Cheltenham Standard 7th May 2015

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7 MAY 2015 ISSUE 42






TODAY (at the time of going to press) is General Election Day. And it’s the most enveloping and exciting election in a generation. Almost every commentator is

united in predicting that the 2015 UK general election will be unpredictable. The main political parties seem determined to fight the election as if it was a conventional campaign. Ignoring the fact there will be deals to be done post results.


Some past UK general elections are remembered for the size of the winning party’s victory and the new political era that they ushered in; Attlee in 1945, Thatcher in 1979, and Blair TURN TO PAGE TWO >


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Cheltenham WeatherWatch Thursday 7th May Min 6ºC Max 13ºC

FrIday 8th May Min 8ºC Max 13ºC saTurday 9th May Min 9ºC Max 14ºC suNday 10th May Min 10ºC Max 15ºC MONday 11th May Min 10ºC Max 16ºC TuEsday 12th May Min 8ºC Max 16ºC WEdNEsday 13th May Min 8ºC Max 16ºC



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Political feast could have its ghost


(to some extent) in 1997. 2015 could be a similarly notable election. As it stands, neither Labour nor the Conservatives seem likely to form a majority government, and the Liberal Democrats look likely to suffer serious losses. Of course, the ghost at this political feast is that we have seen a marked decline in turnout over the past 60 years. The landslide Labour victory in 1997 was marked by the lowest post-war turnout in a national election at 71%. Today, a turnout of this kind would be deemed as a ‘success’. Turnout at elections since 1997 has been in the low

60s, even dropping to 59% in 2001. And we need to address this today of all days. As we all know the only way any of the parties are going to be able to form a Government is by forming an alliance to construct a majority. And as the Conservatives quite rightly point out, the only way the two Ed’s are going to walk through that shiny black door in Downing Street on Friday is to create a marriage made in hell with the SNP. Unthinkable! The Scottish National Party could easily derail Labour’s plans to secure a majority in the Commons. Labour currently holds 41 of the 59 Scottish seats

and stands to lose a swathe of these to the SNP, according to current polls. While many commentators think this won’t materialise, again this could be complacent (one only has to look at the results of the 2011 Scottish Parliament elections, which saw Labour wiped out in its heartlands). As an aside, it does seem that vote splitting; voting SNP in Scottish Parliamentary elections and Labour in UK Parliamentary elections just might have run its course. The expected collapse of the Liberal Democrat vote is also likely to complicate matters further in marginal seats. The

collapse of their vote in critical marginal seats such as Bristol North West, Camborne and Redruth, Northampton North, Warrington South and Watford could cause headaches for the Conservatives in particular as former Liberal Democrat voters defect to Labour and the Greens. We have two stark choices in Cheltenham. Chalk or Horwood. None of the others are worth a look and won’t make a whiff of a difference. It’s your time to make that difference with your cross today. So as you can see this is the General Election of all General Elections...and one not to be missed or voted on.

Local tyre business used to launder drugs money POLICE said six men plotted to bring hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of drugs into Gloucestershire from London, Cardiff and Birmingham. Former professional footballer Leon Jeanne was sentenced to 30 months in prison. Gang leader Marlon Douglas received a 13-year sentence. Bristol Crown Court heard the gang ran a second-hand tyre business in Cheltenham, which was used as a cover to launder drugs money. Douglas, from Gloucester, was discovered with a detailed business plan, describing how and where the drugs were to be sold, when he was arrested. On sentencing Douglas, Judge Neil Ford QC said: “If you'd shown the same enthusiasm for something honest you would be a successful businessman.” Karl Jones from Gloucester was sentenced to eight years. David Cruse from Evesham also received eight years. Levi Kelly and Jamie Townsend, both from Cheltenham, received suspended sentences. Officers from Gloucestershire Constabulary carried out undercover surveillance on the gang

Clockwise from top left: Marlon Douglas, Leon Jeanne, Jamie Townsend, Karl Jones and David Cruse were convicted for conspiring to supply drugs.

between May 2013 and January 2014. Over 5kg of cannabis and over 1.5kg of cocaine, some of which was a strong as 89% pure, was recovered, police said. During the investigation in December 2013, a high speed car chase took place in High Wycombe, after a car failed to stop on the M40. Later, officers found a bag of cocaine hidden in a churchyard. Police said it would have been worth over £150,000 when cut to a street purity.

Det Sgt Matt Phillips from Gloucestershire Police said it was “a sophisticated operation” that saw a “significant quantity of high quality drugs being transported into the county, destined for the county's streets.” The next sentence doesn’t follow on, it doesn’t make sense? Should the next bit be higher up in the story? “Significantly, when we arrested him on return from Amsterdam in April 2013 he was also found in possession of a business plan for his drug dealing. “It included a number of slang

terms for the drugs, specified roles for certain named people, geographic locations to target and an idea of how much money he was going to charge for the drugs he would sell. “At the end of the plan was a list of 'rules' that his staff had to abide by, such as counting all money received and only carrying as much as was required.” Eight other gang members previously received sentences up to six years 8 months after pleading guilty to conspiracy to supply drugs.




MArtin Horwood sAys...


“This Thursday Cheltenham finally has to choose. Ed Miliband and David Cameron, Nicola Sturgeon and Nigel Farage aren’t standing here. Your choice is between me and the new Conservative and it really matters. Cheltenham is one of 23 seats the Conservatives are desperate to win so that they can abandon the moderation of coalition and rule alone. A Conservative MP for Cheltenham would immediately have to vote for George Osborne’s drastic programme of public spending cuts – still unexplained during this campaign but posing an obvious threat to local schools, to our local NHS, to investment in our railway station and our roads. And they’ve said they’ll keep cutting even after the books are balanced. If you re-elect me as your Liberal Democrat MP, I’ll back the LibDems’ moderate plan to balance the books fairly by 2017/18, raising taxes on the wealthiest not just cutting – making it possible for us to protect schools and hospital funding. Then we’d stop cutting, freeing us to reward public sector workers and invest in our future. It’s no wonder the Financial Times and the Economist are telling people to vote LibDem. They recognise that we’ve brought good sense and stability, as well as heart, to government.’’

“Our country is at a crossroads. Our next Prime Minister could be David Cameron, who has a plan for stability, more jobs, and a stronger NHS. Or it could be Ed Miliband, who claimed last week that Labour did not spend too much when they were last in power. What happens in Cheltenham matters. If our marginal town turns blue again after 23 years, David Cameron is more likely to remain as PM. If it doesn’t, Ed Miliband will be a significant step closer to Downing Street, most likely propped up by the SNP. We have come too far to turn back to chaos now. From the depths of crisis we are now the comeback country. Two million more people are in employment, with 1,000 jobs created every day since 2010. We need that continuing strength so we can carry on investing in public services like our NHS. Of course there is much more to do, but our strong economy has put us on the right path. Here in Cheltenham I have set out a positive vision for our town. It builds on our fantastic strengths, and addresses square on the challenges we face – from the future of our hospital to our creaking infrastructure. For strong government nationally and a positive plan locally, vote Conservative.”

Call for Cheltenham residents to make sure they vote today 7th May 77,286 people in Cheltenham are eligible to vote in the UK Parliamentary election. We want to remind our readers that their vote is important and to make sure they are fully prepared for today, Thursday 7th May. The parliamentary election in 2010 saw a turnout of 67%. Andrew North, Acting Returning Officer for Cheltenham Borough Council is reminding people that they need to vote on 7th May if they are to have their say at the election. He said: “The UK parliamentary election is a chance for residents to decide who is best placed to shape the future of Cheltenham and represent their wishes as an MP in the House of Commons. Not only that, it will also shape which political party they want to run the country. Cheltenham residents must vote on 7th May to ensure their views are represented. “We also want to encourage residents in the Battle-

down ward to have a say in who they want to represent them in their ward. Ward councillors provide a vital link between the local authority and the communities in which they serve.” In the run-up to the polls, Cheltenham Borough Council, the police and the Electoral Commission have been working to prevent and detect any cases of electoral fraud. Electoral fraud is rare, but it is a serious offence. We are urging anyone who has evidence it may be taking place

to report it to the police for investigation. Have your say and vote on Thursday 7th May. To find your polling station for today, visit ctions. Residents in the Charlton Park ward now have a new polling station at the Cheltenham Community Fire and Rescue Station on Keynsham Road. Residents in the Hesters Way ward also have a new polling station and will need to vote at YMCA Sports, Cassin Drive.



