states via email that a delay like this is unusual. “We have taken more than 100 projects through DSA and have never had this sort of challenge,” he says. “It is the first time we have ever heard of a project being moved from one DSA office (Los Angeles) to another office (San Diego) by the State Architect because of a failure of DSA staff to complete a review.” Mr. Heart further explains that structural engineers at the firm used advanced computer modeling to design more efficient and safe structures. This is especially important to understand how a structure would behave in seismic activities. Heart says that reviewers in Los Angeles were “challenged” when it came to navigating the model. “I was surprised to learn there is a gap

Election season in full swing william duggan Staff Writer As the election season draws ever closer to its climax in November, Mitt Romney and his supporters gathered at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida last week to celebrate his official nomination as the Republican candidate for President. The week-long convention was held in the battleground state of Florida, whose electoral votes were awarded to President George W. Bush in a Supreme Court decision in 2000, and went to President Obama in 2008. According to Neilsen, an estimated 30.3 million viewers tuned in to watch Gov. Romney deliver his acceptance speech. Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan’s acceptance speech drew 21.9 million prime time viewers the previous night, and 22 million tuned in to watch New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s keynote address on Wednesday. Other speakers included former Speaker of the House and primary season rival Newt Gingrich, and Mr. Romney’s wife Ann, who marshaled all of her warmth and charisma to paint Romney as a family man in hopes of increasing the candidate’s likeability rating. In an effort to rally more LatinoAmericans, prime speaking spots were given to party leaders, like Gov. Susana Martinez (R-NM) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). Rubio, who many consider a rising star within the Republican party, introduced Gov. Romney by focusing on the Obama administration’s economic policies. “Our problem is not that he’s [Obama] a bad person, our problem is that he’s a bad President,” he said. In a June 25 Gallup pole, 66 percent of registered Hispanic voters favored President Obama, while only 25 percent favored Gov. Romney. Republicans took advantage of their large audience last week to try to narrow that gap and showcase diversity within its ranks. The final night of the convention saw Mitt Romney give arguably the most important address of his political career thus far. The former Governor of Massachusetts took every opportunity to portray himself

as a sympathetic man, describing how he admired his father for laying a rose on the beside table for his mother everyday. Romney supplemented his family-values with poetry, declaring, “All the laws and legislation in the world will never heal this world like the loving hearts and arms of our mothers and fathers.” Attacks by partisans on both sides, however, played a feature role during the convention. In an unprecedented move, the Obama campaign dispatched Vice President Joe Biden to stump in Florida as Republicans gathered there to challenge Mr. Obama’s bid for re-election in force. Even as Paul Ryan railed against “hidden taxes” used to pay for what he called a “health care takeover,” Vice President Biden rallied Democratic suppoters by assailing Mr. Ryan’s budget plan; “What’s so bold about gutting Medicare and education?” he asked. President Obama himself was also on the campaign trail, though he kept out of Florida in favor of battlegrounds Colorado, Iowa, and Texas. He even gave a 30 minute AMA (ask-meanything) on Reddit, an online link sharing community with a large user base. In an email to CBS News, Reddit co-founder Alexis O’Hanian said, “Over 200,000 people on the site during the interview is a new high.” Reddit usually has around 100,000 visitors at a time. Although Gov. Romney’s campaign went out of the way to showcase a more human candidate, a nearly twelve minute routine by Clint Eastwood ridiculed Mr. Obama who was represented on-stage as an empty chair. Social networking sites like Twitter and YouTube were set a blaze with montages of people or pets, gesturing at empty chairs. The overnight meme, was appropriately called, “Eastwooding”. President Obama will have a chance to answer Mr. Eastwood and Mr. Romney this week as Democrats gather in Charlotte for their national convention. Comedian Patton Oswalt tweeted a suggestion for the Democrats, “Obama must have Tommy Chong onstage at the D.N.C., talking to a steak.”

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Amy Gaskin Corsair Weeds grow in the construction site of the Student Services and Administration Building on Thursday, Aug. 30 at the campus of Santa Monica College.

between the design industry and the plan reviewers in the DSA L.A. office,” he says. We met with DSA before submitting the project to them for review on multiple occasions and they had no issues with the structural design approach.” Representatives from the DSA could not be reached for comment. Despite nearly two years of delay, the design is nearing approval to clear the DSA, according to their website. According to Heart, no alterations were required and they are now ready to move on to the bidding phase where several pre-approved construction firms will vie for the contract. SMC Public Information Officer Bruce Smith states that the college is now only

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waiting on the completion of two “back checks” before the design gets the DSA seal of approval. According to the DSA, a back check is a “Face-to-face meeting held at DSA Regional Office after all corrections have been made to drawings and specifications,” The DSA website shows that one of the two back checks was completed on August 22. Heart estimates that it will take another two-and-a-half to three months after final DSA approval for construction to begin, and then another two-and-a-half to three years for completion, putting the estimated opening of the Student Services Building sometime in 2015.

