FALL | 2022 cotr.bc.ca/ConEd EDUCATIONCONTINUING Hammer out some creativity! Core Hunter Training - Pg 24 Get the knowledgeToBeSafe AND SKILLS NEEDED Youth Silversmithing - Pg 32 It’s your business! Solar PV Installation - Pg 12 Summit Leadership Series - Pg 17 FIRST AID AND SAFETY | BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT | LIFESTYLE AND LEISURE

2 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS About this book... Our Continuing Education guide is organized by course category to make it easy to find what you’re looking for. Want to know what’s being offered at your local campus? Jump to our index on page 34. See the course you want but it’s not in your community? Contact your local campus and let them know or consider a day trip for a learning experience in a different community. Our region has a lot to offer! Look for this icon for courses that are offered in an online classroom.instructor-led HOW REGISTERTOFIRST AID AND SAFETY ����������� BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTPROFESSIONALAND������ ANDLIFESTYLELEISURE ���������� BYINDEXCAMPUS 3419133 For more information on courses, contact your nearest campus. We’ll be happy to help. Contact information is on the back cover. All courses’ scheduling and face-to-face components are subject to any changing public health orders relating to the COVID pandemic. ENJOY YOUR COURSE! 432156 Search for a specific course by name, or choose a category that interests you Fill out linkAvailableClickcotr.ca/ConEdGoinformationrequiredthetoClickonRegisterOnlineontheSessionsEnterpaymentinformation If you aren’t comfortable registering online, call your local campus to register
COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 3 FIRST AID AND SAFETY Recognized by WorkSafeBC and all industries, attaining your First Aid certification increases your employability with all employers during these uncertain times College of the Rockies is the largest First Aid trainer in the East Kootenay with face to face classes available at all campuses PLEASE CHECK ONLINE COURSE LISTINGS FOR NECESSARY PREREQUISITES. FIRST AID COURSES OUT OF JURISDICTION PACKAGES ARE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST FOR: • Emergency Medical Association Licensing Board Licensees • Occupational First Aid Level 1 • Occupational First Aid Level 3 PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL CAMPUS FOR MORE DETAILS. HAVE YOUR FIRST AID TRAINING FROM OUT OF PROVINCE? EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONDER In-Class | $995 + textbook | PVHE-315 The EMR course is for BC Occupational First Aid - Level 3 attendants who wish to upgrade their skills to become an EMR attendant for the ambulance service and prepares the candidate for the provincial examination. This course meets the NOCP guidelines as set out by the Paramedics Association of Canada. CRANBROOKMONDAY-SATURDAY | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM November 14 - 19, Exam November 21 OCCUPATIONAL FIRST AID LEVEL 1 In-Class | $149 | PVHE-100 This seven-hour program includes bleeding control, CPR and AED, and conscious/ unconscious choking. CRANBROOKVARIOUSDAYS | 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM September 10 | October 1 | October 21 November 19 | December 17 VARIOUS EVENINGS | 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM September 13 and 14 | October 11 and 13 November 22 and 24 | December 6 and 7 CRESTONVARIOUS DAYS | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM September 22 | October 1 | October 14 October 20 | November 19 | November 24 December 9 | December 17 FERNIEVARIOUS DAYS | 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM September 12 | October 7 | October 29 November 17 | December 8 GOLDENVARIOUS DAYS | 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM September 10 | October 29 | November 16 December 3 | January 15 | January 26 INVERMEREVARIOUSDAYS | 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM September 23 | October 21 | November 17 December 9 KIMBERLEYSATURDAY | 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM November 5 | December 3

4 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 OCCUPATIONAL FIRST AID LEVEL 2 In-Class | $649 | PVHE-200 Primarily designed for the urban first aid attendant, this five-day course takes you through the basics of airway, breathing and circulation, preparing you to deal with obstructed airways, breathing distress, bleeding control, shock and CPR. CRESTON Monday – Friday | 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM October 31 – November 4 OCCUPATIONAL FIRST AID LEVEL 3 In-Class | $995 | PVHE-300 The ultimate course in first aid! Recognized in both Alberta and BC, this course prepares you to take on the responsibilities of the first aid attendant providing emergency care in your industry and covers a variety of emergency medical techniques. CRANBROOKMONDAY–FRIDAY | 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM October 17 - 28 | November 21 – December 2 FERNIEMONDAY – FRIDAY | 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM September 19 – October 1 | October 24 – November 4 November 28 – December 9 GOLDENMONDAY – FRIDAY | 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM September 12 – 23 | December 5-16 INVERMEREVARIOUSDAYS | 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM October 3 – 15 (no class October 10) | November 21December 2 RED CROSS BASIC LIFE SUPPORT In-Class | $149 | PVHE-140 Designed for in-facility and pre-hospital care providers to build participant confidence in performing CPR skills and provide the important steps to perform a rapid assessment, perform Basic Life Support skills, rapid defibrillation, as well as oxygen therapy and airway management. CRANBROOKSATURDAY|8:30 AM – 5:00 PM September 17 | October 1 RED CROSS BASIC LIFE SUPPORT RECERTIFICATION In-Class | $85 | PVHE-149 The Canadian Red Cross recommends retraining every year so your emergency response skills are fresh and up-to-date. CRANBROOKWEDNESDAY| 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM September 14 RED CROSS CPR-A In-Class | $85 | PVHE-107 CPR-A with AED teaches adult resuscitation only and is suitable for adult care givers, family members, and the general public. GOLDENWEDNESDAY | 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM November 9 RED CROSS CPR-C In-Class | $125 | PVHE-210 This course provides the skills needed to recognize and respond to cardiovascular emergencies and choking for adults, children and babies. CRANBROOKVARIOUSEVENINGS | 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM September 27 and 29 GOLDENWEDNESDAY | 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM November 9 RED CROSS RECERTIFICATIONCPR-C In-Class | $85 | PVHE-108 The Canadian Red Cross recommends CPR retraining every three years so your emergency response skills are fresh and up-to-date. CRANBROOKWEDNESDAY| 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM October 5
COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 5 RED CROSS EMERGENCY CHILDCARE FIRST AID AND CPR C In-Class | $149 | PVHE-202 This course is designed to introduce caregivers to injury prevention skills and knowledge including basic first aid skills and cardiopulmonary resuscitation for children and babies. CRANBROOKTUESDAYANDTHURSDAY | 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM October 4 and 6 FERNIESATURDAY | 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM November 19 GOLDENSUNDAY | 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM November 6 | January 23 RED CROSS EMERGENCY FIRST AID AND CPR-C In-Class | $149 | PVHE-146 Receive a OFA 1 equivalent first aid certification with CPR-C and AED included in just one day class! CRANBROOKTUESDAYANDTHURSDAY | 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM November 15 and 17 INVERMERETHURSDAY| 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM September 29 RED CROSS STANDARD FIRST AID AND CPR-C In-Class | $295 | PVHE-147 This certificate includes CPR-C and AED and prepares you to offer first aid at the scene of an accident without special equipment and professional medical help. Equivalent to OFA 1. CRANBROOKSATURDAYAND SUNDAY | 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM November 26 and 27 GOLDENTHURSDAY AND FRIDAY | 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM October 20 and October 21 INVERMERETHURSDAYAND FRIDAY | 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM November 3 and 4 ST. JOHN CPR-A In-Class | $85 | PVHE-107 CPR-A with AED teaches adult resuscitation only and is suitable for adult care givers, family members and the general public.
| 8:00
– 12:00 PM November 18 ST.
CPR-C In-Class | $125 | PVHE-102 CPR-C is for those who have a duty to respond to medical emergencies in a pre-hospital care environment as well as others whose job requires them to perform CPR. CPR-C and AED. FERNIEFRIDAY | 8:00
- 3:30 PM November 18
DAYS | 8:00
– 5:00 PM September 14 and 15 | October 18 and 19 November 14 and 15 | November 21 and 22 December 12 and 13
FOR INDUSTRY In-Class | $295 | PVHE-122 This course includes CPR-C and AED and prepares you to offer first aid at the scene of an accident without special equipment and professional medical help. Equivalent to OFA 1.

