20 August - 26 August 2024

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Smart beaches introduced to Torrevieja

Torrevieja City Council has launched an application with which users can access real-time data on occupancy, services, weather conditions, sea conditions and the ag displayed on the beach, as well as receive alerts about the presence of jelly sh or spills.

The project was born as an extension of the work carried out in the Laguna de la Mata Natural Park and Torrevieja, where a digital twin has been developed to promote more sustainable tourism.

Now, this technology is being

adapted to beaches, which, along with lagoons, are tourist attractions, allowing citizens to improve their experience thanks to real-time information on the environmental status, occupancy and access to the municipality’s sandy areas.

To do this, through an intuitive and easy-to-use application, users will be able to access data on the weather, sea conditions and the ag displayed on the beach, as well as receive alerts about possible dangers such as the presence of jelly sh or spills.

In addition, the application o ers information about nearby services, the distance to each beach from the user’s location and the current occupancy of each of them.

In addition to being focused on bathers, it allows for better management, as it provides more information to service providers and destination managers. Innovation and technology in this case guarantee the social, economic and environmental sustainability of Torrevieja’s beaches.

In this rst phase, the ‘playasinteligentes.es’project will de ne a model adapted to the needs of the city , encouraging citizen participation and inviting users to share opinions and experiences.

The creators of this application de ne a smart beach as a technological setting where activities directly related to the sea take place , such as nautical (anchoring, sailing, platforms, etc.) or sports (diving, snorkelling, swimming, etc.), and with the sandy area, such as the provision of services (beach bars, hammock areas, sports clubs, etc.), promenades and service areas by proximity (restaurants, leisure areas , information o ces, security, surveillance and rescue services, etc.).

The initiative has been launched

by the City Council and its University Laboratory for Smart Tourism and is being developed by the company SensingTools, within the CHAN-TWIN research project, which is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the European Union through NextGeneration funds.

Smart strategy

This pilot project is part of the actions de ned in the Torrevieja Tourism Strategy and, more speci cally, in the management of beaches and natural spaces in a smart way. That is, in the implementation of technological tools for the management and improvement of the experience of

important local resources such as beaches and natural spaces, two elements that are key resources of the city, having a great power of attraction and concentrating most of the touristrecreational activities that take place in the municipality. With “ playasinteligentes.es “, Torrevieja takes a further step towards the integration of technology in the management of its natural resources, promoting a more informed, safe and sustainable tourism , following the framework of actions de ned in its Tourism Strategy, stressed in her presentation the Councillor for Tourism, Rosario Martínez, who was accompanied by the Councillor for Beaches and Environment , Antonio Vidal; the Torrevieja professors and researchers José María Cecilia (Polytechnic University of Valencia) and Marco Antonio Celdrán, technical coordinator of the Torrevieja University Laboratory for Intelligent Tourism, and Ricardo Granados, from Proyecto Mastral.

Moroccan wanted for people trafficking arrested in Dolores

The National Police has arrested a Moroccan man, who was subject to an international arrest warrant for extradition (OID) for crimes of participation in a Criminal Organisation and Illegal Tra cking of Clandestine Immigration.

O cers learned that a man who was wanted by the Moroccan authorities could be living in the town of Dolores. After establishing a search operation, they managed to locate him in an industrial estate in Vega Baja, called the Polígono de La Marina.

The o cers arrested him and reported the arrest to the Judicial Authority of the district where he was located, in this case, the Courts of Orihuela.

The detainee, aged 33, was placed at the disposal of the Alicante Court of Instruction on duty, from where the proceedings will continue.

Seven migrants land in Torrevieja

A boat with seven migrants on board was located early Sunday morning in Torrevieja and six of them were treated in the port of Alicante by members of the Red Cross ; the seventh, meanwhile, was taken to a hospital due to poor general health and vomiting.

The occupants have been transferred to the port of Alicante to receive humanitarian assistance from the Red Cross as usual. The Immediate Response Team for Humanitarian Assistance to Immigrants specialises in providing the human and material resources to o er irregular immigrants basic medical care and food when they reach the Spanish coast by boat.

Red Cross sources have reported that the Immediate Response Team for Humanitarian Aid Emergencies for Immigrants Arriving by Coast (ERIE AHIC) remains active in the port of Alicante awaiting the arrival of another 15 people from a precarious boat spotted in the vicinity of Teulada-Moraira.

Two women arrested in Callosa de Segura “love scam”

The Civil Guard, within the framework of the operation “Amatam”, has arrested a 26-year-old woman and investigated another 41-yearold woman for committing a fraud of more than 140,000 euros. The investigation has revealed the use of an elaborate fraud scheme known as “romance scam”, where the perpetrators managed to convince the victim that they were in a romantic relationship in order to manipulate her and obtain large sums of money.

The victim led a complaint in which she explained how, after meeting a man on a social network he claimed he´d been admitted to a hospital in Chicago (USA). Taking advantage of the situation they scammers carried on with the pretence that they were in a romantic relationship. They convinced the victim to send ‘him’ money in order to help. Throughout the false relationship, the victim made numerous transfers and cash shipments to di erent bank accounts in the name of the front man, in addition to sending money by purchasing gift cards and, in one particular case, sending cash via certi ed letter to an address in Callosa de Segura.

The investigation, carried out by the Technological Investigation Team (EDITE) of the Organic Unit of the Judicial Police of Alicante,

together with the @ Team of the Alicante Command, allowed the identi cation of the two women who lived in the house in Callosa where the cash was sent. In addition, it was con rmed that the bank accounts to which part of the scammed money was sent were in the name of the suspects.

Finally, after gathering all the information, the Civil Guard located the 26-year-old suspect at the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández airport when she was preparing to leave the country, carrying out her arrest and subsequently the investigation of the 41-year-old in Callosa de Segura. In addition, the investigators carried out a search of her home where they seized various electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets and computers, as well as taking the precautionary blocking of four bank accounts used in the scam.

The investigation is ongoing, as the detainees are suspected of being part of a criminal organisation with branches in Nigeria. The detainees were released on bail and under precautionary measures, including a ban on leaving the country.

The detainees, who have been charged with fraud, falsi cation of documents and membership in a criminal organisation, were brought before the courts.

Katy Perry invesigated over potential environmental damage on Spanish video shoot

An investigation has been opened into whether the lming of Katy Perry’s latest music video caused environmental damage to the protected dunes of the islet of S’Espalmador, which are located in the Ses Salines de Eivissa and Formentera natural park, one of the most ecologically valuable enclaves of Spain’s Balearic Islands. In a press release issued recently, the Environment Department of the Balearic regional government said that the production company had not requested the necessary authorization to lm the music video.

The U.S. singer lmed the music video for her song Lifetimes on the islands of Ibiza and Formentera, where she is seen dancing and jumping around in di erent locations, including urban areas, a busy nightclub and in natural settings, including in the dune system of S’Espalmador, within an area delimited by ropes indicating that passage is prohibited, where all of her recording equipment would also have been.

The Environment Department stated that the actions do not

constitute a “crime against the environment,” but rather an infringement, since the lming of photographic reports or videos “can be authorised” upon request.

Next to the famous Ses Illetes beach in Formentera, the dunes of S’Espalmador make up the best-preserved dune system in the Balearic Islands and have “great ecological value,” the Balearic regional government states on its tourism website. S’Espalmador is a private islet located north of Formentera and has been part of the Ses Salines de Ibiza and Formentera natural park since 1980. It is approximately 1.8 miles long and 800 meters wide (137 hectares).

Torrevieja brings in laws and fines for disposing of rubbish

The new Urban Cleaning Law of the Torrevieja City Council came into force recently with fines of between 150 and 500,000 euros after its final approval and its publication the day before in the Official Gazette of the Province.

The Councillor for Urban Cleaning, María José Ruiz, explained that this ordinance is adapted to the new Law 7/2022 on Waste and Contaminated Soils for a circular economy and with the State Framework Plan for Waste Management. This was approved by the Ministry of the Environment in November 2015, which establishes environmental and recycling objectives in line with the objectives set by the European Union: to reduce to practically zero the dumping of untreated municipal waste in landfills and limit the total dumping of municipal waste.

The new ordinance establishes minor penalties, with fines of 150 to 750 euros; serious sanctions from 1,500, and very serious sanctions of up to 500,000.

The law sets out the obligations of citizens, such as taking waste out onto

public roads for collection by the municipal service at only established times and in agreed places. In this regard, organic waste and other waste will be collected from 8am to 11pm and always in closed bags.

Both disposing of waste without a sealed bag and breaking the timetable are considered minor offences punishable by a fine of 150 euros, the same amount as for throwing small waste outside the bins, such as paper, chewing gum, cigarette butts, sweets, shells and similar waste.

Leaving the boxes for doorto-door service without the corresponding cut and folding correct for collection will see a fine of 200 euros, while the lack of cleaning, disinfection of plots, streets, properties or privately owned lots is fined with 500 euros.

There is a fine of 300 euros for graffiti or putting unauthorised stickers on facades, walls, fences or street furniture and 750 euros for abandoning belongings or pruning on public roads without prior notice.

Causing breakage or damage to containers is punishable by fines of more than 1,500

euros, while generating large quantities of paper and cardboard and not requesting the door-to-door service entails fines of more than 5,000 euros.

Failure to pick up animal poop or to dilute urine with liquids to eliminate odours and stains by the owner/walker is a serious offence punishable by a fine of more than 1,500 euros.

The abandonment or uncontrolled dumping of any type of waste, even liquids, when it has seriously endangered people’s health or caused damage to the environment is punishable by a fine of 250,000 to 500,000 euros. The same amount will be levied for delivering, selling or transferring hazardous waste to natural or legal persons other than those indicated in Law 7/2022 on waste and contaminated soil for a circular economy.

Fines will be managed through SUMA, according to Ruiz, who has also announced an information campaign for both the productive sectors of Torrevieja and the citizens and, subsequently, a street control campaign will be launched to ensure compliance.

Rising temperatures in Europe contributed to 47,000 deaths in 2023

A new study has revealed that extreme heat contributed to more than 47,000 deaths across Europe in 2023, highlighting the ongoing and severe impact of rising global temperatures. The study, published in the journal Nature Medicine, indicates that while the death toll is alarming, it could have been signi cantly higher without mitigation measures implemented since the early 2000s.

The year 2023 marked the hottest year on record globally and was one of the warmest years in Europe, where millions faced the consequences of intense heatwaves, oods, and soaring temperatures. Such dangerously high temperatures are linked to an increase in medical emergencies, including heatstroke, a heightened risk of spreading infectious diseases, and worsening chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and asthma.

An estimated 47,690 people succumbed to heat-related causes in 2023, a slight decrease from the approximately 60,000 deaths reported in 2022. Despite the reduction, last year’s death toll was still higher than in any year since at least 2015. The study underscores a troubling trend of rising mortality rates associated with extreme heat.

