OCTOBER 2018 About Thetford magazine

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Have A Spooktacular Octob

Inside this month...

ther has most definitely The colder and wetter wea dark a lot earlier in the Page 5 - Roundabout Jobs Boost ing arrived and it has been gett we can do about that Page 9 - Community Corner evenings. There’s not much that About Thetford magazine Page 12 - 13 - Leaping Hare but we can give you a packed So grab a coffee and sit Page 14 - 15 - Out And About Thetford filled with heart-warming stories. ! Page 21 - Here Come the Girls! and have a read through Page 23 - Rebellious Sisterhood out dab roun new the ut abo There’s a bit of an explanation an Page 25- RAF Mildenhall Visit For Probus also d Road. There’s that’s being built along Mundfor n Page 26 - Thetford Past and Present bee has ch whi Lottery article about the OurBreckland d Page 30 - 31 - Thetford Faces goo l loca of e rang le busily raising funds for a who to the Page 33 - What’s On At Thetford Library ets tick four win to tion peti causes. We have a com e soon and details have Page 35 - Remembrace Parade Info Pink Floyd concert taking plac e Night - raising money Page 39 - Overview Of Thetford Society been released for the charity Rac definitely seems to be Page 41 - An Evening Of Storytelling er Pow Girl for Thetford Foodbank. great efforts of the ladies Page 43 - Dave Just Loves To Fix It! the theme this month with the ’ detailed plus a preview Page 44 - Brandon Pumpkin Fest that took part in ‘Girls Night Out ry of women gaining Page 45 - The Chair Necessities tena cen of the play celebrating the od - Votes For Women’ Page 47 - Disabled Accessible Taxis the vote - ‘Rebellious Sisterho r in the Carnegie Rooms. Page 49 - Thetford Bulldogs takes place on the 4th Octobe ‘Thetford Face’ of the Page 53 - Parkrun Celebrates 300! our Talking of inspiring women Page 54 - Fitness Column By Richard ber. Web Sue er month is serial fundrais Front cover image; ‘The Slimsons’ by Best wishes, Terry Jermy (Editor) Taxis Advert 08.18.qxp_Layout 1 21/08/2018 12:52 Pa St Nicholas Hospice. Full story page 21.

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Call (01842) 775050 / 769111 E-mail address for all articles, adverts etc:aboutthetfordmagazine@googlemail.com Contact us: 075404 63662 Office Address: C/o Charles Burrell Centre, Staniforth Road, IP24 3LH Publisher; In And About Thetford Ltd, C/o Charles Burrell Centre, Staniforth Road, Thetford IP24 3LH Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information contained within this magazine, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by its contributors, in any advertisements or for any loss arising from non-publication of any advertisement. Reproduction of any part of this publication without permission of the publishers is strictly forbidden. The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher

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Work Gets Underway On Roundabout Set To Unlock Land To Boost Jobs Work got underway last month on a £1.5m roundabout on the A1066 at Thetford, at the junction of Wyatt Way, which is set to open up land for the proposed Thetford Enterprise Park to create additional jobs in the town. The upgrade of the junction is expected to take 13 weeks and will provide access to the Thetford Enterprise Park site which will bring employment growth to accompany the planned 5,000 new homes on the edge of the town. Working in partnership with New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and Breckland Council, Norfolk County Council is delivering the scheme with funding from the New Anglia LEP. New Anglia LEP has allocated £2.4m from the Local Growth Fund for transport improvements in Thetford, including the design and build of the Thetford Enterprise Park roundabout. Cllr Sam Chapman-Allen, Breckland Council’s Executive Member for Corporate Strategy and Investment, said: “I’m delighted work is now underway to deliver this important infrastructure upgrade in Thetford. The Thetford Enterprise Park is a key employment site at the heart of the Cambridge - Norwich Tech Corridor and this new access roundabout will make it more attractive for big businesses to move into the area. When the 44 acre site is fully occupied in the future it will create thousands of new jobs, which is great news for local people and the local economy.” To make sure traffic along the busy A1066 and A11 is kept flowing while the roundabout is built the only road closure will be on Wyatt Way. All traffic will be directed to use Fison Way to access the industrial estate on a temporary basis, until work is complete. Norfolk County Council is aware that since work started people have

The new roundabout on Mundford Road, Thetford

been facing queues that are longer than usual when leaving the industrial estate at the end of the day. To help to ease this problem left turn and right turn only lanes were painted on Fison Way recently. The situation will continue to be monitored and other options to help improve traffic flow from the industrial estate will be looked into. Signs will be in place to remind people that businesses remain open as usual. Visit www.gtdp.org.uk for more information. Editor’s Note: This area is part of the patch that I represent on Norfolk County Council. I am sure many Thetford residents would rather see a roundabout at other locations with the Mundford Road / Croxton Road junction probably being top of the list. Sadly funding for schemes such as this is very complicated (and frustrating!). As this article explains the new roundabout is being funded by growth related money - i.e.not available for other schemes. It also seems slightly odd to be creating a ‘roundabout to nowhere’ as you might say - but if the roundabout does indeed help create the predicted number of jobs through the enterprise park I am sure this will be widely celebrated. - Terry

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Play OurBreckland Lottery And Support Local Wildlife A vital animal ambulance in Breckland which operates 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, has been given a financial boost thanks to players of OurBreckland Lottery. For every £1 Our Breckland Lottery ticket sold, 50p goes direct to a local 'good cause', with players able to pick the organisation they'd like to see their 50p support. Norfolk's PACT Animal Sanctuary has received over £500 after people playing the lottery, which was set up by Breckland Council, selected the organisation as their chosen beneficiary. A further 10p from the £1 sale goes into a funding pot which the council distributes locally as grants. The animal-loving organisation aims to improve animal welfare within the community and to save local wildlife. The money raised through the lottery ticket sales will help with PACT's ongoing goal to provide a 24/7 ambulance call out system. In 2017 PACT made a huge difference to over 2,494 animals, domestic and wildlife, rescuing 876 domestic animals and managing to rehome over 700 of them. 2018 looks like it will be a similar busy year for call outs, making this funding essential to the ongoing work the charity does in the local community.

A PACT spokesperson commented "Throughout the year, every day, our staff take out our ambulance to pick up as many as 8 needy animals. When we collect birds for example, we provide medical aid, hand feed them, then due to their injuries we often need to teach them to fly again before they can be released back into the wild. The essential funds raised from the Our Breckland lottery will help us keep the ambulance running, ensuring animals across Norfolk have a chance of survival when they need it most." Visit www.ourbrecklandlottery.co.uk for more info.

THETFORD MUNICIPAL & UNITED CHARITIES Registered Charity Number 208265

Due to insurance and security problems dealing with cash payments, the Trustees of the above charity have decided that it can not make any heating gifts at Christmas in the future. Despite over the years the minimum age for receipt of the gifts has risen from 65 to 80 years, the number of applicants has been increasing each year and this would result in very small payments being made or the minimum age being increased to 85 years. This is a charity for the poor and the duty of the Trustees is to ensure that the money goes only to those Thetford residents in the greatest need. A third of the money spent comes as a grant from the Henry Smith Charity which is undergoing a similar review. As a result the Trustees have been considering how best to make use of their limited resources and have decided to support setting up a Fuel Bank which will be run by the Thetford Food Bank. The Fuel Bank will give vouchers to people who have a pre-payment meter, to help those in desperate need of help to heat their house during the winter months. These vouchers when redeemed will show a credit on their meter. People will only be eligible for help if they have been referred to the Food Bank by an agency with the full understanding of the clients level of need and ultimately comply with the objective of the Thetford Municipal & United Charities.

Pam Spencer, Chairman of the Charities Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements 6

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Thetford Firework Spectacular

Family Fun Day, Live music & 2 Firework Displays

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For more information please call Larry on 07831458779 or email larrygray08@yahoo.co.uk Join in the fun at our floodlit, safe family fun and raise funds for the Mayor's charities Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements 8


Resident Association meetings taking place during October 2018 Abbey Tenants and Residents’ Association Meeting on Monday 8th October, 6pm at the Abbey Neighbourhood Centre. Contact Brenda on 07768974026 for more information. Barnham Action Group Next meeting will be Monday 15th October, 6pm - 6.30pm for surgery time with Councillors and agencies. 6.30pm main meeting. Meeting will be at Fulmerston Church on Fulmerston Road. Cloverfield & The Willows Next meeting Thursday 25th October, 7.30pm for 8pm start at Cloverfield Church & Community Centre. Visit the Facebook page or the website for further information; www.cawrathetford.org.uk Croxton Road Community Association Next meeting will be taking place on Monday 1st October at the Church of the Nazarene Hall at 7.30pm. Refreshments available. Foodbank donations welcomed. Contact Ian Dixon, Chairman - 01842 765890 for more info. Redcastle Action Group Now meets every other month with the next meeting taking place on Monday 26th November 2018 from 7pm at the Redcastle Senior Citizens Club. Visit ‘Redcastle Action Group’ on Facebook for more information. Thetford Town Council Full Council Meeting - Open to the public. Tuesday 30th October, starting at 7pm with a 15 minute Open Forum for the public to ask questions. Agenda available via: www.thetfordtowncouncil.gov.uk Other Committee Meetings: Venues, Events and Marketing Committee on the 10th October from 1pm. Amenities, Land and Property Committee on the 3rd October from 2pm. Planning Committee on the 9th October from 7pm. and Finance Committee on the 23rd October from 6pm. Additionally, there will be an Allotment Committee meeting on the 18th October from 10am and a Cemetery Committee meeting on the 18th from 11.30am. All meetings at Kings House unless otherwise stated on the Agenda.

