Publisher’s Prattle Every year when it’s time to take down the Christmas tree, strip the mantel of its greenery and twinkling lights, and pack away Santas of various sizes and shapes, I feel a little sad. It is the only holiday decorating I do (shame on me), so I know that it will be next year before all the razzle-dazzle will transform my home again. However, I must admit, there is a side of me that welcomes the clean, uncluttered look of everyday life. The “this house is NAKED” feeling quickly dissipates, and I remember that the reason I love the razzle-dazzle is that it lasts for only one month, once a year! And now . . . New Year resolutions, lofty goals, and well-intentioned plans are the traditional themes for January. Then, in February, we can relax and celebrate love, flowers, football (the big game at least), basketball, and chocolate! This issue of Flair touches on ideas for Valentines, Easter, featured women (of course), a very cool Sir-PRIZE, guys in red high heels (WHAT???), and other interesting tidbits in between.
Belinda Saltzman, Publisher
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— Belinda Saltzman
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THE DINNER BELL A special dining experience for the whole family! Make your reservation for the Saturday night only, family-style, Southern dining experience. DINNER BELL TIMES ARE 5PM & 7PM — Call (615) 325-9508 for Reservations — Special Publication
— Publisher — Belinda Saltzman — Editorial — Jim Browning
Editorial Director
— Production — Tricia Crawford
features 4 How to Find Your Man the Perfect Valentine’s Gift 10 Crossing the Generations
Design Director
Lisa Frye Designer
— Advertising — Lana Hendricks
Advertising Sales Director
Tonya Kirby
Advertising Sales
— Contributing Writers — Marissa Brown Jim Browning Elizabeth Downing Carly Mathews Celeste Rehmel Belinda Saltzman Deborah Williams — Contributing Photographer — Tricia Crawford Flair is published 4 times per year and is distributed free to 25,000 homes in Bowling Green/Warren County. Flair makes every attempt to ensure the material contained herein is not copyrighted elsewhere. Flair is not responsible for unintentional copyright infringement
For advertising or article submissions please contact Country Peddler office 270-842-3314 or contact us thru our website
18 Advice from the Inexperienced, Professional Sports Mom
featured women
20 Achilles in Heels
5 Sunshine at Four Winds
22 Easter Egg Hunts For all Ages
8 A Star Maker
Joyce Moran
Heather Cochran
12 the essence of Romanza Johnson
14 Sassy Celebrity Barbra Streisand
in every issue 2 Publisher’s Prattle 6 Refuse to be a Victim Protecting Our Children.
9 Word Buzz: Irish Coffee
16 Sir-PRIZE Dr. Tim Donley
Cover Design by Jenny Bettersworth Maggie Goodnight (at 4 years old) painted in acrylic by Jenny Bettersworth in 2012. Maggie is Jenny’s cousin. She is depicted in her “Dancing With the Stars” dress, designed and sewn by her grandmother. Maggie is now a 7th grader at Drakes Creek Middle School. Jenny is a Psychotherapist at Chestnut Park Professionals and is also an artist with a Master’s Degree in Art Therapy.
Flair Magazine BG KY Flair • 2016 • January/February/March • 3
Perfect Valentine’s Buying presents
for your boyfriend (or husband) can be tricky, especially for Valentine’s Day. Whether you choose a classic gift or opt for something a little more personal, it’s important that whatever you choose is truly sincere and conveys your appreciation for him. Here are some simple ideas for your consideration: COOK FOR HIM. Take advantage of that old saying that “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Whether it’s a simple dessert or a full-fledged meal, presenting your man with food is a tangible demonstration that you care.
If you don’t want to over-commit to one gift, assemble a collection of little presents. Pick a cute container, dress it up, and fill it with his favorite treats to eat or drink or some “stocking stuffer” items he likes.
