22 June - 28 June 2021

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CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021

22nd - 28th June - edition 895

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Your Essential Weekly Read

Adios to masks outdoors

Wearing a mask outdoors will no longer be mandatory in Spain from June 26th. Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez announced the welcome news about the end of the mask outdoors, a decision that will be made formal in an extraordinary Council of Ministers. Sánchez said, “i would like to start

my speech by making a very important announcement for the 47 million compatriots in our country. i would like to say to you that we are going to hold an extraordinary Cabinet meeting on thursday at which we are going to propose that masks no longer be obligatory in open spaces from Saturday, June 26.” those attending

the annual meeting of the Círculo de economía in Barcelona, where the announcement was made, began to applaud. the government’s decision comes after up to 10 communities asked the executive to move towards ridding citizens of the obligation to wear a mask while outside in the open air. Speaking after the announcement, Sánchez said, “our streets, our faces will regain their normal appearance in the next few days. We will once again enjoy a life on the street without masks.” Sánchez’s announcement came just 48 hours after the meeting of the interterritorial Council in which the matter of masks was not discussed because it was not on the agenda, despite being requested by many autonomous communities. A few weeks ago, Fernando Simón, director of Spain’s Centre for the Coordination of health Alerts and emergencies, had remarked that it was possible that before July the use of

masks outside might not be mandatory. Many are now speculating that the government had already considering this move weeks ago and announced it last week in order to try to stimulate summer tourism. despite Sánchez announcement, the content of the decree and the fine print surrounding the matter will need

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See page 12

to be be addressed at a meeting with health officials of the autonomous communities tomorrow, Wednesday, when the interterritorial Council gather. the formalisation of the decision will take place on thursday when the Council of Ministers makes it official. in order for the decision to go ahead, the government needs to change the law, specifically Law 2/2021 which was brought in on March 29th which made wearing masks outdoors mandatory in the first place. in order for the law to be changed, a new decree that modifies the legislation must be introduced and then validated by Congress. Although the finer details are not yet known, it is assumed that the obligation to wear a mask outside will be lifted when a safe distance of 1.5 metres can be maintained. Masks will likely still be obligatory outdoors in confined spaces but not, for example, in parks, town squares (when not crowded) or when walking the dog.



CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021

Paedophile arrested in Benidorm for hacking domestic cameras of more than 70 families national Police in Benidorm have arrested an alleged paedophile who managed to hack the domestic surveillance cameras of more than 70 families from different countries around the world and, thus, obtain more than 1,000 recordings of naked children, two of them identified as being in Spain. in addition, the man is accused of sexually harassing at least eleven minors whom he is alleged to have recorded naked and, on occasions, threatened. the defendant had organized a system to sell child pornography in exchange for bitcoins or images of child abuse recorded by his ‘clients’, revealed police in a statement. Police found thousands of recordings from countries such as Brazil, the united States, the united Kingdom, Canada and more. Children, often naked, appear in almost all of these illegal recordings. it was also discovered that the man recorded, on at least one occasion, the children he was tutoring, without their awareness. officials are now attempting to identify these victims. officers seized printed documentation, eight hard drives, two uSB memory sticks, two mobile phones and a laptop. the man remains in preventive custody. the investigation began when police in Australia found sexual images of what they suspected was a child from the Pacific area, although their analysis suggested that the

images had been modified and uploaded from Spain. national Police then working closely with Australian officers to try to identify and arrest the person responsible. investigators were able to track the user who uploaded the content, discovering that he used different usernames on a variety of different paedophile forums. officers began meticulous research to build a picture of the suspect’s movements and study his online activity on the dark web. they also discovered he had already been arrested when he was a minor for similar offences. Police revealed that the man also offered his services as a childminder, and because he was British and a native english speaker, worked as a private english tutor teaching a number of local children. Because of this, the decision was taken to arrest him. When officers arrived in Benidorm, they discovered the man had taken a series of measures to protect his identity but enough evidence was found, including handwritten annotations of his various usernames. Police were also able to trace cryptocurrency transactions and money transfers to Romania to people involved in the prostitution of minors. From there, officers uncovered that the detainee had organized a system for the sale of child pornography. he also acted as an intermediary between buyers and sellers, charging a commission for his services.

Bite Size NewS:

Two contracts agreed

torrevieja town hall has agreed on two contracts – one of €44,000 to repair a water feature on Calle Mar Rizada in Punta Prima, and the other of €52,000 with the company that looks after the traffic signs in the town.

Vaccine update

this week in torrevieja, the vaccination programme continues with those aged 45-49 being vaccinated. An update from the CMo vaccine centre in torrevieja says that all citizens over 50 theoretically should have been vaccinated. if you are over 50 and you have not received your vaccine, you should go to your health centre and make enquiries as there is likely an error in your contact details. A hospital representative is currently visiting Playa Flamenca town hall on Mondays,

Wednesdays and Fridays and the same is hoped for torrevieja town hall in order that citizens having difficulty with SiP cards and the organisation of vaccines can receive direct help.


to CoVid-19, the town hall is calling on all citizens not to go to local beaches on the night of San Juan. Councillor Alarcón also remarked that he hopes San Juan can be celebrated next year.

Shopping Vouchers – Spend €10, get €20

the Bono Consumo, as reported in last week’s Costa Blanca People, is now underway. All those with an nie number (resident and tourist alike) are invited to log on to torrevieja.bonoconsumo. es and register. every person with an nie is entitled to spend up to €100 on vouchers. if you spend €10, you get €20 to spend in any of the participating establishments including a number of popular shops, bars and restaurants. A list of those participating is available on the above website and if you have a business in torrevieja and would like to participate in the scheme, funded by the town hall, the conditions of participation are also listed on the bono consumo website.

No ‘San Juan’ celebrations

torrevieja town hall has called on citizens to avoid going to beaches on the night of San Juan, Wednesday June 23rd. A coordination meeting was held between the town hall and police to discuss how the situation will be managed and it was agreed that Local Police, Guardia Civil and Protección Civil will patrol the town’s various beaches to ensure there is no flouting of the regulations. the Councillor for Security and emergencies, Federico Alarcón, commented that like last year and due

New Music Festival

torrevieja will host a new music festival in August, Brilla torrevieja - a boutique festival that is set to take place from August 1st to 7th this year. Leading national artists will perform such as Pol Granch, niña Pastori, Jorge drexler, Sidecars and the popular Queen tribute, God Save the Queen. the live performances will take place in the eras de la Sal, a stunning setting against a backdrop of the sea. tickets are on sale directly from the event website www.brillatorrevieja. com and all relevant safety measures will be in place in order that the public can enjoy the concerts and shows with complete peace of mind.

Spain has reduced road Horse Rescue Centre deaths by 80 percent gets official boost over the last 30 years, Spain has managed to bring down road deaths by 80 percent, with fatalities falling from 9,344 in 1989 to 1,755 in 2019. this is one of the conclusions to be found in the book ‘del infinito al cero. Así lo hicimos’ (from infinity to zero. this is how we did it), which was presented recently by the Fundación MAPFRe, a foundation belonging to the Spanish insurer. the book also points to the fact that in 2020, Spain became the fourth european union country with the lowest death rate caused by this kind of accident, only behind Sweden, Malta and denmark. the autonomous regions of Spain that have seen the biggest falls in the last three decades are Asturias (88 percent), Castilla La Mancha and Castilla y León (87 percent), Cantabria (84 percent), Basque Country (83 percent) and Galicia (82 percent). the more than 50 experts who have worked on the book – among whom are general directors of the dGt traffic department, european experts, researchers and representatives of victims’ associations – all agree that this improvement in the statistics is thanks to

major efforts made in different areas. Among these are the points system introduced for driving licenses in 2005, the improvement in the country’s road network, the technology of vehicles and improvements in education, among others. Speaking during the presentation of the book, interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska pointed to the successful Spanish policies being down to “a greater general awareness,” which has led to a view of road deaths being “intolerable.” What’s more, he cited the strong points in Spain in this respect. “the strength of our road safety policy is based on four fundamental pillars: education in values and continuous training of drivers; a precise and necessary set of

rules; the insurance system, based on accepting human error; and the victims’ associations, who are our best guide and to whom we have given a voice.” the book also points to the challenges for the future and the work that is left to do. in particular, it explains how Spain will have to “revitalize” its safety policies in coming years to fight against what it describes as the “exhaustion” of certain measures. it also explains that to reduce the number of victims even further, there must be more focus on vulnerable users, such as pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and the users of scooters. in 2001, these groups represented 32 percent of road deaths, but by 2019, that figure had risen to 53 percent of the total.

thanks and appreciation have been given to Rojales town hall from the easy horse Care Rescue Centre after it announced a donation of €6,000 to help assist the work that the centre does. ths is the third year running that Rojales Council has given the grant and founders and of easy horse Care Rescue Centre Rod and Sue Weeding are delighted to receive the support to help with the care and upkeep of the 122 horses, ponies and donkeys. Sue said: “Rojales has been the only council to recognise, support and help us over the years and we can’t thank them enough. We feel very lucky to be part of the Rojales community. they have always been there for us and have been a support for us. Whenever we have needed

Much-needed donation

anything they have tried to find ways to help us.” operating for over a decade rescuing and caring for abandoned and neglected equines from all over Spain, Sue says it is quite an achievement to get recognition from the town hall and hopes others will follow suit and also offer financial support. “We really are doing a public service. We have only actually taken three animals from Rojales but for example, in neighbouring Almoradi, we have rescued twenty-seven.” Whilst they can never thank Rojales town hall enough, it is still just a drop in the ocean to how much money the Rescue Centre requires to operate on a weekly basis. they were recently

asked to do a costing of how much they have spent over the years caring for these animals and the amount is staggering at over €1.7 million. Much of this has come from Rod and Sue’s own pockets, but the rest is thanks to the selfless work of the many volunteers and donations from our supporters and the Rojales town hall. it’s amazing how many people have helped us make a difference with animal welfare and we will continue to do so in every way we can. it is thanks to our supporters and town halls like Rojales that will allow and help us to continue our work. For more information on the work the Rescue Centre does or to make a donation, visit: www. easyhorsecare.net



CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021

Man stabbed in neck in Torrevieja Guardia Civil are looking for the perpetrator of an attempted murder after a 29-year-old man was the victim of a serious assault on Avenida de tenerife, torrevieja on Wednesday evening. Guardia Civil in torrevieja are on the lookout for a man of Pakistani origin, believed to be the alleged perpetrator of an attempted murder after a serious knife attack on a man of the same

nationality. At about 6.40 pm on Wednesday, emergency services received a call about a seriously injured man in the area, as well as a large quantity of blood seen inside a vehicle parked on Avenida tenerife in torrevieja, a residential area north of the town. the man had sustained a deep stab wound that extended about six inches from one ear to the neck, presumably

Torrevieja disco covid outbreak exceeds 60 cases An outbreak of Covid-19 at a torrevieja nightclub has now exceeded 60 cases, it was reported this week. torrevieja health department revealed that the outbreak of covid which originated at noisse nightclub has doubled over the last two weeks. According to data, in the week of June 14th to June 20th, 90 new cases of covid were detected in the torrevieja

health department and most of these were attributed to the noisse outbreak. of the 90 registered in torrevieja health department as a whole, 20 relate to cases in Pilar de la horadada and five in Guardamar. When the outbreak first became detected, officials asked everyone who had been to a party there on June 5th to attend local health centres for a PCR test.

made with a knife or razor blade. the attack is believed to have taken place inside the vehicle itself, said police. By the time local police and Guardia Civil arrived to the scene, the 29 year old had already lost a lot of blood and was transferred to torrevieja hospital. Sources say that police already have a specific suspect in mind and are actively searching for him.

Experts predict hot humid summer Climatology experts are forecasting a very hot summer this year and so called ‘tropical nights’. the climatology lab of the university of Alicante have predicted a hot summer for the region, based on weather models for europe and north America. the Alicante province will have a hot and very dry summer, without what experts describe as extreme highs, but with prolonged heat and high humidity. Conditions during the day and throughout most nights this summer are expected to stay above 25 degrees with 70% humidity, which, according to director of the Climatology Lab Jorge olcina, will impact the comfort of the elderly and will cause difficulty in falling asleep. olcina relates the predicted weather situation directly to global warming and climate change, “which in the province is related to the increase in sea temperature. For me it is our main problem in relation to climate change.”

