When Cosumnes River College was ready to design their new Winn Center for Construction and Architecture (Winn Center) it was important for the building to serve as a “living laboratory” for teaching building systems—a building that teaches. For example, ceilings were left unfinished to expose structural framing and mechanical ductwork. The team provided glass walls to expose transparent rainwater leaders, plumbing valves and a heat exchanger for students to see these systems first-hand within the structure. This booklet is a guide to 15 key features of the Winn Center, with explanations, descriptions and intent for each of these features in the Winn Center. 3
The Winn Center at Cosumnes River College is LEEDŽ Platinum. The U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) LEED green building certification program is the preeminent program for the design, construction, maintenance and operations of high performance green buildings. The DPR/Lionakis Design-Build Team worked closely with Cosumnes River College from the beginning to establish goals that would earn the project LEED Platinum certification, the highest recognition available
from the USGBC. Priority was placed on strategies that would provide a high performance building, reduce long term operating costs and could act as teaching tools for students. This book celebrates many of the sustainable strategies incorporated within the Winn Center project. All of these strategies will be used as part of the “Living Laboratory� to teach future architects and contractors the importance of sustainable design and construction practices.
We gratefully acknowledge the generosity of the Winn family, other private donors and the support of the taxpayers of the Los Rios Community College District who funded the construction of this educational facility.
Deborah Travis, President
Brian King, Chancellor
Cory Wathen, Vice President, Administrative Services and Student Support
Jon Sharpe, Retired Deputy Chancellor
Robert Johnson, Dean of Careers and Technology
Pablo Manzo, Associate Vice Chancellor of Facilities Management
John Ellis, Professor of Architecture
Dave Clinchy, Director, Facilities Planning and Construction
Terry Kirkham, Professor of Architectural Design Technology
Trevor Jilbert, Facilities Planning and Engineering Specialist
Cory Thomas, Professor of Construction Management Technology
Carsten Nielsen, Inspector
Joseph Gee, Professor of Pharmacy Technology
Jim West, Professor of Photography
Mark Cirksena, Regional Manager
Erik Winje, Senior Project Manager
David Younger, Principal
Brooke Higman, Project Manager
Jonathan McMurtry, Associate Principal
Colin Bennett, Superintendent
Nicholas Gatei, Project Architect
Ryan McCracken, Senior Project Engineer
Rain Harvesting Barrel ........................................................................................................9 Demonstration Storm Water Rock Garden .......................................................11 Chilled Beam and Central Plant Supply of Hot and Chilled Water .....................................................................................................13 Enthalpy Wheel and Energy Recovery Unit ....................................................... 15 Lobby and Corridor Radiant Flooring and Manifold .......................................17 Exposed Acoustical Decking ........................................................................................ 19 Exposed Steel Beam and Gusset Plate Connections .....................................21 Glass “Truth Wall� Exposing Metal Studs, Thermal Insulation and Clear Rainwater Pipe ...................................................23 West Stair Passive Solar Design .................................................................................25 Lobby Touch Screen Dashboard ............................................................................... 27 Solar Photovoltaic Panels ............................................................................................... 29 Automated Window Shade Control System..................................................... 31 Building Orientation and Glazed Openings ........................................................ 33 Daylighting and Views....................................................................................................... 35 Solar Tubes for Faculty Offices Without Windows....................................... 37 Additional LEED Features ..............................................................................................39 Glossary .................................................................................................................................... 41 Building Plans.......................................................................................................................... 43
RAIN HARVESTING BARREL The rain water harvesting tank is designed to capture roof rain water from the northwest corner of the building, store it and provide water to the demonstration planters on the west side of the building during the irrigated months. A water line is plumbed into the system to provide supplemental water when the tank runs out of rain water so that planting material does not perish. To avoid clogging the irrigation system, a leaf/debris screen at the inlet of the tank filters large debris from roof water, while a 200 mesh inline particle filter on the outlet side of the tank prevents fine particles from entering the irrigation system.
