Legally Blonde The Musical Jr. - Count Basie Center Turner Academy of the Arts - SUMMER 2024

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Who’s Who in the Cast

Who’s Who in the Cast

Delta Nus

Addy O'Mara, Athena Barrett, Avery Newman, Carolena Blasucci, Carolina DeNicola, Celia Cope, Christie DeNicola, Claire Vitucci-Napurano, Emerson Granata, Emma DePalma, Emma Fanetti, Everly Coleman, Hannah O’Brien, Isabel Parrino, Jade Trotte, Josie Saraceni, Kate O'Brien, Madilyn Crotty, Molly Kenney, Olivia Conti, Regan Manley, Shea Preston, Sofia

Primiano + Zoe Kenney

Restaurant Patrons

Ava Ramirez, Caitlin Connolly, Caroline Scott, Daniel Leviton, Elianna Mendoza, Ellery Donohue, Gemma Whitman, Isabella Hernandez, Jameson Shaughnessy, Juliana Mcmeans, Lilah Lugay, Lucia Connor, Maxwell Careri, Mayra Gupta, Michayla Bland, PJ DiFranco, Sam Santangelo, Sawyer Massey + Shayna


Wait Staff

Aurelia Pellegrini, Ava Aravich, Evelyn Laible, Isabella Servakh, LenaJae Zicari, Maya Mehl, Maysie Daniels + Zoey Czeslaw

UCLA Students

Aidan Heaney, Alexander Arhanic, Avery Bonanno, Haddie Goldman, Kaitlyn Clifford, Kayla Schleicher, Kiley Rosell, Liza Altieri, Maggie Ngo, Paige Seaman, Savannah Lange, Sofia

Primiano, Sophia Berridge + Sophie Reznik

Who’s Who in the Cast

Harvard Law Students

Aurelia Pellegrini, Ava Aravich, Ava Ramirez, Caitlin Connolly, Caroline Scott, Daniel Leviton, Elianna Mendoza, Ellery Donohue, Evelyn Laible, Gemma Whitman, Isabella Hernandez, Isabella Servakh, Jameson Shaughnessy, Juliana Mcmeans, Juliana Soveja, LenaJae Zicari, Lilah Lugay, Lucia Connor, Maxwell Careri, Maya Mehl, Mayra Gupta, Maysie Daniels, Michayla Bland, PJ DiFranco, Sam Santangelo, Sawyer Massey, Shayna

Daniels + Zoey Czeslaw

Salon Patrons

Aidan Heaney, Alexander Arhanic, Avery Bonanno, Haddie Goldman, Kaitlyn Clifford, Kayla Schleicher, Kiley Rosell, Liza Altieri, Maggie Ngo, Paige Seaman, Savannah Lange, Sofia Primiano, Sophia Berridge + Sophie Reznik


Addy O'Mara, Avery Newman, Carolena Blasucci, Celia Cope, Emma Fanetti, Jade Trotte, Josie Saraceni, Kate O'Brien, Kiley Rosell, Madilyn Crotty, Molly Kenney, Olivia Conti, Regan Manley + Zoe Kenney

Workout Video Performers

Aidan Heaney, Alexander Arhanic, Athena Barrett, Avery Bonanno, Carolina DeNicola, Christie DeNicola, Claire Vitucci-Napurano, Emerson Granata, Emma DePalma, Haddie Goldman, Hannah O'Brien, Isabel Parrino, Kaitlyn Clifford, Kayla Schleicher, Liza Altieri, Maggie Ngo, Nick Lutz, Savannah Lange, Sofia Primiano, Sophia Berridge + Sophie Reznik

Production Staff

Director | Choreographer Jessica O’Brien

Edward Itte

Musical Director Anthony Greco

Assistant Production Team Ariana Centamore Alyssa Kiselev

Lighting Design Kyle Santopadre

Costume Design The Cast


Nicole DiBlasi

Graphic Design Andrew Musser

Sound Effects Operator Jack McCall

Sound Console Operator JEnna BArry

Video Operator James Gibbons

Apprentice Stage Manager Emma Goldman

Production Interns

Jenna Barry, Carolena Blasucci, Nakahi Carty, Olivia Conti, Celia Cope, Aaralyn Cortez, Madilyn Crotty,Christie DeNicola, Nicole DiBlasi, James Gibbons, Gianna Giglio, Emma Goldman, Zoe Kenney, Nick Lutz, Jack McCall, Andrea Navasardov, Benjamin Neller, Avery Newman, Kate O’Brien, Shea Preston + Carl Smith

Special Thanks

Andrew Musser, Mike Jacoby, Kyle SantoPadre, the HMHT technical crew, Chris Lomazzo, Samantha Giustiniani, James Grausam, Phoenix Productions, Ashley Cusack, our fabulous Education Production Interns, and, of course, the parents for their continued support.

