16 August - 22 August 2022

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Stage collapse leaves one dead and 40 injured

one person was killed and at least 40 people were injured after high winds caused a portion of the main stage to collapse at a Valencia’s Medusa Festival, set to feature david guetta, steve Aoki, Afrojack and more. the organisers of the 2022 Medusa Festival announced saturday morning that the remainder of the fest would be cancelled after “violent strong winds” reaching 50 miles per hour swept into the festival site at approximately 4:18am during a set by dJ Miguel serna. “it was a tense few minutes, i’ve never experienced anything like it before,” the dJ said in an instagram story on saturday.“thetragedy happened just at the end of my session on the main stage, just below it, which was the most affected area. it was a few moments of horror, i am still in shock.” the severe and unexpected winds “destroyed” parts of the festival grounds caused a portion of the main stage to collapse; in the aftermath, one person — a man in his 20s — was killed and at least 40 people were injured. of those, three people suffered serious trauma injuries. Videos from the Medusa Festival show high winds and a dust storm wreaking havoc on the festival grounds, with the winds also threatening to topple large video screens. spanish authorities are also seen evacuating the area soon after the windstorm; 50,000 people were in the vicinity of the festival at the time of the incident, according to report from leading media sources. “We are completely devastated and dismayed at what happened last morning. the management of Medusa Festival would like to express our deep and sincere condolences to the family and friends affected by the fatal consequences that occurred last night,” Medusa organisers wrote on Facebook.

Ximo Puig, president of the Valencia regional government, said in a statement: “it is a day of mourning and respect for those affected. And they will have us for everything they need. his unbearable suffering we also make ours. it’s a terrible accident that shocks all of us. i want to extend my deepest condolences to the family and friends of the young man who died early this morning at the Medusa Festival in Cullera.”theongoing heat wave enveloping europe has been blamed for the sudden gusts at the festival, as the warm coastal breezes — the temperature at a nearby airport was 104 degrees Fahrenheit at 3am — were likely the catalyst for the violent strong winds.

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A 19 year-old woman who was swept out to sea off the santa Pola coastline, has been saved by a drone. the woman was around 300 metres from the shore when the surveillance drone operator noticed that she was in trouble. the woman could be seen frantically waving her arms in the air as the drone dropped a life jacket. however, in a moment of added drama, the jacket failed to inflate but luckily the remote pilot dropped a second life jacket when he saw the malfunction. this kept the woman afloat until lifeguards could reach her. she later personally thanked the drone operator, telling him that he had definitely saved her life. the woman said that she had exhausted herself trying to get back to the shore and the point when the drone found her, she was struggling just to keep herself afloat.

the Provincial government in Alicante will invest more than one million euros in the rehabilitation of the historic eras de la sal in torrevieja. the plan includes the connection of the Paseo Vista Alegre with the Paseo Maestro Velero, the restoration of the old salt company offices, the creation of the salt and sea Museum and the construction of a multipurpose area.


Girl saved by drone

the Valencian supreme Court has ruled against a Brit expat after he appealed against his attempted murder charge. William Mcdonald, from glasgow, 62, stabbed his ex-girlfriend at her Quesada holiday home in 2017. her injuries were so severe she was placed in an induced coma. he was found guilty of attempted murder by jury but appealed on the grounds he was drunk and had no intention of killing her. however, the judge upheld the verdict believing the attack to be deliberate.

One million investment for Eras de la Sal

Consumers in torrevieja will be able to buy a maximum of 100 euros in consumer bonds starting tomorrow (tuesday 16th August) for which they will only pay 50e. the vouchers can be spent at any participating establishment in the town and more than one voucher can be used per purchase. the vouchers are valued at either 10 or 20 euros and are registered against the customers nie number. Full details are available online at: www.torrevieja. bonoconsumo.es

Brit MurderAttemptedAppealLosesfor

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Viewpoint for Barranco Rubio beach

the mayor of orihuela, Carolina gracia, has met with María Luisa Martínez, general director of Ports, Airports and Coasts for the generalitat Valenciana, in order to progress he building of a viewpoint at Barranco rubio beach, dehesa de Campoamor. Also present at the meeting were several officials from the general directorate of Ports, Airports and Coasts, as well as the infrastructure councillor for orihuela City Council, Ángel noguera, and the municipal headman of Campoamor, Fermín gonzález. it is believed that the drafting of the project will be awarded in the month of september and that project, financed by the regional government, will be put out to tender for 113,256 euros. this viewpoint project is part of the Coastal and seaside Action Plan (PACMAr) of the Ministry’s general directorate of Ports, Airports and Coasts in order to preserve and enhance the coastal space. the objectives are to improve accessibility to the coast, increase the use and enjoyment of the coastline and to promote pedestrian and cyclist mobility. in the plot on which they want to build is in a green area called “Fuente de la gota” and which is currently poorly equipped. For this reason, the project intends to improve it and add a viewpoint to increase the attraction of tourists to the area. this first step of drafting the project will establish the necessary actions and interventions so that once the works are finished, the space offers ease of access and mobility for pedestrians and cyclist on the coast and in its connections with the interior of the territory. it will also include a common rest area for pedestrians, build a viewpoint that encourages their contemplation and in which landscape integration prevails, facilitate connections with the existing pedestrian and cyclist network, have bike racks in the rest area, shade, benches and fountains. to meet funding, there must also be an environmental regeneration of the plot with native species, an improvement in the existing green area, and provide the viewpoint with access from the walkway to the green area. the deadline for the drafting of the project is set at eight months. the Mayor said: “it is an extraordinary project that will mean an important boost and enhancement of that area of orihuela Costa in terms of services, as well as the preservation of that part of our coastline. We are also talking about a significant improvement in accessibility, increased use based on sustainability and respect for the environment, as well as the enjoyment of the coastline by promoting pedestrian and cyclist mobility.”

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the Costa Blanca People recently spoke to Peer houghton from the orihuela Costa independence Party to discuss the groups aims for the coast to be self Petergoverning.said:“the residents of orihuela Costa have been historically and still are today suffering from an appalling lack of services compared to all the other districts under control of orihuela. this cannot be blamed on the population size as orihuela Costa has a population far greater than many of the villages that are near-by but they have full control of their own administrative affairs through segregation, i fail to see how a city 34 kilometres away separated by countryside and two independent towns can lay administrative claims on the coastal area, surely a location with a population exceeding 33,227 is of sufficient size to have its own municipal council and elect councillors to that council who actually resides in the area and can truly represent the residents of the area they live in. i am always amazed that towns and villages of much smaller size have control of their administrative affairs. Just a few kilometres for orihuela Costa, the town of Pilar de la horadada with a population of approximately 24,000 gained independence from the strangle hold of orihuela in 1986. since that time this town has thrived and the amenities available to the residents have really grown over the last few years. Money raised from the area is actually spent on the residents contributing to municipal income. there is no comparison between the public amenities in Pilar de la horadada and orihuela Costa, the former is well resourced thriving area, the later is a cash cow for the benefit of the well subsidised inhabitants of a location 30 kilometres away. san Miguel del salinas, population approximately 8,000; Montesinos, population 5,500; dolores, population 7,300; Catral, population 8,600 are all self-governing and self-determining independent administrative areas. the services provided in all these areas clearly outstrip those offered to orihuela Costa residents. until the residents of orihuela Costa have power over the development and advancement of their own locality they will continue to receive the scraps off the orihuela table. independence for orihuela Costa is the only real way forward. this is the only way that will ensure that services and amenities appropriate to the size of the population are provided. Failing full independence from orihuela the coast should have considerable devolved powers and the town hall services offered in the city should be available here on the coast, some time ago there were proposals to extend the town hall in orihuela city whilst here on the coast we have a fraction of necessary services one should expect. For too long the Costa has been marginalised, neglected, and raided for the benefit of orihuela. it is now time that the residents get the services that they have been desperately waiting for. to this end the coast must have appropriate number of councillors from the area. With present population statistics a minimum of 8 councillors should actually be serving on the orihuela Council from the coastal region.the residents of orihuela Costa have the power within themselves to determine the future of the coast and that is by voting they just need to believe it and make the effort.”

Forest fires blaze a trail in addition to the high winds bringing destruction to local communities over the weekend, the hot, dry and arid temperatures saw a number of large fires break Membersout. of the Provincial Consortium rushed to guardamar del segura, where a fire broke out in Calle era de Madaleneta at around 4am. the fire caught light in an area of vegetation but it was spreading quickly and there were several houses nearby. Just an hour later a fire broke out in the La hoya neighbourhood, which joins Callosa de segura and Cox and spread to the sierra de Callosa. the blaze engulfed a lighting tower behind an abandoned building where homeless people usually live, and so once again there were concerns for human life and fire-fighters battled to extinguish the flames as quickly as possible. A dozen firemen were moved to the site with three water pumps and a command unit. two forest fire-fighting crews with fire trucks and a helicopter also joined theAlloperation.inallitwas a very intense weekend for fire-fighters who had to double their efforts in several fires declared in the province, including the Vega Baja. the Provincial Firefighters Consortium reported that at 9am sunday, the guardamar del segura fire was considered extinguished, and the sierra de Callosa fire was under control by around the same time but was not finally extinguished until 1pm.

dust from all over the world is landing in the sierra nevada mountains carrying microbes that are toxic to both plants and humans. research from uC riverside shows higher concentrations of the dust is landing at lower elevations, where people are more likely to be hiking. “Pathogenic dust is becoming more of a threat as the earth gets drier and more parched. As it turns out, you can’t go climb a mountain to get away from it all,” said uCr microbial ecologist Mia Maltz, who led the study. the researchers have detailed the types of fungi and bacteria that are landing in the mountains in a new ‘Frontiers in Microbiology’ paper. “some of these microbes can cause crop failures and human respiratory disease,” said Maltz. At the lower elevations, the researchers found more powdery mildews and sooty moulds, which can lead to forest blight and crop losses. they also found fungi like Cryptococcus, a sticky yeast, and the plant pathogen Alternaria, both of which can be inhaled or form infections in human lungs. the researchers were not surprised to learn that dust in the sierra nevada was a mixture of soil particles from as far away as China’s gobi desert and as near as California’s san Joaquin Valley. they were surprised, however, to learn about the mix of microbes in the dust, and where they landed in the mountains. they thought that evenly mixed Asian and local dust would have the greatest diversity of bacteria and fungi on board. instead, they found that when the dust was more mixed, it had lower species richness. dust samples were collected at four Critical Zone observatory network sites in the sierras, at elevations ranging from 400 to 2,700 meters. the researchers suspect microbes steadily fell out of the dust as they traveled, which may be why fewer types of bacteria and fungi were found at the top than at the base of the mountains. “i like to think of diversity as being a good thing, like a safety net. You could lose a few and still sustain the essential functions of the community,” Maltz said. “in this case, loss of microbial diversity at the higher elevations doesn’t seem to be a negative; we’re losing pathogens instead.”some dust travelling the globe and landing in the sierra nevada is natural, and even beneficial for mountain ecosystems. dust carries fungi and bacteria that help decompose organic debris and enrich the soil. there are also helpful microbes in the dust that enable plants to absorb nutrients like phosphorus that are needed for growth. Pine trees, in this ecosystem, derive more than 80 percent of what they need to produce their needles from dust. “Without dust, trees wouldn’t have what they need to flourish and fix carbon from the atmosphere at the level they’re currently doing it,” said uCr environmental microbiologist and study co-author emma Aronson. More droughts, more dust however, in a future climate, there are likely to be more droughts, resulting in more dust. if a greater proportion of the microbes landing in the sierra nevada are pathogenic, that could affect which species of plants and animals are able to “Withpersist.increased die-off of large conifers and other plants, there would be less carbon sequestered than there has been historically, and the atmosphere could get even hotter,” Aronson said. though the researchers did not set out to study climate change, the study offers a glimpse of what could happen when there is less snowpack and longer dry seasons. “Mountains are a good natural laboratory for climate change because it’s cooler and wetter at the top, and warmer and drier at the base. they give us predictive power about how ecosystems will adapt to the changes we’re already seeing,” Maltz said.