According to the State Meteorological Agency, the average temperature during July and August will be half a degree higher than usual. So called ‘tropical nights’ (when the temperature doesn’t drop below 20 degrees) are becoming more and more frequent as a result of global warming. Spring of this year (March, April and May) was the coldest and wettest in the Alicante province since 2013 and the fourth coldest of the century. the average temperature was 13.5º, which is 0.1º lower than the of the normal average (13.6 º), and the accumulated precipitation, 176.3 l / m2, was 30% higher than the average for the period 1981-2010 (134.6 l / m2), according to State of Meteorology data. Both the AeMet and the uS noAA agree that climate models indicate that summer will bring above normal average temperatures between July and September.



CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021



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CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


Two racist attacks UK expat driving licences in Murcia invalid from 30th June the migrant community in Murcia is on alert after a second racist attack in less than a week. the latest incident took place last Wednesday in the city of Cartagena, when a woman was beaten up while waiting outside a food bank run by the charity organization Cáritas for people at risk of social exclusion. As she stood in line, she was assaulted and stabbed by another woman who yelled: “Sudaca! they are stealing food from us!” using the derogatory slur for a person from South America. national Police officers arrested the assailant, who they said was “problematic and well known in the area.” the victim was taken to hospital, where she received treatment for a stab wound that “reached the liver,” according to police sources. the assailant may be charged for “personal injury or attempted manslaughter,” and a hate crime if “the victim finally denounces it as a racist attack,” they said. the attack in Cartagena comes just days after a Moroccan man was shot at

point-blank range in the municipality of Mazarrón. Younes Bilal, 37, was with his friends at the bar el Muelle, when Carlos Patricio B. M., a 52-year-old former soldier, began to hassle the waitress for “speaking with a group of Muslims,” according to Bilal’s family and witnesses at the scene. Bilal then stood up and asked the man “to leave the waitress in peace.” After the confrontation, which took place at around 10pm, the former soldier left the establishment on foot. According to sources from the investigation, the 52-year-old returned around “20 minutes later” having reportedly c h a n g e d clothes. Bilal’s family said that the former soldier walked over to Bilal, pointed a gun at him and said: “Let’s see if you have the b**** to stand up now.” When Bilal stood up Carlos Patricio B. M. shot him three times point-blank in the chest. the 37-yearold died early Monday morning from the injuries.

the Costa Blanca People has received several calls this week from concerned expats regarding driving on their British licence post-Brexit. if you live in Spain and have a valid uK driving licence, this will not be recognised for driving in Spain after Wednesday 30th June 2021. this means if you hold a uK licence and you live here you are not able to drive on Spanish roads from that day – you would be considered as driving without a valid licence and fined accordingly. if you wish to exchange your uK licence for a Spanish one, the process to follow depends on whether you registered your intention to exchange with the Spanish traffic Authority (dGt) before 30 december 2020. if you were resident in Spain before 1st January 2021 and registered with the dGt before 30th december 2020, you should request an appointment with the dGt to exchange your uK licence by 31 december 2021. if you did not register with dGt before 30 december 2020 and wish to exchange your uK driving licence, you should follow the dGt process for noneu nationals. this includes taking a full Spanish driving test. if you live in Spain, you will not be

able to renew your driving licence in the uK. if your uK licence is lost, stolen or expired, you will need to apply to the driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (dVLA) for a ‘certificate of entitlement’ to be able to apply for a Spanish driving licence. Citizens of many countries, including the united States, Canada, Australia, new Zealand, South Africa and now

from the uK have to take the full Spanish driving test to get a Spanish license. You must apply at the Provincial traffic headquarters (Jefatura Provincial de tráfico). For the Provinces of Alicante there are two ‘trafico’ office, one in the City of Alicante and the other in elche.

You need the following: • a certificate of mental and physical fitness from the Authorised drivers’ Check Centre (Centro de Reconocimiento de Conductores Autorizado) • an application form • two passport-sized photographs • your residence permit or TIE • proof of address in Spain; • a declaration that there are no suspensions or legal cases preventing you from driving; • a declaration that you don’t already hold a similar license. You must take lessons through a recognised driving school. the test has two parts: a written theory test as well as a practical test. Both are usually taken in Spanish although you can take a translator with you and in some areas of Spain the test paper has been translated into english and there are english-speaking examiners. You can use your Spanish licence in the uK for short visits, or exchange it for a uK licence without taking a test if you decide to return to the uK to live. there are number of reputable local companies who offer a paid for service to help take expats through the process of applying for a Spanish driving Licence.

Secret entrance to Civil War bunker found in Novelda Workers looking for a water leak on a novelda street have inadvertently unearthed a secret access passage to an underground shelter dating back to the Civil War. the subterranean bunker would have fit around 4000 people and is next to what was a Civil War weapons factory. the unexpected discovery has unearthed the largest bomb shelter in novelda – of which there was no knowledge. Workers digging on Calle Goya were looking for the source of a water leak when they noticed bricks and an archway leading to an underground enclosure. Retired Municipal Archaeologist from novelda, Concha navarro said, “From testimonies, we knew that along a parallel street there was an old arms factory from the Civil War and it was also thought that there were several entrances but we never knew where exactly.” She continued, “it often happens that spectacular finds emerge by chance as happened this Wednesday.” Mado Abad, Councilor for Culture and heritage rushed to the scene as soon as news emerged. “it has been a pleasant surprise and it seems to be very well preserved but now it is necessary to make measurements and inform the Ministry to be able to access its interior,” said Abad. this shelter was used during the Civil War by workers from one of the city’s two arms factories. Specifically factory “number 4”, of which there are still some

traces. it was located at the intersection of Calle Sentenero and Maestro Ramis, occupying an area of 13,000 square meters and was originally built on an old winery. the novelda factory number 4 was dedicated to the foundry, lamination and cutting of the material necessary for the manufacture of cartridges, bullets, laminate and aircraft fuselage. it housed the largest air-raid shelter in the city, with capacity for 4,000 people, and in 1940 it was converted into a prison. the “number 4” was dismantled during the post-war period and part of its steel beams were used to finish the construction of the Sanctuary of Santa María Magdalena. in addition, the scrap metal was gathered and sold by the poor people of the town. Records show that there are 13 air raid shelters in novelda, all of them built from May 1938

onwards. no bombs were ever dropped in novelda, despite the preparations, but the population were caused alarm by various sightings of planes heading to Alicante and along the coast. of the 13 shelters, schematics exist for just two and a lot of work is required to document the 11 remaining bunkers. in total, 15,355 people could have been accommodated underground. the most recent discovery is excavated to a depth of nine metres, with a three-metre-thick vaulted ceiling of reinforced concrete. novelda city council used georadar technology to locate the 13 air raid shelters hidden under the town. the geodetection team, led by Lázaro Lagostena, Professor of Ancient history at the university of Cádiz, is currently preparing its final report so that soon, conservation can begin.


CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


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CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


GBP / EUR UPdatE GBP Sterling wasn’t disheartened but steady considering a rather eventful week. the pound climbed, hitting its level for 10 weeks against the euro after uK inflation jumped to 2.1%, moving above the Bank of england’s target. the CPi data showed fuel prices were nearly 18% higher year on year, with clothing and footwear costs also rising by 2.1% as consumers bought new post-lockdown outfits. the Bank is still expected to leave rates unchanged in its meeting next week,because despite investors seeing this news as potential to call for rate rises, it’s still early days. Sterling once again maintained its poise as PM Boris Johnson confirmed a one-month extension to the lockdown. the pound received help, more theoretical than practical, from news that the uK and Australian prime ministers had agreed a trade deal. decent job statistics were also released but there was little reaction, even though it was the fourth consecutive downward tick in uK unemployment, this time to 4.7%. An argument over sausages, yes sausages, made the headlines. the brief war of words between French President Macron and the uK PM may have marred the final day of the G7 summit. despite this, investors have shown no inclination to punish sterling for these developments. Perhaps they attach greater

weight to uK economic data published late last week, which showed that uK exports to the eu have “broadly recovered” from their Brexit trough, even though imports continue to struggle. EURO An unremarkable week for the euro to match rather good economic statistics. nothing too exciting, but then for the euro, it’s been the case for a number of months now. eurozone industrial production rose 0.8% in April, taking output 39.3% higher than the same month in 2020.French and German inflation rates were 2.4% and 1.8% respectively. German wholesale price inflation picked up to 9.7% in May, the biggest annual increase in 13 years. Spanish consumer price inflation was in line with earlier estimates, with the CPi 2.7% higher on the year and the eu standardised hiCP up by 2.4%.italian inflation reached a twoand-a-half-year high at 1.2%. the eurozone’s trade surplus in April was close to the centre of its range over the last 10 years. the euro it seems appears to be one of the majors losing out due to the Fed’s shift in stance on its monetary policy. With investors eyeing whether the Fed and the Bank of england will raise interests, and feeling like they could, well before the european Central Bank, appetite for the euro seems to be waning for now.

BUYING OR SELLING - HOW LONG DOES THE PROCESS TAKE? Rebecca Serwotka Rebecca Serwotka - Your favourite local property expert, of Inmobiliaria Real Estate Agents in Ciudad Quesada & published author of “Moving Forward 25 Essential Rules For Buying & Selling Real Estate Without Going Crazy.” Request your FREE copy today! Featured on Best Buy Spain - Property TV.

Whether you’re thinking of buying or ready to sell a property in Spain, the whole process can take time. But how long could it actually take? there are a few factors to consider, for example: 1. Are both buyer and seller here in Spain? 2. is the paperwork for the property ready to sign over? 3. do the buyers need a mortgage? 4. do the vendors need time to vacate? if both buyer and seller are in Spain, and providing the funds are readily available, completion can take place very quickly. the quickest completion i’ve ever done was in two days! that means, from reserving the property to moving out/in! nowadays it’s common for buyers and sellers to complete without being in Spain and appoint a Lawyer Power of Attorney to sign the documents on their behalf. Previously, Power of Attorney papers were taking about a couple of weeks to come through. unfortunately

now, drawing up Power of Attorney papers in some parts of the world to be valid in Spain, is currently taking much longer.

do any extensions or swimming pools need to be added on to the title deeds before completion? if so, this does take a little time. An Architect will need to prepare certificates for this process. Should the buyer need to apply for a mortgage, allow approximately 9-12 weeks before being able to complete the purchase/ sale. From experience, the local banks may say they can work quicker however expectations and reality are two different things! Sometimes vendors need a little more time to actually vacate their property before being able to complete a sale. especially if they are residing full time. on the whole, a straightforward completion can take on average 3 to 4 months. this can be quicker if everyone and everything is ready to go, however could be longer during the pandemic. To learn more about the buying process in the Costa Blanca, head to www. BuyMyHomeInSpain.com to download a complimentary Spanish Property Buying Guide for 2021.

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CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021

Where to Invest With Minimum Risk For many ex-pats this is the big question, where can i put my money to get a good return, but a safe return? there are literally thousands of funds and hundreds of companies out there managing those funds, but where do you start? For most of our clients we recommend Prudential international, a trusted uK household name with a proven track record. the Prudential has been helping people plan for their future for over 170 years. its size and experience puts it in a strong position to invest customers’ money wisely for the medium to long term.

M&G PLC (the name Prudential use throughout europe now) has around 24 million customers worldwide and have £341bn of assets under management.

Spanish tax compliant your capital can grow tax free whilst invested.

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CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


German man drove to Spain to collect drugs Guardia Civil have arrested a 30 year old German man who travelled to Spain for the sole purpose of collecting drugs, it was reported this week. officers in torrevieja were conducting a routine checkpoint when they noted a car with German registration plates and pulled the driver over to check his identification. during the inspection, officers noticed the man was becoming nervous so decided to search the vehicle. on the back seat, they found a black bin liner, and in the boot, a further eight bin liners. When the bags were opened, officers found dried, pressed marihuana buds. the drugs had been packaged in vacuum

packed plastic sleeves so as not to give off the distinctive odour. officers seized 23 kilos of marijuana as well as €2834 in cash. the driver, who is believed to have travelled alone from

Germany to Spain with the intention of driving the drugs back to northern europe, was arrested for drug trafficking. he has been remanded in prison without bail.

35kg of hash washes up on Tabarca island A resident of tabarca island alerted police when a bale of hashish washed up on the shore. Local police seized the drug, which was bundled into 70 separate packages. Police revealed that they had received a call at 9am on Saturday when a local resident spotted a large package floating near the shore. two officers arrived to the scene and on investigation, discovered the drugs. the Guardia Civil of Santa Pola were then contacted to log and impound the hashish.


CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


Pair behind 60 car break-ins arrested Guardia Civil have arrested two men, charged with breaking in to around 60 vehicles around the Vega Baja area. the men are being charged with 60 counts of robbery and eight of fraud, many of the crimes taking place around the hiking areas of Callosa de Segura and a Bigastro campsite. the men are believed to have broken into many vehicles, using rocks or other blunt objects to break the windows. they would then make off with as many valuables as they could, often rushing to nearby shops in order to use bank cards before the rightful owners could realise what had happened and block the cards. A lot of the victims had been hiking around Callosa de Segura and had parked their cars for a few hours’ at a time, only realising the break-in had taken place when they returned from their hike. Following a significant rise in vehicle break-ins in the area – up until recently a very unusual

occurrence in Callosa – Guardia Civil began an investigation to locate the perpetrators. officers believe that the large influx of climbers and hikers led the men to target this area specifically. once the

victims had left their car in the car park at the bottom of the mountain, the pair would hide until the hikers were out of sight before breaking the window and stealing whatever they could. the pair would then use wireless transaction technology (which does not require a pin) to make a series of small purchases before the victim realised their card had been stolen. Guardia Civil investigators tracked the two suspects and

finally, arrested them both. the two men, aged 25 and 29 of Algerian nationality, have been charged with 60 crimes against property, for numerous robberies with force inside a vehicle, and another 8 for fraud, committed with the bank cards found in the victims’ cars. they appeared in court and were released with charges. the victims are mostly tourists who had travelled from the provinces of Albacete, Ávila, Cuenca, Murcia, Valencia and Alicante as well as elsewhere in the Vega Baja region. the Guardia Civil recommend that, when a bank card is stolen, the owners proceed, as soon as they become aware of the theft, in addition to filing the corresponding denuncia, to block the card. Blocking the card, in most cases, can be carried out easily and immediately through the issuing bank’s mobile application.



CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021

What Are Fund Fees? By Tracy Storer Senior Partner Chorus Financial

it’s easy for me to pick up a pension or investment portfolio and quickly determine what fees someone is paying. often fees can be hidden or layered and if not explained correctly (or even at all), can become very confusing and have a big impact on the growth of your portfolio. in my personal experience, the most common fee that Financial Advisers have failed to highlight to their clients here in Spain are the fund fees. Fund fees are fees taken from within the underlying investment funds themselves, and clients have no way of viewing these transactions on valuations or via their online accounts. even though you don’t see these fees, you should always be aware of them as they can have serious implications on your potential returns. theuK financial regulator, the FCA, did some research a couple of years back and they found that the average fund fee is 0.75%. So, that is about 75p on every £100 you invest that you can expect to hand over in charges to the fund manager. But the variety of fees is incredible, and you can get two funds that are seemingly identical however one might charge you 2% and one might charge you 0.5%. So, it’s like going to the supermarket and there being two identical sandwiches. one costs £5 and one costs £1. Why would anyone pick the £5 sandwich, right? Well unfortunately when it comes to

financial advice, clients aren’t often provided with the full facts and unless you know where to look, or what to ask, it is easy to get confused. So how can the same fund cost you three times the amount? What are you paying the ‘extra’ for? in truthit is likely that some of the ‘extra’ is going straight to your financial adviser as a nice little pay out for recommending the fund, something that is now illegal in the uK but still happens regularly in Spain. to facilitate this ‘backhander’ funds create different Classes of funds. An ethical and transparent adviser will go out of their way to find you the cheapest possible ‘Class’ of any fund to ensure you are paying as little as possible for the amount you are investing. Some advisers go out of their way to find the most expensive ‘Class’ to ensure they are earning as much as possible! don’t forget, these are exactly the same funds, with the same managers, holdings etc, some people are just paying a lot more for them than is necessary. itcan be difficult to fully understandfund fees because there is so much terminology used. We can have the ‘AMC’, the ‘oCF’, the ‘teR’ and the ‘tCo’. in case you’re wondering, that’s annual management charge, ongoing charge figure, total expense ratio and total cost of ownership. to save our clients any confusion we will always provide a document called the Key investor information document

(Kiid). under updated regulation we are obliged to provide this document whenever we are making a fund recommendation, and this document uses the oCF – ongoing Charges Figure – which confirms the true and total cost to the client of holding that fund. So, let’s look at how fees can eat into your money just to show why this is important. Let’s say Bill & Roger invest £50,000 in the same fund. Bill invests in the one which has fund chargesof 1.5% per year and Roger invests in the one which charges 0.5%. Let’s assume that this fund grows by 10% every year.After one year, Bill would have paid £750 in charges and Roger £250…

same amount of money as Rogers, but that additional £10,000 quite possibly went to his financial adviser! When you are receiving any sort of investment advice, it is imperative that you understand the full cost of each fund. You can do this by checking the Key investor information document (Kiid) for each investment that is being recommended to you. the Kiid is a twopage ‘fact-sheet’ style document which includes the critical information about a fund (including the true annual cost of the fund). the document aims to help investors understand the nature and key risks of the fund in order to make a more informed investment decision.

Let’s look at it over the long term, 10 years, and we’re still getting this growth every year. So, that’s compounding the growth and the fees are also compounding on the other side. So, after 10 years, Bill has paid £16,640 in fees. So, he’s going to get back £113,050 (growth over 10 years minus his charges) whilst Roger, is getting back £123,910, because he’s only actually spent just over £5,000 on fees.

Your Financial Adviser has a duty to provide this to you for each fund they are recommending, and you can also request these documents for existing investments in your portfolio, in case you feel compelled to double check! these documents must be available for all regulated funds in europe, but we have experienced certain iFA firms in Spain making it very difficult for clients to obtain them… so don’t take no for an answer!

Roger’s investment returned an additional £10k, not because he’d taken more risk, or picked a better performing fund (both funds were identical). it was all down to him (or his adviser) choosing the fund which had the lowest costs. You see Bill’s fund would have made the

if you have any concerns about how much you are paying in fund fees, or want a second opinion on any element of your finances here in Spain, contact Chorus Financial on info@chorusfinancial. es, +34 965 641 163 or visit www. chorusfinancial.es for more information.

Investment contracts are intended as medium to long term investments, and all investments have some level of risk. Figures in our articles are examples of what can be achieved and cannot be guaranteed; the value of your investments can go down as well as up. Fees and charges can vary and will be fully explained to you before any advice can take place. This article should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular product.



CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


Face mask free outdoors coming ‘soon’ Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has expressed his confidence that “we will soon drop the use of face masks” while outside now that the country’s Covid-19 vaccination campaign has reached “cruising speed,” and that in a few days there will be 15 million vaccinated people in the country. Sánchez made the comments during a business event also attended by South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who is currently on a state visit to Spain. “in a few weeks, 50 percent of the population will have at least one dose, and the plan is clear and is being observed,” the Socialist Party (PSoe) leader added, in reference to the objective of vaccinating

70 percent of Spaniards by the end of the summer. A record 3.5 million vaccine doses were administered in Spain last week. After acknowledging the “serious blow”that the pandemic has dealt to the Spanish, South Korean and global economies, the prime minister added that “total vaccination” of the population is “the bridge toward total recovery.” Spain’s Public health Commission, however, which brings together the central health Ministry and the regional healthcare chiefs, did not debate the possibility of dropping the obligatory use of masks at its meeting on tuesday. According to sources from the health Ministry, who spoke to the europa Press news

agency, “there is no date” for the coronavirus measure to be lifted. Spain currently has very strict mask rules in place, including their required use outdoors by everyone aged six and over even when social distancing can be observed. But many health experts have been calling for an end to mask-wearing outdoors for some time now, given that there is no evidence that their use when there are no crowds is effective. A law has been passed by parliament making masks mandatory in public while the pandemic lasts. in order for their compulsory use to be eliminated, the government will have to approve a royal decree in the Congress of deputies.


CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021

Students to be vaccinated just before new term Secondary school pupils including sixth-formers will be given at least their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine before the autumn term starts, president Pedro Sánchez has confirmed. All students who have finished primary school and are onto their eSo (pre-GCSe) cycles and in Bachillerato (A-levels) will begin their immunisation two weeks before they go back to the classroom. Sánchez, announcing the decision at the weekend said it was ‘a decisive step’ towards ‘returning to longawaited social and academic normality’. he urges the schools community to focus on ‘going forward’ within the ‘new normality’ rather than ‘going back to how things were before’ – in reference to the major structural changes and flexibility forced on education by the pandemic. For example, during lockdown children were taking their classes online and emailing their homework to teachers or uploading it to a web portal, and those in low-income families who could not afford computers, tablets or internet connections were given these on loan. “the schools community has shown that educational and

academic excellence is a goal within our reach in Spain,” the Prime Minister said during his announcement of the pupil vaccine plan from the Moncloa Palace, the country’s official presidential residence. “in Spain, there’s a joy at being alive, in living; that’s clear to see in our society. We’re in

full swing with the vaccine roll-out, breaking record after record in the number of doses administered every day, and we’re gradually recovering employment. All this has also been possible with the help of the educational community.” Spain is ‘strongly focused’ on getting its life back, and its recovery ‘needs to be fair and much more long-lasting’, the president argues. this time last year, with the phased release from lockdown and

‘new normality’ on the horizon, Spain thought it would be able to put the Covid crisis behind it in 2021, but a second, third and then a fourth wave of contagion, starting in autumn and continuing until spring, proved a massive setback. the vaccine roll-out has drastically reduced the number of cases and pressure on hospitals, although most of the country is currently only starting to work on vaccinating those in their 40s, with younger members of society probably not likely to get the summons until later in the summer. A few smaller regions are well into the 40-something age group, although our region, Valencia, only started late this week. As vaccines are given in descending order of age now that the elderly, healthcompromised, key and publicfacing workers have been immunised, Pedro Sánchez has only just had his first dose. At age 49 – although he did not have an ‘official’ birthday this year, as he was born on February 29 – the president was among the first group in his decade in Madrid to be summoned for the vaccine this week.





CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


Spain’s €69.5bn restructure plans approved by Europe the european Commission has approved Spain’s ‘recovery plan’ post-pandemic, meaning it is now entitled to funding from the bloc which all member States who applied in time are able to access. Spain is due €69.5 billion between 2021 and 2026, and has pledged around 40 percent of this towards climate change-related investment, 28 percent towards the digital transition, and the bulk of the rest towards ‘social cohesion’. Commission president ursula von der Leyen said the plans presented by Spain’s leader Pedro Sánchez would allow the country to ‘arise stronger than ever before’, and praised the ‘excellent cooperation’ with europe by Spanish authorities. Sánchez, who calls the project approval ‘an historic day’ and the plans themselves a chance to ‘build a better future’, says he will call a conference with all the country’s regional presidents in July to discuss the finer detail of how it will be put into practice. in exchange for the funds, Spain is required to make a series of structural overhauls in its job market, pensions and taxation systems, among

other areas. this will involve scrapping key elements of the controversial 2012 labour reform, brought in by the previous right-wing PP government. the reform nine years ago made it easier and cheaper for companies to fire employees, even on the grounds of ill health evidenced by medical notes after a certain percentage of absences. the reform opened the door to the minority of less-scrupulous employers being able to shed staff with relative impunity and to use coercion to keep wages low and working conditions unfavourable.

Spain’s work minister Yolanda díaz also intends to reduce the number of job contract types to limit temporary employment only to cases where this is strictly necessary or in the interests of the employee as well as the firm, and wants to create a permanent mechanism similar to the temporary lay-off or ‘furlough’ scheme introduced during lockdown – where employees can be sent home, claim unemployment benefit without affecting their existing contributory jobseekers’ allowance built up, and taken back on by the company once business improves, with their jobs guaranteed during their

time off. Brussels has highly praised the temporary lay-off, or ‘eRte’ scheme, which has enabled businesses to avoid shutting down altogether and prevented mass redundancies. Pension pot As yet, the pension reform has not been agreed – ideas have been floated, but found to be unworkable, such as offering an extra €12,000 per year to each pensioner who decides to delay their retirement, payable for every additional year they work. Pensions minister José Luis escrivá is working on incentives for employees continuing to work beyond their specific retirement age, and they could be in place as early as this year. one of the more controversial aspects of the planned pension reform is that of increasing the current calculation period beyond 25 years – although 35 years of contributions are needed to claim a full pension, the actual amount paid is worked out according to contributions in the final 25 years of a person’s working life; until a few years back, it was the last 15 years, and around the beginning of the century, 12 years.


CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


Spain to host 2022 NATO summit next year’s nAto summit will be held in Spain – for the first time in a quarter of a century, confirms the organisation’s secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg. Spanish president Pedro Sánchez attended this year’s recent summit in Brussels, where he very briefly met his uS counterpart Joe Biden for the first time – although they were only in each others’ company for less than a minute, the time it took to walk 20 metres down the corridor, they reportedly managed to touch on a number of key issues the two countries have in common. Also today, Sánchez learned that Stoltenberg had chosen Madrid as the host city for the 2022 date – partly because of its being the 40th anniversary of Spain’s joining nAto, in 1982, and partly ‘in recognition of the significant role’ the nation plays in the organisation. Stoltenberg said Madrid’s hosting the 2022 summit would be ‘an ideal opportunity’ for member countries to ‘focus on the challenges coming from the south’, in which nAto ‘has great potential’. these ‘challenges’ include the current diplomatic issues with Morocco, the sovereignty of the disputed Western Sahara territory, and

the reduction in France’s troops deployed in the Sahel region of the Sahara desert. “if our neighbours are stable, we’re also safer,” Stoltenberg argues. he recalled that Spain had increased its spending on defence and has taken part in numerous nAto missions with ‘very strong contributions’ to peacekeeping in iraq and Afghanistan, the latter of which Spain concluded a few weeks back, bringing all its troops

home. Sánchez championed the decision to host the next summit in Madrid, saying that once there, ‘many of the decisions taken by member nations in Brussels would become reality’, including the ‘new strategic concept’ which would ‘replace the one approved in 2010’. the Spanish president says the nAto 2030 paper approved at today’s meeting ‘reflects a change towards a more political organisation, which will need to be stronger in military terms

and more global’ in order to deal with fresh challenges such as climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic. “there are no longer any problems which are exclusively defence-related, but defence forms part of the solution to any security issue,” Sánchez says. “the milestone we’re going to achieve by holding this major summit in Spain shows our country’s commitment to the Alliance, the Allieds’ trust in us, and in particular, that of the secretary-general.” As well as Joe Biden, Sánchez also made brief contact with the leaders of Canada, the uK and turkey, Justin trudeau, Boris Johnson and Recep tayyip erdoğan, respectively. during his chat with Boris Johnson, he and Sánchez agreed that the ‘privileged historic relationship’ between the uK and Spain was alive and well and agreed to strengthen ties between them. With trudeau, Sánchez discussed migration issues, and with erdoğan, the Spain-turkey summit expected to be held this year, with the leaders of both Mediterranean countries expressing a desire to include a business forum within it to stimulate bilateral trade.


CostaBlancaPeople 25th - 31st May 2021

This Week´s Movie Picks Goosebumps

Saturday 27th June – ITV, 3.00 pm

Coyote Ugly

Saturday 26th June – ITV2, 8.00 pm When young Violet finally follows her dream and moves to new York to become a songwriter, she knows little about the big city. All her efforts to get a demo tape to a producer are useless, additionally her apartment is broken in to, leaving her with nothing. But a coincidence leads her to Coyote ugly, a night club where only beautiful women call the shots, using their female attraction to drive the guests just crazy. Violet manages to get a position and starts learning the ways of the city. After getting in trouble because of a misunderstanding, Violet’s new friend Kevin tries to rid her of her stage fear so that she can perform her songs herself. Violet’s father Bill does not like her new job as well as her leaving him, but it’s all part of growing up.

After moving to a new small town, teenage Zach Cooper (dylan Minnette) meets the beautiful girl next door, hannah (odeya Rush). But every silver lining has a cloud, and Zach’s comes when he learns that hannah has a mysterious dad who is revealed to be R. L. Stine (Jack Black), the author of the bestselling Goosebumps series. it turns out that there is a reason why Stine is so strange - he is a prisoner of his own imagination - the monsters that his books made famous are real, and Stine protects his readers by keeping them locked up in their books. Zach unintentionally unleashes the monsters from their manuscripts and they begin to terrorize the town. it’s up to Stine, Zach, hannah, and Zach’s friend Champ (Ryan Lee) to put all the monsters back in their books.



CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


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CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


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costablancapeople.com | 22nd - 28th June 2021

22 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide


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Tuesday 22nd June

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Wednesday 23rd June

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Thursday 24th June

03:30 Wednesday in 00:10 BBC Weather Parliament 00:15 International T20 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Click Cricket 05:00 BBC News 01:15 Beechgrove 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 01:45 Inside Culture with 06:30 World Business Report Mary Beard 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 02:15 Our Cops in the North 11:00 Homes Under the 03:15 Springwatch Hammer 12:00 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 04:15 This Is BBC TWO 12:45 The Moment of Proof 07:30 Unbeatable 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 08:15 Bargain Hunt 14:30 BBC London 09:00 Springwatch 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Unbeatable 10:00 BBC News 16:00 Escape to the Country 11:00 BBC News 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 The Bidding Room 13:15 Politics Live 18:15 Pointless 14:00 Live: Eastbourne 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London International Tennis 20:00 The One Show 18:15 Flog It! 20:40 EastEnders 21:05 EastEnders 19:00 Live: International T20 21:30 Would I Lie to You? Cricket 22:00 Dragons’ Den 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:00 Live at the Apollo 23:25 BBC London 23:30 Newsnight 23:35 Question Time

CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


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23:35 ITV News

03:40 Girl 05:25 Wife Swap USA 06:10 Kirstie’s Celebrity Craft Masters 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Cheers 08:05 Cheers 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 10:25 Frasier 10:55 Frasier 11:25 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 12:25 Channel 4 News 12:30 Posh Pawnbrokers 13:30 Steph’s Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now? 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Bake Off: The Professionals 22:00 999: What’s Your Emergency? 23:00 Dogging Tales

00:05 ITV News London 00:20 Piers Morgan’s Life Stories 01:15 Monster Carp 02:30 Ideal World 04:00 FYI Extra 04:15 Winning Combination 05:05 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Tipping Point 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Catchphrase 16:45 Tipping Point: Best Ever Finals 17:15 Live: UEFA European Championship Football 20:15 ITV News London 20:30 ITV Evening News 21:00 Emmerdale 22:00 Coronation Street 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 UEFA European Championship Football

05:10 Wife Swap USA 07:50 Thomas & Friends: Big 06:00 Kirstie’s Celebrity Craft World! Big Adventures! Masters 08:00 Fireman Sam 06:50 Jamie’s Comfort Food 08:10 Daisy & Ollie 07:00 Countdown 08:20 The Adventures of 07:40 Cheers Paddington 08:05 Cheers 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:30 Everybody Loves 08:35 Peppa Pig Raymond 08:45 Pip & Posy 08:55 Everybody Loves 09:00 Milo Raymond 09:15 PAW Patrol 09:25 Everybody Loves 09:30 Ricky Zoom Raymond 09:45 Floogals 09:55 Frasier 09:55 Wissper 10:25 Frasier 10:00 Peppa Pig 10:55 Frasier 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 11:25 Escape to the Chateau: 10:15 Jeremy Vine DIY 12:15 Room to Improve 12:25 Channel 4 News 13:20 5 News at Lunchtime 12:30 Posh Pawnbrokers 13:25 Build a New Life in the 13:30 Steph’s Packed Lunch Country 15:10 Countdown 14:15 Home and Away 16:00 A Place in the Sun 14:45 Neighbours 17:00 A New Life in the Sun: 15:20 The Wrong Student Where Are They Now? 17:00 Gino’s Win Your Wish 18:00 Couples Come Dine List with Me 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Neighbours 19:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Home and Away 20:00 Channel 4 News 19:30 5 News Tonight 21:00 Location, Location, 20:00 Inside Tesco: 24/7 Location: 20 Years and 21:00 Restless Legs Counting Syndrome: Desperate for 22:00 Before We Die Help 23:00 In the Footsteps of 22:00 Casualty 24/7 Killers 23:00 A&E After Dark

00:00 Family Guy 00:30 American Dad! 00:55 American Dad! 01:25 Bob’s Burgers 01:50 Hellboy II: The Golden Army 04:15 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Supermarket Sweep 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 10:30 Ellen’s Game of Games 11:30 Dress to Impress 12:30 Secret Crush 13:30 Catchphrase 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Dress to Impress 17:00 The Masked Singer US 18:00 You’ve Been Framed! 18:30 You’ve Been Framed! 19:00 Catchphrase: Catchiest Moments 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Love Island Compilations 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy

01:00 Victoria

00:45 British Touring Car Championship 02:00 Ideal World 04:00 FYI Extra 04:15 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Tipping Point 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Eat, Shop, Save 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Martin Clunes: My Travels and Other Animals 22:00 Diana 23:35 ITV News

04:30 Wings 04:50 We Are Lady Parts 05:20 Wife Swap USA 06:05 Kirstie’s Celebrity Craft Masters 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Cheers 08:05 Cheers 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 10:25 Frasier 10:55 Frasier 11:25 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 12:25 Channel 4 News 12:30 Posh Pawnbrokers 13:30 Steph’s Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now? 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Supervet 22:00 Escape to the Chateau: Make Do and Mend 23:00 We Are Lady Parts 23:30 Celebrity Gogglebox

00:00 Family Guy 00:30 American Dad! 01:00 American Dad! 01:30 Bob’s Burgers 02:00 Bob’s Burgers 02:30 Superstore 03:00 Superstore 03:30 Celebrity Karaoke Club 04:25 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 10:00 Coronation Street 11:00 Dress to Impress 12:00 Secret Crush 13:00 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Dress to Impress 17:00 The Masked Singer US 18:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:00 Catchphrase: Catchiest Moments 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Love Island Compilations 23:00 CelebAbility 23:50 Family Guy

01:00 Victoria

00:45 The Motorbike Show 01:35 Ideal World 04:00 FYI Extra 04:15 Lingo 05:05 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Tipping Point 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Live: UEFA European Championship Football

08:00 Fireman Sam 08:10 Daisy & Ollie 08:20 The Adventures of Paddington 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:35 Peppa Pig 08:45 Pip & Posy 09:00 Milo 09:15 PAW Patrol 09:30 Ricky Zoom 09:45 Floogals 09:55 Wissper 10:00 Peppa Pig 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Room to Improve 13:20 5 News at Lunchtime 13:25 Build a New Life in the Country 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 Nightmare in Paradise 17:00 Gino’s Win Your Wish List 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Secrets of Your Supermarket Food 21:00 Kensington Palace: Behind Closed Doors 22:00 The Hotel Inspector 23:00 Evicted! Nightmare Tenants

02:00 Victoria 03:00 That’s My Boy 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:20 Bless This House 10:55 Man About the House 11:30 Foyle’s War 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Man About the House 17:30 Midsomer Murders 19:30 Downton Abbey 21:00 Midsomer Murders

02:00 Victoria 03:00 That’s My Boy 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:20 Bless This House 10:55 Man About the House 11:30 Midsomer Murders 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Man About the House 17:25 Midsomer Murders 19:25 Downton Abbey 21:00 McDonald and Dodds

02:00 Victoria 03:00 Bless This House 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:20 Bless This House 10:55 Man About the House 11:30 Midsomer Murders 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Wycliffe 17:55 Midsomer Murders 19:50 Downton Abbey 21:00 Vera

costablancapeople.com | 22nd - 28th June 2021 www.costablancapeople.com

BBC one

CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021

BBC two

Friday 25th June

02:30 Newscast 00:10 BBC Weather 03:00 BBC News 00:15 The Edge 03:30 The Week in 01:45 The Great British Parliament 04:00 BBC News Sewing Bee 04:30 Our World 02:45 The Sheriffs Are 05:00 BBC News Coming 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 03:30 Dom Digs In 06:30 World Business Report 04:15 This Is BBC TWO 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 07:30 Unbeatable 11:00 Homes Under the 08:15 Bargain Hunt Hammer 12:00 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 09:00 Dragons’ Den 12:45 The Moment of Proof 10:00 BBC News 13:15 Bargain Hunt 11:00 BBC News 14:00 BBC News at One 14:00 Live: Eastbourne 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Unbeatable International Tennis 15:30 Home Is Where the 18:15 Flog It! Art Is 16:00 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 16:45 Garden Rescue 19:30 Great Continental 17:30 The Bidding Room Railway Journeys 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 20:00 Newsnight 19:30 BBC London 20:30 Inside Culture with 20:00 The One Show Mary Beard 20:45 EastEnders 21:10 Ant-Man 21:00 Gardeners’ World 23:00 BBC News at Ten 22:00 Glastonbury 23:25 BBC London 23:00 Glastonbury 23:35 The Producers

