The Corsair Vol. D Issue 6

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Governor Brown’s confirmation of the DREAM Act sparks new debate and possible referendum, but proponents of the bill relish in the momentous signing By Samanta Kubon . Staff Writer California is once again blazing the trails. A bill signed on Saturday will allow the state’s undocumented students to apply for financial aid, scholarships and loans, thus opening the floodgates for discussion between supporters, and opponents across the nation. “Going to college is a dream that promises intellectual excitement and creative thinking,” said Gov. Jerry Brown in a statement, after signing the second portion of the DREAM Act, Assembly Bill 131, over the weekend in Sacramento. The bill will go into effect Jan. 2013. “The DREAM Act benefits us all by giving top students a chance to improve their lives and the lives of all of us,” said Brown. This statement could be applied to students like José Garcia, a 22-year-old


Photos By Amanda Bojorquez . Photo Editor

Psychology major and member of the Homeboy Industries club at Santa Monica College, which enables young people to redirect their lives for their future. During his sophomore year in high school, Garcia learned that he was an undocumented student, who despite his 3.8 GPA was unable to apply for scholarships and financial aid. “When the acceptance letters from UCLA and other universities came in, I got discouraged when I realized that I wouldn’t be able to go. My GPA dropped. Education shouldn’t be a privilege. It is a civil right,” says Garcia. The California Department of Finance estimates that 2,500 students will qualify for Cal Grants as a result of AB 131, at a cost of $14.5 million. Annie Dardon, a 19-year-old California


resident, and Community College student who receives financial aid, worries that including undocumented students will lead to even less money for citizens. “It’s not fair. If you don’t pay taxes, you shouldn’t benefit, because you are not contributing to the system.” Opponents of the bill argue that the money should be spent on students with legal status in light of California’s already tight budget. Undocumented students will only receive financial support after legal residents have applied and been funded, leaving 1 percent of the overall Cal Grants to undocumented students. Students at the community college level, become eligible for fee waivers, granted they fulfill residency requirements, and will be able to avoid non-resident tuition in the future going from $275 per unit, down to



$36. Sonya Allahyar, captain of SMC’s Speech and Debate Team says: “I’m happy because my best friend is illegal, and he is the hardest-working person I know. It will be easier for him because he has to support himself for school. With this bill, we are stepping into the right direction and moving forward as a whole.” Fabiano Lee, a Korean born in Brazil, who has been living in the United States for the last 15 years has to work under the table to afford tuition. “It was hard, because my mom is a single parent and she had to support my brother, who goes to a different school. Now I could get financial aid and support myself.” Senate Republican Leader, Bob Dutton, State Senator of California’s 31st District, argued that the State of California does not have enough money to provide


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EDITORIAL STAFF Jonathan Bue············· Editor-in-Chief c o rs a i r. e d i t o r i n c h i e f @ g m a i l . c o m Nathan Gawronsky·····Managing Editor c o rs a i r. m a n a g i n g @ g m a i l . c o m Cathy Arias········· Life & Health Editor c o rs a i r. l i f e s t y l e p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Regan Dyl····················· News Editor c o rs a i r. n e w s p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Juan Lopez··················· A & E Editor c o rs a i r. c a l e n d a r p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Muna Cosic················Opinion Editor c o rs a i r. o p i n i o n p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m William Courtney··········· Sports Editor c o rs a i r. s p o r t s p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Hector Mejia··········Multimedia Editor c o rs a i r. m u l t i m e d i a @ g m a i l . c o m Anisa El-Khouri··············Photo Editor Amanda Bojorquez··········Photo Editor c o rs a i r p h o t o e d i t o r @ g m a i l . c o m Jenya Romanovsky··········· Copy Editor Chris Aquino··················· Copy Staff c o rs a i r. c o p y e d i t s @ g m a i l . c o m Roger Morante················ Web Editor David J. Hawkins····· Web Administrator c o rs a i r. w e b e d i t o r @ g m a i l . c o m Nathalyd Meza··············Design Editor Genesis Baltazar············· Design Staff Alfredo Avila·················· Design Staff c o rs a i r. d e s i g n t e a m @ g m a i l . c o m W R I T E R S Amber Antonopoulos, Vanessa Barajas, Eva Boguslawski, Jay Be Brookman, Aubryanna DiStefano, Maria Dimera, Morgan Doyle, Alyson Feldman, Janae Franklin, Jonathan Ghattas, Tabetha Harris, Myles Johnson, Luana Kasahara, Samanta Kubon, Jahnny Lee, Keijo Liimatainen, Zoie Matthew, Michael Mejia, Ashley Metcalf, Wayne Neal, Tatianna Paredes, Michelle Ponder, Melanie Rudkiewicz, Katherine Ruiz, Fatou Samb, Valerie Serrano, Mia Shilpi, Mai Sims, Ryan Sinko, Christina Sziatinsky PHOTOGRAPHERS Paul Alvarez, Chris Alves, Marisa Bojiuc, Jojo Cheung, Jeannie Cole, Ryan Cook, Reynal Guillen, Tiahna Hale, Cristina Maxwell, Marie Perez, Scott Smith, Silvia Spross, Lisa Weingarten, Michael Yanow, Sequoia Ziff FAC U LT Y A DV I S O R S S a u l Ru b i n Gerard Burkhart A d I n q uiries :

