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Current Classifieds
Classified & Display Ad Deadlines
The deadline for classified ads for the next issue is June 30. Display ad space must be reserved by June 30.
If your ads are not received by this deadline, they will not be published in the next issue.
Please limit ads to 30 words. There is a $5 charge for ads over 30 words.
Classified Cost
Cotton Electric members are entitled to two free ads per membership per month. Additional ads or ads over 30 words can be purchased for $5 per ad.

Not a member, but still want to advertise? Ads must be prepaid, so enclose $5 with your ad to guarantee placement.
Real Estate
Want to lease cultivation/ pasture around Indiahoma/ Cache/Chattanooga areas. Call Richard Duncan at 580-335-4236.
Land for sale: 1-3-acre tracts. Owner finance. Randlett and Walters areas. Call 580-591-1042, Ask for Leon. FarmsRanchesLand.com. 580-252-3880.
2 lots in Eagle’s Nest on Waurika Lake. Closest lots to the water in the addition. Lot size is 2.6 acres. $14,000. Covenant restrictions. 580-585-0495.
10 acres for sale: water, electric, storm cellar and septic system included. Pumpkin Center area. $85,000. 580-512-1328.
High’s Auction and Real Estate: Listings wanted, buyers looking. Land selling for record prices. Contact Rick High at 580-5912781.
Manufactured Homes

FOR SALE: To be moved, 1971 Town & Country, good condition, new water heater, water lines, & faucets, CH&A w/condenser, refrigerator, stove, vent hood, awning, porches. $10,000. 580-215-2192.

Contact Us

Ads can be sent in the mail or be dropped off at Cotton Electric, 226 N. Broadway, Walters, OK 73572. Ads can also be dropped off at the Duncan office, 1101 W. Oak. Ads can be emailed to classifieds@cottonelectric.com. Place an ad by phone by calling 580-875-3351.

Real Estate
Mobile home lots for rent or sale. Randlett and Walters areas. 580-591-1042,
Walters space available for just $25 per day! Call 580-875-3870 to schedule your event. Have your next event here! Cotton County Fairgrounds is available to rent for private functions and special events. Different size rooms and ample parking. For pricing details and availability call 580-8753136.

Longhorn calves for sale, one heifer and one bull. $450/each. 580-467-1779.
Angus, Hereford and Black Maine bulls for sale. Extensive AI program. John Johnson, 580-467-7433. Limflex and fullblood Limousin bulls and heifers for sale. Registered and commercial. Call 580-6413516.
Angus beef for sale. Grass-fed, grain-finished, no growth hormones, no antibiotics, local livestock producer, butchered by state-inspected custom processor. Sold by the side or whole. You decide the cuts of meat. 580-5852691.
Longhorn heifer and young bull. $450 each. Call 580467-1779 or 580-467-2533.
For sale: Up to 8 bred Brangus registered heifers with bulls now for April and October calves. Will trade for good hay. Tom Beck, Beckwards T Ranch, Pumpkin Center area. 580351-4439.
Gentle registered Brangus bulls: black, calving ease, heat-tolerant, high-weaning, no excess leather. Bulls start at $2,000. Beckwards T Ranch, Tom Beck, Pumpkin Center, 580-351-4439.
Full blood, 2-year-old Red Angus bulls for sale. Tested. Call 580-467-8631.
FB Red Angus bulls. SireFranchise, dam from Cowboy Up. $2,500. Text 580736-8268 for pictures.
“I realized I was aging when I started depending on Grandson to open jar lids for me.” – Bruce Prater. 4 solid Black correntie Bulls proven calving ease. Call Garrett 656-6082.
Need loving homes: Fox Terrier Mix puppies born Nov. 1, 2022. Have all vaccinations, very smart, full of love, energetic. Wonderful, mid-sized breed. $40 each. Call Bambie at 580-6566838.
Chihuahuas for sale: 1 female and 3 males. 3 months old. Short-haired deer head Chihuahuas. $300 firm. 580-917-6806. Rehoming 18-week-old puppies. Up-to-date on all shots. Have an appointment on April 11 to be neutered. 4 females and 3 males. Already making good watch dogs and good pets. 580-232-0558.
Shorty Jack Russell Terriers for sale. Smooth coat and broken coats ready now. Parents have been genetically health tested. For more info, please contact Regina at Dees Jack Russells 580-483-5824 or visit our website at www. deesjackrussells.com/.
One-year-old male AKC black and white toy poodle, 6 pounds, 9 inches tall. Text for more info. 813-2302372. AKC chocolate and yellow lab puppies. 12 weeks old. Vaccinated, dewormed, and microchipped. 580841-0841.
For sale: One-year-old white Silkie breeding pairs for $46.
Geese for sale: Goslings, American Buff breed. $28. Straight-run.
Place bership
Classified Ad Policy
per regardless of the on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5.