Saturday 26th June

ITV 00:05 ITV News London 00:25 Monster Carp 01:20 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 02:10 Ideal World 04:00 FYI Extra 04:15 Martin and Roman’s Weekend Best! 05:05 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Tipping Point 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:30 Endeavour 23:20 ITV News 23:55 ITV News London

Channel 4 04:15 Dispatches 05:10 Go Home Polish 05:30 Unreported World 05:55 Rhiw Goch (On the Red Hill) 06:05 Building the Dream 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Cheers 08:05 Cheers 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 10:25 Frasier 10:55 Frasier 11:25 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 12:25 Channel 4 News 12:30 Posh Pawnbrokers 13:30 Steph’s Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now? 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Unreported World 21:00 Great Canal Journeys 22:00 Celebrity Gogglebox 23:00 The Last Leg

Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

Channel 5 08:10 Daisy & Ollie 08:20 The Adventures of Paddington 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:35 Peppa Pig 08:45 Pip & Posy 09:00 Milo 09:15 PAW Patrol 09:30 Ricky Zoom 09:45 Floogals 09:55 Wissper 10:00 Peppa Pig 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Room to Improve 13:20 5 News at Lunchtime 13:25 Build a New Life in the Country 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 A Surrogate’s Nightmare 17:00 Gino’s Win Your Wish List 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Scotland: A Year in the Wild 21:00 Gregg Wallace: Big Weekends Away 22:00 Great Paintings of the World with Andrew Marr 23:00 Britain’s Favourite 90’s Songs

ITV2 01:20 American Dad! 01:50 Bob’s Burgers 02:20 Bob’s Burgers 02:50 Superstore 03:15 Superstore 03:40 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:10 FYI Extra 04:25 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Emmerdale 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 10:30 Ellen’s Game of Games 11:30 Dress to Impress 12:30 Secret Crush 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Emmerdale 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Dress to Impress 17:00 The Masked Singer US 18:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Love Island Compilations 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy



ITV3 01:00 Victoria 03:00 Bless This House 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:20 Bless This House 10:55 Man About the House 11:30 Midsomer Murders 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Coronation Street 15:50 Coronation Street 16:55 Wycliffe 17:55 Midsomer Murders 19:50 Downton Abbey 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Doc Martin

05:05 ITV Nightscreen 01:05 Weather for the Week 00:00 Glastonbury 04:20 Come Dine with Me 09:40 Fireman Sam 00:00 Family Guy 01:05 Victoria 07:00 Dino Dana 09:55 Butterbean’s Café 05:40 Come Dine with Me 00:30 American Dad! Ahead 01:20 VS. 07:10 The Rubbish World of 06:10 Building the Dream 10:05 Brave Bunnies 00:55 American Dad! 02:00 Victoria 01:10 BBC News 02:55 Between the Covers Dave Spud 10:15 Floogals 07:05 Everybody Loves 01:25 Bob’s Burgers 01:30 The Media Show 03:25 This Is BBC TWO 07:20 The Rubbish World of Raymond 10:25 The World According To 01:55 Bob’s Burgers 03:00 Bless This House 02:00 BBC News 07:45 Wild & Weird Dave Spud Grandpa 07:30 Everybody Loves 02:25 Superstore 02:30 Click 08:00 The Dengineers 07:35 Robozuna 10:40 Little Princess Raymond 02:55 Superstore 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:00 BBC News 08:30 The Dog Ate My 07:55 LEGO: Hidden Side 10:50 Ben & Holly’s Little 07:55 Everybody Loves 03:20 Totally Bonkers 03:30 The Week in Homework 08:00 Mighty Mike Kingdom Raymond Guinness World Records 03:30 Teleshopping Parliament 08:10 Mighty Mike 11:05 SpongeBob 09:00 Blue Peter 08:20 Everybody Loves 03:45 Totally Bonkers 04:00 BBC News 08:20 Mr Bean SquarePants 09:30 What’s Cooking Omari? Raymond Guinness World Records 07:00 Outside Edge 04:30 Click 11:20 The Loud House 08:50 Everybody Loves 04:10 FYI Extra 09:40 Deadly Dinosaurs with 08:30 Mr Bean 08:45 Ben 10 11:30 Entertainment News 04:45 Newswatch Raymond 04:30 Teleshopping 07:25 Coronation Street Steve Backshall 08:55 Don’t Unleash the 05:00 BBC News 09:20 The Big Bang Theory On 5 07:00 Teleshopping 10:10 Human Universe Beast 05:30 Our World 09:45 The Big Bang Theory 11:45 Friends 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 08:20 Coronation Street 11:10 The Outlaw 09:25 ITV News 12:10 Friends 06:00 BBC News 10:10 The Big Bang Theory Show 13:00 Mary Berry’s Country 09:30 Martin and Roman’s 12:40 Friends 10:40 The Simpsons 06:30 The Travel Show 08:55 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:25 Coronation Street Weekend Best! 13:10 Friends House Secrets 11:10 The Simpsons Show 07:00 Breakfast 10:25 James Martin’s 13:40 Friends 14:00 Life in the Air 11:40 The Simpsons 09:40 The Ellen DeGeneres 10:25 Coronation Street 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live Saturday Morning 14:05 Wonderful World Of 15:00 Natural World 12:10 The Simpsons Show 12:30 Our Food, Our Family 12:35 Simply Raymond Blanc Crafting 16:00 Brian Cox’s Adventures 12:40 Four in a Bed 10:35 Dress to Impress 11:25 Agatha Christie’s Poirot with Michela Chiappa 13:40 James Martin’s 15:05 Wonderful World Of in Space and Time 13:10 Four in a Bed 11:35 Dress to Impress American Adventure Crafting 13:00 BBC Weekend News 13:40 Four in a Bed 13:40 Midsomer Murders 17:00 Flog It! 14:10 ITV Lunchtime News 16:05 Secrets Of The World’s 12:35 Supermarket Sweep 13:15 Live: Eastbourne 14:10 Four in a Bed 13:35 Catchphrase 17:50 Casablanca 14:25 Live: ITV Racing Live Most Expensive Cruises International Tennis 14:45 Four in a Bed 14:35 You’ve Been Framed! 15:40 Lewis 17:00 ITV Evening News 18:00 5 News Weekend 19:30 Great Continental 16:00 Money for Nothing 15:15 Live: International 15:40 You’ve Been Framed! 17:05 ITV News London 18:05 Our Yorkshire Farm Railway Journeys 16:30 Garden Rescue Rugby Union 17:45 Wycliffe 16:10 The Boxtrolls 17:15 Live: UEFA European 19:05 Our Yorkshire Farm 20:00 International T20 17:00 BBC Weekend News 18:15 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Step Up Revolution Championship Football 20:00 Our Yorkshire Farm Cricket 17:20 BBC London 19:00 Channel 4 News 18:55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 20:00 Coyote Ugly 20:15 Live: UEFA European 21:00 Zara and Mike: No 17:30 Live: Match of the Day 21:00 Eric and Ernie: Behind Championship Football 19:30 Formula 1 Motor Racing Nonsense Royals 22:00 Love Island: What 20:30 Live: Match of the Day the Scenes 21:00 Finding Your Feet 20:00 Midsomer Murders Happened Next 23:20 ITV News 22:00 Kate: Our Queen in 22:00 Glastonbury 23:10 BBC Weekend News 23:00 Love Island: What 23:40 It’ll Be Alright on the 23:10 Mission: Impossible - Waiting 23:00 Glastonbury Night Ghost Protocol 23:30 Bridget Jones’s Diary Happened Next 22:00 Midsomer Murders 23:30 Match of the Day The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People

costablancapeople.com | 22nd - 28th June 2021

24 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide


BBC one

BBC two

Sunday 27th June

00:00 The Best of Top Gear 00:20 Glastonbury 01:00 Match of the Day 01:00 Captain Fantastic 02:40 Weather for the Week 02:50 This Is BBC TWO Ahead 02:45 BBC News 07:05 Life in a Cottage 03:00 BBC News Garden with Carol Klein 03:30 Dateline London 07:35 Britain in Bloom 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Our World 08:05 Gardeners’ World 05:00 BBC News 09:05 Countryfile 05:30 Click 06:00 BBC News 10:00 Landward 06:30 The Week in Parliament 10:30 Beechgrove 07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best 11:00 Politics Bites 11:30 Sunday Morning Live 12:30 Nadiya’s Summer 12:30 Wanted Down Under 13:15 Bargain Hunt Feasts 14:00 BBC Weekend News 13:30 Talking Pictures 14:15 Songs of Praise 14:15 Paint Your Wagon 14:50 Points of View 15:05 Lifeline 16:45 Flog It! 15:15 Escape to the Country 17:30 Our Wild Adventures 15:45 Early Man 17:05 BBC Weekend News 18:30 This Farming Life 17:20 BBC London 19:30 Africa with Ade 17:30 Live: Match of the Day 20:30 Live: Match of the Day Adepitan 23:10 BBC Weekend News 20:30 Glastonbury 23:30 BBC London 22:00 Glastonbury 23:40 Crouchy’s Year-Late Euros: Live

23:00 Glastonbury

CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


00:25 Match of the Day 02:00 Anita & Me 00:55 Joanna Lumley’s 00:55 Match of the Day Unseen Adventures 02:35 Weather for the Week 03:30 Question Time 01:50 Ideal World Ahead 02:40 BBC News 04:00 FYI Extra 04:30 Holby City 03:00 BBC News 04:15 Tour de France Cycling 03:30 The Week in Parliament 05:05 ITV Nightscreen 04:00 BBC News 05:10 This Is BBC TWO 04:30 Dateline London 06:05 Tipping Point 05:00 BBC News 07:00 Good Morning Britain 07:15 Bargain Hunt 05:30 HARDtalk 10:00 Lorraine 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 08:00 Unbeatable 11:00 This Morning 07:00 Breakfast 13:30 Loose Women 10:15 Morning Live 08:45 The Repair Shop 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 14:55 ITV News London 12:00 Murder, Mystery and My 09:45 The Week in Parliament 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal Family 16:00 Tenable 12:45 Island Medics 10:15 Politics Live 13:15 Bargain Hunt 17:00 Tipping Point 14:00 BBC News at One 11:30 Live: Wimbledon Tennis 18:00 The Chase 14:30 BBC London 19:00 ITV News London 14:45 Live: Wimbledon Tennis 21:30 Today at Wimbledon 17:00 BBC News at Six 19:15 ITV Evening News 17:20 BBC London 17:30 Live: Match of the Day 22:30 Victoria Wood’s Secret 19:45 Emmerdale 20:15 Live: UEFA European 20:30 Live: Match of the Day 23:10 BBC News at Ten Championship Football List 23:35 BBC London 23:20 ITV News 23:45 Do Black Lives Still 23:30 Newsnight

