27 August - 2 September 2024

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Residents call for road safety measures on dangerous curve in Orihuela Costa

A Guardia Civil Tra c cordon, the remains of another one from the Orihuela Local Police, a temporary illuminated signage and two dilapidated barriers held in place with cable ties. These are the measures that protect the hundreds of drivers who use one of the main roads on the southern

coast of Orihuela Costa every day from a possible plunge from one of the most dangerous curves on this route. The guardrail and the curve signpost remain broken by previous accidents and have not been repaired.

The Cabo Roig and Lomas Orihuela Costa Residents’

Association has publicly denounced the high level of danger on this section of this road, which is very popular with drivers in Orihuela Costa and which lacks safety measures and where numerous accidents have occurred in recent years.

The road which winds its way from Lomas de DonJuan down to Campoamor golf is used daily to connect the coast with urbanisations. The residents’ group has sent a letter to the Orihuela City Council, the owner of the road, to warn of this situation, but also to the Generalitat and the Government of Spain. In their letter, they demand that this point be considered a section where accidents are concentrated, with its urgent repair by placing guardrails, installing speed bumps and the signage “speci ed in the applicable legislation for sections with a high accident rate.”

It is a curve where accidents occur regularly. As a result, the

danger has now been increased by the lack of maintenance and repair of the minimal safety measures that it had. At the moment, it is without any type of safety protection at all. Residents warn that if a vehicle lost control on the bend it would fall into a ravine of about 50 metres in height, with the risk of ending

up in the Tajo-Segura transfer canal . The residents’ group adds that accidents are so frequent that they know that the Tra c Civil Guard has made reports to continuously request that security measures be installed. Such as barriers with speed bumps and signs to prevent more accidents with fatal consequences, given the lack of investment in repairing or replacing the barriers caused by the continuous accidents. They warn that if an accident occurs with fatal consequences or serious damage, the City Council and its managers“will not be able to claim ignorance or lack of competence to provide an immediate solution to the risk point.”

Nearly 8,000 euros raised for Stevie

A string of fundraising events in aid of Stevie Spit kicked o on Thursday at Villamartin Golf Club and raised an impressive 7,994e. The charity extravaganza was divided into a daytime golf tournament, followed by an evening of entertainment, ra es and auctions.

A Texas Scramble round saw 124 golfers, divided into 31 teams of 4, take to the course. There were nearest the pin prizes on every hole, spot prizes and a Beat the Pro competition on the 9th against club pro Simon Foster. Ateam from Leeson St, Rioja Centre, scooping top prize. In second place was Russell Bailey, Felix Peinado, Hakan Torning, Eva Torning, third place was Keith Burns, Bjorn Petterson, Sharon Pearson, Val Temple and in fourth place Joe Murphy, Steve Croft, Sam Udell and Alison Watson.

Around 250 people lled the terrace at Villamartin Clubhouse on the evening to continue the fundraising and enjoy and evening of entertainment. Local magician Graeme Mykal weaved his magic among the tables as guests enjoyed food and drinks. Spanish singer and guitarist Valentino took to the oor warning the crowd with singalong rock tunes before expat favourite Richie Alexander took over. Richie soon had everyone on their feet as he sang a full set of soul, Motown and northern soul classics spanning the decades.

Professional auctioneer John Lumsden gave his time for free to raise bids for numerous lots donated by local businesses and individuals such as green fees, restaurant vouchers, beauty products and tickets to Benidorm Palace. A grand prize ra e boosted the co ers further and gave people the

opportunity to win a memento for the evening. Money was raised through each element of the event with many adding personal donations into the pot.

Stevie´s best friend Eileen, a ectionately known as Nanny McPhee, said a few words and thanked everyone for their support. She explained that Stevie is currently ghting an infection that isn’t helping him or his chemo treatment. She said he is tired but keeping his spirit up in true Stevie style, with good humour and a smile.

The event was organised by Eldon Carey and Chris Udell who worked tirelessly for weeks to pull it all together.

Stevie is currently undergoing a course of chemotherapy to treat stage 4 cancer that is in his lung, liver and bowel. Following news of his diagnosis, the local community rallied round to o er nancial and emotional support to the man who has raised thousands of euros over the years to support others.

The next event will be held at De Barra´s Irish Bar, El Galan, on 28th August.

Consumer vouchers launched for San Miguel residents

Consumer Vouchers are coming to San Miguel de Salinas. The Councillor for Commerce, Mari Paz Pascual, has announced that from next Monday 2nd September until 31st October the voucher campaign will be launched in two phases. A pot of 113,352 euros has been allocated from the subsidy granted by the Provincial Council of Alicante.

Councillor Pascual stressed that “the aim of this campaign is to encourage purchases in the municipality, bene ting both the trader and the consumer” and a presentation of the operation for the shops was held last Wednesday (21st August) in the town hall.

The San Miguel de Salinas City Council has considered it appropriate to carry out two campaigns. The rst period, from 2nd September to 30th September, will have the exclusive sale of 25,000 euros in vouchers for people considered to be part of the digital divide group (0n the 2nd and 3rd of the month). The remaining amount will go on sale on Wednesday, 4th September.

The second period, from 1st October to 31st October, will have on the 1st and 2nd the exclusive sale of 25,000 euros in vouchers for people considered to be part of the digital divide group. The remaining amount will go on sale on Thursday, 3rd October.

The vouchers will be available for sale on the web platform: www.sanmiguel.bonodescuento.com and will be of di erent amounts to be redeemed in participating stores. They will be as follows:

10 euro vouchers, charged at 5 euros

20 euro vouchers, charged at 10 euros

50 Euro vouchers, charged at 25 euros

The vouchers will be nominative, associated with the DNI/NIE of each person of legal age, who may purchase as many as they wish as long as their total value does not exceed 200 euros (for which 100 euros will be paid).

Guardia Civil Association denounces increased attacks

A court has sentenced the perpetrator of a crime of domestic violence to compensate two civil guards who were attacked when they restrained him. The conviction by a court in Torrevieja has served as an argument for the Unified Association of Civil Guards (AUGC) to demand that the Government recognise the function of the Civil Guard as “a risky profession “ a condition that the autonomous police forces already have, as well as to denounce the increase in attacks on members of the State security forces and to request measures in the penal code to reinforce the principle of authority of the officers.

According to data from the Statistical System of Criminality of the Ministry of the Interior, the year 2023 closed with 16,762 attacks on members of the State Security Forces and Corps, exceeding the data for 2022 by 0.66%. This reflects, in the

opinion of this association, the increase in this type of criminal offenses and a belief that the figures will almost certainly be exceeded in 2024. According to the same figures, in the first eight months of 2023 alone, Alicante already occupied fourth place among the provinces of Spain with 626 attacks on police officers and civil guards, surpassed only by Madrid with 2,191, Barcelona with 1,177 and Valencia with 752.

The largest presence of Civil Guard agents by number and activity in the province of Alicante is at the main post in Torrevieja, which in turn reports to those in Guardamar, Torre de la Horadada (Pilar de la Horadada), Callosa de Segura, Dolores and Almoradí.

AUGC - set up as a professional association since unions are prohibited in the Civil Guard – said it is pleased that “on this occasion” the agents have not

ended up with more serious or irreversible injuries due to the aggression and again requests the Minister of the Interior to consider the members of the Civil Guard, like the autonomous police forces, as a highrisk profession. They also defend the introduction of modifications in the penal code so that this type of crime has tougher penalties in order to reinforce the principle of authority.

Can I drink white wine with meat and red wine with sh

We are regularly asked this question. Nobody dictates the law for you, if you prefer to drink red wine at Vis, you can always do that.

But why then red wine with meat and white wine with sh?

In general, red wine goes best with meat dishes. Red meat such as steak has a full avor, which goes well with a full and rich red wine. It also mainly has to do with the fact that the proteins in the meat soften the tannins of a red wine and make the wine smoother.

So go for a wine with lots of tannins, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Burgundy, Amarone, Côtes de Provence, Barolo or Sangiovese. Even

though the rule is that red meat should be paired with a red wine, there are of course also more than enough white wines that go well with red meat.

Fish are supposed to swim; in quiet waters, babbling brooks, freshwater lakes or the sea, but real enthusiasts appreciate a sh swimming in a delicious wine. However, the biggest discussion that arises about this is, in which wine?! However, this question is not so easy to answer. For example, many people think that they can only drink white wine with sh and red wine with meat. However, nothing could be further from the

truth. The right wine with sh is completely dependent on the type of sh, preparation method, side dishes and your personal wine preference. White wine does not contain tannins (because the skins and seeds are not fermented). Moreover, it has more ne acidity, which people usually appreciate with sh (hence the lemon). White wine is also more delicate in taste, just as sh is more delicate than meat.

But a “chilled red wine” (about 12 degrees) can also be very pleasant with sh.

It is important whether you have a lean sh (cod, sea bream, haddock, sole) or a fat sh (salmon, eel, mackerel).

A lean sh should be paired with a fresh light wine such as Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc or a sparkling wine. With an oily sh, “the fatter the sh, the rounder the wine”.

So a chardonnay or a light chilled red wine such as Pinot Noir or Kunststuck. Crustaceans and shell sh always go well with a nice bubble, but also Verdejo or a nice Riesling.

In short, time for good advice before you eat or buy food. And at Beau we give you that advice and they also have all the beautiful wines that match beautiful dishes.

uro one in ation climbs to in July

Inflation in the Eurozone increased to 2.6% year-onyear in July, up from 2.5% in June, according to the latest figures confirmed by Eurostat. This rise, which matches preliminary data and surpasses initial economist forecasts of 2.4%, has added pressure on the European Central Bank (ECB) and pushed the euro to a nine-month high against the US dollar.

