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Vive l’été !

Beyond Innovation


– Having A Winning "EDGE": the Growth Solution factor –

Edge is a first-of-its-kind startup with a new approach to affordably supplying critical ingredients in the next-generation of anti-aging cosmetics and cosmeceuticals. The recent explosion of high-end serums and other skincare products promising unprecedented skin rejuvenation has been driven by the inclusion of “growth factors” and “conditioned media” in these formulations, ingredients with efficacy that has been repeatedly affirmed in peer-reviewed research. However, to this point, these products have exclusively been available in the ultra-premium segment, outside the reach of many consumers because of the unbelievable cost of these key ingredients. Today, just 1mg of TGFB, a common growth factor, can cost more than $5,000, while conditioned media sells for hundreds of dollars per ounce. To tackle this problem, Edge developed a novel method of using animal cell factories to sustainably and cheaply overproduce growth factors and conditioned media. Unlike other methods of harvesting these recombinant ingredients, Edge’s use of mammalian cells allows us to closely mimic an organism’s natural biological process inside our lab, making our ingredients more authentic, more sustainable, and eliminating the need for expensive downstream processing that drives up these ingredients’ cost.

This unique process has allowed Edge to provide a more affordable and approachable option and advantage we only expect to expand as we continue to scale up production to commercial levels. Our shortterm goal is to become the supplier of choice for boutique, high-end skincare manufacturers. Moving forward, we believe that by lowering the costs of these ingredients we can empower a broader selection of brands to sell growth factor-enabled skincare at more affordable price points, opening the possibility of sales to a much broader consumer base.

The benefits of EDGE in cosmetics can be seen across anti aging, skin rejuvenation, wrinkles and even wound repair.

CLARINS – A Packaging Innovation Beyond The Norm –

During a recent visit to Clarins office and warehouse, I was so impressed with an innovative packaging concept that was developed in house by the Warehouse Director, Veronique, Cournoyer. I have visited many factories all over the world in my career. Not often do you find new initiatives this impressive that are not about technology, so I had to share what Clarins is doing.

Since fall 2022, Clarins Canada started to use “Verocap.” It’s a reusable pallet wrapping that will help reduce the use of plastic in the warehouse.


In 7 days, women see:* smoother skin 92 % more radiant skin 91 % regenerated skin 89 %

New Double Serum Light Texture

Complete age defying concentrate.

Everything you love about Double Serum, now also in a lightweight texture, ideal for combination to oily skin. Fast absorbing texture, barely there feel: in only 7 days, signs of aging look reduced.*

*Consumer test, multi-ethnic panel, 352 subjects.

Lise Watier Foundation

– Let’s Start Up Program –Helping Women in Need

The Lise Watier Foundation helps women to reveal, activate and develop their professional potential The Lise Watier Foundation is a nonprofit organization created in 2009. Its mission is to help women living in a situation of economic, social, or professional vulnerability reclaim confidence in their own abilities and take the initiative to act towards financial independence.


This transformative and innovative program is designed for women who want to invest in a professional project. The 18-week course aims to reveal and develop the potential and confidence of each woman, so that she can take action to become financially independent.

This program provides women with the concrete means to develop their skills through training, individual coaching, and financial support. Women thus begin a new start towards sustainable financial independence through an entrepreneurship project, post-secondary education, or the search for a more rewarding job.

The Let’s Start Up Program is currently active in five regions: Montreal, Quebec City, The Laurentians, Monteregie and Toronto.

Through its three pillars of intervention – ENCOURAGE, TRAIN and SUPPORT – the program is transformative and provides relevant solutions to overcome the challenges faced by the women we help.

At the end of the program, women are convinced they have the capacities to fully invest in their professional project.


One year after the end of the Let’s Start Up Program, its positive impact continues to be felt.

99% say the program had a positive impact on their lives and would recommend it.

96% feel prepared and ready to embark on their professional project.

98% have a better level of confidence.

Read what one of the participants of the program had to say:


Let’s Start Up ProgramEntrepreneurship stream.

Region : Toronto

Project: Caterer services

« Je me souviens encore des premiers jours de mon arrivée au Canada: aucun ami, aucun travail et aucune reconnaissance. Je me sentais comme si j’étais au milieu d’un désert, sans espoir et désespérée… jusqu’à ce que je rejoigne la Fondation Lise Watier. Aujourd’hui, je ne suis plus seule. Ce programme m’a aidée à avancer dans ma vie et à bâtir mon entreprise et j’en suis extrêmement reconnaissante! »

“I still remember the early days when I came to Canada: no friends, no job, and no recognition. I felt like I was in the middle of a desert, hopeless and desperate, until I discovered the Let’s Start Up Program. I am not alone anymore. This program has given me a direction to move forward in life and my business and for all that I am extremely grateful to the Lise Watier Foundation.


« Selon nous, l’indépendance financière offre une liberté inestimable, car elle apporte un sentiment de sécurité et de confiance en soi. En aidant les femmes à acquérir les compétences et les ressources nécessaires pour réussir financièrement, nous pouvons contribuer à leur épanouissement personnel et professionnel. Je suis fière de diriger une fondation qui mène un impact concret sur la vie des femmes et de leurs familles, ce qui me donne une grande satisfaction et une motivation constante pour continuer à œuvrer pour l’indépendance financière des femmes d’ici. » - Marie-Lise Andrade, Présidente, directrice générale de la Fondation Lise Watier

“We believe that financial independence offers invaluable freedom, as it brings a sense of security and confidence. By helping women gain the skills and resources they need to succeed financially, we can contribute to their personal and professional growth. I am proud to lead a foundation that has a tangible impact on women’s lives and that of their families. It gives me great satisfaction and constant motivation to continue working for the financial independence of local women.” - Marie-Lise Andrade, President, Executive Director of the Lise Watier Foundation.

« Quand les oies s’envolent, elles se déplacent en formation V afin d’aller plus vite et d’affronter les intempéries. Elles s’entraident et parviennent ainsi à atteindre leur objectif. Cette solidarité nous a inspiré le programme s’Entreprendre, car nous croyons que nous aussi, nous sommes plus forts ensembles » - Lise Watier, cofondatrice de la Fondation Lise Watier.

“When geese take flight, they travel in a V-formation to increase speed and face storms. They support each other, enabling them to reach their destination. This solidarity serves as an inspiration for our Let’s Start Up program, as we believe that we too are much stronger when we work together.” - Lise Watier, co-founder of the Lise Watier Foundation.

Proceeds from the sale of Lise Watier cosmetics across national retailers are donated to the Lise Watier Foundation.

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