7 November - 13 November 2023

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CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023

7TH - 13TH NOVEMBER 2023 - EDITION 1017

Tel: 607 031 113 | claire@costablancapeople.com | costablancapeople.com

Your Essential Weekly Read

Controversial housing development proposal sparks outcry The Friends of Sierra Escalona (ASE) association has vehemently criticised the plans for a large-scale housing development comprising 954 homes in Orihuela Costa. Orihuela Council recently unveiled the proposals for a

159,000 square meter urbanization project in Mil Palmeras, initiating a 45-day period for public display and consultation. Situated on the northern border of the Dehesa de Campoamor urbanization

and the southern border of Pilar de la Horadada, the proposed development, labelled as sector ‘B1b Mil Palmeras,’ has taken into account conditions set forth by the Environmental Assessment Commission two years prior. Miguel Angel Pavon, President of ASE, expressed staunch opposition to any approval of the plans, deeming it a “complete nonsense” to further develop an already densely populated coastline. Pavon underscored the importance of preserving the natural beauty of the area, which is currently under threat. ASE is preparing to present an alternative proposal to Orihuela Council, advocating for the reclassification of the disputed sector as an ‘ecological corridor’ connecting the protected Sierra Escalona area to the sea. This reclassification would serve as a vital conservation effort, safeguarding the region’s diverse flora and fauna,

including the endangered Cathead Jarilla. In addition to the contentious

housing development, the proposed plans outline the creation of a preserved green space spanning over 32,000 square meters, dedicated to the preservation of local wildlife and plant species. This conservation effort aligns with the broader mission of protecting the area’s natural resources. Furthermore, the development proposal encompasses the establishment of new primary and secondary schools, catering to the projected influx of approximately 2,385 additional residents. This move underscores the need for comprehensive infrastructure to support the growing population within the region. As the public display and consultation period commences, the fate of the Mil Palmeras urbanization project hangs in the balance, with stakeholders on both sides of the debate poised to make their voices heard. The contentious nature of this issue reflects the broader struggle to balance development with conservation in this ecologically significant region.


CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023

New Help at Home Community Hub Help at home has opened its much anticipated ‘Community Hub’. The drop-in centre opened last week with an inaugural event attended by a diverse array of guests. Patricia Muirhead, President of the local charity, along with supporters, opened the highly anticipated centre. Distinguished dignitaries and members of the local community were in attendance, alongside British Vice Consul, Sara Munsterhjelm. The Community Hub, designed to be a welcoming space for people of all ages and backgrounds, particularly addressing the needs of seniors and individuals living alone along the coast, opened its doors with a commitment to inclusivity. Its primary ethos is centred around community ownership, providing a space where anyone and everyone can drop in and simply be themselves. Patricia Muirhead emphasised the significance of the hub for individuals facing challenges in venturing out. She expressed her belief that the

Community Hub could be a pivotal element in filling the void for those seeking connection and support. Beyond being a welcoming space, the centre will host talks by local experts on a range of subjects. These informative presentations will be extensively advertised through local media channels, as well as the charity’s website and Facebook page, ensuring accessibility to a wide audience. British Vice Consul, Sara Munsterhjelm, spoke of her privilege in being invited to participate in the opening ceremony. Recognising the importance of such centres, particularly in areas with a substantial expatriate population, she applauded the inclusivity of the hub, emphasising its potential to bridge connections with the local Spanish community. Expressing gratitude towards the dedicated volunteers who played a vital role in bringing the initiative to life, Ms Munsterhjelm highlighted the broader impact of the centre. Not only does it provide a crucial

resource for the community, but it also offers volunteers a safe and social environment to combat loneliness, forge connections, and shape the centre to meet the community’s evolving needs. Operated entirely by volunteers, the Community Hub is open from Monday to Friday, between 11am and 1.30pm. In addition to its welcoming space, it offers an extensive range of hospital beds and mobility equipment for hire. It places a strong emphasis on peer support, providing resources and activities, all rooted in the invaluable wisdom gained from personal experiences. The opening of the Community Hub marks a significant milestone in the support and connectivity available to the diverse population along the coast. As it stands, the hub embodies a beacon of hope, inclusivity, and empowerment for individuals of all backgrounds and ages, ensuring no one feels isolated or alone in their journey.

Unemployment rises by 270 people in the Vega Baja Unemployment as risen in the Vega Baja across the month of October, compared to September, by 270 people. The unemployment rate increased for the third consecutive month, with a total of 24,434 job seekers in the region, according to data collected by the Public Employment Service. The increase in unemployment has been widespread in practically all municipalities. The most relevant

data, according to UGT, is the most significant increase occurs in Torrevieja with 143 more unemployed and places its unemployment rate at 7,248 unemployed people. Guardamar del Segura follows with 42 more unemployed and an unemployment rate of 882 unemployed. The municipality of Almoradí also increased its unemployment rate by 31 more unemployed, as well as Dolores and

Pilar de la Horadada , which increased by 22 more unemployed. This takes Almoradí to 1737, Dolores to 616 and Pilar de la Horadada to 939 unemployed. In the rest of the municipalities in the region, the trend is slightly downward. As for the municipalities that have seen their unemployment figures reduced, Benejúzar, Los Montesinos and Jacarilla, with 13, 8 and 6 fewer unemployed, respectively.

News 3



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023


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AUTOMÓVILES CRESPO THE BIGGEST AND BEST FOR PRICE CHOICE AND QUALITY Spain considers banning short flights One-month four-day work in favour of eco-friendly train travel

week trial in Valencia shows promising results In recent years, countries worldwide have been exploring the potential benefits and drawbacks of implementing four-day work weeks. Spain, at the forefront of these experiments, is currently conducting a major countrywide trial for participating companies. While the results of this extensive trial are pending, a smaller-scale trial conducted alongside it has yielded notable insights. The Valencia City Council spearheaded a month-long trial between April and May of this year, capitalizing on existing holiday days to create a month of four-day work weeks. The trial involved 360,000 workers living in the region. The results of this abbreviated trial are encouraging, underscoring the advantages associated with shorter work weeks. Participants reported a 35% reduction in stress levels, with 64% indicating an increase in their nightly sleep duration. Additionally, 72% stated that they spent more time socializing with friends, while 37% reported heightened physical activity levels, and 46% reported spending more time reading. Environmental benefits were

also evident in Valencia during the trial period. The city experienced a 9.5% decrease in traffic volume, and a 58% reduction in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentration in the air. The trial brought about positive economic effects as well. The hospitality sector and leisure industry saw increased patronage, as people utilised their extra free time for dining and entertainment within the city. However, the report did note a slight uptick in tobacco and alcohol consumption as a potential downside. Joan Ribo, former Valencia mayor and spokesperson for the Compromís electoral coalition at City Hall, expressed satisfaction with the trial’s outcomes. He emphasized that the project aimed to generate fresh evidence of the potential benefits of shorter working hours for urban environments. Ribo described the trial as an “enormous success” and emphasized the significant

positive impact on workers’ well-being and city dynamics. He highlighted the decrease in traffic intensity, improved air quality, and increased time for cultural and leisure activities. Ribo concluded by asserting that the trial’s findings represent a significant milestone for the four-day work week movement not only in Spain but also beyond its borders. Similar trials conducted in other countries have shown promising results. In the UK, the largest trial of its kind involved 33 companies and nearly 1,000 employees. None of the participating companies intended to revert to a five-day work week following the trial, as productivity levels remained stable and employee satisfaction experienced a notable surge.

In a bid to reduce carbon emissions, the Spanish government is proposing a ban on short-haul flights within the country, where an alternative train journey of less than two and a half hours is available. The move, which is part of a joint initiative between the Socialists and the hard-left Sumar party, aims to encourage sustainable transportation options. Although industry sources suggest the impact on the airline sector will be minimal, the proposal targets five specific routes: Madrid-Barcelona, Madrid-Malaga, MadridValencia, Madrid-Alicante, and Madrid-Seville. However, exceptions may be made for passengers using these routes to connect to international flights departing from Madrid. In 2022, over 3.5 million passengers

utilized these flights, primarily for connections to international destinations in Latin America and the United States, notably operated by Iberia and Air Europa. Similar measures have been implemented in France, where the success of the ban has been a subject of debate. The limited number of affected flight routes, particularly from Orly airport and none from Charles de Gaulle, France’s main airport, has led to mixed assessments of its efficacy in emissions reduction. Javier Gándara, President of the Airline Association (ALA), expressed concerns that banning these flights in Spain could lead connecting passengers to opt for other major hubs like Paris or London, potentially undermining the competitiveness of Madrid’s

Barajas airport. Gándara emphasized the importance of “intermodality,” allowing passengers to choose the transportation option that best suits their needs, as he believes trains and planes serve as complementary modes of travel. Recent years have seen a natural shift of passengers from planes to trains, particularly on major routes, with 80% of citizens favouring train travel. This trend is expected to accelerate further with the liberalization of high-speed trains and reductions in ticket prices. In 2022, a total of 23.7 million passengers utilized highspeed trains, marking a 76% increase from the previous year and surpassing the 22.4 million train passengers recorded in 2019, a record-setting year for tourism prior to the pandemic.


CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023




CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023

Packed house for Costa Blanca International Concert Band The Costa Blanca International Concert Band gave its first performance last Saturday at the Casa de la Cultura in San Miguel. Top of the Pops was the musical theme, and the audience in the full house enthusiastically sang along to a varied selection including the music of Elton John, The Beatles and Queen. The very talented Diane Diaz was the guest singer and sang a medley of songs including I only want to be with you, Bobby’s Girl, Stone in Love with you and Top of the World. The evening was a great success for the band’s first concert, and its members are now looking

forward to many more. The band will be playing at the Remembrance Service on Sunday 12th November at Capilla de las Mil Palmeras

starting at 11am. December will be a very busy month for the band with many events booked, so please watch this space for more details.

Couple arrested in Los Montesinos Police check for drug trafficking In a recent operation under the Telos II Plan, members of Torrevieja’s Public Security Unit (USECIC) apprehended a man and a woman in Los Montesinos who were found in possession of a significant quantity of narcotics and cash. The incident unfolded when the couple, residents of Santomera aged 35 and 19, attempted to evade a police checkpoint near Los Montesinos. As officers were

ending the checkpoint, they saw a plastic bag being hurled from the driver’s window, followed by an attempt by the driver flee the scene. Quick to react, the officers managed to identify and apprehend the suspects, who were already known to law enforcement due to prior drug-related offenses. Upon inspecting the discarded bag, authorities discovered 52 grams of rock cocaine, four doses

packaged for distribution, 35 grams of hashish, and a total of 1,450 euros in various denominations. The couple now faces charges of drug trafficking and a crime against public health. They are currently in police custody awaiting further legal proceedings. This arrest underscores the ongoing efforts of law enforcement agencies to combat drug-related activities in the region.


Spain struggles with low productivity despite longer work hours In a recent report, Eurostat highlights a concerning trend in Spain’s labour force, showing that despite putting in more hours, workers are producing significantly less than their international counterparts. From 2014 to 2022, Spain experienced a meagre 0.9% growth in productivity, a third of the progress observed across the rest of Europe. According to a study by Caixabank Research, Spain’s nominal gross domestic product (GDP) per hour worked in 2022 was only 76% of the value recorded in the eurozone, and a mere 63% compared to Germany. This 13-percentage-point gap has remained unchanged since the year 2000. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) paints an even bleaker picture, revealing that among the 37 member countries, Spain ranks behind 19 in terms of productivity. Leading the pack is Ireland, boasting a rate more than twice that of Spain, followed closely by Luxembourg and Norway. Even when compared

to the broader OECD average, which includes e m e r g i n g economies, Spain falls below par. The OECD has raised concerns over Spain’s declining productivity and cautioned the government in a recent report, stating that without “vigorous efforts” to enhance production rates, opportunities for significant economic and social progress will be severely restricted. Spain now faces the daunting task of increasing productivity while reducing working hours, a proposal put forth by the government to transition to a 37.5-hour workweek from the current 40-hour standard. However, economists, such as Marcel Jansen from Fedea, warn that this could place a considerable strain on sectors like commerce, hospitality, and catering. Jansen emphasizes the need to prioritize urgent reforms over politically convenient measures.

Fernando Luján, the UGT deputy secretary general for trade union policy, counters this argument, advocating for a reduction in working hours and pointing to successful experiments in this regard. Despite the longer hours, the OECD contends that Spain’s persistently “weak” productivity is not solely attributed to the length of the workweek. The organization identifies factors such as a “misallocation” of productivity, underutilization of workers’ skills, poor leadership selection, inadequate investment in training, and insufficient spending on education as significant contributors to the issue.

Tender approved for improvement Dutch fugitive caught in La Marina works to Torrevieja industrial park The arrested man was taken to the Guardia Civil headquarters in Guardamar del Segura for extradition 3/11/2023 – Agents of the San Fulgencio Local Police arrested last Tuesday in La Marina urbanisation a Dutch

The Local Government Board of the City of Torrevieja has approved last Friday the contracting file, supporting memorandum, table of characteristics and technical specifications, administrative specifications and expenditure for the contracting of improvement works in the Industrial Estate Casa Grande I and Casa Grande II. This contract is intended to improve the facilities and infrastructure of the industrial estate of Torrevieja, carrying out various actions to improve the use and safety of the same, for which the following actions will be carried out: installation

of video surveillance cameras and installation of information signage in the industrial estates Casa Grande I and Casa Grande II, replacement of lighting in the industrial estate Casa Grande II by other LED technology. The base bidding budget for the contracting of infrastructure improvement works in the industrial parks of Torrevieja amounts to 459,030 euros (VAT included). The execution period established in the approved project is one month. This period will begin to count from the date of formalization of the contract. The works are expected to be awarded at the end of November and will be

fully completed in December. These infrastructure improvement works include the installation of lighting and signaling systems, installation of outdoor lighting equipment, closed-circuit surveillance system, video surveillance system and signaling banners. Finally, it is worth mentioning the joint work between the Business Association of the Casa Grande Business Park and the City Council of Torrevieja to carry out this first phase of works in the polygon, and in 2024 the redevelopment works of the polygon will be executed as agreed with the association.

national who was the subject of an International Arrest Warrant and his extradition to the country from which the warrant was issued. Officers apprehended the man as he was driving his vehicle through the

urbanisation and after making various enquiries as to the possible whereabouts of the individual. The detainee was taken to the Guardia Civil quarters in Guardamar del Segura for his subsequent extradition.


CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023




CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023


men who were growing marijuana A train runs over a woman Two arrested after trying to escape through in Callosa de Segura the roof of a house in Almoradí

The Civil Guard investigates the accident of a woman on the train tracks in Callosa de Segura. The notice came in around 3:25 p.m. last Monday afternoon. The first person to raise the alarm was the driver himself. Apparently, he hasn’t had time

to react. Patrols from the Civil Guard, the Callosa de Segura Local Police and the ambulance have traveled to the scene. Upon his arrival, the person was already deceased. The first hypotheses, according to the Civil Guard,

point to an accident, since it is an area not authorized for pedestrians. The train that ran over the woman is a commuter train on the Murcia-Alicante line. At this time, the service on this line is paralyzed, as her body has not yet been removed.

They are charged with a crime of drug trafficking and electricity fraud. The National Police has developed a police operation against the trafficking of narcotic substances with which it has managed to dismantle an important indoor marijuana cultivation in the town of Almoradí . The police operation has resulted in the arrest of two people, aged 19 and 23, for crimes of drug trafficking and electricity fraud, since said plantations were connected to the public electricity supply network. The detainees, placed at the disposal of the Court of Investigation on duty in the same town. Agents belonging to the narcotics group of the Judicial Police of the Elche Police Station carried out an investigation around a luxury singlefamily home located in the municipality of Almoradí, which according to neighborhood information could house a marijuana crop inside. With the information received, the agents carried out negotiations with the electricity supply company and verified that an electrical fraud was taking place at the home due to a possible illegal connection with the

aim of feeding said marijuana plantation. In the home search, 850 marijuana plants were seized With sufficient indications that an illicit act of indoor marijuana cultivation could be taking place in that luxury villa, the agents established a police device that, with the specialized collaboration in entries and searches of agents assigned to the Prevention and Reaction Unit ( UPR ), was able to conclude with the arrest of two men, of Albanian nationality and aged 19 and 23 , who tried to flee through the roof of the house investigated to avoid arrest. Despite the quick action of the UPR when entering the home and deploying throughout all its rooms and

securing them, the only two residents at that time were able to jump from the upper floor terrace to the roof where they tried to flee towards the public road . Although, by then, the outer perimeter of the house was covered by the agents, which forced the perpetrators to abandon their attitude and return to the interior of the house where they proceeded to arrest them. In the home search in said property, 850 marijuana plants almost two meters high were seized , as well as various electrical and useful devices for cultivation such as light bulbs, transformers, air conditioning devices, carbon filters, fans, chemical fertilizers and hundreds fifty 50 liter bags of substrate.

Firefighters put out a fire in an industrial warehouse in the district of Desamparados A series of logs and an accumulation of cardboard begin to burn in an industrial warehouse in Orihuela, in the district of Desamparados. The Provincial Firefighters Consortium received the notification early in the morning, around 9:15 a.m., of the fire in these logs accumulated with cardboard. The intervention ended at 10:52 a.m. without any injuries. Likewise, the cause that caused the fire to start is unknown. A sergeant, three corporals, seven firefighters from the Orihuela and Almoradí parks, a headquarters command unit, two heavy rural pumps and a heavy mother pump have traveled to the scene of the fire .

A building is evacuated due to a garage fire in Torrevieja Last Wednesday a fire broke out in a garage on 19 Arquitecto Larramendi Street. The notice came in at around 2:32 p.m., the fire caused a large amount of smoke, so the neighbors evacuated the building. The rapid intervention of three fire crews made it possible to locate the fire only in the parking lot and caused the fire to spread through the common areas of the building. The amount of smoke has made visibility and

extinguishing efforts difficult. Fortunately, there was only

material damage vehicles.




CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023


Are you a first-time investor tempted to dip your toe into investing? This may seem a daunting prospect, particularly in the current period of market volatility and economic uncertainty, but it doesn’t need to be.

but you can start investing with less than you think. An investment with Pru International starts from as little as £20,000

Don’t be fooled, though. The recent rout shows just how volatile markets can be and how important it is to keep a cool head.

Recent research reveals savers have been deterred from investing by their perceived lack of knowledge, and the belief they don’t have enough money to invest.

Myth 3 - It’s time-consuming After the pandemic boom, investing became exciting. But it’s not supposed to be. Once you’ve worked out your investment strategy, you don’t need to check it daily or frequently.

Probably the biggest thing to be wary of as a first time investor is get rich quick strategies.

Below is a list of the top investing myths: Myth 1 - I need to be an expert Unless it’s your day job, you’re not going to be spending hours of your day researching financial markets, nor should you. Myth 2 - I need to have a lot of money This is one of the biggest myths when it comes to investing. It might have been true in the past,

Myth 4 - I can get rich quick Plenty of beginner investors fall into the trap of thinking that they can make lots of money very quickly by betting on risky investments. It has not been helped by some of the mega gains some investors made during the pandemic, amid the tech stock boom.

Getting rich slowly is very much the order of the day, and while taking risk is part and parcel of investing, just make sure it’s proportionate to your capacity to sustain losses. If this all seems a little daunting to deal with on your own, then help is at hand. If you would like to have a chat about how to make your money work harder, then give me a call on 965 704 338 or send an email to: Contact@seagateWealth.es



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023


Will the Generalitat Valenciana assume its responsibility for the old Orihuela asylum? Throughout the history of Orihuela there are many dates that have marked the capital and historically most important city of the Vega Baja region. On this occasion, we travel in time to May 12, 1883, the day on which the Little Sisters of the Helpless Elderly, founded by Saint Teresa of Jesús Jornet, took possession of an asylum for the poor elderly, on Meca Street, given by the then provincial deputy Don José Roca de Togores. And we will return to the present to discover what the current status of the asylum is. On January 3, 1886 , three years later, with the presence of the Bishop, representations of the clergy, secular and conventual of Orihuela, was when the works of the asylum were inaugurated, which welcomed within its walls many elderly people and many Orihuela families who passed through. They spent time with the asylum seekers and participated in daily life by serving meals on some Sundays and other festivities. Time does not forgive and it has also passed for the old home for the homeless in Orihuela, which has been closed for many years and is in a deplorable state . The building maintains its structure, apparently, in good condition and in the rooms you can see how it has been affected by the passage of time, and of people, with accumulated dirt, torn-out windows and doors and demolished walls . The kitchens remain untouched

with a thick layer of dust, while the outside has become overgrown with weeds, animals and insects. Without a doubt, nothing remains of the essence of what once was, now leaving a clear example of unhealthiness. After the acquisition of the asylum last year by the Generalitat and an

acquisition price of 4 million euros , it has been in recent weeks that the light seems to be seen for the remodeling of the building and, also, for the Oriol Occupational Center that It would be moved to the facilities once the works are completed. Likewise, the Conselleria’s technical

office has carried out a quickly updated assessment of the cost of the works to execute the first phase of the building. An immediate management, which has been indicated by the regional secretary, Emilio Argüeso, to “seek solutions that can be given to the center that will be as quick as possible,

thus allowing residents who are outside Orihuela to return to the place where they have to be”. The previous vice president and Minister of Equality and Inclusive Policies, Aitana Mas , reported in 2022 that her department would allocate 1.7 million euros to begin the rehabilitation and adaptation of the former Orihuela asylum as the new headquarters of the ‘Oriol’ Occupational Center and Residence in Orihuela. A price that, according to the regional secretary, “is outdated due to the rise in costs and the increase in deterioration since its purchase, which is why it is estimated that the works will exceed 2 million euros .” Without a doubt, both in the past and in the future, the asylum is a necessary place to improve the quality of life of many people in the city of Orihuela. But at present it is, clearly, a potentially necessary but totally wasted building.

A man trapped in a fire in Orihuela Costa was rescued

The Provincial Firefighters Consortium received a notification early in the morning of a fire in a house on Osa Mayor Street in Orihuela Costa from which they have rescued a man injured by burns. Upon the arrival of the Torrevieja Park firefighters, they found the fire fully developed, producing a lot of smoke and a lot of flame that left a house very affected, both the first and second floors. The Provincial

Firefighters Consortium rescued a man who was on the balcony of the house, with the help of some people who were at the scene. The evacuation is carried out by means of a slide and nest stretcher maneuver and medical assistance is requested for the occupant of the house who is conscious and has burn wounds on his legs and is taken to the hospital. The Orihuela Local Police believe that the origin may

have been due to the explosion of a small appliance on the upper floor, where the affected person’s room is located. Due to the thermal load inside said cabin, the window explodes and a fire starts, generating a chimney effect and all the smoke escaping outside. A senior command unit, a sergeant, a corporal, four firefighters from the Torrevieja park and a heavy urban bomb have traveled to the scene of the accident.



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023

BBC HD upgrade advice from Go Satellite

Are you living in Spain, have a satellite TV system to receive UK TV channels and recently the following message has started to appear on your screen whilst viewing the BBC channels:

The BBC is switching off its SD (Standard-definition) channels on satellite, in Q1 2024 and is replacing them with HD (High-definition) versions of those channels. How do I upgrade to BBC HD? There are two main factors that will determine how to proceed with upgrading your Satellite TV system to receive the new BBC TV and Radio channels in HD: Satellite Dish Size – In the southern Costa Blanca area (Gran Alacant, Santa Pola, Catral, Dolores, Almoradí, Rojales, Benijofar, Quesada, Torrevieja, Orihuela Costa, etc…)

we have been able to enjoy viewing our favourite UK channels via a 1.4m dish. Unfortunately, the frequencies that the BBC HD channels have been launched on are too weak to be received (all year round) on a 1.35/1.4m dish. Even the strongest frequencies offering the HD versions (10818 V and 11024 H) are too weak to guarantee optimal signal strength all year round. If however, you have a larger 1.8 / 1.9m dish, in this area, you will be able to receive a vast majority of the different regional BBC HD channels all year round, as long as your receiver is HD-Capable HD-Capable Receiver – Do you have a n official satellite receiver (Sky, Humax, Freesat, etc…) or a non official satellite receiver (GI, Amiko, Ferguson, GT Media, etc…). If you have either type of these receivers and it is less than 10 years old, then its most likely it is a HD compatible receiver. If you have an official Sky receiver and not sure if it is SD or HD then the easiest way to check is to go to channel number 105. If you see “Channel 5 HD”, then you’re good to go and there’s nothing else you need to do. However, if you see “Channel 5” without HD at the end then you’ll be impacted and need to upgrade. If you have an official Freesat device, the quickest way to check on this type of device as to whether you’re going to be impacted or not, is by going to channel 799 on your satellite box.

You’ll see one of the following messages:

Sorry, your satelite set-top box is not capable of receiving high definition services. The BBC is making all of its services available on HD on satelite. As a result, standard definition (SD) services will be closing. From early 2023, the SD versions of BBC channels will not carry local programming from your area. And later in the year, SD versions of BBC channels on satelite will close entirely.

If you see this message it means you are going to be impacted by the BBC’s changes to its SD and HD channels.

If you have any questions or queries about upgrading your satellite tv system to receive the BBC HD channels, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

To continue to be able to view BBC services, you will need to upgrade to high definition-capable equipment. For more information, go to www.hdsateliteupgrade.co.uk

Good news! You do not need to make any changes to continue viewing BBC services on this equipment. We would recommend separately checking all satelite reception equipment you use by tuning to channel 799.

If your device has an HDMI port, but you are still seeing the “BBC TV and Radio services on satellite will soon only be available on HD-Capable receivers…” message, then your device might need a rescan to bring in the new HD versions that were launched on new frequencies in February 2023.

This message means you’re not impacted by the switchover and you should now have your version of BBC One in HD on channel 101.

As mentioned previously, if the device is less than 10 years old, then its most likely it is a HD compatible receiver. Check that your device has a HDMI port on the back.