Hazardous Waste Days For the fifteenth year running, Norfolk's residents can get rid of unwanted household chemicals, safely and securely, at a series of household hazardous waste at recycling centres during September and October. Wood preservatives, insecticides, weed killers, paint, thinners, varnishes and special cleaning products are among the wide range of household chemicals that will be accepted – for free – at the weekend-long events. These are products that are too dangerous to be tipped down drains and can’t be put in our regular waste bins because they can damage the environment and they need to be dealt with using specialist disposal processes. There will be a designated area at the recycling centre for residents to take their hazardous waste which will be identified by two waste specialists and a chemist and then sorted for correct transportation and disposal.To find out more, including what can and can’t be taken along, visit the website: www.norfolk.gov.uk/hazardouswaste

Hazardous Waste Days - Thetford Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th October Telford Way Recycling Centre, Thetford, IP24 1HU Open 9am to 4pm




THURSDAY, 4TH OCTOBER Cloverfield Church & Community Centre, 7.00pm Mr Lorne Green, Norfolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner, will be attending this important meeting and answering questions on ‘Police Numbers and Funding for Thetford’, ‘Future Plans for the Fire Service’ and ‘Speedwatch Powers’. This is a rare opportunity for Thetford residents and tenants to gather explanations for their concerns regarding these subjects and re-affirm STAG’s projects for the Town which are currently ... Anti-Social Behaviour, street drinking and drug related activiies in the PSPO (Public Space Protection Order) town centre area. Anti-Social Behaviour relating to Motor Vehicles, Bicycles, Quad Bikes and Mini-Moto bikes

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Rotary@ CBC Thetford & District Rotary Satellite Club


7pm, Friday 9th November Charles Burrell Centre Staniforth Road • Thetford IP24 3LH Pay bar and food available Tickets £5 per person in advance from Leaping Hare www.leapinghare.org or 20 King Street Thetford Join us for a great night of entertainment and help raise money for Thetford Food Bank

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Sell Out Show Adds Extra Date ‘What The Floyd’ are bringing their astonishing performance of Pink Floyd's album The Dark Side of the Moon, along with a host of other Floyd classics, for two dates at the Carnegie Room in Thetford. Their show on Friday 2nd November has already sold out but there are still tickets available on Thursday 1st November.

What The Floyd performing live during their current tour. Photo Credit: Your Story Studio

The group has been selling out theatres across the UK and this is their first visit to Norfolk. What The Floyd pride themselves on their attention to detail, getting to the heart of the music and getting it right. Keyboardist Richard Smith says, "We've got some of the best musicians in the business in the band and an incredible light and laser show. I think people respond to the fact that we love the music. We grew up listening to it and basically we're just massive fans!". Doors open at 7.30pm and the music starts at 8.00pm.

Competition Time! This month we have 4 tickets worth £60 to give away for the What The Floyd performance on Thursday 1st November at the Carnegie Room. To be in with a chance of winning, just answer this question:

Which album will What The Floyd perform at the Thetford show?

What The Floyd are bringing their sensational light show to Thetford. Photo Credit: Scott Munro

Tickets for Thursday 1st November are available via the What The Floyd website, www.whatthefloyd.com or from Leaping Hare, 20 King Street Thetford or online at www.leapinghare.org

Send your answer by email with your name and full contact details to Leaping Hare by email to info@leapinghare.org or drop your entry into their shop at 20 King Street by Monday 15th October. The winner will be drawn from a hat on Tuesday 16th October. Normal In & About Thetford T&Cs apply. Please see our website for more details

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Our Box Office offers a great range of events and it’s so easy to get your tickets - call into our shop or buy on-line www.leapinghare.org 20 King Street Thetford IP24 2AP

Introducing our NEW name!

The brand ‘Thetford’s Great’ that the Town developed and we adopted, is sadly no longer being used by the Town. We have, therefore, needed to change too so we decided to keep it simple with….Everything Thetford. This really sums up what we do at Leaping Hare CIC (the community interest company that provides Thetford’s Information Centre). We are currently working on upgrading our website so expect a new look over the coming months.

NEW! The Thetford Calendar

As we write the Thetford Calendar is rolling off the printing presses at Reflex and we can’t wait to see the first ones in our shop. The front cover was voted for by About Thetford readers and the calendar also includes some key Thetford event dates. Price is just £7.95 each or 2 for £15 and all proceeds go to keeping the information centre open. We are very grateful to About Thetford magazine and Lawsons Estate Agents, without whom this project would not have been possible.

Christmas Vegas Style

Our monthly teaser for Everything Thetford. Check out www.leapinghare.org or call into our friendly high street shop. We have tickets for all those detailed in bold. Sat 29 Sep Wings Appeal Band Concert Sun 30 Sep CBC 10K Run Sun 30 Sep Maasai Warriors Thurs 4 Oct Stag Meeting with Lorne Green Thurs 4 Oct Rebellious Sisterhood Fri 5 Oct An Evening of Storytelling Sun 7 Oct Militaria Fair Wed 10 Oct Talking in the Library by Quirkhouse Theatre Fri 12 Oct Ghost Walk Fri 12 Oct WAW Wrestling Sat 13 Oct Norfolk Folk Tales for Children Sat 13 Oct Sixties Explosion Tues 16 Oct The Other Side of the Story Wed 17 Oct Torch of Remembrance Fri 19 Oct Thetford Folk Club Fri 19 Oct Alton Wahlberg Live at CBC Tues 23 Oct Halloween Storytime & Crafts Thurs 25 Oct Duleep Singh Statue Talk Sat 27 Oct Halloween Thriller Night Sat 27 Oct Hip Hop Halloween Wed 31 Oct Halloween at the Nunnery Thurs 1 Nov What The Floyd – extra date! Fri 2 Nov What The Floyd Live Sun 4 Nov Thetford Firework Spectacular Fri 9 Nov Remembrance Concert Sat 17 Nov Staniforth Class of 1978 Party Fri 14 & Sat 15 Dec Christmas Party Nights Vegas Style Mon 31 Dec OSB New Year’s Eve Party NEW!! Tickets for Wizard of Oz, Thetford Player’s 2019 pantomime, will be on sale from Monday 29 October. However, if you are already a Member you can get yours from Monday 22 October. Not a Member? Find out more at www.thetfordplayers.co.uk

Tickets for our Christmas party nights are proving popular and is it any wonder with a fabulous 3 course Christmas meal and a chance to play on Casino tables included all for just £38 per head - don’t miss out! www.leapinghare.org 01842 751975 or 07802 701911

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Out and About Thetford Thetford Grammar School Welcomes New Head

Mr Michael Brewer has joined the TGS as its 38th Head. Michael along with his wife Felicity and daughters Harriet and Etta joined the school over the summer holiday and have been busy discovering Thetford and the wider area. The ‘Friends of TGS’ hosted a coffee morning to enable parents to meet Mr Brewer ahead of the annual Speech Day event at St Edmundsbury Cathedral. Speaking about taking on the role of Head, he said, “I decided to drop the word master for two reasons really, the first was because it’s not a gender specific role and secondly I am the head of the whole school, not just the teaching staff, the masters and mistresses. I’m incredibly privileged and excited, it’s an amazing community full of talented pupils and teachers.” The school is now entering the second year of private ownership and has seen a number of improvements to the historic buildings over the past year; with the emphasis now on growing the school community. Mr Brewer continued, “We are currently exploring a range of bursaries for different talents and abilities across the school and at the various entry points. I’d like to offer a warm welcome to parents and prospective parents, come in and meet our amazing teachers and see our amazing school. I want the school to be at the heart of our wider community, everyone in Thetford be proud of TGS. We offer an outstanding education and I want the school to grow in pupil numbers from across our community. TGS should be of public benefit, available for community projects and we should continue with hosting talks, giving access to speakers and welcoming people into the school.” For information on school open days please visit www.thetfordgrammar.co.uk

TGS Celebrates Another Year Of Success St Edmundsbury Cathedral This year’s

Speech day event saw the introduction of the new Head, Michael Brewer to the wider school community and a new Patron for the school, Guest Speaker Asst Provost L. Fiona Glade PhD. Mr Brewer started his annual report by reading from a copy of the 1947 Fulmerstonian Magazine that he had found in the school archives. He congratulated pupils on an outstanding year of success with GCSE and A level grades, delivering a warm opening address celebrating the achievements of all the pupils. Professor Glade is very familiar with the school as she studied there herself in the 1970s and is the 4th generation of her family to attend the school. Now based at the University of Baltimore, USA Professor Glade said she received a 1st class education from a 1st class school and named checked Mr Ogilvie as a huge inspiration. Using the themes of learning for success and universal language, Professor Glade encouraged current pupils to make “glorious and fantastic mistakes to lead to success”. Speech Day offers pupils their first opportunity to address a large audience and speakers are drawn from across all the school phases. The audience enjoyed a wide variety of accounts about subjects such as charitable projects, D of E awards, sports and arts performances. The new Head Boy and Girl, Henry Bittleston and Kudzi Garikayi started the proceedings with the Declaration of Foundation Professor Fiona Glade givng her address. and closed the ceremony with a vote of thanks. Photo: Chloe Garrett TGS

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Surprise Celebration For Vera

Residents and day visitors joined together for a very special birthday at Redgate House recently. Brindley & Hume, specialist themed event stylists decorated the dining room at Redgate House to reflect a traditional street party. “We’ve gone for a bit of a coronation vibe, and used vintage crockery and have a playlist of Vera’s favourite songs which is great for a bit of reminiscence,” explained Sarah Brindley. Vera Shears arrived for her normal weekly visit only to discover that she was guest of honour at a surprise party for her 100th birthday. “We’re absolutely thrilled to be here today to celebrate Vera’s Vera with staff from Redgate House at her 100th birthday 100th birthday. We couldn’t resist helping celebrations enjoying a vintage themed party you celebrate!” said Business Manager Sue Baker, “Do you have the secret to a long happy life Vera? We’ve worked out that you’ve been alive for 36,500 days. You’ve experienced both world wars, seen men on the moon and the whole of the Queen’s reign.” Vera replied that it must be because of the plain home cooked food she enjoys. Born in Enfield at the end of WW1, Vera left school at 16 and worked in the Civil Service, she was evacuated to Morecambe during WW2 and had honeymoon in Scotland in 1941and lived independently until 2 years ago when she moved to Thetford to live with her family. “It was a complete surprise and it’s been lovely, I’ve had a really lovely day. The decorations have been marvellous. It has been very emotional, but you don’t make 100 everyday!” Vera joked after thanking everyone. Vera was joined by her daughter Hilary and enjoyed a celebration lunch at The Mulberry with 41 members of her family on the following Saturday. For more information on care at Redgate House visit www.randalecare.co.uk or Brindley & Hume visit www.brindley&Hume.co.uk Thetford Fire Station Supports Macmillan World’s Biggest Coffee Morning Firefighters and staff from Norfolk Fire Service welcomed members of the public to Thetford Fire Station to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Care. The Fire Station has taken part in the annual World’s Biggest Coffee Morning national event for over 10 years. “It’s not just fundraising, today is also an opportunity to engage with people and allow public access to the station,” explained Kristie Burdett, Community Safety Manager. “It’s also brilliant for the firefighters as they get to see how holistic their roles are. I’m always using the hashtag #notjustfires.” Today visitors can also talk to us about free home fire risk checks. Firefighter Kev Peat was just one of the crew on hand to welcome people, “We’ve had loads of support from local businesses. Tesco and Tesco Express have donated cakes and raffle prizes, Lidl have supplied our tea, coffee and biscuit supplies, we’ve had cakes from The Mulberry, Thomas Ridley, takeaway cups from Subway and lots of raffle prizes from W H Smith, The Bell Inn, Parkwood Leisure, Lynford Hall and PPC. I’d like to thank everyone who has allowed us to put up posters or supported us again this year.” Two young visitors, Hudson and Harry could barely contain their excitement at not only meeting a firefighter but also being able to get up close to the fire engines. Emma, mum to Harry said, “It’s been lovely, the boys are so thrilled to be here and it’s a great charity to support.” Hudson left, and Harry enjoying some tasty treats The event was such a success that it carried on until with their mums and Thetford firefighters late afternoon, exceeding all expectations! Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements 15

