10 September - 16 September 2024

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In memory of Stevie Spit

The Costa Blanca is a darker place following the death last week of muchloved entertainer and fundraiser Stevie Spit. Born Brian Thomas McLeod in Scotland, Stevie relocated to Spain more than 20 years ago and dedicated most of his time and energy to helping others. His years of fundraising and entertaining saw Stevie touch the lives and hearts of thousands of people and Facebook has been inundated with tributes. Stevie put his considerable

talent as a singer and comedian to good use, entertaining crowds from Benidorm Palace to local venues such as the Emerald Isle and YOLO. He was a member of the Jersey Boys, and his drag act was the perfect outlet for his sharp wit and alter-ego. Over the years Stevie has raised tens-of-thousands of euros for local charities and good causes, far too many to list, and his tireless efforts saw him receive the British Empire Medal in Queen Elizabeth II Birthday

Honours List in 2020 for his fundraising work. British Ambassador Hugh Elliott said: “Stevie is a truly inspirational fundraiser. His enthusiasm is such that whenever he organises one of his many impromptu charity fundraisers it is almost a guaranteed success, such is his support from the local Costa Blanca community.” Away from the spotlight Stevie gave his personal support to several local organisations that were close to his heart including Samaritans in Spain, The Royal British Legion and Men´s Shed. Stevie travelled to wartorn areas of the world several times to entertain British troops fighting on the front line. In recent years he focused on helping children both locally and abroad. Stevie raised money for the children of Elche Children´s Care Home and the San Obrero Orphanage and over the years got to know the staff and children on a personal level. Understanding their misfortunes and improving conditions for them became his driving force – beds, bedding, clothes, toys, toiletries, food and general conditions at the homes improved considerably because of Stevie´s kindness and tenacity. When war broke out in the Ukraine, Stevie undertook

a risky visit to see how children had been affected and raised funds for school supplies and earlier this year he announced his plans to attempt to break the official Guiness World Record for the Longest Singing Marathon in aid of Unicef. Stevie´s generosity knew no bounds and his is a huge loss to the local community and to those in need of help and support. Stevie died at home on Tuesday 3rd September, surrounded by his loved ones. His bestfriend and charity co-fundraiser Eileen Gleave announced his death on Facebook saying:“It is with the heaviest heart that I announce the passing of our much loved Stevie Spit. After a very short illness, he slipped away peacefully this morning surrounded

by his loved ones. Thank you for all the support given, the messages, and the visits in the final days. He has been a light in the Community for so many years. He has left a hole that could never be filled. But one thing was for sure…. he left us knowing he was truly loved by all.”

See our tribue to Stevie Spit on the centre pages of this edition.

Defence team pushes for provisional release in Orihuela Costa stabbing

The woman accused of killing her husband in a house in Orihuela Costa has been in provisional prison for more than a month and her lawyer is now calling for her provisional release.

The tragic events unfolded in the presence of the couple’s children, aged 6, 8 and 10, in an isolated house where the Norwegian family had been living since May. The judge of the Court of Instruction Number 3 of Orihuela ordered her imprisonment without bail, a measure that the defence considered “seriously harmful” to her interests and “not in accordance with the law”. For this reason, her lawyer, Juan Francisco Sánchez Otharán, from the Quiroga Sánchez office in Alicante, filed an appeal against the prison order to request provisional release.

The Provincial Court of Elche has dealt with this matter in a hearing in which the prosecutor has insisted that there is a risk of flight, while the defence has continued to argue that fundamental rights have been violated.

However, the defence team fears that his client will remain in prison, since they have not yet received the order. “The delay is indicative that she will remain in prison,” he reported to a Spanish regional newspaper. In his opinion, “it is strange that the order is revoked and they do not notify it beforehand,” he added.

Sánchez Otharán has stressed, in line with the appeal he filed, that the procedure shows measures of defencelessness and violation of a public process with all guarantees as a result of the “accumulation of procedural and material irregularities produced both in the pre-trial and procedural phases.”

He uses as an example the fact that there was “an unreasonable delay in the reading of the rights” of the detainee by the police force. The arrest took place at 3.30 am on 2 August; however, it was not until 7.55 pm on the same day, after almost 16 and a half hours, that her rights were read to her. He alleges the use of spontaneous statements made by the detainee in the medical centre, “at a moment

of mental, emotional and physical vulnerability, without having been read her rights and without her knowing that she could remain silent and be assisted by a lawyer.”

These statements, the appeal insists, were valued by the judge to justify the measure of provisional imprisonment.

The defence also denies that there is a risk of flight, since the accused has been living in Spain for several years, according to her and her brother, with at least two being objectively proven.

“My client has a known address in Spain, there is evidence of ties to our country as she has been living there for years and she has lawful means of living that she obtains from her work that she carries out remotely,” stressed Sánchez Otharán, who has requested other less burdensome measures such as the withdrawal of the passport, the prohibition of leaving the territory, periodic appearances or telematic means of geolocation rather than imprisonment.

Rival supermarket chain joins the fruity dating game in Spain

German supermarket chain Lidl has joined the dating trend sparked by viral videos of shoppers seeking love at rival supermarket Mercadona. Lidl has launched its own playful campaign, encouraging customers to try their luck at romance while shopping in its stores.

In a message sent to customers across Spain, Lidl introduced the concept of “la hora del amor” (the hour of love), inviting singles to visit their stores between 6 and 7 pm. The campaign suggests that shoppers looking for a potential partner signal their availability by placing a watermelon in the bottom of their trolley. According to Lidl, those searching for love should “bump their watermelon against someone else’s trolley,” a tactic reminiscent of Mercadona’s viral dating trend, where shoppers use an upside-down pineapple as their sign during the “hour of love” from 7 to 8 pm.

Lidl’s initiative goes beyond matchmaking. Customers who participate in the hour, regardless of romantic success, will enjoy special in-store promo-

tions, including a 10% discount on watermelons.

The campaign follows weeks of social media buzz around Mercadona, where videos promoting the supermarket as a hotspot for love-seekers have gained significant attention.

With Lidl now offering a similar opportunity, Spanish shoppers have two chances to find love in their local supermarkets—first at Lidl, and then at Mercadona.

Lidl’s cheeky entry into the dating game adds a fun twist to the shopping experience while tapping into a growing trend that has captured the attention of customers and social media alike.

Shakira accuses Spanish Tax Agency of ‘underlying sexist prejudices

Colombian singer Shakira has published an extensive and scathing letter in which she offers her version of events regarding the legal battle she and the Spanish Tax Agency have been engaged in in recent years. The artist accuses the agency of manipulating her tax residency, of having acted with “underlying sexist prejudices,” and of having tried to “publicly burn me at the stake,” by being more interested in the media spectacle than in listening to her reasoning, as she states in the missive published by Spanish daily El Mundo.In 2023, Shakira surprised observers by admitting to a tax offense related to her residence in Spain between 2012 and 2014, which led her to pay a fine of more than €7million ($7.75 million). However, in her letter, the singer insists that she assumed this responsibility “not out of cowardice or guilt,” but to protect her children and spare them the suffering of a prolonged judicial process under the glare of the media. The singer’s lawyers stated at trial that their client had been a tax resident in the Bahamas— which lost its tax haven status this year — since 2004, something that the prosecution refuted, saying she had been established in

Spain as of 2011.The singer claims that the Tax Agency intentionally confused and manipulated thefacts, creating a narrative that presented her as a citizen trying to evade her tax responsibilities. One of the central points of the letter is Shakira’s criticism of the Tax Agency’s approach, which she says intentionally mixed her desire to maintain a relationship with Piqué, who lived in Spain for work reasons, with a supposed“vocation to stay” in the country. According to the singer, her visits to Spain in those years did not imply an intention to establish herself permanently, but were motivated by her romantic relationship, and she stresses that this generated “many complications” in her professional career. The singer also denounces what she considers to be unequal and excessive treatment by the Tax Agency, which she says has insisted on presenting “hunting trophies” to regain its credibility. She recounts how, despite having fulfilled her tax obligations in other countries, her finances were thoroughly examined by the Spanish Tax Agency,despite being “approved by other European Union countries, and in all that time, they never found

even the slightest sign of illegality” Despite this, she recalls, a senior official at the Tax Agency publicly criminalized her before the trial even began, an actthat Shakira considers a clear violation of her right to the presumption of innocence. In her opinion, if instead of her it had been an American man who had travelled to Spain for reasons similar to hers, the authorities would not have assumed that he was seeking to settle in the country. For Shakira, this approach reveals that a “sexism persists in sectors of state bureaucracy in a society that — fortunately — thinks very differently today.”