Channel 5



04:40 ITV Nightscreen 01:45 Survivor 09:00 The Adventures of 00:00 Family Guy 00:00 Midsomer Murders Paddington 07:00 Dino Dana 03:20 Ramsay’s Kitchen 00:30 Family Guy 09:15 PAW Patrol 07:10 The Rubbish World of 02:00 Sanditon Nightmares USA 01:00 American Dad! 09:30 Fireman Sam Dave Spud 01:30 American Dad! 07:20 The Rubbish World of 04:10 Undercover Boss USA 09:45 Butterbean’s Café 03:05 Man About the House 10:00 Brave Bunnies Dave Spud 05:00 Hollyoaks Omnibus 01:55 CelebAbility 10:10 Floogals 07:35 Robozuna 07:00 Everybody Loves 10:25 The World According To 02:40 Celebrity Karaoke Club 03:30 Teleshopping 07:55 LEGO: Hidden Side Raymond Grandpa 03:35 Love Island 08:00 Mighty Mike 10:35 Little Princess 07:25 Everybody Loves 08:10 Mighty Mike 07:00 Emmerdale Compilations 10:45 Ben & Holly’s Little 08:20 Mr Bean Raymond 04:30 Teleshopping Kingdom 08:30 Mr Bean 07:50 Everybody Loves 07:25 Emmerdale 11:00 SpongeBob 07:00 Teleshopping 08:45 Hotel Transylvania Raymond SquarePants 08:55 Don’t Unleash the 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 11:15 The Loud House 08:20 Emmerdale 08:15 Everybody Loves Beast Show 11:25 Entertainment News 09:25 ITV News Raymond On 5 08:50 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:20 Emmerdale 09:30 Martin and Roman’s 08:35 The Simpsons 11:30 WWE Raw: Highlights Weekend Best! Show 12:30 Premiership Rugby 09:00 The Simpsons 10:25 Love Your Garden 09:50 Emmerdale 09:40 Secret Crush 13:00 Friends 11:25 The Masked Singer US 09:30 The Simpsons 13:30 Friends 10:40 Secret Crush 12:20 The Masked Singer US 10:00 W Series Motor Racing 14:00 Friends 10:20 Emmerdale 11:45 Secret Crush 13:15 Australian Ninja Warrior 10:30 Sunday Brunch 14:30 Friends 14:55 ITV Lunchtime News 15:00 Build a New Life in the 12:50 Take Me Out 13:30 The Simpsons 10:50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 15:00 Goosebumps Country 14:05 Catchphrase 14:00 The Simpsons 16:55 ITV Evening News 16:00 Build a New Life in the 15:10 Step Up: All In 12:00 Live: British Touring Car 17:05 ITV News London 14:30 Live: International Country 17:15 Live: UEFA European 17:00 Appointment With Death 17:30 Sing Rugby Union Championship Football 19:05 5 News Weekend 19:40 Mamma Mia! Here We Championship 17:15 A Place in the Sun 20:15 Harry Potter and the 19:10 Aldi: Secrets Of The Go Again 18:00 Coast vs Country Philosopher’s Stone Billion Dollar Discounter 19:25 On the Buses 23:10 ITV News 20:00 The Wonderful World of 22:00 Love Island: What 19:00 Channel 4 News 23:30 Martin Clunes: My Happened Next 19:30 Formula 1 Motor Racing Chocolate 20:00 Midsomer Murders Travels and Other Animals 21:00 10 Years Younger In 10 23:20 Family Guy 22:00 The Handmaid’s Tale 23:55 UEFA European Days 23:00 Celebrity Gogglebox 22:00 Calendar Girls 22:00 Vera Championship Football 23:45 Family Guy

Monday 28th June


Channel 4


23:55 ITV News London

04:30 Cindy 04:45 Couples Come Dine with Me 05:40 Building the Dream 06:35 Coach Trip: Road to Tenerife 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Cheers 08:05 Cheers 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 10:25 Frasier 10:55 Frasier 11:25 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 12:25 Channel 4 News 12:30 Posh Pawnbrokers 13:30 Steph’s Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now? 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Devon and Cornwall 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 999: What’s Your Emergency?

08:10 Daisy & Ollie 08:20 The Adventures of Paddington 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:35 Peppa Pig 08:45 Pip & Posy 09:00 Milo 09:15 PAW Patrol 09:30 Ricky Zoom 09:45 Floogals 09:55 Wissper 10:00 Peppa Pig 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Room to Improve 13:20 5 News at Lunchtime 13:25 Build a New Life in the Country 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 One Small Indiscretion 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Budget Hotels: Are They a Con? 21:00 Susan Calman’s Grand Week by the Sea 22:00 Great British Gardens: Season by Season 23:00 Inside the World’s Greatest Hotels

00:10 Family Guy 00:35 American Dad! 01:05 American Dad! 01:30 The Cleveland Show 02:00 The Cleveland Show 02:30 You vs Chris & Kem 03:30 Love Island Compilations 04:20 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Ellen’s Game of Games 11:30 Dress to Impress 12:30 Secret Crush 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Dress to Impress 17:00 The Masked Singer US 18:00 You’ve Been Framed! 18:30 Catchphrase 19:15 Wonder Woman 22:00 Love Island 23:35 Family Guy

00:00 Wycliffe 01:05 Wycliffe 02:15 Coronation Street 03:10 Coronation Street 04:10 Coronation Street 05:05 Coronation Street 06:05 Bless This House 06:30 Bless This House 06:55 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:20 Bless This House 10:55 Man About the House 11:30 Midsomer Murders 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Wycliffe 18:00 Midsomer Murders 19:50 Downton Abbey 21:00 Lewis



CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


TV spin-off for Devil Wears Prada This summer, we’re getting a reboot of Gossip Girl, with the nostalgia gods looking down on us in our time of need. But now, it also looks as if we might be getting even luckier. That’s right, Devil Wears Prada fans: we could be getting a follow-up to the world of Runway Magazine ‘at some point’ in the future. You’ll remember the hit film that saw Andy, who lacked a sense of style (not a question) but somehow clinched a job working for the terrifying Miranda, editor of Runway, before finding herself falling into a fashion rabbit hole. Well, we could be finding out what happened next. In a brand new interview with Entertainment Weekly, author Lauren Weisberger - who wrote the book the film is based on revealed that there have been lots of talks about a potential TV series or sequel. This makes sense, as she released a sequel to the original book which saw Andy team up with her former office nemesis, Emily, on their own publication. ‘There have been a lot of conversations about it,’ Lauren said. ‘I wouldn’t say it’s out of the realm of possibility.’ However, the film’s director David Frankel is less keen.

He said: “[The studio] didn’t ask for [a sequel]. We had a meeting where we said, “What could we do if there was a sequel?” Maybe it was stupid; we felt like, No, this story has been told... Lauren eventually wrote another book following up 15 years later. “We came to the same conclusion, that just following the characters wouldn’t be the same.” Anne Hathaway - who played Andy - and Emily Blunt who played Emily are game, though. “I would do it, but only if everyone did it,” Emily said in 2014. “I don’t know why it hasn’t been done, but everyone’s got to do it.” Earlier that year Anne agreed that she’d be keen for a reunion. “Wouldn’t that be fun?”, she told Graham Norton. “I’d love to do that.” The cult movie - which earned Meryl an Oscar nomination for Best Actress - celebrates its 15th anniversary this year, and the cast recently reunited to share

their fond memories. Amidst the revelations were the fact that Notebook star Rachel McAdams actually turned down the role three times, while Adrian Grenier - who played Andy’s boyfriend Nate - addressed something we have truly always known: that he, not Miranda, was the true villain of The Devil Wears Prada. Anne had since admitted that the role ‘spoke to her’ and that she ‘screamed and ran around her flat’ when she was offered the role.


Bars & Restaurants

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Bars & Restaurants

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Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021

Tea, the key to longevity Living a long and healthy life does not always have to come down to a life of deprivation and calorie counting. Often it can be the simple pleasures of life which are said to have major health benefits when it comes to reducing the risks of cancers, heart attacks and strokes. Tea lovers rejoice as these are the three best teas to help boost your longevity. Rooibos tea The tea, which is grown exclusively in the Western Cape province of South Africa, is not only delicious but boasts an array of health benefits helping to extend one’s longevity. Rooibos tea’s health benefits include supporting a healthy heart, preventing cancer, managing and preventing diabetes, supporting healthy digestion, fighting inflammation, promoting stronger bones, supporting weight loss, slowing down the ageing process, treating blood pressure, supporting

healthy skin, fighting dandruff and supporting kidney health. The main nutritional benefit of rooibos tea lies in its rich antioxidant content and it being a source of some unique polyphenols, including aspalathin. These protective plant compounds may help protect against the free radical damage that leads to conditions like diabetes, heart disease and potentially cancer. The tea is said to also help prevent cancer as it contains quercetin, which is a plant-based chemical compound

that is given in capsule form to patients suffering from cancer. Rooibos tea enhances cell health and growth and combats free radical cells, along with repairing your DNA. It causes cell death in cancerous cells and inhibits the growth of tumours. Rooibos tea can help produce antibodies that make the immune system stronger. Chamomile tea One of the more important mechanisms in chamomile tea is its powerful antioxidant and antibacterial proper ties. Chamomile’s ability to boost one’s longevity is contributed by its strong ability to soothe and relax the nerves.

A study conducted at the University of Texas Medical Branch, analysed 1,677 Mexican American men and women all aged over 60 and analysed how chamomile tea consumption aided in longevity. The study revealed that the tea helped to decrease mortality risk by nearly a third compared to those who did not drink the tea. According to the study’s authors, previous research suggests that black and green tea is linked to reduced heart problems, a lower risk of developing cancer and lower rates of mortality.

green tea Green tea provides strong immune support for fighting diseases and prolonging a quality life. Green tea leaves contain powerful antioxidants called polyphenols that help to prevent cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, and other chronic problems. Researchers found that of more than 100,000 Chinese adults they tracked,


those who drank green tea at least three times a week were less likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke over the next seven years. Tea lovers also had a slightly longer life expectancy, said WebMD. The health site added: “At age 50, they could expect to live just over a year longer than their counterparts who were not regular consumers of green tea.” One of the main benefits of green tea, which may contribute to how it prolongs life, is that its properties can reduce a person’s risk of cardiovascular diseases. The Division of Health Sciences in Warwick Medical School concluded that research evidence suggests green tea has favourable effects on the risk associated with cardiovascular diseases. Green tea was found to produce statistically significant reductions in total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol and blood pressure.

Move over Rosé - Bombay Bramble is the drink of the summer The summer months are when many people finally switch from darker spirits to prepare for an entire season of crisp, refreshing cocktails. This year, Bombay is turning the usual summer line-up on its head with its new berry-forward release, Bombay Bramble. In addition to classic styles like London Dry, there are now many flavoured gins available that will add fruit and berry notes to the deep botanical mixture that already defines the spirit. However, many of these are overly sweet and rely on added sugar or artificial flavours to create their tasting profiles. Bombay Bramble, the latest product from the storied Bombay Sapphire gin brand, avoids these techniques, instead relying on freshly harvested blackberries and raspberries to provide its bright and vibrant character. Ivano Tonutti, Bombay Sapphire master of botanicals, and Dr. Anne Brock, master distiller, worked together to come up with the perfect twist on the classic

gin recipe by adding macerated berries picked at peak ripeness to the spirit. “We wanted to blend the mastery of our unique vapour-infusion process with what we saw as an opportunity in the market, to deliver an all-natural yet vibrantly flavoured gin that embodies the quality of Bombay without adding sugars,” said Jaime Keller, brand director of Bombay Sapphire. This means that this flavored gin actually has up to 10 times less sugar per serving compared to its closest competition, making it the perfect summertime mixer to use in so many different fresh and fruit-forward cocktails. Bombay Sapphire is on track to be the first major gin made using 100 percent sustainably sourced botanicals. This is good news for consumers, who are increasingly looking for mindful drinking options. To mix up your own Bombay Bramble & Tonic, simply combine 1 and a half ounces Bombay Bramble with 4 ounces

of tonic water over ice. Squeeze a lemon over the drink, stir, and serve in your favorite balloon or wine glass for a little extra ‘oomph’. If you’re looking for a lower-ABV cocktail, try reducing the amount of Bramble and combine with equal parts soda water and tonic for a mash-up called the Bramble and Sonic. From there your options are endless, and the namesake Bramble cocktail, a take on the classic Tom Collins recipe, is another exciting drink to try out. Combine Bramble with lemon juice and simple syrup in a rocks glass, top with crushed ice, a lemon wedge, and blackberry, and enjoy. Otherwise, try making a reimagined Clover Club by combining Bramble, lemon juice, simple syrup, and

egg white in a cocktail shaker. Shake until combined, strain into a Martini glass, and garnish with fresh berries. Bramble’s subtle sweetness naturally arrives from the infusion of ripe berries, which makes this unique spirit stand out

from the pack. Yet most importantly, the true character of Bombay gin still shines through in every sip, with core botanicals such as juniper, licorice, coriander, and almonds still breaking through onto the palate.