The water harvesting tank takes rain water captured from the roof and reuses it for irrigating the demonstration garden, saving the use of domestic water.
DEMONSTRATION STORM WATER ROCK GARDEN Even though it appears to be a dry river bed, the bio-swale on the south side of the building was designed to capture the roof rain water from the south side of the building and filter it through several soil mediums as shown in the sketch below. The bio-swale captures and slowly recharges the water table, then delivers the excess filtered water to the campus storm drain system.
The water exiting the bioswale system is cleaner than any of the other rain water that enters the campus storm drain system, which reduces sediment build up in our streams and waterways.
CHILLED BEAM AND CENTRAL PLANT SUPPLY OF HOT AND CHILLED WATER The chilled beam system, in conjunction with the college central plant’s supply of hot and chilled water, greatly reduced the size of the air handling unit and the power required to operate it. Pipes of water are passed through the “beams”, which are a type of heat exchanger and are either integrated into standard suspended ceiling systems or suspended a short distance from a room’s ceiling. As the beam chills the air around it, the air becomes denser and falls to the floor, cooling the room. It is replaced by warmer air moving up from below, creating a constant flow of convection. Heating works in a similar fashion, much like a steam radiator. The primary advantage of the chilled beam system is its lower operating cost. Since the temperature of cooled water is higher than the temperature of cooled air but delivers the same cooling ability, the cost of running the system is lower. The big energy savings is from reduced fan power. The air handler is an 18,000 cubic feet per minute (cfm), 100% outside air unit. A conventional system would have required an approximately 40,000 cfm air handler. Estimates place the amount of air handled at 25 to 50 percent less when using chilled beam systems. The chilled water energy savings is a result of higher chilled water temperature differential, which decreases the chilled water flow requirements and the pumping horsepower required. The higher temperature differential also results in warmer return water to the central plant which increases chiller efficiency.
By targeting the delivery of clean outdoor air where it is needed (rather than injecting it into the entire system and heating or cooling it), there is a reduced need to treat large amounts of outdoor air, which also saves money. Additionally, chilled beam systems are quiet and require little maintenance.
The enthalpy wheel uses an energy recovery process by exchanging the energy contained in air from the building that is normally just exhausted and using it to precondition the incoming outdoor air in the heating and cooling systems. The enthalpy wheel recovers both latent and sensible heat. During the warmer seasons, the system pre-cools and dehumidifies the outside air, while humidifying and pre-heating it in the cooler seasons. Typically concealed in most buildings, the Winn Center’s enthalpy wheel is displayed as part of the “living laboratory.”
The benefit of using this energy recovery system is the ability to meet the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) ventilation and energy standards, while improving indoor air quality and reducing the total size of the heating, ventilating and cooling equipment system. This system allows the indoor environment to maintain relative humidity within a comfortable range, which can be maintained under essentially all conditions.
Radiant floor heating has its origin in ancient Rome, where fires were built beneath the floors of villas. Radiant floor heating turns a floor into a large area, low-temperature radiator. In the Winn Center’s radiant floor heating system, warm water circulates through tubing embedded in the floor slab. The thermal mass of the slab holds heat and radiates it slowly to the lobby space above. Occupants with radiant floor heating are likely to be comfortable at lower air temperatures because of an elevated mean radiant temperature, a lack of significant airflow as occurs with forced-air heating systems and delivery of heat at floor level. Energy savings with radiant floor heating occurs in several ways, including lower thermostat settings and lower temperature boiler settings.
Sophisticated controls exposed in the manifold cabinet ensure optimal comfort and maximize energy performance. The biggest benefit of radiant floor heating is comfort. The large radiant surface means that most of the heat will be delivered by radiation, heating occupants directly, rather than by convection.