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October Is Prep Time For Next Year You will be pleased to learn that the 1st October marks the beginning of the Pudding Season! Traditionally this meant savoury puds but I think we have to change with the times so an apple crumble to celebrate Apple Day on the 21st would show respect to two traditions. You need to be quick if you want to have blackberry and apple pie; Michaelmas (29th September) is commonly considered the cut-off date for picking these berries but for southerners 11th October is regarded as the correct date. The tale is that the Devil spits on the fruits then and makes them bitter; certainly blackberries become less sweet around this time of year. Allotment rents run from this month so it is time to get in touch with the Council if you would like to take on a plot. It really does make a great difference to your success next year if you can turn the soil over in the Autumn; although this is called “winter-digging” it is much better done in the Autumn before the ground becomes too wet. If you tread on wet soil it becomes compacted and roots cannot penetrate deep enough. Any compost or manure put on the surface can be left to wash in during the cold wet days of January with a final forking in before seed sowing time. If you are well organised, Sunday 9th has been designated Seed Gathering Day by the the Tree Council. I don’t suppose many people will be starting trees from seed – in fact I spend a lot of time removing oak and plum shoots which have sprung up all over the garden! However, you may be able to gather and store seed for next year from plants which have done particularly well. It is important to keep seed in a cool place in paper envelopes which have been clearly labelled. There is a risk of rotting if you put incompletely dried seeds in a plastic bag so beware of this even though you can see the seeds so much more easily. As you clear up your garden, you can use the soft clippings with your household waste to make compost. Norfolk Council offers compost bins for £11.99 (available at the Amenity Site on Mundford Road) and waives even this charge if you attend a course on composting. In fact you can become a Master Composter! Twiggy material will take too long to break down so this can go to the tip – no charge for this. There is plenty of parking and the attendants are very helpful. Having cleared up the garden, perhaps you can see space for a new tree or shrub. October is the best month for new plantings as this gives time to get the roots down before the winter and the plant will get

Roger Rout’s certificate for Best Overall Contribution to the Annual Show

away to a great start in the Spring. For more immediate brightness, what about a few heathers which will give colour all winter – a couple of centimetres lower than the pot level stops them getting pulled out. Ideally heathers need a lime-free soil so if you do not have this, look out for “lime-tolerant” on the label as there are plenty which will make a good show in ordinary garden soil. You could also put in wallflowers and stocks now, along with bulbs for a good show in the Spring. After the awful time lawns have had this year, continue to help their recovery with scarifying and aerating. Follow this up with top-dressing and feeding. Yarrow has done particularly well in our lawn this year which is apparently typical of drought conditions and poor nutrients. It can be treated with specific weed killer and better feeding. Sometimes I think maybe we should give up and have a yarrow lawn rather than grass! The Club meeting this month will feature a Quiz with our Chairman as Quiz-Master. This should be a good social occasion with plenty of discussion. The meeting is at 7.30pm at the United Reformed Church on Thursday 25th. Finally, congratulations must go to Roger Rout who won an RHS Banksian Medal for the best overall contribution to the Annual show this year with his very impressive vegetables. Happy gardening! Sue Pilgrim

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Events At Redgrave And Lopham Fen Guided Fen Walk; Saturday 6th October, 10.30am-1pm. £4. Meet at the Education Centre. No need to book. Weave A Willow Hare Saturday 6th October, 10am-4pm £45, incl. materials. Booking essential Wildlife Watch Group Saturday 13th October, 10.30am-12.30pm A club for 6-12 year olds, £3 E-mail; marcus.halmshaw@btinternet.com or call 01379 688333 Basic Hedgehog Care, Saturday 20 October, 10.30am-3.30pm. £25. Booking essential Children’s Activity: Gruesome Grubs & Creepy Critters Tues 23rd October, 10am-2pm. For unaccompanied 6-10 year olds, £7. Booking essential.

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Heard An Owl? The Tawny Owl is arguably our best known owl, or at least its ‘twit-twoo’ call is. It is mainly a woodland owl but can be found in parks and larger gardens too and is probably our most urban owl. It is also nocturnal in its habits, only coming out during the hours of darkness when its hunts for a variety of prey that mainly includes small rodents but also frogs, small birds and earthworms. Living on the edge of Thetford Forest, Thetford is a good place to listen out for Tawny Owls and the best time to do this is at dusk, just as the daylight is fading. The ‘twit-twoo’ call is actually a duet of two birds, a male and female responding to each other. The male utters a haunting, shivering ‘wooh-ooh’ call and the female answers with a harsher ‘keewick’ call, and vice-versa. Put them together and you have ‘keewick, wooh-hoo’, or a version of ‘twit-twoo’. It is estimated that there are around 50,000 pairs of Tawny Owls in the UK but during the last twenty-five years the population has been falling, down by a third between 1990 and 2015, and nobody really knows why. To help identify possibly causes of this decline, the British Trust for Ornithology is asking people to go out into their gardens or public spaces between the end of September 2018 and the end of March 2019 and to listen for their distinctive calls for twenty minutes each week during this period and let the BTO know if you hear any owls, or just as important, if you don’t hear any. If no owls are heard this will give a picture of where they do and don’t occur – it might be that increasing urbanisation is one of the drivers behind the decline.

Tawny Owl photographed by Russel Savory

are and how we might be able to help their numbers recover. By spending twenty minutes per week listening for Tawny Owls in your back garden or local green space and taking part in this citizen science project, you could be helping to save them in the future. To take part, please visit the website and register now: www.bto.org/tocs

Thetford Nature Events With BTO The Other Side Of The Story - 19th October Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust’s Andrew Gilruth explains why the GWCT supports the Government’s plan to recover Hen Harriers in the English uplands. Doors open at 7pm for 7.30pm start. £5 per adult.

Halloween At The Nunnery - 31st October The grounds of the Nunnery are filled with spooky stories and noctural critters. Join us to learn more Registering for the survey is free and anyone can take about the animals that are active at night and be part, the more people that do the better the picture Sullivan 1-8th Advert_Layout 1 14/12/2016 08:28 Page entranced by the history of the Nunnery. scientists at the BTO will get of where our Tawny Owls 6pm - 8pm. £5 per adult.


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Volunteers Needed For Cats Protection Once again, we are appealing for more volunteers to help our small group at Breckland Cats Protection. In particular we need more fosterers who have a spare room and time on their hands to help out. We don't have a central cattery, but rely on a few very kind people who have one of our pens in their garden or foster indoors. This year we have been particularly short of fosterers which means that we have had to turn cats and kittens away because we just don't have the space for them. Though we have rehoming centres at Downham Market and Dereham who sometimes help us, they are usually full and have long waiting lists. Unfortunately, there are just too many stray or unwanted cats to help. Fostering is a very rewarding experience and will cost you nothing at all (we even pay mileage for vet’s visits as well as vet’s bills). Your time is all we need, though a driving licence is handy for routine trips to our vet.

If you would like to help us in any way, please give us a call. If you need help or advice or assistance with the cost of neutering, please call us on 01842 810018. Rita Thompson

If you can't foster, maybe you could help us with Breckland Cats Protection fundraising? We have several sales each year which are Fundraising Sale on Saturday 6th October at held at St. Cuthbert's Church Hall in Thetford where we Simon Long HP Advert 2018.qxp_Layout 1 13/09/2018 10:01 Page 1 St Cuthbert’s Church Hall, 9.30am - 1.30pm sell jumble, bric-a-brac, jewellery, books and lots more.

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email: movers@simonlongremovals.co.uk • www.simonlongremovals.co.uk Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements 20

Here Come the Girls! Several groups of Thetford based ladies took part in The Girls Night Out event recently raising much needed funds for St Nicholas Hospice. Now in its 10th year and regularly attracting over 2,400 participants, the moonlight memorial walk around Bury St Edmunds sees ladies from all walks of life donning pink flashing bunny ears and their pyjamas. Setting off from Angel Hill, the 11.2 mile walk takes in well known landmarks across the town including the hospice or a shorter 6 mile walk. Last year the event raised an astonishing £275,000. One of the groups from Thetford was made up from ladies that met through their local Slimming World group based at the Charles Burrell Centre who set up a team to take on this year’s charity walk. ‘The Slimsons’ was set up after Caroline King asked her Slimming World group if anyone would like to join her to help raise funds and keep fit as part of their weight loss programme. 6 members, Caroline King, Kate Ewing, Sue Watkins, Andrea Farmer and Lou Parker came together as a team and have lost a grand total of 20 stones 2Ibs between them. The ladies trained every Friday evening building up to Saturday 8th September event. Caroline said “It has been a fantastic team building exercise. We have built great memories whilst exercising and raising all important funds for a great charity. We exceeded our £500 target and raised £745 in total, thanks to everyone for their support.”