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4 news

volume 104 issue 1 • september 5, 2012 • santa monica college

SMC language Santa Monica stabbing department wins suspect on the loose $25,000 award merissa weiland Staff Writer Emmi Joutsi is waiting for a seat in the language department’s computer lab. First 10, then 15, and now 20 minutes have passed as she waits against the lab wall, eyeing the other student’s competing for the lab. She thinks it shouldn’t be like this—after all, she only wants to do what’s required of her. It’s 30 minutes before Joutsi can get a seat to work on her project. Fortunately for Joutsi and many other students, this waiting game may soon be over. A $25,000 award just granted to to the SMC Modern Language Department from the college’s President’s Circle will be used to find a solution to the crowded labs. The first of its kind, the Innovation & Progress award, will be used to purchase a three-year license for a web-based program that will provide students with remote access. The online access to lab resources aims to free up more spaces for students to access their lab hours without the constraints of location and time. Toni Trives, chair of the Modern Language and Cultures Department, says she is honored to receive this award. “The 24hour student access to our lab resources will immeasurably help our students speak, write and think better in the many languages we offer,” she says. SMC Spanish Professor Maria Erickson, who led the effort to receive the award, says the program will make it easier for students to complete their required 15-hourper-semester lab attendance, especially for students that have to balance other obligations, such as schoolwork, work schedules, and the limited lab hours available. This program, Erickson says, will also allow students a much more comfortable setting in which to practice speaking out loud. Some students, however, aren’t so sure if the new program will

be so successful. “I like the idea of studying at home in the lab, but that might be difficult for some people,” said Ben Miles, an SMC student taking a language class with a lab. “For me, I could never do that. My house is too distracting.” “What’s to stop a student from just keeping their computer on, and they’ll do something else and every once in a while just move the mouse so that it doesn’t log you off ?” Miles asked. Miles has not, however, had any problems in finding space in the lab, saying that he doesn’t “really find it difficult—the labs are usually pretty empty.” Joutsi agrees that, despite the wait, she is still able to get into the labs. he creation of the President’s Circle Award for Innovation & Progress will support programs and departments that directly serve students, including each of the instructional departments, the various student support services, and other programs, such as the library, as well as auxiliary services. While some may have concerns about the new system, others are looking forward to taking advantage of it. Hazel Lamson, a SMC student who has previously taken French 1, thinks that the new resource will be “convenient,” recalling times when, due to other obligations, she just couldn’t make it to the lab. “There won’t be so much pressure,” Lamson said. “You can do it on your own time.” According to it’s own website, the SMC Foundation President’s Circle was created in 2001 as a private support group for the college. Its approximately 200 members contribute a minimum of $1000 annually. These unrestricted funds are used for the enhancement and support of the campus’ programs. In addition, The SMC Foundation, which was founded in 1956, awards various other scholarships to individuals throughout the year. Each year more than $600,000 is given to 750 to 800 people.

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Courtersy Of Santa Monica Patch

Skya Eiland Staff Writer Police need your help in locating and identifying a suspect involved in a seemingly random stabbing crime that occurred on 4th St. and Santa Monica Blvd at around 6:20 p.m. on August 13. According to Sgt. Richard Lewis of the Santa Monica Police Department, a 19-yearold male and his girlfriend exited a Hooter’s Restaurant, and while walking towards a bus stop were suddenly approached by an unknown man. The 19-year-old male victim received multiple stab wounds near the upper body and hand. The assailant fled the scene, leaving the victim bloodied and unconscious, though the girlfriend was not injured. Police are saying that the issue was unprovoked, and not gang related. Lewis said that many witnesses watched the suspect head south on 4th St., and believed he entered Michael’s Arts and Crafts store. The SMPD temporarily shut down the store to conduct a search, but did not find the suspect. Security cameras were able to capture the suspect as he escaped West on Broadway into the Santa Monica Place Mall. The suspect was described as a Hispanic or dark skinned Caucasian homeless man in his thirties, at about 5 feet 8 inches tall, weighing around 180 pounds, and wearing dark colored clothes, a

baseball cap, and dirty white shoes. According to Lewis, there have been about 20 assaults during 2012 in which a knife was used, though not all resulted in a stabbing. However, Lewis says assault crimes have declined by two to three percent this year. Lewis noted Santa Monica College’s efforts to encourage students to ride the bus and suggested some safety tips, saying that students should be aware of their surroundings. Lewis emphasized that text messaging while crossing the street or riding public transit limits a person’s ability to react to possible danger. Additionally, he urges students to be vigilant in alerting authorities of suspicious activity. “If you see something, say something. Don’t ever feel hesitant to call,” Lewis said. Lewis added, “If you ride the bus, take ownership of your belongings by setting items on your lap, because there have been theft issues, and a substantial amount of pickpocket crimes up and down Third Street Promenade.” Lewis says more public awareness can help to aid in the safety of students and citizens of Santa Monica To report information on this crime or any other, call the Santa Monica Police Department’s tip line at (310) 458-8495.