The uptick in inflation has complicated expectations for swift interest rate cuts by the ECB, as it signals persistent price pressures within the economy. This development has bolstered the euro, which reached its strongest level against the dollar since December 2023, trading at 1.1080 USD.

World´s oldest woman dies in Spain

free, and satisfied.”

In July 2024, the primary drivers of the annual inflation rate in the Eurozone were services, contributing 1.82 percentage points to the overall figure, followed by food, alcohol, and tobacco at 0.45 percentage points. Nonenergy industrial goods and energy contributed 0.19 and 0.12 percentage points, respectively. Notably, services inflation, which accounts for nearly 45% of the harmonized index of consumer prices, slightly decreased to 4% from the previous month’s 4.1%. Non-energy industrial goods saw the lowest inflation rate, with an annual increase of just 0.7%.

Across the Eurozone, inflation rates varied

Core inflation, which excludes the volatile categories of energy and food, remained stable at 2.9%, indicating that underlying inflationary pressures are still significantly above the ECB’s target of 2%. This stability in core inflation underscores the challenge faced by the ECB in managing price stability while supporting economic growth.

widely among member states. Inflation rates in Spain and Portugal showed signs of easing, with Spain’s harmonized inflation rate declining from 3.6% to 2.9%, and Portugal’s rate dropping from 3.1% to 2.7%.

In addition to the inflation report, the European Central Bank revealed that the Eurozone’s current account surplus reached a record €51 billion in June 2024, up from €38 billion in May. Over the 12 months leading up to June 2024, the surplus grew to €370 billion, or 2.5% of the Eurozone’s GDP, a sharp increase from €30 billion (0.2%) the previous year.

The euro’s recent strength, coupled with growing market expectations that the Federal Reserve might soon signal readiness to cut interest rates, has seen the currency gain in five of the last six trading sessions.

The world’s oldest person, Maria Branyas Morera, has died at the age of 117, her family announced on social media. Guinness World Records (GWR) also released a statement confirming her death at the age of 117 years 168 days, making her the eighth-oldest person with a verifiable age in history.

“Maria passed away peacefully at the nursing home in Catalonia, Spain, where she resided for the past two decades,” read the GWR statement. Morera’s family also published a post on her X account announcing her death.

“She has gone the way she wanted: in her sleep, at peace, and without pain,” reads the post.

Her family added that Morera told them shortly before her death: “I don’t know when, but very soon this long journey will come to an end. Death will find me worn down from having lived so much, but I want it to find me smiling,

Morera was named the world’s oldest living person by GWR in January 2023 after the death of French nun Sister André at the age of 118. She told GWR that she had lived such a long life thanks to “order, tranquillity, good connection with family and friends, contact with nature, emotional stability, no worries, no regrets, lots of positivity, and staying away from toxic people.”

“I think longevity is also about being lucky. Luck and good genetics,” she added.

Her birth on 4th March, 1907 came less than four years after the Wright Brothers launched the first ever power driven flight and two years before construction had even begun on the ill-fated Titanic.

Morera was born a year after her parents emigrated to the US from Spain. Eight years later, the family moved back, arriving in Barcelona during World

War I. Morera’s life has also spanned the Spanish Civil War and World War II. She spent the last decades of her life in a nursing home in Catalonia, where, despite her advancing years, Morera used X - with a little help from her daughter – to communicate with her thousands of followers.

Morera is believed to be among the oldest people to have recovered from Covid-19, having tested positive for the virus in May 2020.

According to the Gerontology Research Group, a scientific nonprofit which validates the ages of people aged at least 110, the oldest living person is now a 116-yearold Japanese woman named Tomiko Itooka. The title of the oldest person ever recorded belongs to Jeanne Louise Calment. Born on February 21, 1875, her life spanned 122 years and 164 days, according to GWR.

European alcohol consumption sees signi cant decline

In recent years, Europe has witnessed a notable shift in alcohol consumption habits, reflecting a broader change in lifestyle across the continent.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), alcohol consumption within the European Union (EU) declined by 0.5 litres per capita between 2010 and 2020. However, this trend was not uniform across the region, as some countries reported an increase in alcohol intake.

Despite these overall reductions, the WHO continues to stress that “no level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health.” The organization highlights the significant health risks associated with alcohol, particularly its strong link to an increased risk of cancer. Health authorities are urging individuals to either abstain from alcohol or reduce their consumption. While initiatives like “Dry January” have gained popularity, the data suggests that the decline in alcohol consumption across Europe had already been slowing since the 2000s.

Alcohol consumption is typically measured by the annual sales of pure alcohol in litres per person aged 15 and over, with different beverages converted to their

pure alcohol equivalent. It is important to note that these figures do not account for unrecorded alcohol consumption, such as that from homemade or illegally produced sources.

Over the past four decades, alcohol consumption in the EU has seen a steady decline. The average consumption per person aged 15 and over dropped by 2.9 litres, from 12.7 litres in 1980 to 9.8 litres in 2020—a 23% decrease. The most significant reduction occurred between 1980 and 2000, when consumption fell from 12.7 litres to 10.5 litres. However, the rate of decline has slowed in recent years, with a decrease of just 0.5 litres between 2010 and 2020.

In the broader WHO European Region, which includes 53 countries such as Russia and its neighbours, alcohol consumption fell from 12 litres per capita in 2000 to 9.5 litres in 2020, representing a 21% decrease. Despite this reduction, the region still has the highest per capita alcohol consumption in the world, with the average person consuming 9.5 litres of pure alcohol annually. This is equivalent to 190 litres of beer, 80 litres of wine, or 24 litres of spirits.

Within Europe, there was considerable variation in alcohol consumption in

2020. Turkey recorded the lowest consumption at 1.2 litres per capita, while Latvia had the highest at 12.1 litres among the 36 European countries, including the EU, the UK, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), and EU candidate countries. On average, EU citizens consumed 9.8 litres of alcohol in 2020.

Among the EU’s largest economies, Germany had the highest alcohol consumption at 10.6 litres per capita, followed by France (10.4 litres), Spain (7.8 litres), and Italy (7.7 litres). The UK recorded an average of 9.7 litres. Between 2010 and 2020, 25 countries in the region reported a decline in alcohol consumption, with the Netherlands, France, Cyprus, and Finland seeing reductions of more than 1.5 litres per capita. Other countries, including Serbia, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Switzerland, and Germany, experienced declines ranging from one to 1.5 litres.

However, in contrast to the overall downward trend, 11 countries reported an increase in alcohol consumption during the same period, highlighting the diverse drinking habits across Europe.

Manuel Martínez Sirvent resigns from his position as mayor of Callosa de Segura

Manuel Martínez Sirvent, the mayor of Callosa de Segura, has o cially announced his resignation after serving as the town’s highest authority for the past ve years. In his farewell statement, Martínez Sirvent expressed pride in his role, acknowledging the privilege of contributing to the betterment of the city. He noted that despite his personal challenges, he remained committed to public service, striving to nd solutions that prioritized local governance and stability over political ideologies.

Martínez Sirvent had been on sick leave prior to his resignation,

and his acting substitute, Trino Grau, also announced his resignation from his position as councillor last July, e ective August 31. This series of resignations raises questions about the future leadership of the municipality. Following the submission of Martínez Sirvent’s resignation through the electronic o ce, a plenary session will be convened to initiate the transition process. This session will trigger a 10-day countdown, culminating in a plenary session to elect a new mayor, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the governance of Callosa de Segura

Health increases vaccination programme against Mpox

The Ministry of Health is taking steps to enhance the accessibility of the MPOX (monkeypox) vaccine by expanding the number of vaccination points across the Valencian Community. This move is aimed at better protecting individuals in high-risk groups, including those engaging in risky sexual behaviors and people in certain high-exposure occupations like healthcare workers and laboratory staff.

Health Minister Marciano Gómez emphasized that the current epidemiological situation is stable and that vaccination, along with epidemiological surveillance, is critical for preventing the spread of MPOX. The expansion involves increasing the number of vaccination sites from the current Provincial Information and Prevention Centres (CIPs) to include Preventive Medicine Services at all hospitals in the Valencian Community.

ather begins a hunger strike at the Family Meeting Point in Orihuela

Pablo Soriano Servera has started a hunger strike to force the Orihuela Judicial Family Meeting Point to comply with a ruling by the Orihuela courts on 21st December, 2023, reiterated last July, which granted him joint custody of his 4-yearold and 9-year-old daughters.

Soriano, a resident of Orihuela who began his protest at the entrance to the Family Meeting Point (PEF) and who also sleeps

in the same place, says in a statement that he is being denied the right to communicate with his daughters “both physically and by telephone” and holds the PEF responsible for the situation.

According to the father of the children, this “noncompliance” not only violates his rights as a father, but also deprives his daughters “of the love and care they deserve from both parents.”

The court decided that the

This expansion will allow at-risk individuals to easily schedule vaccination appointments at their local health centers and receive the vaccine at their designated hospitals.

This initiative builds on earlier efforts, such as the Department of Health’s campaign in July, where

SMS reminders were sent to individuals undergoing prophylactic treatment, encouraging them to get vaccinated. As a result, the vaccination rate has risen, with nearly 1,600 people already protected in the region since the WHO declared an international emergency in July 2022.

Guardia Civil arrests man for a do en ojales robberies

deliveries and collections of the minors should be carried out at a Family Meeting Point because the mother of the girls maintains that there is a high level of conflict with the father, a circumstance that the court did acknowledge.

The current situation arises from a previous context of conflict between the parents, who were a de facto couple.

The mother reported Soriano to the Court of Violence against Women for alleged insults and threats. The case was dismissed. A strategy, according to the father and his lawyer, that sought to ensure exclusive custody for the mother, which he failed to achieve.