People sometimes ask me about the quality of the wine and whether it depends on the age of the wine.

I’m going to try to explain to you what is important for the quality of the wine.

In France, the term “Vieilles Vignes” is sometimes used on the label of the bottle of wine

And whether that is wine from vines that are 20 years old or older is often not mentioned.

A bit of the course of the life span of vines;

The starting point is an average vine, without looking at variety, location and methods.

0-3 year old vines. The first three years are used to allow the plant to take root and the first branches to develop.

The grapes can be picked but are not suitable for wine production.

3-25 year old vines. These years are optimal for the vine. Over the years, the quality and quantity of the grape increases. Every year, the roots go further into the soil so that they do not become “dependent” on the changing amount of water.

In these years, the winegrower can generate large yields. It also requires a lot of time from the winegrower because pruning

properly and doing it optimally will give him high quality grapes.

+25 years. After this time, the amount of grapes decreases. As a result, the winegrower receives less yield per vine. During this period, the vine is constantly looking for water and often has to root itself deeper.

The winemaker has to find the right balance. The yield is less, but the concentration in the grape increases. So he has to look for a time where he has to replant, but on the other hand, due to better quality, he can also start asking for a better price. A difficult issue for every winegrower.

In Europe there are not that many real old vines because in the 19th century there was an attack by the wine aphid.

Australia therefore has more old vines because they have been spared, just like Chile.

Now, what gives the real old vine?

As mentioned, the concentration in the grape is higher. The balance is more optimal; The acidity, sugar and tannin are better balanced than in younger vines.

The roots can sometimes be up to 8-10 meters deep.

And the great thing is that these old vines are also in Spain. The winegrowers from the Alicante region, but also from Albacete, have vines that are more than 100 years old. They deliver beautiful fine wines. And of course they are for sale, and you can also taste them at Beau Wine Tastings. Attractively priced.

Scottish minister wants Spanish website that ridicules ‘balconing’ deaths removed

Scotland’s minister for drugs and alcohol policy, Christina McKelvie, has called for the closure of a Spanish website and an account on the social platform X that offer asatirical view of tourist deaths stemming from a risky practice that has been dubbed in Spain as balconing. The activity, long associated with young drunken tourists on holidays in the Balearic Islands, involves leaping from one hotel balcony to another, or into the swimming pools below. As early as 2013 the U.K. Foreign Office was already warning young Britons heading on holidays about “the dangers of misbehaving on balconies.”“Social media organizations should take any action they can to remove such deplorable content from their sites,” said McKelvie, who spoke in her capacity as member of the Scottish Parliament, as reported by the British newspaper The Guardian. The remarks came shortly after the death of a 19-year-old Scottish student who fell from a balcony during her holiday in Ibiza; the fall is being treated by Spanish police as an accident. Both the website and the X account remain operational

and the individuals behind the content said that the main problem is “drunken tourism in the Balearic Islands and its consequences.” The website took over from another less active one which reported, also in a satirical way, on tourists who died after falling from the balconies of hotels and apartments. Initially, many of these accidents occurred when tourists, usually young and under thei nfluence of alcohol or drugs, jumped from their hotel balconies into the pools below. However, in recent years many of these deaths have occurred because tourists leap from balcony to balcony while also under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which reduces the perception of the danger that this practice entails.The X account, with almost 56,000 followers, has compiled a ranking of the season’s deaths under the label Balcon League, with a grid detailing the deaths by nationality and in which each country obtains.“ A comeback!

Everyone was hoping that the kings of this sport would once again be leaders of the Balcony League and, despite the fact that this moment has

been a long time coming, the British NEVER disappoint. The league is set to end with a thrilling finale, we will see if Germany responds,” reads one of the latest posts, written in a dialect of Catalan spoken in the Balearic Islands. The content creators define themselves as “Darwinistically tourismphobic” and on their website they make it clear that in no case do they count suicides, deaths of minors, accidental falls or deaths caused by third parties.

“This is utterly vile and my heart goes out to the loved ones of anyone who has been targeted by this organization,” said the Scottish minister, who criticized attempts to exploit and use these deaths in a “cruel” way. The latest incident occurred on 20 August, when the 19-year-old Scottish student died after falling from the sixth floor of a hotel in the early hours of the morning in the town of Sant Antoni, on the island of Ibiza. Emergency services rushed to the scene after receiving a call, but were unable to save the young woman due to the severity of her injuries.

Orihuela issues contract to clear illegal waste dumps

The Department of the Environment for Orihuela has published the tender for acontract for the collection, transport and management of waste from construction and demolition works at various illegal dumping points across the municipality. This contract is presented as a direct response to the growing problem of illegal dumps that have multiplied in various areas of the municipality, affecting not only the natural environment, but also public health and citizen security. Noelia Grao, the Environment Councillor, has expressed her firm commitment to improving environmental conditions and ending this problem in Orihuela. “This contract is an essential measure to try to stop the proliferation of illegal dumps that arecausing so much damage to our environment. From the department, we are not only looking to clean up

these areas, but also to prevent future dumping and encourage greater responsibility among our citizens.” The councillor also highlighted the importance of this measure within a broader context of environmental protection and public health. “We cannot allow Orihuela to be besieged by these dumping points that put both the environment and public health at risk.” The contract, which will last for one year without the possibility of extension, has abase tender

budget of 59,440.50 euros (plus VAT), which adds up to a total of71,923.01 euros with taxes included. Noelia Grao pointed out that “we need everyone’s collaboration to keep our municipality in the best possible condition. It is not just about removing rubble, but about preventing it from being dumped again. We encourage all the people of Orihuela to report illegal dumping and to use the appropriate channels to dispose of waste responsibly.

Eduardo Dolan asks the Ministry of Transport to speed up the widening of the N332

The Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, has urged the Spanish Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility to expedite the administrative processes necessary for the tendering of the long-awaited widening of the N-332 highway as it passes through Torrevieja. Dolón emphasized the urgency of this project, particularly in light of the severe traffic congestion that the city experiences, especially during the summer months when the population swells to nearly 500,000 residents. The road currently accommodates around 60,000 vehicles daily, leading to significant traffic jams that have become unsustainable.

Dolón expressed frustration over the lack of progress since the public consultation on the environmental assessment of the project was initiated nearly a year ago in November 2023 by the Subdirectorate General for Environmental Assessment under the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Despite multiple formal requests from the Torrevieja City Council for meetings with key

officials from the Secretary of State for Transport and Sustainable Mobility, there has been no significant movement on the project.

The mayor also highlighted the importance of coordinating with the Generalitat Valenciana, particularly regarding the intersection with the CV905, which is crucial for improving access to the city. He noted that, despite a meeting in May 2024 with the Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente, where it was

announced that the works would be tendered in 2025, subsequent communications have yielded little progress.

Dolón’s latest requests include a meeting to discuss the broader impact of toll abolition in the province, with Torrevieja notably excluded, and to reiterate the city’s readiness to collaborate in moving the project forward. The situation remains a pressing concern for the local government and residents, who are eager for a resolution.

boat with 11 people, including

children aged 4 and 6, arrives on the coast of Orihuela

In the early hours of last Wednesday, the Immediate Response Team for Humanitarian Assistance to Immigrants on the Coast (ERIE AHIC) provided assistance to the occupants of two precarious boats arriving on the Spanish coast. The first boat landed at Punta Prima on the Orihuela coast, carrying 11 people, including 8 adult men, a pregnant woman, and two young boys

aged 4 and 6. These individuals were transported to the port of Alicante, where they received humanitarian assistance from the Red Cross, following standard procedures.

The second boat was intercepted and rescued at sea by Maritime Rescue, with 13 adult men on board. According to initial social and health assessments conducted by ERIE AHIC, all were in good health.

The ERIE AHIC is specialized in providing essential care to irregular immigrants arriving by boat. The team, composed of a leader, logistician, doctor, nurse, and about twenty rescuers, Medical Transport Assistants, and volunteers, ensures that these vulnerable individuals receive the necessary medical attention and basic necessities upon reaching the Spanish coast.



