Cosmic Awareness 2011-02: Newer Cosmic Awareness Predictions 2011, What Killed Those Birds

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2011-2 Issue No. 657 $3.00



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2 CAC General Reading 1-6-11 (January 6, 2011) Will Berlinghof Interpreter, Joan Mills Questioner & Energizer 2011 FORECAST FOLLOW-UP ("THE GAME IS AFOOT!") Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness does have an opening message. With the energies of this New Year 2011, the game is afoot. Due to certain factors such as the eclipse, the Winter Solstice, and other events that have been occurring on the planet, the energies are already rampant and fully engaged on the planet itself. The New Year started out literally with a bang for many who experienced dramatic weather events, including the tornadoes in the United States of America; tornadoes at a time of year they would normally not occur. There were other strange and mysterious events, such as the death of thousands of black birds and fish — these too are part of the energies that have already exploded onto the scene for 2011. This Awareness said in Its forecast that there would be an acceleration of the energies of 2010 and that individuals must be prepared and be careful of how they energize the events that they become aware of especially those events that are broadcast on the news and in the newspapers. Even though this year is less than a week old, these energies and events have already started and this Awareness would simply remind all to stay balanced, stay neutral in how they interact with those weird and strange events that this

Awareness mentioned many would start to experience in these new times. The opening message is but a continuance of that which has already been presented by this Awareness in this regard: to know that each and every individual as a Creator Being can take the events that are occurring and qualify them in the most personal ways, can amplify them as total negative events or events that are passing, and in passing one can observe that which is taking place and not be at the effect of what is taking place in anything more than a marginal manner. This will be a challenge for many, but this Awareness simply asks all to remember that each and every individual has a choice in how they experience the unfolding events and energies that are rampant and set loose at this time. This can still be a very strong and powerful year, proving that there is much more occurring on the world stage than has ever been noted before and that these events in and of themselves are indicative of the great and sweeping changes that are starting to occur on the planet more and more every day. This concludes the opening message from this Cosmic Awareness. DEAD BIRDS AND DEAD FISH Questioner: (Thank you). What is the cause of the current fish and bird disasters around the world? Is there any specific cause? Cosmic Awareness: Indeed, there are causes to this that are not the causes that have been presented in the media. These birds and these fish did not die of shock because of fireworks, and did not die because of a super thermal event or hail that killed them in the air.

There is seen here to be man-caused reasons for the demise of these birds and these fish, both of which were targeted. The use of the HAARP technology is that which this Awareness sees behind these matters and the energy of the HAARP is being used now to see how direct the targeting can be and specific to certain creatures and beings. Extraordinary Weird Events are Occurring At this time it could be seen to be still experimental in nature, choosing to target the blackbirds and the specific fish that were killed. Also there is seen here as a targeting in that region for specific purposes of initiating certain Earth Events in the region and along that which is the New Madrid fault line. These are also seen as involved in these extraordinarily weird events.* There is also seen to be a problem involved, for the energies did not stay as focused and directed as those who launched the energies wished for, and it is seen that certain energy streams escaped the triangulation of those HAARP energies in the region, expressing themselves in other areas of the world, such as in Sweden where there was also a culling of the birds in the skies, although this is not seen to have been intentional but rather escaped energies from the experiment in the Arkansas-Louisiana area. *On January 15th 200 dead cows were found in a field in Portage County, Wisconsin, and thousands of dead octopuses washed up on a beach in Portugal. Ed.

Many who have heard of these events are not satisfied with the official explanation that these birds simply fell out of the sky because fireworks shocked them. Indeed, were this truthful this would have occurred many, many times in the past for each and every time fireworks were ever used and furthermore, how would

this explain the death of the fish in the rivers? It is seen that in the use of this technology in the areas involved, the maximum kill zones were areas higher up in the sky and lower in the streams and in the earth. There are also deaths that have not been seen or noted of certain rodent creatures that were living in the Earth, for the energy of the HAARP technology affected these creatures, but they have died underground and have not risen to the surface as the fish did or fallen from the skies as the birds did. This is all part of the gearing up of those Powers That Be to use this technology to further eradicate great areas of land with great loss of life, for this is part of the purpose of those in power, who are moving their agenda forward. This is that which many are observing, but again this Awareness would remind all: be the observer, do not fall for the official line, and do not project personal energy into it other than that which is neutral, observing and knowing that these events are showing one and all that there is something afoot. The energies are gearing up and are accelerating and aside from the tragic loss of so many creatures, one is not necessarily going to experience its dramatic conclusions in the manner that the Powers That Be are planning for humanity. The Galactic Confederation is Intervening on HAARP This Awareness does see intervention occurring. It even sees that the dispersing of the rays away from the targeted area was the work of the Galactic Federation forces, for they are opposing the outright use of these weapons and will continue to do so at even more involved and more obvious levels in the future. This is still all part of that which could be understood as the secret war between the OrionlReptilian faction and the Galactic Federation forces. This is not being admitted to, for to do so would have to admit the

power structure that is in existence at this time and those in power do not wish to do so, and therefore instead come up with lame 3 reasons as to why these creatures died, reasons that the masses no longer are even accepting as credible. This Awareness would also say that there will be other strange events occurring in the weeks and months ahead, as It _las already spoken of in the past, and that one is to be prepared for these weird-type events, both in one's personal life and on the world stage as well. Questioner: Question please. Is the prime reason for thisjust the HAARP energies and nothing else, like the Gulf oil spill or methane or earthquakes or anything like that, it's just simply the HAARP energies, is that correct? Cosmic Awareness: This is so. HOW TO DEAL WITH THE PLANNED EVENT FOR CALIFORNIA Questioner: (Thank you). Apparently there is an earthquake planned for California in the next while that is man-made. Is there any truth to that? Cosmic Awareness: This of course is the kind of question that this Awareness must be careful in terms of how It energizes this question, this matter. This Awareness would say that while it is a planned event, and It does see that there is credence in this assertion that there is a planned event, that one does not have to support this as occurring; an event that one individually has to

participate in, especially those living in California. Therefore, even though this may be a planned event, this Awareness would suggest that in the creating of one's own personal realities that this planned event, even if one has become aware of it, is not one that is energized — simply acknowledge and recognize that the Powers That Be who are gearing up now, and who are moving their agenda forward, have many such planned events ahead. At this time simply be aware that this is one of those planned events. Do not energize it; do not await it, but simply wait to see how things go, rather than awaiting the actual event to occur. Hold that it is as likely that this planned event will be foiled by those powers that oppose the Illuminati, the Elite: the Powers That Be. Those Galactic Federation forces that this Awareness has so often said are working on behalf of mankind to oppose the Elite, will indeed oppose this event as well. Bear in mind also that the planet itself at this stage in her own Ascension process, is going through a natural awakening process that will cause such Earth events in a most natural manner. The Planet Herself Will be Shaking, Rattling and Rolling This means that even though this particular event is planned, that the planet herself will also be shaking, rattling and rolling as she awakens and this can also cause the earthquake and volcanic weather events. The Powers That Be, knowing this, are trying to use this to their advantage. The oppositional forces of the Galactic Federation also know what the plan for those in control and power are, and are trying to intervene as much as possible. The most successful action that each individual can take is to stay the observer and hold neutrality on this matter and on all such matters.

THE WEAKILEAKS Questioner: Thank you). We have something from Avaton with regard to Wikileaks. He asks, "What is really going on with Wikileaks? Is it truly a means to get the truth out to the public or is it just another piece of the shell game of the Elite?" Your comment please? Cosmic Awareness: The Wikileaks release of information is genuine and sincere. The individual who is behind it, Julian Assange, is authentic in his desire to release this secret information so that humanity wakes up, so that the masses begin to see how they have been lied to, manipulated, used and misused over countless years by those in power. It is his intent to flood the world with this information that has so long been hidden and held back, so that ordinary men and women can begin to understand the degree of duplicity involved by those in power, how the ordinary man and woman are not respected or seen as anything other than those who can be used to the advantage of those in power. There is indeed a hidden agenda by those in power and for so long the inner communications have been such that if ever exposed would show the degree of disrespect and dishonoring that is held against the common man, the common woman by those who are the Elite, those who are in control, those who have power. This is a sincere effort on the part of Julian Assange, on the part of Wikileaks, and can be seen in the actions of those in power against this individual; how they are trying to hold him responsible in a criminal manner, as if thatwhich he is doing is a criminal action. When is speaking the truth criminal?