However, the researchers believe the situation could have been much worse. The study suggests that the number of heat-related deaths in 2023 would have been 80% higher if governments had not taken signicant steps to adapt to climate change from the early 2000s onward. Many of these measures were introduced after the devastating summer of 2003, which claimed more than 70,000 lives

and spurred European countries to establish early warning systems and heat prevention plans.

The study notes that older populations, who are particularly vulnerable to extreme heat, could have faced a death toll twice as high without these interventions. While the e orts to mitigate the e ects of climate change are moving in a positive direction, experts believe there is still more to be done.

Recommendations include improving hydration practices, ensuring cooler sleeping conditions during heatwaves, and implementing broader policy measures such as climate-oriented city planning and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Despite its signi cant ndings, the study does have limitations. The mortality estimates rely on publicly available data, which may not fully capture the exact causes of death.

Researchers compared these death records with weekly temperature data to estimate the number of heat-related fatalities, though the available data may not account for individual days of extreme heat.

Southern Europe was particularly hard-hit by the intense heat, with Greece experiencing the highest heat-related mortality rate in 2023 at 393 deaths per million people. Other heavily impacted countries included Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, and Portugal.

The ndings come as Greece grapples with ongoing wild res near Athens, which have forced evacuations from hospitals and residential areas.

The res follow a record-breaking June and July, marking the hottest months ever recorded in the country.

Consumer price inflation fell to lowest level in five months

Consumer price inflation softened in Spain as expected in July to the lowest level in five months, latest data has shown.

Inflation fell to 2.8% in July, from 3.6% in the period through to June, final data released by the National Statistics Institute (INE) revealed. A similar lower rate was last reported in February.

The annual price

growth in housing eased to 3.2% in July from 5.1% in June, driven by a fall in electricity costs. Similarly, the inflation based on food and beverages index, moderated to 3.1% from 4.2%.

Underlying inflation, which excludes prices of non-processed food and energy, also slowed to 2.8% in July from 3.0%, as estimated.

We are going in the right direction,’ Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez posted on X/ Twitter. ‘Inflation fell to 2.8% in July and food prices hit their lowest level since 2021.’

‘The decline in inflation and the positive performance of the economy are helping to improve the purchasing power of families,’ he added.

Recriminations fly over failure to arrest Puigdemont

Spanish Supreme Court judge Pablo Llarena has demanded the names of the Catalan police o cers who approved the operation to carry out the arrest warrant he had issued to detain Carles Puigdemont – but who spectacularly failed to do so.

The Supreme Court judge leading the investigation against the former Catalan president and fugitive Puigdemont called on the Catalan police, the Mossos d’Esquadra, and the national government to explain the failure to detain him.

Although the Spanish Congress has pardoned those involved in the failed 2017 secession bid with a controversial amnesty law, the Supreme Court has so far ruled that it does not apply to Puigdemont. He still faces charges of embezzlement along with two others following the independence referendum, ruled illegal by the Spanish courts.

Puigdemont was back in Belgium after he evaded arrest in Spain with a dramatic dash into a getaway car following a public appearance in Barcelona on the day of the investiture debate in the Catalan Parliament.

In an astonishing turn of

events, he disappeared shortly after speaking to a crowd of some 5,000 supporters in central Barcelona, under the eyes of many journalists and police o cers who had intended to arrest him after the speech.

The heads of the Mossos d’Esquadra, which had deployed 500 o cers in preparation for the fugitive’s pre-announced return, tried to defend their actions in a press conference on Friday, and said that an investigation had been launched to look into what went wrong.

Mossos chief Eduard Sallent said the large crowd and the presence of local dignitaries, including the president of the Catalan Parliament, escorting Puigdemont as he arrived to give his speech, made it di cult to detain him at that moment.

Police expected he would then march to the Catalan Parliament — as had been publicly announced by Puigdemont himself, as well as an announcer talking to the crowd on loudspeakers. Police hoped to have a better opportunity to execute the arrest warrant there.

Instead, the Catalan leader rushed o the stage and into an adjacent tent, put on a baseball

cap, and then quickly got into a white Honda car that had been waiting for him. Spanish media has reported that the car was parked in a place reserved for the disabled and that a foldedup wheelchair was visible on the front seat. The car reportedly belonged to a Mossos agent who has since been detained. A woman was seen at the wheel of the vehicle as it sped away. Police chased the car but then lost track of it, Sallent explained. O cers raced towards the vehicle but a group of around 50 people, all wearing straw hats, ‘made a wall’ to block them, the chief said. Police were two metres away when the car sped o , he said.

Puigdemont had announced last Wednesday that he planned to return to Spain. But Jordi Turull, a fellow Junts per Catalunya (JxCat) member, told Catalan Radio that Puigdemont had in fact been in Barcelona since Tuesday.

Turull was in the car with Puigdemont when he ed, police said. Turull later said that he parted company with Puigdemont once they reached southern France.

Which rosé should you buy and how is rosé made?

The most common method of making rosé is to lightly bruise the (blue) grapes after picking and leave them in contact with the juice from the grapes for a short time (only one to a few hours). When the winemaker thinks that the juice has enough color, the skins and juice are separated by pressing

How does rosé get its color?

We press the grapes into grape juice and then soak the skins in the juice. The colouring agent contained in the grape skins gives the rosé wine its colour. The longer the blue grape skins soak in the grape juice, the more intense the color of Rosé wine becomes.

What is the best rosé?

At the moment, the best rosé in the world is made in Provence. The wines can be recognized

by their light salmon pink color. In the taste, they are light, but structured with spice and body.

You can buy this rosé at Beau Wine Tastings and also a beautiful Kunststuck rosé. Come and have a taste, they are chilled so you can drink it immediately. And keep in mind that the best temperature is 12 degrees for rosé.

Winter crops in the Vega Baja are at risk due to drought

The agricultural sector in the Segura basin, particularly in the Vega Baja region, is facing signi cant challenges due to an ongoing and severe drought. José Vicente Andreu, the president of ASAJA Alicante, has expressed deep concerns about the impact this drought will have on winter crops, especially with the recent increase in irrigation restrictions.

The Segura Hydrographic Confederation recently approved stricter water use limitations, raising irrigation restrictions from 20% to 35% and non-traditional irrigation from 30% to 49%. This decision, coming in the middle of summer, is particularly troubling for farmers. As Andreu noted, this period is critical for citrus fruits like lemons and mandarins, which are entering their nal growth

phase, and for the winter vegetable planting season, which includes crops such as artichokes and broccoli. Any reduction in water availability at this time could lead to lower crop yields, resulting in shortages and higher prices for consumers.

Andreu also pointed out that while any rain would be welcome, the type of summer storms expected are unlikely to provide the sustained relief needed to address the underlying water shortages. He criticized the delayed activation of wells in the Calasparra Syncline, arguing that earlier intervention might have alleviated some of the current challenges.

The Permanent Drought Commission has indicated that they may reconsider the restrictions if the weather situation improves with the arrival of rains, but the outlook remains uncertain.

The Local Police of Los Montesinos reinforces security in the town with new measures

The Los Montesinos Local Police have recently conducted a series of operations to enhance security and public order within the town. These efforts, highlighted through their social media channels, cover a wide range of activities aimed at ensuring the safety and well-being of residents. Here are some of the key actions:

Alcohol Testing: Police detected and sanctioned three drivers for driving under the influence of alcohol. These actions are crucial in preventing road accidents and ensuring safer driving conditions.

Removal of Uninsured Vehicles: In an effort to enforce compliance with vehicular regulations, 10 vehicles without mandatory insurance were removed from the roads.

Complaints for Lack of ITV : A total of 19 drivers were reported for failing to have their vehicles

pass the Technical Vehicle Inspection (ITV), a critical requirement for road safety.

VMP Regulations:

The police increased surveillance on the use of Personal Mobility Vehicles (PMV), issuing nine complaints for violations of existing regulations, ensuring that these vehicles are used responsibly.

Intervention of Narcotic Substances: As part of their ongoing fight against drug consumption and trafficking, the police intervened in cases involving narcotic substances in public areas.

Assistance to the Elderly: Officers provided assistance to several elderly individuals who had fallen in their homes, ensuring they received the help they needed.

Public Safety at Events : The police maintained order

during the Segregation anniversary celebrations and a demonstration against the BioResiduos plant, contributing to the peaceful conduct of these events.

Collaboration in Tree Removal: The police collaborated with the Road Maintenance Service to remove a fallen tree on the CV-940, helping to restore normal traffic flow.

Conflict Resolution: The police acted as mediators in resolving conflicts, both within family units and among neighbors, helping to restore peace and maintain harmonious community relations. These interventions underscore the Los Montesinos Local Police’s dedication to maintaining public safety, enforcing regulations, and supporting the community in a variety of critical ways.

SAMU saves girl suffering cardiac arrest after falling into Orihuela pool

A 5-year-old girl was saved by the Emergency Medical Assistance Service (SAMU) after suffering a cardiac arrest when she accidentally fell into a swimming pool in a residential area in Orihuela. The incident occurred at 4:30pm when the child accidentally fell into the water and was pulled out unconscious by people who were at the scene.

The Emergency Information and Coordination Centre (CICU) received the alert and immediately dispatched a SAMU unit and a Basic Life Support (BLS) unit. While the emergency services were on their way, eyewitnesses began performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) manoeuvres on the girl.

Upon arrival, the SVB team continued with basic resuscitation manoeuvres

Shortly afterwards, the SAMU medical team took over, applying advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation and advanced life support techniques. Thanks to these interventions, they managed to stabilise the child.

The girl was immediately transferred to the Doctor Balmis General Hospital in Alicante, where she was admitted with a reserved prognosis due to the symptoms of drowning

and the recovered cardiac arrest. To ensure a quick and safe transfer, the CICU coordinated the accompaniment of the Civil Guard on the A-7 motorway and of the Alicante Local Police in the capital to facilitate the passage of the ambulance. Throughout the journey, the SAMU medical team continued to provide intensive care to the girl, who remains under observation in the hospital.

Tree causes commuter train to partially derail in Callosa de Segura

A train on the Murcia-Alicante commuter line has run over a tree that has fallen on the track at the entrance to Callosa de Segura station. This incident, which occurred early this afternoon, has caused one of the train’s axles to come o the track, although no personal injuries have been reported. The approximately one hundred passengers who were travelling on the train have been transferred to another train from Callosa to Alicante, according to Renfe.

Adif sources have indicated that the incident occurred at around 2:50 p.m. The tree had fallen onto the track and the train ran over it. As a

result, one of the train’s axles came o the track and Adif has mobilised personnel to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

Renfe has explained that the train, which left Murcia-Alicante at 2:10 p.m., ran over the tree at 2:45 p.m. at the entrance to Callosa de Segura station, causing the rst bogie of the rst carriage to leave the track. According to Adif, the service between Callosa and Orihuela has been interrupted. However, Renfe has established an alternative plan to maintain the service. It is not ruled out that the tree may have fallen due to the storm.

A soldier rescues several people trapped on the beaches of Orihuela

What seemed to be a normal holiday day on the Orihuela coast turned into a heroic act when soldier Josué David Lozano Parra, stationed in the Extremadura XI Brigade, intervened to save the lives of several people trapped at sea.

