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Fathers Rights – Protect Your Rights as a Father
Fathers are an important and essential part of a child’s emotional development and overall well-being.
Experts agree that children are best served when shared parenting occurs and children experience emotional, physical, and financial support of both of their parents. No matter what the experts say, children want to have both parents involved in their lives.
In divorce proceedings, Utah law requires that both the father and the mother are treated in the same way; many people believe that despite what the law says, there is favoritism toward women in Utah Family Law cases when divorce or decisions related to divorce are decided.
The Law Offices of Wall & Wall will help you create a resolution that results in the fair and equitable enforcement of your rights as a loving father.
Protect Your Fathers Rights in Utah. Contact Wall & Wall Attorneys at Law Today!
Fathers Rights and Making Decisions About Your Children
Fathers have a legal right to participate in making decisions about their children. However, the extent of this right depends on the laws of the specific jurisdiction and the custody arrangement in place.
In general, fathers who are married to the mother of their children at the time of birth have equal rights and responsibilities as parents. They may make decisions about the child’s education, healthcare, religious upbringing, and other important matters. For fathers who are not married to the mother of their children, the situation may be more complicated. In some cases, the father may have to establish paternity before he can assert his rights to make decisions. Once paternity is established, the father may be able to seek joint legal custody with the mother, which means they will both have equal roles in making decisions.
It is important to note that fathers’ rights can be impacted by factors such as domestic violence, child abuse, or substance abuse. In these cases, a court may limit a father’s decision-making authority or even revoke his parental rights altogether.
Overall, fathers have an important role to play in their children’s lives, and they have the right to participate in decision-making about their well-being. If you are a father seeking to establish your rights, it is important to consult with an experienced family law attorney who can guide you through the legal process.
Protecting Custody Rights for Fathers in Utah
Your father’s rights continue even after a divorce is settled.
A divorced father has the right to request or contest a modification to a divorce settlement agreement, such as to petition the court for a parental relocation if you get remarried or have to move because of business. We can help you seek adjustments to spousal support and child support if you lose your job, or if you have been seriously injured, or if you face other circumstances that have negatively affected your income.
Father’s Rights Relating to Paternity Actions and Establishment
Establishing paternity is the first step in protecting your father’s rights.
It is usually fathers who pay child support, so it is important that paternity has been established. Utah has very strict laws that are required for a father to establish paternity. If a man does not follow these laws, he may lose his ability to assert his right of fatherhood. If a father is listed on the birth certificate, or even if a father undergoes a DNA test, he does not automatically achieve legal status as father. If paternity is contested, a man must go to court and have an Order that declares he is the father, which is accomplished through a Paternity Action, and is also called an Action for Parentage.
If you are interested in learning more about child support and paternity, contact a family attorney at the Attorneys of Wall & Wall for more information.