30 July - 5 August 2024

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Residents take mayor to task for ignoring Orihuela Costa

Pepe Vegara, mayor of Orihuela, was reminded of his failings in no uncertain terms recently, when the president of the Cabo Roig and Lomas Residents’ Association took him to task for not keeping his electoral promises to the

Local residents attended the ordinary plenary session at the Palace of the Marquis of Arneva to support Tomas Moreno as he listed, one-by-one, the most relevant problems a ecting

those living in Orihuela Costa. The association is the most representative of the Orihuela coastline with 700 members, and its president was quick to point out how let down and disappointed Orihuela Costa residents are at the lack of improvements and the governments failure to meet its promises. Moreno asked the mayor what he planned to do to provide immediate solutions and demanded he put an end to the frustrations of the local community.

Moreno recounted a residents association meeting held in 2023, attended by the now mayor, where “he showed us his desire to transform the reality of Orihuela Costa and told us that he was counting on the enthusiasm of the neighbourhood to do so.” He said that meting now felt very far away and stressed that trust is the key to human relations and after a year of Vegara’s government “that trust has been broken, due to the manifest failure to keep his word.”

“A year has passed, Mr. Mayor. You looked into the eyes of all the coastal residents of Orihuela and promised us solutions and attention. And you, Mr. Mayor, have broken the trust that was placed in your party and your proposals, with improper performance and with undesirable consequences,” he said as he addressed the plenary meeting.

The main bones of contention are street cleaning and waste collection.

In a recent post on Face Book the Cabo Roig and Lomas Residents’ Association said: “Many of our streets will remain unclean all summer as the necessary machinery (sweepers, blowers, pressure washers, sweeping trolleys, etc.) has not been purchased to provide a planned service in each and every one of the coastal neighbourhoods, together with the essential workforce.

“The bins and lorries announced in September last year have not been purchased, so waste collection failures (especially organic waste) are becoming more frequent and will increase over the next few weeks as the population increases. At the moment, we estimate that Orihuela Costa needs some 800 new side-loading (grey) containers and several collection lorries, to provide a minimally decent service to its residents.”

Long list

However, the list of de ciencies did not stop there, Moreno said that

parks and children’s areas should have a “decent appearance and not the neglect that they currently show” and that the innumerable and serious accessibility problems that make life impossible for any person with a disability or mobility problems should be resolved. Schools were also a key feature and ‘decent’ schools for children on the coast were demanded. The coast has one high school and two infant and primary schools – all of which are saturated and work on a third school has been delayed once again.

He went on to point out de ciencies in health provision and emergency services. He explained how residents do not want to be crowded into a small health centre with practically no services - a health centre for 30,000 registered residents. And how a re service is still not permanently housed at the Emergency Services Centre in La Zenia.

Tomas Moreno called for these basic issues to be resolved and pointed out that the fact they are not must also be attributed to a Department of Coast and Beaches, which has not managed to rise to the challenge of recovering the basic services and infrastructure of

Orihuela Costa.

Young man attacked by minor in attempted phone theft

A 17-year-old boy attacked a 20-year-old man in Albatera whilst attempting to steal his mobile phone.

The minor tried to take the young man’s mobile phone and a ght broke out between the two. Suddenly, the alleged attacker pulled out two knives that he was carrying and caused a cut to the victim’s left front head. Both weapons were more than 20 centimetres long.

The local police o cers gathered all the information and a description and managed to locate the alleged perpetrator moments later. The youngster tried to ee when the o cers spotted him but was nally intercepted while trying to hide the knives he was carrying. The detainee has been placed at the disposal of the relevant judicial authority.

The victim was taken to hospital for treatment, but luckily the wound was super cial.

Los Montesinos residents protest today against recycling plant

A protest has been called for tonight (Tuesday 30th July at 6pm) to demonstrate against a regional biowaste recycling plant which Los Montesinos council has agreed to. The plant will be located in the industrial estate, away from the town centre and residential areas. However, local residents are worried about the lack of public consultation over the decision and foul odours once the facility goes on-line.

A motion to sign over municipal land to the Vega Baja waste management consortium was approved at a full council meeting. Consortium president Francisco Cano thanked Los Montesinos mayor José Manuel Butrón, saying this was a ‘crucial’ day because the plant will enable waste generated by the area’s 27 municipalities to be treated within the Vega Baja for the rst time. The plenary council meeting lasted just 20 minutes with the PSOE majority backing Butron, while the Partido Popular’s Maria Pilar Paredes was the only person voting against.

The platform ghting the project admits that ‘rubbish is a problem’ but was surprised that Los Montesinos o ered itself up to become home to the facility which will serve the Vega Baja region. “We don’t understand this decision and we are having to make some noise because we oppose the plant,” it said. “No matter what anybody says, there will be smells,” they added, with protest banners appearing around the town in the last week.

Today´s demonstration starts at 6pm from the entrance of the industrial estate- where the plant will be

sited- though to the Town Hall. Annoyance is being directed at the local government and at at the mayor Jose Manual Butron, who has been in power since 2001. He’s been criticised for doing a deal with the Vega Baja Sustainable Consortium before getting reactions from residents or even raising the matter within the council.


The mayor’s deal has seen the council give 3,585m2 of land on the Levante II industrial estate to the Consortium. The plant will recycle organic waste, mainly food, into compost with the Consortium referring to 4,408 tonnes per year. It will transform organic waste, from the brown bins now being used in some municipalities, to be turned into organic and ecological compost to improve the quality of agricultural soil.

The installation will have capacity to treat 4,408 tonnes of organic waste per year and is expected to be operational in December 2025 at a cost of over €4.4 million, of which over €1.35M is being subsidised with EU recovery plan funds. Los Montesinos will get €22,500 annually to ‘improve its environment’ plus a payment of €3 per tonne of waste that arrives at the plant.

The town will also house a static recycling depot, for which the full council agreed in February to hand over land in the same industrial estate to the consortium.

This will enable over 4,900 residents to dispose of larger and more contaminating waste from their homes, such as furniture and electrical appliances.

Pedro Sánchez to testify in corruption inquiry against his wife

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is to testify today, 30 July, in a preliminary corruption inquiry into his wife Begoña Gómez’s business ties, a Madrid court announced.

Judge Juan Carlos Peinado will hear Sánchez as a ‘witness’ at the PM’s official residence, the Moncloa Palace, at 11am today, a court statement said.

The proceedings are part of a preliminary investigation into whether Gómez used her position as the premier’s wife to secure sponsors for a university master’s degree course that she ran.

Peinado said Sánchez’s testimony would be ‘convenient, useful and relevant’ for the investigation to establish whether there was influence peddling.

The investigation over alleged corruption and influence peddling has infuriated Sánchez, who has characterised the allegations as an effort by the right-wing and far-right political groups to undermine him and his leftwing government.

Begona Gómez on Friday

invoked her right to remain silent under questioning by a judge. Gómez had briefly appeared before the same judge on 5th July, but the hearing was suspended after her lawyer said they had ‘not been notified’ about all the complaints against her and asked for time to study them.

The investigation began on 16th April following a complaint by Manos Limpias (‘Clean Hands’), an anti-graft NGO linked to the far-right, alleging corruption in the private sector and influence peddling, while admitting its claims were based on media reports.

A second complaint, citing influence peddling, was filed by Hazte Oir (‘Make Yourself Heard’), an ultra-Catholic pressure group with far-right ties.

Prime Minister Sánchez has repeatedly insisted his wife has done nothing wrong, with his justice minister, Félix Bolaños, also coming out in her defence.

Tourist routes for August

The Department of Tourism has announced its guided tours for the month of August, covering the coast to the city centre, the countryside and the districts. These routes stand out for their focus on the biodiversity and cultural heritage of the municipality.

The Councillor for Tourism, Gonzalo Montoya, has highlighted the importance of these activities to promote Orihuela, “on the coast, they are the most notable this month, dedicated to the flora and fauna of Glea and Cabo Roig. We also have an offer of routes from our ‘orchard’ and districts, the Magic Mountain of Arneva and Hurchillo, for example, and the Bonanza Dinner in the light of the stars.”

The first route will take place on Thursday, 1st August, on the Orihuela coast with a night excursion entitled “Moths and Flora in the light of the Moon in Punta de la Glea” at 9:00pm. During this night route, participants will have the opportunity to discover the hidden secrets of the Punta de La Glea flora microreserve, a biodiversity refuge in Orihuela Costa.

Continuing with the routes at night, on Friday, 2nd August, “The Wild Nights of Palmeral de Orihuela” will take place. This tour will allow attendees to explore how species coexist at night in one of the most emblematic places in the city. Bats, hedgehogs, owls and

many other species will delight attendees as they walk through an agrosystem of great historical, heritage and environmental importance for Orihuela.

Among the August routes there are those that revolve around the figure of the Oriolano poet.

On Saturday, 3rd August, “Los Rincones de Miguel”, at the Miguel Hernández House Museum. This route will reveal the literary and personal sides of the poet. And, on Thursday, 15th August, the theatrical route “Miguel... Dear Miguel” will take place.

