Your Partner for Professional Learning
Build district capacity with Corwin Institutes
Contact your account manager at (800) 831-6640 or visit
Thoughtful professional learning designed around your initiatives Corwin offers multi-day institutes that provide collaborative, collegial learning with the top education experts in the country. Keynote presentations and interactive breakout sessions provide your teams with tools, ideas, and action plans ready for immediate implementation. Our flexible options allow you to build a program that aligns with your budget, your timeline, and your goals! We also offer the following services to support your professional learning program: • Develop a custom institute that will help participants build a set of skills around the topics that matter the most in your district • Access our marketing and sales support team to help you promote the event in your region • Utilize our experience with logistics and planning to select and book the venue, register attendees, cater the event, and much more • Have an exclusive event website for easy online access to event information and registration • Receive customized on-site materials • Choose from the top authors and speakers in the industry and receive the training that matters the most to your educators and initiatives • Enjoy a well-organized, thoughtful event where participants can engage with valuable PD during interactive sessions with team members and top authors
Contact your Account Manager at 800-831-6640
Bring These Authors and Experts to You! Here are some of the reputable authors and topic experts we have brought to our institute partners.
John Hattie
Jim Knight
Michael Fullan
Russell Quaglia
Marcia Tate
Randy Lindsey
Kikanza Nuri-Robins
Doug Fisher
Yong Zhao
Peter DeWitt
Gary Howard
Andy Hargreaves
Joellen Killion
Rick Stiggins
George Couros
Learn more at
What customers are saying… “[The presenter] had an excellent grasp on the needs of trainers and teachers pertaining to implementation of the Common Core. I feel that the two days helped me sort through some of the questions I had about the CCSS. This Institute provided all teachers in our corner of the state the opportunity to hear nationally renowned education leaders without having to leave home!” —Phoebe B., Director “This was so powerful. It was moving beyond belief and inspirational.” —Valerie C., Assistant Superintendent
“Certainly, the content and applications exceeded my expectations. Even better, I have resources from all over the world to help me define and achieve success for our students. I am ready to make an impact with my staff & students.” —Anna F., School Leader
Contact your Account Manager at 800-831-6640
“This experience was incredibly worthwhile because it provided clarity of what provides impact, how I can lead it and support it.” —Tabitha B., School Leader “Working with Corwin to bring the Cultural Proficiency work to our schools was a pleasure. They have the experience needed to organize large-scale events and the speakers to deliver outstanding, educational presentations. I look forward to working with Corwin in the future to continue the discussion of critical issues such as diversity, equity, and opportunity.” —John K., Coordinator of Cultural Proficiency “Learning Forward Texas has previously worked with Corwin to coordinate a Cultural Proficiency Institute. We enjoy partnering with Corwin because they are knowledgeable, professional yet personable, and serious about the work they are doing.” —Bergeron H., Executive Director
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Visible Learningplus Institute Introduce the core concepts and research of Visible Learning, an in-depth school change model of professional learning and development based on the research of Professor John Hattie with this two-day institute. Learn to systematically examine effective instructional practice in order to determine the “impact” on student achievement and learning.
Participants will: • Recognize and implement high effect size instructional strategies and make adjustments to focus on what works best in light of what the research shows • Learn how to calculate an effect size to measure progress and understand the importance of examining one’s impact • Discover why a culture of effective feedback is essential in a school and district, and learn strategies to make learning visible by giving and receiving effective feedback Learn more at
Visible Learning Consultants
There are more than twenty Visible Learning consultants that have been trained to facilitate keynote and breakout sessions. They will create an instructional design content plan that will speak to your district’s priorities and incorporate techniques for incorporating the Visible Learning research into your professional practice.
Speakers include: This two-day conference provides an interactive venue for educators and academics to share best practices; make connections; discuss trends, needs, case studies, and breakthroughs; and visualize the future of innovative, inviting learning environments.
Also available:
Ainsley Rose
Dave Nagel
Jenni Donohoo
Harry Dickens
Peter DeWitt
Avis Glaze
Julie Smith
Ray Smith
Sonja Hollins-Alexander Laura Besser Paul Bloomberg B.R. Jones Robert Hess Kelley King Ruth Mattingley Mary Jane O’Connell Barb Pitchford Lyn Sharratt Tracey Shiel Kara Vandas
Attend an upcoming Visible Learningplus Institute. Turn to page 18 for a list of upcoming events.
Contact your Account Manager at 800-831-6640
Annual Visible Learningplus Conference Participants will: • Focus on the evidence base of John Hattie and other thought leaders, along with the actions of teachers around the world, to understand the impact educators are having on student outcomes • Network with some of the top educational researchers in the world • Learn from educators around the world who have put Visible Learning methods into practice
Learn more at
Who attends? Diverse educators from across the country attend this institute. See what roles typically attend.