Brush hogging by the hour or by the acre. We will travel. Call 580-656-1504.

Adair Masonry: brick, block, stone and all masonry repairs. Fireplaces and outdoor kitchens. No job too big or too small. 20 years of experience. 580695-3132.
Cash for your junk vehicles. Call Bo’s Salvage at 580255-3545.

The Glorious Gecko, 130 N. Broadway, Walters, has new and nearly-new, medium-to-3X women’s namebrand clothing. Hours M-F 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Cash for coins: Buy or sell. Call 580-475-5132 in Duncan. We buy and sell gold coins and silver bullion.
Daffern’s Auto Service now has wrecker and towing.
Factory-trained with over 35 years of experience on all makes and models: brakes, heating, A/C, major engine and transmission repair, fuel injection service and restorations. 412 NW 2nd in Lawton. 580-3531600 or 580-512-8661.
Foundation repairs, house lifting and leveling. Slab –pier and beam specialist. Goldstarr Construction. 580-917-0057.

Need an estate sale? Let J & J Estate Sales work for you. Contact Janet Terry at 580-678-1719 or Janie Dupler at 580-512-2245.

Tree B Gone. Trimming, removal and stump grinding. Insured. State licensed. Free estimates. 580-4754973. Serving Duncan area.
Best Barns & Carports. No one beats our quality or price. Free installation!
Come see our displays. Land Pros Real Estate & Auction, 1705 S. Hwy. 81, Duncan. 580-252-3880.

Want to buy silver and gold coins or jewelry, and coin collections. Paying cash. Call Ed at 580-475-4570.
M&B Handyman Services

LLC. You dream it, we build it. Call us today for a free estimate. Call 580-7211864.
Hog trapping: If you have hog problems in or around Cotton County, give me a call or text is best. Greg Kohout. 580-704-9955.
Phipps Backhoe & Storm
Shelters LLC: All septic system. Below- and aboveground concrete storm shelters. 580-467-1018 or 467-3514.
Need welding? Rod iron fences and gates, pipe fences and gates, aluminum, outside A/C unit security cages or any type of welding done in shop and portable. Call 580-7042963.
Mud Creek Creations – a unique shopping experience. Main Street, Comanche. Open Tues. – Sat., 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Come see what you’ve been missing!
Brush hog work: Central, Empire and Comanche areas. $45 per hour with a 2-hour minimum. 580-4751744 or 580-467-2145.
Cuzzort Construction LLC.
Specializing in DECORATIVE CONCRETE, sidewalks, driveways, stamping, staining, dirt work and metal buildings. Free Estimates. No job too big or too small. Call Michael at 580-251-0297.
Spencer’s Lawn Care. Free estimates. Call 580-4833503.
Dana’s Drive-Through Drinks: fountain drinks, Hershey’s ice cream, shaved ice, iced coffee, beer. 3 miles south of Geronimo. 580-585-3828.
For sale: 2 48-inch antique steel wheels. $400. A 24foot bat reel for a John Deere combine header and a Great Bend self-leveling loader with bucket and hay spike. Call 580-704-7755.
For sale: Poulan Woodshark chainsaw. $35. 580695-1799.

Need to sell my 2017 750 K Bulldozers and replace with new. Bought them new and dealer has service records. Nothing wrong, just age. Asking $75k choice. Call Bruce at 641-1952.

For sale: 8-foot side delivery rake. 580-560-0225.
For sale: small square bales of wheat straw. $5 each. 580-512-2516.

Nice 5x16 gooseneck stock trailer. $2,750 or best offer. 580-475-8096.
Does your trailer need a little TLC? Check with us for all your needs! Parts, lights, brakes, axles, DOT inspections, flooring and friendly service! M&M Trailer Service LLC. 580-658-6510. Utility trailer for sale. Inside diameter 6’8”x12’. All metal bed. Asking $600. It comes with ramp and spare tire. 580-232-0558.
Ready to go! We can hook you up! Check with us for your gooseneck, receiver, or 5th wheel hitches and brake controls! M&M Trailer Service LLC. 580-6586510.
For sale: 570 New Holland Square Baler. $7,500. Call 580-512-6762. For sale: John Deer round baler 530. 580-560-0225.
For sale: John Deere 6620 combine. 24-foot header. Call 580-313-0155.
For Sale: 9600 JD Field ready. Bin extensions, duals 2wd. Hrs: 5754, eng.: 3947 sep. 630R Header/pup reel/trailer. Stored out of weather. $32,500: 580591-2781.

For sale: Great Bend self-leveling loader with bucket and hay spike, 24-foot bat reel off of a John Deere combine, and two 48-inch antique steel wheels. Call 580-704-7755. Honda portable generator: 6,000kw tri-fuel with cover, includes transfer switch. $1,800. 580-439-5408.
2955 John Deere Tractor, 5110 hours with 510 Koyker Loader. 435 John Deere Round Bailer. 10-wheel Km Rake Caddy. 920 MOCO cutter. Total package $50,000. Jeff Sanner. 580467-2275.
Addington Station Antiques: Addington. Offering beautiful, tiger oak furniture, rare slot machines, gas pumps, WWII memorabilia, wide selection of lamps, Roseville, Jadeite. Table space available for rent. Visit the Jesus Gospel Park and War Memorial. Addington Station Antiques offer vintage sign, beautiful artwork, windmills, crocks, lots of crystal glassware, historical memorabilia, Fenton, Coca-Cola signs, gas signs, jewelry, coins. Table space available. Visit the Jesus Gospel Park and War Memorial.
The Glorious Gecko, 130 N. Broadway, Walters, has new and nearly-new, medium-to-3X women’s namebrand clothing. Hours M-F 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For sale: High Country Safari bow. $125. 580-6951799.
Shooter Guns & Ammo now has .410 in stock, 22 mag, 30-30 and other cal. of ammo. Firearms for hunting or self-defense. Open 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. –2 p.m. Saturdays.
For sale: Thompson Center Encore 209x50 Magnum Black Powder with scope. $900. Remington 1187 Premier with 20” slug barrel and Bushnell Banner Scope. $1,200. 580-6951799.
Fitness and Health
For sale in Velma: NuStep T-4 Recumbent Cross Trainer exercise machine. $2,000. 580-444-2538.
Dunn’s Nursery 05160 N 5th St., Duncan. Cell: 6567273. Shade trees for sale: Bald Cypress, Bradford Pear, Chinese Pistachio, Lacebark Elm, Red Maple, Red Oak, Redbud, Shantung Maple and Crepe
Recreational Vehicles
For sale: 2017 – 19-foot Micro Lite trailer by Forest River with one slide out. Queen bed, electric awning, hail resistant, large corner shower. Used very little. Good tires and battery. $15,000. 580-5851212.
Turkey Terrace RV Park. 2909 S. Whaley Rd., Marlow. 580-721-0403. Serene country living by the lake at Stephens County’s newest RV park. Call for more info.
Gospel/Country jam sessions on Friday nights from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Hosted by Lakeside Baptist Church. Call Sherry 580704-3178.
For sale: 14’x60’ mobile home, to be moved, new water heater and water lines, CH&A including condensing unit, refrigerator, kitchen stove, and vent hood. Includes 10’x30’ awning and porch. $15,000. 580-215-2192.
For sale: firewood. $120 per rick. Pick your rick. Mixed –split – seasoned. Only 20 ricks left. Woodchips. West Lawton. 580-917-0057.
14’X60’ MOBILE HOME FOR SALE: To be moved, 1971 Town & Country, good condition, new water heater, water lines, & faucets, CH&A w/condenser, refrigerator, stove, vent hood, awning, porches. $10,000. 580-215-2192.