The Galloping Girls Photo by Tod Unsworth Photograpy

walk. Elaine wanted to knock 15 minutes off the time they took the previous year, although Bev said she just wanted to complete all 11.2 miles! Wearing their pink fluffy ears, the ladies set off at 8pm with everyone else. “We left to the sound of ‘here come the girls’, it was such an amazing atmosphere.” Elaine continued, “we were well looked after, marshalls are situated close together along the route in case of problems. Bagpipes and mobile music added to the fun” The ladies kept themselves going with supplies of chocolates, crisps and bananas and all agreed that the event is one of their favourites. “It’s a wonderful event for a worthwhile cause and so well organised.”

Bethany Unsworth, Alison Arnold, Denise Unsworth and Maisie Arnold, Marie Stevenson joined the team "Galloping Gals" and completed the full walk wearing unicorn onesies. The Unsworth family have raised over £13,000 fundraising in memory of Denise’s mother Mary Vogeler. Earlier this year they hosted a black tie ball and plans are in place for a second in 2019.

Rudlings Wakelam Solicitors in Thetford entered a team of 4, Victoria Josif, Karen Maggs, Angela Shephard and Nicola Greenough. They were joined by Victoria’s daughter Claudia, Karen’s daughter Kellie and Nicola’s sister Louise. Nicola said, “This is the second year that Rudlings Wakelam have supported the event. Both years they have completed the 6 mile walk, taking around 2 hours to complete. So far this year we have raised just over £220.00. Next year we are hoping to raise even more money for this great charity.”

Elaine Brooks, Bev Williams, Marie Howe and Debbie Byford decided to ‘carb up’ before they started their

For more information about ‘Girls Night Out’ visit: www.girlsnightoutwalk.co.uk




Tel: 01842 824122 11 Raymond Street Thetford IP24 2EA

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Halcyon Days Demonstration Events October 2018 To celebrate Halcyon Days skincare’s 28th birthday we will be offering a series of Skincare demos and taster experiences each Wednesday at various times. Please let us know if you are interested in attending any of our events. Our highly trained Therapists will be able to inform you with more details.

Flowers Raise Funds An autumn themed flower arrangement demonstration by Louise from Buttercups and Daisies was the main event for Thetford (Breckland) Lionesses recently. She generously donated her arrangements for raffle prizes Jolleys also gave generously of pet supplies for prizes Light refreshments were served. Total raised was in excess of £350. All money raised will go towards the Lioness Charity Medical Detection Dog.

Wednesday 3rd October, 10am A Caci Face Demo 11am, Dermalogica Products Sampler Session. Wednesday 10th October, 11am Venus Freeze Demo. 12pm A Caci Demo Wednesday 17th October, 10am Eve Taylor Facial Demo. 11am, Venus Freeze Demo. 1.30pm Caci Cemo Wednesday 24th October, 11am Caci Demo 1.30pm, Eve Taylor Product Sampler Session Wednesday 31st October, 10am Dermalogica Product Sampler Session. 11am, Caci Demo 1.30pm, Venus Freeze Demo

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The Shape Of Things Past The WEA will be running a course on The History of Design 1851-1990 this Autumn. Our tutor, Fiona Fitzgerald, will start by looking at the impact of industrialisation on the home. We will discuss what Design is and what questions to ask about an object. Then we will consider the origin of design and the industrial revolution in the 18th C, the 1851 Crystal Palace and Universal Exhibition, the Arts and Crafts movement and its aftermath, Bauhaus design, Art Deco and the Moderne and the USA; the course will go on to look at post-war design and the advent of consumerism. In the process we will discuss nationalism and design, the role of advertising, women's place in society and globalism. All this will be packed into 7 weeks starting on Monday 15th October. We will meet in the Methodist Hall to start at 10am for 7x2 hour sessions. The cost is £51.50 but this is waived for those on Pension Credit or similar. No previous knowledge is required and all are welcome. You can book on line on the WEA website or by phone – 0300 303 3464.

Music Of Our Ancestors Daytime touring artists across Breckland. Anna Mudeka Performance (A Silver Social event) Thursday 8th November 2018, 2pm - 4pm at Thetford Library. £5 - payment on the door. For information, contact 01362 656870

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“Rebellious Sisterhood - Votes For Women� Broad Horizons Theatre Company present a new play by Karen Forbes for the centenary of women gaining the vote. This autumn Norfolk based theatre company Broad Horizons celebrate the centenary of women gaining the vote with a tour of an exciting new play which takes a rare glimpse behind the scenes at the private lives and the personal cost paid by the leaders of the Suffragettes. Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst is not a well woman. Recently released from prison, refusing to eat has left her weak and debilitated. She finds sanctuary at the cottage of her friend, the composer, Ethel Smyth. But their peace is challenged by the arrival of young firebrand, Grace Roe, fresh from turning East Anglia into a hotbed of Suffragette protest. Memories surface - some are amusing, while others are painful. Hunger striking, force feeding and even martyrdom are balanced by exciting rallies, camaraderie on being arrested, humour at facing the judges and sisterhood, even in prison. 'No cost is too high, in service of the Cause,' Mrs Pankhurst tells young Grace. But the cost is indeed very high, as family rifts, rivalries and growing violence threaten the three women . Will the end really justify the means or the price paid? As always Broad Horizons aim to support local talent and venues. Actors Shirley Day (Mrs Pankhurst), Judi Daykin (Dame Ethel) and Kiara Hawker (Grace Roe) are all based in Norfolk. Cordelia Spence, has taken time out from her own regional theatre company (Stuff Of Dreams) to be our guest director. We are delighted to making our first visit to Thetford at the Carnegie Rooms on Thursday 4th October. The play will be followed by a Q&A session with the cast and author. We are very grateful to the support of Leaping Hare TIC for box office and front of house duties.

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Rebellious Sisters at the piano - their play comes to John Oliver Sept/Oct 2018 Ads.qxp_Layout 1 18/07/20 Thetford at the Carnegie Rooms on 4th October

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HAIRDESSIN G GR OUP Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements 23

U3A Gardening Club Offers Much More Than Just Gardening This month Mary Neil the group leader of our gardening club welcomes people with similar interests to pop in on the first Monday of every month at 10.00am at the Church On The Way. The club is very friendly and you will be sure of a warm welcome. Their meetings are varied, some times a talk on gardening plus tips and advice, other times trips will be arranged to see snowdrops in Spring, visits to various gardens, trips to West Stow, Fullers Mill Tour, visit to BTO Nunnery Bridge to be advised on plants that will encourage birds. This month a visit has been arranged to visit Newark to see a Japanese garden. In the future there will be a visit to Peter Beales Garden Centre in Attleborough. Raffles are held every month and members can take part in a monthly competition. They are given a list of items and flowers and whoever has the best or unusual arrangement wins a point. These points are added up yearly. The winner receives a winners cup with their name engraved on it. To contact Mary for more information call 01842 761717.

On September 27th at 2.00pm at the Carnegie Room Tania Harrington will be speaking on A History Of Portraiture and on October 25th Frazer Harrison will be telling us about the Duleep Singh Statue and how it came to Thetford. For more information about TU3A call me (Lesley Braund) on 01842 824974 or please visit: www.thetforddu3a.org

U3A Gardening Group Next meeting - 1st October at 10am at the Church On The Way followed by 5th November at the same time and location

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RAF Mildenhall hosts Thetford Probus Instead of the group’s September monthly meeting and talk, Thetford Probus Club members and their guests had the rare chance to see ‘behind the scenes’ at one of UK’s biggest military bases. RAF Mildenhall is home to various units of the U.S. Air Force, the main one being a fleet of flying tankers that play a crucial role in refuelling American and NATO combat aircraft. After tight security checks, the group was welcomed onto the base, first with a tour of the fire department where they met members of the highly -trained team which, as they were locals, provided just one example of the working partnership between the British and American personnel on the base. The visitors were shown the control room and also a range of equipment, including massive American fire trucks.

Thetford Probus members and their guests on the visit to RAF Mildenhall

John MacPherson and Nigel King inside the Stratotanker cockpit

(then located at Thorpe Abbotts, near Diss). During the Second World War, they suffered a record 50 per cent losses on bombing missions, something that thankfully reduced to the level of other units before the war ended. The highlight of the visit was saved to last; the group was treated to a close up of a KC-135 Stratotanker, the refuelling workhorse since the late 1950s. They were able to see everything from the cockpit, with its myriad of instruments, to the tail, essentially the business end of the aircraft where a boom extends to the aircraft being refuelled. It’s an operation that has to be carried out with great precision and care, yet incredibly the two aircraft are a mere 30 feet apart, while travelling at over 300mph. Equally staggering is the Stratotanker’s payload capacity of over 29,000 U.S. gallons, but the visitors were even more amazed when they were told that the amount of fuel transferred in a minute is what the average car uses in a year.

After lunch in the Galaxy Club, the group viewed a presentation that covered all aspects of the base and its history from 1930 when it came into operation, through to World War II and then from the 1950s onwards as the U.S. Air Force’s biggest UK base, along with nearby RAF Lakenheath. In 1994, RAF Mildenhall became the Chairman Nigel King, who arranged the visit, led U.S. Air Force’s European theatre for aerial refuelling members and their guests in expressing thanks to operated by the 100th Air Refueling Wing. Proudly the excellent U.S. Air Force guides and their British MTS Electrical QP AD.qxp_Layout 1 24/11/2017 Page 1 known as the Bloody Hundredth, a name taken from 10:09 colleagues for making the tour of the base both its historical roots with the 100th Bombardment Group informative and enjoyable.

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Past & Present

Thetford’s Town Centre was generally unchanged from the early years of the 20th century until the mid-1960s when many old and familiar buildings were demolished to make way for new developments or so-called ‘improvements.’ The past photograph of Tanner Street looking towards King Street was captured by Reg Robinson about 1965. Photographs from the David Osborne Collection. Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements 26

October Events At Your Local Museum Enjoy something new at Ancient House

Ancient House has a bumper month of events this October, including a new exhibition for you to explore. ‘Pride of the People: Helping History Out Of The Closet’ is on until 1 December 2018. Curated by our Teenage History Club, this exhibition explores queer people and queer experiences in Thetford in the past, through objects, images and text.

