Counterfire summer sessions 2014

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Counterfire summer sessions The poliTics of resisTance

All At soAs, off russell squAre, london WC1H 0XG

nAto’s expansion expansioninto intoeastern easterneurope europeunderlines underlinesthe thewest’s west’s nAto’s continuing obsession obsessionwith withglobal globalmilitary militarydominance. dominance.the theleft left continuing has aa proud proud history historyof ofsupporting supportingstruggles strugglesagainst againstimperialism, imperialism, has but not not all all protests protestsare aregood goodprotests. protests.Alastair Alastairstephens stephensand and but fran legg legg discuss discusshow howthe thewest westuses usesdemocratic democraticrhetoric rhetorictoto fran cover it’s it’s interventions, interventions,and andwhy whythe themain mainenemy enemyisisatathome. home. cover SOAS Main Main Building, Building,room room116, 116,6.30pm 6.30pm SOAS

ounterfire isis aa campaigning campaigningsocialist socialistorganisation. organisation. ounterfire SOAS SOAS UniversityofofLondon London University WC10XG 0XG WC1

Counterfire Counterfireisisaarevolutionary revolutionarysocialist socialistorganisation. organisation.For Formore moreinfo infoorortoto join, join,go goto www.counterfire.orgor orphone phone07876 07876693096 693096CC

All At At soAs, All soAs, off off russell russell squAre, squAre, london london WC1H WC1H 0XG 0XG

imperialism,democracy democracy imperialism, and naTional naTional liberaTion liberaTion now now and

Counterfire summer Counterfire summer sessions sessions The poliTics The poliTics of of resisTance resisTance

WednesdAy 16 16 July July WednesdAy

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