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EDITORIAL STAFF Jonathan Bue············· Editor-in-Chief c o rs a i r. e d i t o r i n c h i e f @ g m a i l . c o m Nathan Gawronsky·····Managing Editor c o rs a i r. m a n a g i n g @ g m a i l . c o m Cathy Arias········· Life & Health Editor c o rs a i r. l i f e s t y l e p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Muna Cosic··················· News Editor c o rs a i r. n e w s p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Juan Lopez··················· A & E Editor c o rs a i r. c a l e n d a r p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Regan Dyl··················Opinion Editor c o rs a i r. o p i n i o n p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m William Courtney··········· Sports Editor c o rs a i r. s p o r t s p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Hector Mejia··········Multimedia Editor c o rs a i r. m u l t i m e d i a @ g m a i l . c o m Anisa El-Khouri··············Photo Editor Amanda Bojorquez··········Photo Editor c o rs a i r p h o t o e d i t o r @ g m a i l . c o m Jenya Romanovsky··········· Copy Editor Chris Aquino··················· Copy Staff c o rs a i r. c o p y e d i t s @ g m a i l . c o m Roger Morante················ Web Editor David J. Hawkins····· Web Administrator c o rs a i r. w e b e d i t o r @ g m a i l . c o m Nathalyd Meza··············Design Editor Genesis Baltazar············· Design Staff Alfredo Avila·················· Design Staff c o rs a i r. d e s i g n t e a m @ g m a i l . c o m W R I T E R S Amber Antonopoulos, Vanessa Barajas, Eva Boguslawski, Jay Be Brookman, Aubryanna DiStefano, Maria Dimera, Morgan Doyle, Alyson Feldman, Janae Franklin, Jonathan Ghattas, Tabetha Harris, Myles Johnson, Luana Kasahara, Samanta Kubon, Jahnny Lee, Keijo Liimatainen, Zoie Matthew, Wayne Neal, Tatianna Paredes, Michelle Ponder, Melanie Rudkiewicz, Katherine Ruiz, Fatou Samb, Valerie Serrano, Mia Shilpi, Mai Sims, Ryan Sinko, Christina Sziatinsky PHOTOGRAPHERS Paul Alvarez, Chris Alves, Marisa Bojiuc, Jojo Cheung, Jeannie Cole, Ryan Cook, Reynal Guillen, Tiahna Hale, Cristina Maxwell, Marie Perez, Scott Smith, Silvia Spross, Lisa Weingarten, Michael Yanow, Sequoia Ziff FAC U LT Y A DV I S O R S S a u l Ru b i n Gerard Burkhart A d I n q uiries : corsair.adconsultant@gmail.com 310 - 434 - 4033
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Former SMC student remembered by friends and faculty By Christina Sziatinszky . Staff Writer
Courtesy of Sean Anderson
Many Santa Monica College students and faculty members are mourning the loss of beloved former student Sharmi Doshi, after an accident November 7 in Mumbai, India. According to India Times, the 23-year-old law student was reportedly talking on her cellphone early in the morning when she lost her balance and fell to her death from the balcony of her 11th floor apartment. S.W. Diwadkar of Gamdevi police told India Times that the balcony had no safety rails and she could have easily lost her balance while talking on the phone. Nate Brown, a communications professor at SMC and her former debate coach, described Doshi to be a remarkable student. “She made a long-lasting impact on campus and will be greatly remembered,” Brown said. In 2007, as captain of the Speech and Debate Team, Doshi helped her team thrive by winning countless awards and recruiting others to join. In the spring of 2008, she brought back gold for SMC in the category of impromptu speaking at the Spring Championships. During her time at SMC, Doshi won many awards and generously donated them to the team as a way of showing others what can be accomplished. “Sharmi was very dedicated,” said Professor Brown. “Even after transferring to Berkeley, she would call to talk about how things were going and to offer her help with fundraising or coaching.” Sean Anderson, friend and former debate teammate of Doshi's, had nothing but fond memories and kind words to share about his friend. “Sharmi Doshi was the kind of person you just don’t meet very often. You immediately recognize that here was someone different, someone special,” he said. “She would have conquered
the world.” Doshi, who was studying law in India, had earned her bachelor’s degree in political science at Berkeley and, according to her friends, had a successful future awaiting her. Hilary Porter, Doshi’s friend had known her since 2007, when they were both on the debate team at SMC. They even transferred to UC Berkeley together in 2008. “Sharmi had a way of lighting a fire under people,” Porter said. “She was the friend who was there to hug you until you’d cried yourself out, but then she would sit you down, jab a finger in your face and make you figure out what you were going to do next, because sitting around feeling sorry for yourself wasn’t an option.” Doshi made a lasting impression on everyone who knew her and continues to be remembered by faculty, staff, and former classmates. “She was the whole package. Brilliant, beautiful, poised, charming, determined, formidable and talented,” said Anderson. “I will miss my friend immensely.” Close friends and family of the deceased gathered at Areal restaurant Sunday evening in Santa Monica to remember and celebrate the life of Sharmi Doshi. “I’m hoping that Sunday’s event will give everyone a sense of closure,” said Anderson, who believes she will live on in the hearts of those who were lucky enough to cross her path. “Whatever Sharmi was going to do with her life, everyone always knew it was going to be huge,” Porter said. “I don’t know if I’ve ever met anyone else who was so capable of getting things done and was so driven to do them. She was just unstoppable.”
students struggle with basic skills By Zoie Matthew + Michael Yanow . Staff Writers
The recently released draft of Santa Monica College’s 2011 Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Data report, reveals that many SMC students are still struggling to complete basic skills classes necessary for transfer to a four-year institution. The percentage of students receiving a grade of ‘C’ or higher in non-transferrable, lower-division English, ESL, and Math courses has increased about a percent per year for the past three years, but the overall success rate is still only 57 percent. The IE report states that 70 percent of first-time freshmen test into basic-skills math and 75 percent into basic-skills English. “Students are coming in underprepared. They’re not taking four years of math in high school,” said SMC Counseling Director Daniel Nannini in a phone interview with The Corsair. “They’re doing the minimum they need to do to graduate high school, and then they show up here and they have to start back at square one because a lot of them haven’t had math for two years. It’s very predictable.” Nannini said that a cause of the unpreparedness may be the wide range of backgrounds SMC students have. He also pointed out that incoming students do not
need a high school diploma in order to attend SMC, they only need to be “18 and breathing.” “We’re an open-enrollment institution, so we take everybody. So, when you take everybody, you’re going to have underprepared people,” said Nannini. “If I wanted the students to be more effective, I’d turn around and hold them for four years of math and four years of English to graduate high school.” Toni Randall, chair of the ESL department at SMC, believes that catering to people at varied levels of preparedness is simply part of what a community college does. “Traditionally, community colleges have always tended to have a larger ‘transient’ population than other institutions of higher learning, and students come with a range of academic preparation, experience, expectations, and goals,” says Randall. “Serving the community means trying to meet the needs and expectations of a hugely diverse population, one that is always changing and dependent on the political, economic, and social environment.” The number of students who completed a higher-level course within three years of their initial course is 72.9 percent in 2011,
which is a 5.7-percent increase from the 2006-2007 IE data. One particularly low statistic from the report was the “transition to transfer rate,” which shows the number of students who enrolled in the math, English, or ESL courses required for a transfer within three years of completing their basic skills courses. This rate has remained at an average of 31.6 percent for the past three years. However, this does not take into account the students who may have external factors inhibiting their education, or those who may not even be looking to transfer. Nannini believes that statistics like these are of questionable use. “If I took a hundred students and started to watch them from their freshman year, I could tell them what it takes to transfer, I could tell them what classes,” he said. “If, at the end of three or four years, whatever these statistics are saying, half of them get there, then what you really want to do is study ‘well the half that didn’t, why?’ Did they, you know, have children? Do they work? Did they go to a different college? Who knows?” Approximately half of the students, who claim they want to transfer to a four-year institution, transfer within six years of enrolling at SMC, according to the IE data report.
