17 August - 23 August 2021

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CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

17th - 23rd august - edition 903

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Your Essential Weekly read

It was a hot one!

orihuela registered the highest temperature in the Vega Baja on sunday with 44.9 degrees Celsius. it was followed by redován with 44.8 º C, with the municipalities near the coast registering between 35 and 40 degrees. sunday saw the “peak” of this heat wave with a red level warning that the state Meteorological agency (aeMet) activated on saturday, raising the risk to extreme. the arrival of hot blowouts in the province was scheduled for late at night, which did not affect the local area, but in gandía winds brought down a large Ferris wheel. Fortunately, there were no injuries. amusingly, yesterday aMet announced ‘a notable drop in temperatures’ to a an almost nippy maximum of 34 degrees Celsius! nationally, spain saw its highest temperature on record on saturday as a heatwave on the iberian peninsula drove the mercury to 47.4°C (117.3°F), according to provisional data from the state meteorological agency. the temperature peaked around 5pm local time in the southern town of Córdoba,

the agency said, passing the previous record set at the same measuring station in July 2017 by onetenth of a degree. “ i f confirmed, it would be the highest record reliably measured in spain,” aeMet spokesman ruben del Campo said. although temperatures are expected to ease in the coming days, several parts of the country, including the southern region of andalucia and Murcia in the southeast, endured temperatures of over 45°C, del Campo added. that made this heatwave “probably one of the most intense experienced in spain”, he said. Climate scientists have repeatedly

See page 12

warned that manmade global warming will bring higher temperatures and more extreme weather events across the world. european countries such as greece and turkey have already experienced heatwaves and wildfires this summer. the combination of the fierce heat and rise in suspended dust particles has also increased the fire risk, with the country remaining on high alert.



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021


Health targets those who missed jabs the department of Public health has launched a massive campaign to give a new opportunity to those who, having received the call or sMs to get vaccinated against CoVid-19, did not attended the appointment for whatever reason. People in this situation will receive a text message on their mobile. the sMs includes a link where the person can select, from among four options, the week or weeks that best suits their availability, so as to interfere as

little as possible with people’s work or holidays. People can give their preference for any of the last two weeks of august or for the first two weeks of september.

the unvaccinated person will then receive a new appointment for one of the weeks that they have indicated that they are available to get their jab. “this initiative seeks to reach out to those who once could not go to get vaccinated because they had some other unavoidable appointment, for

health reasons, because they had doubts or simply got lost. this new opportunity should not be missed because the CoVid-19 vaccine works. it is the best way we have to cut the transmission chains of the virus and save lives,” said the Minister of Public health. “You have to get vaccinated - added Barceló for one for yourself, but also for others. Because a person can be healthy, contract the infection and pass it asymptomatically, without complications, but that same person can infect someone vulnerable in their environment.”



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

Measures change for some municipalities a change in restrictions is to come into effect from today, tuesday 17th august, to be reviewed on 6th september. the interdepartmental table for Prevention and action against CoVid-19 has agreed on new measures that will be applied to contain the coronavirus pandemic in the Valencian Community. among other things, it has been decided to limit both night-time mobility and social gatherings in 68 municipalities. the towns affected by the restriction of movement at night with a curfew between 1am and 6am and by the limitation of social gatherings to 10 in the province of alicante are: l’alfàs del Pi, alicante, almoradí, altea, aspe, Benidorm, Calpe, el Campello, Cocentaina, dénia, dolores, Finestrat, Jávea, Monforte del Cid, Monóvar, Mutxamel, novelda, La nucia, onil, Pedreguer, Pego, santa Pola, san Vicente del raspeig, sax, teulada, La Villajoyosa and Villena. the President of the generalitat, Ximo Puig, and the Minister of Public health, ana Barceló, also announced that, during the next three weeks, in which the restrictions that have been approved this saturday will be applied, a record number of 1.3 million vaccines will be administered, of which half a million will be inoculated during the next seven days. By the second week of september, about 80 percent of the population to be vaccinated will have


been vaccinated or have appointments for vaccination. the president explained that the objective is that on 9th october there will be complete immunisation of the population. as has been shown, in the Valencian Community more than 6.3 million doses against the coronavirus have been administered so far, and more than 3 million people already have the complete vaccination schedule, 68 percent of the population to be vaccinated, and more than 80 percent have 1 dose administered. in addition, this week begins to be vaccinated young people between 12 and 16 years old, the last age group of the population for which the vaccine has been approved. as for the restrictions, the selective curfew affects 68 municipalities that are home to 2,694,376 people - by province: 940,290 in alicante; 294,846

in Castellón and 1,459,240 in Valencia. in these same towns, social gatherings of any type are also limited to a maximum of 10 people. this measure applies to meetings in homes and spaces for private use and in spaces for public use, both indoors and outdoors. in addition, the interdepartmental table for Prevention and action against CoVid-19 has agreed to extend throughout the Valencian Community other measures already in force, such as the limitation to 50 percent of the maximum capacity in shows and indoor celebrations, which must also end before twelve thirty at night; at events in sports venues, with a maximum of 1,500 people; as well as in recreational pools. the maximum occupancy of 10 people per table or groupings of tables in outdoor hospitality and restaurant spaces and terraces also remains

Covid increase in Brits returning from Spain Large numbers of holidaymakers returning from spain are testing positive for Covid, raising concerns that the uK’s most popular foreign travel destination could be under scrutiny again. More than one in 35 travellers arriving in Britain from spain were found to have the virus, according to new figures. data from nhs test and trace shows that 2.9 per cent of travellers who visited the holiday hotspot tested positive at some point in the first 10 days after arrival in the uK. Covid rates are lower in spain than in the uK. however, the 2.9 per cent positivity rate of returning British holidaymakers is well above the average rate for uK residents, which, according to the latest ons figures, currently stands at 1.2 per cent. the next travel update is still around 10 days away. recent announcements have fallen on a Wednesday, with transport secretary grant shapps announcing changes to the traffic-light list via a series of tweets. Mr shapps has promised not to make any changes to the current list before then.

there are currently no concerns about new or emerging variants in spain. according to the latest figures from health data-sharing initiative, the delta variant is by far the most common strain, representing 98 per cent of infections.

infection rates in spain have been declining steadily since mid-July. rates peaked at a seven-day rolling average of around 27,000 on 19 July and have since fallen to just over 15,000. With delta now the most common strain across the country, the effect of this more contagious variety is now baked into the country’s infection rates. spain has already experienced a surge in cases due to the more contagious variant, unlike

other countries such as greece, where delta is becoming more common in line with a rise in infection rates. incidence of Covid in the past seven days is now at 236 per 100,000 people in spain compared with 296 per 100,000 in the uK. government scientists will certainly have taken note of the fact that holidaymakers who have recently returned from spain are almost two-anda-half times more likely to have Covid than the average person in the uK. however, we are still two weeks away from the next travel update, when any decisions will be taken on the basis of the latest data analysed by the Joint Biosecurity Centre and the rates could have dropped considerably by then. the infection rate data from nhs test and trace on returning passengers from spain will have reflected Covid infections that occurred during spain’s recent July peak. rates have since dropped dramatically and could fall still further by the time the grant shapps announces the next traffic-light reshuffle in two weeks’ time.

in force. inside, the occupation of tables continues to be a maximum of 6 people per table or groupings of tables, except cohabitants. in addition, the activity of discos, dance halls and cocktail bars with and without live musical performances, pubs, internet cafes, theater cafes, concert cafes and singer cafes continues to be suspended. No Smoking the limitation of the consumption of tobacco, e-cigarettes and assimilates is maintained, so that smoking continues to be prohibited on public roads, terraces, beaches or other outdoor spaces, when the minimum interpersonal distance of at least 2 meters cannot be respected. regarding the consumption of alcohol, its sale is still prohibited between 10pm and 7am. Finally, the use of a mask is still mandatory in any closed space as well as in any outdoor space in which the safety distance of at least 1.5 meters cannot be maintained, except for groups of cohabitants.



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021


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Spain donates 6 million vaccines six million doses of Covid vaccines will be donated this summer to various Caribbean and Latin american countries by spain’s government, the health ministry has announced. President Pedro sánchez had pledged to give away 22.5 million vaccines via the Covax programme, run by the World health organisation (Who) and which aims to prevent a ‘rich-poor divide’ in the global battle against the pandemic by appealing to wealthier nations to donate to developing or thirdworld countries. sánchez said during this year’s ibero-american summit in april, held in andorra, that a third of spain’s donated vaccines would go to the Latin america and Caribbean region. he promised to start the donations abroad as soon as 50 percent of spain’s population was fully immunised. even though spain has very close ties with the bulk of this area, through historical, linguistic and cultural links, the countries earmarked for receiving donations are chosen by the Covax committee, so will be the same for all donor nations. Covax uses criteria laid down by the Pan-american health organisation when working out which nations are most in need, based upon epidemiological necessities, general

wealth, and population, among other factors. Last month, spain sent 101,760 vaccine doses to Perú, 201,600 to guatemala, 253,440 to Paraguay, and 97,920 to nicaragua, via a trilateral deal with Covax, the spanish government, and swedish pharmaceutical giant astraZeneca. nicaragua is set to receive a total of 431,620 doses from spain, and this will not be affected by the diplomatic tensions between the two countries caused by the latter’s foreign affairs ministry criticising the former’s current leader, daniel ortega, for imprisoning 32 opposition politicians and declaring their parties illegal ahead of the nicaraguan general elections. spain sent a batch of 101,760 vaccines to ecuador on Friday, and in the next week or two, deliveries of roughly 100,000 to 300,000, depending upon population size, will be sent to Paraguay, Bolivia, guatemala, nicaragua, Costa rica, surinam and Jamaica. spain’s foreign affairs ministry opted to speed up and bring forward 80 percent of the Latin america and Caribbean donations, aiming to have dispatched this amount before the end of august.



Spain launches inquiry into Iberdrola the spanish government has launched an inquiry after it emerged that power company iberdrola drained two reservoirs during the heatwave and drought in order to profit from exceptionally high electricity prices. iberdrola, the country’s second biggest producer, drained the dams in Zamora and Cáceres provinces in western spain over a period of a few weeks to produce cheap hydroelectricity while the price to consumers is at a record high. air conditioners and fans are going flat out as spain remains in the grip of a heatwave. it recorded its highest ever temperature on saturday, 47.2C (117F), in Córdoba in andalucía. the minister for ecological transition, teresa ribera, described iberdrola’s

actions as scandalous and has written to the company. ribera said she viewed iberdrola’s actions as irresponsible, but that they were not illegal because the company was allowed to use a fixed quantity of water a year whenever it wished and regardless of climatic conditions. Both reservoirs are a long way from the sea and were popular for swimming and boating, especially in the hot summer months. in another, san Pedro

de la nave-almendra, the water level is so low the pumps that extract drinking water have become clogged with mud and the filters have to be cleaned twice a day. electricity prices in spain are fixed on a daily basis through what is effectively an auction as power generators bid for their slice of the market based on expected demand. a base price is set by the cost of nuclear power and renewables such as wind and solar, because they are the cheapest, and then the rest – hydro and fossil fuel generators – make their bid. the net effect is that the higher the demand, the higher the price, with fluctuations making it almost impossible for consumers to budget for their electricity bill.

Provincial Council slammed the Mayor of daya Vieja, José Vicente Fernández, has denounced the neglect suffered by the municipality by the alicante Provincial Council for a year. specifically, the Mayor has called out the provincial deputy for infrastructure and assistance to Municipalities, Javier gutiérrez, who has not answered his calls for a year and denounces the delays in the works to the Juan Pablo ii and Familia aragón parks that are in a state of deterioration and are dangerous. “the council began these works in autumn 2020, one year after the planned completion date of the work and, to this day, they are practically

paralysed, with the work materials available to anyone and in a dangerous state for people. We are used to the delays and poor compliance of the provincial government: the aid for the greatest catastrophe that we have suffered in the region, the dana, arrived 23 months after it was promised, nor are they even remotely complying with the deadlines to carry out carry out these two constructions, projects that we inherited from the previous PP government and that, to this day, neither the PP nor Citizens in the provincial institution have an interest in solving,” said the Mayor. the Mayor fears that these projects

will be relegated and they will drag on for years without completion, even more so, because of the current state of the works pose a risk to the public. “they are always late,” said Fernández, who criticised the Provincial government´s “zero sensitivity” with the smaller municipalities. “the administrative effort, the lack of personnel and the difficulties that smaller corporations face, in addition to the indebtedness due to the irresponsible management of others, are never taken into account by the administration that should give us more support,” concluded the Mayor.


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

Police house key warning national Police are investigating thefts from homes, while the families were away enjoying a day at a leisure park and, on both occasions, the robbers had gained access with keys that the victims had left in the parked vehicles at the attractions. due to the similar ‘modus operandi’, national Police officers are linking the two cases. the victims suffered doubly - not only with damage to their vehicles when they were broken into in the car parks, but also when they returned to their homes, some hours later, to find they had been burgled. the police investigation suggests that the thieves forced the locks of several vehicle in the car parks at the leisure attractions until they found what they were looking for: cars in which their owners had left their house keys, as well as personal documentation or vehicle papers, where the owner’s address could be found. armed with the keys and the address, the thieves headed to the selected homes where they stole cash, jewellery and electronic devices. according to the national Police, the thieves count on the fact that the families will spend the whole day at the entertainment park, so they know that they have several hours until the victims return to the car and find out that something is wrong. in fact,

because valuables are also stolen from the vehicles – as well as the keys – the victims often do not suspect for one moment that their homes may also have been burgled. national Police investigators have been struck by the great mobility of this gang, moving from province to province, something that they have not encountered until now. in June 2019, the national Police smashed a group that operated along the Costa del sol

in this way. seven people were arrested, and officers attributed a dozen house robberies and 26 car robberies to the gang. a national Police spokesman insists on the importance of not leaving house keys in cars. “once, when we were interviewing a thief, he confessed to us that out of every ten cars he opened, three had documents inside with the victim’s personal data and address, as well as the keys to their home,” he said.

Urbanisation targeted by bogus workman the Civil guard has arrested a man who is accused of five crimes of robbery in homes in a residential area of torrevieja. For several months the man managed to go unnoticed as he dressed in work overalls, which purposely wore to avoid being discovered. a few months ago, the Civil guard detected an increase in thefts from inside homes located in a residential area of torrevieja, so they began investigations to locate the possible perpetrator. the officers knew that the person who committed the robberies knew the homes well and that, taking advantage of the absence of the owners, he entered by breaking the doors or windows at the back of the property and took the time

necessary to enter and steal all the valuables found inside such as technological devices, small appliances, power tools, etc. the officers began by monitoring the surroundings, to try to detect the presence of anyone suspicious. thanks to the video surveillance cameras in one of the homes where the suspect committed one of the robberies, the officers gained a detailed physical description of the person they were looking for. they soon identified an individual who frequently roamed the area, wearing work overalls, although it was soon obvious that he did not carry out any work activity in that place. With the chosen outfit, he had managed to go unnoticed by

the residents of the area. as a result of the inquiries, the investigators verified that the alleged thief sold the stolen goods in flea markets, or on the black market. it has been calculated that the total value of the effects stolen in the five robberies amounts to around 10,000 euros. the Civil guard has managed to recover a large number of the belongings, which have already been returned to their rightful owners. once fully identified, a 33-year-old man of ukrainian nationality, living in torrevieja, was arrested. he is charged with five crimes of theft inside the house. the proceedings have been made available to the torrevieja investigating Court.





CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021


‘Harmless’ shark lost in Benidorm

a lost shark was caught on camera off a Benidorm beach and marine vets from Valencia’s oceanogràfic were called out to rescue her. sunseekers on the Playa Poniente, to the south of the Costa Blanca holiday capital, panicked when they saw the ominous-looking fin slicing slowly through the sea just metres from where they were catching the rays at around 11.30am on thursday morning. But the Prionace glauca, or ‘blue shark’, is no threat to humans, according to the experts – they live on very small fish and crustaceans, and meeting one in the water does not tend to end badly. in fact, some theme parks organise supervised ‘swimming-with-

sharks’ sessions, using this species in particular, as they do not attack people. Local Police were first on the scene – roughly level with the avenida Vicente Llorca alós – and they summoned Benidorm lifeguard and coastguard services. staff from the oceanogràfic – europe’s largest aquarium, where creatures live in environments carefully designed to match their natural habitats so they are unaware they are in captivity – also attended. they are generally called out to help sea creatures in distress, such as dolphins, whales and turtles, and the latter are often taken back to Valencia to be treated for injuries and then released into the wild again once they are fully

fit. this time, the oceanogràfic specialists say the shark had become ‘lost’, had wandered off from her usual habitat and appeared ‘disoriented’. they took several hours to capture the shark – a delicate operation, so as not to cause her undue distress – and to return her to where she belongs, far out to sea in an area where she would feel ‘at home’ and be able to find food. oceanogràfic personnel identified the shark as a female, about 2.5 metres (just over eight feet) long and weighing around 80 kilos (12st 8lb). she was very much out of her comfort zone, swimming in waters of barely 30 centimetres (a foot) deep. the part of

the beach where the shark was found had to be cordoned off – not so much to protect the humans as to stop the creature from being disturbed and becoming frightened. Vets at the oceanogràfic checked her over for injuries, found none, and carried out a blood test, which confirmed their initial thoughts that she was in good health – just lost. although not a frequent sighting off the western Mediterranean shores, blue sharks are not out of place in the area – the Med, along with tropical and temperate seas and oceans in general, is their natural stamping ground, even if they do not often approach the coast. “When a creature that normally

lives out to sea gets so close to the shore, it is usually because they are ill or injured, so it’s crucial to check them over and decide the best course of action,” says head of conservation at the oceanogràfic, José Luis Crespo. Blue sharks are an endangered species, and appear on the international nature Conservation union’s ‘critical’ list. anyone on a beach who spots a sea creature in difficulties should call the freephone emergency 112 hotline – where several languages are spoken upon request – and the set procedures in place for their rescue will be followed by experts in marine fauna.

Doggie shower for Torrevieja canine beach the torrevieja dog beach, set up in Cala del rocío in the southern part of the town, has new equipment for the fun and comfort of your canine companions. the beach has expanded its facilities to make it even more dog friendly with the installation of a special agility play platform, with training equipment for your pooch and once they have run round and need to cool down, the beach now has a shower for dogs too. this special beach, which can be used by any dog owners for their pets, also has a series of interactive stations, umbrellas and specific signage – all aimed at providing a dedicated space for animal lovers. the new complementary elements have been incorporated thanks to the joint action of the department of animal Protection and the department of Beaches, which have made an investment of around 6,000 euros.


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

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Torrevieja launches furniture collection awareness campaign the councillor for urban Cleaning of the torrevieja City Council, Carmen gómez Candel, has launched an awareness campaign to promote the furniture and household items collection service available from the council of totally free of charge. the purpose of this innovative proposal is not only to avoid abandoned furniture and belongings left on the streets, but to make the residents and visitors of torrevieja aware that a service is available, totally free, by calling 966 702 390. the operators will arrange the collect furniture and household items. the campaign aims to ensure that all residents know not to dump furniture in the street but to arrange free collection. the campaign has several initiatives, among which is a presence at street level and through social networks. there will be a special poster campaign to encourage responsibility and a connection between people and their belongings. in addition, the identity of the service has been revamped with a new logo that evokes

the change and evolution of municipal services, and the incorporation of a Qr code that, when scanned by an interested party, directs them to a screen with two options, one option is a direct call, and another to add the phone number of the service to their mobile phone book. during Fridays and saturdays of august and september, next to the c / ramón gallud, the residents and visitors of torrevieja will find an information stall with a representative who will explain the service to them and will give them a fridge magnet with the number for the collection of furniture. a video explaining the service and the contact number will also be projected on the

screen during this time. in addition, there will be two adverts on the local radio where the way to remove the furniture will be explained, with special emphasis on the collection phone number, which has been increased to be able to serve all people who request the service.

COSTS FOR SELLING A PROPERTY AS A NON-RESIDENT Rebecca Serwotka Rebecca Serwotka - Your favourite local property expert, of Inmobiliaria Real Estate Agents in Ciudad Quesada & published author of “Moving Forward 25 Essential Rules For Buying & Selling Real Estate Without Going Crazy.” Request your FREE copy today! Featured on Best Buy Spain - Property TV.

ready to sell your property on the Costa Blanca, but unsure what charges you’ll be liable for? Here’s a brief summary of the 5 charges: 1. 3% non-residency retention: When you sell a property as a non-resident, the spanish inland revenue retain 3% of the achieved sales price on the day of completion. this is held on account to cover any capital gains tax that could be due. if you’ve made no profit, the inland revenue will refund the 3% back to you at a later date. however, if you do owe capital gains tax, they will take it out of the 3% that’s being held on account and refund you the difference. this is not for any unpaid bills. 2. real estate agents Fee: this can range anywhere between 3 to 10% of the agreed

sale price. When choosing a professional to help sell your property, find someone that has a proven track record of sales in your area. 3. Certificates: You’ll need both a habitation and energy certificate. these are carried out by an architect. they cost in the region of €500 for both certificates together. 4. Plusvalia: on every property sale, the local town hall charge a fee called the “Plusvalia”. this is an increase in land value from the time when the property was purchased to the time when it is sold. it really does vary greatly from town hall to town hall. Your real estate agent will be able to confirm how much you’ll be charged by logging on to the government website, however they will need a copy of your escritura (title deeds) and your latest suma bill. 5. Lawyer: this charge should be in the region of €500, however does vary greatly from Lawyer to Lawyer. If you’re thinking of selling your property, get a head start and check you have the correct paperwork by heading to www.SellingInSpain.com to download a complimentary list.

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CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021


Things heat up in Spain spain has just experienced its first heatwave of the year, one that affected the entire peninsula, with daytime temperatures reaching 45 degrees Celsius in andalusia’s guadalquivir valley and night’s with minimum’s of 26ºC to 28ºC in several parts of the country. the soaring temperatures came hot on the heels of a report from the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (iPCC), the united nations’s panel of experts on climate change, scientifically demonstrated that human activity “has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land,”and triggered profound changes in the climate, including rising temperatures and the proliferation of extreme weather episodes. rubén del Campo, a spokesperson for spain’s national weather agency aemet, says the number of heatwaves in spain has doubled within the space of 10 years. “human action is increasing heatwaves in frequency and intensity. in 30 years’ time, a summer like this will be considered cold,” he says. according to aemet, the last few days saw thermometers mark between 5ºC and 10ºC above average for this time of year. to be defined as a heatwave, a weather episode needs to meet three criteria: extreme temperatures up to 5 percent higher than the maximum temperatures that usually occur in summer; affecting at least 10 percent of the almost 800 official weather stations in spain and lasting at least three days. “in this case, we know that

the characteristics are going to be met a priori, which is why we can announce it now,” says del Campo. “at other times, we only know it was a heatwave in retrospect, once the data has been analysed.” these types of episodes have doubled in just 10 years, according to aeMet data. Between the 1980s and the 2000s, there were between 10 and 12 heatwaves per decade; around one a year. in the last decade (20102020), there were 24. “heatwaves have doubled in a decade with a tendency to greater frequency and intensity,” says del Campo. “at the same time, heat records are much more frequent than they would be without climate change.” Climatologist dominic royé, a professor at the university of santiago de Compostela who has studied heatwaves in spain, has made a projection for the future, published in the latest issue of the scientific journal atmospheric research. “in the three decades between 1971 and 2000, heatwaves averaged 21 days a year in spain,” he says. “according to our projections, there will be at least 41 days a year like this by 2050, while in the worst emissions scenario we will have 50 days with extreme heat.” Working in collaboration with nieves Lorenzo and alejandro díaz-Poso, royé adds that if in the last 30 years of the 20th century each heatwave affected, on average, 16% of the peninsula, in 2050 that will rise to between 26 percent and 32 percent.

royé considers that the recent heatwave in spain was “exceptional” because of its unusually high maximum and minimum temperatures while the percentage of the population affected is also extensive with only the Cantabrian coast and galicia exempt. Mortality hicham acheback, from the Climate and health group of the Barcelona insitute for global health, participated in a study published in the Lancet on 1st July of this year, which found that 3,669 people died a year between

Torrevieja drug trafficking network dismantled seventy-one people have been arrested as members of a wide network of drug traffickers that operated between spain and sweden and used a swedish moving company with its headquarters located in torrevieja. national Police officers, in a joint operation with the Civil guard and the swedish noa, with an investigation team working between spain and sweden, have dismantled an alleged network of drug traffickers of swedish and Polish origin that operated, in addition to the country of origin, in various european nations, but mainly in spain, where it sourced the drug that was later distributed in the nordic country. the police investigations began at the end of 2018 with a request by the swedish authorities and various european investigation orders - on a group of individuals from sweden who regularly came to spain to negotiate the purchase of consignments of narcotic drugs. these people were directly related to the different swedish criminal groups that, at present control of the distribution of narcotic drugs in cities such

as stockholm and gothenburg, and that in recent times have been causing the death of around 50 people a year due to a territorial feud. From the beginning of the investigation, it was found that the different swedish criminal groups converged in spain around common drug suppliers, identified as some of the most prominent in the provinces of Malaga and Barcelona. once the links of these organisations had been verified in both countries, an operational investigation team was established through euroPoL. similarly, the judicial investigation was conducted within the framework of a joint investigation team between spain and sweden. From the beginning of the investigation, it was easy to identify a swedish moving company used by various criminal organisations to transport drugs from spain to the nordic country, hiding it among its legal shipments. the company had two offices open in spain, one of them in the town of torrevieja and the other in san Pedro alcántara, in the province of Malaga.

the operation was carried out in four phases, including the arrest in Madrid of one of the most violent criminals, classified by euroPoL as a high value target due to his alleged involvement in crimes of conspiracy for murder, drug trafficking, kidnapping and extortion. it has resulted a total of 1,700 kilograms of hashish, 500 kilograms of marijuana, 55,000 units of an opiate drug used as a substitute for heroin, five kilograms of cocaine, 23 kilograms of amphetamine two submachine guns, a rifle, eight short arms, one hand grenade, five air pistols and 400 cartridges. also intercepted was 592,000 euros in cash, 1,850,000 euros in bank accounts and bitcoin wallets with an estimated value of 15,000 euros; and properties valued at more than 14,000,000 euros.

1998 and 2012 in spain due to heat and its fallout. Based on these data and taking into account the increase in temperature, the report predicts that deaths in spain could reach 14,531 a year between 2035 and 2064 (in the worst-case scenario, with no reduction in greenhouse gas emissions); while from 2070 to 2099 there would be 30,443 deaths (also in the worst-case scenario). acheback explains that rising temperatures are directly related to increased mortality. “these temperatures trigger processes in our

body that result in a rise in hospital admissions for cardiovascular and respiratory causes, as well as in more deaths,” he says. “the biggest impact is on the elderly as they are the most vulnerable.” to minimize this impact, spain implemented an extreme heat alert system following a severe heatwave in 2003. the system tries to raise awareness among the population of the risks during a heatwave, asking them not to go outside during the hottest hours of the day and to drink plenty of water. “these are basic things, but very effective,” says acheback.

Your tech questions answered by Brian Hoile of the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group, helping over 200 members with their PCs, smartphones and more. Find the group on Facebook (Costa Blanca Technology Help Group) or attend the meetings in person or online via Zoom. With this column i want to offer you the opportunity to ask any technical question and get a reply either through this column or in more detail directly to you. i cover all modern household technologies from smartphones to CCtV systems. so, if you have a question or a problem that i could help with then please let me know. email: cbtechnology. help@gmail.com. if i receive the email by lunchtime on Friday it will appear in the next edition. i present a class on the second Wednesday of each month at sackos Bar in el Liminar La siesta. on the second thursday of the month i give the same presentation using Zoom Video Conferencing. i offer email and telephone support and also offer home visits if required. i can remotely connect to your laptop or computer (with your permission) whilst we talk over the phone to sort out issues or show you how to do things you might be having trouble with. i only charge for any ‘out of pocket’ expenses. i.e. travel etc if you would like to join the Costa Blanca technology

help group you can either join the Facebook group or email: cbtechology.help@gmail.com When trying to join the Facebook group scroll to the bottom of the page as there are questions to answer and you must agree to the rules and provide your email address. Without this, unfortunately i cannot approve your request to join the group. the Facebook group can be accessed by searching for “Costa

Blanca technology help group”. if you are a group member i will send you regular updates and presentations given at the classes. Michael, Torrevieja, asks “I have been sent a .docx file and cannot open it”. doCX files are Microsoft Word files. if you don’t have Word installed on your computer then by using your Microsoft account

login open Microsoft Word online (this is free). to use it you must be online. download the files from your email. they will be in the download folder. open in Word if you do have Microsoft Word on your computer and by double clicking on the .docx file it will not open you have a minor problem to address. in computing, File association associates a file with an application capable of opening that file. When you “double click” on a file it will open the file with the application associated with that file type. 1. right-click the start button (or hit the Win+X hotkey) and choose settings. 2. select apps from the list. 3. Choose default apps on the left. 4. scroll down a little and select Choose default apps by file type. Find .doc and .docx and change the application associated with these extensions to Word Brian Hoile Technology Help Group

Join the Group by searching facebook for “Costa Blanca Technology Help Group” Send your questions to cbtechnology.help@gmail.com



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021


La Vuelta to close roads in Torrevieja the Mayor of torrevieja, eduardo dolón, has issued a municipal statement in which he has informs locals that on saturday, 21st august the 8th stage of the Cycling tour of spain will take place and run through the main streets of torrevieja.

therefore, the roads and streets indicated in the picture will be cut off between 12:15am to 12:45pm and between 1:30pm to 2:15pm, traffic being totally prohibited as is parking on these streets during this period of time.

Animal shelter donation another great donation has been made to the albergue animal shelter, torrevieja. desperately needed dog and cat items such as food, litter,

cleaning materials, gloves and much more has been given by astrid and richard of holland. a big thanks to both of you who, not for the first time, have

the withdrawal of vehicles from the route will take place from 4:00am on 21st august and given the importance that this sporting event has for torrevieja, the maximum collaboration of all citizens is requested.

been very generous. Further information about the shelter and animals or if you want to help in any way, please contact: alberguecats@gmail.com

Pantomimers enjoy a ‘Summer Social’ the rojales Pantomime group invited their new members to join them at their end of summer social held at the tavern in Lo Crispin. the evening began with a new members’ recruitment event to introduce new members to other pantomime thespians and to explain what the group is all about; how it performs humorous and traditional pantomimes every year for the general public to enjoy and which also raise money for local

charities. this was followed by a meal and entertainment which was enjoyed by all. the rojales Pantomime group have performed 12 fabulous pantomimes since being formed in 2009 but, unfortunately, due to Covid 19 had to cancel its last performance. however, the show must go on.... oh no it doesn’t, oh yes it does, and hopefully, in early 2022 with a very entertaining rendition of treasure island, during which

there will be lots of yo ho-hoing and plenty of pirating. the group is still recruiting new members so if you would like to meet new people, have some fun, whilst helping to raise money for local worthy causes; why not check it out. this is a friendly, amateur group and so no need for any experience. For details of how to become a member contact doug McClone at: douglasmcclone@ yahoo.co.uk.