SCENES & Musical Numbers



“Omigod You Guys (Part 1)”...............Margot, Serena, Pilar, Delta Nus

“Omigod You Guys (Part 2)”............................................Elle, Delta Nus, Saleswomen, Store Manager


“Serious (Part 1)”................................................Warner, Elle, Wait Sta�, Restaurant Patrons

“Serious (Part 2)”............................................................................Warner


“Daughter of Delta Nu”............................................................Delta Nus

“What You Want (Part 1)”.....................................Elle, Kate, Delta Nus, Grandmaster Chad, UCLA Students

“What You Want (Part 2)”..................................Elle, Winthrop, Lowell, Pforzheimer, Jetblue Pilot, Company

“What You Want (Part 3)”..................................Elle, Winthrop, Lowell, Pforzheimer, Company




“Ireland”.......................................................Paulette, Elle, Salon Patrons



“Chip On My Shoulder (Part 1)”.......................Elle, Emmett, Company

“Chip On My Shoulder (Part 2)”.......................Elle, Emmett, Delta Nus

“Chip On My Shoulder (Part 3)”.........................................Elle, Emmett, Callahan, Company


“Run Rufus Run��Elle Re�ects”..........................Paulette, Elle, Emmett

“So Much Better”................................................................Elle, Company

SCENES & Musical Numbers



“Whipped Into Shape”...................................................Brooke, Callahan Workout Video Performers, Inmates

“Delta Nu Nu Nu”..................................................................Elle, Brooke


“Bend and Snap”......................................................Kiki, Cashier, Stylist, Elle, Paulette, Company


“Legally Blonde”....................................................................Elle, Emmett


“Legally Blonde Remix (Part 1)”...............................Vivienne, Company

“Legally Blonde Remix (Part 2)”......................Elle, Delta Nus, Paulette, Kyle, Company

“Legally Blonde Remix (Part 3)”................................................Company


“Scene Of The Crime”................................................................Company

“Find My Way/Finale”................................................................Company

Dewey / UCLA Student / Salon Patron /

Wait Staff / Harvard Student

Restaurant Patron / Harvard Student


Student / Salon Patron /

Restaurant Patron / Harvard Student

Restaurant Patron / Harvard Student

Claire Vitucci-Napurano

Bookish Client / Delta Nu / Inmate

Restaurant Patron / Harvard Student

UCLA Student / Salon Patron / Inmate

Prison Guard / Restaurant Patron /

Restaurant Patron / Harvard Student

Restaurant Patron / Harvard Student

Wait Staff / Harvard Student

Kyle / Grandmaster Chad / Workout

Lowell / Baliff / Restaurant Patron /


It’s a beautiful thing to watch a person find their passion, and that’s exactly what you have done with the performing arts. You have grown, not only into such a beautiful teenager, but you have grown as a performer as well. We are all so proud of you and will always be here to cheer you on.

Love, Your biggest fans (All your friends and family)


We have enjoyed so many great performances from you at The Basie over many years. This summer we were pinched pink when you introduced us to Mr. Krabs. Now we are eager to meet the eminent Emmett in a bruiser of a musical! You are awesome and amazing!

Love, Mom and Dad

Congratulations Juliana on a fantastic summer at acting camp! Your hard work, dedication and talent have paid off, and now it’s time to shine on stage in Legally Blonde! We are proud of you and can’t wait to see your sensational performance ! Love, Mom & dad

you back at home on the stage. Leave it all out there my love. Congratulations to the cast and crew! Break those Legs!!!

Dear Evangeline:

From dancing in The Nutcracker since the age of six, to a whimsical fairy in Midsummer’s Nights Dream to featured Ballet Ancestor in Addams Family to now: Whitney in Legally Blonde. We have loved watching you perform on stage and can’t wait to watch your journey continue. We love you so much and are so proud of you!

Ellery, Congratulations to you and all the cast on another great show day! We are so proud of you!

Love, Mom, Dad, Margo, Addison, Cooper & Charlotte

Love: Mom, Gary, Georgia and Alexandra

Caitlin -

We are so incredibly proud of you and all your hard work in bringing Legally Blonde to life! Watching you shine on stage is such a joy, and we can't wait to see you in action. Your dedication, talent, and passion inspire us every day.

Break a leg and enjoy every moment!


We are so proud of all of your hard work!
“You must always have faith in people. And, most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself.” —
Elle Woods Love, Mom, Dad, and Madi

Avery, Congratulations to our shining star! We are beyond proud of all that you have accomplished. Your passion, determination and unwavering commitment to excellence is awe inspiring. We can't wait to see you perform. Break a leg!


Congratulations Gemma and the entire cast! Continue to chase your dreams!

“Being True To Yourself Never Goes Out of Style”

-Elle Woods

We love you! Mom, Dad & Everly

Mom, Dad, Charlie & Your Family Xxoo


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