“You can raise your hand in a class when I ask if you want to transfer, but if you don’t go to your math classes, if you don’t pass your courses, then you’re actions are giving a very different message than your desires,” Nannini said, of students who do not transferring in time. Randall suggests that maybe people are focusing too hard on the school’s transfer reputation. “Whether or not you think that statistic is low depends on whether or not you think transfer readiness is the raison d’être of our institution,” said Randall.“Personally, I don’t think it should be. As I said before, we have a hugely diverse population with a variety of personal goals and expectations; transfer is just one of them.” Nannini also refers back to the fact that these statistics may not account for the broad scope of circumstances represented in a community college population. “I think one thing that we miss in any kind of data collection is looking at the long term ability of someone to get through their basic skills,” Nannini said. “It might take them three years to get through their basic skills courses. So if you add that to what they need to transfer, it might take them four years to get out of here.”
global citizenship festival highlights international education week By Samanta Kubon . Staff Writer With over 3000 international students, studying at Santa Monica College, classes buzz with thick accents and different languages. With its 11th annual International Education Week, SMC is celebrating its diversity with events, such as foreign movie screenings, music, dance and food from all around the world throughout the week. Colorful costumes - from figure-hugging burgundy dresses, to ripped shirts and tank tops, shown during a hip-hop performance, transformed the campus quad into a party as a part of the Global Citizenship Day Festival. The SMC Dance Department’s Global Motion took the stage with a variety of dances, rooted in different cultures, giving students, who quickly crowded the small stage, a performance that left students cheering and applauding, ”I am very proud of our students; they just get better and better and they learn more than dance steps. They have to study the culture, the geography, the history, climate and politics, that all affect the dance,” said Judith Douglas, Chair of the Dance Department and founded the program
back in 1974. While students were clapping along to the rhythm of a traditional Irish dance, others were able to explore the different booths behind them, offering a variety of free food and giveaways. Checking out the Student Travel Agency booth, Lauren Bustamante, a 21 year-old Chicago native and business major, met her Italian born boyfriend during an internship through SMC in Florida last semester. Bustamante was looking into travel/study abroad options for next semester while recalling her previous one. “Every two weeks, we would go to an international party, where you would hear so many different languages, and then so much broken English. It was amazing! Eight of my friends already came to visit me, and four of them applied to SMC as international students: two from Italy, one from France and one from China,” Bustamante said. The International Education center’s stand gave away
free cookies and sweets - French madeleines, Danish biscuits and German gingerbread. Students ate and learned of their dessert’s origin by reading the tags next to the platters. To further geographic knowledge, students could participate in quizzes at the ESL and Global Citizenship Council’s table. Right answers were good for a food ticket - redeemable for EAT Street’s potato rolls and iced watermelon juice. Johannes Westen, a 26-year-old business major from Sweden, who was helping out at the International Education Center’s booth, talked about cultural differences. Most surprisingly for him was the fact of “People wearing shoes indoors[when visiting]. I don’t get it. It’s ridiculous!” Rounding out International Education Week will be a Global Connections Series lecture with Kenneth Turan speaking on the impact of foreign films in the global community on Thursday, Nov. 17 at 11:15 a.m. in HSS 165.
SaMo working hard to prevent homelessness By Valerie Serrano . Staff Writer Santa Monica is a beautiful city with great shopping areas, a famous beach and pier, and a plethora of attributes that attract tourists year-round. The city’s vagrancy problem, however, can cause people’s impression to sour, which is why the city of Santa Monica is dedicated to resolving the homeless issue. According to the city of Santa Monica website, although it might seem that the number of homeless people has grown in recent years due to economic stresses, it is noteworthy that the homeless population has not increased. The 2011 Homeless Count, which is mandated every two years by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for all communities that receive federal funds for homelessness programs, states that the overall homeless population has been showing meaningful reductions over the past couple of years. Also, there has been no change in the number of homeless individuals living in Santa Monica from the previous year, and, according to the same source, a 19-percent reduction in homelessness had taken place after a two-year comparison from 20092011. Previous Homeless Count reports show a downward trend. In 2009, the homeless total came up to 915 but the number shrank by 18.9 percent to 742 by the following year. Year 2011 saw another reduction to a total of 740. “These kind of reductions in Santa Monica is how we measure our impact in preventing homelessness,” said Natasha Guest, senior administrative analyst for the city’s human services division. According to Guest, Los Angeles County
has more homeless individuals than any other county in the nation, and there are certain cities that have a greater prevalence of homelessness, because of their favorable conditions. Likewise, the homeless may migrate to Santa Monica, since it is safer than Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles, the tourist spots allow for panhandling, and the beach community provides access to public restrooms and showers. “The majority of homeless people in Santa Monica do not become homeless in Santa Monica, but they come here from many different cities in California,” said Guest. Guest explained that for this Veronica Aviles Corsair reason, the Human Services division (Left to Right) Josh Hooks of West Coast Care and Officer Grey speak to a homeless man at Pacific Park in Santa Monica works with other in Santa Monica. Hooks and his father, the founder of West Coast Care, provide resources, referrals, and cities, especially the Westside relocations for the homeless. communities like Culver City, to try to provide services in these cities’ housing. support. Local service providers confirm own backyards to serve and support The second initiative is the Homeless housing support at the destination city homeless individuals. The human services grant program at Community Court Program, which and conduct follow up calls to ensure the the of city of Santa Monica, has funded a “addresses the legal issues of homeless participant arrived safely, and follow up variety of social services and has established individuals with the purpose of connecting again in four months to make sure the them to services and permanent housing.” participant is still housed.” three main initiatives, according to Guest. Guest says that the city of Santa Monica The first initiative is the Chronic Homeless The program offers participants of nonProject: Santa Monica’s Service Registry violent misdemeanors services in job should continue helping other cities to surveys to homeless population in order to training, rehabilitation, mental health care, provide homeless individuals with services keep track of the length of time a specific and permanent housing and participants to prevent them from migrating to Santa individual has spent on the streets, his or who successfully complete the program Monica and ask for help at a local, state, her age, and both the physical and mental would have their charges dismissed by the and federal level to provide more assistance court. for the cities to help establish the services to health of the participants. The third initiative is Project combat the issues that cause homeless itself. This information is then put into a However, as Guest noted, these actions database to calculate a participant’s Homecoming, a program where Santa vulnerability. Registry participants with Monica’s homeless individuals are reunited likely won’t take place for some time since the highest vulnerability rankings are then with their family and friends “who are the state of California is not in the best prioritized by the city for services and willing to offer permanent housing and place economically.