José Vicente Escudero, a lawyer advising the father in his protest, points out that, regardless of the mother’s attitude, it is incomprehensible that the Family Meeting Point does not comply with the court order establishing the shared custody.

In a signi cant development, the Civil Guard has apprehended a 29-year-old man, believed to be responsible for a series of burglaries in the municipality of Rojales.

The arrest was part of Operation “Costa,” which began in February 2024 following a spike in home burglaries reported to the Almoradí Civil Guard Investigation Area.

The suspect, a Spanish-Dominican national, had been released from prison just six days before committing his rst crime in this spree. Over several months, he allegedly committed at least a dozen burglaries, including two incidents where the homeowners were present. His criminal activities also extended to vehicle theft, bank fraud, and driving without a license. The suspect would enter homes, steal valuables, and use stolen bank cards to withdraw money from ATMs.

After an intensive investigation, the Civil Guard identi ed and tracked the

suspect, eventually arresting him while he was driving through the area. During the arrest, they also recovered various tools believed to have been used in the crimes.

The detainee faces 14 charges, including burglary, robbery with intimidation, theft from a dwelling with occupants, vehicle theft, and bank fraud. Despite the severity of these charges, the Investigating Court No. 2 of Torrevieja has ordered his release, albeit with precautionary measures in place.

Two young people fined for pretending to drown on a beach in Guardamar due to a viral challenge

A dangerous new viral challenge has emerged, where individuals pretend to be drowning at the beach to attract the attention of lifeguards. This trend, which had already been observed on beaches in Alicante and San Juan, recently reached the shores of Guardamar del Segura. José Luis Hernández, the head of lifeguarding for the Red Cross in Guardamar, reported that the incidents occurred over the past weekend on the Centro beach.

On Saturday, several young people staged a fake drowning, prompting lifeguards to rush to their aid, only to discover it was a prank. The same scenario repeated on Sunday, leading the Civil Guard to intervene and identify the culprits. Hernández expressed frustration, emphasizing that such pranks divert lifeguards from real emergencies, putting others at risk.

The mayor of Guardamar,

José Luis Sáez, also condemned the challenge on social media, stressing the need to eradicate this behavior. Mobilizing emergency services unnecessarily is not only irresponsible but also carries significant legal and financial consequences. As Hernández noted, these actions can lead to severe penalties, as they involve triggering false emergency alerts, which waste resources and endanger public safety.

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Sterling saw a strong recovery last week amidst con rmation that the UK economy is recovering well after both its brief and shallow recession at the end of last year. Following the release of the UK’s GDP growth data for the second quarter last week, which came in at 0.6% and following a similar trend to Q1 (0.7%), the pound rallied against a basket of currencies, including the dollar and the euro.

The New Zealand and Australian dollar were also impacted by the pound’s strength. On top of the positive date to come out of the UK, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand also cut interest rates again last Wednesday to 5.25%. Since then, the GBP/NZD has seen another resurgence to near multi-year highs, with the Australian dollar also losing ground against the pound.

Most of the volatility last week could be down to the pound, following the latest release of the UK’s CPI in ation data released on Wednesday.. In ation in the services industry, historically the stickiest industry to reduce in ationary pressures, is now starting to see a continued downward trend. The expectations for a further Bank of England interest cut at the next Monetary Policy Committee meeting on 19th September crept up to 44% following the release of the CPI in ation data, however, had dropped back down to around 33% on Monday.

This perspective was further supported by Ruth Gregory, deputy chief UK economist at Capital Economics, who commented: “The further easing in wage growth will be welcomed by the Bank of England as a sign that labour-market conditions are continuing to cool. This lends some support to our forecast that the Bank of England will press ahead with two more 25 basis point interest rate cuts later this year.”

Considering that the MPC was divided with a 5/4 split in favour of the UK’s rst interest rate cut a few weeks ago, there may be signi cant market uncertainty surrounding the decision next month,


which could see the pound weaken in the lead-up to the announcement if another cut is forecast with any increasing probability.

The Bank of England’s Governor, Andrew Bailey, is also due to speak this evening at the Jackson Hole Economic Policy Symposium in Wyoming.


The euro hit a new year-to-date high against the dollar this on Monday.

Last week’s better-than-expected retail sales data in the US saw the greenback make some signi cant inroads against the single currency, with EUR/USD coming down from an 8-month high that represented the best time to buy dollars since the end of last year. However, following the data release, we saw signi cant selling pressure to bring the pairing down by almost a cent.

Market data is very quiet for the week ahead, with little due to take place outside of the Purchase Manager’s Index data released yesterday for the EU, as well as the UK and US.

The services industry PMI data for the Eurozone came in above expectation at 53.3, against the expected reading of 51.7, whereas the PMI data for the manufacturing industry came close to expectation at 45.6 versus the 45.7 expected. The manufacturing reading remains below the key 50 threshold, which indicates the industry is still in contraction.

A signi cant factor in the rise of eurozone business activity in August was the renewed growth in France, where output reached its highest level in nearly 18 months. Conversely, Germany experienced a downturn, with activity declining for the second consecutive month and at a faster rate. Meanwhile, the rest of the euro area continued to see an increase in output midway through the third quarter.

This commentary does not constitute nancial advice. All rates are sourced from Bloomberg and forecasts are taken from Forex Factory.

High end mobile device scammer arrested in Ciudad Quesada

The National Police have arrested a 42-yearold man in Rojales for his involvement in a largescale fraud operation, where he allegedly used an online telephone sales company to deceive customers. The man, of Spanish origin, is accused of defrauding more than 100,000 euros and had four outstanding arrest warrants for similar crimes.

The investigation was led

by the Economic and Tax Crime Group after they received 121 complaints from victims across Spain. These individuals had purchased high-end mobile phones through the suspect’s website but never received the products, nor did they get any response when they tried to resolve the issue.

As the investigation progressed, the police identified the suspect and confirmed his

extensive criminal history, including four judicial warrants, one of which required his immediate imprisonment due to fraud-related charges. The operation to apprehend the suspect culminated in his arrest in the municipality of Ciudad Quesada in Rojales. Following his arrest, he was placed at the disposal of the Torrevieja Courts of Instruction.

Around migrants arrive in Spain by boat over a single weekend

Last weekend, Spain witnessed the arrival of approximately 640 migrants by boat, marking another signi cant in ux in the ongoing migration crisis. The majority of these arrivals, around 428, occurred in the Canary Islands, continuing a trend observed since the beginning of the year. The rest of the migrants landed on the Spanish mainland and the Balearic Islands.

The weekend began with a distress call early Friday morning, reporting a boat carrying 56 migrants near Gran Canaria. On Saturday, the situation escalated as more emergency calls were received, including a report from sailors on a whalewatching boat who spotted 59 African migrants o the coast of Tenerife. Later that day, despite stormy weather, rescue teams were dispatched to save 28 North African migrants from

a vessel south of Formentera.

Sunday proved to be an especially busy day for rescue teams. Two boats were found near the island of Conejera and another near the port of Cala d’Or, while additional vessels reached Formentera and S’Estanyol in Mallorca. In the Canary Islands, almost 198 migrants were rescued from two vessels near El Hierro. The rst alert was received late in the morning, and another boat was found just two hours later near the same island. Later in the day, authorities responded to an emergency involving a jet ski carrying two North African migrants.

The nal rescues of the weekend occurred on Monday.

In the early hours, 27 migrants were located near Lanzarote, with two women requiring hospitalization. A few hours

later, another vessel carrying 88 people was found near El Hierro.

One of the most alarming incidents took place in Formentera, where a boat carrying about 20 migrants caught re after running aground. Fortunately, no injuries were reported. Earlier that morning, 39 more migrants arrived on the island, with groups being rescued at di erent times.

The Spanish maritime rescue service continued to intercept vessels throughout the weekend, the last being a boat with 18 migrants o the coast of S’Estufador on Sunday afternoon. Despite the continuous e orts of the rescue teams, the situation remains critical, highlighting the ongoing challenges Spain faces in managing the arrival of migrants by sea.

ore than of those registered in Algorfa are foreigners

More than 50% of the people registered in Algorfa are foreigners.

This was stated by the mayor of the municipality, Manuel Ros, to Radio Orihuela Cadena SER during an interview regarding the new General Urban Development Plan.

In order to improve the urban planning needs of the municipality of Algorfa, the council has commissioned a new General Urban Development Plan, after more than 20 years, due to the lack of urban land for its growth.

Currently, the council has already awarded the drafting of this new PGOU to Juan Martínez Arquitecto SLP for 85,135.82 euros and it was Ros who indicated that “this urban development is totally sustainable, controlled and of


The mayor has revealed that “90% of the houses currently built in Algorfa are being bought by the foreign population”. This gure is re ected in the municipal register with more than 50% of registered residents of di erent nationalities, “without taking into account the citizens who do reside in the municipality, but are still registered in their country”, Ros has stressed.

The highest representative of the council has not dared to give an exact date for the completion of the General Urban Development Plan, although the contract that the government team has put out to tender states that the execution period will last three years.

Sales of six slimming products in Spain halted

Spanish health authorities have issued a ban on the sale of several weight loss products, including capsules, teas, and instant co ees, after discovering that they were illegal drugs rather than legitimate nutritional supplements. The Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (Aemps) took this action after it was found that these products contained sibutramine, a potent appetite suppressant that was not disclosed on the labeling and is known to pose signi cant health risks.

