Cotswolds Country Gardener July 2016

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North Cottage, Tisbury, Wiltshire A cottage garden and smallholding set in a quiet vale in a beautiful part of south Wiltshire 12 miles from Salisbury, which although small, has room for all to explore the divided areas, each different in style and feel, with an orchard, wild flowers and coppice wood. This year there’s an exhibition of metal sculpture made from recycled tools by Amy Lancaster. See the ceramics and handicrafts made by Jacqueline and Robert Baker, the garden owners, many made from their own sheep’s wool. North Cottage, Tisbury, Wiltshire SP3 6RZ Telephone: 01747 870019 Email: Last opening for the NGS this season: Sunday 3rd July, 11.30am-5pm. Admission: £3, children free. Light refreshments, home-made light lunches and teas. Plants for sale. Dogs allowed. Visitors also welcome by arrangement June and July for groups of ten+, and this is a venue offering accommodation.

HOLLY HOUSE, CHELWOOD GATE, HAYWARDS HEATH, SUSSEX There’s an exhibition of paintings and cards by the owner Mrs Deirdre Birchell at this garden seven miles from Haywards Heath, an acre with views and cameos of plants and trees round every corner with many different areas giving constant interest. There’s a fish pond and a wildlife pond beside a grassy area with many shrubs and flower beds. Among the trees and winding paths there is a cottage garden which is a profusion of colour and peace. Holly House, Chelwood Gate, Haywards Heath, Sussex RH17 7LF Telephone: 01825 740484 Email: db@hollyhousebnb.demon. Next openings for the NGS: Saturday 9th July, Sunday 10th July, Saturday 20th August, Sunday 21st August, 2pm5pm. Admission: £3.50, children free. Home-made teas. Garden accessible by wheelchair in good weather, but it is not easy. Dogs allowed on short leads. Visitors also welcome by arrangement May to September. This is a venue offering accommodation.

West Silchester Hall, Silchester, Hampshire The two-acre garden owned by the artist Mrs Jenny Jowett in a village near a Roman site has fascinating colour combinations with many spectacular herbaceous borders filled with rare and unusual plants flowering over a long period, many pots filled with half hardies, a wild garden surrounding a natural pond, banks of rhododendron, and a kitchen garden with lovely views across a field of grazing cattle. A large studio exhibits Jenny Jowett’s botanical, landscape and portrait paintings, cards and prints. West Silchester Hall, Silchester, Hampshire RG7 2LX. Telephone: 01189 700278 Next openings for the NGS: Sunday 3rd July, Sunday 7th August, 2pm5.30pm. Admission: £4, children free. Home-made teas, plants for sale. Wheelchair access to large part of the garden, gravel drive. Dogs allowed on short leads. Visitors also welcome by arrangement May to September for groups of 10+.


Music by the Young Musicians Symphony Orchestra accompanies you as you wander through the threeacre gardens of Sutton Hosey Manor, two of which are walled. A lily canal through pleached limes leads to an amelanchier walk past duck pond, rose and juniper walk from the Italian Terrace, to the judas tree avenue and the ptelea walk. There’s an ornamental potager and a drive-side shrubbery. Sutton Hosey Manor, Somerset TA10 9NA. Telephone: 0207 3906700 Email: Open for the NGS: Sunday 24th July, 2.30pm-6pm. Admission: £4, child £2. Home-made teas, plants for sale. Visitors also welcome by arrangement with owner Roger Bramble in August and September.


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