Veterans day celebration at SMC By Cathy Arias . Health + Life Editor
Lorena Brothers was 17 when she joined the military, a semester into college, after graduating high school a year early. After serving three years stateside for the Air Force, she was deployed to Afghanistan as a medical technician. Her task was to enter the field and pick up casualties during Operation Enduring Freedom. Brothers, now 22, was one of the student veterans that spoke at last week’s annual Santa Monica College Veterans Day celebration, hosted by the Student Veterans Association on campus and the Veterans’ Resources Center on the main quad. The event started off with brothers Joshua and Jeremy Bauer – both veterans – with a rendition of the national anthem sung by Joshua, and a welcome from Jeremy, president of the Student Veterans Association, an invocation and four speeches from different SMC student veterans. John Scott, manager of SMC’s Veterans Resource Center, said, “The point is to celebrate Veterans Day, have student veterans talk about what it means to them, and then have a moment of silence. We’ve started to become a lot more pro-active with our veterans, staff and faculty on campus. So we’re really trying to integrate a sort of holistic feeling of getting everybody to support the veterans because we’ve seen a huge increase in veteran’s in the past few years. “In 2003, Scott was a student at SMC, after serving in the Marine Corps. Christopher Bellingham is now a chemistry major at SMC, but he served in the Army from June 2006 to March 2010. “When I think of a Veteran, a few words come to mind: Pride, strength, honor and wisdom. Someone who may carry physical or mental scars, yet has the tenacity and fortitude to carry their head high,” Bellingham said during his address. Brothers said, “It is one of the greatest honors to be able to stand here today and call myself a veteran.
Not only a veteran, but a female veteran.” To Brothers, the help she received from the organizations on campus was vital to her transition back into the civilian world. “As any veteran would know, the transition from military life to civilian life is not an easy one. But thanks to the veterans and staff at the Veterans Resource Center, the Student Veterans Association, transition is made easier,” said Brothers. Over the last three years, the Veterans Resource Jeannie Cole Corsair Center has grown from having around 125 to 500 Santa Monica College student and Veteran Bryson Uribe, 23, gives student veteran members. a speech "What Veterans Day means to me" at The veterans day In addition to counseling, celebration held at Santa Monica College on Thursday, Nov. 10. the Veterans Resource Center provides help to veterans transitioning from military life to student life. “Hardships aside, one of the best things that came out “It’s really become sort of a support group for them. You of serving were the bonds I formed with the other military know, a lot of times when vets go to a college campus it’s soldiers. new and a totally different world. It is their legacy that I’m proud to share with my fellow A lot of times they’re between a 25- 30. Sitting in the veterans on this special day where we thank all of those classroom with a freshman is sort of odd,” said Michael brave men and women that have answered mother liberty’s Tuitasi, vice president of student affairs. call to defend her honor,” Brothers said. Though she had originally planned on working in the Attendees had a chance to reflect upon Brothers’ words medical field, after her time in the military, Brothers has during the moment of silence that concluded last week’s no desire to do medical work anymore. event. The Student Veterans Association meets every After SMC, Brothers will be transferring to Loyola Thursday at 11:15 a.m. in the Liberal Arts building, room Marymount University to study environmental law. 136.
Why you definitely want to be in the college football business By Samri Bakoff . Contributor On Nov. 9, a group of students at U.C. Berkeley decided to set up tents on campus to support of the international Occupy movement and to demand their own economic justice. At the end of the night, 39 students and one professor were arrested for unlawful congregation on school grounds. A video of U.C. police officers beating a group of students who were peacefully forming a human chain quickly spread around the Internet. The next day, in University Park, Pennsylvania, 1,000 to 5,000 Penn State students walked into the streets surrounding the campus in support of Joe Paterno, the Penn State Football coach who reportedly did not take proper action against Jerry Sandusky, an assistant coach at Penn State, when he learned of his alleged misconduct with a minor in the Penn State locker rooms almost 10 years ago. The outraged students at Penn State proceeded to topple a news van, smash windows of local businesses and – reportedly - harass police officers. According to The Christian Science Monitor, “three people were escorted away by police but it was not immediately clear if they were arrested. A police spokeswoman said she was not aware of any arrests.” So the students at Berkeley are protesting a proposed 81-percent tuition hike over the course of ten years which comes on top of at least a decade of tuition increases with cuts in teacher and employee benefits. An increase that could halt the educational goals of many Californians The students at Penn rioted to support a football coach that didn’t fire a colleague who was allegedly caught sexually abusing a ten-year-old boy in the schools locker room. Now, the most obvious way to get at this story is to continue to highlight the great disparity in why students
Illustration by Jhosef Hern & Benjamin Vivas
at U.C. Berkeley are protesting and why students at Penn State rioted. Digging a bit deeper, one could highlight the contrast between U.C. Berkeley police’s response to a peaceful protest and the Penn State police’s response to a riot and how ridiculous that whole thing is,, or you could talk about college football. College football is a three-billion-a-year industry that runs on the devotion of fans and the dreams of student athletes. Three billion dollars is a lot of money, and Penn State is putting a lot of it in their pockets. Before his firing last week, Paterno was the head couch of Penn State’s football team for 45 years, that is a long time. He won 409 games, 24 bowls, and two national championships. The man has a statue on the Penn State campus, for god’s sake. He’s pretty big and powerful, so revealing that an alleged child abuser was not only working on campus, but also committing these acts in the school’s
locker room wasn’t an option, because it would most definitely disrupt that lusciously filled gravy train that is Penn State college football, but that’s a whole other story. Now, for all of Joe’s good work at the school he only received a 1.1 million in salary in 2010. You might be saying to yourself that’s a hell of a lot of money to pay a football coach at a public school. Well, Joe Paterno’s 1.1 million dollars is only half of what Jeff Tedford, the head coach of U.C. Berkeley makes. In 2010 Jeff ’s salary was a comfortable 2.3 million dollars. What’s that about a deficit at California public schools? Moral of the story: love that college atmosphere, but are frightened of that whole public educator paycheck bit? Just be a college football coach. Not only will you make good money, you could probably snort cocaine off the back of a 16-year-old hooker while yelling racist insults in front of your dean and get away with it.