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opinion 5

volume 104 issue 1 • september 5, 2012 • santa monica college

Students hold the power of rating Students pass on their class experiences to others through ratemyprofessor.com Alex vejar. Staff Writer One thing that Santa Monica College students have in common is that they all have opinions about their professors. Technology, in all its splendor, has given students the opportunity to publicly voice their opinions on the infamous ratemyprofessor.com. The website is easy to use and fairly straightforward. Students find their school, and then search for a professor by last name. Once the professor has been found, students can view the professor’s series of numerical ratings on a scale of one to five. The categories are Overall Quality, Helpfulness, Clarity, and Easiness. There is even a Hotness rating to let prospective students know how attractive, or “hot,” a professor is, which is represented by a chili pepper. If the chili pepper is on fire, you’ve got an eye candy situation going on. The best part of the website are the comments made by former students sharing their experiences from taking that professor’s class. Naturally, there are positive and negative comments, but they all factor into the professor’s overall numerical score. Is this really an effective way to assess a professor’s value? It is very effective. Minelli Eustachio, an SMC student, gave the website “an 8 or 9, at least,” out of 10 possible points in terms of the accuracy of the reviews on the site. She finds the website so useful, she visits it before a new semester starts and then afterward to verify the comments made by other students about one of her professors. When looking for professors, students pay more attention to the actual written

comments on the site, rather than the numerical ratings or the hotness ratings. For SMC student Mehrjou Sabaghzabeh, lower numerical ratings on a professor don’t tell the entire story. He makes sure to read the comments because “even if [professors] have a low rating, the comments can reveal them as good professors,” said Sabaghzabeh.

comments by students to support that rating. Eustachio won’t take a class if reviews on a professor say that students won’t get higher than a B or C in that class. Surprisingly, professors actually agree with students about the use of this website. One would think that they would be fearful of receiving low ratings, or reading nasty

SMC media studies professor A.J. Adelman, said that the website is “a form of peer-to-peer marketing,” and that “most of the students are pretty fair,” when it comes to rating their professors. However, there will always be a few comments that are not so flattering and will paint a professor in a negative light. Even though Fetzer doesn’t have a formal listing on ratemyprofessors.com, she received a very harsh comment made about her on a separate professor review page. According to Fetzer, she hadn’t even formally taught the class yet, and the student who wrote the comment had never taken her class. As for Adelman, whether the reviews are positive or negative, he said that he “takes the ratings [on ratemyprofessor. com] with a grain of salt.” It is clearly understandable why this website is popular among college students. Students have a website where they can see exactly what to expect from a professor before stepping foot in class on the first day. Students’ reviews seem to be accurate and Eustacio and Sabaghzabeh all agree that the website is an excellent tool that they use extensively before selecting classes. A positive experience with a teacher can lead to a positive experience in the Jhosef Hern Corsair classroom overall. It’s also a useful tool for teachers to see how their students perceive them, comments by former students. But it’s quite the opposite. Santa Monica allowing professors to make adjustments in College video production professor Gail their classes if the students voice reasonable Fetzer calls the website “a valuable resource,” points of view. So, if you’re going to rate a and wishes she had such a website available professor on ratemyprofessors.com, try to be to her when she was in college. as honest and objective as possible.


Negative comments that seem to have merit and don’t come off as overly biased automatically mean that a student won’t take that professor’s class. Sabaghzabeh regrets taking a class with a professor that had a low rating with

Drowning in the wait pool

Students are crashing classes less due to the wait pool system henry crumblish Staff Writer Waiting has become second nature to Santa Monica College students. They have to wait for course sign-up dates, purchasing text books, and parking spaces. As if that isn’t enough to test students’ patience, they now have to enter the “wait pool” system with thousands of other students, hoping to get out of it with their desired courses before drowning empty-handed. Recently, SMC students trying to add last minute classes through the wait pool have created an opposite effect to the “crashing” system at SMC. Enrollment numbers have failed to meet the expected enrollment projections between summer 2011 and summer 2012, where SMC has been faced with 13 percent less students adding classes, and a 20 percent increase in course droppings. According to Teresita Rodriguez, vice president of enrollment at SMC, there are two factors contributing to this trend. The first is a California Code of Regulations Title 5 change, mandated by the state of California, which required SMC to push back the drop deadline to two and a half weeks instead of the standard two weeks. Due to the new deadline, many students are dropping their classes before they can be accounted for by the enrollment census, which is critical for SMC’s funding. The second factor is the wait pool system, which may have discouraged students from crashing courses. It is possible that

the lower enrollment numbers and the emergence of the wait pool system are no mere coincidence. The wait pool system originated as a faculty initiative, designed to better manage the onslaught of incoming SMC students crashing classes. Unfortunately, the wait pool system seems to have been too successful in that aspect since many students are no longer crashing classes due the fact that they know a student on the wait pool list will get the class before them. “We’re still encouraging students to crash classes,” says Teresita Rodriguez. “This changed student behavior dramatically; we’re seeing students being a lot more deliberate with their class selection.” According to SMC’s Corsair Connect website, “adding yourself into the wait pool of a class that is currently full/closed will increase your chances of getting into the class whenever a seat becomes available.” Let’s, for argument’s sake, say that two students on the wait pool list are both trying to fill the same empty spot, who gets priority in that situation? This is where the problems of the wait pool system become more evident. The system is intended to put all SMC students on equal footing when attempting to add a class, but due to professor interpretation, the system at times can be rigid and unforgiving. Once enrollment management is sent to a professor, students are at their mercy. Many professors give open spots in their