There’s fun for all the family this October half term with our Romans Discovery Day on Tues 23rd 10am-1pm with admission just £2, or £1 for Friends and Norfolk Museums Pass holders. Those under 5 will love our Mini Museum Club pirate themed session, Ahoy there pirates! Thurs 25th, 10.30am–11.30am (50p per child, accompanying adult free). Finally at the end of the month we are celebrating our Japanese links with a Jomon & Obsidian Knapping Workshop on Sat 27th October 10.30am-12noon. Visit the website for more info: www.museums.norfolk.gov.uk/Ancient

Ancient House Museum Opening Times:

Tuesday to Saturday 10am - 4pm. Tele: 01842 752599

Winter Admission Fees Adults £4.50 Conc £4.25 Child £3.80 Family 1 adult £11.80 Family 2 Adults £15.85

Teenage History Club members have curated their own LGBT+ exhibition at the museum

To accompany this exhibition, there is a full programme of events in October including a pop up exhibition from The Vagina Museum Saturday 6th, 11am - 3.30pm. - Discover more with a Queer History Tour on Saturday 6th, 2pm - 3pm, Saturday 13th 2pm - 3pm, Saturday 27th 11am - 12noon and 2pm - 3pm.

Free admission to Museum Pass Holders, friends of Thetford Museum, Children’s University, MA & Art Fund members, 1 carer for each registered disabled visitor, Under 4s. Farthings QP AD.qxp_Layout 1 22/08/2018 14:23 Pag

Pop in for £1.50 everyday 1 hour before closing.

Farthings Dry Cleaners & Domestic Laundry Service

- Join comedian Iszi Lawrence and members of Teenage History Club to hear about forgotten queer people from history with the Z List Dead List Comedy Night on Sat 6th October at 7pm. - Artist David Shenton, whose DuoShirt is on display in the exhibition, will be talking at the museum on Sat 27th at 2.30pm. Advanced booking for all events is essential.

Services include

October is also Black History Month. Explore Ancient House throughout October and discover the Black History hidden within unexpected objects. Win a small prize to take home by taking part in our special trail (50p plus admission).

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Norfolk Folk Tales for Children is a storytelling and book launch event by Dave Tonge, the Yarnsmith of Norwich on Saturday 13th October at 11am and 2.30pm.

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Thetford Ball To Support Parkinson’s UK Here’s a very special date for your diary - Easter Saturday 20th April 2019. A ‘Shaken not Stirred’ black tie ball raising funds for Parkinson’s UK will take place at Charles Burrell Centre. You probably know someone with Parkinson’s as the disease affects over 145,000 people in the UK. Insufficient dopamine in the brain can slow down movements and induce a tremor or shake. It’s a progressive disease and there’s currently no cure. Parkinson’s UK raises money to look for that cure and supports those affected. Rachel Woods, one of the organising committee said, “Ongoing research is vital for those diagnosed with the condition, Parkinson’s UK works to drive better care, treatments, quality of life and is there to support people living with Parkinson’s.

Black Tie Ball

Entertainer Gary Winter will be performing in Thetford at two special events. Photo: All Seasons Productions

So why not come to the ball and help their work?” The evening promises to be one to remember, with great entertainment from Gary Winter, jazz food, cocktails, dancing and a prize draw. Gary is also providing the entertainment at the Vegas Christmas Party Nights in December. Speaking about the events Gary said, “I’m delighted to be part of both events, Thetford holds a special place in my heart and I’m really looking forward to returning to entertain everyone. The Vegas night is the perfect opportunity to get your friends together and celebrate Christmas in style. The Shaken Not Stirred Ball is just the opportunity to support a fantastic charity and make a difference to someone’s life. I’m looking forward to seeing you there.” More information about the Shaken not Stirred Ball will follow in later editions of About Thetford, but in the meantime save the date or reserve your tickets at Leaping Hare! The organisers are currently looking for sponsorship and raffle prizes, so if you are able to help please contact Karen-Emma White on 07540463662.

Shaken not Stirred Entertainment by

Bar & Cocktails by

Delicious Menu by

Saturday 20 April 2019 7.30pm - Midnight

Charles Burrell Centre Thetford IP24 3LH

Tickets available from Leaping Hare www.leapinghare.org 01842 751975

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Did you go to Staniforth School? The Class of 1978 are going back to their old school – now the Charles Burrell Centre and are staging a reunion party. The event is open to anyone with any links to the school past and present. Party tickets are just £5 to help cover costs. They are also raising funds for Breast Cancer Care and Prostate Cancer Support. Local DJ Michael The Weatherman is providing the disco, FREE photo from Boothy Nights Photo Booth and what other bar in residence could there be but Old Skool Bar, with Old Skool cocktails! Tickets now on sale from Leaping Hare www.leapinghare.org

New Rector - St Cuthbert’s Church (Doors 6.30pm) Charles Burrell Centre, Thetford, IP24 3LH from Leaping Hare www.leapinghare.org 01842 751975 20 King Street. Thetford, IP24 2AP

Breast Cancer Care 2018, Registered charity: England and Wales 1017658, Scotland SC038104 Prostate Cancer UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1005541) and in Scotland (SC039332). Registered company 02653887.


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With Peter’s appointment as your new Rector, we wanted to write to introduce ourselves and to say how delighted we both are to be coming to Thetford to join in God’s work across the benefice. We’re both hugely looking forward to being with you all later in the autumn. With Peter having grown up near Bristol, and Caroline in Surrey, we met at university and have been married for 13 years. Caroline is a chartered librarian who has worked in a variety of library and archives jobs, most recently cataloguing part of the collection at Felbrigg Hall near Cromer. Prior to ordination training Peter completed a Ph.D. in astrophysics, so will be delighted to discuss distant radio galaxies with anyone who is interested! For the last five years we have been in Cromer, where Peter has been Curate. Outside of work and ministry we both enjoy walking and sightseeing; Peter’s hobbies include playing the piano and violin, whilst Caroline is never happier than with her nose in a book! With our love and prayers, Peter and Caroline Herbert Next Sunday Mix October 21st 10.30am

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This month’s Thetford Face is Sue Webber. Sue along with husband Rus organises a host of charity events in the town and is a champion for older people’s wellbeing. How long have you lived in Thetford? We moved here in 2000 from Barnham where we had lived since 1974. We’ve always been around the town and moved here for the amenities once we got older.

been together a much longer time. We needed a new leader and I was asked to try it out all those years ago, and I’m still there! Our choir isn’t just a choir, it’s a family. It’s a group of talented people who can do all sorts of things. It enriches my life in a very special way. You are well known to several generations of Thetford Grammar School pupils, has the school been a large part of your life? Originally I taught in Norwich for 4 years, then I had a break when we had our family. When we moved to the area I did some supply teaching in the town and was offered a job at Thetford Grammar School, it was a state Grammar School then. I still teach there today supporting the children. I did a combined honours degree which included lots of different subjects. In my time I’ve taught English, maths, French, music and RE. I’ve made myself useful which is why I’m still there!

Sue (front row, 3rd from left) with members of the Methodist Choir at the Big Sing Concert last Spring

What part does Thetford Methodist Church play in your life? We joined in 1974, we went with our children who were young then but I’m a lifelong Methodist. I’m also part of a drama group at the church and work with Wendy Serjeant on productions. I loved being part of the Thetford Remembers project and organised an event with my husband Rus. We usually do an event at the church every other year to raise money for CRUK (Cancer Research UK), this year we organised a Big Sing Concert to celebrate 25 years of music together. Rus is totally at the centre of my life as is my family. We have 2 daughters, Sarah and Ruth, one is a lecturer at a university and the other is a teacher. Sarah wrote a special piece of music, Psalm 145 for the Big Sing Concert which I will always treasure. How long have you been involved with the choir? I’ve led the choir for 25 years, although the choir has

Sue with one of her TGS Junior School classes

There have been lots of changes since I started teaching. In my first year at TGS the school was becoming co-educational, we went independent, then opened a Junior department. I worked in the new Junior school originally, eventually establishing a year 5 class. I used to run the school orchestra, we made a lot of money for the renovation of the Losinga building through our concerts. The biggest change is that young people are more open to asking questions now, it’s more teacher participation rather than teaching.

Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements 30

What is the best thing about living in Thetford? We think it’s a wonderful community, there’s a lot going on in Thetford for such a little town. We love Thetford and although our children have moved away we would never leave.

Rus and Sue (centre) with their daughters and son-in-laws at home in Thetford

How do you support our wider community? We’re very committed to raising money for CRUK and aim to raise £3,000 each year. We also support Action for Children. We are keen to support children’s charities and have done this since our children were small. Action for Children is very much a church thing that we support. A lot of friends have a ‘Sue’ box which we make good use of, selling the contents for charity. With the help of many friends we raise money each year for CRUK and the event has drawn the community together in a way it hadn’t before. Thanks to the hard work and generosity of a great team of family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and members of Thetford Methodist Church, the final figure for the Monksgate Yard Sales on Sept 1 2018 was £920! A big thank you to everyone. We’ve almost met our £3,000 target.

Sue and Rus Webber’s next fundraising events Grand Bargain Christmas Sale: £2000 has already been sent to CRUK for 2018 and in a bid to reach the third £1000 we shall be holding a Grand Bargain Christmas Sale outside the Methodist Church, Tanner Street on Saturday 24th November from 9:45 - 11:45am. Keep the date now for the best bargains in town!!

Thetford Methodist Church Choir: Like doing jigsaws? Then come along to Thetford Methodist Church Tanner Street (opposite Specsavers) on Monday 15th October at 2:30pm to do 500 piece jigsaws. We shall form teams of 4 and there will be prizes for the team which puts in the greatest number of pieces in a set time! Cost is £1 each and will include light refreshments and a Bring and Buy stall. All proceeds to Church funds. Ring Thetford 761 826 for further details. Action For Children: On Saturday 3rd November we shall be holding the annual Bargains Galore Stalls outside Thetford Methodist Church Tanner Street (opposite Specsavers) from 9:45 - 11:45am in aid of the Bury St Edmunds Action For Children project. Usual bargains including plants and books. Please call 01842 761826 for more information or to donate unwanted items in good condition.

Do you do any other work in our community? With my husband Rus I run a healthy Living Club at my Do you know someone who would home, it’s very much a social get together and we focus make a good ‘Thetford Face’? on well-being issues. We do lots of book sales and things We are looking for those unknown people who are within the Methodist Church. One of the biggest things our community or putting Thetford on the map. we do together is the annual yard sale in Monksgate, it helping MF Cleaners AD 05.18.qxp_Layout 1 09/05/2018 09:55 Email: karen@aboutthetfordmagazine.co.uk Made to Measure 1/8th Advert_Layout 1 10/02/2017 1 gives many of the residents a chance to get together.

