College of the Rockies 2024 Scholarship and Award Recipients

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College of the Rockies wishes to thank all businesses, corporations, families and community clubs who have so graciously provided funds in the form of scholarships and bursaries.

Their significant contributions provide College of the Rockies students with finances and support to continue their educational endeavours.



You can make a one-time or recurring gift online at or mail a cheque to:

College of the Rockies

Donor and Alumni Engagement Office 2700 College Way Cranbrook BC, V1C 5L7

Note: Please make cheques payable to College of the Rockies STOCKS Email to request a Gift of Shares form to help you navigate this process.


There are opportunities to create a legacy at College of the Rockies through your Will. Options include bequests for unrestricted purposes, and donations via RRSPs. Talk to your financial planner or lawyer for more information.


A Gift in Kind is a gift of equipment, vehicles, consumables, or real estate, which normally requires appraisal for tax receipt purposes. Let us help you determine whether your property is suitable for a donation to College of the Rockies by emailing

Your generosity provides critical support to our students, changing their lives for the better. Donations can be made toward scholarships and bursaries, program supplies and equipment, and facilities and capital campaigns. VISIT: |

THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 2024 | 3:30 PM SCHOLARSHIP AND AWARDS CEREMONY 2023 - 2024 PROGRAMME Welcome – Doris Silva, Director of Student Affairs Opening Address – Paul Vogt, President and CEO Presentation of Awards – Doris Silva Reception to follow in foyer
College of the Rockies, Donor and Alumni Engagement Office 2700 College Way, Cranbrook, BC Canada V1C 5L7


We’re so proud to have you all as members of our College family.

z 123Dentist Award for Enthusiasm and Dedication

$ 1000.00 Maggie Livingstone

z Adele Thompson Memorial Bursary

$ 750.00 Trinity Gademans

$ 750.00 Layla Silliphant Chalabi

z Advanced Education Council of BC (AECBC) Bursary

$ 500.00 Ashlyn Hungle

z Agnes McCoy Memorial Bursary

$ 500.00 Jaynee-Ray Sapp

z Annette Driedger Nursing Scholarship

$ 350.00 Phoenix Cockell

z BC Hydro Scholarship

$ 750.00 Tiffany Haenel

$ 750.00 Taio Schraner-Eldor

$ 750.00 Rachel Wik

$ 750.00 Hannah Zurakowski

z BDO Canada LLP Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 Jason Neis

z Brian Pagnucco Memorial Scholarship

$ 350.00 Ashton Floyd

z Bright Future of the Rockies Award

$ 500.00 Autumn Tubbs

$ 500.00 Benjamin Mantei

z Business and Professional Women’s Club Foundation

$ 500.00 Kiyo Maki

z Canadian Federation of University Women - Cranbrook Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 Natalie Barnett