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Alicante Airport enjoys 88 percent recovery

Alicante-elche Airport has seen a recovery of 88 percent of passenger traffic compared to the same time in 2019, pre-pandemic. According to airport operator AenA, this means that the airport has welcomed more than one-and-a-half million passengers in July alone through 8,846 flights. the majority of passengers were international travellers, who registered 1.15 million passengers. the split between international and national travellers has seen the domestic market increase by 30 percent compared to July 2019. internationally, British travellers still top the list with 497,070 passengers. this remains considerably higher than the next group of foreign passengers. this was travellers from the netherlands at o88,654.verall there have been 5.7 million passengers – domestic and international - travelling through Alicante-elche Airport during the first six months of the year. this is 83 percent of the total seen over the same period in 2019.

Unhealthy heatwave

Democracy for Orihuela Costa

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the hot wind storm that swept through the region in the early hours of saturday morning saw temperatures of 38°C in torrevieja and a maximum wind gust of 103 km/h, according to Proyecto Mastral. in the city of orihuela, Meteorihuela reported that the temperature at midnight was 28.2ºC, and at the height of the wind storm, at 1:09 hours, it rose to 37.6ºC. As for the relative humidity, at midnight it was 62 percent.thestrong gusts of wind caused damage across the province. the Provincial Firefighters Consortium whose crews carried out up to 60 interventions related to the toppling of trees, antennas, traffic signals, pergolas and awnings. the most affected areas have been the southern Costa Blanca, especially in santa Pola, elche and orihuela. Pedro José gómez Cascales, from Meteorihuela, explained that the line of storms advanced from west to east through the southeast of the iberian Peninsula, reaching the Vega Baja del segura region minutes before one in the early morning. these convective cells were formed as a result of the very dry environment in low layers and a humid zone of subtropical origin located between 4 and 5 kilometres in altitude. With these characteristics, the base of the cloud is very high and is usually synonymous with “dry storms”, with little or no rain, very strong gusts of wind and high density of cloud-toground lightning. due to the prevailing conditions, “warm blows” are very likely. it is a violent downward current that generates a sudden and intense heating of the air and a decrease in humidity on the surface. on Friday, the state Meteorological Agency (AeMet ) raised the alert level for high temperatures across the Vega Baja is to a red warning of extreme risk. the generalitat mobilised all resources to be extremely vigilant against forest fires and protect people from the heat wave, especially the elderly, the sick and children. the special plan to deal with forest fires in the Valencian Community saw extraordinary resources mobilised and extraordinary measures applied. the declaration of Preemergency level 3 called into effect mandatory restrictions in the forest lands of the Valencian Community, such as the prohibition of the transit of people on footpaths and cross country, the suspension of works on forest land or its surroundings and the suspension of the festiverecreational use of fire for festive reasons on forest land and in the forest influence zone (a border of up to 500 meters). Likewise, it also establishes the general prohibition of lighting any type of fire on forest land or in the area of forest influence and the suspension of any type of authorisation granted for sports on forest land including trekking, cycling, hiking etc.

Leaflets and Flyers

Indy’s Design & Print indy’s design & Print has been in business for the last eighteen months and offer a great service in design and printing. if you are starting a new business and need a start up package or just need a reprint, we can design and print everything you need. All businesses need some kind of design or printing as it allows you to get your message out to target a much larger market; especially in the local area that you might be based. For instance, flyers allows you to target a large audience without spending a great deal of money. services we can offer: Graphic Design, including:

• Business cards, invitations, event tickets and much more. Printing: • Business• Menus• Signs• Banners cards

• A• Posters• Stickers• Brochures• FlyersBoards• Pullupdisplays• Popupdisplays• T-Shirts• andmuchmore our printing service will assist you with custom, large format print orders such as banners, signs, stickers, window decals and oversized posters. Whatever your project, we will be able to work with you. here´s more information on what we can provide: T-Shirts everyone loves to wear stylish t-shirts that not only set them apart but can be custom designed for your business or Businessesgroup. are constantly spreading the word about their products and services. Business cards are the perfect way for you to include all of their important contact details. We have a great offer for 1000 cards, double sided and full colour, using a great quality card in matt or gloss finish for only 45€ plus iVA .We have a weekly run every Monday. Signs and Banners With the rapid emergence of technology within marketing, it’s easy to discount signs and banners. however, they still have as much pulling power as they ever have. signs and banners need to be memorable for them to be as effective as possible. People will pass business’ banners and signs multiple times a day, so they need to be able to catch the eye every time and live long in the memory too. Buying displays for events is a great investment, because they’re re-usable. our displays are strong, durable and always a popular choice for businesses.

Just like signs and banners, leaflets and flyers are two marketing methods that have stood the test of time. their main purpose is to provide the reader with as much information as they can, whilst still being eyecatching and clear. We have a great offer for 5000 A5 Flyers for 130€ plus iVA, full colour and double sided. We can also give quotes for A6, A4, A3 leaflets or posters on request. Menus We offer a great service for designing and printing all menus: flat, folded, different sizes and can be laminated for durability. Please contact us for a quote. indy’s design & Print offer a friendly professional service. We like to be involved in every aspect of your design and printing needs, however big or small. Please contact Jenny on 647 472 825 or email on indysdp@ gmail.com for any enquiries. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to see all our design and printing.

the Local government Board for torrevieja has approved a direct grant to the local ngo Alimentos solidarios torrevieja for the care of hundreds of refugees from the ukraine. the aid will mean an economic injection of 100,000 euros for social catering or the preparation of meals cooked daily for packaged delivery to the families of ukrainian refugees who have been welcomed in torrevieja as a result of the war. the councillor explained that, since the war broke out last February, the vast majority of ukrainian citizens who have arrived in the city have been referred to the solidarity Food torrevieja soup kitchen. “ this means that the local ngo has managed to increase its food service and basic necessities by almost 800 monthly menus,” she said. it also shows the hard work of the relevant groups, ‘regardless of the economic costs, the effort and energy put in by the solidarity Food torrevieja volunteers to double their work and meet the needs, together with all the members of the Association of ukrainians of torrevieja and other groups has been astounding and something that the City Council want to thank publicly’.

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More flight strikes easyjet’s spanish pilots walked out on Friday, calling for the reinstatement of conditions they enjoyed before the coronavirus pandemic, two weeks after a strike by the low-cost carrier’s cabin crew had resulted in a deal. Coming at the height of the summer tourist season, the new easyjet stoppages will add to the problems facing the sector. Cabin crew at budget rival ryanair have been staging 24-hour walkouts since June, which are likely to continue until January 2023, unions said. the easyjet pilots, for their part, are staging a first three-day strike from Friday at the airports of Barcelona, Malaga and the Mediterranean islands of Palma de Majorca and Minorca, the sePLA union said. two more three-day walkouts are planned later in August. “this is the only possible alternative for the pilots’ representatives, after more than six months of negotiations, at which the company has rejected all proposals made,” the union said.the airline cancelled eight flights on Friday, most of them from Barcelona, spain’s secondbusiest airport. “during the worst months of the pandemic, we agreed to lower our salaries to guarantee not only jobs, but the survival of the company itself in spain,” the union said. now, however, the company “refuses to recover the working conditions. “We are not asking for anything that we did not have two years ago,” added the union spokesman. in late July, easyJet said it took a sizeable financial hit from sector-wide disruptions, notably staff shortages, but still slashed quarterly losses as demand recovered. Just days later, easyJet cabin crews ended their strike, after reaching a deal with management to raise wages by 22 percent over three years.

• Flyers• Logos of various sizes and formats

Warm winds wreak havoc

Torrevieja provides more support for Ukrainian refugees


• Display• Brochuresboards and banners

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Ryanair price hike warning

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ryanair has warned that cheap promotional flight prices are a thing of the past, amid soaring travel costs. the airline’s boss Michael o’Leary has said that he expects the average price of their flights to rise by €10 over the next five years. that would take the average cost of a ryanair flight from €40 to €50 bys2027.peaking to BBC4’s today Programme, o’Leary said heavily discounted flights would not be available for a while due to rising fuel prices. he said: “ there’s no doubt that at the lower end of the marketplace, our really cheap promotional fares – the one euro fares, the €0.99 fares, even the €9.99 euro fares – i think you will not see those fares for the next number of years.” despite rising costs, o’Leary isn’t expecting a decrease in demand for flights overall. however, he said that passengers from more expensive airlines will begin to book with budget carriers instead, as they look to hold onto their money. he continued: “We think people will continue to fly frequently. But i think people are going to become much more price sensitive and therefore my view of life is that people will trade down in their manyLastmillions.”month, Willie Walsh, director general of the international Air transport Association, told BBC’s sunday Morning why flight prices are soaring this year. he said: “Flights are getting more expensive because of the high price of oil and it has been clear to everybody that will be reflected in higher ticket prices. Flying will be more expensive for consumers, without doubt. oil is the single biggest element of an airlines’ cost base. it is inevitable that ultimately the high oil prices will be passed through to consumers.” Car hire, accommodation and travel insurance prices have all rocketed this summer. there are ways to keep flight costs down this summer, with the time a holiday is booked affecting prices.

My New Home In Spain

Last week My new home in spain had the pleasure of visiting this stunning new development situated in the Costa Calida. this resort is a new concept that has not yet been seen in this part of spain. the main attraction is a beautiful lagoon which measures 17,000 m2 and is surrounding by beautiful sandy beaches and magnificent palm trees. there are also two islands in the lagoon, one with its very own bar. this lake is the largest artificial lake of crystalline waters in europe. it was created by Crystal Lagoons, the world leader in bathing, treatment and maintenance of large areas of crystal clear water. this area has been designed with a variety of attractions to enjoy nature and nautical activities and to spend the day with your children having a beer with friends or sampling the Mediterranean gastronomy. Living beside the lake will always feel like vacation time. there are cycle paths throughout the resort and long trails for walking or jogging. there will also be ideal spaces to relax and practice yoga, read a good book or have a picnic with the family. You will be able to challenge your friends in the Adventure golf or try your hand at Petanque. there will also be a number of childrens play areas and outdoor sports facilities. there are a number of developments being built around the lake ranging from modern 2 & 3 bedroom apartments to individual villas. We were given a tour of the latest villas that have just been released. the quality and design of these villas is superb with fabulous view of the lake from the pool area, the balcony leading from the second floor bedrooms and also from the large roof solarium. each villas has three bedrooms and three bathrooms. there is also a large basement with room to add a fourth bedroom with ensuite and have your very own games room or cinema room. there is parking for three cars at the rear of the villas. Murcia (Corvera) airport is approximately 20 minutes drive surrounding by a number of high quality golf courses. My new home in spain are authorised agents for this new development. if you would like more information or would like to arrange a viewing of the area and the villas please do not hesitate to contact Michelle on 711007147 (whatsapp available) or email –michelle@mynewhomeinspain.com

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Salman Rushdie stabbed whilst giving speech

Writer salman rushdie has been attacked and stabbed several times whilst giving a speech in new York. the author, 75, who received death threats after publishing the satanic Verses in 1989, was stabbed by hadi Mata, from Fairview, new Jersey. the attack occurred around 10:45am as rushdie was being introduced. Witnesses claim the man came from the left of the stage and just lunged at the author and appeared to be punching him. the 24 year-old, allegedly stabbed rushdie at least once in the neck and at least once in the abdomen, state police said. staff and audience members rushed to the attacker and got him on the ground before a state trooper took him into custody, police said. salman rushdie’s agent Andrew Wylie has said that he was put on a ventilator and was unable to speak. “he will likely lose an eye,” Wylie said in a statement to the press. “ the nerves in his arm were severed; and his liver was stabbed and damaged. the news is not good.” rushdie, the son of a successful Muslim businessman in india, was educated in england, first at rugby school and later at the university of Cambridge where he received a master’s degree in history. rushdie’s 1988 novel was viewed as blasphemous by many Muslims, who saw a character as an insult to the Prophet Muhammad, among other objections. Across the Muslim world, often-violent protests erupted against rushdie. At least 45 people were killed in riots over the book, including 12 people in rushdie’s hometown of Mumbai. in 1991, a Japanese translator of the book was stabbed to death and an italian translator survived a knife attack. in 1993, the book’s norwegian publisher was shot three times and survived.thebook was banned in iran, where the late leader grand Ayatollah Khomeini issued a 1989 fatwa, or edict, calling for rushdie’s death. Khomeini died that same year. iran’s current supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has never issued a fatwa of his own withdrawing the edict, though iran in recent years hasn’t focused on the writer. the death threats and bounty led rushdie to go into hiding under a British government protection program, which included a round-the-clock armed guard. rushdie emerged after nine years of seclusion and cautiously resumed more public appearances, maintaining his outspoken criticism of religious extremism overall. Widely regarded as one of Britain’s finest living writers, rushdie was knighted by Queen elizabeth ii in 2008 and earlier this year was made a member of the order of the Companions of honor, a royal accolade for people who have made a major contribution to the arts, science or public life. in a tweet, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson deplored that rushdie was attacked “while exercising a right we should never cease to defend.”