The incident occurred when Lozano, who was enjoying his free time, noticed that two children were trapped by a strong current of water and were struggling to stay afloat. Without hesitation, the soldier jumped into the sea and managed to reach the children, pushing them towards the lifeguard who was already heading towards them.

During the rescue, two other people trying to help were also caught in the current. Once again, soldier Lozano demonstrated his bravery by helping these people, guiding them to shore and successfully repeating the rescue operation.

When it seemed that the situation was under control, the soldier realized that the eldest son and the mother of the child he had just rescued were still in the water. The eldest son, who had lost consciousness, was rescued thanks to a human

The ‘Bono Orihuela 2024’ among the different subsidies approved by the Orihuela council

The Orihuela City Council has recently approved a series of subsidies aimed at supporting various organizations and initiatives within the municipality. These grants, approved by the Local Government Board, are designed to bolster the activities of di erent groups that contribute to the cultural, economic, and social fabric of Orihuela. Here are the key subsidies approved:

Bono Orihuela 2024: The council has set the general regulatory bases for aid focused on consumption reactivation campaigns. The “Bono Orihuela 2024” initiative is aimed at revitalizing the commercial sector in Orihuela, providing nancial support to stimulate local business activity.

MUDIC-VBS-CV Foundation: A nominative subsidy of 64,000 euros has been granted to the MUDIC-VBS-CV Foundation. This grant will support the foundation’s ordinary management and help it ful ll its objectives. The subsidy will be disbursed in two phases: 80% upfront and the remaining 20% upon veri cation of the total amount granted.

Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante: The

city council has also approved a direct nominative subsidy of 63,000 euros to the Diocese of OrihuelaAlicante. This funding is intended to promote and develop the cultural and historical-artistic heritage of the diocesan church in 2024. Similar to the previous grant, 80% will be paid initially, with the nal 20% released after proper justi cation.

Association of Moors and Christians Festivals “Santas Justa y Ru na”: A signi cant grant of 125,000 euros has been allocated to support the Moors and Christians Reconquest Festivals in Orihuela. This subsidy aims to promote and sustain the cultural and civic-religious traditions

of the festival, which also serves as a major tourist attraction. The payment structure follows the same 80/20% split as the other grants.

Sports Subsidies for Arbitration Management: Lastly, the council approved a grant of 13,000 euros to support sports entities in managing arbitration for the Municipal Sports Games program in 2024. This subsidy is part of “Line 4” funding dedicated to sports development.

These grants re ect the Orihuela City Council’s commitment to supporting a wide range of activities that enhance the cultural, economic, and social life of the community.

chain formed by other bathers. Lozano returned to the water once more to save the mother, who was paralyzed by fear and exhaustion, as well as being swept away by the current.

Eventually, the soldier managed to get out of the current, ensuring that everyone involved was out of danger.

The act of courage and determination shown by soldier Josué David Lozano

Parra is worthy of recognition, as mentioned by the Army on its social networks, highlighting the importance of always being prepared to act in emergency situations, even off duty. His quick and effective intervention saved several lives and prevented what could have been a tragedy on the beaches of Orihuela.

Orihuela’s beaches receive recognition for the quality of their lifeguard and rescue services

The Association for Environmental and Consumer Education (ADEAC), responsible for awarding the Blue Flags, has recently carried out an inspection of the beaches of Orihuela. Following the assessment, ADEAC has congratulated the Orihuela City Council for the quality of the lifeguard and rescue service.

In addition, ADEAC has provided recommendations and suggestions for improving the beaches of Orihuela, with the aim of continuing to improve its services and facilities.

TheCouncillor for the Coast, Manuel Mestre, has expressed his satisfaction with the results of the inspection, “as the lifeguard service provided by the company Ambumar has been congratulated”. For his part, Nacho Lorente, coordi-

nator of the Ambumar rescue and lifeguard service on the beaches of Orihuela, has detailed the capabilities of the current service, which has a rapid response vehicle, two ambulances with advanced and basic life support, as well as rescue motorcycles and a 6-metre zodiac, “ensuring an effective response to any emergency, both aquatic and terrestrial, in the vicinity.”

In this regard, Lorente has highlighted the team’s commitment to prevention and rescue in the aquatic environment, as well as “the effort to raise awareness among the population about safety in these environments, where our lifeguards often face challenging situations.”

The lifeguard service will be operational until 1 September from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Success of the shuttle service at Barranco Rubio Beach in Orihuela

The shuttle service that the Coast Council implemented last July on Barranco Rubio Beach has been a great success. More than 15,000 people took advantage of this initiative that significantly improved accessibility to the beach. With an average of 80 trips per day, the service allowed many residents and tourists to overcome mobility difficulties to enjoy the beach comfortably and safely.

The Councillor for Coast, Manuel Mestre, has highlighted the positive impact of this initiative and has underlined the importance of offering accessible alternatives, especially during the high season.

However, despite the success achieved, the shuttle service ended on August 13, leaving users without this option just when the summer season is at

its peak. The decision to limit the service to one month, according to statements made to this newspaper by the Coast Council, “was due to budgetary and contractual restrictions, since a minor contract was used that allowed for rapid implementation, but with a limited duration.”

Now, the council is still waiting for the approval of the minor contract for the repair of the broken elevator by the Contracting Department.

However, Mestre has also spoken out in response to criticism received from the opposition, in particular from the former Ciudadanos councillor, Luisa Boné. The Costa councillor has pointed out that “it is striking that he allows himself the luxury of criticising when the lift has been broken for around two years, at a time when the municipal group

was in charge of the council”.

Citizens have expressed their discontent on social media about the interruption of the service in the middle of the season, when accessibility and transport needs remain critical. Although the council recognises the demand and positive impact of the service, administrative procedures and a lack of long-term planning have prevented its operation from being extended.

As the summer season continues, the lack of an active shuttle service has left many users without a viable solution to conveniently access the beach. This highlights the bureaucratic challenges and the need for better planning to ensure that essential services such as this are not disrupted at key times.

Joaquín Hernández, Mayor of Dolores, denies alleged assaults

The Mayor of Dolores, Joaquín Hernández, appeared before the media last week following the controversy that arose in the municipality of Dolores due to an exchange of complaints between the highest representative of the council and a resident for alleged assaults. Hernández has “categorically” denied what happened, o ering his version of the events.

Joaquín Hernández insists, from the very beginning of his appearance, that he did not have “any kind of aggression towards this man”. He is referring to José María Argilés, known as “El Paloma”, a local resident who, since Hernández has occupied the position of mayor, has uttered “insults, threats and humiliations”, regardless of where he is.

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The incident occurred when the neighbour and the mayor crossed paths on a central street in the municipality. It was then that Argilés approached Hernández to berate him, and he asked him: “Why are you doing this to me?” At that moment, the neighbour grabbed him by the shirt, and when they tried to separate themselves, they both fell to the ground.

“the wounds are caused by a skin problem that bleeds easily at the slightest touch.”

Accordingly, the PSOE secretary general in Vega Baja has pointed out that the complainant explained to the local police at the time of the alleged ght that

Finally, Hernández accused the opposition of leaking information to the media instead of condemning events that “could happen to them,” and he blames them for taking advantage of any issue to “harm him politically and personally.”


After a quiet data week last week, the UK took centre stage this week with plenty of first-tier data sets released, including the latest figures on unemployment, inflation, growth and retail sales. These could all contribute to further speculation on the Bank of England’s interest rate policy, which has held the gaze of financial markets for some time.

The data released this week gave us a holistic look into the state of the UK economy. Firstly, we saw the latest view of the employment market with UK average earnings, claimant count, and unemployment rate, all of which were released on Tuesday.

Previous data showed a slowdown in the UK labour market, which was anticipated to have continued through July, albeit at a slower pace. Data showed a reduction in permanent contracts and slowly rising redundancy numbers, but unemployment came in lower than expected at 4.2%. These could be potential signs that an economy has the capacity for an easing in monetary policy, i.e. lower interest rates.

On Wednesday, the latest CPI inflation data was released, showing both core and headline inflation rates for July in the UK. Inflation was expected to show a slight increase in prices throughout July to 2.3% year-on-year from the previous 2% figure but was reported slightly below expectation at 2.2%. Services inflation and wage inflation are particular focus areas in the data with the Bank of England rate-setters.

The latest GDP growth data was released on Thursday, followed by retail sales figures


on Friday. Growth increased by 0.6% between April and June, down from 0.7% in Q1. Retail Sales rose by 0.5% in July 2024, up from -0.9% in June.

Current market expectation is for two further cuts to the base rate by the Bank of England between now and year-end, although Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England, has reminded markets not to expect a rapid cycle of easing.


The euro is on summer holiday, and enjoying a relaxed climb over recent weeks, which has been positive for those holding the single currency.

The euro is typically a risk-sensitive currency, meaning it can be purchased heavily as the financial market risk outlook increases. This has been happening as we see increased action in equity markets and a short-term move away from safe-haven currencies. This seems to have benefitted the euro, as it moved to a three-month high against the pound and a seven-month high against the US dollar last week before slipping into a tight trading range at the end of the week.

The main data release this week was the EU ZEW survey on Wednesday, which showed analysts’ weakening outlook for the EU economy. This follows recent data highlighting that both the French and German economies (the EU’s two largest economies) were underperforming both the UK and the US, with the latest growth data reporting 0.3% and -0.1% respectively.

British influencer sparks outrage in Mercadona supermarket

British influencer Chloe Lopez has sparked outrage in Spain with her latest series of viral challenges on social media. Known for her attention-grabbing antics on Instagram and TikTok, Lopez has drawn widespread condemnation for leaving her used underwear in public places as part of her “donations” gimmick. These stunts, designed to attract followers, have escalated in their shock value, with her latest actions crossing a serious line.

In one of her most controversial videos, Lopez is seen placing her worn underwear on a tray among loaves of bread in a Mercadona supermarket. The video shows her smiling broadly as she executes the stunt, oblivious—or indifferent—to the fact that a store employee was nearby, restocking

shelves. The act has particularly angered the public due to the blatant disregard for hygiene, especially given the clear signage requiring customers to use gloves when handling bread in the store.

Adding to the controversy, Lopez has also uploaded videos of herself in the vegetable section of what appears to be the same Mercadona store. In these videos, she is seen playing suggestively with courgettes and aubergines without using gloves, and in another instance, she places her used panties on a shelf containing refrigerated and packaged food.

This incident highlights the darker side of social media influencing, where the pursuit of fame and followers can lead to unethical and offensive behavior, sparking significant backlash from the public.

The reaction from the public has been one of disgust and anger, with many internet users calling on Mercadona to take action against the influencer. The supermarket chain has responded by confirming that they have referred the matter to their legal team, indicating that they may pursue legal action against Lopez for her unsanitary and disrespectful behavior.