Fall Photo Department Camping Trip

Scott Smith Corsair One Santa Monica College photo student composes a shot while the other decides to rest his legs during a sunset shoot at the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes in Death Valley, Calif. on Oct. 8.

This is a notification from the Associated Students of Santa Monica College - Your Student Government.

WE are here to serve YOU. As the Associated Students of Santa Monica College, it is our job to make your campus life richer, easier and more memorable. We are a Student Government comprised of students just like you that are dedicated to help their fellow students. There are still challenging positions available: Make a change and stop by at our office - you could soon be working in the A.S. too!

The A.S. Fee & What It Does for You

join - participate - experience - learn - grow

When you enroll in your classes at SMC, there is an A.S. Fee of $19.50 on your receipt. This fee is used to finance those services and events that the Associated Students negotiate and organize for you. Because you pay the A.S. fee, you can:

+ Ride all lines of the Big Blue Bus for free + Buy Discount AMC Movie Tickets for $6 instead of $10+ + Join a Club at SMC and get Funding for your Club + Use $15 worth of Free Printing in the AS Computer Lab + Get Scholarships for Study Abroad Programs and Leadership skills + Receive Free Bicycle Repair at Bikerowave and many more benefits that exceed $19.50 by far! Look forward to the A.S. Newsletter!

Are you a Leader? The A.S. now looking for student leaders to serve as Commissioners, Student Representatives and Committee Members on A.S. Committees! As Commissioners you: + Work with the elected A.S. Directors + Take responsability for large A.S.tasks + Represent your Director in absence As Student Representatives you: + Sit on boards with staff and faculty + Have a voice to change SMC affairs + Represent the students with your vote As Committee Members you: + Use specialized skills as professionals + Work directly on A.S. affairs + Better the A.S. foundation

The A.S. is releasing its first ever newsletter! It will contain information about important A.S. affairs and decisions of the Board of Directors as well as keep the student body informed as to how money is being spent. Also, keep up to date with its “events” section! First issue: 10/3/2011

You can find us, the Associated Students , in the Cayton Center, 2nd floor.


See for yourself! Send “Newsletter” to: or check it out on the A.S. website

Call Us: 310-434-4250




A.S. as it is By Mai Sims . Staff Writer

Scott Smith Corsair A.S. President Harrison Wills at the A.S. meeting on Monday, Oct. 3 in the Cayton Center at Santa Monica College in Santa Monica, Calif. The sixth Associated Students Board Meeting of the fall semester, held on Oct. 3, brought changes that will affect the Santa Monica College students. Early on in the meeting, A.S. Councilor Benny Blaydes announced that the latest payment policy will be adjusted. Starting Winter 2012, students will have to pay their fees within three business days of enrolling. So if a class is added on Friday, all fees are due Wednesday. For students trying to add a class that is full, there will be a wait list for the first five students. When a spot opens up, students from that list will have 24 hours to add the class. This will also be effective this winter. Repeat policies are likewise set to change. Starting this summer, students who receive a “W” for failing to observe the deadline will only be able to retake that class a maximum of three times. “Be aware, a