Sexualization of young women – ‘Oh Lola’ perfume campaign By Mel Rudkiewicz . Staff Writer She’s America’s sweetheart, and the star of the upcoming ‘Breaking Dawn’, but it seems 17-year-old Dakota Fanning has found herself a new role; in the latest controversial advertising campaign for Marc Jacobs ‘Oh Lola’ fragrance. The campaign for ‘Oh Lola’, has received complaints worldwide.
Illustration by Jhosef Hern
The ad caused a stir when it ran in British fashion magazines and was banned by their Advertising Standards authority. The ASA stated on their website that ‘the ad breached advertising codes’. Shot by Juergen Teller who has a reputation for raunchy ads, 17-year-old Fanning was dressed child with sexual overtones: a Lolita look. The placement of the perfume bottle with an exploding flower bloom cap between her legs was extremely sexualizing. Coty, distributors of Oh Lola perfume informed the British media they did not receive any complaints. The Advertising Standards Authority website stated they received four complaints from viewers deeming the ad “offensive and irresponsible,” as it depicted Dakota in a sexualized manner. With a large number of complaints being received in Australia, the Australian Advertising Standards Bureau is looking into whether they should also ban the ad. Nicki Paterson, case manager for the Australian Advertising Standards Bureau said that the removal of the ad is “being considered by the board and confirmation will be given in the next two weeks on the Board’s decision.” The Lolita media campaign is very dangerous and irresponsible. Public opinion from Jeanie Wolf of New Jersey said “the ad should definitely be banned. It has a pedophilia connotation about it.” Cameron Nicholls from Venice thought it a dangerous path by sexualizing young women as he said “it has an erotic sense about it. It’s encouraging sexual predators”. On the ASA website, Coty was dismissive of the ads portrayal as “offensive and irresponsible” as they stated that most of their readers were over the age of 25 and the ad was similar to mainstream media. The majority of readers may be over 25, but it’s not that age
group which can be of major concern. The binary meaning of the ad can target an audience of sexual predators. This is what is offensive and damaging. Creating sexual fantasies through media is very dangerous. Pedophiles have been known to act out on their fantasies. This is where the problem stems from. This is not the first time the UK advertising watchdog has banned ads seen as sexualizing under age girls. An American Apparel ad was banned for running a campaign featuring a partially dressed under 16-years-old in what was a suggestive stripping episode. Public opinion in America finds the ad offensive, but the ad has yet to be banned. It makes one wonder, are American standards of censorship is too low? Beautiful Dakota Fanning is no newcomer to the media. The public has seen her in movies since the age of 6, in “I am Sam” and “Man on Fire.” The Oh Lola campaign will bring a controversial aspect she to her career. Had Dakota Fanning been over the age of 18 the ad may not have been banned. The question one could ask is, if advertising watchdogs don’t ban ads which are found to be sexualizing underage girls and boys, how far would advertising campaigns go? The ad was banned in the UK and it appears Australia is likely to follow suit. Although public opinion in America regards the ad as offensive it has not yet been banned. Media watchdogs from all countries need to work together to maintain safe standards in advertising. Ads depicting underage models as Lolitas are not purely about sex sells in advertising, it is highly dangerous. Sexualization of young women in the media is extremely damaging and ads such as this one need to be sanctioned as they intensify the lure of our young and vulnerable to sexual predators.
“I, state your name, do solemnly swear to not believe what I am about to see.” -- Blaine Capatch, Host
The crowd's favorite luchador Cassandro (left) is slammed to the mat by Pirata Morgan in the main event during Lucha VaVOOM Halloween Ring of Terror at the Mayan Theater on Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2011 in downtown Los Angeles, California. Lucha VaVOOM is a variety show of Mexican masked wrestling and saucy striptease.
Erin Worra, 29 of Los Angeles, reacts to Karis’ (not pictured) burlesque routine using a hula-hoop. “It’s my favorite show to go to,” says Worra, who has attended numerous Lucha VaVOOM shows in the past.
Burlesque dancer, Lucy Fur, entertains the crowd with Eve-like motif at Lucha VaVOOM. Fur's bit is one of the five unique stripteases performed throughout the night.
LuchaVaVoom! A boisterous whirr of nudity and violence By Michael Yanow
What happens when Mexican masked wrestling meets burlesque? The answer is Lucha VaVOOM. On Wednesday, Oct. 26 at the Mayan Theater in downtown Los Angeles, Calif. The high-flying, body-slamming, sexually and sartorially revealing show draws a crowd of over a thousand costumed fans. The 21-and-over crowd lines up on South Hill Street, eagerly waiting for the first of the two-night shows to begin. The interior is filled with dim red light and the sounds of Tiffany’s breakthrough ‘80s mall-rat hit “I Think We’re Alone Now” - performed in Spanish. Hosts Blaine Capatch and Jeff Davis call out, “Lucha!” On cue, the composite crowd of “virgins” and veterans screams back in unison, “VaVOOM!” They continue the call-andresponse throughout the night, as bouts of luchadores alternate with burlesque dance acts.
Diamondback Annie is a dancer whose face is painted like Paul Stanley from KISS. She strips down to a black thong and nipple tassels, and - for a grand finale - shoots confetti from her guitar. Not to be outdone by the tassels, the show’s main event stars El Bombero and the flamboyant crowd favorite, Cassandro, taking on the “heels” – pantomime villains Pirata Morgan and Chupacabra. Their wild and fearless behavior strikes too close for the first two rows of spectators, when El Bombero and Cassandro leap over the rope in pursuit of their masked opponents, crashing down into the crowd of paying customers. Ultimately, El Bombero and Cassandro emerge victorious and the crowd roars in approval. LUCHA…!
Left: Pirata Morgan after his defeat in the main event agaisnt El Bombero and Cassandro.
Photographs by Michael Yanow/Corsair
Below: A spectator (right) is thrown when wrestling duo El Bombero (lower left) and Cassandro (not pictured) fly over the top rope onto the crowd to continue wrestling against their opponents. Commenting on why he is a luchador, El Bombero says, "I was never really smart enough to get a real job. Anything that gets me from behind a desk."
