Table of Contents
Writing Instruments
Bamboo & Frames
Tech Accessories
Tools & Travel
Health & Recreation
Key Chains
Gift Sets
Bags & Backpacks
General Info
ITEM PAGE 3602 103 3603 103 3608 103 3617 107 3717 93 3725 93 3728 92 3738 92 5103 94 6063 105 6072 106 6111 101 6118 101 6211 106 6538 106 7135 107 7901 102 7907 102 7911 107 8022 96 8119 95 8120 94 8175 95 8226 96 8717 97 9211 110 9213 111 9215 110 9218 111 9228 111 9810 108 9811 108 9861 110 AB-01 18 AB-02 18 AB-11 18 AB-12 18 AB-21 18 AB-25 19 AB-41 18 AB-42 18 AC-01 10 AC-05 10 AC-06 11 AC-11 11 AC-41 11 AC-51 11 AC-61 12 AK-21 16 AK-51 16 AK-52 16 AK-71 16 AK-72 16 B-17 69 B-18 69 B-20 69 B-25 70 B-29 70 B-33 70 B-35 70 B-53 69 B-55 69 B-56 69 B535 120 B655 124 BA-04 24 BA-23 24 BA-29 25 BA-41 25
ITEM PAGE BB-01 24 BC-01 25 BM-01 24 BM-11 24 BM-21 24 BM-23 24 BM-24 24 BM-65 20 BP-03 7 BP-05C 6 BP-05S 6 BP-06C 6 BP-06S 6 BP-07 7 BP-09 6 BP-11 22 BP-15 7 BX-01 23 BX-02T 23 BX-17 23 BX-18 23 BX-25 23 BX-37A/B 23 BX-38 23 BX-39 23 BX-41 23 C555 119 C655 124 CB-01 14 CB-02 14 CC-01 46 CK-01 15 CK-15 15 CM-01 26 CM-02 26 CM-25 46 CP-05 20 CP-07 7 CP-07VP 7 CS-01 94 CS-03 94 CS-122 98 CS-133 98 CS-136 99 CS-142 98 CS-148 99 CS-150 98 CS-154 99 D-02 55 D-07 55 D-12 54 D-20 54 D-29 55 D-35T 55 DR-61 17 DR-62 17 DR-71 17 DR-72 17 DS-06 13 DS-31 13 DS-32 13 DS-37 13 DS-51 14 DS-81 14 DS-82 14 ET-61 19 ET-62 19 ET-71 19 ET-75 19
ITEM PAGE FC-02 47 FP-03 34 FP-03X 34 FP-05 34 FP-06 35 FP-10 35 FP-16 36 FP-18 36 FP-21 36 FP-23 36 FP-29 31 FP-47 31 FP-57 32 FP-57VP 32 FP-65 46 FP-67 28 FP-68 28 FP-69 47 FP-71 37 FP-73 37 FP-75 37 FP-78 37 FP-81 33 FP-81VP 33 FP-91 32 FP-91VP 32 FP-93 32 FP-93VP 32 FP-95 28 FP-95VP 28 FP-96 33 FP-97 33 FW-01 47 FW-02 47 G417 126 GL600 126 GL605 126 GL700 127 GL706 127 GT-01T 12 GT-05 74 GT-10T 74 GT-15 74 GT-23 74 GT-24 75 GT-25 75 GT-29 75 GT-51 77 GT-53 77 GT-55 77 GT-72 75 GT-81 76 GT-83 76 HB-51 45 HB-99 45 HR-01 65 HR-08 65 HR-15 67 HR-23T 67 HR-30 67 HR-32 66 HR-35 66 HR-39 66 HR-43 66 HR-45 25 HR-47 25 HR-49 25 HR-51 68 HR-53 68
ITEM PAGE HR-57 68 IP321 116 IP328 116 IP611 117 IP668 116 IP-75 24 IP-81 8 IP-81G 8 IP-83 8 IP-85 9 IP-86 8 IP-87 9 IP-89 10 IP-91 9 IP-92 10 IP-95 9 IP-96 8 IT-21 22 K-01T 57 K-03T 57 K-20 58 K-30 57 K-37 57 K-38 58 K-43T 58 K-59 59 K-63 59 K-65 59 K-72 58 K-76 59 KB-25T 44 KC-25 44 KM-03 41 KM-08 43 KM-21 44 KM-23 44 KM-33 43 KM-41 41 KM-43 41 KM-45 42 KM-49 42 KM-53 42 KM-55 43 LW-71 16 LW-74 16 M118 105 M128 105 MD-71 15 MF-01 49 MF-07 49 MK-05 12 MK-06 12 MK-25 12 MP-06 27 MP-07 27 MP-16 27 MP-17 27 P218 118 PG-06 31 PK-01 71 PK-02 71 PK-03 71 PK-05 71 PK-050 76 PK-25 72 PK-30 72 PK-81 72 PK-88 73 PK-89 73
ITEM PAGE PK-93 72 PK-97 73 PK-98 73 PK-100 76 PM-21 22 PP-01 48 PP-02 48 PP-21 48 PP-21VP 48 PT-24 49 R-32 56 R-37 56 R-39 56 R-41 56 RB-01B 23 RB-01C 23 RB-100 23 RP-61 22 RP-91 21 RP-93 21 RP-95 21 RR-02M 23 RT-31 15 S10010 118 S311 114 S325 114 S368 115 S519 121 S568 121 S583 119 S600 123 S605 124 S620 119 S621 121 S636 117 S637 120 S638 118 S657 117 S688 128 S700 123 S706 125 S712 120 S801 123 S803 125 S805 125 S807 128 S838 128 S9404 114 SB-12 45 SJ-11 51 SJ-15T 51 SJ-16 51 SJ-20 50 SJ-21 50 SJ-23 51 SJ-25 50 SJ-30 50 SJ-31 98 SJ-39 53 SJ-42 53 SJ-43 53 SJ-53 53 SJ-63 54 SJ-71 52 SJ-75 52 SJ-91 52 SJ-93 52 ST-05 38 ST-08 38
ITEM PAGE ST-16 39 ST-25 39 ST-37 38 ST-100 39 SZ030 122 SZ035 122 SZ293 115 SZ398 115 SZ658 122 TL-01 60 TL-06 64 TL-07 64 TL-10 64 TL-11 64 TL-16 62 TL-18 62 TL-21 62 TL-23 65 TL-27 60 TL-28 63 TL-32 62 TL-35 63 TL-41 61 TL-45 60 TL-49 61 TL-51T 61 TL-53 60 TL-71 63 TL-72 65 TL-75 63 TL-76 61 TM-43 40 TM-45 40 TM-48 40 TM-49 46 TN-06 31 TN-25 29 TN-29 29 TN-31 30 TN-32 30 TN-35 29 TN-50 30 TN-63 30 TN-67 29 WA-04 26 WA-05 26 WA-14 26 WA-15 26 WA-23M 26 WA-24M 26 WA-24R 26 WK-01 26 ZP-01 20 ZP-11 21
ITEM PAGE 111 108 121 80 122 79 123 78 125 78 128 80 129 80 131 78 135 79 137 79 141 81 151 81 161 81 211 108 912 97 1031 109 1038 109 1066 109 1322 84 1326 84 1381 112 1407 100 1509 112 1515 112 1517 112 1518 113 1533 113 1567 113 1631 113 1717 112 2001 104 2166 104 2193 104 2199 100 2311 84 2377 84 2410 83 2413 82 2415 83 2417 82 2419 82 2430 83 2502 104 3000 86 3012 89 3013 86 3015 89 3017 87 3021 85 3023 88 3025 87 3027 88 3028 90 3032 90 3035 89 3037 88 3051 91 3052 91 3053 91 3068 100 3078 90 3082 101 3087 102 3091 85 3093 85 3176 92 3211 87 3213 86 3226 93
*New Items Highlighted
UNDER $0.99 AC-06 AC-11 AC-41 AC-51 BP-03 BP-05C BP-05S BP-06C BP-06S BP-07 BP-09 BP-11 BP-15 BX-01 BX-02T BX-17 BX-41 CP-05 CP-05N CP-07 IT-21 MF-01 MF-07 PK-02 PK-81 PM-21 PP-01 PP-02 RB-01B RB-01C RB-02M RB-100 RP-61 RP-91 RP-93 RP-95 ZP-01 ZP-11
Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Box Pen Box Pen Box Pen Box Pen Pen Pen Pen Micro Cloth Micro Cloth Key Key Chain Pen Cup Cup Refill Refill Refill Refill Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen
PAGE 11 11 11 11 7 6 6 6 6 7 6 22 7 23 23 23 23 20 20 7 22 49 49 71 72 22 48 48 23 23 23 23 22 21 21 21 20 21
$1.00-$1.99 211 AC-01 AC-05 AC-61 B-55 BM-65 BX-18 BX-25 BX-37A/B BX-38 CP-07VP DS-06 DS-31 DS-51 FC-02 FW-01 FW-02 IP-83 IP-86 MK-05 MK-06 MK-25 PK-03 PK-93 PP-21 PT-24 SJ-20 SJ-21 SJ-91 SJ-93 TL-45
Waist Bag Pen Pen Pen Notebook Pen Pen Box Pen Box Pen Box Pen Box Pen Pen Pen Pen Cup Water Bottle Water Bottle Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Key Chain Key Chain Cup Water Bottle For iProduct For iProduct For iProduct For iProduct Flashlight
PAGE 108 10 10 12 69 20 23 23 23 23 7 13 13 14 47 47 47 8 8 12 12 12 71 72 48 49 50 50 52 52 60
$2.00-$2.99 111 121 122 123 125 128 129 131 135 137 9810
Belt Pouch Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Waist bag
PAGE 108 80 79 78 78 80 80 78 79 79 108
AK-21 B-53 B-56 BM-01 BM-11 BM-21 BM-23 BM-24 BX-39 CM-01 CS-01 CS-03 DR-61 DS-32 DS-37 FP-57 FP-67 FP-68 HR-39 IP-75 IP-85 IP-89 IP-91 IP-95 IP-96 K-65 LW-71 PK-01 PK-05 PK-25 PK-30 PK-88 PK-89 PK-97 PK-98 R-37 RT-31 SJ-16 SJ-31 ST-08 TL-01 TL-06 TL-51T TL-72 TN-32
Pen Notebook Notebook Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Box Pen Computer Sleeve Computer Sleeve Pen Pen Pen Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Stopper Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Calculator Pen Key Chain Key Chain Key Chain Key Chain Key Chain Key Chain Key Chain Key Chain Earbuds Pen For iProduct For iProduct Mug Flashlight Knife Screwdriver set Card Case Bottle
16 69 69 24 24 24 24 24 23 26 94 94 17 13 13 32 28 28 66 24 9 10 9 9 8 59 16 71 71 72 72 73 73 73 73 56 15 51 98 38 60 64 61 65 30
$3.00-$4.99 1031 1381 141 1509 151 1515 1518 161 1631 1717 2410 2413 2417 2419 2430 6111 9211 9811 AB-21 AK-51 AK-52 B-20 B-25 B-29 B-35 BA-04 BA-23 BB-01 CB-01 CB-02 CC-01 CK-01 CK-15 CM-02 CS-133 D-07 DR-62 DR-71
Waist Bag Tote Bag Tote Bag Bag Bag Bag Tote Sling bag Sling bag Sling bag Sling bag Sling bag Sling bag Business Brief Sports Duffle Waist Bag Pen Pen Pen Card Holder Memo Holder Notebook Ruler/Calculator Bamboo Bamboo Bamboo Pen Pen Mug Pen Pen Pen Computer Sleeve USB Hub Pen Pen
PAGE 109 112 81 112 81 112 113 81 113 112 83 82 82 82 83 101 110 108 18 16 16 69 70 70 70 24 24 24 14 14 46 15 15 26 98 55 17 17
DR-72 DS-81 DS-82 ET-61 ET-62 ET-71 ET-75 FP-03 FP-03X FP-05 FP-06 FP-10 FP-16 FP-18 FP-21 FP-23 FP-29 FP-47 FP-57VP FP-65 FP-69 FP-71 FP-73 FP-75 FP-81 FP-81VP FP-91 FP-91VP FP-93 FP-93VP FP-95 FP-95VP FP-97 GT-01T GT-05 GT-10T GT-23 GT-25 HR-43 HR-47 HR-57 IP-81 IP-81G IP-92 K-01T K-03T K-30 K-38 K-59 K-63 K-72 K-76 KB-25T KC-25 KM-03 KM-08 KM-21 KM-41 KM-43 LW-74 MD-71 MP-16 MP-17 PG-06 PP-21VP SB-12 SJ-15T SJ-23 SJ-25 SJ-30 ST-05 TL-07 TL-10 TL-16 TL-23 TL-27 TL-28 TL-41 TL-53 TL-76 TM-43 TM-45 TM-48 TM-49 TN-06
Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Tumbler Gift Set Gift Set Gift Set Gift Set Gift Set Corkscrew Wine Butler Travel Kit Pen Pen Pen Clock Timer Clock Clock Calculator Calculator Clock Jotter/Calculator Sports Bottle Sports Bottle Mug Mug Mug Mug Mug Pen Pen Picture Frame Picture Frame Sports Bottle Sports Bottle Sports Bottle For iProduct For iProduct For iProduct For iProduct Mug Pocket Tool Knife Tool Kit Phone Charger Flashlight Socket Adapter LED Night Light Flashlight Flashlight Mug Mug Mug Mug Sports Bottle
17 14 14 19 19 19 19 34 34 34 35 35 36 36 36 36 31 31 32 46 47 37 37 37 33 33 32 32 32 32 28 28 33 12 74 74 74 75 66 25 68 8 8 10 57 57 57 58 59 59 58 59 44 44 41 43 44 41 41 16 15 27 27 31 48 45 51 51 50 50 38 64 64 62 65 60 63 61 60 61 40 40 40 46 31
$5.00-$9.99 1038 1066 1322 1326 1407 1533 1567 2001 2166 2193 2199 2311 2377 2415 3000 3012 3013 3015 3017 3021 3023 3025 3027 3035 3037 3068 3082 3087 3091 3093 3211 3213 3602 3608 6118 7901 7907 9213 9215 9218 9861 AB-01 AB-02 AB-11 AB-12 AB-25 AB-41 AB-42 AK-71 AK-72 B-17 B-18 B-33 B535 BA-29 BA-41 BC-01 C555 CM-25 CS-122 CS-136 CS-142 CS-148 CS-150 D-02 D-35T FP-78 GT-15 GT-24 GT-29 GT-81 HB-51 HR-23 HR-30 HR-49 IP321
Sports Bottle Sports Bottle Sports Bottle Sports Bottle Sports Bottle Sports Bottle Key Chain
29 29 30 29 30 29 26
Bag Waist Bag Backpack Backpack Messenger Bag Tote Wheeled Bag Bag Laptop Bag Computer Bag Messenger Bag Sling Bag Sling Bag Sling Bag Backpack Backpack Backpack Backpack Backpack Backpack Backpack Backpack Backpack Backpack Backpack Messenger Bag Messenger Bag Messenger Bag Backpack Backpack Backpack Backpack Computer Bag Computer Bag Business Brief Messenger Bag Convertible Bag Sports Duffle Sports Duffle Sports Duffle Sports Duffle Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen Cup Clock Paper Shredder Portfolio Bamboo Calendar Bamboo Coasters Bamboo Frame Portfolio Mug Computer Sleeve Computer Sleeve Computer Sleeve Computer Sleeve Computer Sleeve USB Mouse Mouse Tumbler Gift Set Gift Set Gift Set Gift Set Thermos Corkscrew Set Flask Gift Set Corkscrew Set Portfolio
PAGE 109 109 84 84 100 113 113 104 104 104 100 84 84 83 86 89 86 89 87 85 88 87 88 89 88 100 101 102 85 85 87 86 103 103 101 102 102 111 110 111 110 18 18 18 18 19 18 18 16 16 69 69 70 120 25 25 25 119 46 98 99 98 99 98 55 55 37 74 75 75 76 45 67 67 25 116
IP-87 K-20 K-37 K-43T KM-23 KM-33 KM-45 KM-49 KM-53 KM-55 MP-06 P218 R-39 S10010 S311 S325 S368 S519 S583 S620 S621 S636 S637 S638 S9404 SJ-11 SJ-75 ST-16 ST-25 ST-37 ST-100 SZ030 SZ293 SZ398 TL-11 TL-18 TL-21 TL-32 TL-35 TL-49 TL-71 TL-75 TN-63 WA-04 WA-05 WA-14 WA-15 WA-23M WA-24M WA-24R
Pen Clock Clock Clock Mug Mug Mug Mug Mug Mug Acrylic Frame Portfolio Headphones Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio For iProduct Power Bank Mug Mug Mug Mug Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Knife Tool Kit Safety Hammer Car Caddy Digital Tire Gauge Flashlight Umbrella LED Screwdriver Sports Bottle Pen Cup Card Holder Pen Cup Card Holder Card Holder Clock Clock
$10.00-$14.99 2502 Computer Brief 3028 Backpack 3032 Backpack 3078 Backpack 3603 Computer Bag 3728 Backpack 3738 Backpack 6063 Computer Bag 6211 Computer Brief 6538 Laptop Case B655 Portfolio C655 Portfolio CS-154 Computer Sleeve D-29 Web Cam G417 Portfolio GT-51 Gift Set GT-53 Gift Set GT-55 Gift Set GT-72 Gift Set HB-99 Thermos HR-08 Scale HR-15 Wine Opener HR-32 Cheese Set HR-35 BBQ SET HR-45 Bamboo Shaker Set HR-51 Fitness Kit IP328 Portfolio IP611 Portfolio IP668 Portfolio M118 Computer Bag MP-07 Acrylic Frame PK-050 Poker Set R-32 Crank Radio/Light
9 58 57 58 44 43 42 42 42 43 27 118 56 118 114 114 115 121 119 119 121 117 120 118 114 51 52 39 39 38 39 122 115 115 64 62 62 62 63 61 63 63 30 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 PAGE 104 90 90 90 103 92 92 105 106 106 124 124 99 55 126 77 77 77 75 45 65 67 66 66 25 68 116 117 116 105 27 76 56
R-41 S568 S600 S605 S657 S688 S700 S706 S712 SZ035 SZ658 SJ-39 SJ-42 SJ-43 SJ-53
FM Radio & Speaker Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio For iProduct For iProduct For iProduct For iProduct
$15.00-$24.99 3051 Backpack 3052 Backpack 3053 Backpack 3176 Laptop Backpack 3226 Laptop Backpack 3617 Computer Bag 3717 Laptop Backpack 3725 Laptop Backpack 6072 Computer Bag 7135 Convertible Bag 7911 Convertible Bag 9228 Bag D-12 USB Accs. Kit D-20 USB Accs. Kit GT-83 Gift Set HR-01 Scale HR-53 Fitness Kit M128 Computer Bag PK-100 Poker Set S801 Portfolio S803 Portfolio S805 Portfolio S807 Portfolio S838 Portfolio SJ-71 Power Bank $25.00+ 912 5103 8022 8119 8120 8175 8226 8717 GL600 GL605 GL700 GL706 SJ-63
Wheeled Laptop Bag Wheeled Backpack Wheeled Laptop Bag Wheeled Backpack Wheeled Backpack Wheeled Backpack Wheeled Backpack Wheeled Laptop Bag Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio For iProduct
56 121 123 124 117 128 123 125 120 122 122 53 53 53 53
Items by Price
TN-25 TN-29 TN-31 TN-35 TN-50 TN-67 WK-01
PAGE 91 91 91 92 93 107 93 93 106 107 107 111 54 54 76 65 68 105 76 123 125 125 128 128 52 PAGE 97 94 96 95 94 95 96 97 126 126 127 127 54
BP-05C Sprout Color BP-05S Sprout Silver
BP-06C Blitz Color BP-06S Blitz Silver
Clip-Action Stylus Ballpoint
Click-Action Stylus Ballpoint
Twist-Action Stylus Ballpoint
The slim Sprout features a ballpoint pen that retracts through a stylus tip. This pen can write on paper and on any touch-screen device! It features two styles: a colorful barrel with silver accents, or a matte silver barrel with colorful accents!
This pen features a handy touch-screen stylus on the top and large imprint area. The colorful barrels are accented by the black grips, and the silver barrels are accented with colorful grips. BP-06S Colors: Black, Blue, Red, Green, or Orange BP-06C Colors: Green, Blue, Red, Black, or Purple Ink: Black Screen Area: 3/4”W x 1/2”H Weight: 500 pcs / 17 lbs Packaging: Bulk, Boxes of 50
BP-05C Colors: Blue, Green, Black, or Red BP-05S Colors: Black, Blue, Purple, Red, or Green Ink: Black Screen Area: 1-1/16”W x 5/16”H Weight: 500 pcs / 12 lbs Packaging: Bulk, Boxes of 50
BP-09 Capricorn This clip-action stylus pen is not only stylish, but also a great value. Choose from one of the 5 trim colors to best highlight your logo. The colorful grip at the base also allows for a comfortable writing experience. Colors: Red, Teal, Lime, Blue, or Black Ink: Black Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 3/8”H Weight: 500 pcs / 12 lbs Packaging: Bulk, Boxes of 50
Ballpoint retracts through stylus tip
QTY 250 BP-05C 1.10 BP-05S 1.10
500 0.85 0.85
1000 0.70 0.70
2500(R) 0.59 0.59
QTY 250 BP-06C 1.20 BP-06S 1.20
500 0.95 0.95
1000 0.80 0.80
2500(R) 0.69 0.69
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. INK REFILLS AND CASES: For more information, please see page 23.
QTY 250 500 1000 2500(R) BP-09 1.20 0.95 0.80 0.69 Visit us at
CP-07 CleanWrite
Writing Instruments
Micro Fiber Banner Stylus Pen The CleanWrite stylus micro fiber banner pen allows you to clean and write on any touchscreen device. This patent pending, one-of-a-kind product will impress not only with its functionality, but also with its vibrant look! Imprint a full color logo on the locking micro fiber cloth or one color on the barrel and really impress your clients with something unique! Colors: Blue, Silver, Red, or Green Ink: Black Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 3/8”H Sublimation Area: 5-3/8”W x 2-3/8”H (Please add 1/4” Bleed) Weight: 500 pcs / 20 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged The CleanWrite pen includes a 1-color, 1-location imprint on the barrel. The CleanWriteVP full color microfiber sublimation is produced overseas.
*Patent Pending
BP-03 Eva
500 1.25
1000 1.10
2500(R) 0.99
QTY 500 1000 CP-07VP 2.00 1.75
2500 1.60
5000(R) 1.49
BP-07 Cruise
4-Color Ballpoint with Stylus
Eco-Friendly Stylus Ballpoint BP-03
This recycled paper barrel is practical and environmentally responsible. The ballpoint pen extends and retracts through a touch-screen stylus for a techsavvy and earth-friendly item. Colors: Red, Blue, Green, or Black Ink: Black Screen Area: 1-1/4”W x 3/8”H Weight: 500 pcs / 9 lbs Packaging: Bulk, Boxes of 50
250 1.50
3-in-1 Highlighter Stylus Ballpoint
This famous 4-in-1 ink pen has now become 5-in-1 with the addition of a stylus tip. Mark up your documents in a variety of colors while using the stylus tip for messages and research on any touch screen device. Available in a variety of colors, this also has a comfortable grip to make writing easy.
Brighten up your work with this highlighter stylus pen. Colors: Red, Black, or Blue Ink: Red (Red Pen), Black (Black Pen), Blue (Blue Pen) Highlighter Color: Yellow Screen Area: 2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 500 pcs / 12 lbs Packaging: Bulk, Boxes of 50
Colors: Blue, Silver, or Red Ink: Black, Blue, Red, and Green Screen Area: 1”W x 3/8”H Weight: 500 pcs / 15 lbs Packaging: Bulk, Boxes of 50
Stylus Highlighter Cap
Pen Cap
250 0.80
500 1000 0.70 0.65
2500(R) 0.59
250 1.50
500 1.25
1000 1.10
2500(R) 0.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. * Price for CP-07 includes 4-color process printing on micro fiber cloth, add $100 (V) for set-up charge.
250 1.50
500 1000 1.25 1.10
2500(R) 0.99
Visit us at
IP-96 Cassiopeia
Crystal Barrel Stylus Ballpoint Make your logo sparkle on our metal, crystal stylus pens. Laser engraved on the colorful barrel, your imprint is complemented by the crystals at the top. Print over the crystals for more color, or laser engrave on the barrel. The stylus tip also adds to the versatility of this unique writing instrument. Colors: Green, Black, Silver, Red, or Blue Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/4”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 6 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
100 4.00
250 3.50
500 1000(R) 3.25 2.99
IP-81 Tapper
Brass Stylus Ballpoint This hefty twist-action brass pen features a touch-screen stylus for tablet computers and smart phones. Colors: Gold (IP-81G), Silver, White, or Black (IP-81) Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 6 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Country of Origin: Taiwan (Premier Quality)
IP-83 Stella
Metal Stylus Ballpoint The Stella stylus pen offers quality and functionality at a great price. With a capacitance stylus and laser engraved imprint, this promotional item is sure to impress. Colors: Red, Black, Blue, or Charcoal Ink: Black Cross-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2” W x 3/16”H Weight: 100 pcs / 6 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY 100 IP-81 5.00 IP-81G 6.00
250 4.50 5.50
500 1000(R) 4.25 3.99 5.25 4.99
100 3.00
250 3.50
500 1000(R) 2.25 1.99
IP-86 Jubilee Colorful Metal Stylus Ballpoint Color coordinated from top to bottom, this stylus doesn’t waste time making an impression. With it’s matching touch-screen stylus, writing has never been this stylish!
Size: 5” in length Colors: Blue, Black, Orange, White, or Red Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2” W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 3/16”H Weight: 100 pcs / 5 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for laser set-up charge.
250 2.00
500 1.75
1000 2500(R) 1.60 1.49
Visit us at
Writing Instruments
IP-85 Flasher LED Touch Screen Stylus Metal Ballpoint With its metal cap and strong metal body, our 3-in-1 Stylus pen is an instant favorite. It features a stylus tip that works on any touchscreen device, a ballpoint pen, and a bright LED light–conveniently sized to fit into your shirt pocket. The metal cap and barrel make it not only stylish, but also durable.
Colors: Blue, Red, Green, Charcoal, Black, White, Pink, or Silver Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H (Ideal for Blue, Red, Green, Charcoal, or Black) Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H (Ideal for White, Pink, and Silver) Weight: 100 pcs/ 7 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Laser Engrave Red
Screen Print White
100 3.50
250 3.00
500 2.75
1000(R) 2.49
IP-91 Cappella
Pastel Crystal Stylus Ballpoint This stylus pen is color coordinated from tip to tip with matching colors of the touch-screen stylus and pen barrel. Attractive and fun, these pens don’t just promote your logo, they accessorize! Colors: Lime, Teal, Purple, Pink, or Charcoal Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 7 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
IP-95 Picard
IP-87 Triode
4-in-1 LED Laser Pointer & Stylus Ballpoint When life demands multi-tasking, this 4-in-1 pen delivers with an LED light, laser pointer, touch-screen stylus, and ballpoint.
Laser Pointer & Stylus Ballpoint IP-95
Colors: White, Black, Blue or Red Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 5 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Featuring a touch-screen stylus, ballpoint pen, and a laser pointer, this pen is ready for anything. Colors: Black or Silver Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 11 lbs Packaging: Black Pouch (BX-01)
Laser Pointer & LED Laser Pointer
100 4.00
250 3.50
500 1000(R) 3.25 2.99
100 4.00
250 3.50
500 1000(R) 3.25 2.99
LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for laser set-up charge. INK REFILLS AND CASES: For more information, please see page 23.
50 9.50
100 8.75
250 8.25
500(R) 7.99
Visit us at
IP-89 Neutrino
IP-92 Periscope
AC-01 Trinity
This smartphone stylus is small enough to stay out of the way and extends to 3” long when you need it. It securely attaches to a headset jack. The bumper ring protects the screen from scratches.
Just like the name implies, this stylus pen collapses to 4” and telescopes to 5” long. The stylus tip works on any touch-screen device.
This classic click-action aluminum pen is a promotional masterpiece: economical, practical, and beautiful.
Telescoping Smartphone Stylus
Telescoping Stylus Ballpoint
Metal Retractable Ballpoint
Size: 4” when collapsed Colors: Red, Black, Blue, or Silver Ink Color: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 3/16”H Weight: 100 pcs / 5 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Size: 2-1/4" when collapsed Colors: Blue, Red, Silver, or Black Laser Area: 1-1/8”W x 3/16”H Weight: 100 pcs / 3 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Country of Origin: Taiwan (Premier Quality)
Colors: Orange, Red, Silver, Black, or Blue Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H (Not available on Silver) Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 6 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Country of Origin: Taiwan (Premier Quality)
100 4.00
250 3.50
500 1000(R) 3.25 2.99
100 6.00
250 5.50
500 1000(R) 5.25 4.99
QTY 250 AC-01 1.70
AC-05 Velino
500 1000 1.45 1.30
2500(R) 1.19
Metal Retractable Ballpoint With style, class, and value, the Velino aluminum pen complements any logo. Colors: Green, Black, Blue, Purple, or Red Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2” W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 6 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY 250 AC-05 1.70
500 1000 1.45 1.30
2500(R) 1.19
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for laser set-up charge.
GT-23 See page 74 Visit us at
AC-06 Rumsen
Checkered and charming, our Paladin retractable ballpoint boasts a spirited pattern on its lustrous barrel and a solid location for imprinting.
500 1.45
With the strategically placed rubber grips, this metal pen offers plenty of comfort without losing an ounce of charm.
1000 1.30
2500(R) 1.19
QTY 250 AC-06 1.70
500 1.45
1000 1.30
Metal Retractable Ballpoint Discover the dashing details of the Rheanna ballpoint. Elegant and curvaceous, this ballpoint features a sleek clip and tilted silver rings with parallel accents on a radiant barrel.
Colors: Charcoal, Blue, Silver, Red, or Green Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 3/16”H Weight: 100 pcs / 6 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Colors: Blue, Black, or Red Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 6 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY 250 AC-11 1.70
AC-41 Rheanna
Metal Retractable Ballpoint
Metal Retractable Ballpoint
Colors: Black, Blue, Green, or Burgundy Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2” W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 7 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
2500(R) 1.19
QTY 250 AC-41 1.70
AC-51 Catini
500 1.45
1000 1.30
Writing Instruments
AC-11 Paladin
2500(R) 1.19
Metal Retractable Ballpoint The Catini pen features an elegant swirl engraving at the grip that is both comfortable to the touch and pleasing to the eyes. Colors: Red, Black, Blue, or Green Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2” W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 6 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY 250 AC-51 1.70
500 1.45
1000 1.30
2500(R) 1.19
LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for laser set-up charge. INK REFILLS AND CASES: For more information, please see page 23.
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AC-61 Devant
Metal Retractable Ballpoint
Colors: Blue, Green, Black, or Red Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2” W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 6 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
The click-action Devant has all the style of a twist-action pen with sharp colors to highlight your logo.
