Communities Confronting Climate Impacts

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Communities Confronting Climate Impacts: A Pivotal Role for Community Foundations

Sunday, October 19, 2014 • 10am – 4:00pm Cost: $75 Council on Foundation Members • $125 Non-members Westin Cleveland Hotel - Stenia Meeting Room 7th Floor

Whether you are a current funder of “environmental/ sustainability programs” or not, this program is important for you! Climate change is a complex problem – an “all-hands on deck” effort is required to help America’s communities become resilient in the face of the impacts.

Community Foundations play a pivotal role in how their communities strategize around education, housing, transportation, public health, and other social issues. Natural disasters, frequency of weather extremes, and other types of environmental threats affect these community issues. Community foundations are in a unique position to build synergy across diverse community stakeholders and federal, state, and local resources. Learn the science and art of sustainability and how to leverage current public resources and private sector programs/actions through this dynamic program featuring... • Climate scientists who specialize in helping organizations understand and use the scientific knowledge of climate change to help communities prepare and be more resilient in the face of climate change. • Experienced grantmakers who will share how they incorporate climate resilience into broader program strategies, such as education, health and nutrition, and diversity and equity.

• Community foundation CEOs who will discuss practical steps to developing programs, challenges, and how they are measuring results. • Education researchers who will share tested strategies that engage state and local decision-makers and lead to successful civic engagement on the issues and solutions. • Tools and resources for community foundations to use to advance climate education, community assessments, and partnerships dedicated to addressing regional challenges.

For more information, contact Stephanie Powers at To register online click here. To download a fax form click here.

Speakers and Panels

Climate Impacts: What We Need to Know Jill Karsten, PhD

Program Director for Education and Diversity, Directorate for Geosciences (GEO), National Science Foundation

Don Wuebbles, PhD

the Harry E. Preble Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign


Climate Resiliency: Incorporating Environmental and Sustainable Approaches at Community Foundations

Heather Loebner

Council on Foundations Corporate Advisory Network, and Managing Director, HL Consultancy

Mike Davidson

Sr. Program Officer, Sustainable Development, The Chicago Community Trust

Stuart Comstock-Gay President and CEO, Vermont Community Foundation

Maureen Lawless Director of Membership, Funders Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities


Environmental Resiliency in Action at the Community Level

Rachel Leon

Executive Director, Environmental Grantmakers Association

Kathlyn Mead

President and CEO, San Diego Foundation

Arturo Garcia-Costas

Program Officer, Community Development and Environment, The New York Community Trust

Gwen E. Wurst

Philanthropic Advisor, Greater Kansas City Community Foundation


Tools, Best Practices, and Other Resources for Community Partners

Sarah Schoedinger Rebecca Boger, PhD MS, Senior Program Manager, NOAA Office of Education

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, City University of New York (CUNY) - Brooklyn College

Michel Boudrias, PhD

Associate Professor, Dept. of Environmental and Ocean Sciences, University of San Diego

Karen Elinich, EdD

Director of Science Content and Learning Technologies, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia

Edward Maibach, MPH, PhD

Professor of Communications, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

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