GBP maintained its strength this week against other major currencies including the EUR andUSD, both of which are feeling the pressure of the upcoming interest rate cuts scheduled forSeptember. Investors continue to look towards the sterling during this period of relatively strongeconomic data. Last week’s meeting between Prime Minister Keir Starmer and German Chancellor Olaf Scholzalso will have boosted the pound as it indicated a new chapter in the development of relationsbetween the UK and Germany. The UK-Germany treaty will be part of a wider reset with Europe,planned to be agreed upon early next year, potentially benefiting the UK currency in the shortterm. Due to a rescheduling, next Thursday, Governor Andrew Bailey and other members of theMonetary Policy Committee are due to testify before the Parliament Treasury Committee oninflation and the economic outlook.

EUR The influence of the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party has surged following recentregional state elections, where the party secured a 32.8% vote share in the eastern state ofThuringia. This marks the first time a far-right party has achieved such a result since World WarII. The AfD is also polling high in Saxony and Brandenburg, both of which are holding elections inSeptember.The


AfD’s strength in Germany places immense pressure on the EU. Chancellor Olaf Scholz hasdemanded that mainstream German parties avoid working with “right-wing extremists” as theAfD wins this signficant victory in state elections. The political uncertainty this will sow inEurope’s largest economy is likely to weaken the euro if polls continue to show a lack ofsupport for centrist parties leading up to the federal election in September 2025. Historically,markets respond negatively to political uncertainty, which could lead to volatility.This week saw a plethora of PMI data releases from European regions. The EU’s finalmanufacturing PMI came in slightly above forecasts at 45.8, remaining in contraction. Thelargest influences were downturns in factory output from two of the eurozone’s largesteconomies, Germany and France.Meanwhile, the EU’s final services PMI data fell below forecasts at 52.9. Despite this, theeurozone’s private sector economy expanded at its strongest pace since May during August,driven by a quicker upturn in services activity. This marked the sixth successive month ofgrowth – the longest sequence in over two years.This commentary does not constitute financial advice.

All rates are sourced from Bloombergand forecasts are taken from Forex Factory.

Orihuela canabis club closed by police

The Orihuela Local Police recently conducted an intervention at a premises allegedly managed by the Cannabis Association of Cannabis Smokers of Orihuela Costa, located on Isla de Tabarca Street in the La Regia Urbanization. This action was prompted by multiple complaints from local residents concerning suspicious activities at the establishment, leading to an investigation for an alleged crime against public health.

Residents had reported a strong smell of marijuana emanating from the premises and frequent visits by young people, particularly tourists, who would enter and leave shortly after. These observations raised concerns, prompting the police to monitor the establishment closely to verify the legality of its operations.

During their investigation, the local police attempted several times to access the premises to check documentation

and observe the activities inside. However, they were repeatedly denied entry. It was not until a recent inspection that officers successfully gained access through a rear door, surprising three individuals attempting to flee by jumping over a fence. These men were detained and identified by the police.

Upon entering the premises, the police discovered that there was no one in charge. They detected a strong odor of marijuana and found various indicators suggesting the illegal sale of narcotic substances. These included an operational electronic scale with marijuana

residue, glass jars labeled with different marijuana strains, and containers with cannabis derivatives containing high levels of THC. Additionally, a small refrigerator contained several “acorns” of hashish.

Given the absence of responsible personnel and the fact that the three detained individuals were inside the premises, they were informed of their status as suspects in a crime against public health. The investigation remains ongoing as authorities continue to assess the situation and gather evidence.

Contracts issued to improve lighting in Torrevieja and La Mata

Concha Sala, the Councillor for Public Lighting of the Torrevieja Town Hall, has announced that the Local Government Board has approved the contract for significant public lighting renewal works in the town center and the southern area of La Mata. These works, funded by the Alicante Provincial Council, have been awarded to the company ABALA INFRAESTRUCTURAS SL for a total of 904,862 euros, including VAT, and are expected to be completed within five months.

The project will involve the installation of 1,190 new LED lights, which are projected to achieve an energy saving of 53%, resulting in an annual reduction of over 70,000 euros in electricity costs.

The new lighting fixtures will also come with the capability to incorporate a Smart City system in the future. Additionally,

all supporting structures, such as columns, poles, and posts, will undergo sanitizing treatments, with any that are in poor condition being replaced.

This modernization effort will cover a large portion of Torrevieja’s urban center and significant areas of La Mata. Specifically, in La Mata, the lighting within the Molino del Agua Park and the Molino Blanco area will be upgraded. In Torrevieja, the renewal will extend from the Acequión

neighborhood to Avenida Diego Ramírez, including the Marina Internacional area, Paseo Vista Alegre, and the streets of Azorín, Ramón Gallud, Calle Apolo, as well as Calle San José and Calle San Luis.

Councillor Sala emphasized that this project will significantly enhance and modernize the public lighting infrastructure in these key areas, contributing to both improved energy efficiency and urban aesthetics.

Hugh Elliott shares his final message

Hugh Elliott, the outgoing British ambassador to Spain, has shared his “final message” on the Brits in Spain (British Embassy Madrid) social media platforms as his term in office draws to a close. In a prerecorded video posted last week, he mentioned that he and his wife, Antonia, were in the process of “packing up” and preparing to return to the UK..

During his farewell message, the ambassador, who assumed his role in August 2019, reflected on

the numerous challenges faced both by himself and by British citizens residing in Spain over the past five years. Elliott stepped into the role following the 2016 EU referendum but found himself immersed in the complex negotiations that unfolded until the UK’s official departure from the European Union on 31st January 2020.

Soon after he began his tenure, the Covid-19 pandemic emerged, and since then, he has represented the UK

in Spain through a series of significant events, including the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the passing of Prince Philip in April 2021, the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of Queen Elizabeth II in June 2022, her death and state funeral in September 2022, the coronation of King Charles III in May 2023, as well as two UK general elections and a change in government. As Ambassador Elliott remarked in his message,“It’s been an eventful five years.”

Man arrested in Callosa for several robberies with violence and intimidation with a knife

The Civil Guard has arrested a 43-year-old Moroccan man in Callosa de Segura, accused of multiple violent crimes, including two robberies with violence and intimidation, threats to kill, and assault with a knife. The arrest follows an investigation that began on July 22 after residents of Callosa de Segura, Cox, and Almoradí reported a series of violent incidents.

The first reported attack occurred on July 21 in the Cruz de Callosa de Segura neighborhood, where a woman was threatened with a knife and sustained injuries after being grabbed by the assailant. The second incident took place on July 27 in the same area, where a man was assaulted, threatened with a knife, and robbed, resulting in injuries that required medical attention.

The third and most recent incident happened during the Callosa de Segura patron saint festivities on the night of August 14-15. The victim was attacked near the festival stalls, suffering knife wounds

and was subsequently taken to Vega Baja Hospital in Orihuela for treatment.

The Civil Guard’s Investigation Department in Callosa de Segura identified the suspect through a detailed analysis of the modus operandi and descriptions provided by the victims.

A security operation was coordinated with the Local Police of Callosa de Segura, particularly during the town’s patron saint festivities, to apprehend the suspect.

The arrest occurred in the early hours of August 15,

after the suspect committed another robbery with violence and intimidation, injuring one person. The suspect attempted to flee into the mountains but was detained by the authorities.

He has been charged with two counts of robbery with violence and intimidation using a knife, along with a count of threats to kill and causing injuries. He was brought before the Court of Instruction number 2 of Orihuela, which ordered his imprisonment

Spanish Tax Authorities Target Sellers on Wallapop and Vinted

Spanish tax authorities are tightening regulations on online marketplaces like Wallapop and Vinted that facilitate the sale of secondhand goods. This follows the implementation of a new European directive requiring platforms such as Wallapop and Vinted to share certain seller data with tax authorities. These platforms must now report all transactions, and users exceeding specified thresholds must declare their earnings to tax authorities.

Under the new directive, private sellers on these e-platforms must report their income if they have earned more than 2,000 euros in a year or completed more than 30 transactions in the same period. This income must be declared for personal income tax purposes. Failure to comply may result in penalties, including fines. Some platform users have already begun receiving fines.

Spain welcomes record 53 million international tourists by July

Both Aedaf and Wallapop emphasize that there is no reason for concern, as secondhand sales by private individuals generally do not incur personal income tax, provided they do not result in a profit.

To understand the tax process, it’s important to differentiate between individual and professional sellers. Professional sellers are required to pay taxes just like any other business, issuing invoices with IVA (sales tax) and including this income in their tax returns.