QTY 250 AC-61 2.00
500 1000 1.75 1.60
2500(R) 1.49
MK-05 Aberrant Metal Retractable Ballpoint The shock absorber-style end and the etched grip contrast for a pen that makes an impression even before it is even imprinted. Colors: Red, Silver, Black, or Blue Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 6 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
MK-25 Belmont MK-05
Metal Twist Ballpoint
Our well-balanced Belmont feels right when you write, offering functionality and a classic look.
MK-06 Aberrant Pencil Metal .7mm Mechanical Pencil Colors: Red, Silver, Black, or Blue Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 6 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Colors: Blue, Charcoal, Red, or Black Ink: Black Cross-style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/4”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 6 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
GT-01T Aberrant Set Metal Pen & Pencil Gift Set
• Metal ballpoint (MK-05) • Mechanical Pencil (MK-06) • Box (BX-38) • Price includes imprint on pen and pencil only.
GT-10T See Page 74 Pencil
QTY 100 GT-01T 5.00
250 4.50
500 4.25
1000 (R) 3.99
QTY 250 MK-05 1.70 MK-06 2.00
500 1.45 1.75
1000 1.30 1.60
2500(R) 1.19 1.49
QTY 250 MK-25 2.50
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for laser set-up charge.
500 2.10
1000 1.90
2500(R) 1.79
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Writing Instruments
DS-06 Encore
Metal Twist-Action Ballpoint This slim pen is as beautiful as it is a great value. Imprinted under the clip, on the barrel, or monogram the top and your logo will be highlighted by the beauty of this twist-action pen. Colors: Black, Silver, Red, or Blue Ink: Black Cross-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/8”H (Lower Barrel Only) Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 3/8”H Weight: 100 pcs / 4 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY 250 DS-06 1.80
500 1000 1.75 1.40
2500(R) 1.29
DS-31 Avant Click
DS-32 Avant Roller
Metal Click-Action Ballpoint
Metal Cap-Off Rollerball
The triangular barrel of the Avant click-action pen boasts an ergonomic rubber grip and chrome trim to complement your logo. DS-31
The lustrous Avant triangular barrel rollerball pen features a two-toned cap with a distinguished clip and silver accents.
Colors: White, Black, Blue, Charcoal, or Red Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 8 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
100 3.00
250 2.50
500 1000 (R) 2.25 1.99
DS-37 Andromeda
Metal Retractable Ballpoint with LED light
Colors: Blue, Black, Charcoal, or Red Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 8 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
100 4.00
250 3.50
500 1000 (R) 3.25 2.99
This pen will help create bright ideas with a click-activated LED light at the tip to illuminate your writing. The cluster of polished silver accents at the grip shine out from the matte barrel.
Colors: Charcoal, Red, Blue, or Black Ink Color: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 9 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for laser set-up charge. INK REFILLS AND CASES: For more information, please see page 23.
100 4.00
250 3.50
500 3.25
1000 (R) 2.99
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DS-81 Milano Twist
DS-82 Milano Rollerball
Brass Twist Ballpoint
Our brass Milano pens offer a sleek look and a solid heavyweight feel. The lasered chrome imprint will make your logo shine.
Brass Cap-Off Rollerball DS-81
Colors: Matte Black, Matte Blue, or Silver Ink Color: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 9 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
DS-51 Artema
Metal Retractable Ballpoint
Enjoy the style of the Milano pen with the writing elegance of a rollerball.
Silver accents add elegance to the Artema push-action pen while gold accents give it a classic appeal.
Colors: Matte Blue, Matte Black, Charcoal, or Silver Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 9 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Colors: Silver, Black w/Gold, Black w/Silver, or Blue w/Silver Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 7 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
GT-15 See Page 74
100 5.00
250 4.50
500 1000 (R) 4.25 3.99
CB-01 Obsidian Twist
100 6.00
250 5.50
500 1000 (R) 5.25 4.99
250 2.50
500 2.10
1000 1.90
2500(R) 1.79
Brass Twist Ballpoint
CB-02 Obsidian Roller Brass Cap-Off Rollerball
These heavy Obsidian pens offer a unique textured look and mirror-ball shine that make you stand out with a sophisticated look. Colors: Black, or Silver Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 10 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY CB-01 CB-02
100 5.00 6.00
250 4.50 5.50
500 1000 (R) 4.25 3.99 5.25 4.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for laser set-up charge.
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CK-15 Cygnet
Elegant Crystal Ballpoint
MD-71 Iris
Slender Brass Ballpoint
Slender Crystal Ballpoint
The glittery Elegance pen will make any logo impression the star of the party.
Colors: Blue, White, or Black Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 9 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
The eye-catching gem stones inside the barrel of the Cygnet and the gem on the crown will lift any logo to the stars.
Colors: White, Black, Red, or Blue Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 6 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
You will fall in love with this beautiful brass ballpoint. The straight lines and solid weight make it a joy to write with, and the classy colors mean it will never go out of style.
Colors: Brushed Copper, Blue, White, or Black Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 6 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Writing Instruments
CK-01 Elegance
Jewel Crown
QTY 100 250 500 1000(R) CK-01 5.00 4.50 4.25 3.99
QTY 100 250 500 1000(R) CK-15 5.00 4.50 4.25 3.99
QTY 100 MD-71 5.00
RT-31 Courant
250 4.50
500 4.25
1000(R) 3.99
Metal Twist-Action Ballpoint The Courant’s matching rubber grip and upper barrel create a striking contrast to its silver-colored body. Colors: Blue, Purple, Red, or Silver Ink: Black Parker-style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 9 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
100 3.50
250 3.00
500 2.75
1000(R) 2.49
LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for laser set-up charge. INK REFILLS AND CASES: For more information, please see page 23.
GT-05 See Page 74
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LW-71 Vanity Twist Brass Twist Ballpoint
LW-74 Vanity Pencil Brass 0.5mm Mechanical Pencil
AK-71 Mosaic Twist
AK-21 Odyssey
Brass Twist Ballpoint
Brass Retractable Ballpoint
AK-72 Mosaic Roller
The curvaceous body of the Odyssey is not only aesthetically pleasing but comfortable to use.
Brass Cap-Off Rollerball
The brass Vanity pen and pencil features a large gem on top of its body and three gems sparkling down its clip. LW-74
The Mosaic pen boasts rich colors and kaleidoscopic patterns with a sleek cap. Colors: Marine, or Amber Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 9 lbs Packaging: Black Pouch (BX-01)
Pen Colors: Black, Red, Blue, or Silver Ink: Black Parker-style Refill Pencil Colors: Black, or Silver Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/4”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 8 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Colors: Silver w/ White Silver w/ Black, or Black w/ Amber, Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2”W X 1/4”H Screen Area: 1”W X 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 9 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY LW-71 LW-74
100 250 500 4.00 3.50 3.25 5.00 4.50 4.25
1000(R) 2.99 3.99
QTY AK-71 AK-72
50 100 8.50 7.75 9.50 8.75
250 7.25 8.25
500(R) 6.99 7.99
AK-51 Romero Twist
100 3.50
250 3.00
500 1000(R) 2.75 2.49
Brass Twist Ballpoint
AK-52 Romero Roller Brass Cap-Off Rollerball Pen
The solid feel of the brass Romero pens represent the perfect qualities of the perfect company. Colors: Blue, Black, or Orange Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 10 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY AK-51 AK-52
100 5.00 6.00
250 4.50 5.50
500 1000 (R) 4.25 3.99 5.25 4.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for laser set-up charge.
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DR-71 Sierra Twist
Brass Twist Ballpoint
Brass Twist Ballpoint
The simple form and bold colors of the Stanford contrast nicely with its silver accents, offering an appealing aura of power and grace. Colors: Black, Red, Blue, or Charcoal Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 8 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
DR-62 Stanford Rollerball Brass Cap-Off Rollerball Colors: Black, Red, Charcoal, or Blue Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 8 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY DR-61 DR-62
100 4.00 5.00
250 3.50 4.50
500 1000 (R) 3.25 2.99 4.25 3.99
The metal Sierra pens can stand up to the gravity of any situation. The chrome trim sets off the bold colors. The heat-set coating resists fading and chipping. The subtle cut-out sides increase the luxury look and feel of this pen. Colors: Red, Black, Blue, or White Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 8 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Writing Instruments
DR-61 Stanford Twist
DR-72 Sierra Rollerball Brass Cap-Off Rollerball This metal Sierra rollerball features an ergonomic grip for smooth writing that doesn't break up the clean lines of the pen. Colors: Red, Blue, White, or Black Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 8 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY DR-71 DR-72
100 4.50 5.00
250 4.00 4.50
LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for laser set-up charge. INK REFILLS AND CASES: For more information, please see page 23.
500 1000 (R) 3.75 3.49 4.25 3.99 Visit us at
AB-01 Magellan Twist
Brass Twist Ballpoint
AB-11 Elcano Twist
Brass Twist Ballpoint
AB-02 Magellan Roller
AB-12 Elcano Roller
This elegant pen features a debossed pewter-look world map with glossy black accents.
Another worldly instrument, this pen features a chrome world map with glossy black accents.
Colors: Black w/ Silver Accents Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-3/8”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-3/8”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 10 lbs Packaging: Black Pouch (BX-01)
Color: Black Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 10 lbs Packaging: Black Pouch (BX-01)
Brass Cap-Off Rollerball
QTY AB-01 AB-02
50 8.50 9.50
The brass body of the Excalibur pen fuses a glistening textured barrel, beautiful accents, and a pointed ball clip to create a masterpiece for writing. Colors: Silver, or Black/Gold, Ink: Black Parker-type Refill Laser Area: 1-3/8”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-3/8”W x 1/2’H Weight: 100 pcs / 7 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
100 7.75 8.75
250 7.25 8.25
500(R) 6.99 7.99
QTY AB-11 AB-12
50 8.50 9.50
100 7.75 8.75
250 7.25 8.25
Brass Twist Ballpoint
Brass Cap-Off Rollerball
AB-21 Excalibur
500(R) 6.99 7.99
AB-41 Dentelle Twist
QTY 100 250 500 1000(R) AB-21 5.00 4.50 4.25 3.99 AB-41
Brass Twist Ballpoint
AB-42 Dentelle Roller
Brass Cap-Off Rollerball The etched texture of the Dentelle pens give them a unique look and a firm grip. The understated tones and classic lines are sure to turn heads. Colors: Matte Silver w/Black, or Charcoal Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 7 lbs Packaging: Black Pouch (BX-01)
Country of Origin: Taiwan (Premier Quality)
QTY AB-41 AB-42
50 100 11.00 10.00 12.00 11.00
250 500(R) 9.50 8.99 10.50 9.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for laser set-up charge.
BX-39 See page 23 Visit us at
ET-61 Virage Twist
Writing Instruments
Brass Twist Ballpoint
ET-62 Virage Rollerball
Brass Rollerball
These pens are elegance defined with their matte finish barrels and polished silver accents. The subtle flares at each end make these pens stylish enough for any runway. For the rollerball, the cap is designed to fit snuggly into the end of the barrel so you never lose the cap or fail to make an impression. Colors: Matte Silver, or Matte Black Ink: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 9 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY ET-61 ET-62
100 5.00 6.00
250 4.50 5.50
500 4.25 5.25
1000(R) 3.99 4.99
AB-25 Solomon Brass Twist Ballpoint Proclaim grace and elegance with the unique striped body and contoured accents on the cap of this solid brass Solomon pen.
ET-71 Sacramento
ET-75 Halifax
Brass Twist Ballpoint
Brass Twist Ballpoint
Clean and solid, this understated brass twist ballpoint pen fits in anywhere. The matte tones set off laser engraving as well as colorful silkscreen inks.
Colors: Gold, or Silver Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/4”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/4”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs/ 9 lbs Packaging: Black Pouch (BX-01)
Country of Origin: Taiwan (Premier Quality)
Colors: Matte Black, Silver, or Charcoal Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/4”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/4”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs/ 9 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
50 100 12.00 11.00
250 500(R) 10.50 9.99
100 5.00
250 4.50
500 4.25
The glossy barrel, solid clip, and brilliant chrome accents make the brass twist-action Halifax ballpoint a pen that commands attention.
Colors: Red, Blue, or Black Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/4”W x 1/4”H Screen Area: 1-1/4”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs/ 9 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
1000(R) 3.99
LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for laser set-up charge. INK REFILLS AND CASES: For more information, please see page 23.
100 5.00
250 4.50
500 4.25
1000(R) 3.99
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CP-05 Banner Pen
BM-65 Pentam
6-in-1 Retractable Ballpoint & Pencil
ZP-01 Zeppelin
Click-Action Ballpoint with Pull-Out Banner Make a large impression. The Banner pen features a full-color 7-1/4” x 2-5/8” pull-out banner wrapped around an interior roller. The banner can have imprints on both sides, creating a total of 15-1/2” imprint space. The body of the pen is clear, so the company logo can still be seen when the banner is retracted.
This 6-in-1 device comes with four ballpoint pen colors, a click action 0.5 mm mechanical pencil, and an eraser protected by a transparent cap.
The soft body of Zeppelin creates a fun look and comfortable writing experience.
* Minimum quantity for this item is 2,500 pieces as imprinting and assembly will be done solely overseas.
Colors: White, Blue, or Silver Ink: Red, Green, Blue, and Black Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 500 pcs / 17 lbs Packaging: Bulk, boxes of 50
Retractable Ballpoint
Colors: Red, Pink, Blue, Orange, or Lime Ink: Black Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Weight: 500 pcs / 22 lbs Packaging: Bulk, Boxes of 100
* Price for CP-05 includes 4-color process printing on banner, and $100(V) for set-up charge.
* Production time: Within 14-16 working days via air (CP-05); Within 8-10 weeks via ocean (CP-05N) Colors: Blue, Lime, Black, Red, or Purple Ink: Black Imprint Area: 7-1/4”W X 2-5/8”H Weight: 500 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Bulk, boxes of 50 CP-05
QTY 2500 5000 10000 25,000 (R) CP-05 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.69 BY AIR CP-05N 0.68 0.60 0.55 0.49 BY OCEAN
6-in-1: •Black Ballpoint •Blue Ballpoint •Red Ballpoint •Green Ballpoint •0.5 mm Pencil (clip action) •Eraser
QTY 250 500 1000 BM-65 1.80 1.55 1.40
2500(R) 1.29
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. * Price for CP-05 includes 4-color process printing on barrel, and $100(V) for set-up charge.
250 1.50
500 1000 1.25 1.10
2500(R) 0.99
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Writing Instruments
RP-91 Griffin
Click-Action Ballpoint This Griffin push-action ballpoint boasts a richly colored barrel with silver and black accents, plus an ergonomic black rubber grip. Colors: Burgundy, Silver, Green, Blue, or Black Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 500 pcs / 16 lbs Packaging: Bulk, boxes of 50
250 0.80
500 0.70
1000 2500(R) 0.65 0.59
ZP-11 Mark 4
RP-93 Nook
4-in-1 Ballpoint
The torpedo-shaped Mark 4 comes with 4 ink colors, a plastic carabiner and a soft rubber grip. ZP-11
Colors: Black, Blue, Green, or Red Ink Colors: Black, Green, Red, and Blue Screen Area: 1”W x 3/8”H Weight: 500 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Bulk, boxes of 50
QTY 250 500 ZP-11 1.00 0.90
RP-95 Torrent
Click-Action Ballpoint
1000 0.85
2500(R) 0.79
Click-Action Ballpoint
The Nook is the perfect pen for any nook or cranny. It’s slim and sexy, with a soft grip and eye-catching colors.
With a flood of colorful options and a soft comfort grip, the Torrent is a great pen for a great price.
Colors: Purple, Green, Red, Blue, Orange, or Black. Ink: Black Screen Area: 1-1/2”W X 1/2”H Weight: 500 pcs / 11 lbs Packaging: Bulk, boxes of 50
Colors: Blue, Red, Lime, Orange, or Black Ink: Black Screen Area: 1-1/2”W X 1/2”H Weight: 500 pcs / 14 lbs Packaging: Bulk, boxes of 50
250 0.70
500 0.60
1000 2500(R) 0.55 0.49
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. INK REFILLS AND CASES: For more information, please see page 23.
250 0.70
500 0.60
1000 2500(R) 0.55 0.49
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PM-21 Barona
Cow Print Click-Action Ballpoint Our Barona cow-print pen is fun to use as a giveaway! The light-weight pen’s push-button action makes it one of our most comfortable styles. Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Screen Area: 1-1/4”W x 1/2”H Weight: 500 pcs / 15 lbs Packaging: Bulk, boxes of 50
QTY 250 PM-21 1.00
500 1000 2500(R) 0.90 0.85 0.79
RP-61 Royce
IT-21 Daytona
BP-11 Alistair
Click-Action Ballpoint
Click-Action Ballpoint
Eco-Friendly Click-Action Ballpoint
Featuring a lively colored grip, polished barrel, and contrasting silver accents, the Royce offers quality and appeal similar to our metal pens.
Featuring a black rubber grip and a colorful barrel with silver trim, the Daytona is a pleasure to the eyes and hands.
This eco-friendly pen puts the color back into "green” products. The wide barrel is made of paper that is renewable, recyclable, BP-11 and compostable.
Colors: Green, Blue, Red, Smoke, or Orange Ink: Black Parker-Style Refill Screen Area: 3/4”W x 1/2”H Weight: 500 pcs / 19 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
250 0.90
500 1000 2500(R) 0.80 0.75 0.69
Colors: Silver, Purple, Burgundy, Green, or Blue Ink: Black Parker- style Refill Screen Area 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 500 pcs / 16 lbs Packaging: Bulk, boxes of 50
250 0.80
500 0.70
1000 2500(R) 0.65 0.59
Colors: Red, Black, Blue, Green, or Purple. Ink: Black Screen Area: 2”W x 3/4”H Weight: 500 pcs / 12 lbs Packaging: Bulk, Boxes of 50
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. INK REFILLS AND CASES: For more information, please see page 23.
250 0.80
500 1000 2500(R) 0.70 0.65 0.59
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BX-02T Transparent Case with Cardboard Sleeve Box Size: 1-3/8” x 6-1/2” x 7/8”
BX-17 Single Gift Box Box Size: 1-3/8” x 6-5/8” x 7/8”
BX-18 Double Gift Box Box Size: 2” x 6-5/8” x 7/8” BX-25 Transparent Tube With Silver Accents Box Size: 2-3/4” x 6-1/2” x 7/8”
BX-37 A/B Magnetic Closure Gift Box Box Size: 1-7/8” x 6-5/8” x 7/8”
Writing Instruments
BX-01 Black Velvet Pouch Box Size: 1-1/8” x 6-1/4”
BX-38 Transparent Gift Box Box Size: 2-1/8" x 6-5/8" x 7/8" BX-39 Metal Accent Gift Box Box Size: 2-5/8“ x 6-7/8” x 1-1/2”
BX-41 Paper Gift Box Box Size: 2" x 7-1/8" x 7/8"
QTY 100 BX-01 0.20 BX-02T 0.80 BX-17 1.35 BX-18 1.60 BX-25 1.60 BX-37A 1.60 BX-37B 1.60 BX-38 1.50 BX-39 3.00 BX-41 1.35
250 0.18 0.70 1.15 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.25 2.75 1.15
500 0.17 0.65 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.10 2.60 1.00
1000(R) 0.15 0.60 0.90 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.00 2.50 0.90
BX-38 BX-39
RB-100 Ritemax Ballpoint A Parker-type Refill that is the top-of-the-line edition. The tungsten carbide ball and greater volume of ink will keep your ball point flowing for months, up to 5,000 feet on one cartridge. Available in medium black or blue.
RB-01B Compact Ballpoint Designed specifically for our IP-85, IP-86, IP-87, IP-91, IP-92. CK-01, and CK-15 pens. Available in black or blue. RB-01C Alternate Ballpoint These cross-type Refills help to provide continuous service from our MD, DS, CM, or BM series pens. Available in Black or Blue. RR-02M Rollerball Metal rollerball medium Refills. Available in Black or Blue.
QTY RB-100 RB-01B RB-01C RR-02M
1.00 0.75 0.75 1.25
0.85 0.60 0.60 1.00
0.75 0.50 0.50 0.90
1000 (R) 0.70 0.45 0.45 0.85
SCREEN PRINTING: Add $40(V) set-up charge and 50¢(V) running charge per piece, if imprinting on pen cases is required. Visit us at
Pens not included
BA-04 Bamboo Pen Cup The Zen appeal of our Bamboo Pen Cup goes beyond office fashion. The bamboo material is a renewable resource and eco-friendly. Best of all it can be laser engraved for a crisp and permanent impression.
Size: 3”W x 4-1/4”H x 3”D Laser Area: 2”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 50 pcs / 25lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 100 BA-04 6.00
BM-01 Solstia
not Pen
Bamboo Twist Ballpoint
250 5.50
500 5.25
1000(R) 4.99
BM-11 Luna
Bamboo Twist Ballpoint
BM-21 Segmia Bamboo Twist Ballpoint
Our selection of bamboo pens combine the warm feel and natural look of bamboo with stylish and professional silver or gold trim.
BM-23 Palisade
Ink Color: Black Cross-style Refill Laser Area: 1-1/4”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 7 lbs Packaging: Individually poly-bagged
Bamboo .5mm Mechanical Pencil
Bamboo Click-Action Ballpoint
BM-24 Pagoda IP-75 Veranda
Bamboo Stylus Ballpoint
BB-01 Eclipta Bamboo Pen Case
The natural texture and golden tones of our bamboo writing instruments will never go out of style.
BA-23 Bamboo Business Card Holder
Size: 6-1/2” x 2” x 7/8” Laser Area: 3-1/2”W x 1”H Weight: 100 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Ink Color: Black Laser Area: 1-1/4”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 7 lbs Packaging: Individually poly-bagged
Perfect for any desk, this beautiful bamboo box keeps your business cards organized and safe.
QTY BM-01 BM-11 BM-21 BB-01
100 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.00
250 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.50
500 1000(R) 3.25 2.99 3.25 2.99 3.25 2.99 4.25 3.99
QTY 100 250 BM-23 4.00 3.50 BM-24 4.00 3.50 IP-75 4.00 3.50
500 1000(R) 3.25 2.99 3.25 2.99 3.25 2.99
Size: 4-1/4”W x 2-3/4”H x 1-1/2”D Laser Area: 3”W x 1-3/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 35 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 100 BA-23 6.00
LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. INK REFILLS AND CASES: For more information, please see page 23.
250 5.50
500 5.25
1000(R) 4.99
Visit us at
BA-29 Bamboo Perpetual Calendar
Laser Engrave on Box Top
Better than any wall calendar, this bamboo perpetual calendar will still be handy for many years. Size: 5-7/8”W x 2-1/2”H x 1-7/8”D Laser Area: 4-1/2”W X 1”H Weight: 40 pcs / 34 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 50 100 250 BA-29 12.00 11.00 10.50
500(R) 9.99
BA-41 Bamboo Coasters This comely set of 4 grooved bamboo costers comes complete with a bamboo holder. Cup not included. Holder Size: 5-1/2”W x 4-1/2”H x 2-1/4”D Coaster Size: 4” Diam. Laser Area: 4-1/2”W X 1”H Weight: 40 pcs / 34 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
50 9.50
100 8.75
250 8.25
500(R) 7.99
HR-49 Bamboo Corkscrew and Stopper Set This classy set includes a corkscrew with a polished bamboo handle and a wine stopper with bamboo top. Holder Size: 4”W x 5-3/4”H x 1-7/8”D Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 2-1/2”H Weight: 50 pcs / 32 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 50 HR-49 12.00
100 250 500(R) 11.00 10.50 9.99
BC-01 Bamboo 5” x 7” Picture Frame Handsome and earthly, our bamboo picture frame exemplifies ecological awareness and adds warmth and a rustic glow to your snapshots. Photos can be oriented to portrait or landscape style. Size: 7-1/4”W x 9-1/4”H Laser Area: 4”W x 3/4”H Weight: 40 pcs / 35 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 50 100 BC-01 8.50 7.75
250 7.25
500(R) 6.99
HR-45 Stainless Steel Shaker Set in Bamboo Stand This attractive stainless steel set includes a cocktail shaker, strainer, stirrer, ice tongs, and a shot glass. The bamboo stand holds and displays your tools while not in use. Size: 7-3/8”W x 6-1/2”H x 4-1/2”D Laser Area: 3”W x 5/8”H Weight: 24 pcs / 31 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 50 100 HR-45 16.00 14.50
250 500(R) 13.50 12.99
HR-47 Bamboo Wine Butler If your hands are full, let this bamboo wine butler help. It conveniently and securely holds 2 stem glasses for an elegant and functional display. Wine and glasses not included. Size: 8-3/8”W x 2-7/8”H x 3/8”D Laser Area: 1-3/4”W X 5/8”H Weight: 100 pcs / 25 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge.
100 5.00
250 4.50
500 4.25
1000(R) 3.99
Visit us at
WA-04 Rosewood Pen Cup
CM-01 Rosewood Twist Rosewood Twist Ballpoint
WA-14 Maple Pen Cup
CM-02 Rosewood Roller
Our selection of maple and rosewood office accessories and writing instruments will elegantly display your logo!
Rosewood Cap-Off Rollerball WA-14
Ink Color: Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 5/16”H Weight: 500 pcs / 28 lbs Packaging: Black pouch (BX-01)
Size: 3”W x 3”H x 4”D Laser Area: 1-12/”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 50 pcs / 33 lbs
WK-01 Rosewood Key Chain
Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 5/16”H Weight: 500 pcs / 28 lbs Packaging: Black pouch (BX-01) WK-01
QTY 50 WA-04 9.50 WA-14 9.50
100 8.75 8.75
250 8.25 8.25
QTY CM-01 CM-02 WK-01
500(R) 7.99 7.99
100 4.00 5.00 5.00
250 3.50 4.50 4.50
500 3.25 4.25 4.25
1000(R) 2.99 3.99 3.99
WA-05 WA-23M WA-24R
WA-05 Rosewood Business Card Display WA-15 Maple Business Card Display
WA-23M Maple Business Card Holder
Size: 4”W x 4”H x 1”D Laser Area: 2-1/2”W x 3/8”H Weight: 50 pcs / 33 lbs
Size: 4-1/4”W x 2-3/4”H x 1-3/8”D Laser Area: 2-3/4”W x 1”H Weight: 100 pcs / 37 lbs
QTY 50 WA-05 9.50 WA-15 9.50
100 8.75 8.75
250 8.25 8.25
500(R) 7.99 7.99
QTY 50 WA-23M 9.50
100 8.75
250 8.25
WA-24R Rosewood Desk Clock WA-24M Maple Desk Clock Size: 3-3/4”W x 2-3/4”H x 1-1/4”D Laser Area: 2-3/4”W x 1”H Weight: 100 pcs / 37 lbs
500(R) 7.99
QTY 50 100 250 WA-24R 12.00 11.00 10.50 WA-24M 12.00 11.00 10.50
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge.
500(R) 9.99 9.99
Visit us at
4” X 6” Magnet Acrylic Frame
MP-07 5” X 7” Magnet Acrylic Frame Size: MP-06: 7”W x 5”H x 3/4”D MP-07: 8”W x 6”H x 3/4”D
Colors: Black, Blue, Red, or Clear Imprint Area: MP-06: 3”W x 1/2”H MP-07: 4”W x 1/2”H Weight: MP-06: 20 pcs / 30 lbs MP-07: 10 pcs / 22 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Black Red
Country of Origin: Taiwan (Premier Quality)
QTY 50 100 250 MP-06 10.50 9.75 9.25 MP-07 13.50 12.50 12.00
500(R) 8.99 11.49
Screen Printing on the bottom panel Laser engraving can be done on the backside of the top clear panel.
* Price does not include imprint MP-17
4” X 6” Metal Frame
MP-17 5” X 7” Metal Frame Size: MP-16: 8”W x 6”H x 1/2”D MP-17: 9-1/4”W x 7”H x 1/2”D Colors: Blue, Black, or Red Imprint Area: MP-16: 3”W x 3/4”H MP-17: 4”W x 3/4”H Weight: MP-16: 20 pcs / 14 lbs MP-17: 20 pcs / 17 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Black MP-16
BC-01 Red
See Page 25
QTY MP-16 MP-17
50 5.50 6.00
100 5.00 5.50
250 4.75 5.25
* Price does not include imprint
500(R) 4.49 4.99
Blue Portrait
SCREEN PRINTING: Please add 50¢ (V) per piece running charge, plus $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Please add 75¢ (V) per piece running charge, plus $40 (V) for set-up charge.
Visit us at
FP-67 Jammer
FP-68 Jammer II
FP-95 Genie
Add a touch of nostalgia and a whole lot of fun to your next event with the Jammer, a Mason jar style acrylic tumbler. Designed to look like the timeless preserving jars, this BPA-free tumbler has colorful straws to make sipping even more fun. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic.
By popular demand, the Jammer now comes with a clear BPA-free acrylic body and 8 colorful lids with matching colored straws. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic.
This double-wall, BPA-free Mason jar tumbler is perfect for hot and cold drinks any time of the year. Reminiscent of the classic preserving jars, this tumbler is made of durable Acrylic AS Plastic.
24 oz Mason-Jar Style BPA-Free Acrylic Tumbler
Size: 24 oz Colors: Red, Blue, Clear, or Green Imprint Area: 3”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 10 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
24 oz Mason-Jar Style BPA-Free Acrylic Tumbler
Size: 24 oz Colors: Blue, Smoke, Red, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, and Teal Imprint Area: 3”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 10 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
20 oz Double-Wall Mason-Jar Style BPA-Free Acrylic Mug
Size: 20 oz Colors: Clear, Red, Blue, or Green Imprint Area: 3”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 24 pcs / 19 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
FP-95VP Genie with VibraPrint
20 oz Double-Wall Mason-Jar Style Acrylic Mug with VibraPrint Insert
Sealed between the doublewalls of BPA-free acrylic is a full color VibraPrint insert. Now you can decorate this nostalgic style Mason jar tumbler with modern graphics in any shade. Size: 20 oz Colors: Green, Clear, Red, or Blue Imprint Area: 9” sq.. (Please add $1.00(R) per piece if imprint size is larger than 9”sq.) Weight: 24 pcs / 20 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Pink Clear Purple
Teal Red
QTY FP-67 FP-68
108 4.00 4.00
252 3.50 3.50
504 3.25 3.25
1008(R) 2.99 2.99
QTY 120 240 FP-95 5.00 4.50 FP-95VP 6.00 5.50
504 1008(R) 4.25 3.99 5.25 4.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. VibraPrint : Price includes 9”sq. full color imprint on transparent insert, add $60 (V) for VibraPrint setup.
For more information on VibraPrint, see p. 35 Must be purchased in full case packs by color due to special packaging.
TN-25 Rain
Gather the color of a garden into your next promotion with this 24-ounce Mason jar style tumbler. The clear body is made of durable BPA-free Eastman TritanTM copolyester.
Featuring a subtle grooved texture on the translucent body, a pushbutton pop-up lid with a flip-up security ring, a plastic carabiner, and a large sipper piece, the Power Grip Rain water bottle offers a fresh way to sport your refreshments. Made of BPA-free Eastman TritanTM copolyester.
