The Working Tools Masonic Magazine August 2012

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Aug 2012 Issue #54


Australian Freemasons being banned from – Occultism, Sorcery, Alchemy, Astrology, Mysticism, Transcendentalism, Supernaturalism, Druidism, and Rosicrucianism. Find out why inside. Pg. 24

In Memory of llustrious Brother Ernest Borgnine 33° Pg. 20

Featuring articles of Masonic interest and education by Freemasons for Freemasons. 1

Coming in September Two options of The Working Tools Magazine Electronic Format 1. “The Working Tools Light”- Free sample of The Working Tools Masonic magazine. Includes several of the articles you’ll find in the full version.





2. “The Working Tools”- $1.99. Full version magazine. Over 50 Pages of Masonic Interests and News. Articles covering all topics of Masonry, dedicated sections for Scottish Rite & York Rite Masonry.



Printed Version Get your TWT mailed to your home as a PROFESSIONALLY printed and bound hardcopy magazine. Don’t have a tablet but want to take your TWT with you, NOW YOU CAN!!! Brethren feedback has been nothing but spectacular. $7.95/month single issue or $7.00 for a yearly subscription.

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24 N. Franklin Turnpike Ramsey, NJ 201-934-4020

Regular Communications Every 2nd & 4th Thursday Except July and August

Visiting Brethren Always Welcomed To Join Us For Fellowship 4 Staff Editor in Chief Cory Sigler Assistant Editor Scott Schwartzberg Subscriber Information Published monthly as both Electronic and Printed formats. Individual printed copies available for $7.95 an Issue (US) & $10.95 (Canada/EU) Subscriptions available for Single Issue, Lodge 3 Pack or Lodge 5 Pack At $7.00/Copy (US)

Submission Information Submissions can be sent to Authors retain full rights of their published works.

Postal Master Send address changes to The Working Tools Magazine. Po Box 72. Allendale, NJ 07401


The Working Tools Masonic Magazine

OPEN LETTER TO THE READERS On pages two and three of this issue you see a whole bunch of changes for The Working Tools Magazine. Probably the biggest change is the two different versions of the electronic format (PDF). Starting with the September issue there will be a FREE sample called “The Working Tools Light” and the full version that will still be called “The Working Tools”. Your probably asking why we made the decision to start charging $1.99 for the PDF when it has been free since January 2006? The simple answer is economics of running this publication. Creating this monthly magazine does cost a lot of time and money. It takes me and the writers all month to put it together using resources that aren’t cheap. Secondly, in order to keep the articles coming in as first class as they have been it is my opinion that the writers need to be compensated. Putting together TWT has always been done with passion and done as a labor of love, however I can not pay the writers what they deserve out of my pocket alone.

The decision to do this did not come easy but in the long run to keep TWT going it was necessary. We feel that the $1.99 price (less than a cup of coffee) for a monthly magazine with this much content was very reasonable and fair for all. If you do not use Paypal, email me and I’ll be happy to help you out. Also starting in September, if you purchase the printed version (single issue or yearly subscription) you will get the PDF for free. Not a bad deal at all! My goal has always been to make TWT the best monthly independent Masonic magazine in the US. Now with the two PDF versions, the Printed magazine, The IOS Newsstand Application, and the team we have in place we are definitely closer to our goal. Until next time...

Cory Sigler, Cory Sigler, Editor In Chief Past Master, Hawthorne Fortitude #200 Find me on Facebook: NEW EMAIL - TWTMAG@YAHOO.COM


General news and Information Ask The Readers


One Minute Mason


Robert Cooper

This Month in Masonry

Cory Sigler 10


Fred Miliken 14

17 19

In Memory of Ernest Borgnine



Paul C. Smith


Shawn Gorley


Kevin Wardally


David Browning John Nagy

Click on the page numbers to quickly jump to that page



Sam Katz


Grand Lodge Spotlight

Old Tyler Talks

Matt Johnson


Word of the Month


Featured Writers



Jacob Lucas

45 & 47

Barry Newall


Richard Vickery


Appendant Bodies York Rite


Scottish Rite


The Working Tools is published monthly by Corsig Publishing & Cory Sigler, It is not affiliated with any Grand Lodge. Letters or inquiries should be directed to Cory Sigler, Editor, at E-mail: All letters become the property of the Working Tools. Photographs and articles should be sent to the attention of the Editor. Every effort will be made to return photographs but this cannot be guaranteed. Please include a selfaddressed stamped envelope. The Editor reserves the right to edit all materials received. 6 6

This Months Contributors Scott Schwartzberg Raised in 2007 at USS New Jersey No. 62 in Cherry Hill, NJ, Scott is currently Marshall of Boynton Lodge No. 236, Boynton Beach, FL. He is one of the founding members of Boynton Lodge Esoteric Research Group (B.L.E.R.G.), a member of the SR Bodies at the Valley of Lake Worth, and YR Bodies of Ft. Lauderdale.

Dr. John S. Nagy is a Master Mason and author of the “Building Series” of Masonic Education books. His books

and his workshops cover aspects of Masonry designed to Build Better Builders. You can find out more about him, his books and his workshops through his website at: Matt Johnson Matt Johnson is a member of Pioneer Lodge #82 in Arizona.. Matt is also a new member of

Arizona Chapter #1 and the Scottish Rite. Jacob Lucas is interested in the history of the Craft and its ritual. He is an officer in his Symbolic Lodge, as well as his Scottish Rite Valley and York Rite Bodies. He provides Masonic Education at meetings.

Shawn M. Gorley Raised to Master Mason at Mountain Lodge # 281 in Altoona PA. He is a member of The Masonic Society, The Philalethes and currently working toward level one certification in the Pennsylvania Academy of Masonic Knowledge.

Barry Newell Raised to Master Mason in 2006 in Oriental Lodge #60, Boise ID. WM in 2009. Served as Excellent High Priest for Boise Chapter #3, RAM, and currently sit as Illustrious Master for Idaho Council #1, Cryptic Masons. I also sit as Generalissimo for Idaho Commandery #1. I am also a member of the Order of the High Priesthood and the York Rite College. Member Scottish Rite since 2011. David Browning David Browning is a Master Mason and is installed as the Senior Deacon of Selma Lodge 320 in Selma, North Carolina. He is a Certified Lecturer and is currently serving as the District Deputy Grand Lecturer for the 16th Masonic District. He resides with his wife and three children in NC.

Paul C. Smith P.M. of Rockingham Lodge No. 76 in Candia, NH the Founding Master of General Court Lodge No. 1784 (America’s only special, legislative lodge) and is the Founding and Current Master of Phoenix Lodge, U.D.; New Hampshire’s first TO lodge. He is a trustee of NH MasoniCare and is currently serving as a Grand Steward. He is a member of The Masonic Society, the Scottish Rite, York Rite, AMD, SRICF, Royal Order of Scotland, SYRCNA and Order of Knight Masons.

Sam Katz Raised April 1992, Certified to Master the 3 Blue Lodge Degrees by January 1993 and appointed an Instructor of Philadelphia Temple School of Instruction, 1995 served as Worshipful Master of Equity Lodge #591, PA F&AM, 2006 joined Endeavor Lodge #17 DE AF&AM, a dual member of Union Lodge #7, served as Marshal in the Divan of PP James T. Ruby of NUR Shrine in 2011, coordinator of Sussex County Shepherds Unit, appointed an Ambassador for the Valley of Lower Delaware of the AASR-NMJ and the webmaster for, and Kevin P. Wardally- In Masonry Kevin follows his Grandfather Henry Blakeley who was raised in Adelphic Union Lodge #14 in 1951. Past Master - Adelphic Union Lodge #14. MWPHGL of NY. Grand Librarian – MWPHGL of NY (Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York State). Member of : Phylaxis Society, Scottish Rite Research Society,The Masonic Society, The Philalethes Society. Frederic L. Milliken - is a Past Master of Plymouth Lodge, in Plymouth Massachusetts and Past Master of Paul Revere Lodge, Brockton, Massachusetts. He has played "William Munroe" in the Paul Revere Colonial Degree Team, "Squire Bentley" in the play "A Rose upon the Altar" and has belonged to the Scottish Rite & Shrine in Massachusetts. He is presently Chaplain Pride of Mt. Pisgah No. 135, Prince Hall Texas, where is he is also a Knight Templar Prince Hall. He is also a Tennessee Squire. Fred is also the newly appointed Executive Director of the Phoenix Masonry website and museum.


Mail Bag Letter of the Month "Seeing is that sense by which we observe the variety displayed in the landscape of nature and in the works of man"

A few weeks ago I was able to hike Mt. Washington, which is part of the presidential range in NH. I brought along with me my 3 favorite Masonic magazines: The New Jersey Freemason, The Working Tools magazine and The Journal of the Masonic Society. The long hike up gave me ample time to reflect upon masonry and its importance in my life as I took in the beauty and majesty of Mt. Washington. Upon reaching the summit, I had to take the photo as these magazines and masonry in general have helped me conquer so many things in my life. As I stood at the highest peak west of the Mississippi River and gazed at the many other peaks in the distance, I knew that no matter what challenges are thrown at me by life, with masonry on my side I will overcome them all.

Bro. Daryll Slimmer, Penns Grove-Excelsior #54

Daryll, This meant so much to me for many many reasons. I can’t thank you enough for sending me this picture. You are an inspiration as a Mason and a man. Keep positive keep strong and keep hiking to higher heights. Cory

Bro. Cory, I have received my issues. You have put together the best magazine in the Masonic Community. I look forward to each issue and the many great articles. Keep up the great work and thank you for for allowing us the opportunity to read and be a part of such a great piece of monthly literature.

I enjoy your “work” Brother . . . Bro. George W. Short and sweet, much appreciated. Thanks for writing. Cory

Regards, Charles Fuller Bro Charles, Thank you for subscribing. The whole team loves hearing that the articles are being enjoyed and becoming part of your Masonic education. Cory

Maybe I missed something. The last couple of times I’ve gotten your Mailing List emails all I got was something that looked like an advertisement. Maynard J. Smith Bro. Maynard, I am aware of this issue and I’m working with the Mailing List service to address it. Cory

Send all your comments or questions to 8

This month we asked on the Facebook page the Brethren to answer the following: “Why did you become a Freemason?”

Send your answers to The best responses will be featured in next month’s issue.

Masonic Symbolism & Words Brought to you by This Month’s Entry is:

KEYSTONE The stone placed in the center of an arch which preserves the others in their places, and secures firmness and stability to the arch. As it was formerly the custom of Operative Masons to place a peculiar mark on each stone of a building to designate the workman by whom it had been adjusted, so the Keystone was most likely to receive the most prominent mark, that of the Superintendent of the structure. Such is related to have occurred to that Keystone which plays so important a part in the legend of the Royal Arch Degree. The objection has sometimes been made, that the arch was unknown in the time of Solomon. But this objection has been completely laid at rest by the researches of antiquaries and travelers within a few years past. Wilkinson discovered arches with regular keystones in the doorways of the tombs of Thebes the construction of which he traced to the year 1540 B.C., or 460 years before the building of the Temple of Solomon. And Doctor Clark asserts that the Cyclopean gallery of Tiryns exhibits lancet-shaped arches almost as old as the time of Abraham. In fact, in the Solomonic era, the construction of the arch must have been known to the Dionysian Artificers, of whom, it is a freely received theory; many were present at the building of the Temple. - Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry 9

This Month in Masonry August August 21st- On this date in 1993, the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and thousands of Freemasons dedicated the Friend to Friend Masonic Monument in the cemetery in Gettysburg, commemorating acts of kindness between Freemasons who fought on opposite sides in the Battle of Gettysburg.

“Friend to Friend, A Brotherhood Undivided� On August 21 1993 the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania dedicated the "Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial" at Gettysburg, Pa. This STB is the text of the address given by R.W. Bro. Edward Fowler, Jr., Grand Master of Masons of Pennsylvania on that occasion. Editor

care for many months. Armistead's cries for help were heard by several officers nearby, and it was a fellow fraternity brother, Captain Bigham, who arrived and offered aid the his fallen comrade-in-arms.


Armistead spoke of his close relationship with Hancock and he asked Captain Bigham to relay a message to his friend. He entrusted his personal effects to the captain. Armstead died two days later at the George Spanger farm hospital site.

The memorial conceived and sponsored by the Grand Lodge of Free and accepted Masons of Pennsylvania, centers on a monument of two sculptured bronze figures atop a large granite base. The figures portray the historically verified encounter between Confederate Brigadier General Lewis Addison Armistead and Captain Henry Harrison Bingham. Bingham was an aide to Union Major General Winfield Scott Hancock on Cemetery Ridge during Picket's charge of July 3 1863. This attack became known throughout the world as the "High Tide of the Confederacy" Although Armistead and Hancock had been friends and fellow officers for many years, their political differences came between them at the outbreak of the Civil War. Armistead joined the newly formed Confederacy while Hancock chose to stay by the flag of the United States. Both officers served their counties well and were promoted into leadership positions. After the two men went their separate ways, it was twenty-seven months before they were to meet again. This meeting finally took place on the battlefield remembered forever as "Gettysburg." During Pickett's charge, both officers were wounded. Armistead was mortally wounded and Hancock received a wound from which he would in hospital 10

(From "Freemasons at Gettysburg" by Sheldon A. Munn)

Oration by R.W. Edward Fowler Jr. Can there be anyone here today not stirred with emotion as we look over these grounds that hold the remains and the heroics of our countrymen who gave their lives in the wars of our nation? Is there anyone here today who can look upon this larger-than-life statue of "Brother Helping Brother" without sensing a love for humanity--without feeling the compassion and charity that comes from the Fatherhood of God and a Brotherhood of Man! Can't you see in this masterful sculpture. the tenderness of a human Brotherhood, a compassion that surpasses personal allegiances even the harsh political differences of a bitter war? It is the spirit of Fraternalism -the (Continued on page 11) 10

(Continued from page 10) bond that exists among men of principle whose values lead them to do the right things ... the good things ... instinctively, willfully and lovingly. No doubt, it was with that kind of spirit of unanimity with which-in these difficult times President Abraham Lincoln spoke the oft repeated words: "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us striver on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan ... " Abraham Lincoln was not one of the fourteen United States Presidents who was a Freemason, but there were occasions when he spoke of the fraternity with praise and shared an appreciation for its values. But, there were other Presidents, Generals and great Americans who joined in tribute as men and as Freemasons. On July 4, 1865, right behind us in the National Cemetery, the Right Worshipful Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of" Pennsylvania dedicated the cornerstone of the Soldiers' National Memorial That was the first monument of its type to be placed in Gettysburg. Among the more than ten thousand people here were President of the United States Andrew Johnson; former President James Buchanan; Major General John White Geary who was the parade marshal; Lt, General Winfield Scott; Vice Admiral David Farragut, and Pennsylvania Governor Andrew Curtin-- all Freemasons! It is the reflection of those values-specifically the "Bonds of Brotherhood and Compassion"-and as a tribute to the men who lived and died for them-that the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania has sought to portray in this "Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial Monument." Sculptor Ron Tunison skillfully captured with precise detail the emotion and the com- passion that was displayed 130 years ago on the field of war. I feel I can almost hear General Lewis Armistead asking Captain Henry Bingham to "Tell General (Winfield) Hancock for me that I have don him, and done you all, an injury..." I can sense the tenderness of Captain Bingham asking, "If you have anything valuable in your possession 11


which you desire taken care of, I will take care of it." I can relate as a man ... as a Freemason ... as a human being ... to the confidence with which General Armistead is consigning his very personal possessionshis spurs and his gold watch with the Square and Compass and the Letter "G" on the chain to one he can trust as a Brother, even though they have been combatants on the field of war. Freemasons have placed this statue and developed the grounds around it in the Cemetery Annex as a never-to-be forgotten tribute to the values of Brotherhood, Compassion and Patriotism. Freemasons and the Masonic Fraternity are proud to be a part of our national heritage here at Gettysburg. The dedication of this statute is the climax of a wonderful suggestion by two Freemasons from the Gettysburg area-Brother Sheldon Munn, a jeweler and Gettysburg Battlefield Guide, and Brother John Schwartz, an optometrist and also a Battlefield Guide. They conceived the idea for a monument at Gettysburg to be dedicated to "Brotherhood Undivided." It started several years ago when the two wrote their idea for a monument as a recommendation to the Grand Lodge Officers. Now, through several years of dedication, development, negotiation, research and hard work, we stand in reverence, awe and pride beneath the "Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial Monument." As soon as the Grand Lodge Officers accepted the recommendation of Brothers Munn and Schwartz, a Committee under the leader ship of our Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master George Hohenshildt set out on a task that some said would take a miracle to accomplish. Perhaps it seems close to being a miracle when we look back on all of the negotiations, the trips to Gettysburg and to Washington, the planning, designing , commissioning and creating the monument and reconstructing the Cemetery Annex. It was a task far more complex than anyone involved had anticipated. It is significant that this is the first time that an effort of this nature has been carried out jointly by a private organization and the National Park Service. Superintendent Jose Cisneros and The National Park Service staff at Gettysburg certainly played a key role in making the monument and the development of the Cemetery Annex become a reality.