For private individuals, only sales that result in capital gains—where an item is sold for more than its original purchase price—are subject to personal income tax. In such cases, sellers must report the

However, Wallapop estimates that fewer than 1% of its users are likely to reach these thresholds. Both Wallapop and the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors (Aedaf) have issued reassurances, stating that despite the new directive, the taxation rules for the sale of secondhand goods have not changed. Wallapop’s 19 million users, in most cases, will not be subject to taxes on their sales.

transaction in the ‘capital gains and losses from the transfer of other assets’ section of their tax return, starting at box 1624. The tax rate on profits ranges from 19% to 23%, depending on the amount.

Vinted has also assured users that private-toprivate sales are generally “not taxable.” Only those meeting the requirements set by the European directive need to complete a form, which Vinted partially fills out to simplify the process. “If you don’t hear from us, you don’t need to do anything. You can continue selling with complete peace of mind,” the platform stated.

Spain welcomed 53.4 million international tourists by 31 July, marking a recordbreaking 12% increase compared to last year, according to new data. This influx contributed 71.1 billion euros to the economy, as reported by Spain’s National Institute of Statistics (INE). The all-time high represents an 18% rise in tourism revenue compared to last year’s record figures.

Tourism minister Jordi Hereu highlighted the significance of these numbers, calling them “an injection of prosperity” for the Spanish economy during his attendance at the 38th annual digital economy and telecommunications conference organized by Ametic in Santander.

In July, each tourist spent an average of 1,432 euros, which is 4% more than in 2023, with daily spending increasing by 2% to 195 euros per person, according to the data.

Hereu noted that “these figures corroborate the fact that tourism continues to drive the country’s economy, generating wealth and employment.”

A total of 10.9 million international tourists visited Spain in July alone, a 7.3% increase compared to the same month in 2023.

The UK contributed the largest share of visitors, with over two million tourists, up 2.6% from July of the previous year. There were also 1.6 million visitors from France (a 3.4% increase) and 1.2 million from Germany (up by 6.6%).

The majority of tourists who visited Spain in July stayed in the Balearic Islands, which hosted 23.4% of the total. Catalonia followed with 22.1%, and Valencia came in third with 13.6%.

The total expenditure by international tourists in Spain during July reached 15.5 billion euros, reflecting an 11.9% increase compared to the same period in 2023. The regions with the highest tourist spending were the Balearic Islands (24.4% of the total), Catalonia (20.1%), and Valencia (13.3%). Tourist expenditure grew by 16.2% yearon-year in the Balearic Islands, by 2.1% in Catalonia, and by 20.1% in Valencia, according to the INE.

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The Northman

Saturday 14th September, Channel 4, 10.00 pm

The Viking Age. With a mind aflame with hate and revenge, Prince Amleth, the wronged son of King Aurvandill War-Raven, heads to cold, windswept Iceland to retrieve what was stolen from him: a father, a mother, and a kingdom. And like a war dog picking up the enemy’s scent, brutal Amleth embarks on a murderous quest to find the hateful adversary, whose life is forever woven together with his by the threads of fate. Now, in the name of Valhalla, no one can stop the Northman, not even God

Kong: Skull Island Sunday 15th September, ITV2, 7.45 pm

A washed up monster chaser convinces the U.S. Government to fund a trip to an unexplored island in the South Pacific. Under the guise of geological research, the team travels to “Skull Island”. Upon arrival, the group discover that their mission may be complicated by the wildlife which inhabits the island. The beautiful vistas and deadly creatures create a visually stunning experience that is sure to keep your attention.

Tuesday 10th September


ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

19:45 Live: UEFA Nations League Football

23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 ITV News London 23:45 Sorry, I Didn’t Know

Wednesday 11th September

Teleshopping 04:00 Cooking with the Stars

Unwind with ITV 06:05 Lingo 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

Trip 21:00 Earth 22:00 The Zelensky Story

Colin from Accounts 23:30 Newsnight

21:00 The National Television Awards 2024 23:35 ITV News

Bloomin Garden Club

The Bloomin Garden Club has its first meeting after the summer break on Wednesday 18th September at 10.30 for 11.00am at a beautiful garden in Rojales.

The club has a few open spaces for new members.

If you are a keen gardener or a beginner gardener, or just interested in gardening, please come and join our friendly informal club.

We meet once a month in a private garden.

We are also always interested in visiting private gardens - so if you have a lovely, interesting garden to share, please consider hosting a meeting.

We bring our own chairs and refreshments. For approximately 15 to 20 maximum gardeners.

In addition, if you have a garden/ plant related knowledge you would like to share please give us a call. Guest speakers always welcome. We would love to welcome new members.

Contact bloomingardensspain@ gmail.com Or Shirley on 675619568

Loves Raymond 09:35 Everybody Loves

10:05 Frasier 10:35 Frasier 11:05 Frasier 11:35 Frasier

12:05 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News 13:10 Narrow Escapes 14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Chateau DIY 17:00 A Place in the Sun

18:00 Help! We Bought a Village 19:00 A Place in the Sun 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Emergency Helicopter Medics

22:00 24 Hours in Police Custody 23:00 Murder Case: The Digital Detectives 08:55 Milo 09:10 PAW Patrol 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:40 Peppa Pig 09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine

07:55 Cheers

08:20 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:45 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:10 Everybody Loves

Raymond 09:35 Everybody Loves


10:05 Frasier

10:35 Frasier

11:05 Frasier

11:35 Frasier

12:05 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News

13:10 Narrow Escapes

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It

15:10 Countdown 16:00 Chateau DIY

17:00 A Place in the Sun

18:00 Help! We Bought a Village 19:00 A Place in the Sun

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 999: On the Front Line

22:00 Grand Designs 23:00 Extraordinary Extensions

08:55 Milo 09:10 PAW Patrol 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley

13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends

14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 The Replacement Daughter

17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 Prague With Michael Portillo

21:00 Kent: The Garden of England 22:00 The Teacher 23:00 My Wife, My Abuser: The Secret Footage

08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?

Shein, Temu, and Aliexpress users in Spain warned of new parcel scam

Users of online marketplaces in Spain, such as Amazon, Temu, Aliexpress, or Shein, are being warned about a new scam known as ‘brushing,’ where individuals receive packages they never ordered. Scammers behind this tactic create fake profiles on these platforms by illegally obtaining personal information, such as names and addresses. Once they have this data, they send low-value products like costume jewelry, cheap electronics, or household goods to the unsuspecting recipient. After shipping these items, the scammers then post fake positive reviews on the user’s profile, impersonating them to boost the seller’s reputation and improve their standing on the platform. This technique helps fraudulent sellers create fake transactions, inflate their sales, and make their businesses appear more credible to potential buyers. While receiving unexpected packages might seem harmless, it comes with significant risks. By sending these packages, scammers gain access to sensitive personal details

such as names, addresses, and phone numbers, leaving individuals vulnerable to other types of cyber-attacks. Furthermore, if the package contains technological items, there is an additional risk that they could carry malware or spyware, posing a serious threat to the recipient’s security.

To avoid falling victim to this scam, users should refuse to accept packages they did not order and ask the delivery person to return them. This simple action can help prevent further exposure to fraud and protect personal information.

