==== ==== 12 Medical Conditions Where Laser Hair Removal Is Not Recommended http://123laserhairremoval.com/12-medical-conditions-where-laser-hair-removal-is-notrecommended/ ==== ==== Laser Hair Removal high Risk Group Even though everyone would really like to have a clean and effortless laser hair removal, for some individuals this aesthetic procedure is no allowed for medical and security reasons. We have gathered in the list below the medical circumstances in which laser hair removal is forbidden. YOU need to seek advice from YOUR DOCTOR before undertaking any laser (or IPL) hair removal if you undergo or think you may have one of the medical situations described below. There are other options for hair removal to laser and IPL. So you can still groom your body and have it silky smooth by removing unwanted body hair in different methods. Though the other methods are not permanent they will deliver the anticipated outcomes for a few weeks each time. Note that laser and IPL hair removal are not permanent either, they are just long term hair reduction. When Laser Or IPL Are Not Allowed If you have a history of skin cancer or areas of potential skin malignancies If you were exposed to strong sunlight or an artificial tanning machine within the past week. If you have had, or are on radiotherapy or chemotherapy If you have a tattoo or permanent makeup on treatment area If you have irregular blood pressure If you have Tuberculosis, or any acute or infectious diseases If you are pregnant or nursing (lactating) If you have a heart disorder If you have any skin diseases If you have allergies If you have been on a steroid program If you have a febrile illness (over 38 degrees) Most of these circumstances are dangerous due to the fact that laser and IPL hair removal use intense light flash (laser beam) to provoke heat inside the hair, and the light pulse may cause severe damage to adjacent skin tissue. ==== ==== 12 Medical Conditions Where Laser Hair Removal Is Not Recommended http://123laserhairremoval.com/12-medical-conditions-where-laser-hair-removal-is-notrecommended/ ==== ====