6 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 TRANSPORTATION ENDORSEMENT In-Class | $149 | PVHE-301 This course meets the needs of those responsible for transporting injured workers to medical aid from more remote settings. CRANBROOKSUNDAY|8:30 PM – 5:00 PM November 20 CRESTONMONDAY| 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM November 7 FERNIEVARIOUS DAYS | 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM September 16 | October 20 | November 16 November 23 | December 14 GOLDENVARIOUS DAYS | 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM September 11 | October 30 | November 17 January 16 INVERMEREFRIDAY|8:30 AM – 5:00 PM November 18 WILDERNESS FIRST AID In-Class | $395 | PVHE-236 The best and most comprehensive course of its kind! Wilderness First Aid (WFA) offers relevant and realistic first aid training for seasonal outdoor activities or short-term wilderness pursuits. FERNIESATURDAY AND SUNDAY | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM October 29 and 30 WILDERNESS ADVANCED FIRST AID In-Class | $649 | PVHE-234 Wilderness Advanced First Aid offers comprehensive medical training designed for wilderness leaders, professionals, and hobbyists venturing into remote and challenging environments. FERNIESATURDAY – TUESDAY | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM November 5 – 8 WILDERNESS FIRST RESPONDER In-Class | $995 | PVHE-232 Wilderness First Responder is a definitive, cutting-edge wilderness course in medical training, leadership and critical thinking for outdoor, low-resource and remote professionals and leaders. FERNIESATURDAY – SUNDAY | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM November 5 – 13 WILDERNESS FIRST RESPONDER –RECERTIFICATION In-Class | $649 | PVHE-233 This course will recertify all current Wilderness First Responders and Wilderness Advanced First Aiders. FERNIETHURSDAY – SUNDAY | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM November 10 – 13

COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 7 MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID In-Class | $249 | PVHE-228 Mental Health First Aid trained employees will be equipped to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health issues and provide help to a person developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis, including those related to substance use. CRANBROOKFRIDAYANDSATURDAY | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM November 4 and 5 CRESTONTHURSDAY AND FRIDAY | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM November 17 and 18 GOLDENSATURDAY AND SUNDAY | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM November 19 and 20 INVERMERETHURSDAYAND FRIDAY | 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM October 13 and 14 RED CROSS PSYCHOLOGICAL FIRST AID – CARING FOR OTHERS $20 | PVHE-267 This online course assists learners in developing a personal understanding of the effects of stress, loss, trauma and grief on others, with emphasis on selfcare and personal protection. CONTINUOUS INTAKE | REGISTER ONLINE RED CROSS PSYCHOLOGICAL FIRST AID – SELF CARE $20 | PVHE-266 This online course assists learners in developing a personal understanding of the effects of stress, loss, trauma and grief, with emphasis on self-care and personal protection. CONTINUOUS INTAKE | REGISTER ONLINE SAFETY COURSES CONFINED SPACE ENTRY/MONITOR In-Class | $249 | PVHE-508 An interactive course which provides a basic understanding of confined spaces in the workplace. FERNIEVARIOUS DATES | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM September 11 and November 28 AVALANCHE SKILLS TRAINING LEVEL 1 In-Class $249 (includes book) | PVNR-161 In this course students learn how to recognize avalanche terrain and how to companion rescue. FERNIEMONDAY – WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY | 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM (MONDAY – WEDNESDAY), 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (SATURDAY FIELD TRIP) December 5 – 7, 10 | December 12 – 14, 17 January 16 – 18, 21 | January 23 – 25, 28 KIMBERLEYTUESDAY,THURSDAY, SATURDAY | 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM (TUESDAY, THURSDAY), 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (SATURDAY FIELD TRIP) December 13 – 17 CHAINSAW OPERATOR COURSE In-Class and In-Field | $369 | PVIN-692 Learn the basics of chainsaw operation, safety and maintenance in this two-day course. Come prepared to use equipment. CRANBROOKMONDAYANDTUESDAY | 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM October 3 and 4 FAST FACT In certificate.firsthaveatonpeoplewithforCanada,workplacessixormoreworkinganyshift,leastonemustastandardaid
8 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 BASIC FALL PROTECTION In-Class | $249 | PVHE-517 This program teaches all core concepts of fall protection from a regulatory and standards perspective. CRANBROOKVARIOUSDAYS | 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM October 5 | November 4 CRESTONSATURDAY | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM October 8 FERNIEMONDAY | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM October 3 FALLER TRAINING In-Class | $28,875 | PVNR-155 The New Faller Training is a challenging and comprehensive 30-day program which involves classroom training, interactive exercises, reviews and evaluations and closely supervised field training. GOLDENVARIOUS DAYS | 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM September 8 – October 10 FOODSAFE LEVEL 1 In-Class | $125 | PVPS-101 A food handling, sanitation and work safety course designed for food service establishment operators and front line food service workers. CRANBROOKMONDAY|8:30 AM – 4:30 PM October 3 CRESTONSATURDAY | 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM September 17 | October 15 | November 19 December 17 FERNIETUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM October 25 and 26 KIMBERLEYSATURDAY| 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM December 10 FOOD SAFETY FOR FOOD HANDLERS $125 | PVPS-109 This course is equivalent to FOODSAFE Level 1 in BC and is completed fully online, including the exam. CONTINUOUS INTAKE | REGISTER ONLINE

COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 9 FORKLIFT In-Class and In-Field | $249 | PVHE-647 Covers Labor Canada and OH&S Regulations, elements of a professional operator, inspection, and safety checks, and safe operating principles. CRANBROOKFRIDAY|8:30 AM – 5:00 PM September 23 CRESTONSATURDAY | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM September 10 | October 22 | November 26 FERNIEFRIDAY | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM November 18 HOISTING AND RIGGING SAFETY In-Class | $249 | PVHE-646 Course includes hoisting and rigging, equipment hazards, hoisting calculations, winching, cables, chains, boomers, slings, securing loads, equipment and hand signals. CRANBROOKFRIDAY|8:30 AM – 5:00 PM October 28 CRESTONSATURDAY | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM November 5 FERNIEFRIDAY | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM October 14 ROUGH TERRAIN TELEHANDLER In-Class | $249 | PVHE-181 This course is designed to provide Rough Terrain Telehandler operators with a solid foundation in health and safety standards, preventative maintenance, and proper procedures for safe operation. CRANBROOKFRIDAY|8:30 AM – 5:00 PM November 18 FERNIEFRIDAY | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM September 23 SKID STEER In-Class | $249 | PVHE-643 Basic Training for personnel operating skid steer/ bobcat. FERNIEFRIDAY | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM October 21 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PART 1 In-Class | $159 | PVHE-114 Introduce new committee members to the basic principles of workplace health and safety or refresh your skills with OH and S Level 1. FERNIEFRIDAY | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM October 7 INVERMERETHURSDAY| 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM September 8 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PART 2 In-Class | $159 | PVHE-116 Pick up where OH & S Level 1 leaves off and further develop the concepts, tools and resources needed to tackle OH and S issues at your workplace. FERNIEFRIDAY | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM October 21 INVERMEREFRIDAY|8:00 AM – 5:00 PM September 9 RED CROSS MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY ONLINE $280 | PVPD-974 This course provides an introduction to the professional language used by those who are directly and indirectly involved with the art of healing. CONTINUOUS INTAKE | REGISTER ONLINE
10 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 SMALL WATER SYSTEMS OPERATION In-Class | $750 | PVIN-150 This two-day course covers required material for taking the EOCP Small Water Systems certification exam. Exam will be booked through EOCP by the instructor, to be invigilated at the Fernie Campus. FERNIEWEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM October 26 and 27 TECK HAZARDOUS ENERGY ISOLATION In-Class | $125 | PVHE-103 Procedural requirements for the control of hazardous conditions at all Teck Coal operations. FERNIEMONDAY | 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM October 17 WHMIS ONLINE $29 | WorkplacePVHE-700Hazardous Materials Information System training to meet the Federal Hazardous Products Act requirements for handling hazardous materials in the workplace. CONTINUOUS INTAKE | REGISTER ONLINE NEW! WINTER SURVIVAL SKILLS In-Field | $169 + GST | GIRE-100 Be prepared to survive in cold environments in remote areas. Learn how to light fires, build shelter, access water and make it easier to be found in snowy terrain. Participants must provide supplies and safety gear. CRANBROOKSATURDAY|8:30 AM – 5:00 PM November 19 WORKPLACE INVESTIGATIONACCIDENT In-Class | $159 | PVHE-261 Interactive learning is utilized to increase the confidence and competency of OH&S committee members to conduct effective accident investigations and prevent any future similar accidents/incidents from occurring. FERNIEFRIDAY | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM November 4 INVERMEREFRIDAY|8:30 AM – 5:00 PM September 16

COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 11 TRANSPORTATION COMMERCIAL VEHICLE INSPECTION PROGRAM In-Class | $849 | PVIN-130 Course content covers the administration and procedures of performing licensed facility vehicle inspections and encompasses all types of highway vehicles – both private and commercial. CRANBROOKFRIDAYSANDSATURDAYS | 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM (FRIDAYS), 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (SATURDAYS) October 14 - 22 INTRODUCTION TO SAFE USE OF FOREST SERVICE ROADS In-Class | $99 + GST | GIRE-102 The most basic safety precaution on resource roads is having and correctly using a truck radio. This course covers what type of radio to use, correct installation, trip planning, packing essentials, and safety training. CRANBROOKWEDNESDAY| 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM October 26 RESOURCE ROAD SAFETY TRAINING In-Field | $399 + GST | GIPD-1005 Basic safety and decision-making skills for driving on resource roads in British Columbia and further afield. One-day field training course. CRANBROOKSATURDAY|8:30 AM – 5:00 PM October 29 TDG ONLINE (TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS) $39 | RequiredPVHE-701byTransport Canada if you are transporting dangerous goods. CONTINUOUS INTAKE | REGISTER ONLINE TRAFFIC CONTROL In-Class | $499 | PVIN-106 The BC Construction Safety Alliance’s comprehensive, two-day standardized course for Traffic Control Persons (TCPs) consists of classroom and practical training. FERNIEWEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM November 16 and 17 AIRBRAKES In-Class | $349 | PVIN-131 This course is a comprehensive study of commercial vehicle air brake systems and pretrip inspection. CRANBROOKSATURDAYAND SUNDAY | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM November 26 and 27 FERNIESATURDAY AND SUNDAY | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM September 17 and 18 | November 19 and 20 GOLDENSATURDAY AND SUNDAY | 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM October 22 and 23 CLASS 1 COMMERCIAL DRIVER (MELT PROGRAM) In-Class | PVIN-101 This training course will prepare students for the ICBC road test which is included in the fee. Upon successful completion of the road test the student will receive their Class 1 designation in accordance with the new MELT (Mandatory Entry Level Training) program. Pre-requisite: Air Brake endorsement, and Class 1 learners’ license. CLASS 3 COMMERCIAL DRIVER In-Class | PVIN-102 This 24-hour training course will prepare students for the ICBC road test which is included in the fee. Upon successful completion of the road test the student will receive their Class 3 Pre-requisite:designation. Air Brake endorsement, and Class 3 learners’ license. Please contact the Golden Campus for dates, times and fees: 250-344-5901