Rapper Murs on music, touring and life By Aubryanna DiStefano and Juan Lopez · Staff Writer + A&E Editor Once a part of the rap super-group Living Legends. Murs has made a name for himself as a solo artist. Walking the streets of Boise, Idaho, he says it is one of his favorite cities to visit, although he has only been there five times in his life. Born under the name Nick Carter, he created his rap persona Murs, which stands for “Making the Universe Recognize and Submit,” or one of many other alternative definitions. Murs is now on tour with his new label Blu Roc, which was founded by Damon Dash. The tour will bring Murs back home to Los Angeles the week of Thanksgiving. Like most of his fans, Murs considers
himself an "underground hip-hop artist," but adds that his music is “always changing and I'm evolving with the projects,” s the rapper who, has worked with 9th Wonder, will.I.am, and has worked on Felt with Atmosphere. “I just create what I feel,” he says in an interview with The Corsair. He Believes hip-hop is just as great now as it was back when he started rapping in the ‘90s. When it comes to his own personal music taste he's influenced by reading, traveling, and listening to other music such as Elton John, Jack White, Insane Clown Posse, Flaming Lips, Vampire Weekend, Rilo Kiley, and D'Angelo, among many others. Murs weighed in on the juggalos, fans of the group Insane Clown Posse, who were recently classified as a gang by the FBI. Murs feels the juggalos have been misjudged. “I definitely consider myself a juggalo.” “There's enough things for the FBI to do than to mess with some hip-hop kids,” he says. “I don't feel like it’s a gang, I've never seen them beat anyone up, I've only seen them be good to each other.“ Though he tours often, he realizes he has a larger fan base is in Los Angeles, which provided inspiration for one of his better-known singles "L.A." His belief is that not all hip-hop has to be influenced by the old school and that greatness can be created from scratch. "Salvador Dali didn’t spend time talking about the masters, he created what he created,” Murs says. ”He didn’t Courtesy of DD172/Blu Roc have to have his art look
anything like them.” As for a Living Legends reunion, Murs claims it has been discussed, but the he still needs to speak to the rest of the group - up to seven other people. Murs gives credit of his career to the fans "100 percent, I have to give them all the credit." "I definitely try to make positive and inspiring music and empowering music at times,” Murs says. “And sometimes I'm just making music for fun, it depends what kind of frame of mind I'm in." Family plays a large role in his life, as a kid he claims he just kind of did his own thing, and he continues to do his own thing now. He enjoys the route music has taken him and is open to suggestions and new possibilities. "Wherever the music takes me and however it makes me feel is what I’m going to express,” Murs says. “I have my own groups of experiences, I have my life that I’ve lived, I have the things that I’ve seen and I have my opinion,” he says. “When a certain beat or track or instrument moves me a kind of way that creates a flow of that idea, that energy.” When asked if he would learn to play any instruments, as a musician with such a varied taste in music, he hopes to one day learn how to play the banjo, "because Kermit the Frog plays the banjo." Murs will be playing at the House of Blues in Hollywood on Nov. 23 for the Hip Hop & Love tour.
ON CAMPUS EVENTS Wednesday, Nov. 16 Stephan Koplowitz: "Modern Composition/Improvisation Master Class" 10 a.m. @ Gym 104 Thursday, Nov. 17 Global Connections Series International Education Week: Kenneth Turan: "Foreign Films in a Global Community: Their Impact and Evolution" 11:15 a.m. @ HSS 165 Friday, Nov. 18 Gilbert Castellaños Quintet 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. @ The Edye Second Space | SMC Performing Arts Center "Telescope Buyer Survival Guide" Planetarium Show 8 p.m. @ Drescher 223 Saturday, Nov. 19 Panel Discussion: "Abstraction X Five" 3 p.m. @ Barrett Art Gallery | SMC Performing Arts Center Sunday, Nov. 20 SMC Symphony Orchestra 4 p.m. @ The Broad Stage Tuesday, Nov. 22 Dr. Hsing-Jien Kung: "Self-eating or Self-killing: How to Trick Cancer Cells to Die" 11:15 a.m. @ Science 140 "Climate Change Facts and Our Future" 6:30 p.m. @ HSS 263
Murs is scheduled to perform at the House of Blues in Hollywood, Nov. 23.
Jason Segel brings The Muppets back to life By Juan Lopez · A&E Editor Weeks before the release of “The Muppets,” writer and actor Jason Segel is laughing as he looks back at the production and his fond memories of it. In a press junket at the Beverly Hilton, he tells that one of his favorite possessions is a “chicken-scrawl” survey with a 7-year-old boy’s criticism of his face, which the crew had framed for him to keep on his wall. The actor, who also wrote “Forgetting Sarah Marshall,” is excited as his hosting gig on “Saturday Night Live” aapproaches. “My childhood list of dreams is now almost completely checked off,” he says. “It was [to] be on David Letterman, which I did a couple of years ago, work with the Muppets, and host ‘Saturday Night Live,’ and then the next one is the cover of Men’s Health.” Segel pitched “The Muppets” to Disney soon after the grand puppet musical ending of “Sarah Marshall.” A lifelong fan of the Muppets and puppetry in general, he will see his labor of love, “The Muppets” released to audiences Thanksgiving weekend. “The Muppets are not scripted,” he said. “We wrote the script, but they’ll say whatever they want.” Knowing the history the Muppets have had on the first year of Saturday Night Live, Segel hopes to include them in the
show for a triumphant return. With reality TV and gross-out, raunchy comedies, Segel sees the cycle of comedy being in a cynical stage, which encouraged him to pursue bringing the Muppets back in a big way. “Their style of comedy is so pure, so kind, that I felt like it’s important that kids have that influence in their lives,” he said. “These characters exist in our world, you see them interacting with humans and you could meet Kermit,” Segel said. “You could touch him, you can take a picture with him, but you’ll never meet Shrek - he lives in a computer.” Also present at the junket were Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog, who said that, “it’s nice to have a chance to kind of reintroduce yourself to the next group of kids.” The Muppets are not back alone, they bring with them a new member, Walter. A character in the vein of Elmo, Walter puts people into his shoes. “I think what’s exciting in the film, is that it’s so great for old-time fans, as well as for a generation who maybe don’t know you guys as well,” Walter says. [Read: The Muppets on Page 9]
The Muppets: To that Miss Piggy lets out a laugh of haughty derision at the idea that anyone would not know of her, and she says “that’s funny.” In the movie, Miss Piggy channels the spirit of “The Devil Wears Prada” as a plus-sized fashion editor at Vogue Paris. “That was a really, really hard, challenging part of the movie for moi because I had to play this very bossy person. Which is completely foreign to moi,” she said as Walter and Kermit hemmed and hawed in an avoidant fashion. “I am nothing like that in real life” The movie is set to be loaded with celebrity cameos, some so secret that the publishers request they be kept out of print. So many cameos were shot that the
Courtesy of Walt Disney Pictures Jason Segel and Amy Adams star alongside K e r m i t , Rowlf, and a slew of other M u p p e t s in "The Muppets," out Nov. 24.
producers regretted having to cut so many out of the theatrical release, which they assure will become DVD extras. Alongside the film, a “Toy Story” short will be released from the maker of the “Wall-E” short, “Burn-E”, about a welding robot that is unwittingly affected by Wall-E’s actions in the film. Director Angus MacLane dedicated the miniature “Burn-E” to his father and “Small Fry” - to his mother, a therapist. In the short, Jane Lynch portrays an abandoned mermaid toy that plays therapist to other abandoned toys. The short film, “Small Fry,” will accompany “The Muppets” in its theatrical release on Nov. 24.