If you have any queries or for further information, please contact Go Satellite on 34 965 725 670, via email at info@freetvspain.com


Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023

GBP / EUR UPDATE GBP After an eventful week last week, GBP/USD declined slightly overall, with the pound slipping by around 0.3% by last Friday’s close. This week, Sterling has fared slightly better, finishing the week with mild strength against the dollar, although the dollar’s recent domination continues to be the biggest driver of short-term moves in the currency pair. The pound and the euro remain almost unchanged from the previous week. This week’s most significant event was the Bank of England’s rate decision on Thursday. As the markets expected, the committee voted to pause its hiking cycle for the second time. At October’s meeting, the decision was a particularly close call, with the nine-member committee voting 5-4 to maintain rates at 5.25%. This time, the pause was slightly more favoured overall, with the voting spread falling at 6-3. The decision followed the broad economic slowdown witnessed throughout the UK lately. The previously robust labour market has shown signs of moderating, coupled with weak consumer demand (Retail Sales), ongoing tepid growth (GDP +0.2% in August) and weak PMIs for both manufacturing and services sectors. As we have highlighted previously, a significant concern for the BoE remains persistent UK inflation. Although it has moderated throughout much of this year, the latest figures suggest an evident slowdown in the pace of declines, with annual headline inflation remaining at 6.7% in September. With the temperature getting cooler and energy prices experiencing a spike, this could add to any inflation concern over the winter period. A combination of these factors has meant the BoE has not shut the door on potential future rate hikes should inflation remain elevated for longer. Governor Andrew Bailey warned monetary policy will need to stay tight for “an extended period

of time” despite a bleak economic outlook in his press conference following the decision. He added that the MPC would be watching “closely” to see if further rate rises were needed and that it was “much too early to be thinking about rate cuts.” EUR As widely expected, the European Central Bank (ECB) left its key policy rates unchanged at last week’s meeting, ending its streak of 10 consecutive interest rate hikes. During that time, the ECB had raised rates by an unprecedented 4.5%. Much like in the UK, recent European data has highlighted an increasing slowdown in economic output throughout the region. Although there have been a few current bright spots - the German manufacturing PMIs and forward-looking IFO surveys, for example - those improvements have been from a shallow base, with sluggish activity witnessed elsewhere. During her post-meeting conference, ECB President Christine Lagarde implied that the ECB could hike rates again, although markets currently remain somewhat sceptical. However, this week promises to add some clarity to the outlook for the ECB, with the latest German and Regional inflation reports giving markets the first glimpse of Q3 data. Although sticky core inflation had dominated of late, recently, higher energy costs could put upside pressures on headline inflation. Among other key incoming data this week, the outlook was mixed. The latest German growth data (GDP) showed the economy shrink less than expected in the previous three months, but Retail Sales came in worse than forecast. The single currency has fared slightly better this week, also strengthening mildly against the dollar, following declines in 13 of the past 15 weeks. Last week, the pair slipped by 0.33%, with the resurgent dollar dominating.

Moneycorp Technologies Limited (company number 612120) is registered in Ireland. It’s registered office is 24 Windsor Place, Dublin 2. Moneycorp is a trading name of Moneycorp Technologies Limited which is authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland under the European Communities (Electronic Money) Regulations 2011 for the provision of Electronic Money and Payment services and with the Central Bank of Ireland for the provision of designated investment business under European Union (Markets in Financial Instruments) Regulations 2017 (firm reference number C184118). Moneycorp Technologies Limited, Sucursal en España, with Spanish tax

identification number (NIF) W0028234C and duly registered with the Mercantile Registry of Madrid under volume 41020, book 0, sheet 116, section 8, page M-727625, inscription number 1 has its registered office located in C./Núñez de Balboa 35-A, 3rd Floor B, Madrid, 28001. Moneycorp Technologies Limited, Sucursal en España is duly registered with the Bank of Spain as branch of an EU foreign electronic money institution (EMI) under Bank code 6720, and with the National Securities Market Commission under the official registration number 141. Moneycorp is the trade name of Moneycorp Technologies Limited.


The Fernando de Loazes Public Library inaugurates an exhibition on La Germanías Last Thursday, November 2 at 7:00 p.m., the exhibition “La Germanía: un conflict en la Valencia del Renacimiento” opens at the Fernando de Loazes Public Library and Historical Archive of Orihuela, which can be visited until the 28th. of November. This is an event organized by the Universities of Valencia and Alicante (Loazes Chair), First Vice Presidency and the Ministry of Culture and Sports. This exhibition is held within the framework of the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Germanías de Valencia which, started in the city of Valencia, spread among the main cities of the kingdom, including Orihuela. It was the Universitat de València that offered the exhibition to the Fernando de Loazes Public Library, which has sought to expand some aspects of the impact in Orihuela and the prominence of Oriolanos characters. The “Fernando de Loazes” Chair of the Universitat d’Alacant and professors from this university have also collaborated in the project. The exhibition is complemented by three conferences, by professors

Pablo Pérez García, University of Valencia, curator of the exhibition, Juan Antonio Barrio Barrio, University of Alicante, and Rafael Benítez, University of Valencia. The conferences will be on November 2, 22 and 28 at 7:00 p.m. at the Orihuela Public Library. Guided tours for groups are also planned. Registration phone number for guided tours Tel: 966904120, WhatsApp: 616998452. Or via email at

bpeo@gva.es The exhibition is made up of 24 panels, plus 4 panels dedicated to Germania in Orihuela: 1. Rufino Gea: The grandchildren of Armengola. 2. Josep Lozano: Crim de Germania. 3. Cosme Damián Savall: Hortatory speech on the achievement of the best state of the Literary Republic. 4. Fernando de Loazes and the conversion of the Mudejars


News 13

CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023

Work underway to improve Cabo Cervera urbanisation

The Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolon, and the Councillor for Urban Services, Sandra Sanchez, visited this morning the works to improve accessibility in the urbanization of Cabo Cervera. The works have an investment of almost half a million euros (495,180 euros), and will be fully completed in December. The mayor reported that before resurfacing the entire urbanisation, a total of 24 actions are being carried

out to improve accessibility, consisting of widening sections of pavement in different parts of the urbanisation where the width was only about 50 centimetres. At the same time, all the existing pedestrian crossings are being rebuilt and new ones are being built, with a total of 51 pavement reductions. In addition, these actions will allow the creation of new spaces for reduced mobility. Once all the works on the

pavements have been completed, the streets will be milled and then resurfaced, approximately 19,000 m2. After the resurfacing, another action will be carried out that will improve pedestrian routes, the installation of a mixed protection barrier (metalwood) of approximately 300 metres in length that runs along the Paseo del Acantilado. Finally, all the horizontal road markings will be painted. A contract for resurfacing,

improvement of pedestrian routes and accessibility worth more than 5 million euros. The mayor recalled that these works in the Cabo Cervera development are part of the contract for resurfacing, improvement of pedestrian routes and accessibility in different areas of the city spread throughout the Municipal District, with a total investment of 5,129,961 euros. The implementation of this

important contract will enable the resurfacing of nearly 200,000 m2, around 100,000 m2 in improvements to pedestrian routes and more than 170 accessibility measures. To conclude, Eduardo Dolón assured that these resurfacing works, the improvement of pedestrian routes and accessibility in different areas of the city will mean a very important change for citizens, especially for people with different abilities.



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023


Terra Natura Benidorm demolishes the myths of some animals associated with the world of witchcraft on Halloween The Terra Natura Benidorm nature and animal park has set out to debunk the myths undeservedly attached to some species of animals, which have historically been associated with the world of magic, esotericism and the horror genre. To put an end to this black legend, and coinciding with the celebration of Halloween, they have launched an informative campaign with posters and explanatory talks about the characteristics of some animals such as flying foxes, scorpions, tarantulas and poisonous toads. The initiative aims to bring truthful information about these animals to the visiting public so that they can get to know them up close and lose the bad image and fear that they arouse in some people. Flying foxes, as stated in this information campaign, are animals that feed on fruit and not on blood, as many people mistakenly believe. They are also very skittish in the presence of humans. This action promoted by Terra Natura Benidorm also talks about scorpions with bioluminescence. These animals are able to glow in the dark thanks to the chemistry of their exoskeleton, which is activated

in the absence of light. This bioluminescent property is used by scorpions for hunting, as their glow attracts their victims to them. Depending on the size of the scorpions’ pincers, it is possible to tell whether they are highly poisonous. The smaller the pincers, the more powerful their venom. The smaller the pincers, the more powerful the venom, and the smaller the pincers, the more powerful the venom. In general, they tend to have a bad reputation for being very venomous animals, but in certain civilisations they were considered a symbol of bravery.

In the case of the golden toad, it projects a poison through its glands to protect itself, which it is better not to touch because it is hallucinogenic. On the other hand, species such as the Chilean tarantula, which is surprising because of its hairy legs, is completely harmless, because it has no venom and does not release stinging hairs. The Herpetology department of Terra Natura Benidorm, through the Reptile Experience, insists that you should not be afraid of these animals, and stresses the great benefit they generate in the conservation of their ecosystems.


CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023

News 15

Registrstion now open for the Torrevieja Patron Saint paella competition The City Council of Torrevieja, on the occasion of the celebrations of the Patron Saint Festivities 2023, announces the 31st PAELLAS COMPETITION and V T-SHIRT COMPETITION, to be held on Wednesday, December 6th, in the market area of the Antonio Soria Park. This competition will be governed by the following rules, and all participants must comply with the requirements indicated below:

RULES OF THE PAELLA COMPETITION - The competition is open to all those who wish to take part and are registered in the municipality. - A maximum of 80 groups may take part in the competition, according to the order of registration, with a maximum of one paella. - Registration and subsequent allocation of spaces in the Antonio Soria Park, will be done in strict order of submission of applications at the Electronic Headquarters of the City Council of Torrevieja and, whoever wishes to do so, may also do so in the General Register of the City Council of Torrevieja (OFICINA PROP), from 15th to 23rd November 2023. Participants must

provide the required information such as the representative of the group, details of the group or peña, address, contact telephone number and others. To do so, they must fill in the application form that will appear in the E-Office and will be available at the PROP Office. - All the ingredients for the paellas taking part in the competition will be paid for by the Concejalía de Fiestas (with a maximum of 1 kg of rice per competitor) except for the containers, cooking utensils and paella pans. - The paella pan must be properly approved, as well as the rubber and its correct expiry date. - Participants must be at the market site from 07:00 hours. - The competition will begin at 13:00 hours and the tasting by the jury will take place from 14:00 to 15:00 hours. - The presentation of paellas to the jury for tasting will take place in order of completion of the paella and within the timetable established in these rules. - Any paella delivered outside the timetable will not be accepted. - The jury will be appointed by the organisers. - Six prizes will be awarded.

- The following items will be evaluated from 1 to 4: presentation, flavour, texture of the rice and cooking point. - In order not to interfere with the musical performances planned by the Concejalía de Fiestas for that day, and for the sake of good coexistence, no private sound equipment is authorised inside the venue. Participation in this competition signifies acceptance of these rules.

V t-shirt competition 2023 RULES OF THE T-SHIRT COMPETITION: - Theme: The T-shirts must contain some allegory or allusion to Torrevieja, such as the city’s coat of arms, a monument of the city, etc.... The rest of the design will be free. - Registrations will be made at the same venue until 13:00 h. at the point set up for the jury. - The jury will be appointed by the Concejalía de Fiestas. - Three prizes will be awarded: - Prize for the Best T-shirt Design: Trophy. - Prize for the Best Slogan or Witty Phrase: Trophy. - Prize for the Most “Shocking” T-shirt: Trophy.



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023


Guardamar hires nine unemployed people thanks to Labora’s employment programs Yesterday morning, the Guardamar del Segura City Council welcomed nine unemployed people through different employment programs belonging to the Employment and Training Service ( LABORA ), such as the EMPUJU and EXPLUS 2023 programs. The EMPUJU 2023 program has allowed the hiring of four unemployed people under 30 years of age and registered as job seekers in the Espais Labora of the Generalitat. Thanks to this program, the Guardamar City Council has been able to hire two administrative assistants, an Environmental technician and an Industrial Engineer technician. The total amount of the subsidy received for this program is 90,427.68 euros , which corresponds to 56.30% of the total salary costs. On the other hand, through the EXPLUS 2023 program aimed at job seekers of at least 30 years of age, two administrative assistants, a masonry official and two public works laborers have joined the public administration. Both programs within the

framework of the Operational Program of the European Social Fund of the Valencian Community for 12 months. In the case of this program, the subsidized amount amounts to 88,455.71 euros , which corresponds to 63.92% of the total salary costs. José Luis Sáez, mayor of Guardamar, opened the event by welcoming the beneficiaries, emphasizing the importance of supporting young people for their insertion into the labor market, as well as for people who are over 30 years old and have difficulties in searching. of employment, in this case through public administrations. Likewise,

he has reminded the new municipal workers that they will have all the support of municipal staff to carry out the tasks entrusted to them. Gisela Teva, delegate councilor for Economic Promotion, wanted to remember the line that the council has been maintaining through support programs for groups at risk of exclusion and has taken the opportunity to express her gratitude to LABORA “which, through various lines of aid encourages the insertion of the groups that need it most”, remembering in this sense the great effort made by the city council by providing its own funds to complement the subsidy received.


CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023

Benejúzar installs traps to control and monitor ‘Tomicus destruens’

The Department of the Environment of the Benejúzar Town Hall, which is directed by José Antonio Martínez, has acquired 10 devices for the control and monitoring of the pest ‘Tomicus destruens’ in the trees of the mountain of Benejúzar. These devices, which have been installed with the help of the Amigos de la Sierra de Benejúzar association and the La Pilarica hunting club in the pine forest, will serve to protect 247 hectares of the local mountain range. The aim of this action is “to monitor the presence of this insect, which mainly attacks

specimens of common pine as we have in our mountain,” said Martinez. The ‘Tomicus destruens’ is a widespread coleopteran pest in pine forests, especially in diseased and weakened trees. Although it is currently controlled and stabilised in the municipality, the councillor for the Environment has indicated that these devices “will allow us to carry out the tracking and monitoring of the Tomicus in Benejúzar, something that this council is done periodically, and that would allow us to act quickly enough in the event of an increase in the presence of

this insect”. To operate, the traps installed use diffusers with a compound of cairomones and pheromones to attract and capture the specimens of ‘Tomicus destruens’ “without the need to use an additional pesticide that could be harmful to nature, so we obtain an indicator of the health of our forest,” said the councillor. The devices must be installed and kept operational between midSeptember and April, although this period may decrease depending on the year, with a warmer start to autumn like the current one.

