Cotting School Annual Report 2021-2022

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Annual Report 2021-2022



The Cotting School community has so much to be thankful for over the past few years. Despite the remarkable challenges of a global pandemic, we learned to successfully navigate through change and uncertainty. Consequently, we have evolved to become more resilient, creative and connected as a whole.

Heading into the start of the new school year, we carried that sense of accomplishment and optimism with us by marking several exciting “firsts”: a transition in leadership when Bridget stepped into her new role as president of Cotting School; the long-awaited grand opening of the state-of-the-art Cotting School Campus Center; the launch of our five strategic initiatives (see pp.4 to learn more); and the introduction of several new key staff members. Cotting’s students, staff, families and alumni also had the opportunity to reunite with fellow Falcons in person throughout the year at events like the PTO’s Fall Family BBQ, the first basketball game of the season, the alumni reunion, the end-of-year art show and graduation.

Thanks to the diligence of Cotting’s incredible staff and faculty, we stayed true to our mission to enable students with special needs to achieve their highest learning potential and level of independence. We renewed our commitment to continuously strengthen our curriculum and program offerings, provide more opportunities to learn hands-on by getting back out into the community and collaborate across disciplines for the benefit of students and their families. As a result, Cotting School has enjoyed a robust year in admissions, outreach through Cotting Consulting and active partnerships through the Project Bridges internship program.

Of course, we couldn’t have done it all on our own. We’d like to express our gratitude to the Cotting community for its steadfast generosity and support. Thanks to our donors, corporate and community partners, board of trustees, students, staff, families and alumni, Cotting continues to thrive, shine and inspire as a leader in special education.

Building on a tradition of innovation, we are motivated to continuously improve our school. We are most proud of our capacity to reinforce a sense of belonging for every member of the Cotting community. Our goals may seem ambitious, but based on our rich history and intrepid spirit, we are confident in our ability to reach new heights. Thank you for joining us on this journey.

Bridget Michael
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As a leader in special education, Cotting School is committed to continuous improvement and learning that benefits not only its students, but also the greater community. With guidance and input from the board of trustees, staff, students, families, accrediting agencies and partners, we developed the following strategic initiatives for 2021-2024.

Strategic Initiative Our Goal Is To… We Will Achieve This By…

Providing a Continuum of Programming and Possibilities

Welcoming All: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Meet each student’s unique needs, abilities and strengths.

Expand our role as a leader and advocate for special education and all those impacted by challenges to learning in the wider community.

Providing students with individualized and meaningful experiences and opportunities for growth within the context of our current program.

Becoming more culturally competent, reaching out to traditionally underserved school districts, expanding translation services and attracting more candidates of color to Cotting School and the field of special education.

Sharing Student Outcomes and Progress

Provide the full picture of a student’s potential as they progress along the road to independence.

Creating a “whole student” report that goes beyond the IEP, making it easier to share information with parents and caregivers and using their input to continuously improve and adapt this process over time.

Supporting Transition and Success

Support students and their families at all stages of the Cotting School educational experience, up to and including transition.

Developing new instructional materials to amplify our ability to teach self-determination, using data to guide students through key transition points, creating a family-oriented curriculum and expanding vocational opportunities.

Celebrating the Campus as Community

Make sure Cotting School’s infrastructure reflects its best-inclass programming.

Enhancing the overall learning atmosphere and expanding room for essential services and equipment through renovations and remodeling, creating a Learning Commons and reenvisioning our schoolyard to become a more accessible outdoor space for learning and recreation.

For more information about our strategic initiatives, please contact Director of Advancement Nora Frank at or 781-325-7969.



Diversity, equity and inclusion is one of Cotting’s strategic initiatives; we aim to “expand our role as a leader and advocate for special education and all those impacted by challenges to learning in the wider community.” One of the ways we’re doing this is by partnering with like-minded organizations, such as The Massachusetts Association of Approved Special Education Schools (MAAPS) and the Massachusetts Coalition for Special Education Funding, to inform legislators and boost support for students with unique learning needs and the professionals who do this important work.

On February 15th, Bridget Irish attended a joint legislature briefing hosted by State Representative Alice Peiche and State Senator Jason Lewis to encourage full funding for the Special Education Circuit Breaker account. Circuit Breaker funding helps cover the costs of specialized services for students with special needs in the Commonwealth.

To help legislators understand the impact of their decisions, Cotting parent Joey Gustafson shared the following comments at the briefing session:

"My child, Jordan, is a 14-year-old girl who is medically and cognitively complex. She has been lucky enough to attend quality district schools, and has been a proud Cotting School Falcon since fifth grade. Jordan's understanding of her disabilities and her abilities has expanded greatly in recent years, and she is extremely happy to be a member of the Cotting School community. Jordan is happy because she is learning so much and has friends who share and understand her struggles. For the first time, she has a best friend and a larger set of friends—Jordan belongs. She no longer sits on a ‘buddy bench’ where no children choose to be her buddy because she is too different. She has become a leader and confident in what she knows, what she needs to work on and what she can make happen."

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To ensure we provide the highest quality of care while also prioritizing our students' academic learning and social experiences, we have adopted a Collaborative Care Model. This holistic and adaptable approach helps us determine and deliver clinical services in a more integrated way.

The process starts with a multidisciplinary team made up of classroom and clinical staff working closely together to identify how each team member’s specialty best supports the student’s comprehensive development. The resulting treatment plan is reviewed annually, along with the IEP, so we can adapt it to the student’s progress, strengths and needs for optimal success.


This year marked the introduction of a new literacy co-teaching model in middle school classrooms. In addition to working one-on-one on specific skills with individual students, Cotting’s reading specialists regularly spent time in the classroom engaging in group activities.

“We call it the whole literacy approach,” says Director of Curriculum and Instruction Jeanine Meredith. “The ‘I Do, We Do, You Do’ approach is an instruction model that reinforces teaching methods and training in the classroom. In the beginning of the year, our reading specialists would do the majority of the organization and planning. And then, by the end of the year, the teachers have learned how to do more of this on their own.”

According to Reading Specialist Mary Curtin, this approach empowers classroom teaching staff and gives them the knowledge and experience to reinforce literacy skills throughout the dayto-day curriculum. "Collaboration between classroom teachers and reading specialists has made our literacy programming even stronger," she states. "It's exciting to be a part of!"

There are many advantages to having therapists from different specialties work together with a student, says Occupational Therapy Team Lead Amy Houghton. “From the therapeutic point of view, when you are co-treating, you're addressing the whole child. You're addressing posture, balance and then moving on to functional skills, and every discipline will be looking at it a little bit differently.”

This type of collaboration also translates well to a group setting. Bringing occupational, physical and communication therapists into the classroom together not only serves as a way to model best practices for teaching staff, but it also reinforces students’ social and developmental skills. When the need arises, therapy during a group activity can also be tailored to meet the needs of individuals.

In a position new to Cotting this year, Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) Lynn Condon prefers to take a consultative approach. “Primarily, my role is supportive to the staff,” she explains, “giving them the skills and understanding to manage students’ externalized behavior in an appropriate way.”

Rather than focus on getting rid of disruptive behavior, Lynn encourages coming at it from a more compassionate angle, starting by asking, ‘What does this student need?’. “This gives students access to positive things,” she says, “and it gives the staff and the people around them access to a more positive and functional environment.”

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Several clinical staff members combined their efforts to optimize upper school student Claudia's access to communication and the environment. Occupational therapist Kelly Rozowsky and Physical Therapist Cindy Furbish worked together to improve her core stability and endurance while participating in functional tasks. By increasing Claudia's independence to do meaningful functional and leisure activities, they were able to help her more fully engage in high and low technology activities. Kelly and Cindy also coordinated with Communication Therapist Caitrin Plante to ensure Claudia was able to communicate to the best of her ability.