How the Plan of Julian Assange Works That they wish to execute him indicates that the actions of this man and this organization are having an effect. Those in power are afraid that he may actually leak information that is even more revealing, and even more crucial to the plans of those in power to keep hidden. What was needed was to release primary information that would tweak the interests of the people. This individual, Julian Assange, understood that had he started with big information, it may not ever have been released and he might have found himself dead and floating in the river. He needed to awaken the interest of the American people and the citizens of the world, which he has done admirably. The arrest of this individual has piqued the interest of the world, perhaps even more than had those in power simply refused to get drawn into the controversy, and yet they see the danger that is posed to them, for if their true plans and their true origin and their true powers were ever understood and released to the people, many would start to rebel against those in power, and many would stand up and demand that those who have been leading the nation and the world be replaced by others who do not have these agendas. The release of the information through Wikileaks will show exactly those who are in charge and in power when all is said and done. This is what those in power fear, and this is what must be avoided under all circumstances. The fear is so extreme that there are many who are trying to have this man not only incarcerated but executed for his crimes. This again shows the level of concern held by the Powers That Be against Wikileaks, and against the individual Julian Assange. This is why this man can be seen to be someone

who is sincere in his desire to expose those true criminals who have misled humanity for so long and who at this time are gearing up their own plan, and accelerating it to come to pass in a manner that they hope will be advantageous to them. 4 Any individual, any organization that would put out information that might be detrimental to them, and that might expose them is by necessity someone who is dangerous to them. It is for this reason that they are so adamant, they being those in power, are so adamant that this individual is arrested and even executed for treason. Yet this individual has not committed treason. You cannot commit treason if you do not come from the country where the secrets are being revealed. He is indeed a true spiritual warrior who has come forward at this time to assist in the awakening of the masses and the seeding of rebellion in the masses themselves. It must also be remembered that he is an individual; he is still human. He has other motives that may not be considered quite so sincere and of such high quality. Saying this, this is more his ego and his own sense of who he is. This is but minor to what is happening and the service he is providing. One does not need to like this individual to appreciate that he is doing humanity a great service. Artificial Intelligence: Are computers becoming self-aware? Questioner: Thank you). Something came in from Ted Helinski with regard to the Ben Fulford report concerning Rogue Artificial Intelligence. Are computers becoming self-aware? There are increasing reports of "people" on sites such as Facebook, who after much dialogue appear not to be actually human but are

instead sophisticated computer programs. Are we witnessing the birth of silicon-based life? Your comments please? Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness does not wish to get deeply into this matter at this time, for there is information here that is not appropriate to being released at this time. However, this Awareness will say that there is much occurring behind the scenes in computer robotics, that which is the creation of artificial intelligence that is beyond what is thought to be so at this time. That is all this Awareness wishes to say on this matter. Magnetic Pole Shift Report Questioner: Thank you). There is another question. "The Shift of Earth's Magnetic North Pole Affects Tampa Airport. The National Geographic News report described a gradual shift of the Earth's magnetic pole at nearly 40 miles a year toward Russia because of magnetic changes in the core of the planet." Is this report accurate please? Cosmic Awareness: Basically this report is accurate. The Poles are shifting, that this is all part of that which is the shaking, rattling and rolling of Mother Earth as she seeks to escape that which has been her constraints over many eons. This will continue to occur over the next several years and will find stability once the Ascension process of Mother Earth itself is complete. Questioner: (Thank you). The next one concerns timelines, where a 7.3 -week period was described with regard to the wobbling and so on. What it shows is a 9 day severe wobble, 4.5 days static lean to the left, 2.5 days progression towards 3 days of darkness, 3 days of darkness, 6 days of sunrise West, 18 days of slowing rotation, 6 or

5.9 days of rotation stoppage. Is this a correct assessment of what is coming up? Cosmic Awareness: This is seen as fanciful. Why should it be believed that these exact measurements of time are exactly how it will happen well before the event itself occurs? From where do the individuals who have derived these statistics get the information upon which the statistics have been based, when these events have not yet occurred? How is it that they will know exactly the lengths of time? It is for this reason that this Awareness says this is fanciful, or a work of fantasy, a work of projection based on certain assumptions that are not all entirely correct. It is so that some of the events may occur but not necessarily for the lengths of time that are being stated in this question. In other words, this Awareness again is saying: do not focus on such matters, do not accept such assertions, for there is no reason to do so, to give those who put out these time measurements of how long these events will last and what will occur, is to energize them, and again this Awareness warns against doing so. One can read these statistics, these projections and one can be aware of that which is being put out by those who have put them out, but one does not have to agree with them or accept them as the truth of the situation, especially if one has reached a sufficiently high level of conscious awareness where they will realize that they are so only if they are energized, only if they are believed. Simply hold the neutral ground, be the observer, wait and see and trust that you and your loved ones will not be affected adversely. FLOATING THROUGH WALLS Questioner: (Thank you). We have something from Larry Kell. He's

talking about UFO and strange beings. He writes: "In cases where people are floated through walls during UFO abductions, what exactly is being done to the walls or the person's body to enable them to pass through the walls uninjured?" Your comment please? Cosmic Awareness: This is both a complex and a simple matter at the same time. It is complex in that the belief structure of those in physical incarnation holds that a wall is solid and impenetrable, that another solid object such as a body cannot pass through the solidity of the wall without injury and without breaking the wall. Yet the simple truth is that the wall is nothing but a collection of molecules, atoms, electrons and neutrons and that the spaces between all of these elements is in actuality quite immense. There is more space between the solid bits of matter than there is matter itself. The technologies that are used to float a solid body through a solid wall understand the principle behind the distances between the molecules themselves. What occurs is that the molecules of the body pass by the molecules of matter in the wall, and do not collide with solid matter. This has to do with putting both out of phase to one another. Doing this allows the body to pass through the wall. It is not a solid body passing through a solid wall but an out-of-phase body passing through an out-of-phase wall, which allows the molecules of each to pass by the other without collision, without interference. Once this is understood the technology is relatively simple and obvious. SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR THE GALACTIC FEDERATION? Questioner: Thank you). We have something from Anonymous 1 concerning the Galactic Federation contact. He writes, "I have a

letter for the Galactic 5 Federation that contains some suggestions. Do you think Awareness could deliver it for me? Maybe printing it in your "Wind" section would be enough. It might also be interesting to read it to Awareness and ask what Its thoughts are concerning it? I've been watching videos someone gave me on a series of shows put out by the History Channel entitled Ancient Aliens. Essentially they are publicizing the question of alien involvement in the origin of the world's religions and ancient civilizations. This has given me an idea as to how the Galactic Federation could make themselves known without the perception of threat by the world's population and therefore sidestep any plans by the Powers That Be to use the occasion to create havoc. Quite frankly their plan to hover over major cities does come across as a potential threat. If my house was suddenly surrounded by a number of craft I'd feel threatened too. After all, our cities are where we work and live, it's sort of private. Common courtesy would require a call first requesting permission to visit." Do you have any comment on this so far? Cosmic Awareness: There is no comment. Questioner: (Okay) .He carries on, "On the other hand, if Federation ships were to show themselves simultaneously above most of the world's major ancient cities, the ruins of past civilizations that we suspect of having prior visits from aliens, then their presence would be taken as a return to something that they had a part in creating. It would essentially be a statement that