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“Wait in the Pool for your Turn”

Jhosef Hern Corsair

classrooms to the first names on the wait pool list. Once the wait pool students are given an add code, only then can a “crash” student receive an add code if a spot is available. If students on the wait list fail to show up on the first day of class, then their spot is given to a student crashing the class; but if no one comes to crash a class, then that spot stays empty throughout the entire semester, thus resulting in lower class enrollments. The wait pool system can only enroll 10 percent of the maximum class size. A large class at SMC can have as many as 40 students and per current SMC policy, only four students are allowed to be added from the wait pool list. Many students sign up for the waiting list, but only four students should be allowed to @t h e _ c o r s a i r •

sign up for each class, if the policy states that only four can be added from the list. It is not fair to tell students that they have a better chance with the wait pool system, when most of them won’t get the empty seat in the class. In summer 2012, 28 percent of students in the wait pool system added their desired classes, and 22 percent of all the students during summer session were from a wait pool list. As the future of the wait pool system is still unknown, SMC students should not be discouraged from crashing classes. “We’ve received positive and negative feedback,” said Rodriguez. “We need that feedback to decide what will happen to the policy.”

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6 photostory

volume 104 issue 1 • september 5, 2012 • santa monica college

The Gumbo Brothers L to R: Matthew Demerritt, saxophone, Sebastian Leger, trumpet, Johann Stein, guitar and vocals, and Gregory “GWild” Sonnier, bass guitar and vocals. The Gumbo Br funk bands, both played for the Twilight Dance Series at the Santa Monica Pier last Thursday.

Dancing in the Summer’s Twilight

Guitarist Leo Nocentelli, founding member of the New Orleans funk band The Meters, made a special guest appearance with both bands onstage. Nocentelli has been performing for over 50 years and has musically inspired both bands. “I had a great time playing here. I would love to come back with my band and play for the great people of Santa Monica.”

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volume 104 issue 1 • september 5, 2012 • santa monica college

photostory 7

The ferris wheel on the pier is seen through a drum set and keyboard onstage.

(L to R) New York resident Saras Raman, 25, and her sister, local resident, Amita Raman, 27, dance and enjoy the music of the two New Orleans-styled funk bands. The pair are New Orleans natives. Saras is visiting her sister who does volunteer work at the pier.

Photos By Amy Gaskin Corsair rothers and The Pimps of Joytime, New Orleans-styled

Reggie Longware sings and plays drums for The Gumbo Brothers and has been in the band 9 years. “When I was a kid my first job was cleaning up trash here at the Pier. I was 11 years old. So I have come full circle. It’s very special to me to be on the stage here now.”

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+ Lifestyle 8 Health

volume 104 issue 1 • september 5, 2012 • santa monica college

Fall fashions bring style alterations elizabeth moss Staff Writer

Fashion trends are usually determined by the big names in the business such as Alexander Wang, Proenza Shouler and Marc Jacobs. But at Santa Monica College, where the beach is on the horizon, backgrounds are diverse, and students are often on a budget, style cannot always be categorized. “You will see almost everything [this fall],� says Fereshteh Mobisheri, department chair of fashion design at SMC. Mobisheri cites the paradigm of “fast fashion� as a major contributor to today’s style. Popular retailers like H&M and Forever 21 produce clothes so frequently and at such cheap costs that consumers view these clothes as “disposables,� and buy for the shortterm rather than for sustainability. Currently, in sartorial mass-market retail, styles can be cut and put on shelves in as little as two weeks. In this way, companies can keep up with demand so that consumer “taste is satisfied,� according to Mobisheri. The rise of “fast fashion� also means that there are many options from which to choose. “You name it, they have it,� Mobisheri says. Students who are often on stricter finances cannot always afford pricey fashion pieces. “Money plays a part in [fashion],�

says Frida Lindstrom, a fashion merchandising student from Sweden. Lindstrom reasons that SMC has the advantage of a large presence of international students. “People are from so many different countries,� says Lindstrom. “They bring the trends from their country that might not have come to the U.S. You can tell where they’re from by the way they dress.� Despite the ubiquity of styles, SMC fashion merchandising instructor Christopher Griffin suggests sticking with one aesthetic and keeping it simple. “I think there’s a tendency to overdo looks,� Griffin says. “Pick a certain look, get behind it, and don’t over-adorn it. I think the SMC student is pretty much on trend. They do a lot of retailing.� Griffin predicts bright colors, shorts and asymmetrical dresses for fall, as well as wristwatches as an accessory. The comfortable size of the main campus allows for easier wardrobe experimentation, according to Mobisheri. “The campus is not that big, so students can walk around with platforms,� she says. Mobisheri flips through paperwork on her desk. She seemingly contradicts herself in her next statement, but it is definitive of SMC’s sartorial success. “Fashion is always something that is taken from the past,� Mobisheri says. “Fashion has to be change. I have seen quite a lot of change on campus. I see it constantly.�

Livia Wippich Corsair Santa Monica College student Sheida Sheik wears a blue dress and black boots on Thursday, Aug. 30, a look that is in tune with this year’s fall fashion trends.