24 oz Mason-Jar Style TRITANTM Tumbler
24 oz TRITANTM Water Bottle with Pop-Up Lid
Size: 24 oz Colors: Teal, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, or Smoke Imprint Area: 3”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 36 pcs /10 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY 108 TN-67 4.30
252 3.80
504 1008(R) 3.55 3.29
504 1008(R) 4.25 3.99
33 oz TRITANTM Sports Bottle
33 oz TRITANTM Water Bottle The lid features a flip-up straw to make drinking easy. The large capacity of this water bottle offers a large imprinting area. Made of Eastman TritanTM copolyester. Size: 33 oz Colors: Gray, Blue, or Green Imprint Area: 3”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 30 pcs / 15 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
240 5.50
252 4.50
Imprint on 1 side only
TN-35 Tempure
TN-29 Walrus
QTY 120 TN-29 6.00
Size: 24 oz Colors: Smoke, Amber, or Blue Imprint Area: 2”W X 2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 15 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY 108 TN-25 5.00
TN-67 Gardener
BPA-Free and environmentally friendly, our 33-ounce vibrant water bottle features wave accents, rubber grips, and a retractable fold-out sipper straw. Made of Eastman TritanTM copolyester. Size: 33 oz Colors: Blue, Red, or Smoke Imprint Area: 2”W x 1-1/2”H Weight: 30 pcs /15 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
510 1020(R) 5.25 4.99
QTY 120 TN-35 5.50
240 5.00
510 1020(R) 4.75 4.49
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. These items must be purchased in full case packs by color due to special packaging.
Imprint on 1 side only
Visit us at
TN-31 Spritz
TN-32 Maverick
Infuse your event with a little spritz of color and flavor. We placed the infusion cage at the bottom of this water bottle for easy flow and unhindered drinking. Made of Eastman TritanTM copolyester.
Bring back memories or create new ones with this vintage soda-pop style water bottle. The colorful screw-on lid prevents spills while also accenting a logo. Made of Eastman TritanTM copolyester.
27 oz TRITANTM Infusion Water Bottle
22 oz TRITANTM Retro Soda-Pop Bottle
Size: 27 oz Colors: Blue, Lime, Orange, or Red Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 3”H Weight: 30 pcs / 15 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY 120 TN-31 5.00
240 4.50
510 4.25
Size: 22 oz Colors: Lime, Red, Blue, or White Imprint Area: 3”W x 3”H Weight: 30 pcs / 8 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
1020(R) 3.99
QTY 120 TN-32 4.00
TN-50 Sani-Cone TN-50
Size: 20 oz Colors: Red, Blue, or Green Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 2-1/2”H Weight: 30 pcs / 15 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
510 3.25
1020(R) 2.99
19 oz TRITANTM Freezer Bottle
The under-spoken curves of the 20-ounce Sani-Cone sports bottle offer rare grace to its stance. The removable silicone stopper has great leak protection and can be easily sanitized. Made of Eastman TritanTM copolyester.
240 4.50
240 3.50
TN-63 Moulin
20 oz TRITANTM Sports Bottle
QTY 120 TN-50 5.00
510 1020(R) 4.25 3.99
The tinted gel creates an attractive crackleeffect on this 19-ounce water bottle. Put the bottle in the freezer and turn it into a frosty cold pack to instantly chill any drink. The walls are made of Eastman TritanTM copolyester. Size: 19 oz Colors: Gray, Blue, Pink, or Green Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 3”H Weight: 24 pcs / 27 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
US Design Patent-Protected US D678,714 S
QTY 48 TN-63 9.50
96 8.75
250 500(R) 8.25 7.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. These items must be purchased in full case packs by color due to special packaging. Visit us at
PG-06 Seal
22 oz TRITANTM Sports Bottle
22 oz Colorful Sports Bottle
The Astro sports bottle features a screw-on domed lid with soft, retractable pop-up straw and ring tab for easy carrying. Made of Eastman TritanTM copolyester.
Wonderfully vivid and eco-friendly, the Seal sports bottle is made of recyclable BPA-free PCTG plastic. Enjoy the comfortable soft straw and convenient ring tab.
Size: 22 oz Colors: Orange, Blue, Purple, Green, or Red Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 2”H Weight: 30 pcs / 11 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Size: 22 oz Colors: Purple, Smoke, Red, Blue, Green, or Orange Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 2”H Weight: 30 pcs / 11 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY 120 TN-06 5.00
QTY 120 PG-06 4.50
240 4.50
510 4.25
1020(R) 3.99
240 4.00
510 3.75
1020(R) 3.49
FP-47 Clamp
FP-29 Rhapsody
The lid of our Clamp double-wall acrylic tumbler features a patent-pending, easy-to-use pop-up swivel straw latch that must be seen to be believed. Simply pull the tab, pop up the sipper straw, and enjoy. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic.
Now you can enjoy a fruit garnish in your drink without sucking up seeds or leaving mush at the bottom. The acrylic fruit cage is removable for cleaning convenience. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic. Fruit not included.
19 oz Double-Wall BPA-Free Tumbler
16 oz Infusion Double-Wall BPA-Free Acrylic Tumbler
Size: 19 oz Colors: Gray, Red, Lime, or Blue Imprint Area: 4”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 30 pcs / 22 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
120 6.00
240 5.50
TN-06 Astro
510 5.25
1020(R) 4.99
Size: 16 oz Colors: Green, Sunset Orange, Red, Blue, or Purple Imprint Area: 4”W x 3”H Weight: 30 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
120 5.00
240 4.50
510 4.25
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. These items must be purchased in full case packs by color due to special packaging. Visit us at
1020(R) 3.99
FP-91 Islander
FP-93 McKenzie
Enjoy a little island style without leaving the mainland. The double-walls of BPA-free acrylic ensure against sweating. This cocktail tumbler is perfect for outdoor events where glass could be a hazard. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic.
The McKenzie is perfect for cold beer or hot chocolate. The crystal clear double-walls are BPA-free and the lid is included! Made of Acrylic AS Plastic.
12 oz Double-Wall BPA-Free Acrylic Cocktail Cup
Size: 12 oz Colors: Clear, Red, or Blue Imprint Area: 3”W x 2-1/2 ”H Weight: 30 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
FP-57 Nova
16 oz Double-Wall BPA-Free Acrylic Mug
Size: 16 oz Colors: Clear Imprint Area: 3”W x 3”H Weight: 30 pcs / 17 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
11 oz Soda Can Style Double-Wall BPA-Free Acrylic Tumbler Better than branding your own soda pop and more eco-friendly than recycling, the Nova promotes your modern logo with a timeless soda can silhouette. The double-walls ensure that your cold drink won’t sweat and your hot drink won’t burn your hand. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic. Size: 11 oz Colors: Blue, Red, or Clear Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 2-1/2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 15 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
FP-91VP Islander with VibraPrint 12 oz Acrylic Cocktail Cup with VibraPrint Insert
Sealed between the double-walls of BPA-free acrylic is a full color VibraPrint insert that provides a jungle of color no matter your location! Size: 12 oz Colors: Clear, Red, or Blue FP-91VP Imprint Area: 9” sq.. (Please add $1.00(R) per piece if imprint size is larger than 9”sq.)
FP-93VP McKenzie with VibraPrint
FP-57VP Nova with VibraPrint 11 oz Soda Can Style Tumbler with VibraPrint Insert
16 oz Acrylic Mug with VibraPrint Insert Enjoy your brew in full color by adding a VibraPrint insert to our double-wall acrylic Mckenzie mug.
All the features of the double-wall acrylic Nova tumbler with the advantage of a full color VibraPrint insert!
Size: 16 oz Colors: Clear Imprint Area: 9” sq.. (Please add $1.00(R) per piece if imprint size is larger than 9”sq.)
Size: 11 oz Colors: Clear Imprint Area: 9” sq.. (Please add $1.00(R) per piece if imprint size is larger than 9”sq.) FP-57VP
QTY 120 240 FP-91 5.00 4.50 FP-91VP 6.00 5.50
510 1020(R) 4.25 3.99 5.25 4.99
QTY 120 240 510 FP-93 5.00 4.50 4.25 FP-93VP 6.00 5.50 5.25
1020(R) 3.99 4.99
QTY 144 FP-57 4.00 FP-57VP 5.00
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. VibraPrint : Price includes 9”sq. full color imprint on transparent insert, add $60 (V) for VibraPrint setup.
252 3.50 4.50
504 1008(R) 3.25 2.99 4.25 3.99
Must be purchased in full case packs by color due to special packaging.
The Durango offers ultimate spill protection and versatility. It features a high-walled rim to reduce splashing and two drinking options: use the straw and sip from the center; or remove the straw, slide the spout open, and sip from the side. Size: 16 oz Colors: Blue, Red, Green, or Clear Imprint Area: 4”W X 3 ”H Weight: 30 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
FP-96 Beer Buddy
FP-97 Merlot Mate
This BPA-free, double-wall acrylic beer cup is the perfect chugging companion for your imprint. Great for special events and celebrations, this beer tumbler is sure to be a crowd pleaser. The lid and inner wall colors will also ensure that your logo meets its beer drinking buddy.
Our double-wall acrylic wine glass is sure to be the life of the party. Take advantage of the large imprint area on our BPA-free acrylic wine glass to proudly show off your logo to wine drinkers everywhere. The colored lid is designed to not only add to the festivity, but also make your logo pop!
14 oz Double-Wall BPA-Free Acrylic Beer-Bottle Tumbler
16 oz Double-Wall BPA-Free Acrylic Tumbler
Size: 14 oz Colors: Frost, Red, Blue, or Green Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 1-3/4”H Weight: 36 pcs / 22 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
10 oz Double-Wall BPA-Free Acrylic Wine Glass Tumbler
FP-81 Durango
Size: 10 oz Colors: Red, Purple, Blue, Orange, Clear, or Green Imprint Area: 4”W X 2-1/2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 22 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
FP-96 FP-97
FP-81VP Durango with VibraPrint 16 oz Acrylic Tumbler with VibraPrint Insert Surround your logo with amazing special effects and stunning colors. Size: 16 oz Colors: Clear Imprint Area: 9” sq.. (Please add $1.00(R) per piece if imprint size is larger than 9”sq.)
QTY 120 240 FP-81 4.50 4.00 FP-81VP 6.00 5.50
510 1020(R) 3.75 3.49 5.25 4.99
144 4.50
252 4.00
504 3.75
1008(R) 3.49
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. VibraPrint : Price includes 9”sq. full color imprint on transparent insert, add $60 (V) for VibraPrint setup.
144 4.50
252 4.00
504 3.75
1008(R) 3.49
Must be purchased in full case packs by color due to special packaging.
FP-05 Crystal 16 oz Clear Double-Wall Acrylic Tumbler FP-05
Our fun and vibrant, double-wall acrylic cup is BPA-free and features a screw-on lid with a silicon seal. The high-quality PETG straw can match your imprinted logo for sweet simplicity. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic. Size: 16 oz Cup Color: Clear Straws: Blue, Red, Purple, Green, Orange, Pink, or Clear Imprint Area: 4”W X 3”H Weight: 30 pcs / 16 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
120 4.30
240 3.80
510 3.55
1020(R) 3.29
FP-03 Lumina 16 oz Colorful Double-Wall Acrylic Tumbler FP-03
Available in an array of colors, our doublewall acrylic cup is completely BPA-free and features a matching colored screw on lid and straw. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic. For festive flair, switch out the solid colored straw for a candy-cane twist! (FP-03X) Size: 16 oz Color: Orange, Lime, Fuchsia, Red, Purple, Blue, or Smoke Imprint Area: 4”W X 3”H Weight: 30 pcs / 16 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY 120 FP-03 4.50 FP-03X 4.50
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. These items must be purchased in full case packs by color due to special packaging.
240 4.00 4.00
510 3.75 3.75
1020(R) 3.49 3.49
16 oz Double-Wall Tumbler with Transparent Insert The Slide is the pioneer of our VibraPrint digital printing technology. It’s all the eye-catching full spectrum CMYK color, with the crystal clear transparency of our BPA-free acrylic. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic.
1 Setup
Full Color Imprinting 8 Drinkware Styles
Unlimited Color!
FP-10 Slide
Size: 16 oz Color: Clear Straw: Clear Imprint Area: 9 “ sq... (Please add $1.00(R) per piece if imprint size is larger than 9”sq.) Weight: 30 pcs / 16 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
120 6.00
240 5.50
510 5.25
1020(R) 4.99
Full Color Images Protected Imprint
Perfect Registration PMS Matching High Resolution Full Wrap Graphics Possible Opaque & Translucent Imprint Options
FP-06 Luxe
16 oz Glitter Double-Wall Acrylic Tumbler FP-06
Our double-wall acrylic tumbler is also available with a sparkly glitter insert. The Luxe glamorizes your logo with nine dazzling colors. It still features the same high quality straw with a twistoff lid. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic. Size: 16 oz Colors: Red, Silver, Obsidian (Black), Opal(White), Gold, Purple, Green, Pink, or Blue Imprint Area: 4”W X 3”H Weight: 30 pcs / 16 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY 120 FP-06 5.30
240 4.80
Obsidian (Black)
Opal (White)
510 1020(R) 4.55 4.29
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. VibraPrint : Price includes 9”so full color imprint on transparent insert, add $60 (V) for VibraPrint setup.
Must be purchased in full case packs by color due to special packaging.
FP-21 Sparkle
FP-23 Starlet
20 oz Large Double-Wall BPA-Free Acrylic Tumbler
20 oz Colorful Large Double-Wall BPA-Free Acrylic Tumbler
The 20-ounce double-wall acrylic Sparkle tumbler is large enough to quench anyone’s thirst and features the same high quality straw. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic.
Our vibrant, double-wall BPA-free acrylic Starlet tumbler now offers 20 ounces of color and refreshment with all the same features of the 16-ounce version. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic.
Size: 20 oz Cup Color: Clear Straw Color: Red, Blue, Clear, Green, or Smoke Imprint Area: 4”W X 3”H Weight: 30 pcs / 21 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Size: 20 oz Color: Purple, Fuchsia, Blue, Orange, Red, Green, or Teal Imprint Area: 4”W X 3”H Weight: 30 pcs / 21 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
120 5.00
240 4.50
510 1020(R) 4.25 3.99
120 5.30
240 4.80
510 1020(R) 4.55 4.29
FP-16 Glissade
16 oz Double-Wall BPA-Free Acrylic Tumbler w/ Pop-Up Straw Our sanitary and spill-proof Glissade 16-ounce double-wall tumbler features a unique lid with a slider and pop-up straw screwed onto our high-quality BPA-free acrylic tumblers. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic. Size: 16 oz Colors: Fuchsia, Blue, Red, or Orange Imprint Area: 4”W X 3”H Weight: 30 pcs / 16 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
120 5.00
240 4.50
510 1020(R) 4.25 3.99
FP-18 Swirl
16 oz Double-Wall BPA-Free Acrylic Tumbler with Swirly Straw The fun design of the Swirl 16-ounce double-wall tumbler will light up the eyes of everyone at your next promotion. Best of all, it’s BPA-free. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic. Size: 16 oz Cup Color: Clear Straw Colors: Teal, Blue, Sunset Orange, Coral Pink, Clear, Purple, Fuchsia, or Lime Imprint Area: 4”W X 3”H Weight: 25 pcs / 15 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
120 5.30
240 4.80
510 1020(R) 4.55 4.29
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. These items must be purchased in full case packs by color due to special packaging. Visit us at
FP-75 Tiber
16 oz Double-Wall BPA-Free Acrylic Tumbler
16 oz Acrylic Tumbler with VibraPrint Insert
Modern and sleek go hand-in-hand with the Trevi. The 16-ounce double-wall Trevi includes a convenient pop-off sipper lid with a sliding closure. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic.
With VibraPrint inserts, you can make a splash in full color on our Tiber double-wall acrylic tumblers. Gradients, shades, and tight registration are not a problem with VibraPrint. Top it off with a colorful lid (included in the price) and you’re drinking in style. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic.
Size: 16 oz Cup: Clear Lids: Blue, Purple, Orange, Lime, Black, or Red Imprint Area : 4”W X 3”H Weight: 36 pcs / 19 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged FP-71
FP-71 Trevi
Size: 16 oz Cup: Clear Lids: Lime, Black, Blue, Orange, Purple, or Red Imprint Area: 9” sq... (For full wrap graphics, please add $1.00(R) per piece.) Weight: 36 pcs / 19 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
144 6.50
252 5.75
504 1008(R) 5.25 4.99 FP-78
For more information on VibraPrint, see p. 35
FP-78 Patcher 16 oz Acrylic Tumbler with Patch Stand out with the 3D effect of your logo boldly displayed as an embroidered patch. The patch is sealed inside our double-wall BPA-free tumbler. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic. Please allow 14-21 days for production. Size: 16 oz Cup: Clear Lids: Orange, Blue, Lime, Black, Purple, or Red Patch Size: 2-1/2” X 2-1/2” (Please call factory about pricing for larger sizes.) Weight: 36 pcs / 19 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Price includes embroidered patch with a setup charge of $100(V)
144 8.50
252 7.75
504 7.25
1008(R) 6.99
FP-73 Trevivid 16 oz Colorful BPA-Free Acrylic Tumbler
The colorful inner wall of the 16-ounce Trevivid guarantees your next promotion will be a hit. The colorful Trevivid includes a convenient pop-off sipper lid with a sliding closure. Made of Acrylic AS Plastic. Size: 16 oz Colors: Smoke, Red, or Blue Imprint Area: 4”W X 2-1/2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 19 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
144 4.30
Optional Straw
252 3.80
504 3.55
0.10(R) each
1008(R) 3.29
144 252 4.50 4.00
504 3.75
1008(R) 3.49
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. VibraPrint : Price includes 9”sq. full color imprint on transparent insert, add $60 (V) for VibraPrint setup.
Must be purchased in full case packs by color due to special packaging.
ST-05 ST-08
GT-55 See Page 77
ST-05 Specular
ST-37 Cocktail Shaker 16 oz Double-Wall Cocktail Shaker
ST-08 Cocktail Cup
16 oz Stainless Steel & Acrylic Tumbler A best seller, this tumbler contains a stainless steel interior and heavy acrylic exterior. The imprint on the acrylic outer wall reflects off the steel inner wall, creating a unique 3D-logo illusion.
Whether you’re serving up a party or enjoying a relaxing night alone, you can utilize this double-wall cocktail shaker to make drinks at your convenience.
Turn your next promotion into a party with our specular Cocktail tumbler. The imprint on the acrylic outer wall reflects off of the steel inner wall creating a unique 3D-logo illusion.
Size: 16 oz Colors: Opaque Black, Translucent Red, Translucent Blue, Translucent Green, Opaque Lime, or Translucent Gray Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 2-1/2”H Weight: 24 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
96 6.00
250 5.50
500 1000(R) 5.25 4.99
7 oz Double-Wall Stainless Steel & Acrylic Cup
Size: 16 oz Color: Red, Blue, or Black Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 2-1/2”H Weight: 24 pcs / 23 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
96 8.50
250 7.75
500 7.25
Size: 7 oz Colors: Blue , Red, or Black Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 1-1/2”H Weight: 48 pcs / 14 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
1000(R) 6.99
144 4.00
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. These items must be purchased in full case packs by color due to special packaging. Visit us at
288 3.50
500 1000(R) 3.25 2.99
16 oz Tumbler with Removable Insert Easily the most versatile tumbler, the Tanoshi features a removable paper insert. Slide personal business cards or event coupons inside. The stainless steel liner keeps hot or cold drinks at the right temperature and is easy to clean. The convenient screw-on lid is easy to remove without spilling a drop. Size: 16 oz Color: Black, or Blue Imprint Area Paper Inset: 9” W X 6-1/4” H (Full color paper insert) Optional Screen Printing: 3”W x 3-1/2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 23 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
ST-16 Tanoshi
Screw-on Lid Screw-on Ring Stainless Steel Liner
Removable Insert Paper
Plastic Outer Wall
108 8.50
250 7.75
500 7.25
1000(R) 6.99
ST-100 Rosenquist
16 oz Double-Wall Full Color Tumbler
ST-25 Magnum
16 oz Double-Wall Stainless Steel and Acrylic Tumbler With a steel liner inside of its heavy acrylic exterior, silver ring lid accents, and comfortable center rubber grip, this sturdy tumbler will hit the target every time.
When you need to say 1000 words, send in any visual artwork and we will imprint a full-color paper insert that fits between the stainless steel interior and the acrylic exterior. It will surely catch the attention of others.
Size: 16 oz Colors: Blue, White, Black, or Red Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 1-5/8”H Weight: 36 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Size: 16 oz Color: Clear Imprint Area: 9-1/4”W X 5-3/4”H (4-color process print on paper insert) Weight: 24 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Stainless Steel Liner
Insert Paper
Plastic Outer Wall
QTY 120 ST-100 8.50
250 7.75
500 7.25
1000(R) 6.99
108 8.50
250 7.75
500 7.25
1000(R) 6.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. FOUR-COLOR PROCESS: Price for ST-16 and ST-100 includes 4-color process printing on insert, add $60(V) for setup charge.
Imprint on 1 side only
Imprint on 1 side only
TM-48 Serius
TM-43 Nimbus
TM-45 Wavelength
This tumbler offers a large imprint area and a ringed grip to keep it from slipping. The secure screw-on lid prevents spills.
The stainless steel ring built into the screw-on lid of the sleek Nimbus offers aesthetic beauty as well as a spill-free experience. The large imprint surface proudly displays any logo.
For sleek simplicity, the Wavelength offers contoured accents around the base to frame the brushed stainless steel exterior. The colorful plastic inner wall and flip lid are easy to clean.
Size: 16 oz Colors: Red, Green, Orange, Black, or Blue Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 1-1/2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 19 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Size: 16 oz Colors: Blue, Red, Black, or Lime Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 1-1/2”H Weight: 36 pcs/ 23 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
16 oz Stainless Steel Travel Mug with Plastic Liner
Size: 16 oz Colors: Black, Orange, Blue, Green, or Red Imprint Area: 3”W x 1-1/2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 22 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 108 TM-48 4.30
250 3.80
500 3.55
1000(R) 3.29
16 oz Stainless Steel Travel Mug with Plastic Liner
QTY 108 TM-43 4.30
250 3.80
500 3.55
1000(R) 3.29
16 oz Stainless Steel Travel Mug with Plastic Liner
QTY 108 TM-45 5.00
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. Visit us at
250 4.50
500 4.25
1000(R) 3.99
KM-03 Model C
16 oz Double-Wall Stainless Steel Tumbler with Screw-On Lid Offering a new hybrid of high quality tumbler, double-wall stainless steel construction, a screwon lid and a no drip mouth piece, our Model C is among the best tumblers you’ll find anywhere. Size: 16 oz Colors: Charcoal, Blue, Brushed Stainless, or Red Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 1-1/2”H Weight: 24 pcs / 20 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 120 KM-03 6.00
250 5.50
500 1000(R) 5.25 4.99
KM-41 Classic 2
KM-43 Schooner
14 oz Double-Wall Stainless Steel Tumbler
14 oz Double-Wall Stainless Steel Tumbler
Our classic double-wall stainless steel tumbler with twist-off lid and easy drink mouthpiece brings together the best of cutting edge style and traditional appeal.
The sleek concave walls of this stainless steel tumbler fit gently into your hand while providing a smooth imprint area. The flip-top lid is easy to clean and the textured grip ensures a tight fit.
Size: 14 oz Colors: Tan, Pink, Blue, Stainless Steel, or Black Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 26 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 108 KM-41 6.00
250 5.50
500 5.25
1000(R) 4.99
Size: 14 oz Colors: Blue, Black, Stainless Steel, or Red Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 22 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 108 KM-43 6.00
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. Visit us at
250 5.50
500 5.25
1000(R) 4.99
KM-49 Saturn
14 oz Colorful Double-Wall Stainless Steel Tumbler
KM-53 Quixote
16 oz Double-Wall Stainless Steel Tumbler
KM-45 Quince 15 oz Double-Wall Stainless Steel Tumbler
The Saturn double-wall travel tumbler features a large push-button stopper that matches its oblique body. No matter where you go, you’ll have warm coffee securely at your finger tips.
The lid features a textured grip and carabiner ring. The push-button stopper along with the rubberized bottom keeps your coffee where it should be when you are not sipping it.
The sleek lines and soft exterior of the Quince combine to offer promotional perfection. The unique flip-top mouthpiece and screw-on lid finish the look while preventing spills.
Size: 14 oz Colors: Pink, Blue, Lime, or Orange, Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 24 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Size: 16 oz Colors: Blue, Stainless Steel, Charcoal, or Red Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 24 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Size: 15 oz Colors: Stainless Steel, Charcoal, or Black Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 1-1/2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 27 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 96 KM-49 8.50
QTY 96 KM-53 8.50
QTY 108 KM-45 8.50
250 7.75
500 1000(R) 7.25 6.99
250 7.75
500 7.25
1000(R) 6.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. Visit us at
250 7.75
500 7.25
1000(R) 6.99
9 oz Double-Wall Stainless Steel Coffee Mug KM-33
The Café Franc trumpets coffee style and convenient portability packed in a stainless steel mug that is light in your hand and easy on the eyes. Add an optional lid for $1.00 (R).
KM-08 Café Franc
Size: 9 oz Color: Black, Blue, Red, or Brushed Stainless Imprint Area: 2”W X 1-1/2”H Weight: 48 pcs / 20 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed Optional Lid: $1.00(R)
GT-53 See Page 77
QTY 96 KM-08 5.00
250 4.55
500 1000(R) 4.25 3.99
KM-55 Panama
16 oz Double-Wall Stainless Steel Camping Mug
This travel mug has a trap-door handle so you can easily hook it on a camping chair or hang it on a bag while your not drinking. The secure lid keeps hot liquids from spilling no matter how it swings. Size: 16 oz Colors: Brushed Stainless Steel, Charcoal, Red, or Blue Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 26 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
KM-33 Tribune
Double-Wall Stainless Steel Travel Mug This Double-Wall stainless steel travel mug with screw-on lid and no-drip lip has quality written all over. The convenient handle also adds a comfortable grip to this promotional products staple. Size: 16 oz Colors: Blue, Charcoal, Stainless Steel, or Red Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 1-1/2”H Weight: 24 pcs / 21 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 96 KM-33 8.00
250 7.25
500 1000(R) 6.75 6.49
QTY 108 250 KM-55 8.50 7.75
500 7.25
1000(R) 6.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. Visit us at
KM-21 Pike
KM-23 Tali
Petite and classy, the double-wall stainless steel Pike is perfect for a small cup of coffee or tea. The stainless steel exterior gives your logo a brilliant reflective background. The included silicone lid is easy to remove and replace without spilling hot coffee and even easier to clean.
Easier than branding your own soda pop and even more green than recycling, this 12-ounce double-wall stainless steel tumbler flaunts your logo on a reflective background. The secure screwon lid prevents spills and can be sealed for travel.
Size: 12 oz Colors: Brushed Stainless, Red, or Blue Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 22 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Size: 12 oz Colors: Black, Blue or Red Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 27 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
12 oz Double-Wall Stainless Steel Tumbler with Silicone Lid
12 oz Double-Wall Stainless Steel Soda-Can Style Tumbler
QTY 108 KM-21 6.00
250 5.50
500 5.25
1000(R) 4.99
QTY 108 KM-23 8.50
KB-25T Trigger
Size: 25 oz Color: Green, Black, Red, White, or Blue Imprint Area: 2”W x 3-1/2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 24 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY 144 250 KB-25T 5.00 4.55
500 4.25
1000(R) 3.99
500 7.25
1000(R) 6.99
KC-25 Cyclone
25 oz Stainless Steel Sports Bottle with Pop Top This pristine stainless steel water bottle features a unique and convenient lid. The pop-up lid with a protective cap and a small vent sealed by a silicone plug to prevent leaks offers continuous dribble-free drinking.
250 7.75
25 oz Stainless Steel Sports Bottle KB-25T
Another popular sports bottle, the Cyclone comes equipped with a push-pull sports cap and a ridged, easy grip design. Size: 25 oz Color: Red, Charcoal, Blue, or Brushed Stainless Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 2”H Weight: 24 pcs / 16 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
120 5.00
250 4.55
500 1000(R) 4.25 3.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. Visit us at
GT-53 See Page 77
Add $0.75(R) for black zipper carrier.
SB-12 Radix
HB-51 BasicS
HB-99 Atomo
The curvaceous Radix stainless steel sports bottle features a uniquely shaped, twist-off lid designed to latch to carabiners and a retractable sipper.
This brightly-colored vacuum-sealed thermos boasts an all stainless steel construction and a wide-mouthed, no-drip, push button stopper. It’s perfect for coffee or ice-cold drinks.
Size: 24 oz Colors: Blue, Black, Red, or Brushed Stainless Imprint Area: 2”W x 1-3/4”H Weight: 36 pcs / 19 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Size: 16.5 oz Colors: Red, Black, Blue, or Brushed Stainless Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 2-1/2”H Weight: 24 pcs / 24 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Our Atomo thermos is the premier Stainless Steel Thermos for on-the-go hot or cold drinks, featuring a screw-off lid, large push-button stopper, flexible rubberized handle, and a convenient detachable carry strap.
QTY 96 HB-51 8.50
24 oz Curvy Stainless Steel Sipper Bottle
108 5.00
250 4.55
500 1000(R) 4.25 3.99
16.5 oz Double-Wall Stainless Steel Thermos
250 7.75
500 7.25
1000(R) 6.99
33 oz Vacuum-Sealed Stainless Steel Thermos
Size: 33 oz Color: Brushed Stainless Imprint Area: 2-1/4”W X 2”H Weight: 20 pcs / 36 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 40 100 250 500(R) HB-99 15.00 14.00 13.50 12.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. Visit us at
TM-49 Sidekick
CM-25 Sagitta
Take it everywhere with confidence that the stylish stainless-steel exterior wall and easy-care plastic liner will keep your brew hot. The lid features a sliding closure and comes standard with the Sidekick.
The Sagitta Mug offers the best of both worlds by attaching a stainless steel bottom to ceramic body. It works great in the car and looks great in the office.
Size: 12 oz Colors: Blue, White, Black, or Pink Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 2”H Weight: 48 pcs / 20 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Size: 15 oz Colors: White, or Black Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 1-1/2”H Weight: 24 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
12 oz Double-Wall Mug with Lid
15 oz Ceramic Mug with Steel Accent
Imprint on 1 side only
QTY 108 TM-49 4.50
250 4.00
500 1000(R) 3.75 3.49
QTY 96 CM-25 9.50
250 8.75
500 8.25
1000(R) 7.99
FP-65 Rock
CC-01 Sublime
12 oz Heavy Duty Mug
11 oz Ceramic Mug with Sublimation
Drop it, kick it, or throw it, and this mug will come back for more. Made of durable plastic, this mug also comes with a lid to prevent spills.
Our dazzling 11 oz ceramic mug boasts marvelous full-color sublimation.