"We're back!" These sites, such as Gaza, Machu Picchu, Tikal, Stonehenge and the Nazca plains (to name a few) are full of tourists with cameras, who would flood the Internet with their photos and videos. Such an action would bring immediate attention to the question of a prior ancient alien presence in a manner that presented them as being friendly, having aided humanity's evolution." Your comment? Cosmic Awareness: At this moment this Awareness would comment that the assumption that returning over old ancient sites, indicating that these are friendly aliens is not quite correct. There is a degree of logic to the entity's assumptions, but this does not guarantee that the way this would be presented would translate to the masses that these are friendly aliens returning back to their former haunts and their former locations. Many would simply never connect the dots, and would never see the connection. However, it is indeed the intention of the Galactic Federation to present themselves in locations around the world, including ancient locations, so that more and more individuals will see them, more and more videos and cell phone photos will be taken that are distributed on the personal communications of the individuals who saw them, individuals who will send the pictures to their friends and their families, sharing almost at a grassroots level what they have seen versus a reliance on the mass media covering these events in a way that can be controlled and manipulated. Therefore, expect to see more and more UFO sightings in 2011 as the Galactic Federation show themselves to more and more people at that which this Awareness is calling the grassroots level. Expect this not only at the ancient sites but at many other sites, small towns and cities around the world, as well as in places of nature

and sites where there are many tourists. In this, this individual is correct. Questioner: (Good, thank you). He carries on, "I'd suggest they just hover over the area for 3 days to allow others, including the media to confirm their presence." Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness interjects that this time, it is not the plan to hover for 3 days. Often 30 minutes to an hour, to several hours is all that will be required to be seen and to be reported. It is not the plan at this time to allow these vessels to stay these lengths of time, for this would already impinge on the commands of those in power that they are not to appear at all without an action being taken against the masses themselves. It is for this reason that the appearances are relatively short in their timing, rather short events. A Question Interruption Questioner: A question, related in a way. These chemtrails... they're looking for ships are they not? Or is this entirely separate? Basically what I'm asking is that if one of the UFOs or vessels was spotted, would they not go into another dimension or cloak themselves rather than be absolutely visible if some someone unfriendly wanted to take unfair action against them? Cosmic Awareness: First of all, while it is correct that they could cloak themselves, they could also remove themselves quickly. It is not action against themselves that concerns the Galactic Federation forces, for their vessels have that which is commonly known as force fields that can protect them. They are more concerned with the threats made by the Powers That Be that they

will hurt and injure and kill the people on the ground of these events, destroying many in the process. It is this that confines their actions and limits their action, not any fear of reprisal against themselves for showing themselves. Original question continues... Questioner: He carries on, "As an option, the one at Stonehenge could make a crop circle while people were watching, a Smiley Face maybe?" No comment? Cosmic Awareness: The intricate language that is involved in the crop circles goes very much beyond Smiley Faces, but if a point is being made then perhaps a Smiley Face made while many are watching would be appropriate. Please continue. Questioner: (Thank you) ."I think that this action would more than suffice to let humanity know that we owe much of civilization's progress to outside influences, even if those in the Galactic Federation were not necessarily the ones who were responsible for the ancient sites I mentioned. The intent would only be to make a connection." Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness has already explained that the actions that are planned by the Galactic Federation are to help individuals make a connection to those beings that are here and have always been here. This individual is correct that a connection can be made by the appearance of the Galactic Federation vessels, but not only in ancient locations. This would simply be one of many areas where vessels belonging to the Galactic Federation forces would show themselves. Expect them to be shown in backyards, in baseball fields, over small towns and villages and where there are

many who hold cameras that can take pictures that can put them on the Net immediately, and can display them on Facebook or other sites. This again is part of that which this Awareness is calling exposure through the grassroots level. 6 Questioner: (Thank you). We have something from PK. She writes: "While reading old issues I find myself trying to reconcile some things with the issues of the past couple of years which deal so much with 2012 Ascension. There was a statement (in 90-13, I believe) that by 1996 there would be a "showdown for rulership of the earth". That year would determine whether the Greys and Reptilians or humanity would win. I was wondering if the Planet A and B Separation Ascension is an expression of the Greys and Reptilians having won in 1996 and what they won is what is becoming Planet B, and those evolving humans (please may I be one) being freed to move to Planet A. It doesn't feel to me as if humanity won in 1996. The multinational consciousness seems all pervasive and very constrictive. Considering alternate realities also makes it quite confusing." Your comment please? Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness would first of all say that the scenario of Ascension, the introduction of the understanding of the themes of Planet A and Planet B being an expression of a dualistic nature, suggesting that there is one line of consciousness that will move towards Ascension, towards expansion of awareness and consciousness, and another that will not, that will choose to keep itself ignorant of the deeper truths of one's spiritual nature in the physical as another route. The Event on Jupiter in 1996

These are simply aspects of unfolding events that were meant to be. They in themselves are not the result of the battle in 1996 that those in power may have won or may have lost; this is a separate matter entirely. This Awareness reminds all that in 1996 there was an event that occurred not on the Planet Earth itself, but on the distant planet of Jupiter, and it was seen that there was an event where meteors crashed into the planet — at least this is what was said in the media. These were not meteors at all but an invasion fleet of the Reptilian Forces that were coming to the planet to take over. They were deliberately crashed into the planet and the invasion force destroyed before it arrived on the planet. Had this event occurred at that time, the timeline of humanity would have been much different than it is now, in that many would have experienced this invasion force. And yet it was simply a timeline that many who are in existence now never experienced. There is, of course, another timeline of experience where this did occur, that the alien Reptilian Forces did land and another scenario was experienced by those who had that as their reality. The concept of multiplicity is an extremely difficult one in some ways, for it does express that everything that could have happened has happened and it is more the focusing of one's consciousness on a line of events that actually will create for the individual, the observer, the reality that they are experiencing. A secret battle did take place in 1996 and this is a truth that many did not experience. What this Awareness is saying is that because it was a secret battle, many did not experience this. Their timeline reality did not reflect this battle, either as a secret battle or a more obvious invasion by the Reptilians. Those who are in power, who had the hope that their invasion forces would come at a time appropriate for them to take complete and total power, have either

experienced this as their timeline reality, or they are participating in another timeline. Where the Soul Exists Again, this becomes a very complex matter. But this Awareness simply wishes all to always remember that they, as Creator Beings, can energize the realities they wish to experience. When it seems that they are not creating those realities, then be aware that there are also purposes that are of the soul nature and that there were agreements before one came into reality, into a physical body that they were choosing to experience in this lifetime. The soul exists on the 5th plane and beyond that which is time. It exists in a multidimensional nature where many, many, indeed all options are experienced, all realities tasted and experienced. All this Awareness wishes to say is that It understands It has again opened the proverbial can of worms. Questioner: Yes you have! Cosmic Awareness: And of course as always invites further questions on these matters. What To Do When the Low Self is in the Way Questioner: She carries on, "Speaking of alternate realities, to be able to create an alternate reality surely seems like moving toward the Godhead. In the past I have seen myself locked by fear for my children into exactly what I feared, so that there was not an ability to create an alternate reality. The newsletter I received yesterday has a very good and important presentation of information about manifestation. I think I read it quite carefully. It looks like when one

is not successful it is the low self that is in the way. I was hoping to find some help in the newsletter about how to discern for oneself if this is a problem and if there could be a question to Awareness that would help us in this area?" Your comment please? Cosmic Awareness: The way forward in this matter is to engage in conversation with the low self, to seek to meet that which is the low self, the subconscious. This is best done through a type of visualization process, either that which is known as guided visualization, or one can guide oneself into a visualization of a meeting with that which is the low self. The Interpreter uses a technique known as regression therapy that involves his leading a client into that deeper level of consciousness through the regression therapy, the guided visualization approach that would have the client go deep into their own being, going deep into consciousness, creating an inner reality where the options exist to meet with the low self. If one can project this through their imagination in a quiet period of inner reflection, this would create the same result as a guided visualization by another. Go to the Garden You Created This Awareness has in the past talked of that inner location known as the Garden. Each and every individual has their own visualization, their own inner perception of that inner space that this Awareness has called the Garden. In those quiet moments of inner reflection and meditation, the suggestion this Awareness has is that they go to this place: go to the Garden. Once inside of the Garden one can use one's imagination to begin to visualize an entrance that may lead underground, if that is appropriate, or to a position or place in the garden above ground where one will meet that which is the low self.