Seven in ten employed young Spaniards still live with their parents

Rents in Spain are skyrocketing, making it increasingly di cult for wages to keep up with the rising cost of living during the current in ationary period. The housing crisis is hitting young people particularly hard, as many are unable to move out of their family homes and gain independence, even if they are employed. A report by the Consejo de la Juventud, a national independent body representing the country’s youth, highlights that seven out of ten individuals aged 16 to 29 who have jobs and steady incomes still live with their parents.

Although the rate of emancipation—young people moving out of their family homes—has increased by one percentage point over the past year, reaching 17%, this is the best gure since the rst half of 2020. This improvement is due to better employment prospects and rising wages. However, the current rate remains signi cantly below the 18.7% recorded before the pandemic, and even further from the more than 26% peak achieved before the housing

bubble burst in 2007, leading to the economic crisis of 2008.

A lot has changed for this age group since 2007. “Despite the improvement in emancipation data, the conditions are worse,” says a spokesperson for the youth council. “We are often forced to move away from home due to the lack of decent employment in areas where housing is more a ordable, and the scarcity of quality housing in places where jobs are available.”

Leaving the family home has become an almost insurmountable challenge for young people trying to cover the cost of rent with an average salary. According to the youth council’s data, the average monthly rent is now around 968 euros—88 euros more than just a year ago. This means that a young person would need to spend 92.1% of their income on rent alone, far exceeding the common guideline that housing costs should not take up more than one-third of a person’s monthly income.

The challenge isn’t just about nding a place to live. Utility

costs have risen by 17.3% in the past year, so even renting a single room instead of an entire apartment doesn’t save young people from spending 30% of their income on living independently. The median price for renting a room is 380 euros per month, which accounts for 36.2% of a young person’s typical net monthly salary. This gure climbs to 40% in some provincial cities, such as Malaga, Seville, Barcelona, Valencia, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, and Palma de Mallorca.

The report also notes that the so-called “ninis”—young people who neither study nor work and have no desire to do so—make up only 2.1% of the inactive youth population in Spain, totaling 70,831 individuals. Meanwhile, the percentage of young people who both study and work has increased, rising from 32.9% in the second half of 2022 to 34.1% by the end of 2023. This trend is more pronounced among women, with nearly four out of ten juggling both commitments, compared to three out of ten men.

Spanish Bar Assc Reg No. is ICAE 1265)

Charity Events in aid of Stevie Spit

Each week the Costa Blanca People will feature forthcoming events that have been organised to help raise funds for Stevie Spit.

Stevie was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer of the colon, liver and lungs.

If you would like to see your event featured please send details via whatsapp to 607031113.

Also you can make a donation directly via the Go Fund Me page which has been set uphttps://gofund. me/41506431


We are pleased to announce the Seventh Edition of the Charity Rock Festival "ROCK AGAINST CANCER", to be held on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th September 2024 in the Antonio Soria Park in Torrevieja, organized by Monroe's Rock Café and our Association, with the support of the Department of Culture of our City Council of Torrevieja. For the benefit of our NGOs AFECÁNCER y ALICANTE PARA LA LUCHA CONTRA EL CÁNCERSede Local de Torrevieja.

In this seventh edition we will have the best tribute bands in Europe: from Italy, we will once again vibrate with the great show of the SAD European Metallica Tribute. They caused a great furore in the last edition 2023.

From the UK, "Quo-incidence" (Status Quo Tribute); from Switzerland "Roxxet"; from Barcelona, "Like a Stone" (Audioslave Tribute) and from Tarragona, Rage Rising (the best tribute to Rage Against the Machine), among other local and national bands: UPRISING - Muse Tribute ES, KEENG Queen Tribute, Finn Lizzy (Thin Lizzy Tribute).

All the bands are committed to the cause and ready to give their all on stage.


There will be a variety of food trucks and a merchandising shop.

TICKETS AVAILABLE ON OUR WEB SITE https://www.rockagainstcancer.es

Entradium: https://entradium.com/events/rock-against-cancer-2024


- DVBLAB - Av. Cortes Valencianas 29 Local 2 Torrevieja y en Calle Imperio Argentina, 8 Local 5 Ur. Monteazul Benijófar.

- Bolig Invest Spania-Calle Caballero de Rodas, 65 Torrevieja

- Mexi Mundo Restaurant-Calle Pedro Lorca, 14 Torrevieja

- Monroe’s Rock Bar - Calle Apolo, 12 Torrevieja


Spain on alert over Monkeypox outbreak in Africa

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared an “international health emergency” on Wednesday due to the alarming surge of monkeypox outbreaks across Africa. The agency expressed deep concern over the situation, noting the emergence of various variants in different countries, each with unique transmission patterns and levels of risk.

“The rapid spread of a new clade of mpox in the Democratic Republic of Congo, its detection in neighboring countries that had not previously reported the disease, and the potential for broader spread in Africa and beyond is highly concerning,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus after a five-hour meeting with 16 experts from the emergency committee, which assesses outbreaks that could be deemed health emergencies. Ghebreyesus emphasized that stopping these

outbreaks would require a comprehensive and situation-specific response, with a focus on engaging communities.

The WHO has already developed a regional response plan requiring an initial $15 million (€13.6 million) to support surveillance, preparedness, and response activities. This declaration marks the eighth international health emergency in WHO’s history and the second related to monkeypox, following the 2022 outbreak.

More Vaccines and Support

The African Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) first raised the alarm on Tuesday, declaring monkeypox a continental health emergency.

“Monkeypox has already crossed borders, affecting thousands of people across our continent, causing pain and suffering,” said

Jean Kaseya, director general of the Africa CDC. He stressed that this declaration is a call to action to contain and eliminate the threat. In response, the European Union announced on Wednesday the purchase and donation of over 215,000 doses of the mpox vaccine through the Health Emergency Response and Preparedness Authority (HERA). Specifically, the European Commission will purchase 175,420 doses and donate them to Africa CDC, while Bavarian Nordic, the vaccine’s manufacturer, will donate an additional 40,000 doses to HERA. This alert follows an “unprecedented” rise in cases in Africa, driven by a “more severe” strain than the one that triggered an international health alert in 2022, which lasted until May 2023. Experts now believe this new variant is more lethal. Outbreaks have been confirmed in 15 countries, with the Democratic Republic of

Congo being the hardest hit. For the first time, cases have also been reported in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda. In the first seven months of 2024, Africa reported 461 deaths and 15,000 cases of monkeypox, although experts believe these numbers represent only a fraction of the true extent due to challenges in tracking infections and limited treatment availability.

Transmission and Symptoms

Monkeypox primarily spreads through close physical contact, especially during highrisk sexual activities, but can also be transmitted through saliva, respiratory droplets, or contact with infected lesions. Over 80% of infections have occurred among men who have sex with men. Common symptoms include rash, fever, fatigue, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, chills,

sore throat, and headache. According to the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC), the risk of monkeypox spreading in Europe is “very low.” ECDC Director Pamela Rendi-Wagner stated on July 29 that the organization is collaborating with African partners to contain the outbreak, prevent further spread of the new variant, and strengthen future preparedness and response capabilities.

Spain remains the European country with the highest number of mpox infections. The latest data from the national ministry of health, published on August 8, show that since the first outbreak in April 2022, approximately 8,104 infections have been reported. However, only 251 cases have been recorded in 2024, all caused by the original strain of the virus.

Service Directory

Eazy Lawns Tel: 636 102 509

Air Conditioning

Summer Breeze Air Conditioning Tel: 696 248 422

Email: paulf3000@gmail.com

Estate Agents

My New Home in Spain Tel: 711 007 147 hello@mynewhomeinspain.com www.mynewhomeinspain.com

Platinum Construction/Real Estate Tel: 865 758 513 / 602 633 153 sales@platinumproperties.es www.platinumproperties.es

Avenida Maria Del Mar Rodriquez 23 Algorfa

Insurance Agents.es Tel: +34 868 97 55 25

Email: info@insuranceagents.es www.insuranceagents.es

Sunbay Insurance Tel: 965063483 693719221

Email: info@sunbay-insurance.com www.sunbay-insurance.com

Indy´s Design and Print Tel: 647 472 825

Email: Indysdp@gmail.com

Indy’s Design & Print Indys_designprint

Email: info@eazylawns.es www.eazylawns.es La Romana Self Storage 633 125 889 or 965 075 122 colin@laromanaselfstorage.com www.laromanaselfstorage.com

Teddy Bear Builders Tel: 680 851 376 616 214 713

Email: teddybearbuilders@yahoo.com

Angels Nursing Care

Tel: 0034 711 080 462 / 850 993 849

Email: info@angelsnursingcare.com www.angelsnursingcare.com

Carredent British Dental



New 2 You Tel: 616 724 304 965 715 605

Ave Don Juan De Austria 6 Torrevieja

681 250 190

hair & lash boutique Indianashairandlashboutique


Protea Wellness Audiology Tel: 698 418 642

Contact: @proteawellnessaudiology.es www.proteawellnessaudiology.es

Calle Los Arcos 17 Ciudad Quesada

Tel: 965712754 677230071 Email: kplus3180@gmail.com ww.kitchensplus.eu

House plus Homes Tel: 966 719 849 admin@houseplushomes.com www.houseplushomes.com

Calle Los Arcos

Local 4 Plata Baja, Ciudad Quesada, 03170 Rojales

Go Satellite Tel: 965725670

Info@freetvspain.com www.freetvspain.com

Avenida De Las Naciones 36-2, Ciudad Quesada Rojales

Solar Panels

Medsun Solar Tel: 604 193 857

Email: info@medsunsolar.com www.medsunsolar.com

Swimming Pools

Leak Tech

Tel: 966 194 179 / 627 752 965

Info@leak-tech.net www.leak-tech.net

M.A.V Transport & Removals 663595225 / (0044) 7786 737230 Email: infomavspain@gmail.com www.mavspain.co.uk Facebook M.M.V.Transport&Removals

it – Vantastic Tel: 693 251 562 Email: davendonc@aol.com

& Storage Transcone Removals & Shipping 0044 7742 798568 0034 603135480 transconeshipping@hotmail.com www.transconeshipping.com

This Week´s Movie Picks

Angel has Fallen Saturday 24th August - Channel 4 - 10.00 pm

After the events in the previous movies, Secret Service agent Mike Banning is framed for the attempted assassination of the U.S. President Alan Turnbull. Using all his strength and skill, Mike Banning must locate the real threat lurking and uncover the deep political connections and ties to the White House.

How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days

Sunday 25th August - ITV2 - 9.00 pm

Benjamin Barry is an advertising executive competing with two female coworkers for a major campaign for a diamond merchant. He cuts a deal with his competitors that the account is his if he can make a woman of their choice fall in love with him in 10 days. In comes Andie Anderson who, in turn, is writing a story on how to lose a guy in 10 days as a bet with her boss to be allowed to write more substantial stories. With a hidden agenda in each camp, will either party be able to complete their mission?

