OCTOBER 2015 - About Thetford magazine

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‘‘ Circulation 11,500 copies

Issue 119 October 2015

Your Local Independent Community Magazine

01842 754161

Consistently delivering a multi-­‐award winning service!

About Thetford Welcome to October’s fun’ or so the saying ‘Time flies when you’re having absolutely flown by, so we goes... well, the past year has fun! This month’s edition Page 4 - Fireworks Spectacular returns of must have been having lots ilege of compiling. Page 6 - 7 - Festival Photo collage is the 12th that I’ve had the priv je and Page 8 - 9 - Introducing Town Crier Mar as nd rlwi whi a of bit It’s certainly been a treadmill” - you just finish Page 10 - 16 - Civic News - updates Trevor warned me - “it’s like a the clock is ticking to get and th, the delivery of one mon from local voluntary groups g is certain, I couldn’t have the next one finished. One thin je Mar of Page 17 - Past and Present for the support done it at all had it not been months when I was Page 21 - What’s on at Thetford Library six first the in arly icul part or, and Trev d - thank-you both. Thanks Page 22 - 23 - Munzee Trail info often found scratching my hea for their thorough proof also to Corinne and Mike Brindle apostrophes remains Page 25 - Apprenticeship Advice of use ive ess reading skills - my exc inne Fulford too has Page 26 - Bin It For Good update Cor as bad as when I was at school! advice and port sup of rce Page 27 - Charles Burrell Centre news been a constant sou hear it! to t wan ays alw ’t don I n whe - even Page 38 - Community Corner thanks also to our Page 41 - ‘My life as a handler’ by a and rt effo team a h muc This is very you know we have 27 excellent delivery team, (did this magazine would not Breckland Cats Protection volunteer delivery rounds!?) and of course Page 43 - Crack On Foundation ers and contributors. ertis adv be possible without all the Page 50 - 54 - Sports News worth of magazines... Here’s to the next 12 months Best wishes, Terry Jermy (Editor) Remember we are now on Facebook,

Inside this month...

like us at ‘About Thetford magazine’


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Thetford Firework Spectacular Family Fun Day with 2 Firework Displays • Display 1 - 5.45pm for children • Display 2 - 7.30pm for adults

Sideshows • Fairground rides Food vendors and much more...

FREE Entrance

(NO Alchohol or Fireworks permitted)

Barnham Cross Common Playing Fields Sunday 1st November 2.30pm - 9.00pm Car parking at Charles Burrell Centre, Staniforth Road Charity fundraising stalls welcome, contact Larry Gray on 07831 458779 or E-mail: larrygray08@yahoo.co.uk

Come and have a Happy Family Day and raise funds for Charity

What a fantastic year 2015 is turning out to be with so much for us to be proud of. Thanks to the About Thetford, we’re able to bring you just a small flavour of Thetford’s Great Festival on pages (more pics on our website). We loved helping provide the Festival Box Office again this year and many of the photographs are courtesy of the amazing Maria Cooke, our great Festival photographer.

Tues 6th Oct Thet Society Rendlesham UFOs Sun 11th Oct Euston Hall Hound-a-Mile Fri 16th Oct Ghost Walk Fri 16th Oct Thomas Paine Talk Sat 17th Oct Flourish Women's Conference Fri 23rd Oct Comedy Club Sat 24th Oct Drum For Unity Sat 24th Oct Munzee Trail at Leaping Hare Sun 1st Nov Fireworks Spectacular Fri 6th Nov Ghost Walk Sat 14th Nov Upper Octave Sat 12th Dec Beatlemania Sat 15th,16th,22nd,23rd Jan Peter Pan Panto

We have the welcome return of our popular Ghost Walks and the Munzee Trail team will be at with us on Sat 24th Oct. We have some great ideas for Chrimble Gifts and that can only mean one thing - Panto is coming, tickets on sale from Tues 2nd Nov - don’t miss it! Visit www.leapinghare.org for more events

Buy tickets/merchandise from our Box Office/Shop at 20 King Street, Thetford Tel: 01842 751975, 07802 701911 and on line at www.leapinghare.org ‘like’ our facebook page www.facebook.com/leapinghare




Introducing the Thetford Town Crier I am the Town Crier of both Thetford in Norfolk and Brandon in Suffolk, and I am a member of the Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers. I am the first Town Crier in Thetford for almost 100 years, being appointed in March 2013 and in Brandon in July 2013. You may well be surprised that there are such things as Town Criers in today's world of modern, and immediate, electronic communications. There are around 250 Town Criers around the country, and several in East Anglia. Town Criers have their history rooted in disseminating news and other information, just as newspapers do today. Their origin in the UK can be traced back to William the Conqueror and the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Indeed, Criers or Bellmen appear on the Bayeux Tapestry. Have a look at the section that deals with the death of Edward the Confessor, and at the bottom are 2 Bellmen apparently ringing their bells. Back then, and indeed, right up to Victorian times, the level of literacy was poor, and Town Criers told people what was going on. They informed the populace of, amongst a multitude of other things, new laws (both national and local), Royal marriages, the outcomes of battles, the changes of taxation, children who were lost, errant wives (both those with wandering eyes and hands, as well as those who were excessively profligate with their husbands' money!), obituary notices and the like. Think of the Town Crier as a public official who could also be hired by private persons. He was an appointed public newscaster, paid to do the job, but he could also take on side jobs with anyone who wanted him to "cry" an event. Town Criers were the first talking newspapers if you will.

Mike Wabe, Thetford’s Town Crier in full ‘cry’ next to the Thomas Paine Statue

Now in Thetford, the wooden post in question was the huge square oaken post that holds up the corner of the Bell Inn. Indeed, there has been a hostelry of some sort on the Bell's site since around 1420. When you are in Thetford, have a look at this massive oak post next to the traffic lights. There you will see in it, hundreds and hundreds of nail holes and nail heads, where my predecessors over the centuries have posted their notices. This, as far as I have been able to ascertain, is the only place in the country where this evidence still exists. Everywhere else, the posts have long since been torn down. Yet another fine example of Thetford's historical past.

As is the case throughout history, news might not always be welcomed, and some people would prefer news about them not be known. Think of the Town Crier in 1635, who had to announce a 12-fold increase in the King's taxes. Sometimes then, not a popular job. No matter in what city, town or village a Town Crier made his proclamation, one thing was common to all. Having loudly cried the contents of his scroll, the Crier would then post his notice. It is a phrase that is almost out of use today, and basically means to pin the notice up on display, usually on a nearby handy wooden post. And it is from this action of posting a notice that many of today's newspapers have the word "Post" in their titles, for example, the Yorkshire Post, or the Evening Post.

To give an example of a Cry which we know was proclaimed, let is go back to 1403 and the city of Chester. Chester is situated just on the English side of the English/Welsh border, and was the scene of several bloody invasions by recalcitrant Welshmen. King Henry IV was on the throne and he decided that enough was enough. Having made up his mind to deal harshly with these rowdy Welshmen, he caused the Town Crier to inform the public what measures he was going to take, and the Cry went thus:

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The proclamations of the St Sepulchre Crier live on for a very different reason. He made them to the condemned prisoners of Newgate Gaol on the evening before their execution, and again the following morning, as they began their last journey to the Tyburn Tree, to be hanged. It is this 3-mile journey from Newgate to Tyburn that almost certainly gives rise to today's popular expression to be alcohol free - to be "on the wagon". On the way to Tyburn the condemned were transported in carts and, apart from being pelted with all sorts of objects, (some far less salubrious than others!), they would stop at a tavern for a last alcoholic drink. As soon the mug was drained the prisoner would be back on the wagon to complete the journey to their death. The words of these proclamations, as well as the bell used by the Crier, can be seen today in St Sepulchre's Church.

Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! In this fourth year of the reign of our liege Lord King Henry IV, it is hereby proclaimed, for the safe custody of the City of Chester, that no Welshman shall enter the walls of the City before sunrise, that no Welshman shall enter any wine or beer tavern, that no Welshman bear arms, save only a knife for cutting his dinner, that they hold no meetings or assemblies, and that three Welshmen meet not together, within the walls of the aforesaid, under pain of decapitation. God save the King! Now the curious thing about this law is that it was only repealed not that long ago! Decapitation may seem somewhat harsh today, but I can assure you that there were no repeat offenders! Criers were indispensable in spreading the news and making public announcements, and were so employed in cities, towns and large villages all over the country. Consider then, just how many Town Criers there must have been over the centuries, and the vast number of proclamations they must have made. But sadly, the history books have ignored them, consigning the names of the Criers, and especially their proclamations, to oblivion. Indeed, I am the proud possessor of a bell used by the Town Crier of Wilburton, near Ely. I duly contacted the Wilburton Parish Council to see if they had any information about this man, and they had. But none about his time as Town Crier there, or any of his proclamations.