The banned products include Soraya Cápsulas, HHS Kuka Café, Soraya Slim Co ee Café, Lipo Solución, and Detox Tea. None of these products had undergone the necessary safety tests or received approval from Aemps, which is mandatory for any medicinal product. The presence of sibutramine in these products makes them particularly dangerous, as the drug has been linked to severe cardiovascular complications, including arrhythmias, heart attacks, and other serious vascular incidents. Other side

e ects of sibutramine include dry mouth, headaches, insomnia, and constipation, as well as the potential for dangerous interactions with other medications.

Sibutramine was once widely used in the treatment of obesity but was suspended in the European Union 14 years ago due to its association with serious cardiovascular risks. The reemergence of sibutramine in these recalled products underscores the ongoing danger posed by unregulated weight loss supplements.

One product, Detox Tea, was found to be particularly hazardous as it contained not only sibutramine but also sildena l, the active ingredient in Viagra. Sildena l is used to treat erectile dysfunction but is not recommended for individuals with cardiovascular issues, liver problems, or eye diseases. The combination of sibutramine and sildena l in a single product signi cantly increases the risk of severe cardiovascular events, including heart attacks, arrhythmias, and even sudden

cardiac death, especially in those with pre-existing cardiovascular risk factors.

The Ministry of Health has emphasized the seriousness of these ndings, urging the public to avoid these products due to their potentially lifethreatening side e ects.

The recall serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of unapproved and mislabeled weight loss products that may contain harmful substances.

Charity Events in aid of Stevie Spit

Each week the Costa Blanca People will feature forthcoming events that have been organised to help raise funds for Stevie Spit.

Stevie was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer of the colon, liver and lungs.

If you would like to see your event featured please send details via whatsapp to 607031113.

Also you can make a donation directly via the Go Fund Me page which has been set uphttps://gofund. me/41506431


We are pleased to announce the Seventh Edition of the Charity Rock Festival "ROCK AGAINST CANCER", to be held on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th September 2024 in the Antonio Soria Park in Torrevieja, organized by Monroe's Rock Café and our Association, with the support of the Department of Culture of our City Council of Torrevieja. For the benefit of our NGOs AFECÁNCER y ALICANTE PARA LA LUCHA CONTRA EL CÁNCERSede Local de Torrevieja.

In this seventh edition we will have the best tribute bands in Europe: from Italy, we will once again vibrate with the great show of the SAD European Metallica Tribute. They caused a great furore in the last edition 2023.

From the UK, "Quo-incidence" (Status Quo Tribute); from Switzerland "Roxxet"; from Barcelona, "Like a Stone" (Audioslave Tribute) and from Tarragona, Rage Rising (the best tribute to Rage Against the Machine), among other local and national bands: UPRISING - Muse Tribute ES, KEENG Queen Tribute, Finn Lizzy (Thin Lizzy Tribute).

All the bands are committed to the cause and ready to give their all on stage.


There will be a variety of food trucks and a merchandising shop.

TICKETS AVAILABLE ON OUR WEB SITE https://www.rockagainstcancer.es

Entradium: https://entradium.com/events/rock-against-cancer-2024


- DVBLAB - Av. Cortes Valencianas 29 Local 2 Torrevieja y en Calle Imperio Argentina, 8 Local 5 Ur. Monteazul Benijófar.

- Bolig Invest Spania-Calle Caballero de Rodas, 65 Torrevieja

- Mexi Mundo Restaurant-Calle Pedro Lorca, 14 Torrevieja

- Monroe’s Rock Bar - Calle Apolo, 12 Torrevieja


Lack of staff over Summer sees services reduced at Vega Baja Hospital

The summer has brought signi cant challenges to the Orihuela Health Department, exacerbated by sta shortages and vacation-related absences, leading to reduced services.

According to CCOO, waiting lists have surged during the summer months.

In Primary Care, delays range from 10 days to two weeks, depending on the location, while surgical activity in Hospital Care has been curtailed. At Vega Baja Hospital, 31 beds have been closed, contributing to increased pressure on services.

The situation is also driving professionals to leave their positions, overwhelmed by the recurring summer strain.

Man runs over farmer when allegedly caught stealing vegetables

dog in Callosa de Segura.

A former employee of Vega Baja Hospital has likened the current conditions to those experienced during the COVID pandemic, though they attribute the issues to mismanagement of existing resources.

biopsy results and other cellular and organ studies.

The former employee highlighted speci c shortcomings at Vega Baja Hospital, such as the absence of a radiologist onsite in the radiodiagnosis service, which leaves 24hour shifts uncovered and forces patient referrals to Elche. Additionally, there is a critical shortage of pathologists, who are essential for analyzing

The former sta member suggested that a long-term plan, including proper support and incentives for healthcare professionals, could help address these issues. Attempts by Vegabajadigital.com and Radio Orihuela Cadena SER to obtain comments from the Vega Baja Hospital management via email and phone have so far been unsuccessful.

The Civil Guard and the Local Police of Benejúzar have arrested a 47-yearold man as the alleged perpetrator of a robbery with violence in a farm located in the municipality of Cox, where he stole the dog that was accompanying the complainant and ran over the injured party while eeing.

On 3 August 2024, a farmer caught an individual stealing vegetables from his farm in Cox. After a brief argument, the perpetrator grabbed the owner’s dog, a Belgian shepherd, and put it in his vehicle. The victim went after the assailant and when he tried to stop him, he was run over and dragged several metres by the car, su ering injuries, while the attacker ed.

The complainant then went to the Civil Guard Post in Dolores, where he led the complaint, learning at that time that his father had located and recovered his

In order to clarify the facts, the matter was taken over by the Field Robbery Team (ROCA) of the Guardia Civil of Torrevieja who, through the analysis of the evidence collected, managed to identify the alleged perpetrator. In addition, the agents discovered that he had entered on previous occasions to steal vegetables, also obtaining the details of the vehicle used to commit the crimes.

The investigators, together with the Benejúzar Local Police, after carrying

out numerous inquiries, managed to identify and arrest the alleged perpetrator and seize the vehicle used in the commission of the crime. The detainee, a 47-yearold man with numerous previous convictions for property crimes and who is charged with robbery with violence, has been placed at the disposal of the Court of Instruction number 1 of Orihuela, who has ordered his release with the imposition of precautionary measures.

Service Directory

Eazy Lawns Tel: 636 102 509

Email: info@eazylawns.es www.eazylawns.es

Air Conditioning

Summer Breeze Air Conditioning Tel: 696 248 422

Email: paulf3000@gmail.com

Bear Builders Tel: 680 851


Angels Nursing Care

Tel: 0034 711 080 462 / 850 993 849

Email: info@angelsnursingcare.com www.angelsnursingcare.com

Estate Agents

My New Home in Spain Tel: 711 007 147 hello@mynewhomeinspain.com www.mynewhomeinspain.com

Platinum Construction/Real Estate Tel: 865 758 513 / 602 633 153 sales@platinumproperties.es www.platinumproperties.es

Avenida Maria Del Mar Rodriquez 23 Algorfa


New 2 You Tel: 616 724 304 965 715 605

Ave Don Juan De Austria 6 Torrevieja

hair & lash boutique Indianashairandlashboutique


Protea Wellness Audiology Tel: 698 418 642

Contact: @proteawellnessaudiology.es www.proteawellnessaudiology.es


Calle Los Arcos 17 Ciudad Quesada

Insurance Agents.es Tel: +34 868 97 55 25

Email: info@insuranceagents.es www.insuranceagents.es

Insurance Tel: 965063483 693719221

Email: info@sunbay-insurance.com www.sunbay-insurance.com


Email: kplus3180@gmail.com ww.kitchensplus.eu

House plus Homes Tel: 966 719 849 admin@houseplushomes.com www.houseplushomes.com

Calle Los Arcos

Local 4 Plata Baja, Ciudad Quesada, 03170 Rojales

Design and Print Tel: 647 472 825

Email: Indysdp@gmail.com Indy’s Design & Print Indys_designprint

& Storage

Romana Self Storage 633 125 889 or 965 075 122 colin@laromanaselfstorage.com www.laromanaselfstorage.com

M.A.V Transport & Removals 663595225 / (0044) 7786 737230 Email: infomavspain@gmail.com www.mavspain.co.uk Facebook M.M.V.Transport&Removals


Vantastic Tel: 693 251 562 Email: davendonc@aol.com

Removals & Shipping 0044 7742 798568 0034 603135480 transconeshipping@hotmail.com www.transconeshipping.com

Go Satellite Tel: 965725670

Info@freetvspain.com www.freetvspain.com

Avenida De Las Naciones 36-2, Ciudad Quesada Rojales

Solar Panels

Medsun Solar Tel: 604 193 857

Email: info@medsunsolar.com www.medsunsolar.com

Swimming Pools

Leak Tech

Tel: 966 194 179 / 627 752 965

Info@leak-tech.net www.leak-tech.net

This Week´s Movie Picks

Taken 3

Saturday 30th August - ITV - 11.45 pm

Liam Neeson returns as ex-covert operative Bryan Mills, whose long awaited reconciliation with his ex-wife is tragically cut short when she is brutally murdered. Consumed with rage, and framed for the crime, he goes on the run to evade the relentless pursuit of the CIA, FBI and the police. For one last time, Mills must use his “particular set of skills,” to track down the real killers, exact his unique brand of justice, and protect the only thing that matters to him now - his daughter

Mama Mia: Here We Go Again

Monday 1st September - ITV2 - 7.40 pm

Discover Donna’s (Meryl Streep, Lily James) young life, experiencing the fun she had with the three possible dads of Sophie (Amanda Seyfried). As she re ects on her mother’s journey, Sophie discovers that she is more like her mother than she ever realized before.