Matisyahu heads Gibson Ampitheatre concert to raise volunteerism By Juan Lopez · A&E Editor Known for his alternative reggae-rap style as much as his outward faith and facial hair, Matisyahu has been touring the world and building a solid fan base. He is set to go back on tour in December. Before then, Matisyahu will be performing an acoustic concert, co-headlining with Israeli pop heartthrob Moshe Peretz at the Gibson Ampitheatre with tickets going for $18. The catch? The attendees must volunteer their time to charitable causes. “I was involved with volunteer work growing up, I think it’s definitely a positive thing,” Matisyahu says in an interview with the Corsair. “To get people thinking of other people. To get people to see the entire spectrum.” The event is being organized by the Israeli Leadership Council, a Los Angeles nonprofit organization focused on bringing together the L.A. Israeli-American population towards philanthropy and activism. According to a story in the Jewish Journal’s Tribe Magazine, this event is the grand kickoff for the Council’s I.L.Care community, a network that matches prospective Israeli and Jewish-American Angeleno volunteers with organizations based on interests. “My personal life is centered around my family and Judaism is our backbone,” Matisyahu says. “I feel like it’s more [like] a part of a larger community, a world community. Between my fans and my music, that’s a big part of my life as well.”
Matisyahu started listening to reggae in his teens and fell in love with it, writing songs, rhymes, lyrics, and poems. “I didn’t make a conscious decision to do that, it just happened,” he says. “When I hear something that I like, I incorporate that into my sound. I just want to hear something that is moving to me.” Recently experimenting in the studio with computer-generated pop songs - as opposed to his usual backing of live instruments Matisyahu has been at work with many collaborators, including Bruno Mars. “It’s fun, it’s exciting and enjoyable music with deeper themes running throughout,” he says of his forays into catchy melodies with flavor and full force. “It’s good to try to expand a little bit.” Having recently moved to California from the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, Maisyahu says he feels that “it’s a little bit more isolated.” He remains that he will “always have some involvement with the Jewish community,” wherever he may be. When speaking of Los Angeles area incidents at synagogues in the spring, such as a fire in Hollywood and a pipe bomb a few blocks away from SMC, Matisyahu says, “Sometimes crazy things can happen, but you can’t focus on that kind of stuff too much.” Tickets for this show on Sunday Nov. 20 at the Gibson Ampitheatre are available through the I.L.Care website at http://www.ilcare.net .
Courtesy of Jared Polin Matisyahu in concert, he is set to perform at the Gibson Ampitheatre on Nov. 20.
Check out what happened when a Shakespeare flash mob broke out in a classroom and made its way onto the SMC quad.
Free Ticket Giveaway - Two pairs of tickets available Win tickets to see Matisyahu and Israeli pop star Moshe Peretz for their Nov. 20 acoustic concert at the Gibson Amphitheatre. email corsair. calendarpage@gmail.com to enter and visit www. ilcare.net for instant discount, and a chance to get free tickets, VIP passes and iPad prizes.
NaNoWriMo memoir 50,000 words, 30 days By Mia Shilpi . Staff Writer
illustration by david j. hawkins
There is a short girl with an oversized backpack wandering around campus, talking to herself, getting lost, and twitching like a drug addict. That would be me, operating on about four hours of sleep and a heart-attack-inducing volume of coffee. If you see me around, pay attention, because soon, I'll be walking into trees and getting hit by parked cars. Again. I may also be seen clacking away at my laptop in a coffee shop or library, staring at my screen in despair as I realize that I am more than 9,500 words behind, and have four major tests in three different classes this week, including a midterm. Every day, I will be typing until my fingertips are numb,
reading until my eyes are sore, and running around trying to get together with other writers, a study group, and an important meeting, all while sucking down gallons of coffee and caffeinated sodas. That is, except for one day. When I will be lying in a sunny spot in the grass, doing absolutely nothing. While there are no formal surveys about NaNoWriMo, week three is when most writers drop out of the challenge, having found themselves swamped with writing and other work. This is especially true for students who are approaching the business end of fall semester. The third week of NaNoWriMo is a challenge
of motivation. Writers see themselves falling behind, on their novel and on everything else, and find the growing mass of numbers they're expected to write more and more daunting by the hour. Writer’s block hits after the brain has been saturated in creativity for the last two and a half weeks, and soon we all will realize we have been sitting in front of an empty screen for two hours, trying desperately to think of something to write and coming up with… nothing. We have to write a minimum of 1,667 words a day, and yet at this moment many of us can’t even manage the ten words it takes to text our misery to our friends. Eventually, it's too much, and giving up is the
only way out – this is when I dropped out last year. In light of all that, one of the best cures for this “blue period” of writing is to take a day off. We will fall even further behind, there is no doubt about that, but we are already behind anyway. Rest and recuperation during this period is essential, because the worst thing that can happen to a writer is having their creativity dry up. As lazy and unproductive as it seems, one day, for just a few hours, I will refuse to do anything. When I wake up and jump back into the fray, I'll be well-rested and better armed to defeat my beast of a novel, and write it whether it wants to be written or not.