Children’s diets made up of 65 percent ultraprocessed food Almost two-thirds (65.4 per cent) of the calories eaten by children in Britain come from “ultra-processed foods”, a study has found. Examples of ultraprocessed foods include chocolate, ice cream, biscuits, packaged bread, breakfast cereals and jars of pasta sauce. Researchers from Imperial College London studied data from more than 9,000 children who grew up near Bristol and were followed from the age of seven to their mid-20s. Those who ate the most ultra-processed foods throughout childhood and adolescence were found to have a BMI 1.18 points higher than those who ate the least by the age of 24. They also had 1.53 per cent more body fat and, on average, weighed over eight pounds more. Ultra-processed foods are defined by the researchers as “food and drink

formulations of multiple substances, mostly of exclusive industrial use (e.g. high-fructose corn syrup), are manufactured through a series of complex industrial processes (e.g. hydrogenation) and often contain cosmetic food additives (e.g. colours, flavours and emulsifiers) that disguise any undesirable sensorial properties of the final product”. Writing in the journal JAMA Paediatrics, the study’s authors suggested that eating patterns established in childhood extended into adulthood, potentially setting children on a lifelong trajectory for obesity and a range of negative physical and mental health outcomes. Prof Christopher Millett, professor of public health at Imperial College London, said: “Our findings show that an exceptionally high proportion of

their diet is made up of ultra-processed foods, with one in five children consuming 78 per cent of their calories from ultra-processed foods. Dr Eszter Vamos, senior clinical lecturer in public health medicine at Imperial College London, said: “Childhood is a critical time when food preferences and eating habits are formed with long-lasting effects on health.” Industrial food processing sees food modified to change its consistency, taste, colour, shelf life or other attributes through mechanical or chemical alteration. This is also typically lacking in traditional, home-made meals. The work is the first to look at the link between the consumption of ultraprocessed foods and obesity in children over a long period of time, with findings broadly applicable to children across

the UK. The researchers highlight that a limitation of the study is its observational nature, and that they are unable to definitively show direct causation between consumption of ultra-processed foods and increases in BMI, body fat and weight. Prof Gunter Kuhnle, professor of nutrition and food science at the University of Reading - and who was not involved with the study - said: “The results of this study are not surprising: children who consume a lot of ‘ultraprocessed’ foods are most likely to be less healthy and more obese than their peers with lower intake. “The interpretation of these results are, however, much more difficult. Apart from the limitations of the definition of ‘ultra-processed foods’, the outcome of the study is heavily confounded

by socio-economic factors: children living in more deprived areas and from families with lower educational attainment and lower socio-economic status had the highest intake of ultraprocessed foods. “Unfortunately, these children are also at highest risk of obesity and poor health, as there are still considerable health inequalities in the UK and socio-economic status is an important determinant of health.” However, Dr Duane Mellor, a registered dietician at Aston University, criticised the methodology of the study and the broad definition of what constitutes ultra-processed food. “Overall, this study risks suggesting that all foods which are processed are bad, whereas this is probably only really the case when they are higher in fat, salt and sugar and lower in fibre,” he said.


CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021

Bars & Restaurants



CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021

Health & Beauty


The right 5 a day The right five a day has been revealed as 2 fruit: 3 vegetables, it emerged this week. Studies representing nearly 2 million adults worldwide have shown that eating about five daily servings of fruits and vegetables, in which 2 are fruits and 3 are vegetables, is likely the optimal amount for a longer life. The news is according to new research published in the American Heart Association’s flagship journal

Circulation. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables help reduce risk for numerous chronic health conditions that are leading causes of death, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. Yet, only about one in 10 adults eat enough fruits or vegetables, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This latest study found that an intake of about five servings

of fruits and vegetables daily was associated with the lowest risk of death. Eating more than five servings was not associated with additional benefit. Eating about two servings daily of fruits and three servings daily of vegetables was associated with the greatest longevity. Compared to those who consumed two servings of fruit and vegetables per day, participants who consumed five

servings a day of fruits and vegetable had a 13% lower risk of death from all causes; a 12% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke; a 10% lower risk of death from cancer; and a 35% lower risk of death from respiratory disease, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Researchers analyzed data from two studies including more than

100,000 adults who were followed for up to 30 years. Both datasets included detailed dietary information repeatedly collected every two to four years. Researchers also pooled data on fruit and vegetable intake and death from 26 studies that included about 1.9 million participants from 29 countries and territories in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.


Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


Quirónsalud Torrevieja acquires new state-of-the-art linear accelerator for the treatment of all types of cancers Quirónsalud Hospital Torrevieja introduces a new linear accelerator for the treatment of all types of tumours - the VARiAn tRUeBeAM 2.7. The Radiation Oncology Department of Quirónsalud Torrevieja hospital, with 20 years of experience, continues its commitment to being at the forefront of technology and excellence in treatments, now adding this accelerator to the innovative techniques already being applied, such as Intraoperative Radiotherapy (MOBETRON, Intraop). With this new accelerator, says Dr. Rosa Mª Cañón, head of the Radiation Oncology Department at Quirónsalud Torrevieja, “greater accuracy is achieved in the localisation of tumours, and therefore, more precise treatments”. “It is equipped with state-of-the-art 3D and 4D imaging systems that allow online visualisation and correction during treatment delivery.” “The new accelerator”, she adds, “features a wide range of energies and the most advanced radiotherapy techniques, which allow us to increase the dose to the tumour and reduce it in healthy organs, shaping the irradiation beam so that it adapts perfectly to the threedimensional structure of the tumour, protecting nearby tissues and organs as much as possible, reducing side effects, which improves the quality of the treatment and, therefore, is of great benefit to patients.” Shorter treatments: duration per session and total number of sessions Dr. Rosa Mª Cañón explains that yet another of the advantages of the new equipment is the treatment speed, which is up to ten times faster than in conventional accelerators. The new accelerator has two energy rates, including FFF energy for High Intensity. “The FFF system enables us to treat some tumours at much higher doses than in conventional (hypofractionations / Radiosurgery),

with a much faster speed than the usual treatments. Administering higher daily doses results in increased tumour control, shorter duration of each session and a reduced total number of sessions” Real-time tumour check Other advantages of the new equipment include high-quality CT (scanner) imaging. “We can acquire high-quality 3D images to check the treatment area. The Image-Guided Radiation Therapy system: IGRT, is used to check the position of the tumour

before each treatment session and also during treatment delivery. Thus, we check that the tumour, and the healthy organs surrounding it, is in the optimal position for treatment, and if not, the equipment indicates the necessary movements to correct the patient’s position so that the tumour is in the exact place with respect to what was previously planned on a computer,” explains Dr.Cañón. This feature minimises error due to tumour movement and therefore reduces uncertainty in the treatment delivery. Radiosurgery without a stereotactic frame The new equipment makes it possible to perform brain radiosurgery treatments without the need to place the patient in the stereotactic cruciate frame (fixed to the skull bone) “using repositionable masks, with real-time detection systems, and thus enables the administration of very high doses of radiation with maximum precision and

safety,” states Dr.Cañón. table movement The accelerator table on which the patient is placed during treatment is capable of correcting small variations in the 6 axes of movement, achieving greater precision in patient positioning. The doctor says, “it allows the position of the patient and the tumour to be adjusted very quickly and accurately, and this can be done both manually and automatically.” Benefits of treatment with the new linear accelerator a greater safety, enabling analysis and correction of the position in real-time at the time of treatment. It implements Imaging systems, obtaining high quality images (both 2D and 3D: CT), including Imaging Guidance Systems: a Reduces lung irradiation in complex treatments through the “Respiratory Gating Module,” which allows treatment to be administered in the selected respiratory range. a greater precision in patient positioning. It features the “PerfectPitch 6DoF” table, capable of correcting small changes in the 6 movement axes. aMinimises the chance of errors. It allows manual and automatic positioning and the ability to move with remote control from the control room.

I am single, and met a man recently who I thought I had a great connection with. We got on really well, and we talked and talked and laughed a lot. We’ve been spending time together and he has been helping me out a lot with my affairs, so we have been seeing each other weekly for a few months. I am retired and I am about 15 years older than him, even though friends say I look younger than my years. I know he is single and divorced and has grown children in the UK he is about 20 years younger than me. I know he was looking for someone to take out. I genuinely thought he was interested in me, but then I heard he was meeting someone I had introduced him to through work, and taking them out. It was like a bolt had hit me. I was mad at myself that I had introduced them. A mutual friend told me that he is looking for someone more his own age, but I thought we had a real spark. I am very upset and I now won’t take his calls or messages, and he keeps asking what he’s done to upset me? It’s a shame you got on so well, and thought there was more to it; it seems he did not. Of course, it’s possible to have friends of all ages when we are older. You got your wires crossed and thought there was more to it than there actually was. I would reply to his messages and make some excuse for not being in touch, but if you reveal your feelings, you may feel foolish, and also make him feel awkward. Better to accept he didn’t think of you in that way, and stay friends if you can. Write to Sara in confidence. a pSeudonym Will be uSed if you WiSh. Sara readS all letterS and can give a perSonal reply. email your queStion to Sara@coStablancapeople.com or Sara iS available for private conSultationS, telephone 650 054 467.



CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021



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CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021

Carrying New Low Emission Zone Sign Launched a Load If you are driving a vehicle that is carrying a load in the car, you must make sure that the load is restrained properly. Load restraint is not just about making sure that the load does not come off - it is also about making sure that the load does not shift in a way that makes the vehicle unsafe to handle or allows the load to crash into the driver’s cabin, which may cause injury or death. If you have a traffic accident, you could have serious injuries caused by the load you carry. The Spanish Traffic Law requires that any load carried on or in your vehicle must: Not be placed in a way that makes your vehicle unstable or unsafe. Be secured so it won’t move or fall from your vehicle while driving - including driving consisting of emergency braking or turning suddenly. Not project from your vehicle in a way that is likely to injure a person, obstruct the path of other drivers or pedestrians, or damage another vehicle or anything else. Be restrained using an appropriate load restraint method. Anything on the back seats must be secured with the seat belt. It is advisable that you do not carry anything in the car saloon space, the boot is designed for this purpose. In case you need to carry load in the vehicle, use the seat belt to ensure the load, and if you carry heavy things, use a car net, it is forbidden to take heavy load without a load restraint net.

The General Directorate of Traffic has published an instruction on Low Emission Zones and other regulations for access to vehicles in urban areas, better known by the English acronym UVAR, in which the vertical ZBE sign is created and invites local entities to communicate these areas to the DGT, as well as other regulations for access to vehicles that they establish in their municipalities to incorporate it into the DGT 3.0 platform and to be able to disseminate that information in real time and free of charge to all drivers. This instruction will facilitate the application of the Climate Change law promoted by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, which entered into force on May 22. The norm establishes that municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants - as well as those with more than 20,000 with non-compliance with air quality - and island territories, must establish low-

emission zones before 2023. The Ministry for Ecological Transition and The Demographic Challenge is already working on some Guidelines for the establishment of LEZs that will facilitate their development within the framework of the provisions of the Law. The LEZs contribute both to the

improvement of air quality and the health of citizens as well as to the mitigation of climate change and noise pollution, and they represent a stimulus for the energy efficiency of transport, promoting its electrification.

The sign that informs of the prohibited entry to a motor vehicle, except those vehicles that have the environmental mark indicated by the local entity in the lower part of the sign.

Safer cities In the same way, the instruction is aligned with what is requested by the European Union, which urges governments to publish common definitions and information protocols on the characteristics of the LEZs, and the rest of the city access regulations. The goal is for cities to be safe, healthy, and competitive, and for residents, transport operators, delivery people and visitors to urban areas to know in advance the current restrictions and to be able to adequately manage their mobility. Establishing a common signal to all municipalities is in line with the establishment of common protocols pursued by the European Union.

Information also on the DGT 3.0 platform

Madrid and the Barcelona Metropolitan Area have already begun to establish these low-emission zones, and other cities will continue to do so. For this reason, and following requests made by transport operators, as well as by local authorities to have a harmonised sign for all Spanish cities, the DGT has created a new vertical sign, easy to identify and that allows citizens to know approaching or entering an LEZ, as well as the traffic restrictions that affect them.

The instruction goes a step further and includes the possibility for local authorities to proactively participate in the ecosystem of connected mobility, facilitating the DGT the identification of the areas and roads included in the Low Emission Zones and any other restriction measure of access to your municipality. According to Jorge Ordás, DGT’s Deputy Director of Mobility and Technology “ the DGT 3.0 connected vehicle platform is in a position to receive information on low-emission zones or other restrictions, their schedules and the type of vehicles they affect, in order to then share it for free and in real time through the National Access Point of traffic information, so that vehicle manufacturers, navigators and mobility applications will be able to know the degree of restriction that affects their itineraries in all moment, to establish smarter routes. We hope that this technology contributes to eliminating congestion derived from the hectic traffic of our cities”.

