Doing Business With Malta China Edition 2010

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国家概况 Country

经济 Economy

政府 Government

金融服务 Financial

基础设施 Infrastructure

投资 Investment

工业 Industry

旅游 Travel

CountryPr filer 在马耳他经商 Doing Business in Malta

马耳他——中国企业界 进军欧洲的踏脚石 Malta: A stepping stone to Europe for China’s Business Community

i n a s s o c i at i o n w i t h Effective






CountryPrâ—?filerMALTA 2010

publisher’s information

Editor Blanche Gatt /CountryProfiler

CountryPr filer 2010/2011

Regional Directors Kristina Ernst / CountryProfiler Garvan Keating / CountryProfiler Project Manager Mandrina Caputi / CountryProfiler Administrative Director Rick Martin/ CountryProfiler Research Victoria Vasiliou / CountryProfiler Art Director Ramon Micallef/ Box Design Advertising Sales Photography Alan Carville Malta Tourism Authority Chris Sant Fournier All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited without written permission. Opinions expressed in CountryProfiler Cyprus are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. All reasonable care is taken to ensure truth and accuracy, but the editor and publishers cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions in articles, advertising, photographs or illustrations. CountryProfiler would like to thank the Ministry of Finance, Economy & Investment, FinanceMalta and the Malta Financial Services Authority and the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry for their support and assistance.

An increasing number of businesses have already discovered Malta - have you?* PricewaterhouseCoopers ( provides industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services to build public trust and enhance value for its clients and their stakeholders. More than 163,000 people in 151 countries across our network share their thinking, experience and solutions to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice. At PricewaterhouseCoopers in Malta, our relationship-based service focuses on delivering tailored solutions to individual business needs, helping to build shareholder value and providing support on an ongoing basis. We are the leading and largest professional services organisation in Malta and serve a large and diverse client portfolio of both local and international clients. Contact Kevin Valenzia ( or Neville Gatt ( at PricewaterhouseCoopers, 167 Merchants Street, Valletta VLT 1174, Malta tel. +356-21247000 • fax. +356-21244768 •

*connectedthinking © PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. «PricewaterhouseCoopers» refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.


CountryPr●filerMALTA 2010


CONTENTS 目录 Malta Country Overview 马耳他概况 Malta at a Glance 马耳他一览 China and Malta 中国和马耳他 Malta Country Profile 马耳他国家概况 Strategic Location 战略位置 People 人民 Religion 宗教 Education and Literacy 教育和文化普及 Health 医疗保健 Language 语言 Climate and Geography 气候与地理 Natural Resources 自然资源 Lifestyle and Culture 生活方式和文化 History 历史 Government and Politics 政府和政治 European Union 欧盟 International Relations 国际关系 Economy 经济 Key Industry Sectors 重要产业 Trade partners 贸易伙伴 Economic Outlook 经济展望 Business Opportunities 商机 Foreign Direct Investment 外商直接投资 Knowledge Industries 知识产业 International Financial Services 国际金融服务 Banking 银行业

8 11 14 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 22 22 23 24 24 24 26 26 27 30

Funds 基金 Capital Markets 资本市场 Trusts and Foundations 信托公司与基金会 The Malta Company 马耳他公司 Insurance 保险 Business Culture 商业文化 Business Costs and Incentives商业 成本和激励措施 Access to Markets 市场准入 Transport 交通运输 Maritime and Aviation 航运和航空 Energy and Environment 能源与环境 Telecom and ICT 电信与ICT Legal Framework 法律框架 Regulation and Legislation 法律法规 Business Structures 商业机构 Taxation 税收 China-Malta MOUs for Financial Services Regulation 中国-马耳他 金融服务监管谅解备忘录 Workforce and Labour relations 劳动力和劳资关系 Professional Support Services 专业支持服务 Office Property 办公物业 Living and working in Malta 马 耳他的工作与生活 Visiting Malta 访问马耳他

31 32 32 34 34 34 35 35 35 41 41 42 42 43 44 45

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CountryPr●filerMALTA 2010

country overview

马耳他——中国企业 界进军欧洲的踏脚石 Malta: A Stepping Stone to Europe for China’s Business Community 马耳他概况

Malta Country Overview

马耳他是一个拥有七千年历史的地中海岛国。就国土面积、人口 和经济而言,马耳他是欧盟最小的国家,然而实践证明,2004年 加入欧盟和2008年采用欧元的决策是岛国实现其宏伟蓝图——成 为本地区一流国际商业中心——的关键一步。由于充分意识到本 国地处欧洲和北部非洲之间的得天独厚地理位置,以及技能娴 熟、掌握多种语言且具有弹性的劳动力市场,马耳他过去二十多 年来在教育、基础设施和技术等方面投入了大量资金,使岛国转 变成为欧洲最发达的商业中心之一。

A Mediterranean island with 7,000 years of history, Malta is the smallest country in the European Union, in terms of size, population and economy. However, the island’s decisions to join the EU in 2004 and adopt the euro in 2008 have proved pivotal to its ambitions to become the foremost international business centre in the region. Recognising the intrinsic value of its geographic location midway between Europe and North Africa and its highly skilled, multilingual, flexible workforce, Malta has invested heavily in education, infrastructure and technology over the last two decades, transforming the island into one of the most advanced business centres in Europe.

country overview

CountryPr●filerMALTA 2010


Vittoriosa Marina © Alan Carville


Popular Destination

在 1964 年独立以前的 150 年间,马耳他一直是英国的殖民地, 这使得英语成为马耳他的国语之一。马耳他政府在最近十年将本 国转型为一个以知识为基础的经济体,并建立了完全与欧盟法规 一致的法律监管体系,为高价值服务行业提供了一个综合而又灵 活的运作平台。其成果之一就是,马耳他的银行和金融系统在国 际性的金融危机中表现出良好的应变能力和稳定性,在此次全球 经济衰退期间,马耳他是所有欧盟国家中经济受冲击最小的国家 之一。尽管约占国内生产总值 25% 的旅游业仍然是重要的经济推 力,马耳他的现代经济如今已立足于知识产业,如金融服务、信 息通信技术、海运业和高附加值制造业。马耳他同中国的贸易从 2005 年到 2008 年翻了一番,从中国的进口额由 2008 年的 1.069 亿欧元上升到2009 年的 1.168 亿欧元。2009 年同中国的贸易额有 所增加的欧元区国家寥寥无几,而马耳他就是其中之一,其贸易 额增长了 9.7%。

With a population of just over 400,000, this small but highly ambitious nation has a long history of friendship and trade with China. Situated at the centre of the Mediterranean with an area of just 316 square kilometres, 93 kilometres south of Sicily and 290 kilometres north of Libya, Malta enjoys an enviable climate, with 300 days of sunshine a year, making it a favourite holiday destination for European tourists. Its long history, which saw it ruled by a succession of foreign powers, including the Knights of St John, the French and the British, has left behind a wealth of magnificent architecture, colourful traditions and delicious Mediterranean cuisine, as well as a pleasant lifestyle.

广受欢迎的旅游目的地 马耳他这个人口仅有 40 多万、面积虽小却充满雄心的国度同中 国有着历史悠久的友谊和贸易往来。她座落于地中海的中心位 置,面积仅 316 平方公里,北距西西里岛 93 公里,南距利比亚 290 公里。马耳他有着令人羡慕的气候,一年中的晴朗日子多达 300 天,使其成为欧洲游客最喜爱的度假胜地。她悠久的历史见 证了包括圣约翰骑士团、法国人和英国人在内的许多外国势力的 轮番统治,也留下了大量宏伟的建筑、丰富多彩的传统、美味可 口的地中海美食以及舒适惬意的生活方式。

Knowledge-Based Economy Malta was a British colony for 150 years, until Independence in 1964, as a result of which English remains one of the national languages. Malta’s government over the past ten years has transformed the island into a knowledge-based economy and laid in place a legal and regulatory system that is fully harmonised with EU rules, yet offers a sophisticated and flexible platform for the high value services industry. One result of this was the fact that Malta’s banking and financial systems proved resilient and stable through the international financial crisis, while Malta’s economy was one of the least hard-hit of all European Union nations during the global recession. While tourism remains an important economic driver, accounting for some 25 per cent of total GDP, Malta’s modern economy is now based on knowledge-industries such as financial services, ICT, maritime industries and high value manufacturing. Trade between Malta and China has doubled between 2005 and 2008, with imports from China in 2009 reaching 116.8 million euro, up from 106.9 million euro in 2008, while Malta was one of the few eurozone countries to have increased its level of trade, by 9.7 per cent, with China in 2009.


CountryPr●filerMALTA 2010

country overview


Strong Friendship

马耳他同中国有着稳固的两国关系。中华人民共和国成立后,马 耳他是率先于 1972 年同中国正式建立外交关系的国家之一。中 国的友谊对马耳他一直都非常重要。在刚刚独立后的最初日子 里,正努力试图摆脱英国长期统治下的“堡垒经济”的马耳他面 临着从零开始重建经济的难题,中国政府的贷款和资金为马耳他 建设必需的基础设施提供了帮助,而中国企业的投资为马耳他的 人民提供了相应的工作。今天,两国间这种高度的互动与合作将 通过频繁的政府间正式互访以及文化与教育交流的方式保持继 续。

Malta and China have enjoyed a strong relationship since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, when Malta was one of the first countries to formally establish diplomatic ties in 1972. China’s friendship has been very important to Malta, when, as a newly independent nation emerging from a long period as a ‘Fortress Economy’ under the British, the island was faced with the challenge of rebuilding its economy practically from scratch. Loans and funding from the Chinese government helped to build essential infrastructural projects and Chinese industrial investments provided jobs for the people of Malta in the early, postIndependence days. This high level of interaction and cooperation between the two countries continues today, through frequent official visits between the governments in addition to cultural and educational exchanges.

进军欧洲市场 过去十年来,马耳他做为领先的国际商业中心异军突起,进一步 增强了她同中国的长期而富有成果的关系。最近,马耳他金融服 务局(Malta Financial Services)同中国证券监督管理委员会和中 国银行业监督管理委员会分别鉴署了两份谅解备忘录,目的在 于鼓励欧洲和中国的投资者涉足马耳他的国际银行和投资基金领 域,这项举措有望吸引中国企业和投资者利用马耳他做为在欧洲 经商和投资的轴心地。 日益完善的金融服务中心 目前,做为一个成功的商业与金融服务中心,马耳他为中国投资 者进入有 5 亿消费者的世界最大单一市场欧盟打开方便之门。岛 国同利比亚、埃及和突尼斯等非洲北部国家的睦邻友好关系使其 成为两个大陆之间极具利用价值的踏脚石,增加了从一个中心点 向南北两端拓展的机遇。马耳他的税收体制提供世界上最具优势 的财政环境之一,确保欧盟及经合组织认证系统中的税款流失达 到最低,并同世界 上包括中国在内的众多国家签署了50多项避免 双重征税的条约和协议。 理想的经商环境 凭借舒适惬意的地中海生活方式以及深受英国影响的职业伦理与 抱负,马耳他正在迅速成为本地区首选的商业中心之一。而且, 由于长期以来同中国人民的友谊和合作历史,马耳他将为寻求开 拓欧洲市场或进军北非与中东的中国企业提供一个理想的环境。

Access to European Markets Malta’s emergence over the last decade as a leading international business centre has added extra strength to its long and fruitful relationship with China. The recent signing of two Memoranda of Understanding between the Malta Financial Services Authority and the China Securities Regulation Commission and the China Banking Regulatory Commission respectively aims to encourage access for both European and Chinese investors to Malta’s international banking and investment fund sector and is a move that is broadly expected to attract Chinese companies and investors to use Malta as a European business and investment hub. Thriving Financial Services Centre Today Malta offers Chinese investors a successful business and financial services centre with easy access to the largest single market in the world, the European Union, with over 500 million consumers. The island’s proximity and excellent relations with North African countries such as Libya, Egypt and Tunisia make it a valuable stepping stone between the two continents, opening up the possibility of expansion both north and south, from one, central location. Offering one of the most advantageous fiscal environments in the world, the Maltese tax regime ensures minimal tax leakage in an EU and OECD-approved system, as well as network of over 50 double tax treaties and agreements with countries across the world, including China. Ideal Environment for Business With its combination of pleasant Mediterranean lifestyle and British-influenced work ethic and ambition, the island of Malta is fast becoming one of the most sought after business centres in the region. And, with Malta’s long history of friendship and cooperation with the Chinese people, it offers the ideal environment for Chinese companies seeking to expand into Europe or across to North Africa and the Middle East.

Spinola Bay © MTA

country overview

CountryPr●filerMALTA 2010


马耳他一览 Malta at a Glance

Mediterranean Conference Centre © Alan Carville

国家 正式名称:马耳他共和国 成立年份:1964 年 首都:瓦莱塔 欧盟成员:2004 年 5 月 1 日加入 国定假日:9 月 21 日 (独立日) 时区:格林威治标 准时 + 1 小时 度量标准:公制和英制 货币:欧元 地理位置:南欧 地理构造:由五座 岛屿组成的群岛 面积:316 平方公里 气候:夏季温暖干 燥,冬季温和 地形:低缓、多岩石 的平原和海蚀崖. 国际代码:+356 供电:3 针插头 / 240 伏 公民 人口:413,609(2009 年) 民族:马耳他人 来源:迦太基人和腓尼基人 民族构成:马耳他人占 96% 宗教:罗马天主教 98% 语言:马耳他语和英 语(官方语言) 教育普及率:92.8% 平均年龄:39 岁 平均寿命:79 岁 人口增长率:0.4%

Valletta skyline © Alan Carville

政府 国体:共和制 国家首脑:总统乔治·阿贝 拉(Dr George Abela) 政府首脑:总理劳伦斯·冈 奇(Dr Lawrence Gonzi) 选举权年龄:18 岁 国家立法机构:基于投票 大选:每 5 年举行一次 法律体系:英国习 惯法和罗马民法 司法机构:法官由总统任命 行政中心:瓦莱塔 经济概况 国内生产总值(亿欧 元):57(2009 年) 国内生产总值实际增长 率:-1.9%(2009 年) 经济产业:旅游、金融服 务、房地产、海运、工业 主要贸易伙伴:英国、希 腊、德国、意大利、以色 列、法国、中国(2009 年) 通货膨胀率:1.8%(2009 年) 失业率:7%(2010 年 1 月) 出口额(亿欧元) :15(2009 年) 进口额(亿欧元) :26(2009 年)

Country Official Name: Republic of Malta Year of Formation: 1964 Capital City: Valletta European Union Member: Since May 1st 2004 National Holiday: September 21st (Independence Day) Time: +1 hours GMT Measures: Metric and Imperial Currency: Euro Location: Southern Europe Structure: Archipelago comprised of five islands Area: 316 sq km Climate: Warm, dry summers mild winters Terrain: Low, rocky plains with coastal cliffs. International code: +356 Electricity: 3 pin plug / 240 volts People Population: 413,609 (2009) Nationality: Maltese Descendants: Carthaginians and Phoenicians Ethnic Mix: Maltese 96% Religion: Roman Catholic 98% Languages: Maltese and English (official) Literacy: 92.8% Median age: 39 years Life Expectancy: 79 years Population Growth: 0.4%

Government Form of State: Republic Head of State: President Dr George Abela Head of Government: Prime Minister Dr Lawrence Gonzi Suffrage: 18 years National Legislature: Based on suffrage Elections: Held every 5 years Legal System: English Common Law and Roman Civil Law Juridical Branch: Judges are appointed by the President Administrative Centre: Valletta Economic Overview Total GDP (€ billions): 5.7 (2009) Real GDP growth rate: -1.9% (2009) Economic Sectors: Tourism, financial services, real estate, shipping, industry Main Trading Partners: UK, Greece, Germany, Italy, Israel, France, China (2009) Inflation: 1.8% (2009) Unemployment rate: 7% (January 2010) Exports (€ billions): 1.5 (2009) Imports (€ billions): 2.6 (2009)


CountryPr●filerMALTA 2010

country overview

Grand Harbour © MTA

马耳他国旗 马耳他的国旗于 1964 年 9 月 21 日被正式采用。该岛国的 国旗沿用传统的象征马耳他 骑士的红色和白色,左上方 饰有红边的乔治十字勋章在 四十年代被添加到国旗上, 英王乔治六世将它授予岛国 人民,以表彰他们在第二次 世界大战中的英勇作战。 为什么选择马耳他? 利商型政府 易于接近决策者 生产力水平高 有利于经商的环境 优质的电信服务 国际金融中心 一流的基础设施 稳定的经济 技能娴熟的劳动力 安心、无忧、惬意的生活方式 低企业税率

2010 年公众假日 元旦(1 月 1 日) 圣保罗船难纪念日 (2 月 10 日) 圣约瑟日(3 月 19 日) 耶稣受难日(4 月 2 日) 自由日(3 月 31 日) 劳动节(5 月 1 日) 1919 年独立运动纪念 日(6 月 7 日) 圣彼得和圣保罗节 (6 月 29 日) 圣母升天日(8 月 15 日) 圣母诞辰日(9 月 8 日) 独立日(9 月 21 日) 圣母感孕日(12 月 8 日) 共和日(12 月 13 日) 圣诞节(12 月 25 日)

The Maltese flag © MTA

The Malta Flag

Public Holidays 2010

The Malta flag was officially adopted on September 21, 1964. The flag of this island nation uses the traditional red and white colours of the Knights of Malta. The George Cross (upper left), outlined in red, was added to the flag in the 1940s, as King George VI of Britain presented it to islanders for outstanding gallantry during World War II.