Tuesday 20th August

09:30 Everybody Loves

Raymond 10:00 Frasier

10:30 Frasier

11:00 Frasier

11:30 Frasier


07:00 Good Morning Britain

10:00 Lorraine

11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

16:00 Tenable

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Cooking with the Stars

22:00 Vera

23:45 ITV News

Wednesday 21st August

00:20 ITV News London

00:35 British Touring Car Championship 01:45 Teleshopping 04:00 Martin Clunes: A Dog

Called Laura

04:50 Unwind with ITV

06:05 Cooking with the Stars

07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:00 ITV Lunchtime News

14:20 ITV News London

14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 17:30 Tipping Point: Best Ever Finals

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

British Railway Journeys

20:00 Test Cricket 21:00 Earth 22:00 Fake or Fortune? 23:00 To the Manor Born 23:30 Newsnight

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 Irvine Welsh’s Crime

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Heathrow: Britain’s Busiest Airport

Benidorm shooter deported from Spain

Spanish authorities have deported a German national, identified as Bagaev, who was suspected of leading a jihadist cell planning attacks in Spain. The 41-year-old, originally from Grozny, Chechnya, was already serving a prison sentence in Barcelona for a 2018 shooting incident in Benidorm, where he injured two people. His deportation was ordered after an extensive investigation revealed his alleged involvement in radical Islamist activities within the prison.

Bagaev was arrested in January while incarcerated at the Brians prison. His arrest came after a collaborative investigation by the Mossos d’Esquadra and the Guardia Civil, which uncovered evidence suggesting that Bagaev was attempting to acquire weapons and explosives and recruit followers from within the prison walls. Despite the findings, authorities were unable to obtain concrete proof of an imminent attack.

One of the shooting victims, who was shot twice by Bagaev, testified that he “would feel safer if the convicted man were deported.” This statement

starkly contrasted the image Bagaev projected in court, where he appeared smiling and seemingly unconcerned.

The investigation took a decisive turn when intercepted communications and a hidden recording device in Bagaev’s cell provided new evidence of his involvement in terrorist activities. According to a report by the Public Ministry, Bagaev was actively indoctrinating other inmates, further raising concerns about his influence and intentions.

Despite the absence of physical evidence of an immediate threat, the Spanish courts deemed Bagaev a significant risk to national security. The decision to deport him was influenced by several factors, including his prior violent convictions, his alleged ties to radical Islamist groups, and his efforts to recruit others to his cause.

Bagaev’s deportation, which includes a ten-year ban on re-entering Spain, underscores the ongoing challenges that Spain faces in combating terrorism. While numerous plots have been foiled in recent years, this case highlights the persistent threat posed by individuals radicalized in prison or online.

12:00 The Simpsons

12:30 The Simpsons

13:00 Channel 4 News


13:05 Paris 2024 Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

13:10 A New Life in the Sun

14:10 Car S.O.S

15:10 Countdown

16:00 A Place in the Sun

17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now?

19:00 Come Dine with Me

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 Worst House on the Street

22:00 Merseyside Detectives: The Murders of Ashley and Olivia 23:00 First Dates

09:00 Everybody Loves

Raymond 09:30 Everybody Loves

Raymond 10:00 Frasier

10:30 Frasier

11:00 Frasier

11:30 Frasier

12:00 Paris 2024 Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

12:05 The Simpsons

12:35 The Simpsons

13:05 Channel 4 News


13:10 A New Life in the Sun

14:10 Car S.O.S 15:10 Countdown

16:00 A Place in the Sun

17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now?

19:00 Come Dine with Me

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It: Brilliant Builds

22:00 Merseyside Detectives: The Murders of Ashley and Olivia 23:00 Gogglebox

09:10 Rubble & Crew

09:30 Peppa Pig

09:35 Peppa Pig

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Go Green With The Grimwades 10:05 Milkshake! Monkey Rhymes 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 Death At The Museum 17:00 The Cruise: Fun-Loving Brits at Sea 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 20:00 Our Great Yorkshire Life 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 Warship: Life in the Royal Navy 23:00 Prime Suspect: The Murder of Diane Jones

08:55 Milo

09:10 Rubble & Crew

09:30 Peppa Pig

09:35 Peppa Pig

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Go Green With The Grimwades 10:05 Milkshake! Monkey Rhymes

10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley

13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 Deadly Encounters 17:00 The Cruise: Fun-Loving Brits at Sea 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 20:00 TK Maxx: How Do They Do It?

21:00 The Motorway 22:00 Cause of Death 23:00 Casualty 24/7

09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 World’s Funniest

Charmed 17:00

Further arrest following stabbing of Barca stars father

Catalan police have arrested four individuals in connection with a knife attack on the father of rising Spanish football star Lamine Yamal. The attack occurred at approximately 7:10 PM last Wednesday in a car park in the Rocafonda neighborhood of Mataró, about 30 kilometers from Barcelona, where Yamal’s family is based.

Mounir Nasraoui, Yamal’s father, was stabbed multiple times in the assault, according to a spokesperson for the Mossos d’Esquadra, the Catalan police force. Nasraoui was rushed to Can Ruti Hospital, where he is currently being treated. Spanish media reports that he is “out of danger” and remains under observation in a stable condition.

Nasraoui expressed his gratitude for the support he has received via social media, stating that he is “feeling better,” although he remains hospitalised.

Police acted swiftly, arresting three suspects on Wednesday night, who were subsequently taken to Mataró police station for questioning. A fourth suspect was apprehended on Thursday morning at around 9:00 AM. Investigators are working to piece together the events that led to the attack and are planning to interview Nasraoui and other witnesses as soon as possible.

Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia reported that the incident may have stemmed from an argument in the street. Nasraoui was allegedly approached by several men while walking his dog, and the situation escalated when they later returned to assault him.

Lamine Yamal, who made his debut for FC Barcelona at just 15 years old in April 2023, has quickly become one of the most promising talents in Spanish football. Now 17, Yamal played

a pivotal role in Spain’s victory at Euro 2024, becoming the youngest player to participate and score in the tournament’s history.

Yamal’s father and grandmother continue to reside in Rocafonda, and the young footballer often celebrates his goals with a “304” hand gesture, paying tribute to his neighborhood’s postal code. Nasraoui gained recognition during the European Championship for his active social media presence, where he frequently shared his support for his son.

Spain secured the European Championship in July, with Yamal assisting in the opening goal of the nal against England and scoring a remarkable goal in the semi nals, earning him the tournament’s best young player award just after his 17th birthday.

Thursday 22nd August

00:10 Piglets

00:40 Piglets

01:10 Teleshopping

04:00 Champions: Full Gallop

04:50 Unwind with ITV 06:05 The Best of Saint and Greavsie

07:00 Good Morning Britain

10:00 Lorraine

11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:00 ITV Lunchtime News

14:20 ITV News London

Hairy Bikers’ Best of British 17:15 New York: America’s Busiest City

18:15 Flog It!

19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games

19:30 Great British Railway Journeys

20:00 Live: WA Diamond League Athletics 22:00 Interview With the Vampire 22:50 QI XS 23:00 Detectorists 23:30 Newsnight

Friday 23rd August

14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 17:30 Tipping Point: Best Ever Finals

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:30 Love Your Garden

22:00 Irvine Welsh’s Crime

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Never Say Never Again

04:00 The Other Mrs Jordan: Catching the Ultimate Conman

04:50 Unwind with ITV 06:05 In for a Penny

06:30 Gino’s Italian Family Adventure

07:00 Good Morning Britain

10:00 Frasier

10:30 Frasier

11:00 Frasier

11:30 Frasier

12:00 Paris 2024

Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

12:05 The Simpsons

12:35 The Simpsons

13:05 Channel 4 News


13:10 A New Life in the Sun

14:10 Car S.O.S

15:10 Countdown

16:00 A Place in the Sun

17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now?

19:00 Come Dine with Me

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 George Clarke’s Old House, New Home

22:00 Merseyside Detectives: The Murders of Ashley and Olivia

23:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

23:55 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

08:55 Milo 09:10 Rubble & Crew

09:30 Peppa Pig

09:35 Peppa Pig

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Go Green With The Grimwades 10:05 Milkshake! Monkey Rhymes

10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends

14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 As Luck Would Have It 17:00 The Cruise: Fun-Loving Brits at Sea 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 Cornwall: A Year By The Sea

21:00 Michael Mosley: Wonders Of The Human Body 22:00 The Trial Of Harold Shipman 23:30 Cold Case Killers

09:30 Everybody Loves


10:00 Frasier

10:30 Frasier

11:00 Frasier

11:30 Frasier

12:00 Paris 2024 Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

Big Little Crimes

BBC News 13:50 Lifeline

Head Hunters

Bridge of Lies 15:30 All That Glitters: Britain’s Next Jewellery Star 16:30 Hairy Bikers’ Best of British

17:15 New York: America’s Busiest City

18:15 Flog It!

19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games

19:30 Great British Railway Journeys

20:00 Test Cricket

21:00 Gardeners’ World

22:00 Brian May: The Badgers, The Farmers and Me

23:00 Mrs Brown’s Boys 23:30 Newsnight

Saturday 24th

10:00 Lorraine

11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:00 ITV Lunchtime News

14:20 ITV News London

14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 17:30 Tipping Point: Best Ever Finals

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 Champions: Full Gallop

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Shanghai Knights

12:05 The Simpsons

12:35 The Simpsons

13:05 Channel 4 News Summary

13:10 A New Life in the Sun

14:10 Car S.O.S

15:10 Countdown

16:00 A Place in the Sun

17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now?

19:00 Come Dine with Me

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 PopMaster TV

22:00 The Big Fat Quiz of Telly

09:50 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:20 Everybody Loves Raymond

10:50 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:20 The Simpsons

11:50 The Simpsons


09:25 The Chris McCausland Show

10:25 ITV News

10:30 James Martin’s Saturday Morning

12:40 Jason Atherton’s Dubai Dishes

13:40 James Martin’s French Adventure

14:15 ITV Lunchtime News

14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live

17:00 The Chase: Celebrity Special

18:00 ITV Evening News

18:10 ITV News London

18:20 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

21:00 The 1% Club

22:00 Piglets

22:30 Piglets

23:00 Love & Death

12:20 The Simpsons

12:50 The Simpsons

13:20 The Simpsons

13:50 Couples Come Dine with Me

14:50 Four in a Bed

15:20 Four in a Bed

15:50 Four in a Bed

16:20 Four in a Bed

16:55 Four in a Bed

17:25 A Place in the Sun

18:25 Channel 4 News

18:55 Paris 2024 Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

19:00 Bismarck: 24 Hours to Doom

20:00 World War II: Women on the Frontline

21:00 Britain’s Most Beautiful Road

22:00 Honest Thief

09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 World’s Funniest

09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Peppa Pig

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Go Green With The Grimwades

10:05 Milkshake! Monkey Rhymes

10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley

13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends

14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 Murder at Blackthorne Manor

17:00 The Cruise: Fun-Loving Brits at Sea 18:00 5 News at 5

19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders 21:00 Rescue 999: Seconds To Save A Life

22:00 Terror at 30,000 Feet

23:00 Marilyn: The Movie Star Who Changed The World

09:10 PAW Patrol 09:25 DORA 09:40 Rubble & Crew 09:50 SpongeBob SquarePants

10:05 Entertainment News On 5 10:15 Bargain Loving Brits by the Sea 11:05 Bargain Loving Brits by the Sea 12:05 Bargain Loving Brits by the Sea

13:05 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 14:05 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 15:05 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 16:05 Cumbria: The Lakes & The Coast

17:10 Norfolk and Suffolk 18:10 When Holidays Go Horribly Wrong 19:30 5 News Weekend 19:35 Bradley Walsh: The Laugh’s On Me 20:30 Sicily With Michael Portillo 22:00 Meghan & Harry: The

09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?