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021


Spain approves its first Covid vaccine the spanish agency of Medicine and health Products (aeMPs) has authorised the first human clinical trial of the Phh1V vaccine against Covid-19, developed by the spanish pharmaceutical company hipra. this is the first time a spanish Covid-19 vaccine has been approved for human trials. the Phase 1 trial is aimed at testing safety, tolerance, immunogenicity (the ability to provoke an immune response) and effectiveness. it will compare the Phh-1V vaccine candidate against other vaccines that have been authorized for use in humans. thirty people between the ages of 18 and 30 are expected to be involved in this first phase. the vaccine will be tested on volunteers who have not had the coronavirus nor a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. Volunteers will also not know if they are receiving the Phh-1V vaccine or if they are in the control group, which will be given two doses of an authorized vaccine that uses rna messenger technology, such as the Pfizer-Biontech, at a three-week interval. an independent committee will monitor the volunteers for any possible adverse effects or cases of infections. the trial is expected to take months, but aeMPs has not outlined a

specific timeframe. according to hipra, it would be able to begin the manufacturing phase in just over 60 days, and expects to have authorisation from the european Medicines agency (eMa) by the first quarter of 2022. according to aeMPs, the Phh-1V vaccine “is based on two recombinant proteins that are structurally similar, one corresponding to the alpha

variant and the other to the beta variant, that together form a unique structure called a dimer, and that are accompanied by a component that increases the immune response.” this combination is able to provoke an immune response to one of the proteins of the sars-CoV-2 virus, known as the spikeshaped s protein, which helps the virus enter human cells and destroy them. this is the same method used by the novavax and sanofi/gsK vaccines, which are currently being reviewed by the european

Medicines agency (eMa) for possible authorisation. unlike these vaccines, however, spain’s Phh-1V has proteins from two different variants, as it was modified to be more effective against new mutations of the coronavirus. ahead of the aeMPs’s green light, toni Maneu, the head of human health at hipra, said that the results of the preclinical trials (in laboratories and on animals) indicated that the Phh-1V vaccine was even effective against the more contagious delta strain, which is now dominant in spain. the spanish company hipra, which is based in amer in girona province, reported that it would be able to produce 400 million doses of the Phh-1V vaccine throughout 2022. the vaccine does not need to be stored at ultra-cold temperatures, and can be kept at temperatures of between 2ºC and 8ºC, which makes storage and distribution easier. if the results of the human trial are positive, the company forecasts that it will be able to begin production in october and deliver the first shipment of 75 million doses by the end of this year. if all goes to plan, hipra expects that it will be able to deliver 400 million doses in 2022 and scale up to 1.2 billion in 2023.



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd august 2021

Did you take pension or investment advice since moving to Spain? By Sam Kelly dipPFs, eFa, Ba (hons) Managing Partner Chorus Financial

more than you realise, and have no doubt been left scratching your heads over how you haven’t seen better returns over so many years of strong markets.

i’m sure many of you reading this will already be aware of Chorus Financial, and the essential message we have been spreading across the British communities of spain over the last few years. From the day we opened, we have campaigned for transparency in the investment, pension and financial planning industry here in spain – we are very proud that those campaigns have won us international awards. For too many years iFa’s have targeted our communities with so-called ‘solutions’ loaded with layer upon layer of hidden fees, inappropriate risk, and unnecessary product tie-ins. Brits have been encouraged to ‘transfer your pensions overseas!’ for apparent tax benefits that in many cases don’t exist. You’ve been tied into investment plans and unwittingly paying 2, 3 even 4 times

We’ve even seen an alarming trend of clients being encouraged to take their pensions as ‘annuities’ for apparent tax benefits. these solutions are now resulting in Brits in our area being investigated by the spanish authorities. While Chorus Financial have already helped hundreds of clients on the Costa Blanca avoid such practises, we are now upping our efforts to educate those living in your area, to help ensure you do not become yet another victim. in this column each week we have explained the structures created specifically to hide fees and commissions within popular investment and pension products offered to Brits living in spain. We’ve discussed diversification and risk – too many times have i seen portfolios held by people on the Costa Blanca where the clients have been placed into a handful of investment funds, without any thought for how diversification

helps reduce volatility and risk when investing. all too often these recommendations are made because the iFa is getting paid by all parties – so you agreed to pay them an initial or annual fee, but beyond that, an insurance company, or ‘bond provider’ (for example spanish Compliant Bonds) have paid them up to 8% initial commission – that is facilitated by locking you into these products for up to 10 years, where you could be paying 4 times more than you need to. then lastly the fund managers pay them. so rather than an iFa going into the open market and carefully selecting high quality, low-cost funds, clients are finding themselves shoe-horned into particular funds that pay commission to the adviser. such funds can add as much as 3% per year in charges, and often the clients have no idea such fees apply. at Chorus we make a simple promise:we are only ever paid by one party – our clients. and you only pay us specific fees we have clearly explained to you, in both monetary and percentage amounts. that means that when we select products you pay the lowest price available, and when we select funds, we do so with fees and quality at the forefront

of that advice. Chorus have already been operating on the Costa Blanca for many years out of our Javea and Quesada offices, and have hundreds of clients in this region, but with the opening of our new Chorus Financial Business Centre in Benijofar this summer, we look forward to seeing many more of you and offering the highest quality, most honest and transparent service in the region. if you have concerns over existing investments or pensions, or are considering a new solution, speak to a Chorus Financial adviser today. an initial consultation is free and without pressure or obligation. Call me direct on +34 664 398 702, email s.kelly@chorusfinancial.es or visit www.chorusfinancial.es for more information. if you are a financial adviser working on the Costa Blanca perhaps it’s time to also consider working for a different kind of financial advisory company? Just as we treat our clients with honesty & integrity, we treat our advisers like that too. We provide incredible support and facilities to help you be successful. You can contact me confidentially on the details above.

Investment contracts are intended as medium to long term investments, and all investments have some level of risk. Figures in our articles are examples of what can be achieved and cannot be guaranteed; the value of your investments can go down as well as up. Fees and charges can vary and will be fully explained to you before any advice can take place. This article should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular product.



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

GBP / EUR UPdatE GBP sterling came out of the weekend looking bouncy. it had been the major currency leader on Friday and spent most of the week trying to break above an 18-month high against the euro at €1.18, and despite inching higher on tuesday, reaching a fresh 18 month high against the euro not seen since February 2020 before the effects of the pandemic hit the uK, sterling failed to make the break above €1.18. all that optimism and uK economic statistics which went mostly in its favour, plus no political misfires to spoil the picture, and still on thursday it retreated on almost every front. the pound is an average of 0.2% lower, having lost one us cent and held steady against the euro. its support against the euro was down to the Bank of england’s hawkish shift towards raising interest rates in 2022. a strong us labour market report late last week also hampered the euro, which in turn has also helped to prop up the pound. as mentioned above, although the uK ecostats were, in most respects good, they were not as good as investor had been led to expect. BrC’s 4.7% rise in retail sales was supposed to have been 13.1%. the riCs reported that the “red hot” property market cooled a little in July. Monthly, quarterly and annual expansion of 22.2%, 4.8% and 1% in gross domestic product looked impressive but was in line with forecast,

and still left the uK economy 2.2% smaller than prior to the pandemic. EURO investor sentiment fades could be the headline for the euro this week. indeed european statisticians could be excused for taking the annual august shutdown at least as seriously as the politicians and captains of industry. none of them had much to say for themselves and the only real takeaway was that corporate confidence on the continent has come off the boil. there was nothing to enthuse potential buyers of the euro and the currency lost ground during the early part of the week before stabilising on thursday afternoon. its performance very similar to that of sterling, with the loss of almost one us cent and an average decline of 0.2%. the only hard pan-euroland economic data were for industrial production. it fell 0.3% in June, leaving it 9.7% higher on the year. the equivalent readings for germany alone – a major contributor to the whole – were -1.3% and +5.1%. sentix and ZeW both published the results of their surveys of institutional investor sentiment. sentix found “surprisingly little cheering, surprisingly few fears” as its confidence index slipped almost eight points to 22.2. ZeW’s comment was that “expectations have declined for the third time in a row. this points to increasing risks for the german economy.” Confidence in the euro zone as a whole was also lower, down from 61.2 to 42.7.



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

Spanish residents prefer cards to cash two-thirds of spanish residents now pay for everything they can by card or mobile phone, and seven in 10 carry less than €5 in their purses, according to the most recent Bank of spain survey. already, as a result of the pandemic, by July last year, card and mobile phone payments had overtaken cash for first time ever, with the latter relegated to 45.5 percent of transactions – and yet, seven months previously, around 87 percent of the population used notes and coins as their default method. With physical money being discouraged when Covid-19 hit spain for the first time and the entire nation went into full lockdown on 14th March, 2020, the way people pay in shops and bars is yet another dramatic about-turn in everyday culture the virus has caused. the Bank of spain’s ‘national survey on use of cash in 2020’ differs from previous market research conducted, insofar as it asked traders as well as the general public about their attitudes to different payment methods. in keeping with the study last July, over 54 percent - the same number as back then – say they preferred to pay with a debit card, although the actual figure of those whose cash

transactions are only a minority is much higher: a total of 36.6 percent used notes and coins wherever they could. Pre-pandemic, it was typical to see signs on shop doors or above the till stating a minimum spend for card payments – normally anything from €10 to €25. according to the Bank of spain, bars, restaurants, small shops, cafés, department stores and other major national or international retail chains operating on the high street, and the public in general, all coincide now that paying and being paid with plastic is ‘much faster and more comfortable’. as for mobile phone payments, the number of establishments now accepting these has risen by around 50 percent since the start of the pandemic. Cash use by age the largest age group for cash

use is actually the youngest – those between 18 and 24 years old – with the 65-and-over segment second, the survey shows. Whilst 53 percent of the latter prefers cash, a total of 60.3 percent of the youngest adults also do so. this could, however, be due to many of the under-25s not having a regular income, perhaps still being at college or working odd jobs whilst trying to settle into a career, so they may not even have bank accounts and their spending may, in many cases, be through cash allowances given to them by their parents. Preference for coins and notes declines steadily until the 60s: only 27.5 percent of those aged 35 to 44 use cash whenever possible, falling to 25.1 percent among the 45-54 age group, and slightly higher for the 55-64 segment at 25.3 percent.




CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

Spain home to over half Europe’s nature More than 50 percent of europe’s species of animals are found in the country and more than 5 perent of those worldwide. it’s no secret that spain is a countryside-lover’s paradise, with 16 national Parks, more mountainous than anywhere else in the eu and second only to switzerland on the european continent, with almost every town being minutes away from an officially-protected nature reserve. But exactly to what extent has appeared in black and white, via the environment ministry’s natural heritage and biodiversity report, drawn up by independent experts. it tells us that 56 percent of the eu’s protected flora and fauna habitats live here, and over 85,000 species of both together – and praises the people of spain as a whole for their ‘heightened awareness’ of their country’s biodiversity in recent years. Conservation zones, under protection orders that mean they cannot be built on and rules are in place to allow them to thrive, have ‘increased exponentially’ in just over a decade: Back in 2009, an already-impressive 31 percent of spain’s land and 1 percent

of its seas were under conservation orders, and the latter has multiplied to 12.3 percent. By 2020, a total of 36.2 percent of spain’s land was under official protection, as national Parks, nature reserves or other ring-fenced green-belt areas; more than a third of the country. and efforts to save endangered animals from extinction have borne fruit, even when only endemic or native species are considered – the report does not cover the sterling efforts of spain’s highquality open-air safari centres where controlled breeding has led to everything from chimps to gazelles increasing their very sparse global population. the spanish imperial eagle (aquila adalberti) was on the point of dying out altogether in the 1970s, with only a few dozen males and females alive; by 2017, ornithologists had documented around 520 breeding couples. Bearded vultures (gypaetus barbatus) have been successfully reintroduced to the sierra de Cazorla (Jaén province) and the Picos de

europa mountains (Cantabria and asturias), and from just 22 breeding couples alive in 1982, a total of 133 couples were known to be in existence in 2018. the brown bear, a rare species found in spain’s northern mountains – particularly in the region of asturias – is incredibly hard to spot, but less so nowadays. only around 100 to 120 of them were in ‘circulation’ in 1989, but in just 29 years, concerted conservation efforts had managed to increase the headcount to an estimated 310 to 350. iberian lynx, a highlyattractive feline that looks like a domestic cat with longer, pointier ears, has long been under extreme threat, but by the end of last year, thanks to various projects aimed at the continuation of the species, their headcount has broken the 1,100 barrier for the first time in decades.


Hot summer to drive up electricity costs outdoors, there is no wind to alleviate the suffocating heat; inside, millions of air conditioners are humming. it is the worst possible scenario for the electricity market in spain. add in other factors, such as high gas prices and the cost of releasing carbon dioxide (Co2) under the european union’s emissions trading scheme and you get an explosive cocktail that can only end in more expensive electricity. spain has seen record-high electricity prices recently. now, as the country comes out of its first heatwave of the summer, the cost is expected to continue to rise. on the bright side, spain’s national weather agency aemet said that the high temperatures peaked at the weekend when the cost of electricity was at its cheapest under the government’s new three-tiered price system introduced at the start of June to encourage more efficient electricity consumption and to let consumers play an active role in the country’s decarbonisation efforts. But until the weekend, spain was seeing headline-grabbing electricity prices. energy analyst ricardo Margalejo, co-founder of the trading company gana

energía said: “We had four days of pretty intense heat which meant demand was a little higher, but there was also no wind, so we will needed to burn more gas to generate electricity.” electricity prices on the wholesale market in spain, up to a third of which are passed onto the consumer, especially those using the PVPC regulated

tariff, depend on a daily auction. Companies producing energy offer prices by the hour. these are matched with predicted demand and the highest price is the one that determines what is paid in each hourly slot. the price over the course of the day is an average. the fact that it is not necessary to produce electricity from the more expensive fossil fuels at a certain time of day when demand is lower can drive the average down significantly. But that is not currently the case. august, explains Margalejo, is the month in which there is traditionally less wind

energy produced in spain and it is not a good time for other renewables either. according to Margalejo, future forecasts indicate prices will reach €46 per megawatt. the reason for this is that last winter was colder than usual and in many countries, particularly in China, there was a greater drain on reserves than usual. now they have to replenish these reserves, which in turn drive up the price. then there is the cost of releasing Co2, as set by the eu emissions trading system, that must be paid by companies that are polluting the atmosphere. as the eu cracks down on fossil fuels, the cost of polluting has also risen. a report published on tuesday by the Bank of spain pointed out that Co2 emission allowances are responsible for 20% of the surge in electricity prices, making it the second most important factor after the increased price of gas, which is responsible for 50% of the rise. Combined, they are responsible for 70% of the current price hike. these two factors will not be changing any time soon and analysts predict high electricity prices until next February at least. But that does not mean record-breaking prices, which is what spain is experiencing now.


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd august 2021

This Week´s Movie Picks Destroyer

The House With a Clock in Its Walls

Crime drama starring nicole Kidman and toby Kebbell. seventeen years after taking part in an undercover operation that went tragically wrong, troubled LaPd detective erin Bell attends a murder scene that indicates her old adversary is back in town. deciding to track him down, Bell must face her demons in a case that threatens to derail her already fragile existence.