(Continued from page 11) Historical accuracy had to be indisputable. It was Cathy George-Harrison of the National Park Staff at Gettysburg who recommended that we select this historically verified scene of General Armistead and Captain Bingham for the "Friend to FriendBrotherhood Undivided" portrayal. As we went about the extensive task of reviews and approvals, the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania got some valuable assistance. We very much appreciate the help we got from Michigan Congressman William F. Broomfield and his Administrative Assistant Miss Helen Lomax in communicating in Washington and gaining the approval of the Department of the Interior. The accomplishment in itself is a statement of a unanimity that exists among people with vision. The Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial Monument and the beauty of the plazas and grounds surrounding it now stand in honor of our sincere Brotherhood of Man. Captain Bingham kneeling in compassion to aid a fallen Brother ... General Armistead, hand to hand, placing trust and hope in his fellow man ... makes a dramatic statement about values. They are good men with different views, faithfully patriotic to their respective causes, yet concerned for their Brother's Welfare- The Freemasons of Pennsylvania are exceedingly proud to have undertaken this project and to have commissioned the well known historical sculptor, Ron Tunison, to create this statue and to have the U.S. Department of Interior accept it on behalf of the


National Park Service and the Gettysburg National Military Cemetery. The Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial Monument will be here to remind all who stand in awe of its beauty and its significance of the bonds of a "Brotherhood Undivided." It will represent well the message of Brother hood Abraham Lincoln left here: "Let us neither express no cherish and harsh feelings toward any citizen who by his vote has differed with us. "Let us at all times remember that all Americans are Brothers of a common country and should dwell together in the bonds of Fraternal feelings.' With those thoughts of Fraternal feelings in our hearts and minds, let us look once again upon the Brotherhood Undivided statue of the Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial and say as all Freemasons do in supplication: So Mote It Be--or, So Be It!


By featured TWT writer Kyle Ferguson


One Minute Mason Blog By Bro Steve Harrison

The Ring That Saved A Life Legend has it that Brother John Hobert owed his life to this Masonic ring. Brother Hobert, a Union soldier, was captured during the Civil War and imprisoned at the notorious Confederate prison at Andersonville. A Brother Mason noticed his ring. As a result, Brother Hobert was released and sent back home to Iowa. Brother Hobert gave the ring to a Lodge Brother who, in turn, left it to Oney Kirby, his son and Brother Mason. The ring is on display at the Masonic Museum in Columbia, Missouri.

Lindbergh’s Gavel Known for his historic flight across the Atlantic Ocean, Charles Lindbergh gave this gavel to his Masonic Lodge, Keystone Lodge #243, St. Louis. The gavel is made from the wood propeller of Lindbergh's famous plane, "The Spirit of St. Louis," and is now on display in the Masonic Museum in Columbia, Missouri.


Grand Lodge Spotlight Grand Lodge of Florida F&AM PO Box 1020 Jacksonville FL 32201 220 Ocean Street

M.W. Jorge L. Aladro

Jacksonville FL

Grand Master

(phone) 904-354-2339 (fax) 904-632-3865 (website) Members- 46,000 (2010)

Website Summary Too often I see Grand Lodge websites that look less than Grand. The GL of FL I’m happy to report is quite modern looking and full of valuable information for Masons and interested candidates for membership. The Grand Lodge section is robust with information covering everything you would want to know, including access to their publication, Masonic home, officers, charities, and how to join info. Some thing I always look for and test out is the “Lodge Locator”. As you can see from the picture below it worked like a charm. This is so important for visiting Brethren and guests. Additional kudos go to the Grand Lodge for putting an emphasis on education right on the main page. Clicking on “Masonic Leadership” brings you to a 15 part Powerpoint presentation and looking under the top menu bar under “Masonic Education”


gives you even more extensive information (Tests, Courses, Training…etc). The only thing I might suggest is to make more of an emphasis of these tools as it might be something other States might find useful. History of the GL (courtesy of Grand Lodge of Florida) The History of Masonry in Florida cannot be traced properly until the source from which it derived its authority has been firmly established. Inasmuch as Masonry in Florida and in the various States of the Union was established by authority from Masonry in the British Isles, a brief review of the early Masonic activities there should be reported. The historical records of Freemasonry in Florida were for many years hidden from the world, lying dormant in unmarked and forgotten files. Historians made various attempts to report the early Masonic activities on this territory. Their efforts were in vain. In 1898, the first authoritative record of Masonry in Florida came to light. This record was a rare and very old copy of “Preston’s Illustration” which was presented to the Grand Lodge of Florida by Doctor F. F. Bond of Thorncliff, Brighouse, England. On the title page of the prized gift, the following words were inscribed: “The Gift of James Murray to St. Andrews Lodge No. 1, West Florida, June 27, 1776.” This was the first reliable information that a Masonic Lodge had existed in Florida at such an early date and was the spark that kindled the interest to search for the history of Masonry in the Grand Jurisdiction of Florida. M . W . James M. Hilliard, Grand Master in 1898, appointed R. W (Continued on page 15)

Grand Lodge Spotlight - Florida (Continued from page 14) . Silas B. Wright, Deputy Grand

Master, to search for any additional information that might have a bearing on the history of Florida Masonry and to make a written report of his findings to the next Grand Lodge. Brother Wright made two appeals, one to the Board of Editors of the “History of Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons and Concordant Orders,” and the other to the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The Board of Editors was unable to furnish any information that would be beneficial or that would support historical facts about Masonry in Florida, but the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania reported that there were documents and records in possession of that Grand Lodge that would prove the existence of Masonry in Florida during the early period of the country. The records, so the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania reported, had been found among the old records of that Grand Jurisdiction which had been boxed and placed in storage. These records were compiled by the Library Committee of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania under the title “Old Masonic Lodge of Pennsylvania, Moderns and Ancients, 1730 1800.” The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, through its Grand Secretary, made the records and documents available to R . W . Brother Wright, who studied and copied documents and papers pertinent to Florida. Authentic copies of these papers are now filed in the archives of the Grand Lodge of Florida and are a part of its St. Andrews Lodge No. 1, of West Florida, and other documents which cover portions of the period from 1768 through 1785. Brother Wright prepared and gave a detailed report on his findings which was included in the 1899 Grand Lodge Proceedings. The charter of St. Andrews Lodge No. 1 of West Florida was issued on May 3, 1771 by the “Provincial Grand Lodge of the Southern District of North America.” The petitioners for this Lodge were members of Lodge No. 108 of the register of Scotland and were attached to the 31st Regiment of Foot of the British Army stationed at Pensacola. Ten Master Masons applied for the charter and are listed as charter members. The charter was signed by James Grand, Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Southern District of North America, and other officials of the Provincial Grand Lodge. In addition to the certified copy of the charter of St. Andrews Lodge, there were other documents and papers relating to early Masonry in Florida. There were records and minutes of St. Andrews Lodge which revealed the plight of this Lodge and its ties with its Provincial Grand Lodge. These historical records were definite proof of the activities of the Masonic Fraternity in Florida and further revealed that its activity had emanated from the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Brother Wright immediately wrote that Grand Lodge requesting confirmation of the authenticity of these records and any other information from the records of that Grand Jurisdiction. Their records not only confirmed the accuracy of the records found by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, but also shed light on the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Southern District of North America. The following excerpts are taken from the reply of R . W . Brother Lyon: “In searching our Grand Lodge records, I find under date of March 15, 1769. . . ‘Having read a petition from James Grant, Esq., Governor of the Province of East Florida, Henry Cunningham, late Senior Warden of the Grand Lodge of 15

Scotland, and many other brethren residing in the province aforesaid, craving a charter for holding a Lodge there by the stile and title of Grant’s East Florida Lodge, and also entreating that the Grand Lodge would appoint the said Governor, James Grant, Provincial Grand Master over the lodges in the Southern District of North America, the Grand Lodge granted the desire of that petition and authorized a charter to be made out accordingly, and likewise a commission appointing Governor James Grant, Provincial Grand Master, over the lodges in the Southern District of North America’.” On March 15, 1768, a charter was issued by the Grand Lodge of Scotland to “Grant’s East Florida Lodge No. 143,” to be located in St. Augustine, in the Territory of Florida. This was the first Masonic Lodge to be established in what is now the State of Florida. On this same date the “Provincial Grand Lodge over Lodges in the Southern District of North America” was created and located at St. Augustine, in the Territory of Florida. Honorable James Grant, Governor of the Territory of Florida, was named Provincial Grand Master. This Grand Body functioned until 1783 when it was suppressed by the Dominican Priesthood and the Spanish Government. All records of this Grand Lodge were destroyed or were carried away and are still missing. The meager information that is available was found in the archives of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and the Grand Lodge of Scotland. The fate of the first Masonic Lodge, “Grant’s East Florida Lodge,” in the Territory of Florida, is not known, but it is assumed that it was suppressed at the same time as the Provincial Grand Lodge. The records founds in the archives of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania gave a clear picture of the operations and the fate of Florida’s second Masonic Lodge, St. Andrew’s Lodge of Pensacola. Pensacola and the Territory of West Florida were captured by the Spanish in 1781. The Masonic Fraternity again was suppressed by the Dominican Priesthood and the Spanish Government and the Masons were forced to flee. Even though the Masonic Brethren faced grave dangers, they did not leave until they had obtained the charter and records which included the minutes of every communication that had been held since the Lodge was chartered. After they reached the safety of Charles Town, the plight of St. Andrews Lodge No. 1 was reported to the Provincial Grand Lodge on February 9, 1782. This report was assembled and prepared by the Worshipful Master, Thomas Underwood, the Junior Warden, H. Beaumont, and three other members, and forwarded to the Provincial Grand Master in St. Augustine. The Provincial Grand Lodge at St. Augustine acknowledged receipt of the communication, and on March 14, 1782, issued a dispensation to the Brethren of St. Andrews Lodge to work at Charles Town, South Carolina. This authorization stated: “Under your charter until it shall please God to restore you to the Ancient seat of your lodge in West Florida, provided you have the Master and a sufficient number of members of the same to form a lodge.” It was signed by R . W . John Forbes, Deputy Grand Master, the Senior and the Junior Grand Wardens and the Grand Secretary.

The Officers and members of St. Andrews Lodge No. 1 turned to the Grand Lodge of Philadelphia (Ancients), and on July 12,1783, the Lodge was rechartered (Continued on page 16)

Grand Lodge Spotlight - Florida (Continued from page 15) as Lodge No. 40 of Charles

Town, South Carolina. There is no explanation as to why the original name was dropped, but apparently the decision was made by the Grand Lodge of Philadelphia. Lodge No. 40 of Charles Town continued to work under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Philadelphia until 1787, when it surrendered its charter, and together with four other Lodges, formed the Grand Lodge of South Carolina. The subsisting Lodge assumed the name of “St. Andrews Lodge No. 10,” under the charter and jurisdiction of the new Grand Lodge of South Carolina. It continued to work until 1881 when its charter was surrendered and stricken from the rolls. It is reported that on January 17, 1859, the Grand Lodge of England (Ancients) warranted a Lodge to the 14th Regiment of Foot. The number of this Lodge is reported to be 58b. This Lodge, located in St. Augustine, became dormant. On March 6, 1776, a renewal of the warrant was authorized and on March 20, 1776, it was renewed. Then, on January 3, 1778, the Grand Lodge of England (Ancients) granted a warrant to No. 204, St. Augustine in East Florida. On January 17, 1780, this warrant was ordered returned to the Grand Secretary because the fee had not been recorded. The Grand Lodge of South Carolina (Ancients) issued warrant No. 30 to a Lodge at St. Augustine as well as a warrant to Lodge No. 56 located at Pensacola under the name of “Good Intention.” Both Lodges were short lived and their exact fate is not known, but it is known that the Spanish Government suppressed all Masonic activities throughout its domain.

Jackson Lodge No. 23, was named Secretary. It was the consensus of the group to organize a Grand Lodge for the Territory of Florida. The meeting was then organized into a permanent Convention. Brother John P. Duval was elected President and Brother Thomas Monroe was elected Secretary. The Grand Lodge for the Territory of Florida was then opened in Ample Form. The rules and ByLaws of the Grand Lodge of Alabama were adopted so far as they were applicable to the proceedings of this Grand Lodge; however, a Committee was appointed to make a study and prepare suitable rules and a code of ByLaws for the new Grand Body. The study was made and the report was submitted during the next annual session of Grand Lodge. Warrants for the three subordinate Lodges were approved and on July 10, 1830, were issued to Jackson Lodge No. 1, Washington Lodge No. 2 and Harmony Lodge No. 3. The new warrants were exchanged for the old charters. The Grand Secretary returned the three old documents to the appropriate Grand Lodges, and with these documents went a request for fraternal recognition and the exchange of fraternal correspondence. The First Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the Territory of Florida was closed in Ample Form to meet again on the second Monday after the annual session of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida.

In these early years of Freemasonry in Florida, it was determined that no Lodge in Florida shall be named after any living man, and no Lodge in Florida shall bear the number “8.” Orion Lodge No. In 1806, St. Fernando Lodge in St. Augustine was chartered by 8 was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Florida at Pleasant Grove, the Grand Lodge of Georgia. This Lodge was subsequently Georgia, near the Florida Line, in 1839. Two years later, without suppressed by a mandate of the Spanish Government. Again, in consent of either Grand Body, the Lodge moved to Decatur, now 1820, the Grand Lodge of South Carolina granted a charter to Bainbridge, Georgia. When this fact came to the attention of the Floridian Virtue Lodge No. 28, but it could not survive the Grand Lodge of Georgia, much indignation was expressed and a political and religious hostilities of that day. During 1824, the Resolution was adopted officially declaring Orion Lodge to be a Grand Lodge of South Carolina granted another charter to Lodge of Clandestine Masons. Explanations followed and the Esperanza Lodge at St. Augustine. The failure of this Lodge was matter was adjusted in a fraternal spirit of amity and good will. attributed to the fact that practically all of its members moved to Florida released claim on Orion Lodge and Georgia received it in Havana, Cuba. There are reports of additional Lodges in Florida, full fellowship, and to cement the bond of good will and good but no records from these Lodges have been found. These are fellowship, Florida resolved that no other Florida Lodge should mentioned here only because some day documented evidence bear the number “8,” and as a further gesture of good will, may be found to support their existence. Freemasonry entered elected the Masters and Wardens of Orion Lodge No. 8 honorary Florida as a permanent institution when, on December 19, 1825, members of the Grand Lodge of Florida in perpetuity. In the the Grand Lodge of Alabama issued a warrant to Jackson Lodge same spirit, Georgia resolved that Orion Lodge should continue No. 23,to be located in Tallahassee, in the Territory of Florida. to work under the charter granted by the Grand Lodge of Florida, endorsed by the Grand Lodge of Georgia. And so we see the A warrant was issued on December 2, 1826, to Washington anomaly of a Lodge of Masons working in another Grand Lodge No. 1 by the Grand Lodge of Georgia. This Lodge was to Jurisdiction under and by virtue of authority granted by the be located in Quincey, in the Territory of Florida. On December Grand Lodge of Florida more than 145 years ago. 8, 1829, the Grand Lodge of Georgia warranted Harmony Lodge No. 2. This Lodge was to be located in Marianna, in the The Grand Lodge of Florida, under Masonic Law, has Territory of Florida. The three Lodges worked under their determined that newly chartered Lodges shall be numbered respective Grand Lodges until 1830. At the regular meeting of chronologically, the newest Lodge taking the next number above May, 1830, Jackson Lodge No. 23 of Tallahassee adopted a the last Lodge chartered. Resolution inviting Washington Lodge No. 1 and Harmony Lodge No. 2 to join together in the organization of a Grand NOTE: It is recommended that for further research into early Lodge for the Territory of Florida. The two Lodges accepted the Freemasonry in Florida that the Grand Lodge Proceedings and invitation and in due time named their delegates. On Monday, the Grand Lodge Archives are an excellent source for study and July 5, 1830, the delegates from the three Lodges met in the research. Source: History of Freemasonry in Florida, Volume Masonic Temple of Jackson Lodge No. 23, Tallahassee, to decide One (Approved by the 133rd Grand Communication. See report the proper course to be taken. The meeting was called to order of History Committee, Grand Lodge Proceedings 1962, page by Brother John P. Duval, of Jackson Lodge No. 23, the oldest 337) and Chapter 16, Article 16.01 Digest of Masonic Law. Past Master in attendance. Brother Thomas Monroe, also of TWT 16

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Old Tyler Talks “MASONRY'S FAILURE� "Why does Masonry fail so much?" puzzled the New Brother, dropping into a chair beside the Old Tiler in the anteroom. "I didn't know it did," commented the Old Tiler. "But then, I'm an old man and my eyes are not very good. Maybe I don't see clearly any more. Tell me about it." "Oh, you see well enough! You just don't want to admit that the order to the service of which you have devoted so much time and thought is just a failure!" "Is that so!" The Old Tiler seemed surprised. "You interest me! But pity my foibles and tell me your side of it!" "Masonry fails because it doesn't interest men sufficiently to make them practice what they preach. I was at Jones' house tonight. Went to bring him to lodge in the car. After we had left he said: 'Of course you know I'm not really going to lodge! Got a hen on! Nice fat lil' poker game. Want to sit in?' I told him I didn't. But I took him to his 'nice fat lil' game!' Now, there is a man who tells his family he is going to lodge, and then plays poker. I say Masonry has failed with him. It hasn't even taught him to tell the truth!" "Remember Roberts? He was arrested last week for forgery. He has been a member for several years. Yet Masonry couldn't teach him to be honest. There was Williamson, who tried to kill his doctor; and Burton who has been defending an ugly divorce suit...they are lodge members, but Masonry didn't teach them to be what they ought to be. And say...did you hear about Larson? Well..." the New Brother lowered his voice. "It's being whispered about that..." He leaned over to talk in the Old Tilers ear. "Now, that isn't's a violation of all his obligations. So I say Masonry has failed with him. What do you say?" "Yes, Masonry failed to make an impression on these men to suit you, even as Masonry has failed to make an impression on you to suit me!" snapped the Old Tiler. "That last remark you made was an unadulterated scandal! Does Masonry teach you to talk scandal? But never mind that! Let me dig a few weeds out of the scrubby, ill-tended, and unwatered garden you miscall your mind and see if we can't get it ready to grow one straight thought! "I know Jones. He is a member of the city club, the country club, Dr. Parkin's church, and a luncheon club. Neither church nor luncheon club teach deception or foster lies. Both instruct in morality, one by precept, the other by practice. By what right do you blame Masonry for Jones' failure to tell the truth, any more than the church or the luncheon club? Is Jones' mother to blame because she didn't teach her boy never to tell a lie? How about

By Carl Claudy

his Sunday School teacher and his wife? Are they to blame? If not, why is Masonry to blame? "Roberts has been accused of forgery. I don't know whether he is guilty or not. Williamson seems to have had some real justification for feeling enmity toward his doctor, although nothing justifies murder, of course. Burton may be a sinner or sinned against ...I don't know. As for Larson, it will take more than your whispers of scandal to make me believe ill of a brother until I know something. "But let us suppose Roberts a forger, Williamson a murderer, Burton a Don Juan. All these men grew up, went to school, got out in the world, joined clubs, societies, orders, became Masons, members of a church...Why pick on Masonry as the failure when these men go wrong? Is it just? If the church of God can't keep a man straight how can Masonry be expected to? "It is rankly unjust to blame Christ for the failures of those who profess to follow Him. Was it Christ's fault that Peter denied Him and Judas betrayed Him? Was it the fault of the religion they professed? Or was it the fault of the man, the character, the up-bringing, the times? "Men fail, and fall, and rise and try again...or fall and stay in the mud. To those who rise Masonry has a helping hand to extend. To those who fail and stay fallen, she has charity. Not hers the fault that humanity is frail. She hold the torch; if they close their eyes to its radiance and refuse to see the narrow path that the torch illumines, will you blame the torch?