10:00 World’s Funniest Videos 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00 Love Bites 12:00 Secret Crush 13:00 Dress to Impress 14:00 In for a Penny 14:30 In for a Penny 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Dawson’s Creek 18:00 Dress to Impress 19:00 Celebrity Catchphrase 20:00 Ant and Dec’s Limitless Win 21:00 Bob’s Burgers

21:30 Bob’s Burgers

22:00 Horrible Bosses 2 23:05 FYI Daily 23:10 Horrible Bosses 2 01:00 Wild at Heart 01:45 Wild at Heart 02:40 Upstairs, Downstairs 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Classic Emmerdale 07:35 Classic Emmerdale 08:35 Classic Coronation Street 09:05 Wild at Heart 10:10 Wild at Heart 11:20 The Royal 12:25 Heartbeat 13:30 Heartbeat 14:35 Classic Emmerdale

15:05 Classic Emmerdale 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:15 Classic Coronation Street

16:50 A Touch of Frost

18:55 Heartbeat

20:00 Heartbeat 21:00 Doc Martin

22:00 Doc Martin 23:05 Agatha Christie’s Poirot

Monday 25th August

04:00 Family Fortunes

04:50 Unwind with ITV 06:05 Deal or No Deal

07:00 Ainsley’s Mediterranean Cookbook 07:30 James Martin’s Saturday Morning 09:25 Jimmy and Shivi’s Farmhouse Breakfast 10:25 ITV News

10:30 Love Your Weekend with Alan Titchmarsh

12:25 Jason Atherton’s Dubai Dishes

13:25 ITV Lunchtime News

13:35 Marley & Me

15:50 Never Say Never Again

18:25 ITV Evening News

18:35 ITV News London

18:45 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

21:00 Midsomer Murders

23:00 ITV News

23:15 The Other Mrs Jordan: Catching the Ultimate Conman

00:10 Mission: Impossible III


Motorsport UK

Unwind with ITV

Jason Atherton’s Dubai Dishes

07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale


Only Connect


21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 Long Lost Family

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Olympus Has Fallen

09:55 Everybody Loves


10:25 Paris 2024 Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

10:30 Sunday Brunch

13:30 The Simpsons

13:55 The Simpsons

14:25 The Simpsons

14:50 A Place in the Sun

15:50 Four in a Bed

16:20 Four in a Bed

16:50 Four in a Bed

17:20 Four in a Bed

17:50 Four in a Bed

18:25 Paris 2024 Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

18:30 Channel 4 News

19:00 World’s Greatest Train Journeys From Above

20:00 World’s Most Secret Hotels

21:00 The World’s Biggest Cruise Ship

22:00 Dame Judi and Jay: The Odd Couple

23:00 Gogglebox

09:30 Everybody Loves


10:00 Frasier

10:30 Frasier

11:00 Frasier

11:30 Frasier

12:00 The Simpsons

12:30 The Simpsons

13:00 Channel 4 News


13:05 Paris 2024 Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

13:10 A New Life in the Sun

14:10 Car S.O.S

15:10 Countdown

16:00 A Place in the Sun

17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now?

19:00 Come Dine with Me

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 Yorkshire By The Sea

22:00 Merseyside Detectives: The Murders of Ashley and Olivia

23:00 Murder Case: The Digital Detectives

09:25 DORA

09:40 Rubble & Crew 09:50 SpongeBob SquarePants

10:05 Entertainment News On 5

10:10 Susan Calman’s Grand Week by the Sea

10:55 Susan Calman’s Grand Week by the Sea

11:50 Susan Calman’s Grand Week by the Sea

12:50 Susan Calman’s Grand Week by the Sea

13:45 The Hotel Inspector

14:45 The Hotel Inspector

15:40 Jersey and Guernsey 16:40 Jersey and Guernsey 17:35 Britain’s Favourite 70s Sitcoms 18:35 The Morecambe and Wise Story: Look Back in Laughter 19:55 5 News Weekend 20:00 The Secret World Of Children 21:00 22 Kids & Counting 22:00 Meghan & Harry: The Rise & Fall

08:55 Milo 09:10 Rubble & Crew

09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Peppa Pig

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Go Green With The Grimwades 10:05 Milkshake! Monkey Rhymes

10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley

13:45 Friends

14:10 Friends

14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away

15:15 Mystery 101

17:00 The Cruise: Fun-Loving Brits at Sea

18:00 5 News at 5

19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 Traffic Cops

21:00 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders

22:00 Forensics: Murder Scene

23:30 Police: Hour Of Duty

08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 World’s Funniest Videos 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00 Love Bites 12:00 Love Bites 13:00 Dress to Impress 14:00 In for a Penny 14:30 In for a Penny 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Dawson’s Creek 18:00 Dress to Impress 19:00 Celebrity Catchphrase 20:00 Ant and Dec’s Limitless Win 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy

Classic Emmerdale

Classic Emmerdale 08:00 Classic Coronation Street 08:30 Classic Coronation Street 09:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 11:00 Bless This House 11:30 The Royal 12:35 Heartbeat 13:40 Heartbeat 14:40 Classic Emmerdale 15:10 Classic Emmerdale 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:15 Classic Coronation Street 16:50 A Touch of Frost 19:00 Heartbeat 20:00 Heartbeat 21:00 Vera 23:00 Cracker

If you have a question or problem with any household technology needing my help or want to join the Technology Help Group please email Brian at cbtechnology.help@gmail.com. As a group member, you would have access to the group website which contains previous session notes, handouts and access to previous Costa Blanca People published articles.

Scan the QR code for a reminder of what the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group offers.

Meetings at Dilly’s Bar, Av. Castuera, 3, 03184 El Chaparral, Alicante. Group meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10:00 to 12:00. The Next meeting is on Wednesday 11th September 2024. You are welcome to attend.

“How can I get my important information from the old phone to the new one?”

Most new Android Smartphones will prompt you to transfer information from the old phone to the new one using their particular system. Either load the App the new phone is using onto your old phone OR if this is not possible install “Phone

Your tech questions answered by Brian Hoile of the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group, helping over 400 members with their PCs , smartphones and more. Group members can attend meetings in person or online using Zoom or Teams.

Clone” on both phones. Tell the old phone App it is the old phone, tell the new phone it’s the new one. Provided they are on the same Wi-Fi you can select files and folders on the old one to transfer to the new phone.

If you log in to your Google account (and previously set up to backup Apps onto your Google account when using the old phone), all the apps on your old phone will then be installed on your new phone. You need to be connected to Wi-Fi to do this. Depending on the amount of information to transfer to the new phone, the process could take a significant amount of time to complete.

“I am paying for 300Mbps but can only manage just under 50 on my PC. The internet company are saying that their quoted speed is 5G, and my machine is 4G. My query is that if I pay more for, say, 600 would that double the speed on my PC, or should I upgrade to a 5G machine”?

Fire e There is an application called Unless you have hardware that will be able to use the higher internet download speeds you will not get anywhere near the maximum contracted download speed. 300 Mbps is quite slow these

days but unless you have hardware capable of running at higher speeds there is no point. If you have several devices that connect to your network at the same time (even if they can’t operate at high speeds) everyone will be able to use the internet without buffering.

“I cannot find the @ symbol on my keyboard. What can I do”?

If you cannot find the @ symbol on the keyboard then hold down the Alt key and type 64 with Num Lock ON. Each symbol has its own Alt Code. For other characters Google search for Alt Code the required character.

Join the Group by searching Facebook for “Costa Blanca Technology Help Group” Send your questions to cbtechnology.help@gmail.com

Brian Hoile Technology Help Group

We Need Your Help

Always help someone. You might be the only one that does.

Seagate are pleased to support the amazing charity A Helping Hand - a food and clothes bank charity. They support hundreds of families that are in poverty and in crisis and they urgently need food and clothes donations from you. There is a constant need for help with simply the basic staples such as tuna, toilet paper, milk, tinned food, pasta, rice, soup mix, baked beans, olive oil. They also need hygiene

items such as washing detergent, shower gel, shampoo as well as baby items needed are nappies, hero baby milk 1 and 2 and baby wipes.

As we begin 2024, they are hoping to be able to provide for families throughout the next few months when times are hardest. January, February, and March are the toughest times for this charity, so please spare a thought and give what you can. You can drop o

your donation to their base in San Luis on Tuesday or Friday morning from 10am until 1pm or at over 20 drop o places around the area –check their Facebook page for locations. There are many bars and restaurants that also support the charity, as does BIG FM who are also a drop o point. As the message on their Facebook page says, “Always Help Someone –You Might Be The Only One That Does”.



This fascinating and magical journey gives you a wonderful insight into the famous pink salt lakes of Torrevieja. On this guided tour you will discover the history and purpose of this important region, be amazed by its beautiful surroundings, and learn about the salt production. The train makes its rst stop at the salt mountains, where you will hear some fascinating facts and have a short tour, followed by free time to stroll around and take photos. The second stop is at the gift shop, where you can choose a souvenir from the various natural salt products on o er. The tour lasts about an hour, and is in English and Spanish. Pets

are not allowed on this tour.

MEETING POINT: Paseo de la Liberdad, Torrevieja (opposite the old casino)

TIMES: Every day at 10am, 11:30am, 1pm, 5pm, 5:45pm, 6:30pm, 7:15pm, 8pm

TICKETS: Adults 9,50€, Over 65’s & Children 8,50€ Tickets can be purchased at the train stop a few minutes before departure. During the month of February, the train goes in for its annual service, other than that it runs throughout the rest of the year. Please check their website for updated schedules as the timetable may change slightly each month: www.

visitasalinasdetorrevieja.com/ en/train-visit

National Police arrest woman over theft of 7,000 euros worthofjewellery

The National Police have arrested a 47-yearold woman as the alleged perpetrator of the theft of a large quantity of jewellery from the house where she worked as a domestic worker in Orihuela. The o cers have managed to recover some of the stolen items, and the proceedings have been referred to the Court of Instruction on Duty in the city of Orihuela.

The investigation began when the victim went to the police station to report the theft of jewellery valued at 7,000 euros. The owner of the house gave a detailed description of each piece, providing key information for the investigation. From the beginning, suspicions fell on one of the house employees, as she was the only person who had access to the house during the

period in which the crime was committed.

The o cers in charge of the case began the rst investigations, managing to locate part of the stolen jewels in a gold and jewelry store, where they had been sold by the employee.