Lewis Barnavelt, after losing his parents, is sent to Michigan to live with his uncle Jonathan. he discovers his uncle is a warlock, and enters a world of magic and sorcery. But this power is not limited to good people: Lewis learns of isaac izard, an evil wizard who constructed a magical clock with black magic, as long as it exists it will keep ticking, counting down to doomsday. he died before he could finish the clock, but he hid the clock in his house, where uncle Jonathan now lives. now Lewis and Jonathan must find the clock before it finishes its countdown and ends the world.

Friday 20th August – BBC1, 11.35 pm

Sunday 22nd August – ITV2, 4.00 pm


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021


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CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021


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great location

newly listed

3 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ 900m2 Plot + Garage ♦ Oil Central Heating ♦ 8m x 4m Private Swimming Pool ♦ Summer Kitchen ♦ Sea + Lake Views ♦ 5 Minute Walk to Town Centre

2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Top Floor Apartment ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Sun Room ♦ Roof Solarium with Sea Views ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Close to Golf Club

3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Gas Central Heating ♦ 800m2 Plot + Garage ♦ Private 8m x 4m Swimming Pool ♦ Poolside Bar! ♦ Prestigious Location ♦ Entertainment Room/Guest Apartment

3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms Modern Linked Duplex ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Front & Rear Gardens ♦ Roof Solarium & Lake Views ♦ Directly Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Off Road Parking! ♦ Highly Desirable Area!



costablancapeople.com | 17th - 23rd August 2021

22 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide


BBC one

BBC two

CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021


Tuesday 17th August

Channel 4

Channel 5




02:30 The Media Show 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Global Questions 04:00 BBC News 04:30 The Travel Show 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Animal Park 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Wanted Down Under Revisited 12:45 Caught Red Handed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 The Coroner 15:30 Impossible 16:15 Escape to the Country 16:45 Saved and Remade 17:30 The Bidding Room 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 20:00 Our Lives 20:30 EastEnders 20:50 Holby City 21:30 Not Going Out 22:00 Celebrity MasterChef 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 BBC London 23:35 Models: Street To Catwalk

00:10 Junk and Disorderly 00:10 BBC Weather 00:15 Secrets Of The Museum 01:05 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 01:15 Countryfile 01:55 Ideal World 02:10 Murder, Mystery and 04:00 FYI Extra My Family 04:15 Lingo 02:55 Wanted: A Simple Life 05:05 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Tipping Point 03:40 This Is BBC TWO 07:00 Good Morning Britain 07:00 A Matter of Life and 10:00 Lorraine Debt 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 07:30 Animal Park 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 08:15 The Bidding Room 14:55 ITV News Granada 09:00 Our Wild Adventures Reports 10:00 BBC News 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Tenable 11:00 BBC News 17:00 Tipping Point 14:00 The Super League 18:00 The Chase Show 19:00 ITV News Granada 14:45 Eggheads Reports 15:15 Nigel Slater’s Dish of 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale the Day 20:30 Wild China with Ray 15:45 Live: The Hundred Mears Cricket 21:00 Love Your Garden 18:30 Flog It! 22:00 Cooking with the Stars 23:00 ITV News at Ten 19:00 Live: The Hundred 23:30 ITV News Granada Cricket Reports 22:30 Secrets Of The 23:45 The Chasers Road Museum Trip: Trains, Brains and 23:30 Newsnight Automobiles

06:25 Beat the Chef 06:50 Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Mike & Molly 08:05 Mike & Molly 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:50 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:15 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:40 Frasier 10:10 Frasier 10:40 The Big Bang Theory 11:10 The Big Bang Theory 11:35 The Big Bang Theory 12:05 The Simpsons 12:35 The Simpsons 13:05 Channel 4 News 13:10 Junior Bake Off 14:10 A New Life in the Sun: Road Trip 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Secret Life of the Zoo 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 Jonnie’s Blade Camp

08:20 The Adventures of Paddington 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:35 Peppa Pig 08:45 Circle Square 09:00 Milo 09:15 PAW Patrol 09:30 Ricky Zoom 09:45 Floogals 09:55 Milkshake Monkey 10:00 The Wonderful World of Baby Animals 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Room to Improve 13:15 5 News at Lunchtime 13:20 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Reunited and It Feels So Deadly 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 21:00 A Country Life for Half the Price 22:00 The Railway Killers 23:00 Stalked: Murder in Slow Motion

01:15 American Dad! 01:40 Crossing Swords 02:10 Crossing Swords 02:35 Bob’s Burgers 03:00 Bob’s Burgers 03:25 Superstore 03:50 Superstore 04:15 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 07:55 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:25 You’ve Been Framed! 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Coronation Street 10:30 Ellen’s Game of Games 11:30 The Masked Singer US 12:30 Secret Crush 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 Coronation Street 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 16:00 Dress to Impress 17:00 Secret Crush 18:00 You’ve Been Framed! 18:30 You’ve Been Framed! 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Love Island 23:05 Shopping with Keith Lemon 23:35 Family Guy

00:00 The Bay

02:10 02:15 Joins BBC News 02:30 Click 03:00 BBC News 03:30 The Travel Show 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Panorama 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Animal Park 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Wanted Down Under Revisited 12:45 Caught Red Handed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 The Coroner 15:30 Impossible 16:15 Escape to the Country 16:45 Saved and Remade 17:30 The Bidding Room 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 20:00 Our Lives 20:30 The Bidding Room 21:00 The Repair Shop 22:00 Fake or Fortune? 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 BBC London 23:35 Britain’s Puppy Boom: Counting the Cost

00:15 Yorkshire Firefighters 00:45 The Motorbike Show 01:15 Victoria Wood’s Secret 01:35 Ideal World List 02:15 Victoria Wood’s Secret 04:00 FYI Extra List 04:15 ITV Nightscreen 03:15 Murder, Mystery and 06:05 Tipping Point My Family 04:00 This Is BBC TWO 07:00 Good Morning Britain 07:00 A Matter of Life and 10:00 Lorraine Debt 11:00 This Morning 07:30 Animal Park 08:15 The Bidding Room 13:30 Loose Women 09:00 Our Wild Adventures 14:00 ITV Lunchtime News 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 14:20 ITV News London 14:00 Letterbox 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 14:30 Eggheads 15:00 The House That £100k 17:00 Tipping Point Built 18:00 The Chase 16:00 Make Me a Dealer 19:00 ITV News London 16:45 Rick Stein’s Seafood Odyssey 19:30 ITV Evening News 17:15 Ultimate Swarms 20:00 Emmerdale 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 20:30 Coronation Street of Games 21:00 Craig and Bruno’s 19:30 The Farmers’ Country Great British Road Trips Showdown 20:00 Celebrity Antiques 21:30 Coronation Street Road Trip 22:00 Undeniable 21:00 Inside the Factory 23:00 ITV News at Ten 22:00 Jay’s Yorkshire Workshop 23:30 ITV News London 23:00 Mortimer and 23:45 Harry’s Heroes: Euro Whitehouse: Gone Fishing 23:30 Newsnight Having a Laugh

07:00 Countdown 07:40 Mike & Molly 08:05 Mike & Molly 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:50 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:15 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:40 Frasier 10:10 Frasier 10:40 The Big Bang Theory 11:10 The Big Bang Theory 11:35 The Big Bang Theory 12:05 The Simpsons 12:35 The Simpsons 13:05 Channel 4 News 13:10 Junior Bake Off 14:10 A New Life in the Sun: Road Trip 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Changing Rooms 22:00 George Clarke’s Remarkable Renovations 23:00 This Way Up 23:35 Flights from Hell: Caught on Camera

08:00 Fireman Sam 08:10 Pip & Posy 08:20 The Adventures of Paddington 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:35 Peppa Pig 08:45 Circle Square 09:00 Milo 09:15 PAW Patrol 09:30 Ricky Zoom 09:45 Floogals 09:55 Milkshake Monkey 10:00 The Wonderful World of Baby Animals 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Room to Improve 13:15 5 News at Lunchtime 13:20 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: How to Con a Con 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Shoplifters: At War With The Law 21:00 Car Pound Cops: Give Me My Car Back! 22:00 The Railway Killers 23:00 A&E After Dark

01:30 Bob’s Burgers 01:55 Bob’s Burgers 02:25 Superstore 02:50 Superstore 03:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:10 FYI Extra 04:25 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 07:55 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:25 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 You’ve Been Framed! 10:30 Ellen’s Game of Games 11:30 The Masked Singer US 12:30 Secret Crush 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 16:00 Dress to Impress 17:00 Secret Crush 18:00 You’ve Been Framed! 18:30 You’ve Been Framed! 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Love Island 23:05 Don’t Hate the Playaz 23:50 Family Guy

00:00 The Bay

08:20 The Adventures of 05:55 Location, Location, Paddington Location 06:50 Kirstie’s House of Craft 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:35 Peppa Pig 07:00 Countdown 08:45 Circle Square 07:40 Mike & Molly 09:00 Milo 08:05 Mike & Molly 09:15 PAW Patrol 08:25 Everybody Loves 09:30 Ricky Zoom Raymond 09:45 Floogals 08:50 Everybody Loves 09:55 Milkshake! Monkey’s Raymond Amazing Adventures 09:15 Everybody Loves 10:00 The Wonderful World of Raymond Baby Animals 09:40 Frasier 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:10 Frasier 10:15 Jeremy Vine 10:40 The Big Bang Theory 12:15 Room to Improve 11:10 The Big Bang Theory 13:15 5 News at Lunchtime 11:35 The Big Bang Theory 13:20 Ben Fogle: New Lives 12:05 The Simpsons in the Wild 12:35 The Simpsons 14:15 Home and Away 13:05 Channel 4 News 14:45 Neighbours 13:10 Junior Bake Off 15:15 Deadly Daughters 14:10 A New Life in the Sun: 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in Road Trip the Sun 15:10 Countdown 18:00 5 News at 5 16:00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 18:30 Neighbours 17:00 A Place in the Sun 19:00 Home and Away 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:30 5 News Tonight 18:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Secrets of Your 19:00 The Simpsons Supermarket Food 19:30 Hollyoaks 21:00 Nick Knowles’ Big 20:00 Channel 4 News House Clearout 21:00 Joe Lycett’s Got Your 22:00 Alex Polizzi: My Hotel Back Nightmare 22:00 I Am 23:00 Police Code Zero: 23:00 Gogglebox Officer Under Attack

00:45 American Dad! 01:15 American Dad! 01:40 Buffering 02:10 Bob’s Burgers 02:40 Bob’s Burgers 03:05 Superstore 03:30 Superstore 04:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:25 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 07:55 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:25 You’ve Been Framed! 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Coronation Street 10:30 Ellen’s Game of Games 11:30 The Masked Singer US 12:30 Secret Crush 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 Coronation Street 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 16:00 Dress to Impress 17:00 Secret Crush 18:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Love Island 23:05 Buffering 23:35 Family Guy

00:05 The Bay

Wednesday 18th August

Thursday 19th August 01:40 Joins BBC News 02:00 Newsday 02:30 Our World 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Global Questions 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Click 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Animal Park 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Wanted Down Under Revisited 12:45 Caught Red Handed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 The Coroner 15:30 Impossible 16:15 Escape to the Country 16:45 Saved and Remade 17:30 The Bidding Room 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 20:00 Rip-Off Britain 20:35 EastEnders 21:00 Shop Well for Less 22:00 Ambulance 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 BBC London 23:35 The Rap Game UK

01:00 Ideal World 00:10 BBC Weather 00:15 Midnight Special 04:00 FYI Extra 02:00 Beechgrove 04:15 ITV Nightscreen 02:30 Secrets Of The Museum 06:05 Tipping Point 03:30 Wanted: A Simple Life 07:00 Good Morning Britain 04:15 This Is BBC TWO 10:00 Lorraine 07:00 A Matter of Life and Debt 11:00 This Morning 07:30 Animal Park 13:30 Loose Women 08:15 The Bidding Room 14:00 ITV Lunchtime News 09:00 Gardeners’ World 10:00 BBC News 14:20 ITV News London 11:00 BBC News 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 14:00 Letterbox 17:00 Tipping Point 14:30 Eggheads 15:00 The House That £100k 18:00 The Chase Built 19:00 ITV News London 16:00 Make Me a Dealer 16:45 Rick Stein’s Seafood 19:30 ITV Evening News Odyssey 20:00 Emmerdale 17:15 Natural World 20:30 Tonight 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 21:00 Emmerdale of Games 21:30 A Year in the Beacons 20:00 Celebrity Antiques 22:00 Undercover Big Boss Road Trip 21:00 Yorkshire Firefighters 23:00 ITV News at Ten 22:00 The Watch 23:30 ITV News London 22:45 The Watch 23:30 Newsnight 23:45 Long Lost Family

01:05 A Touch of Frost 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:10 Bless This House 10:45 On the Buses 11:20 A Touch of Frost 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Wycliffe 18:00 Midsomer Murders 20:00 Downton Abbey 21:00 Midsomer Murders

01:00 A Touch of Frost 03:15 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:10 Bless This House 10:45 On the Buses 11:20 A Touch of Frost 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Wycliffe 17:55 Midsomer Murders 19:55 Downton Abbey 21:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 22:00 Long Lost Family

01:05 A Touch of Frost 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:10 Bless This House 10:45 On the Buses 11:20 Inspector Morse 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Wycliffe 18:00 Midsomer Murders 20:00 Downton Abbey 21:00 Vera

costablancapeople.com | 17th - 23rd August 2021 www.costablancapeople.com

BBC one

CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

BBC two


Friday 20th August 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Click 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Panorama 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Animal Park 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Wanted Down Under Revisited 12:45 Caught Red Handed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 The Coroner 15:30 Impossible 16:15 Escape to the Country 16:45 Saved and Remade 17:30 The Bidding Room 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 20:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 21:05 EastEnders 21:25 Would I Lie to You? 22:00 Celebrity MasterChef 22:30 King Gary 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 BBC London 23:35 Destroyer

00:10 BBC Weather 00:45 Who Wants to Be a 00:15 Women’s Open, LPGA Millionaire? Golf 01:40 Ideal World 01:15 Murder, Mystery and My 04:00 FYI Extra Family 02:00 Wanted: A Simple Life 04:15 Martin and Roman’s 02:45 This Is BBC TWO Weekend Best! 07:00 A Matter of Life and 05:05 ITV Nightscreen Debt 06:05 Tipping Point 07:30 Animal Park 08:15 The Bidding Room 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:00 Yorkshire Firefighters 10:00 Lorraine 10:00 BBC News 11:00 This Morning 11:00 BBC News 13:30 Loose Women 14:00 Letterbox 14:30 Eggheads 14:00 ITV Lunchtime News 15:00 Live: The Hundred 14:20 ITV News London Cricket 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 18:30 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 17:00 Tipping Point of Games 18:00 The Chase 19:30 Richard Osman’s House 19:00 ITV News London of Games 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Celebrity Antiques 20:00 Emmerdale Road Trip 21:00 Gardeners’ World 20:30 Coronation Street 22:00 The Boleyns: A 21:30 Endeavour Scandalous Family 23:20 ITV News 23:00 I’ll Get This 23:30 Newsnight

Saturday 21st August

23:50 ITV News London

Channel 4 05:35 Location, Location, Location 06:30 Beat the Chef 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Mike & Molly 08:05 Mike & Molly 08:25 Mike & Molly 08:50 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:15 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:40 Frasier 10:10 Frasier 10:40 The Big Bang Theory 11:10 The Big Bang Theory 11:35 The Big Bang Theory 12:05 The Simpsons 12:35 The Simpsons 13:05 Channel 4 News 13:10 Junior Bake Off 14:10 A New Life in the Sun: Road Trip 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Epic Wales: Valleys, Mountains and Coasts 22:00 Deceit 23:00 The Lateish Show with Mo Gilligan

Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

Channel 5





00:00 Family Guy 08:30 Peppa Pig 00:30 American Dad! 08:35 Peppa Pig 00:55 American Dad! 08:45 Circle Square 01:25 Apocalypse Wow 09:00 Milo 02:25 Bob’s Burgers 09:15 PAW Patrol 02:55 Bob’s Burgers 09:30 Ricky Zoom 03:20 Superstore 09:45 Floogals 09:55 Milkshake! Monkey’s 03:45 Superstore 04:10 FYI Extra Amazing Adventures 10:00 The Wonderful World of 04:25 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping Baby Animals 07:00 Teleshopping 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 07:55 Totally Bonkers 10:15 Jeremy Vine Guinness World Records 12:15 Room to Improve 13:15 5 News at Lunchtime 08:25 You’ve Been Framed! 13:20 Ben Fogle: New Lives 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Emmerdale in the Wild 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 14:15 Home and Away 10:30 Ellen’s Game of Games 14:45 Neighbours 11:30 The Masked Singer US 15:15 The Radio Talk Show 12:30 Secret Crush Killer 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Emmerdale the Sun 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 18:00 5 News at 5 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 18:30 Neighbours 16:00 Dress to Impress 19:00 Home and Away 17:00 Secret Crush 19:30 5 News Tonight 18:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Fishing Scotland’s 19:00 Catchphrase Lochs & Rivers 20:00 Superstore 21:00 Motorhoming With 20:30 Superstore Merton & Webster 22:00 Ian Hislop’s Trains That 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers Changed The World 23:00 1999: The 30 Greatest 22:00 Love Island 23:05 Apocalypse Wow Hits

00:00 The Bay 01:00 A Touch of Frost 03:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:10 Bless This House 10:45 On the Buses 11:20 A Touch of Frost 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:00 Midsomer Murders 20:00 Downton Abbey 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Doc Martin

00:05 The Bay 07:00 Dino Dana 00:05 Family Guy 07:50 Everybody Loves 01:30 Weather for the Week 00:00 BBC Weather 09:05 PAW Patrol 07:10 Mr. Magoo Ahead 00:30 Family Guy Raymond 00:05 Women’s Open, LPGA 07:20 Mr. Magoo 09:25 Fireman Sam 01:05 The Bay 01:35 Joins BBC News 01:05 American Dad! 08:15 Everybody Loves 09:40 Butterbean’s Café 07:30 Mr. Magoo Golf 02:00 BBC News 01:30 American Dad! Raymond 09:55 Brave Bunnies 07:35 Robozuna 02:10 On the Buses 02:30 Click 02:00 Bob’s Burgers 08:45 Superhero Tri: At 01:05 Natural World 10:00 Floogals 08:00 Mighty Mike 03:00 BBC News 02:25 Bob’s Burgers Home Superheroes 10:20 The World According To 08:10 Mighty Mike 02:05 Panorama 02:45 On the Buses 03:30 The Engineers: Clean 02:50 Superstore 09:15 The Simpsons Grandpa 08:15 Mr.Bean Energy 03:15 Superstore 09:45 The Simpsons 02:35 Wanted: A Simple Life 08:30 Mr.Bean 10:30 Little Princess 03:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:00 BBC News 03:40 Totally Bonkers 10:15 The Simpsons 10:40 Ben & Holly’s Little 08:40 Hotel Transylvania 03:20 This Is BBC TWO 04:30 Click - Short Edition Guinness World Records 10:45 Monster Trucks Kingdom 08:55 How 03:30 Teleshopping 04:45 Click 07:45 The Dengineers 04:10 FYI Extra 12:50 Four in a Bed 10:55 SpongeBob 09:25 ITV News 05:00 BBC News 04:25 ITV2 Nightscreen 13:20 Four in a Bed SquarePants 09:30 Martin and Roman’s 08:15 Marrying Mum and Dad 07:00 Bless This House 05:30 Our World 04:30 Teleshopping 13:50 Four in a Bed 11:05 SpongeBob Weekend Best! 06:00 BBC News 08:45 Blue Peter 07:00 Teleshopping 14:20 Four in a Bed SquarePants 10:25 James Martin’s 07:30 Bless This House 06:30 The Travel Show 07:30 You’ve Been Framed! 14:55 Four in a Bed 11:25 Entertainment News 09:10 What’s Cooking Omari? Saturday Morning 07:00 Breakfast 07:55 Secret Crush 15:25 Couples Come Dine On 5 12:35 Cooking with the Stars 08:00 Coronation Street 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 09:20 Planet Defenders 11:35 Friends 13:35 James Martin’s Islands with Me 08:55 Love Bites 12:30 Pizza Boys 12:05 Friends to Highlands 09:45 Monkey Planet 09:50 Love Bites 16:25 Jonnie’s Blade Camp Omnibus 13:00 Football Focus 12:35 Friends 14:10 ITV Lunchtime News 10:50 Dress to Impress 17:30 Michael Johnson 10:45 Born in China 14:00 BBC Weekend News 13:05 Friends 14:25 Live: ITV Racing Live 11:50 Dress to Impress Meets... 10:50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 14:15 Bargain Hunt 13:35 Friends 17:00 Tipping Point: Lucky 12:05 Expedition Volcano 12:50 Australian Ninja 18:00 Michael Johnson 15:00 Escape to the Country 14:05 Friends Stars Warrior Meets... 13:05 Hairy Bikers’ Best of 11:55 A Touch of Frost 16:00 Money for Nothing 14:35 The Wedding Singer 18:00 The Chase: Celebrity 14:30 Catchphrase 18:35 Location, Location, 16:45 The Bidding Room 16:30 You’ve Got Mail Special British 15:30 You’ve Been Framed! Location: 20 Years and 14:00 A Touch of Frost 17:30 Final Score 18:55 5 News Weekend 19:00 ITV Evening News 13:50 The Wooden Horse 16:00 The House With a Clock Counting 18:30 BBC Weekend News 19:00 Cruising with Jane 19:15 ITV News Granada in Its Walls 19:30 Channel 4 News 16:05 Midsomer Murders 18:40 BBC London McDonald Reports 15:30 Live: The Hundred 18:10 Nanny McPhee 20:00 Matt Baker: Our Farm 20:30 Ant & Dec’s 30 18:50 The Hit List 19:30 Rolling In It Cricket 20:05 Legally Blonde 2: Red, 18:00 Midsomer Murders in the Dales 19:35 Pointless Celebrities Greatest Moments 20:30 The Void White & Blonde 21:00 Billy Monger: Changing 22:30 Dad’s Army: Secret 20:25 Iron Man 3 21:30 Who Wants to Be a 19:00 Live: The Hundred 22:00 Love Island Gear 20:00 Midsomer Murders 22:25 Casualty Lives & Scandal Millionaire? Cricket 22:00 Fighting With My 23:10 BBC Weekend News 23:55 Britain’s Favourite TV 23:05 Buffering 22:35 ITV News 22:00 Midsomer Murders 23:35 Family Guy Family 23:00 Top of the Pops Comedy 22:55 Fast & Furious 5 23:30 Match of the Day The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People

‘Friends’ dating rumours denied David Schwimmer has denied claims he is growing closer to Jennifer Aniston following the Friends Reunion. According to reports, the actors have been spending more time together at Aniston’s LA home after the special “stirred up feelings” for one another. The claim comes after both Aniston and Schwimmer, during the Friends cast’s reunion in June, revealed they had an off-screen romantic interest while shooting the hit sitcom in the 1990s. “After the reunion, it became clear that reminiscing over the past had stirred up feelings for both of them and that chemistry they’d always had to bury was still there,” according to a source. The news excited Friends fans, who were left hoping it teased a possible romance between the pair. However, Schwimmer’s reps have told Huff Post UK there is “no truth” to the rumours of a romance. The Independent has contacted Schwimmer and Aniston

for comment. In the reunion, Schwimmer said he had a “major crush” on Aniston, who said it was “reciprocated”. The Ross actor said that they never got together as “one of us was always in a relationship”, with Aniston, who played Rachel, adding: “We channelled all our adoration and love for one another into Ross and Rachel.” “They’ve been spending time at Jen’s home, where she’s cooked dinners in the evenings, and have enjoyed quality time together, chatting and laughing,” the source claimed. In a recent interview with InStyle, promoting the second season of Apple TV+’s The Morning Show, Aniston said that Schwimmer “stopped by” with his daughter after the reunion had completed filming. She said all of her former co-stars “really did make a commitment” to see each other more, stating: “We were like, ‘That’s the last time we wait that long.’”

costablancapeople.com | 17th - 23rd August 2021

24 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide


BBC one

BBC two

Sunday 22nd August 00:50 99 Homes 02:40 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:45 Joins BBC News 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Dateline London 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Our World 05:00 BBC News 05:30 Click 06:00 BBC News 06:30 The Media Show 07:00 Breakfast 09:55 Match of the Day 11:15 Fern Britton Meets... 12:15 Homes Under the Hammer 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC Weekend News 14:15 Songs of Praise 14:50 Escape to the Country 15:20 Oz the Great and Powerful 17:20 Money for Nothing 17:50 Garden Rescue 18:35 Serengeti 19:35 BBC Weekend News 19:50 BBC London 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 Baptiste 23:00 BBC Weekend News 23:20 BBC London 23:30 Match of the Day 2

00:00 Women’s Open, LPGA Golf 01:00 The Guardians 03:10 This Is BBC TWO 07:35 Britain in Bloom 08:05 Gardeners’ World 09:05 Countryfile 10:00 Weatherman Walking 10:30 Beechgrove 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:30 My Million Pound Menu 13:30 Best Bakes Ever 14:15 The Lady Vanishes 15:50 Jay’s Yorkshire Workshop 16:50 The World’s Most Photographed 17:20 The Young Victoria 19:00 The Boleyns: A Scandalous Family 20:00 Tropic of Cancer with Simon Reeve 21:00 A Wild Year 22:00 Ruby Wax Meets... 23:00 The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan

Monday 23rd August

CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

ITV 04:00 FYI Extra 04:15 Britain’s Brightest Celebrity Family 04:40 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 Dino Dana 07:10 Mr. Magoo 07:20 Mr. Magoo 07:30 Mr. Magoo 07:35 Robozuna 08:00 Mighty Mike 08:10 Mighty Mike 08:15 Mr.Bean 08:30 Mr.Bean 08:40 Hotel Transylvania 08:55 How 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Martin and Roman’s Weekend Best! 10:25 Love Your Garden 11:25 The Masked Singer US 12:20 Rolling In It 13:20 The Void 14:25 ITV Lunchtime News 14:40 Goldfinger 16:50 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars 17:50 The Chase: Celebrity Special 18:50 ITV Evening News 19:05 ITV News Granada Reports 19:15 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 22:00 Professor T 23:00 ITV News 23:20 Undercover Big Boss

Channel 4 03:15 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 04:05 Undercover Boss USA 04:50 Hollyoaks Omnibus 06:50 Jamie’s Comfort Food 07:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 07:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 07:50 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:15 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 The Simpsons 09:25 The Simpsons 10:00 The Simpsons 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 The Simpsons 14:00 The Simpsons 14:30 The Simpsons 15:00 The Simpsons 15:30 The Simpsons 16:00 The Simpsons 16:25 The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:30 Grand Designs 18:30 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 Escape to the Chateau 21:00 The Secret World of... 22:00 The Handmaid’s Tale 23:15 Did Covid Leak from a Lab in China?

02:15 Joins BBC News 00:00 Women’s Open, LPGA 00:15 Craig and Bruno’s Great 07:00 Countdown 02:30 Sickness & Lies 07:40 Everybody Loves British Road Trips Golf 03:00 BBC News Raymond 00:45 Judi Dench’s Wild 01:00 Pose 03:30 The Media Show 08:05 Everybody Loves Borneo Adventure 01:45 Pose 04:00 BBC News Raymond 01:35 Ideal World 02:50 The Riots 2011: One 04:30 Dateline London 08:25 Everybody Loves 04:00 FYI Extra Week in August 05:00 BBC News Raymond 04:15 Motorsport UK 04:15 Holby City 05:30 HARDtalk 08:50 Everybody Loves 05:05 ITV Nightscreen 06:00 BBC World News Raymond 04:55 This Is BBC TWO 06:05 Tipping Point 06:30 World Business Report 07:30 Animal Park 09:15 Everybody Loves 07:00 Good Morning Britain 07:00 Breakfast Raymond 08:15 Bargain Hunt 10:00 Lorraine 10:15 Animal Park 09:40 Frasier 09:00 Fake or Fortune? 11:00 This Morning 11:00 Homes Under the 10:10 Frasier 13:30 Loose Women 10:00 BBC News Hammer 10:40 The Big Bang Theory 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 11:00 BBC News 12:00 Wanted Down Under 11:10 The Big Bang Theory 14:55 ITV News Granada Revisited 11:40 The Big Bang Theory 14:00 Letterbox Reports 12:45 Caught Red Handed 12:05 The Simpsons 14:30 Eggheads 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 12:35 The Simpsons 13:15 Bargain Hunt 15:00 It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, 14:00 BBC News at One 13:05 Channel 4 News 16:00 Tenable Mad World 14:30 BBC London 13:10 Posh Pawnbrokers 17:00 Tipping Point 17:30 World’s Sneakiest 14:45 The Coroner 14:10 A New Life in the Sun: 18:00 The Chase: Celebrity Animals 15:30 Impossible Road Trip Special 16:15 Escape to the Country 18:15 Flog It! 15:10 Countdown 19:00 ITV News Granada 16:45 Saved and Remade 16:00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 19:00 Richard Osman’s House Reports 17:30 The Bidding Room 17:00 A Place in the Sun 19:30 ITV Evening News of Games 18:15 Pointless 18:00 Couples Come Dine 20:00 Emmerdale 19:30 The Farmers’ Country 19:00 BBC News at Six with Me 20:30 Coronation Street Showdown 19:30 BBC London 19:00 The Simpsons 21:00 James Martin’s Islands 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 River Walks 20:00 Rip-Off Britain to Highlands 20:35 Panorama 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Mastermind 21:30 Coronation Street 21:05 EastEnders 21:00 Food Unwrapped 21:00 Only Connect 22:00 Long Lost Family 21:30 Ghosts 21:30 Secret Spenders 21:30 University Challenge 23:00 ITV News at Ten 22:00 Celebrity MasterChef 22:00 Summer of Wild 22:00 China’s Magic Weapon 23:30 ITV News Granada 23:00 BBC News at Ten Weather: Is Worse to Come? 23:00 QI Reports 23:25 BBC London 23:00 9/11: 102 Minutes That 23:30 Newsnight 23:45 Junk and Disorderly 23:35 Ladhood Changed America

Channel 5




09:45 Butterbean’s Café 00:05 Family Guy 10:00 Brave Bunnies 00:30 American Dad! 10:05 Floogals 10:15 The World According To 01:00 American Dad! Grandpa 01:30 Apocalypse Wow 10:30 Little Princess 02:30 Don’t Hate the Playaz 10:40 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom 03:15 Totally Bonkers 10:55 SpongeBob Guinness World Records SquarePants 03:45 Totally Bonkers 11:05 SpongeBob SquarePants Guinness World Records 11:20 Entertainment News 04:15 FYI Extra On 5 11:30 Friends 04:30 Teleshopping 12:00 Friends 07:00 Teleshopping 12:30 Friends 07:30 Secret Crush 13:00 Friends 13:30 Friends 08:30 Secret Crush 14:00 Friends 09:20 Dress to Impress 14:30 Friends 15:00 50 First Dates 10:20 Dress to Impress 16:55 Monster-in-Law 11:20 Dress to Impress 19:00 5 News Weekend 12:20 Take Me Out 19:05 Sally Lindsay’s Posh Sleepover 13:25 Catchphrase 20:00 Upgrade Me: Secrets of 14:25 You’ve Been Framed! the First Class 21:00 All Creatures Great and 15:30 The Sisterhood of the Small Traveling Pants 22:00 Rich House, Poor 17:50 Sing House 23:00 My 10 Kids & Me: Mega 19:55 Coyote Ugly Families 23:50 When Plastic Surgery 22:00 Love Island Goes Horribly Wrong 23:00 Love Island: Aftersun