Don’t sweat the small stuff By Anne Vanderbruggen . Contributor Michael Fuller is not your average Santa Monica College student. In November of 2010, Fuller was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer after a routine check. The tumor is inoperable. He received his master’s in architecture from University of California at Los Angeles in 1983, and this semester is his first year attending SMC. Fuller, 58, is taking an Art 20 drawing class to “calm down and get his mind off of the emotional turmoil” he is going through. His friend Cesar, from his cancer survivor group, recommended the class after he took it. “He’s lucky, it looks like he’s going to make it, but I’m not. I don’t have much longer,” Fuller said. For Fuller, taking this class is about doing something he had not done in his life ever before. It is to, he said, “Connect to myself through art and unblock, free up my artistic side which allows me to open up emotionally and spiritually.” Even as an architect for one of the biggest architectural houses in the world, Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum in Culver City, he had never really allowed his creativity to expand fully. He judged himself and blocked it. Fuller used to take the bus to school, but after a while his condition wouldn’t allow it - his left arm and leg lost some of their functions and slowly became unresponsive, so he had to be driven to campus and use a wheelchair to get around. Tasks such as zipping something are challenging for Fuller, but he does not give up until he succeeds. To move around campus, he loaded his wheelchair with his belongings and pushed it around. Many times, things would fall off, but he would patiently put them back one by one. “I’m just [going to] sit here and try to get quiet after all that struggling,” he said. He frequently needed to sit in his wheelchair and close his eyes
for a few minutes to replenish his energy. A week after meeting Fuller, he announced he was stopping treatments to “get [back] some kind of a quality of life.” Chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments were exhausting him. “I thought I had six months. I don’t have six months,” he said. Still, Fuller keeps a smile on his face and an upbeat attitude about life. “I read Eckhart Tolle’s ‘The Power of Now’ and ‘New Earth’ which helped me realize that there is a bigger picture and not to sweat the small stuff. I feel connected to the universe, there’s something eternal that survives when the body fails, I don’t have to be resentful or fearful, I can let that go,” he said. Since then, Fuller has stopped coming to his art class to spend the time he has left with his family, Mary Ellen, his wife who is also 58, Emily, his daughter, age 16, and Missy, their dog. Having quality time is important to him. After Emily gets home from school, Michael takes a walk with her and Missy. It is not easy for him to do, but it allows them to talk about life and what he believes there is after life ends. “It has helped our relationship a lot,” he said. He does not want his condition to be the focus of things, but he appreciates how nice and helpful people have been. “The other day, I was helping Michael out of the car and I lost balance, we were both going to fall, but someone came running and helped us out, it was amazing,” said Mary Ellen. Fuller plans on visiting campus with Emily so he can show her around. In a way, the visit will be like “passing the torch” or to retrace the last steps he took around SMC before using his remaining time at home with his loved ones.
Anne Vanderbruggen Contributor Michael Fuller enjoys his downtime before class. Fuller was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. He decided to attend an Art 20 class at SMC after a friend from his Cancer Survivor Support Group suggested it to him.
. the Urban adventurer
A Practical Guide for
By Zoie Matthew Photos By Claire apana
The launch site, LA96L, which was home to Nike Ajax defense missiles at first and later to warhead-donning Nike Hercules missiles, is four-and-a-half miles away on Sepulveda. The high-security compound at LA96C was built to alert that launch site, and was home to some of the most advanced radar technology of the day. Its facilities housed huge computers that could seek out even the extremely difficult-to-detect Soviet planes from up to 100 miles away, and that were equipped to record, plot, and coordinate the data needed to “neutralize” enemy targets. So it makes sense that the largest structure on the site (which has been partially restored) is a huge, white, hexagonal radar tower, which visitors are free to climb. There is also a small water silo, the shell of a concrete guard post, and apparently a helicopter-landing pad, though Claire and I couldn’t find it. I think the most delightful part of the experience for me, though, was seeing how completely the site’s usage has changed. There have not only been picnic tables installed, but there are handy bathrooms for hikers, and even a little telescope at the top of the radar tower for visitors to use. I mean, truly, this abandoned Soviet-era missile control station is great for the kids! Just make sure they keep away from the barbed wire.
EXPLORATION #3: LA96C NIKE MISSiLE SITE Know what goes surprisingly well with cold cuts? Cold war history. For this week’s adventure, my photographer Claire and I decided to take a hike up into the San Vicente mountains to investigate the abandoned LA96C Nike Missile Site, which we were pleased to find is not only a peek into Los Angeles history, but in fact a quaint picnic area with some fantastic panoramic views of the county. And those panoramic views are not just happenstance. The site, which was built in the early 1960s, was strategically placed at a central location (15 miles from downtown, 10 miles from Venice beach) and at one of the highest points in the Santa Monica Mountains (1,950 ft.). This made it the perfect spot for soldiers manning it on 15-mile watch to potentially spot bomb-yielding Soviet planes that would pose a threat to Los Angeles. According to the signs placed around the site by the Sana Monica Mountain Conservatory, who now owns the land, LA96C was in fact only the control location; it didn’t house any missiles.
From the 405, exit at Mulholland Drive. Continue 2.7 miles until you reach Encino Hills Drive. Turn left onto the dirt continuation of Mulholland Drive. Continue for a few minutes until you find a parking lot near some buildings and a chain-link fence. You can either park here and take the quick, but nice, mile-long walk up to the site like we did, or you can continue driving past the yellow fire road fence and park right downhill from it.
Exploring supplies • Hiking shoes • Binoculars • A nice picnic
Men’s water polo looking forward to next year
sports opinion
No more Joe Pa
By Jonathan Ghattas . Staff Writer After his first year as men’s water polo head coach, Brian Eskridge is looking forward to the possibility of returning for a second year. With the decision being left up to the Santa Monica College Board of Trustees, the team already voted in favor of keeping Eskridge as head coach following a closeddoors team meeting this past Wednesday. “It’s looking good, but the final decision is on them,” said Eskridge, referring to the Board of Trustees. Despite a 4-15 record this season, Eskridge felt the team made big strides through out the year, especially at the end where the team won two out of three games. Eskridge’s only other coaching experience was as head coach at Culver City High School from 2005-2009, which is also when the team’s current captain, Alex Myers, played under his instruction. Amanda Bojorquez Corsair Myers was one of the players Santa Monica College men's water polo who were very vocal about keeping coach Brian Eskridge was photographed coach Eskridge next year. at Santa Monica City Swim Center on “It’s sort of fitting, we have a Tuesday Nov. 15." Our goal for next young team that is just starting and season is to win a conference game. We've he is a young coach,“ Myers said. improved this season and for that, I'm “We are just starting from scratch, proud of my team." says Eskridge. even though we didn’t have many wins it was a building year, so we learned a lot about ourselves. main off season goals is adding depth That’s what [Eskridge] brought to this to the team, something that affected the team.” Corsairs through out season. “It’s all As the team now enters the off-season, about getting out and recruiting now,” Eskridge finds himself in the recruiting said Eskridge. process, looking to gather more talent for Eskridge looks to lead his team to their a team that will be built around returning first playoff victory in conference play players Austin Shaheri and Kyle Charmit. since 2002. Shaheri finished with the team’s second“That’s what we are trying to build highest goal tally behind Myers. Myers, towards,” said Eskridge. “Next year we however, has already completed two are trying to win some conference games seasons and will not return next year. and do something in the conference Eskridge mentioned that one of his tournament.”