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CHurCH and CHarities International Christian Assembly Evangelical Church. We welcome you to Sunday Service at 11am (English) Calle Urbano Arregui 23, Torrevieja, 03185 www.icatorrevieja.org Phone; 966799273 or 660127276 (SH) Join us at Salt Church. Sundays at 10.30am. We are a friendly Church, Bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Calle Daya Nueva 12, Poligino Industrial Levante II, 03187 Los Montsinos. www.saltchurch.es Facebook: SaltChurchSpain

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Las Ramblas Golf Society

Graham Goes Into Meltdown! Abbey Anglers On Tuesday the 15th of June the match was fished at the El Bosquet complex at Crevillente. Twenty one anglers took part on possibly the hottest day of the year so far with temperatures just creeping into the thirties. We fished in seven sections of three and used pegs A1 to 7 and 26 to 40. The winning run of a certain Neil Mcbernie continued and he ran out a comfortable winner. Fishing from peg 26 he fished maggots to take 37.43kg of mainly carp. Second on the day Steve Capel with 23.320kg and third was Bill´´The Master´´Read with 21.40kg. Winners of the pairs event was Neil McBernie and Alan Priest with 45.510kg. Rods n Reels The following day we should have been on the river at Murcia town centre, but due to a mix up with the federation we were not issued with a match permit so we were unable to fish. This meant that several anglers went to El Bosquet to fish the official match and 8 anglers went to The Embalse La Pedrera. I have very sketchy details of the match at El Bosquet but I believe it was won by Barry Homer with 43kg. The match that took place at Pedrera was fished on the old match point. It has been over 18 months since we have fished a match on this

venue so we were looking forward to it. Unfortunately the fish were not in the mood and even though all anglers caught it was a very low weight affair. Winner on the day was the old master himself and match secretary Bill Reade. He fished the feeder with pellets to catch several carp for 6.46kg. In second place was another venue specialist Terry Screen, Draw on the windy side he fished the feeder and the monkey on the pole to take carp for 4.40kg although he lost several big barbel. In third place was Graham Patterson who fished the feeder who despite losing several fish he weighed in 2.48kg The pairs event was won by Bill and Graham. Just to give anglers some hope, in last place on the day was the wonder of El Bosquet, Neil McBernie who weighed one small carp for .500kg. For further details please visit our website www.abbeyangling.es

My scoring three birdies on the front nine in Monday’s ‘Counter Game’ were not enough to secure our team’svictory. Together with John Shervell, Reg Akehurst and ‘Albert’ we managed tocome in the runners up slot with 99 points. Taking the glory (and the euros) with 101 were George Hogg, Joyce McClusky, Mike Mahoney and Dave Brench. After just 13 holes Graham Murray was sitting on 36 points in Wednesday’s Stableford! Over the final 5 holes he managed a grand total of just 3 to finish in 3rd place with 39. Also on 39, but just creeping through to second place on countback was Bryan Neal whilst again, on countback, Andrea Martin was our winner on the day. There were five ‘2’s with Dave Brench getting

two of them. The others went to John Drakesmith, G r a h a m Murray and Andy Martin (who I wasn’t going to m e nt i o n anymore!) It was the best two scores out of four to count on each hole but all on the par 3’s on Friday. Winning with 104 points were Ken & Liz Robertson together with Dave Pulling and Mike Brentnall. They were closely followed on 101 by Andy Martin, Paul Brown, John Dobson and

Yvonne Phipps. Por ultimo, I’ve always had an irrational fear of speed bumps but I’m slowly getting over it. Pues hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell

TORREVIEJA CF 6 - 1 AT. BENEJUZAR Torrevieja sailed to a six one victory at home this weekend, although the team of visiting coach Francisco Ramón Grau Pololo, resisted as best they could until the end of the game Once again Torrevieja showed a lot of tactical order in their game, well closed and

compact in their defensive line and with organized play by keeping possession of the ball. At the beginning of the second half and at ten minutes, Benejuzar tried to close the gap but this led to a whirlwind of energy from the home team and Torrevieja went on to score

four more goals before the final whistle. Torrevieja finishes the competition occupying fourth place in the table, the same position as the previous season and without promotion options.


TALES FROM ThE TOP FLIGhT n chris darwen chris@costablancapeople.com

Ah, the joys of England at a major football tournament - how I have missed it. Hot off the heels of suddenly being tournament favourites in the eyes of the foolish - based off a half-decent opening 15 minutes against a nowhere-near-as-good-as-they-werein-2018 Croatia - England are now a one-paced, dull, defensive side incapable of beating little old Scotland at Wembley. Of course, neither are actually true but don’t let that stop the 50m majority who now think Gareth Southgate is utterly clueless. After all, he would have told the team to play sideways pass after sideways pass, slow the game down and give Scotland a chance to actually get out of a group for once, wouldn’t he? Hindsight is a lovely thing in football, as we know, and given how Kalvin Phillips was now the greatest midfielder in Europe after running around gleefully against Luka Modric is it massively fair to question Southgate for picking the same front six that England fans were salivating over just days earlier? A little perspective is needed, maybe - Scotland had zero pressure on them and are a whole load better than people seem to think they are. Through in the crowd and the tiny matter of history and that is never a nailed-on three points for the Three Lions. Had England been playing any other side of similar ability - I don’t know, let’s say Sweden for example, Southgate’s side would have won by two or three. But it was Scotland. Yes, if you are of the English persuasion you’d love us to be looking like the best side in the world right now and if you are a traditionalist you’d probably expect the starting eleven to be clear - but football isn’t like that anymore, especially not in tournaments. He who hits the ground running first rarely lifts the trophy (watch Italy come back and bite me on the backside now). In 1990, we were awful in the group stages and found ourselves being he-


CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021

roic losers in the semi-final. In 1996 we were tripe for 50% of the group stages (Jamie Redknapp being brought on against Scotland changing the direction) and terrible in the quarter-finals yet still found ourselves being heroic losers in the semi-final. 1998 we were brilliant, terrible and brilliant throughout the tournament and still didn’t get anywhere. Each game is different, it’s the result that matters and that point was enough to mean that England will get out of the group and might even still manage to finish second - which is what we’d really like Gareth, incidentally. If I was to criticise Southgate for one thing, it would be taking a bit too long to suss that we didn’t really need both Rice and Phillips for the entire game. Jack Grealish should have been on earlier, Foden could have been told he wasn’t playing for City and to do all the things Pep stops him doing and it would have been great to see Jadon Sancho (someone who would have replaced Raheem Sterling at City had he stayed) come on and replace Sterling. But hey, Southgate’s got them this far. All the outrage at the selection and performance seems to have missed quite a significant point, as well - Scotland were great value for their point and have every reason to feel gutted that they didn’t nick all three. Billy Gilmour, once he realised that the game had started and got some air in his lungs, was the best player on the pitch and Che Adams put in the kind of shift a certain England captain could well learn from. Harry Kane has picked up a fair bit of flak in the last week - he’s apparently unfit, focusing on his transfer away from Spurs, over-rated, lazy, starved of service all in the same moment. Personally, I reckon he’s looked at the car crash at Tottenham right now and dreading the fact he’s probably not going anywhere now. In fairness though, his form has disappeared as quickly as Roy Keane’s beard and picked a similar amount of social media coverage. On the subject of Spurs, wow. There was a time in life where as much as you disliked him, you felt that Daniel Levy did have everything under control. Not so much now, eh?

Last week started with Poch possibly coming home, moving into Conte being lined up and then saying no once he realised he wasn’t getting any money to spend. Then there was the slight (OK, big) downgrade to Paulo Fonseca who was suddenly bombed off for Gattuso after he walked out on Fiorentina after 20 or so days because the club wouldn’t sign his agents’ players. In a brief moment of clarity, Levy realised he was sold a bit of a prat by his new director of football and pulled out of that deal too. What’s next for Spurs? Jurgen’s somewhat publicly thrown his hat in the ring. No no, not Klopp - Klinsmann. My personal odds on Ryan Mason being in the dugout for the first match of the season are still being reduced. Back in the Euros, Wales’ win over Turkey bought them a ticket to the second round but never has 90 minutes summed up the enigma that is Gareth Bale more than this game. Bale was the main man for big spells, terrible for others and then blazed a penno into orbit, which (not short of self-praise is Balo) he showed great ‘character’ to come back from and help them get the important clincher. Losing to Italy was no great surprise but the Welsh hung on to just the 1-0 defeat meaning they’ve got through in second place - Bale continued his desire the smash the ball over the bar from various positions in the penalty area and Ethan Ampadu didn’t see that thrilled to break a Euros record. The Welshman is now the youngest player ever to get a red card in tournament history. Somebody woke Germany up, Low’s team bouncing back from the defeat to France to beat Ronaldo’s Portugal 4-2 not that Ronnie will care that much as he scored and spent most of the week in the headlines for knowing fizzy drinks are bad for you. France slipped up against Hungary but that will only worry England fans if the team are stupid enough to win the group. In the Premier League, the transfer rumour mill chunters away making even less sense than Graeme Souness in his half time analysis. Arsenal want to sign Aaron Ramsdale from relegated Sheffield United

(who he joined from relegated Bournemouth). Given his Jonah levels, Ramsdale could be the main reason Arteta gets sacked in November. Thomas Partey will not be leaving the Gooners - in fact, he expects to play better next year now that he is being given his preferred number five shirt. Kieran Tierney stepped off the Wembley turf and put pen to paper on a new deal and the club hope that Emile Smith Rowe will follow, much to Aston Villa’s disappointment. Not content with nicking Buendia off them, Dean Smith whacked in a £30m bid for ESR - which was turned down. Worth a try though, the state Arsenal are in. Arteta would love to bring in Ben White and saw a £40m bid rejected - £40m for a current England international showing Arsenal’s current reading of the market. Man City fans got a little excited by the pictures of Erling Haaland partying with Riyad Mahrez. I dread to think what Premier League squads would actually look like if transfers were based on who is partying with each other. City are more likely to move Bernardo Silva to Barcelona, that poor broke team in Spain remember, for a mere £50m. He’ll team up with ex-United Dutchman Memphis Depay, picked up on a free transfer - thrifty Barca, until you learn how much they are paying him. United are not being quiet, believe it or not. They’re flogging Pogba back to Juventus, Donny to Inter (hang on, I thought they were broke as well?!) and Daniel James to anyone who wants him. To balance things out, they won’t pay £80m for Sancho, £20m for Kieran Trippier or give £500k a week to Sergio Ramos. Chelsea have let Tomori stay in Milan and told him to pop over the club border to Inter and say nice things to Hakimi who they want to bring to London - to sweeten it for Inter, they’ll offer them Marcos Alonso and a sack full of cash (which they’ll have to spend on Alonso’s wages). Someone else leaving the city of Milan is Ashley Young who turned down Watford and Burnley to return to Villa Park, a decade after leaving them for United. Surely the point of heading to the retirement home that is Serie A is that you actually retire there?

Imanyo Golf Society “Diabetes Cup” 16th June at Alicante This is the second time we played for the Diabetes Cup which is sponsored by Dave Allison in memory of his wife Joyce Allison, last year’s competition was cancelled due to covid. Nineteen players took part; the format was full handicap Stableford split into two groups with one overall winner. On arrival at Alicante, we were greeted by Erla and found everything organised and ready to go. The weather was very hot and humid, the course was recovering from hollow tinning but in very good condition all round due and with an excellent price of €35 for a day’s golf including a full breakfast at Imanyo’s. Winner of the “Diabetes Cup” was group B winner, Gary Smith with a nice handicap cutting 40points, runnerup of group B was “Sandy” Terry Burton with 38 points. Group A winner on count back was “Mr Twelve Trees” Steve Ayre with 36 points, runner up was “Three Clubs”

Sean McGuinness also with 36points. Nearest the pin’s winners were holes 2,6, and 18 “Three Clubs” Sean McGuinness, holes 12 and 14, new member Colin Deare and hole 4 Alan Freelove. Best front nine went to “Sandy” Terry Burton with 22 points and best back nine on a three-way count between Gary Smith, Tom Goulden eventually went to “Cash Point” Alan Boyden with 19 points, the Two’s pot was not won so it will be €40 in the next game. The football card was won by Terry Burton with Sunderland winning €40 and raising €40 for our chosen charities of 2021. We would like to thank Antonio, and staff at Imanyo’s for the good food and great hospitality. Picture shows Granddaughter Dons Ralph presenting the Cup to Gary Smith. www.imanyogolfsociety.com imanyogolfsociety@gmail.com


Sacko’s Golf Society Sacko’s Golf Society played for the Sacko’s Memorial Trophy at Saurines Golf Club. Two players finished on 38 points, Jason Hutchinson and Tony McQuillan, Jason winning on countback. In 3rd place was Roy Phillips. Everyone had an amazing day, before heading back to Sacko’s Bar for refreshments. Big thanks to Brooke and Sue.



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CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 22nd - 28th June 2021


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