lot of students don’t drop their classes in time,” Blaydes said. The A.S. is considering a new bicycle policy where any bike not locked up at a proper bike rack can be impounded and held until its owner pays the fine. The fine, according to an SMC Police representative, is $5. “A couple of colleges actually have bikesharing programs, where the Student Government funds bicycles that members can use to get from, say, here to Bundy and [the] A.E.T. Campus,” Wills said. One of the benefits of this program would provide bicycles to students for a fee, enabling them to avoid traffic and the uncertainties of public transportation, while supporting the college’s environmental goals. This subject will be discussed in further meetings. The AS also touched on

sustainability at SMC, and, as a move towards it, a possible transition to duplex printing, where the printers on campus would automatically print on both sides of the page. Duplex printing would save both money and trees. Although some professors have yet to express any support towards the idea of grading two-sided assignments, the A.S. still plans to look into a possible policy change. For now, the students interested in conserving paper must change the printer settings themselves. The A.S. office will be the first to switch to duplex printing, meaning that -all A.S. documents for meetings will be printed on both sides. “In the end of the year, we spend $20,000 on paper; we would save at least $2,000. That’s student money,” said Wills, the A.S. president.




[Continued from page 1] financial aid for documented students, let alone undocumented ones, pointing out that despite of the effort of the DREAM Act, students won’t be able to legally work after completion of their higher education. “Some of these students, who have great intentions to try to improve their work skill sets, won’t be able to get their license, after going through a three year program, like an X-ray technology program for instance,” said Dutton, when addressing the Senate back in 2010. Assemblyman and author of AB 131, Gil Cedillo, representative of the 45th District, focused on human equality, rather than numbers, when addressing the Senate back in 2009. “When they are in the classroom, they don’t get a different exam for undocumented students, that is easier or harder. They don’t get different books or different course work. When they are in school, they pay the same tuition, go to the same science labs and libraries, and use the same resources, but we make it illegal for them to apply for scholarships,” said Cedillo. Natividad Vazquez, Advisor of the MEChA club, which educates students on Chicano history, political and social issues, praised Gil Cedillo’s accomplishments during recent months: ”I hate to say it, but he’s like a saint. He’s been at it for years, almost a decade. The controversial bill has many facets; while opponents, such as Dutton, see future problems not covered by AB 131, supporters argue that the governor’s decision to sign the legislation into law, is a step into the right direction of California’s future, enabling deserving students to create a better life for them and their families. Jesús Vásquez, president of Santa Monica College’s MEChA club, is an undocumented student, who was brought to this country at the age of two. Talking to the Corsair, he said: ”All of us who are undocumented, we want to work, we want to help this country, because this is our country and the only home we know.”


4|A + E


Igudesman & Joo bring Nightmare Music to town with cheer By Juan Lopez · A&E editor One look at their Youtube videos will show that there is something different about Aleksey Igudesman & Hyung-ki Joo. Whether they are playing violin in boxer shorts or singing “I Will Survive” in a high pitch that it clearly wasn’t meant for, they are always trying to keep their act interesting. Their humor isn’t lost even when giving interviews. “Whatever you ask, we have set answers anyway,” says Igudesman in an interview with The Corsair through Skype. “’So how many girls have you slept with this year?’ Then we’ll just say, ‘we love coming to America and performing there.’” Igudesman & Joo, as they are commonly known, are a comedic classical music duo whose best description lies somewhere

“Then one day he came into my room and offered me some fish and chips, which is the local delicacy in England,” says Igudesman. “I hate him, but I love fish and chips. I opted for the food and ever since we’ve been inseparable.” Since then, Joo says they always joked around and wrote skits for parties or cabaret. “When we write, it’s like ping-pong played by two Chinese whiz kids. Not that I’m Chinese,” says Joo, who’s of Korean descent. “If one person hits the ball with an idea the other one hits it back.” According to Joo, even with touring the world over, the one thing that gets them both going is their workshops. “We love having the chance to work with students and giving them the chance to try out some aspects of music making that we found

very ignored in formal training,” says Joo. Their series of workshops, entitled “8 to 88”, signify the varied age groups they hope to draw in to their unique experience. “We try to loosen up the classical players up. We improv and use movement,” says Igudesman. “We think that through movement you can achieve more freedom when you’re playing, and it could be a lot more fun.” Igudesman & Joo bring their antics to The Broad Stage this Saturday, Oct. 15 at 8 p.m. They will also hold their workshop “8 to 88” at The UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music on Oct. 14 at 5 p.m. and at SOL-LA Music Academy located at 1812 Stanford Street in Santa Monica on Oct. 15 at 10 a.m.