Because your MAKE A MIXED CD OR man loves you as BUY BOOKS FOR YOUR DIGITAL PLAYLIST. much as you love him, BOOKWORM. Putting together a collection of songs that are If he’s a reader, hook him up with some new significant to your relationship can be a very anything you do for material after doing a little detective work about meaningful, personalized present, and you don’t Valentine’s Day will have to spend a ton of money to do it. what he’s read and would like to read. make him happy, but he definitely will give WRITE HIM A LOVE LETTER. BUY MUSIC-THEMED GIFTS. It’s nice to have a physcial object outlining how you hugs and kisses If he’s into music, get him a present that’s in line you feel that he can read whenever he wants. with his interest, such as new guitar picks or a gift afterwards if you This is the perfect gift if you’re on a budget because it’s the thought that counts. For extra card for downloading digital music. choose one or more sentiment, write it out in your own handwriting on special stationery. of these special SUPPORT HIS HOBBY. Valentine’s Day If your boyfriend is a big gamer, he’s almost BUY HIM COLOGNE YOU LIKE. gift ideas. guaranteed to enjoy a gaming-themed gift like a new In theory, it’s a gift that will benefit both of you. He will like smelling sweet, and you’ll like whatever scent you choose for him.
game, gaming credits, or updating his controller.
e c y Jo n a r Mo
by Carly Mathews
Joyce Moran is not a typical shop owner. In fact, her business is anything but typical! The name of the business, “Four Winds,” actually describes the non-typical nature of the inventory. Joyce laughingly recalls how the family was deciding on a name for the business and Joyce’s mom said, “Well…we are always off into the four winds looking for things to about “Four Winds?” Browsing through FOUR WINDS’ inventory is an adventure. You will find everything from wrought iron furniture, utility trailers, Amish and American-made furniture, and everything in between! The company has remained true to its roots, keeping the trailer and wrought iron business alive while continuing to evolve and expand into new markets. Joyce claims “roots” in many states due to a father in retail. She recalls, “A lot of people thought we were Army brats since we moved around so much, but we were really just “brats!” Joyce considers Alabama her home state, but her parents are originally from Bowling Green, so the family ended up here. In 1987, the family opened FOUR WINDS. Despite an early background in odd jobs at the mall and at Shoney’s, Joyce was
introduced to the family business by merely helping her parents out around the store. In 2003, Joyce became full owner. She works side-by-side with her husband, sons, and daughter-in-law, and her toddler granddaughter is a frequent visitor at the store. “Getting to spend time with my family is one of the best parts. It’s a blessing,” says Joyce. However, she also says this can be the worst part as well. “You always have to be careful to not hurt someone’s feelings, since you do have to go home with the people you work with!” Despite having to be careful not to hurt her loved ones’ feelings, Joyce’s love for working with her family is clear. “I get to work with my kids; my grand baby gets to be here sometimes, and learning from the rest of my family is one of the best parts of a family business,” says Joyce. There is no lack of “Sunshine” at Four Winds. Stop in and see for yourself the love Joyce has for her family business. While you’re there, browse through the amazing inventory of outdoor furniture, hand-crafted furniture, garden accessories, or maybe even a utility trailer!
Protecting Our Greatest Gift:
OUR CHILDREN — By Deborah Williams
In this crazy world we live in, few things strike greater fear in the hearts of adults than someone abducting or hurting a child they love. The headlines are filled with stories that just seem surreal when we hear them. Children by nature are innocent and trusting. In most cases, though, they have intuition more primal than that of adults. While our responsibility is to help them understand the dangers of the world, we can work as a team to stress the importance of selfprotection without scaring them.