Annual Conference 2015
INFLUENCE AND IMPACT Become Evaluators of Your Effect
JULY 13–14, 2015 // SAN ANTONIO, TX
Learn more at
Teaching | Learning | Coaching Annual Conference Explore how whole school reform is enhanced when principals, teachers, and coaches use team planning, effective workshops, and effective support to improve student learning.
Participants will: • Understand recent research and innovations about instructional coaching, including significant improvements to the instructional coaching cycle, and how coaches can use video • Learn how to coach teachers to dramatically increase student engagement • Deepen their understanding of coaching practices which increases student learning through effective instruction such as project-based learning • Learn essential coaching skills that address all aspects of coaching • Understand the characteristics of highly effective coaches 8
Who attends? Diverse educators from across the country attend this institute. See what roles typically attend.
Contact your Account Manager at 800-831-6640
2015 Teaching | Learning | Coaching Conference Speakers: Jim Knight | Randy Sprick | Rick Stiggins
Save the Date! October 26–28, 2015 Denver Marriott City Center 1701 California Street Denver, Colorado
Register today at
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Cultural Proficiency Institute What is Cultural Proficiency? The Cultural Proficiency Institute is designed to bring educators together to discuss critical issues of diversity, equity and opportunity. Cultural Proficiency is a model for shifting the culture of a school or district by providing a framework for effectively describing, responding to, and planning for issues that arise in diverse environments. Cultural Proficiency provides the lens by which we examine achievement gaps and ensure that each demographic group is addressed in effective ways that lead to desired outcomes.
Tools of Cultural Proficiency Principles: The values that serve as the foundation and move individuals and organizations along the path toward cultural proficiency. Barriers: Unawareness of the Need to Adapt, Resistance to Change, A Sense of Entitlement, and Systems of Privilege and Oppression.
Continuum: Language describing situations and events that range from Cultural Destruction to Cultural Proficiency. Elements: Assessing Culture, Valuing Diversity, Managing the Dynamics of Difference, Adapting to Diversity, and Institutionalizing Cultural Knowledge. These elements provide the standards for planning, implementing and evaluating one’s work.
Contact your Account Manager at 800-831-6640
The Cultural Proficiency Institute features three strands: • Introduction to the Tools of Cultural Proficiency • Going Deeper With Cultural Proficiency • Voices from the Field Learn more at
Who attends? Diverse educators from across the country attend this institute. See what roles typically attend.
Attend an upcoming Cultural Proficiency Institute! Turn to page 18 for a list of upcoming events.
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Deep Equity Real Change, One School at a Time Gary Howard has dedicated his life to transform educator mindsets and improve outcomes for diverse students in schools and districts. Deep Equity, the culmination of Gary Howard’s work is a comprehensive and systemic professional development process that is sustained over many years and aimed at producing the deep personal, professional, and organizational transformations that are necessary to create equitable places of learning for all of our children. This program engages educators in the real work of school reform from the bottom-up.
Fundamental Five Phases PHASE 1: TONE AND TRUST
Deep Equity Institutes Participants will: • Build a climate of constructive collaboration and transcend the rhetoric of shame and blame • Get tools to help gather real-time data about school climate • Define cultural competence and connect it with student outcomes • Explore issues of privilege, power, and difference and link issues of dominance to current educational inequities • Learn which classroom interactions are most effective in reaching the full spectrum of diverse learners using the 7 Principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching
Attend an upcoming Deep Equity Institute. Turn to page 19 for a list of upcoming events.
Contact your Account Manager at 800-831-6640
Youth Leadership A holistic and sustainable system-wide equity reform program needs the support and buy-in of the people served—its students. The New Wilderness Project, led by Benjie Howard and Wade Colwell-Sandoval, builds teams of motivated, informed, and passionate student advocates prepared to support reform efforts. This powerful program can be delivered in conjunction with a Deep Equity Institute.
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Scan here to hear a student explain this program through poetry.
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Listen. Learn. Lead. In order to truly teach our students, we must first be willing to listen. Only they can tell us their hopes and dreams for the future—essential information if we are to successfully inspire and prepare them for what lies ahead. By encouraging students to have a voice, and being open to what they have to say, you can create a community of collaborative and motivated learners. These one-day institutes, based on the work of Russell J. Quaglia and Michael J. Corso, will explore how students’ aspirations can drive school reform and improve achievement.