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Lydia & David Turner Thetford & District Funeral Services Ltd

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October Events At Thetford Library Talking in the Library – a play by Jackie Carreira A moving exploration of literature, literacy and life, set in the library where four disparate characters meet. 'Full of touching observations and warm humour, with an abundance of clever parallels to famous literary pieces, making it a real treat for theatre and literary fans to unpick.' - Broadway Baby

Wednesday 10th October. Doors open at 7pm, performance starts at 7:30pm. This is a fundraising and awareness-raising tour, in aid of libraries throughout the area; tickets £8 / £5 concessions, available in person from Thetford Library or call 01842 752048. Half-term Fun at Thetford Library Tuesday 23rd October, 1.30pm – 2.45pm – A spooky Halloween themed Storytime and craft session, suitable for under 8’s. £3 per child.


Almshouse Vacancy An opportunity to apply for one of the above almshouses has arisen. The almshouse in question consists of one bedroom, sitting room, fitted kitchen and a shower room all with UPVC windows. There is a side gated entrance to a small back garden that is maintained by the resident. Any person over the age of 65 years, who has been a resident in Thetford for more than 4 years and meets the Almshouse criteria may apply. For more information please contact Mrs P Spencer (Chairman) on 01842 765443

Wednesday 24th October, 1.30pm – 2.30pm – Back by popular demand our ‘slime making’ Workshop. Have a go at making 3 slimes today for our Mischievous Fun session – Obnoxious Oblique, Gloopy Poop and Eye ball Slime to try out. Suitable for 4+. £3 per child. Friday 26th October, 10.00am - 12.00pm- ‘Unravelled’ - Creative and fun Half Term art workshops for children and families exploring Norfolk’s rural black history. Come and work with a professional, friendly artist. Places are free but limited so booking advised, workshops are drop-in so no need to stay for the duration. To book for any of our half-term events contact Thetford Library on 01842 752048 or email: thetford.lib@norfolk.gov.uk Deadline for inclusion in the November 2018 edition of About Thetford magazine will be the 15th October. Send content to; aboutthetfordmagazine@googlemail.com Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements 33

Music by The Cawston Brass Band Carnegie Room, Thetford, IP24 2DS

Friday 9th November 2018 7.30pm (doors open 6.30pm) Licensed Bar/Tea/Coffee/Raffle

Supported by the Mayor of Thetford Councillor Roy Brame

Tickets ÂŁ7.50 from: Leaping Hare www.leapinghare.org 01842 751975 & the Royal British Legion Thetford Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements 34

Remembrance Day Parade Sunday 11th November 2018 All those wishing to participate in the Remembrance Day parade on Sunday 11th November 2018 please be assembled at the Tanner Street car park behind where Argos used to be, no later than 10:10am.


Community Wellbeing Fayre for Over 50s The Carnegie Room Cage Lane, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2DS

Tuesday 23rd October 2017

10am to 2pm

It’s Market Day so why not pop in and say hello? Come and meet some of the groups and organisations that offer services and activities for older people in and around Thetford. Join us for FREE morning tea, coffee, cake and a tasty hot jacket potato at lunchtime. We also have some exciting news about community transport What could improve your sense of wellbeing as a Thetford resident? We’d love to hear your views.

For further info or if you are a group or an organisation who would like to be represented on the day, please call Sheena on 07442505603 or email sheena.tate@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk

The parade will march off at 10:30am. The parade will then proceed up via Well Street, round the roundabout at the Green Dragon, and then into the Market Square. At the Market Square you will be directed by the Parade Marshalls as to your allocated position. After the service and wreath laying ceremonies, the parade will then return to the Argos Car Park via Kings Street, where the Mayor of Thetford will take the salute at St Cuthberts Church. Will all organizations and group leaders please ensure that everyone is prepared for cold or wet weather conditions. Any enquiries should be made to Mr John Waine, (Parade Marshall) on 01842 762621. The Royal British Legion Club will hold an open day for everyone to participate in refreshments etc and meet up with friends old and new.

Thetford Remembers photographed by Maria Cooke. This year’s parade will be on Sunday 11th November with the Remembrance Concert on Friday 9th November - see poster page 34.

Future Thetford (Breckland) Lioness Events 14th October; 30th Anniversary of club certification 20th October; Macmillan Coffee Morning, 10am -12.30pm, All welcome 26th November; Ladies Quiz and soup evening For information about Lionesses and to book for the Quiz , please contact Dorothy on 0845 833 764

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Thetford Rotary Club City & Guilds Qualified with over 20 years experience

PLUMBING • HEATING • BATHROOMS Affordable Kitchens Supplied and Fitted with free 3D drawings Please Contact Nick White for advice and a no hassle estimate Telephone: 01842 750505 • Mobile: 07737 044700 E mail - plumbsure@yahoo.com

The Rotary Club meets three times a month, at varying times of day to suit different work patterns. At their dinner meeting, early in September, President-elect Colin Mackay, having taken the Chair in the absence of the President, gave a talk on how modern society uses money. He explained how it developed from sharing goods and services, to barter, and then as life became more complicated civilization developed cash – coins and then notes.

32 Fisher Way, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2LD

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About Thetford ad June 2018.pdf 1 25/05/2018


Plastic Building Supplies Ltd

Thetford Rotary Club, in common with many Clubs throughout the world, is committed to eliminating 10:14:53 polio, and as one of the ways of promoting this, clubs are planting purple crocus corms. Purple because this is the colour of the dye put on the hands of children who have received protection from polio. In Thetford, the Rotary Club are purchasing the corms, and their satellite club, Rotary@CBC are arranging the planting around the Charles Burrell Centre, and elsewhere in the town. If Rotary is of interest to you, or for more info, email; secretary@thetfordrotary.org

Amnesty International The Thetford group of Amnesty International meets monthly in The Lounge at the Bell Hotel in Thetford on a Wednesday or Thursday evening. Its next meeting is on Thursday 11th October at 6.30pm. There has been some good news about one of the Group’s prisoners of conscience Johan Teterissa a primary school teacher in Indonesia. He was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment in 2007 merely for waving an independence flag and dancing a form of the Hakka. For the past few years he has been imprisoned 2000 miles from his home and family. That made his sentence considerably worse but recently he has been moved to a prison much nearer to his home. It is hoped that this is a precursor to his release soon. New members are very welcome at all meetings.

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Creating A Trio Assemblage Brandon & District Photographic Club’s new year is now well under way, our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 3rd October, a workshop evening where we will be given a demonstration on photographing and creating a ‘Trio Assemblage’. Something new and an interesting evening is promised. Coming up in October too is our Annual Exhibition on Friday 12th October and Saturday 13th October. The Exhibition will be held as usual in the Baptist Church Hall, High Street, Brandon. This annual event gives our members a chance to showcase their pictures to a wider audience, so please come along, browse the members’ work and vote for your favourite print, Not to be missed. Free Entry! After your browsing the prints on show you can sit back and enjoy some home-made cakes with a cup of tea or coffee, while watching a slide show of more of the members’ work.

Brandon Photographic Club have a programme of activities getting underway this Autumn

Don’t forget you can follow us on Facebook and keep up to date with what’s going on. You can also check out our website: www.brandonphotographicclub.co.uk

Members will be there to tell you more about the Club Deadline for inclusion in the November edition of and how much more you can learn about photography, About Thetford magazine will be the 15th October. whether you take your photos on a state of the art Send all content and images to: camera, costing thousands or your phone.16:45 Everyone MCP HP Advert_Layout 1 on 12/02/2016 Page 1 aboutthetfordmagazine@googlemail.com is welcome to join in.

Metcalfe Copeman & Pettefar LLP Cage Lane, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2DT Telephone: 01842 756100

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What Is The Thetford Society All About? The Society was established in 1987 to promote high standards of planning and architecture, to educate the public in the geography, history and buildings of Thetford and the local area. Preservation, protection and development of features of historic or public interest are key. So how do we do all that? We have a small committee which monitors various issues such as the Priory, the Cottage Hospital, St Mary’s Church, Nuns Bridges but also town signage, our waterways and much, much more. We can act as the interested party where others may have become too busy or are simply not concerned enough. Is there any Social aspect? To the uninitiated it might look like that is all we do! We have monthly meetings where we briefly summarise any issues which may have developed across the town. Then we are entertained by a speaker, which may range from the Euston Estate Manager to a Local Doctor who refurbished an old town house or an adventure seeking Gold Hunter. All of them fascinating and there is always time for a chat with friends over tea and biscuits. Our activities committee also organise events throughout the year such as a Quiz night, summer charity BBQ, Christmas party and several day trips such as Holkham, Cromer and Thursford. Is there any Cost? There is an annual membership of £9.00 (£7.00 for senior citizens) with concessions for family groups and couples. At each monthly meeting we ask £1.00 entry which helps pay for the hire of our venue (The United Reformed Church on Earl’s St) and the speaker costs. We ask non members for £2.00 entry so come along to one of our meetings which are on the first Tuesday of every month.

Mar tin Taylor e Flame Gmabsi Ser vices Ltd ng Engine Hom ng & Plu er Heati 28 Years Experience Installing, Servicing and Repairing all makes of Boilers, Cookers, Gas Fires and Warm Air Units

Tel: 01842 766722 Mob: 07879 698 271

A previous Thetford Society project - the repair and re-installation of the Norwich Road ‘milestone’

What can I do to help Thetford through the Society? If you have any interest or direct experience in the following or you know someone who is studying these subjects you could make a positive impact for Thetford (or your CV). The environment, media or advertising, architecture, historic buildings, finance or charities.