LAST Saturday 2nd May, the Gloucester Rugby team popped into the CAMRA award-winning Sandford Park Alehouse to celebrate their sensational win over Edinburgh to take the European Challenge Cup. Alastair Kerr an assistant manager at the Sandford said: “It was fantastic to see all the players enjoying the pub and celebrating their victory, it was just a shame that some of our regulars, who are true Gloucester fans, missed seeing them.” The players had a fantastic time sampling and enjoying all the pub had to offer and for some of the pub regulars it would be an afternoon they wouldn’t forget as they sat down next to their heroes to swig the odd pint of ale or two. The reported bar tab was originally set at £1000.00 but the players only managed to rack up a £750 spend against this colossal tab. Mind you the beer in the Sandford is great value for money which might explain the change they got!


WInnIng TEAm AT WInnIng Pub

Pittville Park play area – Have you had your say yet? WE recently announced that Cheltenham Borough Council has big plans in store to make its most popular play area at Pittville Park an outstanding one for children of all ages and abilities to enjoy. The council wants to remind Pittville park users they have until Monday 11th May to let them know how they would like the play area to look. The council has committed to spending £300k on the play area with a further amount of funding from other bodies, to be raised in order to complete the project. The project is in its early stages and it is hoped it will be completed during 2016. To start the project off the council is finding out from people who use the park how they would like the play area to look; what they would like to see; what facilities should be provided and how it can be improved. Posters have been put up

around the play area with details of how users can give their views - either by filling out a simple questionnaire on the council’s website ( ttvilleplay) or by completing a paper copy. Paper copies can be found at the Central Cross Café, The Boathouse, Pittville Pump Room and Leisure at Cheltenham. They can either be returned to the place they were collected or the main reception at the Municipal offices; alternatively they can be posted to Green Space Development, Cheltenham Borough Council, Central Depot, Swindon Road, Cheltenham, GL51 9JZ. Questionnaires should only take a few minutes to complete.

Adam Reynolds, green space development manager, says: “We’d like to thank all those that have taken the time to give us their views on how they’d like the play area to look. We’ve had over 250 responses to our questionnaire so far, so we can tell how important this project is to a lot of people. “We want to create an outstanding play area that is accessible to all, so we need the views from all users to find out what they would ideally like from it. If you have not completed a questionnaire yet please do take the time to do it – it only takes five minutes. “We are committing £300k to this project and will need to raise further funds to ensure we can deliver it. Residents from across the borough, county and beyond, use this park so we want to ensure we get it right.” The consultation ends on Monday 11th May.



Weekly Toddler Mornings Monday & Wednesday Just £2.50 entry for a parent and 1 child, together with a squash and biscuit for unlimited play.

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Local man completes ‘ultimate triathlon’

Monday to Friday

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01242 257955 Support Group continues its good work at Maggie’s Centre THE Cotswolds Prostate Cancer Support Group charity supports men, and their families, affected by prostate cancer throughout the county. Its next monthly meeting will be held at the Maggie's Centre, Cheltenham GL53 7QB, at 7pm on 11 May, and will be addressed by one of the county's

leading urology consultants. For more details contact

Correction from last week’s edition MR Horwood does not attend a number of conferences every year to do with tribal peoples. We also reported that he held a weeklong conference about wildlife crime in London in Dec 2014. This was untrue. He did in fact host a weeklong event on the second of December in 2014 to do with international funding for animal welfare. Also in last week’s edition we stated that Mr Martin Horwood’s wife sat on the

Board of the Gloucestershire Primary Care Trust. She in fact left that board in early 2013 with the decision to downgrade the A&E in Cheltenham by the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group happening later in that year. Dr Shona Arora now works for Public Health England as Centre Director for Avon, Gloucestershire & Wiltshire. We apologise for any misunderstanding or hurt this article may have caused.

BEARDED endurance adventurer Sean Conway has become the first person to complete an “ultimate triathlon” over three lengths of Britain. The 34-year-old jogged into Land's End on Sunday to complete the 1,000-mile (1,610km) run from John O'Groats. Mr Conway, from Cheltenham, hit the headlines in 2013 after spending months swimming between the two points, having already cycled the distance. He said the run was “incredibly tough” but he was relieved to have finished. An attempt to complete

the challenge had to be abandoned last summer when he suffered a twisted ankle while filming a video “selfie”. But he is celebrating now after successfully finishing the six-week run, during which he was totally unsupported and carried his own kit, including a tent to sleep in. “It all began because I realised I had a need to push myself physically and mentally to live my life to the full,” he said. “The run was incredibly tough, tougher than I expected, but the passion and support of the British public throughout my journey was

tremendous and without them I do not think I would have accomplished this historic feat. “I really needed to make this run happen because failing it a second time round was not an option for me. “I'm relieved to have finished now and look forward to challenging myself and my aching limbs to something else in the not too distant future.” Over the course of the journey, Mr Conway took more than 1.5 million steps, averaging more than 25 miles a day but sometimes achieving distances of roughly 40 miles.

Cheltenham baby Tia born on same day as Princess Charlotte SATURDAY 2nd May was a very special day for The Princess of Cambridge, but it was also a very special day for Keonna Ball and Craig West from Cheltenham as little baby Tia was born on the very same day. Weighing in at 6lbs 11ozs, baby Tia was born at 3.04 in the morning of Saturday 2nd May and is now home in Rowanfields, Cheltenham with Mum and Dad. In fact both Keonna and the Princess of Cambridge due dates were exactly the same of 25th May… and both were late. Well that is the prerogative of ladies and especially royal ladies.

Keonna said: “This is my first child and I’m absolutely over the moon to have such a healthy, happy baby. It means the world to me.”

Baby Tia is doing well with mum Keonna and dad Craig and can now look forward to sharing her birthday with Princess Charlotte every year. And of

course as an added bonus she will receive a commemorative gold sovereign from The Queen in celebration of the shared birthday. Congratulations to them all.

To adverTise in The ChelTenham sTandard Call

01242 257019



Cheltenham nursery wins award NURSERY Rhymes Day Nursery in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire has won an award for being a top recommended nursery in the South West. The nursery came sixth out of 1047 nurseries in the South West. The top ten nurseries in the South West of England received an award from the leading guide to day nurseries, The award was based on the nursery’s recommendations from the children’s families and carers. Davina Ludlow, Director of, said: “We would like to congratulate Nursery Rhymes Day Nursery on being a top recommended nursery in the South West of England! It is a fantastic achievement to be recognised as a highly recommended nursery by the families and carers of the children that attend the setting. “Their recommendations show the warmth and excellent care that exists in so

House burgled in Boulton Road GLOUCESTERSHIRE Constabulary are appealing for information following a burglary at a house in Cheltenham. On the evening of 31st March 2015, sometime before 10.30pm, burglars broke into a property in Boulton Road, Cheltenham. They stole a number of items valued at a few thousand pounds including a Wilier Izoard XP bicycle. The stolen bike has the same frame as the bike pictured but with white handlebars and silver anodised Mavic wheels and chain wheel. The offenders also stole a matching jade and gold bracelet and pendant plus a selection of Walker and Hall cutlery including spoons and forks. The pictures show the type of cutlery stolen and the identifying hallmark. Police would like to hear from anyone who may be offered these items for sale or who saw or heard anything suspicious in the location. Please call 101 quoting crime reference number 7210/15.

many day nurseries. “The first five years of a child’s life are vital in shaping the adult they will become, which is why we decided to recognise those nurseries which are playing such an important part in our children’s lives.” Kim Berry, Nursery Rhymes Day Nursery Manager, said:

“It is with great gratitude to receive such a wonderful award. We would like to thank our customers for providing us with great recommendations as there feedback is very important to us. We feel it is such an achievement to be acknowledged for the continual high level care we feel we provide.” N u r s e r y Rhymes Day Nursery is a family run business set in a rural location with a strong ethos to provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment for children from Birth – 5 years. With learning taking place both indoors and outdoors with four spacious gardens to explore, as well as a homely, inviting indoor environment.

Couple from Prestbury dust off their dice for NSPCC day TOM, 31, and Danielle Jordan, 30, are getting involved in the NSPCC’s Really Big Board Game Day, supported by Hasbro Gaming, and are calling on other people in Gloucestershire to sign up too. The day of play is a great excuse for everyone to get nostalgic by raiding attics for their favourite childhood game. A suggested donation of £5 from everyone who takes part will help the NSPCC rebuild lives through services such as its play therapy work*, helping children recover from abuse and neglect, and take their first steps on the road to a brighter future. Really Big Board Game Day is being held across the UK on Friday 15th May. Tom and Danielle are holding their event a day later, on Saturday 16th May. They will be hosting a 12hour game-a-thon in their local pub, The Plough in Prestbury, from 11am until 11pm, as well as selling old board games and game ac-

cessories to raise money for the NSPCC. Danielle said: “We are avid board game players and so jumped at the chance to connect with other local board game players for such a good cause as its one we regularly support. There was recently an event in Cheltenham for International Table Top gaming day and it showed just how many people in the local area are enthusiastic about games and on Saturday 16th May, we're excited to have an op-

portunity to get those people together again at The Plough pub in Prestbury to raise as much money as possible for the NSPCC.” Caroline Morgan, NSPCC community fundraising manager for Gloucestershire, said: “Children naturally express themselves through play and it’s a great way to bring families and friends together. I hope workplaces, community centres, pubs and homes in Gloucestershire and across the UK will be filled with the sounds of shakers, tiles and laughter as we team up with Hasbro Gaming for our Really Big Board Game Day on 15th May.” Register at for your free fundraising pack with everything you need to organise your Really Big Board Game Day event.