This meeting is one that can be very fruitful for establishing a connection to that inner aspect of consciousness that has dominion over the physical body and the physical experience — one can meet that which is known as the low self or the subconscious. In this meeting it is suggested that conversation be engaged with the low self to begin to understand it, to begin to work with it. The biggest problem in this process is that many will 7 discount the experience and will think of it as only their imagination. The use of imagination is incredibly important and incredibly powerful, for it is the imagining of events that can create those events. Therefore, to imagine, to see that which is the inner aspect of one's self, that which is the low self, is a valid experience, for it establishes a rapport, a connection to that inner aspect, and thus communication can occur. With time and practice the communication can become highly effective and can help release many of the inner traumas and issues that the low self holds. This is an important meeting of the two levels of consciousness that coexist in the one body. The demons behind closed doors In those events where deep, deep issues are suddenly experienced or touched upon, where the individual feels that they are incapable of dealing with them more effectively or even at all — the suggestion by this Awareness is that the individual contact a therapist of note that could help the individuals with the more pressing issues. Sometimes those doors that hold back the demons are better left shut than being opened by one who doesn't have the

complete experience or background to deal with those demons and events that lie behind the closed doors. If in the journey one ever experiences a sensation of fear or doubt, it would be better to shy away from probing deeper until one has assistance from someone who is qualified in the matter, to help with the regression, to help release the demons and expunge the traumas that are held in the low self. For simple communication with the low self, the approach this Awareness has suggested would be highly advantageous to many. Questioner: (Thank you) She'll be pleased with that response. Is there additional? Cosmic Awareness: Not at this time, but this Awareness is again open to further questions. This Awareness is feeling a need to bring the session to completion. Questioner: Very good. Is there a closing message or..? It's Time to be more Active as a Community Cosmic Awareness: There is indeed a closing message. This Awareness at this time would like to suggest to the membership of Cosmic Awareness Communications that they consider that it may indeed now be time to be more active as a community of spiritually seeking individuals, of those that this Awareness has often called Wanderers in helping one another in these trying times. This Awareness is suggesting that those who have skill sets, those who have talents, those who have abilities that they wish to share with the membership, do so by mailing in to CAC those skills and abilities.

This Awareness was speaking a moment ago of using those with therapist talents and abilities to help the individual reach those inner areas that have been blocked and that need to be expunged. There are many members in the organization who have such abilities and who are qualified to help individuals reach those deeper levels of comprehension and awareness. There are many healers in the organization, and there are those who have gifts and skills at astrology and Tarot and other means by which to get information that can guide and assist. It is time now to create, in a way, an outlet for those with such abilities and talents, so that they can help others in the community. This is a type of networking of the skills and abilities held by members in the community that could be very advantageous to those in the CAC community. This Awareness is putting the seeds out for this to be -planted, for this to take fruit and to come to fruition, for tie creation of this would be, as this Awareness has said, highly advantageous and create a stronger body of Light Workers, of Wanderers who know they can turn to other fellow members in their community despite any distance that might exist between them. This will be a project that this Awareness puts out to the membership and to CAC to be looked into in the weeks and months ahead. This completes the closing message of this Awareness. Questioner: An excellent idea, thank you. Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness would simply add: this is simply the beginning of an idea and It does invite other thoughts on this matter to be presented by the members and to the members. This Awareness is complete. Questioner: An excellent session. I thank you on behalf of the

membership. (The Law of Gratitude is given and a count of 12) INDEX 2011 Forecast Follow-Up ("The Game is Afoot") 2 Dead Birds and Dead Fish 2 How to Deal with the Planned Event for California 3 The Weakileaks 3 Are Computers Becoming Self-Aware? 4 Floating Through Walls 4 Some Suggestions for the Galactic Federation? 4 What to do when the Low Self is in the Way 6 It's Time to be more Active as a Community 7 Personal Timelines Explained 9 The Multidimenensional of the Soul 10 How does a Timeline Work? 10 How are personal timelines justified? 11 The Physical Life is not the True State of One's Being 12 Areas Safe from Earthquakes? 13 The San Andreas Fault 14 Other Dangerous Areas of the Planet 14 The Gulf of Mexico 15 That Dispersant Used in the Gulf 15 HAARP Energies to be shared? 15 Seismic Events Triggered by HAARP 15 Personal Readings Now Available by Phone Due to increasing eye problems the interpreter is now doing all Cosmic Awareness Personal Readings by phone only for a limited time. He pays for all phone time and you receive a tape or CD of the entire session. Call him direct to make an appointment at your convenience. Call Will Berlinghof at (403)-286-5248 Send Questions for Awareness and comments to the editor To:

9 CAC General Reading 12-16-10 (December 16, 2010) Will Berlinghof Interpreter, Joan Mills Questioner & Energizer

PERSONAL TIMELINES EXPLAINED Questioner: The first question involves timelines. It comes from Sharad Sinha of Bangalore, India. He writes: "As the topic of timelines has recently been discussed again in more detail during the last session and will be related to questions offered during this session, it is appropriate to offer two questions sent from Sharad of Bangalore, India at this time. He writes, "In one of the recent newsletters while talking about timelines, Awareness mentioned that the timeline which the Interpreter is experiencing is quite different than what others might be experiencing. I kind of understand that and often feel that in deep contemplative states of being, but again like anything else will be in this holographic scheme of creation. This is very confusing at times. Are these really different timelines or varied perceptions of the events by the individuals who exist in the same timeline? Will Awareness please explain this in more detail?" Your comment please? Cosmic Awareness: The way individuals perceive their own timelines and group timelines is the result of their own individual perception of events and circumstances, the individuals involved in their own lives, as well as their peculiar outlooks on life, their beliefs, attitudes and opinions. All of this mixes together to individualize each timeline. No two individuals could ever have the exact same timeline, even if they live together with one another as a husband and wife might do or in a family where there are several members of the family all coexisting together.

It is well known amongst counselors and psychiatrists and psychologists that children raised in the same family with the same set of rules and laws governing them, often have unique and grossly different views from one another as to what they experienced in the family of origin. One child grown to be an adult might well remember their childhood as a very difficult one with oppressive parents and restrictive rules that were applied to that child-adult. The other adult may view that same upbringing grossly differently than their sibling. They might see that it was an expression of the parents' love and concern for them that they were so strict, and had very restrictive laws that they applied to the family. This individual may not at all interpret the parents' actions as being difficult and oppressive. The Elephant and the 3 Blind Men Story The two siblings may simply never see eye to eye, for their own individual experiencing of their lives, their own unique timeline will by necessity be different to each other. It simply is so. There is the famous example of the elephant and the three blind men that also exemplifies what this Awareness is trying to say. There were three blind men in India that were shown an elephant. One was given the small tail at the back and that was all it could feel of this huge creature. The other was shown the side and it felt the wall of the elephant, the abdomen and the side of the elephant and the third was given the trunk of the elephant. When the three were brought together they all described a hugely different perspective of the creature that they were allowed to touch. The first man feeling it almost like a snake, the second like a moving wall and the third the unique, tactile impression of the trunk being that of an animal that had great sensitivity in its tubular body. The three could not understand each other, for they kept thinking that their unique

perspective was true and accurate. When it comes to timelines it is very similar, in that each individual experiences their lives in their unique and individual way, thinking that it is the only true reality, for it is the reality they are experiencing. They have trouble identifying with the realities another might be experiencing, even if that other was in their own family, their own cultural milieu, their own society, and their own country. A person living in the southern regions of the United States would have a completely different experience of the United States than someone living in the Pacific Northwest, yet both are living in the United States of America. All three of the blind men had experienced the same creature, but because they could not then move to the other parts of the anatomy and extend their experience beyond even the three points of reference, to the ears and legs, for example, each would have their own perspective of what an elephant looked like. In timelines it must be understood that it is a unique individual experiencing of the physical realm by that spirit being housed in a physical body that is maneuvering his or her way through the third dimensional physical experience. In their experiences, that which they are taught, that which they acquire in their own thinking process as they formulate their lives, their beliefs, their expectations, that which is given to them by others, that which comes even from past life events and circumstances that have influence in a person's life — all shape that which is the timeline of the individual. There is a cohesiveness in the experiences of one's life that prevents an individual from seeing this as a set of various experiences based on beliefs and expectations that define the perspective and the timeline of the individual's life. They also then

