2 minute read

International Women’s Day 2023 8th


Chanade moved to Spain in 2004 and purchased a small bar in Benimar in 2006. In 2008, Chanade went on to manage the largest most successful bar in Dona Pepa until December 2023. Then in January 2023 Chanade opened her own bar in Quesada high street near to Banco Sabadell called “Chanades bar”.


Chanades bar is a local friendly bar where everyone is welcome. They served delicious home cooked food and live sports are shown at the weekend. In a very short time the bar is proving to be a great success Chanade has been a popular figure in the hospitality industry for a number of years and loves organizing charity events to help the local community. Some of the events she has organized include raising money for operations for people in need, purchasing a defibrillator for the local area and raising funds for Ukrainian people.

In total from these events Chanade has managed to raise a total of 48,000 euros thanks to the generosity of the local community.

My journey as a Woman in Business began In South Africa. Heading up a group of companies. Presitigous office premises, numerous staff and all the glamour and fame of being at the helm of a multi brand organisation. My company - The Minolta Group of Companies - became synonymous with excellent staff training and development of women in a man’s industry. During this period my love of empowering women in business began. From South Africa I relocated back to the UK and I was the first Exante Meal Replacement distributor. Four fantastic years followed. Then we moved to Spain to retire but this only lasted a few months. Looking back on my life/career in the UK, led me to conclusively decide I had been at my happiest with Slim4Life Berkshire – and that I felt the greatest pleasure in helping others with the same weight problem that I had. As such SLIM4LIFE was reopened in Spain in January 2017. SLIM4LIFE is a business with a purpose. A purpose that can save lives. A business that is a business - but so much more. It is about transforming lives, helping clients regain health. I also sincerely feel that I have been shown a path... that this is what I was meant to do.

Michelle started her career in Hairdressing, however after 20 years decided to have a career change opened a children’s shoe shop that lead also selling ladies shoes. Michelle and her team went on to win awards for best Children’s shoe shop in the UK three times which was a huge achievement.

During all this Michelle went through Cancer treatment on and off over 5 years, which led her to view life differently and made the decision to follow their dream and move to Spain.

After two years off enjoying life Michelle needed to be occupied so again decided what to do that she would enjoy. Sales and meeting people are her strong point and that is how My New Home in Spain was born. Michelle and her husband, David started the business back in 2020, which started slowly but the business has built up over a period of time and they are now extremely busy. Michelle is on cloud 9 doing something she enjoyes whilst also giving her time to enjoy her home and garden.

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