The seized pieces were recognized by the victim a few days later.

Bars & Restaurants

Paul Hollywood has blasted locals as ‘unforgivable’ after they criticised his wife’s plans to close their ‘beautiful’ village pub.

Melissa Spalding and celebrity baker Paul had put more than £80,000 of their own cash into trying to save The Chequers, near Ashford, Kent.

But they said it was no longer viable as a business, so her family submitted plans to turn it into a home earlier this year.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s security detail in Colombia is using a bulletproof briefcase to protect the couple from potential shooters during their four-day tour of the country.

At each event the couple have attended the man - part of the local security detail - has been seen jumping out of a vehicle ahead of the couple holding the folding shield.

During their visit to La Giralda school on Friday morning, the shelf was clearly visible behind Harry as he planted a tree in the grounds and on footage released by the Colombian government.

Kyle Walker is living in an apartment block despite owning two mansions after being kicked out by his wife Annie Kilner following the Lauryn Goodman paternity scandal.

The Manchester City footballer, 34, was exposed earlier this year for fathering a second child with in uencer Lauryn while married to Annie.

Annie booted him out of their £4million family mansion in Cheshire once the truth was exposed - leaving Kyle to take out a six month lease on accommodation.

Coronation Street star Sean Wilson has suddenly departed the soap, forcing bosses to reportedly scrap Martin Platt’s return storyline.

The actor was set to reprise his role as Martin Platt in October as part of his ex-wife Gail’s exit, but according to sources, his entire story has now been ditched.

According to The Sun, Sean’s exit came as a huge shock, with the cast unaware of the reason behind his departure.

MOLLY-MAE, The Love Island star, 25, ended her relationship with pro boxer Tommy, 25, this week following revelations that he had cheated on her. The former couple have now both con rmed their romance is over after ve years of dating and getting engaged.

The pair share one-year-old daughter Bambi, fans think this could be the reason why Molly-Mae won’t bring up Tommy’s actions.

Friends close to In uencer exclusively told The Sun how she expects women to come forward about Tommy cheating on her during their relationship.

A source said: “Molly-Mae is now aware Tommy was unfaithful to her.

Have you visited Hotel Algorfa yet?

Nestled in a picturesque location with stunning mountain views, our hotel offers a delightful blend of self-catering apartments and various suite options, including twin, double, and family accommodations. Each suite is thoughtfully designed to provide comfort and style, perfect for couples, families, or friends seeking a memorable getaway. Each day is filled with entertainment, from live music to engaging activities for guests of all ages, ensuring a vibrant atmosphere that fosters relaxation and fun.

The tranquil swimming pool area invites guests to unwind, featuring sumptuous sun loungers where one can bask in the warm sun or take a refreshing dip. Whether you’re looking to explore the surrounding natural beauty, engage in the planned activities, or simply relax by the pool with a good book, our hotel caters to all your needs for

an unforgettable stay. With attentive staff dedicated to enhancing your experience and making every moment memorable, we strive to create an environment where you can unwind and connect with the beauty of nature and the comforts of home. Come and experience the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure in our mountain paradise, where every detail is curated for your ultimate pleasure. The delightful presence of three free-flying parrots adds a tropical vibe to the ambience. Daily live entertainment keeps the energy vibrant, featuring live music bands, engaging aqua fitness classes, and lively pool parties, ensuring guests of all ages have a fantastic time. For those looking to indulge their taste buds, our on-site bakery offers fresh pastries, and the well-stocked supermarket ensures you have everything you need for your self-catering needs.

The hotel’s restaurant serves delicious menus from 8 in the morning until 9:30 in the evening, offering a range of culinary delights that cater to all palates. Families will find a welcoming atmosphere, with dedicated activities for kids and adults alike, making it the perfect destination for an unforgettable getaway. Whether you’re relaxing by the pool, enjoying live performances, or exploring the beautiful surroundings, our hotel provides a fun, familyfriendly experience that leaves a lasting impression. Join us for a memorable stay where every moment is filled with joy, laughter, and the beauty of nature. Your adventure starts here in our tropical retreat, combining comfort, entertainment, and the warmth of hospitality for an experience you won’t soon forget.

Health & Beauty

I am so miserable; my husband has lost interest in me almost overnight. I have tried talking to him about it, but he just sits in silence when I ask him why he no longer finds me attractive. If I had gained weight, or didn’t make an effort on my appearance I could understand; but I work hard to hopefully remain attractive for him, and also for myself. It upsets me so much that I cry myself to sleep. It’s not that he is looking elsewhere, or anything, so I don’t understand what has happened; except perhaps, grow older... but we are both growing older. He doesn’t seem to care about how he looks, and has put on some belly fat. .

You don’t mention your age; however, I imagine you might be at middle age judging by your comments. It is quite common for men to go through their own change of life at middle age, when testosterone levels decrease. Responding to your concerns with silence is not

helping, as it makes you feel like it’s your fault that your husband has lost interest in you as a woman. You will have to re-visit your attempts at having a frank talk with him. Don’t drop things out casually, but tell him you want to make time for a proper talk about you both as a couple. Give him notice of the date in the diary, and tell him what you want to talk about. Ask him to think about how he is going to contribute to the discussion. Avoiding the conversation, or remaining silent is not an option. Send him a very long email beforehand, about how you feel, and don’t hold back. You both need to consider the fact that your marriage will hit a rocky road otherwise.


An organic diet can cut planet-warming emissions

Shifting diets towards more plant-based options could reduce greenhouse gas emissions from global food supply chains by 17%, according to a new study. The research highlights that if the 56.9% of the world’s population currently consuming excess food adopted the planetary health diet proposed by the EAT-Lancet Commission, global food emissions could decrease by 32.4%.

Published in Nature Climate Change, the study by an international team of researchers emphasizes that

this dietary shift could o set a projected 15.4% increase in global food emissions as 43.1% of the world’s population, currently consuming less, move towards healthier diets. The study also nds that within countries, wealthier groups contribute more to food emissions due to higher consumption of red meat and dairy products. While richer nations tend to have diets with higher emissions but relatively lower inequality, poorer countries often have diets with lower emissions but face greater inequality.

The Perfect Summer Facial:

A Guide to Glowing Skin in the Heat As summer is in full swing. our skin faces a unique set of challenges. The blazing sun, high humidity, and increased exposure to UV rays can lead to everything from dehydration and sunburn to clogged pores and breakouts. A well-chosen facial can be the ultimate remedy, refreshing your complexion and protecting your skin from the season’s harsh effects. Here’s a guide to the best facials to consider during the summer months.

Hydration-Boosting Facial

Summer heat can sap moisture from your skin, leaving it dehydrated and dull. A hydration-boosting facial is ideal for replenishing lost moisture. Look for treatments that incorporate hyaluronic acid, which binds water to the skin, keeping it plump and hydrated. This type of facial typically includes a soothing mask and a gentle massage to promote circulation, resulting in a dewy, radiant complexion that’s ready to face the sun.

Brightening Vitamin C


UV exposure increases during summer, leading to

a higher risk of sun damage and hyperpigmentation.

A brightening facial that features vitamin C can combat these effects. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that helps to neutralize free radicals, lighten dark spots, and boost collagen production. This facial is perfect for anyone looking to even out their skin tone and add a natural glow that’s safe and healthy.

Detoxifying Carbon laser

Facial For those dealing with increased sweat and oil production during the summer, a detoxifying carbon laser facial might be just what you need. The carbon mask is renowned for its ability to draw out impurities and excess oil from the skin, helping to prevent breakouts

and leaving your complexion feeling clean and refreshed. This facial can be particularly beneficial for those living in sunny climates as it also helps to remove sun damage.

Nanoneedling, also known as nano infusion or nanoneedling, is a facial treatment that uses a device with nanosized needles to exfoliate the skin, improve product absorption, and stimulate collagen production. The needles are so small that they don’t penetrate deeply into the skin, making the treatment less invasive than traditional microneedling. This facial helps improve skin texture, helps product absorption, boosts collagen and helps reduce skin pigmentation.

Tips for Post-Facial Care

Regardless of which facial you choose, it’s important to follow up with proper at-home care to maintain the results. Always apply a broad-spectrum SPF of at least 30, as your skin will be more sensitive to the sun post-treatment. Keep up with regular hydration and consider incorporating a serum that matches the benefits of your facial, whether it’s vitamin C for brightening or hyaluronic acid for hydration

Conclusion The right facial can make

all the difference in how your skin handles the summer heat. By selecting a treatment tailored to your skin’s specific needs during this season, you can enjoy glowing, healthy skin all summer long. Whether you’re looking to hydrate, brighten, calm, or detoxify, there’s a perfect summer facial out there for you.

in the Mi Quirónsalud App

Lorry driver seven times over drink-drive limit

This incident is a stark reminder of the dangers of drink-driving, particularly for those operating heavy vehicles. The 58-year-old lorry driver from Valladolid, found to be seven times over the legal alcohol limit, not only put himself in danger but also posed a signicant risk to others on the road. The fact that he allegedly invited the o cers to have a beer with him after being caught underscores the severity of his intoxication and perhaps his lack of awareness of the gravity of the situation.

The incident occurred on the A-1 at Olazagutía in the Navarra region, where the driver lost control of his lorry, causing it to jackknife and block the access road. This led to the temporary closure of the road while author-

ities worked to clear the vehicle. Such incidents highlight the potential for signi cant disruption and danger posed by impaired driving, especially in vehicles as large as lorries.

The regional police, Policía Foral, responded swiftly, administering a breathalyzer test that revealed the driver’s alarming level of intoxication. The o cers’ description of the situation as “unreal” captures the shocking nature of the incident.

This case will likely serve as a potent example of the importance of strict enforcement of drink-driving laws, particularly for those in charge of heavy vehicles, where the consequences of impaired driving can be catastrophic.

Driving with a trailer in Spain

Driving with a trailer attached requires some practice and being careful behind the wheel. Because everything forward is relatively easy, driving can become complicated when you have to perform certain manoeuvres while ‘pulling’ a trailer, especially if it is heavy or bulky, or both.

“With a trailer, everything we do wrong is multiplied and can have more serious consequences,” says Juan Ignacio Serena, Head of Section of the Driver Training Department of the DGT. “This type of vehicle is driven looking more backwards than forwards. If at any time you ‘forget’ that you are carrying it, you can have problems due to its size and weight.”

Thus, it is essential to adapt driving to the conditions of the trailer we are towing: the characteristics of the towing vehicle, the dimensions and weight of the trailer, the speed of travel or the atmospheric conditions are factors to consider, as they directly affect the stability and safety of the vehicle while driving. These are the main precautions to take into account when we attach a trailer to our car.

What trailer can I hitch to my car?

• When driving with a trailer, you must make sure that the vehicle is suitable for towing.

• It is generally

recommended that the mass of the loaded trailer should not exceed half the mass of the car, although this proportion can vary.

• To be completely sure, the sections on Maximum Authorized Mass and Maximum Towable Mass included in the technical data sheet of the towing vehicle (the one that will pull the trailer) provide the necessary data to know exactly which trailer can be coupled.