Two other therapists faced a different kind of challenge when Claudia started wearing new eyeglasses. When she turned her head, the headrest on her wheelchair would cause her glasses to fall off. Teacher of the Visually Impaired Laine Tulipano teamed up with Occupational Therapist Audra Hamilton to figure out a creative solution. With the help of a heat gun, they were able to customize the fit of Claudia's glasses, allowing her to enjoy better visual access throughout the school day.

"There are many contributors to Claudia's success at Cotting," says Audra. "Her continued progress and ability to self-advocate is a direct result of the collaboration between members of her therapy teams."

Collaborating is hardly a new experience for science teacher Andy Lindblad and social studies teacher John Meredith. While they regularly work together to align the science and history portions of the Capstone curriculum, this spring offered their first opportunity to co-teach a vocational elective together.

Andy and John developed a new Design and Economics course for Cotting to give Capstone students hands-on experience designing, producing, promoting and distributing products using a scientific process. “I thought it would be a good way to introduce economic ideas to students,” says John. “The class involves critical thinking and problem solving skills, as well as promotes creativity and collaboration.”

A 3D-printed iPad stand and an Apple watch holder proved to be the most popular items the students created for class. “Making our first commercial was a highlight for me,” remembers Andy. “Our students can be very funny, and it was a great way to give them an outlet for that sort of creative expression.”


“ I’m proud of how hard the seniors worked to plan their end-of-year trip. They stayed flexible about the location, came up with cool activities and really took the opportunity to make their own choices instead of just going along with the group. It was also nice to see them support each other and be each others’ cheerleaders.”


While becoming a senior can be bittersweet for our students and their families, there are a lot of special traditions for them to look forward to— the senior trip, senior luncheon and graduation, to name a few. Their last year at Cotting isn’t just meaningful because they get to enjoy so many special events. Being a senior at Cotting is an exercise in self-determination.

Self-determination theory is based on the idea that people perform well when their basic need for competency, autonomy and relatedness are met. When these three things are combined through motivating activities in an educational setting, student outcomes are noticeably improved. Throughout the year, we empowered the Class of 2022 to research, brainstorm, collaborate, problem-solve and make decisions at a biweekly group meeting led by Senior Class Advisors Mike Teuber and

Marcie Garon. It ended up being a rewarding opportunity to put the skills they learned in the classroom to work as they began their journey toward independence and away from Cotting.

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When we put out a call for staff volunteers to learn how to safely guide students up our new fully accessible rock climbing wall, the response was overwhelming. Once our first group of volunteers learned the ropes, we successfully got 84 students of all ages, abilities and experience levels up on the wall. The smiles, as students rang the cowbell at the top, lit the entire space.

Watching classmates cheer each other on was an uplifting experience for the entire Cotting School community. We also witnessed students practicing self-advocacy, asking for help, pausing to rest, figuring out the best route to take up the wall or deciding to postpone their climb until they felt more well-rested.

We are so proud of the way our students embraced this new adventure and look forward to getting more Falcons up the wall in the future!

Thank you to the staff at Waypoint Adventure and Central Rock Gym in Waltham for helping our students literally reach new heights!
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Wondering what it’s like to become a part of our community? Some of our new students’ parents shared first impressions of Cotting School’s impact on their child’s life.

“Almost immediately, I noticed that Nathan sleeps a lot better, and his tolerance for activities throughout the day at home increased greatly. He’s definitely more curious, and his mood—he’s just a happier kid. I also like that Cotting is a community. Just the wisdom of everybody you talk to over there is unbelievable. We want to stay there forever.”

“The biggest change is the partnership with everyone at Cotting. It's not just a village for A.J.— it's almost like an extension of family. It's been just huge to have that support and guidance. It's been wonderful. He's now in a school of peers and fully engaged, doing a variety of learning exercises, projects, field trips…he's very happy.”

“Jacob is the busiest he's ever been! Usually, it’s our other two kids who are busy. Now Jacob has his own stuff—the after-school opportunities, the enrichment activities—and his siblings are excited to come to his school and let him show them around. It’s his time to shine.”

Kate and Josh Goldlust, Jacob’s parents


It’s an amazing program—I’m thankful that Roxabelle is going to Cotting. We noticed that in a very short time, there’s been some improvement. She’s getting more mobility, and we're very excited to see her slowly growing and getting used to being around more kids. We see her a lot more interested in that.”

“There is this really unique juxtaposition of tranquility and positive energy within the Cotting environment, and it's just served Julian so well. I feel he’s in such good hands at the school and with all of the staff. It's really the gold standard of what we've experienced throughout Julian's education.”

It’s been a great experience; Jay is very happy at Cotting. You don't find in other settings the kind of extracurricular activities that you find at Cotting. Those are the things that give our son a little bit more joy and happiness, to be part of that community. And from a learning perspective, we believe that Cotting has the ability to tap into his untapped potential.”

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Since the start of the pandemic, our staff has witnessed firsthand just how resourceful the families of Cotting students can be when it comes to the quality of their ongoing care and education. The events of the past two years have only served to reinforce the mutual respect we have for parents and caregivers. We are grateful to them for their steadfast partnership with us and their robust support of Cotting School. It has helped us to maintain our tradition of innovation and excellence during times of uncertainty.

This past year, Cotting has thrived—not just survived—and it’s in no small part due to the generosity of the Cotting community. Thank you to parents who shared their time, ideas, enthusiasm and expertise with us. Special recognition goes to those who volunteer at school-related events, participate in the Parent Advisory Council and work hard through the Cotting PTO to coordinate spectacular annual events, such as the Fall Family BBQ and Winter Holiday Market.



After accomplishing a successful shift to a virtual format due to the pandemic, the Project Bridges team worked diligently to ensure our students could safely return to doing community-based volunteer work on site. These types of vocational experiences give Cotting’s students the opportunity to put skills they have learned in the classroom into practice in a real-world setting. What’s more, it boosts their confidence, allows them to explore their interests and provides them with a direct connection to members of their local community.

We would especially like to thank the following 30+ organizations—including eight new partners this year—that provide such a welcoming and educational environment to Cotting staff and students.

Acton Animal Hospital

Atrium School

BINA Farm Center

Cary Memorial Library

Central Rock Gym

Ironstone Farm and Challenge Unlimited Church of Our Redeemer

City Pump & Motor Service, Inc.

Discovery Museum

Donelan’s Supermarkets

Epicurean Feast Café

Fox & Robbin Shop

J.W. Hayden Recreation Centre

Household Goods

Friends of the Concord Free Public Library

Lahey Outpatient Center

Lexington Community Center

Lexington Field and Garden Club

Lexington Montessori School

Lincoln Food Pantry

Lincoln Garden Club

Lincoln Public Library

Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program


We are grateful to our partner organizations for providing expertise and expanding support for our students.

AccesSport America

Affiliate Member, Association of Independent Schools of New England Best Buddies of Massachusetts

Boston College

Boston Medical Center

Boston University Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Boston University Wheelock College of Education and Human Development

Children’s Hospital Boston Children’s League of Massachusetts

Emerson College Clinical Training Program

Empowering People for Inclusive Communities (EPIC)

Ignatian Volunteer Corps

Massachusetts Association of 766-Approved Private Schools

Massachusetts Council of Human Service Providers

Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology

Massachusetts Special Olympics

National Association of Schools and Colleges

New England Healing Sports Association

New England College of Optometry

Northeastern University Bouvé College of Health Sciences

Regis College

Salem State College

Tufts University School of Dental Medicine Waypoint Adventure

Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary

Habitat Education Center & Wildlife Sanctuary

Mt. Auburn Cemetery Greenhouse

Physical Therapy Associates of Concord

Radio Perkins

Sancta Maria Nursing Facility

Stone Meadow Golf

The Edge Sports Center

Thermo Fisher Scientific Wagon Wheel Whole Foods Winn Street Laundry Center

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If you’ve ever had the opportunity to attend a Cotting School basketball game, then you know just how thrilling it can be. From learning the rules of the game to being part of a team to cheering each other on amidst the roar of the crowd, it’s the type of experience many students (and their families) never thought they would have the chance to enjoy.