When I became the Town Crier for Thetford, I was the first person to hold that title for almost 100 years, the last being Mr John Clarke just before to just after World War One. However, like other able-bodied men, he went to fight, handing over the twin duties of Town Crier and Bill Poster, to his 15-year-old daughter Florrie. It was a job she did well until the safe return of her father in 1918. Florrie's first cry was about a lost railway ticket. You can see photographs of Florrie carrying out both her Crier duties and those of Bill Poster on the BBC World War One At Home website at http://www.bbc.co.uk/ programmes/p01x25sb (the commentary is me!), and on the Imperial War Museum website at http://www. iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205125032. Editors Note: Thank-you to Mike for sharing this fascinating information about Town Criers and for his dedicated service as Thetford’s Town Crier. Photos used are by Maria Cooke, taken at the Town Crier competition this year as part of the Thetford’s Great Festival.

There are, however, 2 notable exceptions; Clare in Suffolk and St Sepulchre in London. The daily proclamations of the Clare Town Crier have been preserved for a period of 100 years; from 1612 to 1711. The proclamations were recorded in a series of registers and kept in the town.

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Bric-a-brac sale held by Lionesses Thetford (Breckland) Lionesses recently a successful bric- a -brac and book sale raising a total of £107.25p. This years charities will include a replenishing of the stock for the trolley for “Clowns in the Sky”, Macmillan Cancer Care, and hopefully, the provision of a bench on a green in Thetford. Thank you to all who helped on the day and to those who supported our sale. The Thetford (Breckland) Lionesses will be celebrating their 27th anniversary with a special Sunday Lunch at the Thetford Golf Club. They will be joined by Lionesses and guests from the 105 EA District. New Members are welcome; for further information please contact Dorothy on 0845-08334764 If you’re a member of a local voluntary group and would like to be featured in the About Thetford magazine, please get in touch, e-mail: aboutthetfordmagazine@googlemail.com

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Thetford Inner Wheel

Rotary News

Club members were addressed by Jeoff Prosser, an ambassador for the charity Water Aid at the September dinner meeting. This charity works with local communities in the third world, bringing safe drinking water and sanitation to the area. The world has 748 million people without safe drinking water and 2.5 billion with no toilets. The charity raises 96% of its funding from donations. The Charity is active in Africa, India and South East Asia and all money is channelled through local communities rather than governmental agencies. The vote of thanks was given by Bill de Bass.

The ladies of Thetford Inner Wheel commenced their new year with a business meeting at Wereham House Hotel last Thursday 3rd September. Among the topics discussed were future ways of raising money for charity. Also, it was very nice to welcome one potential new member.

Inner Wheel members at the recent Proms in the Gardens

During July, the Inner Wheel helped Thetford Rotary Club with the very successful Proms in King's House Gardens by serving teas, cakes and biscuits. Thanks are due to Tescos for donating tea, coffee, milk and biscuits, the ladies provided the cakes which were much appreciated, - and also to Thetford Town Council who provided the tea tent and the power to boil the well used urn. The money raised during that event was put towards Rotary and Inner Wheel charities, much of which is donated to local causes and world disasters as they occur. Liz Hodgson (Club Correspondent)

Conducted by Chris Parsons

Saturday 31st October

Deadline for inclusion within the November About Thetford will be 115th October23:53 Pag Brunning Electrical .qxl:Layout 25/11/2013

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Thetford Singers is a registered charity (No 269142) and a member of Making Music

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Volunteers Wanted for Link Up Link Up is Breckland's Talking Newspaper and each month over a dozen volunteers whom give a little bit of his time taking local news and making it accessible to people for whom listening is easier than reading. Link Up desperately needs a range of volunteers to help them continue the service and there are different ways in which you could help. The group is looking for a publicity officer, someone who can promote all the fantastic work the group does and help find more people who might wish to receive an audio version of local news each fortnight. Alternatively there is the opportunity to be a reader, helping to record selected news stories, or to join the team as a post production operator. The talking newspaper is prepared every other Thursday evening at the Thetford Grammar School, who support the project, and there is a rota for volunteers, so even if you only have a couple of hours to spare each month there is the chance to give something back and be involved in a fantastic community project that has been running for over thirty years. If anyone is interested please contact Link Up either by telephone on 01842 755131, or email: contact@linkupbreckland.org.uk

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Thetford branch of the Royal British Legion will be holding an Annual General Meeting at 7pm on the 4th November at the club premises, Market Square, followed by a branch meeting. All members are invited to attend, support your branch and club, your input is important. A reminder that the annual Remembrance Concert will be held at the Carnegie Rooms on the evening of the 6th November, doors open at 6:30 pm. Tickets will be on sale at the Legion Club the week prior to the event. The Remembrance Day parade will take place on Sunday the 8th November at 11am on the Market Square. All those taking part please assemble as usual at the Argos/Tanner Street car park area no later than 10.15am. LEAFLET DELIVERY SERVICE Don’t forget, the About Thetford magazine is pleased to deliver leaflets alongside the monthly magazine. We charge £30 + VAT per 1,000 leaflets. Contact: 077421 57967

THETFORD MUNICIPAL & UNITED CHARITIES Registered Charity Number 208265

Heating/Fuel Gifts

Application forms for heating/fuel gifts may be obtained from the Council Offices, King’s House, King Street, Thetford between the hours of 9.30am and 1.00pm Monday to Friday. Applicants must live in Thetford and be 80 years of age an over. Only one gift is awarded per household. Application forms must be returned to King’s House by the 30th October. The date of the payout will be Tuesday the 24th November, 2015 between 10am and 12 noon at King’s House. NO LETTERS WILL BE SENT TO SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS SO PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OT PAYOUT DATE. Pam Spencer ­ Chairman Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements


Jail and Bail I would like to thank the people of Thetford who supported our Jail and Bail day held on 2nd September in aid of the Thetford Friends of St. Nicholas Hospice Care. Special thanks go to the arrestees who dressed up in costume, without people like you we could not have had such a successful event. Also thank you to Vera Rhodes and John Rutter who were our collectors on the day. Margaret Rutter was our charge sheet reader and was brilliant with her quips. Thanks too for Andy Menarry, Caroline Whapmore and Sharon, our local police personnel who did an amazing job and with their handcuffs made sure that all the criminals were safely delivered to the Jail. I still have a number of pledges to collect but I think the final amount that will go to St. Nicholas Hospice Care will be £1,500 which they will be truly grateful for. Once again I thank you all. Pam Goveia

Thetford Society AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Thetford Society took place at the beginning of September. The Chairman Stuart Wright reported on the highlights of

the year, especially the efforts made by the Environment Committee to protect the heritage of the town. The Convenor of that committee, Stuart Wilson, had decided to stand down and he was presented with a gift in recognition of his tireless and painstaking work over many years. Members enjoyed wine and cheese and collected the Society Magazine which had come off the press that very day! The next meeting is on October 6th at 7.30pm at the URC when Vince Thurkettle will tell the fascinating story of the Rendlesham UFO’s. New members welcome and subscriptions can be paid at the meeting.

“Here, they’re grateful if anyone wants to volunteer, whether they have experience or not. So now I have the experience, when I finish college I’ll find it easier to get a job.” Gemma Lines, Retail Volunteer

01284 715573 volunteersdept@stnh.org.uk www.stnicholashospicecare.org.uk/join-us Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements



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We always try to find interesting speakers for our meetings, and July was no exception. John Newmeir from Swaffham came to tell us tales of his life as a Paramedic in Dartford, Kent. Who would have thought this profession could provide such a lot of funny tales as well as the serious side of his work. August is usually a month when we have a social meeting, and Kamilla Coleman came and showed us her gentle dance and exercise movements making sure we all had the chance to join in. We were pleased to be part of the Thetford’s Great Festival again this year by organizing another Bake-off Cake competition. As usual there were some great entries and the judges were impressed. Sadly the numbers were down on last year, but nevertheless it was a great success. The winners were Pam Spicer who won with her Victoria Sandwich and Lemon Drizzle Cake, Jennifer Bird with her Fruit Scones, Sally Brooks with her Fruit Scones and Sandra Burt with her showstopper cake. In the children’s section, Sapphire Seamen won with her Gingerbread men and Inneke Mountain with her Butterfly Cakes. The Showstopper cake was later auctioned for Festival funds. We were very pleased to welcome Chris Carr from Zak’s who presented the prizes. Anyone who is interested can find out more information about the W.I from President Rose Peterson on 01842 754273.

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Thetford Conservative Club


Dates for OCTOBER 2015 3rd October - Sly 10th October - Casey Spalding 17th October - M Sound Disco 24th October - Mark Jacobs 31st October - Karen Bell Also on the 17th October we have an Open Day at the Club for anyone who would like to join, do come along. We serve food on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 12pm - 2pm and the first Sunday of every month we serve a Roast Dinner. On Friday 2nd October we have a karaoke, and again on the 13th November and 11th December. Our Quiz Night on the 4th September was a great success. Maggie Black Entertainments


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News from Thetford Probus Legacy of Paine lives on It is over 200 years since Tom Paine died, but few can argue that the legacy of Thetford’s most famous son is very much alive and kicking – probably more so than ever before. And at Thetford Probus Club’s September meeting, John Weeks, Secretary of the town’s Tom Paine 200 Legacy Committee, which was responsible for founding the Common Sense Club, spoke about the club’s role in exploring the life and writings of the radical thinker and political activist. Importantly, he highlighted how the Common Sense Club had been created to mark the Bicentenary of Paine’s death, to stimulate interest in the revolutionary figure and to bring together eminent scholars and public figures to debate and discuss Paine, so that people can better understand him as a person and his contribution in shaping society and government of today’s world.

