3 minute read
THE GOOD LIFE Alice B-B goes
This month, Alice B-B heads off-grid on a Kenyan adventure
Alice walks with camels through remote northern Kenya
THE TRIPI LONGED FOR... through those long lockdowns was, perversely, as remote as possible. And then it happened: my entire family headed to northern Kenya for my darling rascal dad’s 70th birthday. It’s a trip we’ve done before and one I hope we’ll do again. Walking through remote Samburu country, travelling ancient paths with a caravan of 50 camels carrying our tents, food and water (and gin). Our leader, Helen DuFresne, founded the Milgis Trust, with her boyfriend Pete Ilsley, which combines conservation work with the needs of the local people. It was thrilling to see masses of wild elephant roaming these formerly poached-toscarcity lands. Walking each day in blistering heat became a deep meditation, while showering at sunset beneath a sack of hot water hung from a branch overlooking a mindblowing view is – hands down – my favourite bathroom in the world. Being totally off-grid for five days is my definition of luxury: no news, no email, no Instagram, just lost in thoughts, engaged in chat, and revelling in laughter and the joy of Samburu songs (wildandremotekenya.com). DON’T GET AN EXPENSIVE BED... was the puppy advice. But Betty the goldendoodle is now two and over the chewing phase. So it was time for an upgrade. The excitement was palpable when the Maker & Son gang showed up. Creators of the comfiest sofa in the world – not hyperbole – they travel the land in a pimped mobile showroom. Betty did the famous Maker & Son leap (check it out on Insta @makerandson) onto the prototype basket, like a sofa without legs. She didn’t want to get off, so the deal was done. I chose slate blue covers with raspberry piping (washable). When the throne arrived, Betty couldn’t believe it was hers. But after I shoved treats down the side, she knew this was the place to be. Now I just need to save up for the human version. I’VE JUST GOT TO GRIPS WITH MY NECK... And apparently now I have to worry about my décolleté – that Bermuda Triangle of delicate skin stretched across the chest bones that often sees more sun than the rest of the body, but gets less love
We walked through remote (and SPF) than your face. The brilliant Waterhouse Young Clinic cares for this area with EndyMedPro
SAMBURUcountry, travelling ANCIENT paths with a caravan of 50 CAMELS 3Deep radio frequency – which gets a bit hot as it stimulates all the good stuff like collagen and elastin. Then Dr Paris finishes the treatment with Profhilo – hyaluronic acid – injections that moisturise from within. Don’t plan on going out straight after in a low-cut outfit; the injection bumps look like tribal warrior scars. But they’re gone in a day and for the next three months you’ll have juicy skin like a Victorian teenager’s embonpoint
THIS MONTH I’LL BE... (waterhouseyoung.com). n
NOSE DEEP in much-recommended Lessons in Chemistry by
Bonnie Garmus (Doubleday, £14.99). WORKING Face Gym’s
Active Rollers – microneedle active ingredients that dissolve into the skin (facegym.com). DREAMING of an electric Mini Moke car from the new Casa Moke store in St Tropez (mokeinternational.com).