News 17



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023


Maria Teresa Duráa, wins the Help and support required 25th “Ciudad de Torrevieja” for Dawn via Go Fund Me speed painting competition

More than fifty painters from different parts of our country participated yesterday, Sunday 29th October, in the XXV Edition of the “City of Torrevieja” Speed Painting Competition. The qualifying jury for this edition, made up of Massimo Pisani, Dionisio Gázquez and Martín Noguerol, decided to award the following prizes, worth a total of 5,700 euros. - First Prize (3,000 €): María Teresa Durá Sepulcre. - Second Prize (1,300 €): Blai Tomás Ibáñez. - Third Prize (800 €): Juan José Valeros Mena.

- Prize to the local artist (600 €): Jorge González Gallud. The prize-giving ceremony took place in the Exhibition Hall of the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Centre, with the assistance of the Councillor for Culture, Antonio Quesada, the members of the qualifying jury and the teachers of the Municipal School of Painting. The prize-winning works will remain in the possession of the Municipal Institute of Culture “Joaquín Chapaprieta” to form part of its cultural heritage, as well as the reproduction rights

of the aforementioned works. There will also be an exhibition of the winning and selected works from 31 October to 5 November, which will remain on display until the exhibition closes. The works not selected will be removed by their authors after the prize-giving ceremony. Finally, the selected works may be withdrawn on presentation of the receipt, once the exhibition is over, from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 12:00. Within one month, at the Centro Cultural Virgen del Carmen, telephone 96 571 99 00.

On 17th October at around 8.30pm my beautiful wife Dawn was involved in a horrific car crash on her way to pick her friend up from Alicante airport. We still don’t have the full details of what happened, but the police have confirmed Dawn was an innocent victim . She’s been on ICU ever since, in a critical condition, but yesterday (23rd October) she came off intubation and is able to breathe independently and speak to us which is the best news. It is a miracle that she is alive. She has a lot of breaks and fractures including her neck which will be in a brace for months, left arm, ribs and worst of all both legs which have multiple fractures - aside from that thank God all her internal organs are okay and her brain is completely fine. We have no idea how long her recovery is going to take or what her life is going to look like with the damage to her legs but we do know it’s going to be a long road and I hate to ask but we will need all the financial support we can get because neither of us will be working for a while. We’re hoping to sort that out through all the proper channels & get compensation but in the meantime, as our friends have suggested, we’ve set up this go fund me, to help get us through the next couple of months.

Thanks so much everyone for your prayers and wishes, please keep them coming.

https://gofund.me/04ddae2a Thank you, Stephen

The third health fair arrives at the Lonja de Orihuela

The Councilor for Health, Irene Celdrán , has presented the new edition of the Health Fair that will take place on November 10 and 11 at the La Lonja de Orihuela Auditorium . The planned programming will begin on Friday, November 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., when different conferences will take place aimed at Orihuela schoolchildren, specifically 2nd and 3rd ESO students, which will be attended by students from IES Tháder, IES Gabriel Miró, Diocesan School of Santo Domingo and Diocesan School of Festive Oratory. The planned conferences are the following: “Myths and sexual affective reality in adolescence”, offered by Abraham Fernández; “Suicide prevention in the educational field”, taught by the Adeem Foundation; and “How technologies affect emotional well-being”, taught by Álvaro Botella from the UPCCA of Orihuela. On Friday afternoon at 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., the ground floor of the Lonja will host different stands from associations and groups that have joined the third edition of the fair. Health fair. This year the Spanish Red

Cross, Spanish Association against Cancer, Orihuela Health Department (Rabaloche Health Center), Public Health, Acecova, UPCCA, AFA Miguel Hernández, Vega Baja Acoge, Más Vida, Orihuela Diabetic Association and Comarca, ADIEM, ONCE Foundation and ACAD Renacer. Also on Friday afternoon at 7:00 p.m., the conference titled “Self-care for your mental health” will take place , led by Sofía Cerezo and Enrique Luis from CREC Psicoluciones. Celdrán has announced that at each stand at the Health Fair “they will offer us information of interest, glucose control

tests, the ‘ Researchers for a day’ workshop of the Spanish Association Against Cancer’ , even the Red Cross will open its ambulances to that we can see them inside, among other actions.” On the other hand, “The Health Center will have flu vaccines to facilitate the vaccination of people who wish to do so, by presenting their health card.” Finally, the mayor of Health has invited “all Oriolanos to participate and visit this new edition of the Health Fair, with which we want to promote healthy habits and provide essential information for our health.”


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This Week´s Movie Picks Fishermans Friends

Saturday 11th November – Channel 4, 8.25pm A fast living, cynical London music executive (Daniel Mays) heads to a remote Cornish village on a stag weekend where he’s pranked by his boss (Noel Clarke) into trying to sign a group of shanty singing fishermen (led by James Purefoy). He becomes the ultimate “fish out of water” as he struggles to gain the respect or enthusiasm of the unlikely boy band and their families (including Tuppence Middleton) who value friendship and community over fame and fortune. As he’s drawn deeper into the traditional way of life he’s forced to reevaluate his own integrity and ultimately question what success really means.

Peter Rabbit

Sunday 12th November – Channel 4, 5.45pm Based on the books by Beatrix Potter: Peter Rabbit (James Corden;) his three sisters: Flopsy (Margot Robbie,) Mopsy (Elizabeth Debicki) and Cotton Tail (Daisy Ridley) and their cousin Benjamin (Colin Moody) enjoy their days harassing Mr McGregor in his vegetable garden. Until one day he dies and no one can stop them roaming across his house and lands for a full day or so. However, when one of Mr McGregor’s relatives inherits the house and goes to check it out, he finds much more than he bargained for. What ensues, is a battle of wills between the new Mr McGregor and the rabbits. But when he starts to fall in love with Bea (Rose Byrne,) a real lover of all nature, his feelings towards them begin to change. But is it too late?


CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023


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CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023


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02:50 The Road to Kuthriyar 04:55 Couples Come Dine with Me 05:50 The Great Pottery Throw Down 06:55 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 07:05 Countdown 07:45 Cheers 08:10 Cheers 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 09:55 Frasier 10:25 Frasier 10:55 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 11:55 Renovation Nation 12:55 Channel 4 News Summary 13:00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Help! We Bought a Village 19:00 Four in a Bed 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Great British Bake Off 22:15 Banged Up 23:15 Bangers: Mad for Cars

07:45 Fireman Sam 07:25 Jurassic World: Camp 00:05 DCI Banks 08:00 Thomas & Friends: All Cretaceous 01:05 Wild at Heart Engines Go 07:50 Mr Bean: The Animated 02:05 Wild at Heart 08:10 Peppa Pig Series 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:05 Mr Bean: The Animated 03:10 Unwind with ITV 08:20 PAW Patrol Series 03:30 Teleshopping 08:35 Pip and Posy 08:20 Mr Bean: The 07:00 Classic Emmerdale 08:40 The Adventures of Animated Series 07:35 Classic Emmerdale Paddington 08:30 Mr Bean: The 09:00 Chip & Potato Animated Series 08:05 Classic Coronation 09:15 Milo 08:45 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! Street 09:30 PAW Patrol 09:10 What’s New Scooby08:40 Classic Coronation 09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Doo? Street Kingdom 09:35 Scooby-Doo and 09:55 Peppa Pig Guess Who? 09:10 Bless This House 10:00 Milkshake! Craft Party 10:00 Totally Bonkers 09:40 Bless This House 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den Guinness World Records 10:15 Wild at Heart 10:15 Jeremy Vine 10:35 Totally Bonkers 12:15 Storm Huntley Guinness World Records 11:20 Wild at Heart 13:15 Alexis Conran 11:00 Secret Crush 12:25 Heartbeat 13:50 Entertainment News 12:00 Dress to Impress 13:30 Heartbeat On 5 13:00 Dinner Date 13:55 5 News at Lunchtime 14:00 Alan Carr’s Epic 14:35 Classic Emmerdale 14:00 Home and Away Gameshow 15:05 Classic Emmerdale 14:30 A Fairytale Christmas 15:00 Secret Crush 15:35 Classic Coronation 16:15 Christmas for Keeps 16:05 One Tree Hill Street 18:00 5 News at 5 17:00 Dawson’s Creek 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) 18:00 Dinner Date 16:10 Classic Coronation Badly 19:00 Celebrity Catchphrase Street 20:00 Shoplifters: Caught 20:00 Ant and Dec’s 16:45 Midsomer Murders Red Handed Limitless Win 21:00 Police 999: Clear & 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 18:55 Heartbeat Present Danger 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 19:55 Heartbeat 22:00 Portillo’s Andalucia 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Inside the World’s 23:00 Big Brother: Late and 21:00 Midsomer Murders Greatest Hotels 23:00 DCI Banks Live

03:30 Asia Business Report 03:40 Big Little Journeys 01:40 The Switch 03:45 Sportsday 04:40 This Is BBC TWO 02:30 Cash Trapped 04:00 BBC News 07:15 Celebrity Antiques 03:20 Loose Women 04:30 Asia Business Report Road Trip 04:45 Sportsday 08:15 Escape to the Country 04:10 On Assignment 05:00 BBC News 09:00 Great Coastal Railway 04:40 Unwind with ITV 05:30 HARDtalk Journeys 05:50 The Masked Dancer 06:00 BBC News 09:30 Marcus Wareing’s 06:30 World Business Report Tales from a Kitchen Garden 07:00 Good Morning Britain 07:00 Breakfast 10:00 Nicky Campbell 10:00 Lorraine 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 BBC News 11:00 This Morning 11:00 Scam Interceptors 13:15 Politics Live 11:45 Dr Xand’s Con or Cure 14:00 Impossible 13:30 Loose Women 12:15 Homes Under the 14:45 Lightning 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News Hammer 15:15 Easy Ways To Live Well 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:55 ITV News London 16:15 Mountain Vets 14:00 BBC News at One 16:45 The Farmers’ Country 15:00 James Martin’s 14:30 BBC London Showdown American Adventure 14:45 Doctors 17:15 World’s Busiest Railway 15:15 The Bidding Room 16:00 Lingo 2015 16:00 Escape to the Country 17:00 Tipping Point 18:15 Flog It! 16:45 The Travelling 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 18:00 The Chase Auctioneers of Games 17:30 The Repair Shop 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: 19:00 ITV News London 18:15 Pointless 19:30 ITV Evening News It Takes Two 19:00 BBC News at Six 20:00 Celebrity Antiques 19:30 BBC London 20:30 Emmerdale Road Trip 20:00 The One Show 21:00 Coronation Street 21:00 The Secret Genius of 20:30 EastEnders 22:00 Payback Modern Life 21:00 The Repair Shop 22:00 Shakespeare: Rise of 23:00 ITV News at Ten 22:00 Shetland a Genius 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:00 Upstart Crow 23:30 BBC London 23:45 Peston 23:40 1917 23:30 Newsnight

05:05 Couples Come Dine with Me 06:00 World’s Most Secret Hotels 06:55 Kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free 07:05 Countdown 07:45 Cheers 08:10 Cheers 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 09:55 Frasier 10:25 Frasier 10:55 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 11:55 Renovation Nation 12:55 Channel 4 News Summary 13:00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Help! We Bought a Village 19:00 Four in a Bed 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 Grand Designs 23:00 David Baddiel: Jews Don’t Count

08:15 Peppa Pig 07:50 Mr Bean: The Animated 00:05 DCI Banks 08:20 PAW Patrol Series 01:05 Wild at Heart 08:35 Pip and Posy 08:05 Mr Bean: The Animated 02:10 Wild at Heart 08:40 The Adventures of Series 03:10 Unwind with ITV Paddington 08:20 Mr Bean: The 03:30 Teleshopping 09:00 Chip & Potato Animated Series 09:15 Milo 07:00 Classic Emmerdale 08:30 Mr Bean: The 09:30 PAW Patrol Animated Series 07:35 Classic Emmerdale 09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little 08:45 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 08:05 Classic Coronation Kingdom 09:10 What’s New ScoobyStreet 09:55 Peppa Pig Doo? 08:40 Classic Coronation 10:00 Milkshake! Craft Party 09:35 Scooby-Doo and 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den Guess Who? Street 10:15 Jeremy Vine 10:00 Totally Bonkers 09:10 Bless This House 12:15 Storm Huntley Guinness World Records 09:40 Never the Twain 13:15 Alexis Conran 10:35 Totally Bonkers 10:15 Wild at Heart 13:50 Entertainment News Guinness World Records On 5 11:20 Wild at Heart 11:00 Secret Crush 13:55 5 News at Lunchtime 12:25 Heartbeat 12:00 Dress to Impress 14:00 Home and Away 13:30 Heartbeat 13:00 Dinner Date 14:30 Much Ado About 14:00 Family Fortunes 14:35 Classic Emmerdale Christmas 15:05 Classic Emmerdale 16:15 My Favorite Christmas 15:00 Secret Crush 16:05 One Tree Hill Tree 15:35 Classic Coronation 17:00 Dawson’s Creek 18:00 5 News at 5 Street 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) 18:00 Dinner Date 19:00 Celebrity Catchphrase 16:10 Classic Coronation Badly 20:00 Ant and Dec’s Street 20:00 Shoplifters: Caught Limitless Win Red Handed 16:45 Midsomer Murders 21:00 Vanished: The Search 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 18:55 Heartbeat For Britain’s Missing People 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 19:55 Heartbeat 22:00 Big Brother 22:00 Cause of Death 23:00 Reported Missing: The 23:00 Big Brother: Late and 21:00 Lewis 23:00 DCI Banks Murder of Danielle Jones Live