Size: 12 oz Colors: Pink w/ White, Teal w/ Slate, or Gray w/ Charcoal Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 2”H Weight: 36 pcs / 22 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Size: 11 oz Color: White Imprint Area: 7-1/2”W x 2-7/8”H Weight: 36 pcs / 33 lbs Packaging: Egg-shell packaging Add $12.50(V) per case for secure shipment packaging
Must be purchased in full case packs due to special packaging.
108 5.00
250 4.50
500 4.25
1000(R) 3.99
QTY 108 252 CC-01 5.00 4.55
504 4.25
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. SUBLIMATION: CC-01 price includes a full-color sublimation imprint, add $40 (V) for sublimation set-up charge.
1008(R) 3.99
FW-01 Pocket Bottle
15 oz BPA-Free Foldable Water Bottle Our foldable bottles feature a carabiner clip so you can carry the bottle on your bag or keep the bottle rolled tightly. Made of durable plastic, it is reusable and environmentally responsible. Use the write-on strip to personalize your bottle. Size: 15 oz Colors: Blue, Red, White, Orange, or Green Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W X 2-1/2”H Weight: 250 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Bulk, Poly Bagged of 50
FW-02 Pocket Spray
15 oz BPA- Free Foldable Spray Bottle
6 oz Collapsible Cup with Carabiner FW-02
Our collapsible spray bottles have all the features of the Pocket Bottle with a pump-action spray top. Size: 15 oz Colors: Same as FW-01 Screen Area: 2-1/2”W X 2-1/2”H Weight: 200 pcs / 19 lbs Packaging: Bulk, Poly Bagged of 50
QTY 250 500 1000 FW-01 2.00 1.70 1.50 FW-02 2.50 2.20 2.00
FC-02 Pop-Up Cup
Our fun and convenient BPA-Free Pop-Up Cups feature a 4-tier expandable cup, built-in pill box, and carabiner clip. The carabiner clip not only keeps the cup parts together, it is easy to take off so you’re always ready when it’s your turn to be poured. It’s perfect for camping or hiking trips, or even company picnics. Size: 6 oz Colors: Red, Orange, Green, Blue, or Black Screen Area: 1-3/4”W x 1”H Full Color Label: 2-1/4”Diam. Weight: 240 pcs / 31 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
2500(R) 1.39 1.89
QTY 100 250 FC-02 2.00 1.75
500 1000(R) 1.60 1.49
* Add $1.50 (V) for Full-Color Image Decal
FP-69 Catcher 25 oz Acrylic Bottle
This Catcher 25oz acrylic tumbler is a tall drink of water. Open up the entire top to easily fill it with ice cubes and your favorite drink. Then sip from the smaller lid while on the go. The generous imprint area is certain to make your logo stand out in the crowd! Made of Acrylic AS Plastic. Size: 25 oz Colors: Green, Blue, Smoke, Red, or Clear Screen Area: 3”W x 4”H Weight: 36 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. FULL-COLOR DECAL: Add $60 (V) for full color decal setup.
144 4.50
252 4.00
504 1008(R) 3.75 3.49
PP-21 The Cup
16 oz USA Made Double-Wall BPA-Free Polypropylene Party Cup An American party tradition has gone promotional! This double-wall polypropylene tumbler is sustainable, recyclable, and most importantly American made. Made in the USA. PP-21VP
Size: 16 oz Colors: Black, Blue, White, Red, or Green (Additional colors and custom colors may be available. Please call factory for quote.) Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 2 -1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
PP-21VP The Cup with VibraPrint
16 oz USA Made Polypropylene Party Cup with VibraPrint Insert Cosmo Fiber exclusive: this party cup now boasts a VibraPrint insert! Cup and insert are made in the USA. Size: 16 oz Color: Transparent outer wall, white inner wall Imprint Area: 9” sq.. (Please add $1.00(R) per piece if imprint size is larger than 9”sq.) Optional lid: $0.50(R)
QTY 100 250 500 PP-21 3.00 2.50 2.25 PP-21VP 5.00 4.50 4.25
1000(R) 1.99 3.99
PP-01 Cosmic Stadium Cup
PP-02 Large Cosmic Stadium Cup
These are quick and easy stadium cups for any event imaginable. They are made of durable polypropylene here in the USA.
This large stadium cup is great for indoor and outdoor promotions, and is also made in the USA.
16 oz BPA-Free Polypropylene Cups
Size: 16 oz Colors: White, Black, Blue, or Red (Additional colors and custom colors may be available. Please call factory for quote.) Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 2 -1/2”H Weight: 500 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Bulk
250 0.95
500 1000 0.80 0.70
2500(R) 0.65
22 oz BPA-Free Polypropylene Cups
Size: 22 oz Colors: White, Black, Blue, or Red (Additional colors and custom colors may be available. Please call factory for quote.) Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 3 -1/2”H Weight: 500 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Bulk
250 1.00
500 1000 0.85 0.75
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. VibraPrint : Price includes 9”sq. full color imprint on transparent insert, add $60 (V) for VibraPrint setup.
2500(R) 0.69 Visit us at
MF-01 Plush Micro Fiber Cloth
24 oz USA Made BPA-Free Polypropylene Bike Bottle
Ultra-Plush Micro Fiber Cloth with Case
This go-to bike bottle features a diamond texture grip. The pop-top spout is perfect for one-handed drinking. It fits into most bike bottle-carriers. Made in the USA. Size: 24 oz Colors: Smoke, Clear, Red, or Blue (Additional colors and custom colors may be available. Please call factory for quote.) Imprint Area: 3”W x 3 -1/2”H Weight: 24 pcs / 7 lbs Packaging: Bulk
100 2.00
250 1.75
500 1.60
1000(R) 1.49
This plush micro fiber cloth comes in a transparent case. The premium 230 gsm material is thick, soft, and durable. It’s perfect for glasses or sunglasses, computer or tablet screens, cell phones, photo frames, and or any delicate surface. Case Size: 3-1/2”W x 1-3/4”L x 3/8”D Cloth Size: 5-3/4” x 5-1/4” Colors: Blue, Red, or Clear Imprint Area: 2”W x 1”H Weight: 500 pcs / 21 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY 250 MF-01 1.50
500 1.25
1000 1.10
MF-07 Full Color Micro Fiber Cloth
PT-24 Lance
2500(R) 0.90
Enlarged to Show Plush Cloth Texture
Sublimated Micro Fiber Cloth Advertise any event in radiant full color! Put inspiring pictures of people, places, and things on an item so handy that no one will throw it away. Use this full color micro fiber cloth on glasses, computer and tablet screens, or any delicate surface. Please allow 12-14 working days for production. Size: 6”W x 7”H Imprint Area: 6”W x 7”H Weight: 2000 pcs / 38 lbs Packaging: Bulk, Poly Bagged in quantities of 500 Please add $.05 (R) for individual poly bags. Please add $.10 (R) for individual PVC Pouch.
QTY 250 MF-07 1.30
500 1.05
1000 0.90
2500(R) 0.79
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color imprint on 1 or 2 sides, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge per side. FOUR-COLOR PROCESS: MF-07 includes 4-color process printing on one side, add $100(V) for setup charge.
SJ-20 Silicone Shell for iPhone 4S
SJ-21 Silicone Shell for iPhone 5 & 5S
Our bright array of silicone shells not only protect your iPhone, but also increase your imprint’s cool factor exponentially!
Resized to fit the iPhone 5 & 5S, our silicone shells protect your iPhone from daily bumps while the vibrant colors can coordinate with any logo.
Size: 2-1/2”W x 4-5/8”H x 1/2”D Colors: Red, Black, Blue, Lime, or Purple Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 2”H Weight: 200 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Size: 2-1/2”W x 5”H x 1/2”D Colors: Purple, Black, Blue, Lime, or Red Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 2”H Weight: 200 pcs / 16 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged SJ-21
QTY 100 SJ-20 3.00
250 2.50
500 1000(R) 2.25 1.99
100 3.00
250 2.50
500 1000(R) 2.25 1.99
SJ-25 Simulated Leather Wallet for iPhone 5 and 5S
SJ-30 Silicone Shell for iPad
High tech meets high fashion with this simulated leather wallet for the iPhone 5 and 5S. The iPhone 5 fits securely into a protective plastic holder, while the interior wall of the wallet features card slots for your convenience.
Our soft-to-the-touch iPad Shell offers a cool and convenient way to protect your iPad. This shell’s design, from the cut-out front to the camera hole and contoured volume switch protector on the back keeps everything accessible.
Size: 2-1/2”W x 5”H x 1/2”D Colors: Red, Blue, Orange, Black, or Purple Imprint Area: 1-1/2”W x 1-1/2”H Weight: 200 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Size: 7-1/2”W x 9-3/4”H x 3/8”D Colors: Frosted White, or Black Screen Area: 4”W x 5”H Weight: 100 pcs / 26 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
QTY 100 SJ-25 5.00
250 4.50
500 4.25
1000(R) 3.99
QTY 100 SJ-30 6.00
250 5.50
500 5.25
1000(R) 4.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. DEBOSSING: Price includes 1-position debossing, add $70 (V) for set-up charge. Visit us at
Tech Accessories
SJ-23 Full Color Case for iPhone 5 & 5S
Cosmo Fiber now offers full color image printing on our tough polycarbonate case for the iPhone 5. It will keep your iPhone 5 safe while the full color imprint will help you shine with style. It’s perfect for mascots, company photos, advertising, and themed events. Size: 2-1/2”W x 5”H x 3/8”D Colors: Black, White, Pink, or Blue Imprint Area: 4-3/4”H x 2-1/4”W Weight: 500 pcs / 19 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
100 6.00
250 5.50
500 1000(R) 5.25 4.99
SJ-11 Travel Kit for iPhone Our iPhone kit holds all the necessary items you need to keep talking and listening to music. The kit features a 30” long retractable USB adapter, 46” long retractable earphones, a car cigarette adapter, and an outlet adapter. All items are stored safely inside the imprintable neoprene pouch. Size: 5”W x 5”H x 1-1/2”D Color: White w/ Black Case Screen Area: 2-1/2”H x 2-1/2”W Weight: 100 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
SJ-15T Rectractable Charge Cable Do away with the tangle of multiple cords with this 3-in-1 USB charging cable. The SJ-15T cord includes an iPhone 4 adapter, an iPhone 5 adapter, and a micro USB. Size: 4-3/8”W x 1-5/8”H x 3/4”D Color: Black, or Silver Screen Area: 3/4”W x 3/4”H Weight: 200 pcs / 22 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed SJ-15T
SJ-16 Dual USB Car Charger This handy USB car charger plugs into any standard cigarette lighter to power up your mobile devices. The charger features 2 USB ports with 1 and 2.1 Amp output. Keep your phone charged while using your Bluetooth device so that your calls are never cut short. Size: 3-1/4”W x 1-3/8”H x 1”D Color: Black, Blue, Red, White, or Green Screen Area: 1”W x 1-2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed SJ-16
iPhone 4
Micro USB
iPhone 5
*Imprint on pouch only
50 9.50
100 8.75
250 8.25
500(R) 7.99
QTY 100 SJ-15T 6.00
250 5.50
500 5.25
1000(R) 4.99
QTY 100 SJ-16 4.00
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. FOUR-COLOR PROCESS: Price for SJ-23 includes 4-color process printing on insert, add $60(V) for setup charge.
250 3.50
500 3.25
1000(R) 2.99
Visit us at
SJ-71 Mobile Power Bank
SJ-91 Gramophone for the iPhone
This high quality, power bank stores 2,200 mAh to charge your phone. It comes with 5 adapters, including iPhone4, iPhone 5, and a micro USB, and is rechargeable for multiple uses. Our Universal Power Bank is also powered by Tenergy Corporation, an American battery company.
Old meets new with this iPhone amplifier. No power is wasted because this device uses the tried-and-true gramophone shape to naturally direct and amplify sound. “Plug” the iPhone into the gramophone-style horn to listen to music or share your favorite videos.
Size: 3/4”W x 3-1/2”L Colors: Blue, Red, or Black Imprint Area: 2”W x 3/8”H Weight: 100 pcs / 24 lbs Packaging: Individual Black Pouch
Size: 4-1/4”W x 2”H x 2”D Colors: Orange, Black, or Blue Imprint Area: 1-5/8”W x 1/4”H Weight: 200 pcs / 23 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Powered By:
An American Battery Company
Standard Adapters:
Micro USB
iPhone 4
iPhone 5 USB
QTY 25 50 100 250(R) SJ-71 25.00 22.50 21.00 19.99
SJ-75 Universal USB Power Bank Fashionable and functional, this 2,200 mAh rechargeable power bank features a USB port to charge any mobile device. Choose a color to best match your logo. Size: 3/4”W x 3-1/2”L Colors: Red, White, Orange, Blue, or Black Imprint Area: 2”W x 3/8”H Weight: 200 pcs / 23 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 100 250 SJ-91 3.00 2.50 SJ-75
500 2.25
1000(R) 1.99
SJ-93 Koala Kase
Silicone Card Sleeve with Adhesive Back The Koala Kase clings to cell phones, laptops, binder covers, dashboards, or anything else you can imagine. Ditch your wallet and carry your credit cards, business cards, membership cards, IDs, or similarly sized cards while on the go. It’s perfect for packing light or displaying cards to your customers. Size: 2-1/4”W x 3-3/8”H Colors: White, Black, Blue, or Red Imprint Area: 1-1/2”W x 1-1/4”H Weight: 500 pcs / 17 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
100 250 500 1000(R) 12.00 11.00 10.50 9.99
250 2.00
500 1.75
1000 1.60
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for set-up charge.
2500(R) 1.49 Visit us at
SJ-42 Simulated Leather Case w/ Rotary Stand for iPad For those looking for great protection, a stylish case and a functional iPad holder, this case delivers on all three counts. Fit your iPad 2 or New iPad into the case and enjoy 360o rotation of the back panel. Then prop it up to view the screen in landscape or portrait orientation. The case features a front pocket and stabilizer flap on the sleeve.
Tech Accessories
Size: 7-1/2”W x 9-3/4”H x 3/4”D Material: Simulated Leather Colors: Black, Red, Navy, or Tan Imprint Area: 3-1/2”W x 4”H Weight: 20 pcs / 19 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 25 50 100 250(R) SJ-42 18.00 16.50 15.50 14.99
SJ-39 Simulated Leather Case for iPad w/ Removable Calculator
SJ-43 Vivid Color Case and Stand for iPad
This folio style jotter case features a large 8-digit calculator and replaceable writing pad. Take the calculator out and convert the folio into a case for your iPad.
Vivid color brings fun and style to your tablet computer. The Velcro-secured stand makes it possible to view the screen at almost any angle. Precise cut outs for the camera and buttons make this a perfect home for your iPad.
Size: 7-1/2”W x 9-3/4”H x 7/8”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 30 pcs / 36 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
Size: 7-1/2”W x 9-3/4”H x 7/8”D Colors: Orange, Teal, Lime, or Coral Imprint Area: 4”W x 4”H Weight: 25 pcs / 23 lbs Packaging: Gift Box SJ-39
SJ-53 Mini Tablet Case Protect your hardware with this leatherette protective case. The case also acts as a stand to prop up your device. Velcro secures the bottom edge for ultimate positioning versatility. It is designed to fit the iPad mini, but can hold several other kinds of mini tablets as well. Size: 5-3/8”W x 8”H x 1/4”D Color: Black Screen Area: 3”W x 5”H Deboss Area: 3”W x 3”H Weight: 40 pcs / 22 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed SJ-53
QTY 25 50 100 SJ-39 18.00 16.50 15.50
250(R) 14.99
QTY 25 50 100 SJ-43 18.00 16.50 15.50
250(R) 14.99
QTY 25 50 100 SJ-53 15.00 14.00 13.50
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. DEBOSSING: Price includes 1-position debossing, add $70 (V) for set-up
250(R) 12.99
Visit us at
SJ-63 Bluetooth Keyboard & Case for iPad Our Bluetooth Keyboard and Case for iPad features a detachable Bluetooth keyboard. The magnet-secured keyboard can be adjusted for personal comfort or removed completely. The pocket holding the iPad can be propped up for viewing comfort.
Location A
Size: 8”W x 9-3/4”H x 1-1/2”D Color: Black Screen Area: Location A: 4-1/2”W x 3”H (front cover) Location B: 4”W x 7/8”H (top of keyboard) Deboss Area: 3”W x 3”H (front cover only) Weight: 10 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
10 25 50 100(R) 50.00 48.00 46.50 44.99
Location B
D-12 Executive USB Kit 6-Piece USB Kit with Case
Our Executive USB Kit contains a USB 4-Port hub (item D-07), mouse (D-02), earpiece for internet conferencing, USB A/M-A/F cord, USB A/M-mini 5P cord, and retractable Ethernet cable–all conveniently packed into a compartmentalized carry case.
Size: 5-1/2”W x 5-1/2”H x 1-3/4”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 3”W x 3”H (on case only) Weight: 50 pcs / 27 lbs
QTY D-12
25 50 100 23.00 20.50 19.00
250(R) 17.99
D-20 Comprehensive USB Kit 8-Piece USB Kit with Case
Our Comprehensive USB Kit contains a USB 4-Port hub (item D-07), Travel Mouse (D-02), USB A/M-A/F cord, retractable Ethernet cables, USB 10-key number pad, and USB mini light–all conveniently packed in a compartmentalized carry case
Size: 6-1/4”W x 9”H x 1-3/4”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 4”W x 4”H (on case only) Weight: 40 pcs / 43 lbs
QTY D-20
25 50 100 30.00 27.50 26.00
250(R) 24.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. DEBOSSING: Price includes 1-position debossing, add $70 (V) for set-up charge. Visit us at
D-07 4-Port USB 2.0 Hub
Our high resolution webcam is the perfect piece for video conferencing or web chatting. Featuring a software-enhanced 5-megapixel camera and clip stand, this wireless gadget will capture your smiles like no other.
The chic and convenient USB Hub features four USB 2.0 ports, an indicator light, and a large imprint area on a translucent shell.
Size: 1-3/8”W x 3-1/4”H Color: Silver Resolution: up to 5.0MP Imprint Area: 1”W x 1”H Weight: 50 pcs / 27 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Tech Accessories
D-29 Magnetic Swivel Webcam
Size: 3-1/2”W x 1-1/2”H Color: Silver Imprint Area: 3/4”W x 1”H Weight: 200 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Magnetic Clip Stand
QTY 50 100 250 D-29 15.00 14.00 13.50
500(R) 12.99
QTY D-07
100 6.00
250 5.50
500 5.25
1000(R) 4.99
D-02 USB Optical Travel Mouse
D-35T Light Up Travel Mouse
This marvellous mini mouse will become one of your favorite office and on-the-go accessories. The retractable cable dock doubles as a cable stabilizer.
Our super-slim Light-Up Optical Mouse features a brightly colored body that can be laser engraved for permanent impression. Now your logo can be backlit by a bright white LED light.
Size: 1-3/8”W x 3”H Color: Silver Imprint Area: 3/4”W x 1”H Weight: 100 pcs / 19 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Colors: Black, Red, or Blue Imprint Area: 1-1/8”W x 5/8”H Weight: 100 pcs / 26 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY D-02
50 8.50
100 7.75
250 7.25
500(R) 6.99
QTY 50 D-35T 9.50
100 8.75
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for laser set-up charge.
250 8.25
500(R) 7.99 Visit us at
R-39 Headphones
For listening to your favorite beats or watching videos in comfort and privacy, nothing beats a classic set of headphones. The ear pieces extend and pivot to accommodate most head sizes and shapes. They also fold up for easy storage. Size: 6”W x 7”H x 2-3/8”D Color: White, Red, Blue, or Black Imprint Area: 1-1/2”W x 3/4”H Weight: 50 pcs / 21 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY R-39
100 8.50
250 7.75
500 7.25
1000(R) 6.99
R-37 Earbuds
R-41 FM Radio & Speaker Box
Discrete and comfortable, these colorful, quality earbuds come with extra silicone pads to color coordinate the buds or share music hygienically. They are perfect for laptop and tablet computers, MP3 players, and even cell phones.
Connect this speaker box to an iPhone, cell, mp3 player or even a computer with a USB or micro USB cable to enjoy a big sound. The battery recharges when plugged into a computer. You can also play music through the FM radio and micro-SD card reader. It comes with connector cables and a wrist strap.
Size: 2- 3/4”W x 2-3/4”H Color: Red, Black, White, or Blue Imprint Area: 2”H x 2”W Weight: 300 pcs / 21 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged R-37
Size: 2”W x 1-7/8”H x 1-7/8”D Color: Silver Imprint Area: 1-1/4”W x 1-1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 31 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
R-32 Radio with Flashlight & Phone Charger “No Batteries Included” because they aren’t needed. This eco-friendly radio/flashlight has a hand crank that powers the FM radio, LED torch lights, and alarm. Most importantly, recharge your phone to make emergency calls with the included female-USB charge cable. Size: 2-1/4”W x 7”H Color: Silver Imprint Area: 7/8”W x 3/4”H Weight: 50 pcs / 38 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed R-32
Micro-SD Card Reader
Female USB Adapter
QTY R-37
100 3.50
250 3.00
500 1000(R) 2.75 2.49
QTY 25 50 R-41 18.00 16.50
100 15.50
250(R) 14.99
QTY 25 50 R-32 18.00 16.50
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. Visit us at
100 15.50
250(R) 14.99
K-01T Penholder Clock
Illuminated by an LED back light, our compact and handy Digital Kitchen Timer can count down from 99 minutes and 59 seconds or less. The aluminum face plate and back magnet make this item perfect for the kitchen, home or office.
Detach the bottom of the tri-paneled Penholder Clock and open the panels to create a standing clock bordered by two 1-3/4” x 3” picture frames. The frames include plastic inserts that protect your photos. Pens not included. K-03T
Size: 2-3/4”W x 3-1/2”H Color: White Imprint Area: 1-1/2”W x 3/8”H Power Supply: 2x AAA Batteries (not included) Weight: 100 pcs / 20 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Size: 2-7/8”W x 4”H Colors: Black or Silver Imprint Area: 2”W x 1-1/4”H Power Supply: Cell batteries (included) Weight: 60 pcs / 24 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Tech Accessories
K-03T Digital Kitchen Timer
100 6.00
250 5.50
500 5.25
1000(R) 4.99
K-37 LCD Clock with Card Holder This clock is crafted with a hefty zinc alloy. The see-through LCD screen of this clock/cardholder displays the time, date, and temperature (F or C). The business card holder at the top makes this the perfect desktop accessory! Size: 5”W x 1-1/4”H Color: Silver Imprint Area: 1-3/4”W x 5/8”H Power Supply: Cell batteries (included) Weight: 50 pcs / 24 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
100 5.00
250 4.50
500 4.25
1000(R) 3.99
K-30 Clock with Business Card and Pen Holder This clock makes giving out short notes on business cards quick and easy. The LCD screen displays the time, date, day and temperature. The Delta Clock also features an alarm with snooze control. Pen not included. Size: 6-1/4”W x 2-1/8”H Color: Silver Imprint Area: 2-3/4”W x 1/2”H Power Supply: 2 x AAA batteries (not included) Weight: 40 pcs / 25 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Metal Digital Clock
QTY K-37
50 100 8.50 7.75
250 7.25
500(R) 6.99
QTY K-30
100 6.00
250 5.50
500 1000(R) 5.25 4.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. BATTERY & INSERTION: Add 30¢(V) per alkaline battery (‘AA’ or ‘AAA’) to be included in the box. Visit us at
K-38 Bendy the Clock Man
K-20 Picture Frame LCD Clock
Humanoid Clock and Card Holder
Our picture frame LCD clock features a large 4”x6” picture frame with a thick plastic cover to protect your photos. This alarm clock displays the time, date, temperature (F or C), and day of the week. Size: 7-3/4”W x 6-5/8”H Color: Silver Imprint Area: 4”W x 5/8”H Power Supply: 2 x AAA batteries (not included) Weight: 40 pcs / 31 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Bendy’s large feet make him strong enough to hold our heaviest brass pens. Use the plastic clip on the back of his head to hold memos and make him your favorite office helper. Pen not included. Size: 2-3/4”W x 4”H Colors: Blue, or Orange Imprint Area: 3/4”W x 5/8”H Power Supply: Cell batteries (included) Weight: 100 pcs / 22 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
ries p past ery u k c i P ak arlos B from C day Meeting es for Tu
QTY K-20
100 8.50
250 7.75
500 7.25
1000(R) 6.99
QTY K-38
K-43T World Travel Time Alarm Clock with LED Flashlight You’ll never ask what time it is in your newest city again. This amazing device features large buttons, intuitive controls and a twist knob with 18 cities. With a push of a button, the clock transforms into a handy flashlight. • • • • • • •
Dial covers time zones for 18 major, global cities Perpetual Calendar with year, month, date and day of the week Daily alarm and snooze Countdown timer Blue LED backlight 3-Bulb LED flashlight Wrist Strap
100 5.00
250 500 1000(R) 4.50 4.25 3.99
K-72 Rocker Alarm Clock Our nifty Rocker Alarm Clock displays the time, temperature (F or C), date, and features a musical alarm, all while staying in balance or rocking to and fro. Size: 3”W x 3-1/2”H Colors: Blue, Red, or White Imprint Area: 2”W x 3/4”H Power Supply: 2 x AAA batteries (not included) Weight: 60 pcs / 34 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed K-72
Size: 5-1/8”W x 1-1/2”H x 1-1/2”D Color: White Imprint Area: 2”W x 3/8”H Power Supply: 2 x AAA batteries (not included) Weight: 160 pcs / 53 lbs Packaging: Individually Gift Box
50 9.50
100 8.75
250 8.25
500(R) 7.99
QTY K-72
100 6.00
250 5.50
500 1000(R) 5.25 4.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. BATTERY & INSERTION: Add 30¢(V) per alkaline battery (‘AA’ or ‘AAA’) to be included in the box. Visit us at
Tech Accessories
K-76 Vivid Calculator Jotter K-76
This simulated leather jotter opens to reveal both a solar powered calculator and a handy note pad. Slip your favorite pen into the pen loop. Size: 4-1/2”W x 6-1/2”H x 5/8”D Colors: Lime, Blue, Black, Purple, or Red Imprint Area: 2-3/4”W x 3”H Weight: 100 pcs / 41 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY K-76
100 4.50
250 4.00
500 1000(R) 3.75 3.49
K-59 World Time Clock Calculator
K-63 12-Digit Full Color Calculator
K-65 Touch Screen Solar Calculator
Our easy-to-use and fun World Time Calculator includes a clock for 17 major cities, a calendar that runs through 2099, an alarm clock and timer.
Your logo or picture is printed on a four-color process insert paper then placed between the calculator and a clear plastic cover, creating a fully-personalized calculator with a protected logo.
Vibrant and innovative, the fun Touch Screen Solar Calculator will help clear up any office gloom. The transparent keypad give the numbers the illusion of floating over your desk.
Size: 4”W x 6”H Colors: Blue, or Black Imprint Area: 2”W x 3/8”H Power Supply: Cell batteries (included) Weight: 50 pcs / 24 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed K-59
Size: 4-1/2”W x 5-3/4”H Color: Clear Imprint Area: 4-1/2”W x 5-3/4”H (4-Color process print on paper insert) Power Supply: Cell batteries (included) Weight: 60 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Size: 3-1/2”W x 5-1/2”H Colors: Red, Black, or Blue Imprint Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Power Supply: Cell batteries (included) Weight: 100 pcs / 19 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed K-65
Price for K-63 includes 4-color process printing on insert, add $60(V) for setup charge.
QTY K-59
100 5.00
250 4.50
500 1000(R) 4.25 3.99
QTY K-63
100 6.50
250 5.75
500 5.25
1000(R) 4.99
QTY K-65
100 4.00
250 3.50
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. DEBOSSING: Price includes 1-position debossing, add $70 (V) for set-up charge. Visit us at
500 1000(R) 3.25 2.99
TL-53 Marshall LED Flashlight No bells or whistles, the bright LED light is efficiently powered by only one AA battery. The metal barrel allows for a nice, longstanding, laser engraved logo. This LED flashlight is simplicity and utility at its finest.
Size: 1”W x 4-1/8”H Colors: Blue, Red, or Black Power Supply: 1x AA Battery (not included) Laser Engraving: 1-3/4”W x 3/8”H Weight: 100 pcs / 38 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
100 5.00
250 4.50
500 1000(R) 4.25 3.99
TL-01 Metal 9-LED Flashlight With its easy-to-use button, this portable flashlight will come in handy on the road or at home. This metal, 9-LED flashlight is small enough to fit in your pocket and is built to last. Size: 1”W x 3”H Colors: Red, Black, Silver, or Blue Power Supply: 3 x AAA batteries (not included) Laser Engraving: 1-3/8”W X 3/8”H Weight: 100 pcs / 19 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Only needs 1x AA Battery (Not Included)
TL-27 Car Rechargeable LED Flashlight Built to charge in a standard cigarette lighter, this flashlight is quick and convenient for any car driver.
100 4.00
250 3.50
500 1000(R) 3.25 2.99
Equipped with a handy strap, convenient rubber on/off button, and 9 LED lights, this adorable Palm Flashlight proudly displays its gorgeous grooves and etched adornments. Size: 1”W x 3”H Colors: Black, Blue, or Red Laser Engraving: 1-3/8”W x 3/8”H Power Supply: 3 x AAA Batteries (not included) Weight: 100 pcs / 15 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Size: 1”W x 4”H Color: Silver Screen Print: 1”W x 1/2”H Weight: 256 pcs / 33 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
TL-45 9 LED Palm Flashlight
100 5.00
250 4.50
500 1000(R) 4.25 3.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for laser set-up charge.
100 3.00
250 2.75
500 2.25
1000(R) 1.99
Visit us at
TL-41 LED Night Light with Sensor
TL-51T Light-Up 6-Bit Screwdriver
“Batteries not included” because they aren’t needed. Charge the flashlight by turning its soft rubber handle and push the button to turn on the light. One 1-minute charge provides over 5 minutes of light.
Whether it’s darkness you’re scared of or just a stubbed toe, our plug-in LED Night Light is the answer. The Night Light automatically flows between various degrees of brightness in response to its surroundings.
Light up your work with the LED light at the tip of this screwdriver. Six interchangable bits are held in by strong magnets. Your logo is elegantly engraved on the barrel.
Size: 1-3/8”W x 5-3/4”H Colors: Silver, Blue or Red Screen Print: 1-1/2”W x 5/8”H Weight: 100 pcs / 35 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Size: 2-1/2”W x 4”H Color: White Screen Print: 1-1/4”W x 3/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 7 lbs Packing: Individually Boxed
Size: 5/8”W x 5”H Colors: Black, Charcoal, Red, or Blue Laser Engraving: 1-1/4”W x 1/4”H Power Supply: Cell Batteries (Included) Weight: 200 pcs / 20 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Tools & Travel
TL-49 Twist-Charging 3-LED Torch
Hold barrel and twist black rubber handle to charge
100 8.50
250 7.75
500 7.25
1000(R) 6.99
100 5.00
250 4.50
500 1000(R) 4.25 3.99
QTY 100 TL-51T 4.00
250 500 1000(R) 3.50 3.25 2.99
TL-76 LED Lantern/Flashlight TL-76
Switch from a focused flashlight to a glowing lantern with ease. It’s perfect for camping, late night events, slumber parties, and emergency power-outages. Size: 1-1/2”W x 4-1/4”H Colors: Blue, Black, or Red Screen Print: 1-1/4”W x 5/8”H Power Supply: 3x AAA Batteries (not included) Weight: 100 pcs / 20 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
100 5.00
250 4.50
500 1000(R) 4.25 3.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. BATTERY & INSERTION: Add 30¢(V) per alkaline battery (‘AA’ or ‘AAA’) to be included in the box.