27th August

16:00 Tenable

17:00 Tipping Point

Real Deal

09:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Frasier 10:35 Frasier 11:05 Frasier 11:35 Frasier

12:00 Paris 2024 Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

12:05 The Simpsons 12:35 The Simpsons

13:05 Channel 4 News Summary

13:10 Path to Paris: The Hunt for Gold

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Cooking with the Stars

22:00 Platform 7

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

Wednesday 28th August

23:45 The Tower

Platform 7

Unwind with ITV

Cooking with the Stars

Good Morning Britain

Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

16:00 Tenable

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 Platform 7

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:35 ITV News London

This Country 23:30 Newsnight

23:45 The Tower

16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now?

19:00 A Place in the Sun

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 Food Unwrapped

22:00 24 Hours in Police Custody 23:00 First Dates

09:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Everybody Loves Raymond

10:05 Frasier

10:35 Frasier

11:05 Frasier

11:35 Frasier

12:00 Paris 2024 Paralympics: Meet the Athletes

12:05 The Simpsons

12:35 The Simpsons

13:05 Channel 4 News


13:10 Meet the Paralympians with Sarah Storey

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It

15:10 Countdown

16:00 A Place in the Sun

17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now?

19:00 Channel 4 News

19:30 Paralympic Games

21:30 Paralympic Games

23:30 The Last Leg in Paris

08:55 Milo 09:10 Rubble & Crew 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Peppa Pig

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Go Green With The Grimwades 10:05 Milkshake! Monkey Rhymes 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 My Husband’s Secret Past 17:00 The Cruise: Fun-Loving Brits at Sea 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 20:00 Our Great Yorkshire Life

The Yorkshire Vet 22:00

09:10 Rubble & Crew

09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Peppa Pig

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Go Green With The Grimwades 10:05 Milkshake! Monkey Rhymes

10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends

14:10 Friends

14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 A Reservation for Death

17:00 The Cruise: Fun-Loving Brits at Sea

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 Costco Vs Supermarkets: Who Does it Cheaper?

21:00 The Motorway 22:00 Cause of Death 23:00 Casualty 24/7

08:15 Mr Bean: The Animated Series 08:25 Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated 08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 World’s Funniest Videos 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00 Secret Crush 12:00 Secret Crush 13:00 Dress to Impress 14:00 Ant and Dec’s

Union denounces high temperatures endured by Torrevieja immigration office workers

The Union General de Trabajadores (UGT) has raised serious concerns about the ongoing extreme working conditions faced by employees at the DNI and Immigration O ces in Torrevieja, Alicante. The o ce, located at C/ Arquitecto Larramendi 3, has been operating in substandard conditions since December 2013 when the premises were ceded to the National Police by the Torrevieja City Council.

In mid-July 2023, UGT’s provincial manager for the Alicante State General Administration sector, Mª José Forner, visited the facilities and recorded internal temperatures exceeding 31ºC and humidity levels above 64%. These conditions

violate the minimum environmental standards for workplaces set by Royal Decree 486/1997, which mandates safe and healthy work environments.

Despite attempts to address the issue, including discussions between the National Police in Alicante and the Torrevieja City Council, a satisfactory solution has not been implemented. The General Police Directorate’s interim measures—installing fans and portable air conditioning units— have been deemed insu cient and potentially harmful. Forner pointed out that fans merely circulate hot air, creating unhealthy air currents that further endanger workers.

One year later, after enduring

multiple heat waves, the workers continue to operate under these unsustainable conditions, which also a ect citizens visiting the o ce. UGT acknowledges that a company has been contracted by the Torrevieja City Council to address the issue, but the installation of a new air conditioning system is not expected until October 2024.

UGT is demanding immediate action from the administration to comply with workplace environmental regulations and to ensure the health and safety of the sta . The union emphasizes the need for an urgent and e ective solution to allow employees to work in conditions that do not jeopardize their well-being.

Real Marigold Hotel 18:15 Flog It!

19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games

19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Test Cricket 21:00 Simon Reeve’s Return to Cornwall 22:00 Inside the Factory 23:00 Ghosts 23:30 Newsnight

Friday 30th August

01:00 Teleshopping 04:00 Platform 7 04:50 Unwind with ITV 06:05 Family Fortunes 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

16:00 Tenable

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:30 Love Your Garden

22:00 Platform 7

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 The Tower

04:00 Platform 7 04:50 Unwind with ITV

06:05 In for a Penny

06:30 Gino’s Italian Family Adventure

07:00 Good Morning Britain

10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

16:00 Tenable

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

19:30 Great British Railway Journeys

20:00 Live: WA Diamond League Athletics

22:00 Gardeners’ World

23:00 The Office 23:30 Newsnight

Saturday 31st August

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 Beat the Chasers

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Taken 3

Breakfast 07:00 Cooking with the Stars 07:50 Matilda 09:25 The Chris McCausland Show 10:25 ITV News

10:30 James Martin’s Saturday Morning 12:40 Jason Atherton’s Dubai Dishes

13:45 ITV Lunchtime News

14:00 To Be Announced 17:00 In for a Penny

17:30 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars

18:30 The Chase: Celebrity Special

19:30 ITV Evening News

19:45 ITV News London

20:00 Celebrity Catchphrase 21:00 The Voice UK

22:40 Password

23:15 ITV News

23:35 Olivia Attwood: The Price of Perfection

00:30 Adam Hills: Grow Another Foot 01:35 Night Coppers 02:30 George Clarke’s

Amazing Spaces 03:25 Britain’s Most Expensive Houses 03:50 Ramsay’s Kitchen

Nightmares USA

04:45 The Dog House

05:40 Escape to the Chateau

05:45 Frasier

06:10 Frasier

06:35 Countdown 07:15 Cheers

07:40 Cheers

08:10 Everybody Loves

Raymond 08:35 Everybody Loves

Raymond 09:00 Paralympics Paris

Breakfast 11:55 Channel 4 News

Summary 12:00 Live: Paralympic

Games 14:00 Live: Paralympic

Games 16:00 Live: Paralympic

Games 19:00 Channel 4 News

19:30 Live: Paralympic

Games 22:30 The Last Leg in Paris 23:30 Paralympic Games

03:10 Britain’s Most Expensive Houses

03:35 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

04:25 Grand Designs New Zealand

05:15 Kirstie’s House of Craft

05:25 Meet the Paralympians with Sarah Storey

06:20 Frasier

06:45 Frasier

07:10 Cheers

07:40 Cheers

08:10 Everybody Loves


08:35 Everybody Loves


09:00 Live: Paralympic

Games 11:55 Channel 4 News

Summary 12:00 Live: Paralympic

Games 14:00 Live: Paralympic


16:00 Live: Paralympic


19:00 Channel 4 News

19:30 Live: Paralympic


21:30 Live: Paralympic


22:30 The Last Leg in Paris

23:30 Paralympic Games

00:35 Gogglebox 01:00 Sean Lock: Lockipedia Live 02:00 Desperado

03:45 Travel Man: 48 Hours in...

04:15 Come Dine with Me 05:05 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It: Brilliant Builds

05:35 Kirstie’s House of Craft

05:55 Grand Designs New


06:45 Frasier

07:10 Frasier

07:35 The Simpsons

08:00 The Simpsons

08:30 The Simpsons

09:00 Live: Paralympic

Games 12:00 Live: Paralympic Games 14:00 Live: Paralympic

09:10 Rubble & Crew 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Peppa Pig 09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Go Green With The Grimwades 10:05 Milkshake! Monkey Rhymes

10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 As Luck Would Have It 17:00 The Cruise: Fun-Loving Brits at Sea 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 Cornwall: A Year By The Sea 21:00 Michael Mosley: Wonders of the Human Body 22:00 The Body in the Bin 23:00 The Disappearance of Shannon Matthews

08:15 PAW Patrol 08:30 Pip and Posy 08:35 The Adventures of Paddington 08:50 Milo 09:10 Rubble & Crew

09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Peppa Pig 09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Go Green With The Grimwades 10:05 Milkshake! Monkey Rhymes 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 My Secret Stalker 17:00 The Cruise: Fun-Loving Brits at Sea 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders 21:00 Rescue 999: Seconds To Save A Life 22:00 Terror at 30,000 Feet 23:00 The Sinking of the Costa Concordia

08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo?

08:25 Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated 08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 World’s Funniest Videos 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00 Secret Crush

13:00 Dress to Impress 14:00 Ant and Dec’s Limitless Win 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Dawson’s Creek 18:00 Dress to Impress 19:00 Celebrity Catchphrase 20:00 Ant and Dec’s Limitless Win 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Olivia Attwood: Getting Filthy Rich


Classic Emmerdale 08:00 Classic Coronation Street 08:35 Classic Coronation Street 09:05 Wild at Heart 10:10 Wild at Heart 11:25 The Royal 12:30 Heartbeat 13:35 Heartbeat 14:40 Classic Emmerdale 15:10 Classic Emmerdale 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:15 Classic Coronation Street 16:50 Agatha Christie’s Marple 19:00 Heartbeat 20:00 Heartbeat 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Doc Martin 23:05 Wycliffe

16:00 Live: Paralympic

Channel 4 News 18:30 Formula 1 19:30 Live: Paralympic Games

22:30 The Last Leg in Paris 23:30 Paralympic Games

09:25 DORA 09:40 Rubble & Crew 09:50 SpongeBob SquarePants 10:05 Entertainment News On 5 10:15 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 11:10 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 12:10 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 13:10 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 14:10 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 15:10 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 16:10 The Cotswolds & Beyond with Pam Ayres 17:05 The Cotswolds & Beyond with Pam Ayres 18:05 A Yorkshire Farm 19:00 5 News Weekend 19:05 Hughie Green: The Rise & Fall of Mr Saturday Night 20:30 Stockholm With Michael Portillo 22:00 Diana: Her Last Summer 23:00 Diana: The Interview That Shocked The World 08:20 Dodo

Sunday 1st September

00:35 English Football League Highlights

01:55 Teleshopping

04:00 The Other Mrs Jordan: Catching the Ultimate Conman

04:50 Unwind with ITV

06:05 Deal or No Deal

07:00 Ainsley’s Mediterranean Cookbook

07:25 Ainsley’s Mediterranean Cookbook

07:50 The Voice UK

09:25 Jimmy and Shivi’s Farmhouse Breakfast

10:25 ITV News

10:30 Love Your Weekend with Alan Titchmarsh

12:25 Jason Atherton’s Dubai Dishes

13:20 ITV Lunchtime News

13:35 Madagascar 15:15 Octopussy

17:50 ITV Evening News

18:15 ITV News London

18:20 Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

21:00 Grace 23:00 ITV News

23:20 Long Lost Family

Monday 2nd September

00:10 Mission: Impossible III 02:20 Teleshopping 04:00 Motorsport UK

04:50 Unwind with ITV

06:05 Jason Atherton’s Dubai Dishes

07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

Flog It!