Tuesday 7th November

Wednesday 8th November



A new life treading the boards! Jan Holden first started drama 14 years ago when she looked for things to do by herself in Spain. She went through the newspaper and searched for clubs and associations that she could join without a partner, and that same Wednesday afternoon Jan went to the first Campoverde theatre group rehearsal, later joining a Tuesday dance group. At the Theatre group social on Thursday morning, a member of Campoverde theatre group invited her to join the Torrevieja Showgroup on Friday afternoons. So, in the space of a week she had in fact joined three theatre groups and three dance groups! In the second week of attending the Actors Studio group one of the members had to withdraw and like an idiot, Jan offered to replace her, little knowing that they were on stage in two weeks time. She had to learn two parts for sketches very quickly: an anti-social very old lady and a Saint Trinian’s type

headmistress. This was truly a baptism of fire, from never having acted to taking on two fairly large roles. She was hooked! As well as her acting career, Jan has sung as a tenor in several choirs, both classical and rock and learned tap and jazz dance as a very mature woman. She has been very fortunate to have performed at Benidorm Palace, on four occasions, with Melody Makers International, secondly, Matrix Studio doing the Rocky Horror show and twice with Footworks Dance studios. Jan has been performing with the ADAPT Theatre group for 8 years, again starting as an emergency substitute, but continuing with mostly dame and “baddie” roles. Every year is different and loves the challenge of whatever new parts she is given. Performing has become a passion, and her biggest regret is not joining companies in the UK many years ago

when she was in my early 20s. The Adapt Theatre Group panto this year is “Ali Baba and the Four and ½ Thieves” and takes place at The Casa De Cultura, C/ Alcalde Julio Albaladejo, San Pedro Del Pinater on 30 th November, 1 st December and 2nd December all at 7.00pm and 3rd December at 12.00 noon. Tickets priced at 4€ are available from: Bar Amigos Avda Las Salinas, San Pedro; Mail Pinatar (SEUR) c/ Reyes Catolicos, San Pedro; Animal Amigos Charity Home Shop, C/ Penelope Oasis Blvd, Los Alcazares, Or email Eric at: ericberg2@hotmail. com or call 656361098 For more information about the ADAPT Theatre group contact Eric at: ericberg2@hotmail.com or visit our website: https://adapttheatregroup. wordpress.com

costablancapeople.com | 7th - 13th November 2023

BBC one

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Thursday 9th November

Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

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03:30 Asia Business Report 00:45 DNA Family Secrets 00:40 Long Lost Family 03:45 Sportsday 01:45 Clean It, Fix It 01:30 Made in Britain 04:00 BBC News 02:30 MasterChef: The 02:20 Cash Trapped 04:30 Asia Business Report Professionals 04:45 Sportsday 03:10 Loose Women 03:30 MasterChef: The 05:00 BBC News Professionals 04:00 Tonight 05:30 HARDtalk 04:30 This Is BBC TWO 04:25 Unwind with ITV 06:00 BBC News 07:15 Celebrity Antiques 06:30 World Business Report Road Trip 05:25 Unwind with ITV 07:00 Breakfast 08:15 Bargain Hunt 05:45 The Masked Dancer 10:15 Morning Live 09:00 Sort Your Life Out 07:00 Good Morning Britain 11:00 Scam Interceptors 10:00 Nicky Campbell 11:45 Dr Xand’s Con or Cure 11:00 BBC News 10:00 Lorraine 12:15 Homes Under the 13:15 Politics Live 11:00 This Morning Hammer 14:00 Impossible 13:30 Loose Women 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:45 Lightning 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 15:15 Eat Well for Less? 14:30 BBC London 14:55 ITV News London 16:15 Mountain Vets 14:45 Doctors 16:45 The Farmers’ Country 15:00 James Martin’s 15:15 The Bidding Room 16:00 Escape to the Country Showdown 17:15 World’s Busiest Railway American Adventure 16:45 The Travelling 16:00 Lingo 2015 Auctioneers 18:15 Flog It! 17:00 Tipping Point 17:30 The Repair Shop 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 18:15 Pointless 18:00 The Chase of Games 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: 19:30 BBC London It Takes Two 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 The One Show 20:00 Villages by the Sea 20:30 EastEnders 20:30 Emmerdale 20:30 Mary Makes It Easy 21:00 MasterChef: The 21:30 Tonight 21:00 Saving Lives at Sea Professionals 22:00 Inside M&S 22:00 Stacey Dooley: Inside 22:00 The Newsreader 22:50 The Fast and the the Undertakers 23:00 ITV News at Ten Farmer-ish 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 BBC London 23:45 Man of Steel 23:30 Newsnight 23:40 Question Time

04:10 Don’t Look Down for 08:10 Peppa Pig SU2C 08:15 Peppa Pig 04:40 Handmade: Britain’s 08:20 PAW Patrol Best Woodworker 08:35 Pip and Posy 05:35 Kirstie and Phil’s Love 08:40 The Adventures of It or List It Paddington 06:30 Strangers on a Plane 09:00 Chip & Potato 06:55 Escape to the Chateau 09:15 Milo 07:05 Countdown 09:30 PAW Patrol 07:45 Cheers 09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little 08:10 Cheers Kingdom 08:35 Everybody Loves 09:55 Peppa Pig Raymond 10:00 Milkshake! Craft Party 09:00 Everybody Loves 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den Raymond 10:15 Jeremy Vine 09:25 Frasier 12:15 Storm Huntley 09:55 Frasier 13:15 Alexis Conran 10:25 Frasier 13:50 Entertainment News 10:55 Find It, Fix It, Flog It On 5 11:55 Renovation Nation 13:55 5 News at Lunchtime 12:55 Channel 4 News 14:00 Home and Away Summary 14:30 An Unforgettable 13:00 Steph’s Packed Lunch Christmas 15:10 Countdown 16:15 The Search for Secret 16:00 A Place in the Sun Santa 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 18:00 Help! We Bought a 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Village Badly 19:00 Four in a Bed 20:00 Secret Life of the 19:30 The Simpsons Forest 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Inside the Tower of 21:00 The Great British Bake London Off: An Extra Slice 22:00 All Creatures Great 22:00 Taskmaster and Small 23:00 Hullraisers 23:00 Ben Fogle: New Lives 23:30 Hullraisers in the Wild

03:45 Sportsday 00:15 The Secret Genius of 02:00 All Elite Wrestling: 04:00 BBC News Modern Life Rampage 04:30 Our World 01:15 Shakespeare: Rise of a 02:55 Cash Trapped 05:00 BBC News Genius 05:30 HARDtalk 02:15 Strictly Come Dancing 03:45 Loose Women 06:00 BBC News 03:45 Strictly Come Dancing 04:30 Counting Tigers: A 06:30 World Business Report 04:25 This Is BBC TWO Survival Special 07:00 Breakfast 07:30 Villages by the Sea 10:15 Morning Live 08:00 Homes Under the 05:20 Unwind with ITV 11:00 Scam Interceptors Hammer 06:10 Moneyball 11:45 Dr Xand’s Con or Cure 09:00 Gardeners’ World 07:00 Good Morning Britain 12:15 Homes Under the 10:00 Nicky Campbell Hammer 11:00 BBC News 10:00 Lorraine 13:15 Bargain Hunt 13:15 Politics UK 11:00 This Morning 14:00 BBC News at One 14:00 Impossible 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Lightning 14:45 London Kills 15:15 Eat Well for Less? 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 15:30 The Bidding Room 16:15 Mountain Vets 16:15 Escape to the Country 16:45 The Farmers’ Country 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 James Martin’s 16:45 The Travelling Showdown Auctioneers 17:15 World’s Busiest Railway American Adventure 17:30 The Repair Shop 2015 16:00 Lingo 18:15 Pointless 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 17:00 Tipping Point 19:30 BBC London of Games 18:00 The Chase 20:00 The One Show 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: 19:00 ITV News London 20:30 Make It at Market It Takes Two 19:30 ITV Evening News 21:00 Would I Lie to You? 20:00 Villages by the Sea 21:30 Ghosts 20:30 Beechgrove Garden 20:30 Emmerdale 22:00 Have I Got News for 21:00 Monty Don’s American 21:00 Coronation Street You Gardens 22:00 Big Brother 22:30 Mrs Brown’s Boys 22:00 The Newsreader 23:00 BBC News at Ten 22:55 The Fast and the 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 BBC London Farmer-ish 23:30 ITV News London 23:40 The Graham Norton 23:00 Red Dwarf Show 23:45 The NFL Show 23:30 Newsnight

04:45 World’s Most Secret 08:10 Peppa Pig 07:25 Jurassic World: Camp 00:05 DCI Banks Cretaceous 08:15 Peppa Pig Hotels 01:05 Wild at Heart 07:50 Mr Bean: The Animated 02:10 Wild at Heart 08:20 PAW Patrol 05:35 Couples Come Dine Series 08:35 Pip and Posy with Me 08:05 Mr Bean: The Animated 03:10 Unwind with ITV 06:30 Strangers on a Plane 08:40 The Adventures of 03:30 Teleshopping Series 06:55 Escape to the Chateau Paddington 08:20 Mr Bean: The 07:00 Classic Emmerdale 09:00 Chip & Potato 07:05 Countdown Animated Series 09:15 Milo 07:35 Classic Emmerdale 07:45 Cheers 08:30 Mr Bean: The 09:30 PAW Patrol 08:10 Cheers 08:05 Classic Coronation Animated Series 09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little 08:35 Everybody Loves Street 08:45 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! Kingdom Raymond 08:40 Classic Coronation 09:10 What’s New Scooby09:55 Peppa Pig 09:00 Everybody Loves Doo? Street 10:00 Milkshake! Craft Party Raymond 09:35 Scooby-Doo and 09:10 Never the Twain 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 09:25 Frasier Guess Who? 10:15 Jeremy Vine 09:40 Never the Twain 09:55 Frasier 10:00 Totally Bonkers 12:15 Storm Huntley 10:15 Wild at Heart 10:25 Frasier Guinness World Records 13:15 Alexis Conran 10:55 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 11:20 Wild at Heart 10:35 Totally Bonkers 13:50 Entertainment News Guinness World Records 11:55 Renovation Nation 12:25 Heartbeat On 5 11:00 Secret Crush 12:55 Channel 4 News 13:30 Heartbeat 13:55 5 News at Lunchtime 12:00 Dress to Impress Summary 14:00 Home and Away 14:35 Classic Emmerdale 13:00 Dinner Date 13:00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 14:30 A Glenbrooke 15:05 Classic Emmerdale 14:00 Family Fortunes 15:10 Countdown Christmas 15:00 Secret Crush 15:35 Classic Coronation 16:00 A Place in the Sun 16:15 Love at the Christmas 16:05 One Tree Hill Street 17:00 A Place in the Sun Contest 17:00 Dawson’s Creek 18:00 Help! We Bought a 16:10 Classic Coronation 18:00 5 News at 5 18:00 Dinner Date Village 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) 19:00 Celebrity Catchphrase Street 19:00 Four in a Bed Badly 16:45 Midsomer Murders 20:00 Ant and Dec’s 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Shop Smart, Save Limitless Win 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Channel 4 News Money 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 19:55 Heartbeat 20:30 Unreported World 21:00 Susan Calman’s Grand 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 21:00 Doc Martin 21:00 The Secret World of... Days Out 22:00 Big Brother 22:00 Gogglebox 22:00 The Good Ship Murder 23:00 Big Brother: Late and 22:00 Farewell Doc Martin 23:00 DCI Banks 23:00 The Last Leg 23:00 Live: The Big Fight Live Live

Friday 10th November

Saturday 11th November

07:20 Hey Duggee 02:20 Joins BBC News 00:00 The NFL Show 07:30 Supertato 02:30 Discovering the 00:55 The Voice UK 07:35 Shaun the Sheep World’s Table 02:15 Cash Trapped 07:45 Shaun the Sheep 03:00 BBC News 03:05 Loose Women 07:50 Dennis & Gnasher 03:30 The Trap: India’s 03:50 Angela Black Unleashed! Deadliest Scam 04:45 Unwind with ITV 08:05 Boy Girl Dog Cat 04:00 BBC News 06:00 Unwind with ITV Mouse Cheese 04:30 Our World 06:05 Flying for Britain with 08:15 Grizzy and The 05:00 BBC News Lemmings David Jason 05:30 The Travel Show 08:25 Grizzy and The 07:00 Love Your Garden 06:00 BBC News Lemmings 07:30 Love Your Garden 06:30 Unspun World with 08:30 Pokémon the Series: 08:30 Love Your Weekend John Simpson Sun & Moon: Ultra Legends 07:00 Breakfast with Alan Titchmarsh 10:15 Saturday Kitchen Live 08:55 Deadly Mission Shark 10:25 ITV News 09:20 Blue Peter 11:45 The Lord Mayor’s Show 10:30 James Martin’s 09:50 Newsround 13:05 Football Focus Saturday Morning 10:00 The Wild Gardener 14:00 BBC Weekend News 11:00 The Bear Family and Me 12:40 Ainsley’s 14:10 BBC Weather 11:55 BBC News Special Mediterranean Cookbook 14:15 Bargain Hunt 12:05 My Million Pound Menu 13:45 ITV Lunchtime News 15:00 Money for Nothing 13:05 Mary Makes It Easy 13:55 The Scorpion King 15:45 Escape to the Country 13:35 A Matter of Life and 15:40 Mamma Mia! I Have A 16:30 Planet Earth III Death 17:30 Final Score Dream 15:20 Mountain Vets 18:15 Garden Rescue 17:00 ITV Evening News 15:50 Planet of the Apes 18:45 BBC Weekend News 17:15 ITV News London 17:40 Saving Lives at Sea 18:55 BBC London 18:40 Flog It! 17:25 Harry Potter and the 19:00 BBC Weather 19:25 Great Asian Railway Goblet of Fire 19:05 Strictly Come Dancing Journeys 20:25 The Voice UK 20:25 Survivor 20:25 Dolly Parton at the 22:00 The 1% Club 21:25 Blankety Blank BBC 22:00 Royal British Legion 21:25 Dolly Parton: Here I Am 22:55 ITV News 23:10 Bradley and Barney Festival of Remembrance 22:55 Later ... with Jools Walsh: Breaking Dad 23:40 BBC Weekend News Holland 23:55 BBC Weather 23:40 Glastonbury 23:35 Long Lost Family