assume that the perspective that they have, because it is shared often with others on salient points of reference, must be correct for the whole society and all in that society must share their views. Yet, as this Awareness has already pointed out there are many views of reality, and many different perspectives of basically the same thing, but seen from an individual viewpoint. Thus it is that a timeline could also be understood as the unique personal experiencing of the events of one's life, the perspective gained from those events, from the experiences of that life and this set of experiences; these events shape the expectations of the individual as they move forward along the timeline. Unless the individual starts to change their perspective, unless the individual expands their perspective, often the timeline can proceed along in an almost predictable manner, but there is always the availability when an individual changes their mind, changes their beliefs, or changes their perspective, that a new timeline will be introduced for the individual. Due to the seamless nature of a life experience in a timeline, there may not even be noticed a shift in the timeline, for it simply flows into the next set of experiences, even if the next set of experiences is off at a tangent to that which might have been the original timeline. This is all to do with individual expectation, individual beliefs, and individual perspectives that have as their basis the learnt beliefs of reality that are passed to them from those who are in positions to do so for the 10 individual. This Awareness is complete but is open to further questions.

The Multidimensional Nature of the Soul Questioner: Sharad continues: "Awareness has often covered the topic of multidimensional nature of existence of the soul and the creation itself in parts, but I feel that the amount covered is not sufficient when compared to the complexity and relevance of the topic. This is something that can have a profound effect on the perception and behavior of the struggling masses, especially the Wanderers and emerging Lightworkers. The idea of multiple existences in multiple earths of slight variations is something that often backtracks me and makes me careless, but then again it leaves me wondering and confused in my own restless thoughts and affects my integrity. Is Awareness waiting for the right time to get the information out?" Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness is not waiting for the right time, for the right time is the time that this Awareness speaks on these matters; this always being that which one could call the right time. Therefore, it is more a matter of timing and appropriateness. While the individual is correct in asserting that this is a tremendously important area of discussion and it can influence many at very profound and deep levels, this Awareness would add that even though this is so, not everyone would be ready for this profound information, and this has been so in the past. This Awareness agrees that, in a manner of speaking, what Awareness has already delivered is but the tip of the iceberg and there is much more below the surface that awaits discovery and exposure, but this Awareness can only present that which the collective consciousness is ready for. Seeds Being Planted for the Spiritual Lightworker

Many of those who are the Wanderers and the seekers of spiritual truth and enlightenment are ready, to various degrees, for this information; each seeker, each Light Worker, each Wanderer prepared for this information to the degree that is appropriate and correct for them. This Awareness often introduces seeds of thought and conscious perception so that the seeds may be planted in the minds, hearts and souls of the Wanderers and spiritual Light Workers, and as these seeds take hold, and as they grow, this Awareness is able to present more information, and It is able to expand the concepts that are already seeded and starting to grow. To many the information is insane and irrelevant The questions just presented help in this process. It is as if water has been poured on the seed and this allows further growth and development. The concept of multidimensionality is the concept of the way life will be for those who successfully ascend in their awareness and consciousness to that plateau where they can conceive of these concepts, and where they start to open to them and start to live them. Speaking of these concepts to those who are unprepared may simply seem to be so much fantasy and science fiction to those who are not ready. Indeed, this Awareness would even say to those who are truly uninterested and unprepared: such concepts of multidimensionality will simply be discarded as insane and irrelevant. That is why in some ways, even though the individual himself has the profoundest sense of the appropriateness of this material and how liberating it may well be, his attitudes and level of consciousness is quite different than those who are totally uninterested in such a concept. For him, he has indeed achieved a

level of expanded consciousness and awareness that is working hard with the concepts of multidimensionality, for he is ready to move into the experiencing of such, and he is very much indeed ready for the high level of Ascension that will be available to those who have reached that high plateau, that high place of conscious awareness that will allow them to transmute themselves into their multidimensional characters, exceeding their third dimensional realities and their third dimensional forms and characters. Does this help to explain the situation this Awareness faces when It presents dribs and drabs of information, that while highly profound and relevant often are not yet within the grasp of collective consciousness? Questioner: It's starting to fill in parts of the puzzle, indeed. Cosmic Awareness: The picture is a much fuller picture. Many more are aware now of these new concepts, such as multidimensionality and timeline realities. This has of course been partially due to the introduction of such concepts through the media, through that which is called science fiction and fantasy, but it is also exemplary of mankind's spiritual progress as they open up to the higher concepts of reality as mankind prepares itself for the Ascension and for the leap forward. This Awareness will continue to elucidate, and will continue to educate and present these concepts and expand on these concepts in the months and years ahead. Questioner: As you say, a seed here, a seed there... it all comes together in the end doesn't it? Cosmic Awareness: It indeed produces a truly magical garden that all will one day partake in.

Questioner: (Thank you). Sharad further writes, "I kind of understand in this holographic scheme of creation where the possibilities tend toward infinity of every thought of an individual might trigger a timeline, but then I really don't understand how this works. I'm talking about the concrete timelines that have an effect on the masses and not just the individual who created it. If it is possible and I would like to understand exactly how and when timelines are created. How is the agenda and purpose of the soul justified and the experience recollected if several 'Me' s' exist with variations of all kinds? Some variation of me out of the many is going to make it, whatever it is, then why does this 'Me' care? The problem is that I do care and this often tears me apart and this precisely is the reason that this mind begs to understand the underlying process of exactly how it works. The same applies in reference to others. Why does anyone care to spread the light knowing that these same others may continue to be miserable in other timelines?" Your comments please? Cosmic Awareness: There are many questions within this question. This Awareness would seek to go through the questions separately rather than tackle this one overwhelming question at once. Therefore, this Awareness asks for you to go back over the question, breaking it down to the individual aspects or individual questions contained in the one question itself. How Does a Timeline Work? Questioner: (Okay) "I kind of understand that in this holographic scheme of creation where possibilities tend toward infinity of every thought of an individual might trigger a timeline, but then I really don't understand how this works."

11 Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness wishes to make comment. It has already expressed that in truth no two timelines, even though they are being experienced by two individuals in what appears to be a simultaneous manner, are exactly the same even if they seem to be the same to two individuals. Therefore, this is the beginning of the differentiation of timelines between individual beings in a society. What is shared, what is agreed to is that there will be certain relevant factors that are held in common between the two individuals that allow them to share a timeline together, even though both are coming from very unique backgrounds, and holding quite unique perspectives and objectives. This Awareness would say that once this point is fully understood — that there are no two perspectives of reality that are experienced that are exactly the same at that same instance — then this is a jumping off point for further comments and commentary to other parts of this question. Please continue. Questioner: (Thank you)"I am talking about the concrete timelines which have an effect on the masses and not just the individual who created it". Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness jumps in again. It objects to the concept of concrete timelines. There is no such thing as a concrete timeline; there is only the perception of that which is considered to be a concrete timeline. This is by agreement of those participating in the event. This is what allows them by agreement to have cohesive experiences together with one another, because there is a form of internalized agreement. This is created at deep intuitive or psychic levels, where there is no discussion on the matter in any conscious way or form, but rather an agreement

through that which is the intuitive level of awareness that brings together individuals who have had agreements before they are born into the lives they have, that they will interact in certain ways at certain points in their lives to share concrete timelines as they will then define them. It is the breaking down and breaking through of this belief system that timelines or lives themselves and what occurs m lives are concrete, rigid and unalterable, that give the majority of humanity the impression that third dimensional reality in itself is concrete and unalterable, that events happen and there is nothing one can do about it. Once one is trapped in such a mindset or paradigm of belief, then one thinks that they are in concrete timelines or in a life where there are no alternatives but that which occurs to the individual beyond that individual's control. Please proceed. Questioner: (Thank you) I think the next question or statement has been answered. It reads: "If it is possible then I would like to understand exactly how and when timelines are created?" Cosmic Awareness: This answer has been partially given in the preceding answer, but this Awareness will continue by saying timelines are created by the individual in the assumptions the individual holds. When those assumptions are uninformed and unconscious, and when there is no deliberating over that which occurs in one's life and only the acceptance of the circumstances and events of one's life, then one will never question that they somehow are creating the circumstances of their own life, and are creating their own timeline. It is only when an individual reaches a certain level of conscious awareness where they can ask such questions that they begin to understand that they are, even if it is a misunderstood conceptualization of this concept, Creator Beings