FBi agents entered donald trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate last week, looking for classified documents on nuclear weapons, according to reports in American media. reports, citing anonymous sources familiar with the investigation, do not clarify whether the documents concerned the us’s nuclear arsenal or one belonging to another country. nor did the sources reveal whether the agents found what they were looking for in the former president’s Florida home. What they did say was that there was concern that the documents would fall into the wrong hands. in part the search was base on the belief that additional classified information remained at the private club after the national Archives retrieved more than a dozen boxes of White house documents from the resort earlier this year. Mr. trump was in new York at the time, as the resort is mostly dormant during the summer months. the Federal Bureau of investigation met u.s secret service employees outside Mar-a-Lago to alert them they were executing the warrant. After the search, the federal agents hauled away roughly 10 more boxes, a person with knowledge of the operation said. the extraordinary lawenforcement action came two months after Justice department lawyers, including an official who supervises investigations involving classified information, visited the Palm Beach residence seeking more information about potentially sensitive material that had been taken there from the White house. the search warrant may provide more details about the FBi’s search. Attorney general Merrick garland said that the department of Justice (doJ) has filed a motion with the south Florida court to unseal the search warrant, along with the list of seized documentation. he added that he “personally approved the decision to seek a search warrant,” adding that the move was not taken “lightly.”Butthe doJ has not asked the judge to unseal the affidavit of probable cause, which could confirm if, as reported by newsweek and other us media, that the doJ was tipped off by an informer close to trump.trump could have made the search warrant and list of seized items public, but he has not done so yet. however, just before midnight, trump said he had no objections to the unsealing. “not only will i not oppose the release of documents related to the unAmerican, unwarranted, and unnecessary raid and break-in of my home in Palm Beach, Florida, Mara-Lago, i am going a step further by encourage the immediate release of those documents,” the former president posted on his truth social network.

FBI searches Trump’s Florida home

GBP / EUR UP dat E

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GBP this time last week, the Boe had just raised uK rates by 50bps, and had delivered perhaps the most pessimistic outlook from any central bank since those early days of CoVid. the uK is set to enter into a multi-quarter recession, with inflation reaching the giddy heights of 13.3% this autumn, before a slow decline ensues, so the Boe tell us. We got the first evidence of the slow down today with the latest uK gdP figures showing the uK economy contracted in Q2 by 0.1%. there is an expectation that we will see small growth in Q3 however before the economy starts to contract again in Q4 as households’ energy bills are set to sky rocket. next week is also critical, with the latest inflation data, retail sales, as well as the July labour report. headline inflation topped 9.4% last time round, which is still some way away from the Boe’s lofty projections, but within fighting distance of reaching the nasty 10% region potentially. Whilst perhaps not as critical as inflation, both retail sales and the Labour report will help to give a better overview of the state of the economy. A sharp slowdown in consumer confidence is expected given the big rise in the cost of living. As for the pound, well sterling has remained close to the moves in the single currency, with gBP/eur steady at around 1.1825. gBP/ usd reached a high of 1.2280 on Wednesday, marking a strong gain against the greenback, alongside most other majors, but had slipped 100 pips by yesterday evening, as shortterm profits were booked by those who had ventured on the long side. EURO Much the same as the pound, the single currency has had a strong week, at least when measured against the greenback. having briefly fallen under parity in the middle of July, eur/usd has since gradually recovered, culminating with a move over 1.0350 on Wednesday. As you will probably be able to gauge, that move was down to that weak dollar, as opposed to anything euro area specific.thebig news on the data front was the latest german inflation report. harmonised inflation remains lofty at 8.5% (YoY), but crucially was at the same level as the previous month, which will have given everyone a marginal sigh of relief. today sees the release of the latest spanish inflation report, which is expected to remain above the 10% level throughout July. June industrial Production for the region may also reflect further softening, which is no surprise, given the challenging economic conditions within the euro area at present. Looking into a next week, region-wide growth figures (Wednesday) matter most. Last time round, there was a 0.7% gain (QoQ/Q2). hiCP inflation follows a day after. Both will have an impact on the short-term profile for the single currency.

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Join the Group by searching Facebook for “Costa Blanca Technology Help Group” Send your questions to cbtechnology.help@gmail.com if you have a question or a problem that needs my help then please send an email to Brian at cbtechnology.help@ gmail.com. if you want to join the technology help group search Facebook for “Costa Blanca technology help group”. if you do not use Facebook you can still join by sending an email with your details to cbtechnology. help@gmail.com.Whenjoining on Facebook please make sure that you scroll all the way through and answer all questions and give your email address. i use your email address as the primary means of communication. scan the Qr for offers.htCostaofreminderawhattheBlancaechnologyelpgroup

• Use multi-authentication. • Be vigilant. Brian TechnologyHoile Help Group

• Install anti-malware software.

• Set up secure passwords to begin with.

Carlton Entertainment have kindly given the Costa Blanca People two free tickets for each show. For a chance of winning these tickets WhatsApp “WIN” to 607 031 113.

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• Keep your passwords safe online.

• Don’t always use the same password.

“Are dash cams legal to use in Spain?” to be clear, it´s not a traffic offence according to traffic Law they are legal to use as long as they do not obstruct the driver´s view of the road, but it could be an offence under the data protection act, and if the camera makes unauthorised recordings of police officers, while on the job, that could endanger their own or a family member´s safety or the installations they are protecting or put the success of an operation at risk, also under the Citizen safety Law. the dash Cam recording could help prove who was at fault in a road traffic accident. Without proof it is often one person’s word against the other. Without witnesses, police attendance or an incident that is clear cut, it sometimes leads to a frustrating outcome.thedata protection Laws in spain prohibit the publication of photos and video of other people, without their express consent. only the police and other emergency services are allowed to record images in public places. under the data protection law as it stands, an insurance company probably could not use the images directly, but they could possibly be presented to a judicial court. the installation of a dash Cam in your vehicle is allowed but there are certain common-sense rules that must be considered to ensure safe driving. the placement of the device should not interfere with your ability to drive the vehicle. the device should not obstruct your field of vision from the vehicle. “How should I deal with my passwords?” Passwords are used across the web for several reasons. Logins to online shopping and social media accounts are just the tip of the iceberg, with more important uses, such as online banking and Pins being the riskiest. the scary thing is, if someone manages to hack your email account due to an insecure password, they have access to almost every online account and bank account you’ve ever set up. so, being sure to keep your passwords safe is essential. how to protect your passwords

Your tech questions answered by Brian Hoile of the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group, helping over 200 members with their PCs, smartphones and more. Find the group on Facebook (Costa Blanca Technology Help Group) or attend the meetings in person or online via Zoom.

• Keep passwords in a safe place offline.

BUSINESS PROFILE Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.

Avalon Funeral Plans are now FCA authorised

Avalon Funeral Plans has recently been authorised by Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), a uK regulator, allowing them to continue to provide funeral services, in line with strict regulations that came into force on the 29th of July 2022. through these regulations,the FCA has enhanced consumer protection within the pre-paid funeral plan market by ensuring plans are sold fairly, perform as expected, and provide value for money. Plus, plans must always guarantee a funeral; providers whoseproducts fail to do this will be banned from operating. Furthermore, cold calling is now prohibited, new advertising standards are being implemented and commission payments to intermediaries are banned.it’salso worth noting that Avalon is one of only two funeral plan providers in spain that is authorised and regulated by the FCA. And, as Avalon’s plans offer dual country cover, customers can be certain they’ll get the funeral they’ve paid for, whether in spain or the uK*. *ts & Cs apply

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With thanks to n332, the Costa Blanca People has tickets to give away to the California Motor show which is now in san Miguel de salinas. tickets are for thursday to sunday, until 28th August (a winner will be drawn every day except for Mon, tues, Wed when the event is closed) to enter, simply comment ‘n332’ on the Facebook post on Costa Blanca People’s Facebook page or whatsapp ‘n332’ to +34 607031113. the competition is open to over 18s only, t&Cs apply. Winners will be notified by dM on Facecbook or by Whatsapp. tickets can be collected on the door of the event by the winner (bring id and quote n332). the tickets are not transferable.

Win tickets to the California Motor Show

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19CostaBlancaPeople 16th - 23rd August 2022

Marley & Me

grand tour star James May ‘was rushed to hospital after crashing into wall at 75mph during filming for the Amazon Prime show’ the presenter, 59, crashed into a wall at 75mph while shooting a stunt scene for his Amazon Prime show James braked too slowly while racing rally cars with his co-hosts Jeremy Clarkson and richard hammond and ‘broke at least one rib’ during the incidentJames was assisted out of his Mitsubishi Lancer evo 8 by paramedics and was quickly taken to hospital for a brain scan and X-rays James was assisted out of his Mitsubishi Lancer evo 8 by paramedics and was quickly taken to hospital for a brain scan and X-rays. the show, which first premiered in 2016, has featured four seasons as well numerous specials before production on a fifth season was delayed in 2021 due to richardCoVid.himself was in a horror crash while filming top gear in 2006. he cheated death when he crashed a jet-powered dragster called Vampire at nearly 320mph while filming at the former rAF elvington airbase near York. the stunt was part of an attempt to break the British land speed record for the BBC show. At the time, richard told the daily Mirror: ‘i was in a bad way when they came to get me. the air ambulance guys were amazed i was still breathing. ‘At first they said i’d be in hospital for 15 months. Yet here i am ready to go back home after five weeks. i’m so bloody lucky i can’t believe it. i,ve been through so much grief and loss, Bros star Matt Goss fell out with his brother, Luke, and lost his sister and mum and his millions - now, as he signs up for strictly Come dancing he tells of the toll it all took. Matt goss has spent goodness knows how many years trying to understand his volatile relationship with his identical twin brother, Luke. it is, as he says, ‘complicated’. ‘i would do anything for Luke. if we both feel a little bit wobbly or vulnerable, we’re there for each other certainly. indeed. Anyone who’s seen their brilliant documentary about their years together in one of the most successful British boy bands of all time, Bros: After the screaming stops, knows only too well how easily those buttons are pushed.Forthose who haven’t, let’s just say if the film, which won the national Film Awards best documentary in 2018, had been released when Brosmania first gripped the country in the late 1980s, there would have been more bleeps to cover the swearing than actual music. so much so, you couldn’t help but worry for their blood pressure as Matt, the band’s frontman, and Luke, the drummer, went head-to-head. And now? Matt is 53 with less hair but a sense of self that’s enormously attractive. he’s also extremely approachable and seems, i tell him, wondrously at ease. ‘For the first time in my life i believe i have people around me who really genuinely care,’ he says. ‘For me there’s been a guilt that comes along with my happiness sometimes because i want to make sure that everyone has that same level of happiness.‘ifyou’ve seen the film, you’ll see Luke said i was chosen or something like that. For me, i was just going out doing my job, working the crowd. ‘When you’re front of the stage you’ve got to do that and i’d love my brother smashing away behind me 100 per cent. ‘the drummer is the backbone of a band but as a frontman you’ve got to grab the crowd by the throat. ‘i felt i had to apologise for being the frontman for the past three decades. those days are over.’ Little more than a week ago, Matt returned home to London for good after more than a quarter of a century in the states where, during his 11-year sell-out residency in Las Vegas, his success on the strip was compared to that of Frank sinatra.next month, he will compete in strictly Come dancing which, he says, ‘will force me into a place that’s not my comfort zone. i’d win Baftas, play the o2, do great, great promotions, then go back into this kind of reclusive place.