At Cotting, playing a team sport is just one of the many ways in which students can challenge themselves and explore their interests outside the classroom. Engaging in extracurriculars can be a beneficial part of a well-rounded education. The programs we offer are designed to encompass every aspect of learning, from our highly specialized curriculum to therapeutic and support services to afterschool activities and social events.

After-school offerings change periodically, but include a range of choices, such as:

Arts and Crafts Baseball Basketball Boys Club Candlepin Bowling Cheerleading Circle of Friends

Dance Field Day Girls Club Horticulture Lawn Games Martial Arts Mindfulness Club

Movie Magic Musical Theater Prom Senior Trip Sensory Activities Ski Trip Soccer


Cotting alumni are forever a part of the school community, and it’s especially gratifying that so many choose to give back. In the past year, 66 alumni, spanning the Class of 1944 through the Class of 2021, made a donation to Cotting School. Within this figure, the collection of annual alumni dues yielded almost $600 for the Class of 2022 to help fund special senior activities this past spring.

In May, over 100 alumni and guests attended the reunion at the Campus Center, which stood as a testament to their camaraderie and care for the school. We are incredibly grateful for our alumni’s involvement and investment in future Cotting graduates. With over 400 alumni across the globe, we look forward to building on this engagement in order to ensure the school’s progress.

Thank you, Cotting School alumni, for your generosity to your fellow Falcons!

Special Olympics Track and Field Spirit Week Tennis Workout Club




Michael Durkin Chair

CEO, United Way of Mass. Bay and Merrimack Valley (retired)

Bridget Irish, M.B.A., SPHR President Cotting School


Julie Bennett, D.V.M., DACVS Surgeon, Cape Cod Veterinary Services

Timothy Connelly Strategic Advisor, Brown Brothers Harriman (retired)

Patrick Downes, Psy.D. Psychologist, Home Base

John Drake Managing Director, Accenture

Richard Keeley Dean, Boston College Carroll School of Management (retired)

Katherine Martien Sullivan, M.D. Director, TRANSCEND Research Program at MGH


David Cushing, CFA Chairman Emeritus CIO, Aspen Creek Digital Corp.

Charles Haydock, CFA Treasurer Emeritus EVP, Welch & Forbes (retired)

Raymond Killian, Jr. Chairman Emeritus CEO, Investment Technology Group (retired)

Alexander Thorndike Treasurer President, Choate Investment Advisors

Lori Campana, CFA Secretary Partner, Monument Group

Makeeba McCreary, Ph.D. President, The New Commonwealth Racial Equity and Social Justice Fund

Charles Morrison II President of Asset Mgmt., Fidelity Investments (retired)

Stuart Randle CEO, Ivenix (retired)

Jennifer St. Hill, Ph.D. VP of Marketing Planning & Operations, CrowdStrike

Joan Thorndike Volunteer

David Lee

Senior Vice Chairman Emeritus President, Scudder Investments (retired)

Anne Ogilby, Esq. Chairman Emerita Partner, Ropes & Gray

D. Eliot Klein Secretary Emeritus VP of Commercial Banking, TD Bank

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Cotting School celebrated another year of educational progress and financial stability. Despite continued challenges due to the pandemic, the staff and board worked together to ensure that income, expenses and philanthropic funds were prudently managed.

This year’s success attests to our seamless transition to President Bridget Irish’s leadership. It also reflects how well the new campus facilities have been incorporated into the school’s daily operations.

It is a pleasure to report some key financial highlights of the year:

• Our main funding source, tuition, is reliant on the strong partnerships we maintain with referring school districts, which pay a portion of the cost for each student to attend Cotting. Referrals increased substantially this year, a testament to these partnerships and the meaningful involvement of Cotting families. We respect the trust they place in us.

• Our endowment, created through the generosity of individual donors and diligently managed by the board and our investment advisors, allows us the flexibility to innovate, grow and provide the “extras” that differentiate a Cotting School educational experience. It has also served as a critical and stabilizing resource during recent challenging financial times.

• Operating support from gifts and grants reached a high-water mark this year. These funds help us sustain the momentum we achieved during our successful capital campaign for the Campus Center. We are grateful to the more than 700 individual and institutional donors who invested in our students and mission this year.

• Funding from the Emergency Assistance to Approved Special Education Schools (EAASES) grants allowed us to invest in our staff and effectively guard against the statewide staffing crisis in special education schools, as well as recover from significant pandemic-related expenses.

On behalf of the board of trustees, please accept my sincere gratitude to everyone who made this year so outstanding. Collaboration is a hallmark of Cotting’s culture, and it is with that spirit that we can accomplish so much together.



Complete audited financial statements are available by contacting Chief Financial Officer Andrea Szekely-Hill at Fundraising 6% Consulting and Other Income 3% Tuition 73% Investment Income 18% 18 | COTTING SCHOOL


While tuition supports the core elements of a Cotting education, philanthropic support gives everysinglestudent ways to expand their horizons with opportunities like these:

Assistive Technology

Chrome extensions, iPad applications and alternative access methods, such as eye gaze and scanning, along with various specialized software and tools, help ensure every voice is heard and students have access to technology required to maximize skills and independence.


New electives for upper school and Capstone students, a robust visual and performing arts curriculum and enriching community trips enhance our educational programs.

Project Bridges

75 students ventured out to 35 different job sites for vocational and volunteer opportunities this year alone.


Be it basketball, baseball, soccer or track and field, Cotting students get to play and compete, not just watch from the sidelines.

After-School Programming

With over 20 different offerings each year, from martial arts to mindfulness to musicals, there is always something interesting for our students to engage in with their friends.

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It’s been a record-breaking year for admissions and outreach. Thanks to the experience, dedication and nimbleness of our staff, Cotting School’s day program and

program, HOPEhouse, served students from 70 cities and towns in Massachusetts and New Hampshire combined.

REACH Acton/Boxbor ough Andover Arlington Avon Ayer/Shirley Bedford Belmont Beverly Billerica Blackstone Boston Brookline Burlington Cambridge Chelmsford Chelsea Concord Danvers Dedham Everett Fitchburg Framingham Franklin Hamilton/Wenham Harvard Holliston Hopkinton King Philip Reg. Lawrence Lexington* Lincoln Lincoln/Sudbury Lowell Lunenburg Lynn Lynnfield Manchester/Essex Marblehead Marshfield Masconomet Reg. Methuen Milford Natick Nauset Needham Newton N. Andover N. Reading Peabody Pentucket Reg. Reading Salem, MA Salem, NH Scituate Somerville Swampscott Tewksbury Walpole Waltham Watertown Wayland Wellesley Westford Weston Westwood Weymouth Wilmington Winchester Windham, NH Woburn

It was a banner year for Cotting Consulting, a team of specialists that provides Massachusetts school districts with technology-focused assessments, consultation and professional development to improve curriculum access and functional independence. Since September, Cotting Consulting has:

Throughout the year, our consultants served students and professionals in the following districts:

Acton-Boxborough Regional School District

Acton Public Schools

Assabet Valley Regional

Billerica Public Schools

Carlisle Public Schools

CABBI Worcester

Dedham Public Schools

Dover-Sherborn Public Schools

Dracut Public Schools

Foxborough Public Schools

Franklin Public Schools

“Thank you for joining us and sharing such a great evaluation…we are lucky to have your expertise for our students with high needs.”