EXPOSED ACOUSTICAL DECKING Several spaces were designated to eliminate the standard suspended ceiling so that architecture and construction students could gain a better understanding of how building engineering systems work through exposed mechanical equipment such as chilled beams and variable air volume (VAV) terminal units. Removing the acoustic properties of the suspended ceiling in teaching spaces, where reverberations affect learning, had to be carefully considered. An acoustical structural decking system was employed to absorb sound at the floor deck and ceiling above. The acoustical feature reduces interior ambient noise levels and achieves superb noise reduction coefficients up to 1.0, the highest achievable rating for noise absorption.
This structural roof deck ceiling system has a visually pleasing linear plank appearance and can span up to 32 feet between structural supports. The deck profile conceals the roofing system fasteners to avoid unsightly screws piercing the finished ceiling structure, maintaining the aesthetic integrity of the ceiling system.
One of the feature areas of the Winn Center is the circular entrance lobby connecting the east and west wings of the building. The thin connecting walkways between these two wings presented a significant structural challenge. In order to provide a strong connecting element between the classroom wings, a horizontal truss was created within the floor and roof framing to create a bridge system which transfers structural loads. By designing this element within the space normally occupied by beams and girders, mechanical ducts and piping for the air handling system are still able to pass through the limited space. With this complex network of beams and utilities hidden within the ceiling system, attention is drawn to the elegant steel circular stair and full height front window wall system, which are supported by exposed steel beams and columns.
Using the Winn Center as a teaching environment created many opportunities to showcase the structural support systems. Within select classrooms, ceiling spaces are left open to view the steel beams and bolted connections which support the floor and roof. Exposing the structural framing on perimeter window walls also reveals the diagonal braces, which provide stability during wind and seismic events. Students are given a unique chance to explore familiar construction materials used for structural framing within the same building where architecture and construction classes are taught.
GLASS “TRUTH WALL” EXPOSING METAL STUDS, THERMAL INSULATION AND CLEAR RAINWATER LEADER The Winn Center employs a flat roof to allow for a solar panel array, skylights and mechanical equipment. Getting the collected rain water off a flat roof is a key consideration in any building’s design. At the Winn Center, a series of roof drain inlets allow water to flow down pipes concealed in the exterior walls and into the storm drain system. Exposing one of these pipes or “leaders” in the wall gives the architecture students a daily reminder of one of the most important questions any architect must consider: “Where does the water go and how does it get there?” The glass wall is framed to expose the metal studs, thermal insulation and a clear glass rainwater leader, which allows students to view the pipe connection and on rainy days, watch the amount of rain channeled through the pipe.
The Winn Center’s west stair enclosure is not tied to the building’s heating and cooling systems, but instead is served by passive heating and cooling strategies. In the cooling mode, deciduous trees planted on the south side of the enclosure provide shading in addition to sun shades which are integrated in the storefront system. Solar powered roof exhaust fans transfer rising hot air to the outside and cooler, fresh air is provided using automated louver dampers. In the winter heating mode, the now bare deciduous trees allow direct winter sun to heat the glass enclosure.
The integrated shades are designed to let low, winter sun hit the glass and heat the space by solar heat gain. By allowing this “non-occupied” space to be “off the grid,” the college saves money every year by not heating or cooling this stairwell, which also serves as a comfortable indoor space to use for student gathering, teaching and circulation.
LOBBY TOUCH SCREEN DASHBOARD The Winn Center’s dashboard can track any building system and sub-meter, providing updated information as frequently as once per minute. The dashboard displays real-time energy and water use and also showcases the building’s unique green features, backed with realtime performance data, payback calculations and unit equivalents that help make the data understandable to everyone. The dashboard is a central display of the building systems, renewable energy and water technologies, unique design features and energy conservation strategies. It serves as both a teaching tool and a monitoring system for the building’s occupants. It can be viewed from any computer on or off campus.
SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS To encourage on-site renewable energy to reduce environmental and economic impacts associated with fossil fuel energy, the Winn Center’s solar panels are integral to the success of the project. Energy generation from renewable sources, such as solar, avoids air and water pollution and other environmental factors associated with the production and consumption of fossil and nuclear fuels. Renewable energy minimizes acid rain, smog, climate change and human health problems resulting from air contaminants. In addition, using renewable resources avoids the consumption of fossil fuels, the production of nuclear waste and the environmentally damaging operation of hydro dams. 224 photovoltaic panels, tilted at 20 degrees, 230 watts per panel, currently provide an energy cost savings of 17.5%.
Whether designing lighting or daylighting, the principal objective is to ensure that there is the right amount of light with appropriate limits to glare. The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) defines glare as one of two conditions: 1) Too much light. 2) Excessive contrast, meaning the range of luminance in the field of view is too great. The automated shades installed throughout the Winn Center assist in glare control and allow for lighting flexibility in spaces while helping to reduce heat gain. Shade cloths, which are controlled by solar tracking software, filter the sunlight to lower solar heat gain while providing a view to the outside. The intelligent motor control system is a two-way communication software control system, which also interfaces with the lighting, audio-visual and building management control systems.
BUILDING ORIENTATION AND GLAZED OPENINGS Well-oriented buildings maximize daylighting through building facades, reducing the need for artificial lighting and allowing for maximum control of unwanted heat gain, both of which have an impact on heating, lighting and cooling costs. By maximizing southern exposure, the Winn Center takes optimal advantage of the sun for daylight and passive solar heating. This also results in lower cooling costs by minimizing western exposures, where it is most difficult to provide shade from the sun. The solar orientation of the Winn Center utilizes the following strategies: • Maximized north and south façade exposure for daylight harvesting to reduce lighting electrical loads • Southern exposure for solar heat gain to reduce heating loads • Shading elements to reduce cooling loads caused by solar gain on south façade • Orientation of long façades toward prevailing breezes to enhance the cooling effect of natural ventilation • Windows and openings shielded from the direction of harsh winter winds and storms to reduce heating loads • Orientation of the most populated building spaces toward north and south exposures to maximize daylighting and natural ventilation • Utilization of optimum façade orientation. South-facing glass is relatively easy to shade with an overhang during the summer to minimize solar heat gain 33
DAYLIGHTING AND VIEWS Daylighting reduces the need for electric lighting, which lowers energy use and thereby decreases the environmental effects of energy production and consumption. Additionally, building occupants with access to outside views have an increased sense of well-being, leading to higher productivity and increased job satisfaction.
Natural daylight also increases occupant productivity and reduces absenteeism and illness. Studies have shown that providing daylight and exterior views can increase academic performance in schools.
SOLAR TUBES FOR FACULTY OFFICES WITHOUT WINDOWS Tubular daylighting devices (TDDs) are affordable, high performance lighting solutions that bring daylight into interior spaces that traditional skylights and windows simply cannot reach. TDDs have become the ideal solution for lighting interiors in a cost-effective, energyefficient and eco-friendly way because they significantly reduce the need for electricity while keeping people connected to the outdoor environment.
TDDs are sometimes called “tubular skylights,” “light tubes,” “sun pipes,” and even “light tunnels.”
• “Truth windows”, QR codes and/or signage to explain and educate about green and
• Water-efficient irrigation system
construction concepts.
• Drought-resistant plant species
• On-site rainwater harvesting including
• Optimized energy performance exceeding
rain barrel and bio-swale. • Heat island effect is reduced with white roofing membrane and light-colored hardscape to reduce absorption and increase reflectivity. • Manual and automated “green screen” shades to reduce heat gain and glare. • Proximity and design orientation to Light Rail and Bus Center to celebrate bikes and transit users. • Proximity and design orientation to electric car charging stations. • Shower, changing room and bike racks to encourage bicycling. • East-west axis elongation for solar orientation for winter heat gain and summer shading.