Among the tourist activities that will take place in the districts, on Thursday, 8th August, the route “El Monte Mágico de Arneva and Hurchillo, between Alacranes and Minerales Fluorescentes” stands out. This tour will take participants to explore Mount Arneva and Hurchillo, where species of nocturnal flora and fauna of great importance are found.

The Orihuela Cathedral will be one of the key locations in the route program for the month of August. On Friday, 9th August, the “Diocesan Treasures” route will be organised at 11am.

On Friday, 16th August, two routes will take place: “La Albufera Salvaje de la Glea, an Oasis of Biodiversity” at 7:30pm, a splendid coastal wetland, stands as a true oasis of biodiversity and a refuge essential for local wildlife. And, the dramatised route, “Orihuela, the

More routes

On Thursday, 22nd August, the route “Explore Cabo Roig: Between Fossil Beaches and Unique Flora in the Mediterranean” will take participants on an adventure through time and biodiversity in one of the most picturesque corners of Orihuela. This route will reveal the geological richness of the area and bring visitors closer to the unique flora that defines this Mediterranean landscape.

The August programme ends with an evening under the stars in the Sierra de Orihuela. On Thursday, 29th August, “Bonanza Dinner in the light of the stars” in the Pinar de Bonanza Recreational Area at 8pm. This activity will include a small night route to discover the Sierra de Orihuela in the light of the moon, listen to nocturnal birds of prey and observe the stars with mobile app and a terrestrial telescope. Attendees will be able to enjoy an outdoor dinner in this natural environment.

“On the August routes, attendees will be able to enjoy the Oriola coast, as well as the nights and cultural and historical routes,” concluded the Tourism councillor. The routes will open weekly. More information is on the website www.orihuelaturistica.es or on WhatsApp 673 836 385.

temptation of Velázquez” at 8pm.

Orihuela invests in more than 50 defibrillators

The Councillor for Emergencies, Víctor Valverde, has announced the award to Telefónica España for the installation of 55 defibrillators which will be distributed throughout the municipality of Orihuela. The contract has a duration of five years and an award value of 259,385 euros.

Of these defibrillators, 14 will be installed in public squares, mainly in those districts where emergency services take longer to arrive, such as Torremendo and Barbarroja; 11 will be portable and will be distributed across the local police and emergency services vehicles; and the rest will be located in municipal buildings and social, sports and public service centres.

The councillor explained: “These semi-automatic defibrillators are designed to be easy to use and very intuitive. Once the electrodes are placed on the patient, the device

performs automatic tracking and requests the user to give a shock only if necessary.”

In addition, notable features include the selection of languages between Spanish and English, non-polarised electrodes, which allows their placement without risk of error, automatic verbal instructions of the procedure to follow, inclusion of different paediatric electrodes for use with children, and an automatic call to 112 when activated.

The project includes the development and implementation of two mobile apps that will determine the location of the defibrillator, allowing users to locate the equipment closest to an incident and another app, which is the panic button, which includes a function that alerts people who are trained in first aid and health workers within a radius of 150 meters, so

that they can go to the scene of the emergency.

Victor Valverde, said: “With this initiative we are increasing the safety of our residents and those who visit Orihuela, in addition to affording the municipality the official certification of ‘Cardioprotected City’.”

Nearly 400 municipal officials will receive specific and certified training for the use of these defibrillators. In addition, information campaigns will be carried out aimed at citizens of the districts where the equipment will be installed in public squares. “We have to lose the fear of using defibrillators that we often see as exclusively for health professionals but that often serve to save lives,” commented Valverde.

So far, 18 defibrillators have already been placed and it is expected that during the first week of September all devices will be fully operational.

Local Police rescues a boat in Cabo Roig

The maritime unit of the Orihuela Local Police came to the rescue of a boat with two occupants on board in Cabo Roig recently.

The vessel was a rental boat, for which no specific license is required, however seagoers do need to follow a series of

guidelines and navigate specific areas. Among the instructions, these boats cannot access the bathing areas and despite the fact that Orihuela Costa has clearly marked bathing areas with yellow buoys, the boat got too close to the sore, lost control and ended up in a rocky area.

The maritime unit was

on the scene quickly and came with two jet skis to rescue the boat and the couple on board, towing it to port. The officers managed to get the boat out of the area of danger. Fortunately, there were no injuries to those on board, only material damage to the boat.

Elderly couple die on Guardamar beach

A married couple aged 87 and 85 years and of Spanish nationality, died while bathing at the Centro beach in Guardamar del Segura. It happened shortly after ten in the morning with a green ag waving all along the Guardamar coastline, at the southern end of the Guardamar promenade.

The 87-year-old man was in the water when his wife, from the shore, noticed that he was oating. Alarmed, she went into the water to help him and double tragedy struck. It is

believed that when she realised that he was not breathing and not responding, she went into shock and cardiorespiratory arrest.

The municipal Red Cross lifeguard services had already been patrolling the beaches of the Guardamar coast since 9am and immediately gave help. An emergency call was also made to the Generalitat Emergency Coordination Centre and the Civil Guard.

Unfortunately, the medical sta were unable to do anything to save the couple’s lives after

more than forty minutes of resuscitation procedures on both. After eleven o’clock the courts in Torrevieja were alerted to proceed with the removal of the bodies.

This summer has been particularly tragic on the beaches of Guardamar. Although in this case it is not a case of drowning due to the state of the sea and everything points to natural causes, six users of these beaches in Guardamar have already died since the high season began.

A criminal organisation dismantled for 14 violent robberies, including in Cox and Callosa

The Civil Guard, the National Police and the Mossos d’Esquadra have arrested ve men and a woman as alleged perpetrators of 14 violent robberies committed in di erent towns in the province of Alicante (Callosa de Segura and Cox) and Catalonia (Manlleu, Mataró, Blanes, Palafolls, Girona, Salt, Lloret de Mar and Pineda de Mar).

The investigation began on November 11, 2023, when o cers became aware of various robberies with violence and intimidation in homes and commercial establishments located in the central regions, in the northern metropolitan area of Barcelona and Girona. The Mossos d’Esquadra initially created a joint team with the Investigation Units of Vic, Selva Litoral, Arenys de Mar, Mataró and the Central Robbery Unit of the Criminal Investigation Division, to carry out the investigation.

On the other hand, on April 23, 2024, the Judicial Police Team of the Civil Guard of Almoradí began investigations to locate the perpetrators of a robbery of a woman in Callosa de Segura, in which the perpetrators intimidated her with a short weapon, when the victim left the jewelry store she runs and was chased by the attackers to her house.

Likewise, it was detected that the alleged perpetrators had tried to commit another robbery in a jewelry store in Cox on June 11, 2024, although this robbery was not carried out because the thieves were surprised by the Citizen Security Unit of the Command (USECIC), of the Civil Guard of Torrevieja, when they were preparing to commit it.

At that time, several simulated short weapons and several other bladed weapons were seized.

The perpetrators of all these events were attributed to a very active criminal group with great mobility in the east, which was led by a man who committed the robberies alone or together with other people.

First, they thoroughly analysed and studied the di erent targets and then, when it came to committing the robbery, they rented vehicles, used rearms and disguised themselves as nurses, police o cers or delivery men to deceive the victims, make their identi cation di cult and ensure the greatest chances of success in the crime.

After verifying that the robberies committed in Catalonia and Alicante were attributed to the same perpetrators, a joint team was established between the Civil Guard, the National Police and the

Mossos d’Esquadra.

The exploitation phase of the operation was carried out on 15 July, with four raids and searches at the homes of those under investigation in the towns of Blanes and Lloret de Mar (Girona) and the arrest of six people, ve men and one woman aged between 23 and 45, residents of the town of Lloret de Mar.

As a result of the investigation, it was possible to establish a relationship with another detainee, a 28-year-old man, who was previously being sought by the Alicante Civil Guard in the course of another investigation, for a robbery with violence committed on June 2, 2024 in Callosa de Segura on another di erent victim, in which the perpetrator used strong violence, stabbing the victim who su ered very serious injuries.

Once the Civil Guard agents located this target in Tarragona, they discovered that he was also linked to the other criminal group, made up of the other six members arrested during this operation.

The seventh person arrested remains involved in another ongoing investigation being carried out by the Civil Guard in Alicante.

At the same time, during this operation, a major drug sales point in Lloret de Mar was dismantled,

Improvement works are underway on the CV-923 road between Hurchillo and Bigastro

The Alicante Provincial Council is currently immersed in the works of widening and improving the CV-923 road between Hurchillo and Bigastro to Hurchillo, a major project that has a provincial investment of more than 421,000 euros.

The deputy for the area, Arturo Poquet, has highlighted the importance of this project, which is expected to be completed in mid-August and is mainly aimed at

“facilitating mobility, promoting connectivity between population centres and increasing road safety in the area”.

The improvement of the layout of the CV-923 includes various actions such as replacing a curve with a smaller radius for a larger one and reorganising the access to the CEIP Manuel Riquelme, where central left-turn lanes will be created and the old layout will be converted into a school car park.