— and that they somehow can manifest in their lives things that they wish to experience or call in to their lives. The Information Eventually Leads to "We are all Creator Beings" This is in itself a long and arduous process of understanding that will eventually lead to that more complete and rounded perspective and awareness of that concept of being a Creator Being who truly is experiencing the timeline of life experiences that they themselves have both chosen for themselves before their actual physical birth in agreement with the many others who will participate in their lives, as well as the flexibility that they will have through free will to create new circumstances in their own lives, new experiences that either enhance and promulgate or produce the timelines they had wished to experience or that will deviate them from those timelines, and will create new experiences and new realities. It could be as simple as affirming within oneself that one will have a good life as opposed to being a victim —that would begin the shifting of consciousness at that elementary level, that would allow the individual to start shifting through various timelines until they reach a timeline that is in accordance to their new affirmations, their new beliefs that well may be in accordance also to their original planned timeline. Does this help explain this matter more fully? How are Personal Timelines Justified Questioner: Yes it does and I think it partially answers the next statement as well. He writes, "How is the agenda and purpose of the soul justified and the experience recollected if several "me's"

exist with variations of all kinds?" And he carries on... Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness is prepared to answer this part first. As a multidimensional being, the reality of the soul exists not only on one timeline but on many timelines, on many levels of experiences, all of which will come together in a collective and cohesive manner when that individual aspect of the soul has completed the many timelines and there is a merging once again back into the fabric of the soul. The most complex part is to understand that multidimensionality exceeds the individual experience and the difficulty here is that in trying to understand multidimensionality, one comes from a unique and individual perspective, the one point of focus, and is unable in some ways to expand their mind to that point of multidimensionality. Yet as one continues to grow and expand in consciousness it starts to fall into place, it starts to make more and more sense, especially as one begins to not look from one focus but is open to the multidirectional focuses that are available as one accepts and integrates the concepts of multidimensionality. Therefore, all multidimensional forms of the "me" are truly one "me" having a multitude of experiences at different levels of consciousness. When all come together and are reunited in the soul fabric, there is a unification of all the experiences, of all the ways that the life could have played itself out and there is a unification then of the multidimensional experience of that which was the one life. Questioner: Okay, "Some variation of me out of many is going to make it, whatever it is, then why does this "me" care?" Cosmic Awareness: This is partially dependent on a concept of dualistic consideration that suggest that there is that part of the

Me that will make it and that this is right and there is a part of the Me that will not make it 12 and that this is wrong. In the true blending of all the experiences of the multidimensional being, there is no difference between the individual Me that makes it and the individual Me that does not make it. All will blend together and it will be perceived that because this individual did not make it because of choices made through their free will, that they went that direction and that this individual expression of the ‘Me’ that made these choices made it, succeeded, and was victorious in achieving a result. The soul itself simply has both experiences, and all experiences in between, to unite into that one understanding of how a life can proceed and how options and choices and decisions will influence that life, that consciousness, and there is nothing seen as remiss in the life that was not successful or the life that was successful. They are all part of a total experience of the theme of the life that was chosen by the soul to experience in the first place. The experiences of those failed attempts are equally as relevant as the experiences of those that are successful. Is this clear? Questioner: I think so. It's starting to come together. Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness reminds one and all of how complex this theme truly is. It will present this matter many times yet in the times ahead, but It asks only that all be open to these broader concepts, these seeds that are now being planted, and allow the seeds their due course to reach fruition in that which is the right time for each seed and each individual.

Questioner: Sharad carries on: "The problem is that I do care and this often tears me apart and this precisely is the reason that this mind begs to understand the underlying process of exactly how it works." Cosmic Awareness: The mind must release its hold on this matter. This individual truly is trying to understand this concept from the positioning of the mind, from the mental, and it is not necessarily a matter that can be fully intellectually understood without allowing an emotional component as well as a spiritual component into the understanding of this matter. If this individual understands, first and foremost, there is no differentiation between the Me that is successful and the Me that is unsuccessful, and that both have relevancy, both are accepted back into the soul as bringing back equally valid streams of information and understanding and awareness gained through the lifetime, then perhaps he will not feel such deep anguish at the mental concept that one part might make it but several may not. In truth, the soul sees all of those multidimensional beings having a life experience along that one band of life experience as relevant and worthy. Hopefully this will help the individual release his stress over this matter and allow him to simply live his life in that emotional and spiritual state of balance that allows him to be open to the experiences of life, not worrying about whether he makes the right decision or the wrong decision, not worrying about whether he can figure it out or not, but rather simply learning how to live in the moment of his life, allowing the heart to move him forward as he feels the energy of the moment, as it guides him from that spiritual level of awareness that is always available to move the mind and the individual personality along in life itself.

Questioner: His last part is: "The same applies in reference to others. Why does anyone care to spread the light, knowing that these same others might continue to be miserable in other timelines?" And that was the last part of his question. Cosmic Awareness: This is such a statement of the mind. This Awareness is amused by this concept that others would be upset or care. It is a presumption on the individual's part that this is so and it is an erroneous presumption, for he truly cannot say that others care. Some others may care over such concepts, but as this Awareness has already spoken, the majority has no time for such grandiose concepts and philosophies. It is because of his very unique character, his highly evolved sense of self and of consciousness, that he cares and he can project his caring to others who might be affected because they see other aspects of themselves as being unsuccessful, as suffering, as not making it. Again, this is an amusing concept to this Awareness. It is not trying to diminish this individual, for his attitudes and his thoughts on this matter are extremely enlightened and he has posed excellent questions on this matter. This Awareness simply asks him now to release his neediness to assume others are as affected as he is, neediness is perhaps not the correct word in this matter but it is a certain obsessional quality that needs to be answered, that this Awareness is asking him to look at to understand and to release. When he simply allows himself to be that consciousness moving through time and space, experiencing that which is given him, allowing the guidance to lead him and his heart to vindicate for him that he is on the right path, then he will find that he no longer has these concerns for himself or for others and he will find himself in a much less troubled space, where he can indeed fully enjoy the life that is his to experience and to live.

This Awareness feels complete. It is aware that this discussion may elicit many more questions which this Awareness welcomes. THE PHYSICAL LIFE IS NOT THE TRUE STATE OF ONE'S BEING Questioner: That's good because he has several others that are not related to timelines or multidimensionality, but they are there. Just changing topic now to Earth movements, seismic and so on. Okay, it's a sort of a summary on from various sources. "First of all, it's recognized several upcoming disasters are possible due to the various Earth movements and it is also recognized entities will experience whatever they themselves have chosen, energized or focused on, depending on their preferred timeline. Is this correct and if not would you please explain this concept more fully?" Cosmic Awareness: This is indeed correct. It must be understood that it is because the majority has no true concept of the continuity of consciousness, of its continuance after what is considered physical life, which is considered the only reality and level of consciousness; that is what creates this problem, and this difficulty. Because the majority of humans at this time still hold that physical life is the true state of one's being and consciousness, they find it difficult to deal with concepts of individuals dying in natural disasters or even personal disasters, or even if it is the right time for an individual's demise. Most Don't Want to Look at the Matter of What Occurs After Death This creates a tension around this subject that many do not wish to talk about, for they do not wish to look at