Title 24 requirements enhanced by: -- Use of exposed chilled beams in most classroom and office areas for living laboratory. -- Exposed energy recovery enthalpy wheel for living lab—reduces loads on heating and cooling. -- Radiant floor heating in lobby area. • West stair tower is “off-grid”—solar heated in winter, shaded in summer, with stack ventilation driven by solar powered fans and uses variety of glass types as educational tool for living laboratory. • CO2 monitors provided in densely occupied spaces • Air Quality Management Plan which includes 100% outside air and outdoor air delivery monitors.
• Dual-level switching provided in all spaces over 100 square feet.
• Low-flow plumbing fixtures—toilets, urinals, lavatories, shower.
• User-controllability of lighting in both group spaces and offices to minimize electricity consumption.
• “Hydration station” type drinking fountains provided to refill reusable bottles to minimize plastic in landfill.
• Smart-grid metering, energy use monitoring and dashboard provided in lobby to educate and inform resource conservation decisions.
Lighting/Electrical: Materials: • Rooftop photovoltaic panels for on-site energy production. • Natural daylighting and views to the outside perimeter spaces reduce loads on electric
• Low-VOC paints, adhesives and flooring systems. • Minimum 20% recycled content in materials used (% based on cost).
lighting while increasing the occupants’ comfort and productivity.
• Minimum of 75% of construction and demolition waste to be recycled or salvaged.
• Tubular skylights provide daylight to interior spaces, also reducing loads on electric lighting. • Electric lighting consists primarily of energy effi cient fl uorescents. • Occupancy sensors provided in all private offices, conference rooms, work rooms, restrooms and storage rooms to minimize electricity consumption.
GLOSSARY 200 Mesh Inline Particle Filter: A filter installed along a waterline to remove system particulate contaminants. Inline describes the shape of the filter and is used where space is limited. Acid Rain: Precipitation made up of dilute acids, primarily a by-product of heavy industry.
Daylight Harvesting: See Daylighting. Dehumidification: To remove moisture from the air. Dehumidification requires the removal of the latent heat and is an important function of HVAC systems. Façade: Any side of a building facing a public way or space.
Air Handling Unit: A device used to condition and circulate air as part of a heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system.
Girder: A girder is a support beam used in construction. Girders often have an I-beam cross section for strength, but may also have other forms.
Ambient Noise: The level of the total noise in an area. ASHRAE: Also known as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers is an organization devoted to the advancement of indoor-environment-control technology in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning industry. Bio-Swale: Landscape elements consisting of a swaled drainage course with gently sloped sides [less than 6%] and filled with vegetation, compost and/or riprap; designed to remove silt and pollution from surface runoff water. Central Plant: An onsite facility that warehouses the mechanical systems used for providing HVAC and electricity for the respective building(s).
Ground Water Recharge: The replenishment of a groundwater aquifer (an underground layer of water bearing permeable rock). It can occur naturally through the water cycle or artificially through anthropogenic processes where rainwater and or reclaimed water are routed directly to the subsurface. Heat Gain: Heat gained from exposure to sunlight and/or solar radiation, occupants and/or mechanical systems. A building gains heat from infiltration of warm outside air in and cool inside air leaking out, radiation from the sun, either direct or indirect, radiation through windows, glass doors and skylights or radiation from body heat and heat given off by appliances. Humidification: To add moisture to the air.
cfm (cubic feet per minute): A measure of volumetric flow. Chilled Beam: A convection HVAC system designed to regulate a building’s temperature. Water pipes are passed through a “beam” either integrated into a suspended ceiling system or suspended slightly lower than the ceiling causing a constant flow of convection. Coefficients: A number that is constant for a given substance, body or process under certain specified conditions, serving as a measure of one of its properties. Convection: Process by which heat is transferred by movement of a heated fluid such as air or water. Most fluids expand when heated. They become less dense and more buoyant and so rise. The heated molecules eventually cool, become denser and sink. This repeated process sets up convection currents that account for the uniform heating of the air in a room. Daylighting: The practice of placing windows or other openings and reflective surfaces to allow natural light to provide effective internal lighting while maximizing visual comfort and reducing energy use.