"Masonry does not fail men. Men fail Masonry. Masonry has the teachings, the thought, the ennobling influence, the example to set, the vision to show those who have eyes to see. If they close their hearts to the ennobling influence, will not profit by the example and shut their eyes to the vision, is that the fault of Masonry? "You, my brother, have just talked scandal without proof; a whispered slander against the good name of a Mason. Has Masonry failed with you that it has not taught you tolerance, brotherly love, reticence, charity of thought? Or is the failure in you as it may be within these men you mention?" "The Old Tiler waited. The New Brother hung his head. At last he spoke. "I am most properly rebuked. How shall I make amends?" "A great teacher said to you and all like you and to me and all like me; 'Go, and sin no more!'" answered the Old Tiler reverently.

TWT 19

In Memory of Bro. Ernest Borgnine, 33° Biography Born Ermes Effron Borgnino in Hamden, Connecticut, Borgnine's career—with appearances in over one hundred feature films and three television series— began with his acting debut on Broadway playing a male nurse in "Harvey". His film career took off in 1953 when he was cast in the role of Sgt. "Fatso" Judson in From Here to Eternity (1953). Generally cast as a villain, he played against type in 1955 as Marty Piletti, a shy and sensitive butcher, in Marty (1955), winning an Academy Award for Best Actor. Between 1962 and 1966 he played Lt. Commander Quinton McHale in the popular TV series McHale's Navy. In 1984 he returned to television as Dominic Santini in the action series Airwolf, and in 1995 he was cast in the comedy "The Single Guy (1995) as doorman Manny Cordoba. When not acting, he actively supports numerous charities and speaks tirelessly at benefits throughout the country. He has periodically performed as the "Grand Clown" for The Great Circus Parade in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, since the 1970s. An active freemason, Borgnine was also the Honorary Chairman of a programme to support the Scottish Rite Childhood Language Center in Richmond. ( gnine_e.html)

Masonic Resume Member of Hollywood Lodge No. 355 California and Abingdon Lodge #48 Virginia.

“My Masonic Journey” by Ernest Borgnine, 33° Member of Abingdon Lodge #48 Virginia USA In 1946, I traveled with a friend down to a little town called Abingdon, Virginia, to see what the Barter Theatre had to offer. It offered nothing except hard work and board. My friend, not accepting the work they offered him, stayed one day – I stayed five years. In that time I grew to love the town and all it offered. The people, in particular, were simply marvelous. Occasionally I would be assigned to go down to the printing shop and get posters made for the upcoming shows at the Barter Theatre. One day, in talking to the owner of the print shop, one Elmo Vaughan, I found that he belonged to the local Masonic Lodge, No. 48, in Abingdon. My father was also a Mason and had advanced to the Thirtysecond Degree in Scottish Rite Masonry, and I told this to Elmo. He was pleased, and sensing his pleasure, I asked him if maybe I could join. He said nothing, continuing his work, and a short while later, I took my posters and left. The next time I saw Elmo, I asked him again about joining the Masonic Order – again he said nothing – and again my work took me away. We became good friends and finally one day I passed by and again I asked if I could join the Masons. Instantly, he whipped out an application and I hurriedly filled it out. I didn’t learn ’til later, that in those days, you had to ask three times. I was thrilled! Not only was I going to be the first actor ever in Lodge No. 48, but I could just imagine my father’s surprise when I would spring the old greetings on him! I wanted only to surprise my Dad – and was I surprised, when after I was made an Entered Apprentice, I found I had to remember everything that happened to me at that event and come back and answer questions about it!

In 2000, Ill. Ernest Borgnine received his 50-year pin as a Mason in Abingdon Lodge No. 48, Abingdon, Virginia. He joined the Scottish Rite Valley of Los Angeles in 1964, received the KCCH in 1979, was coroneted a 33° Inspector General Honorary in 1983, and received the Grand Cross of I was assigned to a dear old man of about 92 years of age who, I felt, must have been there when the Lodge first the Court of Honour in 1991. started. He was really of the old school – and he started me ( with the foot-to-foot, knee-to-knee and mouth-to-ear scottish-rite-theatre-to-actor-brother-ernest-borgnine/) routine of teaching.

Besides doing my work for the Barter Theatre and a little acting to boot, I was also going (Continued on page 21) 20

In Memory of Ernest Borgnine ever done that. I speak out loud about Masonry to everyone! I’m proud of the fact that I belong to an organization that to that dear Brother for my work in Masonry. I would tramp made me a better American, Christian, husband and all over those lovely hills and work on my “Whence came neighbor; and all it took was a little self-determination by you’s” and one day – oh, one fine day – I stood foot-to-foot going foot-to-foot, knee-to-knee, and mouth-to-ear! with my Brother and answered every question perfectly! I Found on was ecstatic! I was overjoyed and couldn’t wait to get to Lodge to show my ability as an Entered Apprentice.

(Continued from page 20)

After I quieted down, that dear Brother said, “You’ve done fine, but aren’t you really only half started?” I couldn’t believe him! I knew my work; what else was there? He said “Wouldn’t it be better if you knew all the questions too?” I couldn’t believe my ears! All that hard work and only half done? He gently sat me down foot-to-foot, knee-to-knee and mouth-to-ear and taught me all the questions. That didn’t come easy, because I was almost doing the work by rote, but with careful listening and by really applying myself, I was soon able to deliver all the questions and answers perfectly! The night that I stood in front of the Lodge and was asked if I were ready to answer the questions of an Entered Apprentice, I respectfully asked if I could do both – questions and answers. I was granted that wish and later found that I was the second man in my Lodge to have ever done so! I am truly proud of that, never having demitted, I am still a member in good standing in Abingdon Lodge No. 48.

10 Must see films 10. From Here to Eternity (1953)

9. Bad Day at Black Rock (1955)

Marty (1955) Earned him a well-deserved Best Actor Oscar.

The Dirty Dozen (1967)

The Wild Bunch (1969)

The Poseidon Adventure (1972)

I tell this story not for the merit it might gain me, but to tell you that learning the Entered Apprentice obligation taught me a great lesson in acting as well: that before I ever attempt to do a part I should work, rehearse, feel, almost live that part to know what I am talking about!

Emperor of the North (1973)

As I’ve advanced in Masonry, I have found we are an elite group of people who believe in God, country, family and neighbors. We work hard to help our fellowman; and through our charitable work, such as support for the Childhood Language Disorders Centers, we have made it possible to help many children grow Into good American citizens. We should always be proud of the Order we belong to. Where in all the world do you find so many great men and Brothers who have helped the whole wide world? But – we are hiding our light under a bushel basket!

Escape From New York (1981)

Recently I attended a dinner for a friend, and I ran across a Brother who identified himself in a hushed voice. I asked why he spoke in a whisper when talking about Masonry, and suddenly I realized he wasn’t the only one who had 21

The Black Hole (1979)

Spike of Bensonhurst (1988)

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AUSTRALIAN By Bro. Matt Johnson The following document has made the rounds on the internet in the last month and caused quite a stir with Masons all over the world. I do not usually weigh in on such things as I was not a big fan of the hoopla on the internet surrounding the Grand Lodge of Arizona (I am an Arizona Mason). So I do need to offer my apologies to Illustrious Brother Chris Hodapp in advance for being a hypocrite (I gave him some friendly criticism for putting my Grand Lodge’s business on his excellent website). And I would also like to thank him for bringing this issue in Australia to the attention of the Masonic world. He remains one of my heroes. I believe in fairness and I have lived long enough to know there are at least two sides to every story. I also believe context is king. So this article will include the entire edict as delivered to our brothers down under. Then I will weigh in. GRAND MASTER'S EDICT ANNOUNCED AT THE GRAND COMMUNICATION - 13th JUNE, 2012

2. Because of the widely divergent interpretations which can be placed upon it, I am concerned about the unqualified use of the word "esoteric", or any of its derivatives or extensions, within Regular Freemasonry. Such use needs to be avoided as it has been and can be misconstrued to the detriment of the Craft. 3. I encourage all Masons to make daily progress in the acquisition of Masonic knowledge. Speculation and discussion within the Landmarks of the Order are to be commended. 4. Within Regular Freemasonry, interpretive discussion and exposition concern only the progressive acquisition of Masonic knowledge towards an understanding of the secrets and mysteries of the Craft, promoting the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God. To avoid any misapprehension, such regular discussion and exposition shall be described as "speculative" and the term "esoteric" shall not be applied. 5. Regular Freemasonry does not permit within it any form of esotericism which encompasses or tends towards – occultism, sorcery, alchemy, astrology, profane mysticism, transcendentalism, supernaturalism, druidism, rosicrucianism, satanism or any concept or movement related to any of these. The presentation, endorsement and/or promotion of such subjects in any Lodge holding under the UGL of NSW and ACT whether the Lodge be open, adjourned, at refreshment or closed or at any connected or associated Lodge function should be deemed irregular and is strictly forbidden.

On 12 May 2010 the Board of Management passed a resolution stating the principles governing esoteric research. These principles are central to the practice of Regular Freemasonry. In order that there be no doubt that they bind every brother and Lodge in this jurisdiction I have decided to make them the subject of a Grand Master's edict. At my request the Board of 6. Any breach of this Edict constitutes serious Management has rescinded its resolution so that it may unmasonic conduct and shall be treated accordingly. be substituted with the following edict which takes effect immediately. 7. The Grand Master from time to time may grant dispensations to permit the presentation of papers on 1. Authorised, official Masonic Education and esotericism which would otherwise constitute a breach Instruction is only 'Regular' when applied to Free and of this edict. A dispensation may be granted on such Accepted or Speculative Masonry (Regular terms and conditions as the Grand Master may impose. Freemasonry). An application for a (Continued on page 25) 24

(Continued from page 24) dispensation must be made to the Grand Master in writing through the Grand Secretary. Normally it will only be granted if the proposed paper is a genuine and proper piece of masonic research. DEREK J ROBSON AM GRAND MASTER New South Wales & Australian Capital Territory (NSW & ACT) Australia. Wow. Where to begin. When I read this, I got the feeling somebody somewhere made someone mad. Someone may have even misused the lodge to push a religious agenda. I have run into more than my fair share of esoterically minded brothers who think anyone who doesn’t share their view of Freemasonry is somehow “less than”. They are God’s gift to Freemasonry and know the best path forward. I must admit, I have even been guilty of such behavior. We all love the Craft and want what is best for it. The problem is we all have different ideas of what “the best” is.

However, to say Masons can’t bring up these subjects in the course of a lecture in the lodge is a little heavy handed and I think this is where the outcry was. All of these subjects might come up in the course of a lecture. One can make a strong case the Freemasonry came from Rosicrucianism. One could discuss this theory without endorsing it. Freemasons have been accused of all kinds of things, including Satanism. Can we not discuss this in the lodge? I have discussed Leo Taxil more than once in the lodge. I certainly was not endorsing Satanism. I have never brought up my Trinitarian beliefs though. That would be inappropriate At the end of the day, Freemasons have an obligation to keep everyone in check. These things come up from time to time and it always works out. It will continue to work out as long as Master Masons are not afraid to stand up when something irregular is promoted, whether it is the promotion of some religion in the lodge or a Grand Master overstepping his authority.

I would caution everyone to respect this Grand Master. To reach the level of Grand Master is no small thing. If I tried to get just ONE Australian to weigh in on this, you disagree with him, do so, but with propriety and even anonymously and no one wanted to. If they did, I respect and within the limits of the fraternity. Harmony didn’t hear from them. So here goes. The parts that should always be our goal. Balance. There is room for jump out to me are #5 and #6. Let’s take another look. guys who come to the lodge for good times and I am a Scottish Rite Mason so right off of the bat, I am brotherhood and there is room for guys who want to discuss the esoteric side of who we are and have a brother to some of the most esoterically inclined always been. I think it all is Freemasonry. We are all Masons on Earth. Albert Pike type folk. But let’s set brothers and we can work these things out. That’s my that all aside and just look at “the Craft” which traditionally has been the three degrees and the Royal opinion. My prayers and best wishes go to the Grand Master and to all Masons everywhere. Arch. I am also a Royal Arch Mason. There are no landmarks in Freemasonry that exclude esotericism. One needs to simply read “The Origins of Freemasonry” by David Stevenson or “The Genesis of Freemasonry” by David Harrison. The early Freemasons were into alchemy BIG time. Desaguliers, who most likely INVENTED the third degree, was an alchemist. Many of the early Freemasons (Ashmole, Moray, Schaw, etc) were Rosicrucians, astrologers, Hermeticists and alchemists. I do see how the promotion or endorsement of any religion or philosophy in the lodge would be entirely inappropriate whether it is druidism, Satanism, transcendentalism or Christianity for that matter. I think what happened (since no one will say anything) is some wizard started promoting his religion in the lodge, which is just unacceptable and unMasonic. Perhaps the Grand Master was just playing it safe.\It’s easy for use to play armchair Grand Master 5000 miles away. 25

(Dr. Dealgood, a rather “esoteric” looking Masonic character from the Australian movie “Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome”)


“Masonic Education- Who is Responsible?” By Bro. Robert Cooper It has become something of an industry – books about Freemasonry and which are available to the public. Often written by non-Freemasons their treatment of the subject can vary enormously. They are often very speculative, and can be sympathetic, or not, accurate or not, positive or negative, historically accurate or way off-beam. The fact that they exist, and in such huge numbers, are produced seemingly on a production line basis immediately tells us something – there is a huge demand for a material about Freemasonry. So who buys all of these books? – we do, of course! This means that there is a more or less guaranteed market. I suspect that non-Masons who buy these books are considered to be ‘icing on the cake’ – in other words it is we Freemasons who are the target market.

‘about’. There is, for example, very little discussion in these popular books about the ethos of the Craft and its purpose and function in society. Instead we are treated to an ill-informed mix of ‘mumbo jumbo’ about what we are supposed to do but which has no apparent relationship with what Freemasons actually experience in their Lodges. One reason why a historian studies the past is to attempt to perceive the future and to enable people to avoid making the same mistakes made by our forebears. Yet Masonic history is rarely used for this purpose. Why? It is perhaps useful to mention here that writing about Freemasonry can be divided, roughly, into two ‘types’ – popular: writing usually is produced for sale in the public domain and material such as this paper, which is produced for private (or at least, semi-private) consideration by Freemasons. Of course, this is an artificial division for the purposes of argument. It is well known that some writers produce material of both ‘types’. It is surely significant that hardly any of the popular writers, produce material for journals such as this magazine for which they would receive no payment.

