Smart buyer with smart goals setting and smart goal examples.

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S Be thoughtful and specific about what you want to focus on.

M Pick a goal that is measurable so you can continually monitor your progress.

A Set yourself up for success by choosing something that is achievable.

R Be realistic when choosing your goal. Think about how it will affect your day-to-day life.

T Be aggressive and realistic when setting your end time or date. Knowing there’s an end in sight will help you focus and push yourself.

SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

Set SMART Goals

SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

This presentation acts as an introduction to SMART Goal writing, explains what SMART Goals are, why they are used, and finally allows time to practice writing SMART Goals. • Goals state a desired future achievement. • SMART goals assist in “getting focused’ • SMART goals help define exactly what the “future state looks like and how it will be measured”, • SMART goals show others how their work “aligns” and relates to the focus of the project. SMART GOALS,SMART whatGOALS, is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. what is Smart Goals, and examples of Sponsored by the sellers ofSmart a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

• SMART Goals presentation. • What is SMART Goals ? • Why use Smart goals? • How do you write Smart Goals? This is the unique presentation that provides an introduction to SMART Goals and instructions for writing them. At times during the presentation, you may want to pause to allow yourself time to write. Examples included at the end of the presentation may or may not apply to your role specifically, but will still help you to better understand how to create a SMART Goal. SMART GOALS,SMART whatGOALS, is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. what is Smart Goals, and examples of Sponsored by the sellers ofSmart a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

S.M.A.R.T. Goals A SMART goal indicates a specific way to articulate and focus goals. Make your own: • Read through the S.M.A.R.T. goal descriptions on slide 1 and then take some time to come up with your own on slide 3. • Fill in the blanks to create your personal proclamations, print them, and post them somewhere away from clutter. Choose an inspiring place in your home or office that you see every day. • To create goals as a family, use slides 3, 5, 7, and 8. SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

S What do you want to achieve this week?

Explain exactly what you want to accomplish.

M How will you be able to measure progress during and/or after?

A Is this attainable this week?

R Is it realistic?

T When do you want to accomplish this?

The acronym SMART identifies the areas of focus in goal-setting. It stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-oriented or relevant, and Time-bound. Other terms have been associated with these letters, but the Ohio Department of Education uses these. EXAPLE: I, name, will goal by date. SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal. To set a specific goal answer the six “W” questions. •Who is involved? •What do I want to accomplish? •Where will the action take place? •When will the goal be achieved? •Why is this goal important? FOR EXAMPLE I, ______, will ______ by ______. For educators, goal setting should consider the larger school community. Make sure it meets your needs and is linked to the bigger picture of the school goals. Try to avoid using words such as try, could, should or maybe as they indicate the goal is not concrete. SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit



I will lose we

I will lose 5 lbs by June 1 by eliminating sugar from my diet and walking, 10,000 steps a day

We, names, will goal by date. Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal. To determine if your goal is measurable, ask questions such as: •How many? •How much? •To what degree? •How will I know when it is accomplished? This example has a clear measurability. The scale will indicate whether the goal has been achieved. SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal. To determine if your goal is measurable, ask questions such as: •How many? •How much? •To what degree? •How will I know when it is accomplished? This example has a clear measurability. The scale will indicate whether the goal has been achieved.

SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

A results-oriented or relevant goal represents a worthwhile objective. Goals should be important to the work and focus on results. Weight loss is both relevant and results-oriented Any effective goal must have a target date. A deadline set too far in the future invites procrastination. A short term goal could be unrealistic and discouraging. SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

Long Term Goals vs Smart Goals Long-term goals are different from SMART goals. Long-term goals describe future aspirations such as getting a job or earning a masters degree. Without short-term goals defining the steps to large scale achievements, long-term goals are too easily dropped. Create your own goal. Start by reviewing the appropriate set of standards or by reflecting on your practice through a selfassessment or analysis of student work SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

1st Step – Setting Personal Goals Select 5-6 personal values that represent the goals and priorities in your life Set specific and measurable goals for each value • Short, Medium, and Long term goals • Personal & Professional goals Collect images that represent your goals and arrange them on a sheet of paper (we can print in color for you and laminate them) • Google image search, magazine cut outs SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

We, ______, will ______ by ______. Real Smart Goal example Goal #5 (Personal Value: Balance) At least twice a month, plan on doing something from the LegalResellRights website and/or explore Venecia San Carlos (in Costa Rica) entertainment/arts. This will encourage me to continue to explore Venecia San Carlos (in Costa Rica) , meet local people, and get involved in local events to support Venecia San Carlos (in Costa Rica) businesses, artists and musicians. Twice a month until 12/31/17 Attainable: Yes, look into museums, art, performances, events, etc. Realistic: Yes Timely: Twice month I will plan on going out twice a month until 12/31/17 attending LegalResellRights various Venecia San Carlos (in Costa Rica) events.

SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

Measure Review your goals daily, weekly, monthly Adjust as necessary It’s ok to replace and adjust goals – Life changes Share with family and friends – this creates accountability to complete your goals SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit




SMARG GOAL: INVEST IN REAL STATE IN COSTA RICA, HOT PROPERTY Things you Need to Know When Buying Real Estate in Costa Rica Investing in real estate in Costa Rica to buy a property, is excellent idea as long as you are very careful about picking the right property. Many foreigners who choose to buy property in Costa Rica are looking to escape the harsh winter and the stress of their current high pace modern life, and therefore look for places near the beach, mountains, a vacation or retirement home, but then of course, there are always some that moved to the country to start a new life and go for alternatives in the city. Regardless of your motivation, if you are buying real estate in Costa Rica it is of utmost importance that you take some things into consideration when your looking to buy. Check then out in the next slide. SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of

Sponsored by the sellers ofSmart a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

About the location: • • • • •

Make sure to explore the area and communities close by, Try to find out about the main problems the area has Check the values of other property in the area. Get information on services available, security and other facilities. If they are important concerns for you they will be for others as well.

Costa Rican Realtors: • Get a real estate agent to help you, someone familiar with the specific area where you are buying, • Clarify what your budget is so they don’t waste your time and theirs. • Going to see houses with a reputable realtor from a professional agency. • Costa Rica has its fair share of “Real Estate” agents looking to make a quick buck on pushing you into a property that might not be the right fit for you.

SMART GOALS,SMART whatGOALS, is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. what is Smart Goals, and examples of Sponsored by the sellers ofSmart a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

About the house: • Ask as many questions as you can about it, dig deeper. • Visit the property at least two or three times. • Request legal documents, blueprints, construction information, anything and everything you can Later, visit it with an architect, civil engineer or home inspector Don’t sign anything: • Get a lawyer preferably one with experience in real estate transactions • Don’t sign anything until he/she has checked the information on the property and reviewed the documents you are being asked to sign • Ask him/her to go over all important details with you • Make sure the property is free of any liens or other legal problems • Find out if there are any additional fees you may need to pay when buying the property. Taxes: • Inquire about property taxes with the local municipality. • In Costa Rica “luxury properties” pay an additional tax to Hacienda which is calculated based on the value of the property. • If the house is going to be registered under a corporation you must also consider the annual corporate tax. SMART GOALS,SMART whatGOALS, is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. what is Smart Goals, and examples of Sponsored by the sellers ofSmart a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

My friends.. prepare for financial global Collapse in a few years. We are offering in Costa Rica the hottest property in a strategic rural area to exploit for agriculture and even tourism, to help you prevent assets loses or survive in the tropics, in an stable country, surrounded by very well educated people and spiritual communities in Costa Rica. Since this is a Limited edition property, the price will increase due to many reasons, specially, because we are posting many advertisements only and calling many friends everywhere and abroad! SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

INVEST IN LAND IN THE TROPICS DUE TO THAT GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS COLAPSE and… Global Warming / Glacial Age and even due to more problems worldwide. Become a farmer.. buy my Aunt’s land of 4.2 Acres in the rural Costa Rica and produce $30 000 per month in hydroponic food only using half of the land! After 2 to 4 years of hard – smart work in the land. 1. I studied this science (Hydroponics) and you can hire me. 2. It is close to hot Spring waters in Costa Rica. 3. I will increase the price to $50 / SqMt from $17 that is now. 4. The land plot measures 17,000 m2 (seventeen thousand square meters) And that is around 4.2 Acres. 5. It is a large lot that has a natural water entrance, as main additional attraction and all public services are available for construction. 6. It is close to the center of the village known as Venice. It has a public street. SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

Benefits of Hot Springs Spas in Costa Rica Specially when you buy our hot high value property, the rural Venecia San Carlos (close to the best hot spring waters in Costa Rica).

The water found in natural hot springs contains a variety of different minerals, including calcium and sodium bicarbonate. ... 1.

Relieves Pain, Naturally. ...


Boosts Blood Circulation.


Solves Skin Problems. ... SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

For the property that is 4.2 acres in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica can be used in the next businesses: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

To install chicken coops Build a business of tilapias (fresh water fishes), Build and rent horse stables For sowing Develop hydroponics Possibility to urbanize Set up shops Build churches other businesses, – adjoining the water National Park Juan Castro Blanco ‌ SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

Health Benefits of Hot Springs and Mineral Baths 1. Hot Springs as Medicine Is Still An Area of Research 2. good-feeling benefits, 3. time to relax and reflect 4. good for the mind and body 5. reported health benefits of hot springs: relief from arthritis, fibromyalgia, skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema, and high blood pressure. 6. measureable improvements in arthritic and skin conditions 7. therapeutic benefits: natural medicine and preventative therapy for centuries. 8. increases your blood flow, circulation, metabolism, and absorption of essential minerals. 9. treat chronic digestive diseases, constipation, diabetes, gout, and liver complaints SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

For the property that is 4.2 acres In Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica Discount is 159,000,000 colones. That is close to $274,000. So the price per square meter is just $16,4 Check the Website on my Profile or contact me for Phone interview Face to Face or virtual on Whatsapp or FB My hashtag for more info is #exitosoivan SMART GOALS, what is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

Thanks for learning about this topic of Smart Goals Comments are welcome Best regards, from Costa Rica

SMART GOALS,SMART whatGOALS, is Smart Goals, and examples of Smart goals. what is Smart Goals, and examples of Sponsored by the sellers ofSmart a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit goals. Sponsored by the sellers of a 4.2 acres property in Venecia San Carlos in Costa Rica. Visit

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