Participants will: 14
• Learn the impact of Aspirations and Student Voice in schools and gain an understanding of the Aspirations Framework and how to utilize Student Voice for improving teaching and learning • Learn how to ensure that the work they are doing fosters a school environment characterized by positive relationships, engaged learning, and sense of purpose • Discover the ingredients of an engaged classroom and school environment • Uncover how to incorporate student voice and the skills of emergent leadership into a creative, practical approach for improving the teaching and learning environment
Learn more at
Attend a Student Voice Institute! See upcoming events on page 19.
Contact your Account Manager at 800-831-6640
EmpowerEd Institute Summary Cultivate empowered, adaptable, and self-directed learners through best practices in the use of educational technology and 21st Century pedagogy. Sessions at this two-day institute will focus on emerging trends and research-based strategies in leadership, implementation, professional development, and instruction. Learn from innovative thought leaders, including George Couros, Peter DeWitt, Steven Anderson, Erin Klein, Tom Whitby, Mark Barnes, and Rafranz Davis. Attendees will: • Develop a strong vision for leading a 21st Century school • Create a plan for a successful technology implementation • Learn the value and impact of being a Connected Educator • Personalize professional learning for yourself and for educators throughout your school • Master effective strategies for integrating technology into instruction • Foster creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation in every learner Institute Strands: Leadership Successfully implementing technology in your school starts with a strong vision. Develop a plan for gathering data, rolling out devices, providing PD, and aligning curricula. Implementation Choosing devices, finding funds, and dealing with daily maintenance can be the most daunting aspect, but it doesn’t have to be! Learn from the experts. Professional Development Teaching with technology doesn’t always come naturally. Prepare your staff with personalized training to help them provoke creativity, collaboration, and creativity in students. Become a Connected Educator to learn best practices from the global community of educators. Instruction Once teachers and students have devices, learn to improve instruction with the most effective teaching strategies, such as blended and flipped learning.
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Attend an EmpowerEd Institute! See page 19 for upcoming events.
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Solutions you want. Experts you trust. Results you need.
Corwin Professional Learning Programs Sustainable improvement in student achievement requires time, resources, and the right partners with the right solutions. For over 25 years, Corwin has helped schools and districts across the country put the research of leading experts into action for the benefit of teachers and students. Come see how our comprehensive solutions can help you achieve your district’s long-term goals.
Online Professional Learning 16
Corwin eCourses support new skill development for all educators by providing a structured learning experience that includes reading assignments, examples, opportunities for guided practice, and concrete takeaways.
Deliver quality Corwin content to every educator in your school or district! Explore our curated collections or create your own custom collection from our library of 1200+ eBooks and videos.
Professional learning on the issues that matter most to you.
Why work with Corwin? • We offer solutions from the top experts in education. • Our programs combine research with practical application to make an impact in schools. • We know success doesn’t happen overnight. As an independent company for over 25 years, we’re with you for the long haul.
On-Site Professional Learning 17
Bring your favorite authors to your school or district! Corwin author consultants are available for keynotes, workshops, seminars, coaching, and long-term consulting.
By partnering with Corwin to bring a 2-day institute to your region, you can deliver a customized agenda and develop a common language, knowledge base, and set of skills around the topics that matter most in your district.
Call 800-831-6640 or visit
2015 Institutes VISIBLE LEARNINGPLUS INSTITUTE In partnership with Grants & Research Office June 17-18 Twin Cities, MN
ANNUAL VISIBLE LEARNINGPLUS CONFERENCE July 13-14 San Antonio, TX Featuring John Hattie
CULTURAL PROFICIENCY In partnership with Education Plus June 22-23 St. Louis, MO
Contact your Account Manager at 800-831-6640
2015 Institutes STUDENT VOICE INSTITUTE May 15 Oahu, HI
2015 TEACHING | LEARNING | COACHING CONFERENCE October 26-28 Denver, CO Featuring Jim Knight
Register for a Corwin Institute at
Liz Monsma
Bill Maurer
Jennifer Peace
Kelly Valentine
Craig Hampton Serving LA, TX Ext. 7486
Brian Roy Serving AK, WA, OR, ID, NV, CA, UT, AZ Ext. 7646
Jan Achterof Serving MI Ext. 7384
Liz Monsma Serving MT, WY, ND, SD, MN, IA, MO, WI, IL, IN, OH, PA, and HI Ext. 7119
Bill Maurer Serving TN, AL, GA and FL Ext. 7340
Jennifer Peace Serving ME, NH, MA, CT, RI, VT, NY, NJ, DE, MD, VA, WV, KY, NC, SC and Washington D.C Ext. 7626
Kelly Valentine Serving CO, NM, KS, OK, AR, NE, MS and Canada Ext. 7392
Craig Hampton
Brian Roy
Jan Achterhof
Let’s build an institute to match your needs! Reach out to us at 800-831-6640
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