Katie Price has reportedly landed in hot water with ex-husband Kieran hayler over a video she shared of their eight-year-old daughter Bunny on social media.‘Alarm bells’ were said to have rang for the former stripper, 35, after he watched a video of his daughter eating a lollipop, which has since been deleted by the ex glamour model, 43. the three-minute long video saw Bunny eating a lollipop, calling it AsMr, also known as autonomous sensory meridian response videos - which feature sounds that provoke a relaxed and pleasant sensation in the bodywith fans using them to de-stress or drift off to Commonsleep. examples of these triggers include receiving or watching someone else receive personal attention, such as massages or hair brushing, and also from listening to soft sounds such as whispers or tapping. And despite the seemingly harmless nature of Bunny’s clip, Katie - who also shares son Jett, nine, with Kieran - was soon flooded with comments from worried parents as they warned her about child safety online. After watching the video of his daughter, Kieran was said to be ‘furious’ with his ex-wife, reports the sun. A representative of the father-ofthree told the publication: ‘Kieran has been made aware of this recent post and will address with Miss Price. ‘it’s raised alarm bells and concern over videos featuring their daughter Bunny. the children’s safety is paramount, Kieran will exercise the appropriate measure to ensure this.’ Katie was said to be inundated with concern comments, with one person urging: ‘Please be careful with posting stuff like this, there’s some real creeps on this ‘haveappyou not seen how many men are saving these videos of kids on here ... Be CAreFuL’, shared another.

Saturday 20th August – ITV, 9.00pm James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) is back. An oil tycoon is murdered in Mi6, and Bond is sent to protect his daughter. renard (robert Carlyle), who has a bullet lodged in his brain from a previous Agent, is secretly planning the destruction of a pipeline. Bond gains a hand from research scientist dr. Christmas Jones (denise richards), who witnesses the action which happens when Bond meets up with renard, but Bond becomes suspicious about elektra King (sophie Marceau), especially when Bond’s boss, M (dame Judi dench) goes missing. Bond must work quickly to prevent renard from destroying europe.

The World is not Enough

Saturday 21st August – ITV, 3.05pm After their wedding, newspaper writers John and Jennifer grogan move to Florida. in an attempt to stall Jennifer’s “biological clock”, John gives her a puppy. While the puppy Marley grows into a 100 pound dog, he loses none of his puppy energy or rambunctiousness. Meanwhile, Marley gains no self-discipline. Marley’s antics give John rich material for his newspaper column. As the grogans mature and have children of their own, Marley continues to test everyone’s patience by acting like the world’s most impulsive dog.

This Week´s Movie Picks

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Theory 12:05

00:10 BBC Weather 00:15 The Conversation 02:05 Celebrity MasterChef 03:05 Celebrity MasterChef 03:35 Dirty Rotten 04:20ScammersThisIs BBC TWO 07:30 Animal Park 08:15 Bargain Hunt 09:00 Gardeners’ World 10:00 Live: ChampionshipEuropeanMulti Sport 13:00 Live: ChampionshipEuropeanMulti Sport 14:45 Eggheads 15:15 Mastermind 15:45 Tigers About the House 16:45 Antiques Road Trip 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 Live: ChampionshipEuropeanMulti Sport 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 00:45 Junk and Disorderly 01:35 Ideal World 04:00 Griff’s Great Australian 04:25AdventureMartin Clunes: My Travels and Other Animals 04:50 Unwind with ITV 06:05 Jeremy Pang’s Asian 07:00KitchenGood Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:00 ITV Lunchtime News 14:20 ITV News London 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 17:30 Tipping Point: Best Ever 18:00FinalsThe Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:30 Emmerdale 21:00 Coronation Street 22:00 Heathrow: Britain’s Busiest Airport 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 DNA Journey 05:40 The Dog House 06:35 Beat the Chef 07:00 Countdown 07:40 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:05 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:30 The King of Queens 08:55 The King of Queens 09:20 Frasier 10:10 Frasier 10:45 The Big Bang Theory 11:10 The Big Bang Big Bang The Simpsons Place Bell 01:50 Countryfile 02:45 Celebrity MasterChef 03:45 Dirty Rotten 04:30ScammersThisIs BBC TWO 07:30 Animal Park 08:15 A Countryside Summer 08:45 Our Lives 09:15 The Super League 10:00ShowLive: ChampionshipEuropeanMulti Sport 14:45 Eggheads 15:15 Mastermind 15:45 Tigers About the House 16:45 Antiques Road Trip 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 Live: ChampionshipEuropeanMulti Sport 23:00 Two Doors Down 23:30 Newsnight 00:45 All Elite Wrestling: 02:25DynamiteIdeal World 04:00 Girlfriends 04:50 Unwind with ITV 06:10 Coronation Street 06:35Icons Emmerdale Family 07:00Trees Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 Lunchtime News 14:55 News London 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:30 Emmerdale 21:00 Who Wants to Be a 22:00Millionaire?Secrets of the Spies 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 Heathrow: Britain’s Busiest Airport 05:35 The Great British Dig: History in Your Back Garden 06:25 Beat the Chef 06:50 Sunday Brunch 07:00 Countdown 07:40 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:05 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:30 The King of Queens 08:55 The King of Queens 09:20 Frasier 09:45 Frasier 10:10 Frasier 10:45 The Big Bang Theory 11:10 The Big Bang Theory 11:35 The Big Bang Theory 12:05 The Simpsons 12:35 The Simpsons 13:05 Channel 4 News 13:10SummaryRamsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Help! We Bought a and23:0022:00Street21:0020:0019:3019:0018:00VillageMoneybagsTheSimpsonsHollyoaksChannel4NewsWorstHouseontheNightCoppersPornKing:TheRiseFallofRonJeremy Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Plebs 23:30 Plebs 00:00 Unforgotten 01:05 Inspector Morse 03:25 Unwind with ITV 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:35 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 That’s My Boy 09:40 That’s My Boy 10:15 Inspector Morse 12:35 The Royal 13:40 Heartbeat 14:40 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Rosemary and Thyme 17:55 Rosemary and Thyme 18:55 Downton Abbey 20:00 Heartbeat 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Unforgotten costablancapeople.com | 16th - 23rd 2022

Theory 11:35 The

12:35 The Simpsons 13:05 Channel 4 News 13:10SummaryRamsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A

When it comes to eating healthily, it seems there’s a new piece of advice everyTakeweek.eggs. Once demonised for being high in cholesterol, they gained hero status when proteinrich diets became the holy grail for weight loss. No wonder we’re so confused.Butanew study could be the definitive guide that we’ve all been lookingResearchersfor. from the U.S. have created the Food Compass, which, they say, is the most comprehensive system ever devised to assess the nutrition content of what we eat.


Why Cheerios are better than coffee for breakfast


Wednesday 17th August 01:10 This Is My House 01:40 Weather for the Week 01:45AheadJoins BBC News 02:00 Newsday 02:30 Click 03:00 BBC News 03:30 The Travel Show 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Panorama 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Animal Park 11:00 Caught Red Handed 11:30 Fraud Squad 12:15 Homes Under the 13:15HammerBargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Live: 23:4023:3023:0022:0021:0020:3020:0019:3019:00ChampionshipEuropeanMultiSportBBCNewsatSixBBCLondonRip-OffBritainEastEndersTheRepairShopShetlandBBCNewsatTenBBCLondonIntheHeartoftheSea

in the Sun 17:00 Help! We Bought a 23:30Babies22:0021:0020:0019:3019:0018:00VillageMoneybagsTheSimpsonsHollyoaksChannel4NewsChangingRoomsBritain’sSecretWarTheGreat 07:50 Fireman Sam 08:00 Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go 08:10 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:25 PAW Patrol 08:35 Kangaroo Beach 08:55 Pip & Posy 09:10 The Adventures of 09:30PaddingtonRicky Zoom 09:40 Daisy & Ollie 09:50 Odo 09:55 Milo 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 13:45 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:20 New Teacher, New 17:00NightmareBargain Loving Brits in the 18:00Sun5News at 5 19:00 Cash In The Attic 20:00 The Highland Vet 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Hmp Styal: Women Behind Bars 23:20 Cold Case Killers 00:00 Family Guy 00:30 American Dad! 00:55 American Dad! 01:25 Bob’s Burgers 01:50 Bob’s Burgers 02:20 Superstore 02:50 Superstore 03:15 All American 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 World’s Funniest 07:30VideosWorld’s Funniest 08:00VideosLove Bites 09:00 Dress to Impress 10:00 Veronica Mars 11:00 One Tree Hill 12:00 The O.C. 13:00 Supermarket Sweep 14:00 Rolling In It 15:05 Family Fortunes 16:05 Veronica Mars 17:00 One Tree Hill 18:00 Hart of Dixie 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Gordon, Gino and Fred’s Road Trip 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy 00:00 Unforgotten 01:05 Inspector Morse 03:25 Unwind with ITV 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:35 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 That’s My Boy 09:40 That’s My Boy 10:15 Inspector Morse 12:35 The Royal 13:40 Heartbeat 14:40 Emmerdale 15:15 Coronation Street 15:50 Coronation Street 16:45 Rosemary and Thyme 17:50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:55 Downton Abbey 20:00 Heartbeat 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Unforgotten BBC one BBC two ITV Channel 4Channel 5ITV2 ITV3 Tuesday 16th August 00:25 The Hit List 01:10 Weather for the Week 01:15AheadJoins BBC News 01:30 HARDtalk 02:00 Newsday 02:30 Talking Business 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Talking Movies 04:00 BBC News 04:30 The Travel Show 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Animal Park 11:00 Caught Red Handed 11:30 Fraud Squad 12:15 Homes Under the 13:15HammerBargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Live: 23:4023:3023:0022:0021:0020:30a20:0019:3019:00ChampionshipEuropeanMultiSportBBCNewsatSixBBCLondonCanals:TheMakingofNationEastEndersCelebrityMasterChefPanoramaBBCNewsatTenBBCLondonAmbulance 00:10 BBC Weather 00:15 Gloria


The team in Boston spent three years looking at more than 8,000 foods and drinks, from melon to a McDonald’s, and used cutting-edge science to rank them according to 54 different attributes. They gave each food a score between 1 and 100 — the higher the score, the healthier the food. Foods scoring between 100 and 70 are encouraged, those between 69 and 31 should be eaten only in moderation, while anything under 30 is bad news. Some of the highest scoring foods will come as little surprise. Legumes, nuts and seeds (average score 78.6), fruits (73.9) and vegetables (69.1) all do well. Savoury snacks and desserts (average score 16.4) are on the nogoButlist. there are some surprises. Sweet potato crisps get a score of 69, the same as bulgur wheat, usually considered a healthy grain. The vitamins and minerals in both are comparable. But break it down further, and other factors emerge. Sweet potatoes have more vitamin A and potassium, and are low in sodium.