New Year’s Day (1 January) Ship Wreck of St Paul (10 February) St Joseph’s Day (19 March) Good Friday (2 April) Freedom Day (31 March) Labour Day (1 May) 1919 Uprising (7 June) St Peter and St Paul (29 June) Assumption (15 August) Nativity of Our Lady (8 September) Independence Day (21 September) Immaculate Conception (8 December) Republic Day (13 December) Christmas Day (25 December)

Why Malta? Pro-business government Easy access to decision makers High productivity levels A ‘can-do’ business environment Excellent telecommunications International financial centre State-of-the-art Infrastructure Strong economy Highly skilled workforce A safe, secure and pleasant lifestyle Low corporation tax


CountryPr●filerMALTA 2010

China and Malta

中国和马耳他 China and Malta 马耳他自1964年获得独立,不久之后,马耳他就开始与中华人民 共和国建立了良好的关系。1972年,马耳他获得独立仅仅八年, 刚刚还在国际政治舞台上蹒跚学步之时,双方就确立了双边外交 关系。这种关系立刻为马耳他带来了巨大的成效,1979年,在中 国的资金和技术支持下,马耳他干船坞(Drydock)的第六个也 是最大的干船坞 - 红色中国船坞,正式启用。目前为止,这依然 是马耳他乃至地中海区域最大的干船坞,可以处理各种船只,除 了少数几艘目前在全球数一数二的超大型货轮艘。两国之间的合 作始终持续不断并且保持着积极的趋势,这反映在多年以来曾有 众多的中国高级领导人访问马耳他。在文化上,马耳他也从这种 紧密关系中同样获益良多。上世纪九十年代末,中国政府协助马 耳他政府修建了一座静园(Serenity Garden),这座中式花园每年 吸引着成千上万的游客。2007年瓦莱塔举行的中国兵马俑展获得 了空前的成功,而中国文化中心自从2007年在马耳他开幕以来, 则将丰富多彩的中国文化、艺术、历史,甚至语言都引入到马耳 他。事实上,商业关系在这中间起着极为重要的作用。两国的贸 易量近些年出现了稳步地增长,其中在2005年到2008年之间翻了 一番,并且在近期遭遇全球紧急危机的情况下依然保持了显著的 增长。两国之间的经济往来始终保持着上涨趋势,2009年,马耳 他是欧元区唯一依然保持对华贸易增加的国家,增长率为9.7%。 同时为确保这一涨势继续扩大,马耳他自由港目前有七条航线可 以通往中国的十个港口,以八个星期为周期往返于马耳他和中国 之间。

Malta has been an independent state since 1964 and the warm relationship that exists today between the island and the People’s Republic of China began very soon after Malta’s independence. Bilateral relations were established in 1972, just eight years after Malta achieved independence and just as the fledgling newcomer on the world stage was beginning to find its feet. The move was immediately felt on the island - by 1979, Chinese funding and knowhow had led to the opening of the Red China Dock, the sixth and largest at Malta Drydocks. It remains the biggest on the island and indeed one of the biggest in the Mediterranean, able to handle all but the very largest vessels afloat today. Cooperation has been continuous and consistently positive, as reflected in the long list of senior Chinese leaders who have visited Malta over the years. Culturally, too, Malta has benefited enormously from the relationship. In the late 1990s, the Chinese government assisted in the building of the ‘Serenity Garden’ in Malta, a Chinese garden that attracts thousands of visitors every year. The Terracotta Warriors exhibition in Valletta during 2007 was extremely well attended, and the Chinese Cultural Centre has done a very good job of introducing the rich tapestry of Chinese culture, art, history and even language to the Maltese since it opened in Valletta in 2007. Through all this, commercial links have played a big role. The volume of trade between the two countries has grown steadily year after year, doubling between 2005 and 2008, and has remained strong through the recent global economic slowdown. Connections between the countries continue to increase and Malta was the only eurozone country to register an increase in trade with China in 2009, of 9.7 per cent. And, ensuring that this activity continues to expand, the Malta Freeport is now connected directly to 10 Chinese ports via seven lines running eight weekly services.

China and Malta

CountryPr●filerMALTA 2010


Garden of Serenity © Chris Sant Fournier


Chinese visitors to Malta

1984年 1991年 1994年 1995年 1998您 2000年 2000年 2001年 2001年 2009年

1984 1991

国家主席李先念 钱其琛,国务委员兼外交部长 王光英,全国人大常委副委员长 李鹏,国务院总理 钱其琛,国务院副总理兼外交部长 李岚清,国务院副总理 田纪云,全国人大常委副委员长 国家主席江泽民 黄菊,上海市委书记 国家副主席习近平访问马耳他,这是他出访拉美五国 时在欧洲停留的唯一一站。

访问中国的马耳他领导人 1972-1984年 马耳他总理Don Mintoff(五次访华) 1985年 总统Agatha Barbara 1991年 Guido de Marco,副总理兼外交部长 1991年 总统Vincent Tabone 1994年 总理Eddie Fenech Adami 1996年 Lawrence Gonzi,众议院发言人 1997年 George Vella,副总理兼外交部长 2000年 Lawrence Gonzi,副总理兼社会政策部长 2000年 Joe Borg,外交部长 2001年 总统Guido de Marco 2002年 Anton Tabone,众议院发言人 2002年 总理Eddie Fenech Adami 2010年 Tonio Borg,副总理兼外交部长

1994 1995 1998 2000 2000 2001 2001 2009

President Li Xian-Nian Qian Qi-chen, State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Guang-ying, Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Li Peng, Prime Minister Qian Qi-chen, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Li Lan-qing, Deputy Prime Minister Tian Ji-yun, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress President Jiang Ze-Min Huang Ju, Party Secretary of Shanghai Vice President Xi Jinping made Malta his only European stop along with five Latin American countries.

Maltese visitors to China 1972-1984 - Prime Minister Don Mintoff (5 times) 1985 President Agatha Barbara 1991 Guido de Marco, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs 1991 President Vincent Tabone 1994 Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami 1996 Lawrence Gonzi, Speaker of the House of Representatives 1997 George Vella, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Foreign Affairs 2000 Lawrence Gonzi, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Social Policy 2000 Joe Borg, Minister of Foreign Affairs 2001 President Guido de Marco 2002 Anton Tabone, Speaker of the House of Representatives 2002 Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami 2010 Tonio Borg, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Malta


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country profile

马耳他国家概况 MALTA COUNTRY PROFILE 现在的马耳他正式国名是马耳他共和国,成立于 1964 年脱离英 国统治独立之后。马耳他群岛面积为 316 平方公里,由马耳他 岛、戈佐岛和科米诺岛组成。主岛马耳他岛的面积为 246 平方公 里,长 27 公里,最宽处14.5 公里,横穿整个岛屿只需 45 分钟。 戈佐岛的面积只有 67 平方公里,呈现给游客和居民的是一派稍 欠发达而具有浓郁乡土气息的居住环境。相比之下,马耳他的面 积大约是伦敦的五分之一,人口密度为每平方公里 1120 人,居 欧盟国家之首,在世界上位居第七。首都瓦莱塔是该国的行政和 商业中心。马耳他所处的时区十分便于同世界各地的商务联络, 早于格林威治标准时间一小时意味着其办公时间可以与亚洲的上 午、欧洲全天和美国的下午重合。该岛国于 2004 年加入欧盟, 并于 2008 年采用欧元做为其流通货币。 战略位置 马耳他地处欧洲和北非的中间,北距西西里岛 93 公里,南距利 比亚 290 公里。座落在地中海中心的这个小岛国凭借其在连接东 西方的主要海运航线上所处的位置而成为一个主要的海运枢纽, 为进出地中海东、西两岸港口提供方便。这使得她成为从古罗马 帝国到大英帝国等海上列强竞相争夺之地。 人民 马耳他人据称是古代迦太基人和腓尼基人的后裔,同时带有明显 的意大利人特点和其他地中海地区高加索人的血统。目前,岛上 的人口总数刚刚超过 413,609 人,其中约有 25,000 人生活在较小 的戈佐岛。该国的人口中以青年人居多,平均年龄为 39.5 岁,平 均寿命达 79.4 岁。马耳他人受教育程度高,并且能讲多种语言; 人口增长率已在 0.4% 左右盘桓了数年。马耳他的主要城镇包括 由圣约翰骑士团建于十六世纪的首都瓦莱塔、西海岸名闻遐迩的 海边城市斯利马和圣朱利安斯、内陆城市莫斯塔和哈姆伦,以及 位于岛屿南部的保拉。虽然约 90% 的马耳他人居住在城镇地区, 仍然有众多小村庄还沿袭着传统的地中海乡村生活方式。

Modern Malta, officially known as the Republic of Malta, was founded in 1964 following independence from Great Britain. Just over 316 square km in area, the Maltese islands comprise Malta, Gozo and Comino. The main island, Malta, has an area of 246 square kilometres and is 27 kilometres long and measures 14.5 kilometres at its widest point and it takes just 45 minutes to cross the island. Gozo, with an area of just 67 square kilometres, offers visitors and residents a less developed and more rural environment to live in. Comparatively, Malta is around one fifth the size of London and the island is the most densely populated country in the European Union, and the seventh in the world, with 1,120 people per square kilometre. The capital city Valletta is both the administrative and business centre of the country. Malta lies in a convenient time zone for doing business across the world, one hour ahead of GMT, meaning office hours coincide with Asia in the morning, Europe throughout the day and the US in the afternoon. The island joined the European Union in 2004 and adopted the euro as its currency in 2008. Strategic Location Malta lies midway between Europe and North Africa, 93 km south of Sicily and 290 km north of Libya. Situated at the heart of the Mediterranean, the small island nation has become a major shipping hub with its position on the major East-West shipping lanes granting easy access to both Eastern and Western Mediterranean ports. This has made it a much sought-after prize for maritime powers, from the Ancient Romans to the British Empire. People The Maltese people are said to be the descendants of ancient Carthaginians and Phoenicians, with strong elements of Italian and other Mediterranean stock. The island’s population now totals just over 413,609, with some 25,000 living on the smaller sister island of Gozo. The nation has a predominantly young population, with a median age of 39.5 years and life expectancy of 79.4 years. The people of Malta are highly educated, as well as multilingual, and population growth has hovered around 0.4 per cent for some years. Malta’s main towns include the capital city, Valletta, built by the Knights of St John in the 1500s, the popular sea-side towns of Sliema and St. Julians on the west coast, the inland towns of Mosta and Hamrun, and Paola, situated in the south of the island. While some 90 per cent of Maltese live in urban settings, there are numerous small villages that still evoke the traditional Mediterranean, rural way of life.

country profile

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Religion The Church plays an active role in most communities on the islands. This is reflected in the large number of churches to be found in Malta; 365 in all – one for each day of the year. Close to 98 per cent of the Maltese population are Roman Catholic. Malta’s adoption of the Christian religion dates back to AD 60, when St Paul evangelised the island. Other religious denominations are also represented and include Jewish, Muslim and Hindu communities. The Azure Window, Dwejra, Gozo © Paolo Meitre Liberatini, MTA

宗教 教堂在马耳他岛上的大多数社区中都扮演着十分活跃的角色, 这一点反映在岛上能够找到的数量众多的教堂上——总共有 365 座,可以在一年当中一天参观一座。将近 98% 的马耳他人是罗 马天主教徒,而马耳他信奉基督教的时间可以追溯到公元 60 年 圣保罗来岛上传教的时候。其他宗教教派包括犹太教、穆斯林和 印度教团体。 教育和文化普及 近二十五年来,随着岛国转变为知识型经济体,马耳他政府将教 育当作一项重中之重。以英国教育体制为范本的马耳他教育体制 被认为是非常优秀的,能够提供各种层次的教育,而中小学教 育是所有少年儿童都必须接受的。岛国的文化普及率是其人口 的 92.8%。目前,马耳他的教育制度有了变化,以国立小学校、 天主教堂和国际小学校构成支柱,而在高等教育方面,该国有一 所大学、数所职业学院以及众多私立专科学校,与外国大专院校 一道提供各种文凭和学位课程。做为一个面向未来发展的领域, 教育产业的规划吸引了越来越多的外国学生到马耳他的大学、技 术与职业学院以及信息技术与金融服务专科学校前来学习,并增 强马耳他做为以英语为非母语(EFL)或者英语的学习目的地的 重要性。目前,马耳他大学有一万多名学生,其中近一千名留学 生来自包括中国在内的 80 个国家。除了法律和医药等传统的学 科领域外,马耳他大学的经济、商务、金融服务、法律、政治和 信息通信技术等专业教育也颇具实力。岛国的劳动力人口数约在 162,500 名左右,其中大多数就业于服务行业。 医疗保健 马耳他拥有一个非常稳固的健康服务体系,由政府提供的各种免 费健康服务和私立医院系统组成。在世界卫生组织近期的一项研 究中,马耳他的医疗保健服务业被排在世界医疗保健业的前五 名,这是对一个在第一次世界大战中以“地中海护士”著称的国 家的恰如其分的褒奖。2007 年,该岛国最先进的急症诊治医院天 主圣母医院(Mater Dei)开业,提高了马耳他的医疗保健专业人 员及其服务的卓越声望,并且该国更进一步做好了准备,以便为 其国民和游客提供最优质的医疗服务。此外,马耳他的外科医生 也是国际公认的世界上最好的,他们在英国接受培训,而且能够 说英语。马耳他的福利保障意味着所有的公共健康设施都是免费 的。政府把深入发展确立为医疗保健产业的目标,几年来投入了 大量财力物力,以促进医疗旅游这一目前正在全球飞速增长的旅 游产业项目。天主圣母医院(Mater Dei Hospital)是欧洲最大的 医疗保健基础设施项目,综合了所有的医学及外科专科,可望确 保马耳他做为一流医疗旅游目的地的地位;同时,岛上的私立医 院也拥有稳定的海外患者流入量。

Education and Literacy Over the past twenty five years, as the island was transformed into a knowledge-based economy, the Maltese government has made education a major priority. Malta’s educational system, modelled on the British system, is considered to be excellent and offers universal education, with primary and secondary education being compulsory for all children. The island has a literacy rate of 92.8 per cent of the population. The current educational landscape in Malta is varied with state schools, Catholic Church and international schools forming the backbone. In terms of higher education the country has a university, several vocational colleges and a host of private specialist institutions offering diploma and degree courses in conjunction with foreign universities and colleges. As a sector earmarked for future development, plans are to attract increasing numbers of foreign students to attend the island’s university, technical and vocational colleges and specialist IT and financial services institutes, as well as to expand Malta’s importance as an English as a Foreign Language (EFL), or English language learning destination. Today the University of Malta hosts more than 10,000 students, including close to 1,000 international students from 80 countries, including China. Besides the traditional subject areas including law and medicine, the University of Malta has a strong presence in economics, business, financial services, law, politics, and ICT. The island’s workforce numbers around 162,500, with the majority working in the services sector. Health Malta has a very strong health service, combining universal free healthcare provided by the state with a system of private hospitals. Malta’s health service was ranked in the top five health services in the world in a recent WHO study, a fitting accolade for a country that was known as the ‘Nurse of the Mediterranean’ during the First World War. The excellent reputation of Malta’s health professionals and service have been enhanced by the opening of the island’s stateof-the-art acute hospital, Mater Dei, in 2007, and the island is even better prepared to offer its citizens and guests the highest quality of medical care. In addition, surgeons are internationally recognised as among the best in the world and are UK-trained and Englishspeaking. Malta’s welfare state means that all public health facilities are free of charge. A sector targeted for further development by the government, significant investment has been made over the years to attract medical tourism, now a rapidly growing segment of the tourist industry worldwide. Mater Dei Hospital, which was the largest healthcare related infrastructure project in Europe, incorporates all medical and surgical specialties and is expected to ensure Malta’s position as a prime health-care destination, while private hospitals on the island are seeing a steady influx of overseas patients.


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country profile



官方语言是马耳他语和英语,90% 的马耳他人完全掌握两种语 言。英语是商业、教育、娱乐及新闻行业的主要用语,马耳他语 则是亲朋好友之间更常用的语言,但大多数人都能轻松地在两种 语言之间转换。马耳他语属于闪族语,据信是在阿拉伯人占据该 岛时期(公元 870 – 1090 年)发展起来的,至今仍然是唯一用 拉丁字母书写的闪族语言。大多数马耳他人都能熟练使用意大利 语,同时法语和德语也随处可闻。商业信函大多使用英语,这使 马耳他成为十分引人的经商之地。近几十年来,马耳他已成为英 语非为母语的外国学生最喜爱的学习地点之一,每年来马耳他学 习英语的留学生超过 5 万人。

The official languages are Maltese and English, with 90 per cent of Maltese being totally bilingual. English is used predominantly in business, education, entertainment and newspapers, while Maltese is more commonly used between family and friends, though most people easily switch between the two languages. Maltese is a Semitic language believed to have developed during the Arab occupation of the islands (870 – 1090 AD), and it is still the only Semitic language to be written in a Latin script. Most Maltese have a good command of Italian, while French and German are also widely spoken. Most business correspondence is in English, which makes Malta an attractive place to conduct business. Over the last few decades Malta has also become one of the most popular destinations for foreigners to study English as a second language and over 50,000 international students come to Malta every year to learn the language.