4Make sure your children know key information, such as phone U
numbers; addresses; parents’ full names, etc.;
4Discuss with your children the importance of being alert to U
everything happening around them;
4Never put your children’s names where they can be seen. U Children may assume a stranger knows them because the stranger called them by name; 4It is very important for your children to follow your instructions U during an emergency situation; 4You should always know where your children are, who they are U
with, and the estimated time of their return;
4Help your children understand who is safe. For example, if they U are lost in the mall, teach them to seek out a mom with kids, a store clerk, or a uniformed police officer. The odds are in their favor when they seek out such a person. Moms with kids will not leave a child who is lost--period; 4One of the most important tools is a password system. Children U shouldn’t go with anyone other than designated people without a password. This word should be chosen by both parents and children
so the children will remember it. If you need your children to go with another individual in case of an emergency, give that person the password. You can easily change the password if it is compromised;
4Never allow your children to record your voicemail message, U
and social media presents a whole array of opportunities for predators;
4Keep a full face picture of your children with you at all times; cell U phones are great for this. The picture can be shared with law enforcement if you are separated from your children; a child ID packet with pertinent information is a great thing to have as long as it is up to date; 4Reinforce with your children that no matter what the person tells U them or promises them, they shouldn’t go with that person. If the person attempts to take them, it is okay to kick, scream, bite, or whatever they need to do to get away; 4Be aware of who lives around you. Also, it is very important to U know where abandoned houses or buildings are in your neighborhood. It is unfortunate that childhood can’t be the utopia we want it to be. Frank discussions with children are a necessity not a luxury. Don’t be afraid to carefully talk with your children about dangerous situations. Practice and role play with them. Believe it or not, they will likely handle it better than you will. Be safe together. Deborah Williams has been a Firearms Instructor for 36 years and has taught Concealed Carry Deadly Weapons Training in Kentucky since 1996. She is a Certified Instructor in three (3) disciplines for the NRA which encompasses Basic Pistol, Certified Range Safety Officer, and Refuse To Be A Victim.
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Flair • 2016 • January/February/March • 7
Heather Cochran
A Star Maker
Heather Cochran, owner of Starz Elite Performance Academy, is turning out “stars” in the dance and gymnastics world.
Heather grew up in Mason, Ohio. Her mom had always wanted to have dance lessons but didn’t get the opportunity. She introduced Heather to dance class at age four, and that began Heather’s love affair with dance that still exists today. Heather loved and was accomplished in all dance genres, with her favorites being musical theater, tap, and acrobatics. She competed at the regional level in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and once a year at Nationals in Washington, D.C., Florida, and Minnesota, to name only a few. Heather came to WKU in 1993 where she earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1998. The next two years Heather was very busy as a wife and then a mother, but hectic family life did not stop her from realizing her dream of owning a dance studio. In late 2000, she opened a studio which offered all types of dance, acrobatics, and tumbling. In 2009, the studio moved to its current location at 830 Heather and a couple of dance students Fairview Avenue. The new space allowed Heather to add gymnastics to the offerings. When asked how dance has 8 • Flair • 2016 • January/February/March
impacted her life, Heather answered thoughtfully: “Teaching and working with the kids is the rewarding part of dance and gymnastics for me. I was competitive with both dance and gymnastics, so I love to share that aspect of the art, but I also love what dance and gymnastics provides for any student, regardless of his or her talent level. Physical and mental fitness, discipline, and creative expression are by-products of the classes.” Starz Elite students have won many regional and national awards over the years. In 2015, Myra Jones won the gymnastics 1st All Around Award at the national meet in Las Vegas, Nevada. Myra is seven years old and has been a student at the Myra Jones, gym since she was four. There National were 30 states represented at the Award Winner & Starz Elite event, with Myra being the only student competitor from Kentucky. Heather is focused on growing and developing the business while balancing her family life with three children. Starz Elite Performance Academy is a full service studio offering classes in all forms of dance as well as gymnastics, including vault, bars, and beam. They also feature nationwide award-winning competition teams in dance and gymnastics. TO LEARN MORE VISIT WWW.STARZELITEKY.COM