Picture of speaker John Weeks proudly showing the Common Sense Club’s lecture programmes to Probus chairman Mike Brindle. Coincidentally, they share a common interest both having been headmasters, the former at the Grammar and the latter at Rosemary Musker (now Thetford Academy).

Mr Weeks left no doubt as to the prestigious list of speakers and panellists that the club had attracted to Thetford since the Common Sense Club was formed in 2009, with the hosting of BBC Radio’s ‘Any Questions?’ being one of the highlight events.

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He explained that while the Club’s lectures had originally only been planned over a period of five years, these were now continuing on an annual basis. About his own connections as a former Headmaster of Thetford Grammar School, where Paine had been a pupil, Mr Weeks said he had felt the presence of Tom Paine, especially in the part known as Old School, where he could imagine him studying and showing his early talent for writing, which he exampled by the tellingly-perceptive poem ‘John Crow’ written by Tom when only nine years old.

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Advice column from Thetford Citizens Advice “I bought a new mobile phone six months ago, but I never have any signal at home or work at all. I want to cancel my contract and go back to my old mobile company as I always had good service with them, but my new provider says I’ll have to pay all 18 months of the contract remaining if I want to cancel. I can’t afford to pay that all at once and a new contract, but I also can’t have a mobile phone that never works when I need it. What can I do?”

If the phone doesn’t work in your house or workplace but does work outside, the problem might be with those buildings themselves. In that case you wouldn’t Most mobile phone contracts last 24 months but often normally be able to cancel without paying. It might be they don’t specify minimum standards of service, so that the signal just isn’t strong enough, so you should it can be tricky to get out of them without paying a ask your provider to carry out a signal strength check. hefty fee. Your best bet is to keep a log of times when If there’s no signal in your whole area, you might be your phone doesn’t work. Then contact your service able to cancel under the Supply of Goods and Services provider and ask them if there is anything they can do. Act. Very poor service most of the time might mean the This might solve the problem without you needing to network is breaking your contract. Some contracts have cancel. It might say something in your contract about terms and conditions which mean they’re allowed to not how much reception you should get: if so you should be provide service sometimes, so you need to get advice able to cancel the contract without paying. to see if this applies to you. Before anything else, conUnfortunately, you can’t rely on what an online coverage tact your service provider, share any evidence of poor checker will say as they’re just a guide and will only and explain why you should be let out of your MCP HPan Advert_Layout 1 04/06/2015 07:42 can Page service 1 ever give idea of the average signal someone contract early. They might well allow you to cancel. expect outside in that area.

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Redundant and obsolete steam rollers, relics of a past era, stand neglected in Doran’s Yard off the Croxton Road, now Old Croxton Road. Just over half-a-century later, Doran’s Yard is a private housing estate called Allison’s Close. Past & Present photographs from the David Osborne Collection. Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements


Birthday approaching for Halcyon Days On October 1st our Halcyon Days will be 25 years old. It’s hard to accept that those years have flown by so fast. We started from humble beginnings working in a treatment room of a converted bungalow on West Row in Bury St Edmunds for our first 10 years and expanding to having rooms at both The Norfolk Golf Club at Reymerston and The Suffolk Golf Club in Bury St Edmunds. Over the years we have seen massive changes in trends of treatments, equipment and technology and constantly strive to bring the best treatments and techniques to our clients by continually expanding our knowledge and repeatedly attending regular training courses and selecting the best therapists to join the Halcyon Days Team. We would like to thank our many clients both current and the “originals “from the beginning for the support during the past 25 years.

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Beauty Geek Column - by Caroline King Welcome to this month’s Beauty Geek feature focusing on facts about the “The skin you’re in”. I think it’s a fact now that we have drifted into autumn and waved a sad goodbye to the summer months until next year. With that in mind, I ask the question: “Do you look after your skin just as much through autumn and winter, as much as you do during spring and summer?” I asked a variety of people, if they changed their routine during the seasonal changes. Most of them said they do exactly the same through the months or perhaps just add in a SPF (sun protection factor) into their moisturiser. Or use a serum, instead of just a normal moisturiser to give a boost through the colder months. Some spoke of using a self-tan in summer as more of their skin is on show. With this all in mind, let me share with you some skin facts to explain how important the skin you’re in is such an amazing organ: * The skin is your biggest organ * The average person’s skin when stretched out is 2 metres squared * Skin accounts for around 15% of your bodyweight * The skin is made up of three layers * The thickest skin is located on the soles of the feet 1.4mm thick * The thinnest skin is located on the lids of your eyes 0.02mm thick * 50% of dust in your home is dead skin * Every 28 days your skin renews itself (slower as we get older) * Every minute we shed over 30,000 dead skin cells * The skin is coloured by a protein called melanin * It takes up to 6 months for babies to develop their permanent skin colour * Melanin is responsible for our eye colour as well as skin colour

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I could go on with the skins amazing facts. During this season, think about what an amazing job your skin does for you. Exfoliate more during the winter months because your skin will be drier. Whenever you exfoliate, always follow with some form of moisturiser. Remember…….love the skin you’re in! Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements


October 2015 Thetford Library Open Morning- Saturday 24th October Why not pop into the library between 9am – 12.30pm and find out what your library has to offer? Drop in between 9am – 12.30pm and take a look at a selection of materials from our archives.

Coming in December……. Get Digital Tablet Course: This free course will run on Tuesday mornings in December in the library. This course is suitable for people who would like to gain introductory knowledge of using tablets. No prior knowledge is needed. Booking essential. For further information please contact Kathryn on 01842 752048 or email : thetford.lib@norfolk.gov.uk

Borrow one of our Town Read titles: Weirdo by Cathi Unsworth (set in Great Yarmouth) Corinne Woodrow was 15 when convicted of murdering one of her classmates in 1984. Twenty years later new forensic evidence suggests Corinne didn’t act alone. Private Investigator Sean Ward reopens the case and finds a town full of secrets.

Special Grandparents Bounce & Rhyme Time! To celebrate Grandparents Day we are holding a special Bounce & Rhyme Time. We would love to hear some of the rhymes Grandparents remember from their own childhoods. Why not come to the library on Monday 5th October, 10.30am -11am for this special event?

The Winter Ghosts by Kate Mosse. It’s the winter of 1928 and Freddie Watson still hasn’t recovered from the loss of his brother in the Great War. Even now, on holiday in South West France, he cannot escape his grief. Thrilling, poignant and haunting.

Mondays for pre-school children at Thetford Library! Baby Bounce & Rhyme Time now alternates fortnightly on Mondays during term time with Books and Buggies Meet Up.

As part of our open morning there will be a Very Hungry Caterpillar Fun session in the library between 11.00am -12.00pm. Listen to the story and do some craft activities based on the story! Booking essential for this FREE session; to reserve a place, please contact the library. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Baby Bounce & Rhyme Time Songs & Rhymes for babies and toddlers and their parents/ carers. 10.30am – 11.00am at Thetford Library: Monday 5th October (Grandparents Day Session) Monday 19th October

NEW - Thetford Library Local History Group A chance to find out about the library’s local history collections. Will meet on the third Friday of each month at Thetford Library, 10.30am – 12 noon. First meeting: Friday 16th October For more information please contact Kathryn / David on 01842 752048 or email thetford.lib@norfolk.gov.uk

No need to book for these fun, free sessions! Books and Buggies Meet Up A chance to meet with friends and share books together. Meets fortnightly, 10.00am -11.30am on;

Community History Group Volunteers Required at Thetford Library for the above new group starting October 2015.

Monday 12th October You are welcome to stay for the whole session or drop-in. For further information about our Mondays for pre-school children, please contact the library on 01842 752048 or email thetford.lib@norfolk.gov.uk

Family History on the Internet for Beginners A general introduction to family history using the Ancestry website and a chance to research your own family history. Tuesday 3rd November, 10 am -12 noon OR Thursday 5th November, 1.30pm – 3.30pm.

FREE Basic ICT Help drop-in at Thetford Library Every Tuesday, between 3pm -4pm a member of staff will be available to help with simple ICT (computer) questions & queries.

Basic computer skills required. Cost : £2. Booking essential. To book a place please contact the library on 01842 752048 or email: thetford.lib@norfolk.gov.uk

Story Time Activities with Sure Start at Thetford Library On Wednesdays, 10.00am – 11.00am during term time. These fun sessions with Sure Start in the library are free and are held in the library during term time. No need to book, just turn up on the day! For further information please contact Sure Start on 01842 766438

Did you know that Thetford Library has a Facebook page? Why not take a look to find out about our forthcoming events!

