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WITH SUMMER around the corner, everyone is getting their face and body summer ready – and it’s not just the women. These days, MEN are spending more time, focus and money on skincare and self care regiments than ever before. Over and above that, men are taking better care of how they look because they care and are getting noticed for it. From skincare routines to manicures and pedicures and hair colour too, men are spending more money on cosmetics than ever before. And spending within certain cohort groups is up more than the average. In the last 52 weeks, Gen Z male shoppers spent more on oral (163 index, which means 63% more) and skin care products (198 index) when compared with the average shopper, driven by more trips (27% for oral hygiene and 23% for skincare) and spending more per trip (29% more on oral hygiene and 61% more on skincare).
Source: Numerator Canadian Omni panel Data