3 minute read

Sustainability is no longer enough. To sustain means keeping things on the same footing, no worse, no better. But we need to tread a path of better – so welcome to our Regeneration Issue. With the help of some extraordinary contributors, we are taking a good, hard look at ourselves and our planet through the prism of how we can improve our lot and give nourishment to our depleted resources
and our exhausted minds and bodies. So prepare to feel re-energised, reinvigorated and full of hope that we can make a difference and have an impact, even with the smallest changes. And we’re starting with what lies beneath: soil, without which we’d all be toast. But our soil health is under threat from pollutants, fertilisers, chemicals and over-farming. And while you may not be a subscriber to Farmers Weekly or listen to Farming Today on Radio 4, there is a clutch of cool creatives who are bringing soil’s plight to a wider audience by ditching their day jobs and turning their hand to regenerative – and even biodynamic – farming. Step forward musician Andy Cato and models Mandy Lieu, Poppy Okotcha and Arizona Muse. So if the subject of soil doesn’t excite you, perhaps these people can. Turn to our God Save the Earth feature, starting on page 79. Regenerating the earth means we also need to be match-fi t. If we’re racked with anxiety and in fl ight or fi ght mode the whole time, how can we ever hope to create the space within ourselves to affect change. Sound familiar? Well, Simon Hampel has made it his mission to help you carve out that internal space through a fusion of consciousness, energy and tech – all via an app. It’s exciting, dynamic and a potential pathway to really meaningful change on a big scale. Read his story on page 94. With over 20 years’ experience, Daisy Finer knows all about the power of transformation through retreats, which is why we charged her with Editor’s LETTER curating our guide to intelligent wellness (from p99). Going so much deeper and further than your traditional magazine spa guides, she’s really nailed the new mood of what it means to retreat – and regenerate. We love a rising star – and you couldn’t fi nd one more shiny than Emma Appleton, and her stand-out performance in the TV version of Dolly Alderton’s Everything I Know About Love. We shot her on location at Battersea Power Station, itself a prime example of urban regeneration (p66). I don’t have enough space here to highlight everything else that I love about this issue, but thank you to everyone who’s made it a 36 joy to work on. Onwards we go.

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Rosé giving you a headache? Not me, because I pop an LVDY pill an hour before I imbibe. It’s a totally natural hangover solution. lvdy.co.uk
It’s not just land that can benefi t from rewilding, it’s the sea too. So get your hands on Charles Clover’s latest book
Summer hols are almost here, which means I can whip out the Zimmermann frills. Hooray. zimmermann. com/uk


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