12 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 TRAFFIC REQUALIFICATIONCONTROL In-Class | $299 | PVIN-163 This one-day requalification course will emphasize safe work practices and further safety in the high hazard traffic control industry. FERNIETUESDAY | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM November 15 NEW! ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER INSTALLATION In Class | $399 (Basin and RDKB residents receive a $200 subsidy) | PVNR-127 This 1-day course provides training to diagnose, repair and install electric vehicle charger stations. CRANBROOKSATURDAY|8:30 AM – 5:00 PM October 22 HAUL TRUCK OPERATOR In-Class | $7,500 | PVIN-220 This four-week program offers an introduction to safe and efficient operation of a haul truck in a surface mining or oil sands site. For more information email HaulTruckFernie@ cotr.bc.ca FERNIEMONDAY – FRIDAY | 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM September 6 – 29 | October 31 – November 25 SOLAR PV INSTALLATION In Class | $1899 (Basin and RDKB residents receive a $200 subsidy) | PVNR-103 This hands-on course provides a thorough understanding of Solar PV systems design and installation including the importance of system sizing, component selection, good design and installation industry practices CRANBROOKMONDAY–FRIDAY | 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM October 17 – 21

COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 13 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTPROFESSIONALAND Get the business and professional development skills you need Our wide-range of courses are sure to add some oomph to your resume ACTIVITY ASSISTANT MEDIAN WAGE IN BC $41,295WAGEJOB2020SOURCE:BANKDATA ACTIVITY ASSISTANT PROGRAM This$2,499course is designed to provide individuals with previous health care education the concepts and practical skills to deliver activities to clients/ residents experiencing cognitive and physical challenges in continuing, longterm care and rehabilitation settings. Next intake starts April 2023 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Phone: 250-428-5332 or Email: AAP@cotr.bc.ca BIRTH DOULA STUDIES PROGRAM The$795demand for professionally trained birth doulas is increasing. Whether you have a passion for supporting families or wish to use this is as a stepping stone to explore other perinatal professions, the Birth Doula Studies Program is the perfect choice! FALL 2022: September 19, 2022 to March 19, 2023 (12 weeks + practicum studies) FOR MORE INFORMATION: email kimberley@cotr. bc.ca or visit cotr.ca/doula SPECIAL EVENT PLANNING PROGRAM If$795you are currently planning special events within your job or looking for fundamentals to create a pathway to a future career, this program can expand your skills. This program introduces the planning, organizing, delivering, and evaluating of special events. FALL 2022: September 19, 2022 to December 11, 2022 (12 FORweeks)MORE INFORMATION: email kimberley@cotr. bc.ca or visit cotr.ca/sepac

14 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 BASIC BOOKKEEPING In-Class | $225 | PVBM-158 Explore a basic system of bookkeeping suitable for small businesses enabling you to track business transactions. FERNIETUESDAY AND THURSDAY | 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM September 20 – October 6 NEW! BOARD BASICS In-Class | $99 + GST | GIBM-133 This session will focus on your board of directors’ purpose, structure, and functionality to ensure resiliency within an organization and solidify its role in building strong community. GOLDENTUESDAY | 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM October 19 NEW! BUILD YOUR PERSONAL BRAND In Class and Online | $59 + GST WhatGIBM-160dopeople think of when they think of you? That’s a personal brand. It’s your reputation and how people experience you, and it’s your most powerful asset. INVERMERETUESDAY|6:00 PM – 8:00 PM October 25 MONDAY | 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM November 7 NEW! CONTENT CREATION IN CANVA IN-CLASS | $199 + GST | GIBM-135 Ideas, tips and tricks for people that use this popular software and want or need to improve their skills by using it. Ideal for small businesses. GOLDENWEDNESDAYS | 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM September 7 –PROFESSIONAL28 DEVELOPMENT CUSTOM BOOKKEEPING In-Class or Online | $199 | PVBM-100 Expand your skills or resolve looming issues with Bookkeeping, Quickbooks, Sage 50 in this three hour private session customized to your needs. AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST | CONTACT FERNIE CAMPUS NEW! CYBER SECURITY In-Class | $149 | PVBM-1004 Discover the fundamentals of cyber security and explore possible prevention methods against malware, security breaches and cyber-attacks. CRANBROOKTUESDAY|9:00 PM – 4:00 PM September 27 FERNIEFRIDAY | 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM September 23 GOLDENMONDAYS | 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM October 3 – 24 (No class on October 11) NEW! DIGITAL FOUNDATIONSMARKETING In Class and Online | $59 + GST MarketingGIBM-400professional Bailey Yeats covers getting the most out of your website and developing and distributing digital content on social media. INVERMERETHURSDAY| 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM October 20 WEDNESDAY | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM November 2 NEW! HIGH PERFORMANCE TEAMS In-Class | $149 | PVBM-1118 Join this course to bring team members together and develop a core set of high performance skills for your teams or groups whether working in a face-to-face or virtual environment. FERNIEFRIDAY | 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM October 7
COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 15 PAYROLL In-Class | $119 | PVBM-1072 Increase your payroll knowledge and confidence with basic skills for payroll, tax tables, journal entries and more! CRESTONTUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM September 27 – October 4 NEW! PERSONAL SELLING & BRANDING In-Class | $199 + GST | GIBM-912 Explore communications fundamentals such as, how to speak confidently in public about yourself; network and market your business; and develop a dynamic brand voice and identity. GOLDENTUESDAYS | 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM September 6 – 27 NEW! POWER BI In-Class | $149 | PVBM-505 Starting from zero, learn how to import, transform & visualize data with Power BI along with the knowledge to provide you with the fundamentals needed to work with Power BI effectively! FERNIEFRIDAY | 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM December 9 NEW! PROJECT MANAGEMENT ESSENTIALS In-Class | $199 + GST | GIPD-230 In this course you will learn essential project management skills. Lead your own projects or enhance contributions to any team by delivering projects on time, on budget and within scope! INVERMERESATURDAYAND SUNDAY | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM October 22 and 23 NEW! MORE PROJECT MANAGEMENT ESSENTIALS In-Class | $89 + GST | GIPD-231 Build upon your essential project management skills and tools. Learn the key skills for each project management phase to deliver projects on time, on budget and within scope! INVERMERETUESDAYAND THURSDAY | 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM November 8 and 10 NEW! SMALL BUSINESS START UP In-Class | $199 + GST | GIBM-254 This course provides the essential tools to start a small business or to more effectively manage one. Turn your dream of launching a small business into reality. INVERMERETUESDAYSAND THURSDAYS | 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM November 15 – 24 NEW! SMALL BUSINESS ESSENTIALS In-Class | $89 + GST | GIBM-300 Develop your understanding and application of core business functions that are helpful for anyone who is starting a small business or who wants to take their business to the next level. INVERMERETUESDAYAND THURSDAY | 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM November 29 and December 1 NEW! TIME MANAGEMENT In-Class | $149 | PVBM-1112 Exceptional time management skills have a powerful effect on shaping an organized, successful business and assist you with strategies to increase both personal and professional productivity. FERNIEWEDNESDAY | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM November 16 NEW! UNCOVER BIAS. CREATE MEANINGFUL CHANGE In-Class and Online | $99 + GST ThisGIPD-300unique 2-part workshop will challenge us to dig deeper into our biases and create spaces that build understanding and shift perspectives, welcoming everyone to learn, thrive, and grow. INVERMEREMONDAYS|1:30 PM – 4:30 PM November 21 and 28
16 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 SUMMIT LEADERSHIP SERIES Explore your potential and learn how to inspire, challenge and support your team to achieve peak performance and transform your organization. The Summit Leadership Series cover critical skills to being successful when leading teams in today’s organizational landscape. This 36-hour program includes three levels: Peak One, Two and Three, which can be customized to accommodate your organization’s scheduling needs. FULL PROGRAM (36 HOURS) | IN CLASS | $1295 EACH PEAK LEVEL (12 HOURS) | IN CLASS | $495 PEAK ONE: LEAD SELF WhatPVBM-671kind of leader are you? Peak One focuses on developing your individual leadership and communication skills, learning to lead with fairness, and utilizing emotional intelligence CRANBROOKMONDAYS|9:00 AM – 4:00 PM October 3 and 17 GOLDENTUESDAY AND THURSDAY | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM September 20 and 29 INVERMEREMONDAYSAND THURSDAYS | 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM October 3, 6, 17 and 20 PEAK TWO: LEAD TEAMS PeakPVBM-672Twofocuses on your workplace and your team. Learn to articulate your organizational culture, vision, and guiding principles; understand project management; and communicate effectively with your team. CRANBROOKMONDAYS|9:00 AM – 4:00 PM February 6 and 13 GOLDENTUESDAY AND THURSDAY | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM October 11 and 13 INVERMEREMONDAYSAND THURSDAYS | 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM November 14, 17, 28 and December 1 PEAK THREE: LEAD FORWARD AsPVBM-673aleader, you are responsible for guiding your team through change and growth. In Peak Three, you will explore how to do so effectively and strategically. CRANBROOKTUESDAYANDMONDAY | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM February 21 and 27 GOLDENTUESDAY AND THURSDAY | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM October 18 and 20

COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 17 COMPUTER CLASSES QUICKBOOKS DESKTOP In-Class | $289 | PVBM-1090 Get hands-on training to start using QuickBooks to set up a chart of accounts, reconcile bank accounts, create invoices, track your payables and receivables, prepare payroll and more. FERNIETUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS | 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM October 11 – 27 NEW! QUICKBOOKS DESKTOP ENHANCED In-Class | $289 | PVBM-115 Take Quickbooks Desktop to another level, of period-end tasks, managing and filing sales and payroll taxes, customization, inventory and more. FERNIETUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS | 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM November 22 – December 8 NEW! QUICKBOOKS ONLINE In-Class | $289 | PVBM-1091 QuickBooks Online empowers small business owners to manage their business on the go while ensuring data is safe and secure. FERNIETUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS | 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM November 1 - 17 BUNDLE AND SAVE. TAKE BOTH ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR AND ADOBE INDESIGN AND SAVE $90. Contact Invermere Campus for special pricing if you bring your own laptop! $709 | PVBM-1501 NEW! GRAPHIC DESIGN LEARNING ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR In-Class | $399 | PVBM-1504 This course covers fundamental Graphic Design principles as well as how to navigate Adobe Illustrator. Understand how to create complex shapes, utilize negative space, and create dynamic designs. INVERMERETUESDAYSAND THURSDAYS | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM October 18 – November 3 NEW! GRAPHIC DESIGN LEARNING ADOBE INDESIGN In-Class | $399 | PVBM-1500 By the end of this course you will have a working knowledge of how to format multipage documents, create design rules with the style panels, and create dynamic page layouts in Adobe InDesign. INVERMERETUESDAYSAND THURSDAYS | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM November 15 – December 1 KEYBOARDING Online | $69 | PVBM-887 Learn how to improve your keyboarding accuracy and speed through this selfdirected class. CONTINUOUS INTAKE | REGISTER ONLINE CUSTOM COMPUTER TRAINING In-Class or Online | $199 | PVBM-1541 Not accelerating with Excel? Has Word left you speechless? Is your Outlook grim? Contact your local campus for a three hour private session customized to your needs.

18 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 MS EXCEL BUNDLE In-Class | $275 | PVBM-509 MS EXCEL LEVEL 1 In-Class | $109 | PVBM-506 Find out how to set up spreadsheets including simple formulas, graphs, and formatting techniques. CRESTONTUESDAYAND WEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM November 22 and 23 FERNIEMONDAY AND WEDNESDAY | 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM September 19 and 21 GOLDENTUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM October 11 and 12 INVERMEREMONDAYAND WEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM November 7 and 9 MS EXCEL LEVEL 2 In-Class | $109 | PVBM-507 Learn how to use more than just basic “SUM” functions and build your skills beyond Excel Level 1. FERNIEMONDAY AND WEDNESDAY | 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM September 26 and 28 GOLDENTUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM October 25 and 26 INVERMEREMONDAYAND WEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM November 14 and 16 MS EXCEL LEVEL 3 In-Class | $109 | PVBM-508 Advanced spreadsheet formatting and formulas, plus creating and using templates. FERNIEMONDAY AND WEDNESDAY | 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM October 3 and 5 GOLDENTUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM November 8 and 9 INVERMEREMONDAYAND WEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM November 21 and 23 MS WORD BUNDLE In-Class | $275 | PVBM-513 MS WORD LEVEL 1 In-Class | $109 | PVBM-510 Explore the basics of MS Word. This course is an introduction to the Windows system and how to navigate documents by entering and editing text and creating and saving documents. CRESTONTUESDAYAND WEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM November 29 and 30 FERNIEMONDAY AND WEDNESDAY | 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM October 17 and 19 GOLDENTUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM September 13 and 14 MS WORD LEVEL 2 In-Class | $109 | PVBM-512 Learn how to use templates and forms to speed the production of regularly used documents. FERNIEMONDAY AND WEDNESDAY | 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM October 24 and 26 GOLDENTUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM September 20 and 21 MS WORD LEVEL 3 In-Class | $109 | PVBM-517 Learn how to work with large documents using a title page, table of contents, headers, footers, page numbers, hyperlinks, mail merges and APA and MLA styles. FERNIEMONDAY AND WEDNESDAY | 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM October 31 and November 2 GOLDENTUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM October 4 and 5
COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 19 ANDLIFESTYLELEISURE Now is a great time to find a new hobby or to learn a new skill With everything from painting to pruning to languages available, you’re sure to find something that interests you PLEASE CHECK ONLINE COURSE LISTINGS TO VERIFY IF THE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE COST OF THE COURSE. ARTS AND CRAFTS NEW! CLIMATE SMART SEWING AND DESIGN In-Class | $99 + GST | GIAR-335 This class will have design ideas and enduring clothing construction techniques for those interested in exploring fashion yet concerned about the environmental impact of fast fashion. INVERMERETUESDAYS| 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM November 1 - 22 THE ART OF CALLIGRAPHY BUNDLE In-Class | $129 + GST | GIAR-220 The art of beautiful handwriting is known to have calming effects similar to meditation. Learn cursive, black letter and book hand stylized scripts to create personalized messages. CRANBROOK November 1 - 22 THE ART OF CALLIGRAPHY - CURSIVE In-Class | $49+ GST | GIAR-584 WEDNESDAY | 6:30 PM October 5 THE ART OF CALLIGRAPHY – BLACK LETTER In-Class | $49+ GST | GIAR-588 WEDNESDAY | 6:30 PM October 12 THE ART OF CALLIGRAPHY – BOOK HAND In-Class | $49+ GST | GIAR-712 WEDNESDAY | 6:30 PM October 19 DRAWING IN PERSPECTIVE In-Class | $79 + GST | GIAR-707 An exploration of drawing in perspective using still life and photos to cover transferring techniques, sketching and shading. CRANBROOKTUESDAYS|6:00 PM – 8:00 PM November 8 and 15

| 5:30
PAINTING WITH ACRYLICS GST GIAR-617 how to use colour and set up palettes to complete a 16”x20” painting. Participants receive instruction on painting, tools, and techniques to finish their masterpieces.
beautiful artwork and
paints, learn colour mixing and
(no class
GOLDENMONDAYS PM – 8:00 PM September 26 November 21 October 10)
zone while you colour mix to
| 6:30
In-Class | $219 + GST | GIAR-110 Get
GOLDENTHURSDAYS PM – 8:30 PM October 20 November 17
watercolour masterpieces.
20 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 NEW! GLASS FUSION ORNAMENTS In-Class | $89 + GST | GIAR-86 This hands-on course focuses on design and creating three ornaments to take home that are perfect for gift giving or adding sparkle to holiday décor. CRANBROOKSUNDAYANDMONDAY12:00PM-2:30PMOR3:00 PM - 5:30 PM (SUNDAY) 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM (MONDAY) October 23 and 24 NEW! THE ART OF GLASS FUSION In-Class | $189 + GST | GIAR-87 Learn glass cutting, scoring and nipping techniques under the guidance of a local artist. This course includes design components, glass compatibility and preparing glass art for the kiln. CRANBROOKMONDAYANDWEDNESDAY | 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM October 3 and 5 NEW! MAKE A CHARCUTERIE BOARD In-Class | $125.00 + GST | GINR-300 Who doesn’t love charcuterie? Take it a step further and craft your own unique board to hold a plethora of any kind of delectable charcuterie. Perfect for the holidays or gift yourself! INVERMERESATURDAY| 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM November 12 METAL EMBOSSING In-Class | $79 + GST | GIAR-423 Students will complete a bookmark and a pewter square during this introductory course while learning the 3 basic techniques of metal embossing: engraving, embossing and high relief. CRESTONTHURSDAY | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM October 13 NEW! MÉTIS BEADING WORKSHOP In-Class | $149 + GST | GIRE-187 Join the Metis Society while they lead you through the traditional Art of Beading. They bring the beads, templates, and tea, all you need to bring is yourself and a calming energy. GOLDENMONDAY, TUESDAY, FRIDAY | 6:00PM – 8:30 PM October 17, 25, November 4 NEW! CULTURAL PAINTING In-Class | $89 + GST | GIAR-134 In this course participants will create a painting representing cultural aspects of the lives of Metis people throughout Canada’s history. FERNIETHURSDAYS | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM November 3 – 17 PAINTING FOR THE PETRIFIED In-Class | $169 + GST | GIAR-187 In this course you will be shown the fundamentals of painting, colour, theory and elements of design, building a palette, using brush lines, brush stroke techniques and creative form. GOLDENTUESDAYS | 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM October 18 – November 15 PAINTING FOR THE INSPIRED In-Class | $169 + GST | GIAR-188 Perfect if you have completed Painting for the Petrified and want to continue your creative journey, this course expands on elements of design, creating form and perspective.
CRANBROOKTUESDAYS|6:00 PM 8:00 PM October 4 25 STARTED WITH WATERCOLOUR PAINTING into a create experiment with create first
In-Class | $159 +
COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 21 NEW! GET STARTED WITH WATERCOLOUR ILLUSTRATION In-Class | $219 + GST | GIAR-183 If you enjoy painting and have taken watercolour classes before, come and build on your illustration skills as you experiment with watercolour paints and colour mixing for illustrations. GOLDENWEDNESDAYS | 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM September 28 – November 16 BEGINNER POTTERY WHEEL In-Class | $475 + GST | GIAR-966 An introduction to the fundamentals of pottery wheel throwing in a fun environment. Students will be introduced to centering, basic functional vessel formation and glazing processes. GOLDENMONDAYS | 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM WEDNESDAYS | 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM September 19 - November 14 (no class October 10, 31 or November 2) INTERMEDIATE POTTERY WHEEL In-Class | $475 + GST | GIAR-967 For those dedicated students interested in further expansion into intermediate pottery including many instructor demonstrations to enlarge their ceramic repertoire of functional pots. GOLDENTHURSDAYS | 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM September 22 - November 10 (No class November 3) EXPLORE SILVERSMITHING In-Class | $369 + GST | GIIN-120 In a small class you’ll learn the art of sawing, shaping, texturing, annealing, soldering, sanding filing, polishing and stone setting using bezels to create two unique pieces. GOLDENSATURDAY AND SUNDAY | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM October 1 and 2 CREATIVE SILVERSMITHING In-Class | $279 + GST | GIIN-123 Take the skills you learned from ‘Explore Silversmithing’ and bring your ideas, project supplies, and enthusiasm for this creative weekend of craftmanship. GOLDENSATURDAY AND SUNDAY | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM October 15 and 16 NEW! WET FELTING FOR BEGINNERS In-Class | $219 + GST | GIAR-605 This course will teach the traditional art of felt making, in an easy step-by-step format. Over three sessions you will learn the fundamentals of felt making and create three unique projects. GOLDENSATURDAYS | 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM October 22 – November 5 WET FELTING In-Class | $79 + GST | GIAR-118 Wet felting is a trendy and innovative way of turning colourful natural fibres into felted fabric using hands-on techniques to create decorative cloth or framed art. CRANBROOKTUESDAY|6:00 PM – 8:00 PM November 29 COURSES UNDER $55: COOKIE AND CANDY CHARCUTERIE (GIPS-168), DECEMBER 22 AT 1:00 PM, CRESTON, $49 + GST NEW! HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZABAKING In-Class | $69 + GST | GIPS-500 Bake with Stephanie Lindel from Edible Acres and create holiday confections to share and take home in this fun, festive afternoon. Bring a friend or family member for an additional $30 + GST. INVERMERESUNDAY|1:00 PM – 3:00 PM November CULINARY20