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Only Irish coffee provides in a single cup all four essential food groups:
Alcohol, Caffeine, Sugar, and Fat. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Flair • 2016 • January/February/March • 9
GENERATIONS — By Elizabeth Downing
My mom fell this summer and broke her hip, requiring hip replacement surgery and a few weeks of rehab in the hospital. While a 92-year-old going through this trauma to her body is never good, the now 93-year-old has done remarkably well in her recovery. And as much as I hate to say it, and as many ways as this could be taken wrong, the experience was a great gift to me, my siblings, and our families. In our family, we all know our parents’ story well — how they met on her third day as a student at WKU; how they courted then married before he left for the Navy in World War II; how he blessedly returned home to his wife and a new daughter after the war; and how they built a life of purpose and dedication to family, faith, and the institution that educated the great majority of our family. But our decision to be with my mom round the clock for the first weeks of her recovery gave us all opportunities to fill in the blanks. We each began to nourish our one-on-one relationships with her, coming to appreciate even more her dedication to her own mother and to our dad when they had required constant care. Now, this is not to say we haven’t had a few hiccups, a few times when mutual neck-wringing was only a few stubborn steps away. I’m the first to say I sometimes lack diplomacy when telling someone what I think they should or should not do. And I well know I won’t be the last to say it. But all in all, I became ever more grateful over the last several months to be part of the “sandwich generation.” I’ve watched my 19-year-old daughter develop a greater appreciation of what is required when a parent has health issues. I’ve seen how incredibly difficult it is for someone who has been independent in both spirit and deed her entire life to come to grips with the
10 • Flair • 2016 • January/February/March
fact that independence must sometimes be tempered by our saner angels. I’ve seen myself through the eyes of my entire family. I can’t say I like everything about how I’ve handled myself, but I can say I’ve grown. I can say I have more compassion for families who are making difficult decisions about how to deal with illness, injury, and aging. I can say I have less understanding than ever of why we focus so much on becoming and looking younger when each day we age is a testament to what our contribution is to the world. I can say I wish every child, teenager, and young adult was given the secret to becoming a better person. What is that secret? Spend some time with older family members and friends. Real time, not just a drop in and kiss on the cheek. I’m advocating for intentional sit down and talk time, learn the stories time, reveal your heart to that person time. I’m talking about connecting the generations in a way that is dying on a daily basis. I’m known for being a bit of a rantaholic. But I think this particular little rant could change some perceptions, maybe even some actions. So I’m willing to take the hit of being labeled. It wouldn’t be the first time. Elizabeth Downing grew up in Bowling Green, graduating from BGHS, WKU, and UK Law School. Elizabeth has practiced law, worked as an event planner, dabbled in retail, and five years ago became co-founder and Executive Director of Timesavers Concierge, Caregiving & Chauffeur. Elizabeth’s first love is family, with much of her writing growing from relationships with husband Mark Johnson, daughter Goodman Johnson, her parents, her siblings and their families. An understanding of the importance of relationships is what makes Elizabeth tick, and conveying those ideas in a meaningful way is a most gratifying task each day.
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Childhood ambition: To be a Home Economics Teacher
One thing I know for sure: God is Good! Live & learn!
The best thing that ever happened to me: Getting my college degree & marrying Mr. Johnson
My family: Husband of 51 years Ralph Eugene Johnson, Deceased Pets - Owned & showed Tennessee Walking Horses for over 40 years My work: Retired... • High School teacher • WKU teacher • BGMU Home Economist Currently... Community Volunteer
The women I admire most (besides my Mom):
My Grandmothers & Eleanor Roosevelt
If I were an animal, I’d be: A horse
My favorite thing to wear: Holiday items & purple clothes 12 • Flair • 2016 • January/February/March
The activities I am best at: Organizing events & playing piano at Nursing Home
If I didn’t live in BG, I would live: Shelbyville, TN
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Flair • 2016 • January/February/March • 13
r a rab Way
e h -T
s I e h S
Life’s too short. Start with dessert.