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Health + Lifestyle 9

volume 104 issue 1 • september 5, 2012 • santa monica college

Back-to-school anxiety common but conquerable anilec vita Staff Writer By the fifth day of the fall semester at Santa Monica College, Michele Davis, a 20-year-old history major, had already received four syllabi listing upcoming quizzes, papers and midterms. Before long, Davis began to feel the familiar stomach pains and sweaty palms that accompanied her realization of the long hours of study she has looming ahead. Attending college can be a pleasurable experience for many students, but for others, it represents a highly stressful time of extensive studying and pressure. Many students like Davis are faced with the anxiety-producing challenges of finding classes, coordinating schedules, preparing for difficult tests, and facing overwhelming academic obstacles. Students beginning a new semester are likely to experience stress as they attempt to respond to the many responsibilities they face in their new schedules. According to Sandra Lyons Rowe, coordinator of Psychological Services at SMC, stress is a normal reaction of the body, but excessive stress can affect both health and academic performance. Titus Tiong is one of many SMC students who feels stress during enrollment periods and experiences difficulties adding classes. “I only have 11 units this semester—now I am going to be deported,” Tiong says jokingly, but in fact, international students must be enrolled in at least 12 units to maintain their student visa, which can heighten enrollment stress. Rowe considers that there is a line between “normal stress” that students face and “bad stress and anxiety.” She says that the crossing of the line occurs when the anxiety becomes overpowering. “If the students are not able to function in a normal way, and it becomes a problem for them to focus on the things that they need to do, then it’s time to ask for help,”

Sam Herron Corsair Santa Monica College students receive add codes for a marine biology course from professor Ed Tarvyd on Thursday, Aug. 30. Trying to enroll in classes is often a source of anxiety for SMC students.

says Rowe. For Davis, stress starts when deadlines for different classes coincide in the same week. “During midterm week, I am not able to sleep because days are not enough for me to study the material,” Davis says. “Sometimes I just freeze and I can’t keep studying.” Psychological Services habitually receives students like Davis with symptoms such as insomnia, depression, test anxiety, lack of appetite and other signs associated with

excessive anxiety. The Psychological Services team teaches students strategies to reduce their anxiety and stress. According to Rowe, three key mechanisms to reduce academic stress are time management, stress management and self-care. Rowe believes that self-care is indispensable to managing academic stress. “Students should make sure that they are eating healthy and getting enough sleep,” Rowe says. Rowe recommends that students who feel that they cannot handle the pressure should

ask for help at the beginning of the semester. “Students usually come around the exams when the stress level is too high and it is hard for someone to apply the strategies,” Rowe says. “We invite them to come early, or come to one of our workshops early in the semester.” Rowe believes that students should be aware that a new semester is always stressful, and that they should prepare themselves both mentally and physically to face the challenges that lie ahead.

Award-winning professor improves SMC’s chemistry labs marine gaste Staff Writer In late August, Santa Monica College chemistry professor Deborah H. Schwyter received the Northrop Grumman/Marvin Elkin Chair of Excellence in Physical Sciences after submitting a proposal for purchasing equipment for use in her organic chemistry and biochemistry courses. Schwyter will be awarded $5,000 annually for three years to be used for her special project. A chemistry and biochemistry instructor at SMC since 1995, Schwyter hopes to enhance the laboratory component of organic chemistry and biochemistry courses. To do so, she plans to use the money to invest in a new spectrophotometer, an instrument that measures the amount of ultraviolet and visible light absorbed by biologically important molecules0 such as proteins. She foresees that the investment will give SMC students a more “hands-on” experience in the

lab and improve their learning environment. “Spectrophotometry can be used to study the structure of biologically important molecules, such as proteins, and to follow biological reactions,” says Schwyter, who wants students to be familiar with this concept. Every year, the SMC Foundation selects and rewards professors for their proposals in ten different fields including life science, physical science, earth science, music, performing arts, art, nursing, philosophy and social science, business, and communication. The donations give valuable opportunities to professors and students to enrich their experience at school. Schwyter was born on the East Coast, grew up in Southern California, and attended California State University, Long Beach before receiving her doctorate in biochemistry from University of California, Los Angeles, where she also did research in her field of study.

Marine Gaste Corsair Chemistry professor Deborah H. Schwyter poses on Aug. 30 next to an old spectrophotometer that will soon be replaced in Santa Monica College’s lab. Schwyter, who has taught chemistry and biochemistry classes at SMC for 17 years, received the Northrop Grumman/Marvin Elkin Chair of Excellence in Physical Sciences last month.

