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year-round 2021 Community Calendar fun
Due to the Cronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic most annual events have been reduced or postpone and may require mask to be worn and limits on the number of attendees. We encourage you to visit the Cottage Grove Area Chamber of Commerce’s Event Calendar at cgchamber.com for the latest updates.
COTTAGE GROVE HALF MARATHON & 10K March 13th, 9 a.m. Half and 10K from Trailhead Park No Bussing due to Covid-19 in 2021 info: cottagegrovehalf.com, 541225-7946.
OAHS PANCAKE BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER Saturday, May 1, 2021 9:00am12:00pm Oregon Aviation Historical Society 2475 Jim Wright Way Cottage Grove info: 541-767-0244
MEMORIAL DAY CELEBRATION May 28th, 11 a.m.-noon Memorial Park (corner of Main and River Rd) Hosted by the American Legion and VFW.
GRAN FONDO BIKE RACE Sunday, June 5th Start times Adventure route: Small Wave Start planned 7am All others staging from 8:30am, Format TBD per COVID-19! Keep pedaling! Up to a 134-mile cycle race beginning and ending at Cottage Grove Armory in downtown Cottage Grove. COTTAGE GROVE HIGH SCHOOL AND KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATIONS CGHS graduates at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 12th at Cottage Grove High School. Kennedy graduation happens June 12th at 10 a.m.
7th ANNUAL WINGS AND WHEELS June 26th 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Annual car and plane show at Cottage Grove Airport. info: 541767-0244
71st ANNUAL COTTAGE GROVE RODEO July 12th & 13th, Rodeo Grounds 541-767-2472
BOHEMIA MINING DAYS July 16th-17th-18th Festival celebrates Cottage Grove’s mining heritage, offers family fun. Coiner Park. Info: 541-942-5064
MINER’S BREAKFAST July 18th, 6am Info: 541-942-3773
TRI AT THE GROVE TRIATHLON July 24th, race begins at 8 a.m. Cottage Grove Lake info: www.triatthegrove.com.
ROCK, ROLL & RUMBLE CAR CRUISE July 24th The cruise begins at Cottage Grove High School at 6pm Dance 8:30-11:30 p.m., 5th and Main
MAIN STREET CHILI COOK OFF Saturday, July 24th, noon-4 p.m. Main Street. Fun and friendly chili cooking competition with tasting by the public and awards for people’s choice and judges’ choice chilis. Info:
JIM WRIGHT MEMORIAL STEARMAN FLY-IN Aug. 7th. Cottage Grove Airport info: 541-767-0244
WOE-HERITAGE FAIR Aug. 20th-21st Fri-Sat: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Sun 10 a.m.-4 p.m. WOE Fairgrounds info: 541-942-6150 www.woeheritagefair.com
THE GREAT OREGON HOMEBUILT FESTIVAL Sept. 4th Cottage Grove Airport info: 541-767-0244
TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY (Christmas in Cottage Grove) Dec. 4th 5pm All America Square
SavorS the Flavor oF CottageC grove
Farmers marKets
Coast Fork Farm Stand Saturdays starting March 3rd, 3-6 p.m. info: Scott Burgwin 541-767-0770
South Valley Farmers Market 4pm-7pm Thursdays, May-October 7th & Main Streets, Cottage Grove. SVFarmersOnMain@gmail.com
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