19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games

19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Test Cricket

Only Connect

University Challenge 22:00 Forensics: The Real CSI 23:00 We Might Regret This 23:30 Newsnight

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 Long Lost Family

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Olympus Has Fallen

00:30 Formula 1 01:35 Passengers

03:35 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

04:25 Kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free

04:45 Hollyoaks: Omnibus

06:45 The Simpsons

07:10 The Simpsons

07:35 The Simpsons

08:00 Live: Paralympic Games

10:00 Live: Paralympic Games

12:00 Live: Paralympic Games

14:00 Live: Paralympic Games 16:00 Live: Paralympic Games

18:15 Channel 4 News 18:30 Formula 1 19:30 Live: Paralympic Games

22:30 The Last Leg in Paris 23:30 Paralympic Games

00:30 Formula 1 01:30 The Old Man & the Gun

03:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

03:50 Come Dine with Me 04:45 Kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free

05:00 Grand Designs

05:55 Grand Designs New


06:45 Everybody Loves


07:10 Everybody Loves


07:35 Everybody Loves


08:00 Live: Paralympic


10:00 Live: Paralympic Games

11:55 Channel 4 News


12:00 Live: Paralympic Games

14:00 Live: Paralympic Games

16:00 Live: Paralympic Games

19:00 Channel 4 News

19:30 Live: Paralympic Games

22:30 The Last Leg in Paris 23:30 Paralympic Games

08:25 Peppa Pig 08:35 The Adventures of Paddington 08:55 Mixmups 09:10 PAW Patrol 09:25 DORA 09:40 Rubble & Crew 09:50 SpongeBob SquarePants 10:05 Entertainment News On 5 10:15 Susan Calman’s Summer By the Sea 11:05 Susan Calman’s Summer By the Sea 12:00 Susan Calman’s Summer By the Sea 13:00 Susan Calman’s Summer By the Sea 14:00 The Hotel Inspector 15:00 The Hotel Inspector 16:00 Jersey and Guernsey 17:00 Jersey and Guernsey

08:30 Pip and Posy 08:35 The Adventures of Paddington 08:55 Milo 09:10 PAW Patrol 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Peppa Pig 09:40 Peppa Pig 09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World

10:10 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 Aurora Teagarden Mysteries

17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 20:00 Traffic Cops 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Police: Suspect No. 1 23:30 999 Critical Condition

08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!

New ScoobyDoo?

Scooby-Doo and

If you have a question or problem with any household technology needing my help or want to join the Technology Help Group please email Brian at cbtechnology.help@ gmail.com.

As a group member, you would have access to the group website which contains previous session notes, handouts and access to previous Costa Blanca People published articles.

Scan the QR code for a reminder of what the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group offers.

Meetings at Dilly’s Bar, Av. Castuera, 3, 03184 El Chaparral, Alicante. Group meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10:00 to 12:00.The Next meeting is on Wednesday 11th September 2024. You are welcome to attend.

“How do I get photos from my mobile phone to my computer”?

For Android or Apple phone there are several ways to get photos to your computer. Your options are:

• Use Cloud Storage –Use Google Drive (15 G Bytes free or Microsoft One Drive (5 G Bytes free). You can install these Cloud Storage Apps on all smartphones and computers. You can set up these Cloud Storage Apps to

Your tech questions answered by Brian Hoile of the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group, helping over 400 members with their PCs , smartphones and more. Group members can attend meetings in person or online using Zoom or Teams.

automatically upload all photos and videos to the Cloud Storage of your choice.

Google Photos – Sign into your Google Account. Every photo or video you take will be in your Gallery and also available in Google Photos.

• Attach to an emailTransfer files between your Android or iPhone and computer with email.

USB Cable – With a USB cable, connect your phone to your computer. On your phone, tap the “Charging this device via USB” notification. Under “Use USB for,” select File Transfer. An Android File Transfer window will open on your computer. iPhone - connect your iPhone to a PC with a USB cable that can transfer files.

1. Turn your phone on and unlock it. Your PC can’t find the device if the device is locked.

2. On your PC, select the Start button and then select Photos to open the Photos app.

3. Select Import > From a USB device, then follow the instructions.

• Bluetooth - On your phone, go to the Bluetooth menu and search for nearby devices. Click on the name of your computer. Go to your Gallery and select pictures to transfer.

“I am running out of space on my phone pages. How can I make more space”?

Create a Folder in Android

1. Access the home screen panel where the apps you want to put into a folder are located.

2. Drag the first app and drop it on top of another and this will create a folder with both apps inside.

3. Give the Folder a relevant name.

4. Tap the folder to view the apps in it. For iPhone

1. Touch and hold the Home Screen background until the apps begin to jiggle.

2. To create a folder, drag an app onto another app.

3. Drag other apps into the folder.

4. To rename the folder, touch and hold it, tap Rename, then enter a new name.

Join the Group by searching Facebook for “Costa Blanca Technology Help Group” Send your questions to cbtechnology.help@gmail.com

Brian Hoile Technology Help Group

We Need Your Help

Always help someone. You might be the only one that does.

Seagate are pleased to support the amazing charity A Helping Hand - a food and clothes bank charity. They support hundreds of families that are in poverty and in crisis and they urgently need food and clothes donations from you. There is a constant need for help with simply the basic staples such as tuna, toilet paper, milk, tinned food, pasta, rice, soup mix, baked beans, olive oil. They also need hygiene

items such as washing detergent, shower gel, shampoo as well as baby items needed are nappies, hero baby milk 1 and 2 and baby wipes.

As we begin 2024, they are hoping to be able to provide for families throughout the next few months when times are hardest. January, February, and March are the toughest times for this charity, so please spare a thought and give what you can. You can drop o

your donation to their base in San Luis on Tuesday or Friday morning from 10am until 1pm or at over 20 drop o places around the area –check their Facebook page for locations. There are many bars and restaurants that also support the charity, as does BIG FM who are also a drop o point. As the message on their Facebook page says, “Always Help Someone –You Might Be The Only One That Does”.


This quaint artisan market located in the main church square, Plaza de la Iglesia, is open every night over the summer until the 15th September, from 7pm to midnight. As the sun sets over this pretty seaside town, you can experience the beautiful evening ambience that Altea has to o er.

Enjoy a gentle stroll along the promenade taking in the fresh sea breeze and picturesque views, browse through the boutiques along the famous cobbled streets, and have an evening meal on the terrace at one of the delightful curb side restaurants.

Altea has to be one of the most beautiful and scenic villages on

the Costa Blanca. Its old town and viewpoint are especially known for their charm and beauty. Many of its streets are cobbled and walking through them you will see a nice selection of restaurants and boutique hotels. The Plaza de la Iglesia is the heart of Altea, an authentic central point of leisure and culture, especially in summer. Its clean white pebbled beach with crystal clear blue waters is ideal for taking a walk or simply chilling out and sunbathing on a deck chair.

For more inspiring ideas of places to visit and things to do on the Costa Blanca, check out the website www.costablancascene. com

New website unveiled where you can check price of supermarket basics

Facua-Consumidores en Acción, a leading consumer rights association in Spain, has launched a new website, super.FACUA.org, aimed at helping consumers monitor daily price uctuations of essential products like olive oil, sun ower oil, and milk across six major supermarket chains— Alcampo, Carrefour, Dia, Eroski, Hipercor, and Mercadona. This platform allows users to track, compare, and analyze the prices of hundreds of food items, making it easier to spot price hikes and identify which supermarkets are increasing prices the most.

The initiative comes in response to signi cant recent price increases, particularly in cooking oils, where sun ower oil prices have surged by 70% in just two weeks. Olive oil prices have also seen dramatic

rises, with some reports indicating that prices have tripled since 2021. Facua’s move is seen as an e ort to empower consumers to act as watchdogs in a market where some suspect supermarkets of in ating prices to o set reductions in IVA sales tax, despite claims from the national ministry of agriculture that retailers have adjusted margins to avoid passing on the full cost increases to consumers. The association is pushing for greater transparency

in pricing and has led a complaint with the ministry of consumer a airs, accusing supermarkets of potentially colluding on prices, particularly for their private label products. Facua hopes the ministry will investigate and potentially sanction those responsible for disproportionate price increases. The website is expected to expand its scope, adding more products as consumer demand for such transparency grows.

Bars &

Martine McCutcheon appeared to take a swipe at her estranged husband Jack McManus as she took aim at ‘people who are unsure about me’.

On Thursday, Martine, 48, revealed her that Jack, 40, had left her after 18 years together - days after she wrote a heartfelt birthday tribute for him.