Men are allowed to have passion and commitment for their work. A woman is allowed that feeling for a man, but not her work.
I’m not weird -- just different from people who aren’t different. Why does a woman work 10 years to change a man, then complain he’s not the man she married?
I was a personality before I became a person.
“It is every woman’s dream to be some man’s dream woman.” I don’t like the word “superstar.” It has ridiculous implications. These words-”star, stupor, superstar, stupid star” -- they’re misleading. It’s a myth.
Success to me is having ten honeydew melons and eating only the top half of each slice.
“There “There is is nothing nothing more more important important in in life life than than love.” love.”
Barbra Streisand
Award-winning American singer-songwriter, author, actress, and film producer and director
South Central Bank salutes women in business, education and leadership in 2016.
South Central Bank Salutes:
Give Her Something She’d Love... A Gift Certificate from Lulu’s -
a Tompkinsville native • Co-owns Ross Birge & Stephens OD, optometry practice, in Tompkinsville • Co-owns Gigi’s Cupcake franchises in Lexington, KY and San Antonio, TX with Dr. Bree Vickers, an optometrist in Seguin, TX
her favorite place to shop!
• Education: A 1994 graduate of Monroe County High School Freed Hardeman University 1994-1998 Southern College of Optometry 1998-2002 • Family: Husband, Jarrett, daughter, Sloan
ÒI loved chemistry and biology in school, so I knew I needed to do something in that field,Ó Heather says. ÒI saw optometry my whole life. It was a natural fit.ÓÊ HeatherÕs father, Dr. Fowler Ross, has been in optometry for 46 years. ÒIÕm so fortunate to get to work with and learn from my father,Ó she says. When she graduated from optometry school, she worked part time in Lafayette, Tenn., Bowling Green, and Tompkinsville to grow her practice and gain expertise of optometry in different settings. Once her patient base grew, she was able to work full time in Tompkinsville. Heather took over the reins of the practice six years ago. She now coowns it with Dr. Steven Birge. Dr. Fowler Ross still practices four days a week. Ê ÒWeÕre like family,Óshe says. ÒDr. Birge is like my uncle. We make a great team. ItÕs really good. My dadÕs a great businessman. HeÕs had it all set up for years. So we just keep that pattern going. We work really well together. IÕve learned so much about business from him and Dr. Birge.Ó Six years ago, Heather and a group of friends from optometry school had a girlsÕ weekend, during which they visited a GigiÕs Cupcake store. After that trip, Heather says she and her friend and fellow optometrist, Dr. Bree Vickers, decided opening a GigiÕs Franchise was Òsomething we needed to do, that it would be successful.ÓÊ They started their franchise in Lexington at 2703 Richmond Road, Ste. 120, about six years ago, and after that locale had been up and running for about a year, they decided it was time to open a store in San Antonio. Ê ÒWeÕve been really blessed with good sales there,Ó Heather says. ÒGigiÕs is a good franchise to work for.Ó Heather says taking the reins from her father at the optometry practice has been the most rewarding part of her career so far, and she plans to carry on the family business for years to come.