– Special Education Administrator

Haverhill Public Schools

Harvard Public Schools

Hopeful Journeys

Leominster Public Schools

Lincoln Public Schools

Mansfield Public Schools

Marlborough Public Schools

Melrose Public Schools

Milford Public Schools

Nashoba Valley Technical High School

Needham Public Schools

North Middlesex Regional Saugus Public Schools

Sharon Public Schools

Shrewsbury Public Schools

Sudbury Public Schools

Tewksbury Public Schools

Wakefield Public Schools Walpole Public Schools Wayland Public Schools

80+ student
Provided services to 30+ districts statewide Worked with approximately 165 students Completed
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Our staff is our biggest asset. We’d like to take this opportunity to recognize the following individuals for having such a positive impact on the Cotting community.

Senior Administrative Team

Amanda Balagur, M.L.A. Director of Marketing and Communication

Lynn Coleman, M.A., M.B.A., Ed.D. Clinical Director

Sejal Costa, M.Ed. Director of Post-Secondary Pathways

Nora Frank, M.B.A. Director of Advancement

Bridget Irish, M.B.A., SPHR President

Jeanine Meredith, M.Ed. Director of Curriculum and Instruction

David Peduto, B.S. Director of Facilities

Michael Pembroke, M.B.A. Chief Financial Officer

Elizabeth Campbell Peters, M.A. Director of Advancement (retired)

Elizabeth Fay Russell, M.A., CAGS

Director of Admissions

Patricia Salmonson, B.S., ATP Director of Technology

Leah Thibodeau, M.Ed., CAGS Education Director

Pamela Varrin, Ph.D. Family Support Coordinator

Karen Waddill, M.Ed., M.A., CCC-SLP, ATP Program Director

Business, Administration, Advancement and Technology

Jeanine Bergeron, B.S. Staff Accountant

Rachael Brown, B.S. Student Services Coordinator

Carly Churchill, B.A. Associate Director of Development

Kim Choi, B.S. Senior Accountant

Ann Dubé, A.S. Executive Assistant

Abigail Farquharson, B.A. Alumni and Stewardship Coordinator

Robert Giroux B.S.I.T., ACMT

IT Systems Engineer

Althea Ioakimidis, B.A., PHR Director of Human Resources

Shannon Kerr, M.S., CCC-SLP, ATP

Assistive Technology Specialist

Andie Mitchell, B.S.

Front Desk Coordinator

Keysha Powell

Special Education Office Assistant

Omni Raimo, B.S. Advancement and Marketing Specialist



Amanda Arnst, Ph.D., Ed.D. Classroom Teacher

Ruth Berg, M.Ed. Remedial Specialist

Christina Birkhoff, M.Ed. Classroom Teacher

Erika Cain, M.Ed. Classroom Teacher

Alada Caughey, M.Ed. Classroom Teacher

Daniel Cuddy, B.S. Adaptive Physical Education Teacher

Mary Curtin, M.Ed. Remedial Specialist

Marisa Etre, M.Ed. Classroom Teacher

Nicole Girard, M.Ed. Classroom Teacher

Sarah Hassett, M.Ed. Classroom Teacher

William Ironfield, B.A. Performing Arts Teacher

Andrew Lindblad, M.Ed. Science Teacher

Adrienne Manson, M.Ed. HOPEhouse Teacher

Charlotte Maskin, M.Ed. Curriculum and Assessment Specialist

Cathy Mayo, M.Ed. Classroom Teacher

John Meredith, M.Ed. Social Studies Teacher

Robert Mitropoulos, M.Ed. Classroom Teacher

Elizabeth Morrison, M.Ed. Classroom Teacher

Kelsey Nagle, M.Ed. Classroom Teacher

Katie Norregaard, M.Ed. Classroom Teacher

Megan Paull, M.Ed. Classroom Teacher

William Phelan, M.Ed. Industrial Arts Teacher

Lola Piscopo, M.Ed. Classroom Teacher, Thorndike Fellow

Alysha Robinson, B.F.A. Vocational Instructor, Visual Arts Teacher

Mary Elizabeth Rogers, B.S. Vocational Instructor

Michele Russell, M.Ed. Classroom Teacher

Megan Schofield, M.Ed. Vocational Instructor

Michael Teuber, M.Ed., CAGS Director of Transition Services, Senior Class Advisor Zoe Thibodeau

HOPEhouse Program Director

Rosanne Trolan, B.F.A. Fine Arts Teacher

Laine Tulipano, M.Ed. Teacher of the Visually Impaired

Katie VanSteenbergen, B.A. Classroom Teacher

Kasey Walz, B.A. Classroom Teacher

Occupational, Physical and Communication Therapy

Virginia M. Birmingham, PT, ATP

Charles H. Taylor Chair of Physical Therapy

Michela Bodinaku, PT Physical Therapist

Paige Bogucki, PT Physical Therapist

Kellan Carrig, PT, C/NDT Physical Therapist

Eleanor Coffin, OT Occupational Therapist

Barbara DeLuca, M.Ed., PT, C/NDT Physical Therapist

Cynthia Furbish, PT Physical Therapist

Audra Hamilton, OT, ATP

Occupational Therapist, Feeding Team Lead

Amy Houghton, OT, ATP, C/NDT Occupational Therapy Team Lead, Feeding Team Lead

Jillian Landry, M.S., CCC-SLP Communication Therapist

Greta Mangini, OT Occupational Therapist

Holly McGovern, OT Occupational Therapist

Jane Perera, M.S., CCC-SLP, ATP Communication Therapist

Caitrin Plante, M.S., CCC-SLP Communication Therapist

Lindsay Rainwater, PT, PCS Physical Therapist

Christine Rivera, M.S., CCC-SLP, ATP Communication Therapist

Kelly Rozowsky, OT Occupational Therapist

Katherine Simmons, M.S., CCC-SLP, ATP Communication Therapist

Beth Singer, OT Occupational Therapist

Stephanie Soule, M.S., CCC-SLP, ATP

William O. Taylor Chair of Communication Therapy

Medical and Other Clinical Support Services

Chrislene Athis Medical Department Assistant

Julie Berg, M.D. Medical Fellow

Lynn Condon, M.S., BCBA, LABA Board Certified Behavior Analyst

Maria DeMeo, R.N. Nurse

Cheryl Donnellan, R.N. Nurse

Kathleen Duggan, R.N. Nurse

Valerie Grams, R.N. Nurse

Elizabeth Harstad, M.D. Consulting Physician

Alexis Malkin, O.D. Director of Seamark Vision Clinic

Elaine Morris, R.N. Nurse

Rebecca Johnson, R.N. Nurse

Rebecca Klappenbach, R.N. Nurse

Jessica Marcassoli, R.N. Nurse

Courtney Martinello Medical Department Assistant

Margaret McGowan, R.N. Nurse

Julie McLaughlin, R.N. Nurse

Michele Passanisi, R.N. Director of Nursing

Kelly Peledge, R.N. Nurse

Kathleen Tyrer, M.Ed., LHMC, LMFT, LRC Guidance Counselor

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Rachel Vorkink, M.A., CAGS, NCSP School Psychologist

Amy Vraibel, R.N. Nurse

Jenna Wilson, R.N. Nurse

Cotting Consulting

Leila Denna, M.S., CCC-SLP Consulting Clinician

Orissa Lawrence, M.S.. OTR/L Consulting Clinician

Melissa Mulvey, M.S., CCC-SLP, ATP, CAGS Senior Consulting Clinician

Lindy Myers, M.S., CCC-SLP Consulting Clinician

Timothy Richmond, B.S., OTR/L Director of Cotting Consulting, Consulting Clinician

Suzanne Schiavone, M.S., CCC-SLP Consulting Clinician

Kathleen Shipos, M.S., CCC-SLP Consulting Clinician

Alicia Zeh-Dean, M.S., OTR/L Consulting Clinician

Program Assistants and Job Coaches

Seth Adelmann, M.Ed. Susan Atkins, M.Ed. Robert Beaupre, B.S. Erin Cadwallader, B.S. Nicole Chaput, B.A. Sydney Cooke, B.S. Susan Cunningham

Tom Davidge, B.A.