Therapy 23:30 Newsnight

Friday 13th September

00:05 ITV News London

00:20 Olivia Attwood’s Bad Boyfriends

01:15 Teleshopping

04:00 Cooking with the Stars

04:50 Unwind with ITV

06:05 Lingo

07:00 Good Morning Britain

10:00 Lorraine

11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:30 Tonight

22:00 Unbelievable Moments Caught On Camera

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Mr Bates vs The Post Office: The Impact

04:00 Champions: Full Gallop

04:50 Unwind with ITV

06:05 In for a Penny

06:35 Gino’s Italian Family Adventure

07:00 Good Morning Britain

10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

More Creatures Great and Small

18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Live: WA Diamond League Athletics


Saturday 14th

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 Beat the Chasers

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Password

vs The Post Office: The Impact

04:50 Unwind with ITV

06:05 Jimmy and Shivi’s Farmhouse Breakfast

07:00 Simply Raymond Blanc

07:25 Love Your Garden

08:30 Love Your Weekend with Alan Titchmarsh 10:25 ITV News

10:30 James Martin’s Saturday Morning

12:40 Jason Atherton’s Dubai Dishes

13:40 James Martin’s French Adventure 14:10 ITV Lunchtime News

14:30 To Be Announced 17:30 In for a Penny 18:05 Night at the Museum

20:00 ITV Evening News

20:20 ITV News London

20:30 Celebrity Catchphrase

21:30 The Voice UK

23:10 Password 23:45 ITV News

07:30 Cheers

07:55 Cheers

08:20 Everybody Loves


08:45 Everybody Loves

Raymond 09:10 Everybody Loves

Raymond 09:35 Everybody Loves

Raymond 10:05 Frasier

10:35 Frasier

11:05 Frasier 11:35 Frasier

12:05 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News

13:10 Narrow Escapes

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Chateau DIY

17:00 A Place in the Sun

18:00 Help! We Bought a Village

19:00 A Place in the Sun

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 George Clarke’s Old House, New Home

22:00 Taskmaster

23:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

08:45 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Everybody Loves Raymond

10:05 Frasier

10:35 Frasier

11:05 Frasier

11:35 Frasier

12:05 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News

13:10 Narrow Escapes

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It

15:10 Countdown

16:00 Chateau DIY

17:00 A Place in the Sun

18:00 Help! We Bought a Village

19:00 A Place in the Sun

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 PopMaster TV

22:00 Gogglebox

23:00 First Dates

07:55 Cheers

08:20 Everybody Loves Raymond

08:50 Everybody Loves Raymond

09:15 Frasier

09:45 Frasier

10:15 Frasier

10:45 Frasier

11:15 Frasier

11:45 The Simpsons

12:15 The Simpsons

12:45 The Mask of Zorro

15:20 Four in a Bed

15:55 Four in a Bed

16:25 Four in a Bed

16:55 Four in a Bed

17:30 Four in a Bed

18:00 Channel 4 News

18:30 Paralympic Games

20:30 Formula 1 22:00 The Northman

09:10 PAW Patrol 09:25 Peppa Pig

09:30 Peppa Pig 09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 Aurora Teagarden Mysteries 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 20:00 Prague With Michael Portillo 21:00 Yorkshire Great And Small with Dan and Helen 22:00 The Teacher 23:00 Casualty 24/7: Every Second Counts 08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

08:35 The Adventures of Paddington 08:55 Milo 09:10 PAW Patrol

09:25 Peppa Pig

09:30 Peppa Pig

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World

10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley

13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends

14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 The Surrogate 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 Prague With Michael Portillo

21:00 Cape Verde with Jane McDonald 22:00 Michael Palin in Nigeria

23:30 The 1970s: Those Were The Days

08:20 Peppa Pig 08:25 Peppa Pig 08:35 The Adventures of Paddington 08:55 Mixmups 09:10 PAW Patrol

09:25 DORA

09:40 Rubble & Crew

09:50 SpongeBob SquarePants

10:05 Entertainment News On 5

10:15 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

11:05 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

12:05 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

13:05 The Cotswolds and Beyond With Pam Ayres

14:05 The Cotswolds and Beyond With Pam Ayres

15:00 Inside the Tower of London

16:00 Inside the Tower of London

17:00 Henry VIII and His Six Wives

19:00 5 News Weekend

19:05 Madrid with Michael Portillo

20:30 Stonehenge: The Discovery with Dan Snow 22:00 Strictly Come Dancing: Secrets, Sex & Scandals

08:50 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo?

09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00 Secret Crush 12:00 Secret Crush 13:00 Dress to Impress 14:00 Wheel of Fortune 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Dawson’s Creek 18:00 Dress to Impress 19:00 Celebrity Catchphrase 20:00 Family Fortunes

21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Olivia Attwood’s Bad Boyfriends 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy 00:00 The Hunt for Raoul Moat 01:00 Lewis 03:00 Unwind with ITV 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Classic Emmerdale 07:35 Classic Emmerdale 08:00 Classic Coronation Street 08:35 Classic Coronation Street 09:05 Lewis 11:15 The Royal 12:25 Heartbeat 13:30 Heartbeat 14:40 Classic Emmerdale 15:10 Classic Emmerdale 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:15 Classic Coronation Street 16:50 Foyle’s War 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Heartbeat 21:00 Doc Martin 22:05 Doc Martin 23:05 The Hunt for Raoul Moat

08:20 Dodo 08:30 Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins 10:00 Secret Crush 11:00 Dress to Impress

Dress to Impress

Dress to Impress 14:00 American Ninja Warrior 15:50 Penguins of Madagascar 16:55 FYI Daily 17:00 Penguins of Madagascar 17:40 Despicable Me 3 18:40 FYI Daily 18:45 Despicable

Sunday 15th September

00:10 The Killing Kind 01:10 English Football League Highlights 02:25 Teleshopping 04:00 The National Television Awards 2024

06:15 Unwind with ITV 07:00 Jason Atherton’s Dubai Dishes

08:00 The Living Daylights

10:25 ITV News

10:30 Love Your Weekend with Alan Titchmarsh

12:30 The Voice UK

14:05 ITV Lunchtime News

14:20 To Be Announced

17:30 Dad’s Army

19:30 ITV Evening News

19:45 ITV News London

20:00 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars

21:00 Grace 23:00 ITV News


23:00 The Best Man

16th September

23:20 Israel and Gaza: Into the Abyss

Dubai Dishes

07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine

11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 My Mum, Your Dad

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Goodwood Reviva

07:05 Cheers 07:30 Cheers

08:00 Frasier

08:25 Frasier

08:50 Frasier

09:15 Frasier

09:45 Para Triathlon: Superhero Tri

10:30 Sunday Brunch

13:30 The Simpsons

13:55 The Simpsons

14:20 The Simpsons

14:50 The Simpsons

15:20 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa

17:00 Channel 4 News

17:30 Formula 1

20:00 The Great Celebrity Bake Off: Stand Up To Cancer 21:00 The Dog House 22:00 Britain’s Atomic Bomb Scandal 23:00 Gogglebox 23:55 Gogglebox

08:45 The King of Queens 09:10 The King of Queens 09:35 The King of Queens

10:05 Frasier

10:35 Frasier

11:05 Frasier

11:35 Frasier

12:05 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News


13:10 Narrow Escapes

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It

15:10 Countdown 16:00 Chateau DIY

17:00 A Place in the Sun

18:00 Help! We Bought a Village

19:00 A Place in the Sun

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 Jamie: What to Eat This Week

22:00 24 Hours in Police Custody

23:40 In the Footsteps of Killers

08:55 Mixmups 09:10 PAW Patrol 09:25 DORA 09:35 Rubble & Crew 09:50 SpongeBob SquarePants 10:05 Entertainment News On 5 10:10 NFL End Zone 10:35 Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty 11:00 Susan Calman’s Grand Days Out 12:00 Susan Calman’s Grand Days Out 13:00 Susan Calman’s Grand Days Out

08:35 The Adventures of Paddington

08:55 Milo

09:10 PAW Patrol

09:30 Peppa Pig

09:35 Peppa Pig

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World

10:10 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley

13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime

14:45 Home and Away 15:20 A Deadly Mistake 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 Traffic Cops

21:00 Police Interceptors

22:00 The Wives 23:00 Body in the Bag: The Murder of Melanie Hall 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00

Family Fortunes

Bob’s Burgers

Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Family Guy

If you have a question or problem with any household technology needing my help or want to join the Technology Help Group please email Brian at cbtechnology.help@ gmail.com.

As a group member, you would have access to the group website which contains previous session notes, handouts and access to previous Costa Blanca People published articles. Scan the QR code for a reminder of what the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group offers.

Meetings at Dilly’s Bar, Av. Castuera, 3, 03184 El Chaparral, Alicante. Group meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10:00 to 12:00. The Next meeting is on Wednesday 11th September 2024. You are welcome to attend.

“Are dash cams legal to use in Spain”?