“Many children who travel by car come to this school,” explained the MP, who added that “by improving access to the school and widening the curve, we increase the safety of all the children who get in and out of vehicles every day and we make parking easier.”

The project also includes the creation of an additional space in case it is to be used as a pedestrian-cycling route in the future.

which was led by one of the members of the criminal group, and di erent types of drugs such as cocaine, MDMA, hashish, marijuana, among others, were seized.

During the raids and searches of the suspects, o cers seized a total of 38,615 euros in cash, jewellery, highend watches, various mobile phones and various items directly related to the group’s criminal activity.

In addition to the crime of robbery

with violence and/or intimidation, the members of the criminal group are accused of crimes such as illegal detention, usurpation of public functions, public health and membership of a criminal group. On July 17, they were brought before the Court of First Instance and Instruction No. 6 of Vic (Barcelona).

The investigation is still ongoing and the arrest of more people involved is not ruled out.

The pound saw some corrections in value at the end of last week after Friday’s UK retail sales showed weaker-than-expected spending for June. Sales volumes dropped by 1.2% versus the anticipated -0.6%, with the cooler, wetter weather being blamed.

This was particularly surprising given the higher wages in the UK. Although the slowdown here was expected, it is still a sticking point regarding the prospect of interest rate cuts from the Bank of England and suggests that consumer confidence continues to falter.

The aftermath of the retail sales data release reduced sterling gains from earlier in the week, which saw the currency hit a two-year high against the euro and a 12-month high against the US dollar.

This move correlated with the RSI warning that GBP was overvalued during its recent rally. As global stock markets dip, demonstrating that investor sentiment is falling, the pound was always likely to appear more vulnerable.

Predictions of a cut to interest rates from the Bank of England on its August 1st meeting also continue to fall, as although wage growth is starting to slow, it still outpaces inflation. Although inflation in the UK has now fallen back to its 2% target, there are concerns that inflationary pressures are still niggling in the minds of the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee.

A combination of these factors is leading the markets and some economists to believe the central banks are unlikely to cut interest rates from the current 5.25% until the September 19th meeting. Any surprises outside of this could cause GBP to react, so commentary in the run-up to the August 1st meeting is likely to be monitored closely by analysts and the markets.

After the volatility of the two previous weeks in currency markets, we could see a period of calmness this week as schools in England break up for the summer holidays. There were also only a few data releases of note on the economic calendar.

The latest Purchase Managers Index data came out on Wednesday and showed an uptick in the UK manufacturing sector, which has been dragging slightly behind the services sector. The data came in above expectation at 51.8 from 50.9 the previous month.



The EU and the euro have been outsiders in the markets recently, as the European Central Bank decided to hold on at its current 3.75% interest rate last Thursday - as was widely anticipated. Last week, the US dollar tended to dictate any rate movement between the two currencies, and the surprise decline to a four-month low in the German ZEW measuring economic sentiment, which failed to offer any support. The single currency recovered some ground against both the pound and the US dollar on Monday and continued to show some strength this week.

The ECB is expected to observe the impact of its previous interest rate cut on inflation before acting again. Following in the same cautious vein, President Lagarde also didn’t commit to a course of action for its September 12th meeting, saying: “The question of September and what do we do in September, is wide open and will be determined on the basis of all the data that we will be receiving” ahead of the meeting.

However, a few indications supported market expectations of another reduction in September. Among these was Lagarde’s comment in her speech afterwards that risks to growth were now “tilted to the downside.” This marked a shift from the central bank’s earlier stance, which was that it was more balanced.

On Wednesday Flash PMI data was released across Europe and added to concerns about the economic situation in single currency area. The eurozone manufacturing PMI dropped to 45.6 in the latest data release, marking a seven-month low, down from the previous 45.8. The drop was lower than expectations, with forecasts showing a modest rise to 46.0 before the data release. In Germany, the PMI fell to 42.6, reaching a three-month low, while in France, it decreased for the second consecutive month to 44.1.

This commentary does not constitute financial advice. All rates are sourced from Bloomberg and forecasts are taken from Forex Factory.

Civil Guard removes a large homemade longline illegally placed in Torrevieja waters

The Civil Guard has seized a long homemade longline illegally placed off the coast of Torrevieja, in which numerous specimens of dead and decomposing tuna and swordfish had been caught, as well as other live specimens of various species. The device was able to be removed thanks to the collaboration of a witness, who reported its location.

On July 12, the Civil Guard of Alicante received a notice from a person sailing in the waters of Torrevieja and the possible existence of illegal fishing gear, approximately 4 nautical miles from Torrevieja.

Maritime Service agents went to the indicated area to verify the events on board the patrol boat Río Ladra. Once there, at around 13:10 hours, they observed a surface longline with hooks, in which specimens of tuna and swordfish had been caught, dead and decomposing, as well as others, still alive, which were rescued.

After verifying that the

fishing gear was illegally deployed, the agents proceeded to remove it, freeing the live specimens and transporting the rest for destruction.

Using prohibited fishing gear, fishing for unauthorized species, catching excessive quantities, or doing so out of season or in vulnerable and protected areas, seriously threatens the sustainability of living aquatic resources and harms fragile habitats.

Fishing regulations aim to strengthen

the conservation and sustainable use of resources, so when illegal fishing systems are discovered, the Guardia Civil begins investigations to locate those who may be responsible for their use. Fishing gear must always be identified by an owner and the limits imposed by the legislation that regulates its use must be observed. Illegal practices lead to unfair competition with respect to fishermen who comply with the law and can also lead to high fines.

La Glea Beach in Orihuela Costa reopens for bathing

Following the results obtained in the recent water quality tests, the Coastal Department has reopened La Glea Beach to bathing.

Within the framework of the Bathing Water Quality Control Programme, managed by the Department, high levels of microbiological control parameters had been detected in the

samples taken. The results had exceeded twice the maximum admissible values for one of the pollution indicators, as a result of which the beach was temporarily closed to bathing to protect public health.

However, recent analysis has confirmed that the levels of the control parameters are now within the established limits, allowing the

beach to reopen.

The Coastal Department thanks the public and visitors for their understanding during the closure period and assures that it will continue with the surveillance and control, following the indications of the General Directorate of Water to maintain the water quality at optimum levels

A criminal organization that trafficked cocaine and speed on a large scale in the Vega Baja has been dismantled

National Police officers have concluded a largescale operation with the arrest of 12 people, one of them in Torrevieja, as alleged perpetrators of the crimes of drug trafficking and belonging to a criminal group, who are accused of selling cocaine and speed on a large scale, managing to seize 63 kilos of cocaine and another 9 of speed during the operation, as well as other narcotic substances, 212,230 euros in cash, 5 highend watches and 9 vehicles.

The investigation began in 2023, when agents from the narcotics group of the Elche Police Station and Group I of Greco Levante received information about a man residing in the town of Torrevieja, who was allegedly engaged in the sale of cocaine from his own home.

A special investigation was therefore carried out to verify the facts, which quickly bore fruit. The officers in charge of the case were not only able to verify the facts, but also found that the man was not operating in isolation, but that behind him there was a perfectly organised criminal network dedicated to largescale drug trafficking.

The criminal organization was headed by a 44-year-old Spanish man, living in the town of Alginet (Valencia).

From there, he gave

instructions to the rest of the members of the organization, since he himself contacted directly other international organizations from which he obtained his supplies of narcotic substances through the port of Valencia.

As the investigators progressed, they began to see that the leader of the organisation was obsessed with security. In fact, in his home located in a luxury

development in the town of Alginet, he had hidden compartments spread throughout the house, where he stored large amounts of cash, high-end watches, several mobile phones and even a bulletproof vest.

It is worth noting that his obsession with control reached the point of placing his righthand man in the adjacent chalet, which had similar characteristics.

As for the operations

observed by the agents regarding the way in which the network operated, the investigators highlighted that all smuggling operations always began with the action of this subject, on whom, as head of the organisation, several important “clients” from the Spanish east depended, who, in turn, trafficked the drugs to a third level of the organisation, who finally distributed the drugs on a medium and small scale.

One of the most complicated aspects for the investigators during the field work they carried out and which greatly hindered the police work, was when the members of the organization moved from one place to another transporting the narcotic substance. Those under investigation used powerful high-end vehicles to carry out the transports and adopted strict security measures, even using auxiliary vehicles for countersurveillance work.

Despite this, the expertise of the investigators prevented them from being detected during the investigation phase, managing to clarify the structure of the organization and the role played by each of those investigated within the network.

Thus, the exploitation phase of the operation was carried out with the participation of

agents from both groups who were supported by other units of the National Police, carrying out 12 simultaneous raids and searches in the provinces of Valencia, Alicante, Murcia and in the town of Ibiza.

The operation’s results allowed the complete dismantling of the network when the 12 members that comprised it were arrested, among whom was the alleged leader.

As a result of these raids and searches, the officers managed to seize 63 kilos of cocaine and 9 kilos of Speed, 462 grams of hashish, 909 grams of marijuana, as well as 212,230 euros in cash, 5 luxury watches and 9 high-end vehicles. As for the seized narcotic substance, the agents stressed that its market value could have reached a price of more than four million euros.