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+ entertainment 10 arts

volume 104 issue 1 • september 5, 2012 • santa monica college

SMC Dance Department Keeps Dancing

Kristine Bettencourt Staff Writer

Emily McCarron is a dance enthusiast. It was when she started taking dance classes a few years ago that she decided she wanted to pursue a professional degree in dancing. Fortunately for McCarron, Santa Monica College’s Dance Department offers a comprehensive curriculum, with a wide range of dance courses. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just beginning to get your feet wet, there’s probably a dance class for you. Many of the dance classes offered at SMC have beginning, intermediate, and advanced courses, ranging from commercial dance (jazz, tap, ballroom) to world dance (African, Brazilian, Mexican, Indonesian), ballet, modern dance, and choreography. Just last week, the SMC Dance Department held auditions for the Global Motion World Dance Company and the Synapse Dance Theater. Global Motion held auditions for student choreographers on September 5, and auditions for dancers were on Friday, September 7. Global Motion focuses on various international dance styles, such as African, Asian, ballroom and lyrical jazz. The Synapse Dance Theater, an SMC contemporary dance ensemble, also held auditions for dancers on Thursday, focusing on a range of styles from jazz, hip hop and beyond. Both performance groups are classes, so students who are interested in being a part of them must audition. If they make the cut

Dance instructor Karen McDonald instructs her modern dance class at Santa Monica College on Aug. 30

they enroll in the class and spend time perfecting their dance of choice.Tthe dance department. As a result of slashed funds, the department is offering a more limited number of dance classes. Additionally, the department has to also limit the amount of times any dancer can repeat a course. “As dancers you have to develop skill be-

fore moving onto the next level, so students have to repeat a class two or three times before having enough skill to move onto that next level and the reduction in repeats is devastating to the dancers,” says Department Chair Judith Douglas. The Dance Department is not letting the cuts slow them down though. They plan on

Scott Rouch Corsair

holding two dance performances this fall semester. The Synapse Dance Company will be performing on November 3 and 4, and the Global Motion World Dance Company will be performing November 8 and 10. All dance performances will be held at The Broad stage, and will open to the public.

New Orleans Funk on the Pier Molly philbin Staff Writer Orange hues flared across the evening sky, and the breeze brought smells of burnt butter and caramelized brown sugar from a kettle corn stand under the theme park’s roller coaster. Unfolded lawn chairs claimed spots near the puttogether stage, and blankets with picnic baskets sprinkled the sandy beach. More than a thousand concertgoers came to hear the funk bands The Gumbo Brothers and The Pimps of Joytime, with a guest appearance by New Orleans guitarist Leo Nocentelli. on the penultimate Thursday night of the 28th Annual Twilight Concert Series at the Santa Monica Pier. After an introduction to the festival and a raffle for a fixed-gear bicycle, the Gumbo Brothers’ guitarist and vocalist Johann Stein roused the crowd, telling them to, “Make some noise!” While listening to the funky New Orleans band, people on the boardwalk wandered the theme park, the arcade, and visited the 11 tented kiosks set up for the evening, most of which gave out free samples. “The Gumbo Brothers” performed their final song with Nocentelli, and after a brief intermission The Pimps of Joytime took the stage at 8:30 p.m. As the night progressed, the beach overflowed with blankets and flickering candles. A large screen projected live feed from the boardwalk to the beach below from four different angles. Although the deck was crowded, the beach had three times as many people spread out between the south side of the pier and the closest lifeguard station.

Picnickers on the beach like Susan Jang went all out, bringing along friends, candles, drinks, food, and a small table complete with tablecloth and centerpiece.“It’s a great way to kick-off the weekend,” said Jang. Sandy Wood, who sat next to Jang, added that the pier concerts are her favorite part of the summer. On the sand, venders sold glow-in-thedark Mickey and Mini Mouse head gear and light-up Frisbees. Young children played tag and Tug-O-War with each other, and teenage couples ventured down to the water to get away from the crowd. Some happily stumbled upon the music event, like friends Janessa Perze and Lissette Llerenas who had only expected to ride the Ferris Wheel that evening. “We had no idea what this was, it should be put more out there,” Llerenas said, “It seems like a fun environment.” The pier actually seemed to shake as the audience on the deck danced erratically to The Pimps of Joytime’s heavy bass and Star-Trek-like sound effects. People swatted around white and blue-striped beach balls. “It was great just being out there, on the pier, by the beach, with a great crowd,” said fedora-wearing Brian J, lead singer and guitarist of The Pimps of Joytime. “It was a really cool, positive atmosphere.” Californians Best Coast and NO will be performing the final pier concert of the Summer on Sept. 6. Visit www. twilightseries.org for more information.

Livia Wippich Corsair The Gumbo Brothers band performs on Santa Monica Pier on Aug. 30, 2012 during the Twilight concert series.