Open Windows Explorer and It´s not a traffic offence according to Traffic Law they are legal to use as long as they do not obstruct thedriver´s view of the road, but it could be an offence under the data protection act, and if the camera makesunauthorised recordings of police officers, while on the job, that could endanger their own or a familymember´s safety or the installations they are protecting or

Your tech questions answered by Brian Hoile of the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group, helping over 400 members with their PCs , smartphones and more. Group members can attend meetings in person or online using Zoom or Teams.

put the success of an operation at risk, also underthe Citizen Safety Law.The Dash Cam recording could help prove who was at fault in a road traffic accident. Without proof it isoften one person’s word against the other.The Data protection Laws in Spain prohibit the publication of photos and video of other people, withouttheir express consent. Only the police and other emergency services are allowed to record images in publicplaces.Under the data protection law as it stands, an insurance company probably could not use the images directly,but they could possibly be presented to a judicial court.The installation of a Dash Cam in your vehicle is allowed but there are certain commonsense rules thatmust be considered to ensure safe driving. The placement of the device should not interfere with your abilityto drive the vehicle. The device should not obstruct your field of vision from the vehicle.

“I have an Android tablet with Is there an emergency alert system on smartphones”?

Yes, each smartphone manufacturer will have its own method to send a discrete emergency message to oneor more of your contacts. Go to settings and search for “emergency or SOS”. The system will Automessage someone that you have set as an SOS contact

or several contacts. Some will automaticallycall your emergency contact after sending the SOS automatically attaches pictures from your frontand rear cameras to your SOS message. Some will also send a short audio clip from your phone. Thetext message can also contain medical information entered into your phone when the SOS contacthas been set up (Blood Group, allergies etc.). Each smartphone manufacturer will have its ownmethod for sending an emergency message e.g., “press the power button rapidly 5 times”. Thenational emergency number 112 will also be contacted if configured on your phone

Brian Hoile Technology Help Group

We Need Your Help

Always help someone. You might be the only one that does.

Seagate are pleased to support the amazing charity A Helping Hand - a food and clothes bank charity. They support hundreds of families that are in poverty and in crisis and they urgently need food and clothes donations from you. There is a constant need for help with simply the basic staples such as tuna, toilet paper, milk, tinned food, pasta, rice, soup mix, baked beans, olive oil. They also need hygiene

items such as washing detergent, shower gel, shampoo as well as baby items needed are nappies, hero baby milk 1 and 2 and baby wipes.

As we begin 2024, they are hoping to be able to provide for families throughout the next few months when times are hardest. January, February, and March are the toughest times for this charity, so please spare a thought and give what you can. You can drop off

your donation to their base in San Luis on Tuesday or Friday morning from 10am until 1pm or at over 20 drop off places around the area –check their Facebook page for locations. There are many bars and restaurants that also support the charity, as does BIG FM who are also a drop off point. As the message on their Facebook page says, “Always Help Someone –You Might Be The Only One That Does”.



Guadalest has to be one of the most charming and scenic places to visit on the Costa Blanca. Just a thirty minute drive inland from Benidorm, it is full of history, character and natural beauty. The town has a small population, of around 200 habitants, who originally lived within the protection of the castle walls. Today, you can enter the castle, called Castillo San José, through a small tunnel cut through the rock at the San Jose gate. The area inside the walls also include the ancient city dungeon, the bell tower, the Orduña House, a Parish Church and the Moorish fortified building called Alcozaiba. The houses the Moors lived in then were built outside the San Jose gate, and this part of the town, named El Arrabal, is where you can now find pretty craft shops, bou- tiques, quaint museums and restaurants all dotted around

authentic cobbled streets. The River Guadalest flows through the area and has been dammed to form a reservoir below the town, this is a definite must see as you will encounter some spectacular views!

The best place to park is at the Tourist Information Office located on Avenida de Alicante, 03517 El Castell de Guadalest. Here you will find maps and in- formation to guide you through the different museums and places of interest. You can also find out where the best areas are to swim in the reservoir, and be informed about where there is disabled access in the town for those who require. Coach trips to Guadalest and the Algar Waterfalls are available for just 20€ with David’s Coachtrips. Contact them on 966 785 910 or visit www.coachtripsonline. com/day-trips/guadalest-algar-fridays-2024 for more infor- mation and bookings.

How to avoid tax scams supposedly from the Hacienda

History seems to be repeating itself with a new wave of fraudulent text messages impersonating Spain’s tax authority, Hacienda. The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has issued a warning about these deceptive messages, which falsely claim that the recipient’s income tax return is incorrect and threaten a penalty if immediate action isn’t taken.

These scam texts often include a convincing link designed to trick users into believing the message is legitimate. However, these messages are from cybercriminals attempting to deceive people into revealing personal information. If you receive such a message, it’s crucial to delete it immediately and not click on any links or provide any personal details.

To address any concerns

about your tax return, contact the tax authorities directly through their official channels. You can fill out and submit a form, request a callback by phone, or call 91 757 57 77 for assistance. There is no need to provide digital passwords or certificates.

Sharing information about these fraudulent attempts helps Hacienda track and address different types of fraud, providing alerts

and advice to the public. Remember, Spain’s tax authorities will never request confidential information, such as account numbers or credit card details, via email or SMS. Genuine communications from Hacienda will not include external links or attachments with invoice details. If you receive such a message with an attachment, ignore it and report it to Agencia Tributaria.

Bars & Restaurants

Spain auctions over 500 luxury watches from anti-drug operations

In a unique public auction, more than 500 luxury watches seized during anti-drug trafficking operations in Spain have been put up for sale. The collection, featuring prestigious brands such as Cartier, Rolex, Omega, and Breitling, is available for online bidding, which will remain open until 12th September. The event aims to raise funds for drug prevention and rehabilitation programs across the country.

The auction, hosted on the platform Escrapalia, was launched with a live presentation on 9th September, featuring popular Spanish TV and radio presenter Luis Larrodera. The presentation, streamed on Escrapalia’s YouTube channel, was designed to drum up interest ahead of the auction’s conclusion.

Francisco Azores, Marketing and Communications Director at Escrapalia, noted that “bids tend to accumulate in the days leading up to the auction’s end,” and encouraged early participation.

Among the standout pieces is an 18-carat gold IWC Schaffhausen watch, which has already garnered 130 bids and reached €8,800. Experts suggest its final price could soar into the tens of thousands. Other highlights include Rolex Submariners, with current bids ranging from €4,600 to €5,050, and a Cartier Panthére at €3,600. While many of the watches are fetching high bids, more modest pieces like a Tag Heuer at €160 and an Omega at just €18 are also up for grabs.

All watches began with attractively low starting prices, ranging from just €5 to €150 for the higher-end models. Azores emphasized the accessibility of the auction: “We lower the price so that everyone can bid. The final price is set by the consumers, not by us.” He also confirmed that all watches, though second-hand, are in good condition.

The watches are grouped into 108 lots, with the most valuable timepieces offered individually. Lower-end watches are sold either individually or as part of multi-watch lots. Each lot has

been meticulously appraised by experts in the jewelry and watchmaking industry, providing detailed information on the make, model, and condition of each item.

The proceeds from the auction, as part of Spain’s confiscated assets fund, will be directed towards prevention, assistance, and social integration programs for drug addicts. In 2023, similar auctions raised over €28 million from the sale of seized assets, including real estate, vehicles, and boats.

Interested bidders must register online prior to participating. Final auction prices are subject to a 17.3% commission, along with additional management fees ranging from €10 to €450, depending on the watch.

The auction provides a rare opportunity for collectors and enthusiasts to acquire luxury timepieces while contributing to a noble cause. With bids continuing to climb, anticipation is high for the final results when the auction closes on 12 September.

This Morning’s Alison Hammond revealed the lowest point of her weight struggles on Friday’s episode with a heartbreaking admission.

The presenter, 49, revealed the reason she decided to lose weight came after she was snubbed by a fellow passenger on a plane - who was himself hit with instant karma.

Alison and her co-host Dermot O’Leary were leading a discussion about whether plane passengers should pay for extra seats after a photo of an overweight man was shared online, sparking a heated debate.

Ranvir Singh was forced to apologise to Lorraine viewers on Friday as guest Tim Minchin brazenly swore live on air.

The presenter, 47, had been interviewing the Australian actor and comic, 48, about his career and his new book, but things took a turn when he unexpectedly turned the air blue when talked turned to ticket prices and tours.

While sharing his distain at soaring ticket prices, Tim let slip the word ‘b******s’ before asking a mortified Ranvir if he was allowed to say it..

Tommy Fury is reportedly in talks to star on the upcoming series of I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! - after his split from Molly-Mae Hague last month.

The former Love Island star, 25, shocked fans when she ended her engagement to the boxer, 25, last month after a five-year relationship. Tommy has since been accused of cheating on Molly-Mae after alleging sharing a passionate kiss with Danish Milla Corfixen, 20, during a lads’ holiday in North Macedonia.