08:00 Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go 08:10 Peppa Pig 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:25 PAW Patrol 08:35 Kangaroo Beach 08:55 Pip & Posy 09:10 The Adventures of 09:30PaddingtonRicky Zoom 09:40 Daisy & Ollie 09:50 Odo 09:55 Milo 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 13:45 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:20 Left for Dead: The Ashley Reeves Story 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the 18:00Sun5News at 5 19:00 Cash In The Attic 20:00 GPs: Behind Closed 21:00DoorsKew Gardens: A Year In 22:00BloomBen Fogle: Make A New Life In The Country 23:00 The Box: An American Murder Story 00:00 Family Guy 00:25 American Dad! 00:55 Bob’s Burgers 01:25 Bob’s Burgers 01:50 Superstore 02:15 Superstore 02:45 The Stand Up Sketch 03:10ShowAll American 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 World’s Funniest 07:30VideosWorld’s Funniest 08:00VideosLove Bites 09:00 Dress to Impress 10:00 Veronica Mars 11:00 One Tree Hill 12:00 The O.C. 13:00 Supermarket Sweep 14:00 Rolling In It 15:05 Family Fortunes 16:05 Veronica Mars 17:00 One Tree Hill 18:00 The O.C. 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s

22 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

BBC one BBC two ITV Channel 4Channel 5ITV2 ITV3

07:20 Mya Go 07:30 Blue’s Clues & You! 07:50 Fireman Sam 08:00 Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:25 PAW Patrol 08:35 Kangaroo Beach 08:55 Pip & Posy 09:10 The Adventures of 09:30PaddingtonRicky Zoom 09:40 Daisy & Ollie 09:50 Odo 09:55 Milo 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 13:45 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:20 Tempting Fate 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the 18:00Sun5News at 5 19:00 Cash In The Attic 20:00 Carol Klein’s Summer 21:00GardeningBritain’s Poshest Farm 22:00Shops‘allo ‘allo!: Forty Years of 23:30LaughterBritain’s Favourite 80s Hits 00:00 Family Guy 00:25 American Dad! 00:55 American Dad! 01:25 Bob’s Burgers 01:50 Bob’s Burgers 02:20 Superstore 02:45 Superstore 03:15 All American 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 World’s Funniest 07:30VideosWorld’s Funniest 08:00VideosLove Bites 09:00 Dress to Impress 10:00 Veronica Mars 11:00 One Tree Hill 12:00 Hart of Dixie 13:00 Supermarket Sweep 14:00 Rolling In It 15:05 Family Fortunes 16:05 Veronica Mars 17:00 One Tree Hill 18:00 Hart of Dixie 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 The Heat 00:00 Unforgotten 01:05 Inspector Morse 03:25 Unwind with ITV 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:35 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 That’s My

07:30 Blue’s Clues & You! 07:50 Fireman Sam 08:00 Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go 08:10 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:25 PAW Patrol 08:35 Kangaroo Beach 08:55 Pip & Posy 09:10 The Adventures of 09:30PaddingtonRicky Zoom 09:40 Daisy & Ollie 09:50 Odo 09:55 Milo 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 13:45 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:20 A Mother’s Secret 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the 18:00Sun5News at 5 19:00 Cash In The Attic 20:00 Inside Waitrose: Britain’s 21:00SupermarketPoshest10YearsYounger In 10 22:00Days A Farm Through Time 23:00 Hotel Benidorm: Sun, Sea & Sangria 23:55 Adults Only 00:00 Family Guy 00:30 American Dad! 00:55 American Dad! 01:25 Bob’s Burgers 01:50 Bob’s Burgers 02:20 Superstore 02:50 Superstore 03:15 All American 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 World’s Funniest 07:30VideosWorld’s Funniest 08:00VideosLove Bites 09:00 Dress to Impress 10:00 Veronica Mars 11:00 One Tree Hill 12:00 Hart of Dixie 13:00 Supermarket Sweep 14:00 Rolling In It 15:05 Family Fortunes 16:05 Veronica Mars 17:00 One Tree Hill 18:00 Hart of Dixie 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy 00:00 Unforgotten 01:05 Inspector Morse 03:20 Unwind with ITV 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:35 Coronation Street 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 That’s My Boy 09:40 That’s My Boy 10:15 Inspector Morse 12:35 The Royal 13:40 Heartbeat 14:40 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 That’s My Boy 17:20 Rosemary and Thyme 18:55 Downton Abbey 20:00 Heartbeat 21:00 Vera 23:00 Unforgotten Friday 19th August 01:55 Weather for the Week 02:3002:00AheadNewsdayTheTravel Show 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Return of the Tigers 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Panorama 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Animal Park 11:00 Caught Red Handed 11:30 Fraud Squad 12:15 Homes Under the 13:15HammerBargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Live: 23:4023:3023:0022:3022:0021:3021:0020:30VillagePower:20:0019:3019:00ChampionshipEuropeanMultiSportBBCNewsatSixBBCLondonPubs,Ponds,andTheStoryoftheOurLivesAQuestionofSportThisIsMyHouseCelebrityMasterChefWouldILietoYou?BBCNewsatTenBBCLondonPointBreak

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Thursday 18th August 01:35 Weather for the Week 01:40AheadJoins BBC News 02:00 Newsday 02:30 Return of the Tigers 03:00 BBC News 03:30 The Engineers: Future of 04:00CarsBBC News 04:30 Click 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Animal Park 11:00 Caught Red Handed 11:30 Fraud Squad 12:15 Homes Under the 13:15HammerBargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Live: 23:4023:3023:0022:0021:0020:3020:0019:3019:00ChampionshipEuropeanMultiSportBBCNewsatSixBBCLondonBritainAfloatEastEndersCelebrityMasterChefAmbulanceBBCNewsatTenBBCLondonRedRose 00:10 BBC Weather 00:15 Test Cricket 01:15 Inside the Factory 02:15 Nadiya Bakes 02:45 Dirty Rotten 03:30ScammersThisIs BBC TWO 07:30 Animal Park 08:15 Bargain Hunt 09:00 A Countryside Summer 09:30 Nadiya Bakes 10:00 Live: ChampionshipEuropeanMulti Sport 14:45 Eggheads 15:15 Mastermind 15:45 Tigers About the House 16:45 Antiques Road Trip 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 Live: ChampionshipEuropeanMulti Sport 23:00 The Tuckers 23:30 Newsnight 01:00 English Football League Highlights 02:20 Ideal World 04:00 The Cruise: Shanghai to 04:25SydneyThe Cruise: Shanghai to 04:50SydneyUnwind with ITV 06:05 Craig and Bruno’s Great British Road Trips 06:30 Inside Britain’s Food 07:00FactoriesGood Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:00 ITV Lunchtime News 14:20 ITV News London 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 17:30 Tipping Point: Best Ever 18:00FinalsThe Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:30 Emmerdale 21:30 Tonight 22:00 Hotel Custody 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 Social Media Murders 05:50 The Dog House 06:45 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 07:00 Countdown 07:40 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:05 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:30 The King of Queens 08:55 The King of Queens 09:20 Frasier 09:45 Frasier 10:10 Frasier 10:45 The Big Bang Theory 11:10 The Big Bang Theory 11:35 The Big Bang Theory 12:05 The Simpsons 12:35 The Simpsons 13:05 Channel 4 News 13:10SummaryRamsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Help! We Bought a 23:00Academy22:00House,21:0020:0019:3019:0018:00VillageMoneybagsTheSimpsonsHollyoaksChannel4NewsGeorgeClarke’sOldNewHomeFootballDreams:TheFirstDates 00:10 BBC Weather 00:15 Test Cricket 01:15 Afghanistan: Getting 02:15Out Inside the Factory 03:15 Dirty Rotten Scammers 04:00 This Is BBC TWO 07:15 Animal Park 08:00 Homes Under the 09:00HammerACountryside Summer 09:30 Nadiya Bakes 10:00 Live: ChampionshipEuropeanMulti Sport 14:45 Zeppelin 16:25 Beechgrove 16:45 Antiques Road Trip 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 Live: ChampionshipEuropeanMulti Sport 22:30 Gardeners’ World 23:30 Newsnight 00:40 All Elite Wrestling: 01:40RampageIdeal World 04:00 How To Keep Your Dog Happy at Home 04:25 Robson Green’s Coastal Lives 04:50 Unwind with ITV 06:05 Garraway’s Good Stuff 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:00 ITV Lunchtime News 14:20 ITV News London 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 17:30 Tipping Point: Best Ever 18:00FinalsThe Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:30 Emmerdale 21:00 Coronation Street 22:00 Sanditon 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 The Invisible Man 04:45 Couples Come Dine with 05:40MeThe Dog House 06:35 Beat the Chef 07:00 Countdown 07:40 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:05 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:30 The King of Queens 08:55 The King of Queens 09:20 Frasier 09:45 Frasier 10:10 Frasier 10:45 The Big Bang Theory 11:10 The Big Bang Theory 11:35 The Big Bang Theory 12:05 The Simpsons 12:35 The Simpsons 13:05 Channel 4 News 13:10SummaryRamsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Help! We Bought a 23:00Countdown22:0021:0020:0019:3019:0018:00VillageMoneybagsTheSimpsonsHollyoaksChannel4NewsHobbyMan8Outof10CatsDoesTheLastLeg Boy 09:40 That’s My Boy 10:15 Inspector Morse 12:35 The Royal 13:40 Heartbeat 14:40 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 17:55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:55 Downton Abbey 20:00 Heartbeat 21:00 McDonald and Dodds 23:00 Unforgotten Saturday 20th August 01:40 Joins BBC News 02:00 BBC News 02:30 Click 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Talking Movies 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Click - Short Edition 04:45 The Film Review 05:00 BBC News 05:30 If You Love Your Baby... The Story of Forced 06:00AdoptionsBBC News 06:30 The Travel Show 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Nigella: At My Table 13:00 Football Focus 14:00 BBC Weekend News 14:10 BBC Weather 14:15 Live: ChampionshipEuropeanMulti Sport 17:30 Final Score 18:15 Superman & Lois 18:55 Superman & Lois 19:40 BBC Weekend News 19:50 BBC London 19:55 BBC Weather 20:00 The Hit List 20:45 Pointless Celebrities 21:30 Casualty 22:20 The Secrets She Keeps 23:10 BBC Weekend News 23:25 BBC Weather 23:30 Match of the Day 00:00 BBC Weather 00:05 Test Cricket 01:05 Panorama 01:35 Mountain Vets 02:35 Mountain Vets 03:35 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 The Dengineers 08:00 Marrying Mum and 08:30Dad Blue Peter 09:00 Deadly Dinosaurs with Steve Backshall 09:30 Deadly Dinosaurs with Steve Backshall 10:00 Live: ChampionshipEuropeanMulti Sport 14:15 Rick Stein’s India 15:15 The A to Z of TV 15:35CookingWitness for the Championship17:30ProsecutionLive:EuropeanMulti Sport 23:00 Queens of Disco 07:00 The Rubbish World of Dave Spud 07:10 The Rubbish World of Dave Spud 07:20 The Rubbish World of Dave Spud 07:35 Thunderbirds Are Go 08:00 Dare Master at Home 08:05 Teen Titans Go! 08:15 Teen Titans Go! 08:30 Inspector Gadget 08:45 Inspector Gadget 09:00 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Garraway’s Good Stuff 10:25 James Martin’s Saturday Morning 12:35 Jeremy Pang’s Asian 13:35KitchenJames Martin’s American Adventure 14:10 ITV Lunchtime News 14:25 Live: STV Racing Live 17:30 The Chase: Celebrity 18:30SpecialYou’ve Been Framed! 19:30 ITV Evening News 19:45 ITV News London 20:00 Alan Carr’s Epic 21:00GameshowTheWorld Is Not 23:30EnoughITV News 23:45 The Jonathan Ross Show 01:35 Ramy 02:10 Action Point 03:35 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 04:20 Come Dine with Me 04:50 Come Dine with Me 05:20 Come Dine with Me 05:45 Come Dine with Me 06:15 Come Dine with Me 06:40 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 07:00 The Big Bang Theory 07:25 The Big Bang Theory 07:50 The Big Bang Theory 08:15 The Simpsons 08:40 The Simpsons 09:05 The Simpsons 09:30 The Simpsons 10:00 The Simpsons 10:30 The Simpsons 11:00 The Big Breakfast 13:30 Jamie Oliver: Together 14:30 Four in a Bed 15:00 Four in a Bed 15:30 Four in a Bed 16:00 Four in a Bed 16:30 Four in a Bed 17:00 A Place in the Sun 17:30 Escape to the Chateau 18:35 Location, Location, 19:30LocationChannel 4 News 20:00 Lost Treasures of 21:00RomeBritain by Beach 22:00 Griff’s Canadian 23:00AdventureDeadpool 2 09:15 Pirata & Capitano 09:30 Santiago of the Seas 09:50 The Adventures of 10:00PaddingtonMimi’s World 10:15 The World According To 10:25GrandpaMeet The Experts 10:40 Show Me How 10:50 Peppa Pig 10:55 Circle Square 11:00 The Smurfs 11:15 11:30SquarePantsSpongeBobEntertainment News On 11:405 Friends 12:10 Friends 12:40 Friends 13:10 Friends 13:40 Friends 14:10 Jesse Stone: Sea 16:00ChangeOur Yorkshire Farm 17:00 Our Yorkshire Farm 18:30 5 News Weekend 18:35 Kew Gardens: A Year In 19:30BloomSecrets of the Royal 20:30PalacesLast Of The Summer Wine: 30 Years of Laughs 22:00 Top Of The Pops: Secrets & Scandals 23:30 Britain’s Favourite 70’s Hits 00:20 Family Guy 00:50 Family Guy 01:20 American Dad! 01:45 American Dad! 02:15 Bob’s Burgers 02:40 Bob’s Burgers 03:10 All American 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:20 Coronation Street 10:05OmnibusLove Bites 11:05 Love Bites 12:05 Dress to Impress 13:05 Dress to Impress 14:05 Family Fortunes 15:05 Catchphrase 15:50 Garfield: A Tail of Two 17:30KittiesThe Croods 19:25 Jurassic World: Fallen 22:00KingdomIdentity Thief 00:00 Unforgotten 01:05 Inspector Morse 03:20 Unwind with ITV 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 That’s My Boy 07:40 Agatha Christie’s 08:45Poirot Rosemary and Thyme 09:50 Rosemary and Thyme 10:50 Rosemary and Thyme 11:50 Rosemary and Thyme 12:55 Rosemary and Thyme 13:55 Rosemary and Thyme 15:30 Inspector Morse 17:50 Inspector Morse 20:00 Midsomer Murders 22:00 Midsomer Murders 23Your FREE Weekly TV Guide2022