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d r o f t e h the T

! l i a r T Munzee

The Thetford Munzee Trail is a great way to explore this heritage-rich town. Have fun competing with your friends and family, answer our quiz questions while hunting and capturing each Munzee – and discover places you never knew existed... plus, it’s absolutely free!

ee? Munz

is er What 1st century sca fvreeen agpp,

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Win £150 wor th of Go Ape v ou of thrilling ad ventures in The chers to spend on your c hoice tford Forest; or to win one of 2 be in with a c 0 free family p hance asses to Thet Museum. Sim ford’s Ancient ply tell us abo House ut Munzee Trail b your experience of the Th etford y 1s t N ov em www.smart ber 2015 at su rv ey.co.uk/s/t and you coul hetfordmun d be in with a zee chance of win ning one of t great prizes. hese

Sign up to

1 Download the FREE Munzee app to your smartphone from the GooglePlay Store, iPhone App Store or Windows Store, or direct from www.munzee.com

Sign up for a FREE account – all you need is a username and password. 2 Now you’ve downloaded the app, the fun can truly begin… The Thetford Munzee Trail is a Breaking New Ground (BNG) Landscape Partnership Scheme project brought to you by Norfolk County Council’s Trails team. BNG is supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund. For more information visit www.breakingnewground.org.uk

The Thetford Munzee Trail A “must-do” family treasure hunt! Calling all treasure hunters! If you’re looking for good free family fun, then we’ve got just the thing for you... the Thetford Munzee Trail! This is an exciting way to explore East Anglia’s ancient capital, discovering places that you may never have known existed before. Plus, you could be in with a chance of winning an amazing £150 worth of Go Ape vouchers for the family to enjoy their choice of thrilling adventures in Thetford Forest. Thetford’s Ancient House Museum are also giving way 20 free family passes to the museum. So make sure you tell us how you get on with the trail at www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/ThetfordMunzee and one of these prizes could be yours. Using the free Munzee app (downloadable from your Google Play, iPhone or Windows apps stores), you must follow clues to find and capture 12 Munzees (QR codes) hidden throughout the town. Every capture will earn you points and there are quiz questions to answer about each location. Don’t forget to fill in our quick survey when you’ve finished! You can find out more about Munzee at: www.munzee.com and download our free helpful hunters leaflet: www.norfolk.gov.uk/munzee To discover more fun family activities you can do on Norfolk Trails please visit us at: www.norfolktrails.co.uk

This project is part of the Breaking New Ground Landscape Partnership Scheme: a series of exciting heritage, landscape and conservation projects in the Brecks funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. See: www.breakingnewground.org.uk for more information.

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GET SKILLS & EARN AS YOU LEARN Advice & support column from Recruitment Zoo Whether you were leaving school and wondering what to do next, thinking about changing career or finding your dream job, we hope you had a great September! Talking of change, this month we are going to tackle the myths and facts of Traineeships and Apprenticeships to get you back into the employment scene, boost your confidence and a real job that you love. Are they the same? No they’re not so here is a quick Get Skills guide to help see what’s right for you! Ok, I haven’t heard of the Traineeship? It’s a new programme designed for young people to basically get them ready for an apprenticeship. It isn’t for someone that already has a job, anyone aged 24 years and over or anyone that already has enough skills to go straight into an apprenticeship. What will I get? • 8 week work placement • CV training • 5 weeks classroom support • A reference • Level 1 Employability qualification What happens after my Traineeship? If there’s a job or apprenticeship available you should get an interview otherwise you will chat through what you have learned, get help with your CV and a reference to take you onto what you decide to do next. OK, so what is an apprenticeship? You need to: • Live in England or EU resident for 3 or more years • Be over the age of 16 • Not in school or full time education

a qualification (QCF) diploma whist getting paid! You’ll work a minimum of 30 hours a week and develop skills including any you might have missed at school like English, Maths and ICT. You might study a day or two a week at college, it all depends on your choices. What Qualifications will I get? This depends on the level you achieve, Intermediate – level 2, Advanced – level 3, Higher –level 4 and higher How long will it take? Minimum of 12 months but between 1 to 4 years in total. And I get paid? If you are aged 16-18 or 19+ in your first year you will get a minimum of £2.73 (£3.30 from October). But I want a degree! And you still can! You can go onto Higher Education after your apprenticeship and in the meantime you will have learnt skills like time management and communication to help you. Well I hope that helps you out a bit. We can’t cover everything here so please do phone or pop in the Charles Burrell Centre and we will explain in more detail. As an extra bonus we are very pleased that West Suffolk College are also based at the Centre so you can see what courses they have whilst you are here! Perfect combination. See you next month!

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New course focusing on ‘employability’ launches October in Thetford Keystone Development Trust and Eastern WEA are partnering up to deliver courses in Thetford covering IT and helping people develop skills to get into or back to work. In October and November the ‘Inspire’ course will be held at The Limes in Bridge Street, running over 4 days from the 12th to 15th October between 9.30am and 2.45pm. The course aims to develop skills and confidence to enable people to start or move back into workplace or aim for a career change. Over the four days the course will cover job searching and interviewing techniques, confidence building and recognising your abilities together with planning your career and being smart online. To book a place please visit: http://weainspirethetford.eventbrite.co.uk

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Adam Bracher Technology Development Manager at Eastern WEA said ‘We believe learning is for everyone and learning is for life. It helps people feel that anything is possible and that it can be life-enhancing and life-changing – improving health, self-confidence Tel: 01842 879239 and creating positive changes that ripple out from Mob: 07970 687923 individuals to communities. We also have a special mission to reach those who want to improve their lives and communities and this partnership19/06/2014 will help us 20:59 to The Mulberry Advert LH Side:TEMPLATE Page FREE1 HOME VISIT & ESTIMATE achieve this.’



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Do the right thing with your rubbish to raise funds for a local charity A Thetford charity that supports community groups is turning the tables this month to ask for the support of residents as part of the ‘Bin it for Good’ project. Thetford’s Charles Burrell Centre is set to receive between £100-300 from Breckland Council and the sum received will depend on the efforts of residents to reduce rubbish in the streets of Thetford during October. The message is to use the bins provided and never drop litter on the ground - the greater the reduction of rubbish on the ground, the more funds the Centre will receive! Launched on 1 September, the ‘Bin it for Good’ project is organised by Breckland Council in partnership with Keep Britain Tidy and will run for three months. Three local charities, the Riversdale Centre, the Charles Burrell Centre and Thetford Food Bank, will each feature on bins in Thetford for one month. At the end of their month, each charity will receive a sum based on the % reduction in litter during this time. October’s charity, the Charles Burrell Centre, is based in a former high school that was saved from demolition after a campaign led by local residents and councillors. The building was converted into a community/business centre to support local organisations and provide a range of activities and services for local residents. Over forty groups including independent businesses and local charities rent space at the Centre including Thetford Foodbank, Thetford Toy Library, a pre-school nursery and a fund raising agency. So spread the word and encourage others to do the right thing with their rubbish. Keeping Thetford clean and tidy creates a better environment for everyone and will raise funds to support the Centre and the services it provides for residents.

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During the closing weekend of Thetford’s Great Festival, Charles Burrell Centre held its second open day and invited local residents in to view the incredible progress that has been made over the past year. The organisations based at the centre welcomed hundreds of visitors to join in with taster sessions and find out about the huge range of activities and services the centre has to offer. There was a chance to meet CBC staff, volunteers and tenants and watch some of them in action such as Centre Stage School of Dance and Thundercats Cheerleaders as they performed on the playing field which was packed with stalls and activities. It was also a great opportunity to have a full tour of the centre and to see how each area has been developed since the site reopened in 2014.

JOB VACANCY Charles Burrell Centre Ltd seeks a new:

DEPUTY CENTRE MANAGER Salary: £16,354 - 37 hours per week* Applications are invited join the Charles Burrell Centre team in the important role as Deputy Centre Manager. This will involve providing duty caretaker support as well as undertaking maintenance and tasks related to health and safety.

One of the highlights of the Open Day was the official launch of West Suffolk College in Thetford. With over a hundred and seventy courses to choose from, scores of local residents have enrolled and are now ready to receive higher education without the inconvenience of traveling to Norwich or Bury St Edmunds. We are very grateful for the support we have received from the local community and we now focus our attention on developing the site further to benefit the town. Mark Snowdon, Centre Manager

Closing date for the receipt of applications is: 5pm on Thursday 8th October. Interviews to take place on Monday 12th October. Please contact Mark Snowdon, Centre Manager on 01842 779867 or visit the Centre to request an application pack which will include a detailed Job Description. Alternatively, email: mark@charlesburrellcentre.org.uk

Can you volunteer at CBC?

* Either one full time position, or two part-time (18.5 hours a week) positions will be recruited depending on the quality and availability of candidates applying - please enquire if you want to discuss either option further. CBC Ltd is a ‘Living’ Wage employer.

We are always looking for new volunteers to support the ever growing needs of the Centre. We need help with things such as grounds & internal maintenance as well as administation. Contact us for more information on: 01842 779867 or pop in.