Martine is now on holiday in Marbella with the couple’s son Ra erty, 9, while her ex is staying in their £1.5million house in Surrey. .

Jamie Oliver has told how he wants his kids to ‘struggle’ and embrace ‘anxiety and worry’ as life’s challenges are part of the path to success.

The TV chef, 49, shares ve childrenPoppy Honey, 22, Daisy Boo, 21, Petal Blossom, 15, Buddy Bear, 13, and River Rocket, eight - with wife Jools, also 49.

And though they no doubt live a comfortable life amid his own fame and fortune, Jamie has insisted that he wants his young family to welcome the ‘cauldron’ of di erent emotions they may feel as they go through life, remarking that ‘Life’s not supposed to be easy.. .

Justin Bieber and his wife Hailey Bieber announced they had welcomed their rst little bundle of joy on Friday.

The 30-year-old pop star and the 27-year-old model — who reportedly turned to their faith during the pregnancy in the face of divorce rumors — became rst-time parents when she gave birth to a baby boy, which Justin revealed in a loving Instagram post.

He shared a photo of their new son’s adorably tiny foot, while revealing that they had named him ‘Jack Blues Bieber.’

Slipknot’s Sid Wilson was hospitalized with ‘serious burns’ after a re explosion, he shared on Friday.

The musician, 47, revealed he su ered from second-degree burns all over his face and arms after the shocking incident, which occurred while he was working on his and his girlfriend Kelly Osbourne’s farm.

The turntablist for the heavy metal band took to Instagram to share an update with his fans and said he is currently in the hospital recovering as nurses dressed his woundsBieber.’

Coleen Nolan has revealed it has become a daily ritual for her to check for signs of cancer everyday after the tragic e ects the disease has had on her family.

The Loose Women presenter, who is one if six sisters, candidly admitted she is terri ed she will be the family member targeted by the disease next.

Cancer has signi cantly a ected the Nolan family after the sisters lost Bernie, 52, in 2013 after a three year battle with breast cancer.

New shop equipment at Hotel Algorfa

With the arrival of the new shop equipment, the team at Hotel Algorfa prepare to expand the existing ‘Bakery and Supermarket’ to include a ‘Delicatessen and Desserts’ counter too!

The team is working on sourcing the final pieces of equipment, ingredients and menus to complete the addition. Soon, the area will welcome an icecream counter, milkshake and smoothie bar, ‘build your own’ sandwich, baguette or roll using our fresh homemade bread as well as hot dogs and waffles! Katty (the lady who will be the face of the new shop!) is working on creating a menu that will include traditional Spanish bakery goods as well as English favourites. The culinary team is

putting together ideas to create mouthwatering fillings whilst the bakery team experiments with baking different types of breads and desserts. The team hopes to have this up and running in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for the expansion!

As always, the bar and restaurant are looking forward to the upcoming entertainment that is planned with some top class entertainers on the stage throughout the rest of the year. The best part about joining us at the hotel for entertainment?

Not having the worry of a taxi home or a ‘designated driver’ - stay here with a 10% discount if you book directly! See page 2 for more information.

Health & Beauty

After waiting an eternity to become a grandmother; my son and daughter-in-law are clearly choosing to be with her side of the family more than ours. When I complain to my husband, he says not to make waves, but it is clear that birthdays and holidays are spent with the other grandparents rather than ourselves. I have tried inviting them over for specific holidays like Christmas and Easter and have suggested we go away on a caravan holiday, but nothing changes. Their response is always that they are not available, but they always seem to enjoy posting get-togethers of themselves spending time with her parents. My husband says it’s in my imagination, and I should get a life of my own and stop being so needy. He’s no help; but he doesn’t care about being with the family whereas I do. .

You don’t mention your age; You tell me you have tried talking to your son about the situation, but have

you tried talking to your daughter in law about how sad it makes you feel. You tell me that you went over on one of the children’s birthday’s and were treated very badly, and not even offered a cup of tea or birthday cake. Their treatment of you could be quite deliberate and not in your imagination; so why not call them out on it and have a direct conversation with your daughter in law. It doesn’t have to be a hostile meeting, in fact it would be better for you to keep things cordial. There have been other slights that you tell me about, and it does look like you are being treated unkindly. If a sit down talk does not work, you may need to accept that the situation will not change, and your husband’s advice may seem like the route you should take.


A Cinderella facial is a beauty treatment designed to provide an immediate, but temporary, radiant and youthful appearance to the skin. This type of facial is often chosen before special events or occasions where someone wants to look their best. The name “Cinderella facial” comes from the idea that it gives a magical, instant transformation similar to Cinderella’s makeover in the fairy tale

A Cinderella facial is popular because it provides instant, noticeable results, making it ideal for when you want to look your best.

Here are some reasons people opt for a Cinderella facial:

Immediate Glow:

The treatment gives the skin a radiant, luminous appearance, often referred to as a “Cinderella glow,” which can last up to 24-48 hours.

Hydration Boost: It deeply hydrates the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and giving a plumper, more youthful look.

Smoothing Effect: The facial smooths the skin’s texture, making it perfect for makeup application afterward.

Quick and Non-Invasive: It’s a fast procedure with no downtime, making it convenient for those with busy schedules.

Ideal for Events:

Often chosen before

What is a sun allergy?

You can be allergic to the sun. A sun allergy, also known as photosensitivity, occurs when the skin becomes hypersensitive to ultraviolet (UV) rays, which are naturally emitted by the sun. Signs of a sun allergy may include an itchy, painful, blistering, or peeling rash. This reaction can develop within minutes or hours of sun exposure and can range in intensity from mild discomfort to severe skin irritation. Sun allergies can be triggered by genetics, certain medications, or underlying autoimmune conditions. Treatments for sun allergies vary, depending on the severity and type of allergy, and can include lifestyle modi cations or medications. While researchers are unsure how many people are a ected by sun allergies,

it is estimated that 2% to 18% of the global population may experience this condition. Symptoms of sun allergies can vary widely; some people may experience only mild symptoms, while others may have more severe reactions to sunlight. When the skin has a hypersensitive reaction to sunlight or arti cial ultraviolet (UV) rays, such as those from tanning beds, the immune system perceives UV rays as a threat. In response, the immune system produces and releases in ammatory chemicals, such as histamines, in an attempt to protect the body. This release of histamines and other immune system cells leads to skin in ammation, rashes, and other symptoms associated with sun allergies.

weddings, parties, or important meetings, as it enhances the skin’s appearance without the need for a lengthy recovery.

Overall, the Cinderella facial is favored for its ability to deliver a refreshed, glowing complexion in a short amount of time.

Book in for your free consultation at Indiana’s hair and lash boutique as glowing skin is always in.

Specsavers Opticians tells you how to take the winning photo in its summer competition

In celebration of World Photography Day on August 19, Specsavers Opticians invited award-winning photographer

David Tomé to o er advice to young photographers interested in participating in photography competitions, such as the one organized by Specsavers this summer.

David Tomé, a seasoned photographer with numerous accolades, shared several key tips:

Master the Basics: Tomé stresses the importance of understanding the fundamental rules of photography. By internalizing these rules, young photographers can focus on creativity rather than technicalities while shooting.

Convey Meaning: He advises that before taking a photograph, it’s crucial to think about the message you want to convey. “We all have a rich inner world,” he says, and the goal is to capture images that resonate with others and tell a meaningful story.

Surprise and Execute Well: In contests, standing out is vital. Tomé suggests surprising the audience with unique subject matter or framing while ensuring the technical aspects of the photo are spot-on, as this combination increases the chances of success. Follow the Rules: Understanding and adhering to the competition’s requirements is essential. Many strong images get disquali ed simply because they don’t meet the basic criteria. He encourages careful

attention to the subject, technical details, and the preferences of the jury. Specsavers Opticians is hosting a photography competition for young talents aged 6 to 17. The challenge is to capture the best image of their summer holidays. The competition is open to residents in the provinces of Alicante, Malaga, and the island of Mallorca. Participants can submit their photos via social media by tagging @SpecsaversOpticas on Facebook and @specsaversspain

on Instagram, via Messenger, or by email at spain.marketing@ specsavers.com. The deadline for submissions is Sunday, September 1, 2024. Detailed terms and conditions are available on the Specsavers website: www.specsavers.es/sorteo.

David Tomé is joined on the judging panel by Barrie Frais: Director of the Mum Abroad website, a platform for English-speaking parents in Spain, Italy, France, and Germany. Frais is excited to be part of the competition,

seeing it as an excellent way to engage children creatively during the summer.

Gracie Glister: A shop assistant at Specsavers Ópticas in Javea, who has a background in photography and is passionate about capturing special moments.

Together, they will evaluate the entries and select the ve best photos in the Children and Youth categories.

The winners will be determined by the number of likes and comments

their photos receive on social media. The top photo in each category will win a €50 Amazon voucher, a pair of sunglasses, and will be featured in social media posts and press releases.

David Tomé’s journey into photography began at the age of 10, inspired by his father. Self-taught initially, he later pursued formal photography studies. His work has been featured in both Spanish and international publications, and he has participated in numerous exhibitions and online platforms. Tomé holds several prestigious titles, including FAF Artist and FAF Excellence, awarded by the Andalusian Federation of Photography. With a dozen solo exhibitions and participation in fty group exhibitions, Tomé has an extensive and celebrated career. He currently serves as the president of the Colectivo Imagen Photography Association and leads activities at the new Photography Centre in Malaga. Given his experience and passion for nurturing young talent, Tomé is well-suited to be part of the judging panel for this competition. Tomé expressed his enthusiasm for the competition, stating, “I have always believed that the younger generation has a lot to o er. I love being able to help bring out the best in young people, who can be hugely talented and creative, and that is why I am honoured that Specsavers has asked me to be part of the judging panel for their photography competition.”

in the Mi Quirónsalud App

The upcoming green road sign that may appear on Spanish roads

Spain’s DirectorateGeneral for Traffic (DGT) is actively seeking solutions to reduce road traffic accidents, which have claimed the lives of over 680 people so far this year, an increase of 30 compared to the same period in 2023. One potential change is the introduction of a new color for road signs, a practice already adopted in France, which may lead to some initial confusion for drivers.