Teenager arrested after park attack A TEENAGER was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm after a man was injured in an attack in Cheltenham. Police were called to Sandford Park at 10pm last Friday 1st May after reports of a fight between about 10 people. Arriving at the scene, officers found a 30-year-old man with facial injuries. He was taken by ambu-

lance to Gloucestershire Royal Hospital for treatment. A 19-year-old man was arrested and bailed to return to a police station on 25th June. A 16-yearold girl was also taken to Cheltenham police station for questioning. Anyone who witnessed the altercation is asked to call 101, quoting incident 474 of 1 May 2015.



Chalk pledges to focus on hospital on first day in the job CONSERVATIVE MP-hopeful, Alex Chalk, has pledged to start work on Friday if he comes out on top in Thursday's General Election. He has told the Standard that, if elected, he intends to write to the Chief Executive of the local Hospitals NHS Trust to seek urgent clarification on the future of emergency surgery at Cheltenham General Hospital. Following the 2013 downgrade of night-time A&E, the future of Cheltenham’s hospital has been a hot topic throughout this election campaign. It has routinely cropped up at election hustings held across town over recent months. Now the man

hoping to be the town's new representative in Westminster wants to put the issue of the town's hospital at the very front of his plan for Cheltenham. Concerns for the future of emergency surgery were first raised back in 2013

when Martin Horwood and Alex Chalk received a copy of a draft internal NHS Trust document which stated that centralising emergency surgery in one of Gloucestershire’s hospitals was a “specific priority.” Since then, Mr

Chalk has warned of possible future downgrades to come. Explaining his position, Mr Chalk said: “This issue can’t go on being ignored. It’s been hanging over us since 2013. If Cheltenham were to lose emergency surgery completely, the hospital would effectively be downgraded into a ‘cold’ (ie non-emergency) hospital. I believe that would be a dark day for Cheltenham. Many families in Cheltenham (mine included) have had cause to be grateful for its emergency facilities and dedicated staff. It’s high time we got transparency on this issue. That’s why, if elected, I would get to work on it this Friday.”

Letter to the Editor... Sir, People have fought and died to win the right for votes for all; this country has fought many wars recently where the goal is democracy – usually at the expense of a perceived local dictator. We are fortunate in this country that we have democracy – and it is vital that we recognise it and use our power to vote at the election. And if you need a clue who to vote for, all that Governments really do is to collect taxes and spend them – so my advice would be to vote for the party that you think will be best at delivering this, not just the one promising to spend money where it thinks most votes will come from. Don’t waste your vote! Chris Coleman

Cheltenham Pet Crematorium opens to help pet owners say goodbye SAYING goodbye to a faithful friend is never easy, but with the opening of a new pet crematorium, owners will have the opportunity to do so in their own way and in peaceful surroundings. This includes a Memorial and Wildlife Garden designed by local pupils who will show it to special guest, Adam Henson at the official opening. Talking about loss and remembering happier times with a pet is an important

part of grieving, says Jason Cracknell, General Manager of CPC. The company is opening its second pet crematorium, on the edge of Tewkesbury, to reduce the need for people to travel to Cambridge for a service. Jason says: “When we opened the UK’s first crematorium over 35 years ago many people thought that co-founders and devoted pet owners, Ray Hale and his father-in-law Clive Jackman, were mad. But the wish for a

dignified way to say good-bye to a pet has grown and we have people travelling from all over the country with their other pets to attend cremations. To reduce this stress was one reason why we chose to open a new centre in Gloucestershire. “The impact on a person and their other animals after the loss of a pet is not widely understood or acknowledged. By working with the local community on the design of a ‘Memorial and Wildlife

Garden’ we hope to stimulate discussion of pet bereavement and encourage a greater openness about the subject, this will help people to cope with this experience as part of the cycle of life.” Adam Henson, farmer and television countryside presenter, is to officially open the Cheltenham Pet Crematorium. Adam feels that growing up on a farm has helped him to learn about life and death. Adam says: “Over the years

I’ve had a number of dogs and when the vet has needed to put them down in their later years, it is a quite emotional and a sad time. I think growing up on a farm helps you to learn about life and to understand that loss is part of life’s rich tapestry and helps with the grieving process.” Adam acknowledges that pet crematoriums provide a key service for pet owners, their family, friends and even other pets, as a place to say goodbye: “I’m lucky as I live on a farm and all my dogs are buried in the garden but not everybody has that opportunity, so if they’ve got somewhere where they can take their pet to say goodbye I think that is a good thing.” The garden is also to be a haven for wildlife with a ‘bug hotel’ under the guidance of Kate Aubury of the Kemerton Wildlife Trust and they are planting wildflower seeds developed by the Cotswold Farm Park to encourage biodiversity. The pet crematorium has been open for a few months providing pet owners and local vets with compassionate cremation services. As well as the garden, the pet crematorium’s facilities comprise a visitors’ area and a farewell room where owners can see their pet in private before the cremation takes place. In the farewell room, there is a table where the pet is peacefully laid after being carefully groomed so clients can say their final good-byes.

Pet owners can choose to bring their pet to the crematorium or have their pet collected from home, while other people ask their vet to make the final arrangements. Gary Brown, Regional Manager of CPC says: “Everyone is different and this is why community involvement is important, to spread the message that losing a pet for many is similar to losing a family member. “Some clients take comfort from talking to a bereavement advisor and selecting a casket for their pet’s ashes in person, while others prefer to write in the books of remembrance or just to sit in the garden and reflect.” To mark the official opening of Cheltenham Pet Crematorium, Adam, with the help of some local pupils is to plant a tree in the garden. Clients, vets and other invited guests have the opportunity to look around the crematorium and learn more about pet bereavement. The new pet crematorium is based in Tewkesbury and is named Cheltenham Pet Crematorium to emphasise that CPC offer its services to a wider area. Pet owners can contact Cheltenham Pet Crematorium on 01684 857 494 for further information.




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Natalie Williams charms Thirlestaine Park Care Home with a special performance ON May 2nd, velvet-voiced soul and jazz singer Natalie Williams performed an exclusive repertoire of her songs at Thirlestaine Park Care Home in our own elegant Montpellier. Worldrenowned and MOBO-nominated, this delightful singer charmed residents and invited guests alike at the exclusive performance, ahead

of Natalie’s sold-out show at Cheltenham Jazz Festival. Those who were lucky enough to hear Natalie perform classics and her own material in such a relaxed and friendly venue, also enjoyed champagne, post-performance chat and a gorgeous tea to complement the music. It was a moving and emotive afternoon with

the talented Natalie in fine form; an event that was beautifully staged. Thirlestaine Park, nestled in the grounds of historic Thirlestaine Hall and with leafy views of the Cotswolds, was a truly captivating setting in which to luxuriate in melody and memories from a true jazz nightingale.



Cornish New Potatoes NOW IN!


Mobile speed cameras and April results

Venting spleen

GLOUCESTERSHIRE’S Road Safety Partnership posts the locations of mobile speed detection vans in the county onto their website each month. Priority sites are published for May and the results for speed enforcement in April revealed the following:

IN my personal opinion Martin Horwood has run a decidedly shameless campaign this year in an attempt to win his seat in Cheltenham. If it wasn’t his photocopied ‘handwritten’ letters that offended me, it was perhaps the very desperate plea for the town’s Labour, Green and Independent supporters to ditch their allegiances and vote for him instead. His justification being - their parties stood no chance in this town and that they all share the common belief in keeping the Conservatives (and their cuts) out of power. He was even brazen enough to suggest these candidates should volunteer to stand down and admit defeat early. What good has Mr Horwood done by asking voters to play tactics rather than support beliefs? Is it that wrong to encourage people to vote for the parties they actually want or is easier for him to instill fear mongering?

Results for April are: • A46 Bath Rd: 67 offences identified in 6 visits to the road. • Princess Elizabeth Rd Cheltenham: 78 offences in 6 visits. Slightly higher than average recently but still well below the average before the priority scheme was introduced.

