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Driving Under the Influence of Age
Driving Under the Influence of Age
During 2021, nine Delaware County fatal motor vehicle crashes took the lives of 12 people. Five of those crashes were the fault of a driver aged 64 or older. The main contributing factors were failure to yield, following too closely, and driving off the roadway. Last year, one-third of the 3,413 crashes in Delaware County were related to mature drivers over the age of 55. In fact, Ohio has one of the highest rates of fatal traffic crashes involving elderly drivers in the U.S., according to a recent study by transportation-research group TRIP. So why is the risk of causing a crash so high among our most experienced drivers?
This is a question that we must begin asking ourselves as we age.
Studies reveal the reasons older drivers are at risk include how aging reduces the faculties needed to drive. These may include cognitive decline, decreased vision, decreased hearing, and decreased motor skills including reaction time or coordination. In other words, greater physical, visual, or cognitive impairment in older people is directly associated with the increased senior involvement in motor vehicle crashes. In addition, many older adults use medications, which may interfere with driving regardless of age, but can be particularly risky to older adults.
More mature drivers have a great deal of practical experience in driver safety. It is natural to overestimate the effects aging may have on one’s ability to apply that experience. It is imperative that every driver re-evaluates their individual challenges to drive safely and apply appropriate measures to compensate. Arthritis might in fact affect your ability to drive. Stiff and weakened joints may make it more difficult to turn your head to look back, turn the steering wheel quickly, or brake easily. Many drivers are unaware that resources exist to help them continue to drive safely. Unfortunately, a time may come when the only reasonable decision will be to relinquish one’s driver’s license for the safety of all.
For more information on how to continue to drive safely as you age, contact SAFE Delaware County Coalition Coordinator Jackie Bain at jbain@delawarehealth.org or call 740-203-2083.