between Mozart and Monty Python. They tour the world and show off their comedic act through stage shows and workshops in hopes of converting non-classical music fans and showing that classical music need not be as stiff as its image. The title of their show, “A Little Nightmare Music,” is meant to elicit chaos within the context of classical music. “We don’t make fun of the music,” says Igudesman. “It’s more about making fun of the stiff surroundings of classical music.” The duo has been working together ever since they attended the Yehudi Menuhin School in Eng¬land, though they both attest that they were not immediate friends. “When Hyung-ki says we didn’t get on so well, that is very very very mildly stating it. We hated each other’s guts,” says Igudesman. Courtesy of Elizabeth Weber Hyung-ki Joo of Igudesman & Joo pushing piano across stage during a performance

Halloween chills come early with Screamfest LA By Valerie Serrano · Staff Writer Illustration by Jhosef Hern

With Halloween looming closely, horrorfilm fanatics will be able to enjoy 10 nights of terror, as this year’s Screamfest LA Horror Film Festival kicks off this Friday The 10th annual event will offer a wide assortment of horror films from around the world, including over 22 feature films and shorts, and a free screening for the world premiere of “Wrong Turn 4,” on Oct. 17, at 7:30 p.m. The festival will also screen several new 3-D films including the opening night’s “SECTOR 7,”, which hopes to popularize the medium in its native Korea. Rachel Belofsky, the festival’s founder and director, launched Screamfest in August of 2001 to give independent filmmakers a platform to showcase their work to the industry. Several directors have gained both acclaim and professional representation as a result of their Screamfest participation. In the vein of “Paranormal Activity,” which was their 2007 discovery and became a 2009 box-office hit, two films are vying for top honors this year: “The Tunnel” from Australia, and “Crawl” from the United Kingdom.

After remembering a tour he had taken through an abandoned rail system beneath the city of Sydney, Australia, producer Enzo Tedeschi started to form the premise for the film “The Tunnel.” “The Tunnel” begins as an investigation into a government cover-up. The mystery leads a reporter and her crew into a network of abandoned subway tunnels snaking beneath Sydney. As the journalists hunt for the story, it becomes apparent that the story is hunting them. “We really put a lot of thought into giving the film a distinct point of difference, so I think audiences can expect something that’s a little different, but still delivers on a scare level,” said Tedeschi. “ I still enjoy watching the film with a cinema audience and hearing the squeamish groans from the audience and seeing them jump. That never gets old.” Benjamin China, from Norfolk, England, is the producer of “Crawl,” which is based on an original screenplay by his twin brother Paul China, who directed the film. According to the film festival’s web page, “Crawl” is a character-driven thriller set in an


unidentified rural town. A seedy bar-owner hires a mysterious Croatian to murder an acquaintance over an unpaid debt. The crime is carried out, but a planned double-crossing backfires and an innocent waitress suddenly becomes involved. “We wanted to make a film that was as professional and cinematic as possible. I honestly believe we achieved that,” said the producer. “This is a film, and story, that will hopefully linger in the mind of the viewer long after the final credits have come to an end.” Two films are set to premiere this Saturday. “Crawl” is scheduled for its world premiere at 12 p.m., and “The Tunnel” will have its U.S. premiere at 5 p.m. Benjamin China, producer of “Crawl,” has agreed to provide free tickets to the first 10 readers who contact The Corsair’s calendar section with their names. Tickets will be held at the box office. Screamfest will take place from Oct. 14 to Oct. 23 at the historic Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, located at 6801 Hollywood Boulevard.




Paul Alvarez Corsair

Left: 250 members of the Military arrive at the finish line, for the 450 mile ride across California for the veterans Ride 2 Recovery program. The ride ended on The Pier.

Marie Perez Corsair Above: Veteran Jerry Martinez hugs a dear friend at the concert feauting veterans and family after finishing the Ride 4 Recovery Challenge on Saturday, October 8, 2011 in Santa Monica, California.

Jeannie Cole Corsair

Left:Shannon Geaney and Michael Walker were amoung 250 members of the Military to complete a seven day, 450 mile ride through California, for the Ride 2 Recovery program. The program helps injured veterans improve their health and wellness through cycling.