13 the matter of what occurs after death — if there is a continuance of consciousness at all, if the soul is that which is eternal and the individual spirit returns back to the soul. All of these questions for the majority are not ever entertained at any deep level. The emphasis is rather on enjoying the moment, and of experiencing as much pleasure in the moment as possible while still holding to an archaic concept that pain rules the universe. This Awareness suggests that those who do experience the tragedies of mass events such as a volcanic eruption or a 7.5 earthquake, are doing so because that was their purpose, that was their plan and reason before they ever entered into physical life. The Death of Charlton Heston in "Earthquake" They planned it this way so that it would end their lives and they would be released back into spirit form. This is not necessarily understood or accepted by the many and yet it is still the truth of the matter. It is not unlike in some ways a film, a movie where a character will die. In the 1970s that there was a very major film named Earthquake. A prominent actor by the name of Charlton Heston starred in this movie and he ultimately sacrificed his life to save a wife he was no longer in love with. In this film many died and it was thought that this was a huge tragedy that so many died in this earthquake, including the actor Charlton Heston. Yet several months later there he was yet again in another movie playing another role and being another character. No one necessarily thought anything of this, for they all understood that this was an actor and actors do this; they play a multitude of roles, in many films and die sometimes in those films and sometimes do not. But the point of this matter is that the majority sees this

individual as someone who is simply doing what an actor does, acting in films and plays. Yet there is an intolerance to equate this type of thinking and this type of understanding to each and every individual human being, who is but an actor on a stage, who is here to perform a role for a time and when that role and when that episode, when that film that is their life is complete, they return back into that which is the essence of their being, that which is their soul. They still continue to exist, the consciousness of the individual exceeds that which was the restricted physical form it once was contained within, but it is still available, it has not ceased to be simply because the role is complete and the play is done. It will often return back, the individual will return back in another role, another play at another time in another life, where it again has another unique life experience. It would be indeed more accurate to say that the soul chooses to extend itself once again into an individual life, where it once again allows that unique and individual conceptualization of individualization to occur. Once again one has an individual life experience, or the soul has focused its aspect of self into that one unique focal point of consciousness that could be identified as an individual. When that unique focus of consciousness completes its role, it will once again leave the role, it will abandon life, and it will return back into the fabric of its being, back into the soul once again. If any feel this is wrong they will simply reject this as a concept, and it will not move them, it will not work for them. But as one moves towards greater understanding, enlightenment and awareness, this concept or similar concepts that elicit the same understanding will become more and more prevalent and that which is that fear that many have of letting go of life, of releasing, of

moving back into spirit will indeed lessen and eventually disappear altogether. AREAS SAFE FROM EARTHQUAKES? Your Inner Voice Will Tell You if You Have to Move Questioner: That was a good explanation. "Would Awareness please discuss areas of possible safety for those who may not have chosen such experiences, where possible seismic activity may occur?" And there are several, the first one is the new Madrid fault, both sensitive surrounding areas involving the St. Lawrence Seaway, the Great Lakes, Eastern Canada, including Newfoundland and the US Mississippi River area, the Gulf of Mexico, Central and South America be affected. Are there any safe areas in those particular seismic sensitive points?" Cosmic Awareness: There are always safe areas. Simply because that which is the New Madrid fault line, which extends upwards into Canada along and into the Great Lakes and then also along that which is the St. Lawrence Seaway, or the St. Lawrence River — that all along these areas there will be areas that are not as affected, that will not simply open up and create great upheaval. In some ways it is impossible for this Awareness to point out each and every individual safe area for each and every individual in those areas. What this Awareness can say, however, is that if and when the time approaches, that many must start to hear the inner voice, and feel that which is an inner guidance or compulsion, and if such an inner guidance or compulsion speaks loudly enough and they feel a tension and stress in living where they are living, and they feel a deep and powerful inclination to move, that it is advised by this Awareness that they follow their instincts and their own intuitive guidance.

Many will stay in the area, but have already planned that they will not experience the brunt of a catastrophe, even if a catastrophe occurs in that region. It is for this reason why it is so that in any location where there is a natural catastrophe, there are always stories of an individual who just happened to walk out of a building as the earthquake struck, while his friend or family member who was behind him was killed because they had not left the building. It will also be so in any and all areas where there are any catastrophic events that may occur. This simply is part of their life plan, part of their play of life, the play of the life they are having as to whether or not it will be their time to go and return back into the fabric of the soul, their own soul family or to continue with their life experience. Always Listen to That Inner Command Thus it is, that while this Awareness cannot indicate every safe spot to go to, It can say that by trusting one's deepest instincts and feelings on the matter and by trusting that one has already arranged the due course of their life and the events of their life, even in regards to what occurs in a catastrophe, then one will have a relative degree of warning or understanding of why it is that one may experience a catastrophic result or not. When one listens to the inner yearning, the inner call, the inner command to move, and when one truly hears it, listens to it and follows it, that they will — if it is their life's purpose — be taken to the safe havens and safe places.

New Mexico and the Rocky Mountain Plateau are Safe Places

14 On a more general note, this Awareness does say to you one and all that there are certain areas in both Canada and the United States that this Awareness would call relatively safe havens. One area is generally in that area known as New Mexico, in and around that region that is Albuquerque and Santa Fe. There are also many areas of safe haven along the Rocky Mountains, especially on the eastern part of the Rocky Mountain plateau or that which is the Rocky Mountain shelf. There will be relatively little activity there in regards to earthquakes or volcanoes. Areas within the mountainous regions and on both coastlines and along that which is the New Madrid fault will be much more prone to seismic activity. It does not want to simply call it catastrophic events, for this again energizes this, but it is seen that there will indeed be seismic activity in those areas. The Prairies of both the U.S. and Canada are Stabile Generally speaking, the prairies of both the United States and Canada will have a relative degree of stability, but what this Awareness sees here as possibilities are tornadoes that could come up into these areas, as is already the case. The Gulf of Mexico region of the United States also has the problem of hurricanes, when it is that season, and due to the rapidly shifting climatic conditions as are being experienced at this time in the United States and Canada and throughout the whole world, these forces of weather themselves can create great catastrophes as well as seismic activities. This Awareness sees those areas of stability not so much in mountainous regions, but in those regions where there is bedrock

below the areas of habitation, not only in the United States and Canada, but also in South America as well as other regions in the world. Therefore, in South America, that area that is on the plateau of the Andes Mountains will provide great stability. The area around the Himalayas in India and Tibet will provide stability and there are other key areas in Africa and Europe as well that will be relatively safe and stable in the times to come. The San Andreas Fault Questioner: With regard to the San Andreas Fault — this fault line I believe runs from California to Alaska — will this fault be reactivated at the same time as the New Madrid or would it perhaps be before rather than later? And will all areas concerned, including those on the West Coast, be so affected, including the smaller islands, such as Catalina, the Hawaiian Islands in the US or Vancouver Island, etc. in Canada? Do you have comments on this particular one? Cosmic Awareness: The San Andreas Fault is part of that which is also called the Cascadian fault line which extends along the coast, but deeper off the coast itself in the waters along the western coast. There are several fracture lines that are part of this stress area, and the San Andreas is one of those fracture lines. It is also part of that which is known as the Ring of Fire around the Pacific Basin. Often activity, either on the other side of the basin or sometimes even on an opposite side of the planet itself, will trigger events and releases of these fracture lines, of these tectonic stress lines, these tectonic plate lines. It is seen in regards to the question, that there is more potential for an occurrence of a major nature along the West Coast as along