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TL-18 Executive Tool Set Our 25-piece Executive Tool Set, complete with silver carrying case, is the ultimate home improvement go-to toolset. This versatile tool set offers a generous imprint area on the exterior to proudly highlight your logo.
Size: 7-3/4”W x 5-1/4”H Screen Area: 5”W x 3”H (Imprint on Case Only) Weight: 30 pcs / 45 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 50 100 250 500(R) TL-18 12.00 11.00 10.50 9.99
TL-16 Screwdriver Set
Loops around bucket seat headrest.
This 15-piece tool set is a handy helper around the house and office. It comes with ratchet, sockets, screwdriver bits and a convenient carrying case.
Size: 8”W x 2-1/2”H Screen Area: 4”W x 1-1/4”H (Imprint on Case Only) Weight: 50 pcs / 38 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY 100 TL-16 6.00
250 5.50
500 5.25
1000(R) 4.99
TL-21 Safety Hammer & Flashlight Handy in “murky” situations, this safety flashlight includes a seat-belt cutter, a window hammer, an LED flashlight, and an LED flashing beacon. The magnetic base allows the hammer to be firmly placed on top of a roof or trunk.
LED Flashlight
Flashing Becon
Size: 2-1/2”W x 7-1/2”H Color: Yellow Screen Area: 2”W x 1”H Power Supply: 2 x AA batteries (not included) Weight: 80 pcs / 36 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
50 9.50
100 8.75
250 500(R) 8.25 7.99
TL-32 Car Caddy With 2 small mesh pockets, 3 fabric pockets, and 1 large mesh pouch, the clever Car Caddy conveniently holds your maps, books, drinks, music players, and whatever else you can stuff into it. The head rest strap, drawstring, and Velcro tabs ensure that your Caddy stays secure.
Seat Belt Cutter
Window Hammer
Magnetic Base
Size: 16”W x 23”H Color: Black Screen Area: 4”W x 2”H Weight: 40 pcs / 38 lbs
QTY 50 TL-32 9.50
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. BATTERY & INSERTION: Add 30¢(V) per alkaline battery (‘AA’ or ‘AAA’) to be included in the box.
100 8.75
250 8.25
500(R) 7.99
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TL-71 Bottled Umbrella
The collapsible Universal Socket Adapter is compatible in 150 countries, easy to store, and lightweight. It’s essential for the world traveler.
Distinct and distinguished, our twist-open wine bottle umbrella boasts a lustrous, elegant look and helpful pop-off wrist strap. The canopy also features a safety-glide tab to prevent pinched fingers when opening and closing. To complete the authentic wine bottle look, apply a full color die-cut label.
Compatible countries include: United States, Germany, France, Austria, Belgium, England, Spain, Scotland, Japan, China, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and more. Size: 2”W x 2-3/4”H Color: White Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 5/8”H Weight: 100 pcs / 26 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Size of Bottle: 12-1/8”H x 2”W Canopy Size: 24-1/4”H x 38”W Colors: Black, Blue, or Burgundy Screen Area: 3”H x 2”W (On Bottle Only) Weight: 30 pcs / 28 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Connect bottle when using umbrella
100 6.00
250 5.50
500 5.25
1000(R) 4.99
TL-35 Digital Tire Gauge
50 9.50
100 8.75
250 8.25
500(R) 7.99
TL-75 7-IN-1 Three Way Ratchet Screwdriver Set
Reduce tire wear, extend tire life, and increase gas mileage by using our handy LCD backlit tire gauge. It measures up to 100 PSI or 6.9 BAR. Size: 2”W x 5-1/4”H Color: Silver Screen Area: 3/4”W x 3/4”H Power Supply: Cell batteries (included) Weight: 100 pcs / 21 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Tools & Travel
TL-28 Universal Socket Adapter
A true craftsman’s dream, this heavy duty racheting screwdriver comes with seven interchangeable bits conveniently stored in the handle. The adjustable head also tilts to allow you to adjust to get into the tightest of places. Imprint on the grip.
Size: 1-1/4”W x 7”H Color: Silver/Black Screen Area: 1-1/4”W x 5/16”H Weight: 50 pcs / 27 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Screwdriver Bits Include: Slotted: 4mm, 6mm Phillips: #1, #2, #3 Torx: T15, T20
GT-72 See Page 75
50 9.50
100 8.75
250 8.25
500(R) 7.99
QTY 50 100 250 500(R) TL-75 12.00 11.00 10.50 9.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. FOUR-COLOR PROCESS: For 4-color process die-cut label, please add $1.00(V) run charge, plus $60(V) for setup charge.
TL-07 Multi Function Pocket Tool
Our switch-style Pocket Tool comes with a bottle opener, knife, screwdriver, pliers, and an LED flashlight. Perfect for camping trips. Nylon pouch with Velcro clasp and belt loop included. Size: 4”W x 2”H x 1/2”D Colors: Blue, Red, or Brushed stainless Laser Engraving: 1”W X 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 22 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Nylon Pouch
100 6.00
250 5.50
500 1000(R) 5.25 4.99
TL-10 Foldable Utility Cutter
TL-11 Utility Knife
The classic box-cutter meets the classic switch blade design in our Foldable Utility Knife. The pull-out knife safely latches open and closed and features a handy belt clip. The laser engraved imprint adds impressiveness and longevity to your logo!
Ideal for roughing the great outdoors as well as personal collections, our heavy-duty Utility Knife features a 3” stainless steel blade, comfortable grip, and a handy belt clip.
Size: 5-1/2”W x 1”H x 5/8”D Colors: Red, Black, or Blue Laser Engraving: 1-1/4”W x 1/4 ”H Weight: 100 pcs / 25 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
TL-06 Multi-Function Pocket Knife Our pocket knife includes a knife, scissors, can opener, cork screw, Philips screwdriver, and nail file, all wrapped in stainless steel with rubber gripping. Size: 6”W x 3/4”H x 1/2”D Colors: Brushed Stainless, Blue, or Black Laser Engraving: 1-1/4”W X 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 21 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Size: 7”W x 1”H x 5/8”D Colors: Blue, Red, or Rosewood Laser Engraving: 1-1/2”W x 3/8”H Weight: 100 pcs / 28 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
TL-11 TL-06
Clip on Back
100 6.00
250 5.50
500 1000(R) 5.25 4.99
Clip on Back
QTY 50 TL-11 8.50
100 7.75
250 7.25
500(R) 6.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) for laser set-up charge.
100 4.00
250 3.50
500 1000(R) 3.25 2.99
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TL-72 Metal Card Case
HR-01 Digital Bathroom Scale
Get up to one hour of talking time on one AA battery with our handy Mobile Phone Charger. Unique in design and compact, this charger fits right in your pocket. Power cord adapters included.
This aluminum card case is the most secure place for all your credit cards, business cards, personal ID and paper bills. Six equally spaced accordion style slots make organizing a snap. This versatile card case also offers RFID protection for your cards.
When you are trying to count pounds, accuracy matters, and our Digital Bathroom Scale delivers. The Scale features a 6mm tempered safety glass, automatic zero resetting and an internal 60-second auto switch-off timer.
Size: 2-3/4”W x 3/4”H Colors: Black, Red, or Blue Laser Engraving: 1-1/4”W x 3/8”H Power Supply: 1 x AA battery (not included) Weight: 100 pcs / 27lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Size: 4-1/4”W x 2-3/4 ”H x 3/4”D Colors: Blue, Black, or Red Screen Area: 2 -1/2”W x 1”H Weight: 200 pcs / 36 lbs Packaging: Individually Poly Bagged
Size: 11-3/4”W x 11-3/4”H x 1”D Color: Silver Screen Area: 4”W x 3”H Power Supply: Cell batteries (included) Weight: 4 pcs / 23 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Tools & Travel
TL-23 Mobile Phone Charger
TL-72 TL-23
Micro USB
QTY 100 250 TL-23 5.00 4.50
500 1000(R) 4.25 3.99
QTY 100 TL-72 4.00
250 3.50
500 1000(R) 3.25 2.99
QTY 25 50 100 HR-01 25.00 22.50 21.00
250(R) 19.99
HR-08 Travel Picture Frame/Personal Scale Perfect for travel on planes, trains, boats, or RV’s, our Picture Frame/ Personal Scale combo features a 4” x 6” picture frame, alarm clock, retractable LCD panel, and scale that measures up to 330lbs. The 5mm tempered safety glass is strong enough to hold your weight, yet stylish enough to display any photo on any shelf. Size: 9”W x 5”H x 3/4”D Colors: Blue, Silver, or Red Screen Area: 4”W x 3/4”H Power Supply: Cell Battery (included) Weight: 20 pcs / 31 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Picture Frame
QTY 25 50 100 250(R) HR-08 18.00 16.50 15.50 14.99 SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. BATTERY & INSERTION: Add 30¢(V) per alkaline battery (‘AA’ or ‘AAA’) to be included in the box.
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HR-43 Waiter’s Friend
HR-39 Vino Vacuum Stopper
Corkscrew bottle opener
Opening a bottle of wine can make the occasion special, so why not have a special corkscrew to go with it? This deluxe model is easy and comfortable to use. The bright colors will accent any logo, which can be laser engraved for a permanent impression. Size: 4-7/8”W x 1”H x 1/2”D Colors: Red, Blue, or Black Laser Area: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Weight: 200 pcs / 40 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Keep your wine and your logo fresh with our promotional Vino Vacuum Stopper. The pump action vacuum stopper takes the air out of the bottle to keep your wine flavorful while the colorful top will add some flavor to your imprint! Size: 1” Diam x 3-1/2”L Colors: Blue, Black, or Red Laser Area: 5/8”W x 3/8”H Weight: 200 pcs / 21 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed HR-39
GT-29 See Page 75
QTY 100 HR-43 4.50
250 4.00
500 3.75
1000(R) 3.49
QTY 100 HR-39 4.00
HR-35 BBQ Set
250 3.50
500 3.25
1000(R) 2.99
HR-32 Swivel Cheese Board Set
6-Piece Stainless Steel Barbecue Tool Set
Ready to picnic or enjoy the outdoors? Our Cheese Board Set includes hard and soft cheese knives, cheese spatula, and serving fork packaged in a round durable hardwood swivel board that doubles as a cutting board and serving tray. The board is protected by a soft black zippered vinyl case with a large screen area on its pocket.
All the utensils you need to get the party started! This 6-piece barbecue set includes tongs, spatula, fork, knife, basting brush and apron. The apron folds easily and straps over your shoulder for easy carrying.
Size: 8”W x 8”H x 2”D Color: Natural Wood Screen Area: 5”W x 3”H (On case only) Weight: 12 pcs / 25 lbs
Color: Brushed stainless tools in black carrier/apron Screen Area: 5”W x 5”H (on apron) Weight: 20 pcs / 34 lbs Packaging: Bulk
Screen Area on Case HR-35
QTY 25 50 100 250(R) HR-35 18.00 16.50 15.50 14.99
QTY 25 50 100 250(R) HR-32 18.00 16.50 15.50 14.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) set-up charge.
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HR-30 Flask Gift Set
HR-23T Wine Tasting Set
Our classic metal butterfly wine opener set includes a bottle opener, foil cutter, a spare corkscrew, and a stylish stand that guarantees this set won’t just sit in the box.
Our Flask Gift Set includes an 8 ounce flask, two stainless steel, 1-ounce shot glasses, a funnel, and a box with large, optional screen area.
This set was designed for wine tasting parties. It includes a corkscrew, foil cutter, stopper and Fahrenheit thermometer to make sure the temperature is just right.
Size: 7”W x 6-1/2”H x 2”D Color: Brushed Stainless Screen Area: 2”W x 3”H Weight: 20 pcs / 22 lbs
Size: 9-1/2”W x 7-1/2”H x 2-1/2”D Color: Brushed Stainless Laser Areas: Location A (on handle): 1-1/4”W x 1/2”H Location B (on stand): 1”W x 1”H Weight: 12 sets / 22 lbs
Size: 6-3/4”W X 6-3/4”H x 1-1/4”D Corkscrew Colors: Black (pictured), Blue, or Red Imprint Area: Location A: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H (laser engraving on corkscrew) Location B: 4”W x 4”H (screen printing on box) Weight: 36 pcs / 27 lbs
Health & Recreation
HR-15 Butterfly Wine Opener
HR-23T HR-30
Location A: Imprint on Corkscrew
Price includes 1-color & 1-location screen printing on the flask.
Price includes 1-position imprint on the handle OR the stand.
Location B: Imprint on Gift Box
Location A: Handle
QTY 25 50 100 250(R) HR-15 18.00 16.50 15.50 14.99
QTY 50 100 250 500(R) HR-30 12.00 11.00 10.50 9.99
QTY 50 HR-23T 8.50
100 7.75
250 7.25
500(R) 6.99
Need more barware or wine products? Check out these elegant options below! FP-97
Page 25
Page 25
Page 25
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) set-up charge.
Page 33
Page 75
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HR-57 TSA-Friendly Travel Kit
Reduce the hassle of travel with this deluxe, high-quality 9-piece toiletry kit. It complies with TSA standards and includes 3 2-ounce bottles, 1 3-ounce bottle, a salve jar, eyedropper, a handy funnel, and a high quality bag. Size: 8”W x 6“H x 2-1/4”D Color: Black Trim Screen Area: 5”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 72 pcs / 21 lbs Packaging: Bulk
QTY 100 250 HR-57 6.50 5.75
500 5.25
1000(R) 4.99
HR-51 Sports Professional Kit HR-51
With a chest expander, 2 grippers, and jump rope inside your convenient Tough1 Cinch Bag (item #121), you’ll be able to carry your on-thego workout set everywhere you run. Color: Black w/ Gray Screen Area: 8-1/2”W x 8-1/2”H Weight: 20 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Bulk, Boxes of 20
QTY 25 50 100 250(R) HR-51 18.00 16.50 15.50 14.99
HR-53 Sports Executive Kit
This kit comes equipped with a jump rope, chest expander, 2 grippers, and two 2.2 lb dumbbells included in a convenient roll-up bag with convenient carry handle. Finally! Simple, no muss, no fuss workout equipment. Color: Black w/ Gray Screen Area: 9”W x 4”H Weight: 6 pcs / 40 lbs Packaging: Bulk, boxes of 6
QTY 25 50 100 250(R) HR-53 25.00 22.50 21.00 19.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. Visit us at
Black Carrying Case
B-55 Colorful Recycled Jotter w/ Stylus Pen
B-56 Colorful Recycled Notebook w/ Stylus Pen
This eco-friendly combo features 80 pages of ruled, recycled 5”x7” paper and a recycled paper barrel push-action ballpoint (BP-01). Practicality and eco-responsibility bound into one.
This recycled, 70 page flip jotter with ecofriendly stylus pen (BP-03) comes with a color coordinated elastic band to keep your notes secure.
Size: 5”W x 7”H Color: Beige Screen Area: 3”W x 3”H (on book only) Weight: 100 pcs / 39 lbs Packaging: Bulk, boxes of 100
Size: 3-1/2”W x 5-1/2”H Colors: Blue, Red, Black, or Green Screen Area: 2-1/2”W x 2-1/2”H (on book only) Weight: 100 pcs / 21 lbs Packaging: Bulk, boxes of 100
This 70 page, lined recycled note pad with stylus pen (BP-03) not only saves your thoughts but also the environment too! The generous imprint area and colorful accents will complement your logo well! Size: 5-1/2”W x 8”H Colors: Red, Blue, Green, or Black Screen Area: 3”W x 3”H (on book only) Weight: 100 pcs / 43 lbs Packaging: Bulk, boxes of 100
QTY B-53
100 4.00
250 3.50
500 1000(R) 3.25 2.99
QTY B-55
100 3.00
250 2.50
B-17 Executive Metal Pen Cup
500 1000(R) 2.25 1.99
B-53 5” x 7” Recycled Notebook w/ Pen
QTY B-56
100 3.50
250 3.00
500 2.75
1000(R) 2.49
Size: 2-1/2”L x 2-1/2”W x 3-3/8”H Colors: Black, Blue, or Red Imprint Area: 2-1/4”W x 3/8”H Weight: 40 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
B-18 Executive Metal Desk Clock
Size: 2-1/8”L x 5/8”W x 3-1/8”H Colors: Black, Blue, or Red Imprint Area: 2-1/4”W x 3/8”H Power Supply: Cell batteries (included) Weight: 50 pcs / 24 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
B-20 Executive Metal Card Holder Size: 3-5/8”L x 2”W x 7/8”H Colors: Black, Blue, or Red Imprint Area: 2-1/4”W x 3/8”H Weight: 50 pcs / 27 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY B-17 B-18 B-20
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) set-up charge.
50 9.50 10.50 6.00
100 8.75 9.75 5.50
250 500(R) 8.25 7.99 9.25 8.99 5.25 4.99
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B-35 Solar Calculator Ruler w/ Sticky Notes
This is a compact way to keep a ruler, a calculator, and a variety of sticky notes on your desk without any mess or fuss. The ruler measures in Metric and English. The top of the ruler flips up to reveal 10 stacks of sticky notes. Size: 8-1/4”W x 2-1/2”H x 5/8”D Color: Silver Screen Area: 1-3/4”W x 1-1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 36 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY B-35
100 4.50
250 4.00
500 1000(R) 3.75 3.49
B-29 Calculator Jotter w/ Sticky Notes
B-33 Paper Shredder
The convenient 3-panel memo holder includes a solar-powered calculator, memo pad, and 6 memo notes. Perfect for the busy note-takers in our lives.
Featuring forward and reverse shredding modes, our ergonomic handheld Paper Shredder shreds classified documents in a cinch.
Size: 3-1/2”W x 5”H x 3/4”D Color: Black Screen Area: 2”W x 3”H Weight: 100 pcs / 36 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Size: 10”W x 3”H Color: Black w/ Silver Screen Area: 1-1/2”W x 7/8”H Power Supply: USB power cord, or 4 x AA batteries (batteries not included) Weight: 24 pcs / 28 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
QTY B-29
100 5.00
250 4.40
500 1000(R) 4.25 3.99
B-25 Executive Memo Holder
For an executive look at a great price, this versatile memo holder comes equipped with a trio of 200-sheet sticky notes, a 200-sheet large sticky note pad, and a 2-year removable calendar. Size: 7”W x 3-1/4”H Color: Black Screen Area: 5”W x 2”H Weight: 50 pcs / 35 lbs Packaging: Bulk, boxes of 50
QTY B-25
100 4.50
250 4.00
500 1000(R) 3.75 3.49
QTY B-33
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. BATTERY & INSERTION: Add 30¢(V) per alkaline battery (‘AA’ or ‘AAA’) to be included in the box.
50 9.50
100 8.75
250 8.25
500(R) 7.99
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Key Chains
PK-05 LED Flashlight with Retractable Bottle Opener
Two classic key chain accessories have become one. With 3 LED lights and a rugged bottle opener, you can open bottles day or night without a problem. The retractable body is laser engraved for a permanent impression. Size: 2-7/8”L x 3/4”Diam. Colors: Green, Blue, Red, or Black Laser Area: 1”W x 1/4”H Power Supply: 3 Cell Batteries (Included) Weight: 250 pcs / 21 lbs Packaging: Egg Shell Packaging
QTY 100 PK-05 3.50
250 3.00
500 1000(R) 2.75 2.49
PK-03 Tire Gauge Key Chain
PK-01 Carabiner Flashlight
PK-02 Bottle Key
When taking the road less traveled, always bring the right tools. Hook it on the car key ring and keep your ride rolling smoothly by checking your tire pressure.
Five bright LED lights and a sturdy carabiner clip make this flashlight the perfect tool for any dim job. Even better, it comes in a variety of bright colors to give your logo a flashy canvas.
Handy, simple, and colorful, the bottle key belongs on every key chain. The top is laser engraved for a crisp and permanent impression.
Size: 3”W x 1/2”Diam. Colors: Black, Blue, Red, or Green Laser Engraving: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H Weight: 500 pcs / 15 lbs Packaging: Egg-Shell Packaging
Size: 2-1/2”W x 5/8”Diam. Colors: Red, Black, Blue, Charcoal, or Green Laser Engraving: 1-1/8” x 1/4”H Power Supply: 3 Cell Batteries (Included) Weight: 250 pcs / 17 lbs Packaging: Egg-Shell Packaging
QTY 250 PK-03 2.00
500 1.75
1000 1.60
Size: 2-1/4”W x 1/2”H Colors: Blue, Charcoal, Green, Black, or Red Laser Engraving: 1-1/4”W x 1/4”H Weight: 500 pcs / 16 lbs Packaging: Egg-Shell Packaging
2500(R) 1.49
QTY 100 PK-01 3.50
250 3.00
500 2.75
1000(R) 2.49
LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) set-up charge.
250 1.20
500 0.95
1000 0.80
2500(R) 0.69
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PK-30 Pewter Valet Key Chain
PK-25 Metal Key Chain
This high-quality Pewter Valet Key Chain separates into two key-chains with a twist and push, offering flexibility, safety, and convenience.
Carry your keys in style with this sleek and elegant key chain. The vibrantly colored surface is ideal for engraving your logo.
Size: 3-5/8”W x 1”H Colors: Black, or Silver Laser Area: 3/4”W x 3/4”H Weight: 200 pcs / 23 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
Size: 1”W x 2-3/8”H Colors: Blue, Red, or Black Laser Area: 5/8”W x 1/2”H Weight: 200 pcs / 23 lbs Packaging: Individually Boxed
GT-15 See Page 74
QTY 100 PK-30 4.00
250 3.50
500 1000(R) 3.25 2.99
QTY 100 PK-25 3.50
250 3.00
500 2.75
1000(R) 2.49
GT-10T See Page 74
PK-93 Duo-Light Key Chain
PK-81 Tag Key Chain with LED Light
Convert the Duo-Light Flashlight into the Duo-Light Lantern by simply pulling the head. This key chain offers two ways of lighting in a stylish metal casing with a single button and carabiner.
Like the LED light that shines for guidance, your logo will brighten your image when it’s imprinted on our luminous key chain.
Size: 2-3/4”W x 5/8”H Colors: Blue, Red, Nickel, or Black Laser Area: 1-1/4”W x 1/4”H Powder Supply: Cell batteries (included) Weight: 250 pcs / 20 lbs Packaging: Egg-Shell Packaging
100 250 3.00 2.50
500 2.25
1000(R) 1.99
Slide tip to reveal mini-lantern feature
Size: 2-3/8”W x 1”H Colors: Green, Black, Red, or Blue Screen Area: 1-3/8”W x 1/2”H Power Supply: Cell Batteries (Included) Weight: 500 pcs / 20 lbs Packaging: Egg-Shell Packaging
QTY 250 PK-81 1.35
500 1.15
1000 1.00
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. LASER ENGRAVING: Price includes 1-position laser engraving, add $40 (V) set-up charge.
2500(R) 0.89 Visit us at
Key Chains
PK-88 Hand Crank LED Flashlight Key Chain
PK-89 Translucent Crank LED Flashlight Key Chain
“Batteries not Included” because they aren’t needed. This amazing Crank LED light is fun to use and handy to have. Use the crank to charge it up and flip the switch to brighten up your life . Size: 1-1/4”W x 1-1/2”H x 1/2”D PK-88 Colors: Silver, Red, Black, or Blue PK-89 Colors: Translucent Blue, Clear, Orange, Purple, or Red Screen Area: 7/8”W x 5/8”H Weight: 250 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Egg-Shell Packaging
QTY 100 PK-88 4.00 PK-89 4.00
250 3.50 3.50
500 1000(R) 3.25 2.99 3.25 2.99
PK-97 Solarian 3-LED Solar Key Chain
PK-98 Stress-Relieving Snap Ball LED Key Chain
Small but mighty, this solar key chain flashlight is packed with 3 LED lights powered by natural sunlight and artificial lighting. The ergonomic click-button key chain with carabiner provides a punch of pizzazz.
Lighten up your surroundings and your mind with our LED light stress reliever key chain. The colored, spinning stress-relieving ball coupled with the white imprint area will ensure your logo gets noticed!
Size: 2”W x 1-3/8”H Colors: Silver, Blue, Burgundy, Black, Orange, or Lime Screen Area: 1”W x 1/2”H Weight: 250 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Egg-Shell Packaging
Size: 1-5/8”W x 3”H Colors: Red, Black, or Blue Screen Area: 1”W x 5/8”H Power Supply: Cell Batteries (Included) Weight: 250 pcs / 15 lbs Packaging: Egg-Shell Packaging
QTY 100 PK-97 3.50
250 3.00
500 2.75
1000(R) 2.49
QTY 250 PK-98 2.50
500 1000 2.00 1.75
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color & 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. Visit us at
2500(R) 1.49
GT-23 Pen & LED Flashlight Key Chain
• Metal ballpoint (AC-05) • LED flashlight key chain (PK-01) • Gift box with EVA tray Size: 6-1/4”W x 4”H x 3/4”D Colors: Green, Black, Blue, or Red Laser Area: AC-05: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H PK-01: 1-1/8”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 sets / 27 lbs
QTY 100 GT-23 6.00
250 5.50
500 1000(R) 5.25 4.99
GT-10T Pen & Metal Key Chain
GT-05 Pen & Key Light
GT-15 Pen & Valet Key Chain
• Metal ballpoint (MK-05) • Metal key chain (PK-25) • Gift box with EVA tray
• Metal ballpoint (RT-31) • LED light-up key chain (PK-81) • Gift box with EVA tray
• Metal ballpoint (DS-81) • Valet key chain (PK-30) • Gift box with EVA tray
Size: 6-1/4”W x 4”H x 3/4”D Colors: Red, Black, or Blue Laser Area: MK-01: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H PK-25: 5/8”W x 5/8”H Weight: 100 sets / 29 lbs
Size: 6-1/4”W x 4”H x 3/4”D Colors: Blue, Red, or Black Screen Area: RT-31: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H PK-81: 1-3/8”W x 1/2”H Weight: 100 sets / 27 lbs
Size: 6-1/4”W x 4”H x 3/4”D Colors: Black, or Silver Laser Area: DS-81: 1-1/2W x 1/4”H PK-30: 5/8”W x 5/8”H Weight: 100 sets / 30 lbs
QTY 100 GT-10T 6.00
250 5.50
500 1000(R) 5.25 4.99
QTY 100 GT-05 5.00
250 4.50
500 1000(R) 4.25 3.99
QTY 50 GT-15 9.50
100 8.75
250 8.25
500(R) 7.99
* Price includes 1-color and 1-position imprint on pen and key chain, but not on the gift box. *Setup Charge: $40 (V) per color/position on each individual item. *Add $40 (V) for setup charge and $0.50 (V) running charge per piece if imprint on box is required. Visit us at
• LED Screwdriver (TL-51T) • Foldable Utility Cutter (TL-10) • Gift box with foam tray
Gift Sets
GT-24 LED Screwdriver & Utility Cutter
Size: 6-1/4”W x 4”H x 1”D Colors: Black, Blue, or Red Laser Area: TL-51T: 1-1/4”W x 1/4”H TL-10: 1-1/4”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 sets / 45 lbs
QTY 50 100 GT-24 10.50 9.75
250 1000(R) 9.25 8.99
GT-72 Flashlight, Tire Gauge, & Pen Set
GT-25 Stylus Pen & LED Flashlight/Bottle Opener Set
GT-29 Wine Opener & Vacuum Stopper Set
• Digital Tire Gauge (TL-35) • Car Rechargeable LED Flashlight (TL-27) • Brass Ballpoint Pen (LM-81) • Gift box with foam tray
• Stylus Ballpoint (BP-06C) • LED Flashlight w/Retractable Bottle Opener (PK-05) • Gift box with EVA tray
•Waiter’s Friend Wine Opener(HR-43) • Reuseable Pump-Action Wine Vacuum Stopper (HR-39) • Gift box with foam tray
Size: 5-1/2”W x 7-1/2”H x 1-1/2”D Color: Silver Screen Area: TL-35 (Tire Gauge): 3/4”W x 3/4”H TL-27 (Flashlight): 1”W x 1/2”H LM-81 (Pen): Screen Printing: 1-1/4”W x 1/2”H Laser Engraving: 1-1/4”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 42lbs
Size: 6-1/4”W x 4”H x 3/4”D Colors: Red, Black, or Blue Imprint Area: BP-06C/Screen: 1-”W x 1/4”H PK-05/engraving: 1”W x 1/4”H Weight: 100 sets / 25 lbs
Size: 6-1/4”W x 4”H x 1”D Colors: Blue, Black, or Red Laser Area: HR-43: 1-1/2”W x 1/4”H HR-39: 5/8”W x 3/8”H Weight: 100 sets / 45 lbs
QTY 25 50 100 250(R) GT-72 18.00 16.50 15.50 14.99
QTY 100 GT-25 6.00
250 5.50
500 1000(R) 5.25 4.99
QTY 50 GT-29 9.50
100 8.75
250 8.25
500(R) 7.99
*Price includes 1-position and 1-color or laser imprint on pen, tool, flashlight and wine accessory, but not on the gift box. Setup Charge: $40 (V) per color/ position or laser/position. *Add $40 (V) for setup charge and $0.50 (V) running charge per piece, if imprint is required on the box.
GT-81 Case for iPhone 5 & Stylus
• Simulated leather case for the iPhone 5 (SJ-25) • Color Coordinated Stylus Pen (IP-86) • Gift Box with EVA tray Size: 6-1/4”W x 4”H x 3/4”D Colors: Red, Black, Lt Blue w/ Blue, Purple w/ White, or Orange Screen Area: SJ-25: 1-1/2 ”W x 1-1/2”H IP-86: 1-1/4”W x 3/16”H Weight: 100 sets / 30 lbs
QTY 50 GT-81 9.50
100 8.75
250 8.25
500(R) 7.99
GT-83 Retractable Charge Cable & Mobile Power Bank
• Retractable Charge Cable (SJ-15T) • Mobile Power Bank (SJ-71) (Adapters included in box, beneath the tray.) • Gift Box with EVA tray Size: 6-1/4”W x 4”H x 3/4”D Color: Blue, Red, or Black Screen Area: SJ-15T: 3/4”W x 3/4”H SJ-71: 2”W x 3/8”H Weight: 100 sets / 42 lbs
Included Adapters:
Micro USB
iPhone 4
iPhone 5
QTY 25 50 100 250(R) GT-83 30.00 27.50 26.00 24.99
PK-050 Poker Set w/ 50 chips Aluminum case with clear top
Perfect for company tournaments, purchaseincentive gifts, or just old-fashioned fun. Size: 8-1/4”W x 5”H x 2-1/2”D Screen Area: 4”W x 3”H Weight: 10 sets / 30 lbs
Each set includes: • Heavy-duty aluminum case • Professional design 11.5 grams poker chips, 40mm x 3mm • 1 or 2 decks of casino playing cards • 3 or 5 jumbo size red transparent dice • 1 Texas Hold’Em dealer button (Not available in PK-050)
PK-100 Poker Set w/ 100 chips Aluminum case
Size: 8-1/4”W x 8-1/4”H x 3”D Screen Area: 4”W x 3”H Weight: 6 sets / 31 lbs
QTY 25 50 100 PK-050 18.00 16.50 15.50 PK-100 30.00 27.50 26.00
250(R) 14.99 24.99
• Price includes 1-color and 1-position imprint on SJ-25/IP-86, SJ-15T/SJ-71, but not on the gift box. • Price for PK-050/PK-100 includes 1-color, 1-position imprint on case only. • Setup Charge: $40(V) per color/position on each individual item.