Of the 12 arrested, 10 men and 2 women of Spanish, Paraguayan and Ecuadorian nationalities, one of them a minor, aged between 17 and 48, who are charged with the crimes of Belonging to a Criminal Organisation and Drug Trafficking, eight of them were placed at the disposal of the courts of Torrevieja, who ordered their immediate imprisonment. As for the minor, he was placed at the disposal of the juvenile prosecutor’s office.

Tensions in Guardamar due to attacks by the immigrant reception group

Guardamar City Council has expressed its condemnation of the attacks su ered in the early hours of 14 and 19 July in the vicinity of a pub in the town, caused by a small group of users of the immigrant reception programme at the Hotel Parque Mar.

Guardamar Town Hall has contacted both the Government delegation and sub-delegation to demand a strong response to this unfortunate situation. They have also met with CEPAIM (NGO in charge of managing the program) which has transferred the identi ed user to another operational program outside the Valencian Community and has committed to completing access control and exhaustive time control at the facility with private security until the program concludes on July 31.

The mayor of Guardamar, José Luis Sáez, in statements to Radio Orihuela Cadena SER, explained that this

hotel is one of the three reception points that the Government of Spain designated last October for its reception programs. Sáez has said that in April they detected tensions between its users and warned that a critical situation could occur since problems were arising in the municipality, so the city council requested in a local security meeting that this program conclude in May, however, it was

extended until July 31. The program will conclude in this hotel, but will continue in another area of the municipality, further away and delimited, so it is hoped that no further incidents will occur.

The mayor has regretted the image of Guardamar projected in various national media, because it has nothing to do with the reality of the municipality.

il Palco at WOW Beach: authentic Italian cuisine next to the sea

WOW Beach o ers again this year during the months of July and August a unique gastronomic experience on the seafront of La Glea beach in Dehesa de Campoamor. The authentic Italian cuisine of the restaurant il Palco at Las Colinas Golf & Country Club moves during the summer months to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea to o er, in an idyllic setting

that is hard to match, the best dishes from its menu.

In addition, the chef has incorporated a series of culinary proposals prepared for your exclusive enjoyment from the pleasant terrace of WOW Beach.

The experience of bringing il Palco’s cuisine to the beach club of Las Colinas Golf & Country Club took place for the rst time last year. The extraordinary acceptance of the proposal by the public has made it happen again this summer.

‘Spending an evening enjoying the avours of il Palco in one of the best beachfront locations in the province of Alicante is undoubtedly a unique experience for those looking for a di erentiated and quality o er,’ said Javier Rodríguez, Operations Director of Las Colinas Golf & Country Club.

The il Palco dinners from the WOW beach restaurant can be enjoyed from Wednesday to Sunday during the months of July and August.

The opening hours are from 18:30 to 23:30, but the bar will remain open until 01:00 in the morning for those who wish to extend an unforgettable evening. More information and reservations at: www.wowbeach.es

Charity Events in aid of Stevie spit

Each week the Costa Blanca People will feature forthcoming events that have been organised to help raise funds for Stevie Spit. Stevie was recently

diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer of the colon, liver andIflungs. you would like to see your event featured please send details via whatsapp

to 607031113.

Also you can make a donation directly via the Go Fund Me page which has been set uphttps://gofund. me/41506431

Aena Introduces New Credit Card Offering Exclusive Benefits for Airport Passengers

Aena, the Spanish airport operator, and Bankinter have launched the “Enjoy Aena” credit card, aimed at enhancing the travel experience for passengers at Aena’s airports across Spain. This partnership marks Aena’s first foray into credit card offerings, providing a card that delivers a range of benefits specifically tailored for airport shoppers and travelers.

The card, available in classic and premium versions, offers a host of advantages such as

discounts on purchases in airport shops, reduced rates for Aena car parks, access to VIP lounges, and fast-track boarding. It also includes free travel insurance and cashback on purchases made both within and outside airport premises. This collaboration leverages Aena’s extensive experience in airport management and Bankinter’s expertise in financial services, promising a seamless payment and rewards experience for users.

María José Cuenda, Aena’s

commercial and property general manager, emphasized the innovative nature of the card and its alignment with Aena’s goal of enhancing customer service. Alfonso Saez, managing director of Bankinter Consumer Finance, highlighted the strategic importance of this partnership in attracting customers with a medium to medium-high financial profile, thereby expanding Bankinter’s business reach.

Service Directory

Eazy Lawns Tel: 636 102 509

Email: info@eazylawns.es www.eazylawns.es

Air Conditioning

Summer Breeze Air Conditioning Tel: 696 248 422

Email: paulf3000@gmail.com


Angels Nursing Care

Tel: 0034 711 080 462 / 850 993 849

Email: info@angelsnursingcare.com www.angelsnursingcare.com

My New Home in Spain Tel: 711 007 147 hello@mynewhomeinspain.com www.mynewhomeinspain.com

Platinum Construction/Real Estate Tel: 865 758 513 / 602 633 153 sales@platinumproperties.es www.platinumproperties.es

Avenida Maria Del Mar Rodriquez 23 Algorfa

New 2 You Tel: 616 724 304 965 715 605

Ave Don Juan De Austria 6 Torrevieja

hair & lash boutique Indianashairandlashboutique


Protea Wellness Audiology Tel: 698 418 642

Contact: @proteawellnessaudiology.es www.proteawellnessaudiology.es

Calle Los Arcos 17 Ciudad Quesada

Agents.es Tel: +34 868 97 55 25

Email: info@insuranceagents.es www.insuranceagents.es

965063483 693719221

Email: info@sunbay-insurance.com www.sunbay-insurance.com

kplus3180@gmail.com ww.kitchensplus.eu

House plus Homes Tel: 966 719 849

admin@houseplushomes.com www.houseplushomes.com

Calle Los Arcos

Local 4 Plata Baja, Ciudad Quesada, 03170 Rojales

and Print Tel: 647 472 825

Email: Indysdp@gmail.com Indy’s Design & Print Indys_designprint

Romana Self Storage 633 125 889 or 965 075 122 colin@laromanaselfstorage.com www.laromanaselfstorage.com

M.A.V Transport & Removals

663595225 / (0044) 7786 737230

Email: infomavspain@gmail.com www.mavspain.co.uk

Facebook M.M.V.Transport&Removals



Go Satellite Tel: 965725670

Info@freetvspain.com www.freetvspain.com

Avenida De Las Naciones 36-2, Ciudad Quesada Rojales

Solar Panels

Medsun Solar Tel: 604 193 857

Email: info@medsunsolar.com www.medsunsolar.com

Swimming Pools

Leak Tech

Tel: 966 194 179 / 627 752 965

Info@leak-tech.net www.leak-tech.net

This Week´s Movie Picks

Horrible Bosses

Friday 2nd August - ITV2 - 10.00 pm

Nick hates his boss, mostly because he’s expected to work from before sunrise to after sunset and his boss, Mr. Harken, calls him

out for being a minute late and blackmails him so he can’t quit. Dale hates his boss, Dr. Julia Harris, because she makes unwelcome sexual advances when he’s about to get married. But Dale is on that pesky list of child-offenders so he can’t quit. Kurt actually likes his job and his boss--well, up until his boss dies and the boss’s coked-out, psychopathic son takes over. But who would be crazy enough to quit their jobs in such poor economic times? Instead, Nick, Dale, and Kurt drunkenly and hypothetically discuss how to kill their bosses, and before they know it, they’ve hired a murder consultant to help them pull off the three deeds.

Johnny English

Sunday 4th August - ITV2 - 9.15 pm

When a funeral of a British spy is attacked, all of the remaining spies are killed. Only one spy is left and is now Britain’s last hope. Johnny English and his sidekick, Bough have been assigned the case of investigating the theft of the British Crown Jewels. The prime suspect is a mysterious French entrepreneur, known as Pascal Sauvage. English and Bough soon nd out the horrifying truth behind the theft and Sauvage, but it’s not going to be an easy job to bring him to justice.

Tuesday 30th July

Jimmy’s Taste of Florida

07:00 Good Morning Britain


This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:00 ITV Lunchtime News 14:20 ITV News London 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Cooking with the Stars 22:00 Vera 23:45 ITV News

09:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Frasier 10:35 Frasier 11:05 Frasier 11:35 Frasier

12:05 Paris 2024 Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

12:10 The Simpsons 12:35 The Simpsons 13:05 Channel 4 News


13:10 A New Life in the Sun 14:10 Car S.O.S

15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun

17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now?

19:00 Come Dine with Me

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

20:55 Paris 2024 Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

21:00 Worst House on the Street

22:00 The Body Detectives 23:00 Gogglebox

Wednesday 31st July

08:50 Milo 09:10 Rubble & Crew 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:40 Peppa Pig 09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Meet the Experts 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 The Man With My Husband’s Face 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Amazing Railway Adventures with Nick Knowles 20:00 Our Great Yorkshire Life 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet: At Home with the Greens 22:00 Your Kitchen: 60 Years of Fads and Gadgets 23:00 Britain’s Favourite Ads of the 70s and 80s

08:25 Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated 08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?