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Flair • 2016 • January/February/March • 15
by Celeste N. Rehmel
It is amazing how far world-famous periodontist Dr. Tim Donley of Bowling Green will go to bring every nation together in one central goal-preventing gum disease and other resulting health risks like heart disease and cancer. Dr. Donley is a sought-after speaker who lectures nationally and internationally (Russia, Italy, The photos Dr. Donley takes reveal and China, for instance) to that he is more than just his passion for colleagues interested in learning dentistry. He has an eye for architecture the state of the art in periodontics and beauty which he captures in the and dental implantology. photos displayed throughout his office. However, Dr. Donley hates formal attire! At one of his international speaking engagements, he was introduced as “The World-Renowned Periodontist.” He glanced around at all the “black-ties” who LOOKED world-renowned and then saw his black Dockers, open shirt collar, and sport coat. He felt very underdressed for such an elaborate introduction. Dr. Donley’s main mission is to share the message that more is at stake than just gum disease, and he wants to make this fact known to dental professionals around the world. “Make dentist visits less of a beauty check and
Periodontist & Photographer
more of a health check,” advised Dr. Donley, in conjunction with simple ways gum disease can be prevented. He mentioned that these days, a dentist check-up is only to check for cavities and to improve the appearance of teeth, but it needs to be focused on what should we do to prevent cavities and gum disease from occurring at all, even if the consequences won’t affect our pearly-white smiles. This is the theory he puts into practice at his office here in Bowling Green, showing people not only how to fix their smiles but how to keep them healthy over-all, not just their mouths. Dr. Donley not only reaps the benefits of sharing his knowledge and helping his patients; he also gets to take some great photographs during his travels. The photos he takes reveal that he is more than just his passion for dentistry. He has an eye for architecture and beauty which he captures in the photos displayed throughout his office. This is just one other way he shows his passion for helping people.
Dr. Donley and Staff - L-R: Ricardo, Surgical Assistant; Beth, Office Manager; Dr. Donley; Kim, Dental Hygienist;
FOREVER COMMUNICATIONS 1919 Scottsville Road Bowling Green, KY 270-843-3333
Flair • 2016 • January/February/March • 17
from the
Inexperienced, Professional
— By Marissa Brown
Looking at my own history of sports exposure and expertise, I’ve quickly realized I’ve chosen one-woman sporting events: track, shopping, piano, and an occasional dance off. To say I’ve had minimal-to-no knowledge of mainstream sports etiquette is an understatement. I didn’t think much of it until my children (6 & 7 years old) both started their own semi-pro sports careers. Well, this is what I’ve learned, and I am happy to share it with you, my friends. What I hope you take away from these little tidbits of advice is that sports is a big deal in our children’s lives. It shapes and helps nurture character and builds spirit in our little ones. Whether you’re a “for fun” sporting family or an “all in” (and banking on scholarships and professional careers) family, remember the reasons and goals of sports: it’s a beautiful thing getting to watch these precious little humans grow and quickly develop independence and self confidence. Now go with your new knowledge and enjoy whatever events your little ones are working on. The true win in it is the smile on their faces knowing you are proud of them no matter what. Blessings and Happy New Year from my family to yours. See ya’ at the game, and I apologize in advance for my behavior.
Marissa Brown: Lover of coffee, oversized domestic animals, laughter, God, gummy bears, their 6-year-old son in baseball pants, running, her exceptionally attractive husband, weedeating, James Taylor, their beautiful daughter’s smile, good skin care = Rodan + Fields, and always being right.;)
MARISSA’S NOT-SO-ETIQUETTE GUIDE TO BEING A NEW SPORTS MOM 1. Spectator attire is not only important but plays a vital role in your team’s success. Did you know the properly accessorized “sports mom outfit” (festive team-specific full spandex outfit, wig, air horn, and optional permanent facial tattoo) actually could be the reason your child’s team wins? No pressure, but the whole game is riding on your shoulders, ladies. Choose wisely. 2. Tailgating at children’s sporting events is a lost and unappreciated art. If we’re going to invest in a personal trainer 30 hours a week for our children, why are we not preparing ourselves properly for the actual event as spectators? You tell me. 3. There’s a fine line between terroristic threatening and cheering. Phrases that are frowned upon at children’s sporting events--though effective and acceptable in my book — include the following: “Get ‘um cuddle bear!” “Leave a scar!” and definitely my all-time favorite, “Ice cream truck!” 4. Parents evidently are not “technically” allowed on the field, court, or swim lanes during the event. This is just stupid, and I have no intentions of ever abiding by this rule (or many others). So I love my children more than you love yours. I want to be their biggest (and closest) fan. Deal with it. 5. Finally, where is the participation trophy for the mom who brings the best post-game snacks? You know it’s an underground competition in and of itself: from the mom who brings monogrammed, holiday-specific cupcakes with sports drinks in a personalized complimentary cup for each child, to the mom who forgets the snacks altogether.