Gift Sets
GT-51 Stainless Steel Thermos & Tumbler Gift Set
• Double-wall stainless steel tumbler, 16 oz. (KM-03) • Double-wall stainless steel thermos, 16.5 oz. (HB-51) • White gift box Colors: Brushed Stainless, Red, or Blue Screen Area: HB-51: 2-1/2”W x 2-1/2”H KM-03: 2-1/2”W x 1-1/2”H Weight: 15 sets / 33 lbs
QTY 50 100 250 500(R) GT-51 16.00 14.50 13.50 12.99 GT-55
GT-55 Cocktail Shaker & Tumblers Gift Set • Double-wall cocktail shaker, 16 oz. (ST-37) • 2 pcs. double-wall cocktail tumblers, 7 oz. (ST-08) • White gift box Colors: Translucent Blue, Solid Black, or Translucent Red Screen Area: ST-37: 2-1/2”W x 2-1/2”H ST-08: 2-1/2”W x 1-1/2”H Weight: 15 sets / 28 lbs
QTY 30 60 GT-55 18.00 16.50
GT-53 Stainless Steel Thermos & Mugs Gift Set
100 15.50
250(R) 14.99
• 2 pcs double-wall stainless steel mug, 9 oz. (KM-08) • Double-wall stainless steel thermos, 16.5 oz. (HB-51) • White gift box Colors: Matte Black , Red, Blue, or Brushed Stainless Screen Area: HB-51: 2-1/2”W x 2-1/2”H KM-08: 2”W x 1-1/2”H Weight: 15 sets / 30 lbs
QTY 30 60 100 GT-53 18.00 16.50 15.50
250(R) 14.99
• Price includes 1-color and 1-position imprint on mug, tumbler, thermos, cup, or cocktail shaker, but not on gift box. • Setup Charge: $40(V) per color/position on each individual item. • Please add 50¢(V) per piece running charge plus another$40(V) for setup, if second color or second position imprint is required.
131 Neon Storm
Cinch Bag
Show off your true colors! This cinch sack has an easy-access front zippered accessory pocket and durable metal corner eyelets offer reinforced strap support. Made of 210D Nylon w/ DWR coating. Size: 18”H x 14-1/2”W Colors: Black, Royal, Lime, Orange, Purple, or Red Imprint Area: 9”W x 8”H Weight: 100 pcs /16 lbs
QTY 131
100 2.70
250 2.40
500 1000(R) 2.20 2.10
123 CrossFit Cinch Bag
This sack keeps your back cool on hot days with a breathable back panel offers comfortable allday wearing. The front zipper pocket gives easy access to accessories. Made of Lattice & 420D Nylon w/ PVC backing and DWR coating. Size: 17”H x 13-1/2”W Colors: Black, or Royal Imprint Area: 8”W x 4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 30 lbs
Mesh Back Panel
QTY 123
100 3.10
250 2.80
500 1000(R) 2.60 2.50
125 VeBo Cinch Bag Sometimes you need something light and the Vebo is just that. A breathable 6” mesh panel offers ventilation as well as a trendy look. Metal eyelets reinforce the corners. Made of 600D Polyester front panel 420D Nylon back panel w/ PVC backing and DWR coating. Size: 17”H x 14”W Colors: Black, Green, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 8”W x 6”H Weight: 100 pcs / 30 lbs
QTY 125
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
100 3.10
250 2.80
500 1000(R) 2.60 2.50
Visit us at
Cinch Bag
Cinch Bags
135 Pepper 135
The high contrast design makes this sack stand out from the pack. The large front Velcro-secured mesh pocket adds versatility. Made of 210D Nylon w/ DWR coating. (Pen not included) Size: 17”H x 13-1/2”W Colors: Black, Blue, Lime, or Red Imprint Area: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 100 pcs / 13 lbs
QTY 135
100 2.70
250 2.40
500 1000(R) 2.20 2.10
137 Arbor Cinch Bag
The graceful curves of this bag make it an instant favorite. Two side pockets are perfect for accessories. Metal eyelets reinforce the bottom corners. Made of 210D Nylon w/ DWR coating. (Pen not included) Size: 17”H x 14”W Colors: Blue, Purple, or Red Imprint Area: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 100 pcs / 14 lbs
QTY 137
122 Edge
100 2.70
250 2.40
500 1000(R) 2.20 2.10
Cinch Bag Frame your logo with the cool gray border to give your logo an updated look. This bag also features a zippered pocket and an elastic mesh pocket. Made of 210D Nylon w/ DWR Coating. Size: 17”H x 13-1/2”W Colors: Black, Royal, Lime, Orange, or Red Imprint Area: 7”W x 5”H Weight: 100 pcs / 21 lbs
QTY 122
100 3.10
250 2.80
500 2.60
1000(R) 2.50
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
Visit us at
129 Tour du X Cinch Bag 129
Streamlined for life in the fast lane, this cinch bag has a large easy-access drawstring pocket design and ventilated vertical mesh panels. Metal corner eyelets offer reinforced strap support. Made of 600D Polyester w/ DWR coating. Size: 17”H x 14”W Colors: Black, Royal, or Red Imprint Area: 5”W x 4”H Weight: 100 pcs / 30 lbs
QTY 129
100 3.55
250 3.25
500 1000(R) 3.05 2.95
128 Dura-Smart Cinch Bag
Durable and dependable, this bag will make it through your next adventure. Easy-access ventilated mesh zipper pocket and the drawstring closure design are simple and functional. The sturdy metal corner eyelets offer reinforced strap support. Made of 420D Nylon / 600D water proof Polyester w/PVC backing and DWR coating. Size: 17”H x 13-1/2”W Colors: Black, Navy, or Royal Imprint Area: 8”W x 5”H Weight: 100 pcs / 32 lbs
QTY 128
100 3.55
250 3.25
500 3.05
1000(R) 2.95
121 Tough1
Heavy-Duty Cinch Bag 121
Hard work demands tough material, and the Tough 1 is ready to go the extra mile. The reinforced gray bottom panel prevents holes in rough working environments. The large drawstring pocket boasts 2” gussets for extra storage capacity. Made of 420D Nylon w/ DWR coating and 1680D Nylon for the bottom. Size: 18”H x 13”W Colors: Black, Green, Lime, Navy, Orange, Pink, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 8”W x 6”H Weight: 60 pcs / 22 lbs
QTY 121
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
100 3.55
250 3.25
500 1000(R) 3.05 2.95
Visit us at
Cinch Bag
Cinch Bags
141 Aero 141
Glide through your next adventure in style with this comfort-wear cinch pack. Featuring reflective silver pipings, mesh water bottle holster and zippered accessory pocket, Aero keeps your things secure. Made of 420D Nylon w/PVC backing and DWR coating. Size: 17”H x 15”W Colors: Black, Royal, Lime, Orange, or Red Imprint Area: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 60 pcs / 25 lbs
QTY 141
100 4.20
250 3.90
500 1000(R) 3.70 3.60
161 Urban Chic Deluxe Cinch Bag
This is what you get when the reliable cinch bag meets the urban music beat. The hidden music player pocket and headset keyhole are perfect for trendy tunes on the go. With the padded mesh back panel and leather-like corner accents, this bag unifies fashion and function. Made of 600D RipStop Polyester w/ DWR coating. Size: 17”H x 14”W Colors: Black/Black, Black/Royal, or Black/Red Imprint Area: 3-1/2”W x 4”H Weight: 60 pcs / 25 lbs
QTY 161
100 4.98
250 4.68
500 4.48
1000(R) 4.38
151 Taza Cinch Bag
The reflective silver bars update the classic design and increase visibility. Water-resistant fabric protects your belongings from spills and puddles. Made of 420D Crinkled Nylon w/ DWR coating. Size: 17-1/2”H x 14-1/2”W Colors: Black, Navy, Orange, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 8”W x 4-1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 25 lbs
QTY 151
100 5.10
250 4.80
500 4.60
1000(R) 4.50
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
Visit us at
2417 Bristol Sling Bag
Sometimes, two shoulder straps are too many. This light and versatile sling bag features a roomy interior compartment and a water bottle holster on the side. Made of 600D Polyester with non-woven accents. Size: 17”H x 13”W x 4”D Colors: Black, Gray, Lime, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 6”W x7”H Weight: 50 pcs / 16 lbs
QTY 2417
100 4.60
250 4.10
500 3.85
1000(R) 3.60
2419 Ballista 2419
Sling Bag Catapult your logo’s influence with this trendy sling bag. The Ballista’s large main compartment and exterior pockets offer plenty of room for accessories without infringing on the large Imprint Area. Made of 600D Polyester. Size: 17”H x 12”W x 5”D Colors: Orange, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 6”W x 5”H Weight: 50 pcs / 22 lbs
QTY 2419
100 4.98
250 500 4.50 4.25
1000(R) 3.98
2413 Cardiff Sling Bag
With more pockets and a headset keyhole, this bag is perfect for life on the go. The back panel and shoulder strap are padded for extra comfort. The stylish colors and white piping are sure to turn heads and the front pocket boasts a large Imprint Area. Made of 600D Polyester with non-woven accents. Size: 17”H x 12”W x 5”D Colors: Lime, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 6”W x 6”H Weight: 50 pcs / 16 lbs
QTY 2413
100 5.98
250 5.50
500 1000(R) 5.25 4.98
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
Visit us at
Sling Bag 2415
This sling bag features two large pockets, a cell phone holster on the strap, and a water bottle holster on the side. The snap-secured rain guard over the top pocket helps deflect moisture from your gear. Padding on the back and strap ensure a comfortable fit. Made of 600D Polyester with RipStop Nylon accents.
Sling Bags
2415 Hawthorne
Size: 18”H x 11”W x 7”D Colors: Black, Lime, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 7”W x 5”H Weight: 25 pcs / 15 lbs
QTY 2415
100 7.25
250 6.75
500 1000(R) 6.50 6.25
2410 Exeter Sling Bag
The slim hourglass panel is the secret to this bag’s large capacity. With a padded back panel, a large mesh pocket for water bottles or note pads, this bag is perfect for a trip to the gym or a day in the wild. Made of 600D Polyester.
Size: 17”H x 11”W x 6”D Colors: Royal, Lime, or Red Imprint Area 3”W x 5”H Weight: 25 pcs / 11 lbs
QTY 2410
100 5.98
250 5.50
500 1000(R) 5.25 4.98
2430 Torbay 2430
Location A
Sling Bag
The bag is styled similar to a conventional backpack but balanced for a one-shoulder design, with padding on the back and strap. The bag also features a headset keyhole, so you never have to stop the music. The zipper pocket on the front and mesh pocket on the side keep your accessories close at hand. Made of 600D Polyester. Size: 16”H x 12”W x 4”D Colors: Lime, Purple, or Royal Imprint Area: A: 4”W x 5”H B: 7”W x 5”H Weight: 25 pcs / 15 lbs
Location B
QTY 2430
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
100 5.98
250 5.50
500 5.25
1000(R) 4.98
Visit us at
2311 CurvePipe
2377 Verve
The aerodynamic styling and wide bottom design provide a spacious main compartment. It features additional padding on back and strap to ensure comfort. A hidden music player pocket with a headset keyhole makes this a tunefriendly bag. The side elastic mesh pocket is perfect for a water bottle or cell. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining.
The Verve boasts a hidden music player pocket with headset keyhole for listening to tunes on the go. The sidecinch straps adjust for security and extra bag capacity. There is even a comfort grip top-carry handle when you n e e d to gra b a n d d a s h . Made of 600D RipStop Polyester w/ fabric lining.
Sling Bag
Sling Bag
Size: 19”H x 14”W x 5”D Colors: Black, or Royal Imprint Area: 4”W x 6”H Weight: 20 pcs / 20 lbs
Size: 16”H x 10”W x 6”D Colors: Black, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 3-1/2”W x 4-1/2”H Weight: 30 pcs / 23 lbs
QTY 2311
100 7.25
250 6.75
500 1000(R) 6.50 6.25
QTY 2377
100 9.50
250 9.00
500 8.75
1000(R) 8.50
1326 Bi-Line
1322 Angle Line
With a large, classic black canvas for your logo and exceptional durability, this bag makes a long-term impression. It features a draw-string main pocket, a front 11” zippered pocket and two elastic mesh pockets. Two 1” backpack straps make for comfortable shoulders. Made of 420D Nylon w/ PVC backing and DWR coating.
With extra pockets and two top carrying straps, this bag is perfect for almost any job. The cinch main pocket and two 1-1/2” backpack straps make it simple and comfortable. Made of 420D Nylon & 600D Polyester w/ PVC backing and DWR coating.
Drawstring Backpack
Drawstring Backpack
Size: 17”H x 13”W x 5”D Colors: Black, or Royal Imprint Area: 6”W x 6”H Weight: 50 pcs / 27 lbs
Size: 17”H x 13”W x 5”D Colors: Blue, or Red Imprint Area: 8”W x 6”H Weight: 50 pcs / 38 lbs 1322
QTY 1326
100 7.45
250 6.95
500 6.70
1000(R) 6.45
QTY 1322
100 8.75
250 8.25
500 1000(R) 8.00 7.75
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
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Backpack This design is a tried-and-true classic. The roomy accessory pocket in the front and double mesh pockets on the sides offer plenty of room for the little things. With a spacious main pocket and comfortable padded straps, this bag is ready for anything. Made of 600D Polyester.
3091 Terrapin 3091
Size: 16”H x 11-1/2”W x 4-1/2”D Colors: Lime, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 6”W x 4”H Weight: 25 pcs / 17 lbs
QTY 3091
100 6.25
250 5.75
500 5.50
1000(R) 5.25
3093 Callagur Backpack
A timeless classic, this custom backpack features a front zipper pocket with two convenient side mesh pockets. The padded, adjustable shoulder straps combined with the large main pocket will ensure that you can carry your essentials comfortably. Made of 600D Polyester. Size: 16”H x 11-1/2”W x 4-1/2”D Colors: Black, Green, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 6”W x 4”H Weight: 25 pcs / 17 lbs
QTY 3093
100 6.25
250 5.75
500 1000(R) 5.50 5.25
3021 Scooter Backpack
Attractive and versatile, this backpack is highlighted by its large front and main compartments. The side mesh pocket allows for easy access to a water bottle and the padded straps are adjustable to accommodate a variety of users. Made of 600D Polyester. Size: 16-1/2”H x 12”W x 6-1/2”D Colors: Black, Lime, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 6”W x 3”H Weight: 25 pcs / 16 lbs
QTY 3021 SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
100 7.48
250 6.98
500 6.73
1000(R) 6.48
Visit us at
3000 Mako
Transparent PVC Backpack
This transparent plastic backpack is specially designed for quick inspection of your belongings at sporting events, concerts and other occasions. As stylish as it is functional, this clear backpack features a large main compartment, a front zipper pocket and padded straps for comfort. Made of PVC. Size: 15”H x 12”W x 4”D Color: Clear Imprint Area: 6”W x 4”H Weight: 50 pcs / 26 lbs
QTY 3000
100 7.28
250 6.78
500 6.53
1000(R) 6.28
3213 Rigger Backpack
The elastic cord on the front can secure almost anything in a hurry. The spacious main compartment and handy pockets keep everything secure while you are on the go. The padded straps and back panel ensure comfort. Made of 600D Polyester. Size: 16-1/2”H x 11-1/2”W x 6”D Colors: Black, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 5”W x 3”H Weight: 25 pcs / 18 lbs
QTY 3213
100 7.50
250 7.00
500 1000(R) 6.75 6.50 3013
3013 Trenton Backpack
This traditional style backpack is as elegant as it is functional. It features a large hidden front vertical pocket and main pocket with bungee cord pulls. The padded back and shoulder straps also add to the comfort and convenience. Made of 600D Polyester. Size: 17”H x 11”W x 5-1/2”D Colors: Black, or Navy Imprint Area: 4”W x10”H Weight: 25 pcs / 21 lbs
QTY 3013
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
100 250 7.80 7.30
500 1000(R) 7.05 6.80
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3211 Crossbar 3211
The Crossbar boasts utility and style with the unique combination of stripes and pockets. The adjustable straps and back panel are padded for comfort. Made of 600D Polyester. Size: 16-1/2”H 12-1/2”W x x 6”D Colors: Black, Red or, Royal Imprint Area: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 25 pcs /21 lbs
QTY 3211
100 8.38
250 7.88
500 7.63
1000(R) 7.38
3017 Carson Backpack 3017
With three zipper pockets and two side mesh pockets, this custom backpack offers plenty of storage. The padded back and shoulder straps make carrying your belongings comfortable. The top Imprint Area will make the logo stand out in a crowd. Made of 600D polyester. Size: 17“H x 12”W x 5-1/2”D Colors: Black, Gray, or Royal Imprint Area: A: 5”W x 5”H B: 5”W x 3”H Weight: 25 pcs / 21 lbs
Location A
QTY 3017
Location B
100 8.38
250 7.88
500 7.63
1000(R) 7.38
3025 Herrick Backpack
Traditional meets functional with our Herrick backpack. The two exterior zip pockets keep you organized, while the sizable, main compartment offers ample space for larger items. The padded back and adjustable shoulder straps add to the convenience and comfort of this backpack. Made of 600D polyester. Size: 17”H x 11-1/2”W x 6”D Colors: Black, or Royal Imprint Area: A: 6”W x 4”H B: 3”W x 3”H Weight: 40 pcs / 29 lbs
Location B
QTY 3025
100 8.38
250 7.88
500 7.63
1000(R) 7.38
Location A
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
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3023 Kelly Backpack
The ample storage and numerous exterior zipper and mesh pockets of this backpack will keep you organized when you’re on-thego! This backpack is not only cleverishly stylish, but also just as comfortable with its padded back and adjustable shoulder straps. Made of 600D Polyester. Size: 17”H x 12”W x 5”D Colors: Black, or Navy Imprint Area: A: 6”W x 4”H B: 4”W x 2”H Weight: 25 pcs / 24 lbs
Location B
QTY 3023
100 250 8.38 7.88
500 7.63
1000(R) 7.38
Location A
3037 Rustler Backpack 3037
Rugged, versatile and head-turning, this backpack is sure to grab attention to your logo. With a large main compartment, a sizable front zipper pocket and two side mesh pockets, this backpack will help you organize your belongings. The stylish and functional bungee cord allows you to secure items to the back of your backpack. It also features a padded back and adjustable shoulder straps for maximum comfort. Made of 600D Polyester. Size: 16”H x 12-1/2”W x 6”D Colors: Black, Lime, or Royal Imprint Area: 6”W x 3”H Weight: 40 pcs / 31 lbs
QTY 3037
100 8.38
250 7.88
500 1000(R) 7.63 7.38
3027 Dover Backpack
Organized, stylish and comfortable is what you’ll be with this high quality backpack. It features 3 exterior pockets to complement its large main compartment. You’ll also love the padded back and padded adjustable shoulder straps too! Made of 600D Polyester.
Size: 17-1/2”H x 12”W x 6”D Colors: Black, Khaki, or Royal Imprint Area: 5”W x 3-3/4”H Weight: 25 pcs / 21 lbs
QTY 3027
100 250 8.38 7.88
500 7.63
1000(R) 7.38
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
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3015 Brogue Backpack
With a large main compartment and a sizeable front pocket, this backpack features a large Imprint Area to make your logo stand out in a crowd. The padded back and adjustable shoulder straps make carrying this custom commuter backpack a breeze. This backpack also features two side mesh pockets for easy access to water bottles and accessories. Made of 600D Polyester.
Size: 17”H x 12”W x 6”D Colors: Black, or Red Imprint Area: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 25 pcs / 21 lbs
QTY 3015
100 8.88
250 8.38
500 1000(R) 8.13 7.88
3012 Tremelo Backpack
Music and style go hand-in hand with this sporty backpack. The headset cord keyhole lets you listen to music while the player stays protected inside a hidden pocket in the bag. It boasts a large imprint space on the front pocket and mesh pockets on the sides. Padded straps back panel ensure a comfortable fit. Made 600D Polyester.
Size: 18”H x 12-1/2”W x 5”D Colors: Black, Light Gray, Lime, or Royal Imprint Area: 6”W x 6”H Weight: 25 pcs / 20 lbs
QTY 3012
100 8.88
250 8.38
500 1000(R) 8.13 7.88
3035 Dorsey Backpack
Smart and attractive – the new Dorsey backpack offers a large interior main compartment with ample storage space. The large front zipper pocket will highlight your logo with its generous Imprint Area. It features a leatherette panel providing a smooth surface just for that intricate artwork. The two side mesh pockets and the adjustable padded shoulder straps contribute to the convenience while the padded back adds to the comfort. Made of 600D Polyester.
Location A
Size: 17”H x 12”W x 6”D Colors: Gray, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: A: 3-1/2”W x 6”H B: 3”W x 2”H Weight: 25 pcs / 22 lbs
QTY 3035
100 9.99
250 9.50
500 9.25
1000(R) 8.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
Location B Visit us at
3078 Oracle Backpack 3078
The Oracle features a hidden music player pocket with headset keyhole. Two main compartments with inside pockets offer easy organization. The foam padded straps and back panel keep your shoulders comfortable. The side cinch straps adjust to offer versatile bag capacity. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining 1680D Polyester bottom. Size: 19”H x 11”W x 7”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 5”W x 7”H Weight: 20 pcs / 22 lbs
QTY 3078
3032 High Trail
100 250 500 1000(R) 12.88 12.38 12.13 11.88
Backpack Lots of zippered pockets secure your gear for the long haul. The compression straps adjust the bag’s capacity to keep things from shifting. The dual mesh water bottle holsters and foam padded shoulder straps with sternum buckle make this perfect for any trail. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining. Embroidery is not available Size: 17”H x 13”W x 7”D Colors: Black, Royal, Yellow Imprint Area: 5”W x 3-1/2”H Weight: 20 pcs / 27 lbs
QTY 3032
100 250 500 1000(R) 12.98 12.50 12.25 11.98 3028
Backpack 3028
The colorful accents on our Discovery backpack add style to this highly functional backpack. With two front zip pockets to complement the large main zipper compartment, this backpack will keep your belongings well organized. The padded back and top handle along with mesh adjustable shoulder straps add comfort. This bag also features an internal MP3 holder with headphone port. Made of 600D Polyester. Size: 17-1/2”H x 12-1/2”W x 6-1/2”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 25 pcs / 30 lbs
QTY 3028
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
100 250 500 1000(R) 14.98 14.47 14.23 13.98 Visit us at
Backpack 3053
Keep cool with the breathable air mesh padded panel on the back. Enjoy excellent organization with two easy-access front zipper pockets, tri-compartment design, and two side mesh elastic pockets. Made of 1680D Polyester w/ fabric lining.
Location B
Size: 18-1/2”H x 13”W x 6”D Colors: Black, or Slate-Blue Imprint Area: A: 4”W x 4”H B: 3”W x 2”H Weight: 20 pcs / 36 lbs
QTY 3053
3053 All-1
Location A
100 250 500 1000(R) 18.25 17.75 17.50 17.25
3051 Hiker 3051
Backpack This durable backpack can go wherever you go. A roomy main storage compartment, side mesh pockets, two easy-access front zippered pockets and separate interior organizer compartments keep your accessories secure. The textured grip handle and metal hardware offer added comfort. Made of 1680D Polyester w/ fabric lining. Size: 18-1/2”H x 12”W x 6”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 20 pcs / 34 lbs
QTY 3051
100 250 500 1000(R) 18.25 17.75 17.50 17.25
3052 Classic(+) Backpack
The classic design got an upgrade. The backpack boasts a large Imprint Area on front panel and a roomy main storage compartment. This bag has two mesh water bottle holsters and a bottom footwear pocket. The nylon material fends off moisture and keeps your gear dry. Made of 600D Nylon w/ fabric lining. Size: 19”H x 11-1/2”W x 8”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 7”W x 7”H Weight: 10 pcs / 14 lbs
QTY 3052
100 250 500 1000(R) 20.75 20.25 20.00 19.75
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
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3738 Explorer
14.1” Computer Backpack
Stylish trim, leatherette panel, two side mesh pockets and three large capacity pockets make this computer backpack both attractive and functional. The interior padded laptop compartment along with the padded back will ensure both your computer and your back are comfortable and safe. You can conveniently carry this backpack by its front handle or with the adjustable shoulder straps. Made of 600D Polyester. Size: 18”H x 12-1/2”W x 6”D Colors: Black/Black, or Black/Red Imprint Area: 4”W x 2-3/4”H Weight: 25 pcs / 26 lbs
QTY 3738
50 100 250 500(R) 12.98 12.48 12.23 11.98
3728 Challenger 14.1” Computer Backpack
Style, functionality and comfort are all features of the Challenger computer backpack. The elegant color accents will make your logo stand out while the upgraded zipper pulls add to the elegance. With a front zipper pocket and a sizeable main compartment, this laptop backpack also features an internal padded slot for your computer. The padded back and mesh, padded adjustable shoulder straps also add to the versatility and comfort. Made of 600D Polyester. Size: 18-1/2”H x 12-1/2”W x 4”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 5”W x 3”H Weight: 25 pcs / 30 lbs
QTY 3728
50 100 250 500(R) 15.98 15.48 15.23 14.98
3176 Kaleidoscoper
15.4” Computer Backpack
The unique style and reflective accents on this backpack will set off your logo. It features a fully padded laptop compartment and large 16” front zipper pocket for additional storage. Foam padded carry handles and wearing straps offer extra comfort. Extra pockets on the front and sides provide extra storage. Made of Twill and RipStop Polyester w/ fabric lining. Size: 17-1/2”H x 13”W x x 6”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 4”W x 4”H Weight: 20 pcs / 37 lbs
QTY 3176
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
50 100 250 500(R) 20.00 19.50 19.25 19.00 Visit us at
Computer Backpacks
3725 iLine
15.4” Computer Backpack
The front pocket is large enough to hold magazines or files. The back compartment is fully padded to protect your computer. The front flap unzips to reveal multiple accessory pockets and MP3 player pouch with headset keyhole. Compression straps can adjust the bag’s capacity. Foam padding on back and strap ensure comfort. The two side mesh pockets are perfect for a water bottle, umbrella, or extra storage. Made of 600D Polyester with Nylon front and fabric lining.
Size: 19”H x 14”W x 8”D Colors: Black trim, Royal trim, or Red trim Imprint Area: 4”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 10 pcs / 21 lbs
QTY 3725
50 100 250 500(R) 19.50 19.00 18.75 18.50
3717 Flexor
15.4” Computer Backpack
The deluxe organizer in the U-shaped front compartment keeps all your electronics and accessories secure. A fully padded laptop compartment is essential for life on the go. The compression straps prevent shifting in transit and dual drawstring mesh pockets keep water bottles or umbrella handy. Padded shoulder and waist straps with a sternum buckle ensure comfort. Made of 600D RipStop Polyester w/ fabric lining. Size:19”H x 14”W x 6”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 5”W x 6”H Weight: 10 pcs / 23 lbs
QTY 3717
50 100 250 500(R) 21.78 21.25 21.00 20.78
3226 Nickler
15.4” Computer Backpack
The fully padded laptop compartment protects your hardware. A front-side 16” zipper pocket features a hidden business organizer. Foam carry handles and wearing straps provide extra comfort while on the go. Side and front accessory pockets provide extra storage. Made of Flannel Twill Polyester w/ fabric lining.
Size: 18”H x 13”W x 7”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 4”W x 3”H Weight: 20 pcs / 37 lbs
QTY 3226
50 100 250 500(R) 20.50 20.00 19.75 19.50
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
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5103 Arc
Wheeled Backpack The Arc converts from a wheeled bag to a backpack with tuck-away straps, pull-down wheel covers, and a telescoping aluminum handle makes rolling easy. The main compartment fully opens for hassle-free inspection. Made of 600D RipStop Polyester w/ fabric lining.
Size: 18”H x 12”W x 8”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 8”W x 6”H Weight: 6 pcs / 47 lbs Carton: 13-1/2” x 22” x 24-1/2” (Oversized) Wheeled bag embroidery surcharge applies
QTY 50 100 250 500 (R) 5103 27.00 26.50 26.25 26.00
CS-01 Horizontal 14.1” Laptop pouch Size: 10-1/2”H x 13”W x 2”D Color: Black
8120 Python Wheeled Backpack
CS-03 Vertical 15.4” Notebook Sleeve Size: 15”H x 11”W x 2”D Colors: Black
QTY 100 250 500 1000(R) CS-01 3.75 3.25 3.00 2.75 CS-03 3.75 3.25 3.00 2.75
This wheeled backpack features zippered front and side accessory pockets, foam carry handles, button-down wheel covers and a comfort-grip telescoping aluminum handle to make travel a breeze. Made of Polyester: Jacquard & Twill w/ fabric lining. Size: 18”H x 15”W x 7-1/2”D Colors: Black, or Khaki Imprint Area: 6”W x 4”H Weight: 6 pcs / 50 lbs Carton: 25-1/2” x 14” x 23” (Oversized) Wheeled bag embroidery surcharge applies
QTY 8120
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
50 100 250 33.50 33.00 32.75
500(R) 32.50
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Wheeled Backpacks
8175 Touristo Wheeled Backpack
Featuring color and versatility, this bag converts to a wheeled backpack with ease and comes with a detachable fanny pack. The comfort-grip telescoping aluminum handle makes manoeuvring easy and pulldown wheel covers protect your back from dirt. For extra comfort, this bag offers air mesh padding on back. Made of 600D RipStop Polyester w/ fabric lining.
Size: 19”H x 14”W x 7”D Colors: Black, Red, or Royal Imprint Areas: A: 5”W x 2-1/2”H B: 6”W x 1”H Weight: 6 pcs / 47 lbs Carton: 13-1/2” x 22” x 24-1/2” (Oversized) Wheeled bag embroidery surcharge applies
Location B
Removable Fanny-Pack
QTY 8175
50 100 250 30.75 30.25 30.00
500(R) 29.75
Location A
8119 EasyTravel Rolling Backpack
This bag is literally two bags in one! It features a detachable front daypack with two front zipper pockets, a telescoping aluminum handle, and adjustable capacity straps . Made of 600D RipStop Polyester w/ fabric lining. Size: 19”H x 15”W x 12”D Colors: Black, or Navy Imprint Area: 7”W x 5”H Weight: 6 pcs / 45 lbs Carton: 15” x 21” x 24” (Oversized)
Wheeled bag embroidery surcharge applies
Detachable Day-Pack
QTY 8119
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
50 100 250 500(R) 36.28 35.78 35.53 35.28 Visit us at
8226 Nickle Wheeled Backpack
Big brother to the Nickler, this bag offers even more travel convenience. The 16” front zipper pocket and bottom pocket provide extra space. A comfort-grip telescoping aluminum handle makes it easy to pull. Soft carry handles and padded shoulder straps offer extra comfort. There are two side pockets for water bottles and travel accessories. Made of Flannel Twill Polyester w/ fabric lining.