气候与地理 马耳他是一个多丘陵的地中海岛国,气候干燥,有时多风,一年 中约有 300 天是晴朗的天气。夏天气温徘徊在 30 摄氏度左右, 冬天则为 15 至 20 摄氏度,马耳他这种和熙温暖的气候被认为是 世界上最好的气候之一。环抱在地中海最清澈、纯净的海水之中 的马耳他乡村,修建在任何可利用的耕地上的小块梯田成为其特 色。这些梯田用纯人力垒筑的碎石墙围挡,利用了每一片可以利 用的土地,无论其有多小。马耳他的岛屿为丘陵构造,主要由石 灰岩组成,从东边到东北隆起约 240 米高,而其 252 公里长的海 岸线蜿蜒曲折,遍布着深水港、海湾、峡湾和岩石嶙峋的海角。 适于耕种的土地约为岛国面积的 38%,因而马耳他的粮食产量只 能满足其需求量的 20% 左右。虽然在雨量充沛的季节有一些小 河流,但马耳他岛上没有长流河或湖泊,50% 以上的饮用水是由 座落在海岸边的海水淡化厂生产的,其余则从天然的地下井水中 抽取。 自然资源 除了每年为马耳他吸引大量游客的阳光和海水之外,岛国没有多 少自然资源,从地下采掘的特有的金色石灰岩直到不久以前一直 是大多数马耳他建筑物的主要建材。尽管沿海地区的古代盐场遗 迹表明岛国在古时候曾大量出产海盐,如今这早已不再是重要的 生产活动。事实上,马耳他消耗的盐如今大部分都是靠进口。化 石燃料价格上涨所产生的压力和欧盟对发展清洁能源的承诺,促 使马耳他开始探讨陆上和海上风力发电以及太阳能资源再生系统 的可行性;同时,在研究表明岛屿周围的海床下极有可能存在石 油和天然气之后,马耳他已开始对其近海的某些区域进行勘探。

Climate and Geography A rocky Mediterranean island with a dry and sometimes windy climate, Malta enjoys 300 days of sunshine a year. With average summer temperatures around 30 C and winter temperatures ranging from 15 C to 20 C, Malta’s mild, warm climate is considered one of the best in the world. Surrounded by some of the clearest and cleanest waters in the Mediterranean, the island’s countryside is characterised by the tiny terraced fields carved out of any available agricultural land, supported by laboriously constructed rubble walls, and utilising every available pocket of land, no matter how small. The Maltese islands are a rocky formation, composed chiefly of limestone, rising from east to northeast to a height of 240 m, while the 252 kilometre coastline is indented with deep harbours, bays, creeks, and rocky coves. Some 38 per cent of the island’s area is considered arable land, and Malta only produces around 20 per cent of its food requirements. Although there are some small rivers at times of high rainfall, there are no permanent rivers or lakes on Malta, and over 50 per cent of the island’s potable water is produced at desalination plants situated on the coast, with the remainder being extracted from natural underground wells. Natural Resources Apart from the sun and the sea that attract the vast majority of Malta’s tourists every year, the island has few natural resources beyond the distinctive, golden-hued limestone that is quarried out of the ground and was, up to recently, the primary material used in the construction of most buildings in Malta. While in ancient times the island produced large quantities of salt, as evidenced in the remains of ancient saltpans in coastal areas around the island, this is no longer an important activity, and indeed, most salt consumed in Malta is now imported. Pressures arising from the rising cost of fossil fuels, as well as EU commitments on clean energies, have prompted the island to explore the feasibility of wind farms, onshore or offshore, and solar powered renewable systems. In the meantime, Malta has also initiated exploration of certain areas off its coastline, after studies showed a high possibility of finding petroleum and natural gas beneath the seabed surrounding the island.

Gozo Citadel © MTA

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Lifestyle and Culture

In Guardia © MTA

The Maltese lifestyle famously offers a balanced composition of hard work and ample leisure time. The island is renowned for its excellent quality of life and, with its small size and well-balanced rhythm, offers residents the opportunity to enjoy the proverbial eight hours of work, eight hours of play and eight hours of sleep. The island’s Mediterranean cuisine, based on seasonal fresh produce and infused with aromatic herbs, is one of the healthiest and tastiest in the region featuring many of the main ingredients typical of the region such as aubergines, tomatoes and peppers together with freshly caught fish and seafood. A refreshing change from other busy, chaotic and high-cost, business centres, Malta offers a diverse range of shopping, cultural and leisure activities in addition to well-equipped public and private hospitals and clinics. The island’s property market features a variety of top-of-the-range homes, including apartments, town houses and villas, as well as excellent office space at reasonable rents. Other factors that contribute to this enviable lifestyle are the easy proximity to all main European towns and cities, via the excellent air and sea links that are available.



众所周知,马耳他的生活将辛勤工作和富足的休闲时光均衡地相 协调。岛国以生活质量上佳而著称,其小小的面积和有条不紊的 生活节奏使居留者能有机会享受到尽人皆知的八小时工作、八小 时娱乐和八小时睡眠。岛上的地中海美食以应季的新鲜农产品为 主,并以各种香草植物调味,是该地区最健康、最美味的饮食 之一,其特色是很多主要食材都是当地特有的,如茄子、西红柿 和胡椒,以及刚刚捕获的鱼类和海产品。若想寻求不同于其他繁 忙、喧闹和高消费商业中心的令人耳目一新的感觉,马耳他可以 为您提供多种多样的购物、文化和休闲活动,还有设备精良的公 立和私立医院与诊所。岛国的物业市场以专供各种一流住房为特 色,其中包括公寓、城市住宅和别墅,以及租金合理的优质办公 场所。为这种令人艳羡的生活方式增色的还有同欧洲各个主要城 市之间极为方便的空中和海上交通。

Malta’s location at the heart of the Mediterranean has made it a melting pot of civilisations for over 7,000 years. Throughout the centuries, Malta has been a coveted possession of the dominant nations in the region. The structures, buildings and monuments they left behind form the backdrop to a story as fascinating as it is long. Situated midway between Europe and North Africa, Malta has been an important trading centre throughout history and the island’s prehistoric temple complexes, which date back some 6,000 years, rank among the oldest freestanding structures in the world. The temple builders were replaced by the Phoenicians, Carthaginians and later the Roman Empire. Christianised early by St Paul, who is believed to have been shipwrecked on Malta on his way to Rome, the islands were colonised by Islamic Arabs in the late 900s, only to be reclaimed for Christendom by the Norman conquerors of Sicily. In 1530 Malta became the home of the Sovereign Military Order of the Knights Hospitaller of St John. The Knights spent some 250 years in Malta, building fortifications and defences around the island and founding the capital city of Valletta, but were ousted by the French in 1798, who ruled for two years. Malta became a British Crown Colony in the early 1800s and remained so until Independence in 1964. In 1974, Malta was declared a republic. The island is a member of the Commonwealth, the United Nations and the Council of Europe and in December 1989 hosted the Bush-Gorbachev summit that sealed the end of the Cold War. The island joined the European Union in 2004 and the eurozone in 2008.

历史 七千多年以来,马耳他居于地中海中心的位置使其成为各种文明 的熔炉。数个世纪以来,马耳他一直是该地区列强企图霸占的重 要国家,他们留下的建筑、房屋和遗迹构成了一个引人入迷的长 篇故事的背景。地处欧洲和北非中间的马耳他在历史上一直是重 要的贸易中心,岛上的史前寺庙建筑群是世界上最古老的独立式 建筑之一,其历史可以追溯到大约 6,000 年前。寺庙的建造者先 后有腓尼基人、迦太基人和罗马帝国。最先将基督教传入马耳他 的是圣徒保罗,他在去罗马的途中在马耳他遭遇了沉船事故。岛 国于公元十世纪末成为伊斯兰阿拉伯人的殖民地,却被来自西西 里的征服者诺曼人改造成了基督教教区。1530 年,马耳他成为圣 约翰独立军事医院骑士团的大本营。骑士团在岛上统治了约 250 年时间,在岛的四周修建了碉堡和防御工事,并建立了首都瓦莱 塔。1798 年,法国人驱逐了骑士团,此后统治了岛国两年。十 九世纪初,马耳他成为英国的直辖殖民地,直至 1964 年才获得 独立。1974 年,马耳他宣布成为共和国。马耳他是英联邦、联 合国和欧洲理事会的成员,并于1989 年 12 月主持了为冷战划上 句号的布什与戈尔巴乔夫的首脑会谈。马耳他于 2004 年加入欧 盟,2008 年加入欧元区。


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Government and Politics

马耳他是一个议会民主制国家,执政权由国家总理掌握,而总统 是国家元首;公民有普选权,并且每五年举行一次大选。岛国 享有西方国家中最高水平的选民参加率,投票率通常超过 90%。 目前主导国家政治的是两大政党。上一次大选举行于 2008 年 3 月,当时的执政党——总理劳伦斯·冈奇领导的国民党以微弱优 势获胜而第三次蝉联执政。主要反对党是约瑟夫·穆斯卡特(Dr. Joseph Muscat)领导的工党。总统,即国家元首,是唯一由议会 而非大众投票选举的领袖人物,目前由乔治·阿贝拉担任。经议会 讨论并通过的各项法律由庞大的专业化行政部门负责执行,在某 些行业则由权利自治机构实施。被任命者不必依靠政府为其安排 就职日期,这为持续发展和稳定的商业环境提供了必需的稳定性 和连续性。司法部门独立于执法和立法机构,法官则由总统根据 总理的提议加以任命。

Malta is a parliamentary democracy in which executive powers rests with the Prime Minister while the President is the Head of State. There is universal suffrage and general elections are held every five years; the island enjoys one of the highest levels of voter participation in the western world, with typical turnouts of over 90 per cent. Politics at a national level is now dominated by two big parties. The last general elections were held in March 2008, when the incumbent Nationalist Party, led by Prime Minister Dr. Lawrence Gonzi, won a third consecutive term by a narrow margin. The main opposition party is the Labour Party, led by Dr. Joseph Muscat. The President, head of state and the only leading figure to be voted by Parliament and not elected by popular vote, is currently Dr. George Abela. Parliament debates and passes laws, which are then implemented by a large, professional civil service or in some sectors by autonomous authorities. Appointees do not depend upon the government of the day for their position: this provides the stability and continuity needed for consistent development and a stable business environment. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature, and judges are appointed by the President on the suggestion of the Prime Minister.

欧盟 继 1964 年独立之后,马耳他的小岛国经济对于国际经济大环境 的波动十分敏感,加入欧盟成为继续发展的理想之途。经过数年 的协商后,岛国于 2004 年加入欧盟。事实证明,这一庞大、稳 固的经济区域的成员地位对马耳他的经济产生了重大意义,它使 岛国的企业得以进入世界最大的单一内部市场,使马耳他政府 部门更有信心面对各种困境。2008 年加入申根地区的决定消除 了内部边界控制,加之采用了马耳他众多亲密伙伴国家通用的货 币欧元,使得马耳他开阔了眼界并进一步敞开了大门。在入盟的 筹备阶段,马耳他彻底整改了其整个法律架构,包括企业和商业 法规,将全部欧盟指令置入其国内法中。马耳他已完全适应了欧 盟成员国的身份,将欧盟基金用于国内基础设施和环境的升级改 造,从而推动了该国现代经济框架的建设,为眼下正寻求进入欧 盟市场突破口的企业提供了具成本效益、多技能、受欢迎的企业 文化以及诱人的、为欧盟与经合组织所认可的税收体制等多种优 势的组合。积极的影响,特别是在采用欧元以后,已经体现在金 融服务、商业服务和企业注册行业,以及高级制造、精密工程和 航空维修等产业中。

European Union Following independence in 1964, Malta’s small island economy proved highly vulnerable to any disturbance in the international economic atmosphere. Entry into the European Union was seen as the ideal way forward and after several years of negotiations, the island joined the Union in 2004. Membership of a large, robust economic area has proved valuable to Malta’s economy, giving the island’s businesses access to the world’s largest single internal market and enabling Malta’s authorities to weather storms with a little more confidence. The decision to join the Schengen Zone in 2008 removed internal border controls, and, combined with the adoption of the euro, the common currency used in many of Malta’s closest partner countries, has opened the island’s horizons and made it more accessible. In preparation for entry into the Union, Malta had overhauled its entire legal structure including its business and commercial regulation, transposing all EU directives into domestic law. Malta has adapted well to EU membership, investing EU funds in upgrading the country’s infrastructure and environment. This helped create the framework for the country’s modern economy which now offers companies seeking an entry point into the EU a combination of cost-effective, sophisticated skills, welcoming business culture and attractive, EU and OECDendorsed tax regime. Positive influences, particularly post-euro adoption, have been felt in the financial services sector, business services and corporate formation, as well as in the advanced manufacturing, precision engineering and aviation maintenance sectors.

Auberge de Castille


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International Relations

做为欧洲理事会、联合国和英联邦成员以及“欧洲-地中海”发 展进程的积极参与国,马耳他外交政策的基础是其于 2004 年 5 月 1 日加入欧盟之后的成员国地位。马耳他渴望看到欧盟的共 同外交与安全政策得到进一步强化,支持欧盟的进一步扩大。在 防务问题上,马耳他通常与中立的欧盟成员国伙伴结盟,如爱尔 兰、瑞典、芬兰和奥地利。岛国与阿拉伯国家有着良好的关系, 与非洲北部国家的关系尤为密切,而长期以来同中国建立的友谊 则可以追溯到岛国独立伊始。马耳他是“一个中国”政策的坚定 支持者,自 2004 年加入欧盟后,更致力于进一步促进欧盟与中 国关系的发展。马耳他还一直是地中海联盟的支持者,是率先表 示支持法国关于在 2008 年 7 月成立地中海联盟的正式提议的国 家之一,也是地中海议会总部现任东道国。自 1964 年成为联合 国成员以来, 马耳他还积极加入了国际海事组织、国际电信联 盟、联合国教科文组织、国际货币基金组织和世界银行。

As a member of the Council of Europe, the United Nations and the Commonwealth, and a keen participant in the Euro-Med process, the cornerstone of Malta’s foreign policy is its membership of the European Union, which it joined on May 1st 2004. Malta is keen to see a further strengthening of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and supports the further enlargement of the EU. On defence matters Malta usually allies itself with its fellow neutral EU member states such as Ireland, Sweden, Finland and Austria. The island has good relations with the Arab world, particularly the countries of North Africa, and has a long-established friendship with China dating back to the island’s earliest post-Independence days. A firm supporter of the one-China policy, since EU accession in 2004 Malta has worked to further promote the development of EUChina relations. Malta has long been an advocate of Mediterranean unity and was one of the first countries to back France’s official proposal for the Union of the Mediterranean in July 2008 as well as the current host to the headquarters of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean. A member of the United Nations since 1964, Malta also participates actively in the International Maritime Organisation, the International Telecommunications Union, UNESCO, the International Monetary fund and the World Bank.

经济 近二十年中,马耳他已转变为以知识型产业为基础、以高学历的 专业化劳动力为动力的现代经济体。1964 年从英国治下赢得独立 后,马耳他政府从八十年代起开始向教育、基础设施和通信系统 投入大量资金,使经济由低成本的制造和包价旅游,转向以高附 加值的产业和服务为重心。2004 年加入欧盟以及 2008 年采用欧 元,又进一步带动了产业结构调整,实现了市场自由化、国有企 业私营化和政府财政的合并。随后,政府又划定了七个重点发展 的产业:金融服务与支持、国际教育、旅游、先进制造、创新产 业、交通运输、现代物流和生命科学。 如今,包括金融中介、商业服务、旅游和房地产在内的服务 行业构成了马耳他经济的最重要支柱,占国内生产总值的 75%, 而工业和农业分别只占 23% 和 2%。飞机维修、制药、半导体制 造和信息技术服务业正在迅速扩张,旅游业依然保持强势发展, 占据了国内生产总值近 25% 的份额;而早已占国内生产总值 12% 的金融服务业也在快速迎头赶上,不断创造高价值和提供职业岗 位。此外,虽然 2009 年因经济衰退导致失业人数有所增加,马 耳他仍然是欧洲失业率最低的国家之一,其 2010 年1 月统计的失 业率为 7%。

Portomaso Marina © Alan Carville

Economy Over the last two decades Malta has transformed itself into a modern economy based on knowledge-industries and powered by a highly educated, professional workforce. Winning independence from Great Britain in 1964, Malta moved from low-cost manufacturing and package tourism to a focus on high-value activities and services from the late 1980s, when the Maltese government began to invest heavily in education, infrastructure and communication systems. European Union accession in 2004 and euro adoption in 2008 brought further restructuring leading to the liberalisation of markets, privatisation of state-owned companies and the consolidation of government finance. The government then identified seven key industry sectors for development: financial services and support; international educational services; tourism; advanced manufacturing; the creative industries; transportation, advanced logistics; and life sciences. Today services, including financial intermediation, business services, tourism and real estate, form the most important pillar in the Maltese economy, contributing 75 per cent to GDP, while industry accounts for 23 per cent and agriculture just two per cent. Businesses like aircraft maintenance, pharmaceuticals, semiconductor manufacturing and IT services are expanding fast, while tourism remains strong, contributing close to 25 per cent of GDP, but financial services, already accounting for 12 per cent of GDP, are fast catching up, producing both high value and job opportunities. And, despite an increase in the number of recessiondriven job losses through 2009, Malta has registered one of Europe’s lowest rates of unemployment, which stood at 7 per cent in January 2010.