William DeAngelis, M.Ed. Emilia DiFranco, M.Ed. Daniel Donnelly, B.A. Mike Drew, B.A. Volunteer

Michael Dunne, B.A. Julie Eaton

Jessica Garceau, CNA Marcie Garon

Senior Class Advisor, Co-Director of Supplemental Services O'Neil Gaudet, B.S. Jennifer Gaudette, B.A. Caitlin Gibbons, B.S. Pia Haapanen-Banzy, B.A. Leia Herlihy, B.A. Jennifer Hodgdon, B.A. Ramana Housman, B.S. Brandon Hunt, B.A. Kathleen Kelly, A.A. Nairi Krafian, B.S. Judith Langlais

David Largenton, B.A. Co-Director of Supplemental Services Johanna Lewis, B.A. Zachary Lynch Kevin Mahoney Shea McDonough, B.A. Vanessa Medeiros Carmine Nardone, B.A. Ronald Nix, B.S. Volunteer

Lara O'Connell, B.F.A. Amy Ollove, B.A.

Haley Parker, B.S. Katherine Perakis, B.S. Judith Pollins

Luke Randle, B.S. Edward Reed

Eileen Roper

Stanley Rogers

Megan Russo, B.S. Alpona Saha

Alexander Scott, B.A. Connie Sousa

Justin Souza Madison St. Julien, B.A. Katie Stedman

Food Services

Fatima Sousa Director of Food Service Maria Bizarria Courtney Costantino Elisabete Medeiros

Facilities and Maintenance Christopher Boyle John Fallon

Lou Medina Charles Sirois, B.S.



Cotting School is sincerely grateful for the generous support of the following individuals, corporations, foundations and civic organizations this year. The investment from these supporters is making a true difference in our students’ ability to reach their highest potential.


$25,000 and greater Anonymous

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Connelly* James W. Dunphy Trust*

The French Family Pam and Kent Larson*

Timothy and Deborah Moore*

The David and Katherine Moore Family Foundation, Inc.*

The Peabody Foundation* Mrs. Louise Reed

Jack Satter Foundation

Mrs. W. Nicholas Thorndike*


$15,000 - $24,999

Dr. Julie Bennett*

Community Connections Foundation, Inc. Cummings Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. James Gaul Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mass. The Lammert and Corkins Families Constance O. Putnam Foundation

Genie and Will Thorndike The Van Otterloo Family Foundation Neil Wallace*

Henry and Anne Ogilby, Esq. Alicia and Stephen Symchych* Jay Wallace and Lisa McGovern


$5,000 - $9,999

Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Cabot* George and Ellen Chaisson DELL

Erland Charitable Foundation Marc and Libby Firenze* David and Susan Foss Ms. Anna Hanks*

Adelaide B. Howland Trust* Mr. and Mrs. Marc M. Kozin David and Lucinda Lee*

Elisabeth Moore

Charles and Nancy Morrison The Pearson Foundation Fund*

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Randle* John and Dorothy Remondi* George & Alice Rich Charitable Foundation Preeti Sayana and Raj Dudani Thermo Fisher Scientific Foundation Lanny and Anne Thorndike*

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Weaver

Charles & Dorothy Gullickson Fund for Social Change at The Boston Foundation

Helen W. Handanian Trust*

Michael G. and Theresa M. Hluchyj*

Miss Wallace Minot Leonard Foundation Lexington Lions Club*

William A. Lynch Trust*

Laurence Manchester and Kathleen O'Connor

David, Noreen and Lou Manzo* Todd H. Marshman

Dr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mores Nvdia

Sheryl and Mark Queen

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stuart

Katherine Martien Sullivan, M.D. and Gregory Sullivan*

The Vetoulis-Acevedo Family Michael Walsh*

* 10 year consecutive donor + deceased this year ^ Sustaining Donor

2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT | 25


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lowell, Jr. David S. Lynch Trust*

Denis and Joanne Mahoney*

Joanne Manzo and Bernard Kenyon+ Marsh & McLennan Agency

Mrs. Donna McDonald

ARC/Architectural Resources

R. Bradford and Susan Bailey*

Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonald Alec Moore*

Martha and George Mutrie Susan M. Myers*

Melissa Myers* National Grid

Columbian Lodge A.F. & A.M.

Sally and William Coughlin*

Miss Patricia A. Dabrowney+ Frances Dennie Davis*

Charles David Legacy* Ann Bersani and Michael Durkin*

Hugh W. Dykens and Susan TomlinsonDykens

Dr. Betty Jo Ely Mr. and Mrs. William E. Flanagan* Catherine Fleming*

Donna and J. Dennis Gill+ Paul S. Goodof*

Mark D. Greenman

Roger Haydock*

Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Haydock* David and Jackie Hennessey Hennessey Family Foundation Patricia Herd*

Joan Howland and William Webber, '71* Richard A. Johnson, '67*^

Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce Johnstone Mr. Bennett Jones*

Jeremiah Jordan - Clyde Media Productions*

Jan Kautz and Heidi Mann

Nancy C. Killian

Alfred V. Lincoln Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Locke* Suzanne Locke and Wilberto Lima*^

Neponset Valley Royal Arch Chapter New Ecology, Inc. Peter+ and Virginia Nicholas O'Leary Temperature Controls, Mark O'Leary Donnette Paoletti

Elisavet Papaioannou and Family William M. Payne, Jr.*+ Maureen and Andy Piotrowski* Prime Buchholz LLC

Louise C. Riemer*

Paul S. Russell*

Seasons Four, Inc.* Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shannon^ Mary and Ron Skates*

Brian and Lisa Smith

Sperling Interactive Rebecca and Bill Stevenson David and Linda Sykora John and Rhonda Sypek

Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited*

Scott and Barbara Talbot*

Edmund Taylor Katherine Taylor

Karen Waddill

Mr. Peter Warren+ Waypoint Adventure

Mr. Charles K. Woodworth* Theresa and Fred Yadisernia

Mr. Srinivasan M. Yuvaraj and Ms. Meera Nagarajan

100% Students supported with gifts and grants 100% Board of trustees supporting the annual fund $575 Alumni dues given to support the Class of 2022 446 Number of people who made donations in memory or in honor of loved ones. 26 | COTTING SCHOOL



Anonymous (2)


I.B. Abel Inc.

Mrs. Charles F. Adams

Annette M. Bertino* Esther M. Bertino*

Dan Burke

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cancro Tom and Colleen Casey* Gregory and Sarah Churchill Mr. and Mrs. Michael Currie Richard and Diane DeRosa

Laura and Floyd Dewhirst*

Disabled American Veterans Chapter 45 Michael and Tara Driscoll*

David Fadden

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flack

Nora Frank and Walter Houseman

Mr. and Mrs. M. Dozier Gardner* Doug Garron

Jennie Gwilym

Hanaford Lowell 8327

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hiscoe Home Electronic Life Protection, Inc.