Currently, Spanish road signs use four main colors, each serving a specific purpose. Blue signs provide information, such

as exits, petrol stations, or aid stations. Red signs are used to indicate danger and prohibition, with the STOP sign being a notable example. Orange signs warn of roadworks and nearby speed cameras, while brown signs indicate the proximity of tourist sites, such as beaches.

The new signage under consideration would add a green circular sign to this existing palette. This green sign would not replace the red signs but would instead recommend an optimal speed for maintaining safety on a particular stretch of

road. Unlike a speed limit, this recommended speed would be optional, though it is advisable for drivers to adhere to it.

While this new green signage is not yet included in the general traffic regulations, it is expected to appear on Spanish roads in the near future. However, this addition will not alter the existing hierarchy of road signs. The order of priority remains: police indications first, followed by temporary signs, traffic lights, vertical signs, and lastly, road markings.

Cepsa completes the sale of a major asset

Cepsa, the Spanish energy giant, has made a significant move in its energy transition strategy by completing the sale of a major asset. The company, led by CEO Maarten Wetselaar, has sold its butane, propane, and autogas subsidiaries in Spain and Portugal (Gasib) to Abastible, a subsidiary of Chile’s Empresas Copec, which is a market leader in liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) across Latin America.

The sale was completed for a price of 275 million euros. Despite the change in ownership, Gasib will continue to offer its butane, propane, and autogas products under the Cepsa brand in the markets where it currently operates,

maintaining synergies with Cepsa for the production and distribution of these products at service stations.

Wetselaar explained that this transaction marks another step in Cepsa’s strategy to become a leader in the energy transition, with a focus on investing in sustainable energy sources such as green hydrogen and biofuels. He emphasized that these areas are expected to account for more than half of Cepsa’s activities by 2030. He also noted that the integration of Gasib with Abastible allows the business to continue growing within a leading company in the LPG market, with strong investment and market

development potential in the Iberian Peninsula.

This acquisition marks Copec’s (Abastible) first investment in the European LPG sector, with Banco Santander serving as its exclusive financial advisor for mergers and acquisitions (M&A), according to Europa Press.

The transaction is contingent upon the fulfillment of several pre-conditions, including approval from Spanish authorities regarding foreign direct investment and agreement from the European Commission concerning free competition, along with other standard conditions for this type of acquisition.


International Christian Assembly Evangelical Church. We welcome you to Sunday Service at 11am (English) Calle Beniajan 14, Torrevieja, 03185 www.icatorrevieja.org Phone; 966799273 or 660127276 (SH) Join us at Salt Church. Sundays at 10.30am. We are a friendly Church, Bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship.Calle Daya Nueva 12, Poligino Industrial Levante II, 03187 Los Montsinos. www.saltchurch.es Facebook: SaltChurchSpain

The Alfaz spiritual friends centre who o er a warm welcome at their Thursdays weekly service at the comm (ex the forum/mare nostrum), Camino del Pincho 2, l’Alfaz del Pi, 03580, Alicante, are having their summer break. We will re-open again on Thursday 12th September at 6.30 pm with a new visiting medium. contact dot 634 320 013 email: dorothydorothy608@gmail.com


We have the solution, kamagra pills and jells, cialis, sidena l,

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Massages by Teresa in El Algar (La Manga/ Cartagena)I invite you for a full body massage with100% satisfaction. WhatsApp: 625 178 643 (1055)

Misuky is back in Campoamor. Asian, quali ed massusse (opp. Cepsa) www. sensualspain.net. Tel 663088170 (1055)

Solvent gentleman would like to meet a lady friend. Likes dining out etc. Lives near Emerald Isle, La Florida. Text Paul 664125971 (1058)

Cristal 26, fantasies, English spoken, La Zenia, www.sensualspain.net Tel 696733157 (1056)

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New curvy body, Luna, 30, biggest natural breasts, all fantasies. Tel 624865672 www. sensualspain.net (1059)

Massages with magical hands. If you are interested and wish for my ngers and hands to work their magic on your body please feel free to make an appointment. Torrevieja and surrounding areas. Whatsapp only please: 610629182 (1061)

Classi ed ads from as little as €4.20 per week Telephone: 607031113 / 647472825

Los Montesinos presents a high-level event

The Los Montesinos Town Hall and the Youth Department have organised an exciting activity for the town’s young people: the K2 Via Ferrata + Rappelling route . This route, designed for lovers of adventure and nature, will take place on 8 September . The departure is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. from the Town Hall Square , where participants will meet before

starting the route.

The activity will have professional guides who will accompany the young people in this unique experience, where the senses will play a fundamental role. The City Council invites all young people to participate and enjoy a day full of adrenaline and fun in an incomparable natural environment

Orihuela rugby club to hold initiation days

The Orihuela Rugby Club will hold rugby initiation sessions on the 9th and 11th of September at the EPSO eld in Desamparados. These sessions are aimed at all people interested in learning about and practising this sport, regardless of their level of experience.

With this, the club aims to promote rugby in the city and attract new talent. In this way, they want to increase their membership through adapted activities and games so that participants become familiar with the basic rules and techniques.

Torrevieja City Hall welcomes the champions of the Copa del Rey de Vela

Last week there was an event at the Torrevieja town hall where they welcomed the champion sailors from the Real Club Náutico de Torrevieja . Present were: Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón; Carlos Carmona, president of the RCNT; and Carlos Torrado, president of the Valencian Sailing Federation.

Those present congratulated the crew of the Fala Pouco for winning the Copa del Rey in the Balearia ORC 3 class. Jorge San Simón, representative of the crew, stated that “ this is the result of many people, of work and dedication over many years. And with results like this it is rewarded.”

San Simón said that “it was a thorn

in their side”. After winning several Spanish and regional championships, they had not yet been able to win this one. For this reason, he said “we have a united group with a great atmosphere. We wanted to proudly carry the name of the club and Torrevieja ahead”. To close, Jorge San Simón said “hopefully we can be here again next year with the European Championship” .

The winning crew was made up of: Jorge San Simon Hernandez, Enrique Mena Jimenez, Daniel Canovas Colon, Andres Manresa Trigueros (OWNER), Jose Ballester Hernandez (SKIPPER), Francisco Ruiz Espinosa, Juan Lopez Santa Cruz, Jose Vicente Gutierrez and Francisco Garre Martinez.

Although we are still o cially in the summer break ten members decided to brave the high summer temperatures as we held a match at the El Bosquet complex at Crevillent.

We shed in two sections with ve anglers on pegs B1 to 7 and ve on the revamped pegs 17 to 24. The temperature was over 30 degrees and with little or no breeze made shing uncomfortable at best. To add to the heat the back section was also subject to a small wasp invasion and I was stung twice as a wasp ew up my shirt sleeve.

Non the less the shing was quite

good with the top three weights coming from the rst section. Overall winner was Bill Reade who shed bread or maggots on the pole on peg 2 for 28.02kg.

In second place from unfancied peg 5 was Tony Felstead, Tony used similar tactics but with pellet or maggots for 18.92kg.

Taking third spot was Russell Davidson he also shed the pole and weighed 17.56kg.

The other section 17 to 24 shed quite well with everyone catching sh and the top weight was Terry Brindley who shed the pole with expanders for 17.50kg. Ian Brown

Abbey Anglers




Part (4)






Easily frightened(8)




Press (4)





Front line(8)







Using only the letters in the wordwheel, take ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must contain the central letter and at least three others. Letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.



Fill the grid so that every column, row and 3x3 square includes all the digits from 1 to 9


1 5 3

joint enterprise(3,2,8)

1. It must honour its pledges(4,4)

2. Make something known about calf meat(6)

3. Number who sound as though they approve(4)

4. Part of a movement set to swing time(8)

5. A fool it’s wrong to help(6)

6. Let out for no rent(4)

11. Show I can edit afresh(8)

13. One who makes predictions about a distant traveller(8)

15. It’s regular trade practice(6)

17. Teased about being placid(6)

19. Special fare for a conference(4)

21. They gave original Christmas gifts, showing some imagination(4)


QUICK CROSSWORD Across: 7Temperamental; 8Funereal; 9Role; 10Barrel; 12Cleave; 14Lessen; 16Tubing; 18Pair; 20Timorous; 22Supplementary. Down:1Regulate; 2Appear; 3Urge; 4Implicit; 5Untrue; 6Wail; 11Lengthen; 13Vanguard; 15Stripe; 17Berate; 19Abut; 21Meek. CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Across: 7Made to measure; 8Interred; 9Item; 10Chilli; 12Latest; 14Spiced; 16Mishap; 18Odes; 20Comedian; 22Get on together. Down:1Pawn shop; 2Reveal; 3Four; 4Pendulum; 5Assist; 6Free; 11Indicate; 13Seafarer; 15Custom; 17Sedate; 19Diet; 21Magi. WORDWHEEL ampere, attemper, eater, mare, mart, mate, mater, matt, matte, matter, meat, pare, part, pate, pater, patter, pear, peart, peat, permeate, pram, prat, prate, ramp, rape, rapt, rate, ream, reap, repeat, tame, tamer, tamp, tamper, tape, taper, tare, tarp, tart, tater, team, tear, teat, tempera, temperate, tetra, tram, tramp, trap, treat.

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