02:50 The Shallows 04:15 Come Dine with Me 04:40 Come Dine with Me 05:05 Come Dine with Me 05:35 Come Dine with Me 06:00 Come Dine with Me 06:30 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 07:10 The King of Queens 07:35 The King of Queens 08:00 Cheers 08:25 Cheers 08:50 Cheers 09:20 Frasier 09:50 Frasier 10:20 Frasier 10:50 Frasier 11:20 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:50 Everybody Loves Raymond 12:20 Everybody Loves Raymond 12:45 The Simpsons 13:15 The Simpsons 13:45 Four in a Bed 14:15 Four in a Bed 14:50 Four in a Bed 15:20 Four in a Bed 15:50 Four in a Bed 16:20 Little Women 18:55 Channel 4 News 19:25 Fortress Britain with Alice Roberts 20:25 Fisherman’s Friends 22:35 Terminator: Dark Fate

07:25 Jurassic World: Camp 00:05 DCI Banks Cretaceous 01:05 Wild at Heart 07:50 Mr Bean: The Animated 02:10 Wild at Heart Series 08:05 Mr Bean: The Animated 03:10 Unwind with ITV Series 03:30 Teleshopping 08:20 Mr Bean: The 07:00 Classic Emmerdale Animated Series 07:35 Classic Emmerdale 08:30 Mr Bean: The 08:05 Classic Coronation Animated Series 08:45 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! Street 09:10 What’s New Scooby08:40 Classic Coronation Doo? Street 09:35 Scooby-Doo and 09:10 Never the Twain Guess Who? 10:00 Totally Bonkers 09:40 Never the Twain Guinness World Records 10:15 Wild at Heart 10:35 Totally Bonkers 11:20 Wild at Heart Guinness World Records 12:25 Heartbeat 11:00 Secret Crush 12:00 Dress to Impress 13:30 Heartbeat 13:00 Dinner Date 14:35 Classic Emmerdale 14:00 Family Fortunes 15:05 Classic Emmerdale 15:00 Secret Crush 15:35 Classic Coronation 16:05 One Tree Hill 17:00 Dawson’s Creek Street 18:00 Dinner Date 16:10 Classic Coronation 19:00 Celebrity Catchphrase Street 20:00 Ant and Dec’s 16:45 Midsomer Murders Limitless Win 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 18:55 Heartbeat 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 19:55 Heartbeat 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Big Brother: Late and 21:00 Vera 23:00 DCI Banks Live

08:05 Mr Bean: The Animated 00:05 DCI Banks 09:45 Pop Paper City Series 10:00 Meet the Experts 10:10 Reu & Harper’s Wonder 08:20 Mr Bean: The 01:10 Wild at Heart Animated Series World 10:20 Santiago of the Seas 08:30 Mr Bean: The 10:35 Baby Shark’s Big Show! Animated Series 02:10 Wild at Heart 08:45 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 10:45 Sunny Bunnies 09:10 What’s New Scooby10:50 The Smurfs Doo? 03:10 Unwind with ITV 11:15 Entertainment News 09:35 Scooby-Doo and On 5 Guess Who? 11:35 Friends 03:30 Teleshopping 10:00 Totally Bonkers 12:05 Friends Guinness World Records 12:35 Friends 10:35 Dress to Impress 13:05 The Christmas Ball 07:00 Bless This House 14:05 Entertainment News 11:35 Dress to Impress 12:35 Dress to Impress On 5 13:35 Mamma Mia! I Have A 07:40 Inspector Morse 14:10 The Christmas Ball 14:55 How to Fall in Love by Dream 15:00 Celebrity Catchphrase the Holidays 09:50 Midsomer Murders 16:00 In for a Penny 15:55 Entertainment News 16:25 Smurfs: The Lost On 5 Village 11:55 Midsomer Murders 16:00 How to Fall in Love by 17:25 FYI Daily the Holidays 17:30 Smurfs: The Lost 16:45 Christmas on Candy Village 14:00 Midsomer Murders Cane Lane 18:15 Penguins of 17:45 5 News Update Madagascar 17:50 Christmas on Candy 16:00 Midsomer Murders 19:15 FYI Daily Cane Lane 19:20 Penguins of 18:35 Battle of Britain Madagascar 18:00 Midsomer Murders 20:20 5 News Weekend 20:00 Coyote Ugly 20:25 Secrets of the Royal 21:00 FYI Daily Palaces 21:05 Coyote Ugly 20:00 Midsomer Murders 21:25 Britain’s Favourite Toys 22:00 Ride Along 2 22:25 Adele: 30 Greatest 23:00 FYI Daily Moments 23:05 Ride Along 2 22:00 Midsomer Murders


costablancapeople.com | 7th - 13th November 2023

24 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide


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CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023


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Channel 5




Sunday 12th November

02:30 Our World 00:50 Let It Snow 00:50 English Football 01:00 2012 10:05 Meet the Experts 07:25 Looney Tunes Cartoons 00:00 The Suspicions of Mr League Highlights 10:20 Reu & Harper’s Wonder 07:40 Looney Tunes Cartoons 03:00 BBC News 03:40 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 02:15 By the Grace of God 02:05 Catchphrase World 07:50 Mr Bean: The Animated Whicher 03:30 Future Earth 04:30 Hollyoaks Omnibus 04:25 This Is BBC TWO 02:40 The Switch 10:30 Santiago of the Seas Series 04:00 BBC News 06:30 Strangers on a Plane 02:05 Scott & Bailey 03:30 The Grave 10:40 Baby Shark’s Big Show! 08:05 Mr Bean: The Animated 07:20 Countryfile 04:30 The Media Show 06:55 Cheers 04:35 Unwind with ITV 10:50 Sunny Bunnies Series 03:05 Unwind with ITV 05:00 BBC News 08:20 Beechgrove Garden 07:20 Cheers 05:55 Unwind with ITV 10:55 The Smurfs 08:20 Mr Bean: The Animated 05:30 Click 08:50 Breakfast 07:50 The King of Queens 03:30 Teleshopping 06:05 James Martin’s French 11:10 SpongeBob SquarePants Series 06:00 BBC News 11:25 Entertainment News 08:30 Mr Bean: The Animated 10:00 Weatherman Walking Adventure 08:15 The King of Queens 06:30 Talking Business 07:00 Bless This House 07:00 James Martin’s French 08:40 Everybody Loves On 5 Series 10:30 Landward 07:00 Breakfast Adventure 11:30 NFL End Zone 08:45 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! Raymond 07:35 Inspector Morse 08:50 Match of the Day 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best 08:00 Gino’s Italy: Secrets of 12:00 5 News Special: 09:10 What’s New Scooby09:05 Everybody Loves 10:00 Sunday with Laura the South Remembrance Sunday Doo? Bites 09:50 The Durrells Kuenssberg Raymond 08:25 James Martin’s 12:05 Friends 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess 11:15 Remembrance Sunday: 12:30 Jimmy’s Food Factory Saturday Morning 10:50 The Durrells 09:30 The Simpsons 12:35 Friends Who? 13:00 The Hairy Bakers The Cenotaph 10:25 ITV News 13:00 Friends 10:00 Totally Bonkers 10:00 The Simpsons 11:50 The Darling Buds of May 13:45 Lifeline 10:30 Love Your Weekend 13:30 A Little Christmas Guinness World Records 13:15 Live: FA WSL 10:30 Sunday Brunch 14:00 BBC Weekend News with Alan Titchmarsh Charm 10:35 Dress to Impress 13:30 Jamie’s One-Pan 12:55 The Darling Buds of 15:45 FIG World 12:30 Fletcher’s Family Farm 14:30 Entertainment News 11:30 Dress to Impress 14:10 Weather for the Week Wonders Championship Trampoline 13:30 ITV Lunchtime News On 5 12:30 Supermarket Sweep Ahead May 13:40 The Simpsons 13:40 Smallfoot 14:35 A Little Christmas 13:30 Family Fortunes 14:15 Songs of Praise Gymnastics 14:00 Lewis 14:10 The Simpsons 15:30 Live: Premiership Charm 14:30 Catchphrase 14:50 War Horse 18:00 Flog It! Rugby 14:40 The Great British Bake 15:20 Christmas in Scotland 15:15 In for a Penny 17:05 BBC Weekend News 16:00 Lewis 19:00 Remembrance Sunday: 18:15 Tipping Point: Best Ever Off 16:20 Entertainment News 15:45 In for a Penny 17:20 BBC London Finals On 5 16:20 Rio 2 The Cenotaph 17:25 BBC Weather 17:55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 15:55 Shrek Forever After 18:45 ITV Evening News 16:25 Christmas in Scotland 17:20 FYI Daily 17:30 Countryfile 20:20 Eva Longoria: 17:45 Peter Rabbit 18:55 ITV News London 17:10 Christmas Reservations 17:25 Rio 2 20:00 Flying for Britain with 18:20 The Earthshot Prize: Searching for Mexico 19:00 Mamma Mia! I Have A 19:30 Channel 4 News 18:10 5 News Update 18:25 Antz Repairing Our Planet David Jason 20:00 World’s Greatest Train Dream 18:15 Christmas Reservations 19:25 FYI Daily 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 19:20 Planet Earth III 20:30 Gino’s Italy: Secrets of Journeys From Above 19:00 5 News Weekend 19:30 Antz 20:20 Strictly Come Dancing 22:00 Liz Bonnin’s Wild 21:00 Long Lost Family the South 19:05 Greatest Christmas Ads 20:10 Johnny English 21:00 Handmade: Britain’s 21:00 Survivor Caribbean 21:00 Three Little Birds 2023 21:10 FYI Daily 22:00 Joanna Lumley’s Great Best Woodworker 22:00 Time 21:00 Rich House, Poor House 21:15 Johnny English 23:00 The Yorkshire Ripper 22:00 Six Four 22:00 Bill Bailey’s Australian 22:00 Captain Tom: Where Did 22:00 Big Brother 23:10 BBC Weekend News 23:00 ITV News Cities of the World Files: A Very British Crime 23:20 Rolf Harris: Hiding in Adventure 23:35 BBC London The Money Go? 23:00 Big Brother: Late and 23:00 Endeavour 23:00 Gogglebox 23:40 Match of the Day 2 Plain Sight 23:30 Adults Only Live Story

Monday 13th November

03:45 Sportsday 00:00 All the President’s Men 00:15 Premiership Rugby 04:50 Come Dine with Me 04:00 BBC News 02:15 Question Time 01:20 English Football League05:15 Come Dine with Me 04:30 Asia Business Report 03:15 Mortimer and 05:40 Come Dine with Me Highlights 04:45 Sportsday 06:05 Come Dine with Me Whitehouse: Gone Fishing 02:40 Catchphrase 05:00 BBC News 06:35 Come Dine with Me 03:45 The Newsreader 05:30 HARDtalk 07:05 Countdown 03:15 Cash Trapped 04:35 This Is BBC TWO 06:00 BBC News 07:45 Cheers 04:05 Motorsport UK 06:30 World Business Report 07:45 Villages by the Sea 08:10 Cheers 04:55 Unwind with ITV 07:00 Breakfast 08:35 Everybody Loves 08:15 Bargain Hunt 06:10 Fletcher’s Family Farm 10:15 Morning Live Raymond 09:00 This Farming Life 11:00 Scam Interceptors 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:00 Everybody Loves 10:00 Nicky Campbell 11:45 Dr Xand’s Con or Cure Raymond 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 BBC News 12:15 Homes Under the 08:25 Frasier 11:00 This Morning 13:15 Politics Live Hammer 09:55 Frasier 13:30 Loose Women 13:15 Bargain Hunt 10:25 Frasier 14:00 The Boss 14:00 BBC News at One 10:55 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:45 Lightning 14:30 BBC London 11:55 The Great House 14:55 ITV News London 15:15 Eat Well for Less? 14:45 Doctors Giveaway 16:15 Oceans 15:00 James Martin’s 15:15 The Bidding Room 12:55 Channel 4 News American Adventure 16:00 Escape to the Country 17:15 This Farming Life Summary 18:15 Flog It! 16:45 Antiques Road Trip 13:00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 16:00 Lingo 17:30 The Repair Shop 15:10 Countdown 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 17:00 Tipping Point 18:15 Pointless 16:00 A Place in the Sun of Games 18:00 The Chase 19:00 BBC News at Six 17:00 A Place in the Sun 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 BBC London 18:00 Help! We Bought a It Takes Two 20:00 The One Show Village 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Between the Covers 20:30 EastEnders 19:00 Four in a Bed 20:30 Emmerdale 20:30 Mastermind 21:00 Panorama 19:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Coronation Street 21:30 Countryfile 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Only Connect 22:00 The Playboy Bunny 22:00 MasterChef: The 20:55 Rory Peck Awards 21:30 University Challenge Professionals 21:00 Air Fryers: Are They 22:00 Simon Reeve’s Return Murder 23:00 BBC News at Ten Worth It? 23:00 ITV News at Ten to Cornwall 23:30 BBC London 22:00 24 Hours in Police 23:30 ITV News London 23:40 Have I Got a Bit More 23:00 Cunk on Earth Custody 23:45 A Time to Die 23:30 Newsnight News for You 23:00 999: On the Front Line