This phenomenon first appeared in its modern form more than 25 years ago and has accelerated in the size and number ever since. The book ‘Holy Blood and The Holy Grail’ (1982) was the first of these modern, speculative, books which touched very briefly on Freemasonry, but it was ‘The Temple and The Lodge’ (by the same authors), which started the ball rolling in 1988. The success of such books has meant that the This phenomenon is, however, nothing new. Many popular publishing industry has produced a juggernaut and which only authors, Freemasons or not (and many who are Freemasons now shows signs of slowing down although recently it may are not Scottish Freemasons) discuss specific subjects within have changed direction – of which more later. Freemasonry – ritual, origins, symbolism, famous Freemasons, Many of these books deal, to a greater or lesser extent, etc. The first publication about with Freemasonry in my country – Scotland. Almost Freemasonry, which was without exception, they attempt to do so from a historical intentionally sold to the public was point of view, and none so far as I can tell, discuss ‘Freemasonry Dissected’ by Samuel Freemasonry as it presently exists in Scotland. This Prichard, which was published in again tells us something very important – it is far, far London, England, in 1730. He easier to write books about the past than it is about the claimed to be a Freemason, but did present – there are people around today to argue about not give any details of where he was today’s ‘facts’ whereas there are no Freemasons from initiated or the name of his Lodge. 300 years ago, to argue with authors who are writing He explains the reason for about them, what they did and what they believed. This publishing the ritual in the following also ensures, unfortunately, that most modern writing on manner: Freemasonry is backward looking. This does not provide Freemasons today with any kind of vision about what "Of all the Impositions that have appear'd amongst Freemasonry ought to be in the future. It certainly does Mankind, none are so ridiculous as the Mystery o' not assist in educating and encouraging Freemasons Masonry, which has amus'd the World, and cause( various about the Craft in the present and rarely provides Constructions and these Pretences of Secrecy, invalid, Freemasons with information as to what Freemasonry is -has (tho' not perfectly) been (Continued on page 27)



“Masonic Education” By Bro. Robert Cooper (Continued from page 26) revealed, and the grand Article, viz. the Obligation, has several Times been printed in the publick Papers, but is entirely genuine in the Daily Journal of Saturday, Aug. 22, 1730, which agrees in its Veracity with that deliver' d in this Pamphlet; and consequently when the Obligation of Secrecy is abrogated, the aforesaid Secret becomes of no Effect, and must be quite extinct; for some Operative Masons (but according to the polite way of Expression, Accepted Masons) made a Visitation from the first and oldest constituted Lodge (according to the Lodge Book in London) to a noted Lodge in this City, and was denied Admittance, because their old Lodge was removed to another House, which, tho' contradictory to this great Mystery, requires another Constitution, at no less Expense than two Guineas, with an elegant Entertainment, under the Denomination of being put to Charitable uses, which if Justly applied, will give great Encomiums to so worthy an Undertaking, but it is very much doubted, and most remarkable to think it will be expended towards the forming another System of Masonry, the old Fabric being so ruinous, that, unless repair'd by some Occult Mystery, will soon be annihilated. "I was induced to publish this mighty Secret for the public Good at the Request of several Masons, and it will, I hope, give entire Satisfaction, and have its desired Effect in preventing so many credulous Persons being drawn into so pernicious a Society." There was appended a list of 67 lodges "according to the Seniority and Constitution." In other words, he attempts to justify (to Freemasons) why he is selling the ritual to non-Freemasons. But if he were genuinely concerned, as he claims to be, one wonders why he did not give it away free. That question remains unanswered today and is also applicable to some modern authors. Prichard's work was essentially theft – and a cheeky one at that – after all the ritual was already ‘owned’ by Freemasons. He printed and repackaged it and then sold it back to them! Publications have such as these are known to us as ‘Exposures’ and they continue to be published today principally by non-Masons who have made them widely available through the Internet. Although making money from such ‘Exposures’ it is often claimed that the ‘real’ reason for publishing them is in order to ‘expose’ the evil, criminal, ungodly, corrupt, immoral, (etc., etc.,) practices of Freemasons to stop the unwary from being lured into the Craft. This returns us to Prichard’s self-justification offered to us more than 275 years ago. As an historian, I find this more than a wee bit amusing – it has not destroyed Freemasonry despite the repeated publication of these exposures throughout that period. Inevitably, mammon is really the reason for these ‘exposure’ and their publication proves, sadly, that they continue to sell to very new generation. In any event, the Masonic historian can benefit from this situation. For example, there is a web site which provides a huge number of different Masonic rituals from all over the world. What a great resource this is because it allows us, for example,



to compare rituals from different countries from different times. It can also allow us to track changes and developments in ritual over time. It would have taken me a very long time to acquire hard copies of all the ritual available on that website and even if I did manage to obtain them all it is very unlikely that I could have converted them all into electronic format. I e-mailed the owner of the web site to thank him for the service he provides to Masonic historians such as myself and explained that I would be letting all my fellow Masonic historians about this marvelous free resource provided by a non-Mason. I did not receive a reply – I wonder why? I know of some Research Lodges that have downloaded and printed these rituals for all of their members thereby saving considerable sums of money. They too thanked to the owner of the web site but unsurprisingly they too have received no response. This reveals a difference from the time of Prichard. NonFreemasons of 280+ years or so ago were not all that interested in Freemasonry per se. Writing about Freemasonry was an activity for Freemasons, by Freemasons, Pritchard being a ‘self-confessed’ Freemason. The last 25 – 30 years has seen a huge amount of material being written about Freemasonry by non-Masons for nonMasons. Perhaps we can now begin to understand why and how Freemasonry has come to be grossly distorted in the public’s perception – because popular books do not inform them accurately as to what the Craft is, its purpose and its ethos. However, we only have ourselves to blame – we have allowed this to happen. We Freemasons have not satisfied the obvious demand for information about the Craft. Instead, we have allowed popular writers, Masons and non-Mason alike, to do that for us. Let me put this in another way. Imagine if Microsoft produced no instructions whatsoever about how to use its’ software. For people to use the software they would be forced to buy whatever third party instruction manuals were available whether they were good, bad or indifferent. Grand Lodges ‘produce’ Freemasonry (the software), but they do little or nothing to explain how to use that software. Enterprising authors, good, bad or indifferent, have stepped in supply the demand and make money in the process. That is the problem, is there a solution? There is, but probably not an easy one. Perhaps it is time to retake what is already ours and take the responsibility of educating our own members instead of leaving it to others? I am of course well aware that some Grand Lodges do just that and therefore these comments are a generalization but the fact remains that there is no comprehensive system of Masonic education. One reason, arguably the principal reason, is because every jurisdiction is independent and can educate (or not) its members however it likes. Another problem, I believe, lies with the structure of Freemasonry itself and the way that structure does not meet all the demands and needs of the members. For the (Continued on page 28)

“Masonic Education” By Bro. Robert Cooper (Continued from page 27) purposes of this paper I divide Freemasons into two distinct groups one which I shall call Ceremonial Masons and the other the Philosophical Masons. I acknowledge that this division is crude and that there are a huge number of Freemasons (some would say the majority) who fall into neither class nor does it take account of the small number that are of both types. The Ceremonial Masons hold all the decision making power whereas the Philosophical Masons have none. This is an observation not a criticism for Ceremonial Masons are needed to ‘run’ Freemasonry.

with the book? I am sure that, like me, you will simply put it on your ‘Masonic bookshelf’ – you certainly will not take it back to the bookstore and ask for a refund! Now you know why there are so many non-Masons out there who are willing (if not able) to write so many books about Freemasonry!!

Freemasonry operates therefore as a business – successfully or otherwise. This imposes one set of priorities, which are usually quite different from all the cares, concerns and interests of the Philosophical Masons. The latter are, in my view, the custodians of the history, culture and ethos of the Craft – the ‘soul’ of Freemasonry if you like. These two groups (artificially created by me) view the Craft quite differently and their measure(s) of success and failure are equally different and use entirely separate criteria. One group is focused on maximizing income, increasing the number of members, maintaining buildings and attending essential Masonic conferences and functions. The other group, recalls that Freemasonry did not, and does not, need large sums of money in order to function, does not need large numbers of members to exist, and does not need to own buildings in which to hold meetings. Information about Freemasonry (such as, historical, philosophical, symbolic, cultural or even, dare I say it, spiritual) tends to be sought by Philosophical Masons. These subjects are not generally of interest to those who administer the Craft. For that reason they cannot be expected to provide material of interest to the other group. There is therefore a ‘disconnect’ between the two groups within Freemasonry. The supply, by third parties who often are not Freemasons, is I believe but one worrying manifestation of this disconnect. Reconnecting these two groups in terms of their needs and aspirations would be an important advance although I suspect that the benefits would not be apparent for some time. That brings me to the ‘juggernaut’ mentioned earlier. The market for books, articles and even movies is enormous and well established and whatever we do within Freemasonry it is unlikely that this situation will change. Perhaps then the direction of the ‘juggernaut’ needs to be changed in our favor. We need to take change of it and turn the steering wheel in the direction we desire. Some signs that this is already happening can be seen from authoritative books being published by recognized Masonic authors (those by Brothers S. Brent Morris and Mart Tabbert spring to mind). If enough Freemasons are encouraged to write and research the Craft then the more likely it will be that good quality material will find its way into the bookstores and the third party mumbo – jumbo stuff will be squeezed off the shelves.

The views expressed in this paper are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Grand Lodge of Scotland or any other Masonic body of which he is a member.

Robert L D Cooper is the Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland Museum and Library and an Honorary member of the Walter F. Meier Lodge of Research.

Brother Cooper has written several books on Freemasonry which are available on at: sr?sort=relevance&search-alias=books&fieldauthor=Robert+L.+D.+Cooper Brother Cooper is also due to speak on this subject at Boynton Lodge Esoteric Group in Florida on September 8, 2012. For more information see: You can also find Brother Cooper on Facebook. Robert’s Latest Book “The Red Triangle” is available on at: &qid=1339068205&sr=1-1


One final thought for you to consider: when you next purchase a book which discusses Freemasonry and having read it and have concluded that it is absolute garbage what will you do



Advertisement 29

“Grand Lodge of NJ next in line to withdraw recognition of Grand Lodge National of France (GLNF)” By Bro. Cory Sigler On July 11, 2012, Grand Master Glenn R. Trautmann issued an edict officially withdrawing all recognition from the troubled Grand Lodge National of France (GLNF). Until their public matters and disputes can be settled amicably all visitation privileges extended to members of the GLNF have been terminated and Brethren from New Jersey will not be permitted to visit any Lodge warranted by the GLNF. France has three (3) working Grand Lodges and are all completely independent from each other. Until recently only the GLNF was recognized by Grand Lodges in the United States. Many states before New Jersey have also filed similar statements urging a quick resolution or a complete withdrawal. According to Paul M Bessel’s website of Masonic statistics: “There are many Grand Lodges in France. According to the 1996 edition of Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, the largest is the Grand Orient of France (GOF) with about 27,000 members. The second largest, with about 22,000 members, is the Grand Lodge of France (GLF), which Coil's says is the "fastest growing grand lodge in France … its membership has doubled in size over the last ten years and the rate of growth itself is rapidly increasing." The third largest is the National Grand Lodge of France (GLNF), which has about 13,000 members and is the only French body currently recognized by American grand lodges. All three claim an honorable Masonic history and say they are active and important in today's Masonic world.” The recent discontent from Grand Lodges all over the world has stemmed from exposing Masonic 30

ritual openly on national television, embracing brutal African leaders as Masonic Brothers, by promoting membership increases over the quality of initiation, by failing to have the GLNF’s books independently audited, and most of all, by officially cozying up to the President and ruling political party of France. At the grand session last January, many brethren stormed out in protest of Stifani, and several lodges in the Loire Valley have had their charters revoked by the GM. ( Grand Master Trautmann hopes for a resolution in the near future so Fraternal ties can one day be restored, as I am sure all Grand Masters who have had to make this difficult decision do.

GLNF Grand Master Francois Stifani


“The Online Mason” By Bro. Sam Katz who would subvert this otherwise great idea into a nightmare for the uninformed. There are a myriad of hoaxes and predators surfing the pages of FB looking for victims. Not to fret for some simple commonsense practices will keep you protected. First and foremost do not provide too much personal information about where you live and where you go. Telling a friend that you’re leaving for vacation notifies a potential burglar of a great score without the possibility of getting caught by you. Listing your home town is more than enough information and do not “ALLOW” applications to follow where you are at. A good rule of thumb is to not accept any application especially those that require you to permit them access to your account. Secondly, a Facebook “friend” isn’t necessarily your friend. Only accept “friend” requests from people you know unless you see that the requestor is a “friend” with a lot of your friends (this information is displayed If the aforementioned stance in favor of by clicking on mutual friends) and after our continued presence on FB seems clicking on the name of the potential strongly stated it is because many “friend” and reading some of their Brothers who are veteran FB participants postings and information they provided to are aware of its many benefits to FB and maybe looking at some of their Freemasonry. Many Lodges find it posted photographs. Be especially careful difficult to create and maintain a webpage when a requestor has just a few friends, no which is somewhat static compared to the photos including the profile picture and no ease of creating (no needed software) and postings whatsoever. I personally do not maintaining a FB page by simply typing a accept non-Masonic friends off-hand and sentence or two and posting a status still use the aforementioned criteria when update. Some Lodges opt to create more accepting “Masons” since there are intricate pages in which they list their individuals looking to befriend Masons Officers and Past Masters, list the and start posting anti-Masonic trash on numerous Freemason who have played your FB page. As far as ritual on FB, important roles in the history of this remember your obligation of not country and provide information about discussing ritual outside of the Lodge or Freemasonry and how to become a with anyone except your instructor(s). member. Many Lodges have networked And treat internal Lodge business as you via FB to share ideas and support each would your own personal business, others activities by posting coming Events keeping in mind that what you put on FB which can be shared with their members is available to be viewed by anyone with a and others who request to receive computer. You might just as well go into information from that Lodge. The ability a room of strangers and announce your to easily post pictures of Lodge activities personal business at the top of your lungs are a great morale booster while keeping when you put anything personal on FB. the membership up-to-date of what’s going on in their Lodge even if they SHOULD MASONS BE ON should miss a meeting or two. FACEBOOK??? HECK YEAH!!! Speaking from experience, I have met Now for the “dark side” of FB and how to many Brothers attending Masonic events avoid problems. Since FB has become so listed on FB. I’ve gotten to know and in popular it has become a magnet for those some case met Brothers from across state

On one side of this question are those

who ask if Freemasons should get involved in all this newfangled social media frenzy and what if any advantage is there in our exposing ourselves and our Fraternity to public scrutiny? Many of us who favor Masonic involvement in social media such as Facebook (FB) believe that our Fraternity can benefit and grow using this 21st Century tool of instant communication. We have nothing to hide from the non-Masonic world and, to the contrary, we have much to share with those who inhabit various internet communities about our principals of morality and Fraternalism. Many of our Lodges, Valleys, Bethels, Chapters and other Masonically related groups use this medium daily to inform those on FB about the contributions of their groups to the betterment of society in general and our localities in particular


in my home jurisdiction of Delaware, from surrounding jurisdictions and jurisdictions in other countries thus expanding my Masonic horizons. Are we not part of the WORLD's oldest and largest Fraternity? Facebook currently offers us the best social media exposure and Masonic networking opportunities (there are other fine social media groups such as sponsored by the Scottish Rite of the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction), so let’s encourage our Brothers to join and become active in this 21st Century town hall. In doing so we need to give them a “heads up” that they will be communicating with a plethora of individuals and groups who may have their own personal agendas (some not friendly). We need to “walk” them through Facebook protocols such as (and no limited to) avoiding the exchange of personal information, ritual and internal Lodge politics that could be viewed by anyone. Perhaps we could have a Brother speak about “Freemasonry and the Computer Age” at a Lodge meeting or have a get together where some of our older Brethren can have a “hands on” opportunity to be introduced to the use of personal computers by Brothers with computer savvy. Keep in mind that each one of us serves as a public face of who Freemasons are. Just as “throwing the single finger Philly salute” from your car with a compass and square affixed will leave a less than favorable impression of our Fraternity the same will occur when you use profanity, sexual explicit comments or other non-social postings on a Facebook page that indicates your Masonic affiliation. In summation you can find a whole world of new Masonic contacts and advance your Masonic education while at the same exposing Freemasonry to a world hungry for the principals we espouse!!!


“Continent To Continent Masonic History In The Making” By Bro Frederic L. Milliken Something that doesn’t happen every day of the week, no something that doesn’t happen every year, no something that doesn’t happen every decade…let’s put it this way. When was the last time you heard of a Grand Master traveling thousands of miles to another Continent to establish a Lodge under its jurisdiction (excluding military Lodges)? Well that is exactly what the Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas, the Honorable Wilbert M. Curtis has done.

The Brothers of Cote d‘Ivoire chose the name Roots Lodge to symbolize the indomitable connectivity between Africans on the continent and Africans in the Diaspora.

Bro. Metan said, “The name Roots, is taken from Alex Haley‘s famous book, and is representative of men of African descent all over the world. Roots is a rallying name in which they all recognize themselves. Its powerful An invitation was extended to Grand Master Curtis from symbolism is sacred and spans time and space in answer a group of Masons, lead by Brother Louis Metan, from to the distant call from our forefathers, who used similar Cote d’Ivoire, Africa to organize and consecrate a Lodge symbolism with the adoption of the name African Lodge. there in the Prince Hall family under the jurisdiction of The adoption of the name, African Lodge, in that time, The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas. was a call to Mother Africa from where they expected blessings to flow for the success of their ambitions. On February, 7, 2012 Grand Master Curtis with a Likewise, the Brothers of Roots Lodge U.D. believe that delegation of Prince Hall Texas Grand Officers arrived in the bond of union is established from now on between Cote d’Ivoire to perform this Africans worldwide and across centuries, provided that mission. they use the Square and the Compass and are righteous.” The Texas Prince Hall Junior Grand Warden and Grand Historian, Frank “This name also reflects the beginning of our Work, its Jackson, who was among the roots. We pray that the originators and those that follow Brothers that made this historic trip increase in the wisdom of the Sacred Law. The roots are tells us: also symbolic of a very strong African tree, the Iroko, under which we, like our ancestors pray for so many “Cote d‘Ivoire is a West African spiritual intercessions. On the banner the Iroko is white, country with a surface area of to express the ingenuousness of our ambition and its 322,462 km, bordered on the Most Worshipful northern part by Mali and Burkina, capacity to progress forward in a perpetual cycle of Prince Hall Grand on the west by Liberia and Guinea, Lodge of Texas neighbored to the east by Ghana and on the south by the Atlantic Ocean. The population of Cote d‘Ivoire is estimated at 21,058,798 inhabitants in 2011. The political and administrative capital of Cote d‘Ivoire is Yamoussoukro (the economic capital is Abidjan), the official language is French and the currency is the franc CFA. The country is also a member of the Economic Community of West African States (E.C.O.W.A.S.).” The Brothers of Cote d’Ivoire selected as the name of their Lodge Roots Lodge UD.