22 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 NEW! ISRAELI STYLE FALAFEL In-Class | $59 + GST | GIPS-124 Come learn how to make all of the components for a delicious falafel pita wrap! Taught by Roi Golan, an Israeli who has a passion for cooking food from home. INVERMEREFRIDAY|6:00 PM – 8:00 PM November 4 NEW! LET’S ROLL In-Class | $79 + GST | GIPS-1112 Learn how to make a variety of rolls using both raw and cooked ingredients. This hands-on class provides practice using different techniques and recipes for flavorful fillings. FERNIESATURDAY | 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM October 1 NEW! PLANT BASED BAKING In-Class | $69 + GST | GIPS-518 Join Stephanie Lindal from Edible Acres for seriously luscious, showstopping vegan sweet treats that will delight everyone. Bring a friend or family member for an additional $30 + GST. INVERMERESUNDAY|1:00 PM – 3:00 PM November 13 NEW! SOUPS, STEWS AND QUICKBREADS In-Class | $69 + GST | GIPS-164 Stephanie Lindal from Edible Acres shows you how to batch cook to enjoy now and freeze for later, a win-win for everyone! Bring a friend or family member for an additional $30 + GST INVERMERESUNDAY|1:00 PM – 4:00 PM October 23 NEW! STIR IT UP BARTENDING In-class | $99 + GST | GIPS-112 This course, is to assist people who may want to get into the industry, make it exciting and prepare you for what a job as a bartender may look like. FERNIESATURDAY | 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM September 24 SUSHI In-Class | $89 + GST | GIPS-114 Learn how to make a variety of sushi using both raw and cooked ingredients. This hands-on class provides practice using different techniques and recipes for flavourful fillings. INVERMERESATURDAY| 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM November 5 NEW! AROUND THE WORLD IN 6 WEEKS Immerse yourself in other cultures and let your tastebuds travel the world in this 6-week culinary series! Bring a friend or family member for an additional $30 + GST! CRESTON CHILE In-Class | $69 + GST | GIPS-493 WEDNESDAY | 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM October 12 GREECE In-Class | $69 + GST | GIPS-494 WEDNESDAY | 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM October 19 JAPAN In-Class | $69 + GST | GIPS-495 WEDNESDAY | 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM October 26 VENEZUELA In-Class | $69 + GST | GIPS-492 WEDNESDAY | 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM November 2 SYRIA In-Class | $69 + GST | GIPS-496 WEDNESDAY | 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM November 9 PERU In-Class | $69 + GST | GIPS-497 WEDNESDAY | 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM November 16
COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 23 FIREARMS CANADIAN FIREARMS SAFETY COURSE (PAL) In-Class | $149 + GST | GIRE-104 Get the needed firearms training for a Possession and Acquisition License with this course, focusing on non-restricted firearms such as rifles and shotguns. FERNIESATURDAY AND SUNDAY | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM September 17 and 18 | October 15 and 16 | November 19 and 20 | December 10 and 11 CANADIAN RESTRICTED FIREARMS In-Class | $149 + GST | GIRE-111 An introductory firearm safety course intended for all new restricted firearm users and those individuals who wish to acquire restricted firearms. FERNIESATURDAY | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM September 10 | November 26 FLORAL NEW! FESTIVE FLORAL WREATH OR CENTERPIECE In-Class | $99 + GST | GIAR-314 Don’t miss this opportunity to make a one-of-akind creation for yourself or to gift. Learn how to make a modern design wreath that will be a showpiece for your holiday season. INVERMEREWEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM December 7 SEASONAL WREATH MAKING In-Class | $89 + GST | GIAR-197 Using natural materials grown locally and ethically wild-crafted, create a beautiful wreath to adorn your home or gift someone in time for the holiday season. KIMBERLEYTUESDAY|5:30 PM – 8:30 PM November 24 | December 1 NEW! WHIMSICAL WOODLAND CENTERPIECE In-Class | $99 + GST | GIAR-293 Create your own unique autumnal woodland centerpiece guided by floral designer Shandrea O’Brien who specializes in European design and woodland botanicals. INVERMEREWEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM October 5 CORE HUNTER TRAINING In-Class | $169 + GST | GIRE-115 Make sure you possess the knowledge and skills needed to be a safe and ethical hunter by taking the Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Education program. CRANBROOKSATURDAYAND SUNDAY | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM November 26 and 27 FERNIESATURDAY - MONDAY | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (SATURDAY AND SUNDAY), 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (MONDAY) October 22 – 24 KIMBERLEYSATURDAYAND SUNDAY | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM October 29 and 30

24 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 FITNESS WOMEN’S CLIMBING In-Class | $10 without rental, $13 with rental or purchase a punch card for $75 + GST Women’s Climbing night - LGBTQIA2S+ always welcome. A safe place for climbers. FERNIE.WEDNESDAYS | 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Second Wednesday of each month CLIMBING AND BOULDERING DROP-IN In-Class | $10 without rental, $13 with rental or purchase a punch card for $75 + GST Drop by and meet fellow climbers! FERNIETUESDAY AND THURSDAY | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM NEW! ESSENTRICS In-class | $159 + GST | GIHE-182 Essentrics is for all levels and abilities to keep you fit at every age and stage of your life to keep you moving freely, live actively and without pain. FERNIETUESDAYS | 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM September 27 – December 13 NEW! DOG AGILITY – JUMPING In Class | $125 + GST | GIRE-02 CRANBROOK This class will focus on obstacle performance and getting your dog to read the various jump patterns seen on agility courses. SATURDAYS | 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM October 8 - 29 NEW! DOG AGILITY –CONTACTS & WEAVES In Class | $125 + GST | GIRE-04 CRANBROOK This class will focus on contact performance (teeter, dog walk, a-frame) and weave pole performance. SATURDAYS | 10:15 AM – 11:00 AM October 8 – 29


AND SUNDAY) December 2 – 4 NEW! ART OF BREATH AND BODY CONNECTION In-Class | $99 + GST | GIHE-452 Learn how to connect your breath to your body to create a calm mind. CRESTONSATURDAYS | 9:00AM – 10:30AM September 17, October 15, November 19, December 10 ESSENTIAL OILS - WELCOME HOME In Class | $79 + GST | GIHE-133 In this hands-on class participants will learn how to utilize essential oils to create a physically and emotionally pleasing environment with green cleaning blends to take home. CRANBROOKWEDNESDAY| 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM October 26 NEW! HOW TO: SALVE, TINCTURE, & OILS In-Class | $149 + GST | GIAR-741 Learn the traditional and natural method of making medicinal body products such as salves, tinctures and body oils using flowers and oils. Offered in partnership with the Metis Society. GOLDENPLEASECONTACT THE GOLDEN CAMPUS FOR DATES AND TIMES: 250-344-5901 COURSES UNDER $55: COMPANIONING THE DYING (GIHE-623), OCTOBER 14 – 16, FERNIE, $35 + GST MEDITATION (GIHE-177), SEPTEMBER 25 AT 4:00 PM, ONLINE, $19 + GST PROTECT YOUR PEACE IN DIFFICULT TIMES (GIHE-451), SEPTEMBER 27 AND OCTOBER 11 AT 6:30 PM, INVERMERE, $54 + GST USUI REIKI – INFORMATION SESSION (GIHE-399), SEPTEMBER 12 AT 6:30 PM, INVERMERE, $10 + GST REIKI 1 In-Class | $180 + GST | GIHE-131 Discover how Reiki can empower you to help clients experience healing, eliminate blocks, easily manifest what they want, and achieve their soul’s purpose. CRESTONSATURDAY | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM October 15
| 6:30
26 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 HEALTH AND WELLNESS NEW! TEA BLENDING In-class | $69 + GST | GIHE-170 Learn about commonly used medicinal plants and create a custom blended herbal tea targeting health concerns such as digestive support, sleep, stress/anxiety, immunity, allergies, and more! FERNIETUESDAY | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM October 4 USUI REIKI - BASIC In-Class | $199 + GST | GIHE-634 Class participants will learn the history and principles of Usui Reiki, work with managing energy in their own bodies and practice traditional hand positions for use on themselves and others. INVERMEREFRIDAY–SUNDAY | 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM (FRIDAY), 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM (SATURDAY AND SUNDAY) September 23 – 25 USUI REIKI – COMPREHENSIVE In-Class | $249 + GST | GIHE-640 Class participants will further open their energy channels. Deepen your abilities to manage energy for yourself and develop a more intuitive approach to working with clients.

COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 27 HORTICULTURE AND GARDENING NEW! AGRITOURISM In-Class and Online | $499 StudentsPVBM-1399will assess how agritourism intersects with other popular food movements such as gastronomic tourism, farm-to-table, ecotourism, regional cuisines, wine trails among others, and explore some factors that determine successful rural tourism development and management of sites in an environmentally and culturally sensitive areas. CRESTONSATURDAYS | 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM October 22 – November 19 NEW! AGRITOURISM MARKETING $79 + GST | GIBM-1057 This course provides a number of tools and strategies to get your business in front of potential visitors, as well as promoting appreciation of agriculture within a community. CRESTONSATURDAY | 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM November 26 NEW! GROWING MUSHROOMS In-Class | $149 + GST | GIRE-408 Interested in mushrooms? This one-day workshop covers growing indoor/outdoor mushrooms using low tech methods to grow, identify, and prepare your mushroom goodies! GOLDENSATURDAY | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM November 5 | December 3 HOW TO WINTERIZE YOUR BEEHIVES In-Class | $69 + GST | GINR-261 Winterizing beehives is a critical task to a colony’s survival over colder months. This course covers condensing the colony, feeding, disease prevention, treatments and the art of wrapping. CRESTONSATURDAY | 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM September 10 NEW! PERMACULTURE BASICS In-Class | $289 + GST | GINR-277 Hands on learning of principles that underlie permaculture practice and how they are reflected in ecological intelligence. Applicable to any scale of living, from apartments to a large acreage. CRESTONSATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS | 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM September 17 – 25 PUTTING YOUR TREES TO BED In-Class | $69 + GST | GINR-242 As tree fruits come into dormancy, it is a good time to identify signs of disease or pests and select proper management techniques to prepare them for the upcoming winter season. CRESTONSATURDAY | 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM September LANGUAGES24 NEW! COMMUNICATION IN FRENCH In-Class | $169 + GST | GIAR-145 Communication in French will accommodate any one with little to no previous experience in French from audio recordings and exercises with real-life scenarios. FERNIETHURSDAYS | 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM October 6 – November 24 SIGN LANGUAGE In-Class or Online | $189 + GST ExperienceGIPD-1041 the language of sight rather than sound through these sessions, and with added practice you can become comfortable with American Sign Language. CRESTONTUESDAY | 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM October 4 – November 22 ONLINETHURSDAYS | 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM October 6 - December 8
28 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH In-Class | $169 + GST | GIAR-159 This popular beginners course provides an introduction to spoken Spanish. Perfect for anyone looking to learn a Romance language and immerse themselves in a new culture. CRANBROOKTUESDAYSAND THURSDAYS | 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM October 11 - November 3 CRESTONTHURSDAYS | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM September 15 – November 3 FERNIEMONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS | 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM September 19 - October 17 GOLDENTHURSDAYS | 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM September 8 – October 13 INVERMEREMONDAYSAND WEDNESDAYS | 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM September 26 - October 17 (no class October 10) MORE CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH In-Class | $169 + GST | GIAR-918 Strengthen the knowledge acquired in Conversational Spanish and speak in a more detailed way about daily life, family, work and hobbies. CRANBROOKTUESDAYSAND THURSDAYS | 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM November 15 - December 3 FERNIEMONDAY AND WEDNESDAYS | 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM October 19 – November 14 GOLDENTUESDAYS | 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM September 6 – October 11 INVERMEREWEDNESDAYS AND MONDAYS | 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM October 19 - November 7 CUSTOMIZED SPANISH TRAINING In-Class or Online | $199 + GST WantGIAR-158toadd another dimension to your Spanish skills? Call to arrange a private three-hour session with our instructor. UPON REQUEST | PLEASE CONTACT THE FERNIE CAMPUS MUSIC LEARN TO PLAY GUITAR – LEVEL 1 In-Class and Online | $189 + GST AcousticGIPD-1103guitar for beginners covering the basics of the instrument with an application of essential music fundamentals and genres. CRESTONTUESDAYS | 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM October 4 – November 22 LEARN TO PLAY GUITAR – LEVEL 2 In-Class and Online | $189 + GST MusicGIPD-1104theory instruction while concentrating on standard performance practices on the guitar. CRESTONTUESDAYS | 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM October 4 – November 22

COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 29 PHOTOGRAPHY NEW TO PARAGLIDING WEEKEND COURSE In-Class and In-Field | $825 + GST | GIRE-305 A mix of practice and theory, learn aerodynamics, sport and equipment basics and take your first little flights at a practice hill. Course fees include all equipment and student manual. INVERMEREFRIDAY–SUNDAY | 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM (FRIDAY) 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (SATURDAY AND SUNDAY) October 14 – 16 PARAGLIDING P1 RATED PILOT WEEKEND COURSE In Class and In Field | $825 + GST | GIRE-306 Work on landings and take offs in practical lessons at a practice hill and get ready for the HPAC student rating exam. Theory includes meteorology, air regulations, and flying procedures. INVERMEREFRIDAY–SUNDAY | 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM (FRIDAY), 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (SATURDAY AND SUNDAY) October 21-23 NEW TO PARAGLIDING AND P1 RATED PILOT COMBINED ONE WEEK COURSE In Class and In Field | $1650 + GST | GIRE-308 Take both New to Paragliding and P1 Rated Pilot course together in one week. Students will be able to write the HPAC student rating exams at the end of the course. INVERMEREMONDAY–FRIDAY | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM October 17 – 21 NEW! SNOWMOBILE OPERATOR In-Field | $599 + GST | GIPD-1080 Learn about local regulations, operating conditions, decision-making skills, and courtesy in the field. Participants must have valid license and provide insured snowmobile and DOT approved helmet. CRANBROOKSATURDAYAND SUNDAY | 8:30 PM – 5:00 PM January 28 and 29 COURSES UNDER $55: GUIDED PHOTOGRAPHY WALK (GIAR-137), OCTOBER 30 AT 10:00 AM, GOLDEN, $50 + GST NEW! FAST TRACK OUTDOOR ADVENTURE PHOTOGRAPHY In Class and In-Field | $79 + GST | GIAR-354 Focused on taking and making stunning outdoor photos, this workshop discusses different techniques during the morning class, before going out to spend an afternoon in the field. FERNIESUNDAY | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM October 30 GOLDENSATURDAY | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM October OUTDOORS29 NEW! ATV SAFETY TRAINING In-Field | $399 + GST | GIPD-1065 Our training program is led by BCFSC certified instructors and includes field techniques about controls, reading terrain, turning, hill climbing and knowing where it is safe to ride. Participants must provide a licensed ATV and personal protective equipment. CRANBROOKSATURDAY|8:30 AM - 5:00 PM October 22 NEW! FALL MUSHROOM FORAY In-Class | $79 + GST | GINR-262 Join our instructor for a walk in the local woods to search for edible fungi like lobster mushrooms, boletes, pines, chanterelles and more. CRESTONSATURDAY | 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM October 1 NEW! FLY TYING In-Class | $125 + GST | GIPD-1056 Students will learn the proper use of tools and techniques for fly tying, followed by tying techniques to produce both dry and wet flies. CRESTONSATURDAY | 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM October 15
30 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 SPECIAL INTEREST NEW! MINDFUL JOURNALING In-Class | $99 + GST | GIHE-453 Slowing down our mind through meditation and connecting to our emotions through journaling will help us learn how to truly focus and be happy. CRESTONWEDNESDAY | 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM October 5 – October 26 NEW! NORDIC SKI WAXING CLINIC In Class | $99 + GST | GIAR-615 During this hands-on clinic you will learn to apply and iron glide wax with scraping and brushing techniques, apply and remove kick wax, Klister base mixing and tips, storage and travel waxing. CRANBROOKTHURSDAY|5:30 PM – 8:30 PM November 2 | November 9 NEW! PLAYWRITING $149 + GST | GIAR-526 Be it a one-act, comedy sketch, or a full theatrical release, we will cover the elements that draw the audience in, keep them there, and hold them until the ovation! CRESTONTUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM November 15 – 24 NEW! SKETCHUP In-Class | $79 + GST | GIPD-155 Whether you are designing a house, garden, or prototyping something completely new, this course will help you visualize designs with 3D modeling and prevent design flaws to save time and money. CRESTONTUESDAYAND THURSDAY | 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM October 18 and 20 SEWING AND REPAIRS FOR NEWBIES In Class | $129 + GST | GIRE-943 Regain the lost art of sewing while our instructor takes you through the setting up your machine, basic trouble shooting, and the basics of patternreading. CRANBROOKTUESDAY–THURSDAY | 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM November 8 – 10 COURSES UNDER $55: FERNIE AMBASSADOR (GIBM-100), OCTOBER 21, NOVEMBER 3, NOVEMBER 17, OR DECEMBER 2 AT 12:30 PM, FERNIE, $20 + GST HAIKU (GIRE-196), NOVEMBER 19 AT 1:00 PM, KIMBERLEY, $45 + GST KIMBERLEY AMBASSADOR (GIBM-101), NOVEMBER 26 AT 12:30 PM, KIMBERLEY, $20 + GST OPIOID EMERGENCY AWARENESS (GIHE-183), OCTOBER 13 AT 6:30PM, FERNIE, $35 + GST TELLING OUR LIFE STORIES (GIPD-552), OCTOBER 12 – DECEMBER 7, CRESTON, FREE RESIDENTIAL TENANCY (GIPD-1020), NOVEMBER 14 AT 7:00 PM, FERNIE, $30 + GST WILLS, POWERS OF ATTORNEY, AND AGREEMENTSREPRESENTATION (GIPD-100), OCTOBER 17 AT 7:00 PM, FERNIE, $30 + GST CIRCLE OF SECURITY PARENTING $239 + GST | GISS-118 A unique, internationally acclaimed parenting program, offering a solid foundation for building secure parentchild relationships, helping to bring more joy and less struggle into parenting. CRESTONTUESDAYS | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM October 25 - December 13 NEW! LEARNING GENEALOGY In-Class | $89 + GST | GISS-140 Ever wonder about your genealogy? Research, record and assemble your story. FERNIESATURDAY | 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM October 29
COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 31 NEW! UNDERSTANDING RESEARCH FOR CREATORS $149 + GST | GIPD-1072 Be it writing, podcasting, education, or journalism, researching topics can make or break a project. Our instructor will show you how to work smarter, not harder. CRESTONTUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM October 18 – October 27 SEWING CREATIONS In Class | $89 + GST | GIRE-944 Adding on to the basic skills learned in Sewing for Newbies, participants will learn more complex techniques to create sewing projects. CRANBROOKWEDNESDAYAND THURSDAY | 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM November 16 and 17 YOUTH TEEN CLIMBING In-Class | $109 + GST + $20 for equipment rental covers all eight weeks | GIPS-400 The teen climbing is designed to progress your climbing skills in a non-competitive environment and improve your fitness and is a great place to meet like-minded teens.
| 3:45 PM – 5:15 PM September 21 – November 9 THURSDAYS | 3:45 PM – 5:15 PM September 22 - November 10 For birthday parties and group bookings at the Fernie Campus climbing wall. Please call 250-423-4691.
| 3:45 PM – 5:15 PM September 20 - November 8 KIDS CLIMBING CLUB In-Class | $109 + $20 for equipment rental covers all eight weeks | GIPS-150 The Kids Climbing Club is designed to keep kids moving in fun and interesting ways with lots of games and on-wall activities.