07:50 Fireman Sam 08:00 Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go 08:10 Peppa Pig 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:20 PAW Patrol 08:35 Pip and Posy 08:40 The Adventures of Paddington 09:00 Chip & Potato 09:15 Milo 09:30 PAW Patrol 09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:55 Peppa Pig 10:00 Peppa Pig 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Storm Huntley 13:15 Alexis Conran 13:50 Entertainment News On 5 13:55 5 News at Lunchtime 14:00 Home and Away 14:30 Christmas on the Alpaca Farm 16:15 Haul Out the Holly 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 20:00 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders 21:00 The Motorway 22:00 Wife on Strike 23:00 Shoplifters: Stripping the Shelves

07:25 Jurassic World: Camp 01:05 Blue Murder Cretaceous 02:40 Bless This House 07:50 Mr Bean: The Animated 03:10 Unwind with ITV Series 08:05 Mr Bean: The Animated 03:30 Teleshopping Series 07:00 Classic Emmerdale 08:20 Mr Bean: The Animated 07:35 Classic Emmerdale Series 08:30 Mr Bean: The Animated 08:05 Classic Coronation Series Street 08:45 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 08:40 Classic Coronation 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? Street 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess 09:10 Never the Twain Who? 09:40 Never the Twain 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:15 Wild at Heart 10:35 Totally Bonkers 11:20 Wild at Heart Guinness World Records 12:25 Heartbeat 11:00 Secret Crush 12:00 Dress to Impress 13:30 Heartbeat 13:00 Dinner Date 14:35 Classic Emmerdale 14:00 Family Fortunes 15:05 Classic Emmerdale 15:00 Secret Crush 16:05 One Tree Hill 15:40 Classic Coronation 17:00 Dawson’s Creek Street 18:00 Dinner Date 19:00 Catchphrase: Catchiest 16:10 Classic Coronation Moments Street 20:00 Ant and Dec’s Limitless 16:45 Midsomer Murders Win 18:55 Heartbeat 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 19:55 Heartbeat 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Big Brother: Late and 21:00 McDonald and Dodds Live 23:00 DCI Banks


Technology 25

CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023

Your tech questions answered by Brian Hoile of the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group, helping over 320 members with their PCs , smartphones and more. Group members can attend meetings in person or online using Zoom or Teams. If you have a question or problem with any household technology needing my help or want to join the Technology Help Group please email Brian at cbtechnology.help@gmail. com. As a group member, you would have access to the group website which contains previous session notes, handouts and access to previous Costa Blanca People published articles. Scan the QR for a reminder of what the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group offers. Please note that we have a new venue for our Monthly Meetings. I am pleased to announce that we are now meeting at Dilly’s Bar, Av. Castuera, 3, 03184 El Chaparral, Alicante. Group meetings are on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10:00 to 12:00. You are welcome to attend. “How do I get and use a QR Code Reader?“ A QR code (quick response code) is a type of two-dimensional (2D) bar code that is used to provide

easy access to online information through the digital camera on a smartphone or tablet. To read a QR code you need a QR Code Reader Application. Go to Play Store or App Store (for Apple) and search for “QR Code Reader”. Select an App to download and install. When installed it is ready to use. When required open the QR Code Reader App. Your camera will then open (within the QR Code Reader App). On the screen, there will be a square in the centre. Aim the camera at the QR Code you want to read. The App will then read the QR Code and provide you with options. Select “Browse Website”. Your phone or tablet will then open the website encoded within the QR Code. “What is the default Inbox setting in Gmail?“ If you choose “Default,” your inbox will be split up into different tabs, like “Primary,” “Social,” “Promotions,” and “Updates.” When you have the “Default” inbox, your messages are automatically sorted into tabs, but you can move messages

among categories if you want. The different tabs are: 1. Primary-Emails from people you know and messages that don’t appear in other tabs. 2. Social-Messages from social networks and media-sharing sites. 3. Promotions-Deals, offers, and other promotional emails. 4. Updates-Notifications, confirmations, receipts, bills, and statements. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Gmail app. 1. In the top left, tap Menu. Settings. 2. Choose your account. 3. Under “Inbox,” tap Inbox type. 4. Select an inbox layout: Default Inbox. Important first. Unread first. Starred first. Priority Inbox. “How do I install Android Apps on a Windows 11 computer?“ To run Android apps on Windows 11 • Launch the Microsoft Store and search for “Amazon Appstore.” • Install and set it up, which will also prompt you to download the Windows Subsystem for Android. • Once the installation is complete, restart your PC. • Upon reboot, you’ll find the Amazon Appstore in the Windows 11 App List. Brian Hoile

Join the Group by searching Facebook for “Costa Blanca Technology Help Group” Send your questions to cbtechnology.help@gmail.com



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023


We Need A Helping Hand

Please donate any items for families in need Opening Hours Tuesday & Friday 10am - 1pm

Thank you for your support Helping over 200 families far and wide

Find us on Facebook

As many of you know, A Helping Hand is a food and clothes bank based in Torrevieja who are struggling to feed all the people on their books. Both this paper and Seagate Wealth Management are doing all they can to support this wonderful local charity. If you can donate anything from the list below, it would be so very appreciated as summer is proving a difficult time for donations: Rice, milk, pasta, soup mixes, tomato frito, tinned tomatoes, toilet rolls, wet wipes, baby milk (NATIVA 1,2 &3), nappies - size 4..5..& 6, cheese triangles/slices, chorizo/salami slices, ham, hot dogs, yoghurts, childrens’ snacks and juices, shampoo/ conditioner, washing detergent ,toothpaste, tuna ,salt and sugar. If you prefer to shop online, then please visit Al Campo, Mercadona or even Amazon and the donations can be sent to: Avenida tomas boj andreu casa 2 bloque 4

Always help someone. You might be the only one that does. Manzana 8 vivero 1 los altos Torrevieja 03185 Mobile number for deliveries: 611 69 28 46

points and you can find your nearest one by checking out the Helping Hand Facebook page.

You can also donate in the following ways: https://www.paypal.me/ daniellasixx8 revolut.me/nikkis2qrb ES23 0128 0655 2401 0002 4012

As they say on their Facebook page: “If you can spare just 1,2,3,4,5 euros anything and if everyone reading this article did this we could help so many people. We really need your help, we need to survive to help these families please, please help.”

If you can help in any way, there are various drop off

Service Directory E


Artificial Grass Eazy Lawns Tel: 636 102 509 Email: info@eazylawns.es www.eazylawns.es

B Builders Teddy Bear Builders Tel: 680 851 376 616 214 713

Email: teddybearbuilders@yahoo.com

C Carers Angels Nursing Care Tel: 0034 711 080 462 / 850 993 849 Email: info@angelsnursingcare.com www.angelsnursingcare.com

Estate Agents My New Home in Spain Tel: 711 007 147 hello@mynewhomeinspain.com www.mynewhomeinspain.com La Casa Blanca Estates Tel: 966 117 978 653 987 928 sales@lacasablancaestates.com www.lacasablancaestates.com

H Health & Beauty Indiana´s Hair & Lash Boutique Tel: 681 250 190 Indiana’s hair & lash boutique Indianashairandlashboutique




Hardware Store


Removals & Storage

Everak Tel: 965 072 847 Ctra. de Dolores, 54, 03160, Almoradi Email: info@everak.com everak.com

I Insurance Brokers Insurance Agents.es Tel: +34 868 97 55 25 Email: info@insuranceagents.es www.insuranceagents.es Sunbay Insurance Tel: 965063483 693719221 Email: info@sunbay-insurance.com www.sunbay-insurance.com


Dental Clinics

Kitchen Fitters

Carredent British Dental Practice (Dr. Ian F. Smith) Tel: 965 711 797 Mob: 638 608 532 Email: jardindelmar21@icoud.com

The Kitchen Shop Tel: 965077555 661861416 Email: thekitchenshopspain@gmail.com www.thekitchenshop.es

Domestic Appliance Repairs Tel: 966782451 654939202 Email: domrepair2@gmail.com

Mobile Home Parks Costa Del Paradise Tel: 679 224 974 +44 1274 543 103 108 Email: info@costadelparadise.com www.costadelparadise.com

Kitchen Plus Tel: 965712754 677230071 Email: kplus3180@gmail.com ww.kitchensplus.eu

Transcone Removals & Shipping 0044 7742 798568 0034 603135480 transconeshipping@hotmail.com www.transconeshipping.com Swift Removals & Storage 0034 603336463 or 0034 602468949 0044 7465 623697 Email: info@swift-removals.net www.swift-removals.net Move it – Vantastic Tel: 693 251 562 Email: davendonc@aol.com

P Pest Control Fog Off Spain Tel: 625 723 331 www.fogoffspain.com



Domestic Appliance Repairs

Venture Fleet SL Tel: 965077330 671549920 Email: info@venturefleet.com www.venturefleet.com

Indy´s Design and Print Tel: 647 472 825 Email: Indysdp@gmail.com Indy’s Design & Print Indys_designprint

R Removals & Storage La Romana Self Storage 633 125 889 or 965 075 122 colin@laromanaselfstorage.com www.laromanaselfstorage.com

T Travel Agents Worldwide Horizons Travel Tel: 966 761 492 689 140 360 Email: travel@whtravel.es www.whtravel.es

S Solar Panels Medsun Solar Tel: 604 193 857 Email: info@medsunsolar.com www.medsunsolar.com


Jess Glynne ‘too scared to go out’ after stalker turned up at her home with a ‘folder of sinister stuff’ - after singer confirmed romance with Alex Scott Jess Glynne was reportedly left too scared to go out after a crazed stalker began turning up at her London home. The singer, 34, was forced to call the police after the female footballer was found outside the residence with a ‘menacing’ package. A source explained to The Sun how the incident, which occurred a year after the release of Jess’ 2018 album Always In Between, left the hitmaker ‘incredibly shaken’

CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023

Robbie Williams reveals the real reason he ended his fling with Geri Halliwell after reflecting on their ‘magical’ romance in his Netflix documentary Robbie Williams reveals the real reason he ended his fling with Geri Halliwell

after reflecting on their ‘magical’ romance in his Netflix documentary Robbie Williams has revealed he ended his ‘magical’ Noughties romance with Geri Halliwell after being told that she was tipping off paparazzi about their relationship. The singer, 49, has opened up about his relationship with the Spice Girl in his new Netflix documentary and revealed it was more than a fling and felt ‘magical’. In the series, which is released on November 8, Robbie explained that their relationship started whilst he was going through Alcoholics Anonymous and was warned against getting into a relationship with anybody at a time of fragility.

Bars & Restaurants 27


Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023


Annual charity quiz raises 461€ for local charity

A group of 40 Quizzers recently attended “Bob’s Fun Quiz” at The Pines Restaurant in Benijofar. A lovely meal was followed by 3 rounds of general knowledge questions and a round of the ever popular Music Bingo, which even the staff took part in. After a short break, the quiz continued with 3 more rounds of questions. It was a close fought contest but the winners by just 2 points, were the aptly named team, “The Winners”, who won a case of wine, which they generously passed on to the team who came second. There was also a bag of nuts for the team that sadly did not do so well and came last, they did not mind at all though because they had such a fun evening. President of the Association, Marion Smith, thanked everyone for their generosity, especially with the raffle and welcomed members of the Association,

who were able to attend. The evening finished with a game of Play your Cards Right, which was won by Dee Broadley, who was delighted to win “the pot” and a bottle of vodka. Marion also thanked everyone at the Pines for facilitating the evening and to Bob Britnell for devising and presenting the Quiz and to Alison who made a beautiful cake, for the Guess The Weight of The Cake Competition, which was won by Tim Jones. The next event for The Association, is a Craft Fayre on Saturday 2nd December. 10am – 2 pm at the Casino in Almoradi. For further details, contact Christine Watkins: 694437698. More details about “Movers and Shakers”, can be found @ www.amscb.org.es Footnote: The Association of Movers And Shakers is a registered charity offering friendship and support to

people who suffer from Ataxia, Huntington’s, Motor Neurone Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s. The number of people befriended by the Association is increasing! We are all volunteers, and now seek a volunteer urgently to assist our Liaison Officer as the first point of contact to sufferers or carers. Please get in touch with us. If: • you have a caring disposition • you can maintain an empathic approach to people and their families affected by one of the conditions above. • Spanish is an advantage but not essential. Please contact President Marion Smith on (+34) 711 008 250 or by email at: marion. smith@amscb.org.es Visit www.amscb.org.es for more information about the Association.


CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023

Bars & Restaurants 29

Discover the waterfall route of Petrer This beautiful walking route takes you on an enchanting journey through old mills, cascades and natural rock pools. It takes just over an hour at a gentle pace, making it suitable for families with children, and dogs are allowed on a lead.