Above: Participants of The Veterans Ride 2 Recovery have pedaled 450 miles down the Pacific Coast Highway of California, to reach finish line at The Santa Monica Pier in Santa Monica, Calif. The event raised money to help support veterans across the

Jeannie Cole Corsair








Why soy serious? By Amber Antonopoulos · Staff Writer Before Sue Bull was diagnosed with estrogen-positive ductal carcinoma in 2008, she used to hate almond milk. After two different doctors told the 58-year-old survivor to stay away from soy, she’s grown fond of the richer-tasting vanilla-flavored almond milk varieties. Doing everything she could to stay healthy, Bull stayed away from soy. Soy has been widely acclaimed as a nutritional superfood, but recent health concerns have tarnished its healthful reputation. “The thinking is that it’s dangerous to increase the amount of estrogen in your body once you’ve had an estrogen-positive cancer,” Bull said. According to Understanding Nutrition, a nutrition textbook used at Santa Monica College, soybeans are rich in isoflavones, a type of phytochemical—more specifically, phytoestrogen—structurally similar to the hormone estrogen. They can “weakly mimic or modulate the effects of estrogen in the body,” which has raised some potential concerns, most notably for estrogen-positive breast cancer survivors. “Currently, it is typically recommended that women with a history of breast cancer avoid soy, and consult with their physician about whether soy is contraindicated,” said SMC nutrition professor and registered dietitian Deborah Novak. However, results from a 2009 study from the Journal of the American Medical Association—performed on 5,042 breast cancer survivors to assess the possible link between soy consumption and breast cancer recurrence—suggest that “moderate soy food intake is safe, and potentially beneficial, for women with breast cancer.” “I have talked with another doctor recently who thinks it’s okay to have soy occasionally,” Bull said. “I think one has to do whatever it takes to help you sleep at night and not worry. I still do worry about it coming back, but I know I did the best I could to improve my situation.” According to the Harvard Health Letter, isoflavones in soy are not only “estrogen impersonators,” but also estrogen “opponents.” As such, when moderately consumed throughout life, soy may actually generate protective effects against cancers. “Some research shows that [the isoflavones in soy] may actually be beneficial, in that they bond onto the receptors for estrogen,” Novak said. “That then reduces the impact on the body’s endogenous estrogen, and this actually may reduce the risk of breast cancer.” For men, consuming products that may yield estrogen-like effects seems counterintuitive, and there has been increasing apprehension about the effects of soy intake on males. But according to a study from the Department of Nutrition at the Loma Linda University School of Public Health, “isoflavones do not exert feminizing effects

on men at intake levels equal to, and even considerably higher than are typical for Asian males.” “There is no evidence that soy affects men’s health or fertility,” Novak said. “Men who are obese actually have a high level of endogenous estrogen that is produced by adipose cells, so there are other factors that have a much bigger impact on men regarding estrogen than their soy intake.” According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 94 percent of all soybean crops in the U.S. in 2011 were genetically engineered with herbicide- or insectresistant traits. The World Health Organization defines genetically modified organisms as “organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally.” The Food and Drug Administration maintains that genetically modified foods do not have significant differences, nor do they present greater safety risks than their traditional counterparts. However, the genetic engineering of crops remains a controversial issue, as its many adversaries worry about the repercussions of biotechnology. These concerns include environmental and human health issues such as potential allergic reactions, the transferring of genetically modified genes into humans through consumption of GMOs, and the unintentional outcrossing of modified genes into conventional plants, according to the WHO. “By definition, organic soy cannot be genetically modified.” Novak said. “So organic soy does not include any GMOsoy, and if it does not say ‘organic,’ it can definitely be GMO. Probably in many cases, [it] is.” Despite the hearsay surrounding soy, the evidence of its health benefits remains strong.. “Soy is fairly well-supported for reducing the risk of heart disease,” according to Novak, due to the possibility of its ability to lower levels of triglycerides and cholesterol. The phytochemicals in soybeans act like antioxidants, and soy is an excellent source of important nutrients such as protein, fiber and healthy unsaturated fats. Because of its lack of cholesterol, minimal saturated fat and high protein content, soy is an adequate substitute to animal products. “The health benefits, especially the role the phytochemicals play in potentially reducing the risk for cancer, come from whole soy products like tofu and edamame,” Novak said. “Soy milk is a great alternative to cow’s milk. It has almost the same amount of protein, and is fortified to provide the same micronutrients. The benefits of making a moderate intake of soy a regular part of one’s diet outweigh any potential risks,” said Novak.