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Key Industry Sectors

SmartCity Malta, artist’s impression

重要产业 马耳他的旅游业每年可吸引约 120 万名游客,其 2009 年的游客数 量下降了 8%,原因是岛国的主要市场英国、德国和意大利受到 经济衰退的打击。直接雇用人数约占全部劳动力 30% 的该行业目 前正努力扩大市场,把目光盯向俄罗斯、斯堪的纳维亚和北非国 家,将这些市场当作未来发展的潜力。 金融服务是马耳他经济的另一主要支柱,2009 年的增长率超 过了 20%,使该产业距离其到 2015 年实现产值翻一番而占国内 生产总值 25% 的目标更近了一步。该产业包括银行、投资服务和 保险在内,共雇用了约 6,700 人,占全部劳动力的 4% 左右。 工业包括制药、生物技术、医疗器械、精密工程和飞机维 修,目前的发展重点是知识型生产活动。该行业近几年来吸引了 大量投资,用工人数约为 17,000 人。 尽管房产价格在 2008 年下降了 2.7%,2009 年下降了 5%,房 地产和建筑行业依然保持强劲发展势头。该行业约占马耳他国内 生产总值的 5%,并且在政府总体经济政策的扶持下,已转向以 海外购房者和外籍人士为目标的高端五星级开发建设项目。 农业约占马耳他国内生产总值的 2%,就业人数占全部劳动 力的 2% 左右。在加入欧盟初期,因取消保护性贸易壁垒而出现 困难;在这些难题被努力克服之后,该产业正力求向国际市场推 广其产品,将地中海特产的农产品出口到寻求更优质商品的小众 特类市场。马耳他的鱼类养殖业已获得了巨大成功,目前是蓝鳍 金枪鱼养殖的世界领先者。据估计,日本 2008 年进口的冷冻蓝 鳍金枪鱼中有近 30% 是马耳他供应的,其数量超过 4,000 吨,总 价值超过 1.05 亿欧元。 多元化的现代经济使马耳他避免了全球经济衰退导致的严重 后果,尽管旅游业和制成品出口有所退步,但金融服务业继续保 持良好业绩,而且马耳他的银行系统安然度过了此次全球金融危 机并崭露头角。2009 年该行业的增长率超过了 20%。年度统计数 据表明,2009 年马耳他的国内生产总值缩减了 1.9%,是降幅最 小的欧盟国家之一;虽然公共债务和赤字率估计分别占国内生产 总值的 66.2% 和 3.8%(主要是因为政府在经济推进计划方面的费 用增加),超出了欧盟的限制范围,但问题并不严重。马耳他可 望到 2011 年末将财政重新调整至欧盟的限定范围内。

Attracting some 1.2 million visitors annually, tourism arrivals dropped by 8 per cent in 2009 as the recession hit the island’s main markets of the UK, Germany and Italy. The sector, which directly employs some 30 per cent of the workforce, is now trying to broaden its markets, targeting Russia, Scandinavia and North Africa as potentials for future growth. Financial services, another major contributor to the Maltese economy, grew by over 20 per cent in 2009, bringing the sector closer to its goal of doubling its contribution to GDP to 25 per cent by 2015. This area, which includes banking, investment services and insurance, employs some 6,700 people, or around 4 per cent of the workforce. Industry, which is now focused on knowledge-based activities, includes pharmaceuticals, bio-tech, medical equipment, precision engineering and aircraft services, has attracted significant investment over the past few years and employs some 17,000 people. Real estate and construction remain strong, despite a decline of 2.7 per cent in property prices in 2008 and 5 per cent in 2009. The sector contributes some 5 per cent to total GDP and has shifted, in tandem with government policy for the economy as a whole, to the building of top-of-the-range, five-star developments aimed at foreign buyers and expats. Agriculture, which contributes some 2 per cent of GDP, employs around 2 per cent of the workforce. Struggling at first to cope with the removal of protective barriers that came with EU accession, this sector is now looking to promote its products internationally as specialist, Mediterranean produce with niche markets seeking higher quality goods. Malta has had significant success with fish farming operations and now ranks as a world-leader in bluefin tuna ranching. The island is estimated to have supplied close to 30 per cent of Japan’s frozen bluefin tuna imports in 2008, which translated to over 4,000 tonnes of the prized fish carrying a total value of over 105 million euro. Malta’s diversified modern economy cushioned the island from the worst of the global recession: while tourism and the export of manufactured goods suffered reverses, financial services continued to perform well with the Maltese banking system emerging unscathed from the international financial crisis, and the sector expanding by over 20 per cent in 2009. Annual statistics show that Malta registered one of the EU’s shallowest dips in 2009, with GDP contracting by 1.9 per cent, and while public debt and deficit ratios grew beyond EU margins, largely due to increased government spending on economy-boosting initiatives, at an estimated 66.2 per cent and 3.8 per cent of GDP respectively, they are not considered excessive. The country is expected to re-align its finances with EU limits by the end of 2011.


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Trade partners

马耳他的主要贸易伙伴有英国、意大利、法国和德国,欧盟国家 约占其进口的三分之二和出口的二分之一。进口商品包括矿物燃 料及油类、机械、半制成品、食品、饮料和烟草,同时马耳他的 主要出口商品有机电、鱼类及甲壳类以及制药产品。受国际贸易 萎缩的影响,2009 年岛国的贸易赤字由 2008 年的 13 亿欧元下降 到 11 亿欧元;出口由 2008 年的 20 亿欧元减少到 15 亿欧元,而 进口由 2008 年的 33 亿欧元下降至 26 亿欧元。中国也占据了马耳 他进口市场的部分份额,2009 年的贸易额达到了 1.168 亿欧元。 马耳他是 2009 年同中国贸易量有所增加的极少数欧元区国家之 一,贸易增长率为 9.7%。

Malta’s main trading partners are the UK, Italy, France and Germany, with EU countries accounting for some two thirds of imports and half of exports. Imports include mineral fuels and oils, machinery, semi-manufactured goods, food, drink and tobacco, while Malta’s primary exports are electrical machinery, fish and crustaceans and pharmaceutical products. Impacted by the deceleration in international trade, in 2009 the island’s trade deficit declined to 1.1 billion euro, down from 1.3 billion euro in 2008, exports decreased from 2 billion euro in 2008 to 1.5 billion euro and imports dropped from 3.3 billion euro in 2008 to 2.6 billion euro. China is also capturing a share of the import market, reaching 116.8 million euro in 2009. Malta was one of the few eurozone countries to have increased its level of trade, by 9.7 per cent, with China in 2009.

经济展望 未来几年,马耳他政府经济政策的主要重心是扶持马耳他经济、 吸引新投资和保障就业,同时扭转公共财政恶化状况。本着谨慎 乐观的态度展望未来,特别是在主要市场开始复苏扩大之时,马 耳他期望其外商直接投资引入量能恢复经济衰退之前、加入欧盟 和欧元区之后的上升趋势,同时金融服务业和飞机维修等行业能 继续保持兴旺。岛国制定的利商性税收制度已被证明对国际商业 界有着强大的吸引力。虽然仍需防范经济衰退的残余影响,马耳 他政府相信其实施的措施是正确的,而且必将成功地使岛国恢复 前几年的经济增长与繁荣。 商机 马耳他进口其所需的大多数商品和产品,为那些寻求将产品销往 岛国的中国企业提供了绝佳的机会,想在拥有 5 亿消费者的欧盟 市场上推出新产品的中国企业,也可以在进入这个更大市场之前 先把马耳他当作一个试验场。最具开发新业务潜力的领域包括消 费品、服务、高技术产业(如计算机设备和数据处理)、金融服 务、环保技术、医疗和电信设备。此外,由于马耳他政府寻求更 清洁和可持续的能源,并计划在今后几年内建造一座或更多陆上 或海上风力发电站,可再生能源、太阳能光伏系统和普通能源产 业也正在引起更多的关注。随着岛上国际社区的扩大和对国际品 牌需求的增加,食品特许经营和时装零售业也能在马耳他找到拓 展业务的沃土。

Economic Outlook Looking ahead, the main focus of the government’s economic policy is to support the Maltese economy, attract new investment and protect jobs while reversing the deterioration in public finances. With a cautiously optimistic outlook, particularly as its main markets begin to expand in recovery, Malta expects to see Foreign Direct Investment inflows return to the pre-recession upward trend that followed EU and eurozone accession, while financial services and areas such as aircraft maintenance continue to flourish. The island’s advantageous tax regime has proven a powerful draw to international business, and, though still watchful for any residual recessionary effects, the Maltese government believes it has implemented the right measures to successfully return the island to the prosperity and growth of previous years. Business Opportunities Malta imports most of the goods and products it needs, and offers excellent opportunities for Chinese companies looking to sell their products on the island or use Malta as a testing ground for new products prior to launching on the wider EU market of 500 million consumers. Areas with most potential for new business include: consumer goods; services; high-technology sectors, such as computer equipment and data processing services; financial services; environmental protection technology; medical and telecommunications equipment. In addition, renewable energy sources, photovoltaic systems and the energy sector in general, are attracting an increasing amount of attention as the Maltese government seeks cleaner and more sustainable energy alternatives, with plans to build one or more land-based or offshore wind farms within the next few years. Food franchises and fashion retailers are also finding fertile ground for expansion in Malta as the international community based on the island grows bigger and demand for international brands rises.


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Foreign Direct Investment

近二十年来,马耳他依照成为地中海地区杰出的领先商业中心的 宏伟蓝图,已经由一个低成本的制造国转变成为有高附加值的知 识型经济体。为了实现最终目标,马耳他政府划定了数个目标产 业。目前,在马耳他设立企业成功几率更高的是软件开发公司、 金融服务公司、网络游戏运营公司、航空企业、制药公司或者 高附加值的电子元件制造厂,以及科研开发公司,尤其是属于医 疗、生物技术和制药行业的企业。 即使在全球经济衰退的情况下,马耳他仍成功地保持了外 商直接投资的稳定流入。在联合国贸发组织的 2008 年世界投资 报告中,马耳他的对内投资实绩位居全球第四,外国企业 2008 年在马耳他的投资总额达 61 亿欧元,几乎相当于国内生产总值 的 110%。2008 年的资金流入为 6.46 亿欧元,这一实绩同整个 欧盟的结果相比颇为引人注目。2010 年年初公布的统计数字表 明,2009 年前三个季度的投资流入由去年同期的 3.467 亿欧元增 加到了 4.568 亿欧元。马耳他的高技能和高学历的劳动力、有利 的商业基础设施以及较低的工资水平和业务成本,加上政府实施 的稳定、利商、亲投资的政策,为岛国赢得了大量投资,丝毫未 受国际不利状况的影响。

Over the last two decades, the island has transformed itself from a low-cost manufacturing location to a value-added, knowledgebased economy with ambitions to become a leading centre of excellence in the Mediterranean region. To that end the Maltese government has identified several target sectors. Companies setting up in Malta today are more likely to be software developers, financial services companies, iGaming operators, aviation firms, pharmaceutical companies or manufacturers of high-value electronic components and R&D, particularly in the medical, biotech and pharmaceutical industries. Malta has been successful in sustaining steady inflows of foreign direct investment, despite the global decline. Ranked in fourth place globally for inward investment performance in UNCTAD’s World Investment Report 2008, the total stock of foreign investment into Malta in 2008 stood at 6.1 billion euro, equivalent to almost 110 per cent of GDP. The inward flow in 2008 was 646 million euro, a stellar performance when compared with results across the EU. Figures released in early 2010 reported investment inflows of 456.8 million euro in the first three quarters of 2009, up from 346.7 million euro in the same period in 2008. Malta’s highly skilled, well-educated workforce, its advantageous business infrastructure and relatively low salary levels and business costs coupled with the government’s consistent, pro-investment and business-friendly policies have helped the island win significant investment despite international conditions.

知识产业 过去二十年来,马耳他为了搭建最先进的信息技术及电信框架而 在基础设施和劳动力的高等教育方面投入了大量资金。这些努力 以及针对金融服务和远程游戏等领域的一整套与欧盟协调一致的 最新立法和法规,使岛国成功地转型为目前在本地区最具吸引力 的知识型投资地点之一。马耳他还在国际上成功地推销自己, 凡涉足金融服务、生命科学、汽车、电影、海洋开发活动、联络 中心、航空维修、电子商务、网络游戏、后勤服务、信息技术和 软件开发等领域的企业,均可把马耳他当作理想的投资地点。实 际上,一些投资项目,如将由迪拜 Tecom Investments 投资集团 承建、投资额为 3 亿美元的信息技术村 SmartCity 以及汉莎技术 公司(Lufthansa Technik)投资 6000 万欧元兴建的新的飞机维修 厂,正在构成马耳他产业景观的新面貌。 外国投资者在马耳他建立企业时将会得到大力支持。要 在岛上注册公司的个人或企业只需联系马耳他企业局(Malta Enterprise)一个部门,企业局负责落实各项鼓励政策并提供全国 各个工业园区内的设施。此外,还有一个投资 2000 万欧元的生 物科技园(或称生命科学中心)已在规划之中,预计于 2013 年 建成。该计划可望进一步刺激这一专业领域的发展,并继续提高 马耳他对所有各个行业外国投资者的非凡吸引力。

Lufthansa Technik Malta © Chris Sant Fournier

Knowledge Industries Over the last two decades Malta has invested heavily in infrastructure and higher education for its workforce in order to create a state-of-the-art IT and telecommunications framework. These efforts, combined with the formulation of leading edge, EUharmonised legislation and regulation in areas such as financial services and remote gaming, have succeeded in transforming the island into one of the most attractive knowledge-based investment locations in the region today and Malta is successfully marketing itself internationally as the ideal location for companies involved in financial services, life sciences , automotive, film, maritime activities, contact centres, aviation services, e-business, iGaming, back office services, IT and software activities. Indeed, investments such as SmartCity, a US$300 million IT village being built by Dubai’s Tecom Investments and Lufthansa Technik’s 60 million euro new aircraft maintenance facility are what constitute the new face of Malta’s industrial landscape. Foreign investors coming to Malta are offered significant support in setting up operations on the island. Malta Enterprise is the single point of contact for people or companies setting up operations on the island, running the various incentive schemes and supplying industrial property within a series of industrial estates located around the country. In addition, a new 20 million euro bio-technology park, or Life Science Centre, is planned and scheduled for completion in 2013. This initiative is expected to add impetus to this specialist industry segment, and is expected to continue to enhance the island’s already compelling attractiveness to international investors across all sectors.

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Competitive The Maltese government’s rigorous restructuring process over the past decade has given birth to a streamlined, results-orientated public sector and productivity focused private sector, raising Malta to the top ranks of international agencies’ most competitive locations lists. With business costs among the lowest in Europe, a multilingual, innovative and highly qualified workforce readily available and a committed pro-business government actively working to enhance Malta’s competitiveness, the operating environment is one of the most advantageous in the world. Ranked sixth globally for inward FDI growth in the 2007 World Investment Report, Malta has the second most successful government in the world in promoting ICT and is the 27th most networked economy in the world, according to the World Economic Forum in 2009/2010, while the 2008 Forbes Tax Misery Index describes Malta as the most attractive country in the EU for its fiscal regime. As a financial services centre, it is recognised as one of the most important emerging centres of the next few years, with the City of London’s 2008 Global Financial Centres Index ranking Malta as fourth in the world as a jurisdiction likely to increase in importance and fifth in the world as the jurisdiction most organisations are likely to set up new operations in the next few years. International Financial Services Malta is rapidly emerging as one of the fastest growing international financial centres in the world and winning ever-increasing international attention from global corporations and advisors. The Maltese authorities’ efforts over the last few years have successfully attracted a large number of international banks such as Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Banif Bank and FIMBank, while insurance companies such as Munich Re, Aon and Marsh have all set up operations in Malta. Fund administrators such as Apex, TMF, and Custom House are already present on the island, as well as a selection of Fortune 100 companies who have structured financial operations on the island. Growing Sector This success has put financial services among the leading economic activities in Malta accounting for more than 12 per cent of the island’s GDP and employing around 7,000, or 4.12 per cent of the workforce. Registering annual growth rates of 30 per cent up to 2008, the sector expanded by over 20 per cent even through 2009, and is expected to maintain this growth. Boosting these efforts considerably is Malta’s advantageous, full imputation taxation system, which gained valuable approval and ‘white list’ status for the country from both the EU and the OECD. Malta also has some 50 double tax agreements with different countries across the world, as well as 20 bilateral and multilateral memoranda of understanding with overseas regulators, the most recent ones being with the China Securities Regulation Commission and the China Banking Commission which are expected to greatly increase Malta’s attractiveness as a spring board for Chinese investment to Europe.

竞争 在最近十年,马耳他政府一直采取严格的整改步骤,努力造就一 个高效的、以结果为导向的公共部门和注重生产力的私营经济, 使马耳他在国际机构的最具竞争力地点排名中名列前茅。经商成 本居欧洲最低之列,掌握多种语言、勇于创新、高素质的劳动力 随时可得,致力于营造利商环境的政府为增强本国的竞争力而 积极行动,这一切都令马耳他成为世界上最具优势的经商环境之 一。在 2007 年的世界投资报告中,马耳他的外商直接投资增长 率位居全球第六,使马耳他政府成为世界上第二个在促进信息通 信技术发展方面获得成功的政府。根据世界经济论坛 2009/2010 年度报告,马耳他在全世界网络化程度最高的国家中排名第 27 位;同时,根据马耳他的财政制度,2008 年“福布斯全球税务 负担指数”将其描述为最具吸引力的欧盟国家。做为金融服务中 心,马耳他被认为是未来几年中最为重要的新兴商业中心,在伦 敦金融城“2008 年全球金融中心排名指数”中,马耳他做为重要 性趋于上升的地区名列第四,而做为未来几年内大多数企业可能 在其中开设新业务的地区则名列第五。 国际金融服务 马耳他正在迅速崛起成为世界上发展最快的国际金融中心之一, 同时也在赢得更多全球企业和顾问人士的普遍关注。马耳他政府 机构过去几年中的努力已成功地引来了众多的国际银行,如德意 志银行、汇丰银行、班尼弗银行(Banif Bank)和 FIMBank 银行; 慕尼黑再保险(Munich Re)、怡安(Aon)和达信(Marsh)等保 险公司也都在马耳他开设了业务,而基金管理机构如 Apex、TMF 和 Custom House 等则早已立足岛国;还有一些“世界财富排名 100 强”(Fortune 100)中的公司也在岛上开办了金融业务。 上升行业 金融服务业的成功使其成为马耳他经济活动中的领先产业之一, 它创造的价值占岛国国内生产总值的 12% 以上,用工人数在 7000 人左右,占全部劳动力的 4.12%。该行业在 2008 年之前一直 保持着 30% 的年增长,2009 年仍增长了 20%,并有望继续保持 这一趋势。对于这一增长,马耳他优越的完全归属税收体制起到 了不容忽视的推动作用,欧盟和经济合作与发展组织均对该税收 体制给予了高度认可,并将马耳他列入了“白名单”。马耳他还 同全世界约 50 个国家签订了避免双重征税协议,同外国监管机 构签署了 20 项双边及多边谅解备忘录;最新的谅解备忘录是分 别同中国证监会和中国银监会签订的,预计这将大大增加马耳他 做为中国企业投资欧洲的跳板的吸引力。

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Malta Financial Services Authority © Chris Sant Fournier


Respected Regulator

马耳他拥有强大的银行、保险、投资和财富管理部门,所有部门 都得到了广受称赞、与欧盟一致的立法和法规的支持。马耳他在 国际上的声望日隆应归功于行业监管机构——马耳他金融服务局 (Malta Financial Services Authority,MFSA)。虽然有严格的循规 要求,当可以提交定制的解决方案时,马耳他金融局仍能为客户 提供非标准化的方案,而马耳他最为人称道的优势则是其监管机 构的灵活性和便民性,以及本国训练有素、经验丰富的法律和专 业服务人才库。

Malta has strong banking, insurance, investment funds and wealth management sectors, all of which are underpinned by universallypraised, EU-compliant legislation and regulation. Contributing to Malta’s growing international reputation is the industry regulator, the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA). While demanding in its compliance requirements, the MFSA nonetheless offers a non-standardised approach to dealing with its clients where custom-made solutions can be delivered, and among Malta’s most appreciated advantages is the flexibility and accessibility of the regulator, as well as the country’s pool of highly trained, experienced legal and professional services providers.