As there are some rocky pathways and shallow steps, this route is not suitable for wheelchairs or pushchairs. The route of Rambla de Puça as it is called, is taken by simply following the riverbed, walking from the town of Petrer. There is a parking lot where

your journey begins at the Historic Center (Parking Centro Histórico 03610 Petrer, Alicante). If you wish to go directly to the waterfalls, it is also possible to drive up to the Molino de la Reja Restaurant area, which is very close to the most important points

of the route (Restaurante Molino la Reja Partida de Pussa, 53, 03610 Petrer, Alicante). More delightful places to visit and things to do on the Costa Blanca can be found on the website www. costablancascene.com


Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023

Health & Beauty 31

How to detect a stroke

Annually, between 110,000120,000 people suffer a stroke in Spain, of which approximately half are left with disabling sequelae or die, according to data from the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN). In Spain, it is the leading cause of death in women, the second in men; as well as the first cause of acquired disability in adults and the second of dementia. “These are not encouraging words, although the good news is that 9 out of 10 cases of stroke can be avoided if a healthy lifestyle is followed and care is taken to the risk factors that we will detail later,” says Dr. Mirko Alavena, a specialist in Neurology at the Quirónsalud Torrevieja Hospital. Specifically, he explains that cerebral apoplexy, also known as cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or stroke, is a medical emergency that can have serious health consequences and is usually caused by an interruption or alteration of blood flow in a part of the brain, either by the occlusion of an artery (infarction) or its rupture (haemorrhage). THE ONSET OF SUSPICION If you suspect a stroke, Dr. Alavena points out that you should evaluate: 1. Face: Command the person to smile; Notice if one half of the face moves and the other doesn’t. 2. Arms: Instruct the person to raise and move the arms; Observe if one is weaker or clumsier. 3. Speech: Speak to the person and ask them to speak; Observe if they can’t utter language or if they don’t understand what is being said. 4. Time: If any of the above is true, we must immediately call the emergency number,

as time is the most important factor in the chances of recovery. Thus, the Quirónsalud Torrevieja expert highlights that it is crucial to recognise the symptoms of stroke to seek medical attention immediately; The most common ones are listed as: • Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg; and especially on one side of the body. • Difficulty speaking or understanding language. • Sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes. • Severe dizziness, loss of balance, or loss of coordination. • Sudden, severe headache with no known cause. • It’s important to remember the acronym F.A.S.T to recognise stroke symptoms: ‘Face’, ‘Arms’, ‘Speech’, and ‘Time’. “If someone shows these symptoms, it is essential to call the emergency services immediately. Once the acute event has been treated, the person should receive rehabilitation of acquired brain damage (neurorehabilitation) to recover as much as possible their functionality prior to the event,” says the doctor. Stroke is a serious condition, he continues, and requires immediate medical attention. That is why this specialist insists on the importance of recognising the symptoms and seeking help quickly: “This can make a difference in the patient’s prognosis and recovery.” And, as the neurologist laments, it can be permanent if the neurological damage persists. Of course, remember that, in some cases of heart attack, blood flow can be restored spontaneously and the

symptoms disappear, which is known as a transient ischemic attack or TIA, although people who suffer from them have a very high chance of suffering a permanent cerebral infarction in the following weeks if adequate preventive measures are not taken. How to prevent stroke With this, Dr. Mirko Alavena, specialist in Neurology at Quirónsalud Torrevieja, argues that, by taking measures to prevent stroke, such as maintaining healthy blood pressure, following a balanced diet and maintaining an active lifestyle, the risk of suffering a stroke can be significantly reduced. “Although some risk factors for stroke, such as age and family history, cannot be changed, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of stroke,” he says. Some recommendations include, according to this expert: • Maintain healthy blood pressure: Controlling high blood pressure can help reduce the risk of stroke. • Eat a balanced diet: Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and limiting saturated fat and sodium intake can help maintain cardiovascular health. • Maintain a healthy weight: Maintaining a body mass index (BMI) within the normal range can reduce the risk of stroke. • Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity helps keep your heart and blood vessels healthy. • Don’t smoke: Smoking damages blood vessels and increases the risk of stroke. • Limit alcohol consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of stroke


Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023


Mancomunidad Bajo Segura organises a conference on risk and protection factors in mental health I’ve just about had it with my sister in law. I dropped by for my niece’s 2nd birthday. They live half an hour’s drive away- I made a special journey to take her a gift and card. My sister in law is a strange one at best; she’s well known in the family for being tight with everything. After I’d been there half an hour, and not even been offered a cup of tea; my 11 year old step-nephew, called over to his mother stating that I had not been given a slice of birthday cake. My sister in law’s face was a picture. She literally squirmed, and went bright red. Her son, not noticing his mother’s discomfort, persisted. Eventually she said, ‘there’s not enough’. I could see that my step-nephew felt bad, so I said to him ‘it’s alright, I don’t want a piece of cake’. The relief from sister in law was palpable. I don’t know what to do in future. I don’t want to waste three hours of my day visiting,

only to be treated badly, but I feel for the kids. Your longer letter tells me you once gave your nephew a gift token, and he told you his mother took it away from him. You mentioned it to your brother, but he accused you of being pathetic. In future, you could order something from the Internet to be delivered; don’t make it a gift that can be returned, cashed in, or used by someone else - since it may be intercepted. It’s a sad situation, but you say you see your extended family at intervals at your parents’ house throughout the year, so that might have to be sufficient for you. Take yourself out of the firing line and don’t visit their house anymore, since you are clearly not welcome. It is a shame for the children; however, you are not the cause.


Mental health is one of the ailments that most affects the population today. The Mancomunidad Bajo Segura (MBS) is aware of this problem, is concerned and works to care for this area of the population. For this reason, the organisation has organised the conference ‘Mental health matters: risk and protection factors’ through the Mental Illness Care and Monitoring Service (SASEM). This initiative will be held in each of the municipalities of the Mancomunidad between 30 October and 19 November. The president of the Mancomunidad, Noemí Cutillas, explained that “in the Mancomunidad we understand the problem that the poor state of mental health represents for a large part of our population, especially for the younger people, who suffer from this ailment on a daily basis”. In this sense, Cutillas has stated that “from the SASEM service we work to offer tools to people who need it, care and support, with the aim that they can restore the good state of their mental health and enjoy good physical and psychological health”. When we talk about mental health, we mean all those factors that influence our emotional, psychological and

social well-being. All of these affect the way we think, feel, act and relate to other people. SASEM service professionals will teach interested users how to improve their daily rest - it is necessary to sleep eight hours -, do breathing exercises to control stress, reduce the hours we spend on our mobile devices and, very importantly, learn how to ask for help. Thus, Mancomunidad Bajo Segura will take this conference to the nine municipalities of the association until 19 November. For its part, the San Isidro Town Hall will be the venue for this initiative on Monday 6th November at 16:00 hours. As for Daya Nueva, the workshop will be held on Wednesday 8 November at 11:00 hours in the multipurpose room of the senior citizens’ centre. On the same day, at 16:00 hours, the Daya de Daya Vieja Centre will also host the workshop. In Benferri the event will take place on Monday 13th November at 11:00 in the Town Hall plenary hall. Later on Tuesday 14th November it will be the turn of Granja de Rocamora, where the mental health day will take place from 9:30 am in the Casa de Cultura.

All in all, Noemí Cutillas has encouraged the entire population “to participate in this initiative without feeling ashamed about it, as there is still a taboo when it comes to talking about our mental health, and it is an area that we must care for and protect in order to develop as people to the full”. For this reason, added the president of Mancomunidad Bajo Segura, “from our organisation we offer advice and make all the tools available to our neighbours so that, with the help and experience of the professional staff of the SASEM service, they can improve the state of their mental health”.


Motors 33

CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023

inet eight people have died in traffic The DGT launches a new accidents during the month of October campaign to warn of the risks There have been 88 fatal traffic accidents in which 98 people have died, in a context in which mobility has increased by 3% compared to October of last year. Motorcyclists are the group that increases the accident rate the most with 35 deaths, 36% of the total number of fatalities. 6 of the deceased were not using any safety device at the time of the accident. So far this year, 943 people have died on the road, 10 fewer fatalities than in the same period in 2022. During the month of October, 88 fatal accidents have been recorded on the roads in which 98 people have died, 6 more than in the same month of 2022, in a context in which mobility has increased by 3% compared to October of the year. previous, registering 37.1 million long-haul movements. Deaths on conventional roads increase compared to the same month last year, as can be seen in the table. During this month, head-on collisions and rear-end and multiple collisions have increased, types of accidents in which 24 and 14 people have died respectively. On the contrary, the number of deaths due to leaving the road has decreased, with 34 deaths recorded, 14 less than in October 2022. If the means of travel is taken into account, the group that increases its accident rate the most is motorcyclists. Specifically, 35 motorcycle users have died, 15 more than those that occurred in the same month last year.

of driving while drowsy

Conventional roads continue to be the most dangerous, because of the 35 motorcyclists who died, 26 were in accidents that took place on this type of road. Regarding the use of security systems, 6 of the deceased were not using the corresponding security system at the time of the accident, all of them were traveling by car. By autonomous community, October does not present a stable pattern; there have been increases in accidents in several communities such as Andalusia

and Castilla y León, while in others such as the Region of Murcia and La Rioja, fatalities have been lower than in October of the year. last year. The days with the most fatalities were Tuesday the 3rd, Saturday the 7th and Monday the 23rd of October with 6 deaths each day. In contrast, there was only 1 day with 0 deaths: Sunday, October 22. Therefore, so far this year (until November 1), 943 people have died in traffic accidents, 10 people less than in the same period in 2022 (-1%).

Deaths by type of road 2022 FALL24h Highway and highway 23 Rest of interurban roads 69 Total 92

2023 FALL24h 23 75 98

Diff.FALL24H 2023/2022 0 6 6

According to data from the National Road Safety Observatory, drowsiness was present in 7% of fatal traffic accidents in 2021. With short and concise messages, the campaign wants to focus on the need for a good rest before getting behind the wheel. The General Directorate of Traffic launched last week a new communication campaign with the aim of warning about the risks of driving while drowsy. If we take into account the data from the National Road Safety Observatory, presented at the “Drowsiness and Driving” Conference organized by the DGT last July, in 2021 drowsiness was present in 7% of fatal traffic accidents, which which means that 77 people died for this reason. Using data from the last decade, on average 75 people died each year and another 250 were seriously injured, which highlights the magnitude of

this problem. DREAMING DRIVING KILLS With short and concise messages, the campaign wants to focus on the need for a good rest before getting behind the wheel. Driving while deprived of sleep or under the influence of alcohol multiplies the chances of suffering a traffic accident by five, but it can be multiplied by 30 when both factors occur. The idea is that any driver can feel identified with the campaign since in Spain sleep problems are becoming a public health problem. The campaign can be seen and heard until Monday, November 13, on radio, digital media, social networks and on the website elsueñoalvolantemata.dgt. es, a specific page where any citizen can find out what the main causes of the accident rate due to drowsiness, how to recognize its symptoms and how to act to avoid these accidents in the event of drowsiness at the wheel.


CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023

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7th - 13th November 2023





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CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023


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CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023

Lo Crispin Torry competition winner announced Golf Society at Saurines On 1st. November 24 members competed in an Individual Stapleford competition at what many regard as one of the best courses in Murcia. This may be so, but the lack of a driving range and basic facilities such as being able to buy a coffee or other refreshments is a big negative. The swales, undulating greens and ‘run off ‘ areas adds to the difficulty of achieving good scores, on this Jack Nicklaus designed ex - Polaris World course. Nevertheless, most members seemed to enjoy the day. We as usual returned to the Lo Crispin Tavern, where Tapas were supplied and the day’s prizes distributed.

Thanks for all the competition answers for the SC Torrevieja CF away shirt, we can confirm the answer was: The 1st team coach is called José Antonio Gil. All correct answers were numbered and a random number generator selected... Congratulations to our winner Sue Thacker, here she is collecting her shirt from Ray and Paddy at the Torry Army office

Gold Division 1st Place - Richard Brady 33 pts off 15 2nd Place - Mark Baker 30 pts off 14 3rd Place - Andy Quinn 29 pts off 10 Silver Division 1st Place - Bobby Thomson 37 pts off 25 2nd Place - Paul Flanaghan 30 pts off 31 3rd Place - Keith Rennison 25 pts off 29 N.T.P. on Par 3s Hole 3 - Nobody managed to reach or hold the green Hole 6 - Mark Baker Hole 10 - Nobody Hole 14 - Andy Quinn The 2s Pot was shared by Mark Baker and Gordon Campbell. Finally, the Free Game Draw was won by Jerry Baker. Our next game is another Individual stableford at El Plantio on 15th. November. Steve Harrington. (Membership and Handicap Secretary)

Abbey Anglers On Tuesday the 31st of October we fished the 3rd round of the Winter series which was also the final round of the presidents cup. Upon our arrival the river was of a normal level and colour and the weather was around 17 degrees. The result was a very unusual one in that for the only time I can find in the records the competition was won by two people who both had the same top weight. Both were drawn at either end of the river. Joint winner from peg 1 at the bottom of the ramp was venue specialist Richard King he fished the feeder across or in the middle mainly on corn for 13.360kg. The other winner was Paul Burton who used similar tactics

from peg 7 at the crystal bridge. In third place was Bob Robinson from peg 5 who used mainly wafters on the method feeder for 9.68kg. The Presidents cup was won overall by myself, Ian Brown with 87pts, Bob Robinson was 2nd with 80pts and Graham Patterson was 3rd with 67pts. Unusual in this competition but all 6 results count towards the overall winner. Rods N reels The following day we returned to what will be mainly our match venue for the next few months, the El Bosquet complex at Crevillent. Lots of anglers have been complaining about the lack of fish on certain pegs but this was not the case with some

great weights for the time of year. In first place from peg 7 was our Belgian visitor Max. I call him max as that is the only name I have for him and I am sure we cant spell his second or third names anyway. Max fished corn across on the pole to take some lovely carp for 27.400kg. In second place drawn on the much maligned long stretch of 26 to 40 and peg 38 was Alan Priest . Alan fished the method feeder with maggots to catch mainly carp for another great weight of 26.120kg. Taking third place was myself, Ian Brown. Drawn on fancied peg 1, I fished maggot across but in the deep water or down the edge to finish with 16.180kg of all carp. Pictured is Nick Bastock with 12.580kg and actually finished 4th.

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CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023




CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th November 2023


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