project name :
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
type : competition phase : concept
design function : university location : Antwerp, Belgium office : Poponcini & Lootens architects
Project summary: The concept for the Faculty of Applied Engineering Sciences Personal activity : I worked on the plans ,the sections , diagrams , 3d modeling and Building is an vertical campus that becomes “a striking layered dot in the green creating the images for the final presentation of the competition. landscape�. The floor can deepen the landscape over the building flow. By an accumulation of the other above-ground surface, the contact surface with the open green space is limited. The stacked on each cantilevered volumes give the building an iconic value with a special volume effect.
niveau +1
niveau +3
niveau +4
niveau +5
niveau +6 Fase 1
Fase 2
Fase 1
niveau 0
niveau -1
common space
The generic university campus consists of a series of pavilions in an open green landscape. Each “pavilion” provides appropriate part functions either labs or classrooms and office functions or has a spacious outdoor terrace formed by the roof of the underlying pavilion. Due to the relatively small area of each floor provides a very pleasant, compact and readable space for students and staff. The circulation space is spacious and always articulated and focuses on the outdoor terrace. The terraces on each floor has a different orientation to each pavilion, obtaing its own recognizable character and specific views. On each floor walk inside and outside together. The “public sphere” (extensions of circulation space) on each floor focused on the generous terrace with glazed walls and doors.
functional diagram
The building is provided as a means high-rise. We provide an evacuation stairway inside the building and outside stairs. That all terraces connect to ground level.
project name :
type : competition phase : concept
: mixt location : Antwerp, Belgium office : Poponcini & Lootens architects function
Project summary: The proposed project consists of a mixed program of various functions including a live part, students flats, offices and commercial. We chose an organic building for light, water, green, natural materials, acoustics and energy and a good balance between economy, ecology and emotion. An aesthetic and energy efficient design, integration of art and in dialogue with the high park towers. For students we work with large relaxation areas both inside and outside, cycling stables close to the studios and for the residents of the apartments we provide the necessary privacy and a sense of nature close. We choose a solid structure with flexible format allowing the buildings to adapt to the changings that will be needed. In the competition design, attention was paid to compact buildings with good orientation and the use of zoning areas, But taking into account the user value and the spatial aspect. Instead of opting for the construction of 1 block ,we selected 3 of each separate apartments. Personal activity : I worked on the plans (ground floor, first , second, third and fourth floor), proposing different typologies of apartments . I made also the drawing for the sections , diagrams and photoshoping the images for the final presentation of the competition.
level -1
level +2
level 0
level +1
level +4
level +5
existing building
comercial space
student housing
level +3
project name :
type : winned
competition 2009 phase : building permit function : science parc location : Genk , Belgium office : Poponcini & Lootens architects Project summary: This building is part of an science park, which is divided in several clusters. The parking for the clustered A witch consists in office and laboratory buildings is easy accessible. As with the design of a house, the placement of the stairs is decisive for the further design. It is the best choice to provide the half underground parking for the first cluster . In that way we gain more volume above the ground and limit the cornice height. CONCEPTNOTA
On top of the parking we create a courtyard: a deck that givesPaOgreat ofI the P O Nview C I N surrounding landscape. All buildings are accessed via this courtyard. The two program components - incubator house and energy house- are juxtaposed. They have their own identity and recognition, which the users appreciation. Personal activity : I worked on the plans, sections and details .
15 &
I R .
2011 B V B A
project name :
Parc Seny
type : competition phase : concept
design function : collective housing location : Brussels, Belgium office : Poponcini & Lootens architects
Résumé du projet: Project de rénovation de l’immeuble AGF – Seny situe a Bruxelles, sur la rue du Moulin a Papier. Dans un immeuble de bureaux existant en a proposé des appartements des différents types – avec 1, 2, 3 et 4 chambres à coucher. Activité personnelle : Proposition de typologie des appartements, élabore les plans, modélisation 3d de la volumétrie et photostopé les images 3d.pour le dossier graphique.