The Gift of Table Cloth

Again Jackson informs us:

(Continued on page 33) 32

Bro Frederic L. Milliken - “Continent to Continent” would be a third Lodge consecrated. This all follows a master plan. Three Lodges can come together to form a accomplishment that Grand Lodge. Someday in the near future there will be a never stops. The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Cote Master Mason‘s work d’Ivoire. never stops. The The last day of the four day Grand Session was the Tri Iroko tree, superInstallation of officers of The Most Worshipful Prince imposed against the Hall Grand Lodge of Texas, The Heroines of Jericho and sun represents the Eastern Star. At the very end W.M. Louis Metan made a dawn of a new day special presentation to Grand Master Curtis. First of all and more light. So he thanked all the Brethren for the great hospitality of the this is how one must read our banner: the Grand Lodge. Having immersed themselves in the Most Worshipful Prince Hall wisdom resides at our brotherly love and affection of all the Texas Brethren he Grand Lodge of Texas Grand said that he and his delegation were leaving with much work, supported by Session 2012 Strength and adorned joy and inspiration. He said that they all had listened, watched and learned from this experience and that they in Beauty. May we always express the fact of this had received helpful information that they would take boundless dream,” said Bro. Metan. back to Cote d’Ivoire to use in Roots Lodge. Lastly he Before leaving, Grand Master Curtis extended an presented Grand Master Curtis with gifts of the flag of invitation to Worshipful Master Metan and the Brothers Cote d’Ivoire, a special candle, a Dashiki and a tablecloth of Roots Lodge to attend the summer Grand Session of for Mrs. Curtis. The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas, There remained nothing left to say but “au revoir mon June 21-24, 2012 and to perform the opening ritual for frère.” the Grand Session which they accepted.

(Continued from page 32)

On Friday June 22, 2012, Roots W.M. Louis Metan and his officers opened the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas’ 137th Grand Communication performing the ritual in the French language. As Arkansas Prince Hall Grand Master Cleveland Wilson was later to say, “I didn’t understand a word they said but I could follow exactly what they were doing.” The largest attendance of a Texas Prince Hall Grand Session in many a year gave the Roots Brothers a standing ovation that seemed as if it would never end.


Throughout the four day Grand Session the Brothers from Roots attended all the functions of the Grand Lodge, its business, elections and all the social functions, the festivals and banquets. Whether at breakfast at the host hotel or during a break at Grand Session one by one Texas Brothers would engage them in conversation and exchange a token of brotherly love and affection. The language barrier didn’t exist for we all spoke the Masonic language, that understanding that only Brothers of the Craft can share. Grand Master Curtis in his Allocution announced that Roots Lodge UD was no more. Grand Lodge had voted to charter the Lodge as a full working Lodge. Now it was Roots Lodge #656 of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas. And he announced that Roots Lodge would be taking back with them a dispensation to open a second Lodge in Cote d’Ivoire. Soon he said there 33

Grand Master Curtis with the Roots Lodge Brothers

“The Political Spectrum of our Craft” By Bro. Paul C Smith

Politics has pervaded every sense of our lives, it seems. We use terms like liberal and conservative outside the normal political atmosphere to talk about things such as science, and religion…so why is Freemasonry any different? Unfortunately, it is not.

it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mindset. Then I believe the fairly conservative group comes into play. Into this category I place the female-only Masons, (because while they are not Years ago, the late Brother Nelson King, past president recognized, they act in a fraternal manner similar to and long time editor of the Philalethes Society wrote regular systems and do not allow mixed masons or an article called “Confessions of a Born Again, male Masons to attend their ceremonies), as well as Fundamentalist, Freemason” in which he laid out some those who uphold their Grand Lodges in times of of his core beliefs, i.e.- he was opposed to progressive wrong, but may have sympathies toward progress. I line offices, he essentially opposed to the ‘anyone can then categorize the libertarian conservative who are join’ mentality and the like. Some could say that some similar to the tolerant liberals in the sense of esoteric of his views were ‘conservative,’ some could say that traditions, are anti-PH discrimination, but the major some of his views were ‘liberal.’ I tend to think that difference is that they believe in the fundamental Nelson may very well have been in the middle, a landmarks of male only and support the Grand Lodge ‘moderate’ Freemason perhaps…and actually think system. most of us may very well be in that category. For several years I took part in an online Masonic I have noticed, unfortunately, that there seems to be a group and this group had Freemasons from all walks great deal of divide in this Masonic political spectrum of life participating, including some from regular but these days. unrecognized Grand Lodges. I saw much discussion, much of it leading to several of my own questions and I’ll first mention what I think the varying scales of research ideas, and it was good for informational the Masonic political spectrum are: Liberal purposes. However, last year a co-mason requested to Freemasons are of a wide degree; they include the join the group and a great deal of support for her radical liberal (your Grand Orient types who do not entrance into the group sparked my motivation to leave believe in any of the landmarks, are involved in it. I would not categorize myself as a “conservative” national politics, many are atheist, etc.), the fairly Freemason in the sense I alluded to above, nor am I a liberal (I’ll place the co-masons and the various “liberal” Freemason in any way…I think I probably offspring of mixed masonry into this category-people adhere to the moderate range of Freemason mentality. who like to think they’re regular but ignore some of I purposely did not discuss it before because I think the basics about our fraternity and gender psychology), this is where many Masons fit today and there is not a and the tolerant liberal (these are the sympathizers of broad brush approach to this category the way the co-masonry, practitioners of esotericism and other others fall neatly. I think most Freemasons fall traditions, anti-PH discrimination and the like). somewhere in the tolerant liberal-moderate-libertarian conservative range of the spectrum, leaving the various Conservative Freemasons are as categorical as the extremes somewhere on their own. liberal, in that you have hard-core conservative brothers who march in lock step with their respective My own principles are thus: I strongly support the Grand Lodges; I think many probably don’t do much recognition of Prince Hall Masonry, (the fact that there Masonic reading or inquiry into Masonic philosophy are a few remaining hold outs (Continued on page 35) or esotericism or the like and they tend to be of the “if


“From The Ashes” By Bro. Paul C Smith

(Continued from page 34)

stage,” and I believe that this progressive moral science really ought be the goal of all Freemasonry, to this is a travesty and in my mind is blatantly thereby abandoning the notion I described above, of a unMasonic in nature); I believe in study and discussion political spectrum in our craft. of esoteric principles; I do not support the mixing of genders in Lodge; I support the observant model in I realize this dream of mine is not realistic. The co’s Lodge- a return to our great roots by formality in and mixed will never accept the ideas of fraternity and Lodge, a non-progressive officer line, etc; I believe in the landmarks of male-only; the Orients will not return a Volume of Sacred Law on the altar-the volume that to their founding principles and pull back from politics applies to the individual candidate in his degrees; I or adopt a spiritual bent once again; I hope that I’m support the Grand Lodge system and would never wrong in suggesting that some of the Southern GLs support a single Grand Lodge or single spokesman for will never recognize as equal and regular their very all the Craft. Quite simply, I believe I fall somewhere regular Prince Hall counterparts (but I’m not sure they in the middle of the afore mentioned spectrum-and I will in my lifetime); and as recently as this year some will not now, nor ever, apologize for the beliefs I hold of our mainstream counterparts have outlawed even in and of this great fraternity. discussion of some of the well recognized esoteric underpinnings of our order (see New South Wales We all know that Freemasonry is described as a Australia). But I can hope. progressive moral science. In the modern political vernacular however, the term progressive has been I will continue to espouse the principle that hijacked by the liberal philosophy…but we must put Freemasonry is indeed the progressive moral science it that aside for the purposes of our discussion and take is by definition and I will continue to dedicate my life the term literally whereby we find in the intransitive to living that ideal in the Freemasonry that I practice. verb “to develop to a higher, better, or more advanced



“Guarding the west gate and staying true to our craft, A lesson to be learned from the Morgan Affair� Bro. Shawn M. Gorley Freemasonry, at least since its documented existence has always had enemies that have tried to harm, discredit and dismantle our fraternity. From Catholic Popes, Communist rulers, Adolph Hitler, Baptist conventions and people just trying to make a buck by exposing the "secrets" of our craft like Leo Taxil, we have never gone very long without some sort of serious opposition. Fortunately because of the goodness of Freemasonry, our ideals and beliefs, our love of fellow man, freedom and equality for all, nothing or no one has been able to bring our Craft to its knees. Many have tried, but none have succeeded because the true tenents of Freemasonry have always overcome every bad thing thrown at it. Quite possibly the most damaging blow to our Fraternity in its long proud history comes from the Morgan Affair. This incident started in 1826 and lasted until 1838. William Morgan or sometimes referred to as Capt. William Morgan (no fellas, not the same Capt. Morgan some of us like to get to know on occasion!) is at the center of this affair. William Morgan, was born August 7, 1774 in Culpeper County, Virginia. During the war of 1812 Morgan had claimed to have served as a captain, yet there is no hard evidence anywhere that he actually did. By 1819 Morgan had married in Richmond Virginia and had two kids. In 1821 he had moved to York, Canada to work as a brewer, while there a fire destroyed his brewery and ultimately left his business in ruins. As a result of his failed brewery he relocated his family to Rochester, New York in 1823 and then later he moved on to Batavia, New York. In 1823 while living in Rochester, New York, William Morgan was working as a bricklayer for a Freemason by the name of Warren. While employed by Warren, William Morgan had persuaded Warren that he was a Freemason, and was vouched for and able to attend a lodge in Rochester then after a lodge in Leroy and then Batavia New York, where in each place he had claimed to have been made a Mason while in Canada where the degree work was different than that in the United States, which would have explained his struggle upon being examined to the examining committee. The only degree in Freemasonry that William Morgan ever received that can be proven was that of the Royal Arch degree he received on May 31, 1825 at Leroy, New York. By 1826 Morgan had moved on to Batavia, where he got active in the Masonic circle and learned much on the degrees and ceremonies of Freemasonry. He was even included as a signer on a petition for a new Royal Arch chapter in Batavia.


It was in Batavia where suspicion began to grow as to Morgan being a legitimate Freemason. There were several brothers that had their doubts, and that along with neglecting his family, his lack of paying back financial debts, being arrested and jailed for this on numerous occasions, theft, and his careless habits it was enough for the brethren to object to him being a part of the constituting of a new Royal Arch chapter and they had his name removed from the petition, and he found himself suddenly becoming an outsider to the chapter and the lodge. Naturally William Morgan was quite unhappy about this and a number of quarrels between himself and the brethren ensued. As a result of Morgan's new outsider status there where rumors floating about that he was planning to write and publish a tell all book with an insiders view which would expose everything about Freemasonry. The rumors where true, in the spring of 1826 he filed an application for a copyright for his book to be written. Soon after, his book " Illustrations of Masonry by one of the Fraternity, God said let there be Light and there was Light. " was published with the help of the publisher of the Batavia newspaper, David Miller. Miller, twenty years prior had petitioned a lodge and had the entered apprentice degree conferred upon him but the lodge refused to advance him any farther in the degrees, it was said he held a grudge against Freemasonry as a result of that, so naturally he was willing to help with Morgan's book. ( I feel it's important to note here what a huge undertaking writing and publishing a book back in those days really was, it would take days or even weeks of hard work to publish one copy of a book. This should say something about how passionate these two men where to hurt Freemasonry.

It is fairly obvious that what Morgan was doing wasn't well received by the brethren. Even so, a number of the cooler headed brothers had made a strong point and it was decided that the best way to handle the situation of Morgan's book being published was to pay no attention to it and look the other way. The thought was that if the Masonic community didn't even bother to refute the book or Morgan no one would pay attention and the book would eventually run its course with little attention. The Masons knew that in this case, that any publicity would be good publicity for Morgan's cause. While his book didn't get a whole lot of attention, Morgan did. Being arrested and jailed numerous times from charges of theft, and non payment of (Continued on page 37)

“Morgan Affair”- Gorley (Continued from page 36) loans Morgan couldn't seem to stay out of trouble. One instance he was arrested for larceny and acquitted in Canandaigua, New York just to be rearrested for a debt of $2.68 which he couldn't repay so he was immediately put in jail. He wasn't there for long, he was released on the debt being paid by an outside party, where upon that release he immediately departed in a coach with several other people. This is where it got interesting, it was said that Morgan didn't depart on his William Morgan Pillar own free will, that there was a struggle and that Morgan's hat Batavia Cemetery was left behind. Later he had been traced to Fort Niagra, and then after that is still to date a mystery. No one knows and there has been no hard evidence as to what happened to him. There was much speculation as to what had happened and many unconfirmed theories as to where he was or if he was murdered. It was rumored Morgan was living in places like Syria, Australia, and even in the Western U.S. posing as an Indian Chief. It was also rumored he was murdered, by whom you ask? With all of his Masonic resentment it was rumored that the Freemasons did it to get back at him or shut him up. Although there were several people arrested and jailed as a result for their part in Morgan's departure by coach, the bottom line is that no one can definitively prove what happened to William Morgan. Even though the public in general ( and with the help of Morgan's friends and active Anti Masons ) had placed the blame and decided that he was murdered by the Freemasons, there where many brethren who had tried to help in searches to locate him and some even offered rewards for any information that would help produce evidence of what had really happened. The most prominent being the Past Grand Master of New York and at the time Governor, DeWitt Clinton who put up a thousand dollars and a pardon to anyone who would have proof of what took place no matter what part they took in what went on, less they were the murderer if he was indeed killed, the reward was never claimed. To this day it still remains a mystery as to what really happened. Was he murdered, was he told to leave town because of his actions or did he run away from all of his financial and familial obligations to have a fresh start somewhere else? I guess we will never know. For the public that had heard the story of Morgan, believed he was kidnapped or even murdered by Freemasons and already had a distaste for Freemasonry this was the perfect opportunity to lash out against the fraternity, and lash out they did! The already existent Anti Masons felt that they finally had something against the craft to run with and to prove that 37

Freemasonry was evil. As a result of the massive attention to this occurrence, all over the northeastern United States, Freemasonry was paying the price for this incident and the craft was almost completely non existent as a result. Men being fired from their jobs, ministers not allowed to preach, homes being burned, families considered outcasts and evil, all because of their association with Freemasonry. There was even a political party formed called " The Anti Masonic Party " where politicians running under that ticket were trying to gain popularity by proclaiming that they were against Freemasonry. Hundreds, even thousands of lodges shut down and eventually turned in their charters. Even some Grand Lodges shut down such as Vermont which held no communications for ten years, and Michigan which was founded in 1826; by 1829 they decided to suspend activity for eleven years all because of the huge public distaste for Freemasonry. As I pointed out, there were many against Freemasonry during the period between 1826 and 1838 but I feel it also needs to be mentioned that there where Freemasons during that period that stood true to their craft. The most prominent being Andrew Jackson, who we know was our seventh President from 1829 to 1837. Jackson was a Freemason from Tennessee, who ran against the Anti Masonic Party and won, twice. We also need to be thankful to the Grand Lodges of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Pennsylvania who fought back against our critics and when they did they did their opponents tucked tail and ran, and by the time of the civil war Freemasonry was once again as strong as it ever was. What is the lesson to be learned from the particular piece of Masonic history? First, guard the west gate like the existence of our beloved fraternity depends on it, because it does. I highly doubt that the bricklayer named Warren who introduced Morgan to his lodge had any idea what was going to happen, he was most likely just being brotherly to a man he thought was his brother. In the present day this should be especially important with lodges in some jurisdictions now permitted to recruit new members and the rush to increase membership numbers. Second, stay true to your beliefs, even if they aren't popular. If it weren't for men like Andrew Jackson and those three Grand Lodges, Freemasonry in the U.S. may have very well been non existent if not completely different than what we have today. We all know that member numbers are less than what some would like them to be and there are many great men out there that could possibly fit well with our craft, but lets keep this important lesson from history in mind while trying to build up the numbers. Sources: 1) Little Masonic Library vol. two. The Morgan Affair and Anti Masonry by John C. Palmer. © 1946,1977 Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Inc. Published by Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Inc. 2) The Mystic Tie by Allen E. Roberts, © 1991 published by Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Inc., ISBN- 0-88053-086-3 3) Wikipedia 4) Wikipedia -

“I Am Prince Hall” By Bro. Kevin P. Wardally A few years ago I came up with an idea for a blue wrist band that all Prince Hall Masons and Eastern Stars could wear that would just simply say, “I AM PRINCE HALL”. It was meant to be a signal to the outer world of our respect for our beloved founder, as a symbol of recognition and regularity for those who knew what it meant, and lastly a strong and steady reminder to ourselves of the strong history and legacy that we each have to strive everyday to live up to. I created them on a website and offered them to my Lodge as a fundraising idea and it has been very successful ever since, every day I see a fellow Prince Hall Mason or Eastern Star use the picture of my wristbands as their profile picture, or their twitter image, etc.

has produced almost every major leader in the struggle of Black people in this country including A. Phillip Randolph, Thurgood Marshall, Richard Pryor, Rev., Richard Allen and countless others. He believed that Freemasonry’s emphasis on good fellowship, charitable work and a longstanding tradition of fighting for noble ideas made it the right institution for our people; he felt it was the organization and institution that we needed and still need today.