Laura Howson and Andrew East Jana Kaplan and Janet Beaudoin


Benevity Charitable Impact Fund

The Boston Foundation

Randy and Tina Kinard

Paul and Gina Kinsella

Mr. and Mrs. D. Eliot Klein^

Anthony and Elaina Kourepenos*

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lewicki* The Locke-Simon Family

Paul Geoffrey Lowney*

Krista M. Macari*

Ann Eldridge Malone, Michael Malone and John Deady

Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association

Mrs. Kathleen J. McKenna Mrs. Amy C. Naimi*

William C. Nardone*

Timothy Noyes

Linda Othote, '93 Mrs. Mary Perkins Paul and Evelyn Petroski*

John Rizzo

Thelma Santos and Family Lucy Shawcross

Jennifer St. Hill, Ph.D. Campbell Steward* Perrin Troiano, '17 and Family Ann and Brad Wallace William and Marie Watkins* Welch Associates Land Surveyors, Inc. The Wilkinson Companies Dr. and Mrs. Richard Wolk




Biliana Angelova

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Baker

Robert P. Ball

Dr. Linda Bandini*

William Barletta^ Thomas Blecher Jack and Jody Boyajian Braintree Rotary Club

Bright Funds Foundation

Laura Chandler Bushell^ Dr. and Mrs. David Caban

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Campbell Gini Carroll

Justin Cermenaro, '19 Tony and Rosemarie Cermenaro* Mary P. Chatfield*

William and Kristine Chiasson* Andre Clapp^ CloudWave Ro and Paul Cogliano

Thomas J. Concannon, '76* Jennifer Harris and David Condon

Construction Services Group Trust Jody Stewart

Coverys Community Healthcare Foundation

Victoria C. Debrocke

Dr. Amy E. DeFeudis

Scott and Stephanie DeGennaro Tracy and Jeff Deharo

The Del Ponte Family Devaney Energy*

Pamela Diatalevi Cataldo DiBisceglie Quinton Douglas

Patrick Downes

Charities Aid Foundation America

Fidelity Charitable Gift Funds

Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund

New York Community Trust

Panorama Global Fund


Elizabeth Early Robert E. Eisenhauer

David B. Ellis, Sr. John and Taylor C. Farquharson

The Finn Family John and Kerry Flanagan

YourCause, LLC 2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT | 27

The Charlotte Frey Foundation, Inc. Joshua Galloway Gartner, Inc. Francis Gaul, Jr. appreciates the following institutions that so ably support donors who make contributions through their donor advised funds:
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust

GE Foundation

John and Nancy Geljookian

The Gertz Family

James W. Gibbons, '47

Elizabeth and John Gilmore*

Gayle and Debbie Greenwood

Gregg, Hunt, Ahern & Embry

Mr. William J. Hansis, '76

Richard and Deborah Hellmold* Claudia M. Hennessey*^ Crystal Herrmann

George and Chris Hoffmeister* Tracey Hutchinson

Shaun A. Hutchinson

IBM Employee Services

Althea and John Ioakimidis

Anne Crane, Carolyn Lackey, Becky Spang and Susan Jackson

Dianne Jackson

Kathleen and Herbert Janick, III Margie and Curt Johnson* Martha Josten

Joyce Contract Interiors, Inc. Lynda Kabbash

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kharl

Dr. Louise and Mr. Richard Keeley*^

Charlene Smith-Fadden and Keith Fadden

Bill and Elaine Kneeland* Stanley Kruszewski* Donna Dowal and Kurt Svetaka

Bryan and Holly LaFort

Peter Lattanzi

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. LeClair*

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee

James and Anne Leonard

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Lermond

Daniel Levey and Jane Yoon

The Loiacono Family*

Jonathan Love and Family Joe and Susan Luchette

John Mastrobattista^

Michael Maziarka and Family

Margaret McGarry

Mr. and Mrs. John Mealey

Theresa Melchin*

Elizabeth and Steven Melo Hazel Mollica*

David and Leni Moore *

David V. Murphy, '74

Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Nardone

Ronald Nix

Norway Savings Bank Brian and Carol O'Donnell*

Donna and Walter Opolski Nancy Osgood

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pembroke*

Bruce Perry Holly and Andrew Perry Elizabeth Peters and Howard Saxner* Pfizer

Michael T. and Marie E. Piscopo

Michael T. Pojman

Printex, Inc.

Liz Racioppi

Ed and Barbara Reardon

Edward L. Reed Kevin and Eileen Ritcey

Kimberly Ritcey^

Rose & Dove Gourmet LLC

Elizabeth and Derek Russell*

Mr. and Mrs. Simone Sclafani

Joan and John Serdensky

Anthony and Elaine Sgouros

Shaughnessy School Staff Ross and Kathleen Sherbrooke*

Pat St. Pierre

Mr. and Mrs. David Stanley Claire and Jeffrey Stern Emile Sternbach

Thaddeus Szymczak

Mr. and Mrs. John Teixeira*

Alison Thompson and William A. White, III* Ms. Angela M. Ventola*

Anne Vigorito

Bill and Mary Ann Volk

Janice and Thomas J. Walsh*

Teresa Watkins

Amy and Jeff Willinsky

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wolf Lauren Zeltzer



Up to $149

Anonymous (7)


Abbott Corporation Mary Abraham Rosa Alves, '82

The Amirault Family

Jacqueline M. Andrews

Irma Annecharico

Rebecca Ansolabehere

Richard Arnaud

Paula and Mike Aschettino Jeff Ashe, '06 and Family Kate Atchue, '12

The Atchue Family*

Nancy C. Bacon

Mary A. Smith

Robert Baker

Rick and Annette Balboni

Elizabeth P. Ball

Elizabeth Ballard

Dr. Michelle Sterk Barrett and Mr. Timothy Barrett Sheila Barter

The Baum Family Lauren Baumann

Thanese Beaumont

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Becker*

Michael Martignetti and Yvette Beeman Sandy Belknap Roseanne Bell

Stacy Bellavia

Vera Beneva

Christopher L. Bennett Eric Benson, '13

Christa Bercy, '08

Lawrence Bernat

Bonny's Landscape Service Inc. Jennifer A. Borislow Insurance Agency

Boston Lodge of Elks of the USA, #10 Chuck and Susan Brancato

Jill and Lou Bregou

Kerry J. Bremer

Joseph J. Briggs

Brodney & Sons, Inc.*

Julie Brown-Rund

Cindy and Stephen Buckley Marilyn Burke

Joseph J. Brancato

Nancy Burns

Patricia Busconi

Mr. and Mrs. Aidan Byrne

Dr. Gail and Mr. John Cahill

Elizabeth Camire*

Christopher Campbell, '12

Hannah Carey, '21

Fred and Maureen Carne

Lucy Carruth

Lindsay and Jason Casavant

Judy Casey

Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Cashman

Thomas Chase

Melissa Chiasson, '18 Paul and Adrienne Chiozzi

Carly Churchill

Patricia A. Ciampi*

Eleanor A. Coffin Ms. Carolyn A. Cohen*

Sarah Collins, '93 Kevin Collins

Joanne Condon

John P. Connelly

Edward Connelly and Jeanne Medeiros

James and Debra Consilvio Noelle Cooper and David Hannah*

Leo Corcoran

Sejal and Tim Costa Cotting Sunshine Fund

George T. Coughlin, '69 Betty Coughlin, '74 Donna and John Cullinan Edward G. Culverwell*

Lawrence F. Cummings Mary Cunningham

Karen Currie

Joyce and Alfred D'Ottavio

The Davis Family

Mr. and Mrs. Steven De Angelis Gloria Murray and Peter S. DeBiasi Robert and Tracey Debrocke