Live: Olympic Games 20:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 20:30 EastEnders

The Repair Shop

Atomic People 23:30 Newsnight

00:20 ITV News London

00:35 On Assignment 01:05 Turbulence: How Safe Is Your Flight?

02:00 Teleshopping

04:00 Catchphrase

04:50 Unwind with ITV 06:05 Ainsley’s Taste of Malta

07:00 Good Morning Britain

10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:00 ITV Lunchtime News

14:20 ITV News London

14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 Midsomer Murders

23:50 ITV News

09:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Everybody Loves Raymond

10:05 Frasier

10:35 Frasier

11:05 Frasier

11:35 Frasier

12:05 Paris 2024 Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

12:10 The Simpsons

12:35 The Simpsons

13:05 Channel 4 News


13:10 A New Life in the Sun

14:10 Car S.O.S 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun

17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now?

19:00 Come Dine with Me

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It: Brilliant Builds

22:00 Catching a Killer: A Stab in the Dark

23:30 Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax

08:30 Pip and Posy

08:35 The Adventures of Paddington 08:50 Milo

09:10 Rubble & Crew

09:25 Peppa Pig

09:30 Peppa Pig 09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Meet the Experts 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley

13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 Mystery Island 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Amazing Railway Adventures with Nick Knowles 20:00 Portillo’s Andalucia

21:00 Cumbria: The Lakes & The Coast 22:00 Cause of Death 23:00 Casualty 24/7

008:25 Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated 08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 World’s Funniest Videos 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00 Love Bites 12:00 Love Bites 13:00 Dress to Impress 14:00 In with a Shout 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Dawson’s Creek 18:00 Dress to Impress 19:00 Celebrity Catchphrase 20:00 In with

onfirmed case of tick fever in pain

The health ministries of Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha have reported a case of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in a 74-yearold man. The individual, who had been staying at his second home in Buenasbodas (Toledo), a small village with around 400 residents, was bitten by a ‘Hyalomma’ tick, a species of African origin, in midJuly. He later sought medical attention at the Hospital Rey Juan Carlos in Móstoles (Madrid), experiencing fever and general malaise. He is currently in stable condition at the same hospital.

To prevent potential contagion, those in close contact with him are

being monitored, and the CastillaLa Mancha public health service has initiated fumigation in areas of Buenasbodas where there is a heightened risk of tick exposure.

Symptoms and Recommendations

Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever is a viral disease primarily spread by the ‘Hyalomma’ tick. The illness progresses in two phases: an initial phase characterized by sudden fever, headache, and muscle pain, followed by a more severe hemorrhagic phase that poses a higher risk of transmission.

The Castilla-La Mancha public

health service has issued recommendations to prevent tick bites, including staying on designated paths, as ticks often hide in grasses and latch onto passing individuals. They also advise wearing light-colored clothing, particularly socks, to spot ticks more easily, and choosing long-sleeved shirts and pants, with boots or closed shoes instead of sandals. Checking clothes, the body, and scalp after being outdoors is recommended to detect and remove any ticks. Additionally, using tick repellents and protecting pets with ea collars or pipettes can help reduce the risk of tick bites.

1st August

Friday 2nd August

14:20 ITV News London

14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:30 Tom Kerridge Cooks Britain

22:00 Midsomer Murders

23:50 ITV News

00:00 Long Lost Family

00:55 Emergency Nurses: A+E Stories

01:45 Teleshopping

04:00 James Martin’s Spanish Adventure

04:50 Unwind with ITV

06:05 Made in Britain

07:00 Good Morning Britain

10:00 Lorraine

11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Cooking with the Stars

16:00 Tenable

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

of Games

20:30 Beechgrove Garden

21:00 Gardeners’ World

22:00 Miriam Margoyles: A New Australian Adventure

23:00 Mum 23:30 Newsnight

Saturday 3rd August

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 Champions: Full Gallop

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Moonraker

07:50 Cheers 08:15 Everybody Loves

Raymond 08:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:05 Everybody Loves

09:35 Everybody Loves

10:05 Frasier 10:35 Frasier 11:05 Frasier 11:35 Frasier 12:05 The Simpsons 12:35 The Simpsons

13:05 Channel 4 News

Summary 13:10 A New Life in the Sun

14:10 Car S.O.S 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now?

19:00 Come Dine with Me

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 The Supervet 22:00 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 23:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

04:00 Car S.O.S 04:50 Paris 2024

Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

04:55 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

05:50 Frasier

06:15 Frasier

06:40 Paris 2024 Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

06:45 Countdown 11:05 Frasier

11:35 Frasier

12:05 The Simpsons

12:35 The Simpsons

13:05 Channel 4 News


13:10 A New Life in the Sun

14:10 Car S.O.S 15:10 Countdown

16:00 A Place in the Sun

17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now?

19:00 Come Dine with Me

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 Lake District Rescue

22:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

23:00 Jimmy Carr’s I Literally Just Told You

07:55 Frasier

08:20 Frasier

08:45 Everybody Loves


09:10 Everybody Loves


09:35 Everybody Loves


10:10 Everybody Loves


Ainsley’s National

Cook Off

13:40 James Martin’s French Adventure

14:15 ITV Lunchtime News

14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live

17:00 Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

19:55 ITV Evening News

20:15 ITV News London

20:30 The Chase: Celebrity Special

21:30 The 1% Club

22:30 Changing Ends

23:00 Piglets

23:30 Love & Death

01:50 Teleshopping

08:50 Milo

09:10 Rubble & Crew 09:25 Peppa Pig

09:30 Peppa Pig 09:40 Peppa Pig 09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:55 Meet the Experts 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 True Justice 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Amazing Railway Adventures with Nick Knowles

20:00 M&S: How They Got Back On Top 21:00 The High Street Shops We Loved & Lost 22:00 Susan Calman’s Grand Days Out 23:00 The Incident Room

08:50 Milo

09:10 Rubble & Crew

09:25 Peppa Pig

09:30 Peppa Pig

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Meet the Experts 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:20 Deadly Divorce Party 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Amazing Railway Adventures with Nick Knowles

20:00 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders 21:00 Motorway: Hell on the Highway 22:00 Terror at 30,000 Feet

23:00 When Films Go Horribly Wrong

09:25 DORA 09:40 Rubble & Crew 09:50 SpongeBob SquarePants

10:05 Entertainment News On 5 10:10 Eggheads 10:30 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

10:40 Wedding March 3: Here Comes the Bride

12:20 The Simpsons

12:50 The Simpsons

13:20 The Simpsons

13:55 The Simpsons

14:20 Couples Come Dine with Me

15:20 Four in a Bed

15:55 Four in a Bed

16:25 Four in a Bed

16:55 Four in a Bed

17:25 Four in a Bed

18:00 Channel 4 News

18:30 New Zealand By Train

19:30 The Lancaster Bomber at 80 with David Jason

20:30 Formula 1 22:00 Deadpool 2 00:05 Gogglebox

08:05 Mr Bean: The Animated Series 08:15 Mr Bean: The Animated Series 08:25 Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated 08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 World’s Funniest Videos 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00 Love Bites 12:00 Love

08:25 Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated 08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?

10:00 World’s Funniest Videos 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00 Love Bites 12:00 Love Bites 13:00 Dress to Impress 14:00 In with a Shout 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Dawson’s Creek 18:00 Dress to Impress 19:00 Celebrity Catchphrase 20:00 In with a Shout

21:00 Bob’s Burgers

21:30 Bob’s Burgers

22:00 Horrible Bosses

23:00 FYI Daily

23:05 Horrible Bosses

01:20 The Royal 02:10 Upstairs, Downstairs 03:05 Unwind with ITV 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Classic Emmerdale 07:35 Classic Emmerdale 08:00 Classic Coronation Street 08:35 Classic Coronation Street

09:05 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 11:20 The Royal 12:30 Heartbeat 13:35 Heartbeat 14:40 Classic Emmerdale 15:10 Classic Emmerdale 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:15 Classic Coronation Street 16:50 A Touch of Frost 19:00 Heartbeat 20:00 Heartbeat 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Midsomer Murders

11:20 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 12:15 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

13:10 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 14:10 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

15:10 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 16:10 Cumbria: The Lakes & The Coast 17:05 Norfolk and Suffolk 18:05 Bread, Butterflies & The Liver Birds 19:25 5 News Weekend 19:30 The King’s Guard: Serving the Crown 20:30 Inside the Tower of London 22:00 Sandringham: A Royal Residence with Nigel Havers 23:00 Most Shocking 80s Moments 01:35 Police

Sunday 4th August

with Alan Titchmarsh

12:25 Tom Kerridge Cooks Britain

12:50 Love Your Garden

13:20 ITV Lunchtime News

13:30 Mr Bean’s Holiday 15:10 For Your Eyes Only 17:45 ITV Evening News

17:55 ITV News London

18:05 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

McDonald and Dodds

ITV News 23:20 The Invisible Man

ITV News 07:50 Frasier 08:15 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 The Simpsons 10:00 The Simpsons 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 The Simpsons 13:55 The Simpsons 14:25 The Simpsons 14:55 The Simpsons 15:25 Four in a Bed 15:55 Four in a Bed 16:25 Four in a Bed 17:00 Four in a Bed 17:30 Four in a

Formula 1

Britain Behind Bars: A


Saucy! Secrets of the British Sex Comedy

Monday 5th August


Newsnight 04:00 Motorsport UK

Unwind with ITV

Ainsley’s National Trust Cook Off

Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Cooking with the Stars

16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 Vera

23:50 ITV News

01:25 Piglets

Le Mans ‘66 09:10 PAW Patrol 09:25 DORA 09:35 Rubble & Crew 09:50 SpongeBob SquarePants 10:00 Entertainment News On 5 10:05 Eggheads 10:30 Cruising With Susan Calman 11:15 Cruising With Susan Calman 12:10 Cruising With Susan Calman 13:10 Cruising With Susan Calman

09:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Frasier 10:35 Frasier 11:05 Frasier 11:35 Frasier

12:05 Paris 2024 Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

12:10 The Simpsons 12:35 The Simpsons

13:05 Channel 4 News


13:10 A New Life in the Sun

14:10 Car S.O.S 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun

17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now?