Appartement 0.16 85.01 m² Appartement 0.15 99.42 m²
Tuin 68.68
Tuin 79.64
terras 12.98 m² Appartement 1.16 72.04 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Tuin 46.74
Appartement 1.15 99.42 m² terras 5.48 m² Appartement 0.1 82.66 m²
Tuin 59.29
Appartement 0.2 87.18 m²
Appartement 0.14 69.12 m²
Appartement 0.17 61.73 m²
Tuin 57.83
terras 5.48 m²
Tuin 66.80 Tuin 116.72
Tuin 156.35
Tuin 78.17
Tuin 78.17
terras 5.48 m²
Tuin 77.29
studio 0.18 44.86 m²
terras 14.96 m²
Tuin 42.02 terras 5.48 m²
Appartement 0.3 130.06 m²
Tuin 46.60
Appartement 0.4 107.31 m² Appartement 0.05 113.35 m²
Appartement 0.11 57.67 m²
Studio 0.19 44.86 m²
Appartement 0.13 130.27 m²
Appartement 1.02 72.22 m²
Appartement 0.12 127.83 m² terras 5.48 m² Circulatie 204.28 m²
Appartement 0.7 78.49 m²
Tuin 46.60 m²
Appartement 0.20 64.08 m²
Appartement 0.6 75.57 m²
Tuin 62.82 m²
Tuin 60.03 m²
Studio 0.23 52.33 m²
Tuin 34.20
Tuin 38.81 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Appartement 1.03 130.06 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Studio1.18 44.86 m²
Appartement 1.05 113.34 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Appartement 1.12 127.82 m²
terras 5.48 m² Circulatie 172.21 m² Appartement 1.20 64.08 m² Studio 1.23 52.33 m²
Appartement 1.6 75.62 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Appartement 0.22 94.02 m² Appartement 0.21 82.66 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Tuin 175.85
terras 5.48 m² terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Appartement 1.8 82.64 m² terras 5.48 m²
Appartement 1.9 82.66 m²
Appartement 1.22 94.02 m² terras 5.48 m²
terras 11.38 m²
Plan niveau 0
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Tuin 143.63 Tuin 59.23
Studio 1.19 44.86 m² Appartement 1.13 130.25 m²
Circulatie 178.98 m²
Appartement 1.10 57.67 m²
Tuin 39.62 m²
Appartement 0.9 82.66 m²
Tuin 60.51
terras 5.48 m²
Appartement 1.04 107.31 m²
Appartement 1.11 57.67 m²
Appartement 1.7 78.49 m²
Appartement 0.8 94.02 m²
terras 5.48 m² terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Tuin 58.21 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Appartement 1.14 69.12 m²
Tuin 42.02
Circulatie 211.10 m² Appartement 0.10 57.67 m²
Appartement 1.17 61.73 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Appartement 1.01 82.66 m²
Appartement 1.21 73.17
terras 9.49 m²
Plan niveau +1
Appartement 3.16 99.42 m²
terras 12.98 m² Appartement 3.17 72.04 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m² Fietsenstalling 337.09 m² terras 5.48 m² terras 14.96 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Appartement 3.01 82.66 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Appartement 3.02 72.22 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Appartement 3.15 69.12 m²
Appartement 3.18 61.73 m²
terras 5.48 m²
studio 3.20 44.86 m² Appartement 3.04 107.31 m²
Appartement 3.03 130.06 m² terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Appartement 3.14 130.27 m²
parking -1 (totaal ondergronds) 3860.6 m²
Appartement 3.5 113.35 m²
Appartement 3.12 57.67 m²
78 parkeerplaatsen Appartement 3.13 127.83 m²
Circulatie 172.21 m²
Appartement 3.11 57.67
Appartement 3.08 84.68 m²
Appartement 3.7 59.05 m²
Circulatie 165.38 m²
Appartement 3.21 64.08 m²
Appartement 3.24 91.22 m²
Studio 3.6 49.23 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m² Bergingen 26.08 m²
Circulatie 87.47 m²
Circulatie 87.42 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m² Appartement 3.23 94.35 m²
Appartement 3.09 82.64 m² terras 5.48 m²
Bergingen 417.44 m²
studio 3.19 44.86 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 5.48 m²
Appartement 3.10 82.66 m²
terras 5.48 m²
terras 11.38 m²
Appartement 0.22 70.19 m²
terras 12.47 m²
Technieken 88.93 m²
Technieken 88.93 m²
Plan niveau +2/5
Plan niveau -1
Bergingen 823.84 m²
terras 57.18
terras 38.82 m²
terras 38.82 m²
Appartement 6.02 88.10 m²
Appartement 6.03 97.47 m²
terras 48.25 m²
terras 48.25 m²
Appartement 6.05 89.15 m²
terras 57.18
parking -2 (totaal ondergronds) 3860.6 m²
Appartement 6.06 96.43 m²
70 parkeerplaatsen Technieken 9.48 m²
Circulatie 95.82 m²
Technieken 249.91 m²
Circulatie 95.82 m²
Circulatie 87.80 m²
Circulatie 78.00 m²
Appartement 6.01 134.62 m²
Appartement 6.08 137.65 m²
Appartement 6.04 137.65 m² terras 46.97 m²
terras 95.90
Appartement 6.07 136.20 m²