Thetford Society - Tuesday 2nd October at 7:15pm Roger Pugh will talk about "Uncle Sam's Roots in Eastern England" at the United Reformed Safe Gas 1/4th Advert_Layout 1 08/12/2016 07:54 Pag Church on Earls Street For further details go to: www.thetfordsociety.org

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Full Colour Digital & Litho Print •Magazines & Newsletters •Brochures •Books & Booklets •Annual Reports •School Prospectuses •Catalogues •Calendars •Stationery Business Cards, Headed Paper, Folders. T: 01842 754 600 E: info@reflex-litho.co.uk www.reflex-litho.co.uk Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements 40

Storytelling Treat In October The Friends of Thetford Grammar School are delighted to welcome seasoned storytellers Marion Leeper and Sarah Brady back to Thetford for a special evening performance in the atmospheric Old School Building. Marion has been telling stories in and around Cambridge for many years, in local schools, museums and libraries. She has also told her stories for grown-ups at clubs and festivals around the UK and the US. She delights in weaving subtle and intricate pieces shot through with unexpected humour – stories to make you laugh and cry. In 2016 Marion was the first Bard of Cambridge. Sarah Brady is a storyteller from the United States who has recently relocated to England. She has years of experience telling both to children and adults in school, library, church, theatre, house concert, and festival settings. The stories she tells range from traditional to historical, humorous to serious and nearly everything in between. Sarah was the 2017 Sunburst Performing Artist of the Year for Young Audiences. - Arts for Learning, Virginia as well as a 2017 Excel Award Honouree for Arts in History and performed during the Festival of Thetford & Punjab this summer. Headlining the evening, Marion’s Women and Power performance will introduce you to the peerless knight Bradamante, fighting her way through the dilemmas that face every powerful woman. A mixture of knock-about clowning and heart-breaking tragedy, it asks the questions that are as relevant to women today as they were to court ladies of sixteenth century Italy. Based on the Italian romance Orlando Furioso, 500 years old, but as edgy and fresh as if it was written this morning. Encounter Renaissance feminism, weapons of mass destruction and the best recipe for fish pie. Marion will be accompanied by musician song writer Jessica Law for this very special performance.

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Marion Leeper who will be performing in Thetford on 5th October 2018

An Evening Of Storytelling Tickets £5 per person including light refreshments available from Leaping Hare Box Office Storytelling Evening AD.qxp_Layout 1 Street 22/08/2018 10:4 www.leapinghare.org or at 20 King

AN EVENING OF STORYTELLING Sarah Brady brings her heartwarming true tales of love and honour from the United States and beyond. Marion Leeper, 2016 Bard of Cambridge, introduces very modern heroes from the sixteenth century.

Friday October 5th 2018, 7pm Old School Thetford Grammar School Bridge Street, Thetford IP24 3AF

Tickets £5 in advance from Leaping Hare www.leapinghare.org

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Abbey Garage AD.qxp_Layout 1 17/07/2017 14:36 Pag


Car Parts & Accessories, Audio, Batteries, l Servicing l Number MOTs Starter Motors, Plates & much more l Trade Exhausts l Brakes Welcome, Local Delivery Service


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Reliable Family Run Business

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Dave Just Loves To Fix Things! Having grown up tinkering with his Dad’s lawn mower then moving onto the family car, an Austin Princess, DKM owner Dave Marsh has years of mechanical experience under his belt. “I always wanted to be a mechanic, I wanted to get my hands dirty and loved working out how things went together. We’ve been known to repair lawnmowers, chainsaws, in fact anything mechanical we’ll have a look and repair.” The result is DKM, a family business based in Thetford who pride themselves on the high percentage of repeat business they get. DKM has been based at their current premises since 2013 having previously offered a mobile mechanic service, “We cover pretty much everything to do with cars and light commercial vehicles” explained Dave. This summer DKM introduced a full air conditioning service including re-gas and fault find. Dave continued, “Now is a good time to have your air-con checked, its not just in summer that modern cars have their air-con operating. After the long hot summer we’ve had this year, now is the time to get your system checked to make sure it’s ready for autumn and winter where the usage switches from cold to hot.” DKM pride themselves on offering a comprehensive service, competitive rates, great customer service and the use of 2 courtesy cars (available subject to conditions). Autumn is also the time to have a tyre and brake check, make sure your anti freeze is topped up ready for the colder months ahead. The team at DKM and are always happy to rise to a challenge. One customer brought their Will-Sypha (the Japanese version of a Toyota Aygo) to Dave for a full service and MOT. “Everything was labelled in Japanese and we had to have everything shipped in from Japan.

Dave Marsh of DKM Services

Trying to find parts was interesting but we worked with Thetford Autoparts and tracked down everything we needed. That has to be the weirdest vehicle we’ve looked after but we are chuffed that we we able to look after the car for the customer!”

Got A Business News Story?

Do let the About Thetford magazine team know. E-mail articles and images to; DKM Services AD.qxp_Layout 1 09/07/2018 15:51 Pag aboutthetfordmagazine@googlemail.com


FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS AND VANS Now offering air conditioning servicing 5 Leyland Close, Fison Way Ind. Estate Thetford IP24 1XA

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Pumpkin Fest Returns To Brandon The ever popular community event at Brandon Country Park is now in its 4th year. Set in the beautiful walled garden and surrounded by glorious woodland, the event is the perfect family friendly activity for Halloween. Over 800 people attended the event last year, enjoying a spooky day of fun. Pumpkin Fest is organised by Brandon Community Collaboration, and raises money for a number of charities including British Heart Foundation, Cancer research UK, Diabetes UK and many more locally based groups. In addition to the popular pumpkin carving station, find a new pet with the strange animals stall, watch Dance demonstrations, performances, enjoy storytelling, games, a trick or treat hour and explore the spooky woodland trail. There’s a fancy dress competition, you could have your face painted or just enjoy a variety Pumpkin Carving - one of the fun activities this year! of stalls around the walled garden and beyond. Could you be the lucky finder of the Golden Pumpkin? Some activities have an additional charge and normal parking Brandon Pumpkin Fest fees apply. Pumpkins for carving are limited, to reserve For more information or to book, visit: a pumpkin please book tickets in advance. Event www.whatsonwestsuffolk.co.uk Powerclean HPonAdvert 18/09/2018 11:55 Page 1 runs 11am-3pm Friday2018.qxp_Layout 26th October. Child1 £4.50 Or call 01284 758000 (includes pumpkin) and Adults £2. Family ticket: £11.


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The Chair Necessities - Branch Supports Thetford Community Hub The Nottingham’s Thetford team couldn’t sit back and do nothing when they heard about a local community hub’s fundraising initiative. When branch staff became aware of the Charles Burrell Centre’s need to raise tens of thousands of pounds to carry out essential repair work they decided to help. The non-profit community and business hub, based in a former high school building in Thetford, is home to a number of services and activities including sport, wellbeing, adult education, work experience days and training rooms. The centre was awarded a grant of £112,500 from Big Lottery through Power to Change, which will be spent on refurbishments to toilets and main hall and training room improvements. It will also go towards much needed repair work on a section of roof. To complete the work required a further £37,500 must be raised as part of a match funding agreement. So the centre launched Sponsor A Chair, looking for local businesses to sponsor one of the chairs located in the balcony viewing area at the former school. And, as Customer Services Consultant Megan Colley explains, that’s where she and her colleagues came in - with a £75 balcony seat sponsorship contribution. Megan said: “The Nottingham’s Doing Good Together initiative is all about supporting fantastic local causes and showing that, as a mutual building society, we have a good heart and care about the communities in which we have branches. When we heard about Sponsor A Chair it was an easy decision to get involved. The centre is really important to many people in Thetford and we are really happy to be involved. It was a very proud moment seeing our name on the chair – we hope many other local organisations follow our lead and show their support too.”

Megan Colley pictured with the Nottingham Building Society’s Chair at Charles Burrell Centre

To find out more about Charles Burrell Centre, or how to Sponsor A Chair, visit the website; www.charlesburrellcentre.org.uk

Halloween Themed Quiz Night at Charles Burrell Centre, Friday 26th October, doors open 6.30pm. Bar available. For more information visit the CBC Page on Facebook or contact 01842 779867.

Sound advice, that comes from knowing you well Contact Colin Chamberlain at our Thetford office

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About Thetford is printed by www.reflex-litho.co.uk


Get in touch today for a free quote!!

St Helens Way Fison Way Industrial Estate Thetford Norfolk IP24 1HG

Find us on Facebook and Twitter @reflexlitho

Full Colour Digital & Litho Print •Magazines & Newsletters •Brochures •Books & Booklets •Annual Reports •School Prospectuses •Catalogues •Calendars •Stationery Business Cards, Headed Paper, Folders. T: 01842 754 600 E: info@reflex-litho.co.uk www.reflex-litho.co.uk Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements 46

Local Firm Welcomes WAV Minibuses A local family run business are celebrating their latest expansion whilst providing a vital community service. LJ’s taxis based in Thetford unveiled the latest vehicles in their fleet, 2 WAV minibuses. The two new WAV (wheelchair accessible vehicle) Peugeot E7 minibuses have been customised by Cab Direct and comply to all the latest regulations. Each minibus can seat up to 7 passengers or 1 wheelchair and up to 4 passengers. Both vehicles have in built ramps and steps to make access as easy as possible. Seating is adjusted to accommodate extra luggage or to make a journey as comfortable as possible. Each wheelchair space comes with a separate adjustable seat belt and a locking system which is only accessible from the drivers cab. Each minibus also has a 2 way intercom system.

LJ’s Taxis - Directors Gary Allen (left) and Nigel James

Service Providers. “The response I’ve had from customers who’ve used the minibuses has been fantastic. I’ve been overwhelmed by the positive impact these buses have had on our business and the local community. One customer commented how they had been struggling to find a wheelchair accessible operator on a Sunday - I’m delighted we’re now able to help.” LJ’s Taxis are available for local, long distance and airport runs. Open from 7:30am - 9pm Monday to Thursday, - midnight on1 Friday, 8am - 15:51 1pm Page LJ Taxis 7:30am 1/8 AD.qxp_Layout 08/11/2017 Saturday and 9am - 9pm on Sunday.

Speaking about the new additions to the Lj’s fleet Nigel James said, “I’m really pleased that we’ve been able to expand our family business, the addition of WAV minibuses has been something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.”


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LJ’s Taxis started as a single car business and has grown over the past few years to a fleet of 4 cars, Van and1alady Mandriver AD REV 04.18.qxp_Layout 1 16/04/2018 including alongside the 2 minibuses. All Call drivers are fully DBS checked and are NCC Transport

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Thetford Hosts Mental Health Conference

Tel: 01842 752 097 Mob: 07912 938 376

Access Community Trust’s project Feedback held their first mental health conference in Thetford on 24th August, the conference titled ‘Shedding The Light on Loneliness and Isolation’ was attended by over 100 people and saw a series of keynote speakers address this sensitive and important topic.