Full & Part time telephone fundraisers needed for ZEBRA TM Charity Call Centre, immediate start

Call the herd on 01842 752976 Charles Burrell Centre, Staniforth Road, Thetford


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Thetford Garden and Allotment Club


Congratulations to all the winners of classes and cups at the Annual Show in September and thank you to everyone who entered their produce. Our shows are open to non-members so anyone who is interested can join in. Best wishes also to the new committee for the club – we all wish you a most successful year. Welcome to anyone who takes on an allotment this month. Your plot probably looks a bit daunting at present but now is the time to get to work. If you can clear any brambles, nettles, docks and other perennial weeds, you will reap the benefit in the spring. The worst thing on my plot is couch grass which I failed to dig out and is a constant battle. Digging over the vegetable area in the autumn is necessary however long you have had your plot. Once the time comes in the spring for the first onion sets and broad bean seeds to go in, it will be non-stop action and you want to have the area roughly ready to go. You will also meet your neighbours who will become your best help and source of advice. In the ornamental part of the garden, jobs like pruning climbing roses should be faced now. Autumn leaves should be cleared and composted and the lawn mown and hedges trimmed for the winter. If you have fruit trees the final apples should be harvested and stored in shallow trays in dry dark conditions. Herbacious perennials can be cut back and divided. If you are going to divide your rhubarb crowns, it is traditional to leave the thick roots (with a leaf bud or two) to catch the frost. This seems to stimulate fresh growth.

ALL TYPES OF FENCING AND GATES SUPPLIED AND FITTED DECKING ● WALL REMOVAL TREE SERVICES ● CARPORTS Children’s Playhouse from £248.00 (Playhouse Show Site) Thetford Garden Centre

Tel: 01842 811003

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I mentioned Fat Hen last month and now find that Quinoa belongs to the same group of plants. This is a rather expensive grain (or pseudograin to be accurate) that is reputed to have great health benefits especially for vegetarians as it is a complete protein. It grows in South America and requires a lot of processing to make it edible. It is so remarkable that the UN declared 2013 the Year of Quinoa – something that completely passed me by and in fact I’ve never eaten it myself. The horse chestnuts have suffered from early and patchy leaf browning again this year. This is due to the leaf miner moth and fortunately the damage comes late enough in the year for the tree to fruit and live on quite strongly for next year – no shortage of conkers! I did notice that the trees near Nuns Bridges did not seem so badly affected this year. It would be nice to think the trees might develop some resistance but I expect it was the rather rainy summer that helped their vigour. Our club meeting this month will host Len Speller talking about Acer Palmatum Cultivars. These must be among the prettiest small trees for the garden and tubs. I have killed off several in my time so am looking forward to some advice. The meeting is as usual at the URC at 7.30pm on 29th October. All welcome. Sue Pilgrim

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Thetford U3A Learns about the benefits of Busy Bees Of all the flying insects, the honey bee has few, if any, to match its prodigious appetite for work and the ecological benefits that stem from this. At the August monthly talk, Thetford U3A members heard Norfolk beekeeper Rachel Scrafield explain how her hobby is so rewarding and satisfying. “It was something that I wanted to do from a young age, but actually I didn’t start keeping them until I was 40,” she revealed, adding, “probably a good thing, because bees do not like quick movements which youngsters are more prone to.” She outlined many aspects of beekeeping, which has roots in ancient times, and went on to describe the strict social order in the bee hierarchy with the industrious worker bees collecting nectar, the essential ingredient in producing honey, along with the role of male drones and, of course, the queen in laying thousands of eggs. As well as honey, bees produce wax and propolis and all are acknowledged to have many benefits, not least honey for its health and healing properties. She emphasized the importance of bees in pollinating plants and crops and spoke about the threats to maintaining a healthy bee population, including a newly-arrived disease for which our domestic bee has no defence. Despite this, she said that 2014 had been a bumper year for honey production, though this year has been disappointing.

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If you are interested in Thetford U3A and want to find out more, come along to our next meeting on Thursday 22nd October 2pm at the Carnegie Room (opposite the Library), or contact us through the website at www.thetfordu3a.org

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Dramatic Success for Thetford Grammar School

Lifelong Learning - The role of the WEA

Thetford Grammar School has been celebrating its latest success in the Arts this week as the school’s drama students received their results in the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA) examinations.

Since 1903, the WEA has been providing opportunities for learning to adults. The charity supports courses on a huge variety of subjects for interested adults, as well as providing basic support in English, maths and IT. In Thetford a group has been meeting for some years in the Methodist Hall to discover more about a great variety of topics such as social history, literature, art and landscape. This autumn our chosen subject is Islam and Muslims in the UK and the Modern World and we have an excellent and authoritative speaker – Muhammad Manwar Ali. This will give us the chance to learn about the teachings of Islam, the role of women, jihad, life for a Muslim in Britain and other topics. The first meeting is on Monday 5th October at 10 am. There will be 10 sessions and the fee is £50. This covers 90 minutes learning plus a coffee break. New and old students are very welcome and no previous study of the subject is needed.

The results came after a long two month wait over the summer holiday period after the students had taken their examinations in July. Highest qualifications went to James Sibley, Cecily White and Sophia Colasante who achieved passes with Distinction or Merit at Level 6 in their Prose Speaking examination for their Bronze Classification. This grade is just level below the highest that LAMDA can award; and all students plan to sit the Silver award next year.

Any queries: phone Sue Pilgrim 01842 820332.

Other pupils who performed well were Henry Bittlestone, Evie Pettingale, Sophie Rose-Land, Pippa Buckley and Isobel Tod; who all achieved a pass with merit at level 5 for their acting solo pieces. Lower down the school Emma Sibley and Andrew Forbes also achieved Distinction for their respective performances too. The most notable success was that of Year 9 student Kudzi Garkayi who passed her acting grade 4 with a superb score of 90%. Retiring Head of Drama Ms Irving has built up the success of LAMDA at Thetford Grammar School during the last 6 years and the school now has many students who want to take this course. She said ‘ I am delighted with the results, and hope more pupils will join in with the LAMDA scheme.

I would love to share with the world how amazing my mother is, but instead I am sharing it with the 11,500 people who get these magazines.

Head of English Mr Young said that Drama in schools such as Thetford Grammar School ‘impresses on students the value of developing spoken skills in the world of work when they make presentations and impress at interview’. He then added his congratulations to the students.

Since I was 6 she has been a mother and a father to us and has done a fantastic job. We are over the moon to know she has found happiness, Kevin & Donna will be celebrating their engagement at Donna's 60th Birthday party later this month. Please join me now in wishing them the very best for the future :)

Thetford Grammar School’ Open Morning is on Saturday 17th October

Kirsty, Lisa and Luke

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21/09/2015 11:34

Events at Redgrave and Lopham Fen October / November 2015 Guided Fen Walks: Saturday 3 Oct 10.30am-1pm Enjoy the sights and sounds of the Fen with enthusiast and naturalist John Hill. £3 Meet at the Education Centre, no booking required.

Young naturalists: Thursday 29 Oct, 10am-2pm. Wildlife detecting & practical cservation work £6 each, please book. For 11-15 year olds To bool please book 01379 688333. E-mail: redgrave.education@suffolkwildlifetrust.org

Wildlife Watch Group: Saturdays – 10 Oct, 14 Nov 10.30am-12.30pm. A club for 6 – 12yr olds, £2 Contact marcus.halmshaw@btinternet.com or call; 01379 688333 Apple Day & Autumn Plant Sale: Sunday 18 Oct, 10.30am-3pm. Fruit identification and tasting, plants, tools and crafts for sale, family games, plus refreshments. £3 adults, £2 children. No booking required. Dogs on leads welcome. 01379 688333 October Half Term Children’s activity: Autumn antics, Tuesday 27 Oct, 10am-2pm. For unaccompanied 6-10 year olds £6 per child, Family activity: All about owls. Wednesday 28 Oct, 6.30pm-8.30pm. Dissect a pellet & go on a night walk. £2.50 per person,




Wild Walks in Thetford Sunday 4 October, 11:00am-12:30pm Join our monthly group walk for adults in Thetford; the walks are varied in route and topic, each providing an opportunity to learn something different about the wildlife and heritage of Thetford and the Brecks. This is a fantastic opportunity to get outdoors in the fresh air, meet new people and enjoy learning more about what can be found on your doorstep. For any budding nature enthusiasts, complete beginners and photographers you’ll have the chance to see brilliant urban wildlife such as kingfishers up close. No need to book just meet us at the Captain Mainwaring statue in Thetford 15 minutes before the start of the walk. Price: Free, donations welcomed. For more info contact: 01842 753732 or thebrecks@rspb.org.uk


Pelmets & Tiebacks Blinds Cushions & Bed Throws Curtains Shortened from £10 Trousers Shortened £7.50p Free Measuring Service Collection & Delivery Service Available Over 20 Years Experience

Brilliants bats! Spooky walk at High Lodge Friday 30 October, 4:30pm till late Join the RSPB and Suffolk Bat Group for an evening of exploration at High Lodge as we enter the world of bats and moths. Using bat detectors we will get an insight into the world of these night time creatures. Join us if you are brave enough. High Lodge Forest Centre, Suffolk, IP24 0AF. Meeting point: Nightjar car park, High Lodge. Price: Free, donations welcomed. Booking essential : 01842 753732 or: thebrecks@rspb.org.uk

Deadline for any community news stories or adverts for inclusion within the November edition will be 15th October 2015. E-mail: aboutthetfordmagazine@googlemail.com

Call Dena on

07842 110240

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Monthly meetings that make a big difference


This month we highlight the good work undertaken by another one of our local resident groups - the Barnham Action Group. BAG as it is affectionately known, meets once a month at Fulmerston Church near to Pine Close shops on the Barnham Cross Estate. Approximately 15 to 20 people attend each monthly meeting to raise issues of concern and agree actions. Normally there’s representatives from the Police Force and Flagship Housing Association and elected Councillors covering the area attend. At the most recent meeting held during September, all Councillors for the area on the Town, District and County Councils were in attendance to discuss issues with tenants and residents.