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To sign up for Operation Warm Hearts, call
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or visit our website at Flair • 2016 • January/February/March • 19
Achilles IN Heels — By Hannah Bertram, WKU
On the last beautiful day of March, I traipsed downhill to the center of WKU’s campus where I saw several dozen men, college-aged and older, in bold-hued heels stumbling over one another as though each had taken an arrow to the Achilles’ tendon (which is, I’m sure, how many of them felt). Why would men do this to themselves if most women hate the feel of heels? The staff at Bowling Green’s Hope Harbor knew this exact question would be triggered in the minds of every onlooker. Hope Harbor is a sexual trauma recovery center with a main office in Bowling Green which provides emergency/medical legal advocacy, counseling, and crisis intervention for victims of sexual assault, as well as community education – such as the “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event. The sponsored walk is held on campus annually and is intended to raise awareness about sexualized violence in a clever, quirky way that creates positive unity for both genders about a subject that is, most of the time, very difficult to even acknowledge. The event’s origins go back to 2001 when a man named Frank Baird thought up and executed the idea in a park with just a handful of other men. The notion was popularized and today raises millions of dollars for sexualized violence education, prevention, and remediation programs. Locally, WKU’s fraternities champion the event and supply a good deal of its participants to demonstrate their intolerance for sexual assault, the rate of which is appallingly rampant on college campuses everywhere. Statistics, provided by Hope Harbor at the event, show that 80% of rape occurs with victims under the age of thirty, encompassing the age range of the majority of graduate and undergraduate students. A rape takes place every two minutes, and one out of every six women will be a victim of a sexualized crime. That number becomes even more astounding when the effect it has on families, friends, coworkers, and communities of victims is taken into account. This makes the attention placed on the “Walk a Mile” event even more vital to awareness because of the empowering vibes it puts out on a very sobering issue. The event garners its name from an old proverb: “You can’t understand someone till you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” The impetus behind the walk is to up the idiom a notch and literally put men in women’s shoes, which is, of course, both educational and amusing. No one at this year’s event seemed to know how long the particular heels used at WKU had been around or by what means, though it’s been a few years, which was surprising considering their good condition. Regardless, an image of that many men, a good portion of whom standing over seven feet, albeit wobbly, is hard to forget: thus, the genius behind the playful event for a vital cause that must not be ignored.
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Easter Egg Hunts Follow That Bunny!
Indoors or out, make people work for their baskets and eggs this year!
Create a bunny trail that leads kids on a path from their bedroom door to an Easter basket. You can use a trail of candy, plastic eggs, or cut-out bunny footprints. Wrapped candies work best to keep floors neat and clean. Place unwrapped treats in small bags or cupcake liners and beware of hungry pets who might want a snack.
for All Ages The Egg-cellent Scavenger Hunt
Give each family member a list of several different types of items to hunt down: three pink eggs, a white chocolate bunny, a marshmallow chick, an egg filled with nickels, etc. When the list is completed, give a final clue that leads them to their Easter Hide everything that is on the list as well as a few baskets. extras in case some are too hard to find. For kids who can’t read yet, use photos or drawings instead of a written list.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Dressing in Your Easter Best
Hide plastic bracelets, silly bunny noses, tutus, and capes along with a few treats like ring pops and candy necklaces. As kids find the items, they must put on the clothes and accessories. Photograph the absurd outfits on each family member (Fido, included) and then do an Easter Hang a sheet or tablecloth on a clothesline as a backdrop for your pictures. Everyone can costume parade around the house or backyard. take turns snapping photos of people standing in their funny costumes in front of the backdrop, like in a photo booth. 22 • Flair • 2016 • January/February/March
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