00:00 Midsomer Murders

07:50 Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! 08:00 Fireman Sam 08:10 Pip & Posy 08:20 The Adventures of Paddington 08:35 Peppa Pig 08:40 Circle Square 09:00 Milo 09:15 PAW Patrol 09:30 Ricky Zoom 09:45 Go Green With The Grimwades 09:55 Milkshake! Monkey’s Amazing Adventures 10:00 The Wonderful World of Baby Animals 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 13:15 5 News at Lunchtime 13:20 Traffic Cops 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Killer Nightshift 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Traffic Cops 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Tsunami 23:00 Casualty 24/7

01:05 Coronation Street

00:05 Family Guy 00:35 Family Guy 01:00 American Dad! 01:30 American Dad! 01:55 Crossing Swords 02:25 Crossing Swords 02:55 Shopping with Keith Lemon 03:25 The Emily Atack Show 04:05 FYI Extra 04:20 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 07:55 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:25 You’ve Been Framed! 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Ellen’s Game of Games 11:30 The Masked Singer US 12:30 Secret Crush 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 16:00 Dress to Impress 17:00 Secret Crush 18:00 You’ve Been Framed! 18:30 You’ve Been Framed! 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Love Island 23:35 Family Guy

02:05 The Durrells 03:10 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Bless This House 07:30 Bless This House 08:00 Emmerdale Omnibus 10:50 Carry on Girls 12:35 A Touch of Frost 14:40 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 15:45 Ruth Rendell Mysteries 16:55 Ruth Rendell Mysteries 18:00 Ruth Rendell Mysteries 19:00 Midsomer Murders 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Lewis

Omnibus 04:00 Emmerdale Omnibus 06:20 Bless This House 06:50 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:10 Bless This House 10:45 On the Buses 11:20 A Touch of Frost 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 On the Buses 17:25 Midsomer Murders 19:25 Downton Abbey 21:00 Vera 23:00 Ladies of Letters 23:30 Ladies of Letters


Funniest comedies to watch on Netflix Always Be My Maybe Written by and starring the hilarious Ali Wong and Randall Park, this 2019 rom-com sees childhood friends reunited after taking wildly different paths in life. Always Be My Maybe also comes complete with an epic cameo from Keanu Reeves and a spot-on soundtrack.

Smith) finds out his moves aren’t so smooth once he unearths real love with Sara (Eva Mendes), with lots of bad dancing, silly face-swellings, and unfortunate physical altercations along the way.

Knocked Up A Judd Appatow classic, Knocked Up follows the unlikely union of clean-cut Katherine Heigl and stoner Seth Rogan as they experience an unexpected pregnancy. Superbad Superbad is to noughties kids what American Pie was to ‘90s kids: a horny, hilarious, comingof-age tale to be quoted for eternity. Life Of Brian Monty Python’s most famous output, Life Of Brian echoes the Christian story of Jesus of Nazareth, replaced by the decidedly normal, and un-Godly Brian. As Brian’s mother says, ‘He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy’. Hitch Date





CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

Bad Neighbours When a frat house (led by Zac Efron and Dave Franco) moves next door to a new young family, a war begins. Prepare to laugh a lot and also be thankful that the worst your neighbours do is vacuum loudly at 7am on Saturday morning. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Topping the list of a lot of people’s favourite films of all time, this ‘80s classic tells the story of seemingly untouchable Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick) play hooky from his Chicago high school with his best friend and girlfriend along

for the (1961 Ferrari 250 GT California) ride. 50 First Dates Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore of The Wedding Singer reunite in 50 First Dates, in which short-term memory loss is no match for true love. Suspend your disbelief, and you’ll have a good time.

Monty Python And The Holy Grail Watch this silly and slapstick piece of British genius and try not to ask: ‘what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?’ From brave, brave Sir Robin to the Black Knight, this lesser known Monty Python film is a laugh-aminute. David Brent: Life on the Road Ricky Gervais returns as cringeworthy boss off The Office in David Brent: Life On The Road. Dolemite Is My Name Scandalously overlooked during awards season, DolemiteIs My Name (2019) is the true story of blacksploitation star Rudy Ray Moore. And Eddie Murphy’s performance is only topped by the fabulous costume design.

Eamonn takes swipe at This Morning for ‘relegating’ him to holiday slots Eamonn Holmes has appeared to take a swipe at This Morning after he and wife Ruth Langsford were forced to step down from their regular Friday slot. Eamonn and Ruth, both 61, who revealed their unusual first date and their ‘tiff’ after it, recently returned to the show to cover Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby for their summer break. But when a viewer suggested the couple should be brought back for good – Eamonn seemingly agreed. The TV presenter liked a tweet which read: “When you listen to @EamonnHolmes & @RuthieeL and the everyday normal things they get up to, it makes you wonder why management at @thismorning have relegated them to holidays only? “They deserve a regular spot, bring them back for a weekly slot please, it makes sense! #thismorning.” Many others agreed, with one writing: “I agree. Ruth and Eamonn are like a breath of fresh air. Not childish but funny. They should become the anchors of this morning.” Another said: “Completely agree. I just can’t understand why they let them go. Friday used to be my favourite day to

watch this morning.” A third added: “Couldn’t agree more, love them both so funny.” It comes after there was widespread anger amongst fans at the end of last year when it was confirmed that Eamonn and Ruth would lose their usual Friday slot after 14 years to new presenting pair Dermot O’Leary and Alison Hammond. However ratings have improved since the change was made. Back in February, it was reported the ITV daytime show had scored it’s highest ratings in 19 years. Alison, 45, and Dermot, 47, drew in in 1.41 million

viewers during their debut show with 200,000 more viewers tuning in than watched Ruth and Eamonn’s final appearance in December. But while Alison and Dermot drew in more viewers, Ruth and Eamonn had a bigger audience share of 23 percent compared to their successor’s 21 percent. Ruth previously confirmed to OK! magazine that she and Eamonn would be returning for the summer. Admitting she was pleased to be coming back, Ruth said: “We’ll be doing seven weeks from July. I’m looking forward to it.”

All you need to know about Strictly 2021 Matilda Ramsey

Ben Shepherd

Strictly Come Dancinghas announced five celebrities joining its line-up, along with its first all-male partnership. McFly’s Tom Fletcher, actor and comedian Robert Webb, and TV presenter AJ Odudu were unveiled on BBC One’s The One Show by hosts Alex Jones and Amol Rajan. 2012 Bake Off winner John Whaite was confirmed by Matt Lucas on BBC Radio 2. The baker will be partnered with a male prodancer, which he described as “a great step forward in representation and inclusion”. John’s dance partner has yet to be announced. He will follow in the footsteps of boxer Nicola Adams, who became the first celebrity to have a same-sex pairing when she was partnered with pro-dancer Katya Jones. Children’s TV presenter Rhys Stephenson was announced as the fifth celebrity on CBBC’s Newsround. This year’s competition will feature 15 celebrities as it prepares to return for a full-length series on BBC One in September. Tess Daly and Claudia Winkleman will be back as presenters. Four new dancers have been added

Ben Fogle

to the line-up. They are former Dancing With The Stars Ireland professional Kai Widdrington, former Let’s Dance Germany professional Nikita Kuzmin, reigning South African Latin Champion Cameron Lombard, and Poland’s Jowita Przystal, who won BBC One’s The Greatest Dancer in 2020. Returning favourites also include Aljaž Škorjanec, Amy Dowden, Anton Du Beke, Dianne Buswell, Giovanni Pernice, Gorka Marquez, Graziano Di Prima, Janette Manrara, Johannes Radebe, Karen Hauer, Katya Jones, Luba Mushtuk, Nadiya Bychkova, Nancy Xu, and Neil Jones. The BBC has confirmed the return of judges Shirley Ballas, Craig RevelHorwood, and Motsi Mabuse. Anton Du Beke will be replacing Bruno Tonioli on the panel, as he will have to stay in the US where he is a judge on Dancing with the Stars due to Covid restrictions. Strictly Come Dancing 2021: The celebrities Four celebrities have been confirmed so far: McFly’s Tom Fletcher, comedian and actor Robert Webb, TV presenter AJ

Angellica Bell

Ralf Little

Odudu, and 2012 Bake Off winner John Whaite. Here are the celebrities being rumoured for the series: Matilda Ramsay Gordon Ramsay’s daughter Matilda was recently touted to be joining the line-up, with bosses reportedly keen to draw in a younger audience by booking the 19-year-old. The TV presenter, chef and influencer is best known for presenting the BBC cooking show Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch on CBBC with her family. Ben Shephard Good Morning Britain presenter Ben Shephard is often rumoured for Strictly, and after admitting that he previously took a degree in ballet and dance at university, fans are desperate for him to sign up. Meanwhile, Shephard has said he’d like to part on the show before, and perhaps last year’s Strictly star Ranvir Singh - who impressed viewers and the judges with her natural ballroom ability - might encourage him to take part this year.

Maya Jama

Ben Fogle TV presenter Ben Fogle recently admitted that he was “very close” to joining the series last year - until his children told him that it would be the most embarrassing thing ever if he took part. Might the experience of Covid one year on have changed his perspective and make him want to seize such opportunity? Angellica Bell TV star Angellica Bell denied rumours that she was going to take part on Strictly despite former Strictly star Chris Ramsey being adamant she was joining the series on The One Show last. Bell did say she’d love to be partnered up with Johannes Radebe because she wants to “learn how to dance in heels”. Johannes will be back as a pro dancer, so who knows, it could be Bell’s year. Ralf Little Ralf Little recently returned to our TV screens in BBC One’s hit crime drama Death in Paradise, and he has prompted rumours he could take part in Strictly

Rio Ferdinand

after complimenting the show and those who take part in it. Maya Jama Radio and TV presenter Maya Jama has been linked to the show for a few years now, as her fans would obviously love her to take part. When asked whether she would consider taking part, Jama didn’t rule it out. “I don’t know, I always say I don’t know,” she told Radio Times. “I’d never say never to all of these things.” Rio Ferdinand Former footballer, pundit and TV personality Rio Ferdinand has been linked to Strictly Come Dancing - and the star has a close relationship with the BBC, having starred in a number of TV documentaries about mental health and starting a new family with partner Kate Wright. Gabby Logan, who previously took part on the show, recently revealed that Ferdinand is constantly contacted by Strictly bosses to take part. Ferdinand attended ballet school as a child.



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021


The 700 year role that Orihuela played in the Vega Baja By David Hudson – Part 1 History is not just dates, battles and Monarchs but it is how and why things happen. Finding about the history of the Vega Baja area was very difficult because almost all the books about Spanish history whether in English or Spanish failed to mention the 700 year role Orihuela played in Vega Baja and the Spanish history. An historian needs to be a detective and gather all the information including talking to older residents then sift out the truth using different sources to achieve it. This is some of the history of this area and its culture. There has been so much change in the Vega Baja area since the 1980s. The commercial vehicles were banned from the roads on Sundays and festivals. The narrow pot hole roads are now dual carriages with by-passes and more direct link between towns. Before people were considerate to other road users now they drive like their house is on fire with no consideration to anyone else. They miss so much of the scenery and what is happening around them. There were Shepherd´s with herds of sheep and goats that kept the roadside tidy and cleaned the fields of stubble and weeds. Now no more. People in the “campo” still walk up to ten kms. not for exercise but by necessity. Soak up the atmosphere in a campo bar with a cup of coffee watching a noisy game of dominoes in the corner. Listening to children playing while their catching up on the gossip. An old sitting at a table with his cana and reading the paper. People coming and shouting hello to everyone. Not forgetting the ring of a bell and calling “bote” as a tip is thrown into a glass jar. What can be better than a get together with family and friends plenty of food washed down with vino tinto or cerveza. If they are gitanos or from Andalusia then a lone voice will start singing. Clapping hands will keep the beat of the song and everyone will join in the chorus – laughter dancing on their lips. My friend told me that when he was in the International Brigade in the trenches he remembers how the Spanish soldiers would start singing as the night came. For a moment he said that you forgot what had happened and what will come and just enjoyed the moment. Keep this picture in your mind as you read about the time when all roads led to Orihuela. Recently a Bronze Age settlement had been found in Desamparados just outside Orihuela and the city has brought the land so that it can be saved. This follows the city decision to promote its historic past as well as sun, sea and sand. Historic relationship between Spain & England The Iberian period from 200BC to 1500BC was when the European trading and countries was formed. The

Bronze age were the first humans to developed farming with a culture and built Towns and Cities with streets, terraces, stairs and they built houses in crude bricks and tiles. Before that they had lived in caves and in small groups. The total population in Spain was 2.5 million now it is 50 million. The northern areas of Galicia took their culture to Britain integrating with the Britons. The Galician culture can be seen today with the bag pipes, the love of singing and the wearing of bells by the Morris dancers to warn off the bad spirits. When the Irish conquered the Pits they formed Scotland and Galicia culture had conquered Britain. Surprisingly for centuries England and Spain were very friendly and both countries have a Magna Cara that the constitution is based on. Spain has had a Yorkshire Queen Leonor who played a major part in Spain’s history. The current Queen Letitia named her first born Leonor in respect of the Queen. In 1908 Alfonso XIII married another English princess Victoria Eugene of Battenberg now Windsor who helped her husband bring Spain into the industrial revolution. The UK has come to the help of Spain more than once. This closeness did not stop there. A professor of Elche University spoke for almost 20 minutes using words that are both in English and Spanish. Even Franco opened the door to the UK that created the packaged holidays, unique to Britain, following the clamp down by the UK Government on only taking £25 to pay for your holiday. This followed in the aftermath of the Berlin blockage and the excess of planes provided the cheap flights. Both Spain and Britain have a Magna Carta, similar parliment and they are made up of united kingdoms (regions). Just scratch the surface The first thing that I did not understand when coming here in the 80s was why there were Pirates in the Moors and Christians parades. The answer opened up a can of worms. They were the Berber pirates from Morocco who lived on the Island off Santa Pola and plagued the Alicante area and they were the first to fly the cross bones flag in the middle ages. These pirates were brutal and not only attacked merchant ships but raided the main land and they also held wealthy people to ransom. If the families did not pay they received the persons head. Being Muslim they are lumped together with moors in the parades now. In 1708 Charles III paid the ransom to the Emir of Tunis to release 300 Genesee slaves (a colony of Spain) from the Sultan of Algeria. They were relocated to Alicante but due the to riots of the inhabitants who did not want them there, the King removed the pirates from the island off Santa Pola and gave the Genesee the island to live on. He named the island Tabarca after the prison that they were held in. The Genesee had privileges that