Details of forthcoming resident group meetings taking place in October are below: Croxton Road Community Associatiom The next meeting will be the Annual General Meet ing and will take place on Monday 5th October 2015 at the Church of the Nazarene Hall at 7:15pm. Contact Ian Dixon, Chairman - 01842 765890 Redcastle Action Group Meeting on Monday 26th October, 7pm at Redcastle Senior Citizens Club (near to the Canons Walk shops). Contact 07742157967 for more information. Abbey Tenants and Residents Association Meeting on Monday 12th October, 6.30pm at the Bishops School Community Room (to the left of the main school entrance). Surgery with Councillors and agencies from 6pm. Contact 07768974026 Norwich Road Residents Association Meeting on Friday 30th October, 8pm at the Church Anglian Heating QP Ad_Layout 1 10/02/2015 11:47 Page 1 on the Way, Churchill Road

At the September meeting topics discussed included; fly-tipping, broken street-lights, traffic issues along the Bury Road, housing problems, an update on Charles Burrell Centre, news from local Councillors, anti-social behaviour concerns and a discussion about horses on Barnham Common / Elm Road. The next meeting takes place on Monday 19th October 6.30pm. Chairman: Tim Lovejoy, Contact 01842 763241. Surgery with Councillors and agencies from 6pm.


Heating Services

Well done to Redcastle Action Group who raised an incredible £1,800 at their Fun Day held on 6th September. This money will now be put towards rebuilding the play area on the Estate which is in need of refurbishment.


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Brandon Camera Club – Exhibition 2015 We are holding our Exhibition this year a little later than normal, on Friday 9th and Saturday 10th October – so please put these dates in your diary now. Apart from the opportunity for you to see mounted examples of the work we do in the club we will also be featuring a History of Brandon & District through photography. You may be able to recognise some of your family or your neighbours’ families; grannies, parents, aunts, uncles or cousins. We look forward to seeing you at the Baptist Rooms, Brandon High Street on 9th or 10th October. Denise Whiting, Club Secretary. Don’t forget too to visit our website on: www.brandoncameraclub.co.uk


Baptist Church Hall, High Street Brandon

Take a “Trip Down Memory Lane” and see a wonderful display of photographs from across the decades. Opening Times Friday 9th October 2015 10.00-18.00 Saturday 10th October 2015 10.00-16.00 Tea/Coffee and delicious cakes available

COMMUNITY HERO We have no Community Hero section this month due to space limitations in the magazine - but we will be featuring two winners in the November edition. To submit your nomination, please email: aboutthetfordmagazine@googlemail.com

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(By a volunteer from Breckland Cats Protection) Since I started hand rearing kittens for Breckland Cats Protection, several years ago, I have helped over 90 kittens on their way to a new home. It is demanding work and can be heart breaking, because not all of them survive. But by the time they come to me, usually they have been through a terrible ordeal - mum has disappeared or been frightened away, or, sometimes there has been no sign of mum at all. Just kittens found or sometimes dumped by owners who didn't want them.

milk formula, and they soon are able to eat from a bowl, but learning can be a messy process, as they put their front feet in the bowl as well. Then they can run round in the bathroom, until I am sure they are all using the litter tray. At 6 weeks they are blood tested for Feline Leukaemia and Feline Aids and if they are negative, they get to go into my 'catroom' which has lots of toys, a climbing frame, and a tunnel. What fun they have!! They are ready for new homes at 9 weeks when they will have had the first of 2 vaccines (the 2nd one 3-4 weeks after the first), been checked over by the vet and been micro chipped. When the kittens are 4 months old, the owner is given a neutering voucher to take to any vet; £25 for a male kitten and £40 for a female kitten. This year alone, I have had 34 kittens. Hand reared kittens are extremely friendly because they have been handled so much, and make lovely pets. It’s great when I get letters, emails and photographs from their new owners on their progress. One lady still writes to me each Christmas saying thank you so much for trusting me to be Mylo's owner.

The youngest I have reared is one day old - 3 kittens were left in a box on a wet February afternoon in a car park. Fortunately somebody found them and took them to the local vet, who contacted me. Sadly only one of the 3 survived. Then there were 6 kittens found, 2 days old who had been without their mum for at least 24 hours. Three died within the first few days and the vet said they would all die. But much to my amazement and that of the vet, the remaining 3 survived. A litter of kittens were found in a lorry trailer thought to be about 5 weeks old. One poor little mite had ulcerated eyes and couldn't open them. She must have been in considerable pain. She only weighed 164g - a newborn kitten weighs 90g and she was 5 weeks! And should have weighed somewhere in the region of 600g. She made a good recovery and went on to a loving new home. Tiny kittens under 3 weeks old need round the clock feeding. The amount of kitten milk formula they can have is dependent on their weight. I weigh them at the start and then every day gradually increasing the volume of milk as they gain weight. It would be easy to over feed them, as they always want more than they are given, but their immature kidneys cannot cope with a lot of fluid at once, so it’s little and often, every couple of hours and during the night as well. At 3 weeks old they can go through the night if they are fed late evening and early morning. Up until then they have been in a cat basket because they just sleep between feeds. They need to be helped to go to the toilet as well, otherwise they hang on to it, which can also be dangerous for their kidneys. After 3 weeks they are transferred into my bath (I have a spare bathroom), lined with newspaper, with a bed one end and a litter tray the other end. Within a few days they are using the litter tray, even though they haven't had a mother cat to show them how. They just seem to know what it’s for. At 4 weeks old they are introduced to small amounts of solid food, as well as the

Our adoption fee is £50 which goes towards the cost of the vet fees. For information, or help with neutering, call us on 01842 810018 or go to our website or visit our Facebook Page. The website address is: www.cats.org.uk/protection

Elles Beaus & Belles Dog Grooming Room

Collection and delivery available Mob: 07932 359832 Tel: 01842 764006

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The Crack on Foundation The Crack On Foundation is a local charity, helping people into employment, through mentoring, training and confidence building. Crack On was founded to motivate and empower the under 25s. They provide government led training schemes, assist with CV writing, provide counselling plus they arrange and support work placements. They also provide a safe and welcoming place to make friends and in addition to this they work with the job centre and other agencies to provide work placements and training for all ages. Work experience placements are all tailor made to help each individual to work with their skills and strengths, catering for their individual considerations and needs, endeavouring to assist them back, or into work. There’s lots of volunteers helping to run workshops and new work experience projects, like the new furniture restoration initiative.

four shops. The Electrical repair and service area is also an important aspect. This is where resident PAT testers function and where they test donated electrical goods for resale. The IT area is where lots of screwdrivers get waved about and PCs get dismantled to be saved as parts or reassembled to make new working PCs. Textiles are also important and there’s a happy team to sort through the donated clothes to see what can be resold the others get recycled by another company and sent to Africa. There’s also a bicycle repair and service aspect as they get dozens of donated bikes and in this area they can be serviced or stripped for parts to make other bikes serviceable to be resold. Bric a brac: Where the daily donations of ornaments crockery and treasures get sorted cleaned and then shelved ready for resale in the shops. Admin: Where you can learn new skills on reception, work with excel and word, book in collections and deliveries liaise with the shops and make calls and take calls for the charity. Media – In this area they scan and check the books and games also music and if collectable they put them onto Amazon or Ebay.The rest gets sorted and boxed ready for the shop. Retail - In one of the shops in Watton, Bury St Emunds, Newmarket and Ipswich.

Crack On also provides the ‘Field of Dreams’ - a work experience project for anyone interested in farming or animal care. They are planning to grow and harvest their own vegetables to sell in the charities’


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Christine Bevington, Volunteer Co-ordinator said: “We have a very rewarding scheme with the HWRC in Norfolk and Suffolk collecting otherwise discarded items for landfill and recycling them for sale in our shops after they go through our team of restoration volunteers. We provide food hampers and furniture to areas they are most needed through the charity and also on the LWA scheme in cooperation with both Suffolk and Norfolk County Councils” Contact: Crack On Foundation, Ashley House, Stephenson Way Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 3RD 01842 824438, 07799594818

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Ancient House Half Term Fun              

   


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Events in October

Mini Museum Club — The Big Draw

Thetford and the Great War LAST CHANCE TO SEE

Thursday 29th October 10.30—11.30 am Under 5s drop-in session Cost: 50p per child Come and join us to sing, draw and explore together in the Ancient House.

Tuesday 11th November - 31st October 2015 This exhibition has been supported using public funding by the Heritage Lottery Fund through Thetford Remembers 1914 – 1918 project.