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arts + entertainment 11

volume 104 issue 1 • september 5, 2012 • santa monica college

PREVIEW: Fashion’s Night Out Around The World Elizabeth Moss Staff Writer PREVIEW: Santa Monica Place Celebrates Shopping With Fashion’s Night Out Santa Monica Place and other shopping havens around town will put on huge displays for Los Angeles’ 4th annual “Fashion’s Night Out,” an all-night extravaganza created to encourage shopping in our downturned economy. Vogue magazine Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour created the event four years ago, which has since burgeoned in popularity, occurring in cities across the globe from London to Paris, and, of course, L.A. “Several months ago, we started discussing a vision to make Santa Monica Place the premier destination for FNO in Southern California,” said Lauren Fong, President of LFFC Productions, an event Production Company. Fong’s company produced

FNO for Santa Monica Place last year. “Creatively, that vision had to be very specific – from how we wanted the show to look to finding the best way to showcase our Santa Monica Place retailers,” she continued over e-mail. Festivities in Santa Monica will kick off with a fashion show showcasing retailers’ fall fashion styles, preceded by a performance by American Idol finalist Stefano. The event will also be hosted in part by Los Angeles Magazine’s fashion editor Linda Immediato. Participating stores in the mall and up and down the Promenade will offer free cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, as well as complimentary gifts. The event starts at 6 p.m. with the performance at 7:00, and the fashion show at 7:30. Celebration ends at 9 p.m., however, many places around town will continue to stay open until 11 p.m.

Courtesy Of LFFC Productions

Gotta Dance! The Art of the Dance Movie Poster nathan berookhim Staff Writer The centuries old Roy Jones House has been home to the California Heritage Museum since 1979. Intended as a sanctuary for California culture, former exhibits have included local themes such as, “Skateboard,” “Mexican Calendar Girls,” and “Lights! Camera! Glamour!” Currently, the main exhibit is “Gotta Dance! The Art of the Dance Movie Poster,” which consists of over 90 different movie posters, many of which were created for foreign audiences as early as 1925. The posters range in various languages, like Italian, Swedish and French. Just as films are used as a medium to display an actor’s talents, movie posters were once a testament to the poster artist’s creativity. A movie poster used to set the tone and feeling of a film. They were the equivalent of today’s movie trailers. The magnificent illustrations and vibrant colors of the movie posters bring across a vivid

impression to mesmerize the viewers. But, having a quality movie poster is no longer common in film advertisements. The risqué, illustrated posters display curvaceous hips, and legs of semi-nude actresses, leaping and twirling through the air. In one poster, a woman is dancing amorously with a man in a black tuxedo, while her pink nipples are clearly visible underneath her white dress. The movie posters have a sophisticated sex appeal. A small section of the museum serves as a mini-theater where museum-goers can sit and watch snippets of classic movies, commentary by directors, actors, and those who enjoyed the films from back in their day. This is a film buff ’s chance to have an immersive experience with classic movies and the history behind them. For anyone looking to uncover some of the mystery of Old Hollywood, the museum is open Wednesday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and student admission is five dollars. “Gotta Dance!” ends on September 30.


Nathan Berookhin Corsair Exterior shot of the California Heritage Museum located on Main St. and Ocean Park.


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12 sports

volume 104 issue 1 • september 5, 2012 • santa monica college

Men’s soccer kicks SMC football season opens with a tough loss off with a win wayne neal Staff Writer

Michael Yanow Corsair Santiago Canyon College freshman Rafi Balikcioglu (18) and Santa Monica College freshman Sam Medina (12) in action during their match on Friday, Aug. 31, at Corsair Field in Santa Monica, Calif. SMC won 3-1.

kou collins Staff Writer In the ninth minute of the first Santa Monica College men’s soccer game in almost 20 years, SMC midfielder Eric Fakhourian broke away from the pack of Santiago Canyon defenders, dodged the goalie’s steal attempt, and scored an uncontested goal from a wide-open angle. Fans and teammates celebrated the goal as Fakhourian ran toward the western sideline in pure excitement, and the Corsairs went on to win Friday’s game 3-1. “It felt amazing,” said Fakhourian. “I was excited about the first game, and I felt the goal helped with our confidence going forward.” “There was a feeling-out period in the beginning where it was a little back-andforth,” said SMC men’s soccer coach Tim Pierce. “I think our guys were a little nervous they haven’t played a real game together yet. The other team has already

had a game under their belt.” Santiago Canyon’s experience was evident in the 36th minute as Adama Jallow, a first-year forward, scored a goal to tie up the game 1-1. However, the goal did not demoralize the Corsairs as they gained momentum in the second half. In the 50th minute, Alessandro Canale scored a goal in traffic to create a 2-1 lead. “I was thrilled to put us up by one because it showed us that we have the potential to play with any team in the league,” said Canale. Nearly 10 minutes later, Fakhourian shot the ball from the east side of the field and scored the Corsairs’ third goal. “There was a lot of pressure for all of us, but the fan support was great,” Fakhourian said after the game. Although an SMC men’s soccer team had been nonexistent for nearly 20 years, according to Pierce, Santa Monica has a prevalent soccer culture, which could be seen by the support at the game.