Jonah Decola

Stephen and Kerri+ DeRosa

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Devane

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Diatalevi

Alex DiBisceglie and Angela Christoffel

Dayle Dickinson

Elise Dion, '18

Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Dion Anne M. Donahue*

Carolyn J. Downie, '03*

Patricia Drew

Drexhage Family*

Sharon Duncan, '89

Kate Dwyer, '14 Anna Dykens, '21

Julie Eaton Eaton Vance Management Ms. Harriet Eckstein* Marc Edelstein

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eno Beth Evans

Maryhelen M. Fabiszewski, '06

The Fahey Family Mark Falzone

Gregory Farino

Kathryn Hayes Farmer, '17

Peter and Paulette Farmer

Thomas and Doris Farrell

Jeffrey Fecteau

Linda Fennell*

Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Ferreri, Jr. Denise Finn

Janice A. Fisher

Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Flaherty

Thomas and Mary Flanagan

Lisa M. Flori

Karen Foley

Holly Foster

Claire Franco Wagner

Sara Frost, '10 and Family*

Kevin M. Gallant, '88

Jeffrey W. Gardner Ann and Charlie Garland

Peter Garron, '15

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gatto John Geary Andrew and Laura Gerry

2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT | 29

Robbie Giroux

Donna Gonzalez

Malgorzata Graf

Lori Gravelle

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Griffin-Goode Clay and Maria Gritz

Lisa Grossi*

James Grumbach

Albert R. Guimond

David and Christine Guinee Mitchell and Barbara Guziejka Tracy S. Hall

Eloise and Melvin Hardee Gregory Hardy-Moss William and Patricia Harron Henry Harvey

Alex Haworth

Honorable Paul Heffernan* Heather A. Hey* Lydia Hickey

Diane Higgins Teresa Higgins Jenn Hodgdon

Michelle Holliday-Levy

Sarah Mae Hooper, '07 Ching Wen Hsiao

Joseph A. Iacoviello

Yolette Ibokette and Christa Bercy, '08 Stavros and Katina Ioakimidis

Justin Iovenitti

Jennifer Jaksa Beverly Johnson, '80 The Johnson Family Sandra Jordan Dorithea O'Brien-Julian Dr. and Mrs. Albert Kaner

Robert F. Kenerson

Chris Kennedy and Jerry Urdang Michael and Betty Ann Killian* Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Kirkland, Sr. Maciej Konieczny

Steven Kourepenis*

Rebecca Kourepenos, '18 Nancy and George Kovalchek Erik Kruszewski, '95 Brian and Paula Kulis

LaBrecque Family Ralph and Donna Lacerra Cherie LaCourse

Stephanie and Mark LaFond Tyler H. Lagasse, '05

Eric Lajeunesse

Sylvie Lammert, '18

Marilyn Lamoureux Elizabeth and Donald Langosy Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lapides

The LaVangie Family*

Olivia F. Leahy, '21 Tim and Cathy Legassey Elyse Levy

Megan Leyden, '16 Anne Lindmark Richard and Erin Linnell Mrs. Elizabeth Liszanckie Daisy Locke, '16 Jay R. Long Anthony Longo, '20 Yali Lou Frank Lovell

Thomas Joseph Lydon, '11 Owen B. Lynch JoAnne Ellison Lynch and Gary Lynch

Steve and Maureen Mahoney

Jim Major

Jeremy Mandelbaum, '16

Madeleine Mandelbaum

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Marble Alex Scangas and Maren Forsyth Michelle Margolies

Eric Martineau

Barbara Martins

Mark Mattera* Mary and Carol Matyka

Steven McCarthy

Jason S. McCollin, '90

Makeeba McCreary*

Alexandra E. McDonald, '10 Sharon C. McDonald

Kathleen E. McDonough

Mr. and Mrs. Rod McLane

Brian and Deborah McLaughlin

James Melchin^

Kathleen M. Meloon

Anabel and James Milinazzo

Brenda L. Miller

Deepak Mohan

Philippe Montillier Ryan Montoni Denise Mooney Karen and Bruce Morrison

Lucy R. Morse-Fortier, '09 Maggie Moynihan Linda and John Adams Virginia and James Murphy Chrisanne Murphy

Brian Murray and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Jake Mutrie

Susan L. Nelson*

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newman

Thomas Newton and Karma Paoletti

Carolyn Ng

Aaron Niles

Mr. and Mrs. James O'Day

Mary (Maureen) O'Donnell

Brendan O'Keefe, '98

Kathy O'Leary

Louis and Gail O'Malley

Mike and Doreen Oleary

Isabelle Pallett, '21

Alissa Palmisano

Stacy Limperis and Demetrius Papapanayiotou

Thomas Papazian, '20


Jill and Arthur Papazian

Paul Paquette

Jo-Ann Pastore

Mr. and Mrs. John Peabody

Perella Weinberg

Kayla Pigeon, '13

William Piotrowski, '21 Mathew Polackal

Tara Poor, '98

Mary Premo

Alan Gauthier and Robbin Profit Silja Pukitis

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Puzzo

Mr. and Mrs. George P. Quinn Michael and Omni Raimo

Howard Rashba*

Davis Raymond, '18 Red Hat

Claire Regan

Kyle Reilly, '21

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Reilly

Kathryn Ricciardi

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Richard Mrs. Carmen C. Richard

The Richardt Family

Maryellen Robert Paula Rocheleau

Mr. James E. Rodgers*

Elizabeth H. Rodriguez

Richard Rossetti

Alana J. Russo, '03 Jaye and Joseph Russo Sienna Brown

Lily Saha, '14

The Family of Lily Saha, '14

The Salmonson Family

Janet Salsman

Anthony Sammarco

Sandra Sanchez

Alia Sanders

Howard J. Savard

Nikita Sayana, '17

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Scanlan

Janet Domenitz and Jonathan Scarlett

Donald Schaefer

Helen Chin Schlichte*

Jeanne Schulze

Jill Schuman

Peter Sclafani, '21

David and Jennifer Sharpe

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Shavor

Carolyn Stoller

Francis Stone

Molly Stone*

Kimberly A. Sturrock, '87 Mark Stutman

Kevin and Gail Sullivan

The Sullivans

Laura and James Sullivan Delaney Supple, '20 Bill and Mary Supple

David and Erica Supple* Barbara A. Talbot

Alexandra Elizabeth Talbot, '17 John M. Tartaglia and Jane E. Foote*

Maura Taylor

Tristan Teixera, '15 Laura and Rob Tello Marie Thomas Mike Thornton, '01 and Family* James M. Tierney

Linda M. Traub

Timothy D. Tucker

Michael and Heather Tunnicliffe Collette Turgeon

Ajay Upadhyay

David L. Van Deuren

Stephen and Susan Vanni

Dr. Pamela H. Varrin*

David Veronelli, '19

VFW P.F.C. John M. Sullivan Post No. 10334

Abigail von Trapp Rachel Vorkink

Carol and Charles Willinger

Nancy Wilson

Joanne and John Wilson Ashley Wisse Patricia Witts

Lori Worcester

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Worthen James Young, '72 Susan Zwerling


Gifts of goods and services were gratefully received by the following:

A&B Burgers

Barry's Bootcamp (Back Bay)

Carly Churchill

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Connelly Cotting School PTO Far from the Tree

Formaggio Kitchen Nora Frank William and Patricia Harron Il Casale

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mahoney

Mighty Squirrel Brewing Co. MyStryde Printex, Inc. Michael and Omni Raimo The Upper Crust Wagon Wheel Wilson Farm

2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT | 31


The following foresighted individuals have notified us that they have chosen to include Cotting School in their estate plans or have made a planned gift. For more information about joining the Francis Joy Cotting Circle, please contact Director Advancement Nora Frank at or 781-325-7976.