24 www.costablancapeople.comCostaBlancaPeople 16th - 23rd August 2022News24 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide costablancapeople.com | 16th - 23rd August 2022 BBC one BBC two ITV Channel 4Channel 5ITV2 ITV3 Sunday 21st August 03:15 Weather for the Week 03:20AheadJoins BBC News 03:30 Dateline London 04:00 BBC News 04:30 If You Love Your Baby... The Story of Forced 05:00AdoptionsBBC News 05:30 Click 06:00 BBC News 06:30 The Media Show 07:00 Breakfast 08:40 Match of the Day 10:00 Sacred Wonders 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Homes Under the 13:00HammerBargain Hunt 14:00 BBC Weekend News 14:10 Weather for the Week 14:15AheadSongs of Praise 14:50 Live: 23:3023:2523:0022:0021:0020:0019:5519:5019:35Planet18:35ChampionshipEuropeanMultiSportSevenWorlds,OneBBCWeekendNewsBBCLondonBBCWeatherCountryfileAntiquesRoadshowMarriageBBCWeekendNewsBBCLondonMatchoftheDay2 00:00 TOTP 2 00:30 Test Cricket 01:30 Foxtrot 03:15 This Is BBC TWO 07:05 Gardeners’ World 08:05 Countryfile 09:00 Beechgrove 09:30 Weatherman Walking 10:00 Coast: The Great Guide 11:00 Live: ChampionshipEuropeanMulti Sport 14:50 The Searchers 16:45 Talking Pictures 17:30 Flog It! 18:05 Nature’s Weirdest 18:35EventsLive: 23:4023:00Out22:00ChampionshipEuropeanMultiSportAfghanistan:GettingBetterThingsBetterThings 07:00 The Rubbish World of Dave Spud 07:10 The Rubbish World of Dave Spud 07:20 The Rubbish World of Dave Spud 07:35 Thunderbirds Are Go 08:00 Dare Master at Home 08:05 Mr Bean: The Animated 08:15SeriesMr Bean: The Animated 08:30SeriesCraig of the Creek 08:45 Craig of the Creek 08:55 The Rubbish World of Dave Spud 09:10

DON’T throw another shrimp on the barbie!



The Simpsons 14:30 The Simpsons 15:00 Marmaduke 16:40 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 My Second Hand Home 21:00 The Real Windsors 22:00 Investigating Diana: Death in Paris 23:00 The Diana Interview: The Truth Behind The Scandal 09:50 The Adventures of 10:00PaddingtonMimi’s World 10:15 The World According To 10:30GrandpaMeet The Experts 10:40 Show Me How 10:50 Peppa Pig 10:55 Circle Square 11:00 The Smurfs 11:15 SpongeBob SquarePants 11:25 Entertainment News On 11:305 Friends 12:00 Friends 12:25 Friends 13:00 Friends 13:25 Friends 14:00 Friends 14:30 A Cinderella Story 16:25 50 First Dates 18:15 5 News Weekend 18:20 Jane Mcdonald’s Florida 19:45 First Class vs Economy: Is it Worth it? 21:00 Million 23:00House22:00MotorhomesPoundRichHouse,PoorBargainLovingBrits in the 23:55SunBeing Freddie Mercury: Under Pressure 00:15 Family Guy 00:40 Family Guy 01:10 American Dad! 01:35 American Dad! 02:05 Emergency Nurses: A+E 23:5523:2523:0022:3022:0019:4517:5516:0515:0514:0512:5011:5010:5009:5008:5507:55Guinness07:25Videos07:0004:0003:05StoriesHeyTraceyTeleshoppingWorld’sFunniestTotallyBonkersWorldRecordsLoveBitesLoveBitesDresstoImpressDresstoImpressDresstoImpressTakeMeOutFamilyFortunesCatchphraseDr.Seuss’theLoraxIceAge2:TheMeltdownTombRaiderFamilyGuyFamilyGuyFamilyGuyFamilyGuyFamilyGuy 00:05 A Touch of Frost 02:10 That’s My Boy 02:40 That’s My Boy 03:10 Unwind with ITV 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 That’s My Boy 07:40 Emmerdale Omnibus 10:30 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 11:35 Inspector Morse 13:50 Downton Abbey 14:50 Downton Abbey 15:55 Downton Abbey 17:00 Downton Abbey 18:05 Downton Abbey 19:10 Lewis 21:00 Diana’s Decades 22:00 Diana’s Decades 23:00 Endeavour Monday 22nd August 03:00 BBC News 03:30 If You Love Your Baby... The Story of Forced 04:00AdoptionsBBC News 04:30 Dateline London 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Animal Park 11:00 Caught Red Handed 11:30 Fraud Squad 12:15 Homes Under the 13:15HammerBargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Catchpoint 15:15 Money for Nothing 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 The Bidding Room 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Panorama 21:30 We Are England 22:00 Marriage 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London 23:40 Have I







Peppa Pig 07:10 Peppa Pig 07:15 Peppa Pig 07:20 Mya Go 07:30 Blue’s Clues & You! 07:50 Fireman Sam 08:00 Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:25 PAW Patrol 08:35 Kangaroo Beach 08:55 Pip & Posy 09:10 The Adventures of 09:25PaddingtonRicky Zoom 09:40 Daisy & Ollie 09:50 Odo 09:55 Milo 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 13:45 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 Danger in the House 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the 18:00Sun5News at 5 19:00 Cash In The Attic 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 The Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders 22:00 To Be Announced 23:30 Casualty 24/7 00:25 American Dad! 00:50 American Dad! 01:20 The Stand Up Sketch 02:3501:50ShowCelebAbilityDon’tHatethe Playaz 03:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:50 Unwind with ITV 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 World’s Funniest 07:30VideosWorld’s Funniest 08:00VideosLove Bites 09:00 Dress to Impress 10:00 Veronica Mars 11:00 One Tree Hill 12:00 Hart of Dixie 13:00 Supermarket Sweep 14:00 Rolling In It 15:05 Family Fortunes 16:05 Veronica Mars 17:00 One Tree Hill 18:00 Hart of Dixie 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00

The eight foods you should NEVER cook on the barbeque, according to a Michelin-starred chef - including lamb, prawns and Michelin-starredtofu. chef has warned against using the BBQ every chance youLondon’sget.

The Rubbish World of Dave Spud 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Katie Piper’s Breakfast 10:25ShowYou’ve Been Framed! 10:55 English Football League 12:55HighlightsITVLunchtime News 13:05 Midsomer Murders 15:05 Marley & Me 17:20 Diamonds Are Forever 19:35 ITV Evening News 19:45 ITV News London 20:00 Tipping Point: Lucky 21:00StarsVan der Valk 23:00 ITV News 23:20 Long Lost Family: What Happened Next 01:20 Peppermint 03:05 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 03:55 Couples Come Dine with 04:50MeHollyoaks Omnibus 06:50 Kirstie’s House of Craft 07:00 Big Bang 07:25 Big Bang 07:45 08:10 Frasier 08:35 Simpsons 09:00 Simpsons 09:30 Simpsons 10:00 Simpsons 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 Simpsons 13:55 Got a Bit More News for You 00:15 Test Cricket 01:15 04:0003:00X+YPanoramaThisIsBBC TWO 07:30 Animal Park 08:15 Bargain Hunt 09:00 A Countryside Summer 09:30 Nadiya Bakes 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 14:00 Eggheads 14:30 Natural World 15:30 Live: The Hundred 19:00 Live: The Hundred 22:30 QI XL 23:00 Frankie Boyle’s Tour of 23:30ScotlandNewsnight 00:15 Hotel Custody 01:10 Ideal World Fitness 04:00 Motorsport UK 04:50 Unwind with ITV 06:05 MediterraneanAinsley’s Cookbook 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson’s Biggest and Best Deals 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:30 Emmerdale 21:00 Coronation Street 22:00 Long Lost Family: What Happened Next 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 Secrets of the Spies 04:40 Come Dine with Me 05:05 Sarah Beeny’s New Life in the Country 06:05 The Dog House 07:00 Countdown 07:40 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:05 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:30 The King of Queens 08:55 The King of Queens 09:20 Frasier 09:45 Frasier 10:15 Frasier 10:45 The Big Bang Theory 11:10 The Big Bang Theory 11:40 The Big Bang Theory 12:05 The Simpsons 12:35 The Simpsons 13:05 Channel 4 News 13:10SummaryRamsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Chateau DIY 18:00 Moneybags 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Food Unwrapped 21:30 Jamie’s One-Pan 22:00WondersInvestigating Diana: Death in Paris 23:00 Disability and Abortion: The Hardest Choice 07:00 Kid-E Cats 07:05 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 American Dad! 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy 23:55 Family Guy 00:50 Inspector Morse 03:05 Man About the House 03:40 That’s My Boy 04:05 Emmerdale Omnibus 06:45 Unwind with ITV 07:00 Coronation Street 07:35 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 That’s My Boy 09:40 That’s My Boy 10:15 Inspector Morse 12:35 The Royal 13:40 Heartbeat 14:40 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 That’s My Boy 17:20 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:25 Downton Abbey 20:00 Heartbeat 21:00 Endeavour 23:00 Unforgotten

Rohit Ghai said some foods are ruined when cooked on a barbeque He said many seafoods are spoiled because of how easy it is to overcook them.With summer in full swing, some might be tempted to get out the barbeque for nearly every meal. However, one Michelin-starred chef has warned against using the BBQ every chance you get - suggesting some foods are completely ruined when cooked with the outdoor appliance. Rohit Ghai is one of the culinary world’s most in-demand chefs following a successful decade on the London restaurant scene - having opened his first solo eatery, Kutir, in 2018. He also runs Mayfair’s Indian restaurant Manthan. He explained that many seafood are spoiled if placed on the BBQ, because of how easy it is to overcook them. Meanwhile, lamb is one meat that will become too dry when cooked outdoors and tofu is far too delicate for it. Rohit said seafood when using a barbeque should largely be avoidedwith the dishes easily overdone when placed on such a high heat. He explained: ‘Oysters are very delicate in taste and very easy to overcook. Cooking these on the BBQ would be too intense and they’d end up‘Shrimps,dry. meanwhile, are very susceptible to drying out when introduced to a BBQ. Try grilling langoustines or jumbo prawns instead for your seafood fix.



25www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople 16th - 23rd August 2022 Recipes

Classic Home Made IngredientsColeslaw

STEP Blend5 the glaze in a blender until smooth. Once smooth, place back into the pan and reduce until the glaze coats the back of a spoon

STEP 3 In a jug, whisk the mustard, mayo, yogurt and vinegar. Season well, and taste for sharpness and creamy. Add more vinegar if you like.

Method STEP Remove1 any bruised or damaged outer cabbage leaves. Halve through the stem, and remove the dense core with a sharp knife and discard. Put cut side down onto a chopping board, and slice as finely as you can into thin shreds. You can also do this on a mandoline (you might want to quarter before slicing) or in a food processor with the shredding attachment. Tip into a bowl.

STEP 4 Tip the dressing into the veg bowl, and mix everything together well with a large spoon. Stir so all the veg gets coated lightly in the dressing. Sprinkle with a few pinches of paprika, and serve straight away. Can be covered and chilled for up to 3 days. Mix well before serving.

STEP Meanwhile,2 make the barbecue sauce. Tip the remaining paste into a small saucepan and bring to a simmer. Cook for 5 mins until it thickens and becomes darker, then add the ketchup and cook for 5 mins until sticky. Tip into a container and set aside.