Latent Heat: The release or storage of heat associated with change in phase of a substance, without a change in the substance’s temperature. In building design, this is often heat required to add/remove moisture content (humidity) in the air. LEED: Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, is a green building certification program created by the U.S. Green Building Council that recognizes best-in-class sustainable building strategies and practices. To receive LEED certification, building projects satisfy prerequisites and earn points to achieve different levels of certification. Prerequisites and credits differ for each rating system and teams choose the best fit for their project. Mean Radiant Temperature: Successful radiant heating or cooling is measured by the mean radiant temperature of the space and the energy used to keep people comfortable. Mean radiant temperature is simply a weighted average of the temperatures of all surfaces in a room (including people and equipment), with each temperature weighted by the size of the area at that temperature.
Outside Air: Outside air is used in the process of ventilation in a building. It is used to replace air in a given space to prevent stagnation of the interior air.
Storm Drain System: A drainage system that redirects excess rain and ground water from paved streets, parking lots, sidewalks and roofs and convey it to an outfall to avoid flooding.
Passive Heating and Cooling: Passive heating and cooling implements sustainable strategies to keep occupants within a space comfortable without the use of mechanical systems.
Sub-Meter: An individual meter that measures utility usage.
Payback Calculations: Determines the number of months or years it takes to return the initial investment. Prevailing Breezes: A wind that blows predominantly from a single general direction. Rain Leader: Also called a drain pipe, a rain leader is a pipe for carrying rainwater from a roof to the ground or to a storm drain. Renewable Energy: Any naturally occurring, theoretically inexhaustible source of energy, as biomass, solar, wind, tidal, wave and hydroelectric power, that is not derived from fossil or nuclear fuel.
Suspended Ceiling System: A secondary ceiling, hung below the main (structural) ceiling. The majority of suspended ceiling systems are made up of a steel T-bar grid and acoustical tiles, though other materials can also be used. Truss: A spanning structure comprising of triangular units constructed with straight members whose ends are connected at joints referred to as nodes. Tubular Daylighting Devices: Physical structures used for transporting or distributing natural light. VAV: Variable air volume. VAV Terminal Units: calibrated air dampers with a automatic actuators.
Reverberation: The persistence of a sound after the sound source has ceased. Sensible Heat: Thermal energy whose transfer to or from a substance results in a change of temperature. Soil Mediums: Variations in soil types that are specified by its intended use. Soil mediums contain a range of decomposing organic matter, water retaining material and aerating material.
Water Table: A body of underground water below which the soil or rocks are permanently saturated with water. Watts: The international system unit of power, equivalent to one joule per second, corresponding to the power in an electric circuit in which the potential difference is one volt and the current one ampere.
Solar Tracking Panels: Solar panels that are programmed to track the sunlight for optimal energy gain. Span: The distance between two vertical supports of a structure. Steam Radiator: heating device as a series or coil of pipes through which steam or hot water passes. Storefront System: A non-residential, non-load bearing assembly of commercial entrance systems and windows usually spanning between the floor and the structure above, designed for high use/abuse and strength.
Š COPYRIGHT 2014 No part of this book may be reproduced in any format without prior permission of the consent of Cosumnes River College and the Los Rios Commuity College District. While Cosumnes River College and the Los Rios Commuity College District have mad every effort possible to publish full and correct credits for all information listed in this publication, sometimes arrors of omission or comission occur. For this we most are regretful, but hereby must disclaim any liability. Photography by Chip Allen Photography and Lionakis.
Cosumnes River College 8401 Center Parkway (916) 691-7344 (Main) (916) 691-7391 (Architecture Program)