Oasis star Liam Gallagher has told fans he is feeling ‘smug’ about the band’s reunion tour as he launched an online rant after their ticketing debacle left millions disapointed.

The singer broke his social media silence amid a row over tickets for the sold-out shows scheduled to be held next summer - but faced further flak for his outbursts.

He posted on X, formerly Twitter, this morning: ‘OASIS are back your welcome and I hear there ATTITUDE STINKS good to know something’s never change.’

Just three months ago he was black and blue, covered in bruises from his horrific cycling accident.

But Gordon Ramsay revealed he’s back in the saddle as he stripped off for a Men’s Health UK cover shoot.

The TV chef, 57, showed off his ripped abs and bulging biceps as he performed press ups before slipping into his Lycra to pose back with his bicycle.

Hotel Algorfa on Bargain Brits in the Sun

The Algorfa Hotel, a charming establishment located in the picturesque region of Costa Blanca, has recently captured the attention of viewers across the UK with its feature on Channel 5’s popular reality show, “Bargain Brits in the Sun.” This series showcases the experiences of British expatriates who have embraced life in Spain, often highlighting affordable living and unique cultural encounters. The Algorfa Hotel stands out as a quintessential example of this lifestyle, blending traditional Spanish hospitality with modern conveniences. Its strategic location allows guests to explore the stunning landscapes and vibrant communities of the surrounding area, making it a favorite among both tourists and local residents alike. The hotel’s rustic architecture, adorned with terracotta tiles and lush gardens, creates an inviting ambiance that

resonates with the charm of Spanish country life. Inside, the Algorfa offers a variety of accommodations, from cozy single rooms to spacious family suites, all designed with comfort and functionality in mind. The airy common areas are perfect for socializing, while the inviting pool area encourages relaxation under the Spanish sun. On the show, viewers are treated to glimpses of the hotel’s lively atmosphere, featuring enthusiastic staff dedicated to ensuring a memorable stay for their guests. The culinary offerings are particularly noteworthy, with the hotel’s restaurant serving up a fusion of traditional Spanish dishes and British favorites, catering to a diverse clientele. The featured episode delved into the stories of guests who have made the Algorfa their home away from home, showcasing their experiences exploring the local markets, participating in community

events, and discovering the rich cultural heritage that the region has to offer. The sense of community that has developed around the Algorfa Hotel is palpable, with many visitors returning year after year, forming lasting friendships and cherished memories. This warm, welcoming environment is a testament to the staff’s commitment to creating a personable experience for each guest. The hotel’s involvement in “Bargain Brits in the Sun” not only emphasizes its role as a beloved destination but also highlights the growing trend of British expatriates seeking affordable living and adventure in sunny Spain. Overall, the Algorfa Hotel exemplifies the spirit of the show, inviting viewers to consider the joys of relocation and the delightful experiences that await in this stunning part of the world.

Health & Beauty

My wife and I married late in life and have two young adult children. I should have retired from work two years ago. However the kids were younger and are even now are still dependent on us. My employers have suggested I leave this year at 67 years of age, and I really do want to go. I also have a heart condition and the prospect of having to work for years longer than I had hoped, is stressing me out. If I retire however, the lifestyle the kids are used to will no longer be available to them. They are used to having everything they want and my wife promised them a car each on their 18th birthdays. I am so tired and want to give up work, but I feel they don’t understand that it all comes from me working.

I assume you will be worse off financially when you retire. If your children don’t understand why life cannot be the same as

before, you and your wife must sit them down, get your accounts out, and show them exactly how much money goes out of the house; and how much will be coming in when you retire. You tell me they are working age and have left education. Sacrifices will have to be made, and they should help towards running the household by working themselves and paying for their keep. If they want the luxuries they have been used to, and cars they will have to pay for them themselves - it‘s as simple as that.


Choosing the right facial for your skin type is crucial to addressing your skin’s specific needs and getting the best results.

Here’s a guide to help you determine which facial might be best for you based on your skin type:

1. Oily/Acne-Prone Skin: Recommended Facials:Deep Cleansing Facial: Focuses on extracting impurities, reducing excess oil, and unclogging pores.Acne Facial: Targets breakouts with salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and anti-inflammatory masks. Chemical Peels: Mild to medium-strength peels like glycolic or salicylic acid can help to control oil and clear out pores.LED Light Therapy: Uses blue light to kill acnecausing bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Facials:Gentle/Calming Facial: Uses soothing ingredients like chamomile, aloe vera, or green tea to reduce redness and irritation.Hydrating Facial: Often includes gentle, non-irritating moisturizers to restore skin’s hydration without triggering sensitivity. Oxygen Facial: A gentle option that can soothe and rejuvenate without irritation.

5. Mature/Aging Skin:


used to prevent blood clots recalled in Spain

Health authorities have issued a warning regarding two specific batches of clopidogrel pensa 75 mg film-coated tablets, a medication used to prevent blood clots. The Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (Aemps) has recalled these batches due to out-of-specification results detected during testing.

The affected batches are 220118, which expires on February 28, 2025, and 230756, which expires on March 31, 2026. The manufacturer is Fine Foods & Pharmaceuticals NTM SPA, and the marketing holder in Spain is Towa Pharmaceutical SA. Aemps has classified the risk associated with these batches as class two. Class one indicates a higher potential risk, while class three represents a lower risk.

Facial: Delivers oxygen and nutrients deep into the skin to hydrate and plump up the skin.

3. Combination Skin: Recommended Facials:Custom/Personalized

Facial: Addresses both dry and oily areas, with treatments customized for each part of your face. Balancing Facial: Aims to balance oil production and hydration, often using a mix of exfoliation and soothing treatments.Enzyme Facial: Gently exfoliates while providing hydration, suitable for balancing combination skin.

4. Sensitive Skin: Recommended

2. Dry/Dehydrated Skin: Recommended Facials:Hydrating Facial: Involves moisturizing masks and serums, often with hyaluronic acid, to replenish hydration.Collagen Facial: Boosts moisture and elasticity by stimulating collagen production.Oxygen

Recommended Facials:AntiAging Facial: Incorporates ingredients like retinol, peptides, and antioxidants to

reduce fine lines and promote firmness.Radio Frequency Facial: to lift and tone facial muscles, improving skin elasticity.Vitamin C Facial: Brightens the skin and boosts collagen production. Chemical Peels: Mild peels can reduce age spots, fine lines, and wrinkles.

6. Normal Skin: Recommended Facials:Classic Facial: A basic facial that includes cleansing, exfoliation, and a mask, suitable for maintenance. Brightening Facial: Enhances the skin’s natural glow and maintains a healthy complexion. Carbon laser Facial Gently exfoliates to maintain smooth, even-toned skin.


Tips:Consultation: Before any facial, book a consultation with us at Indiana’s hair and lash boutique to ensure the treatment is suitable for your skin type.Patch Test: before any new product or treatment, we will do a patch test to avoid reactions, especially if you have sensitive skin. Aftercare: Follow any aftercare instructions to maintain the benefits of the facial and avoid any potential side effects.This guide should help you choose a facial that meets your skin’s needs and enhances its overall health and appearance.

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Road accident report for Summer 2024

The Directorate General of Traffic’s Operation Summer report, presented by Interior Minister Fernando GrandeMarlaska, reveals that while there were fewer fatal accidents in July and August compared to the same period in 2023, 241 people lost their lives, three more than last summer. Grande-Marlaska emphasized the need for citizens to take responsibility when traveling by road, stressing that reducing fatal accidents is crucial to saving lives. He reaffirmed the ministry’s commitment to reducing fatal and serious accidents by 50% by 2030.

This summer saw an unprecedented number of longdistance road trips, exceeding forecasts with over 97.7 million movements—4.1 million more than in 2023, setting a new record. Despite a slight reduction in fatal accidents, the number of incidents involving multiple fatalities increased. In total, 221 fatal accidents occurred, resulting in 241 deaths and 952 serious injuries. The number of vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists, who died increased by 8%, accounting for 46% of all road fatalities.

Pedestrian deaths on motorways and dual carriageways were halved, dropping from 15 in

2023 to 7 this year. However, the data reflects a stabilization in road accidents overall, with notable fluctuations between July and August. July ended with 109 deaths, nine fewer than the previous year, while August recorded 132 fatalities, twelve more than in 2023. The highest volume of traffic occurred in August, with 50.6 million movements, a 5.7% increase from the previous year.