欧盟利益 加入欧盟和采用欧元对马耳他产生了积极的影响作用,使这个金 融中心享有了更高的信用并能够为进入整个欧洲市场提供直接入 场券,确保了岛国在国际金融业处于显赫地位。马耳他的优势包 括:可利用的能力、即时高效的管理流程以及有效且具竞争力的 企业税率。 最高标准 马耳他位处地中海中心,连接世界各地,直通欧洲、北非和中东 市场,是一个能提供最高标准的服务、安全与信托而又相对低成 本的基地。岛国传递给金融服务界的信息简单、直接——监管体 系世界一流,成本相对低廉,并且,马耳他政府和业界承诺推动 马耳他跻身欧洲与地中海地区一流的金融服务中心之列。

EU Benefits The impact of joining the EU and adopting the euro has been very positive for Malta; the financial centre enjoys greater credibility and is able to offer direct writing and passporting rights to the entire European market, ensuring the island’s prominent placement on the radar of the international finance industry. Malta’s advantages include available capacity, a prompt and efficient regulatory process and an effective and a competitive corporate tax rate. Highest Standards A Mediterranean hub with global connections and direct access to European, North African and Middle Eastern markets, Malta remains a relatively low-cost base offering the highest standards of service, security and trust. The island’s message to the financial services world is simple and straightforward: the regulatory system is world class, costs are comparatively low and the Maltese government and the industry are committed to putting Malta on the map as the foremost centre for international financial services in the Euro-Med region.


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马耳他在世界经济论坛“2009-2020 年度竞争力指数”世界最安 全国家排名中居第 13 位,其银行系统也因在此次国际金融危机 中表现出的弹性应变能力而赢得了国际美誉。由于采取保守的 银行业务原则,马耳他的银行业以慎重的方法维持了良性的资产 负债表和稳定的资本总额,从而免于遭受这场危机的最不利的 影响。目前,在马耳他注册的国内和国际银行约有 25 家,截至 2009 年 12 月的总资产为 410 亿欧元。 占据马耳他国内市场优势的是汇丰银行和本土的瓦莱塔银行 (Bank of Valletta),这两家银行共控制了 80% 的市场份额;还 有其他六家规模较小的银行在这一市场竞争,其中包括班尼弗银 行。做为岛国最稳健的行业之一,马耳他的银行业为其客户提供 全套个人、商业和贸易服务,服务种类涵盖商业银行业务、财富 管理、个人银行业务、信托业务、投资银行业务、资金运营、银 团贷款和贸易融资。 做为地中海地区的国际银行中心和金融中心,马耳他已经 吸引了数个在机构融资方面久负盛名的机构在马耳他开展业务 和利用马耳他的战略地位当跳板,以便未来向欧洲、非洲和中 东发展。这些机构来自约 15 个国家,其中包括澳大利亚、奥地 利、德国、比利时、希腊、葡萄牙、土耳其、塞浦路斯、意大 利、科威特、沙特阿拉伯和英国,以及新近到来的德国巨头德 意志银行。其他在马耳他开展业务的一流银行集团包括德国的大 众银行(Volksbank)、奥地利 BAWAG 银行、德国的储蓄银行 (Sparkasse)、希腊的国民银行(National Bank of Greece)、富通 银行(Fortis Bank)、奥地利 Raiffeisen 银行、沙特 Saadgroup 银 行、土耳其的担保银行(Turkiye Garanti Bankasi)、澳大利亚联 邦银行(CommBank)、土耳其 Akbank 银行以及马耳他 FIMBank 银行。在这个有着极具吸引力的财政制度和低运营成本、法规与 欧盟一致但又机动灵活的岛国居地,马耳他的欧盟及欧元区成员 国地位将为您提供进入欧洲和北非市场的直接路径。

Ranked 13th soundest in the world in the World Economic Forum’s Competitiveness Index 2009-2010, Malta’s banking system won international acclaim for its resilience during the international financial crisis. Operating on conservative banking principles, Maltese banks’ prudent approach to maintaining a healthy balance sheet and robust capitalisation meant they were spared the worst effects of the crisis. There are some 25 domestic and international banks now registered in Malta, with total assets of 41 billion euro as of December 2009. The domestic market is dominated by HSBC and home-grown Bank of Valletta, which control a combined 80 per cent market share; six other smaller banks compete in the market, including Banif Bank. One of the most robust sectors on the island, Malta’s banking network provides a full range of personal, commercial and trade services to its clients, including commercial banking, wealth management, private banking, trust business, investment banking, treasury operations, syndicated loans and trade finance. As an international banking centre and finance hub in the Mediterranean region, Malta has attracted some of the most highly respected names in institutional finance to establish operations in Malta and use the island’s strategic location as a springboard for future development into Europe, Africa and the Middle East. These include institutions from some 15 countries including Australia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Turkey, Cyprus, Italy, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the UK, with the most recent arrival being the German giant, Deutsche Bank. Other leading banking groups present include Volksbank, BAWAG, Sparkasse, National Bank of Greece, Fortis Bank, Raiffeisen, Saadgroup Bank, Turkiye Garanti Bankasi, CommBank, Akbank and FIMBank. Attracted by the island’s fiscal regime and low operating costs in an EU compliant yet flexible domicile, the island’s EU and eurozone member status offers direct access to European and North African markets. Central Bank of Malta © Chris Sant Fournier

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随着马耳他重新修订有关专业投资基金的相关法律系统以及对冲 基金和特种基金的灵活法规,马耳他作为对冲基金乐园的声誉有 了显著增加。尽管去年一场国际金融危机席卷全球,去年马耳他 的基金行业继续保持强劲增长,这显示出投资者对于马耳他作为 基金的优先注册地点依然信心十足。马耳他金融服务局的资料显 示,目前马耳他约有400家基金,其中100家成立于2009年,而截 止2010年初,综合净资产价值达到65亿欧元。 马耳他在宣传其作为欧盟成员国,受人尊重、监管完善的地 位方面取得了巨大的成功。马耳他的基金法规有利于开设零售基 金和专业投资基金(PIF)。马耳他的欧盟成员国地位以及UCITS 认证基金的许可权已经证实能够有力地推动马耳他基金行业的发 展,同时也让马耳他看到了发展充满活力的基金行业对满足投 资者需求的重要意义,其中有14家基金管理机构已经在马耳他开 展工作,与此同时,还拥有成熟的法律网络、咨询专家以及监管 人。 马耳他灵活的重商态度有助于巩固其作为基金之国的卓越地 位。马耳他高标准的法规监管与流程、竭诚服务客户的国民气 质、高素质的多语言员工以及低廉的综合成本,均有助于巩固马 耳他的声誉,同时稳步增加其作为国际基金中心的吸引力。随着 越来越多的离岸基金选择转移到受监管的在岸司法辖区,马耳他 必将吸引很大一部分希望进入欧盟的基金公司,因此预计这一领 域将在2010年继续保持增长。

Malta’s reputation as a hedge fund domicile has increased significantly following the revamping of the entire legislative system governing professional investor funds as well as flexible legislation for hedge funds and specialty funds. Malta’s fund industry has continued to grow over the last year, demonstrating a continued confidence in Malta as a fund domicile, despite the international financial crisis of the past year. According to the Malta Financial Services Authority, there are some 400 funds currently domiciled in Malta, around 100 of which were set up in 2009, with a combined net asset value of 6.5 billion euro at the beginning of 2010. Malta has had significant success in promoting itself as a respected, closely supervised, EU jurisdiction. Malta’s fund legislation provides for the setting up of retail funds as well as Professional Investor Funds (PIFs). Malta’s EU membership and passporting rights for UCITS certified funds has proved a powerful boost to the island’s funds industry and Malta has seen the development of a dynamic fund sector catering to the needs of investors, with 14 fund administrators already operating on the island, as well as an established network of legal, consulting professionals and custodians. Malta‘s flexible and pro-business attitude have helped consolidate the island’s claim for prominence as a fund jurisdiction. The island’s high standards of regulatory oversight and processes, its dedicated customer-service ethos, highly qualified and multilingual staff and lower all-round costs are strengthening its reputation and steadily building up its attractiveness as an international fund centre. As more offshore funds choose to move into regulated onshore jurisdictions, Malta is poised to win a significant share of the business seeking an EU location, and expectations are that this sector will continue to grow through 2010.


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Capital Markets

马耳他证交所成立于1992年,现已成为马耳他日益繁荣的金融服 务领域的重要组成部分之一。2009年堪称是马耳他证交所的重要 里程碑之一,这一年上市公司的数量有了大幅增长,而马耳他证 交所吸引到创纪录的客户在这里发行公司债券和证券。交易所目 前的市场资本总值略高于76亿欧元,交易总量达到5.53亿欧元, 同比增长了13.3%。记录显示,2004年到2009年的五年间,马耳 他证交所的总市值增加了50%。鉴于马耳他不过是一个人口仅有 40万的弹丸岛国,而且全球目前陷入了严重的经济危机,这些成 果代表着杰出的成就,并且标志着投资者对马耳他资本市场的信 心。马耳他证交所同样致力于寻找欧盟以外的发行商,便于他们 可以将马耳他作为其获得欧洲投资者垂青的门户,利用欧盟EU Prospectus Directive进军更为广阔的欧盟资本市场。

The Malta Stock Exchange, established in 1992, has become a key component of the island’s thriving financial services sector. Experiencing a significant increase in listings, 2009 marked a major milestone, by local standards, when the MSE attracted a record number of corporate bonds and equity issues. The Exchange now has a total market capitalisation of just over 7.6 billion euro and a trading turnover of 553 million euro, up by 13.3 per cent year on year, with records showing that total capitalisation increased by 50 per cent in the five years between 2004 and 2009. Given that Malta is a small island state of just over 400,000 people and the world has been in a major economic and financial crisis, these results represent a significant achievement and a mark of confidence from investors in the Maltase capital market. The MSE is also looking to issuers outside the EU to use Malta as a gateway to European investors by using the EU Prospectus Directive to tap into the wider EU capital market.

信托公司与基金会 马耳他的信托行业,在民法框架之中结合了盎格鲁-撒克逊信托 理念的所有特点,目前正迅速成为专业人士以及高净值个人喜爱 的投资工具,因为他们迫切需要找到一种值得信赖的有效方案, 解决财富管理的问题。为提供确定性和安全性,马耳他作为欧盟 内部的大陆法系国家,提供受人尊敬的专业环境、更低的开业与 管理成本,以及经验丰富、知识渊博的专业服务人才库。近期出 现的私人基金会,作为欧洲大陆最受欢迎的投资结构,可以让财 产授与者对于财产的投资方向拥有更高的控制力,这意味着马耳 他可提供灵活多变而且切实可行的解决方案,以满足各方面的要 求。 不同于信托公司,基金会具有法人资格,本身可以成为基金会 财产法律上的所有者。根据马耳他公司法以及意大利和法国的民 法规定,马耳他的基金会需要指定管理人,由其负责管理基金会 的财产,并且与托管人一样承担信托、守信、尽职、尽责和忠诚 义务。这项法律中很有意思的一点就是它允许信托公司转型成基 金会,反之亦然。这项措施可以为马耳他的金融管理机构提供更 大的灵活性。 托管人和管理人必须获得马耳他金融服务局的许可,而且在法 律上必须将受益人的利益置于最高地位。此外,马耳他的信托法 可以提供额外的安全保障,若信托公司与马耳他的其他法律出现 冲突,则以信托法为准,因此更难找到漏洞。

Malta Stock Exchange © Alan Carville

Trusts and Foundations The Malta trust, combining all the features of the AngloSaxon trust concept within a civil law framework, is rapidly becoming a preferred vehicle for professionals and high net worth individuals seeking an effective and trustworthy solution to wealth management issues. Providing certainty and security, the Malta jurisdiction is a civil law country within the European Union that offers a well-respected professional environment, lower set-up and management costs and a pool of experienced, knowledgeable professional services practitioners. The recent addition of private foundations, the preferred structure for continental Europeans, through which settlors are able to maintain a higher level of control on the direction of the estate, means Malta is able to offer flexible and practical solutions to a diverse range of requirements. Unlike trusts, foundations have a legal personality and the foundation itself becomes the legal owner of the foundation estate. Based on Maltese company law principles and Italian and French civil law provisions, Maltese foundations require the appointment of administrators, who are responsible for the administration of the foundation’s property, and are subject to the same obligations of trust, confidence, duty, care, accountability and loyalty as a trustee. One interesting aspect of the legislation is that it allows for the conversion of a trust into a foundation and vice versa, a facility with adds even further flexibility to financial management undertaken in Malta. Trustees and administrators must be licensed by the Malta Financial Services Authority and are legally bound to treat the interests of beneficiaries as paramount. Furthermore, Malta’s trust law offers additional security and in the case of any conflict between the trust and any other Maltese law, trust law prevails, thus making it more impermeable to breaches.


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The Malta Company

马耳他正迅速成为在欧盟地区成立公司最具优势的地点。在这里 注册公司可以获得显著的优势。这里不仅适合国际企业、投资以 及金融服务,马耳他公司可用于开展各类的业务活动,就像控股 或贸易公司一样,从财产所有和管理到提供电子商务和特许金融 服务。马耳他的法律公司以及专业服务供应商以经验丰富、富有 能力和熟悉国际市场开展业务的要求而闻名,他们能够提供有关 国际交易的经验和深入知识,从而进一步增加了马耳他作为公司 注册地的吸引力。

Malta is fast becoming one of the most advantageous locations in the European Union for corporate formation, offering significant advantages as a company domicile. Equally suited for use in international business, investment and financial services, a Malta company can be used for a variety of activities, as holding or trading companies, ranging from property ownership and management to e-commerce activities and licensed financial services provision. With a reputation for being sophisticated, capable and familiar with the requirements of working on the international stage, Maltese law firms and professional service providers offer experience and in-depth knowledge of international transactions, thus further enhancing Malta’s attraction as a company domicile.

保险 对于希望寻找声誉卓越和法制健全的司法辖区的保险公司而 言,马耳他有着越来越大的魅力,便于他们通过马耳他开展国 际业务。马耳他的国际保险行业在其加入欧盟之后开始了高速 发展,这为在马耳他注册的保险公司提供了一条快速通道。随 着AON、Marsh以及Munich Re等全球保险巨头选择马耳他作为自 保和再保险地点,马耳他的保险行业经历了稳定的增长。目前在 马耳他注册的自保公司以及受保护个体公司(PCC)已增至45家 以上,相比2007年增加了22家,包括6家财富百强企业,同时还 有14家保险管理公司以及3家受保护个体公司(共整合了12家个 体)。自保可以为企业提供一种极具成本效率的风险管理工具, 已经成为马耳他金融服务行业的成功典范之一,共有八家自保公 司在这里注册。 商业文化 马耳他的商业文化与英国非常类似,而马耳他人形成了一种高度 开放的国际视野,完全能够满足跨国公司以及创新企业的期望和 实践。女性在商业活动中了承担了重要的角色,其中许多都担任 着高级管理职位。马耳他有两种官方语言,马耳他语和英语,大 多数商务人士都会讲英语,因此没有必要将往来通信以及公司 文件翻译为马耳他语,同时召开会议也没有必要请口译人员。社 交礼仪方面也与英国类似,身上随时带着名片而且约会守时。商 务人士必须着装正式,尤其是担任高级职位的人员,而且仅在 关系非常密切并在获得许可的时候才会直呼其名。许多马耳他人 还掌握了第三种语言,例如意大利语、德语或者法语。如果您来 马耳他进行商务考察,应当提前预约。马耳他的时区为东一区 (GMT+1),通常办公时间为周一至周五,上午8:30至下午1:00 和下午2:00到下午5:30。

Insurance Malta is proving increasingly attractive to insurance firms seeking a reputable and well-regulated jurisdiction from which to operate. Malta’s international insurance industry began to develop following the island’s accession to the EU, which brought single passporting rights to Malta-domiciled insurance companies. The country has recorded steady progress as global giants such as AON, Marsh, and Munich Re choose the island as both a captive and reinsurance location. The number of registered captives and Protected Cell Companies domiciling in Malta has now risen to over 45, up from 22 in 2007, including six Fortune 100 companies, while there are some 14 insurance managers and three protected cell companies incorporating 12 cells. Captive insurance, which provides firms with a cost-effective risk management tool, has been one of the success stories of Malta’s financial services sector, with eight companies registered. Business Culture Malta’s business culture is very similar to that of the United Kingdom and the Maltese have developed a highly international outlook and are capable of accommodating the expectations and practices of both multinational companies and entrepreneurs. Women are well represented in business and are found in senior business positions. Malta has two official languages: Maltese and English and most businesspeople will speak English so it is not usually necessary to have correspondence and company literature translated into Maltese, nor is an interpreter needed for meetings. Similar etiquette to that of the UK is followed and business cards should always be presented and appointments kept with punctuality. Businesspeople should be formally addressed, especially those in senior positions, and first names should be used only after a good relationship has been established and the appropriate permission granted. Many Maltese also have a good command of a third language, usually Italian, German or French. If visiting Malta on business, you should make appointments in advance. The time zone is GMT +1, normal office hours are 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., Mondays to Fridays.