Need a dock to fish off of or to enjoy the beautiful sunset? Let Bryon share with you a maintenance-free solution. 580-641-2781 or ezdocktexas.com.
Large smoker on skids. Over $8,000 to build new. $1,500 firm. 580-318-2753.
Hope Community Church is seeking a bi-vocational Pastor. Hope is a non-denominational church with Biblical doctrine. Call 580467-3043 if interested.
Dana’s Drive-Through Drinks: fountain drinks, Hershey’s ice cream, shaved ice, iced coffee, beer. 3 miles south of Geronimo. 580-585-3828.
Join us at Paradise Valley Baptist Church. 4974 Meers Porter Hill Rd., Lawton, OK 73507. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m. 580492-4428.
Six-person hot tub with pump. 580-560-0225. For sale: 145 8x4x16 cinder blocks. $1 each. 580-6951799.
Angus beef for sale. Grass-fed, grain-finished, no growth hormones, no antibiotics, local livestock producer, butchered by state-inspected custom processor. Sold by the side or whole. You decide the cuts of meat. 580-5852691.
For sale: Wilton 600 Shop Vise, like new. $1,000. 580695-1799.
For sale: electrically power folding scooter. 40 pounds. First in any trunk. Never used. I paid $1,889 and like to sell for half. King size recliner. Items for sale: STIHL weed eater. A/C compressor for cars and trucks, older cars and trucks. 580-786-9618.
For sale: semi-electric hospital bed with special mattress and two side rails. $675 OBO. Black, silk sofa with red trim. $150. Black, wrought iron swivel chair. $60. 972-741-9164. Leave message.
Join Paradise Valley Baptist Church for Vacation Bible School. 9 a.m. to noon
June 19-23 at 4974 NW Meers Porter Hill, Lawton. 580-492-4428. PVBCLawton@gmail.com.
Walters Chamber of Commerce July 4th Prince or Princess Contest. Anyone 18 or younger may compete for awesome prizes. You don’t have to live in Walters. 580-678-8586 or 580-574-3713.
For sale: 2 5x5 cemetery lots at Sunset Memorial Garden in Lawton. 1 for $800 or both for $1,500. 580-483-7347 or 580-6994144. Please leave a message.
For sale in Velma: 4-wheel mobility scooter with wide tires. Afiscooter C. Brandnew with carrier attached to hitch. Never used. $4,000. 580-444-2538.
Miscellaneous barn sale:
June 16-17. Clothes line poles, 42” TV, tools, Pampered Chef Air Fryer, hardly used, ¾ bed love seat, VCR/DVD player, clothes and more. 7444 W. Seminole Road in Duncan. 580467-5995.
Simple changes make a big difference and add up to savings.
Learn more at CottonElectric.com or TouchstoneEnergy.com.
Have your next event here! Cotton County Fairgrounds is available to rent for private functions and special events. Different size rooms and ample parking. For pricing details and availability call 580-8753136.
Need an estate sale? Let J & J Estate Sales work for you. Contact Janet Terry at 580-678-1719 or Janie Dupler at 580-512-2245.