A detailed analysis shows that on average, 3.9 people died daily on Spanish roads this summer. While there were six fewer fatal accidents compared to 2023, the total number of deaths increased by three. Seventeen accidents involved more than

one fatality, up from 11 such incidents last year. The most fatal accident occurred on August 3 in Málaga, where four people died. Most fatalities (73%) were recorded on non-dual carriageways, with 175 deaths, while the remaining 66 occurred on motorways or dual carriageways. The most common type of accident was road departures, which caused 88 deaths, followed by head-on collisions, which resulted in 62 deaths—21 more than in 2023 and the second-highest figure since 2015. Initial investigations suggest that distractions and inappropriate speed were significant factors in many of these head-on collisions.


International Christian Assembly Evangelical Church. We welcome you to Sunday Service at 11am (English) Calle Beniajan 14, Torrevieja, 03185 www.icatorrevieja.org Phone; 966799273 or 660127276 (SH) Join us at Salt Church. Sundays at 10.30am. We are a friendly Church, Bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship.Calle Daya Nueva 12, Poligino Industrial Levante II, 03187 Los Montsinos. www.saltchurch.es Facebook: SaltChurchSpain

The Alfaz spiritual friends centre offer a warm welcome at “The Comm” (Ex The Forum/Mare Nostrum) Camino del Pincho 2, l’Alfaz del Pi, 03580, Alicante. Visiting medium every week - services starts 6.30 pm every Thursday contact Dot 634 320 013 email: dorothydorothy608@gmail.com


Ronaldo reaches career mark of 900 goals

Cristiano Ronaldo reached a major milestone on Thursday, scoring the 900th goal of his remarkable career. The 39-yearold forward netted for Portugal during their Nations League match against Croatia, giving his team a 2-0 lead. His emotional celebration followed, as he dropped to his knees by the corner flag in tears.

This goal marked Ronaldo’s 131st for Portugal, adding to the goals he has scored at club level for Sporting Lisbon, Manchester United, Real Madrid, Juventus, and his current team, Al-Nassr. Reflecting on the achievement, Ronaldo said, “It was emotional because it’s a milestone. It may seem like any other, but only I, and those around me, know how hard it is to work every day, to stay physically and mentally fit, and to score 900 goals. It’s a unique milestone in my career.”

Ronaldo’s longevity in football is remarkable. Someone born when he scored his first competitive goal would now be 21 years old. His first goals came on October 7, 2002, when he was just 17, scoring twice for Sporting Lisbon in a 3-0 win over Moreirense.

Afterward, he moved to Manchester United, where

he scored 118 goals in 293 appearances before joining Real Madrid in 2009 for a then-record transfer fee of €94 million (£80 million). During his nine years with the Spanish club, Ronaldo netted 450 goals in 438 games. He then moved to Juventus, where he scored another 101 goals in three seasons, before returning to Manchester United to add 27

more goals to his tally in 54 games.

However, his return to United did not have the fairytale ending many hoped for, and in 2023, Ronaldo joined Saudi Arabian club Al-Nassr, where he has already scored 68 goals. Astonishingly, nearly half of his total goals (437) have come after he turned 30 in February 2015.

Sheerin’s Golf Society Ryder Cup at La Finca Golf

Twenty-four players turned out to participate in this now popular competition which started in 2018.The players were blind drawn into 2 teams with the chairman leading one team and the vicechairman the other.

On day 1 we met for breakfast at Sheerin’s where the order of play was announced, six doublematches took place at La Finca golf course and at the end of the day the score favoured the vicechairman’s team with a 5 to 1 lead.

Day 1 saw 6 nearest the pins played, three in group A and three in group B, group A hole 5 SteveBurns, hole 13 Andy Godfrey and hole 17 Steve Martin, group B hole 3 Alex Porteous and holes 8 and10 Tom Goulden.

Day 2 also started with breakfast at Sheerin’s the order of play was announced and also the previousdays results before we travelled back to La Finca. We played 12 singles which proved to be very hardfor the Chairmans team to pull back the points needed.

The chairman’s team nearly came out on topby drawing 5 points to 5 points with 2 matches halved but ended up losing Ryder Cup again 11points to 7.

Well done to the Vice Chairmans team for winning the Ryder Cup for the last six years.Nearest the pins on day 2 group A hole 4 Gary Hill, hole 12 Sean McGuinness and hole 17 John Bolt,group B hole 1 Martin Gadney, hole 6 Paul Davison and hole 18 Brian Gordon.

The player of thetournament over the two days with both gross scores added together was Steve Martin with 82points, runner up was Steve Burns with 72 points, third place was Terry Hall with 71 points andfourth place was a tie between Mike Sharlot and Martin Gadney both on 70 points.

Thank you to Pat, Donnie and staff at Sheerin’s for the great food and hospitality.The football card was won by Sam behind the bar winning €40 and raising €40 for our charities 2024.We would like to thank the nearest the pins winners who re-donated their prizes to our charity rafflein October.

Photo shows Vice Chairmans Team with the Ryder Cup. www.sheerinsgolfsociety. comsheerinsgolfsociety@gmail. com

Abbey AnglersOn Tuesday the 3rd of September we resumed from out summer break and fished the 4th round of the Autumn cupat the El Bosquet Complex near to Crevillent. The Weather was very overcast and with forecast of rains we decidedthat the 18 anglers would fish every peg from A1 to 16. This as usual drew a few moans and groans from the usualsuspects but as the high numbers on pegs 17 to 24 were already underwater, it was done purely from a safety pointof view, something that some people disregard. Some people often forget that fishing is not have to be all aboutcatching lots of fish. Its a great sport and is all about the comradery and mental well being that it promotes.Onto the match, we did get a few light showers during the match but nothing of any

great note. The low pressureconditions and the close pegging did mean that the fishing was a little below par bur the results were very close.Winner on the day from peg 2 was Graham Patterson. Having sold off all his pole gear, Graham fished the method orbomb mainly with 8mm pellet and caught some lovely carp for 13.20kg. In second place was Bob Robinson on peg 13. Bob caught 18 mullet and two carp on the pole or feeder for 13.18kg. Willy Moons was a very close 3rd place from peg 6. Willy also fished the feeder with pellet or Maize and caughtsome really big mullet and the odd carp for 13.12kg.Rods N Reels.The following day we fished the same venue. This time it was actually raining on the way down. When we arrivedtwo Spanish anglers were setting up on pegs a1

and b1 . After a quick discussion with the Higher ache it was decidedthat the seven brave souls that attended would fish every other peg from peg 28 to 40.The match was won by yours truly, Ian Brown. I was drawn on peg 28 which was expected to win. I did not even setthe pole up and after a very slow start I got my first fish after about and hour. I fished the method feeder with 8mmpellet or Maize and caught steadily after that. I ended up with 15 carp and 3 mullet for 21.80kg.In second place was Nick Bastock, after trying the pole to no effect he too fished the feeder and ended up with15.36kg. In third place was Lenny Bolton. At 1pm Lenny was fishless and went for a walk to clear his head. Upon his return hefished down the edge and caught well in the last hour and ended up with

9.10kg.We had not fished this stretch for a long while but like the other end of the stretch it has had a large bloom of verysmall fish. It is virtually impossible to fish maggots without catching one. The match finished at 3.30pm and we couldsee some clouds of impending doom in the distance. I managed to get to the last two competitors to be weighedwhen the heavens opened and we were pummelled with very very heavy rain and sleet accompanied by thunderand lightning. The banks quickly became a sea of puddles and I had to shelter in my van for 20 minutes before I couldload the last few pieces of my tackle. We were all soaked down to the underwear etc and our vehicles as wet insideas they were out. Still we managed to dry out in the pub a good day was had by all.Ian Brown


9. Using the iron again for restraining (10)

12. The result of light impact! (8) 14. It could be a strain for the workman (7)

16. The first of the raiders in the battle will cause apprehension (6) 19. Disagreements producing some of the stiff sentences (5) 20. See 11 Across



Fill the grid so that every column, row and 3x3 square includes all the digits from 1 to 9


Using only the letters in the wordwheel, take ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must contain the central letter and at least three others. Letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.


23 Undertakes.

Square meal; 7 Thumb; 8 Founder; 10 Contours; 11 Keep; 13 Seated;

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