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Elder Abuse in Ohio is Closer than You Think
In addition, although they do not cover the cost of new devices, other FCC programs may be able to assist eligible consumers with the cost of phone or internet services:
The FCC's Lifeline program may be able to assist eligible consumers in getting connected to phone and internet services. The program provides a discount on phone service for qualifying low-income consumers to ensure that all Americans have the opportunities and security that phone service brings, including being able to connect to jobs, family, and emergency services. You can learn more about the Lifeline program and find out if you may be eligible at fcc.gov/ broadbandbenefit.
In addition, the FCC's Emergency Broadband Benefit Program provides a temporary discount of up to $50 per month towards broadband service for eligible households during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Additional Resources
• To learn more about 5G, visit our
FAQs page at fcc.gov/5g-faqs. • For more on the FCC's 5G strategy, visit the FCC's America's 5G Future at fcc.gov/5G. • For more information on consumer issues, visit the FCC's
Consumer Help Center at fcc.gov/ consumers.
Sources: Federal Communications Commission and Amy Goyer, AARP. Read more at aarp.org.
Lifeline and Medical Alert Devices
Lifeline, a program used by many older adults, utilizes major service providers like AT&T and T-Mobile, which are included in the shutdown. iPhones older than the iPhone 6 will no longer work for calls and data. Medical alert devices, watches, and home security systems that utilize 3G may also be impacted. Individuals who utilize such systems should log into their accounts to check whether they use 3G. Consumers can also contact the individual carriers and reach out to product companies to determine if their device will be affected.
For people with limited resources, this change could present challenges if they have to spend money on new products. Some carriers are offering free or discounted replacement phones. Older adults and low-income individuals may qualify for the Emergency Broadband Benefit, which could help them get discounted, updated devices. Many libraries have technology lending programs, which could help keep people connected.
Elder Abuse in Ohio is Closer than You Think
1-855-OHIO-APS. Remember that number. Store it in your phone. I hope you and your loved ones never need it, but if that day comes, you’ll be thankful you have it. It is the Ohio Adult Protective Services hotline, and it could save a life. Elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation is widespread and under-reported. Nationally, an estimated 1 in 8 older adults suffer from elder abuse. Given that rate, census data suggests more than 200,000 Ohioans age 60 and older experience some form of elder abuse. Yet county departments of job and family services received just 34,000 calls in 2020. This suggests that tens of thousands of instances of elder abuse went unreported. This is an alarming trend and, frankly, is unacceptable. The time is now for all Ohioans to be aware of the types of elder abuse, recognize the warning signs, and know who to call when they suspect someone is in danger. Elder abuse refers to any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by any person that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult. Put simply, elder abuse occurs when someone intentionally acts in a way that harms an older adult. Abuse can be physical, emotional, or sexual. It includes neglect and isolation, as well as financial abuse and exploitation. Warning signs of abuse include signs of physical harm, sudden changes in behavior, increased involvement of other family members in their lives or decisions, lack of hygiene, unclean or unsafe living conditions, missing money or property, and increased isolation. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services operates our state’s Adult Protective Services. APS serves Ohioans age 60 or over who live in their own homes and communities. APS staff investigate reports of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, and partner with appropriate agencies to address the situation. Call the toll-free state APS hotline at 855-OHIO-APS (855-644-6277). There’s no requirement of physical proof, and callers can choose to be anonymous. A single call can save a life. Check on the older adults in your life and don’t hesitate to make that call if you think there’s a problem. Learn more at aging.ohio.gov/elderabuse.