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Local man about town, Tom Thurlow lets loose

Has Mr Horwood become so obsessed with his position that any minor candidates – albeit with smaller turnouts than his – are now to be thrown by the wayside and disemboweled of their votes just so they can

be artificially transferred over for his disingenuous needs? Since when did Mr Horwood become such a massive sellout? Oh yeah – right when his party signed that deal with the Tories they now seem to hate so much. They enjoyed a few minutes of power in return for reneging on pretty much all of their promises. Spineless bunch are the Liberal Democrats. I find it quite remarkable how brain-

washed our electorate are to still trust them. But what can we expect now? It’s yet to be seen what type of power (if he gets in) Martin Horwood will preside over whilst we wait and see which party is actually in charge of the country. Will another coalition take shape or is it going to lapse over into another election? Only time will tell. My prediction is that the LibDems will play an important role in propping up either the Tories or Labour in return for some cabinet roles (much like they did last time). Dear old Martin was given the role last time as ‘International Development Spokesman’ – whatever that actually means. If he’s elected no doubt Mr Horwood will be offered yet another national role that’ll do wonders for his career.

Get more of Tom’s insights by following him on Twitter @thurlow

The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these articles are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of The Cheltenham Standard




4 5 1 9 5 2 7 8 6 3 7 8 2 9 7 4 2 1 3 8 9 7 4 1 5 6 7 2 9 5 3 5 1



Make as many words of four letters or more as you can. Each word must contain the center letter and each letter must only be used once. Target: 25 words good; 35 very good; 40+ excellent.


Cryptic Crossword No42 aCroSS


1. Collision causes one politician to do something (6) 4. Raps for seeking entry (6) 9. Using it can drive one round the bend! (8-5) 10. Decline to fall asleep (4,3) 11. Avoid bad duel with egghead (5) 12. Love to make fuss about ... (5) 14. ... plane crash in mountain state (5) 18. Their house can never be peerless (5) 19. Eric and Len take their ease (7) 21. His work should make the outlook clearer (6-7) 22. Is very afraid of adders (6) 23. Where animals can watch the show? (6)

1. Selected for the team and so off the streets (6) 2. Can need proper order for greater weight (13) 3. Inquisitive? Not us! It's an unusual object (5) 5. In this place at present, yet in no place at all (7) 6. Mistaken idea: no cut in fuel in mixed classes (13) 7. He puts money by - about a pound - for tray (6) 8. Make one in the long run if young at heart (5) 13. Answer some of the correspondence (7) 15. Being spoilt, little Alfred was up to getting married (6) 16. Deception in card game? (5) 17. Lovers’ suit? (6) 20. Divided the 100 remaining (5)

Last week’s solutions (30th april 2015): ACROSS: 1 Picture-books; 7 Sharp; 8 Skate; 9 Sea; 10 Dispenser; 11 Theory; 12 Aboard; 15 Abandoned; 17 Arc; 18 Heave; 19 Green; 21 Newspaper-man. DOwN: 1 Press attache; 2 Una; 3 Expose; 4 Oyster-bed; 5 Keats; 6 Reproduction; 7 Shade; 10 Dark deeds; 13 Again; 14 Enigma; 16 Amaze; 20 Eye.




Antonio Carluccio’s recipes are the perfect combo of classic and contemporary. To accompany the great food, there are seasonal and new brunch cocktails, in addition to craft beers, Italian wines and aperitivos. Plus, if you’re watching the pennies, the


Menu Fisso is only £10.99 for two courses. You can also grab something to-go at Carluccio’s deli. The freshly prepared meals have everything from antipasti and seasonal salads to sweet tarts and rich cakes. If you’re after an extra











17 20



special gift, look no further than the shelves of the foodshop with specialist artisan products sourced from all over Italy, or re-create a delicious dinner at home using the unique Carluccio’s products for sale, from pasta to sauces. Simon Kossoff, Chairman of Carluccio’s, says: "This opening is extremely exciting for the Carluccio’s team.’’ Carluccio’s, 36 Regent Street, Cheltenham, GL50 1JZ. Tel: 01242 222026 Twitter: @carluccioscaff Facebook: carluccioscaffe



TickeTs pLease! STAGECOACH West have announced a number of upcoming Open Days for the regions Gloucester & Ross-on-Wye and Cheltenham & Stroud between the 9th and the 30th May. Throughout May, the local bus operator, Stagecoach West, will provide wannabe bus drivers with the chance to test-drive a bus, speak to current staff and even apply on the spot for a job with the company. Stagecoach West is fully committed to providing a high standard of service through the quality and efficiency of its buses and its staff. Those interested in working for Stagecoach West don’t need to register their interest or go through a lengthy application process; they are simply encouraged to turn up to an Open Day, experience the company culture and

apply then and there. For those interested in coming along, the open days will be held as per the below details: Cheltenham & Stroud Cheltenham Racecourse Saturday 30th May 9am to 3pm Rupert Cox, Managing Director for Stagecoach West, commented: “We’re excited to announce these recruitment days within Gloucestershire and can’t wait to see the level of those who choose to attend. We work hard to ensure that Stagecoach West is a fantastic company to work for; we’re providing a service for the local communities and every day on the job is different. Typically, our recruitment process is pretty quick; those who apply on the day can usually expect to hear back from us within a couple of weeks as to whether or not they have an interview, and it’s all go from there.”





Local Bus Operator Launch Driver Recruitment Drive in Gloucestershire

Antonio Carluccio



CARLUCCIO’S TO OPEN IN CHELTENHAM THIS MAY ON Friday 22nd May, Carluccio’s will make its grand debut in Cheltenham. The new restaurant, deli and food shop will be conveniently in Regent Street, bringing a modern approach to Italian all-day dining. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, Carluccio’s has something for everyone. Whether you’re a mum-onthe-go grabbing a quick bite to eat and a proper Italian coffee, a group of friends in search of a bubbly brunch, or a family looking for a relaxed lunch, the new restaurant is all about minimum fuss and maximum flavour, while showcasing it’s genuine connections with Italy. With 107 covers inside and an outdoor seating area accommodating 20 covers, the new Carluccio’s recreates the ambiance of a busy, Milanese caffe. From uniquely blended coffees and pastries, to antipasti sharing boards, freshly prepared salads, handmade pasta and seasonal fish, meat and vegetarian mains plus indulgent desserts, every one of



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GreenS have a pop at Lib DemS IN a statement from the Green Party they said that the latest campaign literature from Cheltenham Liberal Democrats states categorically that Labour and Green supporters are “urging others to back the Lib Dems to keep the Tories out.” They also stated that “this is far from the truth. In 2010 the Green Party didn't stand a candidate in Cheltenham for just this reason.” It encouraged supporters to vote Liberal Democrat to keep the Conservatives out. That meant the country ended up with the very thing Green Party supporters locally had been trying to avoid – a Conservative government, propped up by the very people they had trusted to keep them out. Cheltenham Green Party candidate Adam Van Coevorden said: “Many former Liberal Democrat supporters have turned to the Green Party because they feel utterly let down by the harm that the Coalition government has done. It has stripped both dignity and the means to live from the poorest in our society; it has wrecked our precious public

services, including the NHS, which it is rapidly selling off piece by piece to profitmaking companies so that our taxes are filling the pockets

of the rich; it has consistently allowed vested interests, rather than the common good, to dictate its policies. “These things have been allowed to happen because the Liberal Democrats agreed to prop up a Conservative government in 2010. And they have already said that they'll try to do it again after this election, despite their obvious hatred for

Shying away from the action by TODD HASLEWOOD THE debate held by the Cheltenham Standard saw what many expect to be the two main candidates for this constituency go head-tohead at Cheltenham Town Football Club. The number of politicians at the debate however was supposed to be double that, as UKIP representative Christina Simmonds and Independent candidate Richard Lupson-Darnell decided to boycott the event. After the traffic accident concerning Mrs Simmonds that was reported in the previous edition by the Cheltenham Standard, her election agent Martin Leonard said: “We do not see how any questions which

Christina Simmonds

might arise on this matter during the meeting could be considered fairly.” Mr Lupson- Darnell outlined on his blog that he wouldn’t attend the debate because he: “Simply [didn’t] feel that the event is going to be a balanced affair run for the benefit of the audience.” Despite there being a majority of Liberal Democrat and Conservative audience members, to not even attend the debate to put their views across on matters such as the

broadband, the renovation of the railway service and the use of green space in the area, is doing a disservice to the electorate and to people who are yet to decide on who they want to vote for. All the politicians in this constituency don’t want to see Cheltenham as a twohorse race, and great campaigning and work by these two candidates is only undone by them not reinforcing their policies in person. Showing that they aren’t afraid of fighting it out amongst probably the two most popular parties is a strong message to the voting public, and a chance that was surely missed by them. It’s as my Editor said: “If you can’t stand the heat in the kitchen, then don’t try and become an MP.”

to aDvertiSe in the StanDarD CaLL oUr SaLeS team on 01242 257019

Driver fails to stop after hitting car with pregnant woman and child on board

their Conservative masters.” Mr Van Coevroden went on to say that: “Cheltenham Green Party has run a strong and fair campaign in this election with the help of many loyal supporters. I have personally attended most of the hustings in Cheltenham, we have leafleted pretty much every house in the constituency and have had a presence in the town centre most Satur-

days over the last four weeks. We have seen a significant rise in activity on our social media sites with more followers and likes than ever before. “Our campaign will continue until the last vote has been cast. We have never urged our supporters to vote anything in this campaign but Green for real change and a new kind of politics.”