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Business Costs and Incentives

尽管这里是欧盟境内一个拥有成熟的职业和商业基础设施的欧盟 成员国,马耳他作为一个开展业务的重要地点依然具有极高的 成本效益。事实上,马耳他的运营成本相比欧盟的其他地方要 低30%左右。这不仅适用于薪酬以及一般业务成本,例如办公场 所、服务以及公共服务。拜访客户的成本和餐饮同样较低,酒店 和辅助行业也非常具有竞争力。马耳他广受青睐的专业服务提供 商,电信基础设施和商业服务提供商均堪称世界一流水平,而费 用却依然低于欧盟平均水平。 马耳他每时每刻都在积极寻找外国投资,主动提供各种激 励措施以吸引投资者。这些措施由马耳他企业管理局(Malta Enterprise)负责协调,该政府机构旨在推广并促进外资进入马耳 他。凭借结构性的激励机制以及获取欧盟资助计划的机会,马耳 他企业的激励措施包括:税额减免、培训补贴、研发补贴以及提 供场地。有关更多信息,请访问

While Malta is an EU location with a sophisticated professional and business infrastructure, the island remains highly cost-effective as a base to do business from. In fact, operational costs in Malta are generally around 30 per cent lower than those prevailing elsewhere in the European Union. This applies to salaries as well as general business costs such as office space, services and utilities. Costs for visiting clientele are low as hospitality, hotels and ancillary services are highly competitive. Malta’s widely respected, professional service providers, telecoms infrastructure and business service suppliers are regarded as being world class, while fees remain significantly lower than the EU average. Malta has always actively sought foreign investment and has been proactive in offering incentives to attract investors. These are coordinated by Malta Enterprise, the government agency promoting and facilitating inward investment. Offering a combination of structured schemes as well as access to EU-funded programmes, Malta Enterprise incentives include: tax credits, grants, low-interest loans, loan guarantees, loan interest subsidies, training grants, research and development grants, and the provision of premises. For further information please visit

市场准入 作为欧元区的欧盟成员国,马耳他可以让企业立即进入拥有5亿 多消费者的欧盟内部市场以及地中海南岸北非和中东国家的新兴 市场。地处北非和欧洲之间的马耳他,自古以来就是连接这两片 大陆的交通要道。正是这种联系因素以及马耳他跨越北非、中东 和欧洲之间的文化和商业鸿沟等能力,为马耳他未来的商业繁荣 铺平了道路。这一理念早已在多个部门得到了广泛的应用,例如 ICT、航运、金融服务以及银行。

Access to Markets As an EU member state within the eurozone, Malta offers instant access to both the EU’s massive internal market of over 500 million people and the growing markets of the North African and Middle Eastern countries bordering the southern coast of the Mediterranean basin. Situated between North Africa and Europe, historically Malta has been the link between the two continents. It is this principle of linking and the Maltese ability to reach across the cultural and business divide between North Africa, the Middle East and Europe that is helping pave the way for the country’s future prosperity. The concept is already gaining significant momentum in diverse sectors such as ICT, maritime, financial services and banking. Transport As an island nation with a heavy dependence on international trade, Malta’s transport sector is a significant factor in the island’s economic development and prosperity. Maritime trade has always played a considerable role given the island’s strategic location, making it ideally placed to serve the ever-increasing flow of trade between Europe, Asia, Africa and the rest of the world. Malta is investing heavily in upgrading port facilities aimed at increasing the island’s significance within the global logistics sector. The road network is well advanced and Malta has a new state-of-the-art international airport, while Malta’s public transport system is being completely overhauled. Today the island’s flourishing maritime industry, expanding ports and airports and world-class cargo handling facilities present businesses with efficient and convenient multimode sea and air logistics solutions as the sector continues to grow at a healthy rate, both in size and significance.


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交通运输 作为一个极度依赖国际贸易的岛国,马耳他的交通运输行业对于 经济发展与繁荣具有非常重要的作用。海事航运一直在马耳他的 战略定位中扮演着重要的角色,成为亚、非、欧以及世界之间越 来越频繁的贸易活动的理想地点。马耳他目前正大力投资升级港 口设施,提高马耳他在世界物流行业中的地位。岛上的公路网络 非常先进,而且马耳他拥有设施先进的国际机场,同时马耳他对 公共交通系统进行了彻底修缮。如今,马耳他日益繁荣的海事航 运行业、扩建的港口与机场,以及世界级的货物处理设施,为企 业提供有效、方便的海空多式联运解决方案,确保物流行业在规 模和重要性方面继续保持健康发展。 公路:马耳他拥有设施完善的现代化公路网络,总里程约 1500公里。一项广泛的道路修理和重建计划目前正在进行中,项 目资金均来自欧盟的结构资金。相比欧洲大陆的大多数类似城 市,马耳他每天上下班往返时间几乎可以忽略不计,令马耳他对 于希望来这里工作的专业人士而言更具吸引力。作为英国殖民时 期遗留下来的一项传统,马耳他还是欧盟少数车辆靠左行驶的国 家之一。 公共交通:马耳他的公共交通系统目前正在进行升级,以部 署新的交通网络,同时采用最新的车辆。政府宣布了各类计划, 重建并翻新原有系统,同时增路线数量和服务质量。 空中交通:马耳他国际机场(MIA)提供了广泛的空中交通 网络,可搭乘航班直飞欧洲的各大城市和地区城市,距离大多数 目的地不足三个小时的飞行。马耳他唯一的国际机场距首都瓦 莱塔仅有15钟车程,每年可输送近3百万人次的旅客。机场与港 口相隔不远,这意味着可以方便地管理海空多式联运和配送服 务。MIA新的货运专区已经正式启用,通过马耳他航空、汉莎航 空、阿联酋航空等提供卓越的航空货运线路,同时提供设施完美 的航空货运处理能力以及简便的快速通关流程。

Roads: Malta has a well developed, modern road network comprising some 1,500 kilometres. An intensive programme of road repair and rebuilding, funded largely by EU structural funds, is currently underway. Daily commuting times within Malta are negligible compared to most similar urban style areas on continental Europe, giving Malta even greater appeal to professionals relocating to the island. A reminder of the island’s British colonial past, Malta remains one of the few EU nations in which vehicles drive on the left. Public Transport: Malta’s public transport system is currently being upgraded with a completely new network being deployed, complete with ultramodern new vehicles. The government has announced extensive plans to restructure and overhaul the sector and increase the current number of routes and quality of service. Air Transport: Malta International Airport (MIA) provides a wide network of air-connections offering direct flights to most major European and regional cities, with the majority of destinations less than three hours’ flying time away. The country’s only international airport is located 15 minutes from the capital city and handles some 3,000,000 passengers every year. The proximity of the airport to the ports means that multimodal freight services and distribution are easily managed. The MIA has recently inaugurated a new specialised freight village offering excellent air cargo links through Air Malta, Lufthansa and Emirates, and offers well developed airfreight handling capability and smooth customs clearance.

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Malta Freeport Terminals © Malta Freeport Terminals Ltd

港口 马耳他地理位置独特,恰好处于从苏伊士运河经地中 海到直布罗陀的东西方重要贸易路线之上。许多从远东到欧洲的 班轮公司都会选择这条线路,因而令马耳他成为全球仓储物流链 的一个重要环节。马耳他同样处于欧洲和北非贸易线路的中心位 置,因而是环地中海区域理想的航运中转基地。马耳他的港口服 务于世界各主要班轮公司。马耳他有两大主要港口。处于古代要 塞环绕之中的大港(Grand Harbour),不仅散发着独特的历史韵 味,同时还负责处理客运和散货。大部分的集装箱业务由马尔萨 什洛克湾(Marsaxlokk Bay)的马耳他自由港(Malta FreePort)处 理。港口的吞吐量每年保持着稳定的增长,受2008/2009年全球经 济危机的影响,其他国家的一些航运枢纽的吞吐量则出现了显著 下降,而马耳他自由港却成功保持吞吐量,码头运营商希望2010 年至2011年的总吞吐量可以达到300万个标准箱。 这些港口以低成本、高效率将马耳他与世界其他地方连接起 来,距东西方贸易航线仅有7海里之遥,从远东和中国,经苏伊 士运河,可以到达西欧和美国东海岸。马耳他自由港与中国的 十个港口有着联系,具体包括赤湾港(深圳)、大连、香港、南 沙港(广州)、宁波、青岛、上海、天津、烟台和厦门。自由港 90%到95%的吞吐量为中转货物,从大型洲际航运服务到连接东 方以及地中海东部盆地港口的常规班轮服务。总的来说,自由港 可以连接至全球130多个港口,并且支持连接69个地中海和黑海 港口的支线服务。

Ports: Malta is uniquely located on the main east-west trade routes through the Mediterranean from the Suez Canal to Gibraltar. This is the route chosen by many of the liner services from the Far East to Europe, and makes the island a key player in the global warehousing and logistics chain. Equally well placed between Europe and North Africa, its central location makes it an ideal base for transshipment services around the Mediterranean. Malta’s ports are serviced by many of the world’s major shipping lines. There are two main ports in Malta. The historic Grand Harbour, girdled by historic fortifications, now handles passenger traffic and bulk cargo. Containerised business for the most part flows through the Malta Freeport in Marsaxlokk Bay. Throughput has been increasing year-on-year, and while most competing terminals saw their traffic decrease through the global slowdown of 2008/9, Malta Freeport succeeded in maintaining its volumes and, between 2010 and 2011, the terminal operator is targeting a total throughput of close to three million TEUs. The ports link Malta cost-effectively to the rest of the world, lying just seven nautical miles off the main east-west trade route linking the Far East and China, via the Suez Canal to Western Europe and the East Coast of the US. The Malta Freeport has connections with ten ports in China, namely Chiwan, Dalian, Hong Kong, Nansha, Ningbo, Qingdao, Shanghai, Tianjin, Yantai and Xiamen. A good 90 to 95 per cent of the Freeport’s throughput is transshipment traffic, transferring from the main intercontinental services to regular lines serving ports in both the Eastern and Eastern Mediterranean basins. In total the Freeport offers connections to 130 ports worldwide and supports feeder services to 69 Mediterranean and Black Sea ports.


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Superyachts at the Vittoriosa Marina © Chris Sant Fournier


Maritime and Aviation

马耳他是地中海地区非常成熟的海上航运中心,提供船舶登记注 册和船舶行政管理等服务。此外,马耳他如今同样致力于扩大其 作为航空器登记中心的卓著声誉。马耳他是享誉世界的巴黎备忘 录(Paris MOU)“白名单”船旗国,竭尽所能强调其作为旗帜 国的信心。作为全球第八大以及欧盟第二大船队,2009年马耳他 籍船只的数量增长了8%,总吨位超过3600万吨,共有5249艘船悬 挂着马耳他国旗。马耳他还是船舶航运业多年以来一直积极致力 于提升管理规范和行业环境,以增强并扩大马耳他船舶航运业的 声誉和范围。事实上,目前这些注册船舶的平均服役年限仅仅刚 过7年。 马耳他船旗可以为船主提供财政和安全方面的优势,而各种 类型的船舶,从超豪华游艇到大型油轮,均可注册在合法成立的 公司机构或实体名下,无论其国籍,或者是否欧盟公民。马耳他 目前希望在航空领域复制这一成功经验,进一步发展其航空器登 记注册业务。为此,政府近期推出了新的法律以更新现有框架并 满足这一新兴领域的发展需求。尽管马耳他已是符合欧盟规定的 航空器注册国,截至2009年9月拥有81架航空器,新的“航空器 注册法案”将贯彻《开普敦公约》,以促进航空器的注册并资助 和捍卫航空器所有者和运营商的利益。

Malta is well established as a leading Mediterranean maritime and shipping centre, offering ship registration and ship administration and management services, and the island is now also striving to extend its reputation as an aircraft registration centre. Already a highly reputable, Paris MOU ’White List’ flag state, Malta works hard to stress that it is a flag of confidence. Now the eighth largest in the world and the second largest in the European Union, Malta’s fleet expanded by 8 per cent in 2009, with just over 36 million tons of shipping, or 5,249 vessels, registered under its flag. The Maltese maritime industry has been proactive over the years in upgrading regulations and conditions in order to enhance and expand the reputation and the scope of the industry in Malta and indeed, today, the average age vessels being registered is just over seven years old. The Malta Flag offers ship owners significant fiscal and security advantages and all types of vessels, from super yachts to oil rigs, may be registered in the name of legally constituted corporate bodies or entities, irrespective of nationality, or by European Union citizens. The island now hopes to replicate the success of its flag in the further development of its aircraft register and has recently introduced new legislation to update the current framework and meet the requirements of this growing industry sector. While Malta already has an EU compliant aircraft registry, listing some 81 aircraft as of September 2009, the new ‘Aircraft Registration Act’, which incorporates the implementation of the Cape Town Convention, is designed to facilitate aircraft registration and financing and safeguard aircraft owners’ and operators’ interests.

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Energy and Environment

马耳他有两大公用事业单位:Enemalta公司负责提供电力;而水 资源服务公司则供应马耳他的用水。目前马耳他正在实施一项大 型投资计划,以提升马耳他的发电能力,确保供电的稳定和正 常,尽管用电成本由于国际油价的上涨而大幅提高,但仍低于欧 盟的平均水平。马耳他国内没有任何天然能源,因此完全依赖于 进口原油,而到目前为止,石油依然是马耳他发电使用的唯一能 源。所有电力均产自Enemalta公司,这是马耳他的石油、天然气 和石化产品提供商,该公司目前运营着两座发电站。近些年出现 了一股转向替代型能源的趋势,马耳他政府鼓励居民安装太阳能 光伏电池或微型风力发电机。为激励这一趋势,消费者可以将他 们多余的电力按照一定的价格返还给国家电网。此外,政府计划 连接西西里岛的海底电缆与欧洲电网联网。马耳他还在设计开发 至少一个离岸风力发电站,这一项目建成之后,有望提供马耳他 电力需求总量的10%。马耳他水资源服务公司生产可携带的饮用 水并运往全国。约有一半以上的水,来自该公司的三座反渗透海 水淡化工厂,其余部分来自地下水源,例如深井水和抽水站。

There are two utilities providers in Malta: Enemalta Corporation which supplies electricity; and Water Services Corporation which supplies all of Malta’s water needs. A major investment programme is currently being implemented to upgrade the island’s electricity generating capacity to ensure supplies are stable and regular, and though costs have been rising dramatically due to increases in international oil prices they still remain below the EU average. Malta has no natural domestic energy sources and depends totally on oil imports which remain, to date, the only type of energy used for electricity generation in Malta. All electrical energy required is generated by Enemalta Corporation, the national provider of oil, gas and petroleum and the company currently operates two power stations. Recent years have seen a move towards alternative sources of energy with government encouraging the installation of photovoltaic cells or micro-wind generators. To encourage this, consumers are able to feed their excess production back into the national grid, and be remunerated for every unit. In addition, the government plans to link Malta to the European electricity grid via a submarine cable to Sicily. Malta is also looking at developing at least one offshore wind farm and the expectation is that this project, if completed, would contribute up to 10 per cent of the island’s electricity needs. Malta’s Water Services Corporation produces and distributes potable water across the country. Just over half the water is produced at the corporation’s three reverse osmosis plants with the remainder coming from groundwater sources such as boreholes and pumping stations.


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Telecom and ICT

马耳他拥有全世界最为成熟的电信基础设施,其大型宽带网络提 供进出马耳他的大容量通讯服务。通信网络完全数字化,而且通 过马耳他和欧洲之间的大容量光纤显著扩大了国际连接。几乎 所有家庭和企业均安装了固定电话,而且马耳他几乎98%的房屋 均已接入有线网络。目前,马耳他有三大电信服务商,分别是 GO、Melita以及Vodafone,他们均提供移动通信服务,其手机网 络覆盖了马耳他岛和戈佐岛。手机运营商除了提供GSM服务之 外,还推出了3G服务。国际通信方面,马耳他通过两座卫星基站 (一个面向大西洋地区,另一个面向印度洋地区)以及4条连接 欧洲大陆的光纤接入国际电信网络,其中两条线路由GO公司负 责运营,另两条则分别为Vodafone和Melita所有。所有光缆均连接 至不同的国际网络,便于马耳他的电信公司可以提供数据密集型 服务的多重冗余,以防某条线路遭遇故障。

Malta has one of the most sophisticated telecommunications infrastructures in the world, with large bandwidth networks providing high capacity communication to and from the island. Networks are completely digital and international connections have been significantly expanded through high capacity fibre optic cables linking Malta with Europe. Virtually all homes and businesses are linked to the fixed-line telephone network while the cable network passes through 98 per cent of all properties. The three main telecoms service providers are GO, Melita and Vodafone and mobile services, provided by all three operators, cover the total area of Malta and Gozo. Mobile providers have introduced 3G services besides their GSM service. Internationally, Malta is connected through two satellite stations (one to the Atlantic Ocean region and the other to the Indian Ocean region) and four submarine fibre-optic links to mainland Europe, two of which are operated by GO and the others by Vodafone and Melita respectively. All cables link up to different international networks, which gives companies offering data-rich services multiple redundancy in case of failure.

法律框架 马耳他拥有完善的法律体系,其根源来自于盎格鲁-萨克逊习惯 法的传统以及欧洲大陆的拿破仑/查士丁尼法典,近些年经过修 改以符合欧盟的法律要求。不过,马耳他公司法完全以英国公司 法案为蓝本。该法案允许多种公司结构,让投资者在合理监管的 法律框架内获得充分的灵活性。马耳他还可以提供有效的措施解 决争端,从仲裁服务到法院。所有法律法规均为马耳他语和英语 的双语版本,而在金融服务方面,一旦两个版本之间存在任何冲 突,则以英文版为准。马耳他的法律法规系统被认为是欧洲最有 利于企业发展的法律体系,可以为外国企业提供一个熟悉而可靠 的法律框架,以便企业在其中开展业务。

Legal Framework Malta has a well functioning legal system that is rooted in the Anglo Saxon common law tradition and the Continental European Napoleonic/Justinian code and amended in recent years to conform to the laws of the European Union. Maltese corporate law, however, is very firmly based on British models. It allows for a variety of structures, giving the investor considerable flexibility within a well regulated framework. Effective means exist for the resolution of disputes, from arbitration services to the courts. All legislation is available in both English and Malta and, in financial services, should any conflict arise between the two versions, the English version prevails. Offering foreign business a familiar and reliable framework within which to operate, the island’s legal and regulatory system is considered to be one of the most favourable in Europe.