terras 47.98 m²
Bergingen 223.73 m²
terras 95.90
Bergingen 90.57 m²
Plan niveau +6
Plan niveau -2
TRANSPARENT opacity 100% ......................................... 5%
opacity 100% ......................................... 5%
REFLECTIV Reflectiv reflectiv opacity
52% ......................................... 5% 100% ......................................... 5%
REFLECTIV MASS reflectiv 52% ......................................... 5%
MASS reflectiv mass glass 52% ......................................... 5%
Mass MASS mass glass
mass glass
Project summary: The objective of the competition is to stimulate economic growth an reduce poverty in the City of Fez. The primary goal is to revitalize the Medina thought redesign and renovation of five strategically important sites and make it attractive for both residents and visitors. Revival of cultural , educational , commercial and religious activities compatible with the city morphology.
While preserving the traditional aspect of the city , we created the concept of the cell that unites different exiting cells of the medina under the principal of economical self supporting activities. By the placement of these cells on the site around the Lalla Yedouna square, we seized to keep, in a way, the traditional character of the place, animated by locals. Our main intention was to save this square from exclusive tourist flows – which would transform it in a museum, and to intercalate the artisans’ flows with the tourists, so that the inherent artisan character of the place is maintained.
project name : type : diploma
Music School
project phase : concept design, technical project function : school location : Sibiu, Romania university : University of Architecture and Urbanism `Ion Mincu’, Bucharest supervised by : conf. dr. arh. Georgica Mitrache
The city of sibiu was the European Capital Of Culture in 2007, so it has the chance to a further cultural development, So my proposal Is a music school. The site is situated in the exterior of the fortifies enclosures of the old city center, witch was nominated world heritage site.
The Historic Centre forms a compact entity within it, has a medieval tissue, homogeneous and dense, with continuous streets facades.
There are several thematic tours : religious buildings, fortifications, cultural itinerary, dwelling houses, all at the limit of the historic center. The fortifications tour is tangent with the site at the west limit, “extra muros�. The music school continues the cultural and educational tour, that already includes the main center of artistical and musical realms of the city.
The sequence defines a succession of individual elements that are linked by means of infrastructure, and separated rhythmically by variable open spaces, that becomes voids in the built area. This groups of elements are linked through an exterior street and an interior one, this connects the spatial elements , so that the parts becomes one entity. The fortifications wall becomes the link element of the architectural composition, is not a limit, it is continually perceived from the outside and inside of the building.
The school is a instrument that facilitates the growth and the transition of the students from one year to another. The students are divided in groups of different ages ,according to the cycles , through the years the school reveals to themes selves, and they can use more of school space. The school space is an interactive one so that the students could understand architecture like a process of creation , that generates new experiences, sensation
The inner organization follows the logic of use: the study groups have open access to the gardens while the rehearsal rooms are kept safe in the floor above. The interior area of the building tangent with the historical wall i s the multifunctional “interactions space” a public communication area located at the intersection between functions, a space for shared activities and an alternative space for bad-weather activities.
I seek a simple plan, using rectangular shapes , that are articulated by the“ interactions space” and rehearsal rooms, allowing flexibility in the arrangement of spaces. The administrative and the services areas have been grouped in specific and different zones, in order not to interfere with the educational activities.