19:00 Come Dine with Me

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

20:55 Paris 2024 Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

21:00 Jamie: What to Eat This Week

22:00 24 Hours in A&E

23:00 To Catch a Copper

00:30 Swingers

23:00 Celebrity Gogglebox

08:50 Milo 09:10 Rubble & Crew 09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:55 Meet the Experts 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends

14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 The Stepmother 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Amazing Railway Adventures with Nick Knowles

20:00 Traffic Cops

21:00 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders 22:00 Police: Suspect No. 1 23:00 Police: Hour Of Duty

00:30 Andrew: The Rise and Fall of the Playboy Prince

08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 World’s Funniest Videos 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00 Love Bites 12:00 Love Bites 13:00 Dress to Impress 14:00 In with a Shout 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Dawson’s Creek 18:00 Dress to Impress 19:00 Celebrity Catchphrase 20:00 In with a Shout 21:00 Bob’s Burgers

21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Love Island

23:35 Family Guy 00:05 Family Guy 00:35 Family Guy

03:00 Bless This House 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Classic Emmerdale 07:35 Classic Emmerdale 08:00 Classic Coronation Street

08:35 Classic Coronation Street 09:05 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 11:20 The Royal 12:30 Heartbeat 13:35 Heartbeat 14:40 Classic Emmerdale 15:10 Classic Emmerdale 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:15 Classic Coronation Street 16:50 A Touch of Frost 19:00 Heartbeat 20:00 Heartbeat

21:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 22:05 Martin Clunes: Islands of the Pacific 23:05 Unforgotten 01:00 After the Flood 02:00 After the Flood

If you have a question or problem with any household technology needing my help or want to join the Technology Help Group please email Brian at cbtechnology.help@gmail.com.

As a group member, you would have access to the group website which contains previous session notes, handouts and access to previous Costa Blanca People published articles. Scan the QR code for a reminder of what the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group offers. Meetings at Dilly’s Bar, Av. Castuera, 3, 03184 El Chaparral, Alicante. Group meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10:00 to 12:00. The Next meeting is on Wednesday 14th August 2024. You are welcome to attend.

“How can I see les that are on my phone on my computer”?

If you connect your phone to your computer using a suitable USB connection you can see the Folders and Files on your phone and, if fitted, those on an SD card. When you connect your phone to a computer via USB, you can typically transfer files, photos, and other data between the two devices. This data transfer is safe as long as you are connecting to a trusted computer.

Your tech questions answered by Brian Hoile of the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group, helping over 400 members with their PCs , smartphones and more. Group members can attend meetings in person or online using Zoom or Teams.

You need to use this with caution as you have access to everything on your phone. Another way you get the same files on your phone and your computer is to use Cloud Storage.

On your phone, each photo you take is stored on your phone AND on Google Photos.

To get other files from your phone on your computer, they need to be in Cloud Storage

“Are fully loaded Fire Sticks legal to use”?

When sold by Amazon a Fire Stick is preloaded with Amazonapproved Apps. Apps are available from the Amazon store only. Most of these Apps require a subscription to get online content. Apps like Disney + and Amazon Prime. It did not take long for users to realise that it was possible to change the settings to get Apps “from unknown sources”. This then allowed Apps to be downloaded from websites after a suitable internet search. The internet could then be used to access Apps offering access to live TV from around the world and access to Movies and TV box sets. A lot of Apps became available to give access to TV channels that included premium channels that usually require a separate subscription.

Other Apps gave access to Movies and TV Box Sets using “Peer-to-Peer”technology. Pressure from Sky and other subscription services soon made representations to the authorities to close down those supplying these services. For its part, Amazon changed its settings to hide the ability to “allow Apps from unknown sources”. This has been bypassed now and users can still download non-Amazon Apps. Any Fire Stick sold that gives access to premium TV is illegal as the programme originator is not receiving payment. Worldwide the authorities are actively seeking out those operating these illegal services. Those caught are charged with copyright infringement and money laundering.

Join the Group by searching Facebook for “Costa Blanca Technology Help Group” Send your questions to cbtechnology.help@gmail.com

Brian Hoile Technology Help Group
Always help someone. You might be the only one that does.

Seagate are pleased to support the amazing charity A Helping Hand - a food and clothes bank charity. They support hundreds of families that are in poverty and in crisis and they urgently need food and clothes donations from you. There is a constant need for help with simply the basic staples such as tuna, toilet paper, milk, tinned food, pasta, rice, soup mix, baked beans, olive oil. They also need hygiene

items such as washing detergent, shower gel, shampoo as well as baby items needed are nappies, hero baby milk 1 and 2 and baby wipes.

As we begin 2024, they are hoping to be able to provide for families throughout the next few months when times are hardest. January, February, and March are the toughest times for this charity, so please spare a thought and give what you can. You can drop o

your donation to their base in San Luis on Tuesday or Friday morning from 10am until 1pm or at over 20 drop o places around the area –check their Facebook page for locations. There are many bars and restaurants that also support the charity, as does BIG FM who are also a drop o point. As the message on their Facebook page says, “Always Help Someone –You Might Be The Only One That Does”.


This absolutely delightful park known as Parque del Molino del Agua is situated in La Mata, Torrevieja. It gets its name from the original water mill that was used years ago for grinding salt in the area. Today, it makes the perfect location for a pleasant walk amongst nature. The park is beautifully laid out with paved pathways running alongside a long water cascade which leads straight down to the beach. You have spectacular sea views along the way, and there are seating areas under the pine trees to take rest or enjoy a picnic in the shade. Your walk is completed when you end up at the beach to enjoy a well deserved and refreshing swim! The best place to leave your vehicle is just outside the park on Calle Morera, 1 03188 Torrevieja. The park has good accessibility for wheelchairs and mobility scooters due to the well designed walkways and dogs are allowed on a lead.

For more inspiring ideas of places to visit and things to do on the Costa Blanca, check out the website www.costablancascene.com

5 discount at exi undo orrevie a

Mexi Mundo used to advertise with the Costa Blanca People when they had their old premises in Altos del Limonar, however, since COVID they have moved their premises into the centre of Torrevieja. With this week´s advertisement in the newspaper you will receive a 15% discount (valid until 31/8). All you need to do is cut out the advertisement on page 27 (does not apply for set menus) and bring it along to the restaurant and you will receive the discount from your bill.

Their specialities include nachos with meat, cheesy enchiladas and quesadillas, large burritos and delicious fajitas to name but a few. What makes the restaurant even more special is that each dish is cooked individually so you can choose your own spice level. The spice levels range from is mild, medium hot or even extra hot!! New on their menu this year year are our taco bowl

salads, choose your choice of Tex Mex beef, chicken or pulled pork. They also cater for vegetarian, vegans and o er gluten free options.

Mexi Mundo has been established for 9 years and moved to their new premises in 2021. They take great pride in serving freshly prepared and avoursome Mexican food. The next time you fancy traditional Mexican food served in a traditional environment why not give them a try and please don’t forget to take

along the advertisement to claim your 15% discount

The third of the Summer Nights In The Park Music Festivals will be held on Saturday 10th August and will be supporting Rock Against Cancer. The festival will be held at The Bar Guardamar Park, Rincon La Luna, Guardamar.

The festival will be an all-seated a air and will kick o at 5pm, however, the gates will open from 4.30pm. Throughout the evening you will be treated to three great acts

Simon Jackson MBE live band featuring rock n pop hits including Robbie Williams, Cockney Rebel and more.

Peat Loaf, the one and only dead ringer

Soulfully Five Live Band

The event will be great fun with lots of fabulous music and of course, loads of dancing. There will be some delicious food available and there will also be free parking. The event will be disabled friendly. VIP tickets have nearly sold out.

If you would like a bus service, go to www.costablanca.events where you can register for this. There are also some pitches available for motorhomes or caravans (not tents).

Rock Against Cancer will be there showcasing their brandnew logo and will have lots of goodies for sale in aid of the charity.