The gold treasure of Villena

included exemption from military service and taxes. They were given boats, work materials and a school. In 1884 the population was 1000 with a hospital, a church, police, a priest and a blacksmith. But now the population is between 15 and 100 depending on the season as a result of Alicante refusing development of the island. That was not the only problem from the sea between 858 to 861 Orihuela (the capital of Murcia, Albacete and Alicante) was raided by Vikings led by Thor and Odin using the River Segura at Guardamar. Over 60 pieces from Orihuela are now in the Danish National Museum in Copenhagen. The Spanish called them “giants of the sea” because they were nearly 6 feet high compared with the Spanish about 5 feet. The Moors created a Navy base at Guardamar to protect this area from the Vikings. It is said that if you just scratch the surface of Spain you will dig up history. Recently 7,000 Dinosaur fossils were found in Asturias and in Santa Pola artefacts from over 100,000 years ago were found. So lets start scratching around here with ! Luncentum an Iberian and Roman City the forerunner of Alicante and is one of the most important sites in the whole of the Valencia Region. This was found when starting to build flats. The walled city covers 30,000 sq. metres. It dates from the end of the 5th BC and the beginning of the 4th BC when the Iberians were living there. The city had powerful fortification equipped with towers. For those interested in the experience of walking in the footsteps of history you can enter the gate of the city and walk amongst the Roman streets and see the Roman baths. In 1897 the bust of the Dama de Elche dating from the Iberian period was found and donated to Elche

University. In 1916 Alexandro Ramos brought the land of lemon trees where the bust had been found and the family regularly had Sunday picnics where they excavated the area. Very soon it was clear that they had found the lost city of Alcudia that Iberians, Romans, Muslims and Christians had occupied. In 1996 the area was transferred to the Elche University for Archaeological research. Make sure you go into the museum and if in a group ask to see the presentation film. Then you are free to wander in the city. They have English leaflets with a clear map of the routes of the different periods. At one place you will see the sea below you. There are similar Iberian Damas in Orihuela and Guardamar museums but not such a high quality. The gold Treasure of Villena is straight out of Indiana Jones story. In April 1963 a group of masons near Villena found 35 pieces of Gold Jewellery from 3000 years ago. In December of 1963 a gold bracelet weighing half a kilo was found on a building site in Villena. Jose Maria

Garcia excavated the site and found an earthenware pot with 60 gold pieces of bowls, bracelets, gold buttons and bottles plus three silver bottles and amber pieces. The set weighed more than 9 kilos of gold and came from the Iberian period. It is thought that a wealthy person when the town was being attacked burred what he could not take hopping to come back for them. It is possible that he was killed or forgot where he buried it. You can see this marvellous impressive collection for free in the Jose Maria Garcia Museum in the Plaza de Santiago in Villena. A few years ago the Orihuela University was developing a new building complex when they came across the 12th century Orihuela nesting at the foot of the Orihuela Sierras. How could they save it and the answer was to excavate the site and build the University complex on stilts so that you now can walk on the 12th century streets amongst the original buildings. Well worth a visit and again ask for an audio in English.


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021



Bars & Restaurants

Best BBQ tips Mix & Match An Argentinian barbecue, or asado, is both a celebration of the country’s superb beef and part of its gaucho culture. One of the things that makes an asado so special is the mix of prime cuts, offal and sausages traditionally served together. One meal could easily include everything from ojo de bife (rib-eye) to morcilla (blood sausage) and provoleta (provolone cheese grilled until deliciously gooey). Capture the Argentinian spirit by drizzling traditional herby sauce chimichurri over your meats. Kick off with prawns Do like Australians do and throw some ‘shrimp on the barbie’. Of course, unlike the 1980s ad might suggest, they’re actually called prawns Down Under. Cringey expressions aside, the naturally sweet prawns really do benefit from the char of the grill, adding a smoky flavour that’s great paired with zingy lime and spicy chilli. Stick chicken on a beer can… Rumoured to have originated in the US state of Louisiana, beer can chicken is more than just a gimmick. It might look a little odd but this way of

cooking ensures more flavour and the most tender, succulent meat.

…or spatchcock it It’s uncertain where spatchcocking, removing a chicken’s backbone and flattening the bird before cooking, originates. It’s mentioned in 18th-century Irish cookbooks, there’s a strong culinary tradition in Germany

and France, and chicken tabaka, a dish hailing from Georgia, is much-loved across the former Soviet Union. Wherever its beginnings lie, half the world is doing it and so should you. A spatchcocked chicken cooks faster and more evenly, meaning it’s more succulent. Because of the flat surface, the chicken is exposed to maximum heat, leaving the skin crispier too. Try a dairy-based marinade Yogurt is often used to marinate meats in Indian

cuisine. Give it a try at home by making tandoori chicken. The secret to keeping the meat succulent is the yogurt marinade which tenderises the meat before grilling. Although traditionally it’s roasted in a heated clay oven known as tandoor, the dish can also be cooked on a barbecue. Yogurt is often used to marinate meats in Indian cuisine. Give it a try at home by making tandoori chicken. The secret to keeping the meat succulent is the yogurt marinade which tenderises the meat before grilling. Although traditionally it’s roasted in a heated clay oven known as tandoor, the dish can also be cooked on a barbecue. Minced meat on skewers Whether you know it as kofta or kofte, these minced beef skewers are incredibly popular throughout the Middle East and Mediterranean, with versions in Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, northern Africa and even India. The idea is simple – mix minced meat, usually beef, with spices and onions, then form into a sausage shape around metal skewers before grilling. Our recipe pairs the meat with hummus on flatbreads, topped with a zesty mix of red onion, sumac and parsley.

CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

Bars & Restaurants



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021






My partner’s brother has started sending him nasty phone messages. They have never got on, and are so not alike I wonder whether one of them was mixed up at birth. There’s always been tension between them, and it has always come from his brother. Unfortunately, at Christmas we found out that his Mum has cancer. She started treatment but it is

CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

incurable. My partner is so distraught, but his brother still sends the angry and attacking messages to him. We don’t know what to do for the best; my partner says to ignore his messages but this makes him more incensed that he sends more. Well, the first thing I would do is block the

messages because the brother will know when the messages have been read by your partner, even if he doesn’t reply. Thankfully, we are able to block contacts very easily on social media and instant messages. Remember, we do not have to take the abuse. Your partner can reply to the last message to give his brother notice to say he is blocking him - say no more than that. And make sure not to accept any more messages. At the moment he is free to send through any kind of verbal attack on your partner that he wishes.

Health & Beauty


Cutting him off is the only way to stop this. And if he finds another way of communicating, simply do the same. If letters come through the door, send them back to him unopened and unread. If he telephones using another number, hang up straight away and block that number. From what you say in your longer email, your partner and you are doing all you can to help his mother through this awful time. As for his brother’s behaviour - responding to it will only pour fuel on the fire.

Write to Sara in confidence. a pSeudonym Will be uSed if you WiSh. Sara readS all letterS and can give a perSonal reply. email your queStion to Sara@coStablancapeople.com or Sara iS available for private conSultationS, telephone 650 054 467.


Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021


Spanish scientists may have found the key to delaying the menopause Researchers from Spain have joined an international study which could predict the lifespan of women’s fertility, and even prolong it. The findings could be equally helpful for women who do not want to have children, since increasing egg reserves delays the menopause and the health and wellbeing issues that come with it. A ‘map’ has identified 290 gene variants – 56 of which were already known – which enable scientists to work out more precisely when a woman may hit the menopause. The team, made up of Barcelona Autonomous University (UAB), Copenhagen University (Denmark), and the British universities of Cambridge and Exeter recalls that, although life expectancy has increased dramatically in the last 150 years and is already around 86 for women in Spain, with living to 100 or beyond no longer as ground-breaking as it was even in the mid-to-late 20th century, reproductive life expectancy has not moved; women continue to be at their most fertile between 17 and 25, when the majority are still at school or college or have not yet ‘found their feet’ with a career, own home and steady relationship, and the menopause still comes at an average age of 50. Even before then, the‘perimenopause’ can start as young as the early 30s, by

which time fertility is already in freefall; from about 27 to 30, the chances of a live birth – not even a pregnancy – are lower than those of a non-pregnancy or a miscarriage; by around 40, they are roughly 20 percent and by the mid-40s, lower than 5 percent - typically just as women become ‘settled’ into life and in a position where having a baby might be feasible. The research team recalls that ‘natural’ fertility declines dramatically some years before the menopause, since women are born with all the eggs they are ever going to produce and the better-quality ones are released early in her reproductive years, with the poorerquality ones left to the end. Health issues associated with the menopause include depression and a greater risk of type II diabetes and osteoporosis, the UAB explains. The team analysed data from over half a million women’s genetic bases – the majority of whom were of European origin but of whom 80,000 were of east Asian extraction, and all of whom had hit the menopause between age 40 and 60. Results were very similar in European – Nordic and Mediterranean – and east Asian women, and after examining around 13.1 million genetic variants, scientists identified 290 linked to ‘ageing of the ovaries’.

Most of them were connected to DNA repair processes – it is damage to DNA which causes ageing, as the ‘tails’, or telomeres, become shorter with the passage of years, and this phenomenon accelerates when the organism is exposed to environmental stressors, such as pollution, alcohol, smoking and poor diet. Mechanisms that control DNA quality and regulate its repair when it becomes damaged are ‘fundamental’ in maintaining egg numbers and ovarian function, says Dr Ignasi Roig, one of the research report authors and head of the

Free weights or machines Resistance machines tend to take a lot of heat around the weight rack. They’re viewed as “newbie equipment” – equipment you use until you get your bearings in the gym and discover the superiority of free weights. That’s why there’s seldom a wait for machines, but someone always seems to be using the dumbbells you want. But as scientists become increasingly involved in this overwhelmingly one-sided debate, they’re discovering that there’s really no need for it at all. When it comes to resistance machines and free weights, it doesn’t have to be an “either/or” situation. One isn’t necessarily better than the other. Each has its own merits, and your training program should include both to capitalise on their individual advantages. Free weights – dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, etc. – require you to stabilise and control not only the load you’re lifting, but also the path along which you’re lifting it. That gives those implements a leg up when it comes to muscle recruitment. Machines, on the other hand, tend to be better when it comes

to promoting more time under tension. When you’re doing a cable fly, there is no point where you aren’t straining against resistance, for example—it’s constant. And that constant tension can help maximise muscle growth. Your move: Incorporate both machines and free weights in your workouts—but be smart about the machines you use. Depending on your goals, experience, and any injury concerns you have, you might consider avoiding anything that

limits or controls your range of motion (e.g., the Smith machine squat) or stresses a joint or body part excessively (e.g., the leg press, which can increase your risk of lower back injury). But no matter what machine you use, know this: You don’t have to worry about shortchanging your gains. Indeed, research increasingly shows that when it comes to building muscle and strength, machines and free weights can each get the job done equally well

UAB’s Biotechnology and Biomedicine Institute. The menopause is associated with a reduction in egg quantity, meaning that the longer eggs stay in the ovaries, the longer it will be before the menopause arrives. Two main genes were found which regulate a vast variety of DNA-repair processes – the CHEK1 and CHEK2. In tests on mice, scientists found that when they eliminated the CHEK2, or when the CHEK1 levels were higher, reproductive life extended by 25 percent and eggs took longer to run out.

Putting off the menopause Although the researchers, studying the impact of the menopause, found that this increased the risk of type II diabetes and osteoporosis or, at least, poorer bone health, they also found that the end of menstruation came with a reduced risk of certain types of cancer, such as some breast cancers and ovarian tumours. This is an area that will require further study, since breast cancer is statistically more frequent in post-menopausal women, although strains suffered by much younger women tend to be more aggressive. The next step, says Dr Roig, is to work out, using animals such as mice, how to extend the ‘ovarian reserve’, or level of egg production, using pharmaceutical drugs. Enabling a woman to continue producing eggs could keep her fertile for longer, but would also put off the menopause for a few more years. Eventually, it could even mean that a woman gets to choose when her menopause happens – opting to delay it if she has care duties whilst still working, for example, and putting it off until she is nearer retirement. It seems unlikely at this stage that science will enable women to be producing eggs for the rest of their natural lives, but it may be able to predict when a female is facing an early menopause and help delay it if she wants to have children.


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

Good education is also a trend Driving in the right lane or using indicators to signal a manoeuvre may seem like standard driving practices, but with so many people forgetting some of the basics all too often, it’s time to change the trend for the better. Indicate to others. Being polite to others is a social trend. And that, in driving, translates, for example, into using the turn signals to indicate our intention to change lanes, to overtake, to turn, to stop to the right ... In short, to perform a manoeuvre without surprising or startling other road users, be it a driver, cyclist, motorcyclist, pedestrian or new users of VMP. Right is the lane. It is not the usual thing, but the leaders have always been characterised by leaving the established ‘lane’. And on the road that can mean driving on the right. If we all did it, overtaking on the highway would be easier and we would avoid dangerous manoeuvres by those who are in a ‘hurry’, stalkers and other ‘owners’ of the road. And by driving in the left and / or central lane without need is reducing the road capacity to a third (if it is 3 lanes) and promoting dangerous manoeuvres. Set a trend: drive in the right lane. Calm for traffic. Since May 11, the implementation of the 30 kilometre per hour limit in the streets of a single lane in each direction to calm traffic has had such contagious effect that many municipalities decided to advance the entry into force or extend it to all their roads. And it is that the 30 and the “slow” movement have become a trend. With all that it entails: more circulation of bicycles and VMP, more trips on foot, less accidents and less serious outcomes.

Fit tyres. Tyres are essential for braking. Its condition (minimum 1.6 mm deep) and pressure (indicated by the manufacturer) are essential. Check for irregular wear, lumps, cracks or flats ... After 8 years, maximum, they must be replaced (the rubber loses flexibility). A tire with a worn tread adds 6% to the stopping distance. Digital licence and much more. Download the official DGT app (miDGT). Not only will you have on your mobile, for the purposes of checks by the Guardia Civil, your driving licence, but a whole series of notices about traffic, advice and access to all the documents that the DGT has about you and your vehicle (ITV, expiration date of the permit ...). I’m driving. Android, iOS, 4G, 5G, with 7 megapixels or 30, with a camera or two ... but what really sets the trend on mobile phones is installing one of those apps that, when we get behind

the wheel, notify incoming calls that we are driving. So that the driver is not distracted. Do not forget that a third of accidents in Spain are caused by distractions, among which those due to mobile phones stand out. Infocar: reporting in real time. E -traffic is a map in which, automatically and in real time, the information collected by the DGT through traffic cameras, weather stations, Guardia Civil or Civil Protection reports appears. These appear as icons that indicate the type of incident (retention, work, traffic restriction, rain, fog ...), how it affects the section (from black to green) and even –if the camera icon appears -, shows the real situation on the road. You can choose between Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Valencian, English and French and filter the type of incident. A tab gives access to information on incidents forecast for the next few days up to two weeks in advance.





CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

Half of drivers do not know how their pet should travel The RACE and Royal Canin have presented the report “2021 Companion Animals and Road Safety”, in which data is shared that reflects how Spaniards consider the safety of their pets when traveling. In addition, this report also includes tips to ensure the well-being of pets during travel, details of current legislation, and the incidence of animals in accidents. This campaign is part of RACE’s commitment to collaborate to improve the practices of responsible ownership of companion animals, signed with the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 an “Action Plan for the responsible possession of companion animals”. The risk of taking your pet loose When a car is traveling at a speed of 50 kilometres per hour, the occupants and objects inside the vehicle also move at the same speed in the event of an impact. Thus, in the event of a collision, neither objects, animals nor people change their mass, nor does gravity change their value, so the weight of any of the occupants of a vehicle does not change. When a vehicle brakes abruptly or suffers a collision, the passengers or the elements that travel loose inside it tend to maintain the speed that they were carrying in the moments before the braking or collision (they do not accelerate but continue at the same speed). In the case of a frontal collision at about 50 kilometres per hour, pets without restraint may produce high impact loads, exerting forces equivalent to multiplying up to 35 times their weight (which, as we have said, does not vary). This means that a dog weighing 20 kg will have an impact load that will exceed half a ton, which is an additional burden for the passengers of the vehicle

and can reduce or cancel the protection of safety systems, such as seats, seat belts. or airbags. The opinion of the drivers More and more families incorporate a companion animal into their life. The number of households that have a pet is increasing, and so are the displacements. To find out more about the habits of these users, RACE has conducted a survey of 1,400 pet owners. Among the main conclusions, that 47% of the owners believe that the legislation is not clear when it comes to taking animals on the move, which can generate doubts and risks when placing or restraining our pet inside the vehicle. Do not forget that the rules do not specify the system that we must use with our pet, only that it should not interfere with the driver. Three out of four drivers are concerned about taking their pet without restraint because of the danger it may pose to the rest of the occupants, What restraint systems do you prefer? Although the options are several, the use of harnesses with a single hook stands out among all, followed by harnesses with double anchorage, and in third place the carriers retained by the vehicle belt. This is followed by the dividing bars / nets and the carriers located in the boot and on the floor between the seats. Travel and stops Pet owners do consider the needs of animals when traveling. Or at least for the 57% of drivers who rest in special areas for their pets, allowing them to stretch their legs and drink water safely. One in four only does it on very long trips, and 15% admit that they do not think about the pet when they stop, this situation being indifferent.

Risks during the trip 4% of drivers traveling with a pet recognised that, at the time of making the rest stop, they lost control of the animal, or it escaped, which in 1% caused a dangerous situation (recognised by the owner). It was asked if the respondents had suffered or had witnessed a dog or a cat being run over (in general), the answer was that 12% of drivers had suffered in first person running over animals, and 23% he had witnessed this situation. Even 7% acknowledged having experienced both situations, seeing and running over a dog or a cat. How do users act in such a situation? Well, 39% notified the authorities of the situation; 21% of those surveyed did nothing, they simply continued their journey, and only 6% stopped to remove the run-over animal from the road. The risk of being run over Staying alert at all times to prevent our pet from escaping will be essential to guarantee its safety and that of other road users. This risk is not only due to the fact that our pet can escape from our control while we walk it near our home. It could be chaos that it invades the road at any time while we make the rest stop, when it comes to removing our pet from the vehicle. For this reason, and given the proximity of vehicles that circulate through the rest area, and the proximity of the road, extreme caution must be exercised, opening the vehicle never before having restrained the animal, and proceeding to get off the vehicle with special care. It is important to remember that the Spanish Penal Code clearly includes, in its article 337, the protection of animals, addressing cases of mistreatment of animals, and punishing with prison

sentences (which can vary according to different aggravating factors included in its articles) to those who cause injury or subject animals to exploitation. In addition, in the last reform of the Penal Code an article 337 bis was included in which it is specified that whoever abandons an animal (…) in conditions in which its life or integrity may be endangered will be punished with a fine of one to six months in prison. Insurance The best way to be covered against any incident in which our animal is involved, for example, before the irruption of the dog or the cat on a road when losing its control, is through insurance. In this sense, 58% of owners acknowledge having a civil liability insurance for pets. Current legislation obliges to subscribe a Civil Liability insurance for damage to third parties with a coverage of not less than 120,000 euro for owners of potentially dangerous animals. It is also important to consult the current regulations in each Autonomous Community, since, as in the Community of Madrid for example, it is mandatory that all dogs have civil liability insurance, even if they are not potentially dangerous. Not having this coverage is classified as a minor offence. Veterinary advice In case of displacement, consult your veterinarian about the special conditions that the destination area may have, since you may need to vaccinate your animal or carry an additional health document. Before a trip, adapt the animal’s diet and when the time comes, take its usual food with you to avoid digestive problems. Prepare “the pet’s suitcase”, in which

you will include the documentation and the daily vaccination record, as well as all the things that you may need in your new location (drinking trough, feeder, brush, nail clippers, toys, etc.) Get your pet accustomed from the first months of life to traveling with a restraint system and before removing it from the vehicle, in the case of dogs, always hold it on the leash, keeping an eye on the environment so as not to put the animal or the animal at risk. rest of users According to the results of the crash tests carried out by RACE, inside the car, the best place to locate the carrier is on the ground, between the front and rear seats, and always avoiding direct sunlight. Dogs can travel separated from the general cabin by metal nets or bars (never to the floor of the boot) or with an approved harness with double anchorage in the back seat of the car, avoiding in any case that it interferes with the driver. Make frequent stops when traveling by car with your pet, essential so that they can drink fresh water and go for a walk, as well as relieve themselves (in the case of cats we can let them get out of the carrier inside the car to stretch their legs and drink, if they want it). During stops, never leave your pet alone inside the vehicle with the windows closed, especially in areas with high temperatures and in the sun. The result can be fatal. Monitor the condition of the animal at all times, and in the event of any abnormal symptoms, contact a veterinarian. Remember to clean the carrier before and after each use, avoiding dirt or the presence of fungi as a result of humidity.


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

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17th - 23rd August 2021




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Rugby League World Cup 2021 postponed

This year’s Rugby League World Cup in England has been postponed until 2022 after the withdrawal of champions Australia, and New Zealand. The two countries pulled out of the tournament citing “player welfare and safety concerns” related to Covid-19. The World Cup, featuring men’s, women’s and wheelchair events, was set to start in Newcastle on 23rd October. “It became unfeasible and irresponsible for us to carry on,” said Jon Dutton, chief executive of the tournament. “I think it will take some time for international rugby league to recover from this. I hope we can be a beacon of light. Certainly we’ve prioritised player voice and player choice, we know the players want to play, we took our responsibilities very seriously, and we are determined to stage the biggest and best ever rugby league World Cup. “It’s a real shame that it cannot be this year but leadership is about making tough decisions, it’s about being responsible, and we’ve done this in the best interests of not just the tournament but of the sport of rugby league.” Organisers were given only four minutes’ notice that the antipodean neighbours intended to pull out with Rugby Football League (RFL) chairman Simon Johnson calling it a “selfish, parochial and cowardly decision”. Dutton last week gave it a “50-50” chance of going ahead as scheduled this year after discussions with the board and numerous stakeholders,

including players. The Rugby League Players Association (RLPA) said it acknowledged “the extremely difficult decision” to delay the World Cup and the “tremendous effort of the RLWC board, Jon Dutton, and the entire team to maintain the tournament’s viability up to this point”. “We have worked exceptionally close with the RLWC team to date and want to thank them for engaging in such a collaborative process which has allowed the players to feel respected and valued throughout the RLWC planning,” said RLPA chief executive officer Clint Newton. Fresh Covid outbreaks in Australia have forced most states to reimpose restrictions, while the majority of coronavirus restrictions in England have been lifted despite a rise in cases - although those numbers appear to be falling. There were concerns about players and staff having to quarantine for 14 days on their return to Australia, with the country’s borders currently closed because of the pandemic. Rugby league officials estimate about 400-500 players, staff and team officials from Australia’s National Rugby League - representing several different countries - would be impacted by any quarantine measures on their return to the country after the tournament. The postponement will be a major blow to English rugby league, a sport that has been hit hard by the financial fallout of the pandemic.

Nyck De Vries and Mercedes claimed the driver and team Formula E titles following a dramatic final race of the season on Sunday, as the Silver Arrows continued their remarkable motorsport march with more history. The double success means Mercedes, Formula 1’s champions for the last seven seasons, have conquered Formula E in just their second year in the series, collecting the motorsport giant’s first-ever all-electric world championship. Formula E’s seventh season was the first given full world championship status by the governing FIA. An incredible 18 drivers came into the season-deciding Berlin E-Prix with a chance of lifting the title but in the end it was De Vries, a former Formula 2 champion and one of Mercedes current F1 reserves, who triumphed. De Vries finished eighth in the weekend’s second race but saw his

rivals crash out to end the season with a seven-point buffer to Venturi’s Eduardo Mortara, who retired at the start when he smashed into the back of Mitch Evans’s barely moving Jaguar. Other main championship contender, Britain’s Red Bull F1 development driver Jake Dennis, also crashed out after the restart in his BMW i Andretti. Norman Nato eventually won the race ahead of Nissan’s Oliver Rowland, with Stoffel Vandoorne third to clinch the title for Mercedes, who finished with 181 points to Jaguar’s 177. The success was also momentous for De Vries, the highly-rated young Dutch driver who has been touted as an F1 option for 2022. “I’m lost for words,” he admitted. “I mean, it’s been such a tough season with highs and lows, and in the end, it came down to the last race, and I am just so pleased that it was enough for me to win the title.

Mercedes make more history

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CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021

TALES FROM THE TOP FLiGHT n chris darwen chris@costablancapeople.com

Well, would you look at that - a new Premier League season. Not a lot has changed, really - Mo Salah scores on the opening day, Arsenal are still bobbins, Leeds cannot defend at Old Trafford and Harry Kane still wants to leave Spurs. The new season got underway at one of the promoted clubs, Brentford. They were entertaining Arsenal and, according to the Gunners fans, everyone was there just to watch the Arsenal. Yeah, about that. Without wishing to take too much away from the Premier League new boys who were very, very good but just how utterly rubbish were Mikel Arteta’s men? Rather than spending most of the summer trying to pay £40m for a very average goalkeeper, time could have been spent addressing bigger issues - and there are too many for me to list here. Mind you, it doesn’t help when your two highest-paid strikers phone in sick before kick-off. Arteta was very tightlipped about what had happened there, but we can probably assume what they’ve gone down with.

football”. It was believed that Kane actually wanted to play against the club he’d really like to join but Nuno, at the end of his first actual week of working with Harry, chose against it. Daniel Levy thinks he will be keeping Hazza at Tottenham for at least one more season and passed this note on to the City officials at the match. Mind you, you get the feeling City will want him just a little bit more after that result and Spurs will either think they can do without or think they’ve got an even stronger selling position. Sitting deep and hitting City on the break - it was almost as if Jose never let but fair play to Nuno, that’s not a bad way to say hello to your new fans. 6th choice or not, he even managed to get a tune out of Lucas Moura who hadn’t been seen since Amsterdam. Sonny can only play with Kane? Not a bit of it. And who would have thought Grealish would have played twice for City and not seen them score a goal? Many people, including myself (for which I apologise to Leeds fans), have tipped Marcelo Bielsa to better last season’s 9th place finish - and they’ll be grateful they won’t be playing at Old Trafford again this season having followed up last time out’s 6-2 drubbing with a 5-1 battering on Saturday. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer unveiled Raphael Varane before the game, whipping United’s fans into a frenzy ahead of kickoff - nice to see those protests against the Glazers and European Super League have been bought off by a couple of big signings - and his team were at it from the first whistle.

Brentford went to bed top of the league - what a feeling. Naturally, much of the pre-match chatter around City’s opener with Tottenham was around the Spurs captain and his desire to walk away from “the greatest stadium in world

Abbey Anglers On Tuesday the 10th of August the club fished an open match at Pedrera. With the weather set to rain only three anglers actually turned up. I have only second hand details of this match but I believe it was won by the wiley old fox, Terry Screen. Terry fished maggot on the whip to take 8.280kg of bleak. In second place was his partner in crime Bill reade who had several small carp caught on the bomb and tares fished over hemp for 7.980kg and third was Paul Burton with 3.280kg. On the Wednesday Rods and Reels

Graeme Souness must have been salivating at the form of Paul Pogba - by the hour, the Frenchman had matched last season’s assist total by laying on three for his teammates. Many have been wanting to see the Pogba that plays for France and he showed some of that off against Leeds, creating a fourth before the end.

had no match and on the Thursday we took the trip over into Murcia to fish The Embalse de Argos. This match was run by myself but was run as an open match along with members from Carp R us,abbey and rods n reels. The winner on the day was a very proud Paul Burton.He was drawn on peg 5 on the warm side and fished corn on the pole at about 10m for 30.600kg. He had some very large fish and one a mirror, I would estimate was in the region of 5kg.

But the star of the show was Bruno Fernandes, never shy of sticking the knife into a team that isn’t in the top six. Brunaldo got a hat-trick but it was Leeds’ Luke Ayling who got the best goal of the game, smashing an equaliser in from right back. Pogba might have been excellent, but it won’t stop him running down his contract this season and disappearing on a free next summer - yet already United fans are thinking he might head off with a league winner’s medal around his neck. Trust me, that’s not happening. My bet for the title just happens to the Champions of Europe - they took apart my dead certs for relegation, Crystal Palace, 3-0. Marcos Alonso, who just keeps getting picked, scored the best free-kick of the season before the next kid off the Academy rank rounded things off nicely. We probably won’t see that much of Trevor Chalobah this campaign, but he’ll always have that moment. Chelsea have finalised the coming home of Romelu Lukaku for the small matter of around £100m and have more than enough in the tank to nick the title from Pep’s lot this season. Tammy Abraham will be waving his mates on from Rome, by the looks of it - he jetted off to see Jose over the weekend and agree his move to Serie A. I cannot see how Liverpool can realistically challenge for the title given that they’ve done very little in the window to close the gap on City. But, they put Norwich to bed fairly comfortably with Salah doing his usual opening day thing of scoring. Mind you, his first assist was a touch fortunate as he demonstrated the touch of a sledgehammer trying to control Trent’s pass into his feet. Norwich are supposed to be better than the last time they graced the top flight. Time will tell, it looked pretty similar to me. Rafa’s back in town and he’s already got points on the board. Everton beat Southampton, who have had better weeks having had to sell Danny Ings and then seeing Jan Bednarek leg it to Leicester as fast as his very long legs would take him. Richarlison was back from the

Second on peg 6 was Graham”the butcher” Patterson who fished the method feeder for 25.40kg. In third place was Terry Screen and about 4th time lucky his paste on the pole turned up trumps. He also caught some quality carp for 24.70kg. The pairs match was won by Paul and Terry with a combined weight of 55.30kg. Further details can be fond on our website at www.abbeyangling.es Ian Brown

Olympics where he won a gold medal, presumably for either the long jump or in the diving competition. It being earlier than November, he was in spectacular form turning the game around for Everton after new signing Adam Armstrong started filling the Ings void for the Saints. Leicester would love to not bottle it this season and finish in the top four and Jamie Vardy was on that mission straight away, scoring a lovely goal to beat Wolves - Wolves could well struggle, especially if they are relying on Adama Traore’s finishing to score them goals. Hands up if you could name more than two Watford players in their starting line-up? No matter, they could be quite fun to watch this season as they sprinted into a 3-0 lead over a Grealish-less Aston Villa. Villa got it back to 3-2 but did little to quell the suspicion that they were a oneman team who no longer have that one man. Brighton adopted a different approach in their first outing. Rather than dominating a game and losing, Graham Potter sent the Seagulls out at Burnley to be dominated - and, of course, Brighton ended up winning. Funny old game, as someone used to say. Newcastle fans have been desperate to get back into St James’ Park and throw their support behind Steve Bruce and his team. My advice would be to forget the actual result against West Ham - they should close their eyes and replay each moment Alain Saint-Maximin got the ball. I mean, it took Declan Rice five minutes to get back in the ground after the headband-wearing magician set up the opener for Callum Wilson. All that was very nice, but it didn’t lead to Newcastle winning - West Ham know matching last season’s league finish will be tough but made as good a start as they could have hoped for. There is plenty of transfer news but I shall spare you that - as nothing I write next could possibly top the fact that Phil Jones, the former footballer, has refused to give Raphael Varane his number four shirt despite the fact he is more likely to be Messi’s replacement at Barca than ever play for United again. Score on the petty scale? A solid 19 out of ten.



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CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd August 2021


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