Halloween House

Friday 30th October 10.30am — 1pm Tuesday 6th & Thursday 22nd October Discovery Day event 10.30am £2 or £1 for Friends and Museum Pass Holders Community event Come and enjoy some Halloween fun, enjoy Free, but please book in advance apple bobbing, crafts and win a prize for the Wool, needles and light refreshments provided. best homemade fancy dress costume. Arrive at Contact Sue Ketchell for further information on 10.30am and stay as long as you like. 01842 752599

Knit and Knatter

Dolls House Club Tuesday 6th October 2 – 3.30pm Community event Cost: Free, donations for tea and coffee please Learn how to create a miniature room complete with furniture. Advanced booking essential.

Ancient House Guild of Spinners National Wool Week Demonstration Tuesday 6th October 1:30 – 4pm Come and meet our resident spinning group, part of Diss Guild of Spinners, Dyers & Weavers and find out how to create your own yarn.

Members Visit to Gressenhall Farm & Workhouse Thursday 29th October, 11am Enjoy an introductory talk about the new Voices from the Workhouse exhibition by Hannah Jackson and a tour of the newly revealed architectural details. Open to Friends members only — advanced booking essential due to limited places. Please bring your current membership card into the museum to collect your ticket.

Thetford Pulpware Ancient House Autumn/WinterOpening:

Tuesday 13th October 2.30pm Friends afternoon talk Free to members, £5 non-members Join Karen-Emma White and discover the story of Thetford’s unique industry. Advanced booking essential.

Fiendishly Foul Halloween Trail Thursday 22nd – Saturday 31st October 10am – 5pm Ancient House Trail activity Spot the weirdy witches, creepy cats and jittery jack o’ lanterns hiding in the museum and win a prize!

Tuesday - Saturday 10am to 4pm Admission Fees Adults £3.95 Conc £3.55 Child £2.95 Family 1 Adult £8.30 Family 2 Adults £11.00 Free admission: Museum Pass Holders, Friends of Thetford Museum, Children’s University, MA & Art Fund members, 1 carer for each registered disabled visitor, Under 4s

Pop in for £1—everyday one hour before closing Find us on twitter: @ancienthousemus facebook: /ancienthousemuseum

*Free with a Museum Trail 2015 card or 50p with normal admission fee

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Nativity Festival Thetford’s First Nativity Festival in 2014 was such a success we’re doing it again! Over 400 people visited King Street Baptist Chapel in the first week in December to view the Festival. Many of the visitors said how much they appreciated the opportunity to experience the “Real Meaning of Christmas” amongst the razzamatazz along the main street during Thetford’s Christmas Lights Switch-on ceremony. Some commented on the serene atmosphere of the subdued lighting and the sound of carols and the ten different nativity scenes displayed, including one entitled “The Fly-Tipped Nativity” made from various items of litter.

The festival will be held again in 2015 and we look forward to scenes from many more community groups, schools etc. So if your group, church or organisation has an idea for a Nativity scene, let us know and book your 600mm x 600mm display space now. We already have one less than two centimetres square! Details can be found on www.kingstreetbaptist.org.uk and from mikegw15@ sky.com or text or phone 07712578721. Closing date for entries 31 October 2015.

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5 things great managers do to retain their employees

4. Value the importance of continuous professional development: This is one of the most important points and one of the reasons why managers lose good employees. They do not value the development of staff skills enough to invest in the training needed to develop and hone new ones.

Business Matters... by Ryan Windsor As a manager your aim is to retain your employees, motivate them and engage them in the company’s vision. Ultimately to help them to be as efficient and productive as they can be so they can do their job, please your customers, make a profit and ensure the business growth. But unfortunately many a manager falls short… How short? In fact up to 70% of all workers are disengaged, dissatisfied and disgruntled at work according to Gallup.com a Data and Analytics firm. This will, in most cases, lead to valued employees leaving the company, this will impact on morale within the work force and tarnish your reputation. In all cases this will have a detrimental effect on your bottom line! So what are the 5 things that managers can do to increase morale, productivity and not lose great employees?

5. Empower the most dedicated and talented employees: Empowering staff to do their job well is extremely important, but many companies do not do this. Managers tend to micro manage and want to sign off on everything. This can cause delays and impact the quality of service. By setting up systems, training your staff and empowering them to take control of some aspects of their work employees will feel valued and have a sense of achievement. This will improve the overall performance of your company and will allow the management teams to concentrate their efforts on the strategic development side of the business.

1. Understand the importance of a healthy work / life balance: Overworking employees burns them out and we all know we do not perform as well when we are stressed and sleep deprived. Managers have a tendency to do this to the hardest working employees but after a while staff will start to wonder whether or not “the grass is greener” and start looking for opportunities with your rivals…

15952_LB_AboutThetford_Ad_Layout 1 13/08/2015 09:18 I answer your business question each month Contact me on ryanwindsor89@gmail.com

2. Reward staff who are making a positive contribution: I understand it is easy to forget the little things like a pat on the back or a simple thank you, but this will make a huge difference especially to your top performers who are naturally motivated. Managers need to engage with their employees and discover what motivates them. For some it might be a raise others it might be a promotion or some form of recognition for a job well done, for example employee of the month awards. You will find that once you start showing gratitude towards your employees it will have an instant positive effect on the company.

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3. Recruit and promote the right people Nothing is worse than working hard only for someone else to get the recognition and praise. When this happens,it can all too often lead to staff resigning, resulting in the worst employees remaining. Make sure you take the time to employ the best staff and only reward those who truly deserve it, as this will show the team that through hard work they will also be rewarded.


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Unity in Diversity

Black History Month October 2015 We are a locally based community interest company, specialists in intercultural learning, bringing together; family, school, business and communities. Unity in diversity develop programmes for schools, working with students, teachers, parents and the wider community to celebrate diversity, challenge bullying, prejudice, discrimination and racism. We also work with business wanting to become culturally competent in their practices. In 2013 we held a poster competition for schools to raise awareness and promote the achievements and valuable contribution Black people have made to history. We worked with the community to put on an event for Black History Month at the Carnegie Rooms in Thetford. A fantastic turn out to see Legend, the Bob Marley tribute band, Street Vibe Dance Group and African Drummer Luvuyo Mfazwe.

and Great Britain. Dr Minns, was an educated man, who came as an immigrant to the town of Thetford and gained the respect of the local community by campaigning for the rights of the ordinary people who were suffering from the appalling conditions of the work house. He made it his duty to improve their health and wellbeing. In 1902 he wrote a paper "Fresh air and common sense" which was published in the Thetford & Watton Times. This year, Unity are looking to take workshops on tour into schools, this includes; Celebrating Dr Minns, His/ Her-story – Spoken Word, Our Journeys -Streets paved with Gold, Prince Ashanti -An African Journey and African Drumming sessions. Please contact us for further details, also take a look at our website and Facebook page. See poster below. Unity in diversity, Directors; Jo Wilson, Mark Straw, Michael Clarke. Telephone: 0795 1111 768 Website: www.unityindiversity.org.uk Email: jo.wilson@unityindiversity.org.uk

We received grants from Norfolk Ambition, Black History Month and Thetford Town Council to put on events, monologues and workshops, to celebrate the life and times of Dr Allan Minns, first Black Mayor of Thetford

Unity in diversity Community Interest Company

Bringing together; family, school, business and communities Reconnecting the common heritage of humanity

Come join the Circle and celebrate with us Black History Month 2015

“Drum for Unity” African Drumming Workshop

It brings people together!

Basic intro to Djembe drumming, some fun tunes for group play on Saturday 24th October 2015 At The Charles Burrell Centre,Staniforth Road, Thetford IP24 3LH

Session times

 12:00 - 12:30  13:00 – 13:30  14:00 – 14:30  15:00 – 15:30

Entry fee £1

It’s fun, stimulating, developing listening and co-ordination skills


Contact Jo Wilson to book a place -0795 1111 768 or Email: jo.wilson@unityindiversity.org.uk Unity House, 50 Canons Close, Thetford IP24 3PW www.unityindiversity.org.uk

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Tour of Britain Races through Thetford The Tour of Britain came to Thetford on Saturday 12th September and the crowds certainly didn’t disappoint; hundreds of people lined the route over the Nun’s Bridges through to the feeding point of the stage. The build up started from 10am when several of the support vehicles started to pass by looking at the number of yellow bikes lined up at the bridge as they prepared to set up their feeding stations. Keystone Green Bikes had painted 40 bikes in yellow and set them up to spell Thetford which made an impressive display. Alan Flack Director of Finance and Social Enterprise at Keystone said “It was a great atmosphere Saturday with cheering from the crowds and the noise of the sirens ringing out from the police escorts and support cars through the town as the riders passed through”. The Nun’s bridges crowd were also treated to food and drink provided by the Thetford and District Rotary Club, exercise on cycle trainers by Parkwood Community Leisure and cycle marking by Norfolk Police along with the First Aid Support Thetford (FAST) being on the site as well. Once the Riders passed the Nun’s Bridges they moved through to Walmington on Sea where Jones’s van and a Burrell Steam engine greeted the riders. The event one of many events that ran across the Breckland District which have received a grant of up to £500 from Breckland Council to help celebrate the return of the Tour. Keystone Green Bikes are now creating a mural of the event passing through Thetford using photos from the day. The finished mural will go on display at the Green Bikes shop on Brunel Way. To contribute to the mural please tweet your photos to @KeystoneTrust or email pictures@keystonetrust.org.uk. The mural will be designed by Holly Sandiford and painted over the coming weeks by Keystone’s Recovery Through Art Project group which helps people coming off drug and alcohol addictions.