Costa Blanca People have very kindly been given 5 free individual tickets. For a chance to

please send the message “WIN” along with your full name, mobile number and email address via whatsapp to 607031113 or email Claire@ costablancapeople.com

Bars & Restaurants

Lady Gaga fans were unimpressed with her 2024 Olympic opening ceremony performance on Friday as she su ered sound issues during her rendition of Mon Truc en Plumes.

The Bad Romance star, 38, stunned in black leotard and white feathers as she graced the international stage. But despite her looking incredible for international performance, viewers could help but criticise the American star’s performance.

Celine Dion has admitted she’s ‘so full of joy’ after her breathtaking comeback performance at the 2024 Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony on Friday night.

The Canadian singer, 56, who is battling the incurable sti -person syndrome, closed the ceremony with a jaw-dropping performance on the Ei el Tower.

28 years after making her Olympic debut in 1996 at Atlanta’s stadium,

Celine proved she’s still got it following her emotional act in the French city.

Adele and her new ancé Rich Paul’s romance is reportedly set to feature in a new lm about the sports agent’s life.

The singer, 36, and the Klutch Sports Group founder, 42, who have been dating since 2021, secretly got engaged on Thursday after he proposed in her hometown, Tottenham in North London.

On Saturday, it was reported Rich is set to recount his life from ‘di cult childhood to major success,’ after bagging a lm deal o the back of his memoir, Lucky Me.

Paul O’Grady’s former neighbours have blasted his widower’s plans for a holiday let at his £3m home and claim it is not what the beloved TV star ‘would have wanted’.

Plans to transform a security o ce at the rural estate in the village of Aldington, near Ashford, Kent, have been lodged with planning o cials.

They have been submitted by Paul’s husband Andre Portasio, a former dancer who was set to inherit most of his £8.6m fortune.

Imogen Thomas has revealed that she cries herself to sleep worrying about her mother Janet, 64, more than a year after her motor neurone disease diagnosis.

The Big Brother star, 41, said that the diagnosis had been a ‘huge gamechanger’ and explained she is now focusing on caring for her.

The model revealed the diagnosis six months ago via a heartbreaking Instagram post and has been updating her followers on the reality of caring for someone with MND ever since.

Expansion of the otel Algorfa Baker

Plans are going ahead with the expansion of the Hotel Algorfa Bakery and Convenience Store this week. The hotel has invested in more equipment to be installed in the store to include an ice cream diaplay with a hand-made waffle cone machine. Soon, you’ll be able to experience choosing your favourite flavour and filling a handmade waffle cone with ice-cream, sprinkles and sauce. There will also be a new cake display fridge filled with home baked cakes, pastries and sweets - fresh to choose from daily. There will also be a hot dog machine and a brand new saladette where Katty (our longest standing waitress) will serve you freshly baked bread and fillings of your

choice, complete with salads and sauces for you to choose from. Not to mention, the waffle and crepe machinesso you can have a fresh hot pudding with your chosen ice cream scoop on top! In the store, you will be able to order your coffee, milkshakes, sandwiches/roll/ baguette or hot dog as well as a mouth watering dessert - and rest assured everything we sell would have been freshly made on site each morning. The new delicatessen and desserts will arrive and be installed ready for August so come and visit to see our expansion! The bakery will remain as usual so you can still fill up on your favourite pies, pastries and breads from our in house bakery.

Health & Beauty

I consider myself a congenial person. I am single, and am Facebook friends with a lot of people (admittedly, people I don’t really know that well). However, I see that a lot of socialising goes on within these groups, and no one ever seems to think to invite me along. I include myself in the ‘chat’, and get replies and comments. I don’t seem to have gelled with anyone in particular. I retired early and I don’t have a lot of money, and perhaps they don’t include me for that reason.

you will likely start to be invited out yourself. It’s a two-way street. Also; don’t confine yourself to looking for friends online; there are many actual organisations and groups out there that you could go along to. If you are short of money, look for things that are free or inexpensive, like walking clubs, coffee mornings. If you don’t find anything, think about starting a group yourself and post it on one of the chat rooms.. for example; a picnic in the Park where everyone brings a dish and a bottle. If you are proactive you may find people respond.

I wouldn’t take it personally. May be these people think you’ve got other friends, and are otherwise busy. When there is a social activity posted on the group, surely it means everyone is invited to go along? I wonder if you are taking things too personally. You could take decisive action, and invite these people round for a drink. Socialising needn’t cost a lot of money. Just an inexpensive bottle of wine, coffee and tea, and a few nibbles one afternoon, sitting in the sun. I am sure you will find that once the invitation has been extended, WRITE TO SARA IN CONFIDENCE. A PSEUDONYM WILL BE USED IF YOU WISH. SARA READS ALL LETTERS AND CAN GIVE A PERSONAL REPLY. EMAIL YOUR QUESTION TO SARA@ COSTABLANCAPEOPLE.COM OR SARA IS AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS, TELEPHONE 650 054 467.

aking dail aspirin remains prevalent amongst older adults

A new study has found that many older adults without heart disease are still taking daily aspirin to prevent cardiovascular issues, despite updated guidance and associated risks. For years, low-dose aspirin was recommended to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes by thinning the blood and preventing clot formation. However, research revealed that for those without a history of heart problems, the risks of excessive bleeding and anemia outweigh the bene ts. Consequently, in 2019, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association advised against routine aspirin use for heart disease prevention in this group. Nonetheless, the study indicates that millions of older adults may continue this practice. Ashish Sarraju, MD, a sta cardiologist

the Cleveland Clinic and senior author of the study, noted that long-standing habits might be di cult to change, despite newer guidelines.

Celebrating 4 Years of Style at Indiana’s hair and lash boutique

Enter Our Birthday Hair Salon Competition!

We are thrilled to celebrate four incredible years of making our clients look and feel fabulous! To mark this special occasion, we’re launching an exciting birthday competition

with a fantastic prize up for grabs. Whether you’re a loyal customer or new to our salon, we invite you to join the fun and enter.

How to Enter

Visit Our Facebook / Instagram page @ indianashairandlashboutique. Share the pinned post on your Instagram or Facebook and tag our salon account.

Follow Us: Make sure you’re following our salon’s social media accounts to stay updated on the competition and other exciting news. Tag three if your friends Prize

We have s fabulous prize lined up for our lucky winner: A summer glow up package, including a cut, color, and blowdry with Indiana and a mini facial with lash and brow

with sharon.

Important Dates Competition Opens: open for entry now

Closes : Thursday 01/08/2024

Winner Announcement: winner drawn live on Friday 02/08/2024

Terms and Conditions: Entrants must be 18 years or


You must follow each step to be entered like the page, share the pinned post, tag three friends By entering, you give us permission to share your name on our social media and promotional materials. Winners will be drawn live on Friday 02/08/2024 in the salon Join the Celebration Help us celebrate four fabulous years by participating in our birthday competition. We can’t wait to share in the joy of this milestone with you. Good luck to all our participants!Thank you for being part of our salon family. Here’s to many more years of beauty and style!

in the Mi Quirónsalud App

pain enters lithium batter rec cling market to recover valuable metals

Last year, Spain collected around 9,200 tonnes of batteries, a signi cant increase from the 2.5 tonnes collected nearly a decade ago. This growth is largely driven by the rise in electri ed transport, with vehicle batteries accounting for 15% of all collected waste. Notably, batteries from cars, motorbikes, bicycles, and scooters saw a 54% increase in discarded units, totaling 115 tonnes. The rest of the collected batteries included 44% industrial and 40% portable units from devices like mobile phones and computers.

Currently, Spain lacks the infrastructure to process this type of waste on a large scale, leading to its export to other European countries for treatment. However, this is set to change with the establishment of Novolitio, a joint venture by Endesa and Urbaser, aimed at recycling lithium batteries domestically. The company has begun the initial phase of collection and aims to process up to 25,000 tonnes annually in a new plant in Cubillos del Sil, León. The facility, expected to start construction

by late 2025 or early 2026, will handle a wide range of battery types, from large industrial and automotive units to smaller ones from consumer electronics.

A key goal for Novolitio is to recover valuable metals like nickel, cobalt, lithium, manganese, and copper, which are essential for manufacturing technologies such as solar panels.

The company plans to recycle up to 95% of these metals from treated batteries, signi cantly reducing the carbon footprint of new battery production and aligning with European regulations. These regulations mandate increasing recovery rates for lithium batteries and minimum recycled content levels for metals like cobalt, lead, lithium, and nickel by 2027 and 2031.

rain driver and Adif official receive

0 month sentences after fatal high speed train derailment in pain

The court has delivered a verdict in the case of the Alvia high-speed train derailment that occurred on July 24, 2013, near Santiago de Compostela, Spain. This tragic accident resulted in 79 deaths and 143 injuries. The train was traveling at over twice the speed limit when it derailed on a curve, as recorded by the train’s data recorder and captured on a track-side camera.

The Criminal Court number 2 of Santiago de Compostela sentenced Francisco Garzón, the train driver, and Andrés Cortabitarte, then director of Tra c Safety at Adif (the Spanish rail infrastructure operator), each to two years and six months in prison. Additionally, they were disquali ed from their professions for four and a half years and ordered to pay 25 million euros in compensation to the victims’ families. If they are unable to pay, Adif’s insurers are responsible for the compensation. The Public Prosecutor’s O ce

had sought four-year prison terms for the defendants.