32 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 NEW! GET STARTED WITH WATERCOLOUR PAINTING - FOR YOUTH (AGES 8 – 16) In-Class | $219 + GST | GIAR-257 Come join us and learn the basics of watercolour painting! Kids will experiment with watercolour paints, learn colour mixing, and be introduced to basic illustration skills. GOLDENTUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS | 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM September 27 – November 17 NEW! YOUTH SILVERSMITH COURSE In-Class | $279 + GST | GIIN-111 Do something different! Learn how to be a silversmith—the projects vary from rings, earrings, and creative projects. Learn how to make something for yourself, a loved one, or a friend. GOLDENSATURDAY AND SUNDAY | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM October 1 and 2 RED CROSS BABYSITTING COURSE In-Class | $79 | PVSS-600 This course covers everything from first aid to managing difficult behaviors to essential content on leadership and professional conduct as a babysitter. Must be ages 11 to 15. CRESTONMONDAY– FRIDAY | 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM October 24 – 28 FERNIESATURDAY | 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM September 24 GOLDENSATURDAY AND SUNDAY | 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM November 19 and 20 INVERMEREFRIDAY|9:00 AM - 4:30 PM October 21 RED CROSS STAY SAFE! In-Class | $59 | GISS-600 Stay Safe! teaches 9 – 13 year olds about being safe when they are without the direct supervision of a parent, guardian, or trusted adult, both at home and in their communities. FERNIESUNDAY | 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM October 16 GOLDENSUNDAY | 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM November 3

COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 33 NEW! CURATED CALM In-Class | $125 + GST | GIRE-218 Kids and teens will enjoy letting go of everything they have been bombarded with during the week in this class that combines a mixture of movement, dance, and mindful anxiety-reducing practices. GOLDENAGES6– 11* MONDAY | 5:30 PM – 6:20 PM WEDNESDAY | 6:30 PM – 7:20 PM FRIDAY | 3:30 PM – 4:20 PM TEENS AGES 12 – 17* MONDAY | 6:30 PM – 7:20 PM WEDNESDAY | 7:30 PM – 8:20 PM FRIDAY | 3:30 PM – 4:20 PM NEW! YOGA ABC’S In-Class | $125 + GST | GIRE-108 Discover a world of fun with practices designed to make you stronger and more flexible, both physically, socially, and mentally. GOLDENAGES6–TUESDAY11*| 3:30 PM – 4:20 PM TUESDAY | 4:30 PM – 5:20 PM FRIDAY | 4:30 PM – 5:20 PM TEENS AGES 12 – 17* TUESDAY | 3:30 PM – 4:20 PM WEDNESDAY | 5:00 PM – 5:50 PM NEW! MOUNTAIN MOVEMENT In-Class | $125 + GST | GIRE-107 Explore dance, yoga, and creative movement all-in-one that will improve balance, strength, endurance, and aerobic capacity. Practice mindfulness and move in a way that feels good. GOLDENAGES6– 11* MONDAY | 3:30 PM – 4:20 PM MONDAY | 4:30 PM – 5:20 PM SATURDAY | 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM TEENS AGES 12 – 17* MONDAY | 3:30 PM – 4:20 PM NEW! HELLO YOGA In-Class | $125 + GST | GIHE-295 This non-competitive, non-judgmental environment introduces yoga through strengthening body movements, poses/posture, the breath, and mindfulness creating a sense of calm. GOLDENTEENGIRLS AGES 11 – 17 THURSDAY | 4:30 PM – 5:20 PM SATURDAY | 9:00 AM – 9:50 AM NEW! 10-WEEK KIDS AND TEEN HEALTH AND FITNESS IN GOLDEN *Recommended ages by calendar year. Call Golden campus for more information at 250.344.5901

34 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 INDEX | COURSE LISTINGS BY CAMPUS CRANBROOK Air Brakes 11 ATV Safety Training 29 Chainsaw Operator Course 7 Basic Fall Protection 8 Basic Life Support 4 Basic Life Support Recertification 4 Calligraphy 19 CORE Hunter 23 Canadian Red Cross CPR C 4 Canadian Red Cross CPR C Recertification 4 Commercial Vehicle Inspection Program 11 Conversational Spanish 28 Custom Computer Training 17 Cyber Security 14 Dog Agility Training 24 Drawing in Perspective 19 Electric Car Charger Installation 12 Emergency Medical Responder 3 FoodSafe Level 1 8 Forklift 9 Glass Fusion Ornaments 20 Hoisting and Rigging 9 Intro to the Safe Use of Forest Service Roads (FSR’s) 11 Mental Health First Aid 7 More Conversational Spanish 28 Nordic Ski Wax Clinic 30 Occupational First Aid Level 3 4 Occupational First Aid Level 1 3 Painting With Acrylics 20 Resource Road Safety Training 11 Rough terrain telehandler 9 Sewing and Repairs for Newbies 30 Sewing Creations 31 Snowmobile Operator 29 Solar PV Installation 12 Summit Leadership Series 16 The Art of Glass Fusion 20 Transportation Endorsement 6 Wet Felting 21 Winter Survival Skills 10 CRESTON Agritourism 27 Agritourism Marketing 27 Around the World in 6 Weeks 22 Art of Breath and Body Connection 26 Basic Fall Protection 8 Circle of Security Parenting 30 Conversational Spanish 28 Cookie and Candy Charcuterie 21 Fall Mushroom Foray 29 Fly Tying 29 FoodSafe Level 1 8 Forklift 9 Hoisting and Rigging Safety 9 How to Winterize Your Beehives 27 Learn to Play Guitar - Level 1 28 Learn to Play Guitar - Level 2 28 Mental Health First Aid 7 Metal Embossing 20 MS Excel Level 1 18 MS Word Level 1 18 Mindful Journaling 30 Occupational First Aid Level 1 3 Occupational First Aid Level 2 4 Payroll 15 Permaculture Basics 27 Playwritting 30 Putting Your Trees to Bed 27 Red Cross Babysitting Course 32 Reiki 1 26 Sign Language 27 Sketchup 30 Telling our Life Stories 30 Transportation Endorsement 6 Understanding Research For Creators 31
COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 35 FERNIE Airbrakes 11 Avalanche Skills Training Level 1 7 Basic Bookkeeping 14 Basic Fall Protection 8 Canadian Firearms Safety Course (PAL) 23 Canadian Restricted Firearms 23 Climbing and Bouldering Drop in 24 Companioning the Dying 26 Communication in French 27 Confined Space Entry/Monitor 7 Conversational Spanish 28 CORE Hunter Training 23 Cultural Painting 20 Custom Bookkeeping Training 14 Custom Computer Training 17 Customized Spanish Training 27 Cyber Security 14 Essentrics 24 Fast Track Outdoor Adventure Photography 29 Fernie Ambassador 30 Foodsafe Level 1 8 Forklift 9 Haul Truck Operator Program 12 High Performance Teams 14 Hoisting and Rigging Safety 9 Kids Climbing Club 31 Learning Genealogy 30 Let’s Roll 22 Mental Health First Aid 7 More Conversational Spanish 28 MS Excel Bundle 18 MS Excel Level 1 18 MS Excel Level 2 18 MS Excel Level 3 18 MS Word Bundle 18 MS Word Level 1 18 MS Word Level 2 18 MS Word Level 3 18 Occupational First Aid Level 1 3 Occupational First Aid Level 3 4 Occupational Health and Safety Part 1 9 Occupational Health and Safety Part 2 9 Opioid Emergency Awareness 30 Out of Jurisdiction Packages 3 Power BI 15 Quickbooks Desktop 17 Quickbooks Desktop Enhanced 17 Quickbooks Online 17 Red Cross Babysitting Course 32 Red Cross Emergency Childcare First Aid and CPR 5 Red Cross Stay Safe! 32 Residential Tenancy 30 Rough Terrain Telehandler 9 Skid Steer 9 Small Water Systems Operation 10 Stir it up Bartending 22 St John CPR–A 5 St John CPR–C 5 St John Standard for Industry 5 Tea Blending 26 Teck Hazardous Energy Isolation 10 Teen Climbing 31 Time Management 15 Traffic Control 11 Traffic Control Requalification 12 Transportation Endorsement 6 Wilderness Advanced First Aid 6 Wilderness First Aid 6 Wilderness First Responder 6 Wilderness First Responder – Recertification 6 Wills, Powers of Attorney and Representation Agreements 29 Women’s Climbing 24 Workplace Accident Investigation 10
36 COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 Occupational First Aid Level 3 4 Older Adult Ballet 25 Painting For The Inspired 20 Painting For The Petrified 20 Personal Selling & Branding 15 Pilates 25 Pilates-Ballet Fit Fusion 25 Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga 25 Red Cross Babysitting Course 32 Red Cross CPR-A 4 Red Cross CPR-C 4 Red Cross Emergency Childcare First Aid And CPR 5 Red Cross Standard First Aid And CPR-C 5 Red Cross Stay Safe 32 Restorative Yoga 25 Summit Leadership Series 16 Summit Leadership Series Peak One: Lead Self 16 Summit Leadership Series Peak two: Lead Teams 16 Summit Leadership Series Peak Three: Lead Forward 16 Transportation Endorsement 6 Wet Felting For Beginners 21 Yin Yoga 25 Yoga ABC’S (Youth) 33 Yoga For Postpartum 25 Youth Silversmithing 32 GOLDEN Adult Ballet 25 Airbrakes 11 Baby & Me Yoga 25 Ballet Fit 25 Beginner Ppottery Wheel 21 Board Basics 14 Class 1 Commercial Driver (Melt Program) 11 Class 3 Commercial Driver 11 Content Creation In Canva 14 Conversational Spanish 28 Creative Silversmithing 21 Curated Calm (Youth) 33 Customized Computer Training 17 Cyber Security 14 Explore Silversmithing 21 Extended Hatha Yoga 25 Faller Training 8 Fast Track Outdoor Adventure Photography 29 Flow 1 Yoga 25 Flow 2 Yoga 25 Free Creation Movement 25 Get Started with Watercolour Illustration 20 Get Started with Watercolour Painting 20 Get Started with Watercolour PaintingFor Youth 32 Growing Mushrooms 27 Guided Photography Walk 29 Hatha Yoga 25 Hello Yoga (Teen Girls) 33 How To: Salve, Tincture, & Oils 26 Intermediate Pottery Wheel 21 Lunchtime Flow 1 Yoga 25 Lunchtime Hatha Yoga 25 Mental Heath First Aid 7 Métis Beading Worshop 20 Mindfulness, Meditation & Movement 25 Monday Movement (Youth) 33 More Conversational Spanish 28 MS Excel Bundle 18 MS Excel Level 1 18 MS Excel Level 2 18 MS Excel Level 3 18 MS Word Bundle 18 MS Word Level 1 18 MS Word Level 2 18 MS Word Level 3 18 Occupational First Aid Level 1 3
COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 37 INVERMERE Building Your Personal Brand 14 Climate Smart Sewing and Design 19 Conversational Spanish 28 Digital Marketing Foundations 14 Festive Floral Wreath or Centerpiece 23 Graphic Design Bundle 17 Graphic Design Learning Adobe Illustrator 17 Graphic Design Learning Adobe InDesign 17 Holiday Baking Extavaganza 21 Information Session for USUI Reiki 26 Israeli Style Falafel 22 Make A Charcuterie Board 20 Mental Health First Aid 7 More Conversational Spanish 28 More Project Management Essentials 15 MS Excel Bundle 18 MS Excel Level 1 18 MS Excel Level 2 18 MS Excel Level 3 18 New to Paragliding and P1 Rated PilotCombined One Week Course 29 New to Paragliding Weekend Course 29 Occupational First Aid Level 1 3 Occupational First Aid Level 3 4 Occupational Health and Safety Part 1 9 Occupational Health and Safety Part 2 9 Paragliding P1 Rated Pilot Weekend Course 29 Plant Based Baking 22 Project Management Essentials 15 Protect Your Peace in Difficult Times 26 Red Cross Emergency First Aid and CPR-C 5 Red Cross Standard First Aid and CPR-C 5 Small Business Essentials 15 Small Business Start Up 15 Soups, Stews and Quick Breads 22 Summit Leadership Series 16 Sushi 22 Transportation Endorsement 6 Uncover Bias Create Meaningful Change 15 Usui Reiki Basic 26 Usui Reiki Comprehensive 26 Whimsical Woodland Centerpiece 23 Workplace Accident Investigation 10 KIMBERLEY Avalanche Skills Training Level 1 7 Core Hunter Training 23 Foodsafe Level 1 8 Haiku 30 Kimberley Ambassador 30 Occupational First Aid Level 1 (OFA 1) 3 Seasonal Wreath Making 23 ONLINE Activity Assistant Program 13 Agritourism Marketing 27 Birth Doula Studies Program 13 Circle of Security Parenting 30 Customized Bookkeeping Training 14 Customized Computer Training 17 Customized Spanish Training 28 Food Safety for Food Handlers 8 Keyboarding 17 Learn to Play Guitar - Level 1 28 Learn to Play Guitar - Level 2 28 Meditation 26 Playwriting 30 Red Cross Medical Terminology Online 9 Red Cross Psychological First Aid - Caring For Others 7 Red Cross Psychological First Aid - Self Care 7 Sign Language 27 Special Event Planning Program 13 TDG (Transportation of Dangerous Goods) 11 Understanding Research for Creators 31 WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) 10
Adult upgrading and advising services are available in Fernie, Invermere, Golden, Creston and Cranbrook campuses. Contact your local campus for more information or to book an appointment with an Education Advisor.
Adult upgrading is designed to help you develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to be successful in employment situations and in further education. You can complete individual courses to meet prerequisite needs or to earn your Adult Graduation diploma. The program is flexible to individual need and ability, and students can fit classes and study into their work and personal schedule. This program is tuition-free and funding opportunities may be available to cover books and other costs.
An Education Advisor is available by appointment to provide assistance with education and career decisions. The Education Advisor can provide you with information about programs and courses at the College and other post-secondary institutions, assist you with identifying your career goals, supervise assessments for adult upgrading and vocational training programs, and assist with financial aid information.

COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | FALL 2022 39 HERizons supports women looking to advance in their career, re-enter the workforce or start their own HERizons@senecacollege.caventure. To learn more about HERizons and how to get involved, please email: Seneca HELIX’s new HERizons program is helping to remove barriers in the workplace for women by providing free training and career supports. HERizons offers virtual workshops, networking events, mentorship opportunities, immersive virtual reality learning simulations, math and literacy training and more. The HERizons initiative launches Fall 2022. All offerings are free of charge. CAREERHER IZON S YOURENVISION In partnership with

Fernie Campus Phone: 250-423-4691 email: fernie@cotr bc ca Golden Campus Phone: 250-344-5901 Email: golden@cotr bc ca Invermere Campus Phone: 250-342-3210 Email: invermere@cotr bc ca Kimberley Campus Phone: 250-427-7116 x3752 Email: kimberley@cotr bc ca cotr.ca/ConEd CHECK OUT OUR COURSES ONLINE AND REGISTER TODAY! Interested in taking a course that’s not offered at your local CREATEcampus? YOUR ADVENTURE! Take a road trip to one of our other campuses and combine your course with a mini-getaway. There are many autumn experiences to choose from, lodges and resorts to stay in, while exploring our friendly small towns. Visit www.kootenayrockies.com for more information. Cranbrook Campus Phone: 250-489-8242 Email: cranbrookce@cotr bc ca Cranbrook Gold Creek Campus Phone: 250-489-8242 Email: cranbrookce@cotr bc ca Creston Campus Phone: 250-428-5332 email: creston@cotr bc ca