Sequoia Ziff Corsair Soy has been widely acclaimed as a superfood, but recent concerns have tarnished its healthful reputation.

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By Mia Shilpi · Staff Writer


brings hope to undocumented students

On October 8, Gov. Brown signed the California DREAM Act into law, opening up college aid to undocumented immigrant students across the state. AB 131 allows state funds to be used for financial aid to undocumented immigrant students, and is also the partner to the other half of the California DREAM Act, AB 130, which was signed into law in July 2011 and allows for private scholarships to be granted to undocumented immigrant students. The laws will go into effect on January 1, 2013, and will grant the “American Dream” to many immigrant students in California. Signing such laws is always a contentious political issue, and this new law comes into effect at the same time as tyrannical anti-immigrant laws are put into place in Alabama and the already established antiimmigrant laws in Arizona. Many politicians see these laws as a huge blow to California. In a letter to Gov. Brown, Assemblyman Tim Donnelly asked him to veto the legislation, stating, “Citizens are having a hard enough time getting the classes they need now.” This is a plight many SMC students are familiar with, and technically, once undocumented immigrant students can get financial aid, they will take up class seats. Meanwhile, conservative broadcasters across the airwaves are decrying the states that dare to encourage illegal immigration and grant

them rights to educate themselves. What these politicians and pundits fail to realize is that immigrants are not trying to invade America, but rather follow the path to a better life. These politicians hold up the “American Dream” on a pedestal, but then get angry when immigrants try to follow this ultimate goal that America is known for globally. They are convinced that immigrants come to America only to rob the country’s benefits before returning to their home countries. Simply put, this is not always the case. The reality is that most undocumented immigrant students, affected by the law, will be students who were brought to America as young children and were raised to be American. It is pointless to punish children for their parents’ actions; rather than spend tons of taxpayer money on trying to get rid of them, it will be much more beneficial to the state in the long run to instead invest in their betterment. These are students who will go on to work in America for American employers, and pay taxes like everyone else. The downside is that while these students will be able to obtain a college degree, they won’t be able to work legally in America through this law, as citizenship can only be granted at the federal level. Many pundits bemoan how the law will

bankrupt the state and will deny American citizens and legal students places in college, claiming illegal immigrants will overrun the state education systems. Yet, the numbers suggest otherwise. Out of the 3.34 million students enrolled in community college and state universities, less than 38,000 are estimated to be undocumented immigrant students. In state universities, the law would allow for a little over 3,600 students to be eligible for financial aid. At community colleges, about 1.2 percent of students would be eligible. Plus, not everyone will get aid, since the bulk of the state aid is granted based on academic performance. This means that out of all the new students eligible for aid, only a limited portion will earn it. America is a nation built on immigration. With the exception of tribal Native Americans, everyone in the U.S. is either an immigrant or a descendent of one. This rash of immigrant hatred is nothing new to the nation, xenophobia having reared its ugly head many times

in our history. However, past waves of immigration have always had the same results with more of the damage coming from hatred against immigrants, rather

Illustration by Jhosef Hern

than immigrants themselves. While the results can be rocky in the short, but in the long run, immigration helps all Americans, citizens and immigrants alike.

B r i n gi n g S M C s tu dy abr oad p r og r a m ba c k on boar d

“ahh.. study abroad?”

By Luana Kasahara · Staff Writer

Illustration by Jhosef Hern

Studying abroad can be a mixed experience for students who desire cultural adventures while working towards their education but nowadays, most students cannot afford to take advantage of these benefits. The insufferable economy not only affects the Santa Monica College study abroad program’s, which prevents domestic students who aim to improve their curriculum and knowledge by studying abroad. Due to this economic climate, students tend to stray away from these programs and it seems that studying abroad became a luxury far from being affordable. This is not something that should affect students; especially those who wish to broaden their knowledge globally. Recently the SMC study abroad programs were canceled due to low enrollment. The Winter 2010 session offered three