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Regulation and Legislation

马耳他制定了全面的法律与法规框架,以适应岛上不断发展的国 际商业领域。马耳他的法律法规框架以成熟、创新和全面而著 称,结合了有效而反应及时的法规和监管措施,从而形成一种经 营环境,以相同的原则提供确定性和灵活性。许多公司股东将马 耳他的司法体系评价为坚持原则而又灵活处理,这进一步巩固了 马耳他的声誉及其国际信誉。马耳他的司法制度符合欧盟的商业 纳税行为守则以及经合组织金融特别工作小组以及金融稳定论坛 的要求。法规框架旨在维护马耳他受人尊敬而且负责任的声誉, 同时允许企业在自由的环境中开展业务,尽可能避免遭受苛捐杂 税和官僚主义的影响。马耳他和世界多个国家签订了各种国际公 约和协议,包括同50多个国家广泛签订的避免双重征税协议。马 耳他金融服务局是各项金融服务的唯一监管机构,可在其地点内 一站式办理公司登记事宜。监管机构的这一卓越声誉为马耳他提 高在国际金融服务界的排名带来了深远影响。

Malta has developed a comprehensive legislative and regulatory framework to accommodate the island’s growing international business sector. Described as sophisticated, innovative and comprehensive, and combined with efficient and responsive regulation and supervision, Malta’s legislative and regulatory framework makes for an operating environment that offers certainty and flexibility in equal measures. Firm but open-minded is the way many stakeholders describe the Maltese jurisdiction, cementing both the island’s reputation and its international credibility. The island’s legislative regime is aligned with the EU’s Code of Conduct for Business Taxation and the requirements of the OECD, the Financial Action Task Force of the OECD and the Financial Stability Forum. The regulatory framework is designed to maintain the respectable and responsible reputation of Malta while allowing businesses to conduct their activities in an environment as free as possible from onerous and bureaucratic restrictions. Malta is a signatory to a large number of international conventions and treaties, including an extensive network of over 50 double taxation treaties. The Malta Financial Services Authority is the single regulator for all financial services and maintains the Registry of Companies within its premises. The excellent reputation of the regulator has been credited with substantially influencing the island’s standing in the international financial services community.


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Business Structures

马耳他为投资者提供了一个符合欧盟规定,同时灵活而具有税收 效率的地点,登记注册企业实体或企业结构。在马耳他可以开展 多种形式的业务:独资公司、合伙公司、有限责任公司(私立或 公开上市)、外国公司的子公司、信托公司、合作公司、可变资 本投资公司(SICAV)或者受保护个体公司,此外马耳他制定了 新的法律,以便引入一体式个体公司。大多数创业者会选择有限 责任公司,无论是公开上市还是私立。私立公司仅限于最多50名 股东,并且不得向公众募集资金。SICAV公司则是基金选择的投 资工具,而合伙公司(最常见于专业服务类企业)以及协作公司 同样在诸多领域越来越获得认可。 涉及公司和合作关系的主要法律是公司法案(1995年),以英国 公司法案以及欧洲法律为蓝本,而在马耳他注册的每家公司必须 在岛上有一个注册办公室。公司以及其他形式的合伙制度需要提 交一份有效的备忘录以及公司章程或合伙契约,通常至少要有两 人签署。某些情况下,还可注册仅有一位成员的公司。公司和合 伙公司均在马耳他公司注册局登记注册,如果材料齐全,整个流 程仅需24个小时。随后,公司注册局将签发注册登记证。公司法 案还支持外国企业将其注册地点迁往马耳他。外国成立的公司在 一定条款和条件下可以将其注册地点迁至马耳他。

Malta offers investors an EU-compliant yet flexible, tax-efficient domicile for business entities or corporate structures. Business may be conducted in Malta in a variety of forms: a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a limited liability company (private or public), a branch of a foreign company, a trust, a cooperative, an investment company with variable capital (SICAVs) or a Protected Cell Company, while new legislation is in place for the introduction of Integrated Cell Companies. Most entrepreneurs opt for the limited liability company, either public or private. A private company is restricted to fewer than 50 shareholders, and is not able to raise funds from the public. SICAVs are the vehicle of choice for funds, while partnerships – most common in professional services firms and cooperatives are also gaining acceptance in a number of areas. The principal legislation covering companies and partnerships is the Companies Act (1995), modelled on the UK Companies Act and European law, and every company registered in Malta must have a registered office on the island. Companies and other forms of partnerships are required to submit a valid memorandum and articles of association or deed of association normally subscribed by at least two persons. Under certain conditions, it is also possible to register single member companies. Companies and partnerships are registered with the Registry of Companies which is based at the Malta Financial Services Authority, and, if documentation is in place, this process can take as little as 24 hours to complete. A certificate of registration is then issued by the Registrar of Companies. The law caters for the concept of redomiciliation of foreign companies to Malta. Companies that are incorporated outside of Malta are able to change their domicile to Malta under certain terms and conditions.

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马耳他的所有当地公司必须按照其公司利润缴纳35%的所得税。 依据马耳他全部扣除利润分配中重复扣税的制度,股东在分红的 情况下,有权获得对于分红公司的部分或全部预收税款的退税。 居民股东在马耳他的分红收入必须按照个人所得税税率缴税,包 括退税部分。退税金额为公司提前扣缴税款的七分之六(若为 消极利益或版税则为七分之五)。若分红公司享有双重征税减 免,则退税额降至三分之二。视参与分红的控股情况,可能全部 (100%)退税。

All companies resident in Malta are subject to income tax on company profits at a rate of 35 per cent. Under Malta’s full imputation system the shareholder will, upon a distribution of dividend, be entitled to a refund of in part or in full of any advance tax levied on the distributing company. A resident shareholder will be taxable in Malta on the dividend income, including the refund, at personal tax rates. The amount of the tax refund is set at 6/7ths of the advance corporation tax paid by the company (5/7ths in the case of passive interest and royalties). The refund is reduced to 2/3rds where the distributing company claims double taxation relief. With respect to participating holdings a full (100 per cent) refund applies.

海关 作为欧盟成员国,马耳他海关法规遵循欧盟的海关流程。一般来 说,来自其他欧盟成员国的货物需征收增值税,而来自欧盟以外 国家的货物则需要征收关税和消费税。有关更多信息,请访问马 耳他海关门户网站。 增值税 增值税(VAT)适用于大多数交易。标准税率为18%,其中某些 产品和服务可以享受优惠税率。大多数金融服务无需缴纳增值 税,欧盟以外的客户不适用欧盟增值税。

Customs As an EU member state, Maltese customs regulations follow European Union Customs Procedures. In general, goods from other EU member states are subject to VAT, while goods from outside the EU are subject to Customs and Excise rules. For full information please visit the Malta Customs Portal. VAT

社会保障 马耳他拥有一套堪称是“从摇篮到坟墓”的完善的社会保障制 度。这套系统的资金来自每位员工和雇主缴纳的社会保障金。这 些保障金必须在每个月月末缴纳。

Value-added tax (VAT) applies to most transactions. The standard rate is 18 per cent with reduced rates for some products and services. Most financial services are not subject to VAT and for clients outside the EU VAT does not apply. Social Security Malta has a comprehensive so-called ‘cradle-to-grave’ social security system. This system is financed through social security contributions paid by each employee and employer. These contributions have to be remitted at the end of each month.


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Accountancy and Reporting

马耳他的财政年度采用日历年。每个评估年度,公司必须在年末 提交纳税申报单,申报上一年度的收入。纳税申报单必须附带审 计师的证明。公司利润在评估年度之前一个会计年度的基础上进 行评估。公司需在会计期间,每四个月分三笔提前支付税款,而 且通常必须在会计期结束后的九个月内提交纳税申报单。最后一 笔税款将在提交纳税申报单的当天缴纳。

The fiscal year in Malta is the calendar year. Each year of assessment a company has to file a tax return declaring its income for the year ended during the previous calendar year. This return has to be accompanied by an auditor’s certificate. Corporate profits are assessed on the basis of the accounting year immediately preceding the year of assessment. Companies make three advance payments of tax at four monthly intervals during the accounting period, and must typically file a tax return within nine months from the end of the accounting period. A final tax payment is due by the date the tax return is submitted.

个人所得税 定居或居住在马耳他的人需按照其所有收入纳税。马耳他普通居 民意味着每年必须在马耳他居住至少6个月。所得税按照累进制 计算,最高税率为35%。希望将其缴税居住状态迁至马耳他的外 国居民可以享受更为优惠的税率。永久居民是指满足高净资产要 求的非马耳他公民且满足进一步的条件。他们将按照汇入马耳他 的收入(而非资本)的15%的单一税率缴纳所得税。这些居民的 最低纳税负担,在免除双重所得税之后,每个评估年度为4139欧 元。并非在马耳他获得的外来收入无需缴税。马耳他政府近期宣 布从事专业岗位的外国公民可以享受15%的单一所得税税率。这 项即将推出的措施旨在让马耳他公司更加方便地吸引外国专家来 这里短期工作。 避免双重征税协议 马耳他同世界各国建立了极为广泛的避免双重征税协议(DTA) 网络。作为国际商业中心,马耳他充分意识到为投资者提供最好 的财政环境具有极为重要的意义,包括确保跨国业务活动不会被 双重征税。马耳他拥有55项DTA协议,此外还有八项协议已经签 订但仍在等待批准。其中四项协议为原有协议的更新版本。此 外,马耳他政府还在积极商谈新的协议,同时继续致力于更新原 有协议,令马耳他成为进行投资活动的最佳基地。1972年,中国 成为最早一批与马耳他签订DTA协议的国家之一;这意味着中国 是马耳他最早希望建立商业关系的国家之一。这项DTA协议即将 于2010年5月更新,与此同时,马耳他还在同香港和上海商谈签 订DTA协议。

Personal tax People who are domiciled or ordinarily resident in Malta are taxed on their global income. An ordinary resident is usually taken to mean someone who lives on the island for six months or more every year. Tax is charged at progressive rates up to a maximum rate of 35 per cent. There is a favourable residency scheme for those individuals seeking to move their tax residency status to Malta. Permanent residents are persons who satisfy certain high net worth requirements, are not citizens of Malta and satisfy further criteria. They are taxed at a flat rate of 15 per cent on income remitted into the country (not on capital) the minimum tax liability for these residents, after double tax relief, is 4,193 euro for each year of assessment. No tax is chargeable on foreign source income that is not received in Malta. A recent government announcement stated that foreign workers engaged in specialised jobs will be able to benefit from a 15 per cent flat tax on income. The measure, which will be introduced shortly, is intended to make it more attractive for companies to engage experts on a temporary basis. Double Taxation Agreements Malta has established a wide network of double taxation agreements (DTAs) with countries across the world. As an international business centre the country recognises the importance of offering investors the best possible fiscal environment, including ensuring that crossborder businesses are not exposed to double taxation. Malta has 55 operational DTAs, with a further eight signed but still awaiting ratification. Four of these are updates to existing agreements. In addition, the government is actively negotiating new ones, as well as continuously updating existing agreements, making Malta an excellent base from which to structure investments. Malta signed one of its first DTAs with the People’s Republic of China in 1972; meaning that China was one of the first countries Malta looked to create business ties with. This DTA is due to be updated in May 2010 and in the meantime, Malta has also opened negotiations on DTAs with Hong Kong and Shanghai.

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Operational DTAs

按时间顺序排列 01 利比亚 02 比利时 03 挪威 04 巴基斯坦 05 法国 06 奥地利 07 意大利 08 澳大利亚 09 保加利亚 10 加拿大 11 匈牙利 12 中国 13 比利时 14 塞浦路斯 15 波兰 16 卢森堡 17 英国 18 印度 19 荷兰 20 马来西亚 21 瑞典 22 罗马尼亚 23 捷克共和国 24 韩国 25 南非 26 克罗地亚 27 丹麦 28 埃及 29 叙利亚 30 黎巴嫩 31 斯洛伐克 32 阿尔巴尼亚 33 拉脱维亚 34 突尼斯 35 芬兰 36 葡萄牙 37 德国 38 爱沙尼亚 39 立陶宛 40 摩洛哥 41 巴巴多斯 42 科威特 43 斯洛文尼亚 44 冰岛 45 圣马力诺 46 西班牙 47 阿联酋 48 希腊 49 新加坡 50 美国 51 黑山 52 爱尔兰 53 瑞士 54 卡塔尔 55 格鲁吉亚

Listed in chronological order 01 Libya 02 Belgium 03 Norway 04 Pakistan 05 France 06 Austria 07 Italy 08 Australia 09 Bulgaria 10 Canada 11 Hungary 12 China 13 Belgium 14 Cyprus 15 Poland 16 Luxembourg 17 UK 18 India 19 Netherlands 20 Malaysia 21 Sweden 22 Romania 23 Czech Republic 24 Korea 25 South Africa 26 Croatia 27 Denmark 28 Egypt 29 Syria 30 Lebanon 31 Slovakia 32 Albania 33 Latvia 34 Tunisia 35 Finland 36 Portugal 37 Germany 38 Estonia 39 Lithuania 40 Morocco 41 Barbados 42 Kuwait 43 Slovenia 44 Iceland 45 San Marino 46 Spain 47 UAE 48 Greece 49 Singapore 50 USA 51 Montenegro 52 Ireland 53 Switzerland 54 Qatar 55 Georgia

CountryPr●filerMALTA 2010



CountryPr●filerMALTA 2010

country profile

中国-马耳他金融服务监管谅解备忘录 这些措施旨在促进两国金融机构相互投资,推动马耳他和中国之 间的业务往来,具体包括马耳他金融服务局近期与中国金融服务 监管机构(即中国证监会以及中国银监会)签订的两份谅解备忘 录(MOU)。 这些谅解备忘录的目的是促进不同监管机构之间的信息交流 并建立监管合作的正式框架,为相互合作以及监管和技术信息的 交流提供更为清晰的渠道,同时有助于签约金融服务监管机构之 间的调查协助。这些协议同样可以促进两国金融机构之间开展业 务。 双方签订的证券监管协议现在允许中国的QDII机构投资者 代表中国投资者,投资由马耳他金融服务局(MFSA)监管并在 马耳他登记注册的投资基金(专业投资基金以及UCITS资金) 。MFSA授权许可的公司同样可以与中国的QFII基金合作并直接 在中国投资。 与中国银监会签订的谅解备忘录则确立了一项安排,以分享 监管信息,同时希望遵照马耳他和中国的法律要求增强银行监管 方面的合作。 签订的这些协议代表了马耳他金融服务机构迈出的重要一 步,对于扩大中国和马耳他之间的投资、业务以及合作的范围以 及水平具有突出的作用。

China-Malta MOUs for Financial Services Regulation Initiatives to facilitate investment by financial institutions doing business between Malta and China include the recent signing of two Memoranda of Understanding between the Chinese Financial Services regulators, namely the China Securities Regulation Commission and the China Banking Commission, and the Malta Financial Services Authority. The aim of these MoUs is to facilitate the exchange of information and to create a formal framework for regulatory collaboration and co-operation between various regulatory authorities, providing clearer channels for co-operation, the exchange of regulatory and technical information as well as investigative assistance between the signatory financial services regulators. These agreements also facilitate business between financial institutions in the respective countries. The agreement on securities regulation now allows for Chinese Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors (QDII) to be able to invest on behalf of Chinese investors into Malta domiciled investment funds (Professional Investor Funds and UCITS funds) regulated by the MFSA. Companies licenced by the MFSA will also be able to access the Chinese QFII and invest directly in China. The MOU signed with the Chinese banking regulator establishes an arrangement for the sharing of supervisory information and is intended to enhance co-operation in banking supervision, in line with Maltese and Chinese law. Both these agreements signal an important development for the Maltese financial services sector, and will play a great part in broadening the scope and level of investment, business and cooperation between China and Malta.

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CountryPr●filerMALTA 2010


劳动力和劳资关系 勤奋、热情、善于学习,正是这些品质令马耳他人成为这个国 家最大的优势和最重要的资产。大多数马耳他人都受过良好的 教育,至少掌握三门语言,即马耳他语、英语以及意大利语或 法语。马耳他人的突出素质、灵活头脑以及职业道德将继续吸引 国际知名企业来到马耳他。这里拥有英联邦国家中(英国除外) 历史最为悠久的大学,并且历来以学术上的精益求精和不断钻研 为传统。约有60%的学生(18-24岁)继续接受服务行业方面的培 训。薪酬成本相比欧洲的其他国家极具优势。马耳他拥有两大工 会组织,此外还有大量规模较小的行业性质的工会。马耳他的劳 资双方关系良好,很少出现罢工和停工。 专业支持服务 马耳他拥有强大的专业支持基础设施,岛上的服务提供商在打造 定制解决方案和提供创新方法方面正迅速创造良好纪录。大多数 国际知名的会计师和审计公司,包括四大会计师事务所,均在马 耳他设有分公司,此外马耳他最著名的几家法律公司则与享有国 际声誉的法律事务所有着良好的合作关系。 办公物业 公司企业寻找办公地点时,拥有各式各样的选择。从著名历史时 期的古宅到位于商务中心的现代化办公室,马耳他拥有各种极 具吸引力和多元特点的商业房产可供选择。修缮一新的17世纪仓 库、现代化的办公大楼,或者只是一套改造的公寓,外国公司均 可使用这些房产在马耳他开设商店。马耳他房地产业目前的趋 势是大型综合性开发项目,以便建设生态社区——办公大楼与居 住小区、商业街以及娱乐设施比邻而居。这些开发项目通常为高 档豪华物业,可以提供极大的便利,尤其是对于新到马耳他的企 业。

Workforce and Labour relations Diligent, enthusiastic and quick to learn, the Maltese workforce is the island’s greatest strength and most valuable asset. Highly educated, most Maltese speak at least three languages; Maltese, English and Italian or French. The exceptional quality, flexibility and work ethic of the Maltese are what continue to attract international companies to the country. Malta boasts the oldest university in the Commonwealth outside the UK and has a tradition of academic excellence and research. Some 60 per cent of students (18-24 year olds) continue in education to tertiary level. Compensation costs are very competitive in comparison with the rest of Europe. Two major trade unions dominate the Maltese union landscape, alongside a number of smaller sector-specific unions. The island enjoys good industrial relations with strikes and work stoppages being very rare. Professional Support Services Malta has a strong professional support infrastructure and the island’s service providers are fast building a track record in structuring customised solutions and offering innovative approaches. Most of the leading international accountancy and auditing firms, including the big Four, are represented on the island, while several of the island’s leading legal companies have an affiliation with international firms of repute. Office Property Firms have a wide choice of properties to choose from when looking for office space. From grand period houses to modern units within dedicated business centres, Malta has an attractive and diverse range of commercial properties to offer. Restored 17th century warehouses, modern office blocks, or even just a converted apartment, all these are being used by overseas firms setting up shop in Malta. The current trend in Malta is towards large, mixed use developments seeking to develop organic communities office space built side by side with residential, commercial and entertainment areas. These are often luxurious, top-end properties that offer considerable convenience, especially for a business new to Malta.