• Before purchasing the trailer, make sure your hitch is compatible.

• And remember that light trailers (up to 750 kg) do not need their own insurance, but must be included in the towing vehicle’s policy.

Driving without a seat belt in Spain

The seat belt is the most important element for passive safety because it is the only brake on the body in the event of an impact, both for the driver and for the rest of the passengers, both in the front and rear seats.

The benefits of seat belts are enormous: they reduce the probability of death in a traffic accident by three to one and are most effective in rollovers, where they reduce the risk of death by 77%. In 2020, 125 people who died in traffic accidents were not wearing one, 26% of the total. As for the injured, 205 of the 1,438 people who needed to be hospitalised after a road accident (15%) were also not wearing one.

Despite what it may seem, seat belts do not prevent passengers from moving in the event of a crash, but rather cushion the deceleration. You could say that, in a way, seat belts act as a parachute. Just as a car has deformable structures to lose its kinetic energy in the event of an impact, passengers have seat belts to lose theirs.

The belt is made to stretch, but not because its fibers are elastic, but because they are woven so that it loses width and gains length in order not to cause serious injury to the user.

Without this device, for example, in a collision at 80 km/h against a rigid object, the car’s occupants would be thrown forward with a force 80 times greater than their weight.

When you travel in a vehicle, you should take into account some basic and important recommendations regarding the use of the seat belt:

Wearing a seat belt in the back seats is just as important as wearing one in the front seats.

You should wear the seat belt tightly fitted to your body. That is why you should not use clips or clothing that is too bulky. Clips and very thick clothing reduce the effectiveness of the seat belt and make it easier for you to hit any part of the vehicle. You should not put anything under your belt in order to be more comfortable.

Avoid placing any type of towel or cover on the seats, as this increases the likelihood of the submarine effect occurring. Once fastened, check that it is not caught or rolled up in any part of its path because this can be dangerous and also make it less effective. Pass the top of the strap over the collarbone, between the neck and the shoulder; never over the neck, as this could cause serious injury in the event of an accident.

Place the seat almost at a right angle, never too inclined, as this position favours the appearance of the submarine effect or makes it easier for the seat belt to cause strangulation in the event of an accident.

Change the seat belt if you suffer an impact, because the braiding will have lost its effectiveness and there may even be breaks in the anchoring systems.

In order for the seat belt to work properly in the event of an accident or sudden braking, it must be fastened correctly.


International Christian Assembly Evangelical Church. We welcome you to Sunday Service at 11am (English) Calle Beniajan 14, Torrevieja, 03185 www.icatorrevieja.org Phone; 966799273 or 660127276 (SH) Join us at Salt Church. Sundays at 10.30am. We are a friendly Church, Bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship.Calle Daya Nueva 12, Poligino Industrial Levante II, 03187 Los Montsinos. www.saltchurch.es Facebook: SaltChurchSpain

The Alfaz spiritual friends centre who o er a warm welcome at their Thursdays weekly service at the comm (ex the forum/mare nostrum), Camino del Pincho 2, l’Alfaz del Pi, 03580, Alicante, are having their summer break. We will re-open again on Thursday 12th September at 6.30 pm with a new visiting medium. contact dot 634 320 013 email: dorothydorothy608@gmail.com



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Charo Esquiva reigns again in the Spanish Championship

Charo Esquiva , a tennis player from the Torrevieja Tennis Club, has achieved an outstanding feat this weekend by becoming the Spanish Junior Champion. In this way, she adds her third consecutive title after winning the National Children’s Championship in 2022 and the National Cadet Championship in 2023.

The final took place at the Reus Monterols Tennis Club, where she faced Andalusian Lorena Solar . The player from Bigastrense won without any problems in two sets 6-2 and 6-2. With this title she adds her eighth Spanish championship in her short career. In addition, at only 16 years old , she is becoming one of the great promises of Spanish tennis.

Bagnaia regains the world championship

Pecco Bagnaia made another statement. The Italian added his third double of the season in Austria with his seventh Grand Prix victory and thus regains the lead of a competition in which only Jorge Martín seems capable of stepping on his heels. The rider from San Sebastián de los Reyes, now second, ve points behind in the table, made a very strong start, but ended up seeing his great rival impose his more cerebral style to open a gap that would now be completely insurmountable.

Third place went to Enea Bastianini and Marc Márquez , who, after falling to thirteenth place due to a mistake at the start, managed to pull o one of his trademark comebacks to nish the race in fourth position. “I was aggressive, I tried to stay close to Pecco and Jorge, but it was very di cult. This third place means that we are improving lap by lap and I can be satis ed,” said Bastianini. “There are no excuses. We improved at the start and I was hoping to ght until the end,

but as the race progressed, I saw that the temperature of the front tyre was getting too high and he was gaining more and more distance. I thought I could achieve something more, but there is still a long way to go in the championship,” said Martín.

“Both Jorge and I did something incredible in terms of speed and consistency. I tried to open the gap, because in the end anything can happen, I managed to take the win and I want to thank Valentino for the great work we do at the academy,” said Bagnaia, who thus remembered Rossi, who su ered an accident in Spielberg in 2020 that almost cost him his life. As for the performance of the rest of the Spaniards, Maverick Viñales was seventh, Aleix Espargaró ninth, Álex Márquez tenth, Pol Espargaró, with a wild card, twelfth, Pedro Acosta thirteenth, Augusto Fernández fourteenth, Alex Rins sixteenth and Joan Mir seventeenth, while Raúl Fernández retired due to mechanical problems.

Masaveu and Ballester make history and will fight for the final of the US Amateur

The two Spaniards, who are also friends, are already among the top four in a competition in which 4,970 participants signed up. The US Amateur Championship is indeed one of the most grueling and prestigious events in the world of golf, often seen as a proving ground for future stars of the sport. This year’s event in Chaska, Minnesota, is especially signi cant for Spanish golf, as two Spaniards—Josele Ballester and Luis Masaveu— have made history by reaching the semi- nals, guaranteeing that Spain will have its rst-ever nalist in this storied competition.

Josele Ballester, ranked 10th in the amateur world rankings, will face o against his close friend Luis Masaveu, who, at 21, has taken an unconventional path by pursuing his studies in Business Administration in Madrid rather than training at an American university, as many of his peers do. Despite their di erent paths, both players have excelled, making their way through the rigorous selection processes and tough competition to reach this stage.

The journey to the semi- nals has been intense. Out of nearly 5,000 entrants, only 311 players made it to the rst knockout stage, and from there, just 64 advanced to the match play rounds. Both Spaniards secured their spots with impressive performances, with Masaveu even

nishing third in the stroke play stage.

The stakes for these young talents are incredibly high. Beyond the pride of potentially winning the US Amateur and the Havemeyer Trophy, a victory would secure them invitations to some of the most prestigious events in golf, including the Augusta Masters, the US Open, and potentially the Open Championship, as long as they maintain their amateur status.

For Josele Ballester, this moment is particularly poignant, given his family’s deep athletic background— his father, José Luis Ballester, was a celebrated Olympic swimmer, and

his mother, Sonia Barro, won gold in eld hockey at the Barcelona 1992 Olympics. His mentor, Sergio Garcia, who reached the seminals in 1998, is undoubtedly watching closely, hoping that his protégé can go even further and bring glory to Spanish golf.

No matter the outcome of their semi- nal clash, this moment marks a signi cant milestone for both players and for Spanish golf. It’s a testament to their talent, determination, and the bright future ahead for whichever of them makes it to the nal.

During August both Abbey anglers and Rods N Reels have a break from their o cial match calender due mainly to the heat.

Several of our members sh with other clubs and at other venues and on Monday the 5th of August we joined in a special match “FISH O MANIA” shed at what is a ectionately known as “The pond”. This is a irrigation reservoir situated on the N332 near to La Mata. This is the match report compiled by my good friend Jackie Breslin.

Yesterday at the 3rd attempt we managed to hold our big summer competition, although you couldn’t use the adjective big when talking about the weights recorded.

Over the last few months massive catches by both pleasure and match anglers have been achieved so it was a

surprise that on this particular day the carp decided to have a day of rest.

12 anglers competed for the various prizes with each one taking home at least a litre bottle of spirits, some a lot more. Not a lot to say about the shing so will go straight to the results.

The lucky pegs were won by Alan Priest and Richard Woods respectively. We also had prizes for nearest to 4kg which was won by Alan Priest and nearest to 10kg won by Willy Moons.

The Pairs competition was won by Willy Moons and Trevor Morray with a combined weight of 13.42kg. These were followed closely in 2nd place by Ian Brown and Nick Bastock with 13.28kg.

The match was shed in two sections of

six . Willy Moons was the overall winner with 11.22kg and 2nd in his section was Nick Bastock with 8.22kg and 3rd Alan Priest with 4.26kg.

The other section on the opposite bank was won by the jovial Richard Woods with 8.04kg , he was followed i n 2nd by Steve Wright with 7.04kgs and Terry Stroud with 5.74kg.

Most anglers shed the feeder with a variety of baits. The shing was a little below par but a great day was had by all.

Big thanks to all the sta in helping to make it a very good, despite the weights.

Jackie Breslin.


ACROSS 1. Lofty (4) 8. Improve(10)








Close (8)


Wait upon(4)

2. Changeless(10)










Be depressed(4)




Using only the letters in the wordwheel, take ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must contain the central letter and at least three others. Letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.


Fill the grid so that every column, row and 3x3 square includes all the digits from 1 to 9

turn in at(4)

After a quick start it’s simple to be unsettled(6) 5. In which to find a forger’s block(6)

He daren’t upset one who follows(8) 7. Public school of rising reputation(4)

11. It’s diverting, though irrelevant(3,7)

13. Don’t leave out!(8)

16. The force of emphasis(6)

17. 50 is 10? Pay attention!(6)

18. Felt confused and didn’t stay (4)

20. For centuries they ignored America(4)


veer, veers, verse, vesper.

reverser, revs, seep, seer, sere, serve, server, sever, severe, severer,

reeve, reeves, reserve, reserver, revere, reverer, reveres, revers,

ever, peer, peers, pees, peeve, peeves, perse, perverse, preserve,

Down:2Invariable; 3Hale; 4Device; 5Killer; 6Crackpot; 7Deny; 11Perfection; 13Keenness; 16Tribal; 17Retain; 18Mope; 20Meet. CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Across: 1Idea; 8Drummed out; 9Abstract; 10Earn; 12Nearly; 14Yields; 15Parkas; 17Litter; 18Lean; 19Rosemary; 21Fall asleep; 22Sage. Down:2Double date; 3Adit; 4Queasy; 5Smithy; 6Adherent; 7Eton; 11Red herring; 13Rekindle; 16Stress; 17Listen; 18Left; 20Maps. WORDWHEEL

QUICK CROSSWORD Across: 1High; 8Ameliorate; 9Material; 10Copy; 12Fickle; 14Report; 15Abject; 17Rather; 18Mean; 19Intimate; 21Persuasive; 22Tend.

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