POLICE in Cheltenham want to trace the driver of a silver saloon car who failed to stop after side-swiping another vehicle at a road junction. The incident happened near the railway bridge on the A40 Lansdown Road at about 5pm last Friday, 1st May. A Fiat 500, carrying a woman, her pregnant daughter and her 11-year-old son, was heading towards the town centre when a car pulled out from Shelbourne Road, hit the Fiat then sped off down Gloucester Road in the direction of the Tesco supermarket. None of the occupants of the Fiat were injured. The offender's car is believed to be an 02-registered silver-grey saloon, possibly an Audi. The driver was described as a white man with very short hair. A blond woman whose hair was pulled into a pony tail was in the passenger seat. Anyone with information is asked to call 101, quoting incident 335 of 1 May 2015.

To celebrate the life of

Jemma ROZIER a family friendly fundraising fete in aid of the


on SATURDAY 13TH JUNE from 1-5pm at Bishops Cleeve Football Club, Kayte Lane, Cheltenham GL52 3PD 07880 401 366 Tickets will be on sale at a later date:

All Tickets 50p per person We are also going to have a raffle, stalls, sports day races, rounders, cake sale and plenty more! If you can donate cakes, raffle prizes and a few hours time of the day to man a stall that would be very much appreciated, please let us know.

Further details will be released at a later date. Thank you



QUESTiON TimE gETS TO bOiLiNg POiNT TODAY is the day where your vote truly counts, with people in this and other constituencies placing their trust in policies and politicians to try and make a difference on a local and national scale. You may have seen on television the leaders of the Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrat, Greens and UKIP all explaining why it is important you vote for them, via a debate. Doing just that last week were the two-front runners for this constituency, Liberal Democrat candidate Martin Horwood and Conservative representative Alex Chalk, as the Cheltenham Standard held its own question time. Christna Simmonds from UKIP and Richard LupsonDarnell an Independent decided not to turn up. Clearly they thought the heat of this particular kitchen might be too hot for them?



Staged at Cheltenham Town Football Club, matters such as the A417, parking, potholes and A&E emergency services were important topics for both politicians and the audience,

as the people of Cheltenham wanted to know what would be done if either candidate was elected. Mr Horwood held his own despite fierce questioning from the crowd, whilst Mr Chalk delivered

Charlton Kings flash flooding resident drop in event Friday 15th May, 2pm-7pm ON Friday 15th May, residents in Charlton Kings can drop into an event from 2pm until 7pm at the Stanton Room in Church Piece to find out more about how to stay safe should flash flooding occur. The River Chelt and its tributaries react rapidly to extreme rainfall and this means that parts of the community in Charlton Kings could be at risk from flash flooding. This can occur with little or no warning. Residents can find out more at the drop in session,

where representatives from Cheltenham Borough Council, the Environment Agency, the National Flood Forum and the County Council’s Civil Protection Team will be on hand to answer any questions. They

will also provide information about the flood warning scheme and how to sign up and advise on producing personal flood plans. Helen Down, participation and engagement team leader at Cheltenham Borough Council, said: “Major flash floods are rare, but we hope that this event will help people in the area to know what to do and how to stay safe in case the worst should happen.” For more information, please contact Helen Down on 01242 774960 or email helen.down@cheltenham.

Local Sainsbury’s searches for new local charity to support SAINSBURY’S Local Charity of the Year scheme is back for the seventh year and the Tewkesbury Road store is looking for a new charity to support from the Cheltenham area. For the first time this year, customers will be given a choice of charities to vote for and the winning charity will then get help from the store to fundraise and raise aware-

ness about the charity for the forthcoming year. Customers can vote between 15th – 28th June in nearby stores and online at The Sainsbury’s Local Charity of the Year scheme has raised over £7million over the last six years and has helped thousands of charities across the UK. Neil Barber Sainsbury’s

Store Manager of Sainsbury’s Tewkesbury Road, said: “We know there are so many great charities in the local area and we’re really excited about providing a boost to one of these over the next year.” Just register your interest at the customer service desk at your local branch, Sainsbury’s Tewkesbury Road, Gallagher Retail Park, GL51 9RR to be considered.

his policies calmly and effectively. Sophie Flowers, who sat on the panel at the event, said: “Both Martin and Alex are clearly passionate about issues which affect Chel-

tenham and it was interesting to hear their arguments in the debate. “It seemed as though most voters in the audience had already made up their minds, but for undecided voters I

think debates such as this can really help clarify where candidates stand and give us a clearer picture of the real person behind the glossy leaflets which land on our doorsteps.”



BUSINESS editor’sDesk t the time of going to press this week all the political back stabbing and shouting will be over, bar the recriminations of failure and the gloating of the winner. There’s no more hullabaloo or manifesto shoving at the poor uniformed (in a lot of cases) electorate, who still don’t know the vagaries of a hung Parliament and how that could or could not work. It’s been a fragmented campaign to say the least with every senior party member refusing and sideswerving themselves from talking about what may happen after today (Thursday 7th May). I.e. welcome to coalition UK. The country that can’t really decide what it wants. I’m never left surprised that senior party members all twist away from that post-match scenario like sick on a pavement in avoiding that particular ‘ghost in the machine’. They have all without exception tried to keep we the media focused on their particular own brand of political vodka and have refused to be drawn on who and who they won’t be doing deals with post today 7th May 2015. It’s been hard fought battle in the last six weeks with the local politicians vying for our votes. I have to say as a political commentator on the local process I think the campaigning has been robust but reasonably fair by all concerned. Again as we go to press here at The Standard we don’t know who will take over the reins in Cheltenham. One thing is certain whoever it is will find the going hard. Alex Chalk if elected will have to deliver on his promises and Martin Horwood will have to really make a much better effort to deal with parking, potholes and get his finger out over our local NHS services. You’ll notice I mention no other parties here. That would be like giving a baldy man a comb… utterly pointless. As he said at our Question Time these things aren’t easy. But that’s what we pay an MP £74K for. So whomever it is…get on with it!


Gloucestershire businesses get export opportunity with British Corner Shop GLOUCESTERSHIRE businesses pitched to worldwide distributor British Corner Shop recently, hoping to win an opportunity to export. Hosting the Dragon’s Den style event at The Growth Hub, based at the University of Gloucestershire’s Oxstalls Campus, the distributor was looking to add quality, local suppliers to its product line of famous brands. British Corner Shop currently exports to 138 countries worldwide and last year delivered more than four million products. By ordering through an e-commerce site, expatriates can enjoy their favourite brands abroad; whilst retailers, bars and restaurants can also buy wholesale. Referred to The Growth Hub by a contact at a local branch of Santander, British Corner Shop met with business contacts of UK Trade & Investment, GFirst LEP and The Growth Hub. Mark Callaghan, Managing Director of British Corner Shop, was thrilled at the shared opportunity; “This event enabled us to meet new, local brands who are looking to grow their sales through

export. These brands, along with ourselves and the Gloucestershire food and drink market, have some exciting opportunities ahead.” 13 businesses attended the event; including Sibling Distillery, Costello and Hellerstein, Cotteswold Dairy and Benjamin Chocolatier. Each had 30 minutes to pitch their products to British Corner Shop.

which to meet. Within a week of the meeting, British Corner Shop had my products taken out to China to showcase to their clients there.” The Growth Hub is the single front door for business support in Gloucestershire; helping local companies realise export opportunities is just one of the many services on offer.

Cotswold recruiter Creative Mettle appoints new marketing director

Eric Barton, Editor

Got a comment?