STEP 3 Light the barbecue, ensuring the coals are piled up at one end and leaving only a couple of coals on the other side. Lay the chicken on the emptier side. If you’re making the smoke mix, carefully scatter all of the ingredients directly onto the piled-up coals. Cover the barbecue (with the vents open) and cook the chicken for 20 mins. Remove the lid and turn the chicken, then cover again and cook for a further 20 RemoveSTEPmins.4 the lid and move the chicken across the grill so it’s above the piledup coals, then baste with some of the barbecue sauce, keeping enough aside, in a separate container, to serve later. Cook for 10 mins, adding a few more coals if you need to and turning often, until nicely charred and cooked through – a digital thermometer inserted through the thickest part of the meat should read at least 65C.

STEP Spread3 ketchup over the toasted buns and fill each with the burgers and other ingredients. Next level BBQ IngredientsChicken

STEP 7 Place the ribs on a hot barbecue. After a few minutes turn the ribs over and glaze again. Repeat until nicely glazed and then serve Best British Burger ForIngredientstheburgers 500g beef mince , best quality you can 4affordshallots , finely chopped 2 tsp English mustard 1 large egg yolk 25g breadcrumb 1 tbsp vegetable oil

2 red chillies , tops removed and reserved for the smoke mix (see below) 8 spring onions , roughly chopped thumb-sized piece of ginger , peeled and roughly chopped 8 garlic cloves , roughly chopped 2 tbsp chopped thyme 1 bay leaf 1 tsp ground cumin ½ tsp paprika 3 tbsp dark brown soft sugar 4 tbsp soy sauce 4 limes , 2 juiced, plus 2 halved to serve 1.5kg mix of chicken drumsticks and wings, lightly scored 200ml ketchup For the smoke mix (optional) handful of thyme sprigs handful of bay leaves 1 tsp ground allspice reserved chilli tops (see above)

Hot Sticky ribs Ingredients 1 rack of pork spare ribs 2.5l water, or more, depending on the size of rack 1 banana shallot, diced 2 garlic cloves, peeled and diced 50g of ginger, peeled and diced 1 chilli, diced 100g of ketchup 100ml of soy sauce 50ml of Worcestershire sauce 50g of black treacle 150g of soft brown sugar

STEP 6 Once the ribs are cool, cut away from the bone so that you have individual ribs. Using a pastry brush, paint the ribs with the glaze

STEP 5 Put the lime halves on the grill, over the coals, cut-side down for 3-4 mins until charred. Serve the chicken with the lime for squeezing over and reserved barbecue sauce for dipping.

STEP 4 Add the brown sugar to the liquor and cook down so that there is about ½ cm left at the bottom of the pan and it looks like a glaze 150g of soft brown sugar

1 small white cabbage or ½ large 4 carrots, peeled 1 large red onion ½ small bunch dill, chives, parsley or coriander, finely chopped (optional) 1 tbsp Dijon mustard 50g mayonnaise 50g yogurt, soured cream or more 1-2mayotbsp white wine vinegar a few pinches of paprika

STEP Bring3the pot up to a simmer, then place a lid on it and leave to cook for about 1 hour or until the ribs are tender. Once tender, remove the ribs from the cooking liquid and set aside to cool, leaving the pot on the heat.

Method STEP Depending1 on the size of your large pot or saucepan, cut the rack into 2 or 3 pieces so that it fits inside. Place the ribs into the pot and cover with water 1 rack of pork spare ribs 2.5l AddSTEPwater2the shallots, garlic, ginger and chilli to the pot, along with the ketchup, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce and black treacle 1 banana shallot 2 garlic cloves 50g of ginger 1 50mlchilliof Worcestershire sauce 50g of black treacle 100g of ketchup 100ml of soy sauce

STEP Grate2the carrots on a box grater to coarsely shred, or cut into thin strips using a julienne peeled or the grater attachment on the food processor. Tip into the bowl. Finely slice the onion, and thin as you can, and add to the bowl with the other veg. Add the herbs if using. A mixture is nice if you have some to use up.

Method STEP 1 To prepare the meat, tip all the ingredients, except for the chicken and ketchup, into a blender or mini processor. Add a pinch of salt and blitz to a rough paste. Tip two-thirds of the paste into a large bowl with the chicken, and massage the marinade into the meat. Cover and leave for at least 1 hr at room temperature, or up to 48 hrs in the fridge.

To serve 4 rashers smoked streaky bacon 4 large sesame-seed buns , halved 4 tbsp tomato ketchup 8 slices red leicester 1 large handful lamb’s lettuce 2 gherkins , sliced lengthways 2 vine tomatoes , sliced lengthways

Method STEP 1 In a large bowl, mix together the beef mince, shallots, mustard, egg yolk and breadcrumbs until well combined. Divide into 4 equal portions and shape into burgers. Cover and chill the burgers in the fridge for at least 30 mins (you can prep these up to 2 days HeatSTEPahead).2agriddle pan until hot and coat the burgers in oil. Cook for about 1012 mins, turning regularly, until cooked through. Leave to rest on a plate under some foil. Cook the bacon in the pan until really crisp, then set aside with the burgers. Place the cut side of the buns onto the griddle to toast slightly.


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28 www.costablancapeople.comCostaBlancaPeople 16th - 23rd August 2022Bars & Restaurants

• Coolers or cooling bags provide great insulation. Use enough ice packs and drinks so that drinks can be kept cool throughout the day. Always make sure the cooler or bag is closed properly.


The perfect summer days are upon us and trips to the park, water parks, lakes, beaches or even taking your boat are planned. The sun is shining and everything is packed! Sun screen, sunglasses, towels and a few cold drinks – check. You are ready to leave! But wait… how are you going to keep those cool drinks cool during the warm summer weather? Here are some helpful and handy tips that you may want to try. Everyone loves a cool drink on a hot day, but if you drive to and arrive at your destination without any form of cooling, drinks will warm up quickly. Let’s be honest nobody likes a hot soft drink, beer or wine.

Keep Your Drinks Cool On The Road

• Pack the bottles and cans as close as possible to each other. If less surface comes in contact the warm air, drinks keep cooler for longer.

• Use a cheap insulation blanket or a windscreen shade. The foil on the inside insulates well. A fleece blanket is a good alternative. Roll the cold bottles tightly together.

• The last (and probably best) tip: Drink your drinks as soon as possible. This way, they can not heat up in the first place!.

• Be careful when consuming alcohol during on hot days. Alcohol dehydrates you. A nice cold wine or beer in the outdoors- where permitted- is delicious, but make sure you drink plenty of water or soda to keep you hydrated.

STEP 2 Fill a large jug with ice. Stir the macerated fruit mixture to ensure the sugar is dissolved, then tip into the jug with the wine and brandy. Stir, then top up with the sparkling water and serve.

STEP 3 Once the sugar syrup is cold, pour 1 tbsp into a cocktail shaker along with a handful of ice, the vodka, espresso and coffee liqueur. Shake until the outside of the cocktail shaker feels icy cold. STEP Strain4 into the chilled glasses. Garnish each one with coffee beans if you like. Easy IngredientsSangria 2 oranges , chopped 2 pears , chopped 2 lemons , 1 chopped, 1 juiced 200g red berries , chopped (we used strawberries and cherries) 3 tbsp caster sugar 1 tsp cinnamon 750mlIce bottle light red wine 100ml Spanish brandy 300ml sparkling water Method STEP 1 Put the chopped fruit in a bowl and sprinkle over the sugar and cinnamon, then stir to coat. Cover and leave to macerate in the fridge for at least 1 hr, or ideally overnight.

• Cool your drinks for a minimum of 24 hours in the refrigerator before you leave.

• Take advantage of your environment. Sometimes a natural cooling element will be present. Is there a creek, lake or a stream nearby? Then put the bottles in the water to keep them cold. Take care of nature and observe signs. Always discard your litter properly, there can be significant fines.

• Alternatively, if you’re at the beach bury the bottles in the sand, making sure that the opening and part of the bottle neck still remain above ground and visible.

Espresso Martini ForIngredientsthesugar syrup 100g golden caster sugar For the cocktail 100mlIce vodka 50ml freshly brewed espresso 50mlcoffee coffee liqueur (we used 4Kahlua)coffee beans (optional)

STEP 2 Turn off the heat and allow the mixture to cool. Put 2 martini glasses in the fridge to chill.

Tips to keep your drink cool on a hot Summers day!

• Another perfect option is to fill a cooler with a combination water and ice. Add a good amount of salt, which creates a chemical reaction accelerating the cooling process. Salt lowers the freezing point, making the water colder. The water creates a large contact area, which cools the drinks quickly.

Method STEP 1 Start by making the sugar syrup. Put the caster sugar in a small pan over a medium heat and pour in 50ml water. Stir, and bring to the boil.

29www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople 16th - 23rd August 2022 Bars & Restaurants

Eating when you are hungry is the best way to LOSE weight

A survey has suggested that it is better for your psychological healthScientiststoo. have said that eating intuitively when you feel hungry is better for psychological and physical health. 6,000 young adults from eight countries took part in a survey regarding their eating habits. The survey showed that those who followed their body’s hunger signal were less likely to overeat-.Nutritionists often advsie to ignore our hunger pangs or risk piling on the pounds but it is actually better to listen to your body when it tells you it’s time to Manyeat. popular diets do not take this Into account when advising how to lose weight – for example when counting calories or only eating during certain times of the day. But trusting our appetite and eating when we feel hungry is better for our psychological and physical health, research suggests. In a study, those who ate intuitively were more likely to weigh less and feel happier with their body than those who restricted their food intake. Research has also found that being in tune with our body’s signals was more important than following ‘the latest trendy diet or eating plan’. In the online survey, more than 6,000 young adults across eight countries answered questions on self-esteem and body mass index (BMI), a measure of whether an individual is a healthy or unhealthy weight. Researchers looked at three eating styles – intuitive, emotional and restrained. Emotional eating is in response to internal cues such as feeling stressed or sad. Restrained eating is rigidly restricted with the aim of losing or maintaining weight. Analysis found the more people ate intuitively, the happier they tended to be with their body. They also had higher selfesteem and lower weight. On the other hand, higher levels of restrained and emotional eating were associated with lower body satisfaction and self-esteem, and being heavier. ‘This research is in sync with evidence that dieting is ineffective for both weight loss and body satisfaction and often counterproductive. We should aim to be more in tune with our own physiology than the latest trendy diet or eating plan.’ Scientists also state that eating styles are likely to be linked to how people feel about themselves. ‘We can deduce that these eating styles may affect individual’s actual consumption, given the association sometimes found with weight status,’ they added.Last month, researchers discovered that feeling ‘hangry’ – a mixture of hungry and angry – is a real phenomenon. The expression has become popular in recent years but had not been widely explored by science.Astudy found that hunger is associated with greater levels of anger and irritability, as well as lower levels of pleasure.

30 www.costablancapeople.comCostaBlancaPeople 16th - 23rd August 2022Health & Beauty

The youngster from Rzeszow in Poland, has a congenital defect that meant around a fifth of her skull did not form properly at the back of her head. It was missed during pregnancy scans and only noticed by doctors when she was born in February. The missing occipital bone left her brain exposed at the back which, if left untreated, would have left her susceptible to infections that would almost certainly have proved deadly. Doctors were able to patch her up using skin and soft tissue from other parts of her body in an extremely delicate twohour procedure. The operation was possible because medics were able to visualise and practice using an exact 3D-printed replica of the child’s head

Baby given four days to live after being born with part of her SKULL missing has lifesaving surgery after doctors practiced on a 3D-printed replica of her head

31www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople 16th - 23rd August 2022 Health & Beauty

A friend of mine is completely selfish, and I am so fed up with her. We are both on our own in Spain; however, if she gets a better offer, she will give me an excuse that she has a bad back. I always concede and haven’t dwelled on it, but it was the last straw when I saw her out with someone else when she had made arrangements with me. I decided it might be a one-off, but she’s Write to Sara in confidence. a p S eudonym W ill be u S ed if you WiS h. Sara read S all letter S and can give a per S onal reply. e mail your que S tion to S ara@ co S tablancapeople.com or Sara i S available for private con S ultation S, telephone 650 054 467.