Prince Hall was the first organizer of our people. He did not sit idly by and let folks of color be mistreated. He historically petitioned the government several times to bring attention to and correct wrongs levied against Black people in the Americas. He fought against slavery and mistreatment and organized others to fight against them and supported those Blacks who did the same. How does one live up to the strong history and He opened the first school for young Blacks in legacy of our founder, Prince Hall when so little facts Boston for he knew it would lead to a brighter are known about him specifically. I say we study the future for his people. history that is known, we pay attention to that which was going on during that time in America and When we remember him, let us remember that we we heed his enlightened writings that gift which he too need to live up to his legacy of being an left for us. organizer, an abolitionist, an educator, a politician, a charitable individual and a leader of others just a bit Prince Hall was a man of benevolence and charity. everyday in our everyday lives. Let us each He was convinced that his people could improve proclaim to the world and to each other that their lot in life in this country by organizing themselves. The only way they could form any sort “I AM PRINCE HALL” and let us remember his words of movement to promote the welfare of Blacks was to us his brothers, “Live and act as Masons, that you through an already existing may die as Masons.” I network. And that network, in promise to try to do my fact the oldest network was part to honor and Freemasonry, and thus Prince remember him, brothers I Hall Freemasonry was born only ask, that you too do On March 6, 1775 a significant the same. moment in American History took place. Prince Hall and his comrades took the initial steps to TWT form America’s first Black institution. One that still stands the test of time today, one that 38

“Focus on the Value of the Lesson, Not the Source” By Bro. David Browning

How can we achieve balance and maintain our equilibrium if we do not continually strive to learn from all sources, not just those we are partial too? One of the things that often prevents us from learning some of the most valuable and enlightening lessons is that we are so focused on the source that we miss the lesson. There are many sources that we can learn moral and spiritual lessons from but we often overlook these because of predetermined beliefs that we have about the source. In many cases, these preconceived and often ill conceived beliefs have no basis and are, in fact, not our own but the opinions that we have borrowed from others. It is only when we start to value the lesson and focus less on the source that we can realize the full meaning of life and be truly enlightened.

We should be open minded enough to see that almost any Holy Book(s) can be used to enlighten one’s mind, regardless of their faith when it is made clear up front that the purpose of studying diverse sources is not to endorse or teach a religion but rather to learn the moral and philosophical lessons tends to remove the protective defenses. At the end of the day it seems much better to synthesize among a group of beliefs which unifies, rather than to focus on the differences which will ultimately divide us.

There are also many other sources that we should study and give consideration to in our quest to become enlightened. These include but are not limited to the teachings of Confucius, Zoroaster, Seneca, Plato, Aristotle and other great Philosophers as well as the we are taught that regardless of our personal religious Poets, Astrologers, and Theologians. We should not just beliefs, there are lessons that we can learn from the sacred study others interpretations of their works but should texts and teachings of the Jewish, Islamic, and Christian also seek to read and study the original works. faiths. This equal treatment is a striking lesson that should I want to leave you with one final also apply to other parts of our life. thought and sincerely hope that Applying this to my own life, I am a you will give it serious Christian, and I have some very close consideration. If we are to friends from both the Jewish and believe what we are taught in Islamic faiths. As we have talked and the First Degree lecture that interacted over the years we have “Masonry unites men of every discovered that many of the same country, sect, and opinion and lessons transcend each of our religions conciliates true friendship and although the players and story will among those who otherwise vary, the fundamental truths are might have remained at a constant. perpetual distance” then we must be willing to consider The great thing is that anyone can take multiple sources during our away learning's from each of these How can we have an degrees regardless of their religious background and Masonic journey. understanding and respect of others if we don’t take beliefs. These teachings are then summarized in the 26th the time to consider the sources that have shaped degree into a common set of truths that every Mason, them into the Men and Brothers that we know them regardless of religion should be able to believe in and agree to be? on. Focusing on these common themes and beliefs reinforces the universality of Masonry. These universal beliefs, a belief in God and the immortality of the soul, are what allow the Israelite, the Christian, and the Mohammedan to live in harmony. The Scottish Rite degrees give us a real glimpse of the lessons that we can learn when we open our minds, lower our defenses and have a willingness to consider other sources. For example, in the 23rd, 24th, and 25th degrees,



The Coaches Coach: “Some Light on Masonic Cement” (Part 2 of 6) By Bro. John Nagy Chalk, Charcoal and Clay are Working Materials! Just as Working Tools provide you with Instruments that assist you in exercising your Craft, Working Materials such as Chalk, Charcoal and Clay provide you with necessary Resources to Build. These Resources are the raw Materials that knowledgeable and skilled Craftsmen use to fabricate, not external edifices, but internal Structures necessary to assure that use of these Resources creates beneficial outcomes. For Masonry to manifest, it requires both Working Tools and specific Resources of which these Tools must be applied toward. It is not the mere presence of specific Resources that brings forth Masonry, just as the mere presence of “Chalk, Charcoal and Clay” do not bring forth Cement. These Resources must be directed Properly to bring forth desired results. When not directed Properly, one only gets useless aggregate and, possibly far worse, Rubbish. When Properly directed, Resource use brings about Transformation. I’ll share an example of this. The Proper directing of Charcoal toward Chalk brings about Lime. Chalk is Limestone and more specifically, Calcium Carbonate. To transform Calcium Carbonate to Lime, Calcium Oxide, heat must be applied Properly for the Carbon Dioxide to “boil off” or be released. When too little heat is applied, the limestone is not transformed. When too much heat is applied, it creates something referred to as, “dead-burn” Lime. This type of Lime is unreactive for Cement making purposes. It is critical that the Proper amount of heat is applied for the creation of useful, and more importantly, “Suitable” lime. In the same Light, Masonry doesn’t just “happen”. All the elements necessary to its manifestation must be Properly directed for Masonry to occur. Proper directing of raw Materials is critical to the manifestation of any desired result. This same understanding must be applied to the creation of Masonic Cement. The raw Materials of Chalk, Charcoal and


Clay must be Properly Directed for Masonic Cement to manifest. Let’s take a look at that Proper Direction by evaluating what these raw Materials symbolize as usable Resources.

The Freedom of Chalk Within Masonic circles, Chalk Symbolizes “Freedom”. At its most basic level, Freedom is a requirement for all Candidates going through any Degree. Without Freedom, Entering into Binding Covenants will not occur with Integrity. A non-free Commitment, Obligation, Promise or Oath fall apart, once what prevented Freedom is removed. This is one of the most important considerations men must Perpend when involving themselves in any type of Covenant. The slightest lack of Freedom, like the slightest touch of Chalk, marks and even taints the Covenant and threatens its Integrity long after that Covenant is made. Covenants agreed upon in Freedom are “Choice” based, not “Decision” based. Many men do not realize that there is a major difference between a Choice and a Decision. This difference is another interesting and potentially fruitful point worth Perpending. While the former is rooted in “taste” and makes no allowance for any other consideration, the latter is based upon “loss” and must by its very nature incur losses due to making a selection that excludes other considered options. Choices have no other considerations; they are what you want. Decisions are filled with considerations; they include what you don’t want or are willing to loose. Men who Enter upon any great and important undertaking, must do so Freely and without reservations that restrict or “condition” that Free choice. Such a choice will

(Continued on page 41)

“Some Light on Masonic Cement” By Bro. John Nagy (Continued from page 40) never have any hint of Decision or indecision. Men coming into Masonry must have the ability to recognize and make supportive Choices. Without this executing ability, all that follows is Built upon unstable Foundations. These Foundations shift when whatever influences forcing Decisions, rather than Choices, no longer exists. Decisionbased Structures fail once that Dependence ends. If you haven’t gathered by now, useful Freedom is not undirected. Properly executed processes help focus Freedom toward useful Purposes. Those Purposes create benefits for those who know how to deploy it. Once a Covenant is committed to, men so engaging must then learn to guide their Choices Properly. A proper understanding and application of Chalk in one’s Work and toward one’s Work is necessary for Masonry to mature. This application will be covered in part three of this series. The Soot on Charcoal If it’s not obvious yet, Charcoal is not useful in making Masonic Cement unless it’s ignited. Much like Knowledge, unlit Charcoal is merely inventory. Both are locked Potential. Much like Knowledge being applied, lit Charcoal is flowing Potential. Moreover, both only empower when applied Properly. Like Chalk, Charcoal has Symbolic meaning within Masonry. It is emblematic of Fervency1. You must Perpend this word carefully to Properly glean what it means to your Masonic development. Upon first evaluation, you might assume that Fervency is Zeal. In fact, much will support this assumption. A quick review of synonyms and definition could lead you to believe that Fervency and Zeal are synonymous. You could conclude this but you would have a misleading conclusion. Fervency has a host of varying qualities assigned to it, but all must indicate those qualities of burning charcoal to have alignment with what was intended by our Ritual progenitors. Ignited Charcoal has qualities of constant and intense heat. It is likened to a burning desire that radiates and flows in all directions. It is also something that cannot be hidden, for to make any effort to hide it would smother it and therefore render it useless. Here is an example. Ignited Charcoal symbolizes Work. Work is Potential Flowing. There is no Work performed unless Potential Flows. Please refer to your electric bill. People who use electricity from a utility are charged for the number of

kilowatts that they use. That use is calculated by multiplying the Voltage by the Current during a specific amount of Time that both were engaged. This calculation translates to Kilowatt-Hours. Voltage is Potential. Current is Flow. The product of Voltage and Current in time gives you Watts. All references to Watt-Hours also refer to Work since Watt-Hours are used to indicate Work. Ignited Charcoal is Potential Flowing. Any Flowing Potential is Work. For Masonry to manifest, Work must occur. Without Masonic Work occurring, no Masonry takes place. I’ll cover more on Proper Charcoal application in part three of this series.

Zealots among us! Zeal is an interesting word. As mentioned earlier in this writing, it is sometimes used in some way to define the word, “Fervency” and is often used synonymously with it. This overlap in application and meaning may lead some to conclude that it is one of the many words that are used within Ritual that appear to be merely there for repetition sake. To conclude that this is so would be most unfortunate. Although there appears to be an overlap in meaning and application of these two words, a clear distinction between them should be drawn to obtain the full Light that their contrast offers. You can obtain some rich clues as to what distinguishes these two words by investigating the source of the word, “Zeal”. It comes from the word, “Zealot”, which is the name of a fourth Jewish sect that existed around the 1st Century CE. Zealots were known for their steady and unwavering devotion and commitment to a cause. From these and other associated characteristics came the words, “Zealous” and “Zeal”, among other variations on this foundation. An interesting item to note about this sect is that, much like many other groups, there was a subgroup within the Zealots. This information is written within the Talmud. Members of this subgroup were referred to as the “Biryonim”. This Zealot subgroup was condemned for their unrestrained aggressiveness, unwillingness to compromise for what they desired and blind violent militarism against the opinions of their designated “teachers”. They were further blamed for contributing to the demise of “Jerusalem” and the second Jewish Temple, along with Rome’s retribution and stronghold on Judea2. The eventual meanings assigned by some to this specific word are, “boorish”, “wild”, and “ruffians”. It shouldn’t take much to conclude that intemperate Zeal leads to some very damaging consequences.

(Continued on page 42)


“Some Light on Masonic Cement” By Bro. John Nagy (Continued from page 41) Like the other two Working Materials discussed herein, Zeal has its representation in Masonry too. It is symbolized by “Clay” 3. I’ll be Working further with Clay in part three. Coach! What does this all mean? Masons are shown Working Materials when they first Enter the Fraternity. Very little information about these Working Materials is directly provided with them when this occurs. What is revealed is that these Working Materials are Symbolic for “Freedom, Fervency and Zeal”. Stripping away any pejorative and ameliorative assignments to these words and their histories, it can be discerned that: ● Freedom is the ability to Choose; the state of being unrestrained ● Fervency is a Steady and Constant Application of Resources; a Flowing Potential; Work ● Zeal is a Steady and Unwavering Devotion or Commitment; an Obligation When put together, it should become clear that without Choice, Work and Commitment, Masonic Improvement is not likely to occur with any Regularity, assurance or validity. Furthermore, it can be readily discerned that these three Symbolic Representations within Masonry also allude to three of four of the Classical Elements, Air, Fire and Earth respectively. The only Classical Element that appears to the unknowing mind 4 to be missing is that of Water, of which when added appropriately to the other Properly Prepared three Working Materials does indeed create Cement. And more specifically, when Properly Prepared, these materials create the Masonic Cement of Brotherly Love and Affection. Guidance If you have not learned anything from the Fraternity but the following, you are a lot further ahead than many Freemasons. Masons rely upon Rules and Guides in their Building practices. Masonry requires these Rules and Guides for it to manifest, but more especially: Freedom to Work toward fulfilling Commitments. Freemasonry points all Brothers toward this Work and these Rules and Guides through Ritual. Toward what does Ritual point us?

Direct the raw Working Materials of Chalk, Charcoal and Clay toward life enhancing ends. That Character is put forth in two specific Work categories. The first category involved “earthly” efforts. The second category involves “heavenly” efforts. I’d share more but there is much for you to Perpend before we continue. ------------Part 3 of this article shall explore how these three Building blocks are Properly Prepared and Applied to the creation of ample amounts of Brotherly Love and Affection. Points to Perpend: 1. What does the word, “Freedom”, mean to you? 2. Are you truly Free to both make and follow through on your Masonic Obligations? 3. What might be holding you back? 4. What does the word, “Fervency”, mean to you? 5. Is your Charcoal ignited” 6. How is your Charcoal Properly Directed to do the Work required to improve yourself in Masonry? 7. What does the word, “Zeal”, mean to you? 8. Are your Masonic Improvement Obligations wavering in any way? 9. What must you do to assure that you remain Free, Working and Committed toward your improvement efforts? 10. How well are you improving so far?

Footnotes 1. Although, depending upon when you were introduced to this, what books or articles that you’ve read and what Jurisdiction Ritual you are familiar with, this might be “Fervor” or some variation on this theme word. 2. Zealot - Wikipedia 3. although, earlier documents reveal this was not Clay but an “Earthen Pan”. - Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry 4.When you know what Water Symbolizes, you realize that simply being alive adds this Classical Element to the mix.


Ritual, and more specifically “First Degree” Ritual, directs men toward Strength Building Character which helps Properly


Th e B B u ild in g THE BUILDERS B e t t SERIES e r B u i ld e r s B o o k S e r i es s This Masonic Education Series shares Light that helps ‘Build Masonic Mastery!’ – Dr. John S. Nagy You cannot find a better overview of the Veiled Work of Masons. This Uncommon Masonic Education book series shows the Work that brings ou t Mast ery in Masons. It assists Masons toward better understanding the Masonic Work that Freemasonry alludes to through its collective writings, Rituals, Lectures and Catechisms. Each book reveals: Important Connections Between and Within each of the Blue Lodge Degrees Specific Masonic Work, Its Basis and Supporting Background Key Themes that Explain Blue Lodge Symbolism, Gestures and Words Transformations and Results That Masons Can Expect (Who Do the Work!) These books assist Ment ors, Coaches, St udy Gr oups, Lect ur ers, I nst ru ct ors, Lodge Educat ion Of f icers and Gener al Lodge Mem bers with instruction that makes sense. In addition, these books are excellent for instructing higher Degree Candidates with the basics missed by typical Masonic Education offerings. These books cont ain: Concise Uncommon Masonic Educational Chapters Multitudes of Masonic Questions/Answers/Aphorisms Further Light not found in Lodges or Schools of Instruction Challenging and interesting side codes and ciphers

Imagine understanding, explaining and using Ritual better than you ever thought possible!

The Building Series Masonic Education materials help create a clearer and cleaner understanding of what is required to Build Bet t er Builders. These m at erials are f or Masons w ho w ant m ore! Volume 1 (MM Level) – Three Degree I nterconnections Volume 2 (EA Level), Volume 3 (FC Level) & Volume 4 (MM Level) – The respective Degree Work, its basis, its background and the interconnections within the Degree Video – A Jam-packed 77 minute Masonic Education Overview with additional activities and suggested readings For more information and purchase, go to http:/ / BuildingBuilders.htm 43

York Rite News & Information



York Rite News & Information Featured Writer Bro. Jacob Lucas

The fourth and final degree in a Chapter is that of Royal Arch Mason or Holy Royal Arch, and is concerned with the recovery and identification of "that which was lost" and for which the Master Mason degree provided only a substitute. In this degree, the attention is directed to the symbolism of the spiritual life, the erection of a spiritual Temple which shall outlast the earthly one, and in which each laborer’s life is one of those essential stones necessary to complete the structure. According to Denslow, this was a part of the Master Mason degree prior to the formation of the United Grand Lodge of England, conferred by the ‘Antients’. According to Cryer, based on researching early manuscripts, the Master Mason Degree is incomplete, with substitute secrets, the true secrets reserved until after a Master had “passed the Chair.” According to research done by de Hoyos, the Royal Arch was created around 1740, by an organized group who had presided in the East. At the formation of the United Grand Lodge of England in 1813, there was a statement inserted into the Act of Union, saying:

The principal officers represent Jeshua, Zerubbabel, and Haggai, said to have formed the first Grand Council1 at Jerusalem. As the High Priest is being the presiding officer, and the King as the second officer, it seems to me that this degree is yet another example of the spiritual (Compasses) being over the material (Square). In conferring the degree, a Most Excellent Master is said to be Exalted to the most sublime degree of the Royal Arch. The officer who conducts the three candidates for this degree is known as the Principal Sojourner. He gives a large amount of biblical history, relating to the exile of the Jews to Babylon, and tells of their return to Jerusalem. As the party approaches the site of the Tabernacle, they must pass the stations of the Masters of the Veils, there to guard the approach to the Holy Altar.

The thirteenth degree in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is known as the Royal Arch of Solomon, and has similarities to this Degree of the York Rite, both probably coming from the same legends, along with the Grand Royal Arch Degree of the Rite of Misraïm. The Lost Word is found, however, its significance is not realized at this time.

After gaining admission to the Tabernacle, the candidates are received by the principal officers, who put them to work on the rebuilding of the Temple. While laboring, they discover the keystone of the arch crafted by G \M\H\A\, and are asked if they are willing to descend into the vault beneath the arch. In the vault, the candidates discover the jewels of office of K\S\, H\ K\ of T\, and H\A\. A second descent into the vault brings forth an imitation of the Ark of the Covenant, containing a pot of manna, Aaron’s rod, the Book of the Law (the Bible) and a parchment, key to deciphering the characters found inscribed on the box. On the top of the box is a triangular plate of gold, bearing the long lost Master’s Word, the Ineffable name of Deity.