$ 1,000.00 Isabelle Pratt

z Canadian Federation of University Women-Cranbrook Bursary

$ 500.00 Jeanine Dalton

$ 500.00 Sara O’Donnell

z Cindy Oliver ABE Bursary

$ 600.00 Diana Vieru

z CN Parkin Memorial Scholarship

$ 500.00 Jenna Abbey

z Coca-Cola Bottling Company Scholarship

$ 750.00 Danielle Hedley

$ 750.00 Alicia Neville

z College of the Rockies CUPE Local 2773 Scholarship

$ 350.00 Nolan Fleming

$ 350.00 Stephanie Hirn

$ 350.00 Eskedar Quinn

$ 350.00 Kayla Walker

z College of the Rockies Faculty Association Scholarship

$ 1,500.00 Noah McFadzen

$ 1,500.00 Daivan Scherman

z College of the Rockies Faculty Association Bursary

$ 750.00 Ella Flitcroft

$ 750.00 Angie Jenkins

z College of the Rockies Faculty Association Family Award

$ 500.00 Winter Knudsgaard

z College of the Rockies Fernie Campus Scholarship

$ 750.00 Briana Greig

$ 750.00 Maria Joinson

z College of the Rockies Fernie Student Association

$ 300.00 Renu Kanai

z College of the Rockies Student Activity Award

$ 150.00 Benjamin Mantei

z Columbia Basin Trust Bursary

$ 1,000.00 Katelynn Anderson

$ 1,000.00 Jordyn Andersson

$ 1,000.00 Presley Armstrong

$ 1,000.00 Selena Blackwell

$ 1,000.00 Cheyenne Cyra-Korsgaard

$ 1,000.00 Mandy Donald

$ 1,000.00 Tanner Eckersley

$ 1,000.00 Trinity Gademans

$ 1,000.00 Issac Grasdal

$ 1,000.00 Shae Harris

$ 1,000.00 Hannah Klassen

$ 1,000.00 Nina Klein La Berge

$ 1,000.00 Quinn Lawson

$ 1,000.00 Noah McFadzen

$ 1,000.00 Carolyn McLean

$ 1,000.00 Blake Plaxton

$ 1,000.00 Chloe Quaife

$ 1,000.00 Barbra Skawski

z Columbia Brewery Scholarship (Labatt)

$ 500.00 Hunter Jacobucci

$ 500.00 Maximillian Maki

z Fernie Mountain Film Festival Scholarship

$ 250.00 Faith Campbell

$ 250.00 Christian Wilson

z Honorary Bursary in Memory of Colin J. Campbell

$ 1000.00 Megan Thiessen

z Howard Scholarship

$ 2333.33 Martin Ulloa Calisto

$ 2333.33 Pablo Gonzalez Geisse

$ 2333.33 Brook Jeethan

z Libby Neve Memorial Arts Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 Kayla Walker

z Meetings That Matter - Leadership in Tourism and Hospitality Management Award

$ 500.00 Michel Raven Espinoza

z Miro Micovsky Bursary (Golden Student Association)

$ 500.00 Felix Nuyt

$ 500.00 Sara O’Donnell

z TransCanada Pipeline Foundation Scholarship

$ 500.00 Avery Martens

z Valerie Hillstrom Memorial Bursary for the Arts

$ 500.00 Kayla Walker

z Vancouver Foundation Alma Van Dusen Bursary

$ 500.00 Kudratpreet Kaur

z Columbia Power Corporation Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 Tiffany Haenel

$ 1,000.00

Jordan Havens

$ 1,000.00 Jonah Martens

z Cranbrook Rotary Centennial Bursary

$ 1,000.00 Jenna Abbey

$ 1,000.00

Jeanine Dalton

$ 1,000.00 Emily Ramsay

$ 1,000.00 Courtney Wheeldon

z Credit Union Foundation of BC - Joseph (Joe) C Selby Memorial Scholarship

$ 800.00 Daivan Scherman

z Credit Union Foundation of BCPioneers Memorial Bursary

$ 500.00 Grace Deptuck

$ 300.00 Seema Mandhan

$ 200.00 John Adams

z Creston Valley Gleaners Society Bursary

$ 500.00 Elisabeth Galbavy

$ 500.00 Shae Samuels-Mund

z Creston Valley Hospice Award

$ 500.00 Jesse Clent

$ 500.00 Andreas Kamp

z Cummins Western Canada Bursary

$ 600.00 Colby Paulson

$ 600.00 Luke Scott

z DH Radstaak Scholarship

$ 300.00

Diana Vieru

z Dr. & Mrs. A. G. Lowden/Kootenay Addictions Society Award

$ 400.00

Celina Smith

z Dustin Bourns Leadership Award

$ 1,000.00

Bethany Scott

z Echoridge Education Foundation (Nursing)

$ 1,000.00 Paul Freitag

z Echoridge Education Foundation (Welding)

$ 1,000.00 Mica Hawes

z Elk Valley Skills Centre Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 McKenna Boilard