Please contact us at Cheltenham Standard is published weekly by Cheltenham Standard Ltd is registered at Suite 104, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, GL50 1TA. Reproduction of any material, in whole or in part, is strictly forbidden without the prior written consent of the publishers. All material is sent at the owner’s risk and whilst every care is taken, heltenham Standard Ltd will not accept liability for loss or damage. Dates, information and prices quoted are believed to be correct at time of going to press but are subject to change and no responsibility is accepted for any errors or omissions. Neither the editor nor publisher accepts responsibility for any material submitted, whether photographic or otherwise. All rights reserved. ISSN no. 2055-2092. Terms and conditions at

Ben Axford, from Benjamin Chocolatier, is one of the four businesses that have moved forward in pursuing the opportunity; “The event organised by the Growth Hub was an amazing opportunity for us to showcase our products to a buyer we wouldn’t otherwise have come across. The process from start to finish was incredibly smooth, and the Hub was a great space in

Luan Wise

CHELTENHAM based recruiter, Creative Mettle, has appointed Luan Wise as marketing director. Part of Enjoy Recruitment Group, Creative Mettle was established in 2013 to focus on the creative sector in the Cotswolds and surrounding areas. With strong ambition on growth, and continued focus on further developing Creative Mettle’s reputation as the go-to recruiter in the marketing, digital and design community, Luan will help Creative Mettle lever insight into the marketplace and provide a non-recruiters perspective. Creative Mettle managing director David Townsend said: “Our remit is to provide

a really valuable career management service for the candidate community we serve. The additional insight Luan can grant us means we can help more growing agencies and high performing internal marketing teams grow. We want to help them attract the cream of the talent out there whether that’s account management, planning, digital, creative or operations.” Luan Wise adds: “I’m delighted to join the Creative Mettle team. The Cotswolds has an amazing pool of marketing talent. Having lived and worked here since 2000 I’m looking forward to supporting Creative Mettle in its process of matching great businesses with great marketers.”



TELEVISION Your one-stop guide to the best terrestrial tv over the weekend



WHAT’S ON ‘SINATRA, SEQUINS & SWING –THE CAPITOL YEARS LIVE!’ BIg Band concert-show visits The cheltenham Town Hall as part of its current tour on 12th June, for one night only. one of the world’s best Big Band Jazz orchestras teams up with two of the UK’s most talented vocalists to present this spectacular concert: World renowned band leader Pete long (Ronnie Scott’s Big Band / Jools Holland’s Rhythmn and Blues orchestra), conducts and performs with some of the best musicians in the business. While the two vocal stars - front man Kevin Fitzsimmons (voice of Sinatra in a TV advert with Hollywood moviestar Naomi Watts) and female vocalist Kitty la Roar - deliver a stunning performance with a level of authenticity that’s second to none. The show – recommended as a “must-see” by the President of Sinatra

Cheltenham artist nicola kelsall turns author A locAl artist has turned her hand to writing. ‘Diary of a Stressed out Mother’, a comic novel about the madness of family life, is the first of four ebooks and is out now on Amazon. “I am over the moon to finally publish this – it’s been enormous fun to write and I’ve had some great reviews so far!”

Nicola has already enjoyed great success as an artist, having recently been included in the National British collection. “I just really enjoy the creative process in any form – it’s very rewarding,” she says. You can find Nicola at: https://www.facebook. com/stressedoutmother

Music Society - focuses on Sinatra’s supreme era at capitol Records, celebrating 30+ iconic songs from 1953-61, most notably those arranged by superstars of the era Nelson Riddle and Billy May. ‘Sinatra, Sequins & Swing’, also recreates famous scenes from Sinatra’s TV and film appearances such as the ‘one For My Baby’ bar scene; and the ‘lady Is A Tramp’ nightclub scene from film ‘Pal Joey’. The show’s frontman Kevin says: “It’s a huge privilege to perform with The Pete long orchestra. These guys are also known as world famous Ronnie Scott’s Jazz orchestra, so a rare chance to catch them locally.” www.sinatrasequinsand Box Office: www.cheltenhamtown Tel: 08445 762210 Tickets £22.50, £21.00, £16.50 Time 7.30pm

Cheltenham Jazz Festival smashes its own tiCket sales reCord cHelTeNHAM Jazz Festival, which took place over the May Bank holiday weekend, once again smashed its own record for ticket sales, with an estimated 35,000 people visiting the Festival site. Visitors enjoyed five-star reviewed concerts, as well as listening to free music on the endsleigh Free Stage in Montpellier gardens, much of which was provided by more than 200 young musicians from local schools. International music superstars such as Van Morrison, gregory Porter, caro emerald, laura Mvula and Jamie cullum played packed venues, as did jazz

megastars such as Joe lovano and Tony Allen. Ian george, Jazz Festival Director, said: “This year’s Festival was an outstanding success. From a programming point of view we were exceptionally pleased to welcome so many international megastars, such as caro emerald, Van Morrison, Rumer and laura Mvula. We were particularly proud to host so many American jazz legends, including Archie Shepp, Joe lovano, and lee Konitz. “From an audience point of view, I don’t think the Festival’s ever had a better atmosphere. Whether

visitors were enjoying a jazz trio in PAc, dancing in the aisles at Martha and the Vandellas or just sampling the free activities and music on site, everyone I saw was having a great time.” The Festival’s partnership with Radio 2 took the town’s Jazz Festival to more people nationally and internationally than ever before. Radio 2 broadcast concerts live from the Festival on Thursday and Friday nights, as well as broadcasting Monday’s World Premiere of gershwin Rediscovered. Jamie cullum and clare Teal both also visited the Festival to do special cheltenham editions

of their shows. For 2015, cheltenham Jazz Festival had several new on-site experiences. The Jazz in the Box, which featured free one-to-one unique concerts from celebrated pianists in a Jazz Box, was a stand-out success of the Festival. The Festival’s Painted Pianos, which decorated the site, were also enjoyed by the crowds; especially when visitors sat down to play them. Brunel University’s BeAM interactive music exhibition in PAc was also very popular. Waitrose’s new Secret garden was a popular new space, as was The Moretti

experience. The Bottle green Bar and The english Provender co.’s Montpellier

Woods were as popular as ever, especially on the Teddy Bears’ Picnic day.

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To celebrate the opening of ME And You Estate Agents, we are pleased to offer, for a limited time, a reduced fee of only 0.75%. Personal service without the price tag.

ME and You are Cheltenham’s newest independent estate agents. If you are thinking of selling your home and would like a no obligation consultation, contact us at: 01242 584007 21 Rodney Road, Cheltenham, GL50 1HX


SPORTING ICONS DINNER WEDNESDAY 20th MAY 2015 Join our sporting icons for a night of banter, laughter and fun encouraged by our MC and former Bath & England rugby legend David Flatman

THE SPORTING ICONS DAVID FLATMAN Our MC and former Bath & England rugby legend, sport magazine columnist and TV pundit.

MATT LE TISSIER An exceptionally technical attacking midfielder who is best known for over 400 appearances playing for Southampton.

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AP MCCOY OBE Record breaking 19 time champion jockey with over 4,315 winners, who recently announced his retirement from racing.

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SPORT Hucclecote Panthers Under-16s reach national finals NETBALL

HUCCLECOTE Panthers, sponsored by Peter Hickman Hairdressers, played in the final play-off matches at Bath University against the other top three clubs, with the top two progressing to the national finals in May. Having already played and won 12 Division One league matches this season, Hucclecote went into the South West final play-offs as favourites and they certainly showed why. With each game lasting 40 minutes duration, Hucclecote Panthers took the court with confidence against Team Jets from Jersey and stormed to a 21-6 lead at half-time. With captain Ella PowellDavis leading her team well and with great defensive support from Caitlin Santacroce at GK and Izzy Robinson at WD, this allowed shooters Emme Hale and Jane Taylor many opportunities to put the ball in the net. Their confident performance also enabled coach Gilly Salter to utilise all 12 players during this game where they

ran out winners 33-17. Their second fixture against Bath saw a messy start with a few balls going astray particularly in attack, and their normal clinical finishing was slightly off. However a 7-3 lead going into the second quarter soon saw them up the pace and with Lucy Martin and Elisha New linking well, some slick play took place and with Taylor netting eight out of 10 this helped to extend their lead to 16-8. One switch with Beth Adkins on to WA saw her make a real impact. Using good decision making skills, she was also able to intercept 3 balls having one of her best games to date. The final 15 minutes saw Taylor at the top end of her game with 10/10 and with Emme Hale also putting out a good strong performance netting 73 percent, Bath just could not stop them. The scoreline of 35-18 in Hucclecote’s favour secured their place through to the national finals even prior to their last fixture taking place. Their match against Lawn from Swindon saw a different line up take the court

Bowls star Smith has sights set on Commonwealth Youth Games BOWLS

DOWTY Staverton’s Adam Smith is on Bowls England’s 13 player shortlist for the 2015 Commonwealth Youth Games in Samoa. One boy and one girl will be picked to represent England in the Games, which take place from September 5th-12th, with a singles event for both genders and the two players joining forces in the mixed pairs. All of the shortlisted players have been invited to attend a final training weekend at Stoke BC, Warwickshire, on May 16th and 17th. The shortlisted players are: Girls: Chloe Brett (Huntingdonshire); Lydia Cutmore (Yorkshire); Ruby Hill (Lincolnshire); Katy Smith (Wiltshire); Chloe Wordingham