mens soccer schedule friday sep. 7th at 4 p.m. vs. victor valley @ victor valley tuesday sep. 11th at 4 p.m. vs. oxnard @ oxnard friday sep. 14th at 4 p.m. vs. moorpark @moorpark tuesday sep. 18th at 7 p.m. vs. allan hancock @ santa maria high

friday sep. 21st at 5 p.m. vs. palomar @palomar tuesday sep. 25th at 3 p.m. vs. glendale* friday sep. 28th at 3 p.m. vs. l.a. Mission* *home game

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Santa Monica College’s 2012 season opener ended in disappointment after the defense gave up a late score in the game, costing a 31-28 loss against Mt. San Jacinto Saturday afternoon. The Corsairs’ defense was unable to stop Eagles’ running back Superiorr Reid who rushed for 269 yards and a touchdown for the Amy Gaskin Corsair game. “We made too many Corsairs’ running back Myles Johnson tries to escape the fundamental mistakes,” Mt. San Jacinto Eagles’ defense. The Corsairs lost to the Eagles 31-28 on Saturday, Sept. 1 at their home opener. interim head coach Steve Garcia said. “That should scored on a 5-yard run, closing the gap 25not happen.” Head coach Gifford Lindheim served a 21. The Corsairs defense came up big after self-imposed one-game suspension after cornerback Ricardo Wright intercepted last year’s postgame brawl with East Los a pass at the Eagles’ 47-yard line. Three plays later, Medina threw his third and final Angeles College in the American Bowl. The Eagles jumped out to an 11-0 lead touchdown to tight end Dominique Bierra after a 35-yard field goal, and quarterback for a 6-yard score taking a 28-25 lead with Tim Morovick connected with wide eight minutes left in the fourth quarter. After the touchdown, it seemed all the receiver Jamion Lindsey for a 15-yard score and a 2-point conversion in the first momentum was pointed toward the Corsairs’ sideline. The Eagles took over quarter. The Corsairs responded after quarterback at their own 27-yard line and marched all Alfonso Medina found wide receiver the way to the Corsairs’ 20-yard line when Reggie Mitchell for a 40-yard touchdown. Morovick found tight end Tyler Henderson On the ensuing drive, Medina connected for a 20-yard touchdown, taking a 31-28 with running back Myles Johnson for a lead with four minutes left in the game. After the Eagle go-ahead score, the touchdown, taking a 14-11 lead into the subsequent Corsairs’ drive stalled at half. The Corsairs went scoreless on offense midfield, failing to convert a fourth down in the third quarter, and gave up a pair of attempt, and turning the ball over on Eagles touchdowns, trailing 25-14 going downs with 4:05 left on the clock. The Corsairs hope to even their record at into the fourth quarter. Chaffey College on Saturday. Johnson gave SMC some life after he

SMC’s Athlete of the Year scores big in Montana david yapkowitz Staff Writer

It is a serious decision to choose to leave the big, bright lights of the Los Angeles metropolis for the more laid back, quiet city of Bozeman, Mont. But that is exactly what Michael Tobin Jr. did this past spring when he accepted a scholarship offer to Montana State following the end of the spring semester at Santa Monica College. Tobin was a standout on the SMC men’s track and field team, and was named the SMC Student Athlete of the Year. He was presented with the award during SMC’s annual Student Athletic Awards banquet last May. The awards are sponsored by the SMC General Advisory Board, which is made up of many local community members. The honors recognize student-athletes who are distinguished by their high academic standing and success in their particular sport. Fifteen athletes from all across SMC’s Athletics Department were picked as Student Athletes of the Year, but Tobin received the honor of being named the overall winner. “At first I was surprised, but the more I thought about it, the more honored I felt,” Tobin said in a phone interview. “It’s amazing, and it gives me a chip on my shoulder to go out and perform.” @t h e _ c o r s a i r •

According to Tobin, other colleges such as UC San Diego, UC Berkeley and UC Irvine extended offers, but he ultimately decided on Montana State. One might think that it would be difficult to adjust to such a different environment, but not for Tobin. He said he fits in more with small town life than the hustle and bustle of big city living because it’s not as busy and “people are nicer.” Another reason for Tobin’s choice to attend Montana State is the likeness between the track and field teams at SMC and Montana State. He finds the coaching style at his new school similar to that of SMC coach Larry Silva, who “coaches the right way,” according to Tobin. Although he is enjoying life in his new surroundings, he has many fond memories of his time at Santa Monica College, such as when the team made the State Championships. “Just to see the expression on [my] coach’s face—how happy he was and proud of us made it all worthwhile,” said Tobin, “We weren’t even supposed to be there.” Perhaps the one thing that he misses most about SMC is the camaraderie he developed with his teammates and his coach. “I miss them all,” Tobin said. “That was the best group of guys I’ve been around. We’re like family. Those were the best friendships I’ve ever had.”

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