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By Myles Johnson . Staff Writer Pennsylvania State University’s legendary head coach Joe Paterno was fired along with university president Graham Spainer this week due to the allegations of child sex abuse against former PSU defensive coach Jerry Sandusky. Paterno was told about Sandusky’s misconduct all the way back in 2002, but never revealed his awareness of the incidents. When the scandal broke, Paterno announced his retirement, but with only three games left, PSU administration decided to fire him. After devoting 61 years of his life to the program, this is how they thank him? In his retirement statement Paterno said “I have come to work every day for the last 61 years with one clear goal in mind: To serve the best interests of this university and the young men who have been entrusted to my care. I have the same goal today.’’ With his remarkable coaching legacy as one of the all-time greats, Paterno lead his team to 409 wins and two national championships, but now his journey ends on a fumble. This man built a program and brought national titles to the university and they fire him? Although, he kept his mouth closed for over 15 years about a serious incident, his reason for doing so was to keep the university on top. This scandal will taint his legacy forever. With their legendary head coach gone, the PSU locker room will never be the same. This is a huge distraction that has also affected the campus, something that Paterno didn’t want to happen. Former assistant coach Sandusky, was the man who allegedly violated eight boys in over a decade. Sandusky retired from coaching a year after the charge in 1999 and decided to devote his time to ''The Second Mile'', a charity he started to help troubled children. This in fact is where he came in contact with the alleged victim.
The school was aware of his activity and let him continue on. What in this says anything about Paterno? If Paterno were to have said something in 2002 when the incident first occurred, PSU would not be as successful as they are. He brought life into their locker room and he was the reason why PSU has their clean-cut image. Paterno elected to protect the university and avoid bringing shame to their organization. According to administrators, letting him finish off the season would be a slap in the face to those children and their families that Sandusky violated. Nowhere in that statement does it say Paterno violated anybody. What did Paterno do? He tried to protect the university from another NCAA scandal. I say, let the man finish the season and then let him retire. After this, he may never be recognized for building the PSU organization up to what it is today. Students from Pennsylvania who go to PSU have much to say about Coach Paterno and his legacy. Showing up at Paterno’s house to show support wasn’t enough. Some students even started riots on campus and brutally trashed a TV news van after Paterno was fired. Students gathered in front of Paterno’s house, chanting “let Joe stay.” If so many individuals realize what this man has brought to this program and community, why can’t the administration? Since the incident, NCAA senators have rescinded their support on nominating Paterno for Presidential Medal of Freedom. In his retirement statement Paterno said, “My goals now are to keep my commitments to my players and staff and finish the season with dignity and determination. And then I will spend the rest of my life doing everything I can to help this University.” Obviously, all this man wanted in life was to build a legacy in football.
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F TE O E EEK L H T E A TH W By Katherine
superb defense erine
Kath sair soccer
r keepe goal
Photo by
Year: Freshman Hometown: Inglewood, Calif. Major: Kinesiology The Corsair: How did you get into soccer? Alvarenga: I started playing when I was 7 years old on a boys’ team with my cousins. The Corsair: What is your greatest Sports Memory? Alvarenga: When I blocked my first penalty kick, I was about 8 or 9 years old. The Corsair: What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Alvarenga: This year, I want to spend as much time as I can with my family. I'm planning on transferring soon so I want to spend as much as I can with them. The Corsair: If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, who would it be? Alvarenga: Ronaldinho, because he's been one of my favorite players for a long time. The Corsair: What was the last movie you saw? Alvarenga: I just finished watching Captain America with my team mates. The Corsair: Artist definitely on your playlist? Alvarenga: Dr. Dre - Deep Cover The Corsair: If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go? Alvarenga: I would travel to Brazil because it’s a great place for soccer. The Corsair: What are your plans after SMC? Alvarenga: I'm planning on transferring to the University of Hawaii for sports medicine. The Corsair: Best advice for someone looking to pick up soccer? Alvarenga: Try to stay in very good shape, run as much as you can! Especially if you’re planning to play in college - there's a lot of running involved.
So far this season, Alvarenga has had 1260 minutes of play in which she made 63 saves and allowed only 10 goals for an average of .7143. In the team’s last game on Friday, the Lady Corsairs lost 1-0 to Canyons College. Alvarenga had to come off inside the first 10 minutes due to a concussion, but she had managed three saves for no goals in that space of time.
teams seal victory Michael Yanow Corsair Santa Monica College running back Alonzo Frederick (right) runs for a 18-yard touchdown against West L.A. College on Saturday, Nov.12 at Corsair Field. SMC won 32-21 and is crowned Pacific Conference champions after going undefeated in conference play.
The Santa Monica College Corsairs overcame a first-half deficit en route to beating rival West L.A. College 32-21 and clinch their first American Pacific Conference Championship since 2002. The Corsairs relied on another stellar second defensive effort, holding the Wildcats scoreless in the second half, and great team play. SMC averaged 22.6 yards on five punt returns. Before the game it was obvious that tensions ran high, as both teams knew the winner of the game would also clinch a bowl bid and the conference. “This is what they call a perfect storm,” said Joe Cascio, SMC athletics project manager, in comparing this match-up to the LSU vs. Alabama rivalry. The teams had to be separated early when players started walking towards one another. The Wildcats drew first blood midway through the first quarter after scoring on a 10-yard touchdown run. The Corsairs’
running back Alonzo Frederick responded swiftly with a 18-yard touchdown run of his own. West L.A.'s missed extra point left the game 7-6. Frederick finished the game with 35 yards on eight carries and one touchdown. The Corsair defense gave up a 41-yard touchdown run to widen their deficit 14-6 as the first quarter ended. On offense, SMC kicker Trevor Dionne gave the Corsairs their only points of the second quarter when he connected on a 26-yard field goal to put the score at 14-10. The Wildcats ended the half with 26-yard touchdown pass to give them a two-score lead. “You don’t win the game in the first two quarters,” said defensive back Kris Johnson at the half. Johnson’s 91-yard punt return to the West L.A. four-yard line midway through the third quarter would change the dynamic of the game. Two plays later, quarterback Alfonso
By Wayne Neal Staff Writer
Medina would run it in from the one-yard line. After a missed two-point conversion, the Corsairs remained down 21-19. Medina would find wide receiver Brandon Taylor for an 80-yard touchdown pass to give SMC the lead to close out the third quarter. Taylor would finish the game with two receptions for 91 yards and one touchdown. SMC defensive back, Clinton Perry, would ultimately clinch the win after intercepting a pass, which resulted in a three-yard touchdown run by running back Daniel Pipkin, that gave the Corsairs a commanding 32-21 lead. The Wildcats tried to claw their way back into the game but were picked off again this time by cornerback Brian Hawthorne. A solid defensive performance and a special play by Johnson were the difference that ultimately earned Corsairs the victory. The Corsairs will host East L.A College at 1 p.m. Saturday at SMC.
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first game has corsairs fighting to the end
Roger Morante Corsair Julian Wheeler (#3), shooting guard for the Santa Monica College 2011-2012 men's basketball team, gets around the defender while driving towards the basket.
Roger Morante Corsair Johnell Young (#1), guard for the Santa Monica College 2011_2012 men's basketball team, makes a move towards the basket around a Falcon defender.