In the current version of the degree as it is worked, the presiding officer is the High Priest, styled “Excellent.” Also sitting with him in the East are the King and Scribe, the other two principal elected officers of the Chapter. Sitting where the Senior Deacon is located in the Lodge is the Captain of the Host. Facing him, and acting in a similar manner to the Junior Deacon is the

The lecture of the degree explains that this degree complements and completes the Master Mason, which explains that statement from the Act of Union forming the U.G.L.E. This degree gives the history of that which was lost, and its recovery, as stated in the April, 2012 issue of this magazine. The lecture goes further into the biblical history of the period (Continued on page 46)

It is declared and announced that pure Ancient Masonry consists of three degrees, and no more; viz: Those of the Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft and the Master Mason, including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch.


Royal Arch Captain. Behind the Royal Arch Captain are the stations of the Masters of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Veils.

York Rite News & Information Featured Writer Bro. Jacob Lucas (Continued from page 45) between the destruction of the Temple and its rebuilding, known as the Babylonian Captivity. It further explains how each of the preceding six degrees builds together into a cohesive whole.

volunteer to represent the other candidates. The ‘team’ of three is symbolically important in this degree, as is needed to give the Grand Omnific Royal Arch Word 3 “three-bythree.” This word of three syllables is given, syllable by syllable, in a group of three.

The version of this degree as worked in Indiana in 1952 includes a lengthy prologue explaining the history and preparing those about to receive the degree, mentally and spiritually. The High Priest in this version is known by the alternate spelling, Joshua, and there are detailed stage directions. These directions, meant for the Director of Work to guide the degree cast, emphasize the religious and sacred nature of the degree.

The Royal Arch Guide of Sheville and Gould is a monitor which goes in depth to explain the use of symbolism and provide context in the Royal Arch Chapter. It discusses the principal officers of the Royal Arch Chapter, comparing the order in which the three officers are ranked in the United States and in England. In the ritual of that country, the ranking is Zerubbabel, the King, followed by Haggai the prophet, as Scribe, and then Joshua, the High Priest. It is claimed that the Americans changed the order at the end It is stated that Joshua must display inward excitement of the 18th century as a result of their hatred of the kingly when the replica of the Ark of the Covenant is removed office. The three offices are discussed in detail as from the vault. He is the only one aware that Masonic representing the three offices united in tradition informs us that our three Ancient Grand the Messiah, as Priest, King, and Masters deposited a copy of the Book of the Law in a Prophet. This threefold office can be secret vault under the Temple – the only remaining copy agreed upon by both Jew and of this sacred book! The reason his excitement must be Christian. The authors of this guide internal is that he does not wish to awaken hope in his explain that to set the office of King above that of High Companions, only to have even greater sorrow if the Book Priest is to innovate, changing the traditions of the ancient is not found in the box. Jews. In the Virginia ritual of 1743, it was not necessary that a man be a Past Master in order to be Exalted to this degree, only a Master Mason for a period of at least one month. Rather than three candidates being lowered into the vault, the single candidate is himself symbolically lowered into the vault twice, by the help of two Assistant Sojourners. There is no Ark of the Covenant retrieved on the second descent, but a scroll of the Book of the Law. The final address of this degree informs the newly Exalted Royal Arch Mason that he has not, in fact, received a fourth degree of Freemasonry but such, however is not the case. It is the complement to the Master Mason's degree. When you were raised to the Third degree you were informed that the Secrets of a Master Mason were lost through the untimely death of our Master, H. A., and that certain Substituted Secrets were adopted until Time and Circumstance should restore the genuine ones. These Secrets were lost for a period of nearly five hundred years and were discovered in the manner which has been explained to you, somewhat in a dramatic form, the more fully to impress on your mind the providential manner by which our Ancient Secrets were

The Ineffable Word, or Tetragrammaton, ‫ הוהי‬or as it is written in English, YHWH, is explained as a symbol found in many initiatic systems throughout the world. Sheville and Gould explain the symbolism of the word, composed of the past, present, and future tense of the verb ‫היה‬, to be, which signifies was, is, and shall be, famously the name God gave to Moses as “I am that I am.”

Sources Allyn, Avery. Ritual of Freemasonry. 1865. Blaisdell, Ron, P.M., “The Rituals of American Freemasonry,” June 16, 2001, Blaisdell_-_The_Rituals_of_American_Freemasonry.pdf accessed on February 20, 2012. Blaisdell, Ron. Personal communication. Cross, Jeremy Ladd. The True Masonic Chart. 1851. Cryer, Neville Barker., The Royal Arch Journey.

regained. 2

De Hoyos, Arturo, 33°, G\C\. Scottish Rite Monitor and Guide, 3rd Edition –

In Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor, it is explained that the degree should not be conferred on more, or less, than three candidates at a time. If there are less than three candidates, one or two companions, as needed, may

Revised and Enlarged, 2011. Washington, DC. The Supreme Council, 33°


(Continued on page 47)

York Rite News & Information Featured Writer Bro. Jacob Lucas (Continued from page 46) Denslow, Ray V., A Handbook

for Royal Arch Masons. Degrees, accessed on February 21, 2012.

Degree Ritual, General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International. 1996. Duncan, Malcolm C., Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor. 1866. Mackey, Albert Gallatin. The Book of the Chapter. 1870. Richardson, Jabez. Richardson’s Monitor of Freemasonry. 1860. Ritual for the Royal Arch Degree, Indiana. 1952. Ritual of 1743, Grand Royal Arch of Virginia. Sheville, John, P.G.H.P. and James L. Gould, P.G.H.P., 33°, Guide to the Royal Arch Chapter. 1867. Shroder, John, P.M., “The Royal Arch of Zerubbabel (York or American Rite) and The Royal Arch of Solomon (Scottish Rite),” January 29, 2000, 20Files/79A%20-%20Royal%20Arch%20Comparison.pdf accessed on July 2, 2012. Spiedel, Frederick G., The York Rite of Freemasonry: A History and Handbook. Presented by Hugh DePayens Commandery No. 30, K.T. and associated York Rite Bodies in Erie County, NY. 1978. Webb, Thomas Smith. The Freemason’s Monitor; or, Illustrations of Masonry: In Two Parts. 1808.

1. In Ezra 5:1-2, Haggai the prophet called for a Tabernacle

3. to be built at the site of the destroyed Temple. Zerubbabel Said to be derived by combining parts of the name of Deity in and Jeshua built this Tabernacle. Jeshua was chosen to be the different historic languages. According to Arturo de Hoyos, first High Priest after the return of the Jews from the this word was the name of an explorer who discovered the Babylonian Captivity. Zerubbabel was of the royal lineage of ruins of a Temple during the reign of King Solomon, and David, and was appointed Governor of the Persian Province found a gold plate with the name of Deity engraved upon it, of Judah. By having the right of the Holy (Jeshua) and Royal in early French versions of this degree. (Zerubbabel) lines, the construction of the second Temple Footnotes was authorized. 2. Ritual of 1743, Grand Royal Arch of Virginia.



“The Sword and Trowel � The Sword and Trowel is a prominent symbol of the Cryptic Rite. Though it is not always the case, this symbol can be displayed with the crossed Sword and Trowel within a broken triangle, within a complete equilateral triangle, and within the circle contained within the square. Most of the time it is seen as it is on the right. Let us delve into each of these symbols with the three exterior symbols: the square, the circle, and the triangle.

The Square, the Circle, and the Triangle These three symbols have many meanings. The square is a symbol of security and protection. According to George L. Marshall, Past Grand Commander: "The hollow square (also known as the infantry square) was a formation assumed by the infantry when threatened with a cavalry attack." As I talked about in the last Royal Arch article, the square's four sides signify completion, balance, stability, order, endurance, and the many quadrants of nature (directions, winds, elements, moon phases, and so forth). The circle has no end and no beginning which represents infinity or eternity. It has been to many generations a representation of the celestial and Heavenly bodies. The circle also represents freedom, unity, completeness, and harmony. The circle is also restrictive though, as we are reminded in the 1st degree of Freemasonry and Point within a Circle whereby we are taught to restrain our passions, our prejudices, and our interests from betraying us if we were to go beyond the bounds of this line. The circle, in some cultures, represents the union between Heaven and Earth as well as the psyche. The 48

triangle signifies divinity, harmony, ascension, illumination, and gender (depending on positioning of the triangle). The triangle and the number 3 represents time: past, present, and future, or the beginning, the middle, and the end. Three is the first number to form a geometric shape -- the triangle. In Christianity, we see the 3 Wise men or Magi; the 3 realms of the afterlife: Heaven, Hell and Purgatory (Catholic doctrine); the Holy Family; and the Holy Trinity. In Masonry this number corresponds in the 3 Great Lights, the 3 Lesser Lights, the 3 Principle Officers, the 3 Great Pillars, the 3 Virtues, the 3 Principle Tenets, and the 3 Principle Stages of Human Life. The Broken Triangle represents mortality and death. This symbol is comparison to Craft Masonry is the Broken Column. Sir Knight Marshall also points out that the square is the "here and now of this life". I found this intriguing as I read the other day on an article about the Dualism of the Sword and Trowel, that the square is the body, the circle is the mind, and the triangle is the soul. In Buddhism the square located in the circle, indicates the relationship of the human and the divine. We also see the enlightened man within the combination of these 3 symbols; the triangle within the circle within the square. The square being the man containing the enlightened mind and the faithful soul all within.

The Sword and Trowel These implements, although not combined, are seen in Craft Masonry. the Sword reminds us of the Tiler and his duties to protect the bounds of the Lodge from the unworthy, uninitiated, and imposters. The Sword, a emblem of duality, not only symbolizes security, but also light, purification, righteousness, spiritual transition, and from its double-edged it shows us the defensiveness and (Continued on page 49)

York Rite News & Information - Featured Writer- Bro. Barry Newell (Continued from page 48) destructiveness. The sword is like the mind and knowledge, without proper training and honing of skill, one can cause great damage and face many challenges. The scholar and the master swordsman alike must be well-trained and keep their metaphorical and physical sword sharp. The Trowel takes us to the Master Mason's degree where the trowel is used as the primary working tool of the degree from which we learn to spread the cement of Brotherly Love which unities all the stones (the Brothers) into one common structure (the Fraternity). The trowel symbolizes completion (whether completion to our spiritual or temporal buildings), spiritual work, and enlightenment. From the 46th chapter of H.L. Haywood's book "Symbolical Masonry", we see: The Entered Apprentice, who can make only a beginning at the task of shaping the ashlar, needs only the gavel and the gauge; the Fellow Craft, to bring the stone into completeness of size and form, requires the plumb, square, and level; the Master Mason's task is to set the finished stone in its place, and bind it there, for which purpose the trowel is his most necessary tool. Therefore the Master Mason has been given the Trowel as his working tool because it is most symbolic of his function in the great work of Temple Building; when that tool has done its work there is nothing more to do, because the structure stands complete, a united mass, incapable of falling apart; the stones which were many have now, because of the binding power of the cement, become as one. "They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon." Nehemiah 4:17

From Biblical accounts, Nehemiah received from Artaxerxes the position of Governor of Judea, and was permitted to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, and to restore the city to its former fortified condition, he met with great opposition from the envious Governors and from the heathen tribes. The Governors used deceit and lies to attack the reputation of Nehemiah to Artaxerxes. The tribes obstructed the labor, and openly attacked 49

them. Measures were taken to ensure that the men were armed while they worked with their working tools in one hand and swords in their other. This Biblical telling of the armed builders is repeated by man, but particularly by Chevalier Andrew Michael Ramsay in his famous 1737 Oration and by Albert Pike in his tome "Morals & Dogma". The former stated, "this union was made after the example set by the Israelites when they erected the second Temple, who whilst they handled the trowel and mortar with one hand, in the other held the sword and buckler." The latter wrote, "Work on, the Sword in one hand, and the Trowel in the other!" This is taken from the 15ยบ of the Scottish Rite and Albert Pike points out that one of the lessons of this degree is "Constancy and Perseverance under difficulties and discouragement." The Sword and Trowel united remind us that while we are building our buildings through life we will be beset on all sides by the ignorant, the intolerant, fanaticism, and the tyrannical, so should we stay steadfast and overcome the opposition. Speaking in dualism, Companion Jeff Day of Rogue Council #23, wrote the following: Well, the Sword keeps people away, and the Trowel binds people together, so these seem to fit the description. Come to think of it, the lessons of Masonry are filled with this statements to this effect. On one hand, we are taught about the Universal Brotherhood of Mankind and on the other hand we are told to keep them in the dark concerning the secrets of Masonry. The good Companion goes on later to talk about the emblems combined allude to a balance between Severity and Mercy. With all this symbolic interpretations, one must also look at the basis of the degrees. In Royal Arch Masonry we learn of the Recovery of the Lost Word and in the Cryptic Rite we learn of the Preservation. These symbols represent Preservation through the interpretations mentioned above. Brothers, Companions, and Sir Knights remember to persevere by uniting the moral and righteous virtues that makes all men great and cutting away the vicious habits that will lead us astray and betray ourselves, and to ruin of our spiritual building!

For full reference information please visit the Traveling Templar website.



A significant group of passionate Masons have joined together to create what is now the fastest growing research society in Freemasonry. Called simply The Masonic Society, we are brothers who have a deep and abiding desire to seek knowledge, explore history, discover symbolism, debate philosophies, and in short, who are at the forefront of charting a path for the future of Freemasonry. As a student of Freemasonry, you are invited to join with us in this exciting organization. Membership in The Masonic Society is $39 per year ($49 outside of the U.S. & Canada). Benefits include: • Commemorative pin, patent of membership, and dues card. • The quarterly Journal of The Masonic Society presents articles that enlighten our past, and explore solutions to the challenges facing Freemasonry today and tomorrow. Each Journal features articles by the best-known authors in Freemasonry, as well as the brethren from the lodges in your neighborhood. • Members-only access to the Masonic Society online Internet forum. • Annual First Circle gatherings – Each year, The Masonic Society is an active participant in the Allied Masonic Degrees "Masonic Week," held in February in Alexandria, Virginia, which includes our annual First Circle gathering. • Second Circles - Masonic Society members are automatically members of state-wide or regional groups called Second Circles. These groups organize more localized seminars, speeches, dinners and other gathering, and members are encouraged to meet and work with brethren in their areas. • Programs are negotiated with publishers and other businesses for members-only discounts on books, clothing, jewelry, regalia, and other items. Advertisement 50

Scottish Rite News & Information

51 51

“ Freemason Philosophy of the 21st Century written by Bro. Jack Buta � Masonic author and Masonic Legend Bro Jack Buta wrote a book about Freemason Philosophy in the 21st Century. It was serendipitous that Bro Buta put out a call for reviewers of his new book, and that I just completed the journey of the Scottish Rite. For those that know me, I joined Chapter, Council and Commandery shortly after being raised (4-5 months). I stayed in the York Rite, this was in part because of my deployment schedule, but also because I really enjoy the degrees and the lessons they bestow on us as Freemasons. I waited 5 years until I received the degrees of the Scottish Rite, which is five more than most active Freemasons wait, still it was worth it. After going through the reunion my head felt full, like there was so much information, that there was no way that I could mentally digest it all. When you go through a Reunion you have two choices, try to take it all in, or fall asleep, I decided the former was better.

of the stories I knew before, interacting with Bro Buta since I was first initiated, but took these stories took on even greater meaning reading them here. Purist and esoteric nerds will sit and complain that Bro Buta is projecting the degrees onto others, but frankly we have to start somewhere, and Bro Buta does just that, he gives you a start. Well written and very readable, Bro Buta put together a book that I would handily recommend to any brother starting his SR journey.

The criticism I have of the book is Bro Buta does show his hand a little bit on the politics side of things, which is in the vein of Pike during his day. Freemasonry in America is Still, the symbolism and the degrees are so much that it was devoid of any political discussion like an entire menu at a fine restaurant, put in a blender and to keep lodges from tearing force feed to you, directly in your stomach. When I got themselves apart, still to say that done, I was drained, came home and slept, much to the degrees don't have an impact annoyance of my wife. on our political view points is a lie. I personally didn't agree with some of Bro Buta's assertions that the invasion Bro Buta's book is an attempt of Iraq was directly from the attacks of 9/11, yet he claims to help a Freemason like it several times in his book. The emotional nature of these myself who had just gotten the things can turn a reader off to his message, and offend their degrees communicated to him senses. I knew what Bro Buta's intent was, but some may a chance to internalize and lose it along the way. understand what each degree means. He does this by calling If you are a newly minted Scottish Rite Mason or if you on three staples of Scottish have been at it for a long time, I would recommend this Rite Freemasonry, Morals and book, if nothing more than to reground yourself in the Dogma, A Bridge to Light and message that Albert Pike was trying to bestow on us, Scottish Rite Monitor and without reading Pike of course. :) Bro. Jack Buta Guide. Bro Buta in plan terms explains both the degree, it's I will write more of my Scottish Rite experience later, and direct impact on both himself and every man and highlights this book has greatly help in the first steps. Albert Pikes lectures. The book in my opinion, should be read by every newly minted 32nd SR Mason, as it allows for us to start the journey to understand the beauty and Find on Amazon: symbolism of the degrees. Bro Buta wove into the book his experiences in life and how the degrees manifested ebook/dp/B008A8LEB8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1340454956 &sr=8-3&keywords=jack+Buta themselves for him, which I thought was beautiful. Some

TWT 52

“Bro. Emigh Completes Nationwide Bike Tour in Support of Dyslexia Centers” In May we reported that Ill. Larry Emigh, 33°, was headed across country on his bicycle to raise money and awareness for the dyslexia centers. Well, he's done it. Larry completed his journey from Manhattan Beach, in California, to Revere Beach, in Massachusetts. He rode down onto the beach, and dipped his wheel into the Atlantic, on a rainy morning in late June. Bro. Emigh, chairman of the State College, PA, learning center board took off on Mothers Day - together with 26 new-found friends - and arrived at Revere on June 29. He said the weather was great the whole way, "except for the last few minutes." As word of the impending arrival of the riders reached the gathering throng assembled under the pavilion on the beach in Revere the skies opened up. It didn't dampen the spirits of the family and friends waiting, however. Among those awaiting Emigh's arrival were his wife, son, and daughter, as well as officials from the dyslexia centers. When asked to describe the trip in just a few words, he responded with just one. "Incredible" he said.