Size: 18-1/2”H x 14”W x 8”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 4”W x 3”H Weight: 6 pcs / 50 lbs Carton: 14” x 23” x 26” (Oversized) Wheeled bag embroidery surcharge applies.
QTY 8226
50 100 250 500(R) 33.00 32.50 32.25 32.00
8022 XXL Rolling Cargo
15.4” Laptop Backpack
Large and in charge, this bag features an extra large Imprint Area and enough room to carry a database and a computer. The generous 6” thick storage compartment with restraining straps can hold weekend clothing and personal accessories. The front compartment unzips to reveal multifunction organizer. The sleek, telescopic handle curves slightly and wide in-line wheels offer smooth travel. It converts to a backpack and it can be carried like a briefcase. The fully padded 15.4” laptop compartment keeps your computer safe. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining. Size: 21”H x 15”W x 9”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 8”W x 8”H Weight: 6 pcs / 50 lbs Carton: 16” x 21” x 24” (Oversized) Wheeled bag embroidery surcharge applies.
QTY 8022
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
50 100 250 500(R) 38.58 38.08 37.83 37.18 Visit us at
8717 Flex
Wheeled 17” Laptop Backpack
The Flex is the Flexor’s big brother with all the same features and extra space. The ultra-fit dual density padded shoulder straps and back panel with aero-spacer moisture resistant mesh keep it comfortable as a backpack. It easily converts from backpack to wheeled computer pack. It features a fully padded laptop compartment with firm bottom for great shock absorption. The comfort-grip telescoping aluminum handle makes navigation easy. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining.
Wheeled Bags
Size: 20”H x 14”W x 7”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 5”W x 6”H Weight: 6 pcs / 47 lbs Carton: 23” x 15” x 23” (Oversized) Wheeled bag embroidery surcharge applies.
QTY 8717
50 100 250 500(R) 37.60 37.10 36.85 36.60
912 Sanford
15.4” Wheeled Laptop Case
This travelling companion features a telescopic comfort-grip retractable handle, 2-1/2” wheels and adjustable shoulder strap. Your computer fits in the padded main compartment and a second interior pocket holds files or magazines. The front pocket organizer keeps accessories and travel documents secure and easy to find. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining. Size: 12”H x 16”W x 8”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 8”W x 4”H Shipping Weight: 6 pcs / 50 lbs Carton: 14” x 19” x 31” (Oversized)
Wheeled bag embroidery surcharge applies.
QTY 912
50 100 250 500 (R) 39.50 39.00 38.75 38.50
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
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SJ-31 iNeo
Our soft neoprene Sleeve will keep your tablet secure and stylish. It fits most 10” tablets. Made of neoprene.
Easily protect your netbook or ultrabook with this sleek no-handle design sleeve. It can slip into briefs or bags. Made of Neoprene.
Size: 10”H x 7-3/4”W x 3/8”D Colors: Blue, Red, or Black Imprint Area: Location A: 5” W x 4-1/2”H Location B: 4-1/2”W x 1-1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 21 lbs
Size: 10”H x 13-1/2”W x 1”D Colors: Black, Blue, or Red Deboss: 5”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 8”W x 5”H Weight: 50 pcs / 20 lbs
Neoprene Sleeve for Tablets
CS-133 NeoLight Zero 13” Neoprene Ultrabook Sleeve
Location A
Location B
QTY 100 SJ-31 4.00
250 500 1000(R) 3.50 3.25 2.99
QTY 100 CS-133 5.25
CS-150 NeoPorter for Tablets 10“ Tablet Neoprene Messenger Bag
The NeoPorter combines the stylish and protective properties of Neoprene with the convenience of a messenger bag design. Made of Neoprene. Size: 11”H x 10”W x 1”D Color: Black Deboss: 4”W x 5”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 50 pcs / 30 lbs
250 4.75
500 1000(R) 4.50 4.25
CS-122 NeoLight for Ultrabook 12.1” Neoprene Sleeve
The NeoLight sleeves offer stylish protection with a hidden outside zip pocket for storing computer accessories. Made of Neoprene. Size: 9”H x 12”W x 1”D Color: Black Deboss: 4”W x 3”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 4”H Weight: 50 pcs / 26 lbs
CS-142 NeoLight for Laptops CS-150
QTY 100 CS-150 8.50
250 8.00
500 1000(R) 7.75 7.50
14.1“ Neoprene Sleeve Size: 10-1/2”H x 13-1/2”W x 1”D Color: Black Deboss: 4”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 5”H Weight: 50 pcs / 35 lbs
QTY 100 CS-122 7.99 CS-142 8.50
250 500 1000(R) 7.50 7.25 6.99 8.25 7.75 7.50
SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
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CS-136 NeoJet 14.1” Laptop Sleeve
This solid-colored laptop sleeve features the a hidden outside pocket for storing cords and computer accessories. Made of Neoprene.
Size: 11-1/2”H x 15”W x 1”D Colors: Black or Blue Deboss: 5”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 5”H Weight: 50 pcs / 35 lbs
QTY 100 CS-136 8.95
250 8.45
500 1000(R) 8.20 7.95
Neoprene Computer Sleeves
CS-148 NeoSling
15.6” Neoprene Computer Bag CS-148
This minimalistic metro computer bag is equipped with a removeable shoulder strap, a laptop compartment and a front Velcro pocket that can hold a power adapter, computer mouse and USB cord. The reinforced stitching offers extra durability. Made of Neoprene. Size: 13-1/2”H x 16”W x 2-1/2”D Color: Black Deboss: 5”W x 5”H Screen Printing: 8”W x 5”H Weight: 25 pcs / 25 lbs
QTY 100 CS-148 9.95
250 9.45
500 1000(R) 9.20 8.95
CS-154 NeoFlux
15.4” Neoprene Laptop Case
This case features a foam padded laptop compartment and a front pocket that is perfect for storing all your computer accessories. The durable metal clasps and shoulder strap make it the perfect travelling companion. Made of Neoprene. Size: 13-1/2”H x 16”W x 2-1/2”D Color: Black Deboss: 5”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 8”W x 5”H Weight: 20 pcs / 34 lbs
QTY 100 250 500 1000(R) CS-154 13.50 13.00 12.75 12.50 SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
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1407 Slingshot
3068 V Wing
2199 Bengachi
Double the comfort and double the features, this combo bag has Velcro closed side pocket, a side mesh drawstring pocket, a cell phone holder on the strap , a secure zipper pocket and back pocket. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining.
Our V Wing features an adjustable shoulder strap that extends to 40” and mesh water bottle holsters on both sides. The flap opens to reveal a spacious main compartment and lots of pockets to organize your gear. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining.
The sleek sling buckle strap design features a hidden music player pocket with headset keyhole. Mesh water bottle holsters and secure zippered pockets make life on the go a little easier. The padded interior protects your eletronics. Made of 600D RipStop Polyester w/ fabric lining.
Size: 13”H x 11”W x 3”D Colors: Gray, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 6”W x 5”H Weight: 30 pcs / 24 lbs
Size: 13”H x 11”W x 4”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 7”W x 5”H Weight: 30 pcs / 38 lbs
Messenger/Sling Bag
Messenger Bag
Size: 11”H x 9”W x 3-1/2”D Colors: Black, Navy, or Royal Imprint Area: 5”W x 3”H Weight: 50 pcs / 34 lbs
QTY 1407
100 250 7.30 6.80
500 6.55
1000(R) 6.30
QTY 3068
100 8.50
Messenger Bag
250 8.00
500 7.75
1000(R) 7.50
QTY 2199
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
100 8.85
250 8.35
500 1000(R) 8.10 7.85
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Business Brief
Corral your paperwork on the go with this stylish brief. The zippered main compartment and roomy pockets offer space for all the essentials. Made of 600D Polyester.
Size: 11”H x 15”W x 3-1/2”D Colors: Black, Lime, or Royal Imprint Area: 7”W x 6”H Weight: 50 pcs / 30 lbs
QTY 6111
100 5.60
250 5.10
500 4.85
Business Briefs
6111 Lariat
1000(R) 4.60
6118 Riata Business Brief
This stylish briefcase is highlighted by the colorful accents and large imprint area on the front. The large front pocket combined with the sizeable main compartment and side mesh pocket will allow you to carry everything you need with you. The adjustable shoulder strap and carry handles provide you with convenient options for bringing this bag along with you. Made of 600D Polyester.
Size: 12”H x 16”W x 4”D Colors: Gray, or Royal Imprint Area: 8”W x 4”H Weight: 40 pcs / 25 lbs
QTY 6118
100 6.25
250 5.75
500 1000(R) 5.50 5.25
3082 Corba Messenger Bag
Versatile and stylish, this unique bag flaunts a curved zipper, silver piping accents, and comfort carry handle on top. Never miss a beat with the headset cord keyhole on the front flap. Pockets in main compartment, under the flap, and on the sides keep the necessities of life organized and secure. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining. Size: 12”H x 14”W x 4”D Colors: Gray, or Royal Imprint Area: 6”W x 5”H Shipping Weight: 40 pcs / 29 lbs
QTY 3082 SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
100 8.50
250 500 1000(R) 8.00 7.75 7.50
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3087 Arcadian Messenger Bag
Unique zipper and flap design makes walking with this bag simply convenient. The front flap opens to reveal an organizer with a phone holster, large file pocket and plenty of pockets. It also boasts double mesh water bottle holsters and an adjustable shoulder strap that extends up to 44 inches. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining.
Size: 12”H x 13”W x 4”D Colors: Black, Orange, or Royal Imprint Area: 7”W x 3-1/2”H Weight: 25 pcs / 27 lbs
QTY 3087
100 8.75
250 8.25
500 1000(R) 8.00 7.75
7901 N.Y. Messenger Bag Messenger Bag
For function without sacrificing form, the flap opens to reveal zippered main pocket, cell phone holster, and pen loops. Secure zipper pockets and an adjustable shoulder strap make it the perfect side-kick for life in the fast lane. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining. Size: 12”H x 16”W x 3”D Color: Black Imprint Area:10”W x 8”H Weight: 20 pcs / 28 lbs
QTY 7901
100 8.95
250 8.45
500 8.20
1000(R) 7.95 7907
7907 3-way Brief/Backpack Convertible Brief/Backpack
This business bag converts from a hand-bag to a shoulder bag to a backpack for versatility while travelling. The large front pocket opens to reveal a multifunction organizer. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining. Size: 12”H x 16”W x 4”D Colors: Black, or Navy Imprint Area: 8”W x 4-1/2”H Weight: 20 pcs / 28 lbs
QTY 7907
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
100 250 500 1000(R) 10.95 10.45 10.20 9.95 Visit us at
3602 Foxxy
Compu-Business Briefs
14.1” Computer Bag
The Foxxy features a fully padded laptop compartment and full-size front pocket. The 10” zip pocket inside main compartment make this a perfect bag for business. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining.
Size: 12”H x 15”W x 4”D Colors: Black, or Royal Imprint Area: 7”W x 3”H Weight: 20 pcs / 21 lbs
QTY 3602
100 9.78
250 9.28
500 9.03
1000(R) 8.78
3608 Trestle 14.1” Computer Bag
This fully padded computer bag protects your hardware from the nudges and bumps of busy life. The hidden front pocket is great for accessories and the mesh water bottle holster keeps your drink close at hand. Made of 600D Polyester w/fabric lining. Size: 11-1/2”H x 14”W x 3-1/2”D Colors: Black, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 7”W x 5”H Weight: 20 pcs / 24 lbs
QTY 3608
100 8.50
250 500 1000(R) 8.00 7.75 7.50
14.1” Computer Bag
It’s our favorite carry-all bag, with fully padded sides and extra room for your computer. The front zipper accessory pocket is the perfect place for your logo to create a unique
impression. The organizer and file pocket inside main compartment keep business running smoothly. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining. Size: 12”H x 15”W x 4”D Colors: Gray, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 6”W x 5”H Weight: 20 pcs / 26 lbs
QTY 3603
100 250 500 1000(R) 13.75 13.25 13.00 12.75
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
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2001 i/o Tablet Bag
For any tablet computer, the padded main compartment features twin zipper pulls and a hidden zipper pocket. The organizer pocket opens fully to make staying organized a snap. Made of 420D RipStop Nylon w/ fabric lining.
This fully padded laptop bag hides a flash of brilliance. Inside there is an organizer for your phone and accessories. The side mesh pocket easily holds a water bottle or soda can. Made of 600D RipStop Polyester w/ fabric lining.
Tablet Shoulder Bag
Size: 10”H x 9”W x 3”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 30 pcs / 23 lbs
2166 SilverLight 15” Laptop Messenger Bag
Size: 11”H x 15”W x 3-1/2”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 10”W x 7”H Weight: 25 pcs / 21 lbs 2001
QTY 2001
100 250 10.28 9.88
500 9.53
1000(R) 9.28
2502 I.T.
12.1” Computer Brief
QTY 2502
100 250 500 1000(R) 13.98 13.50 13.25 12.98
100 8.80
2193 uC
This bag is a sleek way to keep everything organized on the go. It features pull-out grip handles, two magnetic button accessory pockets, and a zipper accessory pocket. The main compartment includes a padded Velcro-clasping computer pocket and file pocket. The shoulder strap extends to 50”. Made of 420D Nylon w/ fabric lining. Size: 10”H x 13-1/2”W x 2”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 7”W x 4”H Weight: 30 lbs / 37 lbs
QTY 2166
250 500 1000(R) 8.30 8.05 7.80
14.1” Computer Messenger Bag
Make the world see things your way with the uC bag. The zippered main compartment includes a Velcro-clasping padded computer pocket. Two pen loops on the shoulder strap and the mesh water bottle holster keep you comfortable and prepared for anything. (You see?) Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining. Size: 11”H x 13”W x 3”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 6”W x 6”H Weight: 30 pcs / 30 lbs 2193 2502
QTY 2193
100 9.88
250 9.38
500 9.13
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
1000(R) 8.88 Visit us at
6063 Biker Bag
15.4” Computer Messenger Bag
Styled for business, this bag features a fully padded laptop compartment. The front flap is secured with Velcro and opens to show an array of pockets. Side water bottle holsters are handy and the Nylon material fends off moisture. Made of 420D Nylon w/ fabric lining.
Size: 11”H x 15”W x 4-1/2”D Colors: Black, or Charcoal Imprint Area: 6”W x 5”H Weight: 15 pcs / 22 lbs
QTY 6063
Compu-Business Briefs
100 250 500 1000(R) 14.78 14.28 14.03 13.78
M118 Barstow 14” Computer Bag
The Barstow offers classic style as well as all the modern conveniences. The two front pockets are reinforced and the back pocket is sized to fit files or folders. Inside, the bag features a zippered pocket and a padded compartment for your laptop. Made of simulated leather.
Size: 12”H x 14-1/2”W x 3-1/2”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 20 pcs / 28 lbs
QTY 100 250 500 1000(R) M118 15.75 15.25 14.75 14.50
M128 Branson 14” Computer Bag
The Branson features two front pockets, a front zipper pocket with an accessories organizer, and a file-sized pocket on the back. Inside, it boasts a padded section for your computer and another zipper pocket for important documents. The adjustable shoulder strap and riveted carry handles make travel a breeze. Made of simulated leather. Size: 11”H x 14-1/2”W x 3-1/2”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 20 pcs / 30 lbs
QTY 100 250 500 1000(R) M128 17.80 17.30 17.05 16.80 SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
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6538 Clamshell 15.6” Laptop Case
The organization and unique style of the bag are TSA friendly because it opens fully for easy inspection, which means one less hassle on your travels. The fully-padded zippered laptop compartment protects your hardware and the front zipper pocket holds all your accessories. Made of 1680D Polyester w/ fabric lining. Size: 11-1/2”H x 15-1/2”W x 5”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 4-1/2”W x 3-1/2”H Weight: 15 pcs / 23 lbs
QTY 6538
100 250 500 1000(R) 13.98 13.50 13.25 12.98
6072 P. I.
14.1” Computer Brief
Keep it simple and under control while on the go with a back pocket for files, a padded laptop compartment, and organizer pockets in the front panel. The bag is designed to easily slide over a luggage pull handle. Made of 600D Nylon w/ fabric lining.
Size: 11”H x 14-1/2”W x 3-1/2”D Colors: Black, or Graphite Brown Imprint Area: 8”W x 4”H Weight: 20 pcs / 32 lbs
QTY 6072
100 250 500 1000(R) 16.98 16.50 16.25 15.98
6211 Clerk
15.6” Computer Briefcase
The next best thing to a personal assistant, this bag has a fully-padded laptop compartment and separate file organizer in main compartment. Front pockets and a back pocket offer more space for all your travelling accessories. Made of 1680D Polyester w/ fabric lining. Size: 11-1/2”H x 15-1/2”W x 5”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 4”W x 4”H Weight: 20 pcs / 36 lbs
QTY 6211
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
100 250 500 1000(R) 15.45 14.95 14.70 14.45 Visit us at
3617 Infra-Black
Compu-Business Briefs
14” Computer Brief
Classy and practical, the Infra-Black features thick padding in the main compartment to protect your computer. The front pocket fully opens to reveal a versatile organizer. It’s your choice to carry the bag horizontally or vertically with the adjustable shoulder strap or the handles on the side and top. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining.
Size: 11”H x 14”W x 2-1/2”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 7”W x 5”H Weight: 30 pcs / 37 lbs
QTY 3617
100 250 500 1000(R) 17.00 16.50 16.25 15.99
7135 Canaille
13” Computer Convertible Brief/Backpack
The main compartment features twin zipper pulls, Velcro clasping computer pocket, and helpful pockets. For a quick getaway, use the soft handles or the 50“ adjustable shoulder strap. Bring out the zip-away shoulder straps for the long haul. Hidden vertical zipper pocket and two zipper accessory pockets keep your accessories organized and secure. Made of 420D Nylon w/ fabric Lining. Size: 12”H x 16”W x 3”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 5”W x 4”H Weight: 20 pcs / 25 lbs
QTY 7135
100 250 500 1000(R) 18.55 18.05 17.80 17.88
7911 Vertiplex
15” Computer Convertible Brief/ Backpack
Extra straps keep the bag and its contents secure, whether you carry it like a briefcase or backpack. The Vertiplex features a large fully-opening main compartment. Easy access zippered accessory pockets on the outside and organizer pockets in the main compartment keep everything right where it should be. Made out of 420D Nylon w/ fabric lining.
Size: 12”H x 15”W x 7”D Colors: Black, or Gray Imprint Area: 7”W x 5”H Weight: 30 pcs / 56 lbs
QTY 7911
100 250 500 1000(R) 19.75 19.25 19.00 18.75
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
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111 Mini Mobile Music Pouch
211 Guardian Waist Bag
Belt Pouch
The sleek design is perfect for wearing under your shirt to keep passports, money, and credit cards safe when traveling abroad. The adjustable waist strap secures with a quick release buckle. Made of 210D/420D Nylon.
This pouch holds your music player and attaches quickly and easily to your belt loop with a sturdy carabiner clip. The headset keyhole lets you listen to your tunes and stay handsfree. Two zippered compartments and interior mesh pockets make it easy to keep small necessities close. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining.
Size: 11”W x 5”H Colors: Black, Blue, or Red Imprint Area: 5”W x 2”H Weight: 200 pcs / 25 lbs
Size: 5-1/2”H x 3-1/2”W x 2”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 2-1/2”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 100 pcs / 18 lbs
QTY 211
100 2.98
250 2.48
QTY 111
500 1000(R) 2.23 1.98
100 3.98
250 3.48
500 3.23
1000(R) 2.98
9810 The Delta
9811 Kangaroo
The classic triangular pouch features a fully adjustable waist belt with quick release buckle. Zippered pockets keep everything secure. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining.
To keep a little bounce in your step, this bag features an adjustable waist belt with side wings, an easy access Velcro-flap mesh pocket on the front and fold-out bottle holster inside waist belt pocket ensure that the important things are easy to reach. Made of 600D Polyester w/ DWR coating.
Waist Bag
Waist Bag
Size: 5”H x 12”W x 3-1/2”D Colors: Black, Navy, or Royal Imprint Area: 4-1/2”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 50 pcs / 15 lbs
Size: 6”H x 18”W x 3-1/2”D (with 8” compartment) Colors: Black, Navy, or Royal Imprint Area: 5”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 50 pcs / 25 lbs
9810 9811
QTY 9810
100 3.98
250 3.48
500 1000(R) 3.23 2.98
QTY 9811
100 4.98
250 4.48
500 1000(R) 4.23 3.98
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
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Waist Bags
1031 Organize-R Waist Bag
Keep the mess in order with a 3-pocket design that offers ample room for accessories. The 43” adjustable waist strap secures with a quick release buckle. Nylon material fends off moisture to keep the bag and its contents dry. Made of 420D Crinkled Nylon w/ fabric lining.
Size: 5”H x 7-1/2”W x 4”D Colors: Black, or Navy Imprint Area: 5”W x 3”H Weight: 50 pcs / 15 lbs
QTY 1031
100 5.15
250 4.65
500 4.40
1000(R) 4.15
1038 Tourister Waist Bag
Perfect for day trips, the double front pocket design provides protection for your smart phone, IDs, and small bills. A 43” adjustable waist strap with quick release buckle fits most sizes. The spacious 10” main compartment features an inner security pocket. Nylon material fends off moisture to keep the bag and its contents dry. Made of 420D Crinkled Nylon w/ fabric lining. Size: 6-1/2”H x 11”W x 3”D Colors: Black, or Navy Imprint Area: 4”W x 2-1/2”H Weight: 50 pcs / 20 lbs
QTY 1038
100 6.25
250 5.75
500 5.50
1000(R) 5.25
1066 XL Buffalo Lumbar Pack Waist Bag
This sporty outdoor pack features a large main compartment, secure front pocket, and dual mesh pockets. The sturdy quick-release waist buckle with smart is designed to prevent sliding as you walk. Made of 420D Crinkled Nylon w/ fabric lining.
Size: 6”H x 15”W x 6-1/2”D Colors: Black, Red, or Royal (all with black panel) Imprint Area: 5”W x 3”H Weight: 40 pcs / 31 lbs
QTY 1066
100 250 8.50 8.00
500 7.75
1000(R) 7.50
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
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9211 Acton Duffle Bag
This duffle bag has plenty of pocket space for all your accessories. Pack anything in the spacious main compartment. Carry with the handles or use the adjustable shoulder strap. Made of 600D Polyester with non-woven accents. 9211
Size: 9”H x 18 “W x 8”D Colors: Black, Red, or Royal Imprint Area: 6”W x 5”H Weight: 50 pcs / 26 lbs
QTY 9211
100 5.88
250 5.38
500 1000(R) 5.13 4.88
9861 Express Duffle Bag
This bag boasts a striking two-color design and convenient D-shaped zipper opening to the main compartment. Carry with the padded handles or adjustable shoulder strap. Made of 600D Polyester w/ fabric lining. Size: 10”H x 18”W x 8-1/2”D Colors: Black, Navy, or Royal Imprint Area: 3-1/2”W x 4”H Weight: 30 pcs / 32 lbs
QTY 9861
100 8.58
250 8.08
500 7.83
1000(R) 7.58
9215 Jericho Duffle Bag
The Jericho boasts a large screen area. The mesh side pocket and the large zippered front pocket easily hold all your accessories. Carry by the handles or the adjustable shoulder strap. Made of 600D Polyester. Size: 12”H x 19”W x 9”D Colors: Black, Lime, or Royal Imprint Area: 8”W x 5”H Weight: 25 pcs / 25 lbs
QTY 9215
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
100 8.38
250 7.88
500 1000(R) 7.63 7.38
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Duffle Bag
This duffel bag is the perfect companion for the athlete in you. The main zipper compartment features a secure, internal pocket. There is also a side zip pocket for storing your gym shoes separately. The five front pockets and side mesh pocket will also help you organize your belongings. Made of 600D Polyester. Back
Size: 10-1/2”H x 19-1/2”W x 9-1/2”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 7”W x 5”H Weight: 20 pcs / 25 lbs
QTY 9218
100 9.99
250 9.50
500 9.25
Duffle Bags
9218 Burke
1000(R) 8.99
Shoe Compartment
9213 Severn Duffle Bag
This large duffle bag has lots of storage space and plenty of pockets to organize your accessories. The bag features 3 mesh pockets for water bottles or accessories. Made of 600D Polyester
Size: 12”H x 18”W x 10”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 6”W x 6”H Weight: 20 pcs / 29 lbs
QTY 9213
100 250 500 1000(R) 10.88 10.38 10.13 9.88
9228 Markworth Duffle Bag
This wheeled duffel bag is perfect for athletes and travelers alike. With ample storage in the main compartment and front zip pocket, you can wheel your essentials with you everywhere. The handle retracts into the bag so that you can also carry this versatile duffel bag by its Velcro closing handles. Made of 600D Polyester.
Size: 10”H x 20”W x 10-1/2”D Color: Black Imprint Area: 6”W x 4”H Weight: 8 pcs / 38 lbs Carton: 25” x 11” x 22” (oversized) Wheeled bag embroidery surcharge applies.
QTY 9228
100 250 500 1000(R) 18.25 17.75 17.50 17.25
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
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1381 Marina
1509 Nemo
This zippered transparent tote is great for all sorts of sporting events and day trips. The clear PVC sides are security-friendly. Metal gromits reinforce the handles. Dual mesh water bottle holsters keep things organized and close at hand. Made of PVC and 600D Polyester.
This canvas tote boasts a large imprint space and bold colors. It’s tough enough to carry books and big enough for groceries. Made of 600D Polyester with non-woven accents.
Poly Canvas Tote
PVC / Poly Canvas Tote
Size: 15-1/2”H x 14”W Colors: Black, Lime, or Royal Imprint Area: 6”W x 6”H Weight: 50 pcs / 22 lbs
Size: 14-1/2”H x 14-1/2”W x 5”D Colors: Black, or Red Imprint Area: 5”W x 4”H Weight: 50 pcs / 28 lbs
1509 1381
QTY 1381
100 5.98
250 5.48
QTY 1509
500 1000(R) 5.23 4.98
100 4.28
250 3.78
500 1000(R) 3.53 3.28
1515 Delphi
1717 Stuff & Go Slider
Classic black center panels and stylish colorful trims set the stage for your logo to impress. A spacious main compartment with velcro close front pocket, the Delphi will meet all your shopping needs. Made of 600D Polyester with PVC backing.
Never waste space packing a bag again! Store the tote in its own accessory pocket for on-the-go convenience. Fold it out to reveal a large bucket pocket secured with a zipper. The adjustable shoulder strap extends up to 46”. Made of 420D RipStop Nylon w/ DWR coating.
Shopping Tote
Compact Tote
Size: 15”H x 15“W x 3”D Colors: Black, Royal, or Red Imprint Area: 7”W x 6”H Weight: 50 pcs / 25 lbs
Size: 14”H x 12”W x 4”D Colors: Black, Black w/ Lime, or Gray w/ Red Imprint Area: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 100 pcs / 37 lbs
1515 1717
QTY 1515
100 4.88
250 4.38
500 1000(R) 4.13 3.88
QTY 1717
100 5.88
250 500 1000(R) 5.38 5.13 4.88
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
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1631 Stay-Flat
With a reflective panel and colorful swatch, the Cascade was born to style your logo. The mesh pocket is perfect for accessories and the pen holders on the strap keep writing instruments right where you need them. The top zipper closes to secure all your gear. Made of 600D Polyester.
This heavy duty bag features a Velcro closure and long woven handles for comfortable carrying. It also features a front accessories pocket and two convenient mesh pockets to make organizing easy. Made of 600D Polyester.
Zippered Travel Tote
1518 Cascade
Zippered Travel Tote
Size: 15”H x 18”W x 3”D (with 8” compartment) Colors: Black, Royal, or Red Imprint Area: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 40 pcs / 25 lbs
Size: 13”H x 17-1/2”W x 4”D Colors: Black, Red or Royal Imprint Area: 7”W x 6”H Weight: 50 pcs / 30 lbs
1631 1518
QTY 1518
100 4.88
250 500 1000(R) 4.38 4.13 3.88
QTY 1631
100 5.88
250 500 1000(R) 5.38 5.13 4.88
1533 Tahiti
1567 Fold-N-Roll
With two large, front zipper pockets and a large main compartment, this tote bag has great storage space! The long handles will allow you to comfortably carry this bag while the black accents complement the colors of this functional tote bag. Made of 600D polyester.
Unfold and lock the wheels to pull the 23” shopping bag with ease. The metal stand keeps it from falling when your arm needs a break. This tote also features secure Velcro closures at the top, mesh water bottle holster, and 9” zippered pocket. Made of 420D Polyester.
Poly Canvas Tote
Wheeled Bag
Size: 13”H x 14”W x 4”D Colors: Black, or Royal Imprint Area: 8”W x 4”H Weight: 40 pcs / 25 lbs
Size: 23”H x 13”W x 6”D Colors: Black, or Orange Imprint Area: 6”W x 3”H Weight: 20 pcs / 29 lbs
QTY 1533
100 6.88
250 6.38
500 6.13
1000(R) 5.88
QTY 1567
100 7.18
250 6.68
500 1000(R) 6.43 6.18
SCREEN PRINTING: Price includes 1-color and 1-position screen printing, add $40 (V) for screen set-up charge. EMBROIDERY or FULL COLOR PRINT: Please see pages 130-131 for pricing.