(Northamptonshire). Boys: Bradley Coles (Hertfordshire); James Fuge (Essex); Harry Goodwin (Devon); Liam Harris (Suffolk); Louis McCubbin (Hampshire); Adam Smith (Gloucestershire); Harry Ward (Huntingdonshire); John Yates (Lancashire) Lawn Bowls was last included in the Commonwealth Youth Games in 2003 when England’s representatives included Sian Honnor and Sam Tolchard – both of whom successfully participated in the 2010 and 2014 Commonwealth Games. Three-time Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist Ellen Falkner is leading the preparation programme on behalf of Bowls England and will accompany the players to the Games.


with Eve Saunders at GK and Ellie Spark on at WD. Spark had a storming start taking three clean intercepts and tipping ball, which her team picked off and this helped them to secure an 189 lead at half time. Utilising the whole squad again saw more changes with Hannah McCoubrie on to GK initially prior to switching out to GD for the third quarter where she did well combining with PowellDavis at the back. Having taken the lead out to 16 goals, and with Ellie Parker playing well at WA, Salter took off captain Powell-Davis, Jane Taylor and Elisha New. Even though this was a big change to their team, Pan-

Adam Smith

Falkner said: “The Commonwealth Youth Games has been proven to be a tremendous experience for junior bowlers on their journey to elite participation. The final selection will consider a number of factors including bowling achievements, commitment to the programme and their anticipated ability to cope with the environment in Samoa.” Final selection will be conducted by Bowls England and confirmed by Commonwealth Games England during May. The two chosen players will then receive further support and training to help them to prepare for the Games.

thers pounced again and stormed to a 34-18 victory, leaving them undefeated champions of the South West region. Taking this title means Hucclecote Panthers are already one of the best 18 Club sides in the nation and travel to Ilford in Essex to compete as South West England One in the National Finals on May 2nd and 3rd. Hucclecote: E Hale, J Taylor, L Martin, B Adkins, E Parker, E New, E Spark, I Robinson, E Powell Davies, H McCoubrie, E Saunders, C Santacroce.

If he can get enough outside rides from his father Nigel and perhaps from the likes of Jonjo O’Neill in the early part of the 15/16 season, which incidentally started at Newton Abbott recently, he might be able to set up a reasonable lead over his rivals and then use the Nicholls connection to cement that lead. He may, however, be thwarted by Tom Scudamore (son of past Champion, Peter) who has progressed this last season from averaging around 100 winners to being aboard 140 winners. Educated at Cheltenham College, Tom rides for the Pipe dynasty and so is assured of plenty of rides for a stable which runs horses throughout the season. He has probably not got

the innate potential of Twiston-Davies but has got some useful outside contacts which could well see him up for the title. One factor which could impact on either is who JP McManus appoints to succeed McCoy (McCoy was with Pipe before taking the McManus job) as such an appointment would bring that jockey well into the Champion Jockey picture (the shrewd money is on Noel Fehily). The other factor is of course the presence of the perennial runner-up to McCoy, Richard Johnson. Clearly he would be a popular winner and he does ride for the powerful stable of Philip Hobbs plus a number of outside stables and as a result probably just edges favouritism in the race to be Champion. Whatever the outcome, it will be a changing of the guard come April 2016.

Mullins sets the bar high HORSE RACING

WILLIE Mullins’ unprecedented large haul of winners at Punchestown last week, including the Irish Champion Hurdle with Faugheen, does not bode well for the likes of champion English trainer Paul Nicholls, if Mullins decides to venture over to this side of the Irish Sea more often than in recent seasons, when he has tended to concentrate on the Cheltenham festival, and to a lesser extent the Aintree festival. It is no coincidence that Nicholls had limited success at these meetings, but without a Mullins presence was able to pick up most of the big Saturday prizes earlier and mid last season such as the Tingle Creek (albeit winner Dodging Bullets did go on

Willie Mullins

to win at Cheltenham). Mullins has substantially increased his string over the last five seasons with owners like Ricci Rich and Graham Wylie prepared to back him and he could only be beginning to show his real hand. With winnings over three million pounds last year Nicholls is not going

to go home empty handed in the national hunt season 2015/16 that is for certain, but he may find Willie Mullins now taking more than just a passing interest in large English prizes outide of the festivals. For the National Hunt enthusiast that can, of course, only be good news.



SPORT EuropEaN glory for gloucEstEr dEspitE rEd card RUGBY UNION

Edinburgh Gloucester

13 19

GLOUCESTER lifted the European Challenge Cup with a 19-13 win over Edinburgh at Twickenham Stoop. They claimed their first European trophy in nine years, despite having centre Billy Meakes sent off. Billy Twelvetrees’ fine try put them on their way and they led 13-6 at half-time. Greig Laidlaw, who kicked a total of 14 points, extended the lead to 13, but

Meakes was red carded for a high tackle 17 minutes from the end. Ross Ford’s try boosted Edinburgh’s chances of a fightback, but Gloucester held on. “We do not like to make it easy for ourselves, but what we have shown this season is strength and character that has helped us at the end of matches,” said David Humphreys, Gloucester’s director of rugby. “We have a number of top international players and their decision-making helped us at the end. We had

to dig deep after going down to 14 men. “I have not seen Billy’s tackle in enough detail to say if the card should have been red or yellow, but the way we adapted to his loss showed how much we have evolved this season.” Gloucester: Sharples; May, Meakes, Twelvetrees, Purdy; Hook, Laidlaw; Wood, Hibbard, Afoa, Savage, Palmer, Moriarty, Kvesic, Evans. Replacements: Dawidiuk, Thomas, Puafisi, Galarza, Rowan, Robson, Burns, McColl.

Bikini queen Siobhan going for glory on the big stage FITNESS

WINCHCOMBE bikini queen Siobhan Bellamy will take the stage twice in the next week to show off her award winning physique. The personal trainer has combined countless hours of work in the gym with the right nutrition to prepare for the UKBFF London South East competition on Sunday, with qualification for the British Championships at stake. She will then compete again a week later at the USN Bodypower Classic in Birmingham, where she is aiming to qualify for the Amateur Olympia in Liverpool. Australia born Siobhan won her first contest last November and she now has her sights set on another top placing. What makes her achieve-

ments and condition even more remarkable is the fact she is type one diabetic and wears a pump which delivers a steady flow of shortacting insulin into her body around the clock. Coached by IFBB pro Melissa Haywood and supported by her husband Laurence, Reflex Nutrition sponsored Siobhan will be competing in the bikini fitness (tall) category. “Preparing for these competitions is like a fulltime job, but it’s all worth it in the end,” she said. “I was told it would be too difficult for me being diabetic, but I want to show it can be done.” We will bring you news of Siobhan's first competition in the Standard next week. For any personal training enquiries, she can be contacted on sbellamypt

Norwell’s 10 wicket haul fires county to win over Essex COUNTY CRICKET

LIAM Norwell returned careerbest figures of six for 33 to post a match haul of 10 for 65 as Gloucestershire cruised to a nine-wicket victory in their County Championship Division Two clash with Essex at Chelmsford. The 23-year-old former Cheltenham fast bowler found lift to undermine the home side as they were bowled out for 199 after resuming on 91 for four. But it was a delivery that kept low that sent Essex on the slippery slope in the morning session when he bowled James Foster without him adding to his overnight 13. Norwell quickly followed that by finding a way through the defence of Greg Smith leaving Essex relying on Kishen Velani and Graham Napier, the last of their recognised batsmen, to try and

launch a recovery, but it never materialised. After watching his side record their first win of the season in the County Championship, Gloucestershire Head coach Richard Dawson said: “I think it was a good cricket wicket. All our bowlers performed exceptionally well over the three days and for a squad of young bowlers, their performance was very encouraging. “We bowled with discipline and we were consistent in the way we were hitting our lengths. We’ve been asking for improvements from our bowlers and they’ve done it. “But it was the overall team performance which has given me a lot of satisfaction. Chris Dent batted exceptionally well in both innings and Pete Handscomb’s first innings score and his partnership with David Payne helped give us what was an important first innings lead. “We’ve also fielded better than we have done recently so I can’t fault the lads for their performance.”