the new Madrid line. It is as if that which is the pressure being built up and that which has built up over a considerable time along these two fracture lines may well release, causing a ripple effect to that which is the New Madrid line. It is also seen that an opposite line of action can occur, an action along that which is the New Madrid line, triggering that which is the stored up energy that is contained in the San Andreas and Cascadian fault lines. It is not seen entirely which will occur first, but it is seen that one could trigger the other and vice versa. The reason this Awareness is being somewhat ambiguous here, is It is not trying at this stage to focus attention on one or another, It is simply describing the tensions of energy that are being built up along both sets of individual stress points along the New Madrid and along the Cascadian/San Andreas fault lines. This Awareness also points out that in the past It has spoken as to the release of energies in that area of Northern California and Southern Oregon and that this did not occur, at least not occur in the timeline that is presently being experienced by those individuals alive at this time, experiencing this unique timeline that is agreed upon by those who are having this experience. This Awareness points out that at that time there was the release of much energy off the West Coast, indeed approximately 150 miles further out to sea, that released much of the tension. This Awareness points out that even though It saw the potential, that individuals often upon receiving this news either support it and energize it or refuse to have such an experience, and in their own creation of their individual unique timeline, shift to another timeline where this experience is not encountered. Therefore, even though this Awareness is speaking of the potential of these events occurring, it must always be remembered that it is up to each and

every individual as to what reality they create, what timeline they experience, as to whether or not they will experience such an event in their lives. This Awareness always supports the position that one will be in the right place at the right time, having the exact experience that is right for the individual. Other Dangerous Areas of the Planet Questioner: That's very true) Are areas on the other side of the globe, the British Isles, Europe, France, Germany, etc. Asia, India, Africa, Australia, etc — will these areas also experience severe seismic activity and are any safe areas available? Cosmic Awareness: The first point this Awareness will make for other areas of the planet is that, generally speaking, coastal regions are the regions that may experience the greatest damage if any potential catastrophes are released. Even a catastrophe in the middle of the ocean where there are no islands often releases a force that will create a tsunami which will crash down on coastal regions. Therefore, generally speaking from the perspective of safe areas- the coastal regions are less safe than the inner continents and the inner regions of a continent. Again, around mountains and those bedrock shelves underneath the landmasses are often the most stable of all. It is seen that the British Isles may well experience some catastrophic events with other situations occurring in areas other than the British Isles. This Awareness is saying that if there are catastrophic releases of huge seismic energies in areas off the coast of Ireland and England, Wales and Scotland, that the rising waters can indeed have a devastating effect on the British Isles, on the United Kingdom and Ireland as well.

Old Hotbeds in Europe May Become Active Again The European continent is seen to also be fairly stable inland, but there are areas within the European continent 15 where old seismic activity and volcanoes once were very prevalent and are now rather dormant. As the events around the planet heat up and as seismological events, as well as events regarding the weather and weather patterns heat up, these old hotbeds may start to respond again, especially in areas such as Iceland, where volcanic eruptions have already occurred recently and there could indeed be more, as well as other areas such as in and around the Ural mountains and the Alps as well. The Gulf of Mexico Questioner: As an aside, will there be additional aftereffects of pollution from the recent oil disaster and the related effect on the Gulfstream? Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness will only say that this problem has not simply gone away. Much was not broadcast or shown to the populace, for it was deemed that it was unwise to truly publicize the true extent of this oil disaster. It was much more of a disaster than it simply was an oil spill and there are deeper ecological events that will still come about due to oil that has sunk to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico and has seriously affected the ecological systems of that region. Many simply do not think of this matter anymore, for as the saying goes, "Out of sight, out of mind!" And that which is no longer shown, that which is no longer in sight is not even thought about. Yet this Awareness says that there will

be ramifications for years ahead due to that which was the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. That Dispersant Used in the Gulf Questioner: A side question please- when they used that particular dispersant were they aware of the damage that would be done? Cosmic Awareness: Some were very aware of what could occur because of this, but they chose to do this anyway, for ultimately it was greed that decided to use this particular dispersant, greed for those who both produced it and those who ordered it, for it was seen that it would be that which would generate the most profit, for it would be seen that it sank the oil. It was not seen that it sank the oil; the oil simply did not rise up and therefore, again, "Out of sight, out of mind!" No problem. It must be understood that the owner of the company that produced this dispersant was a longtime friend of certain members of the BP Corporation and that he himself worked for British Petroleum for many years. There were kickbacks for using his product that benefited many at the top, so that even though their responsibility was to deal with this matter in the most responsible manner they could, they could not resist making money out of using a product by a friend that would be seen to deal with the problem, even though they knew that all it would do would be to create a greater problem down the road. In some ways they were victims themselves of a certain irrational attitude that also had to do with "Out of sight, out of mind!" They thought that if they could create the situation where the oil was not seen, even if it sank down below the surface that it would somehow go away and that they could still make money out of dealing with the disaster they themselves initiated in the first

place. Questioner: That was Halliburton wasn't it? Cosmic Awareness: Halliburton was one of the companies involved, this is true but there were many others as well. HAARP Energies to be Shared? Questioner: (Ok, another topic) "Will the use of HAARP energies be activated by any country who may have the ability to do so during 2011 or 2012 to offset any seismic activity or volcanoes, etc?" Cosmic Awareness: It is not seen that this will be so, for it is a very guarded secret technology that only a few of the bigger players have, in particular the United States and Russia. It is seen that China is now on the verge of also joining this exclusive club, but it is not seen that minor countries will gain such technology and be able to use it for either their benefit or as a weapon against the United States of America or any other country. Questioner: Ok, but the countries that do have this technology, would they use that to protect their citizens or any like manner9 Cosmic Awareness: It is seen that the mentality of those who use this technology is more inclined to a militaristic view of it being a weapon. They do not see it as something that could defend them against an attack by another with this technology, but it is seen that there are some who are starting to think this way. The United States government and military, long being the sole possessors of the HAARP technology were dominant in this field of use and used the HAARP technology against others. It is only recently that the

Russians have started this game also. By recent, this Awareness says that this was within the last 30 years and now China is almost there as well. Indeed, it is already starting to test its own HAARP technology. In the end these three powers may yet cancel each other out, thus rendering this technology as obsolete, because one could indeed cancel the attack of another, but it is also seen that this technology is not as stable as thought, and is not under control as much as those who own this technology would like to think. This technology has already been responsible for events in the last year 2010, such as the tremendous flooding in Pakistan and Bangladesh, and certain seismic activity around the world, including Haiti. This is all part of that which is the rampant and illegal use of HAARP technology; irresponsible use that this Awareness sees as eventually being canceled out as China comes onto the scene. Seismic Events Triggered by HAARP Questioner: A silly question, but does or did this HAARP technology have anything to do with the seismic events that are now or will be occurring? Cosmic Awareness: It is seen that the triggering for example of the seismic event that was the Haiti earthquake, then triggered other events on the other side of the world in the Ring of Fire. The Haiti event was one that was triggered by HAARP technology and even though it was a specific event that they thought they could contain, it went beyond that level of containment and had ramifications beyond that which was expected. This has shocked a few of those proponents of the HAARP technology who previously thought they had it under control, but it had never been used to the extent that

it was employed against Haiti for very personal and very irresponsible reasons. There were certain holders of power who stood to gain by creating a localized earthquake in Haiti. The event got out of hand and was much greater than anticipated. Questioner: Yeah, I wonder how they sleep at night? Cosmic Awareness: They sleep quite well at night, for they have no social conscious. The death of hundreds of thousands of individuals is not a matter that deeply 16 troubled them, for they have put themselves so far beyond common mankind that they see it as their right to affect humanity in order for them to gain privilege and continue in power. Questioner: I see. We're getting close to the end. I wonder do you have a closing message please? Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness has no closing message at this time. This Awareness indicates that the Interpreter is indeed ready to close at this time. Questioner: Thank you, it was a very, very good session and we all appreciate it, thank you. (The Law of Gratitude and the count of 12 is given)

WHAT IS COSMIC AWARENESS? COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served as 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly Father and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New Age' of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 CosmicAwareness has been communicating through carefully trained channels. This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age. Throughout the thousands of 'Readings' given through these various channels, Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel what is the truth. Cosmic Awareness will only 'indicate' and 'suggest' . Neither C.A.C. or any of the Interpreters is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness states in any of these readings, nor does A.C. or the Interpreters necessarily agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness. The Interpreters interpret the energies as they see them in trance levels and are not personally responsible for what is said. The Interpreters published herein have no connection with, nor control over the editorial comments and material, including illustrations. This is entirely the responsibility of the editor. Members of C.A.C. are invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication in this newsletter.

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