A cyclist races through Thetford - Photo by Maria Cooke

LEAFLET DELIVERY SERVICE Don’t forget, the About Thetford magazine is pleased to deliver leaflets alongside the monthly magazine. We charge £30 + VAT per 1,000 leaflets. Contact: 077421 57967

NEW OPENING HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY 08:30 - 16:30 We serve barista coffee & teas, breakfasts, sandwiches, salads & cakes all freshly made using local produce & suppliers

Keystone Green Bikes recycles bikes that have been thrown away at household waste sites from Bury and Mildenhall, and sells them at its shop. To be sustainable the Keystone Green Bikes shop also sells new bikes and offers a range of new accessories alongside repairs and servicing for your bike. Without the project over 7,500 bikes would have gone to landfill equating to about 115 tonnes. If each bike we have collected over the last 6 years was laid in a line they would stretch from Thetford to Rio de Janeiro.


IN THE THETFORD AREA Come and visit us at: Keystone Innovation Centre, Croxton Road, Thetford, IP24 1JD Tel: 01842 768310 (opposite the Healthy Living Centre)

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The Night of a Thousand Kicks

Report from Thetford Dolphins

Thetford Dolphins Junior squad made the long trip to Deepings in the Fenland Junior League round 4 and produced some excellent performances to finish in second place. The following Dolphins contributed to the thirteen first places. Isaac Clark 50m Backstoke; James Foot 50m Breaststroke; Emma Malcolm 50m Free; Daniel Clark 50m Free (pb); Daniel Penny 50m Butterfly; Archie King 25m Butterfly (pb) & 50m Free (pb); Maisie Francis 50m Butterfly & 50m Backstroke; Katharine Mold 50m Breaststroke (pb), 50m Free & 4x25m IM. To finish an outstanding evening Thetford won the 8x25m relay with Archie King, Isaac Clark, Ben Flood, Daniel Clark, Paige Lougher, Jessica Wainwright, Daniela Tavares, Megan Free. There was also personal bests to these Dolphins. Nathan Sullivan 50m free, Jessica Wainwright 50m breaststroke, Abigail Sullivan 50m free & 50m Backstroke, Daniela Tavares 50m free & 50m Butterfly, Jack Pinkney 50m breaststroke & 4x25m IM, Ella Darton 25m Butterfly.

Martial arts school Kuk Sool Won of Thetford celebrated its second year since opening in charitable and tiring style. The juniors took part in Break-A-Thon where they were sponsored by friends and family to break a wooden board which had been signed by all those donating their pennies. The boards were thick and the challenge was tough but no one backed down and they broke a board on the night to enormous applause. The adult class faced another challenge entirely, which left some avoiding climbing flights of stairs the following day! It was “The Night of a Thousand Kicks” and sponsorship had been sought to encourage them to survive kicking routines including jumps, spins and, thankfully, sometimes laying down (and kicking!). Under the guidance and encouragement of instructor Kris French the team completed the task with high energy and lots of smiles in an amazing 54 minutes.

Inspired this year by some dear friends who are fighting the brave fight the nominated charity was Breast Cancer Care. It was a pleasure for all concerned to be able to contribute to the fabulous grand total of over £1000 to assist fine people continuing their fine work. Anyone interested in martial arts classes can call 07984 494146 or visit: www.thetfordmartialarts.com

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She Dance Exercises

What’s On...

Moves from films


“Inspirational” – Olivia, 57

Kick Start Fat Loss Club Thetford has launched, we had a wonderful night & the results so far are amazing! Everyone lost between 4-8lbs the first week but more importantly are focused on eating clean & feeling great! The goals are set, watch out for transformations. KSFL is a revolutionary new diet and exercise club arming you with the latest fatloss and fitness information. There is no calorie counting, daily points, faddy foods or complicated workouts. This months choices are next months body, don't let the scales define you. Be active, be healthy, be happy. For further details contact today! Check out our own menu at The Deers Leap, eat out in confidence, you can stay on plan.

Carnegie Room, Cage Lane Thetford, IP24 2DS Mondays at 10.30am.

£5.00 first session is free Tel: 07973 778450 Kamilla Coleman

Classes of the Month - Let's focus on getting you into exercise or looking after your health & well being! Pilates Stretch Are you this person?" I am not flexible enough to do Pilates or I have a bad back?" If yes, this is the class for you. Learn stretches to release lower back tightness and improve core strength whilst allowing the whole body and mind to relax. Great for rehabilitation and/or those that looking for a session to release stress/tension. You deserve quality of life. Pilates A selection of Pilates moves, to strengthen and tone the whole body. Offering lots of adaptations and progressions, allowing you to work at your own level. Using small pieces of equipment including Bender Balls & Bands to add variety. Pilates - A maintenance service for your body! Pilates - Balls & Bands All the traditional Pilates moved but using Core & Bender Balls for variety & fun. Every session has levels so you work to your own ability but I promise you will be amazed at what you achieve in only a few sessions. I always ensure a stretch & release at the end of every session. For further details check out our new website or email me! So much on offer be prepared for the complete mind & body workout. Using nutrition, exercise, NLP & relaxation to achieve the best version of you.

E. michelle@michellejermyfitness.co.uk M. 07725 582817 Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements


Fitness with Ems

Thetford Ladies raise money for Hospice

NEW group fitness classes are coming to the Charles Burrell Centre this month. Starting on Thursday 1st October - local fitness instructor Emma O’Doherty will be running community classes suitable for most abilities. These include; BELOW THE BELT Thursdays 7:30pm - 8pm A 30 minute lower body fat burning workout which will strengthen and tone, leaving your legs and abs feeling stronger, leaner and firmer. Not just for the ladies!!

A group of Thetford ladies from a local Slimming World Group took to the streets of Bury St Edmund's to raise money and awareness for St Nicholas Hospice Care. The group known as 'Thetford Super Slimmers' wore PJ bottoms and flashing bunny ears. Walking either 6 or 11.2 miles with over 1,000 other women for a great cause. Maxine Malkinson-Hill is a Thetford Slimming World Consultant and has not only supported women on their weight loss journey but also supported and encouraged the women to take part in the event. Some of the ladies who had never walked such a distance before. St Nicholas Hospice Care has touched the life's of some the women from Thetford who took part in the walk, making it extra special. See below for details of Maxine’s Slimmg World classes (Weds & Thurs).

BOXERCISE Thursdays 8pm - 9pm - An effective form of cross training that incorporates a combination of boxing movements and aerobics. It’s huge stress buster and it's a phenomenal workout! *No equipment needed however booking is essential*. For more information on classes please contact Emma at Fitness with Ems on 07746902117 or email: fitnesswithems@hotmail.com ‘Grove Girlies’ take part in Girls Night Out walk


Thetford Cloverfield Church, 10am, 12noon, 5pm and 7pm Tel: Shani 01842 820001

Doctors, Managers and Reception Staff from Grove Surgery in Thetford, have taken part in the Annual Girls Night Out Walk for St Nicholas Hospice in Bury St Edmunds. The team walked 11 miles around Bury St Edmunds, with thousands of other fundraisers. Patients and staff generously donated and so far we have raised nearly £500. Susan Stirling, Practice Manager at Grove Surgery said “A big thank you to all of our patients and friends who supported our team and this great cause, and we look forward to taking part again next year!”.

WEDNESDAYS Charles Burrell Centre 5.30pm and 7.30pm Tel: Maxine 01842 766027

THURSDAYS Charles Burrell Centre 9.30am and 11.30am Tel: Maxine 01842 766027

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Thetford’s First Iceni Marathon

Nearly 50 runners took part in the Thetford Iceni marathon on the 13th September. The course started and finished outside the Red Lion, Market Place, Thetford and the multi terrain event saw the marathon runners run along the Iceni Way, Ickneild Way and Angles Way to Euston and back to Thetford. Four other runners completed the half marathon from Thetford to Euston. The Mayor, Robert Kybird was on hand to see the race start and welcomed all of the runners over the finishing line. The winner was Keith Luxon from Essex who finished in 3 hours and 53 minutes. Gin Lawson from Sudbury Running Club and Rebecca Evans finished in joint 2nd

in 4 hours and 51 minutes. Congratulations were also offered to Ray Keevil who is over 70 and a former Thetford Athletic Coach and now a regular face at Thetford Parkrun who completed the course. Mel Floyd set up the event because there is a shortage of marathon events in Norfolk. Mel is a keen marathon athlete completing 131 marathons and a member of the 100 Marathon Club wanted to provide a local event that met 100 Marathon Club standards. The event puts Thetford firmly on the marathon map and the 2nd event is due to take place on the 11th September 2016. Thetford Parkrun takes place every Saturday morning at 9am, meeting on the Abbey Meadows near the entrance to the Priory. Photograph below was taken by Geoffrey Herschell

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