200 Years of Brotherhood In 2013, we will be celebrating the 200 years as the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite within the United States. ·

The official celebration period is from August 5, 2012 thru December 31, 2013.

· It is the desire of the 200th Anniversary Committee to see that all Valleys celebrate the 200th Anniversary in a manner appropriate for their Valley. There will be no single event or Anniversary Class for the jurisdiction, yet there will be many ways in which each State and Valley may join in the jurisdiction wide celebration. ·

For all new initiates, there will be a special 200th Anniversary pocket jewel to be given to all candidates receiving the 32° in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in the period from Jan. 1, 2012 thru Dec. 31, 2013. Extra pocket jewels will be available this summer to any member at a cost of $25. each. · From a membership viewpoint, a membership goal for the two years of celebration is 10,000 new members or just over 6% of our January 1, 2012 membership. To assist in attaining this goal, there will be two different incentive programs sponsored by Supreme Council to encourage every member to assist. These incentives are in effect from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2013. The first is a Valley Level Member incentive for first line signers (sponsors) and the second is a jurisdiction wide incentive.

To read full article see:

VISIT to sign up for the Scottish Rite Now Newsletter 53

Scottish Rite News & Information

- Featured Writer- Jacob Lucas

In both the Southern and Northern Masonic Jurisdictions, this degree is titled Provost and Judge. The Southern Jurisdiction degree of Provost and Judge takes place during the construction of K\S \T\, and teaches the Candidate to be Just, and to administer the law with Justice, Equity, and Impartiality. In the Lecture, the true Mason is reminded of the consideration which must be obeyed at all times, “Judge not, lest you yourselves be judged; for whatsoever judgment you give to others, the same shall in turn be given to you.” The Northern Masonic Jurisdiction degree first takes place in the quarry between the workmen, and concludes with a trial. The lesson given in this degree is Truth, Justice, and the American Way Equity. In the Francken manuscript of 1783, the degree was known as Provost and Judge, or Irish Master, as it was called in Morin’s Order of the Royal Secret. The presiding officer in the East for this degree was styled Thrice Puissant1 and Illustrious Master. He represented Tito, appointed Prince Harodim2 by K \S\, and Dean of the Provosts3 and Judges, who was the first Grand Warden and Inspector over the 300 architects drawing plans for the workmen of the Temple. There are also two Wardens for this degree. In the degree, the Candidate is led around the Lodge by the Master of Ceremonies seven times, six times stopping to face the Thrice Illustrious Master and giving the Sign, Token, and Word of the preceding degrees, beginning with that of Entered Apprentice. On the seventh circuit, The T\I\M\ appoints him Provost and Judge, Obligating him at the Altar, and then instructing 54

him in the Sign, Token and Words. Although this degree is the first one in which the name of Tito, is mentioned, we have reference to other familiar names in the history of the degree. In the legend of the degree, we are taught that K\S\ created this degree for Tito as Prince Harodim and Adoniram, Chief of the Provosts and Judges, and instructed them to initiate his close confidant and favorite Joabert into this order. This lecture, as in many of the early degrees of Masonry is primarily delivered in the familiar question and answer form of the modern catechism. In Dalcho’s 1801 ritual, the T\I\M\, is said to represent Tito, Prince of Herodim, who was the eldest of the Provost and Judges. By this time, the alternate title of Irish Master was no longer in use, This version of the ritual is substantially similar to that of the Francken Manuscript. There are some additional details given as to the source of the Words used in this degree. The version of the Provost and Judge degree written by Cross is even more brief than the two previous versions examined. No Words are given, or the ceremonial circumambulations mentioned. He primarily gives the legend of the degree, which is similar to those presented by Francken and Dalcho. Allyn’s version of the degree is largely the same as that of Dalcho, in that it gives the Words and includes the seven circuits about the Lodge. There is no legend or history of the degree provided. The Provost and Judge degree manuscript given to Albert Pike in 1854 was an undated manuscript in English. The manuscript is very similar to the Cross version, with different spellings on some of the Words of the degree. This version is still extremely short, an (Continued on page 55)

Scottish Rite News & Information (Continued from page 54) opening of the Lodge, circumambulation around the Lodge (in this instance by the Senior Warden, rather than the Master of Ceremonies) with pauses to give the Signs of the preceding degrees, the obligation, a lecture which includes the legend of the degree, and closing. In Pike’s Magnum Opus, the Master is styled Illustrious, and he represents Azarias4, son of Nathan, the Chief Provost and Judge. The Wardens, styled Senior and Junior Inspectors, represent Elihoreph and Ahia, Scribes in the Court of K\S\. The Candidate represents Zabud, son of Nathan, the brother of the Azarias. The ritual includes the seven circuits around the Lodge, giving the Signs of the preceding degrees. During these circuits, the Illustrious Master reads directives to the Candidate to conduct himself with impartiality when called upon to judge his fellow man. Prior to the obligation, the Ill\M\ questions the Candidate to ensure that he understands the gravity of the role of a judge. The lecture of the degree describes the role of the Provosts and Judges, administering justice among the workmen, Phoenician and Hebrew alike. It is explained that in the modern world, where jury trials are conducted, it is the responsibility of every intelligent man to act as an impartial judge when required. In Morals and Dogma, Pike reexamines the lecture he wrote for this degree. He discusses the necessity and importance of judging our fellow man when required. He further stresses that as humans we are prone to error, and must pay careful attention to facts to remain impartial. We are informed that once a deed is done, it cannot be undone, even God cannot uncommit a deed. In McClenachan’s version of this degree, the Thrice Illustrious Master represents Tito, Prince of the Herodim, and the oldest of the Provosts and Judges. The Wardens represent Adoniram and his father, Abda. The Candidate in this version hears directives on how to conduct himself when judging 55

- Featured Writer- Jacob Lucas others from the T\I\M\, and both Wardens. After being obligated, the new Provost and Judge is charged with a twofold duty – as a Judge, to decide all differences among his Brethren, and as a Provost, to rule over the workmen of the Temple. The history of the degree, read by the Orator, draws heavily on Pike’s work. In the Southern Jurisdiction Provost and Judge degree in use in 1955, the presiding officer is Azariah, son of Nathan, as the Chief Provost and Judge, with the Senior and Junior Inspectors representing Alihoreph, and Ahaiah, the Scribes, and the Candidate representing Zabūd. The ritual is similar to that originally written by Pike, with verses referencing justice and judgment read while the circuits are made about the Lodge, followed by questions to consider the importance of the role of a Provost and Judge. The legend of the degree informs us that after the death of H\A\, K\S\ appointed seven Provosts and Judges, Azariah ben Nathan appointed Chief, Alihoreph and Ahaiah as Masters of the Records, with the title of Inspector, and four others, although only two are named, Yehosaphat as the Recorder, and Zabūd, son of Nathan. These men were all learned in the laws of Moses, and were to judge all differences among the workmen fairly and impartially, endeavoring to do justice between men. In the current Provost and Judge degree in the Southern Jurisdiction, the presiding officer is styled Venerable Chief Provost, and represents Azariah, son of Nathan. The Wardens, styled Senior and Junior Inspectors, represent Alihoreph and Ahaiah, the Scribes. The Recorder is Yosaphat, and the Candidate represents Zabud, son of Nathan. In this version of the degree, there is a dramatic portion which includes some workmen on the walls of Jerusalem. There is a dispute among the Uriah, a worker on the Temple, and Naboth, a supervisor, which needs to be brought before Judges to settle. Each party meets individually with Zabud, and asks him to intercede on their behalf. Zabud angrily dismisses each, informing them that his job requires him to judge impartially, according to the law. (Continued on page 56)

Scottish Rite News & Information

- Featured Writer- Jacob Lucas

(Continued from page 55) The Northern Masonic Jurisdiction version of the degree begins with a prologue informing us that K\S\ appointed seven judges to administer justice among the workmen on the Temple after the death of H\A\. We are told that it is our duty to be just, fair, and merciful. The degree begins with a dramatic portion of Master Masons working, and a dispute arises over work completed by one, Amos, yet taken and claimed as his own by another, Jeroboam. Joabert, who had been the Acting Provost, is appointed a Provost and Judge, and is to be seated in the Tribunal, to hear the case

brought before the judges. The truth is revealed at the trial of the workmen, and the timeless lessons of Truth, Justice, and Mercy are repeated. In the Dutch version of this degree from the 19th century, the alternate name of Irish Master is retained. It is very similar to the Francken version. The presiding officer is Tito, Prince of Harodim, and the two Wardens represent Overseers, Adoniram and his father Abda. The only other named Provost and Judge is Johabert, the favorite of K\S\.

Partridge, Irving E., Jr., 33°, The Rituals of The Supreme Council, 33°, AASR for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, United States of America, 1976. Supreme Council, 33°, AASR, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Pike, Albert, 33°, Magnum Opus or The Great Work, 1857. Pike, Albert, 33°, Morals and Dogma, 1871. Schwartzberg, Scott, 32°, “The Scottish Rite: Southern and Northern Jurisdictions,” 2011, unpublished. Forwarded to me by W. Bro. Cory Sigler, and used by permission of the author. Trexler, C. DeForest, 33°, The degree Rituals of The Supreme Council, 33°, AASR for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, United States of America, 2008. Supreme Council, 33°, AASR, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Rituals of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, USA. 4° - 32°, August 2011. Supreme Council, 33°, AASR, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.

Allyn, Avery. Ritual of Freemasonry. 1865.

Ordo ab Chao: The Original and Complete Rituals, 4th33rd degrees of the first Supreme Council, 33rd degree at Charleston, South Carolina, 1995. Transcribed from newly discovered manuscript rituals in a private collection. Claimed to be transcribed from rituals belonging to Giles F. Yates, 33°, member of both the Supreme Councils for the Southern Jurisdiction and the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.

Cross, Jeremy Ladd. The Templar’s Chart, or Hieroglyphic Monitor.1852.

Rituaal voor de Graad van Provoost en Rechter Ook wel genoemd Iers Meester

De Hoyos, Arturo, 33°, G\C\. Scottish Rite Monitor and Guide, 3rd Edition – Revised and Enlarged, 2011. Washington, DC. The Supreme Council, 33°

1. A word from Middle English or Old French, meaning

De Hoyos, Arturo, 33°, G\C\. Masonic Formulas and Rituals Transcribed by Albert Pike in 1854 and 1855. 2010. Washington, DC. Scottish Rite Research Society

“powerful.” 2. A Hebrew word from I Kings 5:16, referring to the supervisors or overseers of the workmen. 3. A Scottish Word, from the French prévôt, referring to a high official, or Mayor.


Hutchens, Rex R., 33°, G\C\. A Bridge to Light, 3rd Edition, 2006. Washington, DC. The Supreme Council, 33° Francken, Henry A., Francken Manuscript, 1783. McClenachan, Charles T., 33°, The Book of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, 1867.


4. Many of the names in Pike’s version of the degree come from I Kings 4, where the officials of the court of King Solomon are listed. Azariah, son of Nathan, was in charge of the district officers, so making his namesake the Chief Provost and Judge makes perfect sense, according to the definition of Provost.

TWT 56

“Published since 1970, The Northern Light is the premiere magazine of Scottish Rite Masonry in America. The magazine is delivered quarterly to every member of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction and distributed world-wide to other Supreme Councils and subscribers. If you are not a member of our jurisdiction and would like to receive The Northern Light please contact Or mail your request to: Supreme Council, attn: The Northern Light, P.O. Box 519, Lexington, MA 02420-0519.” You can read past issues going back to the 1970’s of this great magazine. I always look forward to receiving it in the mail, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. - Cory “Tales from the Tavern”

By JERRY A. ROACH, 32° This past April, Sovereign Grand Commander John Wm. McNaughton, Ill. Richard B. Burgess, 33° and I took lunch at the historic Warren Tavern in Charlestown, MA, in hopes of paying modest homage to our Masonic forbearers. The Warren Tavern was the first building erected in Charlestown following its razing during the Battle of Bunker Hill. A favorite of Paul Revere and George Washington, it is named for Dr. and General Joseph Warren, the presiding Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts who gave his life at the Battle of Bunker Hill; the man who the prime minister of Great Britain once described to King George as “the greatest incendiary of North America.” Most Worshipful Brother Warren’s sacrifice in defense of his principles still resonates today as a testimonial to the determination of the citizens of the burgeoning American republic.


Upon finding our seats, we soon discovered our neighbors at the next table to be three young Masons. In no time we were engaged in a candid discussion about many complicated issues within Masonry with which these Brethren, though fairly new to the craft, were already familiar. Though the subjects were at times difficult to address, it was important that we listen with open hearts and minds to the concerns of these young Brethren. Grand Commander McNaughton further felt it imperative that we revisit this forthright exchange in the pages of The Northern Light. The initial comment was that one of the Brothers was a married father of two, who – though having leadership experience and feeling he had much to offer his lodge – did not have the time to commit extensive ritual to memory and attend rehearsals that often waste his time. He was considering resigning from the officer line of his lodge. He was disappointed that the memorization of ritual was the sole criterion upon which leadership in the lodge was judged, and lamented, “I guess I’ll never be Master.” Many other questions followed in the wake of this initial observation: Why should we lose

potential leaders to inflexible methodology? Why are we structured around the cultures of either the bachelor or retiree, with nothing in the middle? Why should we lose a capable Brother because of his commitments to work and family? Conflicting opinions need not be spelled out in these pages, but the group conclusion was that strict adherence to only one structure may be adverse to the variable needs of our members, and that flexibility and options will prove to be vital to our continued success as a fraternity. Another Brother expressed his displeasure with the officious ritualists in his district, and that despite rehearsals, the work was often poorly conferred. This resulted in Brothers often being made to feel inadequate, and discouraged them from future involvement. This led to the similar conclusion that ritual proficiency cannot be the lone arbiter of a member’s worth to the fraternity and that members come first. Do we serve the membership or the institution? Our young Brothers suggested that the latter may be closer to the truth. The next observation contained two (Continued on page 58)

(Continued from page 57)

busy lives of our members and still maintain our standards of excellence? For Masonic leadership there is no easy solution, but one Brother – a political philosophy major – had an interesting idea. He suggested an officer line be as a degree team unto itself within the lodge. Since a Worshipful Master can designate the work, he need not be judged on his proficiency, but his leadership. Those who love the ritual could comprise a nonprogressive line, thereby insuring quality work for the candidates. Thus, the lodge would be free to focus its efforts toward the majority, or sideline members, and not the minority, or officer line. While this is an interesting view, its employment constitutes a veritable “paradigm shift” in the way members, particularly officers and veteran leaders, approach the structure of the Masonic lodge. Just because we as leaders have decided to “think outside the box” does not mean that we actually do.

intersecting ideas. One Brother stated that recently a member of his lodge had endured $30,000 worth of damage to his home due to flooding, and at the same meeting at which this was brought to the attention of the lodge, the lodge donated $5,000 to a non-Masonic charity, with no mention of helping the unfortunate Brother. Additionally, the lodge’s building was badly in need of repair. The questions were asked: Are we honoring our obligations to our fellow Masons and their families, and why are we donating to nonMasons while our buildings are in disrepair and eyesores in our communities? The conclusion was that our obligations and the upkeep of our facilities should come first. We cannot continue to be a source for good in our communities if our membership’s needs are not met and our temples are in ruins. Masons justifiably fear seeming uncharitable, but that $5,000 may have been put to better use. What does all of this have to do with Dr. and Most Worshipful Lastly, was the issue of time, or Joseph Warren? One word: rather the waste, thereof. One of revolution. A revolution (from the our new friends joked that to be Latin revolutio, "a turn around") is truthful is the first lesson we are a fundamental change in taught in Masonry, yet candidates organizational structure that takes are told that age-old untruth that place in a relatively short period of membership requires only “one time. Aristotle described two types night a month”. Most of us take of political revolution: this in stride, but it can be confusing to a new member, and 1. Complete change from one form we greatly jeopardize that of government to another member’s initial enthusiasm if all we offer for his valuable time is instruction, memorization, ritual 2. Modification of an existing form and business meetings. Few of government. members aspire to the chair or grand office. What do we offer those who don’t? How do we fit Freemasonry into the increasingly 58

Dr. Warren gave his life to effect a change; a change required in both thinking and structure. The challenges of change are not new yet, despite our best efforts, have not been resolved. Our young and prescient friends say they have full faith that our leaders recognize these challenges, and indeed think they are valid, but cannot or will not change their thinking. A collective change in the thinking of leadership is difficult in the extreme. Just ask Brother Warren. If the British Parliament and Crown had been willing to examine those paradigms needing change, the deaths of countless colonials would have been unnecessary, and Dr. Warren would not have been forced to cast his principles on the battlefield of Bunker Hill. Similarly, we need not lose members because we cannot adapt. We do not need to change to another form, but modify our existing form. This we do by changing our thinking. These young Brethren did not join Masonry for the same reasons or under the same circumstances as their forebearers, yet they share the same values. Our beautiful system of morality is the eternal core of our institution It is not a paradigm. We have the ability to revolutionize ourselves. As Freemasons we know this to be true. We are the product of the Enlightenment. We only changed the world.


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Final Words

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