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Resolving the ambiguities between willful neglect and what could be is to assume the welfare of others as if they are community. The silence is broken when the unspoken is felt. Empathy consoles the distraught. Being ordinary we share our identity. Self is inconsequential when bearing another’s burdens responsibly. Just as the sea heaves from the distant deep, mercy races to shore and ebbs to frailty at our feet. Its harmony engulfs the universe and immerses humanity within its plasma. Nations die when tyrants divide and rule the expendable and disregard ethereal phenomena. What balm will strengthen the people? In the ebb and flow of history, optimism has restored resolve in every cycle. Emerson Laird is a creative writing participant at SourcePoint’s enrichment center.

Sing Me a Lullaby

Sing me a lullaby Of waves crashing on the shore Of treasure flung across the sand Of melody sung through the sea grass Since a lullaby once more Sing me a lullaby Of peace and tranquility With stars scattered through the night Reflecting across the water A song of serendipity Sing me a lullaby Of friendships lasting joy Of laugh filled afternoons Of tears shared once more A never ending lullaby Donna Bingham is a creative writing participant at SourcePoint’s enrichment center.

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