2 minute read
Capturing memories is something I’ve been thinking of recently as my father turned 80. With the realisation that he isn’t going to be around forever, I took the brave step of getting his life down on paper. I say brave, because my dad and I don’t really chat like that. I know a bit about his career, his likes and dislikes but if you pinned me down, I’d soon run out of facts. So we Zoomed once a week for a couple of months
and I recorded our conversations (or more his soliloquy – this wasn’t an emotional outpouring, more a documentation of key moments and professional successes plus a bit of family history), sent the fi les off to Rev.com to transcribe and then edited them. I gathered a few photos from family and then uploaded everything onto Solentro.co.uk, which printed it into a basic book. I only mention this here, as a dear, wise friend told me to share it, because if you have a chance to do such a thing with anyone, please grab it. Freida Pinto, our glorious cover star, will have no need for someone to capture her memories via Zoom. I’m sure many a biography – or even an autobiography – will one day result from this extraordinarily talented actor, who is now turning her hand to producing. It’s exciting how actors no longer feel they have to stay in front of the camera, but can now lead on projects behind the lens that fulfi l them. Read Clare Naylor’s interview with her on page 102. I’m pretty sure many a memory can be made in the Maldives. These jewel-like drops of islands in the Indian Ocean have to tread a very fi ne line between being at the mercy of rising tides thanks to climate change, but also relying heavily on tourism for their income. The carbon footprint for most of us to get there cannot be ignored. But bringing money in can help – and many of the resorts now take sustainability and regeneration extremely seriously, from marine restoration to turtle sanctuaries. As with all travel, choosing Editor’s LETTER our destination and hotel wisely is more important than ever (p153). Of course, you don’t have to leave Blighty to get your wildlife or nature fi x. Jonathan Young, former editor of The Field, knows this more than most. He walks so silently outside, his friend called him a cat. His relationship to nature comes from knowledge and respect – he knows the countryside like the back of his hand (p70). If you do fancy a massive dose of luxury with your countryside experience though, head to Bittescombe Lodge in Somerset, a newly opened, fully staffed home available to rent. There’s padel tennis, polo ponies, archery, ebiking or just lounging by the pool. However 121 you get to enjoy the countryside, relish it. It is our gift.
Read Lawrence Osborne’s book? Now see the disquieting fi lm of The Forgiven, starring Ralph Fiennes and Jessica Chastain
I’m all for a fantastic fl at and Baudoin & Lange does the most comfortable ones I’ve found yet. Visit them in the Burlington Arcade
Good coasters and placemats can be hard to come by but I’ve found Avenida Home at Liberty and can now rest at ease
Emily Maitlis is a British broadcasting icon, so I’m avidly tuning into her new The News Agents podcast