Cheltenham fall short after Dial’s destructive knock CRICKET

CHELTENHAM’s Premier Two campaign began with a home defeat by Lechlade. The visiting team won the toss and elected to bat the Victoria Ground, setting Will Simmons’ men a daunting

target of 308 from their 50 overs. Matt Jennings was the pick of the Cheltenham attack, taking three wickets for 39 runs from his 10 overs, while George Terry claimed two victims. But Bradley Dial smashed

an unbeaten 164 from 120 balls to guide Lechlade to their imposing total. Mike Kelly (51) and Kieran Smith (53) both reached their half centuries as Cheltenham responded with 269 for nine, falling 39 runs short. Lechlade’s Freddie Martin took

four for 41. Cheltenham travel to Chapwick and Polden on Saturday. In the Gloucestershire Division, Cheltenham Civil Service opened their summer with a six wicket win over Bourton Vale, opener Adrian Mayes top scoring with 67

not out. Steve Bridge and Ashley Jones both took three wickets for Service, who go to Chipping Sodbury on Saturday. Hatherley and Reddings lost by four wickets and home to Stroud, despite Tom Hage’s spell of three for 29

with the ball. Hatherley visit Lydney on Saturday. Woodmancote defeated Bourton Vale by five wickets at home, Rich Staff leading the way with 48, while Nick Weekes took four for 39. They play Dumbleton away this weekend.




Cheltenham League round-up CHELTENHAM LEAGUE FOOTBALL

THE Cheltenham League, sponsored by Bristol Street Motors Cheltenham Ford reached an exciting conclusion as the final two champions were crowned. The Division One title saw FC Lakeside, who needed all three points to take the title, host leaders Whaddon United at their Dowty Staverton ground. The game lived up to its pre-match promise; watched by a crowd of 182 it was a fantastic advert for local league football. Lakeside opened the scoring through James Bowers after just five minutes and they extended their lead in the 21st minute through their top scorer Adam Loveridge. United got themselves back in the game on the stroke of half time when Lewis Peters scored his 19th of the season. In the 61st minute United claimed the equaliser

through Kyle Watkins. Needing just a point to take the title Watkins then put United in front for the first time in the match, netting his second in the 79th minute. Lakeside did not give up and claimed an equaliser in the 93rd minute from the penalty spot but it was too little too late and United held on to take the title by a point. Having taken the league title, Whaddon’s focus now turns to the Senior Charities Cup final at Whaddon Road this week and you can read Jon Palmer’s full match report in next week’s Standard. After occupying bottom spot for a number of weeks AFC Kings fine end of season form continued as they finished the campaign in impressive form with a crushing 8-1 defeat on AC Olympia. The victory saw Kings finish eighth out of the 12 teams in the league. The other title deciding

Kings round off their season in style CHELTENHAM LEAGUE FOOTBALL

Kings FC AC Olympia

8 1

AFTER such a disappointing season in Division One of the Cheltenham League, Kings ended the season on a high note with an emphatic win over AC Olympia. Kings struck first in the 11th minute when they won a corner on the right. Alex Febery’s kick found striker Sol Griffiths, he rose unchallenged to head home to give the home side a 1-0 lead against the run of play and six minutes later Simon Dempster struck the second. Aaron Howe drilled in number three and it was Febery’s turn to get back into the hunt on 38 minutes when he picked up a defensive clearance and knocked in the fourth goal. A minute from the halftime whistle Griffiths made another telling run into the

box and put Febery in for his second goal of the match, this time from close range to make it 5-0. On 58 minutes Febery once again contributed to a goal, when he put Burford free on the right and he streaked into the box to make it 6-0. Five minutes later Griffiths got his second of the game with a low shot across the diving keeper and a 7-0 lead. In the last five minutes, it was Febery again who made the difference. This time he unselfishly set up Dempster with an easy opportunity to make it 8-0. With time running out, Tom Hencher was deemed to have cut across the Olympia attacker and a penalty was awarded. With Paul Bennett sent the wrong way, Olympia scored a consolation goal which brought the game and the season to an end.

Right: Iain Sercombe, manager of Bristol Street Motors Cheltenham Ford presents the Division One trophy to Whaddon United captain Daniel Pockett

match occurred in Division Six where Malvern Vale hosted Charlton Rovers Reserves. Needing just a point to take the title on goal difference from Fintan Reserves, Vale claimed the crown in

style winning the game 9-3. Aaron Griffiths bagged four goals to finish on 20 league goals for the season while Vale recorded a goal difference of +79 which included 37 from Daniel Stowe.

Double-chasing Service seek new manager after season of success COUNTY LEAGUE FOOTBALL

CHELTENHAM Civil Service took the Marcliff Gloucestershire County League by storm, claiming the title at their first attempt and scoring an impressive 100 goals along the way. After gaining promotion from the Northern Senior League last season, Service lost just one game as they took the title in emphatic fashion with a 13-0 victory over Southmead Athletic. Service had led the league from start to finish, accumulating 100 goals along the way, thanks in no small part to Jack Sklenar who netted more than 40 goals despite missing more than a month of the season through injury. The club are looking to round off a league and cup double on Sunday at Slimbridge when they face Thornbury Town in the Les

James League Cup final (noon kick-off). You can read Jon Palmer's full match report in next week's Standard. Unfortunately the club have become a victim of their own success with their rise up the football pyramid halted by the facilities needed to take the

next step into the Hellenic League. Next season will also see changes in the clubs personnel. After five successful years in charge, manager Nick Locke will be moving on to find a fresh challenge and the Tewkesbury Road club are looking for a new manager to

take on the reins. Chairman James Nattrass is keen to see an addition to the club that will not only continue the success on the field but help to strengthen their position off it. Anyone interested in applying for the role should contact club chairman James on 07929 378342.




SPORT Robins Rebuilding staRts as Johnson Releases eight CHELTENHAM Town manager Gary Johnson has begun his rebuilding process by releasing eight players and making six more available for transfer. Johnson held meetings with all his players on Monday, two days after they rounded their season off with a 1-1 draw at AFC Wimbledon, ending 16 seasons in the Football League. Goalkeeper Trevor Carson, Jack Deaman, Omari Sterling-James, Matt Taylor, Lee Vaughan and Jamal Lawrence are all on the transfer list. Durrell Berry, Craig Braham-Barrett, Troy Brown, Danny Haynes, Mathieu Manset, Matt Richards and Matt Gould will not be offered new deals. Winger Andy Haworth, who spent the second half of the season on loan at Barrow, has also been released. Long term absentees Asa Hall, Jordan Wynter and Eliot Richards – who are all contracted until the end of next season – will be assessed during pre-season and decisions will be made then. Loanees Wes Burns, Will Packwood, Shaun Harrad and Matt Sparrow have all departed after their temporary spells with the Robins. That leaves Zack Kotwica, Joe Hanks, Bobbie Dale, James Bowen and Harry Williams as players who are contracted for next season


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County jockeys challenge for Champion Jockey title hoRse RaCing

and feature in Johnson's plans. Russell Milton has been confirmed as Johnson's assistant manager for next season, with negotiations currently ongoing with the rest of the backroom staff. Right-back Berry put the Robins ahead against the run of play at Wimbledon when his low shot went in off the post after a fine solo run in the 25th minute. The Dons levelled just before the break, Jack Smith heading in from close range after Alfie Potter’s cross and Adebayo Akinfenwa cush-


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ioned header down. Wimbledon had the better second-half chances, but Cheltenham’s player of the year Carson made some fine saves to deny them a winner. His best stop came when he tipped substitute George Oakley’s shot on to a post, helping to ensure Cheltenham did not finish bottom of the table for the first time since 1962. Johnson, who fielded a youthful team, said: “I needed to have a look at the lads, see which ones I think are first-team material,

which ones have got enough of a game to make sure that we're in the top few of the Conference next year. “Harry Williams was unlucky because I thought he could have got a penalty. I don't think referees have been giving us the penalties we've deserved and that was another one. “The squad's going to need a pretty big change around and that's what I'll do.” AFC WIMBLEDON: Shea; Fuller, Oshilaja, Sweeney;

Smith (Moore 79), Tanner (Fitzpatrick, 72), Reeves, Beere, Rigg; Potter, Akinfenwa (Oakley 82). Subs not used: Worner, Bulman, Azeez, Goodman. CHELTENHAM TOWN: Carson; Berry, Deaman, Brown, Braham-Barrett; Burns (Bowen 55), Hanks, Richards, Burns; Williams (Lawrence 73), Dale (Sterling-James 73). Subs not used: Gould, Harrad, Manset, Sparrow. REFEREE: A Davies ATTENDANCE: 4,374 (347 from Cheltenham).

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WITH the retirement of A P McCoy, the 2015/16 National Hunt Champion Jockey title is up for grabs for the first time since the mid-nineties astonishing as that may seem. It does however mean two jockeys with strong connections to Cheltenham and the surrounding area are likely to be in the running to become Champion Jockey. The name Twiston-Davies has been part of the racing scene in and around Cheltenham for many years through the exploits of trainer Nigel Twiston-Davies but it is the emergence of young Sam Twiston-Davies last season as first jockey to Paul Nicholls that really whets the appetite for this season. His riding style is very reminiscent of Ruby Walsh and he is extremely strong in a finish. TURN TO PAGE 21 >

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