programs (Egypt, Mexico, and South Africa) to SMC students and none of them reached the minimum of the 25-participants needed to proceed with the programs. Students who wanted to study abroad in one of these programs were not able to go due to the cancellations. “It appears that the weak economy largely is to blame because all three programs had received inquiries throughout the Fall from interested students only to fall short as deposit deadlines arrived,” according to the Board of Trustees Sept. 6 meeting. The Associate Students had an important role in the previous years for the study abroad program by supporting it with scholarships, totaling $68,000 for Summer 2010 alone. But this year, due to cuts of SMC’s budget, the A.S. could offer only $20,000 in scholarship support. Though a considerable amount of money, it was not enough to support all students interested in going overseas and did not help fill up the needed 25-participant slots. The study abroad program is an essential part of SMC’s Global Citizenship Initiative, which encourages students to experience different cultures and bring back their acquired knowledge to SMC. This prompted the SMC Board of Trustees to discuss the importance of this program’s continuation at the Sept. 6 meeting. It

is a priority for SMC to bring the Study Abroad program back so students enjoy the benefits. “Our aim is not to send 68 young people overseas…we need to send a larger number to make a difference and we know that this is one of the most influential experiences that anybody can have and achieve,” said Dr. Chui L. Tsang, President of SMC. The study abroad program’s committees co-chairs, Nancy Grass Hemmert and Garen Baghdasarian, produced a “preliminary master plan” to improve the program by creating additional funding sources to provide study abroad opportunities to diverse students with scholarships. The plan also assures that the program does not get cancelled again in the future. This will give SMC students a chance to plan an educational trip abroad and gain knowledge that they can share with other SMC students. “Using successful South Africa and Mexico-based Latin American programs as models, SMC will complete its continuing efforts to create similar centers for study abroad in both Turkey and China, with the goal of running at least one program per year in each of the four centers,” according to the Board of Trustees Sept. 6 meeting. SMC is facing a delicate, financial situation and needs to wisely decide the allocations of their budget. “I’m going to work very hard this year to make sure that we do find a source of funding for this


important project, so programs such as the study abroad program can be supported without interruption in the future,” said Tsang. While waiting for the continuation of the study abroad program, SMC is promoting other international opportunities available to community college students at low costs, which will help SMC students plan a more educational school year. According to the same Board of Trustees meeting, “short-term volunteer abroad tours will be offered by STA Travel in 30 countries with its non-profit agency, Planeterra.” Also, BUNAC, another nonprofit, offers work abroad programs in the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and France for a short-term period. The German government offers a work-study internship for a full year at the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for those who want to learn the German language and culture. The International Students Center promotes several cultural, gastronomic and sports-related events to connect international students to domestic students. Being able to participate in a study abroad program will expand a student’s educational horizon as well as enhancing professional and personal life-goals. It is certain that once a student gets the experience and knowledge from a study abroad program, the effects last a lifetime.




Slow start ends in big finish for Corsairs By Wayne Neal . Staff Writer The Santa Monica College Corsairs came out of their bye week this past Saturday, looking to end a two-game losing streak and start conference play 1-0. The Corsairs did just that, beating the Santa Barbara Vaqueros 33-9. “We don’t think about Santa Barbara. That is just the latest opponent that is going to line up against us. We worry about us and how we perform,” said Corsair head coach Gifford Lindheim a week before the game. “If we take care of our part, we’re going to be just fine.” The first-half started off rocky for SMC, as they made numerous mistakes and committed costly turnovers that the Vaqueros capitalized on. The Corsairs’ first series led to a quick three-and-out, forcing them to punt. However, a botched snap forced SMC punter, Jose Esquiviel to kick the ball through the back of the end zone, resulting in a safety. On the Vaqueros next offensive play, running back Chad Wright broke off a 52yard touchdown run, putting them up 9-0. The Corsairs’ offense squandered away a possible scoring opportunity when running back Myles Johnson fumbled the ball at Santa Barbara’s 18-yard line, which was recovered by SBCC. Lindheim was frustrated by his struggling offense’s scuffles, as they would turn the ball over again. This time it was on an Alfonso Medina interception that seemed to give the Vaqueros all the momentum. Yet as time ticked away in the second quarter, the Corsairs capitalized