Mr. and Mrs. Mike Aschettino

Ms. Annette M. Bertino

Mrs. B.J. Isaacson Chaves

Mrs. Elizabeth Coughlin, Class of 1974

Mr. George T. Coughlin, Class of 1969 Mr. David Cushing Mr. Robert Delaney

Mr. and Mrs. John Geljookian

Dr. Barbara D. Hardaway, Class of 1968 Mr. Richard Johnson, Class of 1967 Mr. Bennett Jones

Ms. Eleanor "Lee" Jones, Class of 2004 Ms. Eleanor Jones Mr. Charles F. Kropp Pam and Kent Larson

Mrs. Lillian Towner Leary

Mr. and Mrs. David S. Lee David and Noreen Manzo

Ms. Kathleen E. McDonough

Carl W. Mores, EdD

Mr. Jack Memishian and Ms. Elaine Burns, Class of 1968 Mrs. Nancy B. Osgood

George S. and Helen Pappagianis

Mr. Paul Edward Sarno, Class of 1961 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Silberberg

Ms. Susan Ann Sullivan

Mr. Thomas P. Teahan

Mrs. W. Nicholas Thorndike Ms. Lisa I. Watt-Bucci


We celebrate the following individuals who have inspired gifts in their honor.

Katie Atchue, ‘12

Suzanne Bacon, ‘97

William Baker

Julie Bennett

Ginny Birmingham Nico Bolton

Sienna Brown Erika Cain Kellan Carrig Alada Caughey

Justin Cermenaro, ‘19

Elizabeth Chaisson, '06

Melissa Chiasson, ‘18

Emily Cogliano, ‘09

Lynn Coleman

Lynn Condon

Sejal Costa Dan Cuddy Anika Currie

Logan Debrocke Colby Deharo

Patrick DeRosa, ‘22 Gianna Diatalevi Alexa DiBisceglie Sam Erickson, ‘18 Una Flanagan Steve Fleming J.R. Foley, '11 Nora Frank Peter Garron, ‘15 Morty Gove Ben Hutchinson, ‘21 Althea Ioakimidis Bridget Irish Alex Kaner

Shannon Kerr Helen Killian

Raymond L. Killian, Jr. Rebecca Kourepenos, ‘18 Lucille Kulis

Sophia Rose LaFort Sylvie Lammert, ‘18

Owen LaVangie Maddy Legge Maddy Legge and Family Johanna Lewis Andy Lindblad

Daisy Locke, ‘16

Jonathan Love Katie Mahoney

Kevin Mahoney, ‘07

Greta Mangini

David Manzo

Brianna Marble Richard McDonald and Family Maggie McGowan

Julia McLane

John Meredith

Robert Mitropoulos

Charles S. Morrison II

Brendan Mutrie

Anne Ogilby

Halle Paoletti-Newton

Jane Perera

Elizabeth C. Peters Bill Phelan

Will Piotrowski, ‘21

Tanis Price, ‘21

Stella Puzzo Omni Raimo

Lizzy Randle Chris Reardon Edward Reed Madison Reguera Aly Robinson

Megan Schofield

Elaine Sgouros Anthony Sgouros Rachel Shavor Avery Smith Michael Smith Ellie Stanley Geraldine Sullivan Delaney Supple, ‘20

Kelly Sykora, ‘20

Alexandra Talbot, ‘17

William O. Taylor

Joan Thorndike

Lanny Thorndike

Rosanne Trolan

Mariana Vetouls-Acevedo, ‘19

Frankie Vigorito, ‘22

Rachel Vorkink

Alice Walsh, ‘17

Gregory T. Walsh, '01

William Webber

Jack Yadisernia


Gifts in Honor of Groups and Special Events

2021 Seniors

2022 Seniors

The Class of 1977 Cotting Nurses

Cotting Teachers and Staff Cotting Students, Faculty and Staff Project Bridges Staff Mary and Kevin's Wedding


We are grateful to these companies that amplify their employees' philanthropy.

Abbott Laboratories

Accenture Biogen Coverys Community Healthcare Foundation

DELL Eaton Vance Management Gartner, Inc. GE Foundation

Jennifer A. Borislow Insurance Agency New Ecology, Inc. Nvdia

Perella Weinberg Partners Pfizer

Red Hat

State Street Matching Gifts Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited


We are humbled to be the recipient of thoughtful gifts in memory of the following individuals.

Julia E. Baird, ‘19

Daviana J. Bennett, ‘18

Cameron Blizard

Lynn Brountas

Matthew Caban, '10

Eleonore 'Lorli' von Trapp Campbell

Bill Carmichael

Helen Burns

Charles E. Cotting

Sarah W. Cotting

Kerri DeRosa

Rarie T. Dye

H. Phelps Edwards, Jr.

David Ellis, Jr.

Frank Escobedo

Erica Lee Faro

Liana Fitzgerald, ‘11 Patricia Fitzgerald

Sara Flad Francis L. Fleming, Jr., '63

David Freeman, '01 Andrew Geljookian Tessa J. Geomelos

J. Dennis Gill

David M. Greenman, ‘01 Jackie Greenwood

Joseph Hansis, Jr. Sarah E. Haydock Angela H. Heffernan

We made every effort to accurately list all donors. If you find a mistake or omission, please accept our sincerest apologies and contact Director Advancement Nora Frank at or 781-325-7976 so that we can correct the issue in the future.

Jake Jerman

Dr. Keler

Lesley Killian-Curcuru

Robert F. Lermond, Jr.

Shirley Champion Locke Joseph P. Loiacono

Paul W. Lowney

Meredith MacLeod

Maureen P. Manning

James Marfoli, ‘75

Frances McCarthy

Richard McDonald

Mary Jean McGarry

Pamela McLauglin, ‘58

Samuel J. Mollica, '47

Kate C. Moore

John (Jack) Murphy

Michael Myers, Jr

Susan A. Myers

Susan and Michael Myers

William 'Peco' Myers

Declan O'Connell

Jacqueline W. Payne

Anthony Peabody

Alice W. Read

Theresa A. Regan

George and Alice Rich

Karl Sheehan, '78 Kurt Riley St. Pierre Phoebe Sternbach

John L. Thorndike

Lynnda Thompson Tiano

Elise 'Butch' Wallace James P. Walsh

2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT | 33


One of the most impactful ways to support Cotting School is by joining our sustainer program. It’s a convenient way to make regular donations at a rate and amount that’s just right for you. Recurring automatic donations from sustaining donors helps ensure we have steady and reliable funding throughout the year.

Former Cotting staff member Laura Chandler Bushell shares why she decided to become a sustaining donor:

“I am a proud supporter of Cotting School after having the privilege of working there early in my career. There's a saying around the school that there is ‘never a bad day at Cotting,’ and I witnessed that firsthand. The dedication and passion of teachers and staff is unparalleled. I watched students arrive and find themselves with community, able to make friends and participate in activities, some for the first time in their lives. You cannot have a bad day when you see Cotting students smiling in the hallway. I am happy to be a monthly donor and support the broad spectrum of students that benefit from Cotting's services and community.”

Learn more about becoming a sustaining donor by contacting Associate Director of Advancement Carly Churchill at 781-325-7997 or

WANT TO LEND A HAND AT COTTING SCHOOL? We have a variety of volunteer opportunities for individuals and groups. Learn more by contacting Associate Director of Advancement Carly Churchill at 781-325-7997 or
453 Concord Ave, Lexington, MA 02421 781.862.7323 |

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.