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Attendees at the Thetford Mental Health Conference: Gem Biddle, Tod Sullivan, Dan Biddle, Katherine Gilmartin, Ivan Humble, Josh Connolly & Nicky Martin

The conference was hosted by Access’s Tod Sullivan who introduced the speakers and spoke of his own experiences with loneliness and isolation – the keynote speaker was 7/7 terror attack survivor Dan Biddle who a ddressed the isolation of his PTSD and subsequent attempts to take his life, he was accompanied by his wife Gem and their story of love and mutual support was powerful and emotional. Also speaking was Ivan Humble who had joined the EDL having become radicalised as a result of feelings of being alone, he changed his life and his outlook as a result of creating dialogue with Muslim people and now travels the UK working with the Home Office to encourage people to avoid radicalisation. Josh Connolly spoke of his experiences growing up as the child of an alcoholic, and his own substance issues, he addressed the isolation he felt and his suicidal thoughts. Katherine Gilmartin addressed the issue of being isolated in a rural location, in an abusive relationship, and the power that her art has had on overcoming this problem. As a result of the conference Access Community Trust are now working with local people to create peer to peer support environments and opportunities for people to share their lived experiences.

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Thetford Bulldogs Founded in 1996, Thetford Bulldogs have grown over the years and now include 17 teams plus a training school and a Ladies team. Kirsty Turner has been running Thetford Bulldogs for the past 11 years, having been involved for the previous 5 years. “It’s a great club, we’ve got some fantastic coaches and welcome new players every season. The club is currently looking for new players to join in the fun” explained Kirsty. The club trains at the Charles Burrell Centre on a Saturday and plays at their Euston Park pitches on Sundays. 25 volunteers, each fully DBS checked help keep the club running alongside Kirsty. “We are always on the look out for volunteers, full training is provided and all our volunteers have roles. They play a massive part in how the club is run.”

Thetford Bulldogs Manager, Kirsty Turner

Thetford Bulldogs are also looking for some additional sponsorship. Kirsty continued, “We are also looking for funding to install the 3G pitches that were donated by Norfolk FA. If we could get them installed we would have 2 more pitches that we could use at the CBC.” For more information about Thetford Bulldogs please contact Kirsty on 0771744437 or email; kturner007@ hotmail.co.uk or Ed Sheridan on 0709496896 email edsheridan16@gmail.com

This season Thetford Bulldogs would like to recruit a 90mm x 72mm coach for their U7 Avengers Team who meet on a Sunday morning. One member of the team, Jo Simpson, Club Treasurer and Coach was recently recognised for her work over the past 22 years at Thetford Bulldogs. During the the Norfolk FA Volunteers Award evening held at Sprowston Manor Jo was presented with a Long Service Award, “I just do it to help the kids” said a delighted Jo.

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Norfolk Walking And Cycling Festival The programme for Norfolk's 4th annual Walking and Cycling Festival, taking place throughout October, has now gone live. For the first time all the walks and rides are bookable online at: www.norfolkwalkingfestival.co.uk Events are taking place across Norfolk with a special focus on the Marriott’s Way Norfolk Trail which is hosting this year’s festival. All the great aspects of the Marriott’s Way, a much loved, traffic free, 26-mile route between Norwich and Aylsham are in the programme. Nature and history walks are a particular feature, as well as lots of new circular walks and rides, both on or near the route and right across the county. Councillor Andrew Jamieson, Norfolk County Council’s Member Champion for Cycling and Walking, said: “With the fantastic summer coming to an end I am now looking forward to one of the loveliest months of the year. October is such a great time to get out and explore the beautiful county right on our doorsteps. Places are expected to fill up fast so people are urged to book their place now. The programme has been designed for a range of interests from birding walks at

Tom Russell-Grant leading a tree walk in April

Titchwell and Fungi Forays at Felbrigg, to archaeology around Lenwade and a lantern walk at dusk on the Marriott’s Way. The Festival, which is co-ordinated by Norfolk County Council’s Norfolk Trails team, runs from Monday 1st October to Tuesday 30th October. More events will be added right through to the festival itself, so people should check back and follow Norfolk County Council Norfolk Trails on social media to keep up to date: Twitter: twitter.com/norfolktrails Instagram: www.instagram.com/norfolktrailsuk

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Dolphins’ Outstanding Performances

Hockey Club Seeks New Players

Thetford Dolphins swimmers produced some outstanding performances at the Nifty 50s Gala held at Thetford Waterworld, where no less than 5 new club records, 16 first places, 143 personal bests and 10 new times were achieved. New club records for Alfie King 15y 50m back (Pb); Alice Fasey 14y 50m free & 50m breast (Pbs); Francesca Long 13y 50m fly and Kane Buckles 13y 50m breast (1st/Pb). Winning Dolphins were Aimee Dickerson 50m free, 50m breast & 100m IM; Amie Copp 50m breast; Ben Buckley 50m free & 100m IM (Pbs); Billie-Jordan Butler 50m free (Pb); Harry Fasey 50m free & 50m breast (Pbs); Kane Buckles 50m back, 50m fly, 100m IM (Pbs) & 50m free; Louis James 50m fly and Nathan Ruggles 50m breast (Pb). New times for Harriet Denton, Harvey Durham, Jasmine Ewing, Lucy Brown, Miah Bull, Nathan Ruggles, Samuel Wilkinson and Tabitha Payne. A super effort from all competing Dolphins.

Thetford Town and Thetford Junior Hockey Clubs are looking for new players for the season.

Playing hockey is a great way to keep yourself fit and make new friends. We meet at 10.30am on Sundays (Junior) and Wednesdays 7.30pm - 8.30pm (Adults) at the multi-use games area behind Breckland Leisure centre on Croxton Road. The first session is free. For more info call 07939064074 or visit our Facebook page or the website:

Mr thetfordjuniorhockeyclub@simplesite.com G's QP Christmas Advert.qxp_Layout 1 20/09/2018 1


Thetford Dolphins at the Nifty 50s Gala

Local Sports News

If you’re a member of a local sports group that wants to submit an article to the About Thetford magazine, email: aboutthetfordmagazine@googlemail.com Deadline: 15th of every month

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Dark Nights? Still Time For Golf! Sadly, the evenings are now beginning to draw in but that doesn’t mean you have to bury your clubs in the garage until next summer. Why not, after your Sunday lunch come up to Feltwell for 9 holes? The joy of a 9 hole course is that you can still play the 18 holes (from different tee boxes) or if you prefer or time doesn’t allow play either the Front or Back 9 and still be back in time for tea!! Visitors too, are always welcome at Feltwell Golf Club – you don’t have to be a member or even come with a member. To help encourage visitors to our course we operate a Loyalty Scheme. Get your card and for every 5 times you use the course you get your 6th game free.

Golf is still an option as the dark nights approach

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Iceni Event Success For Fourth Year

Thetford Hosts 300th Parkrun

The fourth Thetford Iceni running event took place on Sunday 10th September. The event started and finished at the Guildhall and included a 10k option, half marathon and full marathon option. Just over 200 runners completed the event. Local residents, Jason Elrick (41:42) (pictured below) and Stacy Owen (46.54) won the 10k category, Lukzsz Ryzinski (01:53) and Sharon Hurren (1:57) won the half marathon. Luvuyo Mfwaze won the marathon event in 3:31 and Lousie White set a new female course record finishing in 3:37. This year the event followed a Dad's Army theme to celebrate the 50 year anniversary. Captain Mainwairing came and started off the runners. Each finisher received a bespoke Dad's Army themed medal and t-shirt.

On Saturday 15th September Thetford Parkrun hosted its 300th event.

Ann Elrick left, with Clare Duncan, Trish Williams and Vasanti Patel

Starting in February 2013 the event has since had 3900 people register to take part in the weekly free timed 5k event starting at the Priory. On this special event some of the military from the United States Air Force took over the main volunteering roles. The event was attended by adults pushing their children in buggies to the oldest man, aged 79. Many individuals from the local fitness groups and Slimming World attended the event. Some of the participants wore fancy dress with the majority opting for normal fitness attire. The event broke its previous New Year Day 2018 attendance of 299 with 321 people arriving to enjoy the fun. Fundraising provided funds to F.A.S.T who provided first aid support and to the 1st RAF Honington Cubs and Scout Group who were marshals on the day. A further virtual running event is being completed to provide additional funding to Junior parkrun and Thetford and District Dementia Group. The 5th event will take place on September 8th 2019.

The Event Director, Melanie Sturman is trying to raise funds to start a new junior parkrun which will take place at a different location on a Sunday. This will be a 2k event for 4-11 year old young people. A cake sale on Saturday raised ÂŁ160 towards the ÂŁ3000 target. Melanie would like to say thank you to the core team and volunteers who help make parkrun happen.

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Measuring Your Progress There’s so many ways to measure our progress when we’ve got an active lifestyle but so many of us just weigh ourselves on some scales at home and judge ourselves but the weight we’ve either gained of lost – but of which weight is it? Have you lost weight but actually lost hydration, muscle mass and your body fat is still the same or actually higher? Have you gained weight but it’s actually muscle mass that’s increased and in fact your body fat has gone down? Here at the Suite I have Tanita scales, they are awesome! Not only do they tell you your weight, they also tell you how hydrated you are, how much of your weight comes from muscle mass, how much body fat percentage you hold, what level your visceral fat is and your BMR. One of the services I provide is to measure my members’ stats as and when they are required, a unique service run by Tiger Fitness.

truly matters. Are you more alert during the day, less prone to taking siestas when you have a chance, more engaged in conversation with family and friends or can you simply manage the stairs a lot better than before? All these equate to a more positive lifestyle. Becoming positive and remaining positive are the most powerful tools for motivation which leads to more progress. Remember – you’re not in competition with anyone apart from yourself. Only you know if you’ve let yourself down, so come away from every workout positive knowing you’ve given 100%, there’s no better feeling. Enjoy your training and look after your body! Contact Richard via email: richard@tigerfitnessclub.co.uk

Scales are just one tool we can use, there are other more simple ways of judging our progress, such as; Clothing – Is that dress or top a better fit than it was before? Visual – Do you look more defined in certain areas? Exercise – Can you now do more push ups than you could one month ago? Feel – Now this I believe can be the most important way to track your progress. Yes we all want to look better but it’s how you feel that

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