PEER MENTORSHIP The Peer Mentorship Program provides students with peer-to-peer support and guidance, helping them to be successful in their educational goals while assisting them in making social connections.
THE BENEFITS OF PEER MENTORSHIP BENEFITS FOR MENTORS: Free training, volunteer hours, supportive social connections, and interactive activities that enhance both their leadership skills and their college experience. If you are a returning student and would like to contribute to a fellow student’s college experience, consider becoming a mentor!
BENEFITS FOR MENTEES: Mentees benefit from engagement with experienced students who can provide guidance through interactive activities and supportive social connections. If you are looking for some extra support or social interaction, consider becoming a mentee!
HOW IT WORKS: Mentors and mentees meet one hour a week for one-on-one support. Fun activities are organized regularly to engage participants in group social interactions.
CONTACT Kristyann Diotte
Peer Mentor Coordinator & Student Navigator Phone: 250-489-2751 x3624 Toll Free: 1-877-489-2687 x3624 Email: Join here: