College of the Rockies Class of 2023 Commemorative Booklet

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To transform lives and enrich communities through the power of education.




At the bottom of the College’s Crest you will see the motto “AD CULMINA” which translated means “To the Heights.”




• Nic Milligan Chair

• Jared Basil Vice Chair

• Doreen Elaine Eccleston Appointed Member Kimberley

• Anne Glassford Appointed Member Invermere

• Randal Macnair Appointed Member

• Darlene Trach Appointed Member Cranbrook

• Amber van Drielen Appointed Member Golden

• Sharon Demaine Elected CORFA Faculty Representative

• Jenn Smith Elected CUPE Support Staff Representative

• Nathan Dueck Education Council (EdCo) Chair/Ex-Officio Member

• Lucy Adams Elected Academic Student Representative

• Paul Vogt President and CEO, Ex-Officio Member


College of the Rockies serves the communities of the East Kootenays. All of the College’s campuses are located in the traditional territory of the Ktunaxa people which is also home to the Kinbasket people. Five First Nations bands are located in the regional boundary of the College: Four of which are Ktunaxa and one is Shuswap. Additionally, the College partners with the Kootenay Regional Office of the Métis Nation, BC. We are thankful for all our Indigenous partners and are constantly seeking new ways to support the development of our community.



On behalf of the College of the Rockies Board of Governors, it is my pleasure to extend our sincere congratulations to the graduating class of 2023.

Through challenging circumstances, you learned to adapt to ever-changing guidelines and teaching methods. We hope developing those strengths will continue to serve you in the years ahead. We applaud your accomplishments and are proud that you chose College of the Rockies for all, or part, of your educational journey. It is my hope that you feel well-prepared to embark on your career or future education.

As Chair of the College’s Board of Governors, I am privileged to work with a dedicated Board, our President, Paul Vogt, and a broad range of educators, administrators, and staff who are committed to making higher education accessible to our communities, regardless of the circumstances. We are inspired to make an impact on the future of British Columbia and in the lives of students like you.

You can be extremely proud of your accomplishments at College of the Rockies. On behalf of the Board of Governors, I congratulate you for reaching this impressive milestone and wish you continued success in your future endeavours.



This year we are holding our 47th Convocation Ceremony at College of the Rockies, gathering as a community to celebrate the accomplishments of our students and offer our best wishes for the next stage that lies ahead.

We take special pride in the students who are graduating this year. Most of you began your program in the midst of a global pandemic. You had to adapt to new ways of learning, new ways of connecting with your instructors and fellow students. And you did it! You persevered and met your goals under very challenging conditions.

Though the world is complicated right now, I hope your time with us has helped prepare you to adapt and contribute. It was our aim to challenge you to think differently - to kindle your passion, build your confidence, and expand your worldview. We are confident the education you received at College of the Rockies will open doors to opportunity and success in both your personal and working lives.

You worked hard to get to this day, but chances are you didn’t do it alone. Your family and friends played an integral part in your success through their encouragement, personal sacrifices, mentoring and support. I know those special people are in your thoughts, whether they are with us today to celebrate your success or not. We thank them for having your back.

Graduates, as you embark on your career, or further education, I encourage you to look back at all you have accomplished, and how you have already responded to adversity. You are well-prepared to succeed, and I wish you all the best. Thank you for allowing us to share in your journey.

And again, congratulations to the graduating class of 2023!




Sarah Massardier

Hometown: Cranbrook, BC

Environmental Studies Certificate

The Lieutenant Governor’s Medal honours a student who has excelled in a two-year diploma or four-year undergraduate program, and has also contributed in a positive way to the life of the College or their community through outstanding contributions to the promotion of inclusion, democracy or reconciliation.


Michelle Davis

Hometown: Johannesburg, South Africa

Criminal and Social Justice Diploma

The Governor General’s Academic Collegiate Bronze Medal honours a student who has been registered in a diploma-level, post-secondary program (minimum two year, full-time duration) and achieves the highest overall average upon graduation.


Emily Ruth Williams

Hometown: Portishead, United Kingdom

Kinesiology Certificate

The President’s Award of Excellence is awarded to a first or second year student who has taken a full course load (a minimum of 10 courses per academic year) and has achieved the highest cumulative Grade Point Average. The award recipient must either intend on continuing at College of the Rockies to complete a diploma, one of our four year degree programs, or is transferring to another post-secondary institution to complete a four year degree. The student is presented with a $2500 scholarship from College of the Rockies.


CONGRATULATIONS 2023 GRADUATES! Degrees, Associate Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates

Adventure Tourism Business Operations Certificate

Brodersen, Kelsey

Capri, Ella

Forsyth, Jera

Gledhill, Mya

Gruebel, Annika Katrin

Mann, Luke

Adventure Tourism Business Operations Diploma

Ashfield, Bethany

Blackburn, Henry

Bromley, Ian

Hervas Garcia, Irene

Hinton, Justin

Arts and Science Certificate

Adams, Madison

Adeniyi, Ajibola

Bannick, Sadie

Bell, Rylee

Bourke, Sarah

Brink, Nicole

Bruntjen, Emily

Chen, Christine

Cox, Caisey

Doucette, Zoe

Associate of Arts Degree

Armstrong, Presley

Berkhiem, Andrew

Book, Evan

Associate of Science Degree

Bush, Christopher

Chilton, Jesse

Ivany, Taren

Knowles, Jet

Leslie, Kate

Madero Margain, Veronica

Masuoka, Shiro

Reuter, Blake

Simard, Vincent

Morrison, Alysha

Robinson, Ryan

Squires, Adam

Stalder, Gaelle

Ferster, Makenna

Gartside, Beth

Gauthier, Madeline

Havens, Jordan

Hofmeister, Paris

Kalika, Alexa

Kennedy, Keri-Anne

Lee, Hanna

Louw, Margo

Meijer, Isaac

Mejia Estrada, Camila

Polzin, Natalja

Pooja Rani

Reul Orozpe, Bárbara

Sharma, Vandna

Smith, Noah

St.Pierre, Stephen

Torgunrud, Amy

Wilson, Bruno

Wynn, Henry

Brisebois, Hailey

Brunell, Hailee

Gumber, Vansh

Joshy, Melbin

Poetker, Skye

Sintzel, Chantal

Loku Liyanage, Sanduni

Sharma, Shubham


Automotive Service Technician Apprenticeship Level 4 Certificate

Adams, Jovi

Blomly, Jason

Dixon, Daniel

Hickson, Zachery

Latendresse, Logan

McKenzie, Scott

McLean, Sean

McMillan, Connor

Murray, Dustin

Automotive Service Technician Foundation Certificate

Baines, Hope

Croteau, Olivier

Dayman, Taylor

Drouin, Seth

Johnson, Jennica

Johnson, Marissa

Nuttall, Kody

Bachelor of Business Administration

Balovnev, Alyssa Kuzoff, Nicola

British Columbia Adult Graduation Diploma

Bolton, Helen

Butler, Ashley

Christensen, Paul

Fanning, Nicholas

Gronen, Skyla

Jean, Megan

Johnson, Amy

Kropinak, Jesse

Palmer, Laura

Business Management - Accounting Diploma

Blackmore, Hailey

Conarroe, Amber

Donald, Mandy

Floyd, Ashton

James, Laura

John, Melanie

Klassen, Hannah

MacDonald, Andrew

Business Management - Financial Services Diploma

Abdulkareem, Omer

Boro Bertoli, Gustavo

Business Management - General Management Diploma

Akinleye, Joshua

Bandet, Kimberly

Brar, Parteek Singh

Gandhi, Rutuma

Harpreet Kaur

Honeyman, Matthew

Lawoti, Nitesh

Business Management - Marketing Diploma

Li, Zi

Pasmore, Reese

Robertson, James

Sutton, Terrance

Vanghel, Curtis

Pesce, Lucas

Petovello, Cheryl

Sandahl, Owen

Samuels Mund, Shae

Skinner, Wayne Lawrence

Van Zanten, Zachary

Wheaton, Randy

Ruffles, Tanya

Williams, Mason

Yang, Sophia

Jain, Aman

Mehta, Yash

Mewada, Jay Ashok

Spurge, Bradley

Mateus Rodrigues, Vittor

Mukai, Aine


Business Management Certificate

Amrit Pal Singh

Berekoff, Stephanie

Berkhiem, Caitlin

Conway, Krystal

Iqbal, Umair

Lees, Zachary

Moran, Zachary

Murtagh, Annika

Nanninga, Sequoia

Nelson, Fisher

Normanyo, Roger Edem Kwasi

Oler, Becky

Payne, Riley

Person, Nikolas

Carpenter Apprenticeship Level 4 Certificate

Ecklund, Andrew

Fahselt, Austin

Gailius, Grant

Golbeck, Kyle

Holt, Morgan

Macintyre, Peter

Mitchell, Johnathan

Oler, Bobby

Carpenter Foundation Certificate

Allen, Edward

Beynon, Aaron

Borowicz, Benjamin

Broder, Josephene

Englesby, Gregory

Evans, Aaliyah

Gaetan, Jason

Hanson, Courtney

McCormack, Aidan

Munro, Jonah

Certified Dental Assistant Certificate

Bevans, Chloe

Ellis, Jenna

Haagsman, Ashtyn

Hagley, Sommer

Haley, Stacey

Kaur, Amanpreet

Kerner, Abbie

Klassen, Anabelle

Klemen, Trista

Martin, Kloe

Megyes, Caydence

Mulholland, Ashleigh

Ovando Arellano, Adriana

Palmer, Melody

Child, Youth and Family Studies Diploma

Beamer, Chantal

Caldwell, Brenda

Forgo, Roderick

Lewis, Toni

Main, Stephanie

Manson, Stephanie

Marshall, Tiffany

McBurnie, Kristen

Rast, Scott

Roissetter, Tiahna

Schrader, Dawson

Tennant, Lucy

Thompson, De’Anndrea

Viklund Woestenenk, Tuva

Westall, Liam

Oler, Enoch

Plourde, Dominic

Thompson, Connor

Peters, Aidan

Sapera, Tracy

Stein, Spencer

Williams, Tamara

Piche, Cali

Pungaksorn, Numfon

Raven, Havana

Roepke, Johanna

Scory, Mckenna

Shurgelo, Emily Mae

Zimmer, Hailyn

Pendergast, Darci

Watson, Christine

Watson, Rayne

White, Naomi

Construction Electrician Apprenticeship Level 4 Certificate

Bjorkman, Seth

Doherty, Austyn

Duncalf, Michael

Earle, Marlon

Hunter, Kelly

Nicolajsen, Josh

Oler, Carlin

Page-Shiner, Ian

Palmer, Tac

Samuelson, Leelen

Sommer, Matthew

Sookro, Blair

Van Steinburg, Tyler

Wall, Jason


Criminal and Social Justice Certificate

Halliday, Madison

Irvine Brake, Ayla

Ivezic, Teodora

Patterson, Owen

Rogers, Alesia

Stewart, Shayla

Criminal and Social Justice Diploma

Campbell-Hionis, Zoe

Davis, Michelle

Mitchell, Paige

Raymont, William

Early Childhood Education Certificate

Attarian, Roxanne

Basaraba, Nadia

Beranek, Elisha

Canela, Amelia

Canning, Zena

Carson, Hannah

Chellappan, Chellam

Childress, Bailee

Dusanj, Manjot

Ellingboe, Sawyer

Fraser, Mya

Gendron, Katelyn

Gesshe, Kristie

Ho, Tammy Yuet Tim

Hunter, Tylo

Inglis, Akasha

Johnston, Brooke

Kundu, Deblina

Larter, Sharlene

MacAulay, Quincy

Main, Stephanie

McLelland, Rebecca

Mulligan, Derrian

Powell, Kristina

Ramos de Monticello, Livia

Ramsay, Alisha

Williamson, Tamara

Wright, Jonathan

Tan, Ma Christina

Restemeyer, Heidi

Robbins, Haley

Ruel, Yolanda

Sharma, Prinkal

Skinner, Tanya

Sutherland, Erica

Teng, Fei

Trotter, Neela

Vinet-Rogalski, Jessica

Walker, Mikayla

Waller, Kimberley

Zeeshan, Gulrukh

Early Childhood Education Infant/Toddler Educator Diploma

Berghuis, Sarah

Boadway, Niomi

Chaudhary, Rahul

Cuevas Wayas, Leslie

Dwyer, Ying

Frendo, Angela

Kenny, Kelly

Kong, Qingliu

Latzel, Stephanie

Lescorbeau, Allissa

Monfared, Andrea

Early Childhood Education Special Needs Diploma

Barber, Keray

Baryluk, Amanda

Blake, Dana

Frendo, Angela

Moore, Naomi

Ross, Jessica

Sauve, Dana

Wiggli, Ramona

Wilder, Jenny

Metlewsky, Ashley

Webster, Heather

Education & Skills for Employment Certificate of Achievement

Carpenter, Tyler

Cursley, Cooper

Nelson, Cameron


Education Assistant Certificate

Ackerman, Katy

Albota, Natalina

Anderson, Megan

Bruce, Layla

Bullock, Mary-Catherine

Campbell, Tristin

Currie, Cian

Danforth, Colleen

Felske, Eryn

Harris, Caitlyn

Hartle, Emily

Jansen, Kimberley

Kaye, Kasey

Lagos, Elizabeth

Lattie, Ashley

Lavery, Nicole

Lawrence, Amanda

Manuck, Robyn

Matchett, Mackenzie

McIndoe-Roy, Brianna

McQuarrie, Shawna

Merrill, Jenna

O’Shaughnessy, Christine

Paget, Bui Khanh Nghi

Electrician Foundation Certificate

Albay, Kyle

Allard, Lynx

Bateman, Jenny

Blackmore, Judy

Bouliane, Jared

Brown, Dru

Cascanette, Ronald

Clarke, Robert

Clayton, Noah

Davis, Zac

Fancy, Wyatt

Fennuik, Clinton

Giacometti, Jared

Engineering Certificate

Maltais, Alexander

Gibbons, Casey

Goldsbury, Joshua

Guo, Cheng

Hilton, Logan

Humphrey, Benjamin

Hunt, Dallis

Johnson, Courtney

Johnson, Dennis

McDonald, Lachlan

Melville, Robert

Nelson, William

Neyrinck, Seth

Oler, Devon

Perreault, Brigitte

Pumphrey, Cheryl

Renwick, Carmel

Sanchez Correa, Marisol

Schmidt, Caitlin

Searle, Hailey

Spiers, Colleen

Spyksma, Stacey

Wang, Jian

Watson, Tiffany

Windels, Sarah

Zimmerman, Chelsea

Pelletier, Jereomy

Schalekamp, Jeanne

Schlatter, Aiden

Shaw, Danica

Sheridan, Mackenzie

Spurr, Jared

Steed, Wesley

Trenchard, Braden

Trombley, Tabbatha

Wake-Moritz, Charlize

Ward, Liam

Wiebe, Lucas

Sykut-McCulloch, Levi

English Language Program Certificate

Catalan, Cristobal

Pavlenko, Zakhar

Environmental Studies Certificate

Anderson, Alice

Massardier, Sarah

Fine Arts Certificate

Zilbert, Nicole

Pierce, Shaun

Policarpio, Noleen Faye

Wang, Qi

Schneider, Anna


Fire Training Certificate

Anderson, Quaid

Baggott, Jacob

Coopsie, William

Drumond, Luc

Fraser, David

Grant, Liam

Gray, Dylan

Houston-McMillan, Steven

Johnson, Ivan

Jones, Benjamin

Kelly, Riley

Hair Stylist Foundation Certificate

Armitage, Lauren

Chabot, Kira

Fossheim, Brooklyn

Grant, Kayla

Hannan, Chloe

Hellmen, Jessalyn

Ladd, Tamala

Oler, Rhoda

Health Care Assistant Certificate

Bedard, Jazzmin

Brause, Anita

Brookwell, Amanda

Brown, Kadedra

Burnham, Chelsea

Carlson, Kyla

Carson-Bartzis, Nicole

Corey, Donya

Daikuhara, Sanae

Ducharme, Stephanie

Eriksen, Nicole

Falys, Tracy

Finlayson, Brittany

Fitzsimmons, Grace

Gorgichuk, Trevor

Hanson, Katryna

Harris, Denise

Hierlihy, Jocelyn

Hilton, Kylie

Husin, Samira

Kneller, Kayla

Krisher, Chelsia

Lawrence, Bongiwe

MacKinnon, Grace

Medynski-Williams, Stephanie

Mercer, Ari

Mukundi, Ann

Neis, Wendy

Olagunju, Muinat

Orio, Maribel

Osborne, Margaret

Kroeker, Kobe

Moser, Angela

Muise, Braeden

Nixon, Benjamin

O’Neil, Matthew

Oviatt, Madisyn

Queen, Kristen

Sanders, Hailey

Torres, Barbie

Pahila, Loneta

Poffenroth, Hannah

Poole, Patricia

Rynierse, Jennifer

Scheller, Chelsea

Scheller, Kate

Sharma, Priya

Shurgelo, Abby

Starr, Michael

Sylvestre, Ellen

Tugade, Erin

Valliere, Andrew

Wangari, Ruth

Yap, Camille Kim

Zaiss-Baetzel, Zoe

Heavy Duty Equipment Technician Apprenticeship Level 4 Certificate

Adams, Kurt

Ambrosio, Easton

Barrett, Stephen

Bickford, Ethan

Boulton, Ayden

Brons-Cooney, Jonathan

Crayford, Allison

David, Ryley

Graf, Logan

Hetu, Braiden

James, Kyle

Jones, Brayden

Leduc, Tristen

Lindsay, Alan

McKinnon, Peter

Miller, Nelson

Orton, John

Pepper, Graeme

Pirz, Braden

Robertson, Brett

Romanchuk, Jake

Sanders, Breanna

Sherlock, Taylor

Siewert, Elijah

Smith, Tristan

St Germain, Paul

Taylor, Elijah

Thiel, Clayton

Walker, Kristian


Heavy Mechanical Foundation Certificate

Alaric, Austin

Baher, Brayden

Berard, Dylan

Bryant, Gage

Bunn, Noah

Collinson, Wyatt

Croppo, Ryan

Drysdale, Bradley

Godolphin, Emma

Groleau, Brayden

Hoglund, Faith

Kinsella, Blake

Kroetsch, Colby

Lahue, Austin

Langan, Derek

Levesque, Nicko

Miller, Isaac

Pearson, Sierra

Poole, Trace

Hospitality Management Diploma

Arshdeep Kaur

Dong, Na

Manjot Kaur

Sekhon, Jaskiran Kaur

Human Service Worker Certificate

Benty, Kristin

Bernicot, Kayla

Cochet, Richelle

Dumaresq, Emily

Fischer, Jasmine

Glasier-Nielsen, Dawn

Hunt, Caitlyn

Jones, Georgia

Kindlein, Courtney

Landry, Benjamin

Lilly, Erica

Loseth, Hannah

Lyons, Brittany

Madsen, Jenna

Maldidier, Tandra

McDonell, Jillian

Human Service Worker Diploma

Bruce, Justine

Dawson, Hailey

Freeman, Jessica

Htay, Debie Main, Stephanie

Matters, Pamela

Robertson, James

Shaw, Colton

Shepherd-House, Brendon

Sudeyko, Cole

Tames, Brandon

Thom, Brayden

Wahlstrom, Logan

Watson, Justin

Wills, Jake

Sukhpreet Kaur

McLachlan, Grace

Meadows, Ashley

Orr, Ainsley

Pointen, Emily

Porter, Amanda

Scrase, Leanne

Stevens, Elisha

Stilling, Chrystal

Russchen, Kira-Lynn

Semke, Mary

Industrial Electrician Apprenticeship Level 4 Certificate

Barrett, Reese

Donnon, Marshall

Duquette, Travis

Gervais, Darren

Hammond, Scott

Hillstead, Adrienne

Koehler, Jessica

Leduc, Brody

Purdy, Lucas

Teegee, Kalan


Industrial Mechanic Apprenticeship Level 4 Certificate

Beler, Jeffrey

Demeer, Jack

Demeer, Morrison

Dillabough, Cole

Durand, Thomas

Durham, Randy

Eldridge, Peter

Friebel, Scott

Gach, Buzz

Gauthier, Lee

Hack, Dillon

Kavaloff, Colton

Konkin, Jaden

Lentz, Steven

Libler, Sterling

Lunde, Josh

Industrial Mechanic Foundation Certificate

Blackmore, Brendan

Blackmore, Serena

Dahl, Kjell

Kinesiology Certificate

Blackmore, Paul

Clarke, Reece

Davies-Varghese, Antony

Dookie, Adrian

Lalande, Angelique

Kinesiology Diploma

Bryant, Danielle

Fehr, Nadine

Deagnon, Conall

Hamilton, Jorja

Lockhart, Eric

Oglow, Jadak

Palencia, Jayson

Phillips, Andrew

Searle, Jesse

Smith, David

Wilisky, Jason

Wirth, Lucas

Lum, Anissa

Soltys, Brendan

Wilson, Cameron

Madison, Megan

Maynard, Andon

McKnight, Krista

Sharma, Khuahhish

Sorensen, Jackson

Veilleux, Jane

Victor, Sam

Williams, Emily

Woods, Kianna

Yodogawa, Ethan

Lueken, Hilary

Kinesiology Health & Human Performance Diploma

Green, Daniel

Mountain Adventure Skills Training Certificate

Barber, Kennedy

Hornick, Daniel

Jantz, Elliot

McClean, Nicholas

McLellan, Bryson

Nowak, Michelle

Oicle, Eric

Taylor, MacKenzie

Rons, Kieran

Winder, Quinton

Wray, Alexander

Office Administration - Administrative Assistant Specialty Certificate

Breeze-Kent, Katrina

Nay, Noemi

Teichroeb, Trista

Office Administration - Bookkeeping Specialty Certificate

Beddie, Hailey

Casupanan, Mariefe

Chisholm, Brianne

Cross, Brandy

Cudworth, Aaron

D’Hamers, Charisse

Eyles, Danelle

Gaudet, Meghan

Hammer, Ute

Martin, Chelsea

McBride, Alexandra

O’Dell, Jamie

Peters, Marcie

Wilson, Viki


Office Administration Certificate

Alessio, Meagan

Apel, Luca

Beddie, Hailey

Carmichael, Lindsay

Chaluck, Nadine

Daubs, Talisha

Dwyer, Leya

Glasier, Janice

Goertzen, Hannah

Haarstad, Abriella

Harvey, Emma

Hunter, Shannon

Jennifer, Milley

Lukas, Emma

Madore, Brooke

Mazzone, Ashley

Nagasawa, Christine

Nielsen, Shari

Oler, Mindy

Ozimek, Karli Robyn

Patkova, Michelle

Preston, Jodi

Rabuck, Danika

Savage, Reili

Plumber Apprenticeship Level 4 Certificate

Bayliss-von Flotow, Sebastian Ellis, James Hall, Brent Maybury, Braden

Post-Degree Diploma in Sustainable Business

Akinlusi, Victor

Maria Kulandai, Jolyn Cabrini


Post-Degree Certificate in Sustainable Business

Gyurkovits, Jenna

Practical Nursing Diploma

Andersen, Emily

Atwood, Candace

Bennett, Michael

Blackburn, Denise

Brekke, Skylar

Devooght, Jennifer

Gehr, Heidi

Pre-Education Certificate

Blackmore, Travis

McKnight, Krista

Gerein, Barbara Gray, Kaila

Hemmelgarn, Tannis

Hrabarchuk, Caroline

Krueger, Samantha

Meinhardt, Jessica

Schafer, Della

Sheppard, Robin

Skene, Kari

Skjonsberg, Robyn

Snider, Taylor

Staples, Clarisse

Starchuk, Shaylene

Teichroeb, Trista

Wheaton, Melissa

Wolff, Rachel

Zimmer, Christine

McGinnis, Gordon Smith, Nadine

Onukogu, Uzoma

Menzies, Kaitlyn

Nightingale, Amber

Prepes, Ashley Anne

Rudyk, Calista

Templeton, Vicki

Ulmer, Ann

Mellett, Brooke

Patterson, Ashlyn

Professional Cook 1 Certificate

Dentrey, Jasmine Joy, Nikelaus

Kopecky, Haylee Lopez, Rosita

Wolff, Andrea

Madariaga Lozecznik, Benjamin

Tengum, Hunter


Recreation Management Certificate

Amey, Alisha

Bouvier, Trevor

Cassley, Victoria

Ferguson, Taylor

Froom, Abigail

Recreation Management Diploma

Bartier, Jillian

Donaldson, Aviva

Tourism Management Certificate


Joy, Anton

Kartik Singh

Kumar, Ronit

Manpreet Kaur

Pagnas, Beverlie Ann

Ramanjot Kaur


Tourism Management Diploma

Amandeep Kaur

Amanpreet Kaur

Anmolpreet Kaur

Boby, Don

Eadie, David

Khaira, Manpreet Kaur

Kulveer Kaur

Lakhdeep Singh

Loeppky, Jennifer

Madaan, Aman

McCowan, Kristen

Narula, Paras

Welder Apprenticeship Level 3 Certificate

Anderson, Zack

Blackburn, Robin

Dickeson, Connor

McCurdie, Alexander

Sandilands, Caitlin

Sedrovic, Tasha-Lee

Welder Foundation Certificate

Allarie, Riley

Andaya, Ron Railey

Archer, Dakota

Bradshaw, James

Campen, Dylan

Drew, Tobias

Ducharme, Jeramie

Englesby, Logan

Welder Modular B Certificate

Baher, Trenton

Cox, Daniel

Harrison, Robert

Erven, Gabriella

Henwood, Sean

Johnson, Willard

Kimpe, Annika

King, Trent

McGillivray, Michael

Oakley, Kurtis

Olson, Lucas

Garnett, Angela

Tekonomy, Chelsea

Stewart, Colleen

Santhosh, Austin

Sillo, Maxyne Kaye Elaine

Singh, Bharatpreet


Pandher, Arshdeep

Poulose, Edwin


Sabharwal, Rishika

Shokina Rani

Sood, Pratham

Stratton, Jacob

Weisbecker, Jaydon

O’Neill, Patrick Phillips, Ethan

Press, Ethan

Prince, Brandon

Ryley, Ty

Salvador, Louis

Schultze, Karl

Smith, Liam

Hunt, Robert

Kit, Levi

McNay, Aiden

Miron, Gabriel

Wesche, Levi




Bachelor of Education

Bohmer, Emily

Davis, Heather

Fillis, Morgan

Fletcher, Kaori

Fulcher, Shanda

Goertz, Hudson

Hall, Sarah

Johnston, Kali

Luke, Caytlyn

Nordell, Amber

Quinton, Emily

Riffel, Deena

Saffin, Elizabeth

Sharpe, Amanda

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Armstrong, Natalie

Berisoff, Kacie

Bjork, Michaela

Conroy, Jacynda

Dragovan, Michaela

Ebrahimkheil, Tamana

Gabelhei, Sara

Gilbert, Maggie

Gri, Nola

Herrmann, Andrea

Hillstead, Danielle

Laroy, Emily

McAllister, Ashley

Muir, Amber

Murtagh, Emma

Purdy, Lissha

Rees, Paris

Riviere, Jazmine

Toffolo, Arissa

Trach, Evelyn

Vasallo, Ryan

Willicome, Kimberley

Zmaeff, Madie

Spurge, Kalina

Valenzuela, Christina

Werstuik, Amanda

Wheeler, Jessica

Wheeler, Shaylynn

White, Jayden

Wishlow, Mia



z Adele Thompson Memorial Bursary

Nadine Fehr

z AECBC Bursary

Cheyene Powell

z Agnes McCoy Memorial Bursary

Chelsea Burnham

Alyssa Flood

z BC Hydro Scholarship

Paris Hofmeister

Rae Schultz

z BDO Canada LLP Scholarship

Jordon Sam

z Brian Pagnucco Memorial Scholarship

Kimberley Bandet

z Brilliant Expansion Equity Working Group-Women in Trades

Rainah Burgess

z Business and Professional Women’s Club Foundation

Stephanie Berekoff

z Canadian Federation of University Women - Cranbrook Scholarship

Stephanie Berekoff

Rae Schultz

z Canadian Federation of University Women- Cranbrook


Madison Adams

z Chevron Canada Resources/Molnar Bursary

Jaden Hood

z Cindy Oliver ABE Bursary

Trinity Didier

Cheyene Powell

z CITO/ITA Construction Trades AwardIndustry Training Authority (ITA Scholarship)

Aaliyah Evans

Chloe Hannan

z Columbia Basin Trust Bursary

Chloe Bevans

Hunter Burton

Bobbie Goodwin

Hannah Loseth

Zack Pighin

Amanda Porter

Emily Shurgelo

z CN Parkin Memorial Scholarship

Jane Veilleux

Presley Armstrong

z Coca-Cola Bottling Company Scholarship

Sarah Bourke

z College of the Rockies CUPE Local 2773 Scholarship (A)

Stephanie Hirn

Levi Sykut-McCulloch

z College of the Rockies Faculty Association Bursaries

Mikayla Fiddler

Shae Harris

z College of the Rockies Faculty Association Scholarships

Natalie Barnett

Kelsey Brodersen

z College of the Rockies Fernie Campus Scholarship

McKenna Boilard

z College of the Rockies Student Activity Award (with trophy)

Dylan Tennant

z Columbia Brewery Scholarship

Aspen Parker

z Columbia Power Corporation Scholarship

Presley Armstrong

Tanya Crouse

Shae Harris

Noah McFadzen

z Cranbrook Rotary Centennial Bursary

Alyssa Berkhiem

z Cranbrook Rotary Centennial Bursary

Paul Freitag

z Credit Union Foundation of BC - Joseph (Joe) C Selby

Memorial Scholarship

Makayla Lubbers

z Credit Union Foundation of BC - Pioneers Memorial Bursary

Emily Hartle

Emily Pointen

Kristen McBurnie

z Creston Valley Gleaners Society Bursaries

Say Dah Naw

Anthony Shurgelo

z Creston Valley Hospice Award

Chelsia Krisher

z Cummins Western Canada Bursary

Dan Langan

z G & M Clark Bursary

Jordan Havens

z Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Lowden Award

Chrystal Stilling

z Dr. Nicholas Rubidge Award

Daniel Irwin

z Dustin Bourns Leadership Award (ATBO nomination)

Kelsey Brodersen

Annika Gruebel

z Echoridge Education Foundation (Welding)

Sean Henwood

z Echoridge Education Foundation (ECED)

Bailee Childress

z Echoridge Education Foundation (Nursing)

Haley Croteau

z Eddy Brown Memorial Scholarship

Vincent Michaud

z Elk Valley Skills Centre Scholarship

McKenna Boilard

Daniel Irwin

Landon Kubos

Natalja Polzin

z Engineers Canada Indigenous Access to Engineering Scholarship

Jaden Hood


z Fernie Student Association

Eric Oicle

z Howard Scholarship

Ella Capri

Luke Mann

z Indigenous Education Department Award

Jordan Sam

z International Students’ Excellence Scholarship

Syed Ashraf Hussain

Annika Gruebel

Rebekka Shulze

Karen Velazquez Romo

Emily Williams

z J. Hugh Campbell Memorial Bursary

Skye Poetker

z Jeff Lakes Memorial Bursary

Nicholas McClean

z John Bracco Memorial Bursary

Kristina Powell

Susan Pullan

Livia Ramos de Sous

z John Leask Memorial Scholarship

Ben Rogers

z John McKay Bursary for Practical Nursing

Dene Frances Zablan

z Kimberley Skills Centre Scholarship

Jane Veilleux

z Kin Club of Cranbrook Scholarship

Madison Halliday

z Kootenay Dental Society Scholarship

Numfon Pungaksorn

z Kootenay Savings Bursary

Madison Adams

Paul Blackmore

Janine Dalton

Zoe Doucette

Alexander Funk

Beth Gartside

Natasha Redisky

z Libby Neve Memorial Arts Scholarship

Danielle Masuzumi

z Meetings That Matter - Leadership in Tourism and Hospitality Management Award

Taylor Ferguson

z Miro Micovsky Bursary (Golden Student Association)

Kelsey Brodersen

Ella Capri

z Open Shop Construction Industry Bursary

James Bradshaw

Zachary Davis

Kierce Rohrick

Spencer Stein

z Remo Morandini Memorial Scholarship

Nicko Levesque

z Robert Fields Memorial Award (United Commercial Travellers)

Selena Libregts

Isabelle Pratt

z Rocky Mountain NaturalistsMildred White Scholarship

Ben Rogers

z Royal Bank Bursary

Taio Schraner-Eldor

z Royal Bank Scholarship

Kimberley Bandet

z Ruth Walker Memorial Scholarship

Phoenix Cockell

Paul Freitag

z Sarah Whetham Memorial Scholarship-essay

Kate McPherson

z Senior Citizens’ Association of Cranbrook Health Care

Assistant Bursary

Chelsea Burnham

z Sonja Amy Loucks Early Childhood Education Bursary

Kristina Powell

z Sophia Hedman Trust Foundation (BSN)

Galen Pearce

z Sophia Hedman Trust Foundation (Education)

Krista McKnight

z Sustainable Business Scholarship-essay

Vincent Michaud

z Tembec Industries Inc. / Rotary Club of Cranbrook


Jessie Johnson

z The Hutchinson Accounting Scholarship

Jason Neis

z The Hutchinson Bachelor of Business Administration Scholarship

Desmond Chong

z The Hutchinson BSN Scholarship

Natalie Barnett

z The Hutchinson Practical Nursing Health Care Scholarship

Emma Soetaert

z Tiana McLellan Memorial Scholarship

Stephanie Hirn

z Valerie Hillstrom Memorial Bursary for the Arts

Skye Poetker

z Velma McKay Memorial Bursary

Tanya Crouse

z Verdun Casselman Memorial Scholarship

Shayla Stewart

z Welding Program Advisory Committee Award (trophy)

Sean Henwood

Thank you to our generous donors!

By supporting College of the Rockies, you are directly impacting our students. Your support changes the direction of many lives in our community and provides opportunity where it may not have existed for some. Giving to College of the Rockies enhances teaching and learning, rewards achievement, removes financial barriers, and contributes to the infrastructure and training for in-demand jobs in our region, helping our communities thrive.

There are many reasons to donate to College of the Rockies including honouring a loved one by naming a scholarship after them, or supporting a program area you feel passionate about. There are several ways to give including one-time and monthly donations online. Your generosity changes lives for the better – thank you.

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