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Living and working in Malta

马耳他宜人的气候以及热情的居民让这里的生活成为一种独特的 体验,带来令人舒适的地中海生活。马耳他作为签署申根协议 的欧盟成员国,允许欧盟公民来马耳他工作和生活,尽管他们 在2011年之前仍需获得工作签证。同时,马耳他鼓励外国居民来 马耳他定居,并且提供各种财政优惠措施。对于游客而言,马耳 他的签证规定与欧盟和申根规定完全一致。对于来自欧盟以外国 家的居民,免签证国家以及签证申请流程具体信息,请访问马耳 他司法与内务部(Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs)网站www.。 员工的工作时间为上午8:30至下午5:30,而薪酬水平相比英 国低了三分之一,所有员工均在生活成本的基础上每年获得一 定比例的加薪。马耳他的税收系统要求个人缴纳15%到35%的所 得税,而永久居民汇入马耳他的所有收入(而非资本)可以享 受15%的优惠税率,但每年最低需缴纳4193欧元。这些因素令马 耳他成为欧洲生活成本最低的国家之一,其中生活用品、家具以 及公用事业的价格均属于欧盟最低水平。住房资源十分充沛,马 耳他有各种房产可供租赁或购买,从全装修公寓到古朴的乡村民 居、带泳池的别墅,甚至宫殿,价格均很优惠,通常只有英国相 似物业的一半。欧盟公民可以享受公立教育和医疗系统,当然亦 可选择这两个领域的私立学校或医院。 休闲生活丰富多彩,各种流行的体育活动可供选择,岛上还 遍布各种类型的健身中心、大量的游泳池,并可进行多种水上运 动,例如夏季可以进行潜水和风帆冲浪,此外马耳他还有缤纷多 姿的夜生活,包括夜总会、酒吧、餐厅,为不同年龄的人提供各 种时尚而精致的夜间娱乐活动。购物商店别具特色,岛上的许多 城镇均有一条主要商业街,同时还能以相对较低的价格购买到知 名设计师的产品,例如圣朱莉安斯(St Julians)地区。马耳他的 餐饮美食融合了地中海的风味与特色,深受附近的西西里岛的影 响。只要靠左驾驶、年满18周岁并且持有有效的驾驶执照,就可 以在马耳他驾车。马耳他人热情友好,笑迎外国来客,同时提供 各种类型体验活动,深入了解这里的传统、文化和多元特征。此 外,外国游客还可以观赏并参与宗教节日的烟火表演、军乐队游 行以及虔诚的宗教仪式。

Offering an agreeable, Mediterranean lifestyle, Malta’s pleasant climate and welcoming people make living on the island an exceptional experience. As an EU nation that forms part of the Schengen area, EU nationals are able to live and work on the island, though they are still required to obtain an employment licence until 2011, while foreign residents are encouraged to settle in Malta and benefit from various fiscal advantages. For visitors, Malta’s requirements on visas fall in line with EU and Schengen rules, and for people from outside the EU, details of visa-exempt countries and visa application procedures are available on the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs website at For employees, working hours are generally 8.30am to 5.30pm and while salaries are around a third lower than the UK, all employees are given an annual pay rise based on the cost of living. Malta’s taxation system requires that individuals are taxed between 15 to 35 per cent of their income while permanent residents are charged a reduced rate of 15 per cent on any income remitted into the country (not on capital), subject to a minimum of 4,193 euro per annum. It helps that the cost of living remains one of the lowest in Europe, with groceries, furniture and utilities amongst the cheapest in the EU. Housing is easy to organise, with a wide range of properties available to rent or purchase, from fully furnished apartments to rustic farmhouses, villas with pools, and even palaces, all at competitive prices, usually half the price of similar properties on the UK market. EU nationals are able to access the state educational and health systems, while there are a host of private options in both sectors. Leisure time can be filled pleasantly, with all popular sports available, gyms and other wellness centres scattered across the island, plenty of opportunity for swimming and practicing water sports such as diving and windsurfing in summer, and a busy nightlife with clubs, bars and restaurants offering trendy and sophisticated evening entertainment for all ages. Shopping is varied and most main towns have a main shopping street, while designer goods can be purchased at relatively low prices in areas such as St Julians. The island’s cuisine is a delightful mix of Mediterranean flavours and styles, with strong influences from neighbouring Sicily. Driving is on the left and anyone over the age of 18 and in possession of a valid driving licence is permitted to drive in Malta. Maltese people are friendly and welcoming to foreigners and the island offers plenty in terms of tradition, culture and diversity, with the religious festas complete with fireworks, band marches and devout processions making a spectacular sight for foreigners to enjoy and participate in.

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CountryPr●filerMALTA 2010


Valletta Waterfront © Alan Carville


Visiting Malta

访问马耳他,不论是来度假还是来出差,均是一种令人愉悦的体 验。沐浴着全年温暖和煦的地中海阳光,周围则是清澈透明的海 水。马耳他拥有7000年的悠久历史,游客可以来这里探索巴洛克 风格的首都瓦莱塔,游览寂静的中世纪城市穆迪纳,或者寻找马 耳他岛上的史前寺庙,这是世界上最为古老的独立结构之一。碧 蓝的海浪和明媚的阳光,令户外活动更加令人感到舒适惬意,大 多数海滩均可提供游泳、潜水、风帆冲浪以及各种形式的水上运 动。前往古朴的乡村徒步旅行是一项非常受人欢迎的活动,带您 领略梯田、橄榄树、角豆树以及粗犷的鹅卵石墙,喜爱海岛探险 的人则可以前往戈佐和科米诺,感受更为传统的海岛生活。马耳 他的美食可以带给您独特的享受;岛上的各式餐厅提供地中海、 意大利、法国、亚洲、印度以及其他风味的饕餮美食。夜生活同 样精彩纷呈,夜总会、酒吧、现场音乐会、戏剧以全年不断的音 乐会。

Visiting Malta, whether on holiday or on a business trip, can be a delightful experience. Warmed year round by the Mediterranean sun, the island is surrounded by some of the clearest, cleanest waters in the region. With 7,000 years of history to explore, visitors to Malta can visit the baroque capital, Valletta, take a trip to the ‘silent’ medieval city of Mdina or seek out one of the island’s prehistoric temples, the oldest freestanding structures in the world. Outdoor activities are made that much more pleasant by the bright sun shimmering on the deep blue waves of the sea, and swimming, diving, windsurfing and all manner of water sports are widely available at most beaches. Hiking across the countryside, a patchwork vista of terraced fields, olive and carob trees and rustic rubble walls, is a popular activity, while island-hopping to Gozo and Comino introduces visitors to a more traditional way of life. Eating out in Malta is an enjoyable experience; restaurants offering Mediterranean, Italian, French, Asian, Indian and many other types of cuisine abound on the island. Evening entertainment is varied and exciting, with clubs, bars, parties, live music, theatre and concert events available all year round.


CountryPr●filerMALTA 2010

key contacts

KEY CONTACTS 重要联系方式 Accounting & Consulting 会计和咨询 CSB Group Deloitte Fenlex Group KPMG MSS International Services Ltd. PricewaterhouseCoopers RSM Malta Verdun Corporate Services Limited Banking Services 银行服务 Banif Bank (Malta) plc FIMBANK P.L.C. HSBC Bank (Malta) plc - Premier HSBC International Banking Centre Business Association 商业协会 FinanceMalta Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry Fund Services 基金服务 Apex Fund Services (Malta) Ltd HSBC Securities Services (Malta) Limited

53 53 54 55 55 56 56 56

53 54 54 54

54 55

53 55

Government Agencies 政府部门 Malta Enterprise Malta Financial Services Authority Malta Tourism Authority Transport Malta

55 55 55 56

Insurance Services 保险服务 HSBC Insurance Management (Malta) Limited


Investment Services 投资服务 HSBC Global Asset Management (Malta) Limited


Legal Services 法律服务 Camilleri Preziosi 53 EMD 53 Fenech & Fenech Advocates 54 Shipping 船运 Carmelo Caruana Co. Ltd. Palmali Shipmanagement

53 55

Travel Services 旅游服务 Air Malta plc


key contacts

AIR MALTA PLC Sonny Portelli, Chairman

Banif Bank (Malta) plc Joaquim F. Silva Pinto, CEO

Carmelo Caruana Co. Ltd Beppe Hili, Chairman and CEO

Deloitte Andrew Manduca, Chairman

Head Office, Luqa LQA 9020 - Malta T: (+356) 2299 9000 • F: (+356) 2167 3241 Contact Person: Mr Brian Bartolo - General Manager Marketing and Product E: W:

203, Level 2, Rue D’Argens, Gzira, GZR 1368 - Malta T: (+356) 2260 1000 • F: (+356) 2131 2000 Contact Person: Charles Mizzi – Head of Unit, Image & Communications E: W:

Nineteen Twenty Three, Valletta Road, Marsa MRS 3000 - Malta T: (+356) 2568 1555 • F: (+356) 2568 1666 Contact Person: Mr. Dirk Hili Business Development Director E: • W:

Deloitte Place, Mriehel Bypass, Mriehel BKR3000 - Malta T: (+356) 2343 2000 • F: (+356) 2131 8196 Contact Person: Nick Captur - China Services Group E: W:

CountryPr●filerMALTA 2010

Apex Fund Services (Malta) Ltd Anthony O’ Driscoll, Managing Director

6th Floor Airways House, Gaiety Lane, Sliema SLM 1549 - Malta T: (+356) 2131 1330 • F: (+356) 7981 8867 Contact Person: Anthony O’ Driscoll - Managing Director E: W:

Camilleri Preziosi Louis de Gabriele, Managing Partner

Level 3, Valletta Buildings, South Street, Valletta VLT 1103 - Malta T: (+356) 2123 8989 • F: (+356) 2122 3048 Contact Person: Dr Louis de Gabriele - Managing Partner E: W:

CSB GROUP Michael J Zammit, Group CEO

EMD Pieris M. Markou Dr Tonio Ellul, Partner Partner - Head of Tax Services

The Penthouse, Tower Business Centre, Tower Street, Swatar BKR 3013 - Malta T: (+356) 2557 2557 • F: (+356) 2557 2558 Contact Person: Michael J Zammit - Group CEO E: W:

Vaults 13 – Building, 15, Valletta Waterfront FRN-1913 - Malta STADYL Corner Th. Dervis T: (+356) 0000 • F: (+356) 2123Cyprus 7277 Florinis2203 Street, CY-1065 Nicosia, Contact Person: Dr Tonio - Partner T: (+357) 22 360 300 • F:Ellul (+357) 22 360 400 E: Contact Person: Pieris M. Markou - Partner W: E: W:



CountryPr●filerMALTA 2010

Fenech & Fenech Advocates Dr. Ann Fenech, Managing Partner

key contacts

198, Old Bakery Street, Valletta VLT1145 - Malta T: (+356) 2124 1232 • F: (+356) 2599 0644 Contact Person: Dr. Ann Fenech - Managing Partner E: W:

Fenlex Group Karl Diacono, Managing Director

85, St. John Street, Valletta VLT 1165 - Malta T: (+356) 2124 1817 • F: (+356) 2599 9640 Contact Person: Karl Diacono - Managing Director E: W:

Level 7, Plaza Commercial Centre Bisazza Street, Sliema SLM 1680 - Malta T: (+356) 2132 2100 • F: (+356) 2132 2122 Contact Person: Jason Zammit - Global Head of Public & Media Relations E: • W:

FinanceMalta Kenneth Farrugia, Chairman

Garrison Chapel, Castille Place, Valletta, VLT1063 - Malta T: (+356) 2122 4525 • F: (+356) 2144 9212 Contact Person: Dr Bernice Buttigieg - Head of Administration E: W:


FIMBANK p.l.c. Margrith LütschgEmmenegger, President

HSBC Bank (Malta) plc – Premier Gregory Inglott, Head of Premier Proposition

HSBC Insurance Management (Malta) Limited Ray Schembri. Managing Director

Business Banking Centre, Mill Street Qormi QRM 3101 - Malta T: (+356) 2380 2931 • F: (+356) 2380 2219 Contact Person: Gregory Inglott, Head of Premier Proposition E: • W:

80 Mill Street, Qormi QRM 3101 - Malta T: (+356) 2380 8651 • F: (+356) 2380 8640 Contact Person: Ray Schembri - Managing Director E: W:

HSBC Global Asset Management (Malta) Limited Reuben Fenech, Managing Director

HSBC Bank Malta plc Charles Cini, Senior International Banking Manager





HSBC Operation Centre, Mill Street, Qormi QRM 3101 - Malta T: (+356) 2380 2380 • F: (+356) 2380 5191 Contact Person: Victor Pace Business Development Manager E: • W:

Business Banking Centre, Mill Street QRM 3101, Qormi T: (+356) 2380 2678 • F: (+356) 2380 2676 Contact Person: Charles Cini, Senior International Banking Manager E: W:

key contacts

HSBCM. Securities Pieris Markou Services Partner(Malta) - Head of TaxLimited Services Charles Azzopardi, Managing Director

116STADYL Archbishop Street, Valletta 1444 Building, Corner Th. VLT Dervis - - Malta T: (+356) 5100 • F: (+356) 2597Cyprus 5190 Florinis2597 Street, CY-1065 Nicosia, Contact Person: Charles T: (+357) 22 360 300 •Azzopardi, F: (+357) 22Managing 360 400 Director E: Contact Person: Pieris M. Markou - Partner W: E: W:

KPMG Joseph C Schembri, Senior Partner

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Portico Building, Marina Street, Pieta’ PTA 9044 - Malta T: (+356) 2563 1000 • F: (+356) 2566 1000 Contact Person: Joseph C Schembri - Senior Partner E: W:

THE MALTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, ENTERPRISE AND INDUSTRY Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry Kevin J. Borg, Director General

Malta Tourism Authority Louis. A. Farrugia, Chairman

MSS International Services Michael Scerri, CEO

The Exchange Buildings, Republic Street, Valletta VLT 1117 - Malta Contact Person: Kevin J. Borg - Director General T: (+356) 2123 3873/1 • F: (+356) 2124 5223 E: W:

280, Auberge d’Italie, Merchants Street, Valletta VLT 1170 - Malta • T: (+356) 2122 4444 Contact Person: Mr Kevin Drake Director Communications and PR E: W:,

Regent House, 52, Fifth Floor, Bisazza Street, Sliema SLM 1641 - Malta T: (+356) 2134 1857 • F: (+356) 2133 6296 Contact Person: Ms. Alida Mizzi E: W:

MALTA ENTERPRISE Alan Camilleri Chairman



Enterprise Centre, Industrial Estate, San Gwann SGN 1000 - Malta T: (+356) 2542 0000 • F: (+356) 2542 3401 Contact Person: Mr Peter Paul Meli Head, Investment Promotion E: • W:

Notabile Road, Attard BKR 14 - Malta T: (+356) 2144 1155 • F: (+356) 2144 1189 Contact Person: Mr Michael Xuereb Director Business Development E: W:

Palmali Shipmanagement Ltd

Villa Aurora, 14-16, Princess Elizabeth Street, Ta’ Xbiex XBX 1102 - Malta T: (+356) 2138 8344/5/6 • F (+356) 2138 8347 Contact Person: Nigar Aliyeva - Director E: W:


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key contacts


167, Merchants Street, Valletta VLT 1174 - Malta T: (+356) 2124 7000 • F: (+356) 2124 4768 Contact Person: Mr Kevin Valenzia - Partner E: W:

RSM MALTA Pieris M. Markou Maria- Micallef, Partner Head of Assurance and TaxBusiness Services Advisory Partner

Cobalt House, Level 2, Notabile Road, STADYL Building, Corner Th. Dervis Mriehel BKR 3000CY-1065 - Malta Nicosia, Cyprus Florinis Street, T: (+356) 2149 • F: (+356) 2149 T: (+357) 223313 360 300 • F: (+357) 223318 360 400 Contact Person: Maria Micallef Contact Person: Pieris M. Markou - Partner Assurance and Business Advisory Partner E: E: W: W:


Malta Transport Centre, Marsa MRS 1917 Malta T: (+356) 2122 2203 • F: (+356) 2125 0365 Contact Person: Charles Axisa Marketing & Communications Manager E: W:

Verdun Corporate Services Limited Mr Lars Christian Beitnes, CEO

Suite 8 / Level 4, The Commercial Centre, Bisazza Street, Sliema, SLM 1640 - Malta T: (+356) 2010 7000 • F: (+356) 2010 4010 Contact Person: Mr Patrick Richter - Head of Sales and Business Development E: • W:

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