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S311 Reliable Junior Padfolio
Avoid losing things in the shuffle with this compact and functional junior padfolio. It features an interior 3/4 pocket with a clear ID window, a 5” x 8” writing pad, and a pen loop. Made of simulated leather. (Pen not included) Size: 6-1/4”W x 9”H Color: Black Deboss: 4”W x 3”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 8”H Weight: 30 pcs / 22 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY S311
50 6.70
100 6.20
250 5.93
500(R) 5.68
S9404 Reflection Junior Padfolio
The Reflection junior padfolio has a place for everything and also includes a removable solar calculator, 5” x 8” writing pad, pen loop, and an interior ID window. Made of simulated leather. (Pen not included)
Size: 6-1/4”W x 9”H Color: Black Screen Printing: 5”W x 8”H Weight: 30 pcs / 22 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 S9404 7.38
100 6.90
250 6.65
500(R) 6.38
S325 Chime Junior Padfolio
The simplicity and utility of this junior padfolio keep things convenient. With an organizer for cards, a pen loop, and a 5” x 8” writing pad, all the essentials are accounted for. The magnetic clasp secures the padfolio when you are on the go. Made of simulated leather. (Pen not included) Size: 6-1/2”W x 9-1/2”H Color: Black Deboss: 4”W x 3”H Screen Printing: 4”W x 4”H Weight: 30 pcs / 23 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY S325
50 7.68
100 7.18
250 6.92
500(R) 6.68
SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING OR COLOR STAMPING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
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Junior Padfolio S368
This stylish junior padfolio is perfect for any logo. It features pen loops inside and outside (1 pen included), an internal card organizer, and 5” x 8” writing pad. The simulated leather is just as nice to the touch as it is pleasing to the eye. Size: 6-1/2”W x 9-1/2”H Color: Black, or Brown Deboss: 3”Wx 4”H Screen Printing: 3”Wx 6”H Weight: 30 pcs / 26 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY S368
50 7.48
100 6.98
250 6.73
Junior Padfolios
S368 St. Thomas
500(R) 6.48
SZ293 Serenity Junior Zipper Padfolio
Easily organize your cards and zip up your notes with this simulated leather junior zipper padfolio. It also includes a handy 5” x 8” writing pad, interior pockets for cards and files and a pen loop. Made of simulated leather. (Pen not included) Size: 6-1/2”W x 9”H Color: Black Deboss: 4”W x 3”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 8”H Weight: 30 pcs / 25 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 SZ293 6.98
100 6.58
250 6.23
500(R) 5.98 SZ398
SZ398 Callahan Junior Zipper Padfolio
With multiple internal organizing pockets, a pen loop, a 5” x 8” writing pad, and the security of a zipper closure, the Callahan junior padfolio takes work as seriously as you do. Made of simulated leather. (Pen not included) Size: 6-1/2”W x 9-1/2”H Color: Black Deboss: 3-1/2”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 4”W x 6”H Weight: 30 pcs / 27 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 SZ398 7.98 SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING OR COLOR STAMPING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
100 7.48
250 7.23
500(R) 6.98
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IP321 Everette
Portfolio for iPad
The Everette is utility and convenience in a tablet computer portfolio. The shoulder strap offers hands-free carrying while still protecting your iPad or tablet computer. Organizer pockets keep all your essentials secure and it comes with a handy memo pad. The fold-out stand props up the tablet for easy viewing and can be secured with a snap when not in use. Made of simulated leather.
Size: 8”W x 10”H Color: Black Deboss: 4”W x 5”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 20 pcs / 23 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 IP321 9.48
100 8.98
250 8.73
500(R) 8.48
IP328 Dexter
Tablet Computer Padfolio
When you need everything at your fingertips, the Dexter has the perfect versatility. The interior organizer has pockets for cards, papers, pens, a note pad (included) and more. The removable iPad tablet case offers protection and a stand to prop it up for easy viewing. Made of simulated leather. (Pens and accessories not included) Size: 9”W x 10-1/2”H x 2”D Colors: Black Deboss: 4”W x 2”H or 2”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 6”H Weight: 15 pcs / 24 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 500(R) IP328 15.88 15.38 15.13 14.88
IP668 Whitney
Universal Tablet Computer Zipper Padfolio
Keep your tablet computer, paper work, and notes all in one place with this padfolio. It features elastic bands to secure a variety of tablet sizes, an organizer panel, and a memo pad. Zip it closed to keep everything safe. 8-1/2” x 11” memo pad included. Made of simulated leather. (Pens and accessories not included) Size: 10”W x 13”H Color: Black Deboss: 5”W x 5”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 6”H Weight: 10 pcs / 20 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 IP668 12.98 12.48 12.23
500(R) 11.98
SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING OR COLOR STAMPING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
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IP611 Kincaid
Tablet Computer Padfolio
This tablet padfolio is designed for meetings in the office or on the go. The elastic bands securely hold a tablet to an adjustable viewing panel. Position your screen at multiple angles for your viewing comfort. 8-1/2” x 11” memo pad included. Made of simulated leather. (Pen not included) Size: 9-1/2“W x 13”H Colors: Black w/ Blue, or Black w/Black Deboss: 5”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 6”H Weight: 10 pcs / 20 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
Tablet Padfolios
QTY 50 100 250 500(R) IP611 12.88 12.38 12.13 11.88
S636 Titan
Tablet Computer Padfolio
This tablet portfolio features a front, buttonclosed pocket and a card pocket for easy access to documents and business cards. Its internal pockets, uniquely positioned tablet straps, 8.5” x 11” notepad and elastic pen loop make this product work! Made of synthetic leather. (Pen not included.) Size: 9-1/2“W x 13”H Color: Black Deboss: 5”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 4”H Weight: 20 pcs / 33 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY S636
50 9.98
100 9.48
250 9.23
500(R) 8.98 S657
S657 Orcas
Tablet Computer Padfolio
The Orcas features flip-up handles to make carrying a breeze. When not in use, they fold down and are held securely by small magnets. The inside cover also features elastic straps to fit most tablets and mini-tablet computers. The panel even rotates for viewing ease. Made of simulated leather. Size: 9-1/2“W x 12-1/2”H Colors: Black Deboss: 4”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 4”W x 6”H Weight: 10 pcs / 31 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY S657 SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING OR COLOR STAMPING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
50 100 250 13.65 13.15 12.90
500(R) 12.65
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P218 Classic
Administrative Padfolio
The Classic administrative portfolio delivers a legendary design with all of the necessities. It features an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad, pen loop, and pockets for maximum convenience with minimum clutter. Made of simulated leather. Size: 9-1/2”W x 12-1/2”H Color: Black with Gold Accents Deboss: 3”W x 3”H (on bottom-center position) Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 25 pcs / 40 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY P218
50 8.00
100 7.50
250 7.25
500(R) 6.99
S10010 Secretary
Administrative Padfolio
As helpful as a real secretary, this executive padfolio features an organizer pocket with ID slot, internal card holders, an exterior pocket, an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad, and a pen loop. Made of simulated leather. Size: 9-1/2”W x 12-1/2”H Color: Black Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 20 pcs / 38 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 S10010 9.28
S638 Ceres
100 8.80
250 8.55
500(R) 8.28
Managerial Padfolio The silver accents on the Ceres managerial padfolio offer rare elegance to complement any imprint. Inside, the padfolio features pockets for cards, flyers, and files, an 8-1/2” x 11“ memo pad, and a handy pen loop. Made of simulated leather. (Pen not included) Size: 9-1/2”W x 13”H Colors: Black, Brown, or Red Deboss: 5”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 6”H Weight: 20 pcs / 28 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY S638
50 9.28
100 8.80
250 8.55
500(R) 8.28
SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING OR COLOR STAMPING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
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Administrative Padfolio The colorful front pocket in the Sedna padfolio is perfect for keeping important thing s close at hand. The elastic loops inside the padfolio are perfect for pens, chunky highighters, or USB drives. It also includes an 8-1/2”x11” memo pad. Made of simulated leather.
S620 Sedna
Size: 9-1/2”W x 12-1/2”H Colors: Black, Blue, Brown, or Red Deboss: 5”W x 5”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 20pcs / 29 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY S620
50 100 250 10.00 9.50 9.25
C555 Ursa
500(R) 8.99 C555
Accent Padfolio
The vertical color bar design with matching stitching of the Ursa accent padfolio offers a stylish complement to any logo. It features an interior file pocket, 2” elastic loop, 3 elastic pen loops, business card holders with a clear ID window, and an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad. Made of simulated leather. (Pens and accessories not included) Size: 10”W x 12-1/2”H Color: Black Deboss: 4”W x 3”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 20 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY C555
50 9.65
100 9.15
250 8.90
500(R) 8.65 S583
S583 Think-folio Managerial Padfolio
An elegant slim-line padfolio boasts a streamlined design with a classy, secure magnetic button closure. It features an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad, an interior organizer with slots for business cards, a clear window ID pocket, file and pamphlet pockets, and a pen loop. Made of simulated leather. (Pen not included) Size: 10”W x 13”H Color: Black Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 10 pcs / 17 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY S583 SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING OR COLOR STAMPING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
50 9.95
100 9.45
250 9.20
500(R) 8.95
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B535 Winn
Managerial Padfolio
Perfect for storing all your meeting notes, the top-stitched design of the Winn managerial padfolio adds subtle style to any imprint. It features an 8-1/2” x 11” memo pad, an interior file pocket, 2” elastic loop, 3 elastic pen loops, a clear ID window and business card holders. Made of simulated leather. (Pens and accessories not included) Size: 10”W x 12-1/2”H Color: Black Deboss: 4”W x 5”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 5”H Weight: 20 pcs / 35 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY B535
50 9.95
100 9.45
250 9.20
500(R) 8.95
S637 Astro
Administrative Padfolio S637
When you need a new look, the dual color design of the Astro administrative padfolio contrasts beautifully. The full size zipper compartment on the back exterior is perfect for quick access to important documents. It also features a card organizer with clear ID window, an interior file pocket, and an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad. The external elastic loop on the cover comes with our IP-31 pen (imprint is not included on pen). Made of simulated leather. Size: 10-1/2”W x 13”H Colors: Black w/ Blue, or Black w/ Silver Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 15 pcs / 23 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
Full size zipper compartment on the back
QTY S637
50 9.85
100 9.35
250 9.10
500(R) 8.85
S712 Prospect Accent Padfolio
The colored accents of this snap-closed padfolio will compliment your logo well! This padfolio features a file pocket, removable calculator, an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad, numerous card pockets and elastic storage loops. The exterior zipper pocket on this colorful padfolio increases its versatility! Made of soft-touch simulated leather. (Pen and accessories not included). Size: 10-1/2”W x 13”H Colors: Black, Blue, or Gray Deboss: 5”W x 3”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 3”H Weight: 10 pcs / 21 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 S712 13.00 12.50 12.25
500(R) 11.99
SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING OR COLOR STAMPING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
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Accent Padfolio
Stand out from the crowd with the unique style and texture of the Caiman portfolio. Inside, there are pockets for cards and documents and an 8-1/2” x 11“ memo pad. The exterior also features a convenient pen loop. Made of simulated leather. (Pen not included)
S621 Caiman
Size: 9-1/2”W x 12-1/2”H Color: Black Deboss: 5”W x 5”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 6”H Weight: 20 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY S621
S519 Lattice String
50 9.85
100 9.35
250 9.10
500(R) 8.85
Administrative Padfolio
With it’s elastic string closure, this dual-color padfolio is as stylish as it is secure. The interior pockets, clear ID window, business card holders, pen loop and 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad of this executive padfolio offer ample storage space. Made of simulated leather. (Pen not included) Size: 10”W x 11-1/2”H Colors: Black w/ Black, or Olive w/ Black Deboss: 5”W x 5”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 8”H Weight: 15 pcs / 26 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY S519
50 100 10.25 9.75
250 9.50
500(R) 9.25
S568 Windsor S568
Administrative Padfolio This back-to-basics feature-rich padfolio flaunts a vertical bar design. The interior features an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad, a card organizer with a clear ID pocket, and a handy pamphlet pocket. The external elastic loop offers fast access to the included IP-21 pen (imprint is not included on pen). Made of simulated leather. Size: 10”W x 13”H Colors: Black, or Brown Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 15 pcs / 27 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 S568 11.65 11.15 10.90 SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING OR COLOR STAMPING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
500(R) 10.65
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SZ030 Assistant Zipper Portfolio
The Assistant executive portfolio features a zipper closure and an exterior front pocket. The internal pockets of this zipper portfolio provide ample storage for your cards and important documents. This portfolio also features an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad and a handy pen loop. Made of simulated leather. (Pen not included)
Size: 10”W x 13-1/2”H Colors: Black, or Burgundy Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 20 pcs / 38 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 SZ030 10.65 10.15
250 9.90
500(R) 9.65
SZ035 Journal SZ035
Zipper 3-Ring Portfolio
This 3-ring zipper portfolio has all of the essentials while also maintaining a sophisticated impression. This portfolio features a 1-1/4” 3-ring binder, interior gusseted file pocket, card pockets, a clear window ID pocket, and 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad and a pen loop. The exterior pocket adds extra style and convenience. Made of simulated leather. Size: 10-3/4”W x 13-1/2”H Colors: Black, or Burgundy Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 10 pcs / 25 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 500(R) SZ035 11.98 11.38 11.13 10.98
SZ658 Astraea Zipper Portfolio
The Astraea zipper portfolio offers an elegant design with a secure zipper closure. The interior features card and document pockets, an internal zip pocket, an ID window, an 8-1/2” x 11” note pad and a pen loop. Made of simulated leather.(Pen not included) Size: 10”W x 13”H Color: Black Deboss: 5”W x 5”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 6”H Weight: 10 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 SZ658 12.38 11.90 11.65
500(R) 11.38
SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING OR COLOR STAMPING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
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Zipper Portfolio
This zipper portfolio has absolutely everything you need when you’re on the move! The zipper closure and exterior pocket will keep your important documents safe, while the interior features a removable solar calculator, clear ID pocket, an interior zipper pocket and open gusseted pocket. This executive portfolio also includes an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad and pen loop. Made of simulated leather. Size: 10”W x 13-1/2”H Colors: Black, or Burgundy Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 10 pcs / 23 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 S600 12.98 12.38 12.13
Zipper Portfolios
S600 Office Zip
500(R) 11.98
S700 Executive Zip & Carry Zipper Portfolio
The riveted handle of this classy portfolio make it the perfect zipper portfolio for those on the move! The interior features an expandable file pocket, a small card pocket, a removable solar calculator, an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad and a pen loop - all kept secure with the zipper closure. Made of simulated leather. Size: 10”W x 13-1/2”H Colors: Black, or Burgundy Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 10 pcs / 26 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 S700 13.95 13.45 13.20
500(R) 12.95
S801 CEO Zip
Zipper Portfolio with Handles
This zipper portfolio is the perfect balance between a briefcase and a folder. The exterior features retractable handles, a front slot pocket and a zipper closure to keep everything secure. On the interior, it features an open gusseted file slot, an interior organizer with business card slots, an 8-1/2” x 11” memo pad and pen loop. Made of simulated leather. Size: 11-1/2”W x 14”H Color: Black Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 10 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY S801 SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING OR COLOR STAMPING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
50 100 250 16.75 16.25 16.00
500(R) 15.75
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C655 Ursa Binder
3-Ring Zip Portfolio
The vertical color bar design with matching stitching on this zipper portfolio is sure to complement any logo! This portfolio features a metal 1-1/4” three-ring binder, an interior file pocket, 2” elastic loop, 3 elastic pen loops, business card holders with a clear ID window, and an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad. Made of simulated leather. (Pens not included) Size: 10”W x 13-1/2”H Color: Black Deboss: 4”W x 5”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 6”H Weight: 10 pcs / 22lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY C655
50 100 250 11.90 11.40 11.15
500(R) 10.90
B655 Winn Binder B655
3-Ring Zip Portfolio
The Winn 3-ring zip portfolio will ensure a sophisticated presentation. The top-stitched design along with the exterior pocket is sure to impress. It also features an interior 1-1/4” 3-ring binder, 8-1/2” x 11” memo pad, interior file pocket, 2” elastic loop, 3 elastic pen loops and card pockets with clear ID window. Made of simulated leather. (Pens and accessories not included) Size: 10”W x 13-1/2”H Color: Black Deboss: 4”W x 5”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 6”H Weight: 10 pcs / 25 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 B655 12.98 12.38 12.13
500(R) 11.98
S605 Office Binder 3-Ring Zip Portfolio
This executive 3-ring zip portfolio will keep you organized and professional. It features a 1-1/4” black metal 3-ring binder, removable solar calculator, interior organizer with numerous pockets, and 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad, and a pen loop. Made of simulated leather. Size: 10”W x 13-1/2”H Colors: Black, or Burgundy Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 10 pcs / 28 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY S605
50 100 250 13.40 12.90 12.65
500(R) 12.40
SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING OR COLOR STAMPING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
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S706 Executive Binder 3-Ring Portfolio with Handle
The handle on this executive 3-ring zipper portfolio makes transporting your important documents comfortable and secure. The interior features a 1-1/4” matte black metal 3-ring binder, a multifunction organizer, a removable solar calculator, an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad and pen loop. Made of simulated leather. Size: 10”W x 13-1/2”H Colors: Black, or Burgundy Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 10 pcs / 28 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 S706 14.80 14.30 14.05
3-Ring Zip Portfolios
500(R) 13.80
S803 Harvard Binder
3-Ring Portfolio with Retractable Handles
The Harvard Binder 3-ring zip portfolio is the perfect combination of class, style and convenience. The exterior is highlighted by the retractable handles and easy access pocket. The interior features a 1-1/4” matte black 3-ring binder, a zipper closure, a removable solar calculator and an interior organizer for documents, cards and IDs. It also includes an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad and pen loop. Made of simulated leather. Size: 14”W x 11-1/2”H Colors: Black, or Burgundy Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 10 pcs / 39 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 S803 18.80 18.30 18.05
500(R) 17.80
S805 Messenger
3-Ring Shoulder Strap Portfolio S805
Our Messenger executive 3-ring binder portfolio features a removable shoulder strap and retractable handles for easy transportation. It also includes a 1-1/4” matte black metal 3-ring binder, a removable solar calculator, an interior pocket organizer, an 8-1/2” x 11” note pad and pen loop. Made of simulated leather. Size: 14”W x 11-1/2”H Color: Black Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 10 pcs / 42 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY S805 SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING OR COLOR STAMPING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
50 100 250 21.50 21.00 20.75
500(R) 20.50
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G417 Monarch
Leather Padfolio
This leather padfolio is simple yet eye catching. It features interior pockets for cards and documents, a clear ID window, an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad, and a pen loop. Made of leather. (Pen not included) Size: 9-1/2”W x 12-1/2”H Color: Black Deboss: 4”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 6”H Weight: 15 pcs / 27 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 G417 15.95 15.45 15.20
500(R) 14.95
GL600 Rainier Zip
Leather Zipper Portfolio
When you crave style and functionality, this leather zipper portfolio has everything you need. Its interior features an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad, a removable solar calculator, a pen loop, an expandable file pocket and an interior zippered pocket. The exterior pocket provides easy access to important documents. Made of leather. Size: 10”W x 13-1/2”H Colors: Black, or Burgundy Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 10 pcs / 26 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 500(R) GL600 26.50 26.00 25.75 25.50
GL605 Ranier Binder
Leather 3-Ring Portfolio
This leather 3-ring portfolio takes perfection to another level. It features a 1-1/4” 3-ring binder, interior card pockets, an interior zipper folder, window ID holder, a removable calculator and an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad. The exterior pocket also allows for quick access to those important documents. Made of leather. Size: 10”W x 13-1/2”H Colors: Black, or Burgundy Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 10 pcs / 28 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 GL605 27.75 27.25 27.00
500(R) 26.75
SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING OR COLOR STAMPING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
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Leather Carry Portfolio
When business is on the go, the comfort carry handle of this leather zip portfolio offers effortless portability. The sleek zippered closure with leather pulls keeps all of your notes secure. It also features an interior organizer with gusseted file pocket, removable solar calculator, 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad and a handy pen loop. Made of leather. (Pen not included) Size: 10”W x 13-1/2”H Color: Black Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 10 pcs / 26 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 GL700 28.75 28.25 28.00
Leather Portfolios
GL700 Rainier Grip
500(R) 27.75
GL706 Rainier Binder Grip Leather 3-Ring Carry Portfolio
This leather portfolio with 3-ring binder and handle grip is sure to keep you impressively organized. It features a 1-1/4” matte black metal 3-ring binder, multifunctional organizer, a removable solar calculator, an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad and a pen loop - all securely fastened with a leather pull zipper. Made of leather.
Size: 10”W x 13-1/2”H Color: Black Deboss: 6”W x 4”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 8”H Weight: 10 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY 50 100 250 GL706 30.25 29.75 29.50
500(R) 29.25
SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING OR COLOR STAMPING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
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S688 Spec Accent Padfolio
This unique executive padfolio balances contemporary style with utility. It features an expandable file pocket, file flap, hidden zipper pocket, removable solar calculator and card holders with an ID window. It also includes an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad and pen loop. Lastly, the magnetic button clasp secures everything with a snap. Made of simulated leather and stylish Tech-Weave accents. (Pen not included) Size: 10-1/4”W x 13”H x 1”D Color: Black Deboss: 5”W x 2-1/2”H Screen Printing: 5”W x 3”H Weight: 10 pcs / 18 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY S688
50 100 250 13.75 13.25 13.00
500(R) 12.75
S807 Spec Grip
Accent Portfolio with Handles Combine style with utility on this handled zipper portfolio. The interior features an expandable file pocket, file flap, a hidden zipper pocket and card holders with an ID window. It comes with an 8-1/2” x 11” writing pad and pen loop. Made of simulated leather with Tech-Weave fabric and metal accents.
Size: 14”W x 12”H x 2”D Color: Black Deboss: 5”W x 3”H Screen Printing: 6”W x 4”H Laser Engraving: 1-1/2”W x 1/2”H Weight: 10 pcs / 30 lbs Packaging: Gift Box
QTY S807
50 100 250 17.88 17.38 17.13
500(R) 16.88
S838 File Folio
Accordion-style Portfolio This unique accordion-style portfolio is perfect for keeping you organized while you’re on the road! The main compartment features an accordion-style divider with 5 file pockets and a hidden organizer with cell phone holster. The front button pocket and back zipper pocket are ideal for storing important accessories. The adjustable strap, elegant stay-flat retro shape and comfort pad make transporting this easy and comfortable. Made of vinyl.
Size: 14-3/4”W x 11”H x 3”D Color: Black Screen Printing: 6”W x 4”H Weight: 10 pcs / 23 lbs Packaging: Individual Polybagged
QTY S838
50 100 250 500(R) 19.00 18.50 18.25 17.99 SCREEN PRINTING: Prices include 1 color & 1 location screen printing, add $40.00(V) for screen setup charge. DEBOSSING OR COLOR STAMPING: Price includes 1-position decoration, add $70 (V) for setup charge.
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• CONFIRMATION: Orders are acknowledged by fax or e-mail. • REPEATS: For repeat order, please reference the most recent purchase order number. Re-setup charges on page 130.
• Artwork must be submitted in electronic format. Vector art is required for most imprinting methods and is recommended for the best imprint.
• LESS THAN MINIMUM: $25(V) will be added to purchase order for quantities less than 1st column.
• E-MAIL ARTWORK: Send to vector art to in EPS, PDF, or AI file.
• ABSOLUTE MINIMUM: Half of 1st column quantity, plus less than minimum charge. Multi-color and/or multi-location imprint not available for LTM orders
• ART TOUCH UP: $25(V) minimum charge for general art touch up and/or re-creation.
• OVERRUNS & UNDERRUNS: Due to nature of custom printing, we reserve the right to ship overruns up to 3% and underruns up to 5% of amount ordered and bill accordingly. • CANCELLATIONS: Orders will not be cancelled without factory authorization, granted only prior to approval on the paper proof. All expenses applied to date will be charged accordingly. BILLING • TERMS: Payment Net 30 Days with advanced credit approval and first order requires prepayment or a deposit. Maximum amount on Net 30 Day terms is limited up to last column quantity. • PREPAYMENT: We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. We accept company checks; however the check must clear the bank before the order is shipped.
• TYPESETTING: $20(V) typesetting charge applies. Charge is waived if typeset is sent to SAMPLES
General Information
• BLANK SAMPLE: Billed at End Column Pricing, returnable for credit (less shipping). We issue credit on returned samples only if they are in original packaging with all the accessories and in working condition. Returns need to be received within 30 days of ordering. • RANDOM SAMPLE (with imprint): Available on some items by request only. Random imprinted items cannot be returned. • PRE-PRODUCTION & SPEC. SAMPLES: Setup charge plus cost of item. Allow 3-5 working days for production after the approval on paper proof. After approval on the pre-production sample, $20(V) re-setup charge applies.
• UNIT PRICING: Pricing on most items includes 1-color and 1-location imprint. Imprint on accessories or gift boxes may be available upon request. Please contact us for a quote
NOTE: This catalog contains current pricing and products as of January 2014. We are NOT responsible for typographical errors or for incorrect information listed on industry product search tools such as ESP and SAGE.
• Weights shown in catalog are approximate.
• Orders are normally shipped via Ground service, unless otherwise noted. • FOB POINT: Factory in Los Angeles County, California • DROP SHIPMENT: $5.00(V) per location • CARD INSERTION: $0.40(V)
• MAILERS: Please call us for quotation.
• PAPER PROOF: One e-mail or fax proof at no charge, additional proofs are $10(V). Please allow 2 days after receipt of artwork and order.
• RETURNS: Must receive prior authorization from the factory. A 10% re-stocking fee applies to blank goods returned. Call us for further details.
• VIRTUAL MOCKUP: $15(V). Please provide electronic artwork and e-mail address.
• SPECIAL PACKAGING: Please add $12.50(V) per case for special ceramic packaging. In the event that you decline the use of our special packaging or FedEx shipping, it is understood that Cosmo Fiber will not be liable for any breakage claims.
• COPY CHANGE: New set-up charge applies. • PMS COLOR: $20(V) per color per order. PMS matching is performed on color of ink on white surface, before imprinting. Due to variation of imprint surface (e.g. dark colored items or aluminum) we cannot guarantee exact ink color match on merchandise.
OPTIONS & MISCELLANEOUS • CHANGE INK REFILL: Blue ink cartridge is available to substitute (for black ink) on some pens at 20¢(V) per piece.
• CHANGE IMPRINT INK: $12.50(V) per color
• BATTERY & INSERTION: Add 30¢(V) per battery (‘AA’ or ‘AAA’), to be included in the box.
• BLANK PRODUCTS & SELF-PROMOTION: Pricing varies from next-column to end column. Please contact us.
Cosmo Fiber does offer rush services. Please contact factory to confirm availability, timing, and rush charges. • Minimum rush charge is $50(V). • Production time begins next working day after art approval is received.
• CO-OP PROGRAM: Contact factory for information and pricing. • PRODUCT DISCLAIMER: Due to manufacturing improvements and die lots, factory may make slight changes to products shown in this catalog without notifying customer. Changes made will not affect the quality of product.
Screen & Pad Printing
Setup charge: $40.00(V) per color/location Reorders: $20.00(V)
Laser Engraving
Additional Color/Location Run Charges:
Setup charge: $40.00(V) Reorders: No setup charge for exact reorders (placed within 12 months from previous order)
Bags & Padfolios: Additional pricing $0.75(V) per color/location (first color/location included)
Oxidation & Black Color Fill: Run charge: $0.25(V) each location (Required for silver, nickel, and white colored items.)
Drinkware & Electronics: Additional pricing $0.50(V) per color/location (first color/location included)
Additional Location Run Charges: Pens: Additional pricing $0.30(V) per location (First color/location included)
Pens: Additional pricing $0.30(V) per color/location (first color/location included) PMS Color Match: $20.00(V) per color Imprint Color Change (same logo, different imprint ink): $12.50(V) per color Note: First color/ location included on most items (pen cases, boxes, desk accessories, and picture frames are listed as blank pricing, add run charge if imprint is needed). See individual product descriptions. Drinkware Multi-Color Imprint
Desktop Accessories: Additional pricing $0.75(V) per location (First location included, except MP-06/MP-07 and MP-16/MP-17) Electronics: Additional pricing $0.50(V) per location (First color/location included) Metal Laser Engraving
Pad Print: Able to imprint tight registration, but imprint area is reduced to 1-1/2 to 1-3/4� wide
Laser heat burns away the surface lacquer and cuts into the top metal layer. The engraving color matches the trim color of the item. This classic method allows you to leave a permanent impression onto the material’s surface.
Screen Print: Imprint area is larger, but cannot hold perfect registration.
Wood Laser Engraving
E-mail artwork to to verify.
Laser heat burns into the wood. The engraving color is charcoal, but may be a lighter color when engraved on a lighter wood color.
Screen Personalization Additional setup charge $40(V) per order Minimum order quantity 25 Personalization $2.50(V) each * Available only on Bags & Padfolios * Names are only accepted via e-mail.
Engraving Personalization Additional setup charge $40(V) per order Minimum order quantity 100 Personalization $1.00(V) each * Available only on select metal and wood products. * Names are only accepted via e-mail.
Standard Production Time: 5-7 business days
Standard Production Time: 5-7 business days
Deboss & Color Stamp Embroidery
Color Stamp
Deboss & Color Stamp
Deboss setup charge: $70.00(V) per location Reorders: $35.00(V) Color Stamp setup charge: $70.00(V) per location Reorders: $35.00(V) Additional Location Run Charge: $0.75(V) per location (first location included)
Deboss & Color Stamp setup charge: $70.00(V) per location Reorders: $35.00(V) Running charge: $1.20(V) per location. * Available only on padfolios
130 Standard Production Time: 5-7 business days
Setup charge: $20.00(V) per 1,000 stitches No setup charge for exact reorders Minimum order quantity 50
Embroidery Charges: $2.50(V) per bag per location, up to 6,000 stitches Run Charge: $0.30(V) per location, per 1,000 over 6,000 stitches Wheeled Bag Embroidery Surcharge: Additional $1.50(V) per bag per location. See individual product descriptions. * Available only on bags Standard Production Time: 5-7 business days
Setup charge: $100.00(V) (Both sides included) Minimum order
VibraPrint & Four-Color Process
quantity 2,500
Setup charge: $60.00(V) Reorders: $30.00(V)
Standard Production Time: 14-16 business days if shipping by air; 8-12 weeks if shipping by sea.
*VibraPrint is available for the FP-10, FP-57, FP-75, FP-81, FP-91, FP-93, FP-95, and PP-21. *Four-Color Process is available for the ST-16, ST-100, FP-07, and K-63.
Reorders: $100.00(V)
Full Color Sublimation for Microfiber
General Information
Full Color CP-05 Banner Pen
Standard Production Time: 10-12 business days
Full Color Heat Transfer
Setup charge: $100.00(V); Setup waived for orders of 250 pcs or more. (Minimum quantity 100) Reorders: $100.00(V) if less than 250 quantity Setup charge $100.00(V) (1-side sublimation only.) Reorders: $50.00(V) MF-07 Standard Production Time: 12-14 working days
Run Charge Per Location 100-249 pcs: $2.00 (V) 250+ pcs: $1.50(V) Maximum imprint size: 5”W x 5”H (Please call factory for pricing on oversize imprint) Standard Production Time: 10-12 business days
Full Color Sublimation for Ceramics
High Visibility Heat-Transfer Vinyl
Setup charge: $80.00(V) per color/location (Minimum quantity 100) Reorders: $80.00(V) Run Charge Per Location: 100-249 pcs: $2.00 (V) 250+ pcs: $1.50(V)
Setup charge: $40.00(V) Reorders: $20.00(V)
Standard imprint size: 3”W x 2”H
* Available only on CC-01
Available High-Visibility Colors: Neon (Neon Yellow, Neon Green, Neon Orange, Neon Pink, or Neon Red) Safety Reflective (Silver) * Available only on bags
Standard Production Time: 7-10 business days
Standard Production Time: 10-12 business days
Minimum order quantity 108