on a 17-yard touchdown pass from Medina to wide receiver Aaron Jones that resulted in a 9-7 halftime score. “You can’t turn the ball over,” Lindhiem said at halftime. “You can’t be a successful offense that way.” The Corsairs would continue their efforts in the second half, when running back Alfonso Frederick fumbled away another scoring opportunity for the Corsairs. The Corsairs were stunned by the fumble as they felt the game slipping away. Late in the third quarter, the game turned in favor for the Corsairs when Vaqueros return man Manny Hernandez fumbled at SMC’s 49-yard line and was recovered by SMC running back Daniel Pipkin. The fumble recovery appeared to energize the Corsairs. Three plays later, Johnson scored on an 18-yard run. A failed two-point conversion put the score at 13-9 in favor of the visitors. Following the touchdown, the SMC defense would continue their stellar play. A Vaqueros fumble late in the third quarter was recovered by Pipkin, which led to a SMC score on the very next play. Medina connected with wide receiver Kriss Comass on a 30-yard pass to put the Corsairs up 20-9 entering the fourth quarter. SMC would continue to pressure the Vaqueros with sound defense and two more touchdown passes from Medina sealed the 33-9 victory for the Corsairs. Medina would finish the game throwing for 339 yards, four touchdowns and an interception, on 20 for 29 passing. Comass finished the game with 5 receptions, 105

Greatest Sports Memory? In my senior year of high school, I was able to compete in CIF, which was our high school’s division for finals, in both swimming and water polo. To qualify, swimming was based on personal times, and for water polo it was based on your teams’ seasonal record. My water polo team made it to the second round, but then lost. Who influences you, and why? Professional water polo players and professional swimmers in general; I feel they really set the standard. Also watching them play really helps me because I see how they do certain moves, and learn from them. If you could have lunch with anybody, who would it be? Tony Azevedo. He is the top water polo player on earth. Right now he is on the U.S. National Team, so I would definitely have some questions to ask him, and for tips. What was the last movie you saw? I watched “Iron Man 2” today.

Photo by Amanda Bojorquez

Year: Sophomore Sport: Water Polo Position: Driver Hometown: Both Santa Monica and Culver City, California Major: Communications

Favorite hobby outside sports? I am a musician. I have been playing the guitar since I was 9 years old. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? To be able to teleport; I’m late all the time, so it would really help me. Favorite family tradition? On my birthday and my brother’s birthday my family always goes to an amusement park, like Disney or Magic Kingdom. It’s so much fun. Plans after SMC? I am transferring either to UC Santa Barbara or CSU Long Beach. I want to continue my major in Communications and swim or do water polo, even if it’s for club or intramural.

receiving yards, and two touchdowns. Even though on paper Pipkin didn’t have an outstanding game, in the eyes of Assistant Coach Steven Garcia, he made a huge contribution to the game. “The guy is a football player,” Garcia said “he got his opportunity and shined.” Defensively, the Corsairs forced seven turnovers and were led by defensive lineman Gerald Blockman, who had 10 total tackles and a fumble recovery. Defensive back Ricardo Wright also came up big with two interceptions.

Roger Morante Corsair SMC wide receiver Brandon Taylor picks up 22 yards in his only reception of the night against Santa Barbara Oct. 8 at Santa Barbara. Taylor managed to hang on to the ball after being tackled by Santa Barbara’s Mike Spiritosanto.

The Corsairs are now 3-2 on the season. Their next game is at Los Angeles Southwest College this Saturday at 6 p.m.

How can water polo become more popular? It’s not well-known because it is only really popular in California and Hawaii. I think that’s because it isn’t televised, so to get more people to know about it, it should either be on TV or just spread by word of mouth. It could get more popular by getting your friends to play and just get people talking about it. How did you get into water polo? I felt I was a strong swimmer in high school, so when I was trying out it turned out water polo was the fall sport at my high school. The coach just kind of said I was on the water polo team after try outs, so I just hopped in and started playing. If you could play any other sport on the college level, what would it be? I would play baseball. I didn’t like the environment I was playing in or the people I was playing with when I was younger, but lately I have really been missing it.

Alex Myers has 11 goals since the start of the season and has scored in each game so far. In a 12-10 victory against L.A. Trade Tech, he had five goals. Myers had two goals against El Camino, but SMC lost 7-15. He scored once facing Santa Ana, but his team lost 5-7. When SMC challenged Saddleback College, Myers scored three goals, but his team lost in overtime, 1516. The Corsairs water polo team will compete at the Citrus Mini Tournament on Saturday. Their next home games will be on Oct. 19 against L.A. Valley College at 3 p.m., and Oct. 26 against Citrus, also at 3 p.m.



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