The court found that Garzón answered a non-urgent call on his mobile phone just before the derailment, which distracted him from monitoring the train’s speed.

The court emphasized that Garzón failed to take basic precautions required for his professional duties, such as ensuring he was aware of his location on the track and responding to safety signals.

Cortabitarte was found guilty of certifying that the line met safety conditions despite a risk analysis identifying the possibility of derailment. The judge ruled that both Garzón and Cortabitarte failed to uphold the necessary duty of care, leading to an “unlawful increase in the risk” of the tragic outcome.

This sentence is not nal, and the defense teams have the option to appeal to the Provincial Court of A Coruña.


International Christian Assembly Evangelical Church. We welcome you to Sunday Service at 11am (English) Calle Beniajan 14, Torrevieja, 03185 www.icatorrevieja.org Phone; 966799273 or 660127276 (SH) Join us at Salt Church. Sundays at 10.30am. We are a friendly Church, Bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship.Calle Daya Nueva 12, Poligino Industrial Levante II, 03187 Los Montsinos. www.saltchurch.es Facebook: SaltChurchSpain

The Alfaz spiritual friends centre who o er a warm welcome at their Thursdays weekly service at the comm (ex the forum/mare nostrum), Camino del Pincho 2, l’Alfaz del Pi, 03580, Alicante, are having their summer break. We will re-open again on Thursday 12th September at 6.30 pm with a new visiting medium. contact dot 634 320 013 email: dorothydorothy608@gmail.com


over 7 products for men and ladies, mixed trial packs, available by mail order. whatsApp or call 603 11 73 94. (1056)

Playa Flamenca (Zenia Mar) Original Spanish Lady, 35, very attractive o ers complete service & erotic massages, private house, very discreet with parking, has medical cert. Call Ana on 657603495

Sarah. Sexy mature brazilian. So caring, sculptured body. Fantasies. Housse 77 La Zenia. Tel 666645551 www.sensualspain. net (1054)

Sheila new Venezuelan, in Campoamor. English and French spoken Tel 656314941 www.sensualspain.net (1054)

Massages by Teresa in El Algar (La Manga/ Cartagena)I invite you for a full body massage with100% satisfaction. WhatsApp: 625 178 643 (1055)

Paola new Brazilian in Daya Nueva / Rojales. Private, discreet, fantasies. www. sensualspain.net Tel 722391864 1054)

Jackelin 24, nice Latin, new in Campoamor www.sensualspain.net. Tel 624865672 (1054)

Classi ed ads from as little as €4.20 per week

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The quali ed male masseuse o ers a massage service, exclusively for women.The best therapeutic, and wonderful relaxing massage.The entire province of Alicante. For detailed information,send a sms vía WhatsApp to phone 627659268.I Will wait for you and thanks for mi con dence. (1053) Nadia, 33, lovely sensual Monalvian. Enjoy relaxing sensitive massage. La Zenia, Turquesa St. last week. Tel 643276205. www.sensualspain.net (1053)

Cindy, Erotic massage, hot blonde, La Zenia, slim, sexy, caring, sweet, elegant. House 77, Close Consum Tel 607735745 (1057)

os ontesinos returns to ports in the treet for another August

Following the success of this initiative in previous editions, the Los Montesinos Town Council is once again organising the “Sports in the Street” events this August. Throughout the month there will be free sporting activities with the participation of all the centres in the town.

GYM Ballesta, Absana, Deisa Wellness, Efeté, Buen Cuerpo , together with the Department of Sports of Los Montesinos, will o er free joint sports days for all those interested. These days will be held every Tuesday and Thursday in August in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento at 8:30 p.m. The classes are led by professionals from each sector and specialization.

The Councillor for Sports, Ana Belén Juárez, comments that this event “has become a tradition in our municipality and is a fantastic opportunity to promote physical activity and healthy living among our neighbourhood. Above all, thanks to the commitment and collaboration of local sports centres such as GYM Ballesta, Absana, Deisa Wellness, Efeté and Buen Cuerpo, we can o er a wide variety of free sports activities.”

Those interested will have to register for the activities at the Los Montesinos Town Hall, where they can also call the number 96 672 10 87.

0 Belgian P results

The recent Belgian Grand Prix was full of excitement and drama, particularly surrounding George Russell’s initially victorious performance. Russell executed a brilliant one-stop strategy, managing his tires expertly over the 44 laps at SpaFrancorchamps. Starting from seventh place, he overtook competitors and nished rst, just ahead of his Mercedes teammate, Lewis Hamilton. This result marked an unexpected 1-2 nish for Mercedes, with Russell securing what appeared to be his third Formula 1 win. Oscar Piastri nished in third place, while Max

Verstappen and Lando Norris continued their tight battle in the World Championship standings.

However, the joy for Russell and Mercedes was short-lived. Postrace, the FIA stewards disquali ed Russell after discovering that his car was underweight. The car weighed 796.5 kilograms, falling short of the 798 kg minimum weight requirement, thus providing an illegal advantage. This disquali cation promoted all other drivers by one position, handing the victory to Hamilton and elevating Piastri to second place,

with Charles Leclerc nishing third after Russell’s penalty.

Russell expressed disappointment, acknowledging the team’s mistake, while Mercedes team principal Toto Wol emphasized the need to learn from this error. The championship ght continues, with Max Verstappen and Lando Norris still vying for the top positions. Formula 1 now heads into a summer break, with the next race scheduled for the Dutch Grand Prix on August 25th.

pain s omen progress in the l mpic ames

After the hard-fought victory against Japan in their debut at the 2024 Olympic Games, Spain added their second victory. Again, by the narrowest of margins: this time it was 1-0 against a di cult Nigeria , thanks to Alexia Putellas ‘ goal in the 85th minute . Brazil, the next opponent and the match will take place on Wednesday 31st July at 17.00.

Abbey Anglers

On Tuesday the 23rd of July we shed the 2nd round of the Autumn Cup at the el Bosquet complex.

The weather was once again very sunny with high temperatures making the shing unconfortable at best. As is the norm at this time of year numbers were down with only nine anglers taking part. The match was split into two sections with 5 anglers on pegs 1 to 7 and the other 4 were on the newly widened pegs 18 to 24.

Winner on the day was Bob Robinson. Drawn on peg 3 he

shed the pole across shallow and caught several carp for 20.22kg. He like most anglers recently was plagued by the ducks that now frequent this stretch and are becoming a real nuisance.

In second place on peg 22 on the other section was Bill Reade. Bill shed mainly the bomb with single maggot or pellet and weighed in a very credible 18.10kg.

In third place was the Wizard of Hull, Keith Hirst. Drawn on peg 2 he also shed the pole across and caught some decent carp for a level 15kg. Keith has been in good form recently

and indeed tops the table in the Autumn series. How long will his lead last?

The El bosquet complex as previously stated is undergoing several changes. I have documented these changes in a youtube video that can be viewed on this link https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8KlR54EOQ.

On this channel, Match shing in Spain you will nd 75 videos all featuring shing in our area.

Ian Brown www.abbeyangling.es

1. Charming, maybe, but won’t charm everybody’s heart(7)

2. 100 having a sure winner in entertainment(7)

3. Part of 9 is nothing more than a prisoner’s room(5) 4. Getting everybody on a level at the end of the day?(7)

5. Go smoothly along with learner in the team(5)

6. Stop 100 getting relief(5)

9. Roar madly about box with instruments in it(9)

14. Make false claim about America being notedly harmonious(7)

15. Simultaneous discharges of missiles on court?(7)

16. A theologian to finish article in appendix(7)

19. Meat in the meeting place(5)

20. When steps are taken by the troops?(5)

21. Fruit to put very quietly in drink(5)






Boats (5)



Hold up(5)





Decisive moment(6)















Using only the letters in the wordwheel, take ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must contain the central letter and at least three others. Letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.


Fill the grid so that every column, row and 3x3 square includes all the digits from 1 to 9


rive, rivet, veer, vert, vice, vier, viper.

erective, ever, evert, evict, peeve, perceive, privet, receive, receptive,

CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Across: 7Ironed; 8Evolve; 10Secular; 11Nodes; 12More; 13Thing; 17Guise; 18Wood; 22Okapi; 23Repulse; 24Nectar; 25Played. Down:1Winsome; 2Concert; 3Cello; 4Evening; 5Slide; 6Cease; 9Orchestra; 14Musical; 15Volleys; 16Addenda; 19Joint; 20March; 21Apple. WORDWHEEL

QUICK CROSSWORD Across: 7Rooted; 8Manage; 10Diction; 11Craft; 12Care; 13Miser; 17Delay; 18Hose; 22Trade; 23Hateful; 24Credit; 25Crisis. Down:1Predict; 2Concern; 3Tepid; 4Satchel; 5Pagan; 6Jetty; 9Antipathy; 14Demerit; 15Confess; 16Recluse; 19Stick; 20Waver; 21Story.

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