The best ways to ward off Dementia

done it more and more lately. Also she will ring me at the last minute and want to go to the bar and even told me that her other friends had let HER down. I have come to hate being treated this way; being picked up and put down. Also, when we are out, she’s always on the phone arranging other trips out, and seems disinterested and distracted when I talk to her about anything that isn’t to do with her. Well, it’s up to you; you can continue to allow this lady to treat you this way, or you can do something about it. Speak to her and tell her exactly how you feel, if you think it would do some good, otherwise it might be a good time to allow the relationship to lapse. From what you say, if you began to blow her off a bit, she’d probably go elsewhere without too much fuss, as it seems she’s always looking for someone who will dance to her tune.

The best hobbies for warding off dementia have been revealed. Major study has shown that reading books or playing an instrument slashes risk by 23%, yoga and dancing have a 17% protective effect and joining a club or volunteering cuts chance by 7%.Researchers in China examined patterns in hobbies and cases of the memory-robbing condition among 2.1million people. The findings show that those who engage in mental tasks - such as reading, writing and even watching TV - were a quarter less likely to receive a dementia diagnosis. Meanwhile, staying active reduced the risk by a fifth and meeting up with others lowered the likelihood by a tenth.

32 www.costablancapeople.comCostaBlancaPeople 16th - 23rd August 2022

Older Drivers

How Long Does It Take to Receive a Speeding Ticket?

Tips for older drivers Stay physically active. In other words, staying physically active improves strength and flexibility. In turn, physical activity can increase driver safety by making it easier to turn the wheel, look over your shoulder to change lanes, and make other movements while driving and parking. Therefore, look for ways to incorporate some type of training into your daily routine.

Communities with powers: Catalonia, through the Catalan Traffic Service, the Basque Country, through its Traffic Directorate, and Navarra . Each of these bodies manages its own sanction files.

HOW TO KNOW QUICKLY IF YOU HAVE A TRAFFIC TICKET It is also good to know, yes, that there are ways to find out quickly and almost immediately if you have a traffic ticket. The DGT, for example, makes the DirecciónElectrónica Vial (DEV), available to you on its website, which you access through the DGT Electronic Headquarters and, with a digital certificate, sanctions are notified electronically and immediately if you have received any fine.In addition, by signing up for the new miDGT application, you can even see if you have fines from your mobile and even pay them by credit card. However, and we have said this before, the miDGTapplication is so secure it is almost impossible for many people to access. The same can be said about the website though, unless you are used to using the digital signature system.

We have spoken before about older drivers, and in particular how the DGT may change the rules in the future, and although no definitive plans have been set out yet, it is looking inevitable that things will change in the not-too-distant future, in particular for drivers over 65.

International measures Likewise, these special provisions for driving licences for the elderly are not only a Spanish case. For example, in the United Kingdom the licence is automatically withdrawn from those over 70 years of age, unless you renew it. On the other hand, in Denmark, Italy, Ireland or Portugal, the terms of renewal are also shorter than in Spain.

Regular vision and hearing tests In short, vision and hearing tend to deteriorate with age. Thus, hearing loss can be a concern for older drivers because it limits the ability to hear an approaching train or emergency vehicle. Common agerelated vision problems, such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration, can also make it difficult to see clearly or drive at night.

Inappropriate speed is one of the “Fatal 4”, in so much as it is a contributing factor to the majority of fatal incidents on the road, and yet, despite that, everyone will exceed the speed limit at some point, we have to acknowledge that as a fact. However, sometimes that speeding occurs when passing a camera, and so sometimes we expect the inevitable, a speeding ticket through the post. But, how long does that usually take? This is a popular question, and one which many drivers ask a lot in Spain, and although it’s not definitive, we can give you an approximate answer. Normally, mobile radars are usually notified instantly, especially on conventional roads, where shortly after you have been snapped by the camera a patrol will stop you and issue the fine there and then.However, fixed or section radars do not have accompanying patrols, and so the process is carried out automatically. On average, this type of notification of fines from the DGT usually takes between one and three weeks to reach your home. Remember though, this is the estimated time. From there, we could estimate that, after a period of one month from the infraction, the normal thing is that you do not have fines: either you did not pass as fast as you thought, or the margin of error of the radar and the speedometer have resulted in you getting away with it. Good news, but a lesson to be learned. That, however, does not mean that due to delay or any other circumstance the fine cannot still arrive at your home even days after the month of the infraction has expired... although it is not usual. Specifically, the Law on Traffic, Circulation of Motor Vehicles and Road Safety establishes that the limitation period for infractions is 3 months for minor ones, and 6 months for serious or very serious ones. So, although quite a long time after the event, if after 6 months of the fact you have not received the sanction, you can be completely calm that you will not receive one. WHO CAN FINE YOU? Depending on the route and the type of infraction, the fine, the competent authority to fine you, can change. Remember that to manage a fine, you must always contact the body that imposed it on you. In Spain, the competent authorities to sanction traffic matters are: The General Directorate of Traffic. Town Autonomoushalls.

33 CostaBlancaPeople 16th - 23rd August 2022

DGT: high death rate It is worth emphasising that 30% of those killed in traffic incidents in the European Union are over 65 years of age. In Spain, in 2021, 28% of those killed in collisions were drivers with these characteristics. “These figures are going to worsen, if we do nothing, due to the aging of the population,” said María José Aparicio, deputy director of Education and Road Training of the DGT. In addition, she argued that: “older people must be protected, but always promoting their mobility and safety.”

Control medications In conclusion, many medications— including tranquilizers, pain relievers, and cold remedies—can affect driver safety, even when you feel fine. Therefore, read the labels of your antidotes to know what to expect from each one. It should be noted that you should not drive if you have taken drugs that cause drowsiness or dizziness.

Loss of faculties Likewise, the general secretary of the Spanish Association of Psychotechnical Medical Centres (ASECEMP), Bonifacio Martín, has said that “age is a factor that notably influences the loss of faculties. The older, the more denials and restrictive conditions” and has indicated that “the view is the most relevant organ in providing information on driving and it is also the one that provides the greatest number of denials and restrictive conditions”. What does the DGT say about it? Eventually, the DGT establishes that renewals up to the age of 65 should be carried out every ten years. Then, this period is reduced to five years for those drivers older than the established age and, it becomes two years when they are over 70. All these procedures entail a series of tests of visual aptitude, reflexes, hearing ability, among others. Are changes coming? On the other hand, the entity that regulates traffic has been warning for some time that these deadlines are excessive for the most veteran drivers. Although it has regained strength in recent weeks, the truth is that the statements collected by some media outlets point to words that María José Aparicio, deputy director of the DGT, made several months ago. Also, at the time, Pere Navarro, head of the DGT, targeted nonagenarians and centenarians in a speech in the Congress of Deputies. Therefore, it was dropped that this community could shorten the terms when renewing the driving licence, which is currently five years. It is important to clarify that today there are more than 3 million drivers who are over 70. With restrictions Indeed, even when they approve the renewal of the permit to circulate, 81% of those over 65 years of age receive some type of restriction. Similarly, there are cases where the driver is prohibited from circulating beyond a certain number of kilometres from their home, the hours, speed or even the roads on which they can drive are restricted.

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Davis Cup: Andy Murray included in Great Britain’s team for group stage of competition in mid-September

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Eddie Howe and Graham Potter’s sides put on an entertaining display but, ultimately, showed why both would love another striker in the ranks. As we know, a week is a very long time in football - just ask Big Mitro. Seven days ago he was being lauded as the perfect proper number nine. On Saturday, he missed a late penalty costing his side a valuable win away at Wolves. Thems the breaks.

Even Granit Xhaka scored and played well - shall we revisit this when it all gets a bit more cold and wet? As for Leicester, you have to worry for them a bit given that they aren’t going to sign anyone and are unlikely to resist the various bids for Wes Fofana and James Maddison much longer. The only bright spot for Brendan Rodgers really was Youri Tielemens playing so badly that the Gunners cannot bid for him again now.

On the pitch, Villa beat Everton 2-1 because Everton are really, really bad still and Villa are merely not that good.

West Ham fans decided to spend their day throwing money at Jesse Lingard as Forest beat the Hammers 1-0. Maybe J-Lingz could put it in the transfer kitty the rate Steve Cooper is burning through the budget. It was Forest’s first Premier League in 20 odd year, you might have heard. West Ham were slightly unfortunate and also masters of their own downfall - they hit the bar twice and made Dean Henderson believe he’s even more great after Declan Rice missed from the Arsenalspot.looked very, very good in the sunshine. Gabby Jesus scored two and set one up before being hooked.

Sergio Romero have been sent off for pulling Marc Cucurella’s hair? In fairness, there’s so much of it you cannot completely say it wasn’t an accident - until you realise it was SergioThereRomero.was no such drama at the Emptyhad as Manchester City scored four against Bournemouth as expected. What wasn’t expected was that Erling Haaland didn’t get any. Obviously, they’re going to win the league again this season (and fail hilariously in the latter stages of Europe probably).

37www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople 16th - 23rd August 2022 Sport


Well, that weekend had a bit to talk about didn’t it? The 2022/23 Premier League is only 180 minutes old and it has more talking points than Neighbours getting canned the other week.Thomas Frank said after Brentford stuffed Manchester United 4-0 that he hoped they’d get a little bit of credit. But Thomas, where is the fun in that? Erik ten Hag cancelled United’s day off on Sunday, presumably because they took it on Saturday. David de Gea often gets away with his inability with his feet because he’d very good at using his hands. His performance on Saturday does kinda explain why Dean Henderson had the massive hump.United used the trip to West London to unveil their puke-green away kitrather apt given their performance made their fans very, very sick. And who’d have thought a 5ft 9 central defender would get targeted in the air at every available opportunity? Hipsters might well point to Javier Mascherano doing it for Pep at Barcelona or Italian metaphoric giants Franco Baresi and Fabio Cannavaro doing it for the their clubs and even Martinez doing it for Ajax last season. There’s a key difference however. They were in good teams. Martinez is not, so it does not matter how good he is on the ball if he’s being asked to defend for 90 minutes. Ben Mee (free), bundled both ball and Argentine shortman (£47m+) into the net for theAtthird.one point, the Brentford fans were singing “you should have stayed at a big club” - the main question being whether it was being directed at Christian Eriksen or even Ten Hag. Still, it was good to see Eriksen still assisting for the Bees - laying on their second.TenHag has broken pretty much every United record going in just two games - the only one left, surely, is fasted ever sacking? It’s not his fault, I hear you cry - but are you telling me he didn’t opt for Martinez and Eriksen - a talented midfielder who (shock, at United I know) there seems to be no planThankfor? goodness they didn’t sign Marko Arnautovic, right? There’s only so many bad decisions that can be made in a week. And then what about Stamford Bridge? That was a bit passionate, wasn’t it? Chelsea and Tottenham showed plenty of fight on the pitch and even more on the sidelines and the biggest question that came out of it was not about either team’s third place credentials - it was about who would win in actual fight between Antonio Conte and Thomas Tuchel. My money is 100% on the Italian. Spurs recruited a set-piece guru in the summer and he’s clearly still n CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

With 20 minutes to go, Southampton fans were questioning their faith in Ralph Hassenhuttl at St Mary’s. Leeds led 2-0 and the game looked done - until the Alpine Klopp rolled the old tactical gamble dice and magiced up two goals to steal a point.I’ll be back next week - where United will definitely NOT get mocked (because they play Liverpool on Monday night which conveniently misses the deadline….)

The first ever managerial clash between Stevie G and Lamps brought a variation of the oft asked questionwho is better? My favourite answer to this question over the weekend was “Paul Scholes”.

The battle of the next England manager’s shortlist of two ended 0-0.

working through the attacking corners given how Tottenham conceded and scored. Koulibaly has inherited JT’s famous number 26 shirt at Chelsea and has already done something I cannot recall Terry doing - volleying one in straight from a corner. Spurs passed their first real ‘bottle’ test of the season with Harry Kane heading home deep into injury time - leaving just enough airtime for Conte and Tuchel to start round two before the ref sent them bothShouldoff.

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40 www.costablancapeople.comCostaBlancaPeople 16th - 23rd August 2022 954

Jaguar F-Pace Automatic 2018, Automatic, Diesel, 174,014 kms, 4x2,2.0L, ABS, PAS, Reverse camera, Climate control, Bluetooth, Multifunctional steering wheel, Navigation. 25,995€

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