$ 1,000.00 Hayden Damstrom

$ 1,000.00 Alisia Dvorak

$ 1,000.00 Mikhaila Fountain

$ 1,000.00

Samuel Jones

z Engineers Canada Indigenous Access to Engineering Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 Jaden Hood

z Hutchinson Accounting Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 Jessica Williams

z Hutchinson Bachelor of Business Administration Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 Ashton Floyd

z Hutchinson BSN Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 Jessica Sorenson

z Hutchinson Practical Nursing Health Care Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 Hannah Staggs

z Indigenous Education Department Award

$ 500.00 Mikhaila Fountain

z International Students’ Excellence Scholarship

$ 2,000.00 Korode Akintelu

$ 2,000.00 Jeswin George Joseph

$ 2,000.00 Fatimat Odewale

$ 2,000.00 Damika Vadehra

$ 2,000.00 Tingting Zhou

z J. Hugh Campbell Memorial Bursary

$ 350.00

Nina Klein La Berge

z Jeff Lakes Memorial Bursary

$ 250.00 Michael Donaghy

z John Bracco Memorial Bursary

$ 500.00 Alivia Clements

$ 500.00 Jody Dagg

$ 500.00 Andrea Gill

$ 500.00 Abigail Warkentin

z John Leask Memorial Scholarship

$ 1,500.00 Presley Armstrong

$ 1,500.00 Issac Grasdal

z Kimberley Skills Centre Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 Kana Dolgopol

z Kin Club of Cranbrook Scholarship

$ 1,500.00 Tanner Eckersley

z Kootenay Dental Society Scholarship

$ 500.00 Taylor Johnstone

z Kootenay Savings Bursary

$ 500.00 Jayce Calder

$ 500.00 Michelle Fletcher

$ 500.00 Clare Hatalcik

$ 500.00 Brook Jeethan

$ 500.00 Gabrielle Juhasz

$ 500.00 Chayse Krause

$ 500.00 Rohita Mathew

$ 500.00 Sydney Persaud

z Molnar Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 Hanna Johnson

z Open Shop Construction Industry Bursary

$ 1,000.00 Skyler Strandquist

z Paul Sims Memorial Bursary

$ 250.00 Jesse Kropinak

z Robert Fields Memorial Award (United Commercial Travellers)

$ 500.00 Hannah Gauci

$ 500.00 Leah Grieve

z Rocky Mountain NaturalistsMildred White Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 Sawyer McLagan

z Royal Bank Scholarship

$ 500.00 Reinhard Brink

z Royal Bank Bursary

$ 500.00 Jessica Williams

z Ruth Walker Memorial Scholarship

$ 750.00 Kana Dolgopol

$ 750.00 Eskedar Quinn

z Sarah Whetham Memorial Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 Hanna Johnson

z Seekers Media

$ 600.50 Emma Ross

z Senior Citizens’ Association of Cranbrook Health Care Assistant Bursary

$ 300.00 Rohita Mathew

z Sonja Amy Loucks Early Childhood Education Bursary

$ 500.00 Patricia Rico

z Sophia Hedman Trust Foundation (BSN)

$ 1,500.00 Shae Harris

z Sophia Hedman Trust Foundation (Education)

$ 1,500.00 Duncan Chalmers

z Sustainable Business Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 Taio Schraner-Eldor

z Tembec Industries Inc./Rotary Club of Cranbrook Scholarship

$ 1,000.00 Avery Martens

$ 1,000.00 Gemma Veldman

Tiana McLellan Memorial Scholarship

$ 500.00 Eilish Cox

z Velma McKay Memorial Bursary

$ 750.00 McKenna Boilard

$ 750.00 Brodie Harris

z Verdun Casselman Memorial Scholarship

$ 1,500.00 Barbra Skawski

z Welding Program Advisory Committee Award Trophy Mica Hawes


By supporting College of the Rockies, you are directly impacting our students. Your support changes the direction of many lives in our community and provides opportunity where it may not have existed for some. Giving to College of the Rockies enhances teaching and learning, rewards achievement, removes financial barriers, and contributes to the infrastructure and training for in-demand jobs in our region, helping our communities thrive.

There are many reasons to donate to College of the Rockies including honouring a loved one by naming a scholarship after them, or supporting a program area you feel passionate about. There are several ways to give including one-time and monthly donations online.

Your generosity changes lives for the better – thank you.

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