2 minute read
The Importance of a Medical Home
As we have learned all too well in the past couple of years, the world of health care is ever-changing! What remains constant, however, is that we all need health care services at some point. When we need help with our health, identifying the best care and treatment options for our unique selves is an important piece of the overall puzzle of a healthy lifestyle. How do we do this, then, when the options seem endless and are everchanging? Which doctor or provider is best? What treatment option is best? Is seeing a doctor even necessary, or is an over-the-counter option sufficient? These questions are difficult to answer, and health care marketing, media, and even legislation can muddy water for us even more. Many have found that the key to navigating this often-confusing health care journey is by relying on a “medical home” provider to steer them in the right direction when specific needs or challenges arise. Hearing health care has become increasingly necessary in today’s world as hearing loss has become more common. Noise exposure, aging, and health issues, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, can affect our hearing without us even realizing it! Therefore, it’s not surprising that it sometimes takes years for many of us to finally get our hearing checked. Deciding to make hearing a priority of our personal health care journey is something to be celebrated! However, it can be very challenging to know what the next right step towards healthy hearing is, and like in other areas of health care—the options can be overwhelming. There are many places to get your hearing checked, both in-person and even online. Additionally, amplification devices can be purchased through the mail, at big-box stores, online, over-the-counter, or from a medical provider. Another consideration is how to fit the purchase of these devices into your budget. Although the overwhelming options available for treating hearing loss can make it difficult to even make a next step, it is vital for us to begin this journey to better hearing in order to improve our overall quality of life through better communication.
Finding a “medical home” for your hearing is the best way to identify the right care and treatment options specifically for you. This starts with a diagnostic evaluation of your hearing, performed by a licensed provider. Audiologists are hearing health care providers with the most education, background, and experience with diagnosing and treating all kinds of hearing losses. The first step towards healthy hearing is deciding to make an appointment—the great news is that your audiologist will take it from there! Whether your best options include hearing aids, cochlear implantation, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) therapy/counseling, further testing, or just annual monitoring, your audiologist will make clear recommendations based on your hearing thresholds, your lifestyle, and your budget. If you or a loved one feel ready to make hearing a health care priority this year, we encourage you to make an appointment for a hearing evaluation with an audiologist and establish a “medical home” for your hearing and communication. Erin Tarney, Au.D. is the director of audiology at Delaware Speech & Hearing Center. To make an appointment, call 740369-3650 or go to delawareshc.org. For questions regarding audiology, speech-language pathology, or occupational therapy, call or email contact@delawareshc.org.
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